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Do I need to cut off the faded flowers of tulips. Tulips have faded. What to do florist? How to prune tulips after flowering

Tulips are one of the first garden flowers that appear to remind us of the approaching summer, the imminent warmth and relaxation. Do you want to bring this time closer, arrange yourself a spring holiday for the New Year, or have such a “symbol” in your home in a pot by March 8? Then we begin to act. When the tulips bloomed in your personal plot (what to do, this happens quite early), the place of planting will soon become empty and ugly. Therefore, the combined method of using several varieties of plants with different flowering periods is simply necessary.

To equip the flowerbed on which you plan to plant tulips, it should be noted that these plants do not need to be planted in the foreground. They will delight and revive the front garden, while all other flowers are still in a state of growth and dormancy before the dissolution of the buds. But the tulips have faded. What to do? Their leaves begin to turn yellow and spoil the look of your flowerbed. To maintain the attractiveness of the composition throughout the summer season, it is recommended to combine them with violets, early daffodils and chionodoxes.

If you plan with herbaceous perennials, then here, on the contrary, it is better to place them in the foreground. During the flowering of the bulbous bushes, they will grow and cover the unsightly yellowed foliage. You can also use the option in capacity. Place the onion in any container in which you need to make many holes, cover it with earth and bury it. When the tulips in the pots bloom, they are dug up and transferred to a shaded place. This method is convenient, you can plant new flowers at the place where the plants were placed, and faded tulips will not spoil the appearance of your site.

Recommendations to those who did not use the above methods after the tulips have faded. What do you do? Leave the plants at the planting site, pre-cut the stem, do not touch a couple of leaves, so that through them the bulb receives the necessary amount of nutrients. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizer (with any method of planting). You are waiting for the leaves to turn yellow when the stem becomes soft and bends. Dig bulbs and place in a cool place. Day for such manipulations choose dry and sunny. You can treat the bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but then it must be dried in the sun.

If you do not plan to get a tulip flower for Christmas at home, then land in September directly into the ground. The most favorable period for planting is when the temperature of the soil drops to 10 degrees Celsius. Add horn flour and compost to the ground, mulch. It is better to plant tulips in groups, so they will look more aesthetically pleasing. Mark a place to prevent damage to the bulbs in early spring.

If you want to get a tulip for the winter holidays, then he needs to arrange a kind of early winter, to “trick” the plant. Depending on which holiday you want to receive a blooming bud, put the onion in a container and send it to the refrigerator until you have the first sprouts and begin to rest against the walls. Transfer to a cold windowsill. And spring came to your house, when there is a winter blizzard outside the window. You will have a logical question: "When the home tulips have faded, what to do in this case?" Again, repeat everything, dig out to plant in September in open ground, this tulip will no longer bloom in residential conditions.

After a long, cold winter, I want to add some bright, rich colors to my life. How to care for tulips after flowering so that they annually please with their abundance of colors? We need a comprehensive and competent approach. This is almost the first garden flower, so you need to take care of it in the fall. Caring for tulips after flowering is necessary in order to get good planting material next year.

There is one incredible legend about a yellow tulip. Once, a very long time ago, the gods in the middle of a yellow tulip hid happiness. They promised that it would go to someone who could open a yellow flower. Many tried to do this in order to take happiness to themselves, but they did not succeed. Once a little boy ran up to a flower. He took the yellow tulip bud in his hands and, laughing at the flower, laughed out loud and full. And then a miracle happened, the flower opened, obeying the magic of children's sincere laughter.

For many people, a tulip is a symbol of spring and celebration. I want these incredible flowers to please their beauty every spring. Like other plants, a tulip requires good and proper care.

Many gardeners believe that this is an unpretentious flower that does not require special attention. Therefore, they are looked after only during the flowering period. This is an erroneous opinion. How to care for tulips after flowering can be divided into several processes.

The need for love and care

After the tulips have fulfilled their decorative function, the entire peduncle should be removed. Then for another 2 weeks they continue to be fed and watered. Fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus are perfect as a make-up.

You can trim the plant only after yellowing all the leaves on the stem. It is not recommended to cut off tulips immediately after flowering, as the bulbs will stop developing. When digging bulbs, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1 Dig up better in sunny weather. This will allow them to dry faster.
  2. 2 If it happened that they dug up tulip bulbs in wet weather, you should definitely follow their drying.
  3. 3 When digging, drive the shovel into the ground as deep as possible.
  4. 4 After the bulbs are removed, it is necessary to carefully review all the material and remove diseased specimens.
  5. 5 First dig tulips of early varieties.

