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The main symptom of dysgraphia and dyslexia is. How to cure dysgraphia and dyslexia. Symptoms and causes of dyslexia

Dysgraphia classification carried out on the basis of various criteria: taking into account violated analyzers, mental functions, lack of form of writing operations.

O. A. Tokareva distinguishes 3 types of dysgraphia:acoustic, optical, motor.

With acoustic dysgraphia there is a differentiation of auditory perception, insufficient development of sound analysis and synthesis. Mixes and omissions are frequent, replacing letters denoting sounds similar in articulation and sound, and also reflecting incorrect sound pronunciation on the letter.

Optical dysgraphia due to the instability of visual impressions and perceptions. Individual letters are not recognized, do not correlate with certain sounds. At different points, letters are perceived differently. Due to the inaccuracy of visual perception, they are mixed in writing. The most commonly observed mixes are the following handwritten letters:

In severe cases of optical dysgraphia, writing words is impossible. The child writes only single letters. In some cases, especially for left-handed people, there is a mirror letter when words, letters, elements of letters are written from right to left.

Motor dysgraphia. It is characterized by difficulties in moving the hand during writing, a violation of the connection of motor images of sounds and words with visual images.

The modern psychological and psycholinguistic study of the writing process indicates that it is a complex form of speech activity, including a large number of operations at various levels: semantic, linguistic, sensorimotor. In this regard, the identification of types of dysgraphia based on violations of the analytic level is currently insufficiently substantiated.

The types of dysgraphia singled out by M.E. Khvattsev also do not satisfy the current idea of \u200b\u200bviolations of writing. Consider them:

1. Dysgraphia based on acoustic agnosia and phonemic hearing defects. In this form, cheating is safe.

The physiological mechanism of the defect is a violation of the associative relations between vision and hearing, there are omissions, rearrangements, replacement of letters, as well as the merger of two words into one, omissions of words, etc.

The basis of this type is the differentiation of the auditory perception of the sound composition of the word, the lack of phonemic analysis.

2. Dysgraphia Based on Oral Disorders (“Graphic tongue-tied”). According to M.E. Khvattsev, it arises from improper sound pronunciation. Substitutions of some sounds by others, the absence of sounds in pronunciation cause corresponding replacements and omissions of sounds in the letter. M.E. Khvattsev also singles out a special form due to the "experienced" tongue-tied language (when the violation of sound pronunciation disappeared before the start of literacy or after the beginning of mastering the letter). The more severe the violation of pronunciation, the rougher and more varied the writing errors. Isolation of this type of dysgraphia is considered reasonable at the present time.

3. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of the pronunciation rhythm. M. E. Khvattsev believes that as a result of a disturbance in the pronouncing rhythm, omissions of vowels, syllables, and endings appear on the letter. Errors can be caused either by the underdevelopment of phonemic analysis and synthesis, or by distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of the word.

4. Optical dysgraphia. It is caused by a violation or underdevelopment of the optical speech systems in the brain. The formation of the visual image of a letter, a word is disrupted. With literal dysgraphia, the visual image of the letter is disturbed in the child, distortions and replacements of isolated letters are observed. With verbal dysgraphia, the writing of isolated letters is intact, however, the visual image of the word is hardly formed, the child writes words with gross errors.

With optical dysgraphia, the child does not distinguish between graphically similar handwritten letters:p- to, p. - and, with- oh and- w, l- m

5. Dysgraphia for motor and sensory aphasia it manifests itself in substitutions, distortions in the structure of words, sentences and is caused by the breakdown of oral speech due to organic damage to the brain.

The most justified is the classification of dysgraphia, which is based on the lack of formality of certain operations of the writing process (developed by employees of the Department of Speech Therapy, Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen). The following types of dysgraphia are distinguished:articulatory-acoustic, based on violations of phoneme recognition (differentiation of phonemes),on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis, agrammatic and optical dysgraphia.

1. Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia in many ways similar to the dysgraphia highlighted by M.E. Khvattsev on the basis of oral speech disorders.

The child writes as he pronounces. It is based on the reflection of an incorrect pronunciation in a letter, reliance on incorrect pronunciation. Relying on the incorrect pronunciation of sounds during the process of speaking, the child reflects his defective pronunciation in the letter.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is manifested in substitutions, omissions of letters corresponding to substitutions and omissions of sounds in oral speech. Most often observed with dysarthria, rhinolalia, dyslalia of a polymorphic nature. Sometimes substitutions of letters in a letter remain after they are eliminated in spoken language. In this case, we can assume that with internal pronunciation, there is not enough support for proper articulation, since clear kinesthetic images of sounds have not yet been formed. But replacements and omissions are not always reflected in the letter. This is due to the fact that in some cases there is compensation due to preserved functions (for example, due to clear auditory differentiation, due to the formation of phonemic functions).

2. Dysgraphia based on violations of phoneme recognition (differentiation of phonemes). According to traditional terminology- this is acoustic dysgraphia.

It appears in substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds. At the same time in oral speech sounds are pronounced correctly. Most often, the letters denoting the following sounds are replaced: whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, affricates and components that are part of them (h -t h- u, t - t, t- from). This type of dysgraphia is also manifested in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in writing due to a violation of the differentiation of hard and soft consonants ("letter", "loubt", "licking"). Common mistakes are replacing vowels even in stressed position, for example, about -at(tuma - “tocha”), e- and(forest - "fox").

In the most striking form, dysgraphia based on violations of phoneme recognition is observed with sensory alalia and aphasia. In severe cases, letters representing distant articulatory and acoustic sounds are mixed (l -k, b- c, p- k). In this case, the pronunciation of sounds corresponding to the mixed letters is normal.

There is no consensus on the mechanisms of this type of dysgraphia. This is due to the complexity of the process of phoneme recognition.

According to researchers (I. A. Zimnyaya, E. F. Sobotovich, L. A. Chistovich), the multilevel process of phoneme recognition includes various operations.

1. At perception, auditory analysis of speech is carried out (analytical decomposition of the synthetic sound image, the allocation of acoustic features with their subsequent synthesis).

2. The acoustic image is translated into an articulatory solution, which is ensured by proporioceptive analysis, the preservation of kinesthetic perception and ideas.

3. Auditory and kinesthetic images are held for the time necessary to make a decision.

4. The sound is related to the phoneme, the phoneme selection operation is performed.

5. Based on auditory and kinesthetic control, a comparison is made with the sample and then a final decision is made.

In the process of writing, the phoneme is associated with a certain visual image of the letter.

Some authors (S. Borel-Mezonni, O. A. Tokareva) believe that the basis for replacing letters denoting phonetically close sounds is the fuzziness of auditory perception, the inaccuracy of auditory differentiation of sounds.

For correct writing, a more subtle auditory differentiation of sounds is necessary than for oral speech. This is connected, on the one hand, with the phenomenon of redundancy in the perception of semantically significant units of oral speech. If there is a slight insufficiency of auditory differentiation in oral speech, it can be compensated for by redundancy, due to motor stereotypes and kinesthetic images fixed in the speech experience. In the process of writing, in order to correctly distinguish and select a phoneme, a subtle analysis of all the acoustic signs of sound, which are meaningful, is necessary.

On the other hand, in the process of writing, the differentiation of sounds, the choice of phonemes are carried out on the basis of trace activity, auditory images, according to the representation. Due to the vagueness of auditory representations of phonetically close sounds, the choice of a particular phoneme is difficult, which results in the replacement of letters in the letter.

Other authors (E.F. Sobotovich, E.M. Gopichenko), who studied writing disorders in mentally retarded children, associate letter substitutions with the fact that in phonemic recognition, children rely on articulatory signs of sounds and do not use auditory control.

