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What does red color mean in human life. Master class "color in human life." Blue value

Kulikova A.

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Research project in psychology "The meaning of color in human life" Project author: Anna Kulikova, 7th grade student Head: Voronova E.E., pedagogical psychologist, MBOU "Gavrilovskaya sosh" d. Gavrilovka 2014

Introduction From our very birth until the very last day of our lives, we are accompanied by various colors. We see them every day and do not try to focus our attention on this constantly. We choose beautiful colored clothes, furniture, interior, and much more, just on the basis of understanding “like - not like”. We don’t even notice how colors affect our life, our behavior, mood, and character every day. Color is a mysterious phenomenon. Even in a dream and with our eyes closed, we do not stop seeing colors. Color is the source of many paradoxes of thinking. By the way, the main postulate of the council of doctors at the court of the ancient Chinese emperors is interesting. This one of the most ancient laws said: all shades of red are responsible for the physical health of the body, blue tones help to "tune" the mind, yellow gamma is responsible for the state of mind. I really want to analyze the choice and preference of colors for people of different ages. Therefore, I chose the theme "Color in human life." Throughout the study, we learn the relationship between color and the emotional state of a person, as well as the effect of a person's age on color choice.

Objective: to study the influence of color on the behavior and emotional state of a person, the influence of age-related characteristics on the preference of a particular color. Research objectives: To study the theoretical basis of the issue. To study the priority color in people of different ages. To study the relationship of a person’s emotional state and color preferences. To develop recommendations for the use of colors in clothing and interior design. Research methods: literature study, analysis of various sources, observation, questionnaires, synthesis, experiment. Object of study: color gamut. Research hypotheses: each age level has a preference for a particular color, color affects the behavior and emotional state of a person.

Color in human life. Color impact. It is rare that any of us thinks about what role color plays in life, but not only our perception of the world, but also our mood depends on it. Do you want to be in harmony with yourself and the world? Colors can have physical and mental effects. Indeed, our life is unthinkable without the richness and charm of color forms. Color is able to please and upset; it can affect our well-being and ability to work. Green revives the thought of the refreshing effects of nature. The blue color, perhaps, causes us the idea associated with touching cold water, breathing in the dark night. The effect of color is quite strong and spontaneous only if it is the result of intellectual interpretation. Parents infrequently penetrate the saturation of colors in the drawings of children, and therefore lose control over the emotional experiences of the child, which subsequently develop into neurosis, negativity, unwillingness to learn, and later live with someone. Detect and resolve the conflict in the soul of the child will help the most ordinary drawing. Most often, psychologists use it for correction. Moreover, this happens both in schools and in special institutions. Drawing, according to psychologist Oksana Litvinenko, also helps an adult. Therefore, draw more often, especially after nervous excitement. This is much more effective than sedative tranquilizers. And if you see in your works thick brushstrokes of dark colors, especially gray, black, dark brown, - destroy such drawings (burn), as if cutting off everything bad from your "I".

Characteristics of the color gamut The perception of colors and shades can be compared with the musician tuning his instrument. All shades are capable of evoking elusive responses and moods in a person’s soul, which is why he seeks the resonance of color wave vibrations with the internal echoes of his soul. There are 2 main groups into which colors are divided. These are the colors of the Warm gamut, and the colors of the Cold gamut. The warm range is: Red, yellow, orange, brown and all their shades, as you know. They create a feeling of coziness, comfort, relaxation, peace among those who look at them or wear them, cause a feeling of intimacy, emotional attraction. Cold tones, which include all shades of blue, blue, green, violet, gray, make us be more collected and more active. But at the same time, they can cause a feeling of distance, closedness, detachment among the people around you. Characterization of colors Since time immemorial, when a person gained the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around him, his attention was riveted to the magic of color.

Red People from antiquity have been particularly addicted to red. In many languages, the same word denotes red color and in general everything is beautiful, beautiful. For Polynesians, the word red is synonymous with the word beloved. In China, a “red heart” speaks of a sincere, frank person, while the heart of a wicked, insidious person is black. Red is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war, is associated with aggressiveness and carnal desires. Red is the main heraldic color. On the banners, it symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle, independence. Red encourages people to make quick decisions. The red color also fills with energy and courage, gives a feeling of strength, thanks to which it is possible to fulfill the intended. This is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before the presidential election. Red evokes strong emotions, including passion. But in the home decor, restrictions are imposed on red: use it only in those rooms in which you are going to work or spend time in conversations, in living rooms (if you use red for the dining room, be prepared for what guests will eat twice as much). Red is preferable for walk-through rooms where you do not need to spend much time - in the halls and corridors. In the nursery, it can lead to insomnia. Red captures attention and puts objects painted in it in the foreground. Red is the first color that you lose sight of at dusk; it is not distinguishable over long distances.

White White color symbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and celestial bodies, as well as with the producing force that is embodied in milk and an egg. The whiteness is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe generally accepted, legal, true. In the Christian tradition, white denotes kinship with the divine light. In white, angels, saints and the righteous are depicted. White color is associated with purity, innocence, virtue and fidelity. No wonder he is popular at weddings. Before the advent of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was understood that a man in white clothing has a high social position - he does not have to do dirty manual labor. White color symbolizes truth and justice. From childhood we know that the “knight in white” will always come to the rescue. White is the color of innocence and purity. Among Slavic peoples, white color symbolizes sincerity, purity of soul and thoughts. People who are attracted to white are constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence.

Black Black color symbolizes unhappiness, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is a genuine emblem of everything hidden, secret and unknown. For many nations, blackness is associated with night, and night with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is most at risk. If a black tie is indicated at the invitations to the reception, this emphasizes the importance of the event and the information is transmitted that the costume should be strict, since the meeting will be official. Black color is authoritarian and in large doses can give the impression of aggressiveness. Black is considered conservative and respectable. It seems to people that black figures weigh more than the same white figures.

Yellow Psychologists say that yellow is the happiest color in the spectrum; it inspires optimism and joy. Association with the sun gives yellow a special aura, denotes wisdom, intelligence, imagination, a tendency to spontaneity. Yellow color is instantly recorded by the brain, stimulating its work and nervous system. A high degree of yellow visibility promotes quick, clear thinking. Yellow “enlivens” other colors, turning hot colors into dazzling and bringing cool colors back to life. That is why this color is a favorite in the home interior, filling any room with warmth and light. The most common use of yellow is in the kitchen and in the dining room - it helps to increase appetite. In small doses, yellow color creates a happy atmosphere for friendly conversations, however, prolonged proximity to bright lemon color can cause brain excitement and anxiety. Yellow is the happiest color, it represents warmth, optimism and joy. Yellow actively protrudes into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; It is preferred for road signs and various kinds of packaging. Yellow color stimulates clear thinking. Yellow activates other colors, making the hot colors shine and revitalizing cool colors. The abundance of yellow can tire. His muffled tones favor communication, and golden ones are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bwealth. Yellow, as a symbol of the sun, relieves stress and gives hope. A stream of yellow light symbolizes warmth and comfort and strengthens nerves.

Blue Blue is the color of the sky and the sea. It combines some kind of contradiction of excitement and peace, causes a feeling of cold and reminds of a shadow. The blue surface seems to be moving away from the person, captivating the eye in depth. For many nations, the blue color symbolized the sky and eternity. In Christian culture, he is associated with incomprehensible secrets, with eternal divine truth. For romantics, the blue color of dreams and longing for an unearthly ideal. Blue can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, disposition, and in the language of heraldry denotes chastity, honesty, good glory and fidelity. "Blue Blood" speaks of a noble birth. If blue is your favorite color, then you are from a good company. Blue is the most favorite of all colors. Indeed, if you look closely at the blue color, then this leads to a decrease in the pulse rate and respiration and for some time lowers blood pressure. Before the invention of refrigerators, when food was stored in kitchens and pantries, these rooms were painted in cobalt color to repel insects, which, as noted, avoid blue. Blue color in the kitchens is popular in our time. During an election campaign, politicians often wear blue costumes in order to inspire confidence. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can wear at a party or social event, in which case you will get all the latest gossip, because you will be more frank with you than with others. Dark blue tones correlate with high social status, stability and dignity ..

