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Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev Biography. Biography Timiryazeva Clement Arkadyevich Klimiment Arkadyevich Timiryazev Contribution to the ecology

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev (1843-1920)

Among the Russian scientists there are a little such that would be so popular and the people in the people, as the Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev, originating his name to the classical studies of the photosynthesis process, with which the existence of the entire animal of the world is connected.

In Moscow, K. A. Timiryazev erected a monument in the nearest neighborhood with the monument to the greatest poet A. S. Pushkin. His name is scientific, educational and educational institutions of the country: the oldest agricultural academy, the former Petrovskaya, in Moscow; A number of houses of enlightenment in cities and villages. The image of K. A. Timiryazeva inspired the famous writer V. G. Korolenko, who in the 1980s brought him under the name of the professor Izborssu in the story "from two sides." K. A. Timiryazev is depicted represented by Professor Polezhaev in the modern art film "Deputy Baltic".

K. A. Timiryazev is a scientist who left an exceptionally deep mark in science and who earned the eternal grateful memory of the most different layers of the Russian people.

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev was born in St. Petersburg on June 3, 1843. His father - Arkady Semenovich Timiryazev - originated from an old servant of the noble family, but was a Republican with pronounced revolutionary sentiments. He was proud to be born a year when the French revolution began, and Lyubsovers loved. When I once asked what kind of career he was preparing to his sons, he replied: "What kind of career? But what: I'm five blue blouses, like French workers, buy five guns and go with others - on the Winter Palace."

Freedomity A. S. Timiryazev has spread to questions of religion. With the admiration of the climent, Arkadyevich recalled that when Arkady Semenovich read the thymineazev-son book "Charles Darwin and his teaching written in 1865, he said:" Very good, very interesting, but that you write everything about different pigeons and a word about a person . Afraid, Moses his Book Being forbade you talk about it. " The book of Darwin "The Origin of Man" came out six years later.

Significant influence on the upbringing of K. A. Timiryazev also provided his mother of Adelaide Klimmetyevna. Thanks to her, he already knew several European languages \u200b\u200bas a child and studied the fiction literature perfectly. It developed in it the taste for the artistic word and subsequently gave an inexhaustible supply for successful images and taking comparisons, which are replete with his speeches and articles.

Keeping a hot feeling of gratitude and love for her parents, K. A. Timiryazev, already on the slope of his years he devoted his book "Science and Democracy". In this dedication, he wrote: "... you inspired me, a word and an example, the limitless love for the truth and a boiled hatred of anything, especially public, in definite."

As a child, K. A. Timiryazev loved to observe the phenomena of nature. His brother, who set up a small chemical laboratory, he considered his first teacher of natural science. To enter the university K. A. Timiryazev was preparing at home and therefore did not experience the oppressive regime of the old classical gymnasium. However, even before the receipt of K. A. Timiryazev, his father as "politically unreliable" was forced to leave the service, and a large family of 8 had to live on an insignificant retirement. Therefore, from fifteen years, Clement Arkadyevich had to earn money for the life of translations of foreign writers, and through his hands, according to him, there was not one robust soot of volumes.

Much later, referring to students of the First Working Faculty, he wrote: "The way of acquiring scientific knowledge for man of labor is a heavy path; I say this on the basis of a whole life of hard experience. From the fifteen-year-old, my left hand did not spend a single penny, which would not work Right. Earning the means of existence, as always happens under such conditions, stood in the foreground, and the occupation of the science was the case of passion, in the hours of leisure, free from classes caused by the need. But I could console myself thinking that I was doing this for my own fear, And I do not sit on the pump of dark, workers, like children of landowners and merchant sons. Only with time, the science herself, taken by me with battle, has become a source of satisfaction with not only mental, but also the material needs of life - first, and then families " .

In 1861, the eighteen-year-old K. A. Timiryazev entered the University of St. Petersburg at the Cameton Faculty, from which he soon moved to natural. This year, large student unrest broke out at the university. K. A. Timiryazev took an active part in them and was excluded from the university. He moved to the position of the Wolversman. It did not deprive him of the opportunity to listen to lectures, work in laboratories and even participate in the competition for the competition for the gold medal, which he received for the first scientific work "On the structure of liver moss."

From professors, he recalls Botany-Systematics A. N. Beketov and a brilliant chemist D. I. Mendeleev. At the end of the University, K. A. Timiryazev elects the physiology of plants with its specialty. Wow, this happened under the influence of participation in field studies of the action of mineral fertilizers for yields in the Symbirian province (now the Ulyanovsk region), organized and led by D. I. Mendeleev. K. A. Timiryazev, participating in this work, made its first experiments on the air nutrition of the plants, which in 1868 reported at the i congress of naturalists in St. Petersburg. In this report, he already gave a wide plan for the study of photosynthesis (plants air power), according to which the work is largely underway and at present.

In the same 1868, K. A. Timiryazev, at the suggestion of Professor Beketov, received a business trip abroad, where he worked first in Heidelberg from Kirchhoff and Bunsen, and then in Paris at the founder of the scientific agronomy of Bushengo and the famous Chemist Bertlo. The Franco-Prussian War that came in 1870 interrupted his work, and he returned to Russia.

In the spring of 1871, K. A. Timiryazev defended at the University of St. Petersburg the magic dissertation "Spectral Analysis of Chlorophyll" and took the Department of Botany in the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya (now Timiryazevskaya) Agricultural Academy in Moscow. In 1877, he was elected Moscow University at the Department of Anatomy and Plant Physiology. K. A. Timiryazev enjoyed enormous popularity among student. "Timiryazev," the writer Korolenko recalls his student, there were special sympathetic threads who joined him with students, although very often his talks out of lecture went to disputes on subjects outside the specialty. We felt that questions that occupied us were interested in it. In addition In addition, in his nervous speech, the true, hot faith was heard. She treated science and culture, which he defended from the waves of "Insurance", and in this faith there was a lot of sublime sincerity. The young people appreciated. The royal government knew the influence of K. a . Timiryazev for studentism and not without reason considered this influence harmful to himself.

In 1892, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Agricultural Academy, as a "restless" educational institution, was closed, and all the staff was fired. When after a while she was again open, K. A. Timiryazeva was not among those professors who were invited to occupy the departments.

In 1911, he was forced to leave Moscow University together with 125 professors and associate professors in protest against the dismissal of the Casso Rector's reactionary minister and two assistants who fought with the arbitrariness of the police in the university walls.

University he left a sick old man. Two years before, he had hemorrhage to the brain, after which the left hand and foot were paralyzed, so he could not move without help. But the mental performance has been preserved completely, and he did not stop scientific and journalistic activities.

Since the beginning of the war of 1914, K. A. Timiryazev first among scientists performed in the internationalist journal M. Gorky "Chronicle" against chauvinistic sentiment. The February revolution, he met with tears of joy in front of his eyes, but soon he was told deep disappointment in the temporary government, which continued the war and suppressed the revolution. In the autumn of 1917, K. A. Timiryazev wrote M. Gorky: "I repeat the words of Nekrasov again and again:" There were times worse, but not subject to "".

He welcomed with great joy. He welcomed the Great October Socialist Revolution, giving power in the hands of workers and peasants. 2 1/2 years, they lived in Soviet power, were years of exceptional lifting in his life. Despite the disease, he took an active part in the work of the Moscow Council as his deputy.

On April 20, 1920, returning home after the meeting, K. A. Timiryazev was cold and on the night of April 28 this year died from inflammation of the lungs.

