Bedroom design Design... Materials

When it is possible to prune leaves from faded tulips. When to cut tulips after flowering? Selection of decorative neighbors

Providing proper care for tulips after flowering, you can get not only magnificent flowers in the next season, but also additional bulbs - “kids”. Although such plants can be seen in almost every garden, not everyone knows how to grow them competently from the appearance of young shoots until all buds have withered and the stems have dried.

Tulips - care after flowering in the open field

These flowers are unpretentious and persistent plants, but improper care of tulips after flowering in the garden can lead to rotting of the bulbs, the formation of unbroken buds, thinning stems. When the flowers in the flowerbed begin to open one after another, the tulip needs special care - competent watering and regular cultivation, pruning, and feeding. You need to know when to dig the bulbs after flowering and how to save them until the next planting.

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

When caring for tulips after flowering, it is important to prune correctly. Then you can easily propagate your favorite look and grow healthy and strong bulbs. Pruning tulips after flowering:

  1. For 4-8 days after the petals open (when they are about to crumble), the peduncle must be cut. Such care is needed so that the plant does not waste strength and nutrients on the formation of seeds in the seed box.
  2. It is important not to touch the stems and leaves when pruning - if you remove them immediately after the flowers have faded, the bulb will cease to exist. When only the peduncle is cut off on the stem, the rhizome begins to intensively gain mass.
  3. If the tulip is cut for a bouquet, you need to leave a couple of leaves on the stem.
  4. Complete pruning of the plant is done after all the foliage turns yellow and dries.

Do I need to water tulips after flowering?

With proper care, watering tulips after flowering, as during budding, should be plentiful and regular. Moisture must penetrate the entire depth of the roots, because they cannot extract it from the lower layers of the soil. On average, 10 to 40 liters of water should be poured on 1 m 2 of plots once a week. Watering abundant and regular should remain for another two weeks after tulip blooms.

Feeding tulips after flowering

Fertilization of tulips after flowering is carried out no later than two weeks after the petals fall and pruning of the peduncle. One dressing is enough for the growth of a flower bud for the next season, which continues to form all summer, and the growth of a large bulb. In this season, tulips are fertilized with potassium and phosphorus; during this period, the plant does not need nitrogen. When choosing drugs, it is important to pay attention that they do not have chlorine. Care for tulips after flowering - how to feed:

  1. You can scatter dry top dressing - and in an amount of 30-35 g / m 2 followed by watering.
  2. Or pour half a liter of wood ash 5 l of warm water and insist 8 hours. Strain the liquid and dilute again with water 1: 5. In a bucket of working solution, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of superphosphate and water the plants.

When do they dig tulip bulbs after flowering?

With proper care, digging up tulips after flowering, especially artsy varieties with fringe, it is advisable to carry out an interesting pattern every year. More simple species (for example, ordinary red), you can disturb once every 2-3 years. The bulbs of these plants eventually go deep into the ground, and if left in the soil, there is a risk of infections. The flower itself will gradually grind and lose its varietal characteristics. Tulip Care - How to Dig Bulbs:

  1. Dig them up in June, 4-6 weeks after flowering. Until this time, the rhizome together with greens contribute to photosynthesis and growth of the bulb, the appearance of "children".
  2. To determine when to dig up the rhizome, you need to monitor the flower. Its leaves should fade and turn yellow, but not completely dry. If you disturb the tulip early, the bulb will not have time to gain nutrients and will not please a beautiful flower later. A late excavation is fraught with the fact that the nest will dry out.
  3. To get the bulb, you need to dig a bush, take out the "mother" with the "kids", tear off the roots and dried stems. Seeds for a couple of days are laid out in one layer in a shaded place to dry.

What to do with the "children" of tulips after digging?

Bulbs of tulips after digging are sorted, dismantled nests and calibrated (adults - separately, "children" - separately). After drying, small heads should be immediately placed in a cool room with a temperature of + 15 ° C. In a warm climate, the "baby" can quickly dry completely. In early August, such a bulb can be planted on a bed for growing. If it is not possible to store the "kids" separately, they are planted immediately after separation, not forgetting to water and weed the plantings.

