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Collection "Poem A. Feta. The main motifs of creativity A. A. Feta The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the main topics and motifs of Feta lyrics. The work performed the teacher of the Russian language and Literature MOU. Fet call for beloved

Class: 10


  • to acquaint with some episodes of the personal life of wonderful Russian poets and their reflection in poetic works;
  • discover these poets as authors of poems about love, help students see images of beloved poets;
  • aesthetic and moral education of students.

Equipment: Portraits of poets F. I. Tyutchev and A. A. Feta, musical records, candles.

Form of holding: living room.

Methodical techniques: Teacher's story, reading poems and comments to them, reporting reports, listening to romances.


Love tears ...

V. Shakespeare


1st student:

It all starts with love ...
"At first
It was
And I proclaim again:
It all starts with love!

2nd student:

Everything begins with love:
And insight
and work,
Eyes of flowers,
Child's eyes -
Everything begins with love.

1st student:

Everything begins with love.
With love!
I know it for sure.
Even hatred -
And eternal
Sister of love.

2nd student:

Everything begins with love:
Dream and fear
Wine and powder.
Tragedy, longing and feat -
It all starts with love

1st student:

Spring whispered to you:
"Live ..."
And you fucking from whisper,
And straighten.
And you will start.
Everything begins with love.

Teacher: With these wonderful lines of the poet Robert Christmas, we begin the lesson "Lyubov in lyrics F. I. Tyutchev and A. A. Feta". The great V. Shakespeare was right, claiming:

On the whole earth, do not meet the poet,
Who daring to begin for the pen,
Without dipping him first in the beautiful
Love tears ...

- The lesson consists of two parts. In the first part, we will talk about the love of poets of the XIX century F. I. Tyutchev and A. A. Feta. In the second - read your favorite lines about love.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.One of the central in his mature creativity was the topic of love, she reflected his personal life, full of passions, tragedies, disappointments.
In 1826, Tyutchev married the widow of the Russian diplomat Eleonor Peterson, although the Amalien Leernefeld was passhed shortly before marriage, which he devoted later a poem that became a popular romance.

It sounds a romance "I met you - and all the past ..."

After 7 years, Roman Tyutchev began with Ernistina Dernberg. After the nervous and physical shock (the fire on a steamer, on which Eleanor with three daughters returned from Russia to Italy) the wife of Tyutchev dies. According to the family legend, Tyutchev, having spent the night of the coffin of the first wife, saddown from grief. " Later, Tyutchev was married to Ernistina Dernberg. When Tyutchev was 47 years old, a new love passion began, enriched Russian poetry by an immortal lyrical cycle.

Pupil: Love in lyrics Tyutchev is always a rocky passion that can cause the death of one of those who love, and the victim is most often the woman. However, despite the danger of the destruction that love carries in itself, the poet perceives it like happiness. Denisyevsky cycle tells about such love, which is dedicated to Elena Alexandrovna Denysheva, the last love of the poet.

I also strive for your soul -
And in dusk memories
I still catch the image of your ...
Your cute image, unforgettable,
He's before me everywhere, always,
Incomprehensible, unchanged,
As night in the sky star ...

Teacher:Tyutchev 47 years old, Denysheva - 24, she studied at the Smolny Institute with the daughters of Tyutchev. They loved each other, 14 years old were associated with civil marriage and two children to Denysheva's death. The complexity of the situation was that Tyutchev still loved the second wife Ernestin, the family. In the eyes of the highest light, the relationship with Denysheva was scandalous, all the severity of condemnation and rejection fell on the shoulders of Denysheva.

Pupil: It was a happy, and hard love. Love, who gained interest scandal interest in the eyes of St. Petersburg light; Love that closed the young woman from a good family door of those houses, where she had previously been the desired guest; Love, forcing the father of Denysheva to abandon her daughter; Love that torments Tyutchev's consciousness of his guilt.

The poem "I was a photo knew - oh, these eyes! ..".

Pupil: Influenced by an ambiguous position in the light in Elena Alexandrovna, irritability developed, quick temper. All this accelerated the course of her illness, and in 1864 Elena Alexandrovna dies from Chakhotka. The drama lived by the poet and imprinted in the Denisyevsky cycle, one of the vertex achievements of the loving psychological lyrics in Russian and world literature.

The poem "Like neither the Bessels of Zlorechye ...".

Pupil: In their former poems, the poet spoke about the conflict of a person with nature, with chaos of the night, with an inexorable movement of time, taking younger. In the "Denisyevsky cycle" for the first time in the work of Tyutchev, a conflict was drawn between people. The feeling, passion, personality of a person in their manifestations and even in its development is dependent on society. Tyutcheva love becomes a tragedy for people not due to the guilt of one of them, but by virtue of the unfair relationship of society, the crowd to loving:
"... the crowd, smelting, in the dirt spent the fact that it bloomed in his soul." The court of human tutechev called the fatal force.

The poem "Two forces is there are two fatal forces ...".

Pupil: Denisyevsky cycle as "novel in verses" has an unusually peculiar structure, not traditional for a literary image of love that does not know the similarity in prosaic works. Slowdown, heartfelt image of sympathy, in love, prehistory of love and then unreleased love relations are characteristic of Pushkin's novels, Lermontov, Turgenev. "Roman" in verses Tyutchev immediately begins with a very high, tragically sounding note.

The poem "Oh, how murdering we love ...".

Pupil: Tyutchev gives a romantic assessment of love. Love is a spontaneous passion, disharmony and fatal duel; Love brings the heroes, they cannot live without each other. This is a clash of two personalities, in this struggle burns as weaker Denyshev. Tyutchev and Denyshev understood that wines, first of all, lies on Tyutchev, but he did not take anything to alleviate the fate of his beloved woman. She, passionately, loving him, could not refuse this connection:

Then in anger, then in tears toasting, indigrant,
Passionate, in the shower is visible
I am a hell, do not live, they, they, alone I live -
But this life! .. Oh, like bitter she!

The poem "all day she lay in forgetting ...".

Pupil: The poem is devoted to the memories of the last clocks of E. A. Denysheva. Tyutchev recalls how Denyshev on the last day of life was unconscious, and the August rain was walking outside the window, merrily on the leaves. Having come to himself, Elena Alexandrovna listened to the noise of rain for a long time, realizing that he was dying, but still stretched to life.

Teacher:Tyutchev's poetry belongs to the number of creatures of Russian poetic genius. We are close to Tyutchev, an inspirational creator of nature; We are Roads Tyutchev, a delicate of the Human Heart Wide.