K. A. Timiryazev as a scientist represents a rare type of researcher experimentally working all his life over the resolution of one problem. But the importance of this problem is the problems of plants, or photosynthesis, is far from the physiology of plants, since this process is associated with the existence of not only plants, but also the whole animal world. Moreover, in photosynthesis, the plant takes and absorbs not only the substance, namely the carbon dioxide, but also the energy of the sun's rays. This gave the right to K. A. Timiryazev to talk about the space role of the plant as the transmitter of the energy of the Sun of our planet.

What did K. A. Timiryazev did to solve this enormous problem having a generalist value?

He answered this question, summing up his research in the last death article: "The main content of my half-century scientific activity was a comprehensive experimental response to requests made by science with two thinkers - Helmholz and Robert Meyer - the founders of the law of energy conservation. The main stimulus leaving them In their desire to substantiate this law, according to their own confession, it was to end forever with the modern teaching "on life strength", which is supposed to be, according to Mayer, the path to further research and is made impossible to apply the laws of accurate science to study life. "

To substantiate the law of conservation of energy in applied to organisms, Meyer considered it necessary to solve the issue necessary on the experience, "there is a really light that falls on a living plant receives other consumption than the light that falls on the dead body." The Helmholtz came to the same question, which considered it necessary to show it, "It is exactly the living force of the disappearing when absorbing their sheet of sunlight corresponds to the accumulating stock of the plant's chemical forces." "To carry out this experience," says K. A. Timiryazev, - turn the brilliant thought of two great scientists to the undoubted truth, to prove the sunny source of life - such was the task that I set from the first steps of scientific activity and stubbornly and comprehensively carried out for half a century ".

In the late 1960s of the XIX century, when K. A. Timiryazev began to solve this problem, the physiology of plants associated the decomposition of carbon dioxide not with the energy of the beam, but with its brightness for our eyes. The proof of such communication served as expected by the classical experiments of Drerener, who believed that the plant mostly decomposes carbon dioxide in the brightest for the eyes of the yellow rays, and German physiologists confirmed this. K. A. Timiryazev, based on the fact that the reaction of the decomposition of carbon dioxide requires high energy costs, looking for the connection of this process not with brightness, but with the energy of rays absorbed by the sheet. From this point of view, the strongest decomposition should have been expected in red rays with greater energy and better absorbed by chlorophyll than the rays yellow. Repeating the experiments of Drerer with all thoroughness, he proved that this author received a maximum decomposition of carbon dioxide in yellow rays due to the fact that the spectrum in his experiments was not enough. With a wide range of spectroscope, which it used, a significant amount of red rays is always mixed to the yellow part of the spectrum. In the clean, monochromatic (monochrome) spectral rays, the decomposition is most strongly in that part of the red rays, which is especially absorbed by chlorophyll. On the contrary, the weakest decomposition of carbon dioxide goes in green rays and extreme red, which chlorophyll is almost not absorbed. Thus was proved by the connection of photosynthesis with chlorophyll and with the energy of the rays absorbed by them.

It should be said that the implementation of these experiments was enormous difficulties. To obtain a clean spectrum, it was necessary to skip the beam through a very narrow spectroscope slit, and therefore, weakened the rays so much that to detect the decomposition of carbon dioxide, they needed to develop a special method of gas analysis, which made it possible to analyze small amounts of gas with an accuracy of the thousandth shares of the cubic centimeter.

Even at present, the implementation of these classical experiments in a pure spectrum represents such experimental difficulties that so far they have not been repeated with anyone and remain unique. At the same time, they were fulfilled so carefully, and the confidence in the presence of decomposition of carbon dioxide with the energy of the beam is so great that K. A. Timiryazev, having received a maximum of photosynthesis in the red rays, was convinced that the red rays carry not only more energy than Rays yellow, but that in them is the maximum of the energy of the entire solar spectrum, which physically was placed in infrared rays. Indeed, in a few years the study of Langlei physics confirmed the instructions of K. A. Timiryazev. Langley found the maximum of the energy of the midday sun in the red rays, precisely in that part of them, which is most absorbed by chlorophyll. True, the subsequent measurements of the astrophysics of the abbot moved this maximum in the yellow-green rays, but it did not shake the statements of K. A. Timiryazev. The new quantum theory of light convincingly proved that the most favorable energy conditions for decomposition of carbon dioxide were in red, and not yellow-green rays.

Not satisfied with the experiments in the spectrum, where the segments of the leaves were in the tubes with a high concentration of carbon dioxide, K. A. Timiryazev conducted experiments and with a natural, small content of carbon dioxide. To do this, he discarded the spectrum on the sheet, noting the place of absorption of chlorophyll on it. After a long excerpt in the sun, he showed iodine starch in a sheet and received blackened just in the absorption band of chlorophyll in the red rays. This experience especially clearly showed that truly decomposition of carbon dioxide mainly occurs in the red rays of the solar spectrum, the most absorbed by chlorophyll and at the same time by its energy the most suitable for this reaction. Thus, chlorophyll turned out to be not only an absorber of energy, but also the most perfect absorber, which, according to Darwin's theory, should have been formed in the evolution of plants by selection.

To this result, K. A. Timiryazev came on the basis of, on the one hand, the physical law of conservation of energy, on the other - the biological teachings of Darwin.

In order to fully appreciate the connection of chlorophyll with photosynthesis found them, it should be indicated that at that time the value of the green color of the plants was completely unclear. It was believed that chlorophyll painting is a pure accident and does not have any importance. K. and Timiryazev first proved that the green color of chlorophyll is specifically adapted to absorb solar energy necessary for decomposition of carbon dioxide.

By proving the participation of chlorophyll in photosynthesis, K. A. Timiryazev went further. If he did not explain, he indicated the way to explain how the solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll participates in the decomposition of carbon dioxide. It showed that this pigment can be considered as a sensitizer (humanity) similar to photographic sensitizers. Both colorless silver salts that do not absorb yellow and red rays are decomposed by these rays in the presence of yellow and red pigments, and colorless carbon dioxide can only be degraded with light only where the plasma is painted with chlorophyll, i.e. in chloroplasts. In explanation of the mechanism of sensitizers, the explanation of chlorophyll is lies.

Further work, K. A. Timiryazev, were devoted to the development of his teachings on chlorophyll as an energy absorber for photosynthesis and the study of the properties and education of this pigment. These were usually brief messages that were the originality of the formulation of issues, wit and the elegance of their decision. The summary of all his works for 35 years, the Clement Arkadyevich gave a brilliant Krunian lecture ( Krunian lectures, named after Krun, arrange for funds who bequeathed to the London Royal Society for almost 2nd century ago), entitled "Space Role of Plants". K. A. Timiryazev read this lecture at the invitation in the London Royal Society.

Scientific activities KA Timiryazev found a high assessment abroad. In addition to the London Royal Society, Universities of Cambridge, Glasgow and Geneva elected him with their employee member. However, the German scientists, with whom he led the cruel controversy, silent his work.

K. A. Timiryazev was not limited to research work. He was at the same time a popularist writer, widely spread the achievements of biological science, and a publicist writer, passionately defended the ideas of materialism and democratization of science.

The tendency to this kind of activity of K. A. Timiryazev manifested itself very early, still at the university. As a student, he put in the progressive magazine "Public notes" Publicistic articles "Garibaldi on Caprecher" and "Hunger in Landskashire", where I had just expressed the theory of Darwin and, moreover, I expressed as masterfully that so far this presentation remains the best popular testing of the exercise Darwin.