Some gardeners believe that extracting a plant from the ground will be enough 1 time in 2 years. In order for the gardener to please the flowering carpet of tulips in the spring, it is necessary to dig every year. So, it is possible to provide young bulbs with good conditions for the formation of flower buds.

If you leave it in the ground, it will be susceptible to various infections that adversely affect the formation of a full bulb, and in the worst case, the material for planting may die. We must not forget that high-quality and healthy planting material is a guarantee that magnificent tulips will bloom again in the garden or in the flowerbed next spring.

How to collect and prepare planting material? This issue needs special attention. The most common mistake of all novice gardeners is that they leave tulips in the ground for the entire summer period. This is done only with some varieties of red flowers. Everyone else needs to be dug up annually, otherwise the flowers will fade each time.

The mother bulb in the process of separating the children sinks lower into the ground, thereby pushing up the young specimens. An uncut tulip will help the kids bloom next year, and the mother's bulb will go lower into the soil.

There are no exact dates when you can dig out tulips. This can be determined as follows: if the dried stem of a tulip is easily wound on a finger, then tulips can be dug up. Do not allow the complete drying of the ground part of the plant. If you miss this moment, digging a bulb with the kids will be problematic. Having matured, the children move away from the mother’s bulb, and when digging them out, they can be damaged by a shovel or not be noticed and left in the soil.

Growing tulips, caring for them is a rather troublesome affair. After planting material is removed, it must be ensured that it is properly stored. Bulbs dug and washed with running water before drying are disinfected with a kalbofos solution as a preventive measure.

Bulbs must be dried. To do this, they are spread with a thin layer in a room that is well ventilated. The air temperature must be maintained in the range of 25-30ºС.

If the process of digging the bulbs occurred in hot summer weather, washing can be omitted. This time, clumps of dry earth and roots are removed from dried tulips. It is also recommended to treat the bulbs with a potassium permanganate solution before sending them for storage.

Before you leave them for the winter, plants need to be sorted, put in boxes from boards or cardboard boxes. Spread no more than 2 layers. If there is a need to preserve planting material until spring, then for these purposes it is better to select bulbs 3-4 cm in size. So you can be sure that tulips will give a large flower next year.

Bulbs selected for storage are placed in containers. It will be nice if the bottom is made of mesh material. Thus, better air access to the bulbs laid in storage will be ensured. Sometimes gardeners sprinkle them in small batches in cloth bags or nylon tights, which are then suspended.

To ensure greater preservation of the bulbs, they can be sprinkled with dry wood sawdust. If the batch is small, wrap each bulb in a newspaper.

If one decays, the newspaper prevents the infection of the rest. It makes sense to periodically review stored material and discard rotting bulbs. It is also necessary to be sure that in the room that was taken away for storage, there is no access to rodents. For mice, the tulip bulb is a treat, they are able to exterminate most of the planting material.

Autumn period

If the gardener does not plan to store them, but prefers to plant them in the fall, he will be interested in the following recommendations for planting tulips in open ground. You need to break flower beds under tulips in areas where there are no large depressions. These flowers do not like wind and prefer to grow in well-lit places. Tulips are planted not only on flower beds, they look great as a garden flower.

Place for landing choose dry. Stagnant water at the roots can provoke a disease of the plant, and also lead to rotting of the bulbs. To provide tulips with more favorable conditions for growth, drainage is made from broken brick or sand.

For normal growth, they need to be planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. To form a beautiful flower garden, the following technique is used: large bulbs plant in the center of the hole, and small ones on the sides. Before disembarking, it is necessary to carefully review all the material. Bulbs with different flaws, cracks or cuts are removed. Only 100% quality material is planted.

“Can I cut tulips after flowering?” Gardeners have long answered this question. They are much more interested in when to cut tulips after flowering, because the process has its own nuances.

In today's article, you will learn how and when to cut tulips after flowering, as well as when to dig out planting material, how to store bulbs, when to plant them, and how long after that they will bloom.

Before pruning, tulips are prepared in order to carry out the procedure with minimal damage to the plants. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of fertilizing and watering by the end of flowering tulips. All the nutrients necessary for laying new shoots, the bulb accumulates through the stem and leaves.

The stem and leaves serve as a kind of battery for tulips, so premature pruning can kill the bulbs and forever deprive the gardener of the pleasure of observing the flowering of these plants.

When to crop tulips: after flowering. The end is indicated by the complete extinction of the surface part. The stem and leaves have completely lost their petals. In addition, they will be dry and will easily become detached from the bulb.

