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Preparation for childbirth: how to survive pain in childbirth. Light birth without pain survive pain during childbirth

Why do you need pain, why did Natree do that a woman, burning, suffer, experiencing pain? And how to endure it at the time of childbirth? Such questions are worried every future motley.

Why is the childbirth so painful?

The hypothetically appointment of pain - the punishment of a woman for the fact that once the ancestor of Eva sinned, ate the forbidden fruit.

Such a biblical look at the generic pain, which is called the concept of the curse of Eve, now is not seriously perceived. It is not popular among women and a sullen theory that childbirth and pain during them symbolize the difficulties and pain of future motherhood. Maybe the pain bears some useful load? Gynecology obstetricists are also unable to give a clear answer to all these questions. What remains for us? It remains to hope only for common sense.

The experience of many women who passed through the generic pain Many times showed the following: the pain still performs a certain useful function, as well as pain during childbirth, it is impossible to be called intolerable, rather, on the contrary - non-refined pain during childbirth is not normal, useful and necessary.

What signals strong pain?

Intensive pain in childbirth is a signal that the process requires special attention. Most likely, the muscles involved in nature are not working as it should be. Maybe you need to change body position - in this way the mother can help the child to move more freely and find the least painful way out. Therefore, pain needs to be properly interpreted and reasonable to use, then it will become helpers with a woman in labor. You need to listen to her. No wonder the generic pain in many cultural traditions is considered to be painful, the correct necessary.

You need to perceive as a means of communication with the child. If the pain is tolerant, this means that the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed correctly, copes with its goal. In replaceable pain means that something in the actions of the feminine is not so.

It should also be said that the pain arising from childbirth is not painful in which it is customary to understand the pain as such as a pulse coming from nerve endings. No, generic pain is something completely different. These are the feelings of absolute other kind, rather than with ordinary pain. And therefore, primary women should not program themselves that they will certainly experience unbearable pain, it is not at all. , They say that the pain is quite transferred, if only there is no pathology, and the child goes correctly.

How to endure pain in childbirth?

Answering this question, first of all, it must be said that pain in childbirth is natural (in contrast, let's say, from dental pain), and everything that naturally cannot bear harm. The main thing is that a pregnant woman should remember that she will have to experience completely new sensations, unlike anything, and that, as a result of these sensations, a new person will appear. And it is she will be the "culprit" of this new life. Understanding these fateful things stains the process of childbirth and all its feelings in very different tones. Aware of the importance of the moment the woman will be different - consciously refer to everything that will happen to her.

In addition, the feminine will be ready for the fact that it will experience something new and uneficable before. The pain will not be continuous, between the fights there will be pauses. This pain is predictable, and because it is more easily perceived.

The conclusion is: the blessed pain, followed by the permission from the burden and the birth of a new life, can easily withstand, you just need to try to consider it in a wide aspect. If the pain during childbirth was so unbearable that it could not be stuffed, did the women who would give birth to children!

It is believed that the process of the appearance of a newborn baby to the light should simply endure. Regarding, it is so. However, there are several truths that will indicate how to make it easier for pain during battles and childbirth. Tips that you handle this article will help you treat the birth of a little more easier. Let's start?

In order to talk about the elimination of pain, it is necessary to initially understand where this is taken from. Initially, I would like to make a reservation that any pain (even cut on the finger) is a response of the body for a certain danger. There can be no longer danger, but information about the cut (if it comes to the usual injury / offering) immediately enters the brain.

A similar situation occurs during battles. It is for the woman to understand that the process of childbirth "not far from around the corners" is characterized by pain. Nature is so arranged.

From the point of view of medicine, pain in battles and childbirth occurs for a number of the following reasons:

  • the uterus is revealed (the first harbingers of pain appear, but still short-term and almost uncomfortable disabilities);
  • the pressure of the child's head on the uterus (pain becomes quite strong, because the baby is literally ready to appear);
  • passage of the baby's head through the birthway.

To transfer this difficult moment in life, a woman needs to prepare well in advance.

2. How to prepare for childbirth and fights at home

Many future mothers begin long before the appointed day of delivery to seek recommendations that it helps the women in labor to move pain during battles. I believe that this is the perfect option.