Green Green is the color of grass and leaves. Many nations symbolized youth, hope and fun, although at times immaturity and insufficient perfection. Green is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also make a depressing impression (it is not by chance that melancholy is called "green", but the person himself turns green from anger). This color is associated with ideas about life and growth, is considered relaxing, has healing properties, the ability to soothe and refresh. The more muted the green color, the higher its calming properties. This is one of the reasons why the walls of hospitals are painted in the colors of sea foam. Saturated green is the color of mature trees, tall and steady. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! The olive color is associated with power, it is used by the military, while the color of green grass evokes an idea of \u200b\u200bnew life and growth, symbolizes fertility. Shades of green can be harmoniously used in home decor. Bright green will bring to the house a sense of the pulse of natural, natural, life and will "open" the interior to the park surrounding the house. The green colors are refreshing, which makes them indispensable in the kitchens. The pale green color gives the feeling of a pleasant clear feeling; it is ideal in the nooks of the house - in the bathrooms and bedrooms. The green color combines humility, sophistication and a sense of antiseptic purity, so it is used in the decoration of resorts. Shades of green give a feeling of purity and freshness, they are especially popular on boxes for cosmetics. In general, goods in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly. Pale green is a calming and relaxing color. It helps to improve vision. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. Throughout the world, green is a symbol of security. Therefore, it is adopted to indicate the beginning of traffic at traffic lights. People who prefer green, reliable and generous. Green is the color of hope, naturalness and freshness. Green color calms, and its abundance can cause depression, "melancholy green." Green lovers are modest, restrained, patient and not inclined to a violent manifestation of their feelings.

Experimental work Stages of research 1. At the beginning of my research work, I found and studied material on the meaning of colors, their characteristics and the effect of color on the emotional state and behavior of people. 2. Then I decided to test my hypothesis that each age level has a preference for a certain color. For this, a questionnaire was conducted among primary school students, younger adolescents, students in older teens and youth, and school teachers. The study involved: - students of primary school age (7-10 years) - 15 hours - younger adolescents (11-14 years) - 15 hours - older teens and youths (15-18 years) - 15 hours - adults from 30 to 45 years - 15 hours

Primary students prefer red and blue-blue colors. Red expresses vitality, activity, means all kinds of inclinations and aspirations to get results and achieve success, impulsiveness, the will to win. Blue means complete tranquility, contentment, peace. He personifies the bonds by which a person connects himself with others; association, a sense of community. Red - blue - harmony and activity in cooperation, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the good of creation.

Middle school students prefer blue and black. Blue means complete tranquility, contentment, peace. He personifies the bonds by which a person connects himself with others; association, a sense of community. Black always hides in himself everything that carries; he is "mysterious." He is associated with curiosity, he attracts to himself, scares. Black color always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white is in it.

High school students prefer red and black colors. Red color represents power; he always achieves what he wants. He is always in motion, always a source of energy. It symbolizes passion, excites passion, i.e. passionately loves, passionately hates and passionately believes. He is characterized by maximum feelings. Black always hides in himself everything that carries; he is "mysterious." He is associated with curiosity, he attracts to himself, scares. Black color always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white is in it. Red-black - dramatization, impulsive excessive desires.

Teachers of the Gavrilov school prefer blue (and shades of blue) and red (and shades of red). People who prefer the blue color, try to put everything in order, systematize. They always have their own point of view; devoted to what they are doing. The blue color is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, severity. Red expresses vitality, activity, means all kinds of inclinations and aspirations to get results and achieve success, impulsiveness, the will to win. Conclusion: my hypothesis that each age level has a preference for a certain color turned out to be true and the color characteristic confirms this.

Conclusions: 1. A study of the relevant literature showed that each color has its own symbolism and its own psychological characteristics. Green is the color of hope, naturalness and freshness. Green color calms, and its abundance can cause depression, "melancholy green." White is the color of innocence and purity. People who are attracted to white are constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence. Black is the color of mystery, sadness, evil and death. Dressing in black is preferred by creative individuals, philosophers of life. Yellow color excites and creates a good mood. People who are attracted to yellow are open to everything new. They have good analytical skills and a sharp mind. Blue calms, cools, relaxes and pacifies. The love of blue speaks of conscience and honesty. Red is the color of life, joy, strength and health. People who prefer red are impulsive, energetic - these are true lovers of discussion and debate. 2. Depending on age, each person prefers a certain color: Primary school students - red, blue, which indicates the activity of this age and the desire to achieve success. Younger teens - blue and black, means a sense of community and contradiction, the desire to know everything unknown. Older adolescents and youths are red and black, which indicates the dramatic and impulsive nature of this age. Adult people (teachers) are blue and red, which indicates the presence of their point of view on everything that surrounds them, conscientiousness and rigor, impulsiveness and activity.

Thanks for attention!


MBOU "Gavrilovskaya Sosh"

Research project

In psychology

"The meaning of color in human life"

Kulikova Anna,

7th grade student


Voronova E.E.,



2014 year

Introduction: relevance of the issue, project topic, purpose and objectives of the work ..3

  1. Color in human life……………………………………………...5
  1. Color effect .... ……………………………………… .5
  2. The color scheme ………………………………………………… ... 6
  3. Description of the primary colors ...........................

Red ……………………………………………………… ..7

White .............................................. 9

Black ……………………………………………………… .10

Yellow ……………………………………………………… .12

Blue …………………………………………………………… 12

Green …………………………………………………………… 14

  1. Experimental work………………………………………15
  1. Stages of the study …………………………………………… .15
  2. The results of the study …………………………………… .16
  1. Conclusion (conclusions)…….…………………………………….…18

Literature ……………………………………………………………..21

application …………………………………………………………..........22


From our very birth until the very last day of our lives, we are accompanied by various colors. We see them every day and do not try to focus our attention on this constantly. We choose beautiful colored clothes, furniture, interior, and much more, just on the basis of understanding “like - not like”. We don’t even notice how day-to-day colors affect our lives,our behavior , mood, character.

Color is a mysterious phenomenon. Even in a dream and with our eyes closed, we do not stop seeing colors. Color is the source of many paradoxes of thinking.
Believe it or not, the color of your clothes can help you get a promotion, convince in a dispute, call your friends for a frank conversation, improve your well-being, emotional state. The colors of clothes can give us confidence, strength, or vice versa, create a feeling of awkwardness. This applies not only to the field of clothing, but also to the decoration of your home, advertising. The colors in the house encourage or discourage family conversation and can even cause insomnia.

Since color affects people's behavior, does it make sense to figure out how and why certain reactions to color arise?

It just so happened that a person sees the world in colors. Color is present in almost everything, therefore it is true that it affects a person in the same way as everything else. Many do not notice that color is a real miracle - a great gift sent to us from above. And only a few can comprehend all its diversity and power.

By the way, the main postulate of the council of doctors at the court of the ancient Chinese emperors is interesting. This one of the most ancient laws said: all shades of red are responsible for the physical health of the body, blue tones help to "tune" the mind, yellow gamma is responsible for the state of mind. I really want to analyze the choice and preference of colors for people of different ages.

That's why I chosetopic "Color in human life."

Throughout the study, we learn the relationship between color and the emotional state of a person, as well as the influence of a person’s age on the choice of color.

Purpose of work:   to study the influence of color on the behavior and emotional state of a person, the influence of age-related characteristics on the preference of a particular color.

Research Objectives:

  1. To study the theoretical basis of the issue.
  2. To study the priority color in people of different ages.
  3. To study the relationship of a person’s emotional state and color preferences.
  4. To develop recommendations for the use of colors in clothing and interior design.

Research Methods:study of literature, analysis of various sources, observation, questionnaires, synthesis, experiment.

Object of study:color spectrum.

Research hypotheses:each age level has a preference for a particular color, color affects the behavior and emotional state of a person.

  1. Color in human life
  1. Color effect

It is rare that any of us thinks about what role color plays in life, and yet not only the perception of the world around us, but also our mood depends on it. Do you want to be in harmony with yourself and the world?

“All living things strive for color,” the great Johann Wolfgang Goethe once said. Goethe developed the concept of color: all dark colors are calming, light colors are exciting. Blue comes first out of darkness, yellow out of light. These are the main colors, the rest come from them. Colors can have physical and mental effects. Indeed, our life is unthinkable without the richness and charm of color forms. Color is able to please and upset; it can affect our well-being and ability to work. Representatives of various sciences have long noticed the power of the effect of color on humans: many philosophers and physicists, physiologists and doctors, psychologists again and again addressed the problem of color, tried to solve it - each in its own way, more often to the touch, intuitively. At the cradle of color science were the greatest minds of mankind - Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Goethe, later - I.P. Pavlov, S.N. Vavilov and many others.

It is believed that the expressiveness of color is based on associations. Red color excites because it reminds us of the phenomena associated with fire, with blood. Green revives the thought of the refreshing effects of nature. The blue color, perhaps, causes us the idea associated with touching cold water, breathing in the dark night.

However, as the well-known American art psychologist Rudolf Arichheim quite rightly claims, the associative theory in the study of color gives as little as in other areas of knowledge. The effect of color is quite strong and spontaneous only if it is the result of intellectual interpretation.

Max Luscher, the world famous Swiss psychotherapist, was the first to create color diagnostics in the 20th century. Intuitively preferring or rejecting certain colors, a person appears as he really is. It can be said that the color choice cannot lie.