Teacher: Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet. Both the person and fate and the creative biography of the poet are unusual and full of riddles, some of them still have not solved. N. Nekrasov wrote: "A person who understands the poetry and willingly open his soul its feelings, in any Russian author after Pushkin will not turn into so much poetic pleasure as it will deliver Fets." In Pushkinski, elevated and wise were the poems of love. It is not by chance that many of them became a romance, the execution of which and now gives rise to the gamut of feelings in the soul of every person. Almost all the verses of love are written on the first person, in the form of a monologue, as a memoir about love remaining in the past.

Romance P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds for the words A. A. Feta "At the dawn, you are not boudes."

Pupil: As with other poets, in the life of Feta there were concrete meetings with unusual and still earthly women inspired to create poems. The poet in his poems challenged female beauty.

The poem "Call to your beloved Beethoven".

Pupil: With a support for the female beauty Fet, in different years, a whole cycle of lyrical messages addressed to S. Tolstoy, T. Kuzminskaya, sister S. Tolstoy, E. Khomutov, N. Sologub and many other women. Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya, sister Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy, first saw the poet at home, when she was 15-16 years old. Then there were meetings with an adult woman. And there was an important episode in the poetic biography of Feta, associated with Tatiana Andreevna. He dedicated his poem. The poem is one of the best lyrical works of the poet, it is one of the best samples of Russian love lyrics.

The poem "shone the night".

Pupil: The poem liked L. Tolstoy: "These poems are beautiful," he said, "but why does he want to hug a tanya? Man married ... " However, the poem is not a document. It is inspired by a real life case, but is not a mirror reflection. Ultimately, the poem is not a feeling of feta to the pretty young Tanechka Burns (later in her husband Kuzminskaya), but about high human love.

Pupil: Fetovo love theme most often has a tragic shade, the poem is addressed, as a rule, by the same woman, the image of which is shrouded in the smoke of mystery.

The poem "whisper, timid breathing ...".

Teacher: This poem from Feta is the most unusual. It is one complex offer. There is not a single verb in it. The poem was ridiculously in dozens of parodies. They said that it can be read from the first to the last line and vice versa - the meaning of this will not change. This, of course, is not so. Composers Balakirev and Roman - Korsakov put it on music.

Pupil: In 1849, Fet wrote a friend of childhood Borisov "I met a creature that I love. It is an opportunity for me for happiness and reconciliation with urban reality. " This is about Mary Lazich, the daughter of a large small-mounted nobleman, a retired general. She became the heroine of his love lyrics. Maria Lazich was gifted by a deep and subtle poetic feeling, knew poetry and understood her. She knew and loved the poems of Feta. The poet could not not appreciate it. "Nothing," he wrote, bearing in mind his relationship with Lazich, does not bring together as art in general - poetry in the broad sense of the word. Such a sincere rapprochement in itself poetry. "

Poem "What per night! Transparent air is shoven ... ".

Pupil: But the calculating mind takes the top of the heart of the poet, learning the charm of pure love and hoping for family happiness. After a few months, the gap followed. Fet convinced the girl in the impossibility of their marriage for material considerations.

The poem "For a long time I dreamed of screaming your sobbing ...".

Pupil: Maria Lazich deeply worried about the gap with a loved one. After some time, a tragedy occurred, about which they spoke with horror everywhere. Maria burned in his own home. This thought did not give fetu rest.

The poem "When you read the painful lines ..."

Pupil: After the tragic death of Maria Lazich to the poet, the awareness of love, love is unique and the only one comes to the poet. Only now the poet felt that happiness that was so possible was died. And the culprit was he himself. Now Fet will remember all his life, it will speak and sing about this love with high, beautiful, amazing verses.

The poem "You depressed, I still suffer ...".

Pupil: The lightning of indifference and the calculation of the love of Feta to Lazic turned into some kind of magical violin, called poetry. Lyrical revelations feta dedicated to Mary, the best in the work of the poet. In verses about love, the female image, according to K. Balmont, is deprived of "temporary and" he is eternal. " Already on the slope of the years in one of the best fated poems, Fet will say: "... that grass that far away on your grave, here on the heart, the older it is, the fresh, .."

The poem "Alter Ego" ("Second I" (lat.)).

Teacher: Most of the lyrics of Tyutchev and Feta wears a pronounced musical character. It is focused on the romance, created in the tradition of romance and in line with this tradition is perceived. Fet and Tyutchev - Great wise men and humanists who traged, suffering, pain turn into beauty and joy:

Alien IMIG feel yours.
Whip about the language is not the language.
Strengthen battle hearts ...

"That's the way, in indestructible ability, everything" skip through the heart "is perceived today the creativity of Tyutchev and Feta.

It sounds a romance "I will not tell you anything ...".

Teacher: These were poems about the love of the ingenious poets of the XIX century. Their lyrical works are attracted by purity, sincerity, the depth of feelings and are convinced that, even suffering and desperately, "scary not to love." We live in the XXI century and experiencing the same feelings. Each of us has favorite lines of love.

Students read their favorite love poems.

Teacher: We hope that by having been in our living room, you have enjoyed, and read today you liked you. Strike the evening want words from the poem of the poet of Bangi Kunyayev:

Poems have nothing to do with the discount and tedious.
Hearts will not cure rhyme through.
Poets love beautiful people.
I know this for personal experience.

List of references:

1. Tyutchev F. I. Spring water: Lyrics / Sost. and preface. K. Pigareva; Note. K. Pigareva and V. Korovina; Fig. Mr. Volkhonskaya. - 3rd ed., Add. - M.: Children. lit., 1983. - 126 p., Il. - (School B-ka).
2. Fet A. A. Poem / Sost. and preside. E. Vinokurova; Art. F,. Domogatsky. M.: Art. lit., 1979 - 319 p. - (classics and contemporaries. Poetic library.)

Entrance article

Contemporaries Feta have repeatedly noted the narrowness of his subjects and, depending on their own understanding of the tasks of poetry, they cried it for this or, on the contrary, found natural, legal. So, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (in reviews on the collection "Poem Afeta", 1863) wrote with an obvious irony: "Feta poetic meal, for very rare exceptions, make up: Spring evening, summer evening, winter evening, spring morning, morning summer, morning winter; Then: the tip of the leg, fragrant curl, beautiful shoulders. It is clear that they are not smoking with such foods, whatever sauces come up with them. "But, nevertheless, Feta poems attract something new, unprecedented.

What is the originality, innovation of feta in the lighting of eternal topics? What images and names give it to designate the states of the soul, before it is not embodied, not expressed in the word? After all "The heart of the reader is worried about reducing the poet to catch the impossible, give the image that before it was nothing more than a vague fleeting feeling of the soul of human, feeling without image and name"(Druzhinin A.V., "Beautiful and Eternal").