In contrast to these studies, R. Becker and A. Kossovsky consider the difficulties of kinesthetic analysis to be the main mechanism for replacing letters denoting phonetically close sounds. Their research shows that children with dysgraphia do not use enough kinesthetic sensations (speaking) while writing. Speaking both during the auditory dictation and in independent writing helps them a little. The exclusion of pronunciation (the method of L. K. Nazarova) does not affect the number of errors, i.e., does not increase them. At the same time, the exclusion of pronunciation during writing in children without dysgraphia leads to an increase in writing errors by 8–9 times.

For correct writing, a sufficient level of functioning of all operations of the process of distinguishing and choosing phonemes is necessary. In case of violation of any link (auditory, kinesthetic analysis, phoneme selection operation, auditory and kinesthetic control), the whole process of phoneme recognition becomes difficult as a whole, which manifests itself in the replacement of letters in the letter. Therefore, taking into account the broken phonemic recognition operations, the following subspecies of this form of dysgraphia can be distinguished:acoustic, kinesthetic, phonemic.

3. Dysgraphia based on violations of language analysis and synthesis. It is based on the violation of various forms of language analysis and synthesis: dividing sentences into words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis. The underdevelopment of language analysis and synthesis is manifested in writing in distortions in the structure of words and sentences. The most complex form of language analysis is phonemic analysis. As a result of this, distortions in the sound-alphabetic structure of the word will be especially common with this type of dysgraphia.

The following errors are most typical: omissions of consonants at their confluence(dictation- "dikat" school- “cola”); missing vowels(dog- “trouble”, at home- "dma"); permutation of letters(trail- "prota" window- “kono”); adding letters(dragged- “tasakali”); omissions, additions, rearrangement of syllables(room- “cat”, glass- “kata”).

For proper mastery of the writing process, it is necessary that the phonemic analysis be formed in the child not only in the external, speech, but also in the internal plane, according to the idea.

Violation of the division of sentences into words with this type of dysgraphia is manifested in the spelling of words, especially prepositions, with other words(it's raining- "come on," in home- "in home"); separate spelling of a word(white birch grows by the window - “Belaba will shoot an eye”); separate spelling of the prefix and the root of the word(came- "set foot").

Violations of writing due to the lack of formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis are widely represented in the works of R. E. Levina, N. A. Nikashina, D. I. Orlova, G. V. Chirkina.

4. Agramatic dysgraphia (characterized in the works of R. E. Levina, I. K. Kolpovskaya, R. I. Lalaeva, S. B. Yakovlev). It is associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech: morphological, syntactic generalizations. This type of dysgraphia can manifest itself at the level of a word, word combination, sentence and text and is an integral part of a wider symptom complex - lexical and grammatical underdevelopment, which is observed in children with dysarthria, alalia and the mentally retarded.

In coherent written language in children, great difficulties are revealed in establishing logical and linguistic connections between sentences. The sequence of sentences does not always correspond to the sequence of events described; semantic and grammatical connections between individual sentences are violated.

At the sentence level, agrammatisms in writing are manifested in a distortion of the morphological structure of the word, replacement of prefixes, suffixes(overwhelmed- "lashed" kids- "kid"); change of case endings (“many trees”); violation of prepositional constructions(over the table- “on the table”); a change in the pronoun case (abouthim- “near him”); the number of nouns ("children running"); violation of coordination ("white house"); a violation of the syntactic design of speech is also noted, which is manifested in the difficulties in constructing complex sentences, omitting the sentence members, violation of the sequence of words in the sentence.

5. Optical dysgraphia it is associated with the underdevelopment of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis, spatial representations and is manifested in substitutions and distortions of letters in the letter.

Most often, graphically similar handwritten letters are replaced: consisting of identical elements, but differently located in space (

At literary dysgraphia there is a violation of the recognition and reproduction of even isolated letters. Atverbal dysgraphia isolated letters are reproduced correctly, however, when writing a word, distortions are observed, replacing letters of an optical nature. TOoptical dysgraphia also refers to mirror writing, which is sometimes noted in left-handed people, as well as in organic brain lesions.