Having time in stock, you can preach to prepare for the most important day in the life of any woman.

What measures can be accepted:

  1. attend courses of young parents (here you will learn and correct breathing, and various ways of relaxation, and postpartum care kids);
  2. planned on the phytball (this is a huge ball, the exercises where the mother will help in the future it is easier to transfer the birth period);
  3. to assemble a pregnant bag in advance (otherwise you risk pretty "sweeping" myself nerves);
  4. calculate the road in the maternity hospital (you will be taken by flies on personal transport or you will go "on the wrong way"; in a certain hospital, or "how lucky"; give birth under the contract, or "in general" - it also keeps nerves);
  5. customize yourself positive (good mood is half of the case).

If you go to the maternity hospital (and physically) prepared, the childbirth will be as painful as possible.

3. How to behave during battles

Before childbirth, each woman needs to "survive" contractions. Unfortunately, it is precisely what scares the feminine. Most often, the fights are confused by the future mother at home, and then the question arises about how to learn pain.

There are several ways to help you cope with such a "test":

1. Breathe. Do not detain your breath in the hope that this method will help you to eliminate pain. Pain will leave itself, with time. Control breathing:

  • breathe deeply: inhale through the nose - exhale your mouth, slowly;
  • inhale the air through the nose and release it "with sounds" and sharply through the mouth;
  • breathe doggy.

2. Take a comfortable position. Each woman in labor has its own pose. The most common pose, helping "pacify" the pain is as follows:

  • stop on all fours (you can "swing" hips to the left and right);
  • lie on the back and move the legs to the most as much as possible (the legs should be bent in the knees);
  • turn on the side, put a pillow between your legs for convenience.

3. Take a warm bath or shower.

4. Ask a husband to make you a massage:

  • massify the "zone" from the tailbone and to the loin to the fist, slightly pressure;
  • massize the "zone" from the sacrum to the lower back in the same way.

Also, about the right methods of massage, you can see the video on the Internet. Fortunately, their huge variety on the unstashes of the worldwide network.

5. Reference on phytball.

6. Drink water Small sips.

4. How to behave during childbirth

During the gods themselves, you need to safely. Delive to the process itself, as the most important work in your life, on which your increase depends. From some point of view, this is true. You will get an increase - you will become a happy mom.

Adhere to the unlawful rules of the fever:

  • keep calm;
  • follow the recommendations of your obstetrician doctor;
  • breathe during the next battle, rest in the intervals between them;
  • customize optimistic.

Trying to "keep yourself in your hands," do not shout, because you are in vain spend the strength that you need during the time.

5. How to behave during fence

Speakers - the most responsible moment of childbirth. And the most painful. It is important here to mostly trust your doctor and everything while "doctor will allow."

Fews often resemble the defecation process, and cause the urge to go to the toilet. It is not recommended to do this until the doctor "will not give good." The fact is that if the woman in labor will be stirred "how will have" - \u200b\u200bshe risks start the child's birthday of the child before, even until the uterus is completely disclosed. This is fraught with ruptures. Also untimely futures you can pour the baby head (including a carotid artery). It is extremely dangerous for the life of the child.

Unfortunately, it is here that there are no specific advice that will help you endure the pain. Want - shout! Want - Play! Do anything, if only it did not hurt your baby.

6. Medical assistance

There are cases when no respiratory techniques help to cope with pain. In this case, medicine comes to the rescue. A woman can do an anesthetic if the doctor will insist on this or this item is provided for by the contract concluded.

As an anesthetics, it may be proposed:

  1. Epidural anesthesia (however, the consequences after it can be unpredictable, up to paralysis).
  2. Promedol.
  3. Local anesthesia.

Medical intervention is appointed in extreme cases, for example:

  • if the whole process of childbirth is accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • if the behavior of the girlfriend is unconscious and uncontrollable;
  • if there is a threat to the life of a woman and a child.

You should not panic, you know perfectly well that no woman did not come out the baton from the hospital. And after you see your little happiness and feel the heartbeat of your newborn - all the pain will take care instantly. You will be insanely glad that they suffered this pain along with the baby.