It would seem that Fet writes that he has long been led by everyone and everyone, moreover, clearly does not seek to update the poetic dictionary, poems are replete with traditional "poets": dawn, rose, nightingale, stars. But about the usual Feta writes unusual (see poem "whisper, timid breathing ...", "At the dawn, you will not be boring ..."). In his verses, musicality, tacty, rhythmic diversity is felt. Feta poems well confirm the relatives of lyrics and music: for example, they use diverse repeats (so characteristic of musical compositions). "Few of the now living servants of Apollo to such an extent will mean the meaning of the music of words, few know how to choose so successful size for their poems. In this regard, our poet is a bit and thin. He has things hitting the goal on music alone " (Druzhinin A.V., "Beautiful and Eternal"). Very many poems feta were laid on music. So, the romances of P. Bulakhova are widely known ("only it becomes a little bit like ...", "The leaves were silent, the stars were ..."), P.I. Tchaikovsky ("Using my heart in a ringing distance ...", "My genius, my angel, my friend ..."), S.V. Rachmaninova ("What is the happiness: and night, and we are alone! ...", "Oh, I will be a mystery in silence for a long time ...") And others.

Metric is rich repertoire Feta using all sizes and their various rhythmic variations. But jamb, choreas and three-seditions use very different poets. Why is the poems of Feta so close, so relative to the music?

Feta has a lot of poems, where he continues his favorite theme of romantics - the inability to express his soul in the Word (remember Zhukovsky, his "inexpressible"). Such, in particular, the poem "like midges zarechi ...", "Share living dreams ...", "Some sounds ...", "I will not tell you anything ...". Already so frequent appeal to the poet to the topic "inexpressible" emphasizes the importance of verse for him as a sounding and melodic speech ( "Share alive dreams, / Speak my soul; / What you do not express the words - / Sound on the soul of Naru).

Feta has both poems directly dedicated to music and singing. One of them - "Night shining. Moon was full of garden. Lying ... ". Opened piano, trembling strings, opened hearts - the metaphoric meaning of words clearly displaces nominative, the piano also has a soul, heart.

Literature, and even its lyrical genus, cannot directly transfer singing, music, she has another "language". But the way the music and singing on the listener are affected, it is literature and can convey.


  • "Only will try a little bit ..."

Will just try a little bit,

I will wait if the call will not get drifted

Come, my cute baby,

Come sit sitting.
Slow in front of the candle mirror, -

From the fireplace light and warm;

I will listen to funny speeches,

To quickly fastened.

I will listen to those children's dreams,

For which - all shine ahead;

Every time grateful tears

My chest boil.

Before dawn careful hand

Again the scarf of your node zazaga,

And along the walls illuminated by the moon

I spend you to the gate.

  • "The leaves were silent, the stars were delight ..."

Pretty leaves, the stars of said.

And at this hour
With you on the stars we looked,
They are on us.

When all the sky looks so

Live breasts
How in this breast will be hidden
At least something?

All that keeps and wakes up

In all lives
All that is worn in the grave
From all secret

What is the cleaner of the stars, a feast night,

Terrible darkness
Then, looking at each other in the eyes,
We said.

  • Singer ("Using my heart in a ringing distance ...")

Using my heart in the ringing distance,

Where as a month for groves sadness;
In these sounds on hot tears are yours
Krotko shines a smile of love.

About child! how easy to understand invisible zybay
To trust me from your song:
Above, the above is silverly sailing,
As if the shaky shadow behind the wing ...

Using my heart in the ringing distance,
Where the messenger, like a smile, sadness,
And I'm glad and above the silver way
I, like a shaky shadow behind the wing.

  • "My genius, my angel, my friend ..."

Are you not easy shadow here,

My genius, my angel, my friend,
Talking quietly with me
And quietly fly around?

And timidly give inspiration,

And the sweet doctor is ill
And quiet give the dream,
My genius, my angel, my friend ...

  • "What is happiness: and night, and we are alone! ..."

What is happiness: and night, and we are alone!

River - as a mirror and all glitters stars;
And there ... the head Zakin-ka and look:
What depth and purity above us!

Oh, call me crazy! Nazova
Than you want; In this moment I will be weak
And in the heart I feel such a tide of love,
What I can't be silent, I will not know how!

I'm sick, I'm in love; But, suffering and loving -
About Listen! About Understand! - I do not hide passion,
And I want to say that I love you -
You love you one and wish you!

  • "Oh, I will be a mystery in silence for a long time ..."
Oh, I will be long, in the Night's silence mystery,

Cunning tinted your, smile, gratitude gloom,

Fronts obedient hair thick strand

From thoughts to cast out and call again;

I breathe deeply, one, no one visible,

Dresses and shame of the blush,

Search Although one mysterious feature

In the words that you uttered;

Whisper and correlate the former expressions

My speeches with you, filled confusion,

And inxication, in the mind of the mind,

The cherished name to wake the night Maglu.

  • "How midges zarechu ..."

Like midges zage

Winged sounds crowd;

With his beloved sovereign

I do not want to part heart.
But the color of inspiration

Peacon medium of everyday life;

Purchase striving

Far as an evening shot.

But the memory of the past

Everything agrees in the heart of anxious ...

Oh, if without a word

It was possible to affect the soul!

  • "Share alive dreams ..."

Say my soul;
What you do not express the words -
Sound Nà soul Navali.

  • "Some sounds ..."

Some sounds

And flax to my headboard
They are full of languid separation,
Tremble with unprecedented love ...

It would seem that? Removed

Last gentle caress,
On the street dust ran,
Postal hid stroller ...

And only ... but the song separation

Uncomfortable teases love
And bright sounds are rushing
And flas down to my headboard ...

  • "The night shone. Moon was full of garden. Lying ... "

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying

Rays from our legs in the living room without lights.

The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it,

Like my hearts for your song.
You sang before dawn, in tears is exhausted,

That you are alone - love that no love is different

And so I wanted to live, so that, the sound is not rone,

Love you, hug and cry over you.

And many years have passed, tearing and boring,

And blows like then, in the sighs of these sonor

What are you alone - the whole life is that you are alone - love.

That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,

And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,

As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,

Love you, hug and cry over you!

  • "I will not tell you anything ..."

I will not say anything to you

And you are not alaring to whit
And that I am silently stunning,
I will not dare to hint for anything.

All day sleep night flowers,

But only the sun for a grove will go,

Disclosed quiet sheets,

And I hear how the heart is blooming.

And in the patient, tired breasts

Veins moisture night ... I'm trembling,
I am not alaring you whit
I will not tell you anything.
  • Sharganber

To the window I'm in the dotchers a studio -

Well, right, it is impossible inappropriate:

Again in the alley of the old man

With your non-witness song!
Those sounds whistling and singing

Awkwardly - sad - awkwards ...

Stand before me

Behind the frame two light heads.

Above them the surface of the glass

With a month, brightly crystal.

