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The conversion of Muslims to Christianity. In European countries, the number of conversions from Islam to Christianity is growing. Prayer to the venerable Serapion of Kozheozersky for the conversion of relatives and neighbors professing Islam

About the multiplication of love and the eradication of hatred and all malice

Troparion, voice 4

By a union of love, Thy apostles, Christ, and us, Thy faithful slaves, are tightly bound to Yourselves, create Thy commandments and love one another lovingly create, through the prayers of the Virgin, the One Humane.

Kondak, voice 5

With a flame of love, our hearts, Christ God, have been crucified unto Thee, and we kindle with it, with our hearts, and with our hearts and souls, and with all our strength we will love You, and sincerely yours and Our commandment, we glorify You, all the blessings of the Giver.

Prayer to St. Gurius, Archbishop of Kazan

Troparion, voice 4

The rule of faith and the image of chastity, a teacher of good deeds and a mentor of salvation, give the Lord to the newly enlightened degree of Kazan, in it he acquired people new from the language and brought me Christ. For the sake of your memory, we joyfully come together, honestly celebrate your holy assumption, but you, our Father, the prelate of Christ Guria, pray Christ God be saved to our souls.

Kondak, voice 4

Having defeated sensual passions, by purity, like the sun, thou shalt come, purely preserving life to the end, and from unbelief in the faith of many brought thou Christ; for the sake of God it is imperishable honorable, all your miracles surprised thou. We pray for slaughter, Saint Guria, with your prayers, deliver us from troubles, let us call them: Rejoice, Father, the dear, the degree of Kazan has also praised the statement.

Missionary prayer

Lord Lord Throwing your soul for the salvation of all people! Like Lord of your harvest, bring many laborers to your harvest! Give the spirit of prayer, Thy spirit of love, the spirit of humility, patience and reason to those you know. Give them the gospel with the power of many in fulfillment of Your gospel.

May the desire of those who wish to help us with good deeds of love be strengthened and increase, may such helpers of ours multiply. Give blessings to those who bless us: bless the health and well-being of the living, who have departed with Your saints in eternal villages, rest in peace. Forgiving those who hate and offend us, Vladyka the Humane, enlighten their hearts, enlighten their minds. But to all of us with your blood, redeemed, leading and not yet leading you, grant the light of reason to your holy gospel. Accelerate to call and unite all in one flock of Thy here on earth and to be with you forever and ever are not separated in the light of your Father and our God, glory and power for ever with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conversion of the erring, St. Gabriel of Novgorod

O All-Merciful Lady, the Virgin Lady of the Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! You have saved the human race from your eternal torment of the devil by your Christmas: for Christ, our Savior, was born of you. Look with Your mercy and on this (name), devoid of God's mercy and grace, proceed with Your Mother boldness and Thy prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, that He may send His grace from above to this perishing one. Oh blessed! You are the hope of unreliable, You are desperate salvation, may the enemy not rejoice in his soul!

Prayer to the venerable Serapion of Kozheozersky for the conversion of relatives and neighbors professing Islam

Our Father Serapion is most glorious and glorious! Denying parental gloom and jealous of Christ’s love, you lifted up the feats of repentance, labor and abstinence, for the sake of which the vessel of Divine grace and the partaker of the divine nature appeared thou: Glorified, immortalized by Christ, sanctified by the Holy Spirit; and we cry the same: ask us from the Lord for the correction of our hearts, in a hedgehog learn to do the will of God Almighty and the kingdom of heaven love more than the blessings of the earth, but our neighbor and kindred, according to your flesh, will let the merciful Lord out of the darkness of perishing agaryan delusion may God enlighten the true faith, may he keep His Church holy, may he guide on the path of truth, honor and worship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be appropriate for Him, now and ever and ever,

If there are two or three Christians who want to save their relatives - Muslims, then let them say a prayer by agreement. To do this, agree on the time and at the same time read it. Sometimes this prayer is also read when reading the Psalms and the Gospel.

