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Mom and dad came to you in a dream, like alive: what they wanted to say. What dreams of the dead parents have been shot? What dreams of death of deceased parents

Many are confident that the subconsciousness transfers important information that can help learn the events of the future and present.

What dreams of parents?

The seen image of the father and mother indicates significant events in life, which are not dependent on your consciousness. Merry parents promise you harmonious relationships and pleasant communication with the opposite sex. If parents scold you, most likely in real life, the opinion of relatives is of great importance for you. Getting from them praise - to be an egoist in life.

What does the late parents dream?

In a dream, parents talk to you, then you will get unpleasant and incredible news. It may also be a warning about approaching troubles, so think about your actions. If the dead parents are being shot alive and happy - a sign of favorable change. Such a dream sees a young girl - in a short time she will marry.

What will the death of parents dream?

Such a dream is most likely caused by your thoughts about the death of relatives. Psychologists say that if you see such a vision, it is necessary to morally prepare for the incarnation of sleep in reality. If the mother died, it means that everything is changed for the better in life, and if the Father, you will have plans and ideas that will affect the situation.

What dreams of the wedding of parents?

Sleep is a symbol of big changes in real life. To make changes for the better, it is worth becoming a more sociable person and special attention to communicate with parents. Also such a night vision can fill your wedding in the near future.

What dreams young parents?

Such a dream is reminded that you have a bridgehead for a good start. It may also be a symbol of what you do not use your potential to full. A dream about young parents foreshadows the improvement of all aspects of your life.

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death of parents in a dream

In chapter Dnah On the question of what is the death of parents? Posted by the author Unknown The best answer is me, too, it dreamed, horror! I think this is. In the process of growing up, we are experiencing change in relation to your parents. First, they are the main for us, then they are our friends, then we are moving away from each other, then we care about them, they are like children. That over time, we experience different feelings and the previous ones are replaced by new ones. You grow up and look at them every year in a new way. And as you know, death in a dream is the death of old anything. So just when you dreamed the dream you had another step in development, in maturity. "Parents" for you died, you have become more adult. This may be associated with some tests in your life that you have successfully survived and have become more experienced less dependent on parents. Sefe, which preceded sleep and know that the experience you passed correctly.

Support points:

  1. Mother who is alive
  2. Mother and father
  3. Together with the sister
  4. Mother and brother
  5. Mother girlfriend

Such a dream predicts your mom's longevity. If mom is at the moment sick - She is waiting for healing from the illness. The dream of the mother's death says that your relationships have become pretty cold and you should be with my mother closer.

Another interpretation of this sleep - you have come down from the right track, your actions can lead you to a dead end. You should figure out how to fix the current situation.

Remember the nuances of your sleep. Perhaps the interpretation will be completely different. For example, if mom in a dream killed your relative - Wait for the deterioration of your mother's relationship with this person. If you killed, Introduces - you will cause mom pain. This dream is a sign that this is not worth doing.

Mom in a dream for a long time is sick, and then dies - to the disease.

Mother who is alive

This dream is a positive sign and promotes your mother wonderful health. For your mom comes a bright period. Also, sleep suggests that you are too rarely communicating with my mother and she lacks your heat.

Mother and father

Death of mother and father in a dream - Good omen, promising recovery of your parents after a long disease. In addition, sleep prophesies a new stage in the life of mother and father. For you, such a dream is a warning. Something you do wrong.

Together with the sister

Such a dream carries health to your family - sister and mother. Also, the death of loved ones in a dream is very often a harbinger of good change. In this case, a new stage is possible in the life of your sister and mother or a relationship in your family will gain a new character.

Mother and brother

See such a dream - to positive changes in your family's life. Perhaps you have some kind of conflict with my brother and mother. Sleep means that the conflict will soon be allowed. Another dream will tear up magnificent well-being and change for the better in the life of brother and mom.

Mother girlfriend

A dream about a friend, whose mother dies - it means, most likely, a girlfriend threatens a danger or she will not be able to cope with the difficulties in his life. If such a dream dreamed of you - it means that you can help her.

