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Mikhail vinogradov. Psychiatrist-psychic Mikhail Vinogradov: biography, works and photos. Creating a psychological portrait of a maniac: Vinogradov's technique

The murders of children, which happen almost every week this spring, make one believe that new chikatilo have appeared in the country. What is the reason for the burst of such crimes, where the maniacs come from and how to neutralize them, the psychiatrist-criminologist Professor Mikhail Vinogradov tells the Izvestia correspondent Olga Timofeeva.

question: Are there really more maniacs compared to 20 years ago?

answer: There are more of them and there will be more every year, because there are people who are born to kill. Deep brain structures are responsible for their behavior. For example, with an infectious or traumatic injury to the hypothalamus, a person may experience aggression. Therefore, among maniacs there is a serious percentage of children of drug addicts, alcoholics and people suffering from infectious diseases. In addition, obstetrics have become worse, much has been lost in terms of normal monitoring of pregnant women. The quality of life has sharply deteriorated: there are many household injuries, low-quality alcohol, as a result of which adults can get a stroke, brain injury. A person can not only be born a maniac, but also become one at any stage of life.

v: But if such a person goes to a doctor, can he be cured?

O: A maniac of his own free will will not be treated. And we have no mental health control and compulsory treatment: the wrong legislation on mental health care. Take the case in Tomilin: a man who killed a 10-year-old girl was arrested. It turned out that he was mentally ill, stabbed his mother, inflicted 14 stab wounds on her. For 10 years he was kept in the hospital, and then released - the court considered that he was cured! But such patients cannot be cured. He held out for two years, and then a relapse killed him. Maniacs should be kept in special boarding schools and never be released.

The disease will take its toll

v: And how to establish that the killer is just a maniac?

O: By the nature of the crime. The maniac never rob, he mocks the victim and receives sexual satisfaction, even if he has not had sexual intercourse with the victim.

v: Do we have centers in our country where maniacs are kept for life?

O: There are hospitals for psychochronists throughout the country, in the Moscow region such a hospital is located in the Chekhovsky district. Patients are kept there at their own request or after the treatment of relatives. But the maniac does not want to be isolated from society, he wants to kill. Even a court cannot send a person for treatment, because this is the law. The patient swears that he will never kill, but there is a category of diseases that cannot be cured, but healed. Stabilization can be achieved, but as soon as the patient stops taking the medicine, a relapse begins, and the disease takes its toll. The law should provide for compulsory treatment of aggressive and especially dangerous patients.

v: Have you tried to fight, explain the importance of the problem?

O: There is a legal department of the Duma that initiates parliamentary initiatives: I gave a special commentary on the law on psychiatric care. Deputies are constantly returning to this, but so far to no avail. In Soviet times, compulsory treatment was prescribed collectively. They called me and said: the person is aggressive. We took him away and collected a commission. Today, if I take someone away like that, my diploma will be taken away from me. But to protect society from mentally ill people and save those who commit suicide during an exacerbation, it is possible only against their wishes. The man says: I don't want to go to the hospital, we are leaving - and he jumps out the window. But there are also problems that are much easier to solve. Recently, cyclodol disappeared from pharmacies for 3 months, because Estonia, where we buy it, delayed deliveries. And without cyclodol it is practically impossible to use psychotropic drugs. The patients went crazy, and the doctors did not know what to do. Finally he appeared! But before cyclodol was produced in Russia, but it was discontinued, because it costs 20 rubles. And this has happened with many good drugs.

v: Are the murders related to the disappearance of cyclodol?

O: No. Cyclodol does not affect the level of aggression of the mentally ill.

Nobody is insured

v: You say that a child can be born a maniac if the mother has suffered a serious infection during pregnancy. Are healthy women insured against this?

O: Not if the father is mentally or neurologically ill or if he has a severe infection. For example, rubella, a harmless childhood disease, can cause severe genetic complications in adults.

v: Have you ever worked with female maniacs?