Prayer by agreement

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, thou wilt cleanse Thy mouth with perfect lips: Amen I say to you, as you are two of you conferring on the earth about all things, even if you ask, there will be one from My Father, and even in heaven: even two or two three gathered in My name, that is in their midst. Your words are immutable, Lord, your mercy is unprofitable and your love of man has no end. For this reason, we pray to You: grant us, Your servants (names), who agreed to ask You to turn to the Light of Your knowledge from the darkness of the Hagarian overlooking of Your servants (names). We ask you for the execution of our petition. But both are not just like we want, but like You. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

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Georges Houssney, founder and president of Horizons International (international horizon), conducted a study among 100 former Muslims who believed in Christ, according to Christian Megaportal with reference to Christianity Today.

The results of the study helped to determine what the transition from Islam to Christianity is curled from.

As scholar Scott McKnight writes, conversion to Christianity directly depends on how accessible we are presenting the gospel.

Of the Muslims surveyed, 40 percent were mediocre Muslims, and 40 percent were nominal. 20 percent said they were fanatics, saying that their relationship with Allah was built on fear or a sense of duty.

55 percent said they perceived Islam as a cultural system against a religious system.

Nine out of ten converts claimed that they are now worshiping another God who is different from Allah.

So what are the characteristics of God that distinguish Him from Allah? About three out of four Muslims surveyed said that this quality is love, which largely characterizes only the Christian God. And 25 percent said that this is the forgiveness that God gives.

Do not miss the fun part!

Also, eight out of ten people said that the love of Christians played a significant role at a time when they were evangelized. And six out of ten claimed that this love alone helped them convert to Christianity.

Everything about religion and faith is a "prayer for the conversion of a Muslim" with a detailed description and photographs.

Troparion, voice 4

Kondak, voice 5

Troparion, voice 4

Kondak, voice 4

Missionary prayer

O All-Merciful Lady, the Virgin Lady of the Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! You have saved the human race from your eternal torment of the devil by your Christmas: for Christ, our Savior, was born of you. See with your mercy and for this ( name), deprived of God's mercy and grace, proceed with Your Mother's boldness and Thy prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, that He may send His grace from above to this perishing one. Oh blessed! You are the hope of unreliable, You are desperate salvation, may the enemy not rejoice in his soul!

Prayer to St. Serapion of Kozheozersky for the conversion of relatives and neighbors professing Islam

Prayer by agreement

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Thou art thou wilt clean Thy mouth: Amen I say to you, as you are two of you conferring on the earth about all things, even if you ask, there will be one from My Father, Even in heaven: even two or two three gathered in My name, that is in their midst. Your words are immutable, Lord, your mercy is unprofitable and your love of man has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant us thy servants ( the names), who agreed to ask Tj about turning to the Light of Your knowledge from the darkness of the Hagarite overlooking of Your servants ( the names) We ask you for the execution of our petition. But both are not just like we want, but like You. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

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Prayers for the conversion of Muslims to Orthodoxy

About the multiplication of love and the eradication of hatred and all malice

Troparion, voice 4

By a union of love, Thy apostles, Christ, and us, Your faithful slaves, are tightly bound to Yourselves, create Thy commandments and love one another, it’s not hypocritical to do, through the prayers of the Virgin, I’m the One Human.

Kondak, voice 5

With a flame of love, our hearts, Christ God, have been crucified unto Thee, and we kindle with it, with our hearts, and with our hearts and souls, and with all our strength we will love You, and sincerely yours and Our commandment, we glorify You, all the blessings of the Giver.

Prayer to St. Gurius, Archbishop of Kazan

Troparion, voice 4

The rule of faith and the image of chastity, a teacher of good deeds and a mentor of salvation, give the Lord to the newly enlightened degree of Kazan, in it he acquired people new from the language and brought me Christ. For the sake of your memory, we joyfully come together, honestly celebrate your holy assumption, but you, our Father, the prelate of Christ Guria, pray Christ God be saved to our souls.