"From the very first steps of your mental activity," says K. A. Timiryazev, "I set myself two parallel tasks - to work for science and write for the people, that is, popular." From these words, it is clear that the popularization of science among the people, he put on a par with scientific activities. In his understanding, science is impossible without popularization. "He is hopeless to the state of science," he says, when she is among the boundless desert of the universal indifference. Only doing the whole society by a member of his interests, calling him to share with her joy and grief, science acquires an ally in him, reliable support for further development. " In popularization, he saw "one of the powerful instruments of the struggle against the harmful effects of the extreme division of labor, the wild among the blooming civilization." In addition, popularization, in his opinion, exercises the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocratization of science, which K. A. Timiryazev made from spring of his life - the epoch of the 60s. "Science is not entitled," he said, "to enter his sanctuary, burcking from the crowd, demanding that her utility believed to believe. Representatives of science, if they wish it to enjoy the support and sympathy of society, do not forget that they are servants This society, that they have to speak to him from time to time, as before the principal, to whom they are obliged to report. "

In accordance with such a high understanding of the popularization of K. A. Timiryazev, he gave her so many creative forces and talent that the made in this respect was completely not in comparison with the usual popularization and really stands on the same level with scientific activities.

Thanks to the artistic, figurative, alien all vulgarization, such popular books of it, as the "Life of Plants", "Charles Darwin and his doctrine", "Historical Method in Biology" and others, reprinted and read so far with an exciting interest. Even translated into English "Life of Plants", 30 years after his appearance, it turned out to be, in response to English critic, "for a whole head with shoulders in addition above its faces." The reason for such a long success lies not only in exceptional in terms of the quality of the presentation. K. A. Timiryazev in its popular articles acts as a thinker who critically analyzing the reported. Successful comparisons and original thoughts, passionate protection of what he considered correctly, and no less passionate destroying criticism of everything that was considered erroneous, give it to work exceptional interest. In particular, in their articles in defense of Darwin, he gave extremely much for the development, strengthening and critical coverage of the teachings on the selection, variability and heredity. As relevant, everything that has been written on these issues has been written, prove permanent references to K. A. Timiryazev in modern disputes on variability and heredity.

K. A. Timiryazev acts as one of the largest theorists and creative continuers of Darwin. In this regard, his book "The Historical Method in Biology" is one of the classical works in the field of life teaching, sharply, however, differing from other similar books a pronounced materialist-philosophical comprehension of biological sciences. All his creative mind and exceptional erudition, he devotes further development of the doctrine of the causes and patterns of the development of the organic world. First of all, it specifically reveals and methodologically justifies the unity of the living and non-living, and after that, the unity of the forces of movement and development in both kingdoms of nature is approved. Hence his passionate struggle with vitalism as a "reaction in science".

The brilliant achievement of theoretical biology is the interpretation of K. A. Timiryazev's basic concept in biology, concepts about the form. In this interpretation, he exputes the old metaphysical idea of \u200b\u200bthe form. "Views as a category, strictly defined, always yourself equal and unchanged, in nature does not exist: the opposite would mean, really, to repeat the old error of Scholasti" realists ". At the same time, K. A. Timiryazev believes, "what kinds - the moment we observe - have real existence, and this is a fact that explains", which K. A. Timiryazev finds in the Darwinian concept of the species.

As a logical consequence of the problem of the type K. A. Timiryazev, it is suitable for solving the main problems of the teachings on the self-development of the organic world - the problem of organic feasibility, as well as to analyze the forms and nature of the action of natural selection. In this matter, it relies not only for descriptive work, but also on the data of the first experimental work, confirming the creative role of selection (and in particular, on the exclusively valuable work of the Russian botany of Qiger), but is equal to these practices of agriculture. At the same time, he deeply solves the problem of the relationship between heredity and variability, the problem of divergence (discrepancies) of species and a number of other major issues of life science.

And everywhere he considers him a civil debt to deal with the reaction in the form of various anti-river - anti-scientific trends and flows. In this, he saw the "the urgent task of modern natural science" - so he called his collection of militant articles directed against obscurantism in science.

K. A. Timiryazev was not limited to protecting only the biological side of Darwin's teachings; He defended him as the basis of a modern materialistic worldview, eliminating the whole supernatural, which to Darwin, an explanation of the adaptability of living organisms to the environment was penetrated. So he acts in his articles against the vitalism as an idealistic, reactionary teaching, against the Vitalists in Russia (Korzhinsky, Borodin) and abroad (Drish, Rhineke, Bergson, Lodge, etc.).

K. A. Timiryazev was one of the largest historians of the science of life. His Peru owns a number of beautiful and outstanding works. These are "the main features of the history of biology development in the XIX century" (1908), "Awakening of natural science in the third quarter of a century" (1907), "Science. Essay of the development of natural science for the 3rd century (1620-1920)" (1920), "The most important successes of Botany At the beginning of the 20th century "(1920)," The development of natural science in Russia in the era of the 60s "(1908), not counting the large number of small articles-characteristics dedicated to a number of individual largest figures of science (Pastere, Bertlo, Tsussets, Lebedev, Bussengo , Burbank and many others).

K. A. Timiryazev was definitely negatively related to those scientists who neglect the knowledge of the history of their science. The "historical method" he, first of all, applied to the development of sciences, and primarily biological. He gave the causal periodization of the development of these sciences in a certain sequence. "The first one in turn was a relatively simple question - morphological, resolved out of connection with other disciplines of knowledge, using the characteristic for biology and has reached the most brilliant development of the comparative method in it. Later, the question was the physiological and even later - historical. Therefore, the widest, characteristic feature. The success of biology in the past century is, on the one hand, the subordination of its tasks to strict determinism of the experimental method borrowed from the science of the physical cycle and eliminated for forever the useless and harmful hypothesis of a highly human force, and on the other hand, the method of historical method is distributed to it, instead of idle telework , seeking explanations not in only one experimentally studied presentation of phenomena, but in all their long past. "

As a true Citizen Scientist, K. A. Timiryazev harmonically combined the unity of theory and practice in his work.

In the articles under the general title "Agriculture and Physiology of Plants", he showed an example of communication of theoretical science with practice. In them, he promoted certain agronomical measures, based on the thought that "agriculture became the fact that it is, only due to the agronomic chemistry and physiology of plants." In the article "The origin of nitrogen plants" he is hotly supported by the first steps of Moscow agronomists on the introduction of a clover in the crop rotation, promotes the use of mineral fertilizers, artificial irrigation and deep plowing in the fight against drought, etc.

In the nine-day years, he also performed on the issues of academic life, the biles of individual manifestations of careerism, violations of the dignity of science and the decline in its level. With the onset of the war of 1914, he began to fight the chauvinistic sentiments that entered the surrounding academic environment, and with the arrival of Soviet power gave all his brilliant journalistic talent for the criticism of the bourgeoisie, to strengthen the new power in which he saw the key to the implementation of his aspirations of the coming domination Science and democracy. The collection of these articles called "Science and Democracy" highly appreciated Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who in a letter on April 27, 1920 wrote: "Thank you very much for your book and good words. I was rightly delighted, reading your comments against the bourgeoisie and for Soviet power. "

Brilliant and fascinating in the form of popularization and publicistic articles K. A. Timiryazev still retained their relevance. This part of his heritage deserves special distribution, being an excellent weapon in the fight against the enemies of science, democracy and the world of peoples.

"Only science and democracy," he says, "according to the very essence of his hostility, for both science, and labor is equally needed in a relaxed atmosphere. Science, based on democracy, and strong science of democracy - this is what will bring peace with me nations. "

The main works of K. A. Timiryazev : Works (10 volumes), M., 1937-1940. Separate publications of the main popular works: Charles Darwin and his teaching, M., 1940; Life of Plants, M., 1940; Historical method in biology, M.-l., 1943; Agriculture and physiology of plants, M.-L., 1941; Science and Democracy, M., 1920, L., 1926).