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering?

After drying, the planting material is pickled in a potassium permanganate solution, laid out in boxes and put in a dark place with low light or no at all. It is important to ensure proper care of the tulip bulbs after digging:

  1. The air temperature in the room for the first 1.5-2 months should be in the region of +20 - 25 ° C, from the beginning of September it is lowered to + 15 ° C - ° C. This is necessary so that a flower bud can form in the bulbs.
  2. The room should be well ventilated so that the planting material does not rot and does not become moldy.
  3. From time to time, the bulbs need to be stirred and discarded, rotted, soft, defective, so that they do not infect the rest.
  4. Tulips are planted in open ground in the fall - from mid-September to early October. It’s still warm at this time, the plants will have time to take root, take root and winter well in the garden in order to paint it with bright colors in spring.

What to plant after tulips?

Beautiful tulips adorn the garden, but have a short flowering period. So that the rest of the season the flowerbed is not empty, it can be planted with other plants. What to plant in place of tulips after flowering:

  1. Astra, salvia, marigolds, ageratum, lobelia, geranium, petunia. Their grown seedlings are planted immediately after tulips, plants will help to maintain a flower bed constantly in a flowering state.
  2. If tulip bulbs are dug up every year, then preference should be given to perennials that bloom immediately after them - hosts, astilbe, bruners, peonies, phlox. They will cover the bulbous stems that have fallen and have lost their presentability.
  3. The classic companions of tulips are forget-me-nots, viols, and magrarrittes; they can be used to sow all the gaps between bulbs.
  4. You can grow vegetables after tulips. With onions, carrots and parsley are well combined. They are sown in the aisles of tulips in the spring or before winter. When the leaves of the tulips turn yellow, the grown tops form a green carpet on the plot. After the flower bulbs, you must carefully dig out so as not to damage the vegetables.

Once the tulips have faded and the petals have fallen, you can’t immediately dig out the bulbs and cut the foliage. But what to do next with them? Given that immediately after the flowering process begins, the bulb begins to accumulate nutrients and nutrients, as well as its formation, you need to continue to water the flower and fertilize the soil. In this case, the seed material will be strong and fruitful, suitable for repeated growth of flowers.

When the flowering process has come to an end and the last tulip bud has withered, you need to continue to carefully care for the flowers in the flower bed. What to do to form healthy bulbs suitable for re-growth in the soil of a garden or a house in a pot? First of all, you need to continue to water the plant until the buds are cut off.

The sequence of actions after the tulips have faded:

  1. In order to form large, dense and healthy bulbs of any kind of tulips, you need to cut a flower about one week after the last bud has blossomed (before the petals begin to crumble). Due to this, all the energy of the plant will increase the mass of bulbs.
  2. The accumulation of petals in the axils of the leaves should not be allowed so that the process of decay does not begin. Fallen petals must be removed in a timely manner.
  3. You can cut off the leaves only after they completely change color to dark yellow. Otherwise, you can inadvertently slow down the growth of the bulb.
  4. Check the readiness of the bulbs on a single flower. The shovel for digging the bulbs should be driven to a good depth so as not to damage the roots. The formed bulb is characterized by the presence of brown-brown spots on the scales and small roots.

When watering a faded flower, it is necessary to use a lot of liquid, since the root system will not be able to feed on moisture from the deep layers of the soil. Land on the garden bed should be at least 40 cm wet.

When to prune a flower?

In most varieties of tulip varieties, the process of dropping faded leaves, peduncles and arrows occurs on their own, however, some varieties need additional help in the form of pruning dry shoots.

Trimming leaves and arrows after the tulip has faded can only be done when they have completely withered. It is impossible to cut off all floral elements at the same time, because even after flowering is complete, chemical processes continue to occur in these parts of the plant, due to which the bulbs feed on useful elements. Pruning leaves ahead of time will stop feeding the bulbs, which may cause their death.

You can cut off all the leaves remaining on the trunk and the peduncle itself no earlier than 30 days after the flowering has completely completed. Each type of flower has a different stage of bulb formation, so you should start from a specific situation, but on average 30-35 days are enough.