Tips on how to survive the fights, see here:

And watch the video about the non-drugs of pain relief during battles here:

If the article was useful - offer it to reading your friends. And subscribe to my updates, because I say goodbye to you for a while. Bye Bye!

Future mommy considers every minute to a meeting with her baby. And yet, it is rare to meet a pregnant woman who is waiting for the first child who would not have been afraid of the delivery process. In addition, those who have already gone familiar often do not miss the case to additionally "intimidate" the future mommy, telling about the terrifying pains during battles. Let's deal with why pain arise and how to deal with them. And in general - how to survive the fights during childbirth? What can be done to get rid of pain or at least for their weakening?

Fights during childbirth

Fights indicate that the first stage began - disclosure. Conditionally divided into three periods:

  • the initial (the opening of the uterine point is about 3-4 cm, the fights are non-messenger, irregular, in many painless);
  • the average (disclosure of 4-8 cm, the fights are rapidly becoming regular, repeated every three or five minutes, accompanied by pains);
  • transitional (complete disclosure, 8-10 cm, frequent and strong contractions).

If the fights before childbirth in the initial period are transferred in most cases easily, then a further future mom is more complicated. By the way, the line between the initial and middle periods is very conditional, often one replaces the other almost imperceptibly.

Fights for childbirth are necessarily accompanied by pain. Pains appear due to the fact that the uterus is revealed. Thus, it is completely impossible to get rid of them. But you can make it easier.

There are factors capable of affecting the power of pain in the fights:

  • the first (when the future mommy still does not know in practice, as the appearance of a baby on the light occurs, it often exaggerates in their expectations the power of pain, and because of experiences and tension, and sometimes even panic, pain really can intensify);
  • lack of knowledge about childbirth (a large number of information about this phenomenon has a woman, the less she is afraid and worried, respectively, the weaker pain);
  • painful periods (most likely, and generic contractions will be quite painful).

In the maternity hospital, it is necessary to go to the hospital when the octuating waters occurs or when the bouts are repeated every 10 minutes.

How to survive fights

Many people have a simple and affordable way to deal with pain - Reception of anesthetics. However, he does not fit the future mom. After all, drugs have side effects that can have a negative impact on the guinea or her crumb. How to survive the fight without resorting to the help of painkillers?

First of all, it is necessary to relax. Voltage is able to strengthen the pain. Also help proper breathing. It is necessary to breathe as follows: slowly and deeply inhale through the nose, counting about themselves to four, then the same slowly exhale through the mouth, counting to six. This method helps up to certain pores. When the contractions became strong and frequent, and deep breathing no longer reduces the power of pain, it is necessary to "change tactics." First you start breathing deeply. When the fight is enhanced, starting to breathe quickly and superficially through the mouth (saw how dogs breathe?) The fight ends, the pain decreases - go back to deep breathing.

A good advice on how to survive contractions without pain is a recommendation for convenient postures. It is difficult to say which it will be optimal for you - everything is very individual. But on the back it is impossible to lie: it may worsen the blood supply to the baby. We bring to your attention a few poses that often help the women in labor to reduce the unpleasant sensations. You can

  • rely on the back of the bed, the table, etc. and rumbles the lower back (you can turn a little pelvis);
  • stand on your knees and swing from side to side;
  • stand up, putting the legs on the width of the shoulders, swaying from the side to the side;
  • take the knee-elbow position by having rushing the lower back;
  • to lie on the side: one foot is bent in the knee, the second straightened, between the legs pillow.

You can also try to like. But if you do not want or unpleasantly do it, do not force yourself.

If you have a phytball, it can also be used to facilitate pain. Only it should be soft enough, inflated not to the end. It will help you choose a pose in which you will feel as comfortable as possible. Try to sit on it, triggeted, sing out. Or stand on your knees and learn on the ball.

Water helps to fight pain. True, not all doctors approve the bath during battles. Therefore, consult in advance with your doctor. If he allowed you to resort to this way, remember that the bath should not be hot! Bathtub banned? Then you can take a shower - it also helps.