Kondak, voice 4

Having defeated sensual passions, by purity, like the sun, thou shalt come, purely preserving life to the end, and from unbelief in the faith of many brought thou Christ; for the sake of God it is imperishable honorable, all your miracles surprised thou. We pray for slaughter, Saint Guria, with your prayers, deliver us from troubles, let us call them: Rejoice, Father, the dear, the degree of Kazan has also praised the statement.

Missionary prayer

Lord Lord Throwing your soul for the salvation of all people! Like Lord of your harvest, bring many laborers to your harvest! Give the spirit of prayer, Thy spirit of love, the spirit of humility, patience and reason to those you know. Give them the gospel with the power of many in fulfillment of Your gospel.

May the desire of those who wish to help us with good deeds of love be strengthened and increase, may such helpers of ours multiply. Give blessings to those who bless us: bless the health and well-being of the living, who have departed with Your saints in eternal villages, rest in peace. Forgiving those who hate and offend us, Vladyka the Humane, enlighten their hearts, enlighten their minds. But to all of us with your blood, redeemed, leading and not yet leading you, grant the light of reason to your holy gospel. Accelerate to call and unite all in one flock of Thy here on earth and to be with you forever and ever are not separated in the light of your Father and our God, glory and power for ever with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conversion of the erring, St. Gabriel of Novgorod

O All-Merciful Lady, the Virgin Lady of the Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! You have saved the human race from your eternal torment of the devil by your Christmas: for Christ, our Savior, was born of you. Look with Your mercy and on this (name), devoid of God's mercy and grace, proceed with Your Mother boldness and Thy prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, that He may send His grace from above to this perishing one. Oh blessed! You are the hope of unreliable, You are desperate salvation, may the enemy not rejoice in his soul!

Prayer to the venerable Serapion of Kozheozersky for the conversion of relatives and neighbors professing Islam

Our Father Serapion is most glorious and glorious! Denying parental gloom and jealous of Christ’s love, you lifted up the feats of repentance, labor and abstinence, for the sake of which the vessel of Divine grace and the partaker of the divine nature appeared thou: Glorified, immortalized by Christ, sanctified by the Holy Spirit; and we cry the same: ask us from the Lord for the correction of our hearts, in a hedgehog learn to do the will of God Almighty and the kingdom of heaven love more than the blessings of the earth, but our neighbor and kindred, according to your flesh, will let the merciful Lord out of the darkness of perishing agaryan delusion may God enlighten the true faith, may he keep His Church holy, may he guide on the path of truth, honor and worship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be appropriate for Him, now and ever and ever,

If there are two or three Christians who want to save their relatives - Muslims, then let them say a prayer by agreement. To do this, agree on the time and at the same time read it. Sometimes this prayer is also read when reading the Psalms and the Gospel.

Prayer by agreement

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, thou wilt cleanse Thy mouth with perfect lips: Amen I say to you, as you are two of you conferring on the earth about all things, even if you ask, there will be one from My Father, and even in heaven: even two or two three gathered in My name, that is in their midst. Your words are immutable, Lord, your mercy is unprofitable and your love of man has no end. For this reason, we pray to You: grant us, Your servants (names), who agreed to ask You to turn to the Light of Your knowledge from the darkness of the Hagarian overlooking of Your servants (names). We ask you for the execution of our petition. But both are not just like we want, but like You. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

Muslim prayer

What is the difference between a Christian prayer and a Muslim prayer?

Christianity and Islam are among the most common beliefs on earth. Everyone is free to follow the faith of their ancestors. And that which is holy by one cannot be trampled upon by the other.

The definition of Islam and Christianity

Christianity is faith in God in the third part of the world's population, which is based on the doctrine of the unity of the Holy Trinity, the Atonement and Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Christian worship is built on scripture and scripture.