Go to the main interpretation - What dreams death

What dreams of the deceased parents (mother or father) 5.00 / 5 (2 votes)

What does the dead parents dream? The value of this vision can be interpreted differently:

  • First, it is an attempt to cope with the loss and the emotions associated with it.
  • Secondly, it is the dead people who are the link between the two worlds: Real and Excellent. For this reason, you need to remember everything that the deceased relatives did and did in a dream.

Sleep warning

Most often, dead parents are in night gold before responsible events, critical moments and change in life. They can give advice, blessing or warning about troubles.

In some cases, they foreshadow defeat death and even take a dream in a different reality. Usually it is accompanied by a call of dead or conscious care with them. Similar dreams are generally accepted considered things.

Is everything okay?

If you dreamed of the deceased father or mother, then get ready for trouble and try to bring order in matters. If the dead parents meet extremely rarely, their arrival marks the general attitude.

Here you should remember what they were in your dream. If you are angry and irritated, then you obviously do something wrong. Smile and welcome expression of persons symbolizes approval. Conversation with the dead in a dream means support for the other forces.

Dream: Interpretation by mood

Did you dream of sad and sad parents? According to the dreams, you are waiting for numerous experiences. Happy and joyful - everything will work out, as it is impossible.

Hug in his dream of dead relatives - to long years of life. If in a dream the dead asking food - to be lucky, they offer to pass the exam - handle difficulties with its successful passage, or get into an unpleasant situation - when it fails.

Dreamed the deceased father - be vigilant!

To see or talk to the deceased father - to a disadvantageous deal and short-ridden bad luck. You should show vigilance in relation to others and your own actions. If he was especially strict, then this means that you launched a kind of important thing.

After the visit of the late father, you must take care of your own reputation. If a young woman sees in a dream dead dad, her companion deceives her or will soon do it.

Other sleep decodents with dead parents

Obviously sick in the dream, a deceased parent marks difficulties in financial matters. Sometimes it is an indication of the error that you allowed in inconsistency. But it can lead to very sad consequences.

The dream in which the Father is crying, indicates difficult times. Even if in real life everything goes well, then a reason for serious anxiety may appear very soon. A good mood of the deceased symbolizes a common success.

What dream of a deceased mother?

The appearance of the dead mother in a dream warns that the source of trouble will serve an excessive impressionability. The mortal mother symbolizes all the Grand Changes: Moving, replacing the work, illness, etc.

Conducting the closest people on the "one side", so I want to meet even once again and talk to souls ... And this happened - in a dream. How does the dream book look at this situation, what is the parents who are sad, swear, rejoiced in your sleep with you?

  • Most of the interpreters are confident: see dead parents is a good sign. Most likely, your life will change for the better, say, you will hear the news that I have been waiting for a long time.
  • If in a dream you thought that parents are still alive, sleep promises wealth and success in affairs.
  • Some interpreters say: such dreams are fed a dream longevity.
  • In a dream, did you come to visit their home? With a native person you can happen misfortune.
  • See your mother: to change work, moving, sometimes to the disease. See Father: To problems at work. Talking to him: to a short "Nepruhe" in affairs.
  • Have you seen the deceased mom with a child? You will get a happy news. Near parents run a lot of kids? Your life will fill the mass of pleasant moments.
  • Have you seen the funeral of your parents? Your marriage will be not so strong as you believed from the very beginning. If you are not married, sleep can warn about unhappy love.
  • If you see native people in a dream very often, this is nothing but the heartguard, does not say. Pray for them and release, and give your love alive - a spouse or spouse, children.

Sleep brought positive emotions?

  • Native laughing, smiled at you? Your life will be happy, filled with exclusively joyful events. Are you precipitated problems? After this dream, they will remain in the past.
  • Did you communicate in souls, hugged, maybe they laughed together? The dream promises positive changes in your personal life. Let's say if you quarreled with your boyfriend (husband), then come back soon.
  • Mom or dad praised you? Stop push people with your indifference as soon as you open the soul for relatives or friends, life will play with warmer paints.
  • Why dreams of dead parents trying to give you advice, tell something? Do not ignore the words of relatives, they do not advise badly. For example, a young girl after such a dream (if he does not mind) can successfully marry or meet love of life.