About K. A. Timiryazev: Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev (Collection), ed. Mosk. Order of Lenin S.-H. Academy to them. K. A. Timiryazeva, M., 1940; The great scientist, wrestler and thinker (by the century of birth), ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M.-L., 1943; Vasetsky G. with, socio-political and philosophical views of K. A. Timiryazev; Korchagin A. I., K. A. Timiryazev. Life and creativity, M., 1943; Yugov A. K., K. A. Timiryazev. Life and activity, M., 1936; Safonov V., Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev, M., 1943; Novikov S. A., Biography K. A. Timiryazev, Collected works by Timiryazev, Vol. I, 1937; Novikov S. A., Timiryazev, M.-L., 1946; Zetlin L. C, Timiryazev, M.-L., 1945; Komarov V. L., Maksimov N. A., Kuznetsov B. G., Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev, M., 1945.

Moveradin Nikolai, Perov Mikhail.

Training information project: biology and history. Analysis of the life path of an outstanding Russian scientist - K.A. Timiryazeva. Demonstrates the strength of Russian science on the example of the genius of Timiryazev. The great popularizer of biology, thymryazev is interesting to schoolchildren and as the author of works on the physiology of plants (about photosynthesis), and as a patriot of the gummy.



Moscow Department of Education

Southeast District Office

State educational institution

Secondary school № 1987

109469, Moscow, ul. Belorechenskaya, d.36, korp.1. tel. 347-45-54

Scientific Society of Pupils "BIOM"

Information project

K. A. Timiryazev:

Great mind and great soul.

Moveradin Nikolay,

Perov Mikhail,

8 "a" gymnasium class.


Mukhina E.V.,

biology teacher.


Corpachev V.V.,

teacher of history.

Moscow, 2010

Introduction ................................................................................. .. ... .3

Main part ................................................................................................4

  1. Family in the life of K.A.Timiryazev ................................................ ... 4
  1. Choosing a life path .......................................................... .5
  1. Timiryazev - Great Scientist ............................................. .. .......8
  1. The light image of thymryazeva - in the memory of descendants ................... ......... 10

Analysis of the material ............................................................... .. .......... ..1.1

Conclusion ............................................................................... ... .13

List of sources of information ...................................................... ... 13

Photowext ..........................................................................................14


Spank, good, eternal,

Sota! Thank you will say heart

Russian people…

ON THE. Nekrasov.

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev - Great Russian Scientist, Botanist-Physiologist. On this, our knowledge of this person has been exhausted until recently. But in the last issue of the magazine "Biology for schoolchildren" (No. 1 for 2010), we found an interesting article by E.V.Avdeva "Earthly" Lighting "of natural science" about the life of the Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev. Remembering that in the 6th grade, studying the air of the plants, we met with the name of this scientist, we decided to get closer to the personality of Timiryazev, which many people speak so warmly and mentally.

therefore the purpose of our study was the study of the life and activities of the Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev. To implement the goal, we decided to do the following:

  1. Examine literature about K.A.Timiryazev.
  2. Visit memorable places related to the name of the scientist.
  3. Analyze the information received and answer the question: "Why

Timiryazev call a great mind and great soul? "

In addition to the above, working on the project, we must:

  1. Expand knowledge in biology, history, physics, and chemistry.
  2. Talk about an outstanding scientist to the general public.

We used popular science and reference books, as well as Internet sites, which is indicated in the project.

The paper uses such research methods as historical, comparison, analysis and synthesis of the material obtained.

Main part.

  1. Family in the life of K.A.Timiryazev.

Childhood, adolescence and youth. (1843-1860)

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev was born on June 3, 1843 in St. Petersburg, in the family of educated people, already then hostile to the royal-serfdom.(BSE, 1971.)

The origin of the Timiryazev surname is associated with the name of the Ordane Prince Ibrahim Temir-Gazi, who left the Horde in 1408 to serve to the Great Prince Vasily Dmitrievich. The descendants of Temir Gazi served in prominent military and civil positions in Russia.(Biology for schoolchildren, 2010.)

His father, Arkady Semenovich Timiryazev, took place from the old-Tatar race. Mother, Adelaide Clemetyevna, was a daughter emigrated to Russia English Baroness, a lot of effort gave rise to children (see Appendix, photo 1-2).(Praschevich, 2000.)

Timiryazev had five brothers and sisters. The family reigned the Republican Spirit, naturally, it could not not affect the formation of the nature and views of the young Timiryazev. Father was fired by the customs director for his republican views. Early the children had to earn money for the family. According to the scientist: "From the fifteen-year-old age, my left hand did not spend a single penny, which would not work right. Earnings of the means of existence always stood in the first place, and the science was a matter of passion, in the hours of leisure, free from classes. " (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

The family brought up such wonderful qualities in the Timiryazev customer as:independence, hard work, will and ability to make responsible decisions.

The graceful son of his parents, he perpetuates their memory and devotes to parents one of its latest books "Science and Democracy".

Clement Arkadyevich received a home education. Together with Brother Vasily, he prepared for admission to the university. The young man is perfectly owned by English and French.

Naturalistic interests manifested themselves from the Clement Arkadyevich under the influence of the older brother Dmitry. From him were obtained the first information on botany and chemistry.

So, it is clear that the "rod" of the personality of the Clement Arcadevich was formed by family education. The rest of the imprint imposed the epoch in which the scientist lived and worked. (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

Love for life. (End of the 1870s - 1920)

We do not know when and where the Clement Arkadyevich met his future wife, Alexander Alekseevna Gotald. Having met, young people loved each other. It was a happy and friendly family, in which no difficulties did not make a nervous discharge, did not destroy the feelings of respect and love.

In 1880, the son was born, which in honor of the grandfather called Arkady. Clement Arkadyevich sought to raise the Son not only a widely educated person, but primarily the patriot of his homeland. (See Appendix, Photo 3.) In the consequence, the son also became a scientist, but less famous than father.

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev and his wife lived together for more than forty years and were always supported to each other. Many years will pass, and a grateful husband will devote a book "The historical method in biology" to his faithful friend - his wife. (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

  1. Choosing a life path. (1860-1870)

Teachers and teachers.

At the university, loved teachers were: A.N. Beketov, D.I. Mendeleev, M.I. Sechenov, etc.

In Germany, he studied at the physics of Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, a chemist of Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, and Botany Wilhelm Horofmeister.

In France, Clement Arkadyevich was engaged in scientists: Chemist Minelene Bertlo, the famous physiologist Claude Bernard and Naturulist and Agrochemistry J.B. Bussengo.

Ch. Dudarvina can also be called Temiryazev teacher, since the entire life of the Clement Arkadyevich was Darwinian.(Landau-Publin, 1985.)

"Idea fathers" Timiryazev.

Young thymryakes began to perceive the revolutionary liberation ideas of the 60s, and a "sixtieth" called himself with pride and proudly. He read Articles N.A. Dobrolyubova, D.I. Pisareva, N.G. Chernyshevsky.(Website )

Timiryazev communicated with various people, among them were poets, writers, soldiers, scientists, students, political figures and revolutionaries. The future scientist was warmly loved by Herzen for the dedication to the people, patriotism, for the call for young people to give himself to science. The journal of Timiryazev worshiped the Journal of Herzen "Bell".

First steps in science.

