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Making a gift for February 23 from socks. What gifts to make with your own hands for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Road packaging

Men are the stronger sex, without which you can't even imagine your life. And now their holiday is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day! Every year we are faced with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to give on February 23 to husband, father, grandfather, son, brother ...? In this article, we have prepared ideas for original gifts for our Defenders.

You will need: 7 sheets of A4 format with the image of various banknotes (euros, dollars, hryvnia, rubles), white sheets of A4 size, silicate glue, scissors, glue gun, thick cotton threads, skewers 20-30 cm long, polystyrene, flat box on half as wide as the bottom of the ship.

Master Class

  1. Fold the boat out of a piece of paper as shown in the photo.

  2. Gently turn the boat inside out to avoid tearing.
  3. Fold and iron the boat.
  4. Trace the boat around on another sheet, then draw a dividing line and cut out 2 pieces.

  5. Cover them well with glue and glue them to the inside of the boat to create double-layer sides.
  6. Cut the money sheets into strips 1.5 cm wide.

  7. Cover the boat with cash strips.
  8. Thoroughly coat the entire boat with glue for strength and let it dry for 2 hours.
  9. Fold the same bills side by side and glue them together. Make 3 of these - from five, from three, and from four bills. These will be the sails.

  10. Gently string the sails on skewers and fix the joints with glue so that they do not slip.
  11. Take the boat and glue 3 pieces of styrofoam inside.
  12. Insert skewers into the foam for the front and back yards. The front yard should be 1/3 longer than the back one. Make sure the lines are flush, then secure with a glue gun.
  13. Insert the sails skewers at the same distance. It is worth noting that the deck should be smaller aft.

  14. Fold the threads in 2-3 layers of sail length and additional centimeters for the ties.
  15. Tie the threads to the skewers as shown in the photo.
  16. Cut 2 bills diagonally and fold back the edges 0.4 cm.
  17. Glue the bills (sails) to the rail threads.

  18. Make the sails aft in this way: do not twist the bill into a tube, fold the edge, then glue it.
  19. Fold 3 bills in half, shape them into flags, then glue them.
  20. Line the deck with bills.

  21. Make a boat stand out of a flat box.
  22. Glue the background you want to the box.
  23. Glue the ship.

Surprise box

You will need: black cardboard, gray leatherette, scrap paper, hat elastic and black eyelets, ruler, creasing tool (not writing pen, crochet hook), chipboard (figures of cardboard cutting for decoration), sewing machine, black threads, glue, decorative inscription, gift a set - a bottle of alcohol, a screwdriver, a pack of cigarettes, a pill for the morning or something else ...

Master Class

  1. Cut a rectangle out of black cardboard for a 37x27 cm box.The height of the box is 8 cm, the length of the bottom is 23 cm, and the width is 13 cm.
  2. Cut a rectangle out of cardboard for the lid measuring 27.2x17.2 cm.The lid height is 3 cm, the length is 23.2 cm, and the width is 13.2 cm.

  3. Cut out the corners (8x8 cm squares) from the large rectangle.
  4. Pierce and bend along the marked lines.
  5. Pierce the box lid as shown in the image.
  6. Cut out triangles near the corners of the lid and fold along the marked lines.

  7. Measure each side of the box and lid, then prepare leatherette pieces according to the resulting dimensions. In the same way, prepare the parts from scrap paper, only make them a little smaller than the leatherette parts.
  8. Sew leatherette and scrap paper parts together.
  9. Sew one of the rectangles to the face of the cover.

  10. Glue one rectangle to the bottom of the box.
  11. Install the eyelets and attach the elastic as shown in the image.
  12. Cover the inside of the box with rectangles of scrap paper.
  13. Install eyelet holders and rubber bands for other gift items.

  14. Glue the box lid and glue the outside of the box and lid with stitched rectangles.
  15. Fill in and decorate the box with the lettering and chipboard.

The man's surprise box is ready!

