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Births without pain and fear are real? Preparation for childbirth: how to survive pain in childbirth How to endure pain during childbirth

It is believed that the process of the appearance of a newborn baby to the light should simply endure. Regarding, it is so. However, there are several truths that will indicate how to make it easier for pain during battles and childbirth. Tips that you handle this article will help you treat the birth of a little more easier. Let's start?

In order to talk about the elimination of pain, it is necessary to initially understand where this is taken from. Initially, I would like to make a reservation that any pain (even cut on the finger) is a response of the body for a certain danger. There can be no longer danger, but information about the cut (if it comes to the usual injury / offering) immediately enters the brain.

A similar situation occurs during battles. It is for the woman to understand that the process of childbirth "not far from around the corners" is characterized by pain. Nature is so arranged.

From the point of view of medicine, pain in battles and childbirth occurs for a number of the following reasons:

  • the uterus is revealed (the first harbingers of pain appear, but still short-term and almost uncomfortable disabilities);
  • the pressure of the child's head on the uterus (pain becomes quite strong, because the baby is literally ready to appear);
  • passage of the baby's head through the birthway.

To transfer this difficult moment in life, a woman needs to prepare well in advance.

2. How to prepare for childbirth and fights at home

Many future mothers begin long before the appointed day of delivery to seek recommendations that it helps the women in labor to move pain during battles. I believe that this is the perfect option.

Having time in stock, you can preach to prepare for the most important day in the life of any woman.

What measures can be accepted:

  1. attend courses of young parents (here you will learn and correct breathing, and various ways of relaxation, and postpartum care kids);
  2. planned on the phytball (this is a huge ball, the exercises where the mother will help in the future it is easier to transfer the birth period);
  3. to assemble a pregnant bag in advance (otherwise you risk pretty "sweeping" myself nerves);
  4. calculate the road in the maternity hospital (you will be taken by flies on personal transport or you will go "on the wrong way"; in a certain hospital, or "how lucky"; give birth under the contract, or "in general" - it also keeps nerves);
  5. customize yourself positive (good mood is half of the case).

If you go to the maternity hospital (and physically) prepared, the childbirth will be as painful as possible.

3. How to behave during battles

Before childbirth, each woman needs to "survive" contractions. Unfortunately, it is precisely what scares the feminine. Most often, the fights are confused by the future mother at home, and then the question arises about how to learn pain.

There are several ways to help you cope with such a "test":

1. Breathe. Do not detain your breath in the hope that this method will help you to eliminate pain. Pain will leave itself, with time. Control breathing:

  • breathe deeply: inhale through the nose - exhale your mouth, slowly;
  • inhale the air through the nose and release it "with sounds" and sharply through the mouth;
  • breathe doggy.

2. Take a comfortable position. Each woman in labor has its own pose. The most common pose, helping "pacify" the pain is as follows:

  • stop on all fours (you can "swing" hips to the left and right);
  • lie on the back and move the legs to the most as much as possible (the legs should be bent in the knees);
  • turn on the side, put a pillow between your legs for convenience.

3. Take a warm bath or shower.

4. Ask a husband to make you a massage:

  • massify the "zone" from the tailbone and to the loin to the fist, slightly pressure;
  • massize the "zone" from the sacrum to the lower back in the same way.

Also, about the right methods of massage, you can see the video on the Internet. Fortunately, their huge variety on the unstashes of the worldwide network.

5. Reference on phytball.

6. Drink water Small sips.

4. How to behave during childbirth

During the gods themselves, you need to safely. Delive to the process itself, as the most important work in your life, on which your increase depends. From some point of view, this is true. You will get an increase - you will become a happy mom.

Adhere to the unlawful rules of the fever:

  • keep calm;
  • follow the recommendations of your obstetrician doctor;
  • breathe during the next battle, rest in the intervals between them;
  • customize optimistic.

Trying to "keep yourself in your hands," do not shout, because you are in vain spend the strength that you need during the time.

5. How to behave during fence

Speakers - the most responsible moment of childbirth. And the most painful. It is important here to mostly trust your doctor and everything while "doctor will allow."

Fews often resemble the defecation process, and cause the urge to go to the toilet. It is not recommended to do this until the doctor "will not give good." The fact is that if the woman in labor will be stirred "how will have" - \u200b\u200bshe risks start the child's birthday of the child before, even until the uterus is completely disclosed. This is fraught with ruptures. Also untimely futures you can pour the baby head (including a carotid artery). It is extremely dangerous for the life of the child.

Unfortunately, it is here that there are no specific advice that will help you endure the pain. Want - shout! Want - Play! Do anything, if only it did not hurt your baby.

6. Medical assistance

There are cases when no respiratory techniques help to cope with pain. In this case, medicine comes to the rescue. A woman can do an anesthetic if the doctor will insist on this or this item is provided for by the contract concluded.