A video on how to prune faded leaves can be seen below.

Do I need to fertilize the soil further?

To get strong and high-quality tulip bulbs, it’s not enough just to water the soil and not touch the green leaves, you need to continue to fertilize the soil around them. Bulbs need good minerals such as phosphorus, as well as potassium and nitrogen for good growth.

A deficiency of nutrients negatively affects the growth of the flower: the stalk becomes thin, the buds are small, poorly formed, and new bulbs appear in insufficient quantities. Fertilizing the earth is required not only during the growing season, but also after flowering.

The earth needs to be fertilized with a solution of 1 bucket of water and 2 tbsp. l fertilizers that contain potassium or phosphorus.

When to dig bulbs?

It is undesirable to leave tulip bulbs constantly in the ground, so it is recommended to dig them out every year. It is possible to get planting material after flowering from the soil no earlier than all leaves, peduncles and stems are cut off.

The most suitable period for digging out tulip planting material is summer, namely the last week of the 1st month or the beginning of the 2nd. The procedure can only be carried out in dry, preferably sunny weather. First of all, you need to dig up early varieties of flowers, and later later.

What to do next with them? Bulbs that are peeled from the ground must be carefully inspected for rot or other damage. If the tuber is soft or watery, then it should be thrown out, since the flower will not grow again from such a bulb. Healthy planting material should be dense, with overgrown roots and brownish scales. Then strong bulbs should be lowered into a solution of potassium permanganate (5%) for about 3-5 minutes. After that, lay the planting material on a flat surface and allow to dry.

Bulbs must be properly stored until the next planting in the garden or on the garden bed. For storage, a spacious box is suitable in which air can circulate, for example, with a mesh bottom. Bulbs can be individually wrapped in thick newsprint. Then the planting material is laid out in a box, even in two layers. After that, the box will need to be removed in a warm place with low humidity and temperature:

  • 1st month in the range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius;
  • 2nd - from 20 to 22 degrees of heat;
  • 3rd - 15-17 degrees of heat.

It is impossible to allow a sharp change in the temperature regime, because this can cause the death or weakening of the bulbs.

When to plant bulbs?

To store the tulip bulbs dug up after flowering is completed immediately prior to planting them in the ground. The most suitable time for planting bulbs is spring or autumn, the main thing is that the air temperature does not fall below 5-7 degrees Celsius.

Before planting the bulbs in the soil, they should be carefully examined after the husk has been peeled to make sure that there are no foci of disease. If planting material is infected, it should be discarded. However, if these are expensive or rare varieties of tulips, you can try to cut a piece of infected tissue along with a small portion of healthy tissue. Then the cut should be dried and treated with fungicide. Damaged bulbs will need to be planted separately from other flowers.

The place for rooting tulips must be located so that it receives a lot of sunlight and there are no drafts. Bulbs should be thoroughly disinfected with a 5 percent potassium permanganate solution before planting.

Note: reuse of one piece of land for planting and growing tulips is undesirable.

Instructions for planting tulips in open ground:

  • dig holes 15 cm deep for large bulbs, and 6 cm for children;
  • the distance between the rows should be approximately 30 cm;
  • in each hole you need to add a little river sand, as well as wood ash, to make the soil more ventilated;
  • the soil needs to be moistened so that it becomes enveloping;
  • bulbs need to be planted at a distance of about 10-13 cm from each other;
  • then the onions need to be watered.

Bulbs need to be planted so that they can take root before the first frost begins. In the winter season, the soil should be covered with peat or humus.

What should be done with tulips that have faded? At first, while the bulbs feed on useful substances, it is necessary to continue to take care of the flower in the usual manner. The soil should be regularly watered and fertilized with calcium and phosphorus. Cut the stem and dig out the bulbs in about 1 month after flowering has ended.

Blossoming of tulips - the triumph of spring. For the holiday to come annually, these bulbous plants will need special care.

Tulip care after flowering

When the tulip's petals fade, it is necessary to cut off the flower so that no effort is spent on setting seeds. Leaves should not be cut, they participate in photosynthesis, providing nutrition. Now the main thing is to create conditions for the development of a young replacing bulb, because the old dies off after flowering.