Shooting pistol

You will need: thick colored paper, glue gun, ruler, scissors, scotch tape, stationery, pencil, pen spring.

Master Class

  1. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, twist the tube diagonally from the corner, then fix it with tape and pull out the pencil.

  2. Roll the second sheet of paper around the first tube, then pull them apart. The second paper tube should be slightly larger in diameter than the first so that you can shoot from it in the future.
  3. Secure the second tube with tape, then cut off the edges.
  4. Twist 2 more paper tubes in the same way.
  5. Cut the tubes into pieces of the following length: trunk - 2 tubes 15 cm long; handle - 7 tubes 5 cm long; trigger - 1 tube 8 cm long.
  6. Glue the 5 cm tubing obliquely to form a handle.

  7. Glue an 8cm tube on top of the handle so that the remaining 3cm protrudes to the right. This is the trigger.
  8. Glue the two 15cm tubes together and glue them to the top of the gun as a barrel.
  9. Roll two thin tubes of yellow paper.
  10. Bend the thin tube into the letter “U” and insert one end into the trigger and the other into the upper tube of the handle. Cut off the excess. This will be the trigger.
  11. Make a trigger guard from a second thin tube. To do this, place one end of the tube in the handle (in the second tube from the top) and glue the rest of the tube to the bottom of the barrel.

  12. Roll up the pink paper tube, flatten it and glue the handle as shown in the image. It is worth noting that the rear trigger hole must be open.
  13. Pull the trigger out of the upper handle tube and insert the spring. It should be noted that the spring should rest against the tube covering the back of the handle. Reinsert the trigger.
  14. Roll a thin, thick tube of yellow paper, secure with tape and cut off the edges so that they are straight.

  15. Fold over the edge, put on the elastic and secure with glue.
  16. Insert the rubber tube into the lower tube of the gun barrel and pull the rubber band forward, hooking it between the two tubes.
  17. Roll the paper bullets, load the gun and fire.

Smoke grenade

You will need: saucepan, potassium nitrate (KNO3), sugar, spoon, cardboard tube, dye, pencil, cord (fireworks wick), duct tape, lighter or matches.

Master Class

You will need: 11 ice cream sticks, black marker, small image, glue, stationery knife, satin ribbon.

Master Class

  1. Place the sticks on a flat surface, placing them close together.
  2. Glue the image, then leave to dry.
  3. Turn the sticks face down.
  4. Write your wish with a marker.
  5. Separate the sticks from each other using a utility knife.
  6. Place the sticks together and tie with a ribbon.

The original mosaic gift is ready!

Creative indoor flower

You will need: pot, styrofoam, skewers, artificial grass, glue gun, sweet bars, chewing gum, gift cards, etc.

Master Class

The creative indoor flower is ready!

Coffee mug

You will need: mug, coffee beans, cotton pads, thick white thread, brown acrylic paint, superglue.

Master Class


You will need: black cardboard, scissors, felt-tip pens, segment knife, white cardboard, white sheet of paper, aerosol glue or glue stick, printer, cutting mat, silvery helium pen.

Master Class

Book safe

You will need: hardcover book, pva glue, water, stationery knife, brush, pencil, ruler.

Master Class

Tank in the style of modular origami

You will need: sheets of colored paper, scissors, 6 matchboxes, glue, a round blank for the base (for example: a bottle of perfume).

Master Class

  1. Add the modules according to this diagram. The entire tank will need 1408 modules.

  2. Build a circle of 24 modules, then add 24 modules to the second row of the circle and 24 modules to the third row.
  3. Place 12 modules in the center.

  4. Make a total of 7 wheels in this way - 6 for the tracks and one for the tower.
  5. Make a track for the tank by preparing 204 modules - the width of the track is 6 modules; the length of the almost complete circumference of the track is 34 modules.
  6. Place the 3 wheels in the nearly complete circle of the track, then continue with 56 modules to finish it.