Thinking on how to survive childbirth and contractions, do not forget that you have loved ones, ready to always come to the rescue! How can they help you? For example, to distract you with a conversation, to provide moral support, give positive emotions. This also helps to reduce pain!

Each future mother wishes her baby to be born healthy, so that the childhood themselves passed as painlessly, easily, she herself felt after birth well, quickly recovered. With competent preparation for childbirth during pregnancy, with the right actions during childbirth, such a mom for 1-3 days forgets about pain in childbirth and enjoys maternity, it overflows feelings of love and tenderness to the newborn baby.

There are 3 basic rules that will help you survive pain. I consider them the main ones, you should remember about them throughout the delivery process. Even when it seems to you that there are no power at all that you can no longer stand. Try to bring these rules through the whole process, they will help you, I checked for three times. 🙂

The first rule - you need to live one fight.

What does it mean? This means when you started the fight, you should think like this: "Now the fight went, now she is growing, there will be a peak and then she will go to the decline, I will start resting. Ahead of the whole 2-3 minutes of rest. " Those. You only set up to live only one fight. You do not think how many of them before, how many of them are still ahead, you live only with one fight. We waited for the peak of contractions and immediately relax themselves all and start to rest. Maximum rest until the next contraction.

If you think differently, fuss, shout: "Oh, Lord, the fight begins ... This is the third ... How many more? Fight! .. Fight ... "If you will catch the voltage inside yourself, then you will simply blow up the fear, there will be an emission of adrenaline and instead of relaxing between the fights and relax, you will spend all your forces for fear. And then, by the time you, you probably know that the fighting process can last up to 24 hours, especially in the first birth, and it is absolutely normal - so by the time you will be just exhausted. Although sweeps, this is exactly the stage of childbirth when you need to make some physical efforts. Live with one fight, relaxes as much as possible between the fights and breathe correctly. What does it mean to breathe correctly?

The second rule on how to breathe correctly.

This means, during the contraction, slowly exhaled into the tube. You can sing something at the same time, staring, lying, but all this needs to be done calmly, slowly, save forces. No need to sing loudly or lying, do it quietly. If it becomes easier for you when you grant - grate, do it in a low voice, so as not to spend the extra forces. Forces will be suitable at the final stage of childbirth.

And the third rule - do not waste forces at the very beginning of childbirth.

When you understand that the process has already begun, the first desire will run around the apartment, happily everyone to report that you already give birth, run to call her husband, mom, girlfriend or someone else. You should not do all this. Prepare everything in the hospital, put the bags closer to the exit, check if all documents are collected. You can call your husband, Akuster or a doctor with whom you have agreed about childbirth. And then try to relax, go to sleep. The most ideal option, if you succeed in sleep at the moment when the disclosure is still small, the contractions are not yet strong. It is impossible to sleep - just lie. Exit the balcony, make some deep breaths. Try to relax and lie down as much as possible.

Why is it so important? The generation process is quite long, especially for those who give birth for the first time. For you, all this is not yet known, it is not clear how much it will continue how it will be. Therefore, the strength you need. The main task throughout the battle is to keep the strength for the dug stage. Usually, the disclosure process until the first 5 cm passes the longest and it is important to live this process with the greatest savings. Further, the process is already going much faster. It is important not to spend all the strength at the first stage of childbirth.

In the process of childbirth, the moment occurs when you want to get angry completely from the outside world so that you do not touch you at all. You just go to yourself. And you will not be up to seek some beautiful picture, looking at which you get easier, trying all sorts of postures, and you just go to yourself and you will even be disconnected between fights at some point and relax themselves. At the same time, the rule to live with one fight and breathe properly, will help you live the next stage of childbirth, when you will not actively respond to what is happening in the outside world.

The birthday of a child (childbirth) The future mother is waiting with impatience not only because he wants to see his baby, but also because it is tired of pregnancy. At the same time, a pregnant woman, especially the original, worries, how long will cause childbirth, and it's easier to transfer the fight during childbirth.

A little bit about fights

Generic fights are called periodic contraction of the muscles of the uterus, accompanied by pain. The average duration of the bouts varies from 9-13 hours, while the seam period is from 15-20 minutes.