O: I examined a woman who worked as a logger before prison and killed two of her mistress's lovers, one with a log and the other with an ax. She told the investigation that she had saved her friend from rape. However, she killed them on purpose: she found her friend with a man in bed, and she had a desire to kill men during a love scene. I examined her in the colony in Nizhny Tagil. A hefty woman, all female signs are in place, a normal figure, but the character is completely masculine and an active lesbian. The second case: in the Park of Culture and Rest in Moscow, they caught three girls who raped and killed men. Now they are probably at large: then there was no life sentence and women were not given the highest measure.

v: Why are there more men than women among maniacs?

O: 15% of women with a masculine character, with aggression are born, and 85% of aggressive men in total. Therefore, the advantage is purely statistical.

"In everyday life, they are cute and courteous"

v: Did you fail to understand what is going on in the minds of maniacs?

O: In everyday life, they are sweet, courteous, kind and caring people. Taking care of children, wives, husbands, friendly with friends. They turn into a beast only from time to time, outside the home and family.

v: Can you calculate the number of maniacs?

O: Hard to say. Take Tagil: two dozen beaten, raped girls aged 15-17 in two years. All of them were listed as missing, one was found and buried unidentified - while half of the city was pasted over with her photographs! In a year, from 80 to 100 thousand people go missing in Russia, of which 14-16 thousand are children. Most of these disappearances are the murders of maniacs. No special work is being done. It is necessary to create a special unit that would deal only with maniacs and missing persons, and really look for, and not stick up ads.

Prophylactic examination for a maniac

v: Can you figure out a maniac before he kills?

O: It is possible, with the help of the usual professional examinations, which include psychiatrists. At one time I gave such conclusions, but human rights activists said that this is a violation of individual rights. Back in Soviet times, we developed methods of special diagnostics, with their help, selection is made to all special services. For civilians, tests are generally cheap: to answer questions on a computer and talk to a specialist, and the efficiency is 90 percent.

v: What if the results are disappointing?

O: Observation by a psychiatrist and treatment, no big problems. Pills or injections 2-3 times a week. As long as they are aware of what is happening to them, until their aggressiveness has reached a certain level, they are ready to be treated. It is not known exactly at what point the turning point occurs, but two or three years pass from the moment of the desire to kill to the moment of murder. Then he becomes a real criminal. So there is enough time.

The program is hosted by Alexander Gostev. The correspondent of Radio Liberty in Moscow Lyubov Chizhova is taking part.

Alexander Gostev: Today, the Moscow City Court sentenced Alexander Pichushkin, whom the media calls "Bitsa maniac", to life imprisonment and compulsory treatment by a psychiatrist. Pichushkin was found guilty of the murder of 48 people and three assassination attempts, the maniac himself said in court that he had 60 human lives on his conscience. Experts point to the accidental capture of the maniac: his two surviving victims turned to the police for help, which they were denied. All the dead ended up in the company of Alexander Pichushkin voluntarily - he offered them a drink, and then killed them.

Lyubov Chizhova: Psychiatrists say that now 32-year-old Alexander Pichushkin, a grocery store clerk, a native of the city of Mytishchi, who confessed to killing 60 people, is experiencing his finest hour and is already mentally writing a book about his bloody adventures. According to his sophisticated fantasy, Pichushkin had to kill 64 people - according to the number of chess cells. In court, he regretted that his plans were not destined to come true.

The investigation established that Pichushkin committed his first crime in 1992, when he was 18 years old, he strangled his classmate. In 2002, he moved to his mother on Kherson Street, which is near Bitsevsky Park, and began to keep the whole district in fear: at first he killed just random passers-by in the park, to whom he rubbed himself into confidence and offered to drink, later moved on to his acquaintances.

Twice the police detained suspects in a series of murders: the first time - a man who tried to escape while checking documents, the second time - a mentally unstable person who was walking in Bitsevsky Park in women's clothes and with a hammer. Later it turned out that they had nothing to do with a real maniac.

He was detained by accident in June last year. One of the victims, Marina Moskaleva, leaving on a date with Pichushkin, left her boyfriend's phone number. According to him, after the murder of the woman, the operatives went to the maniac. After a while, the detainee began to confess to other crimes and show the burial places. The expert examination recognized Pichushkin as sane. According to the jury, he is guilty of all the murders. The court sentenced Pichushkin to life imprisonment. This is how the representative of the prosecution, the Moscow prosecutor Yuri Semin, commented on this decision.