Did something alerted in the behavior of relatives?

  • They scolded, criticized you? In your life, something unpleasant can happen. Of course, this black strip will overcome, but not without your active work.
  • The second interpretation of this sleep: In ordinary life, you are too dependent on the opinions of others, and the subconsciousness in the face of Pope or Mom hints that it is time to "include" independence.
  • Are they drunk? Your life will change, and it will not be quite good. And if the relatives of the "Ushefa" also arranged a family scene, beware of the disease.
  • Have they been sad and in mourning? Dream foreshadows problems. Only from your intuition depends, it will be possible to avoid them or not.
  • They cried? The dream warns of losses - fortunately, small.

How were they dressed?

  • In all black. Your life enters the black strip. You can harm absolutely all, so carefully behave in a non-standard setting and do not frank with unfamiliar people.
  • In dirty clothes, and parents were sad: you can get sick.
  • In clean, tidy clothes: to success in business and other affairs.

Was it not your parents?

Our people and mother-in-law with the mother-in-law (mother-in-law with the test) got used to mom and dad. Sometimes these deceased relatives also dream. What does this dream mean? This interpretation refers to the former "parents" (that is, the native person with whom you were in a relationship, but separated).

  • Dead parents in a dream were fun? A dream woman Son says: It means that you and the former broke up with friends, and your relationships will not be "auction."
  • They were sad, and maybe angry? For a woman or a girl, this is a sign: the book of the past is not yet closed to the end, you need to rewrite a few sheets, correcting your mistakes.
  • For a man or boyfriend, this dream promises news. Good or not? It depends on the emotions that the deceased parents have experienced in your dream. Let's say if they were angry with you, it is better not to go on a business trip and do not care for the responsible work.

Or maybe it was your uncle with aunt, that is, the parents of your cousin (cousin)? This dream means: soon you will be asked for money loan.

What do famous interpreters believe?

It's time to learn what the well-known psychologists think about such dreams, the years studying the souls of people. Will they surprise you with their interpretation of sleep?

Dream Miller

  1. According to this dream book, the dead parents just are not so night. If they were bothering and dreamed, it means that we are afraid of trouble.
  2. They look healthy and satisfied with life - it means that Mrs. Luck will smile. On the contrary, mom with dad looked painful and (or) unhappy? Prepare the nervous system - you are waiting for "mis."
  3. Parents in a dream were in black, and their faces were pale? You are in something very disappointed.

Dream of Freud.

At sleep, in which the late parents came to you, there may be two interpretations.

  1. First: You can't make a relationship and blame someone from parents (or both at once). Maybe they were too strict with you - but may be the other way around, any liberty was allowed.
  2. Second: At one time, parents did not give you to become who you wanted. And at least there is no longer there, you still have a subconscious desire to master.

To see in the night vision of a deceased parent is a signal about an important event in life. The deceased wants to convey some important information. Much depends on what kind of situation this person dreamed of, and that happened. Most likely, parents warn their child from committing some rash actions, give advice to how to properly enroll in a difficult life situation.

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    Sleep about the late parents

    The dreams are a key to his own consciousness and subconscious. Sometimes his deceased father and mother come to a person in her dreams. The California International Association of Studying Dreams has published a study in which the dreams of dead parents see 50% of women and 40% of men. This is due to the fact that parents are the most expensive people for every person, and even after death, they do not lose touch with him.

      The deceased parents are shot by a person if he subconsciously wants to return to a past life. Causes of the emergence of late parents in a dream:

      • They want to influence their offspring and make them resolve a difficult life situation.
      • They warn about the upcoming event, to which you need to prepare in advance.
      • They want to remind themselves. In this case, you need to remember them in the church.

      Key interpretations

      Many psychologists believe that the emergence of dead parents in a dream does not foresee anything special. If a person sees the late relatives in a dream, he would like to communicate with them and often remembers them. In this case, death becomes a physical, but not a spiritual obstacle to communicate close people.

      Famous psychologist of flowers argues that when the closest dead are being shot, you need to try to remember as many details you have seen: how they were dressed that they said. If peace and well-being reigns in their house, then in real life of the dream, something pleasant is waiting. And if they swear and threatened, it means that something in life should be urgently changed.