Islam is a religion of a significant part of the population of the Earth, mainly the inhabitants of the East, literally meaning "obedience to God." The founder of religion is the prophet Muhammad. The main principles are contained in the Quran. The main tenets of this religion are worship of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.

Muslim Marriage (Marry a Muslim)

Marriage with a Muslim (married to a Muslim) - read - pdf-format (469 Kb)

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Muslim prayers

- Father, I have a problem.

- You see, I am very.

Prayer always gives humanity hope and faith that somewhere they hear and help. In every religion, the sacrament of prayer has its own meaning and expression. Orthodox prayers are emotional, lexically and semantically colorful, sensitive and soft. Muslim prayers always have a deep philosophical implication. They are clear, firm and unshakable. Each religion has its own approach to prayer ritual. But, despite the difference in texts and meanings, all prayers are aimed at their God (Jesus, Allah, Buddha, etc.). In any case, they have one goal - to be heard by God. Therefore, in a person’s life, no matter what religion he is, there must always be a place for prayer.

Islam as a religion

Islam is considered the most cruel and strict religion in every sense. Therefore, it is logical that Arab holy prayers have clear forms and regulate norms of behavior depending on a life event or time of day. Modern Muslim scholars consider Islam itself.

Answers to readers' questions.

Question: Good or bad, if the baby did not cry immediately at birth and does not even cry the second day. And I would also like to know who was born from the saints, big people - the prophets, or Avliya, or Sheikhs - on Wednesday? And anyway - is this a good day considered?

Alim's answer: If the child did not cry, you need to see a doctor. Wednesday is no different from other days, and Friday is considered the best day of the week. I don’t know who was born from the Prophets (alaykhim as-salam) on Friday, I don’t know who was born from the Wali (may Allah be pleased with them), I don’t know who was born on Friday from the Alim (may Allah have mercy on them). The fact that you recognize this is absolutely no use.

Question: What is the difference between a Christian and a Muslim?

Alim's answer: Christians differ from Muslims in their creed. A Muslim believes in the One Creator, and testifies that the One who is truly obliged to worship, and to anyone but Him, is the Only God - Allah, and that Muhammad -.





Unlike Christianity, the Qur'an does not prescribe the obligatory order of prayers. Nevertheless, over the centuries, a complex of ritual prayer poses and movements has developed, which should be accompanied by the pronunciation of prayer texts.

The daily prayer cycle, mandatory for all Muslims, consists of five prayers. Each of them should begin with a cleansing bath and removing shoes before entering. Then the believer should face Mecca and, lowering his hands along the body, say the formula of intention to perform a specific prayer. Then, raising his hands to the level of his face, the believer pronounces a formula that exalts Allah, clasping his hands to his chest, reads a certain sura (the head of the Qur'an), performs a half bow and praises Allah.

With the words “May Allah hear the one who praised him,” he kneels down, bows to the earth, touching his forehead with the earth. Then he sits on his heels and says: “Allahu Akbar!” (Allah is great).

This prayer can be performed by believers in.

Rejection of Past Faith

Before accepting Islam, it is necessary to abandon the old faith. Although all world religions (Buddhism, Islam, Christianity) preach the principles of goodness and respect, the transition to the new faith is negatively perceived by most followers of your previous religion. The very procedure of “renunciation” in the form in which it is represented in many religions does not exist in Islam. You will not be forced to renounce Jesus if you are a follower of Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Moreover, Islam recognizes Christ as a prophet under the name "Isa."

Rite of passage

The Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims, and according to the Qur'an, all who wish to recognize Allah can become Muslims. There are many mosques in Moscow, and you need to visit an Islamic temple to accept religion.

One of the main mosques of the capital is the Historical Mosque. It is located at: st. 28 Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street. The Bolshaya Cathedral Mosque is also known - one of the oldest in Russia.