Clement Timiryazev set a goal to study living nature. He decided to enroll on the natural department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. At that time, universities did not have biological faculties and young men who dreamed of biology, studied at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty, which united natural sciences.

"When choosing your scientific specialty - plant physiology, I was guided by a simple phrase:" Science is designed to make the work of the agriculture more productive. " K.A.Timiryazev.(Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

At the University of Timiryazev became strengthened to be interested in physics and chemistry. However, a heavy inventive position prevented him to make it difficult to engage in science. After graduating from the university in 1866, he brilliantly defended thesis for which he receivedgold medal and scientific degree of candidate of science.

D.I. Indeleev suggested K.A.Timiryazev to take part in research work in the first in Russia experienced fields. Timiryazev gladly agreed, and he was sent to the field to the Symbirian province.

On January 5, 1868, Timiryazev spoke at a meeting of the biological section of the first congress of doctors and biologists with a report on the topic: "Device for the use of air-powered leaves and the use of artificial lighting to research such a kind." (Landau-Publin, 1985.)


Then, at the end of 1869, K.A.Timiryazev came to Paris, operated by the spirit of the revolution. In Paris, he gets the opportunity to observe the work of agrochemistry J.B. Busstengo.(Praschevich, 2000.)

Meeting with Charles Darwin.

Another freshman student, Timiryazev met the work of Ch. D Darvina "The origin of species by natural selection". After reading this book, the familiarity with Darwin became a dream of a young man.

In the summer of 1877, when K.A.Timiryazev gathered from Paris to England, he ripened a plan to visit Ch. D Darvina. He succeeded, Timiryazev gave Darwin his book, and Darwin in response to the sign of sympathy presented him with his photo with a domestic signature (see Appendix, photo 4).

K.A.Timiryazev returned to Moscow with a new charge for the struggle for Darwinism and research chlorophyll - this, according to Darwin, "the most interesting of organic substances." (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

By the way, Timiryazev translated into Russian the "Origin of species".(Praschevich, 2000)

Professor of the Petrovsk Academy.

The Petrovsk Academy was one of the advanced educational institutions of the country. Clement Timiryazev worked in the Petrovsk Academy from 1870 to 1892, according to him, these were the happiest years of his life (see Appendix, photo 5). At the Academy of Timiryazev created his laboratory. Timiryazev won the love and respect of students with interesting and alive lectures. In 1892, for the support of students in the revolutionary movements, K.A.Timiryazev had to leave the post of Professor of the Academy.(Mosquitoes, http: // vivos voco).

Lectures at Moscow University.

Leaving the Petrovsk Academy, K.A.Timiryazev, all the forces gave to Moscow University, in which he began to work since 1872, and a few later was approved by the professor. And even working at Moscow University, he continued to defend revolutionary students, for which he began to receive recovery. He created the hardest conditions for work. In early 1893 he was deprived of the right premises for students with a microscope. He was appointed an audience of only 80 seats, and there were more than 150 people who wished. As a result, the head of Moscow University was expelled from K.A.Timiryazev from the state and transferred it to a worn professor. However, and then he continued to work fruitfully: to lecture, lead students, conduct research. Timiryazev never walked on compromises, he had to leave Moscow University with great peace of mind. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, he was restored at the university as a professor and continued to teach to deep old age.(Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

Political views of Timiryazev.

K.A. Timiryazev was and until the end of the life remained an adherent and a tary supporter of the revolution, since he believed that the intelligentsia and monarchy were not compatible, and only after the revolution, Russia would be able to become a really educated state. Also, Timiryazev was an enemy not only the monarchy, but also religion, in general, denying even the existence of God, explaining the origin of the world with the help of Darwin's theory. From an early youth, he drove friendship with revolutionary, and even during his trips, he gets acquainted with V.I. Lenin and I. Buildsky, with whom she continued to communicate his life. (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

3. Timiryazev - Great Scientist (1870-1920).

Discoveries in the field of plant physiology.

In 1869 The program work of Timiryazev "The value of rays of various refractibility in the process of decomposing carbon dioxide by plants" appeared. This work was the beginning of a new direction in science. And as always, it happens, caused a number of attacks by other scientists. K.A. Timiryazev - the first among scientists discovered chlorophyll in the plant, using its deep knowledge of biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy. As a result of his experiments, he proved that photosynthesis is caused by all the rays absorbed in chlorophyll. He also proved that through the flow of sunlight, the plant is intensified by the energy of the Sun. It gives a very interesting wording for the characteristics of his worldview.the relationship between the law of energy conservation, the concept of work and the problems of studying the function of chlorophyll: "I was the first botany who spoke about the law of conservation of energy and, accordingly, with this changed and the word" light "expression" radiant energy ". This replacement significantly changed the main point of view, and caused doubt about the fidelity of the facts themselves. He first expressed the idea that the process of decomposition of carbon dioxide should depend on the energy of the sun's rays, and not from brightness (see Appendix, photo 6). In his opinion, chlorophyll is an extremely perfect screen for the absorption of light, and the green color of the plant is not an accident, but developed in the process of evolution to the adaptation to the absorption of the most active rays of the spectrum. The results of studies of photosynthesis were presented in two dissertations: the master's "spectral analysis of chlorophyll" (1871) and the doctoral "On the absorption of light by the plant" (1875). K.A.Timiryazev opened the phenomenon of the light saturation of photosynthesis; Experimentally found that there are two maximum absorption of light by the plant, which lie in the region of red and blue spectrum rays.(Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

The concept of the "cosmic role of plants".

Works K.A. Timiryazev on carbon assimilation, created him world fame and put forward it at one of the first places among his time biologists. Timiryazev worked all his life over the resolution of one problem. But the importance of this problem is the problems of plants, or photosynthesis, is far from the physiology of plants, because This is connected with the existence of not only plants, but also the whole animal world. Moreover, in photosynthesis, the plant takes and assimilates not only the substance, namely the carbon dioxid, but also the energy of the sun's rays. It gave the rights to KA, Timiryazev speakon the space role of the plant as the sun energy transmitter to our planet. (Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

Historical method in Timiryazev studies.

Timiryazev negatively related to scientists who neglect the knowledge of the history of their science. The "historical method", he, first of all, applied to the development of sciences, and primarily biological. He gave the causal periodization of the development of these sciences in a certain sequence. The first one in turn appeared a relatively simple question - morphological, later the question was the physiological and even later historical. K.A.Timiryazev repeatedly stressed that modern forms of organisms - the result of a long-term adaptive evolution; In any form, there are now living organisms lying to print, on the one hand, adaptability to the conditions of habitat, on the other - the entire previous evolution. Based on this, he believed thatto correctly understand the laws of biology, a variety of manifestations of life and the possibility of managing them, a historical method is necessary, T e a consistent approach to the study of organisms. The scientific feat of Timiryazev was thathe perebed the bridge between the two largest scientific discoveries of the XIX century: Darwin's teachings and the law of energy conservation. It combined an experimental and physiological and historical and biological approach to the phenomena of life in his studies. (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

Popularization of natural science.

"A hopeless state of science, when it is among the boundless desert of the universal indifference ... Representatives of science - servants of society, they have to respond from time to time before him, as before the principal, to whom they are obliged to report," said Timiryazev. Therefore, he created his scientific works in different ways. Sometimes it was public lectures, which then turned into a book (this appeared "the life of plants", the most famous work of the scientist). Sometimes various scientific and popular articles were collected into one. So the book "Science and Democracy" was born.