Disorders of a neuropsychiatric nature in children first cause bewilderment and shock among parents, and sometimes incorrect conclusions about the child’s mental retardation. They can also be taken for the child’s unwillingness to “study well”. Dysgraphia and dyslexia often become the basis for such thoughts and conclusions.

   What is dysgraphia and dyslexia?

Violation of the letter dysgraphia  (from the Greek. "difficulty with writing"), creates great difficulties for children with mastering this skill. It is important to understand that such a violation is common among children with a fairly normal intellectual level. The exercises performed, not to mention dictations, will contain a large number of grammatical errors, the child will not use punctuation marks or capital letters. Handwriting, with this violation, is also far from the proper level.

Increasing the negative experience of their graphic problems, children eventually try to express themselves in writing with short phrases, but even this limitation does not exclude their gross errors in the words used. Further, this can only grow into an even greater awareness of their problems, translating them into their personal qualities of inferiority, reaching depressive states. Pupils can refuse to attend language classes, perform written tasks and even any everyday tasks associated with writing.

  (from the Greek. "difficulty with the word"), as a violation of reading, does not manifest itself constantly, selectively, but with persistent repetition, with relatively good successes in mastering other learning skills. An indicator of this violation is skipping letters, skipping initial syllables, words, reversing letters, distorting the sound of words, adding unnecessary sounds, skipping sounds, and low reading speed. Boys are 4 times more likely to suffer from this disorder than girls. Almost 8% of students are dyslexic.

With dyslexia, the child loses the ability to clearly perceive certain sounds by ear, and then use it in his speech (even written) and when reading. Particularly poorly distinguished are the phonetically paired sounds "Zh-Sh", "K-G", "TD", "P-B", etc.

Based on these difficulties, children with these violations experience great difficulties when writing statements, retelling the text. The understanding of what is read at the level of a word, sentence, text is violated, but at the same time, disorders of the technical side of the letter may not be observed.

The diagnosis of such disorders can be made by a neurologist or psychotherapist. Often dysgraphia and dyslexia are accompanied by a general underdevelopment of speech. The first most obvious signs of these disorders are usually manifested at the age of about 6 years, or are more pronounced by the 2nd class. These violations can have a significant impact on the development of the child, on his mental state.

   Causes of dysgraphia, dyslexia

Among the list of possible causes of the above violations, experts identify the following, the most common:

Forms of dysgraphia and dyslexia

The manifestation of violations of writing and reading may relate to one of the derived forms:

  • acoustic  (phonemic; children hear the sound composition of the word poorly, confuse sounds, they merge in words, or the words merge with each other; when reading letters are mixed up, syllables are rearranged, consonants are skipped; in the letter, the child replaces the letters in accordance with the “heard” close sounds: “brush-rosary”; with this form of violation, it is difficult for a child to learn spelling rules, does not feel the connection of words, cannot generalize words);
  • motor  (marked by a violation of eye movements when reading, difficulties in mastering the patterns of search eye movements when reading and characteristic hand movements when writing);
  • optical  (manifested by the instability of visual representations, impressions; with visual perception, letters “GT”, “ZE”, “L-D” similar in spelling may be disturbed, mixed, modified; mirror reproduction of the letter is noted (more often in left-handed people); in a letter, with this form of violation, they can skip or add an extra element, turn the letter over).

In addition to these forms, some experts also refer to dysgraphia. dysorphography. The child finds it difficult to apply the rules familiar to him in a letter, does not see the error, and cannot correct it. Difficulties may arise with the application of syntactic rules. The form of such violations can be manifested not only at the beginning of training (although it is more pronounced), but also in the middle classes and in the senior.