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Peace be upon you is not financed by any organization, foundation, church or mission.

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How a dua can help a deceased person

In Islam, much attention is paid to ensuring that a person is awarded a better fate after death. Relatives, friends and relatives of the deceased, as a rule, pray to the Almighty to place the soul of the deceased in paradise gardens and forgive his transgressions. Various duas serve for this purpose, the texts of which are given below.

"Allahummegfir (name the deceased)   werfag derajetahu fil-madiyine uahlufhu fii a’kyybhi fil-gabiriene wafirläne u ve lehu yee rabbel alayamiyin. Uefsi leehu fii kabrihi ue neuuir leehu fiih »

Transfer:  “Oh Allah! sorry (deceased name), elevate his degree among those who are led in the right way, become his successor to those who remain after him, forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds! And make his grave spacious for him and light it for him! ”

Many Muslims know the phrase that should be uttered upon hearing the news of someone’s demise:

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Inne liLlehi, ue inne ileihi rajigun

Verily, we belong to Allah and return to Him!

Immediately after the burial, it is advisable to turn to the Almighty with the following words:

“Allahumme-gafir lehullahumme sabbithu”

Transfer:  “Oh Allah, forgive him! O Allah, strengthen him! ”

"Allahummegfir-lehu uerhemhu uegafihi uegfu a'nhu ue akrim nuzullyahu UESS ue 'mudhalyahu uegsilhu bil-ME and uesseldzhi ueberadi ue nekkyhi minel-hataaye kemee nekkaytel-seubel-ebyyada-mined denesi ue abdilhu DEXA hayran min deerihi ue ehlyal hayran min ehlihi Uezujan khairan min zeujeee u-agilhul-jannete ue eghinju min a'zebil-kabri ue a'zebin-ner

Transfer:  “O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him, and deliver him, and show him mercy. And give him a good welcome, and make his entrance  (meaning the grave - approx. Islam.Global ) spacious, and wash it with water, snow and hail  (i.e., a request is metaphorically expressed for rendering the deceased all kinds of favors and granting him forgiveness for all his sins and omissions - approx. Islam.Global )and cleanse him of sins, just as you cleanse white clothes from dirt, and give him a house better than his house, and a family better than his family, and his wife better than his wife, and bring him to paradise and protect him from the torment of the grave and from the pangs of fire! ”  (Such a text of the dua is given in the hadith transmitted by Muslim)

“Allahumme-gafir likhiyene ve meiitinee ue sheehidinee vega-i-binee u sagyirinee u kebiiirine u zekarinee u unseene. Allahumme man ahyatehu minne fe-ehihyhi a’lele-islami wa man teueffateihu minnee fatauffehu a’lele-imeen. Allahumme le tehrimne ejrahu ue lee tudyllene be’deh »

Transfer:  “O Allah, forgive our living and dead, present and absent, small and old, men and women! O Allah, make those of us to whom you grant life live according to the (decrees) of Islam, and those of us whom you will rest in peace! Oh Allah, do not deprive us of the reward on him  (i.e. patience rewards during trials approx. Islam.Global ) and do not lead us astray after him (that is, after his death)! ”  (It is found in the collections of hadiths of Ibn Maji and Ahmad).

“Allahumme a’bduke uebnu emateke ichteje ilee rahmetike u ente ganiyyun a’n a’zeebihi in keene muhsinn fasid phi hasenaitihe u in keene musi-en fetazhenez”

Transfer:  “Oh Allah! Thy servant and the son of Your slave needed Your mercy, but You do not need his torment! If he did good deeds, then add him to him, and if he did evil, then do not seek from him! ”  (Text of the dua according to the hadith narrated by al-Hakim).

There is also a separate dua, which is resorted to in the situation of offering prayers for the deceased child:

“Allahumme-ja’lhu lenee faratan ue selefen ue edjran”

Transfer:  “Oh, Allah, make him get ahead of us (in paradise) and become our forerunner and reward for us!”