The most complicated process of photosynthesis of thymryazev very clearly describes in the "Life of Plants":"Once, somewhere on the ground fell a ray of the sun, but he fell not on fruitless soil, he fell on the green epic of wheat sprout, or, it is better to say, on chlorophyll grain. Having hitting him, he woofed, stopped being light, but did not disappear. He only spent on the inner work. "(Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

Timiryazev was a member of the Royal Society London (1911), an honorary doctor of the University in Glasgow (1901), Cambridge (1909) (see Annex, Photo 7), Geneva (1909), Corresponding Member of the Edinburgh Botanical Society (1911), honorary member of many Russian universities and scientific societies.(BSE, 1971.)

Achievements in practical agriculture.

"When choosing your scientific specialty - plant physiology - wrote Timiryazev, - I was guided by its attitude towards agriculture to a certain extent, determining this attitude very simple: science is designed to make an agriculture work more productive." He first introduced in Russia experience with the culture of plants in artificial soils. In 1893, Timiryazev published the work of the "Fighting of Plants with Drought", where he gives an analysis of the devices that help the plant to carry out drought.

Timiryazev believed that the plant physiology should then be studied, then to draw the farming found for the benefit of agriculture. The relationship between the theory and practice in its field of knowledge it was determined as follows: "Find out the needs of the plant - here is the area of \u200b\u200bthe theory, profitably for ourselves to satisfy these needs - here's the main concern for practitioners." The close relationship of the physiology of plants with agrochemistry identified the Timiryazev direction: "To ask the opinion of the plant itself, putting direct experience: scientific - in the laboratory and practical - in the field." The greatness of Timiryazev - the practice consists precisely that he recognized the science belonging to it rightfully only under the condition that its achievements will receive the wider distribution and due assessment in the layers of the general public, the people. (Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

4. Light image K.A.Timiryazev - in the memory of descendants.

Timiryazev died of inflammation of the light on April 28, 1920. The latter, he read was a letter of Lenin, received in response to the book "Science and Democracy". The day to death, feeling her approach, the Clement Arkadyevich said his doctor: "I always tried to serve humanity ..." (Landau-Publin, 1985.)

The greatness of the Personality of Timiryazev speaks symbols and cultural and historical values, both in Russia and in other countries. So, in honor of Timiryazeva, the Lunar Crater, the motor ship "Academician Timiryazev", the streets of them. Timiryazev in many cities. In 1991, the Timiryazevskaya station was opened in the Serpukhovsky line of the Moscow metro.

The name Timiryazev was assigned to the oldest Moscow Agricultural Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the former Petrovskaya (see Appendix, photo 8).

Ran once every three years award award. K.A.Timiryazev for the best works on the physiology of plants and annually holds thymiryazev readings.

The Order of Academician Timiryazev is the only higher national award in Russia in the field of the agrarian and industrial sector of the country.

In Moscow, on Tver Boulevard, a monument to the scientific work of the sculptor S. Merkulov is towers. On a strict pedestal, the words are knocked out: "K.A.Timiryazev - a fighter and thinker" (see Appendix, photo 9).

Biological Museum. K.A.Timiryazev in Moscow (Small Georgian Street, d. 15) was organized in 1920 (see Appendix, photo 10). In the funds and halls of the museum, materials are stored, closely related to the activities of the scientist (see Appendix, photo 11).

At the address Romanov Pereulok, D.2 is a memorial Museum-Apartment Timiryazev, where the situation and the library of the time of the scientist is completely preserved.

Thus, in our country there are quite many places, symbolicly or directly resembling us about thymryazev. (Biology for schoolboy, 2010)

Analysis of the material.

Having become acquainted with the life and scientific activities of K.A.Timiryazev, we learned a lot of interesting things not only about this person, but also about the epoch in which he lived. All the information we divided into 4 sections, which, as we think, reflect different sides of the life of the scientist.

In the section "Family in Timiryazev's life" We united the family in which the scientist was born, and the family he created. We see their close relationship becausethe created family is a continuation of the parent. Timiryazev's relationship with his father continues in his relationship with her son. And the relationship with his wife, trembling and friendly, resemble the relationship of the father and mother of the scientist.

This seems great meaning. It is very important when a person has a reliable support, then he is confident in his actions and energetic.

In the second section - "Selection of a life path" - We attributed material about the definition of thymryazev as a scientist and politics. From the natural sciences, the Clement Arkadyevich chose biology, and specifically,plant physiology, and made it a matter of his life. This is akin to the fact thatonce he became on the side of the Democratic revolutionaries and until the end of the days was faithful to his political views.

He had many good teachers and mentors (D.I. Indeleev, A.K. Beketov, M.I. Schelenov), these are great scientists. Communication with them, of course, greatly affected the life of Timiryazev, like internship in Europe. What is just one meeting with Charles Darwin! And Communication with N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrojubov, N.I. Pisarev! It is difficult to stay indifferent, meeting with such outstanding personalities, the best people of science and literature of the time! And the Clement Arkadyevich was not indifferent, he always responded to the call for help, boldly expressed his opinion.

The spirit of people, so peculiar to the Russian intelligentsia, was very brightly manifested in the socio-political position of Timiryazev. He believed that the new government was able to solve the problems of Russia, to ensure the progressive development of the country. And the progress and the celebration of science were the gods of the Russian intelligentsia XIX - the beginning of the XX century.

It is difficult to say how the relationship of Timiryazev with the Soviet leadership would have been the relationship, live by the Clement Arkadyevich for some time. Still, freedom of scientific creativity is not the last thing for a scientist, and with the Bolshevik power it was strongly limited. In any case, the personal honesty and sincerity of Timiryazev is indisputable.

Third section - "Timiryazev - Great Scientist" Talks about the discoveries and works of the Clement Arkadyevich. His brilliant book "Life of plants" (1878) withstood dozens of publications in several languages. A scientist literally glorified chlorophyll, this is "the most interesting of organic substances" and came, while the conclusion about the space role of plants. In today's school textbook, the Botany is devoted to this topic a whole paragraph!

There are two more points in our study, which, as we think, characterize Timiryazev as a scientist outstanding and tireless.This is the popularization of science and use in the studies of the historical method. Timiryazev tried to make science accessible to the people, understandable, and therefore having great practical importance. His lectures were simple and interesting, there were not enough vacancies for listeners. Its methods were used in agriculture, as they were available.

In addition, Clement Arkadyevich was one of the largest historians of the science of life. His Peru owns a number of beautiful and outstanding works on the history of natural science, which he considered the main "scientific knowledge" of the Russian man.

The fourth section - "The light image of thymryazev - in the memory of descendants."Here is collected information about symbols and commemorative places related to scientists. Streets, Metro Station, Museum, Agricultural Academy, Ship and even Lunar Crater (!) Remind today about our great compatriot. The magnificent monument to the tener boulevard is towers, on the pedestrine of which the curves of the decomposition of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis are carved, which may not know numerous passersby. Thisthe monument survived the bombing and restoration and remained standing in his place, like a person about which our story.


Timiryazev - Great Mind and Great Soul! Now the depth of these words is clear. "Clement Arkadyevich himself, like hotly beloved plants, all her life sought to light, mixed the treasures of the mind and the highest truth, and he himself was a source of light for many generations, striving for light and knowledge and looking for heat and truth in harsh living conditions. " These words I.P. Pavlova we used in the form of an epilogue to our story. And as an illustration for them, being impressed by the recognized, created an informational poster on the formation of the personality of K.A.Timiryazev (see Appendix, Fig. 1).