If the battle between them at the beginning of the occurrence of the occurrence is about half an hour, then by the time of birth, the time between the battles is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

The soreness of the bouts also increases. Initially, pregnant can still steal pain, but when the fights, they seem to her every time more and more. This is due to the fact that as it moves along the generic paths, the fruit graffly pressing a woman on the pelvis.

Generic contractions cause quite painful sensations, but to transfer them much easier, observing several rules. Let's look at the main phases of the fights, as well as recommendations, how to reduce the pain during them.


This phase is considered latent, its duration from 5 to 9 hours. In this phase, the generic channel is disclosed. All this time, a woman can be at home. The main task in this period to relax and save forces. Throughout the latent phase, the cervix can open up to 5 cm. The duration between the fights is initially 30 minutes, and by the end of the phase reaches 10 minutes.

What to do mom:

  • Keep diary fights
  • At the time of the battle breathe deeply belly (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). Inhalation ratios and exhalation 1 to 2 (inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds)
  • Lie down, relax, spend time with my husband
  • Listen to music
  • Implement hygienic procedures, result in order. You can take a shower, the water temperature should be not more than 38-39 degrees.
  • Snack. A permissible small amount of fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products.
  • Gather a bag

What can not be done in the preparatory phase:

  • Panic and randomly rushing around the apartment
  • Nimble
  • Forget about the necessary documents in the hospital


In this phase, the combat intervals decrease from 10 minutes at the beginning up to 3 minutes at the end. The opening of the neck is occurring at 7-8 cm. And the extinguishing of water due to the natural bursting of the bubble. It is important not to miss the moment and come to the hospital when the intensity of the bouts is at least 5 minutes.

What to do mom:

  • Talk and communicate with a child
  • Concentrate on the result, and not on the process
  • Stroking your belly towards the waist area to the navel. You can also squeeze your hand in the fist and at the moment when the next fight overtakes, lose your lower back in the area along the spine. It will help move pain
  • Measuredly breathe deeply, trying to breathe air through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth
  • Search for a convenient posture at which it would be easier to carry the contrast.
  • Stimulate the approach of childbirth, walk more.

Yes, yes, do not lie in bed, and moving along the corridor or generic. When a generic fight overtakes a pregnant woman standing on his legs, it is easier to move, since the body has no relaxed organism, but is in some tone.

In addition, the periodic movement of a woman on the legs will allow the fetus faster to fall to the cervix, which will accelerate its disclosure. And, therefore, bring the moment of childbirth.

A pregnant woman should not frighten that it will be dismissed as a result of constant walking on the legs, and she will not give birth to. Forces enough, so conceived by nature.

What can not be done in the active phase:

  • Sit right on a solid all pelvis
  • Drink and eat
  • Delay urinate
  • Alone to take anesthetia
  • Give the recommendations of doctors
  • Squeeze and strain the muscles
  • Self ride in the hospital
  • Scream, be afraid to panic

The last item can lead to the termination of labor in view of the stressful situation. In addition, during a cry, the air is inhaled superficially and mom with a child may experience oxygen starvation.

Transition phase (lowering)

Phase period from 1 hour to 2 hours. In this phase, the fights last up to 2 minutes. There are pain in the sacrum, it can be sick, tear, frost, throw in the heat.

What to do mom:

  • If a desire has appeared to be stuck, then you must first call a doctor.
  • If the doctor says that the disclosure happened, but it is still early to give birth, it means that the child's head is even high. In this case, mom is needed at the moment of battle is vertically.
  • If there was an inverse situation when there is no full disclosure, and I want to sleep, you need to get up in the knee-elbow pose, thus roll back to reduce the pressure on the crotch.

What can I do:

  • Start to sleep without permission
  • Squeeze the hips, get up sharply, jump
  • Go on face and inflate cheeks
  • Restrain defecation due to inconvenience and shame

Positive attitude during childbirth

Talking with the child and convincing him that everything will be fine, you set up yourself for a positive way. Follow these tips and thereby you will help yourself alleviate generic contractions.