It is better to break off rather than pruning flowers with pruners. In the latter way, tulip diseases, for example, the variegation virus, are easily tolerated.

After flowering, only the flower head breaks off; no need to remove the entire peduncle

In order for the bulb to be larger, the plants after flowering fertilize a choice:

  • daily infusion of ash;
  • kalimagnesia;
  • potassium nitrate.

Top dressing is done on moist soil. At this and other stages of growth, fertilizing spring flowers with manure or fertilizers with a high nitrogen content is not recommended. This can lead to rotting of the bulbs.

Do not forget about soil moisture. While the leaves are green, it is necessary to water the plants abundantly once a week if the spring is dry.

When watering tulips, you need to wet the soil to a depth of the roots: 35–40 cm

Bulb digging

So that the flowers do not fade, and the bulbs do not hurt and do not degenerate, any kind of tulip is dug up every year.   This is usually done in late June - early July. The exception is tulip babies; they are dug up once every two years. Experienced flower growers advise:

  • hold the event in dry weather;
  • submerge a shovel deeper than planting the bulb; in the process of growth, they deepen;
  • destroy all diseased specimens;
  • etch the dug planting stock in a disinfecting solution.

Digging too early leads to underdevelopment of the bulb and children. In addition, the decorativeness of future flowers will decrease. If you dig up late when the shoots dry out, there is a risk that the bulb will have time to become infected with a fungus or the protective covering scale will crack. This can lead to spoilage of planting material during storage.

If the leaves turn yellow or wilt, try wrapping the stem around your finger. If the shoot did not break, it turned out to be plastic, dig out a control specimen. If the bulb scales turn light brown, the time for digging has come.

Dug tulips do not immediately break off the stems, let them dry out, and nutrients go to the bulb

Once I was presented with a dozen bulbs of peony tulips. The blooming of stunning terry flowers lasted a long time thanks to the cool weather. But after yellowing the tops, I forgot to dig them. The next spring, not one came up. The neighbors say that they have rare new varieties that degenerate and do not germinate if they are not dug up annually.

Signs that it is time to dig up tulips - video

Drying and disinfection

Dug out tulips are laid out under a canopy in 2 layers for two days. After this time, the bulbous nests decay easily. The bulbs are cleaned of dead roots and husks and disinfected in a 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for half an hour. The procedure will destroy the pathogens of rot and feed the tulip with trace elements. Then the bulbs are dried again, sorted by size and placed in open wooden crates or baskets, preferably in one layer.

In order not to get the bulbs one at a time, it is convenient to disinfect them by placing them in a gauze bag


During summer storage, the bud and buds of future bulbs are finally formed. In order for the aging process to occur correctly, they are first kept at a temperature of about 25 ° C for a month in a well-ventilated room. The optimum humidity is 60–70%. In August, the temperature is lowered to 20 o C, in September and then to 15 o -17 o C. If these rules are not followed, tulips may not bloom or give “blind” buds.

Periodically, planting material is examined and discarded by patients who are sick or moldy. Most often, stored tulips are affected by gray rot and fusarium. At the first disease, the bulbs are covered with a gray coating and gradually rot. In the second case, brown spots with a brownish border are formed, the bulbs exude an unpleasant smell and also decompose. If the lesion is small, the rot is cut with a sharp knife, the bulb is pickled, as usual, then sprinkled with ash and dried.

Poorly dried and non-disinfected bulbs are often affected by gray rot.


Ideally, tulips land in the fall, in late September - early November. Spring planting is also practiced in April. But then the tulips will bloom much later, because they will need about three weeks to root. It is advisable to change the place of planting every year so that pathogens do not accumulate in the soil.

Where spring flowers will grow, moisture should not stagnate.   The future flower bed is prepared in 2 weeks so that the earth evenly settles. The bed is dug up to the depth of the bayonet shovel and make compost, ash or superphosphate. If necessary, lime. On clay soils, peat is welcome. In the absence of rain, the area is shed with water.