Here the gardener enters: it is necessary to mark where the bulbs are in the soil mixture, then with a sharp knife or secateurs (disinfected) cut off the already faded surface of the tulips. Cropping completed.

What to do with tulip bulbs after pruning?

After flowering is completed, the surface of the tulips is trimmed, the location of the bulbs in the soil mixture is noted, the gardener proceeds to dig the bulbs from the soil. In order to make this easier, the soil mixture can be loosened up a bit, then pry the onion with a garden spatula and remove it to the surface.

When to dig tulip bulbs:

  • Second half of June;
  • Early July;
  • When the leaves are completely yellowed;
  • If the surface part wilted;

Where and how to store tulip bulbs after digging?

Dug out tulip bulbs are placed in separate wooden boxes, then slightly sprinkled with earth (1-2 layers). Tulip bulbs are stored sorted by date of extraction and grade. In order to ease your future task, you can prostrate the bulbs.

Bulb capacity is placed in a cool, dark place. Future planting material should not be exposed to direct sunlight or lighting, water. In a place where tulip bulbs are stored after digging, drafts, insects, rodents, and temperature fluctuations are excluded.

Where to store tulip bulbs:

  • In the attic;
  • In the basement;
  • In the pantry;
  • In a dry basement;
  • In a dry cellar;

As soon as the planting season begins - the temperature of the soil and air, the lighting will be available - the tulip bulbs return to their original place, but already in the prepared, nourished, moistened and loosened soil. Large bulbs will begin to grow and bloom in the first year after re-planting, while those that are smaller will sprout in the first year and bloom in the second.

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When can I cut tulips after flowering?

Can tulips be cut after flowering?

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

How to ensure the care of tulips after flowering so that the bulbs are stocked with nutrients for the next flowering? Maybe you need to immediately cut off all the leaves? Or is it worth it to continue watering and top dressing? You can find the right solution by learning a few rules for growing bulbs.

Do I need to cut leaves?

Daffodils and tulips are often planted nearby on a flower bed to create a picturesque picture. However, their neighborhood has one caveat. It lies in the fact that faded buds and yellowed leaves quickly become unattractive. But do not rush to rid your garden of untidy stems. Care for tulips after flowering should continue for another 2-3 weeks. And so that dry leaves do not spoil the decorative look of the garden, just plant perennials between them. For example, phlox.

It is recommended to preserve the foliage of plants precisely because of the fact that through it the energy of the sun and beneficial trace elements enter the bulb. They saturate the plant. Cutting still green leaves of tulips means stopping the process of bulb formation. On faded specimens, it is best to immediately remove the seed box. So the bulb will be able to accumulate energy in itself and will not spend it on the ripening of seeds.

Tip. In order not to lose the location of the tulips after the foliage dries, you can mark it with markers or flags.

Why apply fertilizer to wilting plants?

Caring for tulips after flowering requires timely fertilizer application. The fact is that the development process is still ongoing. And the appearance of flowers next spring will depend on how much the gardener is not too lazy to water and feed the fading flowerbed with special fertilizers. Water the flowerbed as necessary for another two weeks after cutting the peduncles. Fertilize the soil only once. This will be enough. You can choose the usual mineral fertilizers for bulbs. But the dosage should be reduced by half from the recommended one in order to prevent chemical burns to the cells. A phosphorus-potassium mixture is also well suited. Fertilizers containing nitrogen or chlorine must not be used.

Leaf cutting

Care for daffodils, as close relatives, is required at the end of spring the same as care for tulips after flowering. If all the actions of the gardener at this time are built in sequence, then they will stand in this order:

  • cut flowers to form bouquets or allow them to naturally wither;
  • in the second case, the seed box is cut off after the petals fall;
  • in the last days of spring, special fertilizers are applied to the soil, not forgetting to water the garden;
  • leaves break off only after drying;
  • after the bed is mulched with peat or wood ash.

When do I need to transplant daffodils?

These flowers can live in one place for up to five years. Do not disturb them for an annual transplant, otherwise the plants may not bloom so abundantly. But if the stems begin to crowd and have already grown quite strongly, then it's time to plant them.

For a transplant you will need:

  • garden shovel;
  • gloves
  • disinfecting solution.

Bushes of daffodils are planted immediately, you can not allow young roots to dry. Choose the evening time in early August, when the midday heat has already subsided, and proceed.

What do we have to do?

1) To begin with, the bushes are carefully dug up.

2) Then they are divided into smaller ones and laid out for processing.

3) For prophylaxis, plants can be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a suitable fungicide.