Yuri Semin: The death penalty does not apply. Therefore, the punishment that could be imposed as much as possible was imposed, another could not be imposed.

Lyubov Chizhova: The psychiatrist-criminologist Mikhail Vinogradov told Radio Liberty about why the case of the “Bitsevsky maniac” aroused such public interest.

Mikhail Vinogradov: First of all, by the number of victims. Let's say, for its well-known elusiveness, secondly. Thirdly, by the miscalculations of our law enforcement agencies. Complete negligence in conducting operational-search activities. The victim survived, told the policeman in the hospital that they had killed her, had not opened a case, intimidated because she was a visitor, and persuaded not to file an application. The boy, a teenager, survived, went up to the police, "this uncle was killing me," they chased him away. In general, he would not have been caught if he had not surrendered, as they say, into his own hands. Because all the operational-search activities were carried out more than naively. All these helicopters over Bitsevsky Park, horse militia - this is all absurd, so maniacs are not caught.

Lyubov Chizhova: With whom can you compare Alexander Pichushkin?

Mikhail Vinogradov: Of our maniacs with Chikatilo, he surpassed him, of our former maniacs, now Ukrainian, with Onoprienko: Onoprienko - 58 murders, Chikatilo - 59. He did not reach the level of Lopez, who killed 300 girls.

Lyubov Chizhova: Mikhail Viktorovich, does this heightened media interest hinder or help the capture of the maniac?

Mikhail Vinogradov: The interest of the media, if properly organized, always helps in catching the maniac. The maniac is not driven into a corner, he knows that he is being caught, he knows that his signs or his handwriting are known and, of course, this helps a lot and orientates the population towards what the maniac is wielding, and makes the law enforcement officers still catch at least some then.

Lyubov Chizhova: You probably followed Pichushkin's speeches in court. What can you tell us about his behavior?

Mikhail Vinogradov: Pichushkin is a personality of an excitable hysterical circle who has now taken a beautiful pose, he likes to be a hero. He, of course, understood that it would be for life, it could not be otherwise, but now, I think, Pichushkin will write a book about himself. He is busy with narcissism. And at the level of personality, hysterical-excitable on the one hand and rather primitive in the intellectual plane on the other, he behaved himself: either he declared his love to the prosecutor, then he showed himself what a hero he was and imagined himself to be almost the supreme who decides the fate of people ... Therefore, this is the structure of Pichushkin's personality. By the way, his desire to surpass famous maniacs also reflects his hysterical features.

Lyubov Chizhova: Mikhail Viktorovich, and if he knew that he would be executed for his crimes, he would have committed them?

Mikhail Vinogradov: Undoubtedly.

Lyubov Chizhova: How should you behave in order not to become a victim of a maniac?

Mikhail Vinogradov: This is the most difficult question, because maniacs are very cunning, resourceful, convincing, psychologically they have some kind of special internal predisposition to attract people to themselves. It's just that women, just people do not become a victim of a maniac, you have to be extremely careful, you should not get into any cars, call your relatives "meet me, I am driving such and such a car", avoid dark places as much as possible, organize meetings for your relatives loved ones. But Pichushkin killed those who agreed to drink with him. Recently, some major newspaper conducted a journalistic investigation, in Bitsevsky Park they approached people and said: "Listen, my dog ​​died, let's remember it." And people, together with a person, went to this eerie Bitsevsky Park, drank vodka, both teenagers and adults. People walk into a trap set by a maniac by themselves. This is very well shown by the example of Pichushkin, he did not kill a single person just like that, sneaking up behind, jumping out of the bushes. He walked with everyone, persuaded them to drink with him, to perform some actions, walks. That is, people fell into the trap of a maniac themselves and this is the worst thing. What a pleasure it is to go to remember the dog with a stranger and a very strange person?

Lyubov Chizhova: Psychiatrist-criminologist Mikhail Vinogradov spoke about the "Bitsevsky maniac" case.

A well-known criminalist psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences, professor of psychiatry, founder and head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations Mikhail Vinogradov gave an exclusive interview to Pravda.Ru. Mikhail Viktorovich talks about whether it is possible to recognize a maniac and how not to let destructive personalities into your life.