      Esoteric dream book interprets similar dreams gloomy. The deceased relatives are starred when alive feel sick or worry because of problems at work. In no case cannot go beyond the deceased if they are called.

      Zhou-Gunna's dream book argues that the deceased parents are filmed before receiving important news. Make these will concern relationships in the family: about the wedding, divorce, receipt of inheritance. Talk with dead parents about affairs - get a warning about changes in life.

      Family dream book says that the emergence of the late mother promises success and promotion. If she calls to go behind him, then you do not need to agree, otherwise in reality, the risk is seriously sick.

      Wang's dream book interprets the appearance of a deceased parent in a dream as a warning. If they dreamed of daughters, then she needs to stay away from the guy with whom she had a novel. The deceased husband's parents warn about his infidelity.

      People's mythology considers such dreams as weather signs. Immediately both deceased parents in a dream foreshadow the worsening weather and rain.

      Dead father

      If the late father began to appear in dreams, this fact deserves close attention. This warning should not be neglected. The deceased relatives in this case mean that you need to remember them, visit the church to put a candle for rest and confess. A good way to honor the memory of the deceased is to buy candies and cookies and distribute them to friends and acquaintances. If the dead holds something in his hand, then you need to purchase this item and bring to the cemetery.

      By the dream book Miller, see the late father in the dream - to an important event that the dreams have long been waiting for a long time. If he hugs his parent, then his undertaking is crowned with success.

      If the father dreams of his son, then you need to carefully check your friends and find out if they can be trusted.

Parents are always the closest and expensive people in the life of any person. Therefore, when they appear in a dream, it will definitely want to understand what events in real life can be such a dream. In various dreams, you can allocate decoding in two directions, namely, the living parents were dreamed or had the opportunity to see the father and the mother and the mother who had already died. Moreover, in both cases, it is important to recall the mood of parents, as well as their actions.

Why dreams of live parents?

If you have dreamed of parents who are alive, it may be due to the fact that you are not paying enough attention to them. That is, your subconsciousness focuses on what you do wrong and you will need to change your behavior.

On the other hand, smiling parents in good spirits symbolize the fact that everything is in order. In the near future, you will be under the cover of the Higher Forces, and in all endeavors you will be accompanied by luck.

Parents laugh and talk

Very good when you dreamed of parents who laugh and talk to each other. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to listen to their words, it is enough that you saw such a picture. It is she who symbolizes full harmony in your life. Most likely, quite recently, your life was filled with cotton and challenges, and such a dream foreshadows the onset of a period of measured and quiet life.

If during the communication of your parents in your nightsy, you notice, as between expensive people, the spark of love and tenderness, it indicates that there will be positive changes in your personal life. Such a dream is especially positive for family people. After him, partners are aware of how much they are the roads of each other.

If parents appeal to you and give advice, it is necessary to listen to it. As a rule, their words are prophetic. Quite often, such tips are guidance to action and lead to a happy marriage.

Parents guy

Many girls are interested in the question of what the guy's parents are shot. In most cases, this is a good sign that foreshadows a quick marriage.

The following main storylines of such night dreams can be distinguished:
  • The crying mother of the chief indicates the experience of the girl in reality, but most of the problems in this case are allowed by themselves;
  • The guy's mother is in a good mood - this is a sign that this woman for your son is an absolute authority and this fact should be taken into account when building relationships;
  • Mom chosen is in a bad mood - you are fear of the need for first acquaintance;
  • Together with a woman hosted in the kitchen - you can build trust and warm relationships with her.

Parents Girls - Dream Interpretation

On the other hand, young people also often torment the question of what the girl's parents are shot. If they dreamed in a good mood, then for a guy, this dream always has a positive interpretation and indicates that he made the right life choice.

What will the death of parents dream?

It is important to know what the death of the parents dream is, because the dream is very terrible, in which the dreams sees the death of the nearest relatives. But actually it is not worth worrying, since such a dream does not bother anything bad. It belongs to dreams of milling, and, therefore, promises long life to parents. But at the same time, if such a dream is very disturbing for a dream, then this indicates that in real life the time has come to change anything.

