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Bread how to use. How to use a Panasonic bread maker. bread, but in quick baking mode. Crumb can

The main rule is that the products must be fresh and of high quality, otherwise you will simply waste your energy and energy. The second rule, the bread maker should be used as carefully as possible, then the baking will be excellent, and the bread maker will serve you for a long time.

Baking process in a bread machine or instruction manual

  • The bread machine needs to be placed on a flat refractory surface, away from sunlight and the stove (heat sources affect the temperature inside the device). Without plugging the device into the outlet, open the lid and take out the form by the handle - in different models of the bread machine you need to turn the form to the side or pull it up.
  • Check for jammed bread crumbs in the kneading blade and put the blade on the mold core.
  • Depending on what is indicated in the instructions in your bread machine, you need to pour water, milk and other liquids into the mold or first place dry ingredients (yeast). Usually, liquid ingredients are poured first.
  • Add the flour so that it completely covers the liquid, and then add all the dry ingredients. Salt, sugar and butter must be placed in different corners of the form so that they do not touch.
  • In the flour, make a small depression so that it does not reach the liquid, and put yeast in it.
  • Carefully place the form in the bread maker and tightly fix it in place (in different models there may be special fasteners or the form is screwed into the bottom of the bread maker). Lower the handle and close the lid. After that, you can already turn on the bread machine in the outlet.
  • Select a program, bread size and crust color and click on the “Start” button. The process of kneading the dough will begin immediately if you have not programmed the bread machine for another time.
  • After the dough is kneaded, several signals will sound. Now you can add other ingredients, such as nuts or dried fruits. To do this, open the lid of the bread machine, add food and close the lid.
  • At the end of the work, a few more signals will sound, indicating the readiness of the bread (or dough, depending on the selected program). You need to press the “Stop” button and open the cover. Before you get the baked bread, you need to wear oven mitts. In addition, be careful not to get burned with hot steam.
  • Without removing the mittens, turn the mold upside down and shake it in order to extract bread from there. You can tap the bottom of the mold on a wooden board.
  • A kneading pad stuck in bread can be removed with a wooden spatula.
  • Put bread on a wire rack and allow to cool. Unplug the bread machine and allow to cool. After this, the mold and kneading paddle must be washed and wiped - all these parts must be cold and dry before putting them back into the bread maker and baking bread.

Baking problems

  • The dough rises too fast   - the reason may be that a lot of sugar and yeast are loaded (you can reduce their quantity or add salt, which slows down the rise of the dough), too much liquid is added, or the bread machine is near a heat source.
  • The dough rises too slowly   - the yeast may be too small or expired, the baking cycle is too fast (and the dough just did not have time to rise yet), while laying the products, the yeast was mixed with salt (dry ingredients must be laid in different angles of the form), lack of sugar, poorly sifted flour insufficient liquid or too cold liquid (liquid should be at room temperature).

To replace the classic ovens came bread machines that require minimal effort to prepare tasty and high-quality bread. Some buyers have difficulties with this, so we will analyze the process of using this miracle device in more detail. With our instructions, you can easily cook an excellent loaf of bread for the first time. Remember: use only fresh ingredients.

Instructions for using the bread machine

Set the breadmaker on a flat and fireproof surface. Be sure to place it away from drafts and heat sources (away from the sun and gas stove) - this can all affect the temperature inside the stove itself, which will affect the result of cooking. Open the device and remove the form by the special handle. Depending on the model, the mold may be removed by turning or pulling.

Next, carefully check the blade where the dough is kneaded. Sometimes there may be crumbs or slices of bread from the previous cooking. If everything is clean, put the blade on the shaft. The design of the stove is such that you can put on the blade in only one position.

Add water or milk (other liquids, if prescribed), then add flour so that the liquid is completely covered. Then fill in all the dry ingredients that are provided for in your recipe. Important: put salt and sugar in different angles - they should not touch each other at this stage.

It is also important: if the instructions for use of the bread maker say that it is first of all necessary to add dry ingredients, then add them first of all, starting with yeast. No wonder the manufacturer wrote it.

In the middle of the flour, make a small well, the depth of which will not burn water. Put yeast in this well. If you make a large well, the yeast will touch the water, as a result of which they will immediately begin to interact with it. At the current stage, we do not need this.

Put the form in the bread machine and secure it with the fasteners that are always there. Sometimes the form is simply screwed into the bottom, but do it carefully so that all your loaded ingredients do not mix. Release the handle and close the lid, plug the bread maker into a power outlet.

If your model has advanced functionality, then select the desired program, the size of the loaf and the color of the peel and click on "Start". Depending on the model, the mixing mode should be activated immediately. Some models have a “downtime” period during which the temperature is set and programming is carried out.

After mixing the test, the device emits a few beeps. You can add the ingredients provided by the recipe: dried fruits, for example. Everything is simple here: open the lid, fall asleep products, close the lid.