As an anesthetics, it may be proposed:

  1. Epidural anesthesia (however, the consequences after it can be unpredictable, up to paralysis).
  2. Promedol.
  3. Local anesthesia.

Medical intervention is appointed in extreme cases, for example:

  • if the whole process of childbirth is accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • if the behavior of the girlfriend is unconscious and uncontrollable;
  • if there is a threat to the life of a woman and a child.

You should not panic, you know perfectly well that no woman did not come out the baton from the hospital. And after you see your little happiness and feel the heartbeat of your newborn - all the pain will take care instantly. You will be insanely glad that they suffered this pain along with the baby.

Tips on how to survive the fights, see here:

And watch the video about the non-drugs of pain relief during battles here:

If the article was useful - offer it to reading your friends. And subscribe to my updates, because I say goodbye to you for a while. Bye Bye!

The nature of the generic pain is identical to any other: the body reacts to a sharp change of state, throws adrenaline into the blood, calls for salvation from danger. The only difference is a surprise, the muscles are reduced uncontrollably, intensively. Survive the fight will help psychological and physical training, the development of muscles, training nervous system.

Causes of pain

By the end of the pregnancy, the uterus becomes the largest internal organ in the body. And it does not grow, but stretched. It is difficult to endure pain in the fights on the period when the volume of the uterus is increased 500 times, much more complicated, due to the area of \u200b\u200ban irritated segment.

What can I compare the pain of bouts during childbirth? With sensations while the tissue is cut, 70% of moms are approved. Many compare the pain with the burn of the genitals. It has been scientifically proven that only amputation and breaking of nerve fibers is more painful. Stimulates the intensity of the reaction of fear and panic of the woman in labor.

Influencing factors:

  1. cervical disclosure;
  2. tension of the density;
  3. resistance of pelvic muscles;
  4. temporary tissue ischemia;
  5. deformation of the vessels of the uterus, which have highly sensitive receptors;
  6. incontraryness, the psyche is not ready to reduce.

Survive contractions and childbirth help drugs of local, epidural and general anesthesia. If the feminine is concentrated only on pain, exchange processes in plasma are disturbed, there is a risk of complications in childbirth. Proper behavior, readiness for the beginning of bumps, uniform control, the abnormal intervals helps to increase the pain threshold.

Can there be contractions without pain?No, if a true generic process has begun. Lamination of the abdomen, without signs of pain means training contractions.

There is a relationship between physiological factors, flow periods and degree of sensitivity. It is hard to carry the fight during women, with painful menstruation and related pathologies.

At-risk groups:

  • large fruit;
  • first pregnancy;
  • depending childbirth;
  • early detection of spindlewater waters;
  • application of oxytocin;
  • chronic diseases of the urogenital system.

What is more painful or childbirth?Moms argue that fights. Muscular cuts in the uterus reach a peak before starting, the pain becomes sharp, the pressure of the fetus is intensified.

Methods anesthesia

If a woman is at home at the beginning of childbirth, the fights are not yet counted with systematic intervals, you can not stop everyday affairs. It is recommended to move, get out, fold things in bags for the maternity hospital, documents. When freeding, tracking the regularity of the reduction in the uterine muscles, special techniques are used, which make it easier for pain syndrome.

How easier to transfer the fight during childbirth:

  1. applying heat;
  2. warm bath;
  3. proper breathing;
  4. massage;
  5. anesthesia.

Applying heat. For anesthesia at home, heated tanks are used with water with water, a dense bag with flax grains or barley. You can take a piece of thick fabric, pour oats in it, wheat, associate ends. The croke is heated in the microwave, to the state of warm, applied to the sacrum of the lower back, for 15-20 minutes. The technique relaxes the muscles, removes spasm, makes it easier to pain, helps to go through the fights during childbirth.

Bath. It is recommended to be in warm water when still tolerant pain, the bath must have a temperature of up to 37.5 C. Cannot be located on the back, the position on the side will stimulate blood circulation, feed oxygen. You need to relax, count to 100, turn over. A soft rubber rug is placed on the bottom of the bath, under the head cushion.

Breath. Technique change with the course of contractions. At the initial stage, when the intervals between cuts of 5-7 minutes, it is necessary to breathe deeply, stomach. Inhale for 3-4 seconds, exhale lasts 6 seconds.

When frequency decreases to 3 minutes, the duration of the fight increases to 2-2.5 minutes, you need to inhale 4 bills, exhaled by 5. At the peak of abbreviation, it is often not deep. Before fasting, try to choose the measured rhythm, breathing the nose, exhalation of mouth. During the release of air from the lungs, pushing the fruit out.

Massage helps to endure contractions during childbirth. It is necessary to carry out the procedure since the beginning of the first cuts, until the moments of the dug. You can use painkillers, creams, petroleum ointments, oil, if the risk of an allergic reaction is excluded.