Parents infrequently penetrate the saturation of colors in the drawings of children, and therefore lose control over the emotional experiences of the child, which subsequently develop into neurosis, negativity, unwillingness to learn, and subsequently live with someone. Detect and resolve the conflict in the soul of the child will help the most ordinary drawing. Most often, psychologists use it for correction. Moreover, this happens both in schools and in special institutions.
Drawing, according to psychologist Oksana Litvinenko, also helps an adult. Therefore, draw more often, especially after nervous excitement. This is much more effective than sedative tranquilizers. And if you see in your works thick brushstrokes of dark colors, especially gray, black, dark brown, - destroy such drawings (burn), as if cutting off everything bad from your "I".

  1. Color gamut

The perception of colors and shades can be compared to a musician tuning his instrument. All shades are capable of evoking elusive responses and moods in a person’s soul, which is why he seeks the resonance of color wave vibrations with the internal echoes of his soul.

There are 2 main groups into which colors are divided. These are the colors of the Warm gamut, and the colors of the Cold gamut. Let's take a closer look at their impact on us.

The warm range is: Red, yellow, orange, brown and all their shades, as you know. They create a feeling of coziness, comfort, relaxation, peace among those who look at them or wear them, cause a feeling of intimacy, emotional attraction.

Cold tones, which include all shades of blue, blue, green, violet, gray, make us be more collected and more active. But at the same time, they can cause a feeling of distance, closedness, detachment among the people around you.

  1. Color characteristic

Since time immemorial, when a person gained the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around him, his attention was attracted to himself by the magic of color.

Red. People from ancient times showed a special addiction to red. In many languages, the same word denotes red color and in general everything is beautiful, beautiful. For Polynesians, the word red is synonymous with the word beloved. In China, a “red heart” speaks of a sincere, frank person, while the heart of a wicked, insidious person is black. Red is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic meanings are very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes joy, beauty, love and fullness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war, is associated with aggressiveness and carnal desires. Red is the main heraldic color. On the banners, it symbolizes rebellion, revolution, struggle, independence. Interestingly, in many tribes of Africa, America and Australia, soldiers, preparing for the battle, painted their body and face in red. Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothes during the war. Red color was also attributed to healing properties, the ability to withstand evil eye and witchcraft, red threads, fabrics, corals, flowers and plants help from evil spirits and evil eyes. The Chinese tied something red to children to the hands, accustoming them to look at this color as the best safeguard against evil spirits. In many countries, women tie their hands with red thread so that they do not hurt, and no one jinxed. Red also means power, greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The emperor signed in purple ink, sat on the purple throne. For many nations, the red color symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

Red indicates danger, excitement, passion, strength, aggression, and success. This is not only an emotional, but also a physiological reaction. Red color causes shock; it completely captures attention and requires effort to perceive. Focusing on red leads to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Ever wondered why many fast-food restaurants are painted red? This color activates the salivary glands, which leads to a feeling of hunger and tires our eyes, forcing us to eat more and then leave the room faster. Due to its powerful effect on your nervous system, red can make you restless and tireless. The owners of the casino noticed that when red, people make more bets and play riskier, and therefore it is used in sectors where they play big. Red encourages people to make quick decisions. The red color also fills with energy and courage, gives a feeling of strength, thanks to which it is possible to fulfill the intended. This is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before the presidential election. Red evokes strong emotions, including passion. But in the home decor, restrictions are imposed on red: use it only in those rooms in which you are going to work or spend time in conversations, in living rooms (if you use red for the dining room, be prepared for what guests will eat twice as much). Red is preferable for walk-through rooms where you do not need to spend much time - in the halls and corridors. In the nursery, it can lead to insomnia. Red captures attention and puts objects painted in it in the foreground. Red is the first color that you lose sight of at dusk; it is not distinguishable over long distances.

White color symbolizes purity, spotlessness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and celestial bodies, as well as with the producing force that is embodied in milk and an egg. The whiteness is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe generally accepted, legal, true. In the Christian tradition, white denotes kinship with the divine light. In white, angels, saints and the righteous are depicted. Byzantine writers spoke of the whiteness of truth. For some peoples, white clothing was worn by kings and priests, which symbolized solemnity and grandeur. In Lithuanian, “white people” are honest people, in Hungarian “white people” are women. In Russia, "white" meant free, noble, righteous: "white Russia", "white king", "white peasants" free from all taxes, "white land" - church land, "white light". This light opposes the underworld, like the white day of a black night. However, white color can get the opposite value. The Slavs dressed their dead in white clothes and covered them with a white shroud. In some tribes of Africa and Australia, it is customary to paint the body with white paint after the death of someone close. In China and some other countries in Asia and Africa, white is the color of mourning. In the old days, white mourning was also used by the Slavs. The ancient Greeks always wore white linen at night to see good dreams. In India, China and Japan, the white color symbolizes death, because it is identified with angels and heavens. In white clothes, ghosts and ghosts appeared to people. "White man" was called in the Bryansk region brownie.

White color is associated with purity, innocence, virtue and fidelity. No wonder he is popular at weddings. Before the advent of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was understood that a man in white clothing has a high social position - he does not have to do dirty manual labor. White color symbolizes truth and justice. From childhood we know that the “knight in white” will always come to the rescue. In the good old westerns, good guys always wore white hats, and bad guys always wore black hats. Medical devices most often have a white color, so, apparently, the sterility and cleanliness inherent in health care institutions is emphasized. White staff robes, white bandages and cotton wool come to mind. Although white refers to neutral colors, it is considered cold, as it is associated with snow and ice. White is often used to express sterility and safety. In international law, a white flag is considered a call for a truce. White is used on packages of dairy products and refined products.

White is the color of innocence and purity.

Among Slavic peoples, white color symbolizes sincerity, purity of soul and thoughts.

People who are attracted to white,

The black   color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is a genuine emblem of everything hidden, secret and unknown. For many nations, blackness is associated with night, and night with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is most at risk.

In ancient Mexico, during the ritual sacrifice of man, the faces and hands of priests were painted black. Black eyes are still considered dangerous, envious. In black dressed ominous characters whose appearance portends death. According to the assumption of the English ethnologist V. Turner, the black color, often denoting death, fainting, sleep, or darkness, is associated with an unconscious state, with the experience of dullness, darkening of consciousness. For Arabs, the expression "black eyes" means beloved, "blackness of the heart" - love. Thus, black can also have a favorable meaning. It is perceived as, for example, in the arid regions of Africa, where there is little water and black clouds promise fertility and abundance. Black bulls, goats or birds are sacrificed to guardian spirits sending rain, while the priests are also dressed in black. Black is the most authoritarian and overwhelming color of the spectrum. It is associated with death and darkness, creates a disturbing feeling of suspense. People fear that the world may disappear in a black hole, and if a black cat crosses the road, then wait for trouble. The impression generated in black is endowed with great power. Guards, bodyguards prefer a black uniform. Dear limos are usually black, this is intended to suggest that those in the car are important people. A recent statistical analysis of American football games has revealed an interesting pattern: referees are more likely to punish a team in black uniforms, as its players appear to be more aggressive to referees. If a black tie is indicated at the invitations to the reception, this emphasizes the importance of the event and the information is transmitted that the costume should be strict, since the meeting will be official. Black color is authoritarian and in large doses can give the impression of aggressiveness. Black is considered conservative and respectable. It seems to people that black figures weigh more than the same white figures.

Yellow. Psychologists say that yellow is the happiest color in the spectrum, it inspires optimism and joy. Association with the sun gives yellow a special aura, denotes wisdom, intelligence, imagination, a tendency to spontaneity. Yellow color is instantly recorded by the brain, stimulating its work and nervous system. A high degree of yellow visibility promotes quick, clear thinking. Yellow “enlivens” other colors, turning hot colors into dazzling and bringing cool colors back to life. That is why this color is a favorite in the home interior, filling any room with warmth and light. The most common use of yellow is in the kitchen and in the dining room - it helps to increase appetite. In small doses, yellow color creates a happy atmosphere for friendly conversations, however, prolonged proximity to bright lemon color can cause brain excitement and anxiety. Yellow is the happiest color, it represents warmth, optimism and joy. Yellow actively protrudes into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; It is preferred for road signs and various kinds of packaging. Yellow color stimulates clear thinking. Yellow activates other colors, making the hot colors shine and revitalizing cool colors. The abundance of yellow can tire. His muffled tones favor communication, and golden ones are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bwealth.

Yellow, as a symbol of the sun, relieves stress and gives hope. A stream of yellow light symbolizes warmth and comfort and strengthens nerves.

Blue   Is the color of the sky and the sea. It combines some kind of contradiction of excitement and peace, causes a feeling of cold and reminds of a shadow. The blue surface seems to be moving away from the person, captivating the eye in depth. For many nations, the blue color symbolized the sky and eternity. In Christian culture, he is associated with incomprehensible secrets, with eternal divine truth. For romantics, the blue color of dreams and longing for an unearthly ideal. Blue can also symbolize kindness, fidelity, constancy, disposition, and in the language of heraldry denotes chastity, honesty, good glory and fidelity. "Blue Blood" speaks of a noble birth. It was considered mourning in ancient Egypt and among some peoples of America, the French call horror "blue fear" (recall the tale of the "Blue Beard"). Among the Slavic peoples, blue served as a symbol of sadness, grief, was associated with the demonic world.

If blue is your favorite color, then you are from a good company. Blue is the most favorite of all colors. Indeed, if you look closely at the blue color, then this leads to a decrease in the pulse rate and respiration and for some time lowers blood pressure. Before the invention of refrigerators, when food was stored in kitchens and pantries, these rooms were painted in cobalt color to repel insects that are seen to avoid blue. Blue color in the kitchens is popular in our time. During an election campaign, politicians often wear blue costumes in order to inspire confidence. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can wear at a party or social event, in which case you will get all the latest gossip, because you will be more frank with others than with others. Dark blue tones correlate with high social status, stability and dignity. In the home decor, dark blue tones will give the room space a regal look and create a serious atmosphere, while lighter and brighter blue volumes will give it charm. It is noted that blue color is associated with a sweet taste, which is why it is often used on packages of sugar and other sweets. People work more productively in blue rooms, and studies have confirmed that weightlifters lift more weights when they do exercises in gyms that are painted in blue. Almost all of our associations with blue have a positive character, which confirms its encouraging and pacifying character. Blue can move space apart, and it seems that time in its presence flows more slowly.

Green.   Green is the color of grass and leaves. Many nations symbolized youth, hope and fun, although at times immaturity and insufficient perfection. Green is extremely material and has a calming effect, but it can also make a depressing impression (it is not by chance that melancholy is called "green", but the person himself turns green from anger).

This color is associated with ideas about life and growth, is considered relaxing, has healing properties, the ability to soothe and refresh. The more muted the green color, the higher its calming properties. This is one of the reasons why the walls of hospitals are painted in the colors of sea foam. Saturated green is the color of mature trees, tall and steady. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! The olive color is associated with power, it is used by the military, while the color of green grass evokes an idea of \u200b\u200bnew life and growth, symbolizes fertility. Shades of green can be harmoniously used in home decor. Bright green will bring to the house a sense of the pulse of natural, natural, life and will "open" the interior to the park surrounding the house. The green colors are refreshing, which makes them indispensable in the kitchens. The pale green color gives the feeling of a pleasant clear feeling; it is ideal in the nooks of the house - in the bathrooms and bedrooms. The green color combines humility, sophistication and a sense of antiseptic purity, so it is used in the decoration of resorts. Shades of green give a feeling of purity and freshness, they are especially popular on boxes for cosmetics. In general, goods in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly. Pale green is a calming and relaxing color. It helps to improve vision. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. Throughout the world, green is a symbol of security. Therefore, it is adopted to indicate the beginning of traffic at traffic lights. People who prefer green, reliable and generous.

Green is the color of hope, naturalness and freshness.

Green color calms, and its abundance can cause depression, "melancholy green."

Green lovers are modest, restrained, patient and not inclined to a violent manifestation of their feelings.

  1. Experimental work
  1. Research stages

2.1.1. At the beginning of my research work, I found and studied material about the meaning of colors, their characteristics and the effect of color on the emotional state and behavior of people.

2.1.2. I decided to test my hypothesis that each age level has a preference for a particular color. For this, a questionnaire was conducted among primary school students, younger adolescents, students in older teens and youth, and school teachers.

The study involved:

Students of primary school age (7-10 years) - 15 hours.

Younger adolescents (11-14 years) - 15 hours.

Older adolescents and youths (15-18 years) - 15 hours.

Adults from 30 to 45 years - 15 hours

  1. Research results

1. A study of the relevant literature showed that each color has its own symbolism and its own psychological characteristics.Green   - the color of hope, naturalness and freshness. It calms, and its abundance can cause depression, "melancholy green."White - the color of innocence and purity. People who are attracted to white are constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence.Black - Yellow   It excites and creates a good mood. People who are attracted to yellow are open to everything new. They have good analytical skills and a sharp mind.Blue   calms, cools, relaxes and pacifies. The love of blue speaks of conscience and honesty.Red   - the color of life, joy, strength and health. People who prefer red are impulsive, energetic - these are true lovers of discussion and debate.0

Primary students prefer red and blue-blue colors.

Red Blue Red Blue   - harmony and activity in cooperation, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the good of creation.

Middle school students prefer blue and black colors.

Blue   means complete calm, contentment, peace. He personifies the bonds by which a person connects himself with others; association, a sense of community.Black black

High school students prefer red and black colors.

Red   color represents power; he always achieves what he wants. He is always in motion, always a source of energy. It symbolizes passion, excites passion, i.e. passionately loves, passionately hates and passionately believes. He is characterized by maximum feelings.The black   always hides in itself everything that carries; he is "mysterious." He is associated with curiosity, he attracts to himself, scares.The black   color always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white is in it.Red Black - dramatization, impulsive excessive desires.

Teachers of the Gavrilov school prefer blue (and shades of blue) and red (and shades of red).

People who preferblue color , try to put everything in order, systematize. They always have their own point of view; devoted to what they are doing.Blue color is constancy, tenacity, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, severity.Red   expresses vitality, activity, means all kinds of inclinations and aspirations to get results and achieve success, impulsiveness, the will to win.

Conclusion: my hypothesis that each age level has a preference for a certain color turned out to be true and the color characteristic confirms this.

  1. Conclusion

As you know, colors have a psychological effect. The psychology of color is concrete and acts regardless of fashion on all people equally. Therefore, when creating your image in the photo, your personal image or interior, try to make the color match the mood that is needed when creating the image. Currently, scientists are making active attempts to use the influence of color on the psychophysiology of a person for commercial and domestic purposes. At the same time, as already noted, each person perceives color in his own way. Therefore, decorators and designers, designing the interior of the premises, should always take into account the socio-demographic features - gender, age, profession, etc. However, there are some general characteristics of the effects of flowers on humans. The predominance of any color (or combination of colors) in the design of the room creates a certain emotional and business environment. It is known that the color scheme of the interior affects the human subconscious. And not only on performance, but also on the results of work.


1.   A study of the relevant literature showed that each color has its own symbolism and its own psychological characteristics.Green   - the color of hope, naturalness and freshness.Green color   it calms, and its abundance can cause depression, "melancholy green."White - the color of innocence and purity. People who are attractedwhite color,   constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence.The black - the color of mystery, sadness, evil and death. Dressing in black is preferred by creative individuals, philosophers of life.Yellow   It excites and creates a good mood. People who are attractedyellow,   open to all new. They have good analytical skills and a sharp mind.Blue   calms, cools, relaxes and pacifies. Love toblue color   talks about conscientiousness and honesty.Red   - the color of life, joy, strength and health. People who preferred   - impulsive, energetic - these are true lovers of discussion and debate.

2. Depending on age, each person prefers a certain color:

Primary school students  - Red Blue,   which indicates the activity of this age and the desire to succeed.Younger teens  - blue and black,   means a sense of community and contradiction, the desire to know everything unknown.Older teens and youths  - Red Black,   which indicates the dramatic and impulsive nature of this age.Adults (teachers)  - blue and red   colors, which indicates the presence of their point of view on everything that surrounds them, conscientiousness and rigor, impulsiveness and activity.


1.   Auer Xaver Freeling Heinrich Man - color - space. M.,

  "Stroyizdat", 2003.

2. Dragunsky V.V. Color personality test. - M.: Publishing. Harvest

2000. (Series "Library of Practical Psychology").

3. Guidelines for using the eight-color Luscher test. Comp.

Dubrovskaya O.F. Ed. 4th fix - M.: Publishing. “Kogito-Center”, 2001.

4. Clar G. Luscher Test. The psychology of color. - M.: Publishing. Peter, 1998.

5. Lusher M. Assessment of personality through the choice of color. - M.: Publishing.

EKSMO-Press, 1998.

6. Freeling G., Auer K. Man - color - space. - M.: Publishing. Peter, 1995.


The color scheme of the class.

When choosing an interior color, there is only one rule: when choosing a gamut for the new design of your room, remember that color should give energy that you lack. It is better to use yellow tones, but in small quantities. Large doses of yellow give rise to excessive greed, and small doses stimulate brain activity and increase the efficiency of mental work. Moderate doses of yellow contribute to the success of negotiations, because they stimulate the desire to find compromises. Brown - yellow (honey) combines the lightness of yellow and the severity of brown. The need for a happy and full, enjoyment of the situation. Yellow-brown color of hard work and severity. Cream has a mild effect, expands the space, facilitates the perception of reality, gives confidence that everything will be in order. Yellow-brown - unlimited freedom, existence without any problems and duties, complete internal security.

Since time immemorial, people have been using the plant to express their feelings. To give a rose to your beloved girl means to say to her "I love you." The meaning of colors in human life played a big role.

the meanings of colors in human life

The meanings of colors were mentioned in ancient myths and biblical stories. In 1833, the book "Language of Flowers" was published in France, where the names of plants were given and their symbolic meaning was described. Nowadays, getting to know the language of flowers will help to consciously choose flowers for bouquets that have already become traditional.

  The meanings of some colors, such as forget-me-nots, lie already in their very name. Other plants have received symbolic meaning a long time ago, for example, a white lily - an ancient symbol of purity.

The symbolic significance of plants is often associated with the color of their flowers. White flowers are most often a symbol of innocence, red - passion, yellow have negative meanings that are associated with envy or cowardice.

Sometimes individual parts of plants also have a symbolic meaning. For example, the use of a climbing plant bouquet as a decorative element means emotional experience, feelings of giving flowers to the person to whom they are intended. Orange flowers mean a desire to develop a relationship, and orange blossom symbolizes purity, charm.

But poisonous flowers carry poisonous symbolism. For example, aconite means lying, falsehood, pretense, negative feelings. Oleander and Datura are both beautiful and poisonous plants, they symbolize a deceiving, false charm. Polyantes tuberous means dangerous desires, and Venus flytrap - deception.

In addition to flowers, various spicy herbs and green

angelica officinalis  - inspiration

basil - best wishes

fennel - commendable

laurel noble- triumph, eternity

marjoram - shame, embarrassment

peppermint - heart feelings

borage - directness

Parsley - fun

Rosemary - constancy, fidelity

sage - helpfulness

thyme - activity

hyssop - cleanliness


azalea - restraint   aloe - grief, sadness

amaryllis - pride   pansy thoughtfulness

begonia - warning

immortelle - memory

cyclomene - parting

brown geranium - melancholy

gray geranium - memory hydrangea - soullessness

hyacinth - constancy, pretty   cactus - heartiness

calendula - Envy Crocus - Contempt

lily of the valley -   humility, humility

snapdragon - insolence

buttercup - unique charm

daisy - innocent love

mimosa - sensitivity

forget-me-not - faithfulness, sincere love

palm tree - victory

fern - charm

pelargonium - stupidity, recklessness

pelargonium pelvic -  marriage intentions

ivy - fidelity snowdrop - hope

poinsettia - eternity, fertility   jasmine - benevolence

red rose - love you yellow rose - remember me

tulip - hot feelings violet - humility

white chrysanthemum - outcast love

yellow chrysanthemum  - true

The meanings of flowers in a person’s life are communication in the beautiful language of flowers!

In psychology, it is believed that each color in some way affects the human psyche, and also has its own meaning. Seeing one of the flowers, we often experience certain emotions - up to a sharp increase or decrease in mood. Also, color, at times, has a significant impact on our choice (and the creators of advertising and politics are well aware of this). In addition, various colors can be used to achieve your goals, and how to do this, we recommend that you learn from the proposed article.

Primary colors and their significance in psychology

It is no secret that the choice of a color in some way characterizes a person. So, we will understand these characteristics, and also find out how and what shade affects our psyche and what significance it has.

Violet color in psychology

A) The meaning of purple in psychology

This color is very difficult to call natural - as if from it comes a sense of a certain unnaturalness. However, this color also symbolizes luxury, wealth and mystery. The main symbol of this color in psychology is considered an owl, because it is purple that symbolizes wisdom, mysticism. According to medieval myths, purple is also considered the color of remorse, loneliness.

B) The effect of purple on the human psyche

This is a very dangerous color, because it puts pressure on the psyche and can cause apathy - that is why try to use it in the interior in small quantities. Nevertheless, shades of purple can help a person to increase self-esteem, positively affects the development of large plans, and helps to develop sensitivity. In addition, in moderate doses it has a calming effect on the psyche.

  C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is purple

It is often believed that purple is preferred by people who find it difficult to achieve realization in life. We are talking about very critical to themselves natures, tend to constantly control themselves. At the same time, they need support and support, and, at times, are distinguished by noticeable sentimentality and infantility.

Blue color in psychology

A) The meaning of blue in psychology

This color has a kind of symbolism, which differs in both positive and negative aspects. The positive characteristics include persistence, idealism, fortitude, organization, rigor. Negative characteristics are: weakness, fanaticism, dependence. Although for most people, blue is still associated with heaven and eternity. It also symbolizes honesty, loyalty, constancy.

  B) The effect of blue on the human psyche

Shades of blue are famous for their calming effect, and for this reason they are often used in the design of bathrooms, cabinets. At the same time, it is rarely used in children's rooms, since blue refers to cold shades, and because of this, the baby can feel uncomfortable. However, in any room, it is advised to dilute the blue color with other, warmer tones in order to exclude the development of prolonged depression and anxiety.

C) Characteristic of a person whose favorite color is blue

People who love the color blue are often modest and reliable. Often they are prone to melancholy, love solitude, are prone to long thoughts, try to avoid conflict situations. In general, they are characterized by sociability and a tendency to idealize the world around them.

Green color in psychology

A) The value of green in psychology

Green color is formed due to the fusion of blue and yellow, and as a result complement the quality of both of them. It is a symbol of life opportunities, tranquility, unwaveringness, prosperity and inner harmony.

B) The impact of green on the human psyche

Things of green shades have a disciplining effect on their owner, help to fight various fears and complexes. It is also worth noting that this color has a neutralizing effect on other colors and helps to dispel negative emotions, in return giving peace and tranquility. In addition, it helps to come to a decision even in the most peak situations. Some give this color negative aspects - silence and hopelessness. It is believed that you should not concentrate on this color for a long time - this will cause boredom and apathy.

C) Characterization of a person whose favorite color is green

As a rule, people who like this color are characterized by high efficiency and a desire for leadership. They can predict the development of almost any situation, and come out of it with maximum benefit for themselves. Often they provide assistance to others, even if it causes harm to themselves. Very secretive, but at the same time strive for sociability.

Red color in psychology

A) The meaning of red in psychology

First of all, red is associated with blood and flame. The symbolic meanings of this color are diverse, and sometimes even contradict themselves. For many, the red color symbolizes love, passion, the fullness of life. Others, in turn, consider the red color of war, bloodshed, and revenge. In ancient times, the red color often meant a certain aggressiveness, strong sexual desires. Also, this color means greatness and power. For example, in Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots.

B) The effect of red on the human psyche

Red is very exciting, hot. For many, it is associated with something dangerous, unlawful (remember at least a traffic light). Also, this color easily attracts attention - advertising manufacturers are actively using it. If a person will look at this color for a long period, then he will notice a rapid pulse. Nevertheless, it is undesirable to abuse red - soon he begins to tire.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is red

Red lovers are thought to be born leaders. They also vigorously express their emotions and vividly experience them. Most often, admirers of red are persistent, selfish, intolerant. Women who love shades of red are usually quite sexy and often prone to flirt.

Yellow color in psychology

A) The meaning of yellow in psychology

As you know, this is the color of the sun, optimism, wealth and joy. Many people have just such associations when they see yellow. Yellow embodies energy, positive, movement, cheerfulness. At the same time, he also has negative meanings - his golden radiance in some causes associations with greed. Also, many consider yellow - the color of separation, betrayal, jealousy.

  B) The effect of yellow on the human psyche

In psychology, it is believed that primarily yellow color symbolizes active mental activity. According to the results of numerous studies, it is these shades that have a stimulating effect on those parts of the brain that are responsible for thinking and memory. It is argued that a systematic, but rather moderate perception of yellow, positively affects intellectual abilities.

Also, this color helps to resist chronic fatigue, mild depression, lethargy. However, note that an overabundance of this sun shade can be harmful in the form of hidden nervous disorders.

  C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is yellow

A person who prefers yellow, strive to reveal himself in any way and wants, at all costs, to achieve his goals. Often these people are in high spirits, very self-confident, outgoing and creative. Moreover, they can be scattered and quite critical both to themselves and to other people. Rarely suffer from low self-esteem.

Orange color in psychology

  A) The meaning of orange in psychology

Basically, this color is a symbol of solar heat and internal energy. It is also steadily associated with fiery emotions, rhythm, energy. In other words, this color in psychology has almost become synonymous with constant movement, symbolizing freedom of love, talent, versatility. In the minds of many people, this color has a positive and life-affirming energy.

  B) The impact of orange on the human psyche

Note that we are talking about a rather complicated shade, which is a mixture of red and yellow. As a result, the influence of this color depends on which shade in it has become the leading one. The dominance of yellow has a milder effect on the psyche, giving a positive perception. If the red tint prevails, then it has a different meaning on perception, associated with strength and assertiveness. Also note that excess orange negatively affects a person’s mental state, causing fatigue and mental exhaustion.

  C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is orange

People who love orange are usually rare optimists. They are characterized by good nature and a positive outlook on the world. Most often they are very sociable and have a high energy potential. Sometimes, the negative features include excessive assertiveness.

Black color in psychology

A) The importance of black in psychology

Often this color symbolizes mourning, death, unhappiness. Black carries a certain protest, denial, because it is not for nothing that most of the evil characters in fairy tales and films are dressed in dark hoodies. However, some tend to consider black - the color of mystery, elegance, completeness.

B) The impact of black on the human psyche

Black absorbs light and has a strong influence on the psyche of any person. Often it turns out to be one of the signs of depression, longing, insecurity, depression. At the same time, it provides an opportunity to relax, to come to a certain rethinking. Black color allows you to take a break and get to the bottom of the truth, prompts you to think.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is black

In general, people who love black are often very mysterious personalities. Moreover, without realizing it, they strive to attract the attention of others, because the black color causes curiosity, as if hiding something interesting and intriguing behind it. Moreover, if black colors prevail in your life, it is likely that you feel a deficit of certain emotions or feelings. Also, black color characterizes several secretive natures.

Pink color in psychology

  A) The meaning of pink in psychology

Pink color is considered a symbol of romance, love and kindness. It is as if saturated with a bright aura of innocence and serenity. Lightness, tenderness, calmness and love of life “live” in this color.

  B) The effect of pink on the human psyche

Despite the presence of aggressive red in pink, it still has a relaxing effect on the human psyche, removing irritability and anger. By the way, in institutions where they work with children with antisocial behavior, the walls are often painted pink for this reason. A soft pink hue has a positive effect on the nervous state, but at the same time, its excess harms melancholic. It is also believed that contemplation of a pink color helps to get rid of a headache.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is pink

Persons who prefer pink color more than others need tenderness and love. In addition, they are able to get into anxiety for any minor reason. Lovers of pink strive for a full life, waiting for thrills and vivid impressions. Sometimes, they are characterized by infantilism and frivolity, but also can often be very hardworking individuals.

Lilac color in psychology

A) The meaning of lilac in psychology

Symbolizes nostalgia, the expectation of a brighter future. It is a mixture of blue and red, two principles - male and female. It is also often associated with vanity and immaturity. Among other things, it is considered the color of unused opportunities, strong attachment, vigilance.

B) The effect of lilac on the human psyche

In fact, we are talking about a very vibrant and bright color, but in psychology there is an opinion that it can cause a clear feeling of anxiety and anxiety. For this reason, if you have to go to an important meeting, try to avoid clothes in shades of lilac (although some elements are allowed). This can cause rejection from the interlocutor, which, of course, will not benefit you.

  C) Characteristic of a person whose favorite color is lilac

Lovers of lilac are creative, sensitive and, at times, quite infantile. Their distinguishing features include distrustfulness, patience, and secrecy. Often they steadily cope with the tests that fate sends them and are ready to provide free help to other people. Despite the external optimism, they are prone to depression, from which they are able to get out on their own. They rarely blame others for their troubles, strive for non-standard, uniqueness.

White color in psychology

  A) The meaning of white in psychology

White is a symbol of purity, joy, innocence, a certain virtue. It causes a strong association with daylight, true, spotlessness. Although sometimes it is also given a different meaning. By its nature, it is prone to absorption and neutralization of other colors, and, accordingly, is correlated with incorporeality, emptiness, and even death. Note that the Slavs preferred to dress the dead in white clothes. In addition, in China and some other Asian countries, white is considered a mourning color. But most people associate it with completeness and perfection.

B) The impact of white on the human psyche

Often this color has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person. It calms and at the same time stimulates new achievements. However, it is worth noting that an overabundance of white in the interior or exterior image can begin to bore and even annoy over time.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is white

People who prefer white color, as a rule, are fully committed to their chosen business. At the same time, they are often considered touchy, because they love loneliness and do not really strive for new acquaintances. They are characterized by frequent disappointments, detachment. Although, at times, they try to open themselves to the world, subtly feel the lie, have good intuition.

Blue color in psychology

  A) The meaning of blue in psychology

It is the color of water and sky, which symbolizes calm, lightness, airiness, constancy. It is also a symbol of purity, dreams, bright mind. This color evokes associations with the vault of heaven, personifying softness and tenderness, something divine and sublime - for this reason, in the ancient icon-painting, the halo of the gods were painted by masters in the color of heaven. Masons, on the other hand, perceived blue as the color of spiritual perfection and enlightenment.

  B) The effect of blue on the human psyche

In blue, white and blue are combined, and therefore the effect of both of them is combined in it. One part promotes relaxation and peace, creating the effect of freshness and coolness. The second part stimulates the work of the imagination, increases the concentration of attention. If you want a certain person to trust you, put something blue on a meeting with this person. By the way, the color mentioned inspires confidence and demonstrates stability and arouses respect.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is blue

It is believed that the main adherents of blue are resourceful people who are used to setting themselves up for positive and creative. They are prone to experimentation, unexpected creative decisions, innovative thinking. Subconsciously have a tendency to melancholy and isolation. At the same time, they are self-confident and intellectually developed.

Turquoise color in psychology

A) The value of turquoise color in psychology

Turquoise - the color of the sea wave, cyan. It contains shades of blue and green. Once upon a time, magical properties were attributed to turquoise - it was believed that this stone was able to protect against accidents. It symbolizes the pursuit of ideal, novelty. It is also a symbol of calm, measured. It causes associations with sea waves, purity, happiness, innocence. In some European countries it means intuition and healing.

B) The effect of turquoise on the human psyche

This color manages to exude calm and give a feeling of absolute balance in combination with growing energy. He is able to charge our thoughts with optimism and a light mood, relieve stress, overwork. Focusing on the turquoise color, a person begins to feel more relaxed.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is turquoise

It is believed that people who like the turquoise color are very easy to communicate, sociable, open and friendly. They also differ in compassion, compassion and emotional sensitivity. They have wonderful intuition, are tuned to create harmony in their lives. Despite the outward calm, they can mentally experience a lot of different emotions.

Brown in Psychology

A) The meaning of brown in psychology

Brown color symbolizes the earth, fertility, bark of a tree. At the same time it is a symbol of sustainability, reliability, stability and devotion. In psychology, all shades of brown are considered colors of comfort, coziness, safety and sensuality.

B) The effect of brown on the human psyche

This color has a rather complex structure, and because of this, it is characterized by the qualities of warm and cold colors. For example, light shades of brown, having an orange tint, are distinguished by a warming effect.

In general, warm shades of brown are very helpful in relieving stress. It is especially recommended to use it in the interior and wardrobe for people who fear changes and are prone to frequent worries. Being a color of stability, brown gives a sense of security. It also helps to build self-confidence, arouse respect - for this reason psychologists recommend wearing brown clothes before important business meetings.

C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is brown

The craving for brown shades is characteristic of practical and serious people. They have clear goals and, as a rule, want to succeed. Very skeptical about relationships with dreamers and infantile personalities. They honor traditions, are distinguished by punctuality, close ties with family, and reliability. At the same time, they may not have the ease of communication and inner freedom.

Light green color in psychology

A) The meaning of light green in psychology

The light green shade symbolizes calm, food, nature, peaceful contemplation and is a very sophisticated shade. In general, lime color is considered a combination of yellow and green, and for this reason it has similar characteristics. As a result, this color is associated with concepts such as peace, tranquility, optimism.

  B) The effect of light green on the human psyche

In general, lime has a positive effect on the human psyche. If he is not endowed with modern "acidic" shades, then his contemplation can lead to positive thoughts, push to some new achievements. In turn, the mentioned "acid" shades in some can cause a feeling of irritation.

  B) Characteristic of a person who has a favorite color of light green

Persons who prefer light green color are most often very loyal to others, but they are self-critical. From time to time, they have concerns that someone might condemn them, condemn them, and so on. Also, often fans of light green color prefer not to succumb to passions and are very stingy with emotions in their personal lives.

Burgundy color in psychology

A) The value of burgundy color in psychology

The burgundy color is considered a symbol of strength and vitality. He is also associated with perseverance, restraint and determination. In addition, weighty values \u200b\u200bof this color can be called power and strength. Burgundy is a symbol of solidity, confidence and conservatism. Some people associate it with the color of antiquity, but if combined with gray, it immediately becomes a symbol of wealth and solidity.

B) The effect of burgundy on the human psyche

It is believed that an overabundance of this color in clothing or in the interior can be detrimental to the psyche, causing depression - which is why it is advisable to use it sparingly. At the same time, he belongs to the category of exquisite flowers and causes the corresponding emotions.

  C) Characteristics of a person whose favorite color is burgundy

Fans of burgundy color, as a rule, are distinguished by a large supply of energy, but at the same time very sparingly demonstrate their own emotions. However, this does not prevent them from being assertive personalities who have remarkable organizing abilities. Often inclined to creative professions, they are subtle connoisseurs of art. They are also confident, entrepreneurial.

Beige color in psychology

  A) The meaning of beige in psychology

This color is a symbol of warmth, dimensionality, comfort and harmony. Unfortunately, it also has negative symbols - boredom, sadness, ordinaryness and monotony. In different states, this color has a different attitude. For example, in China, beige, like white, is associated with mourning. Moreover, in India, ivory was always held in high esteem - things of this color, as a rule, were permissible only to noble persons. In turn, Ancient Egypt was famous for statuettes of deities painted in beige color. As a result, we can conclude that this color is associated with a certain mystery, enlightenment, divinity.

B) The effect of beige on the human psyche

The beige color is inherent in such a quality as the neutralization of aggression. For example, people who find themselves in a room with beige interior elements soon come to appeasement and relaxation. It is also worth noting that all shades of this color contribute to a good rest.

C) Characteristic of a person whose favorite color is beige

Adherents of beige are often people who are at the stage of searching for “their own self.” They do not want to somehow stand out from the total number of people - moreover, they want to be unnoticed. Often they are unsure of themselves and doubt their own taste, do not strive for leadership. At the same time, they can be called very emotional personalities who greatly value practicality. As a rule, even in difficult situations they strive to maintain a neutral position.

Perhaps you thought about why you often buy clothes, adhering to the same color scheme? For what reason do our hands reach for wardrobe items of the same colors, and at the same time do we completely ignore other color schemes? As a rule, we do not reflect on this, or simply come to the conclusion that the purchase was made according to the mood, without bearing any subtext. Nevertheless, psychologists are inclined to believe that this does not happen - there are reasons for everything. By the way, you can give preference to one color scheme for many years, but once you buy a thing with a color that is completely atypical for yourself.

How can you explain, for example, the fact that you always loved things in pastel colors, but once decided to purchase a bright red dress? Some time passes and you begin to regret this spontaneous purchase, although the first thing is to carefully analyze it. In fact, you just had a desire to cheer up, and most likely, it will soon return again. Simply, in this way, the brain sent you an impulse that in your life there are not enough bright changes.

In general, a constant addiction to certain colors can characterize your character. If such “bursts” periodically occur, such as the situation with a red dress, then this indicates what mood you were exposed to at a certain moment in your life, perhaps it was a matter of a few minutes, or a big new stage.

Based on this, it is obvious that we are able to influence our mood and well-being, knowing which aspects are characteristic of a particular color. That is, you yourself can set the direction for your mood, putting on things in certain tones. You can study the definition of colors in the previous paragraph.

Psychology of flowers in the interior

Most likely, you have already managed to verify from your own experience that the color of the walls of the room you are in can affect your mood and radically change it both in a positive and a negative direction. Of course, it is for this reason that you need to pay special attention to interior solutions.

Obviously, color is one of the most important components of the environment, and it is within its power to make adjustments to our well-being, mood. If you skillfully use colors and their combinations in the interior of a room, the result of such efforts will be a feeling of comfort and coziness. Otherwise, often being in a room with a poorly selected color, you will only feel anxiety, apathy, or despondency.

Surely, you’ve heard that dull, light and cool shades that have a minimum of contrast can visually “push” the walls of the room, and in the end it will seem more spacious than it actually is. In turn, dark and warm shades visually narrow the space.

As you know, a certain color can not only improve the interior of the house, but also spoil it. Carefully study this question, study the nature of color and take note of the most successful color solutions. As we already mentioned, there are warm and cold colors, and the overall impression of the room will depend on what color you choose.

How does the color scheme affect a person and his life

Many seriously underestimate the effect of color on the well-being and mood of a person. At times, color can influence the occurrence of certain reactions, which subsequently directly affect the adoption of important decisions. For example, color can affect a person’s pressure, his appetite, and he himself will not notice this.

Remember how you often feel on a cloudy and dank day, looking out of the window and getting ready to leave the apartment. Seeing the glass gray, you probably feel a significant deterioration in mood. Positive energy seems to disappear somewhere and the world around it begins to cause unpleasant emotions. It is unlikely that you thought that the reason for all these unkind moods is just the perception of color.

Some time ago, medicine began to pay closer attention to such a thing as color therapy. What is the essence of such a technique? Color is used as one of the ways to influence the patient’s emotional, mental and even physical condition. The basis of the technique was the wavelength of each color - it turned out that each length has a specific effect on the human body.

By the way, color as one of the aspects of treatment was used back in the period of the existence of ancient civilizations. For example, in ancient Egypt, special rooms were allocated in the temples in which the refraction of the sun's rays took place - subsequently this influenced the appearance of different colors of the spectrum. The man seemed to bathe in bright colors, and this technique even got its name - “Ra-therapy”. Today, this unusual method of treatment has been replaced by chromotherapy - a science that studies how certain colors affect human health.

How color can influence a person

How and where is it successfully applied

It is possible to exert some influence on the human psyche with the help of color, and creators of advertising who want to most effectively promote their product are well aware of this. We are talking not only about commercials and election campaigns in which competent specialists ensured the predominance of certain “effective” colors, but also about the shelves of the supermarket.

According to psychologists, light and color are of great importance in order for the product to move more actively. The light, as it were, challenges the buyer, stimulates a certain action on his part. Different shades of lighting affect a person’s mood. If you choose the right combination of different lighting elements, you can get an amusing play of light and shadow, which contributes to the demonstration of goods in the most beneficial way.

Color scheme - as a way of manipulation

Sometimes, we do not notice how unobtrusively and subtly we are manipulated with the help of color. Think about the above example with store shelves, and when your hand once again reaches for a product that you didn’t initially plan to purchase, think about why you are doing this — you need this purchase or you reacted to the packaging. Most likely, the matter is still in the second embodiment, your subconscious in a certain way reacted to a successful color combination, and there is a great chance that this did not happen for the first time.

Color manipulation also occurs in other circumstances. For example, if there is a need to increase the efficiency of the team without notifying the employees themselves, experienced managers use green color - it is simply added to the interior or some kind of work equipment. It is no coincidence that the most common color of school desks is green - it contributes to a high concentration of attention. Knowing how a particular color affects others, you can also learn how to manipulate this circumstance.

The meaning of colors is a separate branch in psychology, which has a special effect on human consciousness. Some colors can cause apathy or emotional uplift, help you make choices or show your own status. Have you ever wondered why so many commercials show red shades? Or why cars of deputies and businessmen are all black? Let's see what this or that color means in psychology.

Red color: value

This color attracts attention like no other. It is often used in advertising. And it doesn’t matter that most people associate it with danger and aggression. They even say that if you look at the red color for a long time, a person’s heart rate may increase and pressure may rise. Psychologists, interpreting the meaning of colors, say that typical leaders, persistent, stubborn in their aspirations and often cruel, prefer red. And it is a red dress that most often will be worn by a woman who wants to be in the spotlight and flirt with men.

Green color: value

Green is a shade of nature. It calms and relaxes, tunes in a peaceful manner. In contrast to red, it normalizes blood pressure and is even able to heal ailments. Green lovers are confident and self-confident people. They are serious about business and are always ready to help others. The inner world of such people is very rich, but they are in no hurry to share it with the first person they meet.

Yellow color: value

Yellow color symbolizes warmth, optimism and the belief that everything will be fine. Text written on a yellow background is best remembered, and advertisers often use it. But everything is good in moderation, and with yellow: in large quantities, it can cause anxiety and overexcitation of the brain. Those who love yellow are almost always in a good mood. These are creative and artistic natures. They have a high self-esteem, critical of themselves, but also require a lot from others.

Blue color: meaning

Psychologists assure: if you want to arouse respect and trust of the interlocutor, to position him towards you - put on clothes of this particular color (for example, for an interview or an important meeting). The meaning of the colors and shades of sky blue is to show your stability and emphasize your high social status. Blue calms, motivates for productive activities. If you look closely, you will notice that the walls of offices and gyms are often painted in this color.

White and black colors: meaning

These colors, opposite in the spectrum, have different meanings in psychology. If white symbolizes purity, fidelity, freedom, then black declares authoritarianism, mystery, significant social status. White color is often used in medicine and religion. A black car, a man or a woman in a black suit - in our eyes automatically looks successful and significant for society. People dressed in white are open to the whole world and devoted to their occupation. Black lovers - unconsciously isolate themselves from reality and want to attract attention. By the way, those who study the meaning of colors noticed an interesting nuance: during football matches it is the teams in black that receive the most warnings from referees, yellow and even red cards. Why do you think so?

Human abilities to see the colorful world are unique. A person can distinguish a huge number of shades of the same color. He wears some colors and tries to avoid others. Why is this happening, why is color in human life?

Because of what, when it’s cold we tend to red shades, and in the heat it seems to us that blue shades give coolness? Why do we call some shades warm and others cold? Why can the same colors in one situation improve mood, and in another they can spoil it hopelessly? Why is psychology inclined to link the often used color and character of a person?

Perhaps our perception of a particular color is due to its effect on us. Consider the influence of color in psychology, the importance of primary colors.

The meaning of blue in human life

Like a blue sky or sea that opens the horizon, blue and its shades (turquoise, blue ...) are closely connected with color dreams, wisdom and tranquility. This is one of the most beloved flowers of people living by the sea: in fact, it is everywhere around them.

Blue is an echo of life, travel and discoveries in the literal and figurative sense (introspection). As water quenches thirst, blue has refreshing and purifying properties that allow a person to find his inner world, associated with the knowledge of the essence of deeper things. Blue is symbol of truthlike pure water that cannot hide anything.

Blue is usually pleases any personbut we must try not to abuse it. It can quickly become overwhelming if there are too many of it. It is advisable to limit the use of dark blue to lighter shades, as well as white or beige. Turquoise and blue blend perfectly with brown shades.

  • Positive meaning: dream, wisdom, calm, truth, fidelity, freshness.
  • Negative value: melancholy.
  • Presentation: ocean, sky, flowers (cornflower).
  • Magic: power, superpowers, emotions, feelings, creativity.

Yellow value

There is no other color more joyful than yellow. The color of the sun, celebration and joy, it helps the world to be brighter and radiate good.

Yellow - warm and stimulating color. Just as the sun spreads its reassuring rays to all lives on earth, yellow is the color of life and movement.

Nevertheless, behind this joyful aspect, its negative properties are hidden. Associated with human psychology with betrayal, lies and infidelity, the yellow color combines contrasts. Pale yellow, in contrast to bright yellow shades, deviates from the general healing effect and carries illness, lethargy and sadness.

Yellow is also associated with power, strength and ego (this was the color of the emperor of China). Note that yellow means discoveries and social contacts, it is associated with friendship and fraternity, as well as knowledge. Yellow shades perfectly accompany brown, white, black and cream.

  • Positive meaning: holiday, joy, warmth, ego, strength, knowledge, friendship.
  • Negative meaning: betrayal, falsehood, deception.
  • Presentation: sand, sun, eggs, flowers (camomile), taxi.
  • Magic: charm, wealth, prosperity, respect, success.

Red value

Red is perhaps the most fascinating and controversial color. He plays on paradoxes, awakens feelings and passions in their complete contradiction: love and anger sensuality  and woman’s sexuality, courage and danger, impulse and prohibition ...

This color without any doubt excites feelings. It is perceived by man as warm color, energeticpenetrating and in some way comforting and enveloping. On the other hand, it can mean pain, blood, hell, suffering.

This hot color leaves no one indifferent, and this is its strength: it fuels passions, whether positive or negative. Red is especially well combined with chestnut. It also goes well with white and black.

  • positive meaning: love, passion, warmth, sexuality, passion, triumph;
  • negative meaning: anger, prohibition, danger;
  • performance: blood, fire, lava, plants (tomatoes, poppy, strawberries);
  • magic: strength, defense, activity, passion.

Green value

Obtained from the combination of blue and yellow, it is by far the strongest color in nature and is rightfully associated with the plant world, which is its worthy representative. Green calms, refreshes and even invigorates.

Most often, it is associated with hope and luck. Nevertheless, green can be a carrier of setbacks and misfortunes. Green is also associated with hospitals and pharmacies.

The advantage of green is that it, as a rule, is combined with all other shades, especially with natural ones, such as brown, ocher, cream or dark gray.

  1. Positive value: hope, luck, stability, concentration.
  2. Negative value: failure, unhappiness.
  3. Presentation: plants, vegetables (peppers, peas).
  4. Magic: health, wealth, financial well-being, love.

The meaning of orange

This color, obtained from the fusion of red and yellow, is not without reason bearing its name, generously sharing it with all the famous fruits.

it invigorating and piquant colorBrings a good mood everywhere. He is often associated in psychology with creativity and communication, because he is a carrier of optimism and openness.

Having become very fashionable in the sixties among hippies and forgotten unjustly at the end of the twentieth century, orange begins to return to human life! Together with yellow, it carries people good mood and dynamismso that they cannot do without using it in their life. Nevertheless, it should be used sparingly.

So that this very bright color does not suppress the character of a person, it should be used in small doses or nuances with the kindred red or yellow.

  • Positive meaning: joy, creativity, communication, security, optimism.
  • Negative value: bad taste.
  • Presentation: fruits (orange, apricot, melon).
  • Magic: emotions, feelings, intelligence, communication, friendship, joy.

What does purple color mean?

From the combination of red and blue, purple is born. Violet color is double-edged: we either love it, or we strongly dislike it. At first glance, it seems unambiguous from a psychological point of view.

Nevertheless, his electric tension hides softness and a dream. That is why it is often associated with melancholy and loneliness.

Violet is the choice of dreamers, spiritual people, not materialists. It calms the spirit, smooths out strong emotions, restrains anger or anxiety. One of its shades, lilac, further emphasizes this hopeful and serene side of it.

Violet remains difficult for color combinations: only white, black and brown can harmonize with it. But pink, blue or green are absolutely prohibited in the presence of purple.

  • positive meaning: sleep, tender, peace, friendship, meditation;
  • negative meaning: longing, loneliness;
  • performance: plants (grapes, eggplant), flower (purple), bishops' clothes;
  • magic: esoterics, magical abilities, communication with Spirits.

The value of brown

Reflecting mainly the colors of the earth, obtained from a mixture of orange with yellow and blue or purple, brown - soft, reassuring  and almost maternal.

Neither sad nor happy, it is neutral and is one of the most common in the animal kingdom and in the plant one. That is why we are comfortable in his presence.

It also means softness, including through its sweet representatives of cookies, cocoa and chocolate, which have a soft, soothing and protective taste. Brown is one of the few flowers we will never get tired of. Even in large quantities, it is usually perceived very well.

Brown is especially well combined with white, yellow, violet and light pink (old rose, powder).

  1. The positive value of brown: nature, softness, neutrality.
  2. Negative brown: problems, depression.
  3. Presentation: land, trees, food products (cocoa, coffee).
  4. Magic: energy blocking, death.

White color: value

Although white is not quite a color, most consumers attribute it to this category. Perhaps precisely because, from an optical point of view, white is a chromatic synthesis of all visible wavelengths.

This probably explains his perception of how symbol of unity, perfection, balance. For several generations, white has been associated with the ceremony of marriage, purity of a woman, virginity, and even perfection and divine (papal robes). In nature, there is very little natural white.

White lends itself perfectly to any combination in a variety of contexts: it blends perfectly with any color, it is difficult to get bored with it. However, its use should be avoided too often.

It can turn from universally graphic to something empty and bland. It is best to use it together with other shades, because there are no restrictions for it, any representative of the palette is good with it.

  • The positive meaning of white: purity, innocence, virginity, marriage.
  • Negative value: emptiness, absence, mourning (in the East).
  • Presentation: snow, light, milk, wedding dress.
  • Magic: protection, purification, the ability to replace all colors.

The meaning of black

Like white, black is not a color in the strict sense of the word, however, it is considered such, from the point of view of psychology. From the point of view of physics, black can be attributed to black holes, absorption and non-existence.

In optics, black absorbs all wavelengths, and, thus, is characterized by a clear lack of color, in contrast to white, which is obtained by connecting and “absorbs” all wavelengths.

In the West, black is associated with mourning, sadness and despair, fear and death. Represented by the robes of priests and monks, he also resonates with authority, authority, rigor and severity.

But besides its dark side, black speaks of laconicism combined with elegance  and simplicity. Perhaps this is precisely because black most often appears to the observer as a neutral background that does not express passion and is not able to talk about feelings.

Black is combined with almost every existing shade, even when used excessively. However, as is the case with white, it is necessary to avoid using it too often alone. Black, can very quickly call and reinforce emptiness and sadness. It is always recommended to accompany it with warm or pale shades.

  • positive meaning: elegance, simplicity, moderation, discipline, mystery;
  • negative meaning: death, mourning, sadness, emptiness, darkness;
  • performance: darkness (night), some animals (thrush, raven, cats);
  • magic: neutrality, beginning and end, protection, purification, magic, otherworldly.

Gray value

Like black and white mentioned above, gray in the strict sense is not a color. Halfway between white and black, gray is softer, although it is associated with stealth, sadness and loneliness.

In nature, gray is represented mainly by dust and mice, which may explain its association with silence and relaxation. It lends itself well to combining with almost any shade, except for dark gray mixed with blue or dark green.

Simple and elegant, gray, a good ally. However, one must be careful not to abuse it. In fact, too much gray causes melancholy and sadness.

  1. Positive meaning: quiet, smooth, soft, calm.
  2. Negative meaning: sadness, loneliness, monotony, melancholy.
  3. Presentation: animals (mice, elephants), dust.