When the bread is ready, the device will notify you of this using a sound alert. You are required to press the “Stop” button, open the lid and get the finished loaf of bread. Be sure to use mittens and remember: hot air comes out of the bread maker within 15-20 minutes after opening, which can easily be burned.

Flip the shape and shake it a little. The bread should get out of shape neatly, but if the mixing paddle is stuck in a loaf, it is advisable to use a wooden spatula.

That's all. The bread is ready, and the device should cool before new cooking, because a hot machine will not be able to cope with a new portion: the recipe provides for the use of a cold bread machine.

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Baking tasty and healthy bread at home has recently become very popular. A modern bread machine makes the whole cycle from kneading to baking in automatic mode. So that the result of the work of the equipment is justified, and the baking is well lifted and baked, it is necessary to observe all the parameters of the cycle at startup. So, how to use a bread machine for baking quality homemade bread?

For a beautiful and fragrant baking, a good multi-functional bread machine will not be enough. Particular attention should be paid to the preparatory phase of the stove for work, the sequence and quality of the ingredients used. The main recommendations for the proper operation of the equipment are the following factors.

  1. Proper placement   bread makers. It should not stand in a draft or near working burners - external temperature affects the quality of the bread. For example, it can rise poorly if the stove is in a cool place and vice versa, rise too much when the room is hot.
  2. The form in which the ingredients are poured must be free from previous baking residues. It is necessary to check, and if necessary, remove all the crumbs.
  3. Ingredients to fall asleep room temperatureunless otherwise provided by the recipe.
  4. Adhere to the dosage and order indicated in the recipe. For these purposes, any bread machine is equipped measuring cup and spoon. An important point to add yeast: they should not come into contact with liquid ingredients immediately when loading. Mixing should take place evenly during kneading.
  5. It is possible to turn on the breadmaker in the network and set the mode only after all products are laid for kneading.
  6. You can control the process of baking bread only at the stage of kneading dough. At the moment when the technique mixes the ingredients, you can open the lid and see if the dough comes out of sufficient consistency. Add flour or water if necessary.
  7. The stove warns about the completion of the process sound signal: You can take mittens and take out a hot mold with bread. If the bread sticks to the walls a little, then you should, turning the form over, tap on the bottom with a spatula.
  8. You can start the bread machine on a new baking cycle only after complete cooling, as this will affect the speed of preparation of the dough for baking.

Baking problems and solutions

Muffin recipes that are attached to the bread maker are not always thorough. Sometimes baking may not work when replacing certain ingredients or not observing the proportions.

When choosing a form, you must take into account the weight of the recipe.

What problems may arise when baking homemade bread? Consider the most common errors and tips for resolving them.

Common problem: bread does not rise. In this case, there can be many reasons:

  1. The main stimulator of test growth is yeast. It is important to ensure that they are fresh.
  2. The quick baking mode was launched, and there was not enough time for the dough to fit well.
  3. During the loading of the ingredients, the salt combined with the yeast, which weakened their effect.
  4. Flour should be enriched with oxygen. It is imperative to sift and use only a quality product.
  5. There is no sugar in the recipe that activates the yeast.

And if bread rose and fell, this may indicate the following:

  1. A bread maker stands in a draft.
  2. The dough has risen too much due to the large amount of yeast. It is rational to use a faster baking regimen next time using the same recipe.
  3. The dough is too thin. You can adjust the consistency of flour.
  4. Lack of salt.

Strong burnt crust   formed with an excess of sugar. The process of browning can be adjusted by the mode “Weak crust” and “Sweet bread”. If formed too hard or even rubber crust, you can add a little more oil to the original recipe or replace part of the water with milk.

Bread not fully baked? This problem can have several sources:

  1. The volume of the batch does not match the baking dish.
  2. Multi-component in the recipe can make the dough very greasy. This usually occurs when ingredients such as cream, butter, and nuts are available.
  3. The lid might not have been hermetically closed, or the bread machine was in a cold room. If it is not possible to additionally heat the room, it is necessary to select a longer baking program to complete the recipe.

It so happens that candied fruits, raisins and nuts unevenly distributed   in the dough or have too large pieces. This process must be monitored and timely fill up additional ingredients. If you do this in advance, they manage to grind, and adding at the last moment will not make it possible to mix them well with the dough.

If the bread is too dry, this may indicate a violation of baking technology. The loaf dries faster with prolonged cooling and with a lack of fat content.

The bread machine is a very convenient and easy-to-maintain equipment. An ideal baking result is achieved during its operation in compliance with certain rules. Correctly set parameters and a good recipe will allow the bread maker to bake delicious crisp bread.

Any kitchen appliances require proper care. Otherwise, it will not serve for long: breakdowns may not always be serviceable. About how to use a bread machine, I will tell you in this article.