The arguments of those who favor

First you need to give arguments that will allow you to affirmatively answer the question posed above:

“And those who came after them say:“ Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who believed before us! Do not instill in our hearts hatred and envy of those who believe. Our Lord! Verily You are Compassionate, Merciful ”” (59:10)

This verse is an example of how Muslims should turn to the Almighty for previous generations of Muslims who have already left this world. If in this action there was no particular benefit for the dead, then, obviously, sending down such an ayah would not make sense.

Arguments of opponents of supplication for the dead

There are many other reasons for the need to do good deeds on behalf of the deceased. However, representatives of the Mutazilite school in the Middle Ages strongly opposed this. Here are some of their arguments:

“Everyone is hostage to what he has acquired” (74:38)

They argue that a person cannot count on success at the expense of other people. However, the mutazilites lose sight of the fact that in the verse we are talking only about sinful acts. Ayah does not apply to good deeds.

“A man will receive only what he strove for” (53:39)

It follows from this that the servant of Allah cannot count on the acts committed by other people. However, it is possible to answer this argument of mutazilites from several points at once.

“We will reunite the believers with their descendants who followed them in the faith, and will not at all diminish their deeds” (52:21)

Islamic theologians interpret this scripture in the sense that on the Day of Judgment, the righteous children of their parents will be able to weight their scales in which good deeds will be found. This is also stated in the hadith above about three things that will bring God's recompense to a person after death.

Of course, a person can pray for the soul of the deceased, nothing bad will come of it.

Will these prayers help the deceased in Eternal Life, will they be a relief for him at that moment when he will be responsible for his actions?

In my opinion, an exhaustive answer is given in my opinion.


Converts of Muslims to Christianity are becoming more frequent. The public opinion has strengthened that Muslims do not convert to other faiths, but it would be more accurate to define Islam as a religion whose members are not easily converted to other faiths. There is a stereotype of the ineffectiveness of Christian missions in the Islamic world, which is not true. Every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Muslims have no rational explanation for the new wave of Christianization.

The competition of the two religions, Christianity and Islam, is their constant companion. The history of the struggle between Islam and Christianity is long, the results of the struggle were varied and variable, but after the huge success of Islam, Christianity is now victorious. Especially numerous are the transitions of Muslims to Christianity during the existence of the Byzantine Empire. Many Muslim nobles in the late IX and early X centuries converted to Christianity. The most striking example of the numerous conversion from Islam to Christianity occurred in 935, when the entire Arabian Bedouin tribe Banu Habib, plus 12,000 soldiers with families, subordinates, slaves, approached the Greek borders and converted to Christianity, about 60,000 people in all. After that, they began to fight on the side of the Byzantine Empire, against Muslims. There were many such examples.

In order to maintain peace in some countries, the president of the country is always a Christian, and the prime minister is a Muslim. Other countries categorically relate to the Christian church. However, Christians have the same rights that are guaranteed by the constitution and have freedom of religion. Before we look at the history of the Russian church, we turn to the history of Christianity, the principles of the split into the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Note: Order a video of christening in Moscow at an affordable price. After all, such a day should not only remain in memory, but also should be captured on video.

Different religions - this is such a topic for society, which you can talk about and argue forever. Initially, religion is provided to us by the parents and the state in which we were born. Years later, man himself is determined ...

The history of Orthodoxy originates from the second century AD. It is believed that this belief was born in the time of the apostles. At the same time, the Catholic faith also considers this period of time ...

The wave of migration in recent years has led to an increase in the number of people from traditionally Muslim countries in Europe. At the same time, sociological observations show that after getting to know the local culture and religion, many migrants decide to convert from Islam to Christianity.For example, recently in Finland hundreds of migrants from Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq have converted to Christianity. It is reported by the national Finnish television channel Yle.

Many people from these countries began to attend church services on their own, and then turn to the clergy for baptism.