4) Prepare holes in a new place and transplant daffodils into them with maximum accuracy.

When do they dig tulip bulbs?

Unlike daffodils, tulip care after flowering is required annually. If you want a spring flowerbed to bloom in large flowers, plan an annual digging of the bulbs. This is best done in mid-summer, when the leaves are completely dry. Try to dig one instance and evaluate its appearance. If it is covered with brown scales, the roots are formed, the stems are almost dry - it means it's time to dig out the entire flowerbed.

Caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is pretty straightforward. You just need to:

  • carton boxes;
  • leaflets with the inscriptions of varieties;
  • garden shovel;
  • gloves.

What do we have to do?

  • choose a not too cloudy day in early July;
  • prepare the necessary equipment;
  • carefully dig up plants, treat them with a disinfecting solution and sort them into cardboard boxes;
  • discard all weak and small bulbs.

Thus, summer care of tulips after flowering in the garden can be considered completed. Plants will be in a dormant period one and a half to two months before planting.

When to plant?

If you plan a usual planting of flowers that will bloom in April-May, then a fine day in early September will do. Take out all the onion boxes into the air, carefully review all the material. If there are corrupted instances, they must be removed immediately. If you find the diseased material, then re-treatment with a fungicide will not be out of place.

Pick a new place for planting flowers. Proper care of tulips and daffodils after flowering requires a constant change in the location of the flower bed. So you can avoid soil depletion.

Planting material in the pits.  Loosen the soil and make recesses in it for about half a shovel. Spread the onions evenly and pour them with warm water. After two weeks, the bed can be fertilized with nitrate. And with the onset of the first frosts, its surface is covered with a layer of mulch (dry leaves, straw or peat).

Landing in the trench.  The place chosen for the flower garden is drawn and trenches are dug. Their depth should not exceed 20 cm and a width of 25 cm. Before laying on the bottom of the bulb, it is sprinkled with nitrate. Next, the largest specimens are distributed and crushed by the earth. Smaller ones are laid over them and sprinkled again. If you plan to land the children, then it is best to distribute them along the edges of the trench. Then it is covered with soil to the brim. After planting, the ridges are watered. Such care for tulips after flowering at home will certainly give good results.

What to do if a tulip is presented in a pot?

Getting a symbol of spring in a pot at the end of winter is very nice. But what to do with the plant after wilting? Throw out? Do not hurry. Timely care of tulips after flowering in a pot will give the plant another chance. For this:

  • water the flower all the time until it turns yellow at all;
  • let the stems dry;
  • when the bulb goes into a dormant period, it can be dug up;
  • dry it and store in a box until September;
  • and in the fall, land on ridges along with the rest of the onions.

Flowers love care and value attention. If you did everything right and worried about them from early spring to late autumn, they will surely dissolve their delicate petals towards the sun. And they will delight you with their beauty.

The most favorite, the first spring flowers are tulips. Probably, there will be no grower who does not have at least some of these elegant plants on the flower bed. Unfortunately, the flowering time of the spring messengers is very short, but the care and preparation for flowering are quite long.

And it is very disappointing when all the efforts do not live up to expectations, and these beautiful flowers with a perfect shape become smaller, lose varietal traits, or even do not throw buds at all.

To avoid such grief, you need to understand the developmental features of this sacred flower of the East and find out what determines its good condition and decorative properties.

Like all plants, tulips form seeds to continue. However, the forces of the flower are not infinite. If they are aimed at ripening seeds, then on the development and ripening of the bulb there are few of them.

In order for her to receive the maximum amount of nutrients, it is necessary to perform several necessary operations after the end of flowering tulips. The larger the bulb, the stronger the plant and the more abundant it will bloom.

Thus, the main rule of good flowering of tulips next year: all efforts should be directed to strengthening and improving the bulb! The operations of nutrition, ripening, storage and planting of bulbs are divided into 5 stages:

  • 2-3 weeks after flowering;
  • 5-6 weeks after flowering;
  • end of June to early July;
  • july-end of September;
  • beginning - mid-October.

Stage 1 - pruning, watering and top dressing

The duration of flowering tulips depends on their variety and is usually from 5 to 8 days. Without waiting for all the petals to fall off, the flowers are removed, cutting off only their heads and keeping the stems. At this stage, the leaves do not touch, they are necessary for the ripening of the bulb.

But the fallen petals must be removed, they can rot and affect healthy leaves with the fungus. After pruning the flower stalks, the plant must be watered intensively for about 15-20 days: at this time, the bulbs are ripening intensively in the ground, and due to sufficient watering, they absorb nutrients more actively.