The root is the organ of soil nutrition and anchor, firming plant in the soil. Parental family, in our opinion, the basis of life. The stem is the axial organ of the plant, orienting it in space. It moves the nutrients necessary for development. They fall into the stem from the leaves, the aircraft organs that are associated with the factors that influenced the formation of Timiryazev's personality. Flower - body attracting attention. This is a scientist person who has uncommon excellent qualities (petals). And the fruit is the result of life. It will be used descendants to continue the case of Timiryazev. For this it is worth living! ..

List of sources of information.

  1. Biology for schoolchildren. №1 for 2010 p.31-53.
  2. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. GL ed. A.M. Prokhorov. 3rd ed. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1971.
  3. Landau-Pulkina S.P. K.A.Timiryazev: KN. For students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 128С.
  4. Praschevich G.M. The most famous scientists of Russia. - M.: Veva, 2000, p.261-273.
  5. http: // vivosvoco (Komarov V.L. Life and creativity Timiryazeva).


Fig.1. Formation of personality


Russian scientist naturalist, one of the founders of the national school of plant physiologists, a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1890).

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev was born on May 22 (June 3) of 1843 in the family of the Chief of the Customs District of Arkady Semenovich Timiryazeva (1790-1867). Primary education The future scientist received at home.

In 1860, he entered the University of St. Petersburg at the County Faculty, then switched to physico-mathematical. In 1861, for participation in student unrest, K. A. Timiryazev was excluded from the university. He was allowed to continue learning as a freelancer only in a year. K. A. Timiryazev graduated from the University in 1866 with a degree of candidate and was awarded the Golden Medal for the composition "On Hepter Moss".

In 1868, K. A. Timiryazev was sent by the St. Petersburg University to prepare for professorship for 2 years abroad (Germany, France), where he worked in laboratories of large physicists, chemists, physiologists, nerds (Kirchhoff, Helmholtz , P. Bunsen, P. Bertlo, J. Boussengo, K. Bernard, V. Gofmeister). The greatest value for the scientist received the work of J. Boussengo, whom he considered his teacher.

In 1870-1892, K. A. Timiryazev taught in the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forest Academy (now the Russian State Agrarian University is the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A. Timiryazev). In 1871, defending the master's thesis "Spectral Analysis of Chlorophyll", was approved by the rank of extraordinary professor of the Academy. In 1875, after the protection of a doctoral dissertation "On the absorption of light by the plant", became an ordinary professor.

Since 1878, K. A. Timiryazev was a professor of Moscow University, in 1902 he was approved in the rank of honored ordinary professor. In 1911, K. and Timiryazev left the university in protest against the policy of the Minister of Folk Education L. A. Casso. After the October Revolution of 1917, K. A. Timiryazev was restored as a professor of Moscow University, but due to illness could not work at the department.

K. A. Timiryazev was one of the first major Russian scientists who welcomed the October Revolution of 1917. Despite the serious illness, a 75-year-old scientist participated in the work of the Narkomples of the RSFSR and the Socialist (later Communist) Academy of Social Sciences, whose member was elected in 1918. In 1920, K. A. Timiryazev was elected a deputy of Mossovet.

K. A. Timiryazev was a member of the Royal Society London (1911), an honorary doctor of universities in Glasgow (1901), Cambridge (1909) and Geneva (1909), a corresponding member of the Edinburgh Botanical Society (1911), an honorary member of many Russian universities and scientific societies.

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev - outstanding Russian naturalist, nerd, physiologist, darwinist, brilliant experimentator and Popularizer of Science, Lovely Pedagogue .

Timiryazev was born on June 3 (May 22) 1843 in St. Petersburg, in the noble family. In 1861 he entered the St. Petersburg University, who in a year he left the protest against the introduction of the Matriculus, subordinate to the students to the police regime. Further education has continued as a university's freelancer, which graduated in 1866 with a gold medal and a degree of candidate. In 1868, he was sent for two years abroad to prepare for the experimental development of the main problem of physiology - clarifying the processes of the decomposition of atmospheric carbon dioxide with green plants under the influence of solar energy. This task demanded an in-depth study of physics and chemistry. K.A. Timiryazev used a foreign business trip mainly to work in the largest physicists and chemists of that time - Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, Bunzen, Bertlo, as well as the physiologist Claude Bernard and Botany Gofmeister. But there was the greatest meaning for K.A. Timiryazeva Work in Paris in one of the founders of agronomic chemistry Z.B. Bushengo, whom he always called his teacher. At Bushengo K.A. Timiryazev finally strengthened in his conviction about the need for a close relationship between physiology and agronomic sciences, as well as agricultural practices. After returning from abroad in 1870, K.A. Timiryazev was invited as a teacher of Botany to the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy (currently the name of K.A. Timiryazev). In 1871, he was elected extraordinary, and in 1875 - an ordinary professor. In the Petrovskaya Academy, along with reading lectures for all sections Botany, K.A. Timiryazev led intensive research work, they organized a special physiological laboratory and built the first vegetative house for growing plants.

In 1872, K.A. Timiryazev was invited to Moscow University at the Department of Anatomy and Plant Physiology as a "third party teacher". In 1877, he received the title of staff professor of the Department and led it for more than 30 years - until 1911. The department of anatomy and physiology of plants began to develop intensively with the arrival of the Arkadyevich's Clement. At the department, one of the most significant periods in its existence began, largely predetermined the development of physiological education at Moscow University at the end of the XIX-early XX centuries. The first decade of the existence of the department to K.A.Timiryazev was characterized by the development of the direction, which in modern terms can be defined as "functional anatomy".

K.A. Timiryazev developed throughout his life and maintained two great achievements of the XIX century - the law of conservation of energy and Darwinism. He was a passionate propagandist of the evolutionary ideas of Darwin. His book "Charles Darwin and his doctrine" is unsurpassed by the skill of the presentation and depth of understanding the problems of evolution. In 1909, he acted as a representative of Moscow University at the celebration in Cambridge of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ch. Darvina.

Scientific interests KA Timiryazev were associated with various problems of plant physiology. It is known for its works in the field of photosynthesis, water regime, mineral nutrition, morphogenesis, etc. However, the main, fundamental direction of his work was the study of photosynthesis energy. K.A. Timiryazev introduced a lot of new fundamental ideas to the understanding of the photosynthesis mechanism. The first works were devoted to the study of the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis. Based on the results obtained, summarized in the master's thesis "Spectral analysis of chlorophyll" (1871) K.A. Timiryazev was one of the first to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200bphotosynthesis, as a reversible redox process, on the role of chlorophyll as an optical and chemical photosensitizer and expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of forming photographic forms of chlorophyll.

In acute discussion with German scientists (Yu.Sax, V. Pffer, J. Dreper) K.A. Timiryazev for the first time experimentally proved that the light is the source of energy and the greatest intensity of photosynthesis is located in the field of red (and not yellow) rays actively absorbed by green pigments. These results were the first evidence of the applicability of the law of conservation of energy R. Mayer and Gelmholtz to photosynthesis. They were published in the doctoral dissertation "On the assimilation of light by the plant" (1875). The main results of the works K.A. Timiryazeva and the development of its theoretical ideas about the role of green pigments in photosynthesis are summarized in its work "Sun, Life and Chlorophyll" (1903).