Point. Simultaneous pressing for the deepening between the large and index finger, from the outer side of the brush, and on the bone of the ankle, from the inside. The movements are short, intense, duration of 40 seconds, the brush of exposure is located in parallel to the floor.

Strokes. Palms fold left on the right below the abdomen, moving from the center to the sides. The pads are softly massaged the skin, on the peak of the contraction, pressure is enhanced.

Sacral. The bones of the fingers, the vibrating massager is massaged by a near-theft zone, circular intense movements, for 30-40 seconds. In the break, pillows of fingers make lung pressure on the seats and the depressions over the buttocks.

Rubbing thighs. You need to lie on the side, the legs bend in the knees, fold together. Palm to put on the inner side of the hip, rub the surface from the knee to the groin, 30 times on every side, comfortable hand.

Anesthesia. Local or regional method is used more often. General anesthesia is used in 2% of cases, with complex currents transferred to the spinal injuries.:

Types of anesthesia:

  • local - for anesthetics of specific sites, if there are gaps, the need to overlapping seams;
  • epidural, spinal - preparation is introduced into the back department, blocking the sensitivity of the lower half of the body, without stopping the bouts;
  • general - complete loss of consciousness, childbirth without pain.

Anesthesia, despite the wishes of the guide, is not recommended by doctors without relevant readings. Often the decision is made in an emergency, at the second stage of the delivery, if the pain threshold is exceeded, there is a loss of consciousness or is necessary for operational intervention.

Phase fights

The uterine cuts that stimulate the expansion of the cervix, and the ebbing of the fetus occupy 70% of the birthday. For some women, this stage is completed after 1 hour, others continue more than a day.

How many hours a woman gives birth?The first bodies last 8-15 hours, the second is 3-4 hours less. Features of the flow and duration are individual, there are cases of painless birth in 1.5-2 hours in the first pregnancy, and up to 15 hours in the second.

The preparation of the uterus passes in the 3 stages. It is harder to endure the fight during childbirth in front of the fast.

  1. latent;
  2. active;
  3. early;
  4. washed.

Latent. It lasts 4-8 hours, during this period a woman can calmly gather at home, doing households, waiting for a car in the hospital. The neck begins the disclosure, the pain of weak. You need to move more, take the bath, drink tea with mint, chamber. Breathe calmly, deeply.

Active. The neck is revealed to 8 cm, the amniotic bubble is bursting with an octopling fluid. In this phase, you need to be in the maternity hospital, the pain in the fights will help massage: point, sacral, stroking. Do not lie if there is no readings, it is better to walk along the corridor.

Early. The neck is revealed completely, at this stage the pain is compared with the cut of the lively fabric. You need to rebuild breathing on the diaphragm. Be sure to move, the pose on all fours or squatting will make it easier for soreness of bumps. This phase can not be awake.

Washed. In this state, the fruit begins to go outside. It is necessary to obey the midwife. At night, you can not shout, cut your feet.

There are cases in history when the baby was born in 2 minutes. It happened in the UK, Mom was a woman for whom these quick births were not the first. She has already raised the son born in an hour.

How many did the longest genera lasted? 10 weeks and 5 days a triple was born from a resident of Poland, D. Kršyshtonek. The children were born healthy, strong, the feminine was discharged from the hospital in standard mode.

Physical activity and poses

How painful contractions during childbirth depends on the musculoskeletal mode. You can not lie on your back, twist, pinch yourself, scream and give in to panic. Actions should be clear, well-coordinated, thoughts are directed only to the result - the birth of a healthy baby.

In which posture is better to carry the fights:

  • squatting - sit down, keep behind the support (back of bed, spouse's hands);
  • on the phytball - the legs to push wide, sprinkle, roll;
  • lotus - sit on the buttocks, bend the legs in the knees, put on the floor, closer to the feet, breathe deeply;
  • in the pose of a cat - deflection in the lower back, stop the forearm in front of the forearm;
  • standing on the knees - put legs, rely on the chair, bed, her husband's knees;
  • on the side (better than the left) - to lie on a comfortable surface, under the head and hips put pillows.

In the intervals between the fights it is worth relaxing, relaxing muscles. A good way: standing on the knees, lean the chest on the phytball, shrink a little.

What to do so that the contractions were painless:

  1. walk
  2. sitting on the chair riding, during the reduction to deviate to the sides;
  3. standing, draw eight, moving the pelvis;
  4. tilt on the fight
  5. his husband to hang on her husband, clasping her hands (you can use any crossbar);
  6. rolling from toe on the heel.

It is recommended to prepare for childbirth during pregnancy. There are special courses on which future mothers are mastering breathing skills, study poses, the correctness of the performance of painkillers. Separate attention is paid to stress resistance in generic activity.