Also found secondary  the manifestation of dysgraphia and dyslexia, which is characterized by the absence of typical inducing factors to them. In this case, a provocateur can be a lack of arbitrary concentration, distribution and switching of attention, a slow pace of reading and writing (to eliminate violations, you just need to slow down the pace), lowered auditory-speech memory.

The first and necessary step to correcting violations of writing and reading is to consult a specialist. In support of specialist recommendations, it is important for parents to adhere to at least some points:

  • positive attitude to change for the better, encouraging the success of the child;
  • ask the teacher not yet to involve your child in checking the reading speed or to let him read the text without time (if dyslexia is observed);
  • encourage your child to read slowly with pronounced articulation
  • correcting dysgraphia, you can start by correcting the distinction of sounds (especially with the acoustic form of disturbances);
  • with dysgraphia, you can every day (for 5 minutes) give the child the task: to delete certain letters in the text (but not in the newspaper); in case of complication, some can be crossed out, while others can be outlined - well, if these are “similar” letters);
  • introduce a slow (but careful) cribbing text;
  • to develop hand motility, improve mutual hemisphere function, you can record a child to music;
  • many exercises should take place in a playful way (“word game” is a good additional training);
  • adhere to systemic compliance with all recommendations that a specialist will give after diagnosing a child’s disorders.

To date, a sufficient number of techniques have already been developed that can help a child with impaired writing and speech. There is even a computer kind of correction. Pay attention to the difficulties of the child and, if necessary, immediately contact a specialist.

Natalya Mazhirina
   Center "ABC for parents"

Some parents notice that their children have problems with learning at school already from the first grades. They are expressed in low performance, problems with reading, writing. Sometimes adults look for reasons in the child’s unwillingness to learn, but the problem may lie in dysgraphia and dyslexia, and to understand whether this is so, you need to know what it is.

Having identified these ailments, you must immediately take measures that will allow you to get rid of them. Untimely help leads to the fact that with a problem a person can live his whole life.

What it is?

Many parents did not hear about such ailments until their child came across them. Speaking about what dyslexia and dysgraphia are, one must immediately say that their presence is not at all evidence of the backwardness of the child’s mental development.

Dysgraphia is understood as a partial violation of written language, in which the child makes mistakes, interchanging letters or syllables, skips them. First of all, we are talking about letters and sounds similar in spelling or pronunciation.

In some cases, children can write letters in an inverted, mirrored form or with the addition of additional elements to them.

Skipping letters, replacing them with others, rearranging syllables - these are the symptoms of dyslexia, which is a violation of the reading process.

Signs of these ailments are also:

  • Poverty of vocabulary;
  • Illiterate written language;
  • Illogical spoken language;
  • The difficulty of expressing your own thoughts.

These two problems, as a rule, appear simultaneously. The child cannot correctly perceive sounds by ear, which is why he writes and reads the corresponding letters incorrectly.

The bizarre pronunciation of words and their spelling, which are characterized by dysgraphia and dyslexia, unfortunately, do not always become a cause for concern for parents, especially when it comes to a primary school student. It is important to understand that at the first signs of these problems, you should immediately contact an experienced specialist. First of all, it can be a psychotherapist or a neuropathologist.

Writing and reading skills are fixed by the age of 9-10, and if there are violations of these processes, they will only take root, respectively, the problem will worsen, and solving it over time will be much more difficult.

Causes of Violations

These phenomena do not occur on their own, there are a number of provocateurs that can cause them.

The causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia can be the following factors:

  • Insufficiently formed visual analysis, impaired development of sound pronunciation caused by a violation of phonemic perception;
  • Genetic predisposition. If the possession of writing and speaking skills was impaired in someone close to the child, in particular, in the parents, this problem may also occur;
  • Habitual disordered eye movements. The phenomenon can be observed if the baby has developed a habit of doing something against the background of distracting factors (for example, when the TV is on). Because of this, it is subsequently difficult for him to focus his attention and eyes on any occupation, including reading;
  • Parenting in a bilingual family. In this case, in the process of writing and speaking, letters and sounds are transferred from one language to another.