Instructions for using the bread machine

It is very important to keep the kitchen clean. This also applies to kitchen appliances, including a bread machine. It must be washed very carefully, as the case very easily leaves scratches on itself. Each bread machine model may require special care. Therefore, you must first study the instructions attached to the technique.

If you have lost the instruction, then use the general:

  1. To clean the bread machine after use, remove all removable parts;
  2. Removable parts wash under the tap using conventional detergents;
  3. Wipe the body of the device from spots, but before that, unplug it from the network;
  4. Dry the appliance, only then you can collect the bread machine and use it again.

Terms of Use

When using the bread machine, be sure to observe the following rules:

  • Place the device only on a flat surface; it should not be inclined;
  • Do not put the bread maker near sources of heat: stoves and batteries;
  • Do not put the bread maker in a room with a draft. This will not allow the test to rise;
  • Make sure that the blades that stir the dough are always clean. They should not leave crumbs from the previous baking;
  • In different models of the device, the ingredients must be laid in different ways. In one case, it is recommended to first fill up dry foods, and then liquid ones. And in the other - first liquid, and then dry. Therefore, find out in the instructions or from another source what approach your bread machine requires.

You should also pay attention to safety:

  • When you take out the finished bread, do not lean low and do not lean your elbows on the hole near the stove;
  • Be sure to put on mittens, as the bread is very hot, and hot air comes out of the bread maker, burning the skin very much;
  • Let the stove cool before it cools. A hot stove may not always turn on.

How to choose a bread machine

There are several parameters that you should definitely pay attention to when choosing a bread machine:

  1. Answer the question, how much bread per day by weight does your family need? There are various models of bread machines for baking bread weighing from 450 grams to 2 kilograms. Usually the average loaf of bread in the store weighs 600-700 grams. Hence, calculate how much your family eats bread per day;
  2. Some oven models may have a baking weight adjustment function. This allows you to download fewer products. Without this function, when loading fewer products, the bread will turn out to be burnt;
  3. Determine which power consumption is optimal for you. Bread machines are produced with a power of 420 to 1650 W;
  4. Define the necessary functions in the bread maker and programs. Before buying a particular model, carefully study them. If you are not going to cook bread from wholemeal flour or milk, then you will not need the appropriate programs. And the more functions and programs the device has, the more it costs;
  5. Determine if you need a timer. With it, a bread machine is more expensive;
  6. Some models have such a function as work when disconnected from the network. But the operating time can reach a maximum of 40 minutes. However, this is very convenient when turning off the light or in the case when the socket for a while needs to be freed, for example, for a coffee grinder or blender, mixer.

These tips will help you use the bread machine for a long time without breakdowns and repairs. And advice on choosing a bread machine will allow you to choose a model that will be a pleasure to use. Delight your loved ones with delicious and hot bread every day.

The device is difficult to use, but once you carefully study the instructions and try to bake the bread, the process will not seem so complicated.

How to use

Before use, the device must be placed on a flat, fireproof surface. Place it at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the surface and at least 5 cm from the wall and other appliances and furniture. During operation, the device heats up and may cause a fire if all safety precautions are not followed. Before use, make sure that the mold and kneading blades are dry and clean, without residue from past baking.

The addition of all ingredients and their sequence must be observed strictly according to the recipe, otherwise this may affect the quality of the bread. As a rule, at the initial stage, the yeast should not come into contact with liquids, sugar and salt. From this, the fermentation process can begin earlier, so strictly follow the recipe. After all the ingredients are cooked and filled, connect the bread maker to the network and set the desired mode. She herself will knead the dough, pick it up and bake bread.

When removing bread, use mittens, do not lean low and do not lean on the bread maker to avoid burns from steam and a hot surface. Before washing the mold, make sure that it has cooled down. It is recommended to collect the parts of the storage device dry, so that all programs subsequently work properly. Also, do not start cooking in a bread machine, if it has not cooled down. She just won’t turn on if she’s hot.

Programs and Features

The set of programs in the bread maker depends on the complexity of the model. The more features it has, the more expensive its price. You can buy a cheaper model with the only function of baking bread, but it may be small in size for the family. In more complex models, there are many functions, you can choose a loaf size, set a timer and even choose a crust color. If you set the timer to a specific time, such as 8-00 in the morning, try not to use perishable foods such as milk and eggs.

There are "main" and "fast" modes of baking bread. In the main mode, the bread maker kneads the dough, stands and. In the fast mode, the bread is baked much faster due to the reduction of time for raising the dough. The loaf turns out less magnificent, but at the same time remains the same delicious. On the "dough" mode is kneading. Yeast dough can be used in a conventional oven. Some models may have special modes for kneading dough for pizza, loaf and others. There are also modes for baking muffins or other yeast-free little things.

Some models have a heating mode, which is very convenient if you need to leave and you do not have time to get the pastries out of the oven.

Observing the simple rules of operating the breadmaker, following the instructions and recipes, you will always have delicious bread on the table.