To meet the needs of migrants, the Finnish State Church - the Evangelical Lutheran Church has created special catechism courses. Classes are taught by Lutheran pastors, assisted by translators in the Dari language. In particular, Vesa Julin, a church pastor northeast of Helsinki, regularly conducts such classes.

Some migrants hope that conversion to Christianity will help them assimilate in Finnish society. But most of them claim that their commitment to Christianity stems from dissatisfaction with Islam.

“They understand that there are different rules in Finland, and people should be respected,” commented Lauri Perälä, head of the Imatra Reception Center, on this situation.

“I have not been baptized yet, but I look forward to it, and I’m sure that I will be a good Christian,” the publication quotes the words of Aliraza Hussaini, a native of Iran.

Islamic migration as a hope for the revival of Christianity?

The situation in Finland reflects a trend developing in other European countries. Observers note that new parishioners who converted to Christianity from Islam breathed life into many dying parishes.

Germany, which has recognized more than a million Muslim migrants since 2015, has reported a small but growing wave of converts to Christianity.

Last year, mass baptisms of Muslims took place in Berlin and Hamburg. They were carried out in municipal basins. “The motive for the change of faith is the same for many. They are disappointed with Islam, ”the edition quoted Albert Babajan, pastor of the Syrian-Persian Alpha and Omega church in Hamburg.

Since 2014, the parish of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in Berlin has grown from about 150 parishioners to more than 700 people, with the majority of converts being former Muslims. Some of them first met Christianity in Germany, others attracted the Christian faith after they became more familiar with the life of Christians in their home countries.

“There is a massive awakening of Christianity in Iranians and Afghans,” testament pastor of the Trinity Church, Gottfried Martens. “This remains completely incomprehensible to German atheists.”

During 2015, about. Martens baptized at least 150 Iranians and Afghans.

“One thing is certain: the temple is cracking at the seams on Sundays. There are currently 600 Iranians and Afghans in our community. 150 I only baptized this year. And every week new refugees come and become our parishioners. Now we are building a new parish hall behind the church, ”he said in an interview for the German edition of Die Welt.

Sources in the Lutheran Church of Germany confirm that the number of refugees expressing a desire to convert from Islam to Christianity has recently increased.

At the same time, church leaders, testifying to the presence of this tendency, note that the phenomenon has not gained mass proportions. Talking about the increase in the number of Muslim refugees in the country, they prefer to talk about a “noticeable” but not “huge” increase in the number of baptisms among the followers of Islam.

The conversion of Muslims to Christianity: religious rebirth or seeking profit?

Not all German priests are equally convinced that their acquaintance with European Christianity influenced the decision of Muslim refugees to receive baptism.

For example, the International Business Times, citing AFP, cited the words of the pastor of one of the Berlin parishes of the Free Evangelical Church of Germany, pastor Matthias Linke, who believes that priests have no way to check the sincerity of potential converts and to ensure that their desire baptism is connected exclusively with religious life, and not with the fear of being expelled from the country.

From this point of view, the pastor noted, for many Muslims the fear of deportation to their homeland overcomes the fear of retaliation for renouncing Islam.

In Austria, during the first quarter of 2016, the Catholic Church received 300 applications for adult baptism, with almost three quarters of the applicants being converts from Islam.

Photo: Bwag (CC by-sa 3.0)In response to a wave of such appeals, the Austrian Episcopal Conference issued new guidelines for priests, urging them to fear migrants who seek baptism for a residence permit or other benefits. Today in Austria, anyone who requests to join him in the Church must first complete the one-year training period, after which the results of his training will be evaluated by representatives of the Church.

“There must be a marked interest in the faith that extends beyond just the desire to receive [official] paper,” said Friederike Dostal, representative of the Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna. - We do not need formal Christians. It should be possible to witness the process of internal change in people. ”

At the same time, she noted that nine out of ten applicants successfully complete the training course and are baptized.