  7. Make the second caterpillar in the same way.
  8. Make a tower for the tank in this way: make a hole in 4 matchboxes as shown in the picture and glue them together.
  9. Cover the base of the tower with colored paper.

  10. Insert a round blank into the hole and glue 2 matchboxes as tower supports.
  11. Assemble the front of the tank from 42 modules - 7 modules wide, 6 modules long.
  12. Assemble the back of the tank from 30 modules - 6 modules wide, 5 modules long.
  13. Glue the front and back to the base of the tower.
  14. Glue the tracks.
  15. Take the seventh wheel and add 192 modules - 24 in length and 8 in width. Don't forget to leave a hole for the cannon.

  16. Assemble a cannon from 36 modules - 3 modules wide, 12 modules long.
  17. Glue the cannon to the tower.
  18. Attach the tower to the base, it can rotate.

Salted dough dachshund

You will need: salty dough, a simple pencil, scissors, cardboard, paints, brush, rope, toothpick, foam sponge, transparent varnish, PVA glue.

Master Class

  1. Draw a dachshund on the cardboard as shown in the image.
  2. Cut out the template.

  3. Roll out the dough 5 mm thick and cut the dachshund to the template.
  4. Roll up the oblong eyes, then glue them.
  5. Blind eyelids and glue over eyes.
  6. Use a toothpick to sketch out the paws, nose, mouth, ear and body outline.

  7. Roll an oval, then glue it over your ear and smooth the joint with a wet finger. In the same way, add volume to the back of the dachshund and to the tail.
  8. Mark stripes in different directions around the perimeter of the entire dachshund, in such a way that the stripes resemble wool.
  9. Dry the figurine.

  10. {!LANG-32461d92b9ff6cd1ab02e0a28f4dd6b7!}
  11. {!LANG-c81e646330f8bef4c738ac257aa8502c!}
  12. {!LANG-6b5303a6233c5d1594d12c6220abd318!}





















You will need:















    1. {!LANG-21d486a60443a84bff95417225d611e7!}
  • {!LANG-46d2d47efa1e2444b10087023acb106c!}
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  • Glue the jacket to the back of the box and the front cuffs to the pants. Do not glue them to your shirt so you can use the shirt as a postcard.
  • Glue a button in front.
  • You can put candies, key chains or other surprises and gifts inside the box.

Gift ideas for men

Watch bracelet

Many men like to wear watches. If you have a watch without a bracelet or want to donate a watch with a bracelet made by yourself, here is a simple instruction on how to do it in a few minutes.






Leather keychain

If you cannot choose a gift for dad, son or friend, make such an original leather keychain with your own hands.


You will need:

A piece of leather with a thickness of about 0.7 -1.5 mm

Thick needle and thread



· Key ring



Cut out the shape of the mustache out of paper and, using this pattern, cut out two mustache pieces from leather, as well as a 2 × 6 cm rectangle.



Pass a strip of leather through the ring and fold. Connect the ends. Place the mustache piece between the strip and sew 2-3 mm from the edge.



Touch up the details with scissors if necessary.

Paracord lanyard for keys (video)

Such a lanyard will help you not to lose important things, such as a key, a pocket knife or a USB flash drive. To make it, you will need a paracord, scissors, a tape measure, and a ring or carabiner.

An original gift to a man with his own hands

Sweets poster

For this gift, you will need various sweets (chocolates, candies, juices, etc.), markers, a poster, scotch tape.


Use your imagination to replace some of the words with the names of candies and chocolates. It is best to write the planned congratulations on the draft in advance, and then transfer it to the poster, fixing the sweets instead of words with tape.

Beer cake


To make such a beer cake, you will need a package of 30 cans of beer and three cardboard circles with a diameter of 30, 25 and 20 cm. Simply place the beer cans on the cake-shaped cardboard circles and tie with a ribbon.

The original presentation transforms even the most banal and budgetary gifts. Don't believe me? Then check out our tips on how to make a gift for February 23 from socks.

Socks here play, let's say, a secondary role. The main thing is the design of the suitcase.