Mikhail Vinogradov: "Maniacs, Karma and Soul"

- Mikhail Viktorovich, you are dealing with the issue of mental examination of criminal behavior. Are there any recommendations, tips on how to recognize a maniac?

- It's almost impossible. A normal person, he can be hot, hot-tempered, he can shout, give children on the head, but he will never go for murder. I remember the case with the maniac Chikatilo. He was a quiet man, a caring family man, an executive clerk who never raised his voice to those close to him, but killed fifty women. There was also such a maniac Pichuzhkin, an ordinary drinker. Co-workers spoke of him as a benevolent, quiet person, it never occurred to anyone that he had "shredded" a bunch of people. The maniac is always two-faced, and therein lies a great danger.

- Today the most relevant topic is domestic violence. Tell me why so many women live with husbands who terrorize them? Maybe these are the features of the female psyche?

- A domestic rapist or tyrant is not always a maniac. This is a person who wants to control his family, to have unconditional power over his wife and children. These people can be good bosses, decent subordinates, and when they come home, they become cruel tyrants who do not tolerate objection. The family comes to such a system of life for a long time and not every woman understands, and then wants to admit that she lives with a home tyrant.

- Well, finally, realizing that her husband is a monster, why does she not have enough children and does not run away from him wherever her eyes look?

- I knew one family, they got divorced and for twenty years they lived in different rooms, because they could not leave. But this is a story about intelligent people. And when a drunken, aggressive husband comes home at night and starts beating his wife, where should she run? Children are asleep, there is nowhere to go, so the woman is forced to endure. She can't even write a statement to the police, because the police say to her: "Did her husband beat her up? He's unprecedented! If he kills, then come." This problem, in my opinion, must be solved by the state, we must have state forms and methods of protecting such families. Why should a woman who is terrorized by her husband run away from home? This rapist and tyrant must be "removed" from the family, after which psychologists and specialists must work with him, and only then decide whether he can return to the family.

The worst of all is with children in such families. Children do not understand a lot, but the child's soul feels that something is wrong with dad and mom. Imagine what will happen to the child's psyche when he realizes that dad in the next room beat or killed mom, and he heard everything, but could not do anything, because he was small. If psychological assistance is not provided to him in time, such a child will receive a personality distortion, which will lead either to suicide or to the path of delinquency. A small person is not able to cope with the stress that has befallen him. 78 percent of statistics show that every second citizen in our country has experienced violence. A huge percentage of survivors commit suicide, especially boys who have been sexually harassed by adults. Their psyche is not as flexible as that of girls.

- Can you give as an example, some numbers?

- According to statistics, the number of child and adolescent suicides has increased sixfold. In terms of the total number of suicides in the world, Russia has been ranked first in recent years. We even have an article in the criminal code on incitement to suicide, but it practically does not work. Because investigations are difficult, the evidence base is difficult to find. It is easier for the police to write a suicide report and close the case.

There are many reasons for driving to suicide, but there is one that I want to tell in more detail. There is a site on the Internet called "Suicide Site", which tells you how best to get out of this life. The Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot "catch up" and stop him, because the site is constantly changing its addresses. The police and I caught these instructors who take teenagers to the roof, waiting for the children to rush down. From below we saw them pushing the children on the roof. They were seized, but it was not possible to collect evidence of involvement in the fact that the instructors provoked the children. The criminals had to be released. This is the biggest problem in Moscow, and we have a huge request to Muscovites who discovered the site to immediately contact the police before children come across it.

I want to note that the children who decided to commit suicide were from dysfunctional families. In a family where everything is calm, where dad does not beat mom, where no one terrorizes, humiliates, does not offend anyone, where parents live peacefully, without conflict, loving their children, in such families there are no breakdowns, there are no suicides. Social factors, personal dramas, tyranny in the family, lack of assistance from the state, as a rule, push desperate people to die.