Living parents are not in the mood

Unknown sign is a dream, in which you saw living parents not in the best mood and dressed in dark clothes. After such sleep, the period of life disappointments comes, and it can be very long. You will have to be disappointed in the actions of people from our closest environment, as well as due to the fact that many undertaking will turn into unrealistic dreams.

Not very good is a dream in which parents scold you. It indicates that you have to make incredible efforts to move towards the goals. But such a dream also focuses on the fact that you are very dependent on your parents. Think, maybe it's time becomes more independent person.

Drunk parents

A bad sign is considered to see drunk parents in a dream. This dream is a harbinger of unkind life changes. And if the parents drank in night gold begin to swear, it may indicate that the dream in the near future will have health problems.

Dead parents - how to interpret sleep

Many are interested in the question of what the dead parents will be held. Sometimes such a dream indicates that the dreams all the time returns to his thoughts to his relatives who left this world, but much more often such a dream is a sign and indicates certain events that may occur in real life. To understand what the deceased parents are being shot, you need to try to remember all the details of the scenery of the dream. If you dreamed, recently deceased parents, it is a reflection of the subconscious about the unbearable grief and terrible loss. Therefore, such a dream is unlikely to be associated with the events occurring in the real world.

Most often parents who have already left their lives appear in dreams before any significant life changes. It is important to draw attention to their actions, as they can give a hint how to do in a particular situation or focus on the right decision.

In the Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov, there is a decoding of dream plots in accordance with the configuration of dead parents:
  • If native people look safely, and you see them in a dream together in a homely cozy atmosphere, it testifies to the well-being of your affairs in real life;
  • If the deceased parents give you a gift, it foreshadows happiness and wealth in real life;
  • When parents who died, offer you money, it indicates that there are no better times in life, so you need to be more economical;
  • If the parents scold you or threaten you, then this indicates that you will have a serious misconduct that you can greatly harm or subsequently you will repent in it;
  • If you are talking to the dead parents, it means that you really hope to get a prompt from them on how to do in one way or another. Such a dream may be a harbinger of what other people will have help.

When in Night Gresses you saw the dead parents sad and sad, it symbolizes the fact that the period begins the period filled with strong experiences. If you, in the scene of the dream, you had to hug my parents from the life, then it foreshadows you for many years of life. In addition, after such a dream, you get rid of internal fears and life will be filled with bright colors and positive emotions. If you had to kiss some of the late parents in a dream, it means that you forgive anyone in real life, or you will be forgiven by a person who was offended.

Dead parents dreamed of newlyweds

A favorable sign is a dream with the dead parents who dream of one of the newlyweds. Thus, native people send their blessing to the marriage and point to the correctness of selection of the chosen one.

If attention is accepted in a dream on one of the parents, then when deciphering should be considered:
  • The deceased mother warns against rampant acts in real life;
  • The late father warns from the shameful actions in reality.

The deceased father

It is important to know what the deceased parent dream is. Very often the deceased father in a dream warns of a dream illness. Often it happens if the cause of the death of a native person has become a disease.

The deceased parents dream of adults

When the late parents are held with adults who have a family and raise children, it may indicate that it is necessary to analyze the attitude towards their own children. Maybe it's time to treat them as adults and sincerely talk about their hobbies or plans for a future life, and if possible, help will determine with the choice of life path.

Also, after a dream, in which the deceased parents appeared, it is necessary to analyze the events of their own life. It is necessary to try to understand whether the decisions taken by you are cut with your conscience. But most importantly, it is important to assess how your actions can harm other people.

For the correct interpretation of a dream with the late mother and father, it is important to pay attention to the situation that surrounded them in your nightly Gresses. The gloomy plot, which caused a sense of spiritual discomfort, foreshadows discord in the family. The precursor of the collapse of your family can be crying parents in the dream you saw. You can save the situation only by the sincere conversation between partners in order to find compromises.