In some cases, dysgraphia has something in common with dysorphography. With this problem, the child knows the spelling rules in theory, but can not always put them into practice, notice and correct errors in his written speech.

Dyslexia and talent

Many popular personalities suffered from this ailment.

What famous people have experienced dyslexia?

  • The years of study at school for a long time called the most terrible years in his life G. H. Andersen. Because of an ailment, learning was very difficult for him. The future writer from school was taken by her mother. The proofreaders who worked with him claim that G. H. Andersen never learned to write correctly;
  • Agatha Christie couldn’t get rid of illiteracy either, which, however, didn’t prevent her works from becoming known to her world-wide. Due to the illness, the writer, like many other famous people with such a diagnosis, also did not graduate from school;
  • At the age of 16, Whoopi Goldberg refused further education;
  • More successful in the fight against dyslexia was Keanu Reeves, who nevertheless at the age of 15 decided to abandon his studies and devoted himself to acting;
  • At the age of 16, due to dyslexia, Marilyn Monroe refused further education;
  • The same diagnosis was made to such divas as Keira Knightley, Liv Tyler.

The list of dyslexics included such famous people as V.V. Mayakovsky, K. Tarantino, Walt Disney, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Dustin Lee Hoffman. It turned out to be the person who is on the list of the most successful people in the world - N. Rockefeller, G. Ford, B. Gates.

Treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor. Treatment is carried out, as a rule, with the use of games, exercises.

Ronald Davis Dyslexia Technique

It is often used by modern specialists to combat dyslexia and dysgraphia.

The author himself, who created this technique, had such problems, and he managed to get rid of them by the age of 38. Ronald Davis organized a center for the correction of these ailments. He also created a series of books - The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. In them, the author gives step-by-step instructions, following which parents can help their child get rid of the problem.

Due to the fact that ailments can be observed not only in children, but also in adults, the correctional program of this author is designed to treat people aged 6-70 years.

The methodology of Ronald Davis suggests eliminating the phenomena in stages:

  1. To begin with, the author recommends evaluating the ability to perceive. To eliminate the phenomenon, you need to know how developed the child’s imaginative thinking is, and it depends on this whether he knows how to imagine this or that object, for example, closing his eyes;
  2. The setting of "focus". Distorted perception, disorientation are the main provocateurs of dyslexia. We are talking about “jumping” letters, their perception in an inverted or mirrored form, etc. The technique of Ronald Davis to eliminate such a phenomenon as dyslexia, involves establishing a person’s control over disorientation. It is important to remember that her suppression should not be sought, since she is also a talent, if she can control her;
  3. Discharge. It is necessary for dyslexic, because it cannot be in a state of “focus” for a long time;
  4. Finding the optimal orientation point. Without it, it is difficult to get rid of a sense of confusion;
  5. Coordination. The methodology for eliminating the phenomenon will not take effect if the dyslexic cannot distinguish between right and left, and with this ailment, difficulties with orientation in space are common;
  6. Mastering the characters. For this, games, exercises are used;
  7. Easy reading. The technique of Ronald Davis offers several steps to its development. The first of these is learning to “glide” with a look from left to right. Further, the Davis treatment of dyslexia involves learning to recognize groups of letters included in a single word. At the third stage, you need to work on the recognition and awareness of the punctuation read before the mark;
  8. Match characters to word meanings. It is important that the child not only recognizes the characters, knows how to put them into words, but also understands the meaning of the material read. This will require working with a dictionary, learning words in a playful way, in practice.


There are a number of techniques that speech therapists use to combat the disease. Here are some exercises parents can easily use at home.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia are quite serious diseases. Indeed, the violation occurs at the level of the nervous system, which leads to problems not only with speech and writing, but also with communication with other children, academic performance, etc. Therefore, both of these diseases require a very competent approach to treatment.