You can compose the inscription and design yourself if you are good at graphic editors. You can use the ideas in our photos. We advise you to print the creation in a printing house or a copy center on self-adhesive paper - ordinary glued sheets of "Snow Maiden" will not look so realistic.

It is worth ordering the sheet size based on the parameters of the suitcase - the shoe box will perfectly fulfill this role. To prevent the suitcase from opening randomly, fasten it with strips of tape, drops of glue.

Sock cake

Components of the "dish":

  • many sock pairs - how big do you want the cake;
  • pens, pencils, ice cream or sushi sticks - in proportion to the number of pairs of socks;
  • thick cardboard;
  • thin rubber bands (those that are used to form packs of bills are the very thing);
  • decor: ribbons, bows, ribbons.

And now the "recipe":

  1. Unpack all socks, iron them with the heel up.
  2. Now roll up neat rolls of them, simultaneously securing the creations with an elastic band.
  3. Making a cake frame: put two rolled rolls on each stick. Frame width is the width of the top tier. Secure the structure with a pair of rubber bands at the base so that it does not fall apart.
  4. Layer single sock rolls over the bottom row. Secure it with tape.
  5. If the cake is three-tiered, then add two layers of rolls to the bottom row, and one to the middle one.
  6. The composition can be crowned with a bow made of ribbons, a souvenir or a cute sock toy, the instructions for making which we will share with you further.
  7. The product can be wrapped in transparent packaging from florist shops, tied with a bow on top.

Sock bouquet

From such seemingly completely unromantic improvised means, one can create such beauty, the price of which, by the way, is quite symbolic.

Inspired? Now closer to the point - stock up on materials:

  • the first item is, of course, socks (1 piece - 1 bud);
  • sushi sticks or similar materials;
  • thin rubber bands;
  • safety pins;
  • any different decor: burlap, floral mesh, corrugated paper, ribbons, ribbons, artificial inflorescences, branches, etc.


  1. Unpack your socks... The most attentive noticed that one sock will be superfluous anyway (an even number of flowers, even socks, to give, alas, etiquette does not allow) - it will serve as a fixation of the bouquet.
  2. Fold the "black roses" (or white, or colored - what kind of socks you stocked up) in half, bending them at the heel.
  3. Roll the product into a roll-bud... To prevent it from falling apart, secure it with a pin. Now put it on the stick. Repeat this with all branches.

  1. Tie the bases of the sticks with rubber bands.
  2. Now it's time for your fantasy to manifest - arrange, decorate the bouquet as the impulse of inspiration prompts. By the way, instead of corrugated paper, you can use a towel, a handkerchief.





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  1. {!LANG-b0b17c560e46b6fbeb3939a58b668ae2!}
  2. {!LANG-4e64238b864ab2f37932aa380ae75075!}
  3. Muzzle - you can just insert the handle into the tower, or paint it, wrap it with foil or the same toe in a spiral. To prevent the sock from unfolding, fix it on the handle with a solid thread or thin tape.
  4. The base is attached to the booth with a tape. In addition to the ribbon, you can decorate the creation with a star sticker, figures of tankers.

Advice! Popular compositions where a bottle of beer serves as the barrel of a tank (video in this article below). When creating it, keep in mind that the glass container is heavy and can flatten the sock rollers. In this case, make a roll of two socks and roll it up as tightly as possible.

Alternatively, you can replace the sock rolls with canned beer, fastening the containers together with the same "eights" made of rubber bands.

Video instruction to help you:

Army hare

The most important element is a khaki sock. To create a fun toy with your own hands, be prepared to donate to it.

Also useful:

  • filler - cotton wool, synthetic winterizer;
  • two buttons for the peephole;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • knitting needles (we will not knit).

Birth of a toy:

  1. Iron the sock.
  2. Cut off the sock and side (elastic at the base) from it - but do not throw it away.

  1. Fold the garments with the heel up. Above it, on the part of the sock that "hugs" the Achilles heel, draw the outlines of the bunny ears.