No need to neglect the opportunity to learn behavior in the upcoming process. Being physically and morally ready, the risk of injury and complications is significantly reduced, the pain in the fights is successfully regulated by a woman.

Greetings to all readers, as well as guests of my blog. Today we will talk about how to facilitate childbirth?

To begin with, it is necessary to reduce the fear of childbirth, learn how to react to the contractions, using massage and breathing during battles and fence.

During the bouts appear (the uterus is reduced), the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed and the crumb moves along the generic paths. And the pain occurs due to:

  • Tension of ligaments and muscles
  • Cervical disclosures
  • Pressure on the cervix and vagina

In order for the advantage of the baby passed easily, his mother needs to learn to relax and behave calmly. If mom is calm, a sufficient amount of oxytocin is produced in its body (hormone, which stimulates generic activities). If mom is panic and afraid, adrenaline is produced in its body (hormone, due to which the muscles are strained, and the neck of the uterus ceases to shrink, thereby slowing down, provoking the production of even greater portion of adrenaline).

And a vicious circle appears:

fear - Tension Muscles - Pain - Fear

You can not control the cuts of the uterus, but you can consciously relax the muscles surrounding the uterus, thereby reducing the pain.

You need to learn to overcome your fears, anxiety and anxiety and help the baby appear as calm as calmer.

How to reduce fear before childbirth?

1. The unknown is known.

All scares unknown and uncertainty. If you know the main stages of childbirth, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is waiting for you in the prenatal, what a fight and swelling, how to breathe correctly, you will be much easier and calmer.

It is best to look like courses on preparing for childbirth, but you can talk and talk to your girlfriends, read information on the Internet, read special literature on this topic.

Choose a hospital in advance where you are going to give birth. Learn about the features of this institution. Find out what conditions there are. If you are very worried, choose a doctor that you want to give birth and discuss all the nuances with him, ask questions.

2. Pain is an ally, not an enemy.

Many are afraid of pain during childbirth, however, pain is a component of childbirth. Following special breathing techniques during childbirth and relaxation methods, pain can be pulled out, reduce it and leave forces for dyghe.

But you should not shout or silently transfer pain with the sacred teeth, so you will only prevent the cervix opening and lose a lot of strength.

The pain is the adviser who will tell when it is necessary to relax, change the position or take a specific posture for the most convenient passage of the baby by the generic paths.

3. Alarm suitcase ready!

Much easier is preparing for the beginning of childbirth, when you know that you are ready. Collect things in the maternity hospital in advance on the list (there are lists in the hospital, women's consultations, who had girlfriends or on the Internet).

Decide how going to go to the maternity hospital (call an ambulance or you can take a spouse), what's expensive (so as not to get into the plug).

Prepare for any situations morally, for example, watered water in the store or battles began during a walk. Do not worry, you will all have time, you have time. You can get to the house or ask you to take you. The main thing is not a panic.

4. Positive mood - the key to success!

Pray, meditate, sing. Imagine your baby, as you press it to your chest, how kisses and hug. Think positively, do not use the "not" particle.

5. Support husband - what?

Think in advance whether you want to see someone from the loved ones (husband, mom) during childbirth. What help do you expect from them? Are you going to partner childbirth or not? Just remember that your close thoughts do not read. You need to explain what and at what moment you want from them.

6. Ah this head!

During childbirth, it is not necessary to think how to quickly end birth, do not rush events. Your body itself knows what, how and when you need. Give it to act.

How to transfer contractions?

  • If you are at home, then the water is your faithful assistant. With strong battles, try to dive into warm water or take a warm shower to remove the voltage.
  • Heat helps to alleviate pain. For example, it can be a bag filled with wheat grains (flax). This bag can be heated within a few minutes in the microwave, and it can save it for about an hour. This is a great tool to warm up the back or belly. Or you can use a bottle with warm water, wrapped in a towel.
  • As much as possible, go to the toilet to free the bladder.
  • Use proper breathing in childbirth (about it below).
  • Massage is another great way.
  • Successful posture (select your position in which you most comfortably carry the contamination), change the position as often as possible.

During battles you can:

  1. walking, standing, bewitching hands about the table or squatting.
  2. become on all fours or sit on a chair, collecting legs
  3. lying on a side with pillows between legs and under the breasts (if you decide to lie down)

Stage of breathing

There are 3 respiratory stages + breathing during a fence, depending on which stage of childbirth you are. These respiratory techniques will help you relax and relax between the fights.

1 breathing stage - Deep breathing

Such breathing should be deep. Inhale needed through the nose, exhausted mouth. With the beginning of the fight, begin to breathe so much, and with the end of the fight - stop. It turns out per minute about 6-9 such breaths and exhalations. If the fight lasts 30 seconds, it will turn out about 3-6 breathing-exhale.