There are people whose contribution to science and development of society is extremely difficult to overestimate. Their perseverance and indefatigable striving for knowledge of the unknown necessarily leads to the discovery of new elements, natural laws or features of the inner world of a person. In this regard, it would be at least wrong to ignore such a person, the greatest luminary of Russian science as Mikhail Vinogradov, because his personality will be of interest not only to professionals, but even to an ordinary person who has nothing to do with medicine or science.

A few main facts from life

Mikhail Vinogradov is a native Muscovite, and in the third generation. He was born in a house located on Petrovka, where his own grandfather lived. The scientist's husband was born in 1938. While still in high school, the young man already worked part-time as a freelance master of the pen in the famous newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets. Moreover, he was a fairly successful correspondent.

His reportage, dedicated to the first manned flight into outer space, was awarded the gratitude of the editor-in-chief of the publication. And for the written interview with Mikhail Vinogradov, he received a fee that was fabulous for him at that time, for which he was able to buy himself expensive shoes. In addition, the young man helped in the work of the operational detachment engaged in the fight against banditry.


Mikhail Vinogradov received a diploma from the First Moscow Medical Institute. At the beginning of his studies, the talented student became very interested in surgery. However, having got to the Department of Psychiatry by coincidence, he literally fell ill with it and completely immersed himself in her study, paying special attention to the technique of hypnosis. By the way, it was there that he met the outstanding personalities of that time - Kuleshova Rosa and Davitashvili Dzhuna. At the same time, a young doctor begins to experiment with people with hypersensitivity. The purpose of these experiments was to determine how such people can perceive hypnotic effects without experiencing auditory or eye contact.


Mikhail Vinogradov is a psychiatrist with a wide range of scientific interests. In addition to extrasensory perception, he also conducted an analysis of human behavior in various extreme situations, which eventually became his main topic of his Ph.D. thesis.

In 2000, as a scientist, he began his work on creating a portrait (visual and psychological) and algorithms for the illegal actions of maniacs based on the nature of the crimes they committed.

Vinogradov is regularly involved in the work of the Public Chamber, created under the President of the Russian Federation. Also in the field of activity of the famous psychiatrist, joint and very close interaction with the council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the FSB.

In 2009, Mikhail Viktorovich became the initiator of the creation, and a little later, the chief head of a partnership called the League of Psychics of Russia, which is not commercial.

For a long time, he personally supervised the process of careful selection of personnel for the special services, supervised the work of the military psychiatric examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Social activity

Vinogradov these days is quite actively working with a social movement called "Democratic Legal Russia". He also took part many times in the activities of a complex brigade specializing in helping victims in disaster zones after earthquakes in Armenia, Iran and other countries of our planet. It goes without saying that Mikhail was involved in the liquidation of one of the most terrible man-made disasters in the history of mankind - the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Professional approach

The Mikhail Vinogradov Center, as its main specialization, conducts activities related to people for any reason. The institution works jointly with both private individuals and law enforcement agencies, helping in every way in the search for dangerous maniacs and other serial criminals. This center conducts the most extensive research on extrasensory perception. For this purpose, specially developed author's methods and tests are used, as well as narrowly focused electrophysiological analysis.

The center's employees actively participate in symposia, conferences and other scientific events and gatherings that are directly related to psychology, astrology, healing and psychic phenomena.

Vinogradov actively cooperates with the media. He is an expert in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", writes in the column of the most authoritative newspaper "RBK daily". Quite often, a well-known physician also speaks on the radio, answering live questions of listeners.

Mikhail Viktorovich can also be seen on national television. He was a participant in the program on the NTV channel "Independent Investigation". He was an invited expert in the project "Battle of Psychics", where he closely followed the participants and all their actions.

It is noteworthy that many of Mikhail Vinogradov's books to this day are classified as "Secret". And this is easy to explain, because the lion's share of his developments is unique and not subject to wide publicity.

In general, Vinogradov wrote more than one hundred and fifty various scientific works, as well as five monographs, which were published not only in Russia, but also in Poland, Hungary, Japan, and the USA.

Has government awards, was awarded the honorary badge "Inventor of the USSR".

Mikhail Vinogradov is a forensic psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations, initiator and leader of the League of Psychics of the Russian Federation. In a word, he knows more about the nature of human paranormal abilities in our country than anyone else.

He graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, postgraduate study in psychophysiology at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and residency at the Department of Psychiatry, MMI named after I.I. Sechenov.Worked at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, advised the military institute on the problems of personnel selection and personality assessment. He headed the Center for Psychophysiological Research of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He led a complex emergency medical aid team in the outbreaks of natural disasters and catastrophes. Author of more than 150 scientific papers and monographs, some of which were published in the USA, Japan, Hungary, the other part is still classified as "Secret".

- Mikhail Viktorovich, do you yourself feel like a scientist or a psychic, whose gift goes beyond the scope of scientific knowledge?

First of all, I am a scientist who for many years headed the military research center, where one of the directions was the study of extrasensory perception. And since then I am engaged in "collecting" psychics - real ones with a strong gift - to give them the opportunity to work and realize their abilities.

- Working in the military department immediately sets you up for a very serious attitude to the topic ...

This is true. Back in the 1930s, at the direction of Comrade Stalin, a special laboratory for the study of paranormal phenomena was created. After graduating from medical school with a degree in psychiatrist, I published my first works on the superpowers of individuals. And soon well-known citizens came to me "in gabardine raincoats," as they were then called, and "asked" to appear at the party committee. There they offered to demonstrate their skills. I have demonstrated.


He showed which of the diplomatic workers was a trade attaché and who was a spy ... It was a long time ago.

- And it became your specialty?

Partly. For some time I worked as a psychiatrist in a clinic, on the other hand, I consulted a military institute. After defending my Ph.D. thesis, I was summoned to the Central Committee and offered to head the newly created center for special research, among which was military psychophysiology. And when my service life came to an end, in 1999 I created my own organization. We engaged in assistance in finding missing persons, identifying psychic abilities, bioelectrography, healing, diagnostics, etc. And since the project "Battle of Psychics" started on TNT, I was invited to be an expert.

- You do not only determine the psychic capabilities of people, but you yourself own them?

Somehow - yes. There are different directions in extrasensory perception. One has the gift of clairvoyance, the other is a healer, the third is a medium, makes predictions for the future. My narrow specialization is maniacs. The first maniac, in whose search I was already involved as a special service officer, was Chikatilo.

The Rostov psychiatrist Bukhanovsky directly helped the criminologists, and I assessed his conclusion from the point of view of science. Chikatilo was caught, the psychological portrait completely coincided. Since then, this topic has been the main one for me.

- Is a maniac a kind of stamp on a person? How do you recognize it?

A maniac is a certain energy of a person, the direction of his waves. Therefore, it leaves recognizable traces in the energy-information space of the Earth. This field also includes waves, or vibrations, due to which we listen to the radio, watch television, talk on a cell phone, and so on. That is, we deliberately weave something into the energy-informational field, broadcast and perceive thanks to technology.

But in fact, any person and even generations of people leave "traces" of their existence, thoughts and actions. Academicians Vernadsky and Bekhtereva wrote about this. You and I are now sitting in a room filled with images, sounds from the energy-information space of the Earth. It is filled with everything that moves, breathes, thinks.

- That is, a certain layer is technologically controlled and is what a person perceives directly?

Of course. But not every person, but the one in whom additional information channels have opened. Most often - as a result of a strong emotional shock, shock, trauma. For example, Irik Sadykov. He suffered a massive electric shock. Now he is one of the best psychics - from among the civilian specialists. Another wonderful professional is Galina Bagirova: the gift appeared after she lost her husband. Although there are also people with innate abilities.

- So, initially all this is inherent in every person, but in a closed form, and only sometimes "locks" break? Does breakage lead to improvement?

Not always and not in everything. Indeed, a person in the womb has all channels of perception open. When he is born, there are only five of them. Sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste - what nature has provided us with for everyday life. And that's quite enough. Anything that goes above and beyond often gets in the way. Look, there are 17 psychiatric hospitals in Moscow with a capacity of 4,000 to 6,000 each. And they are not empty.