Frequently dreams of dead parents

Many concerns the question, why dreams of dead parents constantly? If such a dream is visited very often, it is necessary to go to church and order a service for resting the shower of the deceased and also put candles for rest. And if there is an opportunity, then you should visit the graves of relatives and leave there a treat.

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Unfortunately, in his night Gresses, people see not only pleasant, but also frightening things. What dreams what does the loss of father and mother mean? Answers to these questions will tell the dream book. Sleeping is only necessary to resurrect the details in memory, from which the interpretation directly depends.


What is parents? To find an answer to this question, you must first remember the emotions that wept sleep. If the loss of the father and mother in the night Gins did not cause any feelings, then this is a good sign. In the reaches of close dreams are waiting for peace and happiness. There is no reason to worry about their health.

Is a person going through the loss of parents who really left this world? Such a plot indicates that he cannot get rid of the feeling of guilt. A man or a woman imposes responsibility for the fact that mother and father are no longer with him. It's time to get rid of the shipment of guilt, stop living past and start thinking about the future.

What dreams of the death of parents, if a person is experiencing strong fear while sleeping? For example, dying may try to pick it up with them. Such dreams should be perceived as a warning. In reality, it is necessary to show maximum caution. Death Mother and Father in Night Greeks causes a difficult emotional shock? Such a plot informs that in real life something goes wrong.

Loss of Mother

What dreams of the death of parents, what does this mean? Suppose that in their night Gresses a person is deprived of mom, who is actually alive. Dreams offer various interpretation options.

  • Mother's death in night gold can have a violent character, for example, it can be a car accident, murder and so on. Such a plot hints at the fact that the dream need to reconsider their behavior in real life. He also should pay attention to all changes.
  • A man or a woman can harbor that Mom leaves this world as a result of severe illness. In reality, the health of a loved one may worsen. If the mother still manages to defeat their ailments in night gold, then in reality she will recover.
  • A close person dies in front of the dream? Such a plot indicates that sleeping gives her little attention to reveal.
  • If the dream someone reports the death of the mother in night gold, then in reality he recognizes good news.

Loss of father

What dreams of the death of parents who are alive? About what Mother's Loss in Night Greeks can be read above. What is the dream of a dream in which a person is deprived of his father? You can not doubt that in reality he will live a long and happy life.

If the man or a woman still conflicts with his father, then the dream of his death is a good sign. Quarrels will remain in the past, the relationship will begin to improve. From the sleeping requires only to take a step to reconciliation.

Interpretation of Miller

What will the death of parents dream? Miller's dream book considers various options. If the father and the mother of sleeping have long left this world, then dreams about their death are associated with a sense of guilt. It is possible that a person does not give rest to the fact that he paid little attention to loved people when they were alive, often quarreled with them, rarely pronounced the words of love.

What does the death of living parents who have seen in night gold? Such a plot warns that the dreams defenseless before external circumstances. A person needs to gain control over the current situation, make responsibility for his life, grow up.

In night gold dies only father? In this case, Miller's dream book prophesate to a man or a woman to change to the worst. In the near future, the sleeping is waiting for heavy tests, which he needs to be prepared. Mother's death, if relying on the interpretation of Miller, promises health problems that will arise at the very dream. If a woman feels great in reality, then Soon something will upset her.

Predictions of Vangi.

Why dream of parents' death, if relying on the interpretation of the famous provincial? Unfortunately, Wanta throws a man or woman a series of quarrels, conflicts. A person will ruin relationships with others will ruin, and he should only blame himself. To avoid it, it is necessary to show restraint in the near future.

Loss of mother, according to Vangi, dream of changes to the worst. Health problems may arise both at the heroine of night dreams and the very sleeping. Loss of father is a good sign. In reality, the financial position of the dream will improve. For example, he can advance through the career ladder, to get a premium or an increase to the salary. Winning in the lottery, inheritance - options that should not be excluded.

Dead again

Suppose that the mother and father of the sleeping have long left this world. In this case, what will the death of parents dream? The value of the night dream directly depends on the details. Sleeping must be remembered what exactly happened. Perhaps the mother and father told something to him, tried to warn about something.