One so cravored cheerful

Other so languidly - sad.

And - old song! - with longing

We are the past gently with the little on

And sorry to me and that and the other

And I am glad to be cordially either.

Between them is visible in the interval

Another head is young, -

And it's all good, as one,

And that is all sad, like another.

He is devoted forever one

And torment the bait ...

Whether you leave Gaer gray

With your unsvoomed scarmer? ..

  • Anruf An Die Geliebte Beethoven

Understand at least once a dreary recognition,

At least once hear the soul of a praying moan!

I am before you, wonderful creature,

Surprising forces to the breather was painted.

I can't catch your way before separation,

I am full of them, and Mlex, and tremble,

And, without you, tommyful flour,

With his longing, like happiness, rushing.

I sing her, in the dust fall ready.

Do you cost me as a deity -

And I am blissing; I'm in every flour new

V. Bryusov dedicated a special article by the Special Article "A. A. Fet. Art or life "(1903) Epigraph to her was words Feta:" I will become a lot of life with live echoes. " According to Bruce, Fet glorified the greatness of man: "No matter what great claims expressed poetry, she could not make more, how to express the human soul."

"Sad birch ..." Sad birch at my window, and she is a fear of frost. Like bunches of grapes, the branches of the ends hang, and the whole mourning outfit is glad. I love the game of Dennitsa, I will notice on her, and sorry for me if the birds shake the branches. 1842.

Autumn as sadness of silent days of silent autumn and chill! What is the Istoma irreparable to us in the soul they ask for! But there are also days when in the blood of gold jackets of burning autumn is looking for eyes and sultry, pleasure of love. Silent shameful sadness, only causing heard, and, fading so magnificent, nothing is sorry for her

"I came to you with greetings ..." I came to you with greetings, tell me that the sun rose that it was hot down on the sheets fluttered; To tell that the forest woke up, all woke up, the branch of each, each bird was attached to the spring full of thirst; Share that with the same passion like yesterday, I came again that the soul is still happily and you are ready to serve; To tell that everywhere I am fun to come to me, I don't know what I will sing - but only the song ripens. 1843.

Female inspiration as a source of poetic inspiration was welcomed by F. I. Tyutchev in a poem addressed to A. A. Fetu: other got from nature instinct prophetically blind: they feel them, hear the water and in the dark depth of the earthly great mother beloved, the stock edge is relative : More than once under the shell, you are the most progress.

In the 50s, the romantic poetic feta is formed, in which the poet reflects on the relationship of man and nature. Fet creates entire cycles of the "Spring" poems, "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow", "Divination", "Evening and Nights", "Sea". Landscapes in these verses express the state of the human soul. Dissolving in nature, the hero of feta acquires the opportunity to see the beautiful soul of nature. This happiness is a feeling of unity with nature: the night flowers sleep all day, but only the sun for a grove will be revealed with quietly sheets, and I hear how the heart flows.

Nature helps to solve riddles, the secrets of human being. Through the nature of Fet comprehends the finest psychological truth about man. In this sense, the poem "Learn from them - Oak, Bereza". Circle Winter, Cruel Time! In vain on them frozen tears, and cracked, squeezing the bark. All the evil blizzard and with each minute angrily tears the last sheets, and in the heart there is enough cold latter; They stand, silent; Silence and you! But believe in spring. She will be accepted a genius, again warm and breathing, for clear days, for new revelations there will be a mournful soul.

As with other poets, in the life of Feta there were concrete meetings with extraordinary women inspired him to create poems. The poet in his poems challenged female beauty. This is especially bright this photo of female beauty is embodied in the poem "Call to your beloved Beethoven" understand at least once a dreary recognition, at least once hear the soul of a migrating moan! I am before you, an excellent creation, the surfacing forces to the breather is hooked. I can't catch your way before separation, I'm full of them, and Mlex, and tremble, and, without you, tommyful flour, his longing, like happiness, rushing. I sing her, in dust fall ready. You stand at me as a deity - and I am blissful; And in every flour of your writer I will foresee a celebration ...

On May 22, 1891, Sophia Tolstaya wrote in his diary: "There was Fet with his wife, read poems, - all love and love ... He is 70 years old, but he always lives alive and ever-sowing lyrics, he always awakens in me poetic and untimely young thoughts and feelings . Let it be in time ... but still good and innocently "

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. They lay rays from our legs in the living room without lights. The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it, like the hearts with our song. You sang to dawn, in tears exhausted that you are alone - the love that no love is different, and so I wanted to live, so that the sound is not dropping, you love, hug and cry over you. And many years have passed, vomiting and boring, and here in the quiet night your voice I hear again, and itifies, like that, in the sighs of these keen, that you are alone - the whole life is that you are alone - the love that there is no offense of the destiny and the heart of Zhugay Flour, and there is no end of life, and there is no goal, as soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds, you love you, hug and cry over you!

MBOU "Ust-Udynskaya Sosh№ 2"

Lesson on the topic: "Love and Nature in the work of A.A. Feta

Russian teacher and literature rats Olga Anatolyevna

Lesson - Internet on the topic: "Love and Nature in the work of A.A. Feta »

Explanatory note




Course name


Section name

Creativity A.A. Feta

The role and place of this topic is aware of

The topic is studied in the 10th grade during two lessons in the section "Creativity A.A.Fethe" and is designed to introduce the main stages of the life and creativity A.A.Feta, to form students a common idea of \u200b\u200bnature and love in Lyric A.A. Feta.

List of lessons on this topic

Topic Lesson 1: Love and Nature in the work of A.A. Feta.

The subject of the lesson 2: Lesson - refutation. A.A.Fet and aesthetics of "pure art".

A brief overview of the studied lessons

In previous lessons studied:

Stages of biography and creativity F.I. Tyutchev.

The main motifs F.I. Tyutchev.

The main features of the use of digital educational resources:

Digital educational resources in this topic are used to search and systematize information on the main stages of life and creativity A.A. Feta, to prepare students' speeches at the lesson. Students use the Internet to search for information, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power POINT to prepare speeches.

Using a computer when preparing a teacher to lesson

The teacher uses the Internet, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point Programs to help students in the process of their independent work.

Means of education

Computers, printers, projection equipment.

Intergovernmental ties in class

Music: Romance PI Tchaikovsky on the words A.A. Feta "At the dawn, you are not boudy"

Fine Arts: Portrait A.A. Feta, S.A. Tolstoy, TA Kuzminskaya.

Distinctive features of this lesson

Independent search, selection and systematization of information

Teacher's work at the lesson

    Setting educational tasks.

    Organization of independent work of students using a computer.

    Counseling students in the process of independent work.

    Summing up and evaluation of work.

Description of student activities

Students are distributed by groups:

1 group studies the main stages of life and creativity A.A. Feta.

2 The Group studies the topic of nature in Lyrics A.A. Feta.

The group 3 considers the topic of love in the work of the poet.

Each group is preparing a performance and a computer presentation by its topic, using the Internet resources and Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point programs. Report on the work done.

Expected learning results

cognitive Wood: search and selection of necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement orally,

Ability to prepare a presentation using the Microsoft Power Point program

personal Wood: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, the ability to self-esteem its actions, actions;

regulatory UUD: goal-making, planning, self-regulation, allocation and awareness of students that have already been learned and what else needs to be learned;

communicative Wood: planning of educational cooperation with teacher and peers, compliance with the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify its point of view.

Abstract lesson

Lesson 1

Theme lesson. Love and Nature in the work of A.A. Feta

Objectives of the content lesson:

Educational: introduce the main stages of life and creativity A.A. Feta.

Reveal the theme of nature and love in Lyrique A.A. Feta.

Developing: Improve the skills of working with a computer, the ability to find, select and systematize information, formulate and argue the idea, to communicate information, prepare a presentation using the Microsoft Power Point program

Educational: to form love for beautiful, respect for man, feelings of compassion and empathy. Call interest in poetry, as it is in it that the inner world of man is most pronounced, personal feelings, learning to understand and read with the soul.

Technology: information and communicative, group work.

During the classes


But in the verse, you will find

This eternally fragrant rose ...

A.A. Fet.

The main stages of the life and creativity of the poet.

Sounds Romance P.I. Tchaikovsky on the words A.A. Feta "At the dawn, you are not boudy." "

1. Opening conversation on issues.

What do you know about A.A. Feta?

What poems read, taught?

What does the poet writes about?

2. Teacher's message about A.A. Feta.

Both personality and fate and creative biography A.A. Feta is unusual and full of riddles, some of them still have not solved. Net Poetry, far from the realities of life, subtle lyrism and life practicism, the poet's life is complete drama and contradictions, often unexpected in their movement and transitions - all these paradoxes are intertwined in one person, causing an ambiguous attitude towards him.

A.Feta's popularity is great. The modern reader undoubtedly experiences interest in his poems. How to relate with the rejection of poetry by A.Feta by a democratic reader in the 60s of the XIX century.

And maybe not to give an unequivocal answer, but simply reading the musical lines and reflections on the facts of life, love and death, as the incomprehensible secrets of the nature of the human essence. Everyone to try to find answers in poet verses to many concerns of being

It is impossible to talk about the originality of A.Fet's creativity, without saying his life.

2. Work in groups


Task: Create a presentation about the life and work of A.A. Feta.

The theme of love and nature in lyrics A.A. Feta.

Nature in the work of A.A. Feta.

Love and nature - favorite Topics A.Feta. The inconspicuous beauty of Russian nature is reflected in the poetry peculiar. A.A. Fet notes the elusive transitional states: as an artist - a landscapeist, he "draws" words, finding all new and new shades and sounds.

2 groups

The task. Analyze, the originality of nature in the lyrics A.A. Feta?

What is the nature for the poet? Analysis of the poem.

The poem "I came to you with greetings" ...

Pooh "Evening"

The poem "More May Night"

Poem "Wonderful Picture"

Poem "Learn from them - Oak, Bereza"

The poem "There are nights of winter shine and power ..."

3 group.

Task: Get acquainted with love lyrics A.A. Feta. Analysis of one of the loved love poems.

C calm A.A. Feta about love.

By - Pushkinski, the elevated and wise were verses of A.Feta about love. It is not by chance that many of them became a romance, the execution of which and now gives rise to the gamut of feelings in the soul of every person. Almost all the verses of love are written on the first person, in the form of a monologue, as a memoir about love remaining in the past.

Like other poets, in the life of Feta there were concrete meetings with unusual and all the same women inspired him to create poems. Especially bright this photo of female beauty is embodied in the poem "Call to your beloved Beethoven"

Printing of theoretical material and analysis plan for the poetic text about nature.

2 groups

3 Group

Printing of theoretical material and analysis plan for the poetic text about love.

Group work

Organizer, consultant

Monitoring the work of students, consulting, ensuring independence

Intermediate control

Control of the work of working weak students

Stage 3.

The final stage


Checking work in groups

Formation of uud


Assess the result of learning activities.


Correct the result obtained with the goal.

Stage duration

14 minutes

The main activity with ICT activities

Work report

Form organization of students' activity

Individual speeches

Functions of the teacher at this stage

Tracking results, comments, suggestions

The main activities of the teacher

Explanation, additions

Final control

Check, evaluation, summing up


Formation of uud

personal: desire for speech self-improvement;

regulatory: self-regulation.

List of references:

Internet resources:

Report on the work of the second group.

The originality of nature in lyrics A.A. Feta?

What is the nature for the poet?

The inconspicuous beauty of Russian nature is reflected in the poetry peculiar. A.A.Fet notes the elusive transitional states: as an artist-landscape, he "draws" words, finding all new shades and sounds.

For the poet nature - a source of joy, philosophical optimism and unexpected discoveries.

Fet saw in nature the perfection, that harmony, which was so lacking in his life, in the sphere of human relations.

1. Creating changed, contrasting paintings of nature (especially "day" and "night").

2.Thatka penetration into the secret of the contradictory unity of nature and man.

3. Disputes about the divine principle of the Universe.

4. The situation is that a natural phenomenon or an event is similar to what is happening in the soul in humans.

5. Exactness of verbal incarnation, honed poetic phrases in the lyrics.

6. Judgment-philosophical lyrics.

7. Selfies in the world and his fate.

8. The oligar is imbued with delight in front of the greatness, beauty, infinity, variety of nature.

9. Neightenance of epithets and metaphors transmitting the clashes and the game of natural forces.

3 group.

Analysis of love poem.

Analysis of the poem

"At the dawn, you are not boudes"

This poem is one of the best lyrical works of the poet, this is one of the best romances about love. The topic is old, eternal. The greatest love of the whole life feta was Maria Lazich. The poem "At the dawn, you are not boudes ..." sheavenly clean, sincere, delicate love for the beloved.

At the dawn, you will not be it,

At the dawn, she sleeps sweetly so much;

Morning breathes on her chest

Brightly breathing on the lines of lines.

In this quatrain, on a par with "her", nature is valid. The poet used the anaphor "at the dawn" to show how inseparable for him and nature. The morning the feta is lively, it breathes on the chest, that is, the heart of the girl. In a woman, Feta attracted hair most:

And, drawing, run on the shoulder

Spit ribbon on both sides.

It is curious here what the poet writes not about black braids, but that they, drawing up, run. By this, it shows their delimacy, plasticity, softness. Watching the development of the plot, we find the moon. The moon is known - the separation symbol, and it is often present in the poems of "her".