I have been a psychiatrist for many years, and I have already formed a clear position on this: if a person has opened a new channel of perception and he accepts this without feeling fear, then he becomes a healer, a clairvoyant, and so on. If it scares him or several channels turn on at once, a confusion arises, then he ends up in a psychiatric clinic. There, a "fitter" in a white coat tightens the screws, sets up the "programs". The interference disappears, and the happy patient goes home to live as before. Those who "accepted" the gift also have enough problems.

Here's an example. A strong psychic, a young woman, cannot arrange her personal life in any way. She starts a relationship, everything goes well, and then suddenly the chosen one comes back late and says that he was late at work. She takes his hand, leads to some house, where she says: here you spent two hours in bed with a girl. The man is to run. It is clear that their relationship ended there. There are many similar stories.

- Do you believe in God?

Not quite the right question. Regardless of religions, yes, of course. In a higher power, but not in the primitive interpretation of various denominations. After all, here is the paradox: psychics in their work very often encounter opposition from clergy. And this is understandable. The position of the Church is to keep all the Miracles in their hands.

Who is Seraphim Sarovsky? A merchant's son who fell from the bell tower of the temple and as a result of an injury acquired the ability of a psychic. Nicholas the Wonderworker is an ordinary priest, canonized because of a visionary gift. And now it was revealed that there are mere mortals who are given to see the knowledge hidden from others. Lately, however, the Church is beginning to give up its positions.

Is it possible that the discovery of paranormal abilities in humans has some higher purpose? Or is it all the same random "failures"?

I think the last one. It is possible, of course, that chance itself is predetermined by something. But this does not change the essence of the matter. Here is an example: a woman whose daughter was killed came to our center. An acquaintance of the girl was accused of the crime. But he, sitting behind bars, swears on the Bible that he did not kill. Mother asked to help her find out the truth. Two strong psychics worked with her independently of each other. One said firmly: the one who is in prison is the killer. Another answered: no matter how the condemned swore, he killed. But this is not so much his crime as the karmic retribution of the girl's mother and father for some of the acts they had previously committed. So judge for yourself whether it is predetermined or not, the result is the same - the killer is the killer.

- But if everything has a reason, then psychics are called upon to solve some common human problems in life?

That is unlikely. People try to predict the possibility of an earthquake. Are you okay? Scientists are sitting with special devices, taking readings of various sensors, counting, analyzing and voicing their forecast. How did they get it? Foresight at the level of physics, research. Individual psychics can pick up electromagnetic oscillations in relation to a specific person or events. Need a psychic? Needed. But there are not so many real, strong specialists, and they are not messiahs. Just people with additional abilities.

- But the state is interested in them? Is it true that a psychic can be a terrible weapon?

Since I am a career officer in the past, I will answer evasively: there are specialists in the FSB system - there are 20 of them, as in other countries of the world. Although they are most often listed in various research institutes. And all over the world they officially work in the special services. They can read non-public information, help in solving certain issues.

After the collapse of the USSR, military unit No. 10003 remained, which worked very successfully for 20 years. Its specialists, being many kilometers away, opened camouflaged minefields, helped to catch militants, and rescued people. Today there are many publications about military developments using psychic abilities.

- You have so many thanks from the investigating authorities, the prosecutor's office. .. Do you cooperate with them disinterestedly?

- The police cannot pay us, they have no such item of expenditure. From there they can bring flowers or sweets to a specialist. And a letter of thanks for the help. Sometimes I also answer people: you don't owe anything. What can you take from two grief-stricken old men who have lost their son - a good man with great promise? They came to see if there was any hope. And his bandits brutally killed and hid his body ...

- You are known all over the world. Do you often have to go to distant countries for help?

We have solved murders in the United Arab Emirates, America, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and other countries. We leave according to the circumstances. For example, in one state a large businessman disappeared. We found the body from here. The question arose: who was involved in the murder? You can't get everyone involved in the case here. And our specialists went to the place. The police of that country paid for travel and travel expenses, and the relatives paid for the work. But more often than not, we do not need to go anywhere: the whole world is visible from here.

- Do you have your own super task?

To prove that the phenomenon of extrasensory perception exists and can help people in such matters and problems, where all other means are powerless. There is tremendous potential here. I have been in this business, as they say now, for many years, and everything is still interesting to me.

"Line of Fate" 2012