The death of parents, who are no longer alive, can mean that the dreams misunderstands. Perhaps a person continues to mentally blame his mother and his father in something, is not able to part with them at the emotional level. It negatively affects his mental state, so you should forgive parents, thank them for everything good and live on.

Many guidebooks in the world of the dreams argue that a newly experienced death of parents in night gold predicts changes to the best reality. If a person is now in a difficult situation, he will soon be able to get out of her with minimal losses.

The funeral

A man in his night Greeks can not only lose his mother and father, but also see their funeral. In such a situation, what is the death of parents? Interpretation is contained below.

  • Did you get the funeral of the mother? Such a plot will tend to sleep with a sleeping occurrence of serious problems. With the greatest probability, they will be a complete surprise for him. If the funeral was dreamed of bad weather, the trouble would affect the business sphere. In the coming days, a person should not begin new projects, enter into contracts. Certain with the problems of the dreams will be able only if it spends a lot of time and effort. It is also possible that he will have to seek help to relatives and friends.
  • Did you dream of Father's funeral? Such a plot promises a man or a woman family conflicts. The households will not get to the soul of the decision, which will take the dreams, they are saddened by certain his actions. Night dreams warn that man it's time to think about his behavior made by mistakes. He should also listen more often to the advice who close people give from good motives.

Interpretation of flowers

An interesting interpretation is contained in Tsvetkov's dream book. What a person dreams of the death of mother and father, who are in fact alive? Such a plot indicates that sleeping dreams of freeing from excessive guardianship. Someone constantly interferes with his life trying to control it. Most likely it is the parents.

In reality in the family there are no problems of fathers and children? In this case, the dream of the death of parents must be perceived as a warning. In reality, a man or woman threatens a serious danger. In the near future, vigilance should be shown, in this case the trouble will be able to prevent.

A dream of the death of parents a person can see during the period of growing up. Of course, not only adolescents are faced with such. Sleeping can stand on the threshold of another important life stage, which is informed by such night dreams.

Beetor and mother-in-law

What dreams of the death of her husband's parents, guy? Guide to the world of dreams offer various interpretations. Some of them bind such a plot with the upcoming tests. Sleeping will need all forces to overcome them. The problems will literally pour on a dream, and to prevent it, unfortunately, will not succeed.

There are other possible explanations. What dreams of the death of mother-in-law or mother-in-law? Such a plot warns that the sleeping is spinning with the second half. It is possible that the woman pays too little attention to the spouse. If she wants to preserve the relationship, she should think about changing his behavior. Otherwise, the case may end with a break.

What dreams of the death of the parents of the girl, his wife? Loss of mother-in-law or test may also mean that sleeping relationships with their daughter deteriorate. If the relationship with the relatives of the second half does not appear in reality, such night dreams may indicate a subconscious desire to free themselves from them.


Loss of parents in a dream causes a man or woman to cry? Many guidebooks in the world of dreams consider it a good sign. In reality, man will free from something unpleasant, unnecessary. This will allow him to finally sigh with relief.

Sleep, in which a man or woman rides at the funeral of the parents, is also considered a good omen. In reality, man will be able to say goodbye to his past, which prevented him to build a happy life.

Various plots

What dream of the death of parents, if they are alive?

  • Mother and father sleeping die in a car accident? Such a plot warns that a person makes worrying about himself of his loved ones. Parents are convinced that the Son or Daughter is incorrect dear. The dream must often visit relatives, pay more attention to them. All this will help mother and father calm down, stop worrying for his future.
  • A person was chosen by the funeral of parents, but he did not see the dead? Such a plot promises new perspectives. However, there are also dreams who see in this attempt of sleeping cling in the past. It should be free from everything that prevents pleasure from life.
  • Sleeping in a dream will know about the death of parents, and this news makes him suffer? Such a plot testifies only to close people are important for humans. It is possible that he has reasons for him in order to worry about the health of the mother or father. The news of the death of parents in night Greeks causes joy from a man or woman? Such a plot means that in reality a person is tired of excessive guardianship of mother and father, dreams of freeing up, find independence.


In which case, dreams of the death of parents should not be emphasized? If the sleeping recently lost his father or mother, then such dreams testify only that he misses the close people that their loss became a serious blow to him.