  1. Cut out the ears along the outline, then turn the sock inside out, pin and sew carefully.
  2. Having turned the future bunny back onto the front side, fill the product with padding polyester. The needle is useful for pushing the material evenly into your ears.

  1. Tighten the hole on the back of the animal with a thread.
  2. Take one of the scraps, cut a circle out of it - a tail. Put a little padding polyester in the middle, also tighten with a thread and sew the tail to the bunny.
  3. Embroider the mouth, nose, antennae with contrasting threads. Sew on eyelet buttons criss-cross for a bold look.

That's all that we wanted to tell you about the gift of socks for 23. In conclusion, we wish you a wonderful celebration! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

It is customary to give gifts for February 23 to men as harsh as the heroes of the occasion themselves. However, there is an unspoken list of gifts among men that they would not want to receive on this holiday of courage. The editors of the site "AiF-Novosibirsk" found out what kind of gifts they were during a survey and made their own rating.

First place: socks

The most unwanted gift, according to men, are socks. Many do not consider them a gift at all. And really: would a girl or woman be pleased to receive a pack of socks on March 8th? Even if not classic black, but pink or flowered.

If you really want to give socks, you can get out of the situation. Look for the original ones, or better link them yourself. Suddenly, in winter frosts, they will come in handy.

Second place: underwear

The man is not happy with underwear, you can try to give a bathing uniform. Photo: AiF / Svetlana Eremenko Men like to admire lingerie on their ladies, but not on themselves. As if trying to pass off as a gift what is, in fact, an everyday purchase, did not offend your brother, husband or father! Worse than underwear, the interviewed men confessed, there can be only male erotic underwear in the form of elephants and bananas.

It is not worth giving such a gift to men if February 23 is not another day off for you, but a real holiday. You can get out of the situation if you donate a bathing set for the pool.

Third place: shaving kit

Not everyone will like shaving accessories instead of a gift. Photo: From the personal archive of the editorial board of "AiF-Ural" / Photo by: Anna Boyarintseva

Disposable razors, pre- and post-shave lotions, foams - all this is actively bought up before the holiday. But is it worth giving? Roman, a programmer from Novosibirsk, who took part in the poll of the editorial board of AiF-Novosibirsk, said: “Many people have foam and other shaving accessories that have not been opened since the New Year, and some have it since last February 23rd. Why turn the bathroom into a branch of a cosmetic store. "

Indeed, why give away what you already have, even if shaving accessories seem like a practical gift.

Fourth place: fun toys

The plush chest did not please the man.Photo: AiF / Vera Fateeva

  • What gift would you not like to receive on February 23rd?


When choosing a gift for a male representative, there are always some difficulties. If a woman is happy with any trinket as a simple sign of attention, then it is more difficult to please men who rarely show their emotions. Socks as a gift for your beloved husband are a truly universal thing. There is no man who does not wear this accessory, so you can safely give it.

How to give original socks

It should not be denied that in addition to the usefulness of the gift, it must surprise. If you present your man with label socks that he just bought from the store, he may regard it as an inattention on your part. Taking money and buying a gift, and an inexpensive one, is a simple task, so you need to put a piece of your soul into it so that the present will please the addressee.

There are videos on the Internet in which the craftswomen share tips on how to make an original gift to her husband with their own hands. Products made of socks in the shape of a bouquet are popular, or you can give a sock tank, an airplane, a rocket or a cake. All this is easy to order online, but it is much more interesting to embody your own ideas. With enough diligence, the product will look no worse than the purchased one.

Bouquet for a man from socks

It is customary to give flowers to men only on special occasions, but a bouquet of socks can be presented for almost any occasion. Be sure that the present, striking in its originality and simplicity, will be appreciated. Such a craft does not contain any materials that are difficult to find. To make a gift for a man out of socks, you will need:

  • {!LANG-579f81a44eb07252e05b2f286315fe5f!}
  • safety pins;
  • packaging paper;
  • tape;
  • long sticks or skewers for barbecue.