To a child who is diagnosed with one of these two diseases, in no case can not only say, but even show the appearance that he is inferior. After all, self-confidence is the key to success.


Dysgraphia translated from Greek means "I do not write / draw." Doctors define this disease as the inability to master the letter against the background of a normally developed intelligence. When a person has dysgraphia, a letter is broken according to the phonetic principle. This is manifested in a large number of errors that distort the sound.

As a rule, dysgraphia does not come alone. Against her background, there are also disorders of oral speech, problems with other mental functions, depending on which part of the nervous system is unripe.

Dysgraphia can be diagnosed using special tests. As a rule, dictations and banal rewriting of texts are offered as them. It is such a study that allows you to accurately determine the degree of disorder.

A side effect of dysgraphia can be a complete refusal of a person to write. So, for example, children begin to refuse to go to school, adults switch to physical labor that does not require writing.

The treatment of dysgraphia should be comprehensive and the success of the event directly depends on how closely and productively the patients and the treating specialists will interact with each other. Speech therapists and psychologists are involved in the treatment of various types of dysgraphia. Naturally, it is advisable to choose not the first specialists who come across, namely those who have long been practicing work with such patients. Along with the correction of writing, it will be necessary to develop memory, improve concentration, etc.

It should be remembered that dysgraphia is not a sentence. The desire to get rid of her and perseverance help to get rid of such a pathology forever and without a trace.


Dyslexia in translation from the same Greek means "the inability to speak correctly." This disease is a violation of the comparison of sound by a person, which is expressed in reading errors and is acquired due to a violation or immaturity of the nervous system.

Dyslexia is determined quite simply. A person does not learn letters, because in his brain the connections between them and the sounds to which they correspond do not pass. Also, mixing and replacement with sounds close from the phonetic point of view, etc. can be noted. In addition, graphically similar letters to patients with dyslexia are identified.

Most often, dyslexia is expressed in violations of the reading procedure: constantly repeating errors, persistent reservations. A person may misuse or pronounce prefixes, endings, suffixes, etc.

But, despite this, it is quite difficult to diagnose dyslexia. To do this, they conduct several different tests aimed at studying the reading order, with parallel comparison with others.

Dyslexia does not resolve on its own, so it must be treated to eliminate the communicative problems of a person. Treatment of such a pathology is usually complex. It is directed more to the training of cognitive functions involved in the formation of the problem. Alternatively, sometimes methods of fixing these functions as compensatory mechanisms are used.

The rehabilitation program includes voice control skills, expanding vocabulary and fluency in its use, as well as phonemes. Typically, as a rehabilitation program, a patient with dyslexia is offered reading, writing and discussion of acquired information. Naturally, under the supervision of a doctor. Neurologists, speech therapists and psychologists should deal with the treatment.

Proper and healthy parenting is a very complex process that takes a lot of time and energy from parents. Throughout the path to an adult and independent life crumbs, his parents can face many problems. Some can be corrected on their own, and some only with medical care and the advice of medical specialists.

Such important problems include dyslexia and dysgraphia that occur in children.

Good to know: usually these problems occur when you start attending school. The manifestation of these ailments cannot be ignored, as they can be the cause of poor performance and assimilation of educational material.

Also, these diseases can lead to some psychological disorders and the complexation of the child. Nowadays, diseases of this nature are no longer considered rare, according to some statistics on the planet, more than 12% of people suffer from dyslexia and dysgraphia of various degrees. The occurrence of these diseases is not affected either by the country or the language spoken.

In order to diagnose dyslexia and dysgraphia in your child, you must first understand what exactly is meant by these diseases.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia are ...