Perennial research of the energy of photosynthesis allowed K.A. Timiryazev for the first time to formulate a concept widely known in the world literature. Concept about the cosmic role of a green plant. He determined the role of a green plant on the planet as an energy converter and an intermediary between the Sun and all manifestations of life on Earth. Generalization of thirty-year works K.A. Timiryazev in the field of carbon assimilation by plants was its famous Krunian lecture "Space role of the plant", read in 1903 in the London Royal Society. Invitation to read this lecture was the manifestation of high evaluation of the works of K.A. Timiryazev in England, where he was awarded the title of Honorary Dr. Universities in Glasgow and Cambridge, and the Honorary Member of the London Royal Society. He was also elected Honorary Dr. Geneva University in Switzerland and an honorary member of a number of scientists. In the face of K.A. Timiryazeva Russian physiology of plants for the first time received recognition and respect in Russia and abroad. He was also an honorable member of many Russian universities, a corresponding member of the RAS (1890), the organizer and chairman of the Botanical Department under the society of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography (1884).

Ideas KA Timiryazev and the studies conducted by him for many years have determined the content of the scientific and academic work of the Department. It was a heyday at the department of many scientific research in the field of plant physiology, which largely contributed to the good equipment of the department with the necessary equipment. At the University K.A. Timiryazev read two mandatory courses - "Plant Physiology" and "Anatomy of Plants". The lectures of the professor, on the memoirs of his contemporaries, were struck by the harmony of logic, scientific evidence and depth of the philosophical reflection of the material.

Large social importance had educational activities K.A. Timiryazeva. He took the most active part in the society of distribution of technical knowledge, acquaintances of listeners with the structure, physiology and systematic position of flax, as the main spinning plant. In 1892, Timiryazev, in the Polytechnic Museum, read one of his brilliant lectures "Fighting Plants with Drought", which was a response to a terrible disaster, comprehended by Russia in 1891. He summarized the data on water regime and drought-resistant data at the time and pointed to those methods that the plant struggles with the existence of drought and gave recommendations that need to be used when planning agricultural activities. His cycle of lectures on the life of a green plant, read in the Polytechnic Museum, was of great importance for popularizing scientific advances in the physiology of plants and amounted to the basis of the book "Life of Plants" (1878). K.A. Timiryazev devoted brilliant lectures, then collected in the book "Agriculture and Plant Physiology" (1906), which was "leadership to action" for many generations of Russian agronomists who considered KA Timiryazeva his teacher. And although he himself was not an agronomist, nevertheless, his merits in front of Russian agronomic science were so significant that the assignment of his behalf of the leading Russian agronomic high school - the Moscow Agricultural Academy was quite natural and natural.

His lectures and numerous printed works made plant physiology by one of the most popular natural sciences in Russia and attracted numerous disciples to him. During this period, on the verge of two centuries, the department gave the country a brilliant glory of scientists who determined the face of the Russian physiology of plants and creating a high international authority. Enough to specify the names of V.I. Palladina, s.g. Navishashina, E.F. V. V.V. Sapozhnikova, D.N. Snidishnikova, A.N. Stroganova, A.R. Kizel, P.S. Cosovich, F.N. Krasachehennikov and others, which themselves became the leaders of numerous groups of researchers and the creators of independent directions in plant physiology, as well as in the adjacent sciences (S.G. Navashin - in Cytology, P.S. Kosovich - in the soil science) .

In 1911, the gross violation of the university autonomy by the reactionary Minister of Folk Education Casso led to a demonstrative resignation of more than 100 professors and teachers. Together with them left Moscow University and K.A. Timiryazev, who in 1902 refused to read the obligatory courses, retaining only the leadership of the department and reading as a private response of optional courses, in particular "physiology of the sheet", until 1911. It should be noted that this was the beginning of the specialization of students in the field of photosynthesis. In the future, special courses on other issues of plant physiology were gradually introduced into curricula.

Already on the slope of years, not being able to continue working in the University of Lab, K.A.Timiryazev did not stop his work on popularizing science. He organized in Demyanovka Klin district a laboratory and a small moving greenhouse, which served as demonstrative goals in each rural school, he developed a simplified installation for demonstration and assimilation of carbon dioxide. On April 27, 1920, after a long illness, the Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev left his life.

Scientific and pedagogical and social activities K.A. Timiryazev received a high assessment and wide recognition in Russia and determined the high international authority of Russian science.

Maintenancescientific works:

1. Works KA Timiryazev

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev. Works. 10 volumes. M .: "Agriculturaliz" .1937-1940

t.1-2. Sun, life and chlorophyll.

t.3. Agriculture and physiology of plants.

t.4. Plant life.

t.5. The urgent tasks of modern natural science.

t.6. The historical method in biology.

t.5. Charles Darwin and his teaching.

t.8. Articles on the history of science and biographical essays.

t.9. Science and democracy.

t.10. Articles of different years. Preface and translations.

2. Documents and letters.

Notebook KA Timiryazeva. Works. T.2. 359-373.

From correspondence K.A. Timiryazev with English scientists. Works of T.1 p. 449-470.

Letter KA Timiryazeva I.P. Pavlov. Essays T.5 p. 461-662.

Correspondence Maxim Gorky with K.A. Timiryazev Essays T.9 pp. 437-468.

Timiryazev is dedicated to the film "Deputy Baltic". For the best works on the physiology of plants, the scientist named after the physiology is awarded. In the museum of land, the Moscow State University has been installed bust.


Timiryazev Climent Arkadyevich

Russian naturalist

Scientist biologist

Clement Timiryazev was born June 3, 1843 in St. Petersburg. Initial education received at home. In 1866 he graduated with honors from the Natural Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. In the formation of the worldview of Timiryazev, the philosophical views of A. Herzen, N. Chernyshevsky, works by D. Mendeleev, I. Sechenov, and especially Ch. Darwin played a major role.

In the student years, Timiryazev published a number of articles on socio-political topics and in Darwinism, including: "Garibaldi in Caprecher", "Hunger in Lancashire", "The Book of Darwin, her critics and commentators." Then he wrote the first popular book with the statement of the teachings of Darwin "Charles Darwin and his teaching"; His book "Life of Plants" was reprinted more than 20 times and caused great interest in Russia, and abroad.

In 1868, to prepare for the professorship is sent abroad, where he worked in laboratories of large physicists, chemists, physiologists, botany. Returning to Russia, Timiryazev defended his master's thesis and took the position of Professor of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy in the city of Moscow, where he read lectures on all the departments of Botany. At the same time he taught at the Moscow State University at the Department of Anatomy and Plant Physiology, on women's "collective courses." He headed the Botanical Department of the Society of Natural Lovers in the University.

Clement Arkadyevich became one of the founders of the Russian School of Plant Physiology, having studied the process of photosynthesis, which developed special techniques and equipment. In the physiology of plants, along with agrochemistry, the scientist saw the basis of rational agriculture. Professor first introduced in Russia experiments with culture of plants in artificial soils; Arranged the first greenhouse for this purpose in the Petrovskaya Academy in the early 1870s.

In 1920, a collection of his articles "Science and Democracy" was published. The last 10 years of his life could have not already been taught due to illness, but continued to engage in literary and journalistic activities, participated in the work of the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment of Russia and the Socialist Academy of Public Sciences. He was elected to the deputy of the Moscow City Council.

Timiryazev was part of the London Royal Society. He was an honorary doctor of universities in the cities of Glasgow, Cambridge and Geneva; Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Edinburgh Botanical Society, also an honorary member of many foreign and domestic universities and scientific societies. The author of numerous articles, books, biographical essays.

Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev died on April 28, 1920 in the city of Moscow. Buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery.

In honor of the scientist named: the village in Lipetsk and Ulyanovsk regions; Lunar crater; motor ship "Academician Timiryazev"; Moscow Agricultural Academy, Institute of Physiology of Plants of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Biological Museum, Library in St. Petersburg, Vinnitsa Regional Universal Scientific Library in Ukraine, Central Station of Young Naturalists and the Moscow Metro Station.