2 breathing stage - controlled breathing

It is used for the duration of the bouts of more than 1 minute (1-3 minutes). In this case, it is necessary to breathe superficially and as if with acceleration. The fight begins slowly (at this time you need to make some breast breaths), then the fight increases (you begin to breathe more superficially) and reaches your peak (breathe often and superficially), then the fight gradually falls (breathing becomes less often, ends in deep breath exhale ).

3 Stage - Cleansing Breathing

It is used at the last stage of the cervical disclosure. Now the fight is most sensitive, the distance between them is reduced.

So do it

1 Deep breath

4 frequent surface breaths

1 deep intense breath through the nose and slow exhalation through the mouth (as if you student soup)

4 Stage - Breathing during Potug

During the dyg, it is necessary to sleep (as if you really want to in the toilet in a large, and you have constipation).

So do it

  1. Breast deep breath
  2. Breast deep exhale
  3. Full inhale (you need to dial more air in the chest and in the "belly")
  4. For 30-50 seconds, delay your breath, and then slowly exhale air as if placing the candle.
  5. Press your chin to the chest (looking at the navel) and crowned down the abdomen.

For one battle, it turns out so rebuild 2-3 times.

It is important to remember that deep breathing is the main breath in childbirth. Always, if possible, come back to deep breathing. At each stage of breathing, stay as long as possible. Only if necessary, include the next step of breathing.

And yet, you can forget about all the techniques that read. Most importantly, listen to your body.

Types of breathing during childbirth:


  • Massage from the tailbone up to the lower back. With force, pressed, slowly lead the fists (fingers) from the tailbone to the lower back. Per minute 10-20 times.
  • Will be a fist from the sacrum to the lower back and back with a circular grace movement.

During the dug, listen carefully to the obstetrician. The doctor will tell you when it should be stuck.

With the advent of the baby on the light, all the pain is quickly forgotten. And remember the newborn to the chest in the maternity hospital.

How to facilitate pain during childbirth? Try at the time of childbirth to learn to relax, are not afraid, listen to your body, help yourself with breathing and massage. Then the birth will be calm, without too much pain and tension.

Causes of Bole

It is worth recognizing the fact that almost all giving birth women to some extent experiencing pain that have objective reasons.

In our body, all the changes occurring, as well as all external and internal exposures, are tracked by receptors - special cellular structures. The pain may be any kind of stimulus. His main feature is a large influence intensity that causes tissue damage, entails a change in all organism systems.

The longest and most painful period of childbirth is the first, during which regular, gradually the participants and increasing contractions lead to the disclosure of the cervix. During the bouts, the muscles of the uterus take place - it is at the expense of this that it is revealed, giving pass to the child. The child's head is putting pressure on the tissue of the uterus, annoying nervous endings in them; The uterine bundles are stretched, the pain impulses also go from receptors. At the very beginning of the fights can resemble pulling painful sensations for menstruation, with increasing intensity and duration, the fights are enhanced and painful sensations. However, normally natural processes should not cause painful overloading of the organism. In the second period of childbirth, when the cervix was completely revealed, swelling begin and expulsion of the fetus. This pain is more clearly defined, felt in the place of pressure of the fetus on the nerve endings in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone, vagina, perineum, external genital organs.

However, the pain that a woman is experiencing in childbirth is only 30% caused by irritation of nerve endings, fibers, plexuses as a result of uterus cuts and squeezing the presets of the fetus (usually - head) of soft tissues, stretching the binder uterine, crotch. After all, in the body of the woman in labor with a natural process, how normal labor is, the anti-bourgeing system is turned on. The role of the antibolic system in the human body is the braking of an excessive flux of pain impulses entering the spinal and brain, and thus, the protection of the central nervous system from the overexcitation, development of shock conditions, chronic pain.

In addition, the antibolic system plays the role of a kind of filter: its composition includes the structures of the nervous system, in particular the brain responsible for emotional reactions in which all incoming incentives are regarded as dangerous or non-hazardous, not requiring instant response. The latter are filtered off by an antibolic system, and the remaining impulses are allowed to react to the nervous system reacting centers. In childbirth, the antibolic system blocks excess painful impulsation, contributes to the emission of natural painkillers into the blood.

Nature took care of women and the preparation of a female organism towards childbirth, setting a bar of the painful threshold in the female body much higher than that of men - only quite strong stimuli are capable of reaching this level and cause painful reaction. In addition, the sensitivity of the uterus decreases before childbirth, and the pain threshold is further rising. That is why the nonsense or low-escaled childbirth is not so rare.