Dyslexia is a violation of reading in a child. This is caused by underdevelopment or damage to selected areas of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the recognition and translation of letters into sounds and vice versa. In almost 100% of cases, dyslexia affects the development of another disease in the child - dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is a violation of writing. It should be noted that this disease does not depend on the literacy, education and mental abilities of the child. These two disorders can occur in a child with good hearing, excellent eyesight and normal oral speech. The incompletely formed psyche of the child and some of its functions may not appear in everyday life. But this is precisely what can cause the development of these diseases that affect reading and writing in children.

Good to know: the development of many functions in children (speech, motor, mental) occurs in the corresponding age (preschool) periods. Inhibition, or any deviations in the formation of at least one of the above functions, affects the proper development of the rest.

Since all these functions are closely interconnected to one degree or another. Such violations in the development and formation of the child can lead to very serious consequences in the future. For writing and reading, it is not enough to see the world around us (colors, structures), but it is necessary that the brain still clearly understands and distinguishes all this. It is difficult for children suffering from such diseases to distinguish the contours of one letter from another, as a result of which they can be confused. Children with dyslexia and dysgraphia are poorly oriented in space, they often do not know how to properly distribute their time. Such children are more often tired and less efficient even during active hours. They do not have a good memory, especially auditory. A child can often be clumsy, distracted, and poorly coordinated. In almost all children suffering from this disease, they find difficulties with the full circulation of the blood vessels of the head.

Causes of dyslexia and dysgraphia

Various deviations (psychological, not fully developed brain, incorrect interaction of the cerebral hemispheres) can all negatively affect the child’s learning and cause dyslexia. There are a lot of reasons for such deviations:

  • various injuries during pregnancy  (neurological, stress, etc.);
  • birth complications  (protracted, premature), birth injury;
  • some diseases that my mother suffered during pregnancy  (cardiovascular and renal failure, severe toxicosis);
  • hypoxia can also cause complications of the fetal brain development  (lack of oxygen received during pregnancy);
  • various disorders of the central nervous system;
  • genetic predisposition  (transmission of these diseases by inheritance).

Most often, dyslexia and dysgraphia develop in such children:

  1. left handed  (if the child was retrained as a right-hander, he still falls into this risk group);
  2. children who grow up in a multilingual family;
  3. children who have underdeveloped speech;
  4. children who were sent to school early, especially if they early began to learn a foreign language;
  5. children who began to learn to read too early.

Symptoms of the development of the disease

To diagnose dyslexia and dysgraphia in a child, you should consider the mistakes that he makes when reading or writing. In children suffering from such diseases, specific errors are clearly expressed.

Examples of the most common mistakes in dyslexia and dysgraphia:

  • letters are hard to remember (when reading), letters close in sound are replaced (Zh-Sh, Z-S, T-D, Sh-S);
  • letters with similar shapes are confused (B-V, Kh-Zh);
  • reading is monotonous, with many errors, according to syllables;
  • letters or syllables are omitted in words (cow - korva or kova);
  • words are replaced by similar spelling (cow - carpet);
  • syllables in the word are rearranged (cow - fatal);
  • poor reading comprehension (cannot retell);
  • confused word endings;
  • often the lines go beyond the fields (just not noticing them);
  • two words are combined into one or vice versa one word is divided into several;
  • handwriting in such cases is very ugly, words are usually not separated by space.

Disease treatment

The treatment of dyslexia and dysgraphia occurs only with the help of specialists in the form of correctional work.  It is advisable, if necessary, to begin to treat this disease as soon as possible. If it is found in preschool age, then the chances of a full recovery are 85%. After, every year this percentage becomes less. For example, at the end of elementary school, the chance of a full recovery is 30%. In the correction of dyslexia and dysgraphia, a psychologist, speech therapist and defectologist will help.

In the presence of dyslexia and dysgraphia, immediately seek help from specialists. Do not punish your child with independent reading (help your child, and read with him).

Remember that such a child is not inferior, he just poorly writes and reads. A little tip: break large homework into several parts, this will greatly facilitate their implementation for your child.

Video dyslexia and dysgraphia in children treatment