Making an unusual surprise consists of the following steps:

  1. You can make buds from each sock or immediately from a pair. It is accepted that a bouquet should consist of an odd number of flowers, so it is more convenient to use two socks at once. Take a pair of socks and remove the tag from them.
  2. Lay the socks on top of each other and begin to roll tightly towards the heel. Try to keep the top of the bud slightly wider than the bottom. Unscrew the edges of the socks to make the flower look like a real flower. Secure with a pin. Do the same with other pairs.
  3. Put each bud on a kebab skewer, thin rod or stick.
  4. Cut the wrapping paper into two equal rectangles. Bend each in half slightly obliquely so that the corners do not line up.
  5. Wrap the bouquet with paper and decorate with tape.

A suitcase of socks as a gift

Socks are a product that is never superfluous. They can be given to anyone without fear that the addressee already has them. How to decorate a gift to make it look festive and even funny? Very simple: present your man with a strategic stock of socks in a suitcase! You can use either packaged socks with a tag or rolled into a tube. It is better to make a suitcase with your own hands from some cardboard box, glued over as desired. Its size will depend on the number of socks.

Gift for a man on February 23

Men's holiday is the best reason to please your defenders. Leaving someone from familiar men without a gift on such a day would be wrong, so budgetary and unusual gift ideas will be required. In this case, socks are also perfect. Many craftswomen construct whole works of art from this seemingly banal product that a man will definitely like.

There are a great many gifts for a man made of socks, but on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I want to present something courageous. Reflections on how to make a tank out of socks leads to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe complexity of making crafts. However, this is not at all the case. Such a surprise is not at all costly in material terms and will not take much time. There are only four components:

  • socks - 3 pairs;
  • tape;
  • ready-made bow from ribbons;
  • ball pen.

Gift creation includes the following steps:

  1. For contrast, it's best to use two pairs of light-colored socks and one dark one. Free products from packaging and labels.
  2. Take two light-colored pairs and separate them one by one. Roll each sock into a tight roll. For reliability, you can fasten the rolls with a pin or elastic band. These tubes will mimic the wheels of a tank.
  3. Flatten one toe from the dark pair so that the heel does not stick out. Put light rolls on top of it in one tier. It is necessary to stack so that the "wheels" fit snugly against each other. Wrap them in a dark sock, tuck the toe into the elastic band.
  4. From the second dark sock you need to fold the turret. To do this, fold the product not as tightly as the previous ones. Place the turret on the previously made tank element.
  5. You need to fasten the parts of the craft with a beautiful tape that will tie them together. You can stick a bow to the ribbon, this will add festivity.
  6. The final touch: insert the muzzle handle into the turret. The gift is ready!


On the eve of the men's holiday, all women rack their brains and run around the shops in search of a gift. At all times, gifts made with their own hands were appreciated, because the donor put a piece of his soul into them. A gift for a man made of socks is a wide field for creative activity, where you can turn around, embodying the most daring ideas. Sock dumbbells will pleasantly surprise a male athlete, and for manufacturing you will need:

  • socks - 4 pairs;
  • cardboard tube - 2 pcs.;
  • {!LANG-870294aee24ffba9094a1d998c5927cc!}
  • {!LANG-08a5640d052bbe6a9ba4a90f591f2e68!}
  • tape.

Follow these steps:

  1. For the base of the dumbbells, you need a cardboard tube. These tend to remain after using foil or parchment paper. Wrap the tube with foil and tuck the ends into the holes, you can use glue.
  2. Remove the label from the socks and separate the pairs. Each toe must be aligned so that the heel does not stick out.
  3. Stepping back from the edge of the tube, wind one sock tightly and secure with a pin. Then it needs to be wrapped in a second sock and also imperceptibly secured. Do the same procedure from the other end of the dumbbell.
  4. Take a satin ribbon and wrap it in a ring around the sock rolls.
  5. The same is done with the second dumbbell.