And what is the cause of up to 70% of pain in childbirth? Against what is a powerless wise nature, but can only help medicines and medical intervention? If you do not take cases of severe obstetric pathology, where pain is due to a serious violation of the natural process of childbirth and where the real threat to the health and life of the mother and baby is created, then these 70% are due to banal fear. Fear in front of the births themselves, before the unknown, fear for themselves, anxiety for their health, fear and the expectation of the most "mortal flour", which brings with them the child's birth process. The climax of fear in childbirth leads to the emission of the hormone of stress - adrenaline, the tension of the muscles, squeezing the vessels and the nerves of the uterus, the emergence of the uterus tissue ischemia (so-called the deterioration of blood supply and the resulting deficiency of nutrients and oxygen delivered by blood). In addition, fear causes a decrease in the painful threshold: now even a minor stimulus can cause painful sensations, and the expectation of pain will lead to the fact that these sensations will definitely appear and will be stronger several times.

To anesthetize or endure?

What to do or maybe not do? Of course, in some situations the doctor will solve this problem by applying one or another way of anesthesia. But is it worth paining normal childbirth?

Modern medicine, and in particular anesthesiology, in recent years stepped far ahead. Improved anesthetic technique, new methods and preparations for anesthesia are invented, complex equipment helps to control the patient's condition. However, the organisms of a pregnant woman and her child are so closely interrelated that any medicine introduced by the future mother, even in a small dose, will still fall into the blood of the baby. Preparations for anesthesia can cause drowsiness, inhibition of the baby's breath, local anesthetic agents can adversely affect the child's cardiovascular system.

During childbirth, fear and pain is experiencing not only the future mother, but also a born baby. Therefore, Mommin is a calm, confident voice, her help, what she thinks during childbirth is not about her pains, and about him, about the child, soothes, regrets and rejoices his birth to the light, - all this has an invaluable effect on the baby, and A woman helps to easily transfer all the unpleasant feelings.

Psychoprofilact preparation for childbirth - the key to success

Since one of the main causes of pain is fear, then it must be tried to eliminate. First, a woman should know what will happen to her and with her child in childbirth, since non-fame only aggravates stress, tension, and therefore pain. However, even with complete awareness (and it is not difficult now, since information by childbirth, a lot and most importantly - the presence of a desire to explore it) The subconscious animal fear of pain can remain and exacerbating the entire natural process of childbirth.

The method of psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women in our country began to be developed since the 50s of the 20th century, but at that time did not receive a large distribution, since it demanded an individual approach to each pregnant woman. Currently, future parents have access to childbirth courses. In class, future mothers and dads consistently learn the features of all three periods of childbirth: Fights (cervical disclosure), expulsion of the fetus (fence), selection of the last; They are trained in proper behavior in each period, breathing, position, methods of controlling their condition, self-adhesive methods. At the same time, future parents choose a maternity hospital, the question of the presence of a father or someone from relatives, etc.

To achieve maximum emotional comfort in modern maternity hospitals, chambers are equipped, which, with a magnificent technical equipment, the necessary medical equipment retain the comfort, approaching the atmosphere to home. For the psychological support of the women in labor, the presence of a husband, other relatives, personal assistants is allowed. After studying at school preparation for childbirth, they will have an invaluable service, soothing, encouraging a woman, helping to breathe correctly, making an anesthetic massage.

Other ways of self-adhesiveness of labor

Estimating the causes and mechanisms of generic pain, it can be understood that a lot in reducing painful sensations during childbirth depends on the woman itself.

Usually the most painful is the first period of childbirth - the period of disclosure of the cervix. The first bouts can resemble painful sensations in menstruation. Gradually, the fights will be more expensive, become longer, strong. The uterus in the fights by contraction of the muscles becomes solid, and then relaxes. Fights occur besides the will of a woman, regardless of her desire, and can not manage the guinea.

To facilitate painful sensations during battles in the absence of contraindications and with the permission of the doctor's doctor in labor can choose such a position (sitting, lying, standing by hand) and such a type of behavior (active or passive), which is most convenient for it. Most women in the first period of childbirth are most comfortable to be in a vertical position: walking (especially effective walking with a high leg lifting) Il stand, fucked by hands about the wall, back bed. You can use partner support. If you still prefer to lie, then better turn on the side, and not on the back. In the back position, the uterus squeezes the lower hollow vein, preventing the normal blood flow to the heart. As a result, the blood supply to many organs deteriorates, arterial pressure can decrease, dizziness, loss of consciousness. In addition, the position on the back reduces the intensive uterine contractions, thereby the extension period of the bumps and the disclosure of the cervix.

A good painkiller and distracting effect has the right breathing. To facilitate the fights, the so-called "slow" or economical breathing, characterized by slow deep breaths even longer exhalations.

With prolonged and frequent fights, the breath of "doggy" is used, at which a quiet fast breath and noisy and short in diach are approximately equal to the duration of this breathing surface. Proper breathing helps to reduce pain, save forces.

Massage (conducted by independently or someone from assistants) can greatly relieve pain in childbirth. The main techniques of this massage include stroking, rubbing, kneading or pressure. The effectiveness of each reception is quite individual, so the woman itself should choose the most appropriate method of massage. The most commonly apply stroking the lower half of the abdomen, pressing and rubbing the lower back. The kneading and pressing in the side angles of the lumbar rhombus (vertices over the buttocks) also have a good painkillers.

With the normal course of childbirth, you can use the unique painkillers of warm water. Water has a relaxing, soothing, massaging effect, increases elasticity, fuel and tensile tensile. The fever can take a shower or bath (in some maternity homes there are special pools in the generic chambers). After influencing the accumulating water from the adoption of the baths, the risk of infection in childbirth increases.

Birth, especially the first, is a rather long process. The main forces will be needed by the future mother at the end - during the pathetic and expulsion of the fetus. Therefore, in the first period, you need to use any opportunity to relax and give a relaxed baby. Between the fights should be relaxed (using any relaxation methods: massage, self-pressure), if it turns out - to build.

A good effect can be calm, relaxing music.

Optimal behavior during fence

In the second period of childbirth, with complete disclosure of the cervix, expulsion of the fetus occurs with the help of fence - arbitrary cuts of the muscles of the front abdominal wall. For sweating, unlike battle, a woman can control, for example, delay them or strengthen. In this period of childbirth to facilitate pain, it should be synchronized to the coup, breathing and follow the teams of midwives, which protect the crotch from breaks, and the child is from damage, injuries in childbirth. It is necessary to sleep after a deep breath, as if pushing the child to the outside with the help of a diaphragm giving up the uterus. To do this, you need to direct your efforts down, towards the perineum, and not to the head. Strain the muscles of the face, you don't need to scream: you will also spend a lot of strength, without helping the child and the process of childbirth. Exhausted after fasting should be smoothly, and not sharply: it helps to secure the result of the sweep, with a sharp exhale the fruit can retreat to the previous positions. After fasting, breathing is calm, smooth: deep breath and full exhalation. You should try to relax and relax in front of the next fertilization.

The third period of childbirth is the birth of the latch - usually does not cause sharp painful sensations and does not require anneasiating.

Each woman and every childbirth are individual: It is difficult to choose the same effective for all the method of non-drug anesthesia. The main thing is not to be afraid, listen to your body, think about baby - and then everything will go well!

Non-traditional anesthesia methods

Due to the widespread spread of non-traditional treatment methods, the methods of aroma, music pattern, reflexotherapy are becoming increasingly popular - the effects on biologically active points on the surface of the human body. However, specialists owning these techniques, in particular, in the anesthesia of childbirth, a little more. In addition, sensitivity to the effects of these methods is very individual.

  • We are going to the hospital
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  • Generic contractions are considered the most painful stages of childbirth. Partly this is true. But much depends on how sensitive is the woman, and from whether she knows how to behave during battles. There are simple and effective techniques that allow you to survive the fights with the smallest damage to the psyche of the feminine. In this article we will tell you what to do that the contractions were less painful.

    Why is it hurt?

    The physiology of the cuts of the uterus in childbirth is pretty simple. Each subsequent reduction (fight) contributes to the uterus tightly closed during pregnancy opened. The cervix expands, becoming shorter and smoothed muscle fibers. Gradually, the cuttings of the uterus are drawn up in abbreviation. When the neck opens completely, the kid's head can pass through it. There will begin attempts.

    The battle period is the longest phase of childbirth. At first-night women, it can last 10-12 hours or more, in the femalenits that have experience - from 6 to 10 hours. The shortest contractions are only 20 seconds, such usually begin generic activities. The longest lasts about a minute. As the real (true) contractions are becoming more stronger, their duration increases, and the gaps between the episodes of contractions are shortened. Before fasting, they can occur every 2 minutes, while the duration of each spasm will reach 1 minute. Painful feelings are also growing as contractions.

    The first period is called latent (hidden). At this time, the contractions are not so painful, they do not deliver pronounced pain, repeated every 15-30 minutes, last an average of 20-25 seconds. In this stage, a woman can stay for quite a long time - up to 7-8 hours. With normal childbirth during this period, the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed by 3 centimeters. The second period is called active. The contractions become more painful, their duration is from 30 to 60 seconds, the intervals on rest become shorter - from 4 to 2 minutes. This stage lasts from 3 to 5 hours, during this time the neck is revealed to about 7 centimeters.

    Next follows the third phase - transitional contractions begin. The period lasts from half an hour to one and a half hours. Fights are the strongest, their duration is about a minute, the repetition interval is 1-2 minutes. The cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed to 10 centimeters, which is quite enough to move to fast. The cervix is \u200b\u200ba circular muscle, the extension of which is always quite painful. Before childbirth, the body of the woman, the pituitary gland and the placenta begin to produce special substances whose task is to increase the contractile ability of the uterine muscles. If these substances are not enough, then labor can go with complications against the background of the weakness of the generic forces.


    What feels a woman in the battle period, it is quite difficult to describe, since the feelings will be bright and varied. When everything just begins, the pain can be compared with the pain when menstruation, only ten times stronger. Buttering, bringing, pulling attacks occur with a certain frequency. The uterus is strained, for a while remains in this tension (this is the duration of the fight), and then relaxes.

    A woman cannot manage this process, the occurrence of contractions and its duration does not depend on the will of the feminine.

    The pain is clothing. If at first there is a feeling that only the stomach is mounted, then the back, loin, crescents, bottom and top of the abdomen turn out to be drawn into the process. Moreover, the pain is born in the back, she sows it, goes down, goes on the stomach, and then rises to the bottom of the uterus. Then relaxation occurs. In cyclical and regularity, the fights during childbirth at the very beginning of them and can be distinguished from the forerunners. False contractions can be irregular, while true always go in a given nature of the rhythm, nor for a second from him is not lagging behind and not ahead.

    The best ways to facilitate the state

    Tips will pull the contractions, squeezing his teeth, or shout, so that it is easier - harmful and dangerous. Neither scream, nor moan, nor to squeeze your teeth. There are others, truly useful and effective ways to survive the fights and do not go crazy against pain.

    Psychological setting

    It has long been noticed that the more the woman is afraid of labor pain, the harder and longer it flows the childbirth in general and the battle period in particular. Self-pressure is a great way to facilitate contractions, so make them unbearable in patients almost from the latent period. Preparation should be to ensure that a woman eliminates the impact of negative information during pregnancy. No need to read terrible stories about heavy childbirth that happened to others.

    When true contractions begin, the method of psychological visualization of the goal is perfectly helped.

    To do this, it is necessary to imagine as much as possible that every fight brings the birth of a child. Women usually have a more developed fantasy than men, and therefore you can try to imagine something distracting, for example, affectionate surf, which covers you lying on the surf line, and roll back (the beginning and end of the spasm, respectively). If there are no prejudice about partnerships, at this stage, the spouse or someone from relatives can support, distract the conversation.


    Proper breathing is capable of not only to distract from fear, but also naturally anesthetic uterine spasms. This is due to the fact that the influx of oxygen causes reinforced generation of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which in addition to the sensation of joy and ease, give a pronounced anesthetizing effect. One of the best methods is the breath of Kobas - the technique created by the gynecologist Alexander Kobas. She says that at the very beginning a woman should breathe calmly and smoothly, deeply. At the same time, it is not necessary to lie in bed at all, you can walk and move. Such rhythmic breathing will achieve a certain relaxation.

    In the active stage, the fights of alone deep breathing will not be enough. It is recommended to save oxygen and make longer exhalations. For 1-2-3-4, breathed, 1-2-3-4-5-6 - exhalation. Intense transitional contractions The doctor recommends "in hand" with small and frequent surface breaths (how the dogs breathe how the candles bloom on the cake). If everything is done correctly and not to get a rhythm, it is possible to achieve a rather powerful painkillery effect.


    If partner's birth, make an anesthetic massage can be a close person if a woman in the maternity hospital is alone, she can completely make self-massage. Massaging a diamond-shaped space over a berry fold, the so-called rhombus of Michaelis.

    Large finger pads can be triggered and kneading this area, make point circular or linear movements. Each woman can choose the type of influence that will be the most pleasant. It helps to survive intense contractions rubbing the massage zone with palms and scrolling cams clockwise and counterclockwise. Use active points on the face - at an early stage, the fights to the active phase of labor perfectly helps the circular massage of the ears, points over the wings of noses and in the field of temples.

    Movement and other actions

    The contractions in the lying position is not the best solution for a woman who firmly intends to easily survive this period. If there are no medical contraindications against being in a vertical position, you can and you need to move, walk throughout the entire hidden phase of kits (before the neck opening within 3 centimeters). At the peak of the fight slightly facilitates the state of the change of body position - if you sit, you need to get up if it was standing, take a step forward.

    When the disclosure is from 3 to 7 centimeters, active movements are not shown. But the woman is quite possible to take the knee-elbow pose with a flexing in the spine, sit down on his knees with widely divorced legs. Some during childbirth it becomes easier if you stand in front of the table or back and from time to time to be tilted on the support. Today, almost all maternity houses are equipped in sufficient bathrooms, so with the permission of the doctor you can go into the shower, it makes it a significant facilitated state.

    During battles, it is advisable to go to the toilet for a small need to go to the toilet every hour, because the overcrowded bladder clearly does not contribute to relaxation.