It is recommended to alternate watering with plain water and a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. In order to stimulate the accumulation of necessary plant reserves, it is fed with phosphorus and potassium, but in no case with nitrogen. In addition, there should be no chlorine in the fertilizer.

Important! It is necessary to adhere to the main principle of the use of fertilizers - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed!

Bulbs especially negatively react to an excess of fertilizers: a high percentage of mineral salts in the soil leads to rotting of the roots and even death of plants. To prevent this, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of fertilizers by half from the recommended in the instructions.

When the foliage of tulips is removed

Stage 2 - leaf removal

Five to six weeks after flowering, the leaves of the tulips will turn yellow, they can be removed. It is preferable to pick them off rather than cut them off. Dead leaves should be easily pulled out of the ground. If this does not happen, you still have to wait.

It is impossible to remove “living” leaves, because through them the bulb receives energy and nutrients through photosynthesis. If green leaves are removed, the tulip bulb will remain underdeveloped, which will degrade the quality and quantity of flowers next year.

Having removed the foliage, it is necessary to leave the stem as a kind of mark indicating the location of the bulb. As a rule, tulips alternate with other flowers, most often perennials, whose stems hide not very decorative faded tulips. Such combinations are harmonious, pleasing to the eye.

Tulip bulbs: dig up or not

Stage 3 - digging bulbs

After correctly carried out two stages, the bulbs formed, scored a sufficient amount of nutrients and increased in mass and size. If you leave them in the ground, this will worsen the appearance of next year's landings for the following reasons:

  • tulips for planting are planted close to each other, in one nest. An increase in size creates crowding, bulbs will prevent neighbors from actively developing;
  • each year, the bulbs sink deeper and deeper in the soil, their depth can reach one and a half bayonet shovels, where the soil is less fertile. In addition, germination difficulties may occur;
  • hybrid and varietal tulips lose the attributes of the variety after growing in one place for 4-5 years. There is a degeneration of plants and, as a result, small and non-ideal buds, the absence of flowering and the risk of death of the flower.

Important! For varietal tulips, a digging procedure is required.

Life hack: If digging tulips seems time-consuming, you can do without it. To avoid pulling the bulbs into the ground, they are planted in special pots with bottom holes (commercially available), a water-permeable container is made from a plastic basket or mesh box.

How and when to dig tulips

The period for digging is the end of June or somewhat later. At this time, the plant has already completely yellow foliage and a limp stalk. The bulb should have a fully formed root system, brown spots are visible on the scales.

When digging bulbs, the following rules must be observed:

  • the bulbs are sorted in orderly order from early to late;
  • sunny weather is preferable for this work, which allows to dry the bulbs;
  • bulbs dug in wet weather first need to be washed from dirt and only then dried;
  • so as not to damage the root when digging, they stick a shovel into the soil as deep as possible;
  • dug bulbs are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate (5%).

Bulbs can be dried not only under the sun, but also using a lamp until the scales dry. The sick and weak are finally sorted out, and the healthy ones, divided by grades, are laid out in previously prepared containers (in 1-2 layers).

How to store tulip bulbs

Stage 4 - Bulb Storage

Dug and dried tulip bulbs are placed in mesh, breathable boxes and put away in a dry, shaded room. It is very important to establish the temperature regime for storing the bulbs:

  • until the end of August the temperature should be around +20;
  • with the beginning of September, reduced to 15 degrees.

As a rule, this corresponds to the average daily temperature.

The main thing is not to allow sharp changes in temperature and humidity during storage so that the bulbs do not crack.

When to plant tulips

Stage 5 - planting tulips

In October, when the air temperature reaches 4-7 degrees, the bulbs can be planted in the ground, pre-treating them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide.

Correct fit conditions:

  • change landing sites annually.
  • plant to a depth equal to three times the diameter of the bulb;
  • the soil should be well moistened;
  • cover the bottom of the pit / trench with 2-3 cm of river sand to prevent rotting of the bulb.
  • a week after planting the bulbs, feed with ammonium nitrate;
  • before the onset of frost, mulch the planting site with a thin layer of peat.

Tulips are a recognized symbol of spring and love. In the language of flowers, each species of this flower has its own symbolic meaning.

Red is true love, white is forgiveness, purple is reverence. A multi-colored bouquet means a sincere compliment to the one to whom these lovely flowers are presented. Let your garden give you compliments every year!

What to do when tulips have bloomed:

An important nuance in the care:

What will happen if you do not dig up tulips: