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How to grow a pumpkin in open ground seeds. When should I plant pumpkin seeds and how to do it right? Pumpkin Care

11.12.2017 3 333

Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground - from seed to large harvest

Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground is often practiced by gardeners, since this method requires less effort, and the result is not bad. In order for a vegetable to grow properly and bear fruit well, it is necessary to know how to sprout seeds for planting, when to plant this melon crop according to the Lunar calendar. We will tell you how to plant seeds in order to grow a rich harvest.

Preparing pumpkin seeds for planting

Inexperienced gardeners mistakenly believe that no effort is required to grow pumpkins - they threw the seed into the ground and wait for a large crop. The homeland of culture is warm lands, therefore, the opinion about the unpretentiousness of this plant is erroneous, but its significance for the human body is undeniably great.

Incorrect planting in open ground, improper care, untimely applied top dressing will lead to small unsweetened fruits that cannot be stored for a long time. To prevent this from happening and the gardener was pleased with the harvest, it was necessary to determine the planting time, prepare seeds and beds, and ensure proper care.

For planting, you need to select full-sized, large, high-quality seeds, then lower them in 5% saline and mix gently. Unfit will be those that do not settle to the bottom. Rinse the seeds that are drowned in running water and dry. In order that the plants do not hurt, the seeds must be decontaminated. It is necessary to take a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, lower the material into it and hold for about a third of an hour. Rinse the treated seeds with running water.

preparation of pumpkin seeds for planting - in the photo

Dry pumpkin seeds can be disinfected by heating at +50 ° C ... 60 ° C for 5-6 hours. This procedure helps them wake up. If you dissolve trace elements and active substances and soak the seeds in them for a day, then this will be a successful step towards a large crop.

Wood ash contains large amounts of macro- and microelements. Effectively in its solution (20 g of ash per 1 liter of water) soak the seeds for 24 hours.

Before sowing a pumpkin in the garden, we must not forget about another important stage - hardening. The best effect is a change in temperature. At night, put the seeds in the refrigerator, for the day - in the room. Do this until they bend over. Germinated they will sprout a couple of weeks earlier.

Preparation of beds and planting pumpkin seeds in open ground

Sowing pumpkin seeds occurs from May 15 to 25. If planted earlier than the specified time, then death from frost is likely, if later - the fruits do not have enough time for formation and ripening. So the gardener has to rack his brains over the deadline. For this reason, it is better to work on the lunar calendar.

Pumpkin is not indifferent to organic fertilizers. In the garden where it was decided to grow this plant, in autumn it is necessary to scatter manure, ash, mullein, compost. Meltwater will carry nutrients deep into the beds, and which remain will deepen during spring digging. Fans of mineral fertilizers can use Nitrofoska in the calculation of 60 g of substance per 1 m².

Planting pumpkin seeds - pictured

Within 6 days after digging the garden, the soil contains moisture. Therefore, it is important that the sowing is completed on time. Rain and special watering will help to make the soil moist.

Sowing occurs as follows - a shallow hole is dug, 3 or 4 seeds are put in it. The distance between the pits should be about 0.5 meters. The pits of the first row are closed with earth dug from the holes of the neighboring one. Thus, the landing speed is increased. It is good to take fertile soil to close the material, and cover the site with mulch from peat crumb or humus. If all these recommendations were followed, then after 7 days it will be possible to admire the first shoots.

If planting is done with un germinated seeds, then seedlings can appear only after a month. To accelerate the sprouting of sprouts, the bed is covered with a film, which is removed when shoots appear. After the development of two true leaves on plants, thinning is performed. 1-2 seedlings are left in the hole, the rest are cut to the ground. If the threat of frost has not yet passed, a film or covering material is thrown onto the frames. It’s not enough to learn how to plant pumpkin seeds on a bed, you need to learn how to properly care for plantings.

Further pumpkin planting care

Pumpkin grows quickly and is covered with lateral shoots that must be removed. The main lash and two lateral ones are left on the plant. On each of them 3-4 ovaries should develop. The branches should be nipped and sprinkled with moist soil, which increases their stability and makes it possible for additional roots to form. The plant receives more nutrition and becomes stronger.

pumpkin care - pictured

Pumpkin needs watering, as moisture evaporates well with its large leaves. Warm water is used for irrigation - its amount increases as it grows and by the end of the season it is brought up to 10 liters. In autumn, the ripe fruit does not require moisture; watering is stopped. Pollination is most often done by the gardener himself.

Pumpkin is affected by diseases and pests, and if everything is left to chance, then in the fall there will be nothing left of the crop. You can, of course, deal with them with chemical preparations, there are many of them offered in stores, but then there is a chance of these substances getting into the fetus, and you can make protection from close plantings of onions, dill and tagetes. Tilling, harvesting weeds will deprive pests of the habitat. Nobody canceled the mechanical way of protection either.

Pumpkin is planted in fertilized soil, but with growth, it also requires liquid organic-mineral fertilizing. She will well accept a liquid diluted bird droppings or mullein. If the gardener did not manage to fertilize the soil in the fall, then he will have to feed it every season all week.

Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground involves a lot of work, but the result will not be long in coming. The gardener will pleasantly surprise and delight a large wholesome and tasty crop in the fall. On his table during the long winter there will be pumpkin porridge, pumpkin pancakes, jam, juice and other delicious dishes.

Only an experienced gardener breeding pumpkin does not take much effort and time, but to please yourself in the fall with a good harvest will have to make a lot of effort.

When to plant a pumpkin?

Pumpkin is a plant that prefers to grow in the sun, so you do not need to plant seeds in a cold, unheated ground. A suitable date is mid-May, when the soil warmed up by the sun, and spring frosts passed.

Also, the landing time is determined by the climate of the region. For example, for planting seeds in the northern latitudes, the beginning of June will be successful days. For planting plants in the southern regions, the beginning of May is suitable. For residents of central Russia, the plant will take root after the May holidays.

How to plant a pumpkin?

Plant a pumpkin in 2 ways: seedlings and in the open ground. Pumpkin cultivation seedlings  involves the harvesting of plant seeds from the fall. Around the beginning of April, the seeds should be examined for diseases, they should be a natural color.

For quick germination, they need to be soaked in warm water for several days. Swollen seeds form roots more actively and begin to grow. Soaked grains are planted in small plastic containers, at the bottom of which a hole must be present, otherwise moisture will remain in the soil, which leads to rotting of the seeds and the development of many diseases.

The soil should be soft, loose, without the roots of other plants. Grounding is done in the center of the tank, filled with water. In order to slightly disinfect the soil, it is good to treat it with a weak potassium permanganate infusion a couple of hours before planting.

Next, a seed is placed in the middle, slightly sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. Better to put the pots further from the drafts, in a place where there will be a lot of sun, but we must not forget about the humidity and stable watering. If growing pumpkin seeds  done correctly, the first seedlings will begin to appear a week after planting.

Grow pumpkin in the open ground  even easier. To do this, you need to choose the right site for planting: where there are few drafts and a lot of light. It is important to observe the distance between the seeds to half a meter, as pumpkin is growing and it needs a lot of space.

A bed is formed in the bayonet of a shovel, stones, weeds are removed from the ground. If the land is fertile, then you can do without fertilizing, but if you want to get a plentiful harvest, it would be nice to add humus, peat, sawdust and ash to the soil.

Further, the land must be watered. Plant seeds are placed in separate pits, lightly sprinkled with soft soil and also sprayed with water. Further, the pumpkin needs to be watered 1 time every 2 days with warm water. The first shoots will begin to appear after a week.

What types of pumpkin are best grown?

Gardeners have installed several basic types of pumpkins:

    Nutmeg pumpkin is the most delicious type of pumpkin, which contains a lot of nutrients for humans. This species requires heat and fertilized soil, does not always have time to ripen in the northern latitudes, so experienced gardeners give advice on growing nutmeg varieties in seedlings. Pumpkins have fruits of yellow-brown flowers with voluminous seeds inside. Among the nutmeg varieties, the Golden Pear variety can be distinguished - the fruits are more reminiscent of a huge drop of orange. The pulp is sweetish in taste, fleshy, has a mass of nutrients. Pumpkin no more than 2 kg is a variety that ripens 3 months after planting. Among nutmeg varieties, gardeners prefer to grow such varieties as “Arabian” pumpkin, “Vitamin”, “Pearl” and “Gilea”.

    The large-fruited type of pumpkin is a pumpkin of huge size, with a sweet core and soft light seeds inside. Due to their size, many gardeners prefer to grow alternative pumpkin subspecies, as their preservation requires a large space. Pumpkin variety  "Titan" - the name speaks for itself, gardeners grow specimens up to 150 kg! A variety with medium maturity, the pumpkin is saturated with an orange hue. To taste sweetish, with fleshy flesh. Ripening occurs 120 days after planting. Her one variety is “Rossiyanka” - it brings a regular crop, the finished fruits are perfectly preserved until the cold, has a pleasant aftertaste. Pumpkin weighing 2-6 kg, dark yellow color with soft and sweet pulp. Among the large-fruited pumpkin varieties, the following species are distinguished: "Hundred pound", "Marble", "Smile", "Baby" and "Centner".

    Hard-boiled pumpkin species - these varieties are ready for use in late summer - early fall. They differ in creamy shades of fruits, with small seeds, sweet taste. Simply grow pumpkin "gymnosperm"  varieties. Although its flesh does not have a sweet taste, but its seeds grow without a shell, there is only a transparent thin film. “Bulgarian” is a round-shaped variety with light gray or yellowish skin tones. The fruit mass is from 3 kg, has a pleasant aftertaste. Of all the hardcore varieties of pumpkins  especially known: "Mushroom bush" pumpkin, "Spaghetti or vermicelli", "Almond", "Country" and "Freckle".

    How to care for a pumpkin?

Pumpkin Care  does not require special efforts and does not take much time. Throughout the summer, after the shoots have sprouted, the pumpkin needs a lot of moisture.

It is better to water it at night, so the water does not evaporate under the sun, but is absorbed into the ground and nourishes the roots. To keep the moisture longer, it is worth overlaying pumpkin bushes with mulch or dry grass.

Also, while the bushes are young, the earth around them needs to be loosened - this saturates the soil with oxygen and gives the root system air. In addition, when loosening, weeds are removed near the plant, capable of blocking sunlight and taking moisture.

Additional feeding pumpkin is needed when the soil on the site is infertile. Here humus, a solution of a barn, mineral and potassium fertilizers are perfect.

If top dressing was introduced into the pit before planting, then in summer it is better to forget about it. The plant is unpretentious to dressing and is able to please a plentiful harvest without additional fertilizers.

Features of growing in a greenhouse and open ground

Grow pumpkin  it is convenient immediately in open soil, this method does not take a lot of time, and in terms of yield it is not inferior to similar planting methods.

What is worth remembering when growing pumpkins in the open ground is regular irrigation of the plant with water. In addition, after the pumpkin has formed the first 5-6 leaves, the bush needs the formation of the main lashes.

The side shoots are cut off, the inflorescences are tied. 3-4 flowers and 5-7 leaves remain on the stem. So the pumpkin will not spend energy on the growth of the lash, and will form fruits. You can save 2 main shoots, but no more than 4-6 leaves and 3-4 ovaries on each lash.

However, gardeners plant a plant in greenhouses. Pumpkin growing technology  not much different from planting in open ground, the care of the plant is carried out identically.

When the pumpkin forms 5-7 leaves, it must be transplanted into the open ground, or just direct the whip into the open space, and leave the root part in the greenhouse.

Pumpkin cultivation  a closed greenhouse allows you to increase the amount of yield, and accelerate its ripening. This method is used mainly in the northern latitudes.

Pictured pumpkin seeds sprouted

Pumpkin - a favorite culture of the gardener, special conditions for growing pumpkinsnot necessary .   In addition, its fruits not only have a lot of useful properties, but also perfectly preserved in cold weather.

As a rule, pumpkin, like cucumbers, is immediately planted in the ground. However, if you want to get an earlier harvest and / or decided to play it safe, because If you live in a fairly cool region with a short summer, you can initially sow seeds for seedlings.

About when and how to plant a pumpkin for seedlings and grow at home - read on in the article.

When choosing pumpkin seeds, do not pay attention to the picture on the package. An orange and smooth-looking fruit is not in fact the best and certainly sweet.

Advice!  Do not choose the largest varieties.

This is due to the fact that immediately the whole fruit is difficult to use somewhere, and after you cut it, a problem arises. In addition, pumpkin varieties of small sizes are better stored and have, as a rule, a sweeter taste.

In general, pumpkins exist in the following types and varieties:

The most delicious are nutmeg varieties, but they are the most heat-loving and late ripening.

Hard-tasting varieties also have excellent taste. They have the earliest ripening period.

Large-fruited varieties are also very sweet and cold-resistant.

Pumpkin planting dates: when to plant seeds on seedlings and in open ground

Planting pumpkins for seedlings should be 20-30 days before the expected date of planting in open ground.

The optimal age of pumpkin seedlings for planting in the soil is 20-25 days from the time of emergence (5-10 days - a reserve for seed germination).

Accordingly, the optimal time for planting pumpkin seedlings is mid-late April or even early May, depending on the region of residence and its climatic zone.

Naturally, in the Middle lane (Moscow region) this can be done earlier than in the Urals or Siberia, as well as in the North-West (in the Leningrad Region).

In the south of Russia, they usually plant directly in the ground, but if you decide to grow seedlings first, then you can sow already in late March.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you are used to planting in accordance with the phases of the moon, then, according to the lunar calendar, in 2019, favorable days for planting pumpkins for seedlings are:

  • in March - 15-19, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April - 6-9, 11-13, 20, 21, 24-26, 29-30;
  • in May - 3, 4, 8-10, 17-18, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 13-15, 18-20.

Adverse days (periods of the new moon and full moon), in which it is definitely not worth planting a pumpkin (and any other crops) for seedlings in 2019, are:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for the summer resident."

Preparing pumpkin seeds for planting

"Do not expect a good tribe from a bad seed."

Before planting, pumpkin seeds should be carefully selected (calibrated), discarding all damaged and bent specimens, leaving only the most big and plump.

Next, the seeds should be checked for their suitability for sowing (viability): pour into a container of water for 3-4 hours. Seeds that are drowned can be planted, and those that remain floating on the surface should be thrown away (they are light and empty).

Video: planting pumpkin seeds

There are several ways to directly prepare and process pumpkin seeds:

  • Soak in a damp cloth in ordinary hot water (50-55 degrees) for 1-2 hours.

And even better in one of the growth stimulants such as Epin or Zircon. In them, you can sprout.

  • Disinfect by holding for about 20-30 minutes in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate (1%, i.e. 1 mg per 1 liter of water), and even better in the solution. At the end of time, rinse under clean water and dry until the required flowability appears.

Advice!  In addition to soaking, it is also possible to carry out the hardening procedure. To do this, you need to wrap the seeds in wet gauze and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Then get out and put in heat for 10-12 hours. So repeat for 3-4 times (3-4 days), in other words, expose the seeds to temperature changes (stress), and then germinate.

  • Simply sprout! To do this, pre-disinfect, then wrap in a damp cloth (or put between cotton pads, napkins), put in a plastic bag (create a greenhouse effect) and put it in a warm place for germination, where the temperature is + 24..28 degrees. As a rule, after 2-4 days, the seedlings will hatch.

Another way to sprout pumpkin seeds is to sawdust sprouting. To do this, you need to pour the sawdust into a jar, pour them with boiling water and cover. Then wait a bit (so that the temperature drops to room temperature) and add seeds to the jar with sawdust. After that, put this jar in a plastic bag and put it in a warm and dark place until germination.

Video: sprouting pumpkin seeds, watermelon and melon

In order to awaken old pumpkin seeds, you can apply the method of temperature buildup. To do this, the seeds should be tied in gauze and alternately lowered into hot water (40-50 degrees), then into cold water (directly from the tap, although it is better to use thawed snow if you still have snow outside). So you need to do 4-5 times, keeping in water for 5-6 seconds. After the procedure, dry and immediately sow on seedlings or in open ground.

Many summer residents successfully plant a pumpkin and dry seeds, but in this case, the planting time should be shifted by 5-7 days, in other words, it is necessary to plant earlier.

Important!  If you purchased dragee (processed) seeds, then they do not need any pre-sowing preparation, they should be sown dry.

How to plant a pumpkin for seedlings

So, you have decided on the time, prepared and processed the seeds. Well, it's time to plant a pumpkin for seedlings! However, first you need to select the appropriate landing tanks, the soil to fill them and actually land at the desired depth.

Landing tanks and soil

The containers for planting and growing pumpkin seedlings should be individual: pumpkin seedlings cannot tolerate picks, so special peat glasses, ordinary disposable plastic (0.5 liter) containers, plastic pots or any other containers that are convenient for you will be perfect as containers. it is easy to get seedlings when planting in the garden. Moreover, their diameter should be at least 8-10 cm.

Alternative opinion!   Many gardeners perfectly grow pumpkin seedlings in small, 0.2 liter cups. Naturally, planting is recommended earlier, when the first seedlings are formed in the seedlings, and the second true leaf begins to appear.

Pumpkin loves a nutritious land. The soil mixture can be prepared independently or you can buy ready-made soil for pumpkin crops (cucumbers, melons, watermelons).

If you decide to make it yourself, you can mix peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 or take peat, humus and rotted wood chips in equal proportions.

Direct planting seedlings

Phased instructions for sowing pumpkin seeds for seedlings:

Video: planting pumpkins for seedlings with germinated seeds

Video: sowing with dry seeds for seedlings

How to care for pumpkin seedlings at home

When the first shoots appear (after 3-7 days), the shelter must be quickly removed.

And before that, it is worth at least 1 time per day to open the containers for ventilation for 10-15 minutes and at the same time check them for seedlings.

After germination, it would be nice to put the container with the planting in a cooler place (where the temperature is 2-5 degrees lower, i.e. around + 15-18 in the afternoon and + 13-15 at night), and then (after 5-7 days) return to the previous temperature conditions (+ 20-25 in the afternoon, not lower than +15 at night).

Such a procedure (lowering the temperature) will help not to stretch young seedlings.


For normal growth, pumpkin seedlings need good lighting, so you should set the containers on a brightly lit window sill, ideally on the south (southeast or southwest).

Full 12 hour daylight  - your reliable protection against drawing seedlings.

Advice!If suddenly the seedlings begin to stretch, then be sure to pour a little earth into the cups.

Watering and feeding

Pumpkin loves moisture, so she needs regular watering. However, it should be performed in moderation without overfilling the plant. In this case, excessive drying of the soil should also not be allowed.

Water should be warm (at least at room temperature), settled or filtered.

After 1-1.5 weeks, as the shoots appear, pumpkin seedlings can be fed for better growth (however, if you originally used fertile soil, then no additional fertilizing is needed). Alternatively, you can use nitrogen fertilizer (for example, mullein or the like), or even better, a complete complex type of nitroammophos or some special pumpkin (same Agricola).

Video: weekly growth of pumpkin seedlings

When and how to plant pumpkin seedlings in open ground

The signal for planting seedlings of pumpkin in the open ground is the appearance of sufficiently developed 2-3 real leaves and the achievement of seedling height of 15-20 centimeters.

As for the landing time, by this time the earth should warm up sufficiently (up to + 8-12 degrees), and the weather should become stable warm (above +10 degrees).

Like all pumpkin pumpkins, the pumpkin does not tolerate frosts, but can transfer short-lived ones (unlike other melons).

Depending on climatic conditions, as a rule, a favorable period begins in the second half of April in the Southern regions, in mid-May - in the Middle lane (Moscow region), at the end of May - in the Urals and Siberia.

Advice!  It will be very prudent if, 5-7 days before the seedlings are planted on the bed, you will harden your plants, namely, you will begin to take them out onto the balcony (or loggia) or in the greenhouse, gradually increasing the time from 1-2 hours to the whole day.

It is optimal to plant a pumpkin on a garden bed in the evening or afternoon, in cloudy weather, when the sun has gone or hid behind the clouds.

Planting seedlings of pumpkins is carried out according to a certain pattern, as a rule, it is indicated on the packaging of seeds (most often at a distance of 80 to 150 cm from each other).

A place to grow pumpkins should be the sunniest.

A transplant into the ground should be done carefully, slowly getting seedlings together with a lump, and in no case damaging the root system of the plant. It is better to make a hole large enough: pour a mixture of humus and ash at the bottom, spill with warm water, put a seedling, and then fill it with garden soil. As soon as the landing is completed, the landing can be mulched with humus.

Video: planting pumpkin seedlings in open ground

Thus, even a beginner gardener can grow pumpkin seedlings at home. The main thing is to initially choose a good variety, determine the timing, prepare the seeds and plant them correctly.

In contact with

In central Russia and in other territories with a similar climate, pumpkin varieties grow: large-fruited and hard-bodied. Muscat squash grows in the southern regions. Sometimes there is a gourd. Growing pumpkins in the open field is not such a complicated process as it is represented by inexperienced gardeners.

Pumpkin is a well-known annual plant with a powerful root system, wide leaves, long, sturdy stems. The core root can penetrate into the soil depth by three meters, and the side roots spread throughout the territory up to four meters, in search of moisture and nutrition.

The stem of the plant "creeps" from the base by more than seven meters. Pumpkin has large flowers of yellow or yellow-orange color, which are located individually (the plant is dioecious). On the main stem, starting from the tenth leaf and beyond, fruits are formed.

Varieties of pumpkins and their features


This pumpkin is quick-growing and has a high yield. It has coarser fiber than the pulp of a large-fruited variety, and it does not last very long (up to four months) without changing the taste and nutritional characteristics.

This pumpkin is a real giantess, the record-breaking fruits reach 60 kg. Productivity is also high. And the shelf life of the fetus is up to nine months.

This pumpkin can lie absolutely unchanged in a cellar or other cool and dry room for up to two years. Late-ripening variety.

What a pumpkin loves

Pumpkin loves heat, does not tolerate cold in combination with dampness.

Important! The temperature, which is necessary for pumpkin seeds to germinate, is up to + 30 ° C. At lower, they will germinate for a very long time and slowly. And at less than + 10 ° C they will not rise at all.

The entire growing season for pumpkin passes at an optimum temperature of + 25 ° C. In this case, it builds up an orange of a saturated color, flesh, aromatic, dense but juicy, and a wide leaf apparatus (up to 40 m² per plant).

Pumpkin loves moisture, without a sufficient amount of which the largest fruits are not formed. If the pumpkin suffered a drought at the beginning of flowering, the flowers may fall and the ovary does not form.

Pumpkin is a photophilous culture. It must be grown in sunny and calm areas (ideally melon).

How to grow pumpkin from seeds

For pumpkin growing, the easiest way is to use the traditional seed method of sowing. Only seeds for sowing must be prepared.

It all starts with the selection of seed. Only the largest seeds of selected quality should be taken for sowing. Thin, feeble, dry, not full need to be rejected. Calibrated seeds begin to prepare for sowing.

Seed preparation

The best way to prepare for sowing pumpkin seeds is to germinate them. This process is continued until the seeds hatch. For germination, pumpkin seeds are dipped in water with a stable temperature of + 40 ° C (permissible up to + 50 ° C, below forty it is impossible). In this condition, the seeds must spend at least three hours.

Advice! How to achieve such a temperature? put a bowl with germinated seeds on a battery or other heating device, put in a yogurt maker or slow cooker in the "Yogurt" mode.

Then the swollen seeds are wrapped in a well-moistened cotton cloth and left at the temperature of the living room until peeling. The fabric needs to be checked and moistened all the time again so that the seeds do not dry out.

Since pumpkin is a heat-loving plant, it is recommended, especially in the middle climatic zone, to increase the cold resistance of seeds before sowing. To do this, after peeling them, you need to continue to keep them in a damp cloth, but already in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, from three to five days.

Due to the thermophilic, it is not worth sowing seeds in open ground, first it is better to grow pumpkin seedlings.

Growing pumpkin seedlings

Seedlings are needed in order to get a plentiful and early harvest. And also, that the hatching seeds do not die from the cold, if sowing is carried out at a time when cooling is still possible. It is not necessary to grow seedlings at home - you can do this in a special nursery or mini-greenhouse. But best of all, “under supervision”, to grow pumpkin seedlings on the south windowsill of the apartment. At room temperature, which is nevertheless closer to the expected pumpkin + 30 ° C than the temperature in the spring greenhouse, the process will go faster and better.

Important! Despite the powerful and strong appearance, pumpkin seedlings do not tolerate transplanting. Therefore, seedlings are best grown in peat pots.

To grow seedlings you will need peat or ordinary pots with a size of at least 10x10 cm in an amount twice as small as the number of seeds. There is no need to try to grow a “pumpkin forest”, remember about the 40 m² feeding area that a pumpkin can cover. Two plants, with a sufficiently spacious placement, a large amount of heat of light and moisture, with regular top dressing, will give a larger yield and more fruit than ten located in the same space.

Important! Pumpkin seedlings should be carried out at home or in a greenhouse before planting in the ground for at least three weeks. Therefore, the seeds are sown based on this calendar indicator.

Seedling soil

Pumpkin seeds are sown in ordinary fertile seedling, consisting of peat and sand. No special additives are required. Fertilizers in the soil also do not need to be applied. If you grow seeds in peat pots, just fill them with soil. When growing in a plastic container, sprinkle 3 cm of sawdust on the bottom.

Sowing seeds

Germinated and hardened seeds are sown in pairs in pots as described above. Later, a weak seedling can be removed simply by plucking off the stem. Sowing depth - 2 cm. Peat is poured over seeds. Before sowing and after watering is carried out.

During the first three days after sowing, the temperature should be + 25 ° С ... + 30 ° С.

Seedling care

Shoots should appear on the fourth day. After this, the temperature must be reduced and maintained within + 18 ° С ... + 25 ° С during the week, then again reduced to the parameters + 15 ° С ... + 18 ° С. This is necessary so that the pumpkin seedlings do not stretch, grow strong and squat .

Watering seedlings is carried out regularly, but it should not be excessive. Stagnant water is prohibited. Perfect soil moisture and air humidity will contribute to the formation of hardy and abundant fruiting plants in the future pumpkin.

Two weeks after germination, top dressing is carried out. To do this, you need to dilute the mullein in a proportion of 1:10 with water and pour in 100 ml of the nutrient solution after irrigation in each pot, or under each plant in the greenhouse. If there is no mullein, top dressing is carried out by a nitrophosic according to the instructions.

Video - Growing pumpkin seedlings

Readiness and Disembarkation

Properly grown seedlings are as follows:

  • low stem, thick and strong;
  • short internodes;
  • three well-developed true leaves with a rich green color.

In this state, pumpkin seedlings can be planted in pots on open ground under temporary film shelter on the 22nd day after sowing with sprouted seeds in pots.

Before planting, the wells are watered with hot water. If the seedlings are in peat containers, it does not need to be removed, only slightly destroy the walls and the bottom of the pot.

After planting, the plants are watered with warm water and protected with a film cover until stable warm weather occurs.

Soils suitable for growing pumpkins

This plant is most suitable for fertile soil, which has a fairly loose structure, is well warmed up. It is on this land that pumpkin fruits will reach record sizes.

Important! Worst of all, pumpkin will grow on moist and clay soil. Acidic soils are not categorically suitable for plants - they must be treated with lime (liming under the precursor) or wood ash should be added.

When growing pumpkins in a summer cottage, try to observe the following requirements.

  1. Landing on the south side of the house along a wall or fence. The structure and the fence will protect from the wind during the day and give the plants the heat accumulated during the day at night for the plants.
  2. Scourges of pumpkins may well be directed to the wall of the house, the fence, the roof of the barn. Closer to the sun, the fruits ripen better.
  3. If there is a compost pile on the site on the south side, it is ideal to plant a pumpkin near it, sending lashes there.

Soil preparation

To successfully grow a pumpkin, in the autumn, having removed the predecessors, it is necessary to start preparing the soil.

  1. Add organic matter and mineral dressing to a clean area free of plants and weeds (5 kg of humus, 15 g of potassium chloride and twice as much superphosphate per m²). If there is no humus, in the fall you can make manure - 7 kg per m².
  2. Dig a site 20 cm deep.
  3. To facilitate the structure of the soil, if necessary, add river sand (coarse grain) and peat.
  4. Deoxidize the soil with wood ash.
  5. Loosen, if possible, mix, pour hot water.

In the spring, the upper soil layer does not need to be dug up, it is enough to remove the weeds that have appeared and level the area with a rake. In this condition, the soil should be from March to May - the time of planting pumpkin seedlings.

Two days before the planting of grown seedlings, the soil on the bed must be dug up 12 cm (half a bayonet of a shovel), add ammonium nitrate - 20 g per m² and make holes.

Wells on light-structured soil can be shallow - up to 25 cm. If the soil is heavy, the depth of the hole should be 40 cm. A little compost and a layer of dry leaves are laid on the bottom.

The distance between plants in a normal garden is about a meter. If possible, it can be doubled.

Pumpkin predecessors

This issue is relevant, since culture is demanding of its predecessors.

Pumpkin Care

Pumpkin does not need reverent and specialized care, but there are some measures that should not be neglected if you want to get a large crop of large fruits.


The main care measure is watering adjustment. A pumpkin, like a pump, pumps out all the moisture from the ground, and then evaporates it through the leaves. Thus, the roots and stems get a little. Therefore, the moisture level in the soil must be constantly replenished.

Advice! Especially abundantly need to water the pumpkin, when it begins mass flowering and fruit formation. Water temperature should not be lower than + 20 ° С (warmed up in the sun). In no case should you water the pumpkin with cold water in the heat - plants can die.

After watering, once in a while, it is necessary to loosen the soil near the base of the stem. As weeds grow, weed.

Top dressing

You need to feed the pumpkin often, otherwise you will not be able to get large fruits. The first top dressing in open ground - after the formation of the fifth leaf. The second is when the lashes begin to form. Then - every two weeks.

You can feed with nitrophos, starting with 10 g per plant and increase the dose by 5 g each time you feed. You can add dry granules or prepare a solution.

During the fruiting period, a glass of ash is added to each dressing.

You can feed pumpkin throughout the growing season with a mullein solution.

The plant is formed in one stem, in extreme cases, in two - this contributes to high productivity. To do this, after the appearance of extra shoots from the sides, they are all removed, also the extra ovaries are plucked out, leaving no more than three on each lash.

By the way! On second-order shoots, a pumpkin can produce fruits after the second leaf, but they will grow small and tasteless, so it’s worthwhile to pinch the shoots of the plant.

Video - Pumpkin: Growing and Pinching


Another agrotechnical technique that promotes productivity is sprinkling of lashes. As soon as the lashes have reached meter length, they must be carefully untangled, laid in the specified direction and sprinkled with earth in two to three places. This is done so that the wind does not break the lashes and leaves, breaking the ovary. But the main thing is that in the internodes pressed to the ground, additional roots are formed that will nourish the plants and contribute to the increase in fruits.

Some more tricks

  1. Scourges that climb a fence or roof must be controlled. When pumpkins start to ripen on them, insure them by placing them in ordinary string bags and securing them to additional fasteners. Otherwise, heavy fruits will slide down, breaking off the stems.
  2. It is undesirable, especially in wet weather, for the fruits to lie on bare ground. When they are medium in size, place boards or other “breathable” material under them.

Video - How to properly grow and care for a pumpkin

The chemical composition of pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals useful for the normal functioning of human organs. This explains the popularity of growing vegetables on garden plots. Culture enjoys success among agrarians for industrial cultivation. In this review, we will talk about the features of planting pumpkin seeds and seedlings in open ground and further care.

Dates for planting pumpkins in Belarus, Ukraine, the Leningrad region and other regions

A crop is planted after the soil is fully warmed up, and the average daily temperature does not fall below + 10 ° С. If during sowing in spring the temperature is below + 13 ° C, the germination process slows down, which threatens to rot the seeds. In the middle lane, the best seed planting dates fall in the second decade of May.  According to folk traditions, the sowing day coincides with the church holiday - St. George's Day, but you should not rely on a significant date without taking into account weather conditions.

In the southern regions, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, in the Donbass, where weather conditions permit, pumpkin can be planted at the end of April. According to the lunar calendar, this period coincides with the growing moon, which is favorable for the development of the top fruits.

The most popular varieties

For Moscow region


Cold-resistant culture with a spreading long lash and sweet-tasting large fruits, hanging in a mature form to 6 kg.  The culture is unpretentious to the type of soil, its fertility.


Culture with early ripening (75-85 days). The vegetable is characterized by a sweet taste with hints of vanilla. Pumpkin in mature form weighs 3-4 kg.  Duration of fruit storage for more than 4 months.

For the Urals

Russian woman

The plant is resistant to garden diseases and frost. The pulp is juicy and sugar, which is appreciated by the chefs. The weight of the Russian pumpkin exceeds 2.7 kg.  The ripening period of the crop is 110-130 days. The color of the ripened fruit is orange.

Nutmeg Pearl

Harvest ripens in 100 days the weight of pumpkins is about 5-7 kg.  The taste is saturated with a musky note. The plant is cold-resistant, tolerates drought and heavy rainfall, has strong immunity.

The best varieties of Siberia


A plant with vegetation days. The pulp is very juicy and sweet, tasting like a melon. Even after heat treatment, it retains a crispy structure. Pumpkin weight does not exceed 3 kg.


Bush grade. The culture easily tolerates temperature changes and can withstand frosts, is resistant to humid environments. The variety is distinguished by excellent taste and a long shelf life (until the next season). The duration of the growing season is 90-110 days, fetal mass - 2.1-3 kg.

Proper planting in open ground

The key to productivity is the correct planting, which includes the preparation of seeds and soil, as well as the process of laying in the hole of planting material.

Seed Preparation: Germination and Germination Testing

Seeds must first be checked for germination and sorted, leaving only healthy specimens. 3 days before the start of sowing, grains must be germinated in wet gauze or sawdust.  To accelerate the germination of seeds at home, they are placed for 2 days in a solution of sodium or potassium humate. The tank should be in the room all this time, where the temperature regime is 20 ° C.

The soil

The soil must be prepared before planting. To do this, they dig it up, make fertilizers: potash, phosphorus, compost or manure. It is better to use complex ones, they enrich the soil with various nutrients.For example, 2 buckets of humus, ½ buckets of sawdust, 1 kg of ash, 1 glass of nitrophoska are introduced per 1 m2.

The digging depth of the soil should be at least 35-50 cm. To disinfect the area, pour it with hot water.

Where to plant a pumpkin in the country? The landing place is selected sunny, well-ventilated. Such predecessors as potatoes, sunflowers, melons, watermelon will not work.  But after legumes, tomatoes and beets, the plant will feel great. The same site should not be used for disembarkation either; a break should be 4-5 years.

Planting seeds and seedlings in the country

The distance between the holes should be at least 60 cm, because the lash of the plant actively develops and spreads over a large space. In determining the scheme, it is better to be guided by the characteristics of the variety. More often gardeners use this option of planting:

  • embedment depth  sunflower seeds - 8-10 cm (on light soils), 5-6 cm (on loams) with the acute side down;
  • interval  between holes in a row - 60-80 cm;
  • distance  between rows - 1 m.

For spreading lashes, the following scheme is used: 1x1.5 m.  To protect the planting from spring frosts, it is recommended to cover the garden with a film.

Experienced gardeners use the lunar calendar when planning planting work in the garden. The dates indicated in it affect the rate of development of plants. It is recommended to plant a pumpkin on the growing moon:

  • in March  begin to plant seeds on seedlings (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23);
  • in April  seeding is permissible in open ground (17 - 22, 24 - 29 numbers);
  • in May  (16-21, 23-28).

In addition to 3-4 seeds, organic fertilizers are added to each well: manure, humus or peat. To moisturize, use warm water (2 liters per hole).

In the Leningrad region, Moscow region, in the Urals, in Siberia, pumpkin is grown in seedlings. The technology of planting young plants in the soil does not differ from planting seeds.

But what if pumpkin seedlings are very long? In cases of excessive activity of seedling growth,  when the stem becomes thin and excessively long, the first thing to do is to transplant the plants into more spacious pots, providing the necessary space.

Cultivation at home and further care

At home, pumpkin can be grown on virtually any soil. The culture shows endurance to adverse weather conditions, even when it began to germinate. But these facts do not mean that culture does not need to be looked after.

How many seeds germinate?

The timing of seed germination depends solely on temperature conditions. If the night indicator does not fall below 12-14 °, the seeds will begin to germinate in a week.  Even if the weather is cool a month later, 2-3 leaves are already developing on the shoot.

Preplant seed soaking in growth stimulants will help speed up the germination process. In addition to special tools, aloe juice, infusion of wood ash, potato juice, honey solution are used.

Watering Rules

Pumpkin needs watering, but in moderation. Excess moisture will provoke stretching of the seedlings.  It is better to water the soil after loosening and weeding. The culture tolerates drought well, but the reaction to cold water from the central highway can be negative. Therefore, experts recommend using the settled fluid from the well.

Top dressing

The plant loves top dressing. A week after germination, the first lure is introduced. The plant receives ideal nutrition from a mullein solution.  Nitrofoska is considered equally effective (15 grams per bucket of water). It is followed by subsequent feeding with an interval of 10-14 days.

The correct formation of the seedling is expressed in a low but strong stalk, short internodes, the presence of 3 leaves after a month.

Pumpkin Formation

As soon as 2-3 real leaves appear on the shoots, you need to thin out the bed. When growing large-fruited pumpkins, they leave only one sprout, nutmeg and durum bark - 2 seedlings each.

A developing lash should also be formed, and side shoots.  They do this in two ways: in one stem and in two. In the first case, it is recommended to leave only 2-3 ovaries, on which there are 3-4 leaves. In the second method, 2 fruits are left on the main stem, one on the side shoot. Without such a procedure, the fruits will be small and not very tasty.

Pests and Prevention

Pumpkin is considered an unpretentious plant, however, this culture is also at risk from pests. Reduce productivity, and sometimes destroy young shoots can:

  • slugs;
  • gourd aphids.

When signs of an invasion of pests are detected, special preparations are used (Actellik, Fufanon, Citkor, etc.). Safer are products made from biological components. Folk methods are sometimes not inferior in effectiveness, among which deserve attention:

  • decoctions and infusions from pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • infusions on potato and tomato tops;
  • decoctions of wormwood and other aromatic herbs;
  • wood ash;
  • tobacco dust;
  • slaked lime, etc.

Working solutions are used to spray plants, and powders are used for dusting. The procedures are repeated 2-3 times at intervals of 7-10 days.

For an instant reaction to an invasion of pests, one should make it a rule to conduct inspection of the beds with a regularity of 1 time in 3 days. Then you can localize the problem and save the crop.


The maturity of a pumpkin can be determined by the following criteria:

  • the stalk becomes stiffer  the surface gets stuck, its stiffness occurs simultaneously with the stem supplying power;
  • leaves on the whip drychange color to yellow;
  • whatever the original skin color, after maturing, reflects the texture pattern brighter;
  • if you run a fingernail over the crust, no trace;
  • when you press your fingers on the fetus, hardness is felt;
  • ripe product is covered matte coating;
  • when tapping is heard sonorous knock;
  • when harvesting the stalk is easy to remove.

To ensure a long shelf life, it is necessary to pick the fruit carefully, being careful not to damage the peel. Scratches should be sealed with a bactericidal plaster so that microbes do not penetrate into the vegetable.

Harvested fruits from the beds are placed in a dry room, where they ripen for about another month.

The main guarantee of a good harvest are proper seed selection and timely care.  Hand-grown pumpkin diversifies the menu for households, enriches the body with nutrients.