And the brighter the moon played,

And the louder than the nightingale whistles,

She walked all pale

The heart beat the hurts and the Higher.

These quathers brings sadness, even fear. The brighter the moon flared up, the one was worse. As if, dying, she went farther and farther.

In the language of the poem, you can note the personification the moon played the heart beat

Analysis of the poem "shine night"

The poem "shone the night ..." - one of the best lyrical works of feta. Moreover, it is one of the best samples of Russian love lyrics. The poem is dedicated to a young, charming girl who has entered the story not only thanks to the poem of Feta, he was one of the real prototypes of Tolstask Natasha Rostova. Feta poem is not a feeling of feta to the cute Tanechka Bers, but about high human love. In the lyrical play "shone the night ..." Themes of love and art merged together. Love for Feta is the most beautiful in human life. And art is the most beautiful. Poem - about doubly beautiful, about the most complete beauty.

The poem is written by a six-power yamb.

Surprisingly on bright expressiveness and audience, visibility is already the beginning of the poem. That picture that opens a lyrical play, tangible feelings and unforgettable. We see a darkened hotel and for its windows the garden is full of night freshness, lunar light and radiance. And you hear music, the more amazing and striking our imagination, what about music in the first stanza directly does not say anything. But it is said about the piano: "The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it ..." In this way, we see not only the piano himself, but also hear the sounds that come from it. The poet draws an item and, pushing our imagination, makes us see and hear what is connected with him. We ourselves heard it, the poet did not tell us about it - and we are grateful to him that he committed such a miracle: He made us hear, helped us without direct verbal designations to his verses, the combination of words, combinations of vowels and consonants, alliteration, internal consonation . Sound repetitions are present in the poem:

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying

Rays from our legs ...

The poem "shine night ...", like many poems of feta, is characterized by the strength of tone and the harmony of the composition. One follows from the other, the subsequent continues and develops the previous one. The lyric story is increasing: the feeling increases. This kind of poems produce a particularly strong impression. Words in the Fetovo poem - moving; The movement of words and sounds is strictly in one direction - to lyrical outcome:

That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,

And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,

As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,

Love you, hug and cry over you ...

The last four lines of verse are musical, emotional, and semantic completion of the poem. This is the last and highest point of the lyrical plot. And this is glory and beautiful in life, and beautiful in art.

^ F "Cultural Life of the South of Russia"

M\u003e 2 (27), 2008

2. Bobrovsky V. Functional Fundamentals of the Music Form: Research. M., 1978. P. 64.

3. Shane S. Theory of Simphonism in the interpretation of B. Asafieva // Problems of musical science. M., 1985. Vol. 6. P. 4.

4. Asafiev B. Ways to the Future. GH., 1918. KN. 2. P. 69.

5. Alayivang A. Russian symphony and some analogies with Russian novel // He. Selected works. M., 1964. P. 77.

6. Blinova S. The problem of the final in a classic co-symphonic cycle // Interpretation of art text: Interdisciplinary seminar - 4: Sat. NFHH. Materials. Petrozavodsk, 2001. P. 17.

7. Andreeva N. Dynamics and static music form // Theoretical problems of the musical form. M., 1982. S. 19.

8. Aristotle in the "Poetics" allocates the following stages of the development of the tragedy: "Exposition", "Zaguka", "Development", "Culmination", "Disaster

f)". See: Aristotle. On the art of poetry (poetics). St. Petersburg., 2000.

9. Such examples are found in the music theater. "Scenes of death" of heroes with farewell arias or duets became even "stamp" in the opera literature: I call the finals here in the Opera "Traviato", "Rigoletto" J. Verdi, Pelleas and Melizanda K. Debussy, "Stone Guest" A. Dargomyzhsky, "Fire Angel" S. Prokofiev.

10. The listed symphonies are written in one period - in the 1930-1950s and refer to the so-called musical classics of the 20th century.

11. GETLEVEV B. On the drama of major instrumental forms in the second half of the 20th century // Problems of musical drama of the 20th century. M »1983. P. 12.

12. Kazantseva L. Basics of the theory of musical content. Astrakhan, 2001. P. 212-213.

13. Bobrovsky V. Functional foundations of the musical form ... pp. 68.

0. V. SHMAKOVA. The Symphonic Cycles by Bartok, Honegger and Hindemith With the Finale-Culmination

Semantic Foreshortenings of the Culmination in the Symphonic Finales-APOTHEOSIS AND FINALES-TREDIES BAR-TOK, HONEGGER AND HINDEMITH (1930-1950) ARE CONSIDERED IN THE ARTICLE. Semantic Foreshortenings Are Focused Around of the Concept "Harmony": In The Concept of Pleasure - "BECOMING OF HARMONY", "Overcoming of Disharmony", "Finding of Harmony"; IN THE CONCEPT OF ETERNITY - "Declaration of Harmony"; IN THE CONCEPT OF TRAGEDY - "NON-OVERCOMING OF DISHARMONIES", "METAPHYSICS OF HARMONY".

Key Words: Symphonic Finale, Dramanic Art, Apotheosis, Tragedy, Harmony, Culmination.

I. V. Borisova, D. N. Zhatkin

Beethoven and Fet.

The article discusses the influence of German classical music on Russian literature of the XIX century on the example of the creative heritage of one of the most "musical" poets in the history of Russian literature. A. Feta. Separate facts of the biography of the poet, which influenced the formation of its aesthetic views and musical preferences, and also gives an analysis of the poem "Anruf An Die Geliebte Beethoven", which has become apotheosis of the author's conclusion to the music of the German composer.

Key words: Fet, Beethoven, German music classic, Russian literature of the XIX century, between cultural dialogue, international contacts, the relationship between Russian and German national cultures.

The German music classic had a great influence on the development of culture of many European countries, including Russia. Literature and, above all, poetry is undoubtedly much more closely interacting with the music than many other arts. V. Vanaslov reveals the influence of music for the poetry of the XIX century in the following areas: 1) the general trend of the Luriza of poetic works, 2) the saturation of poetry by the musicality of rhythms and intonation, 3) a peculiar transformation of one art to another: literature as it may choose music (one). German music has become an important component of creativity A. A. Feta - one of the most "musical" poets not only in the literature of his era, but in general in the history of Russian literature. Modern poet of criticism (AP A. Grigoriev, A. V. Druzhinin, V. P. Botkin, N. N.

Strakhov, V. V. Solovyov) considered the fetal musicality of one of the most characteristic features of his creative dating (2). Researchers of the 20th century, for example D. D. Good (ibid.), B. Ya. Buchstab (3), B. M. Eikenbaum (4), also noted this characteristic feature of the poet's literary heritage.

Childhood was by no means foreshadowed by A. Fethu or a serious musical career, nor any deep understanding of music. His father was sincere in his intention to give the child to the basics of musical education, because, in his opinion, "in every significant house, where the young man is interesting to enter, there is a piano" (5). For the sake of fair, it is worth noting that at that time it was taken from childhood to train a noble child to musitization without taking into account its natural data, inclinations and capable

№ 2 (27), 2008 "Cultural Life of the South of Russia"

tay. Vocal and instrumental music, along with literary readings, was popular in noble salons (6). Fet admitted that the music learning "exceeded his strength", and the lessons he took during the year called "daily musical torments", and "unsuccessful" to such an extent that he did not even know the notes. The poet's game was subsequently characterized by a very unfriendly: "He began to make a two-stroke march", "My fingers were confused", etc. Finally, the "Bowl of Sorrow shifted through the edge", and the young man announced that "ready to go to the Cake and anywhere" but there will be no more play. The result of his first, such an unsuccessful acquaintance with the music of Fet fated in words: "So we broke up forever from the goddess of music to mutual pleasure" (7). Apparently, the cessation of musical classes was on the life stage for him quite natural.

Subsequently, already in a more mature age, at the same time with a poetic gift in a young man awakened deep musicality, due to the originality of his sincere warehouse and worldview. It should be recognized that this is not the trivial interest in music, which in one degree or another was characterized by the educated people of the time, but the interest of another kind: a living and deep, extraordinary and integral on the inner essence of the poet. Thus, Feta's musicality has developed naturally and has become part of its spiritual quest and gains.

The harmonious combination of poetry and music in the creative gift of the poet was noticed by P. I. Tchaikovsky, who believed that "Fet is not just a poet, rather a poet musician, as if avoiding even such topics that are easily expressing with words", since " In the best minutes, "he" comes out of the limits specified poetry "and" boldly takes a step "towards music, and therefore" there is no possibility to compare it with other first-class Russian or foreign poets "(8). Fet himself confirmed the involvement of his literary creativity with music in written lines written: "Tchaikovsky, as it were, spied the artistic direction, according to which I was constantly drawn and about which the late Turgenev used to say, which is waiting for a poem from me, in which the final verse will have to transfer to the silent shelling of the lips . Further, the poet recognized that "from a certain area of \u200b\u200bwords" it always "pulled into an indefinite region of music" and that he left for her "how long enough forces" (9).

The atmosphere of the era imposed his imprint on the formation of a musical taste of feta. A visit to household music evenings and concerts made his addiction traditional enough for his time. In the second half of the XIX century, the Music of Beethoven was widespread in Russia, which, according to V. P. Botkin, was a "full and perfect manifestation of German music" (10).

The popularity of this composer is associated with the peculiarities of the historical development of world musical art, it was he who was, according to V. D. Konene, a "transitional" composer, whose work contains features of both classical and romantic music (11). Fet was regularly present at the piano evenings, where, with a lot of probability, the works of the German composer (12) were performed. The poet himself has repeatedly spoke about his special attitude towards the work of Beethoven, which is confirmed by the statements of contemporaries and researchers of his work (13). He bowed in front of the composer capable of "fighting with all its immeasurable depth, with all its infinity" "in an inexcreable no other way." Before the music of Beethoven, according to Feta, the "powerless word kinesette." The "moral concussion" brings "the young, light, mighty, passionate" soul from the "ordinary peace", and it loses its equilibrium. The origin of emotions in the soul of the listener poet compares with the occurrence of waves on the "mirror surface" of water. It feels like "a mirror surface is covered with patterned ripples", then "ripples goes into a measuring zyb." The feeling that arises from the listener, the poet compares with a wave, which "gets up in beetting the wave in the whole whimsical charm of the smallest details", while "passionate excitement is growing, raising all the cherished secrets from the bottom, then gloomy and without hell, then bright Like the dreams of Seraphim. " And now "shores and no limits" and I want to "die - or speak." The human language, according to the poet, is not capable of "all of all this," the Music Music comes to the rescue: Having heard her "properly", a person will be able to "see all the all that has been said<...> Mystery. As you can see, Fet was a big fan of the talent of the German composer, but at the same time he made a reservation that in order to obtain a more complete and harmonious impression of heard, it should be initially tune in to the desired emotional wave: only those who wanted to hear the expression of their innermost feelings and the dreams will open by the "infinity" Supressed by Beethoven music, which will give true pleasure and repel the soul, languishing from overwhelmed feelings. According to the fair observation of D. D. Good, so only a person who is able to write about music, which is not only sensitive, but also deep into it, "was actually Fet (14).

Apotheosis of Feta's consent to Music Beethoven was his poem "Anruf An Die Geliebte" Beethoven (1857). "Anruf An Die Geliebte" ("Call for the Beloved") - the name of one of the songs included in the "An Die Ferne Geliebte" cycle ("By the distant beloved", 1816), created on the texts of the poems of A. Eyteleles. It is considered the last major creation of Beethoven for voice from the piano. V.D. Konen considers it as a kind of reference point in the development of the song genre in the XIX century

^ 2 "Cultural Life of the South of Russia"

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(fifteen). The presence in the Fetovo original work of the poem, in the title of which is mentioned by the name of Beethoven and one of its songworks, is explained in a considerable degree of popularity of the song genre in Russia and the spirit of lyrical poetry, which is certainly present in the Beethoven songs. Apparently, Fet deliberately does not translate the name of the musical work in the header of the poem into Russian: the poet seems natural to the fact that any educated person of that time is familiar with this product of the German composer, whose work has harmonized with the mindset of the modern era. As a result of the creative refraction of musical finds of the composer in a lively imagination, Feta from under his pen leaves the completed poetic work, which he himself calls "dreary recognition" and "soul with a praying moan." His lines are drawn to the "beautiful creature", whose image is perceived not otherwise as the "deity". "Lightweight forces", the breath of which "enveloped" the Creator, originated in his soul when listening to Beth-Hoven melody. Being in the authorities of the Creative Fantasy of the composer, he "Mumeth and Shawit". "Diemetic flour", so bright felt by the lyrical hero, appears to a certain border guard, in which all the senses of a person who tastes in his beloved is exacerbated to the limit.

Thanks to the music of Beethoven in the soul of the Creator there is a strong emotional surge, he "will be ready to fall into the dust", while experiencing only a feeling of bliss. "Every new flour", which is undoubtedly inspired by the gradual development of the composer's musical theme, does not introduce the Creator to the state of despondency and depression, since it consciously communicates with the "celebration of the beauty" of the subject of his adoration. The emotional gauge of lyric narrative reaches its maximum in the words "at least once hear", from which it appears that the Creator has repeatedly appealed in his thoughts to his beloved, but every time his calls and plea remained unanswered. The words "I am the image of your catch before separation" (16), emphasizing the inevitability of the upcoming separation, parting and ultimately death, do not make feelings of the tragic end, on the contrary, this longing is very expensive to the lyrical hero, he sings her a solemn anthem and thanks his beloved for those Strong feelings that paint its existence in bright colors are forced to exacerbately perceive the surrounding reality, simply enriching their inner world. In the author of the poem, it is easy to see a person with a subtle mental organization, equally essentially responded to the external manifestations of different genres of art. Creator is able to carry out parallels between them, accumulate its emotions and feelings and ultimately synthesis

his impressions in several elegant lines dedicated to the beloved. The feeling of domestic dignity helped to capture sincere, passionate recognition, while not reproaching the subject of his adoration in the coldness and indifference.

In his poem, the author introduces the reader to the great laws of being with his eternal problems: joy and suffering, love and indifference, riot and humility, life and death. It is solemnity, spirituality, awareness of the struck of the earthly world with his passions and disappointments, obviously relate to the musical work of Beethoven and inspired by the poetic improvisation of Feta. Consequently, the Music of Beethoven appeared for the poet a kind of tune, with whom he twisted the sincerity of his feelings and who did not give him to lose the inner sense of empathy, responsiveness and harmony with the outside world. The deep connection of Feta lyrics with the work of the Great German composer was obvious for P. I. Tchaikovsky, who noted: "Often Feth reminds me of Beethoven. Like Beethoven, he is given power to affect such strings of the souls, which are not available to artists, at least strong, but limited limits of the word "(17). D. D. Goodness is not inclined to consider this statement by the subjective opinion of P. I. Tchaikovsky, noting that "For all the difference in life paths, characters, worldviews in the nature of Feta, who who has become its main goal, to overcome unfair fate, and at the same time feta The poet, so bravely punching "subsidiary ice", so much breathable by the liberating and healing air of art, there are some "Beethoven" features "(18). The lyrical poem of the poet, inspired by the Beethoven song, is perceived as a kind of "German" and "Russian" and testifies to a certain phenomenon of his "German-Russian" musicality, reflecting the mental duality of feta, which manifests itself in the level of musical perception.

Thus, the relationship between the Russian and German national cultures is clearly traced in the work of Feta, which influenced the best features of the spirituality of German musical classics and first of all Beethoven. The concept of music that existed in his consciousness and embodied in poetic creativity is undoubtedly close to the German perception and understanding of music as a whole. German cultural realities appeared as not more significant for awareness of the originality of the Russian national world, which once again confirms the open nature of Russian literature and culture towards other national literature and cultures, its pronounced tendency to intercultural dialogue and wide intercultural contacts.

"Cool Scientific Life B South of Russia" ^


1. Installing V. V. Esthetics of Romanticism. M., 1966. P. 282.

2. The good of D. D, the world as beauty // Fet A. A. Evening lights. M., 1979. P. 591.

3. Bukhstab B. Ya. Fet // Fet A. A. Poeummi and Poem. JL, 1986. P. 33.

4. Eikenbaum B. M. About poetry. L., 1969. P. 435, 509.

5. Fet A. A. Memories. M., 1983. P. 115.

6. History of Russian music: at 10 t. T. 5. M., 1988. P. 114.

7. Fet A. A. Memories ... P. 115-116.

8. Letter P. I. Tchaikovsky K. R. dated August 26, 1888 // Tchaikovsky M. I. Life P. I. Tchaikovsky. M.; Leipzig, 1902. T. 3. P. 266-267.

9. Good by D. D. World as beauty ... p. 57.

10. Botkin V.P. Literary Criticism. Publicistics. Letters. M-., 1984. P. 35.

11. Konen V.D. Essays on the history of foreign music. M., 1997. P. 355.

12. Eikenbaum B. M. Melody of Russian lyrical verse ... P. 79, 208.

13. The good of D. D, the world is like beauty ... pp. 578, 590-593.

14. Botkin V.P. Literary Criticism. Publicistics. Letters ... pp. 592.

15. Konen V.D. Essays on the history of foreign music ... P. 352-353.

16. Fet A. A. Works: in 2 tons. T. 1. M., 1982. P. 128

18. Good by D. D. World as beauty ... M., 1979. S.592.

I. V. BORISOVA, D. N. ZHATIKIN. Beethoven and fet.

The Article Dealsical Music On The Russian Literature of the 19th Century On The Example Of The Creative Heritage of One of the Most "Musical" Poets in the History of the Russian Literature -a. A. Fet. The Authors Give Some of His Biographic Facts Which Influenced The Development of His Esthetic Views and Musical Preferences. They Also Analyze The Poem "Beethoven" S Anruf An Die Geliebte "Which is Considered to Be The Climax of the Poet" S Affection to the German Composer "S Music.

Key Words: Fet; Beethoven, German Classical Music, Russian Literature of the 19th Century, Cross-Cultural Dialogue, International Contacts, InterConnection of The Russian and German Cultures.

T. Yu. Fedin

Club institutions in ethnocultural space

Kuban (1990s)

Currently, a policy focused on the preservation and development of traditional culture is purposefully conducted in the Krasnodar Territory. The careful attitude towards the cultural heritage of the peoples living in the region was tradition, the roots of which go in 1980-1990.

Keywords: club, folklore, festival, traditional culture.

In the post-Soviet period, club institutions remain the main guards of the state policy in the field of traditional culture. In the 1990s, despite the reduction in funding, folklore groups continued their work, folk holidays and rites, folklore reviews, festivals, exhibitions of folk decorative and applied creativity were held. This provision is characteristic of both Kuban.

For the sake of fair, it should be noted that the tradition of holding in the region of folklore holidays has developed in the 1980s. At the initiative of the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir V. G. Zakharchenko, amateur groups from various cities and villages of Kuban were invited to the regional philharmonic. Their performance was accompanied by a comment-story of the leading folklore, a folk costume, the vitality of performers. Concert,

as a rule, V. G. Zakharchenko or Kuban ethnographer N. I. Bondar. It is these meetings with the teams of folk creativity who laid the road "Golden Apple" festival, which takes place annually in Krasnodar for twenty years (1).

In 1990, the Center for People's Culture of Kuban was created in Krasnodar, which included the Kuban Cossack Choir, the Children's Experimental Field School of Folk Arts, the State Youth Cossack Ensemble "Critique", Scientific Library, Folk-Ethnographic Division, Traditional Holidays Department, rites and Festivals and other units. The head of TsDCK V. G. Zakharchenko, defining the strategy of the institution, proceeded from the fact that "work on the preservation and revival of the original cultural traditions should not consist of separate, badly meaningful shares and events." He insisted that "Need