Before planting, the bulbs are again sorted and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Bulb planting depth - three of its heights. For large specimens, the distance between the bulbs is 15 cm, for medium - 10 cm, small - 5 cm. 25-30 cm are left on the aisles.

Advanced flower growers plant tulips in special baskets for bulbs, they are very easy to dig out

Do not cover the beds with organic flowers, so as not to attract rodents.   In the event of unforeseen frosts, agrofibre is spread on the flowerbed, which is pressed by the boards.

On the advice of an experienced grower, when planting, I put a handful of sand mixed with ash in the hole. On this "hill" I put the onion and fall asleep with earth. Now, the loss of tulips from a variety of rot on my heavy loam is minimized. And the bulb comes out larger, due to the fact that the sand loosens the soil and the roots freely develop.

Fertilizing immediately after flowering, disinfection of the bulbs and warm storage, followed by lowering the temperature - these are three whales of grandiose spring flowering of tulips.

The most favorite, the first spring flowers are tulips. Probably, there will be no grower who does not have at least some of these elegant plants on the flower bed. Unfortunately, the flowering time of the spring messengers is very short, but the care and preparation for flowering are quite long.

And it is very disappointing when all the efforts do not live up to expectations, and these beautiful flowers with a perfect shape become smaller, lose varietal traits, or even do not throw buds at all.

To avoid such grief, you need to understand the developmental features of this sacred flower of the East and find out what determines its good condition and decorative properties.

Like all plants, tulips form seeds to continue. However, the forces of the flower are not infinite. If they are aimed at ripening seeds, then on the development and ripening of the bulb there are few of them.

In order for her to receive the maximum amount of nutrients, it is necessary to perform several necessary operations after the end of flowering tulips. The larger the bulb, the stronger the plant and the more abundant it will bloom.

Thus, the main rule of good flowering of tulips next year: all efforts should be directed to strengthening and improving the bulb! The operations of nutrition, ripening, storage and planting of bulbs are divided into 5 stages:

  • 2-3 weeks after flowering;
  • 5-6 weeks after flowering;
  • end of June to early July;
  • july-end of September;
  • beginning - mid-October.

Stage 1 - pruning, watering and top dressing

The duration of flowering tulips depends on their variety and is usually from 5 to 8 days. Without waiting for all the petals to fall off, the flowers are removed, cutting off only their heads and keeping the stems. At this stage, the leaves do not touch, they are necessary for the ripening of the bulb.

But the fallen petals must be removed, they can rot and affect healthy leaves with the fungus. After pruning the flower stalks, the plant should be watered intensively for about 15-20 days: at this time, the bulbs are ripening intensively in the ground, and due to sufficient watering they absorb nutrients more actively.

It is recommended to alternate watering with plain water and a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. To stimulate the accumulation of the necessary plant reserves, it is fed with phosphorus and potassium, but in no case with nitrogen. In addition, there should be no chlorine in the fertilizer.

Important! You need to adhere to the main principle of the use of fertilizers - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed!

Bulbs especially negatively react to an excess of fertilizers: a high percentage of mineral salts in the soil leads to rotting of the roots and even death of plants. To prevent this, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of fertilizers by half from the recommended in the instructions.

When the foliage of tulips is removed

Stage 2 - leaf removal

Five to six weeks after flowering, the leaves of the tulips will turn yellow, they can be removed. It is preferable to pick them off rather than cut them off. Dead leaves should be easily pulled out of the ground. If this does not happen, you still have to wait.

It is impossible to remove “living” leaves, because through them the bulb receives energy and nutrients through photosynthesis. If green leaves are removed, the tulip bulb will remain underdeveloped, which will degrade the quality and quantity of flowers next year.

Having removed the foliage, it is necessary to leave the stem as a kind of mark indicating the location of the bulb. As a rule, tulips alternate with other flowers, most often perennials, whose stems hide not very decorative faded tulips. Such combinations are harmonious, pleasing to the eye.

Tulip bulbs: dig up or not

Stage 3 - digging bulbs

After correctly carried out two stages, the bulbs formed, scored a sufficient amount of nutrients and increased in mass and size. If you leave them in the ground, this will worsen the appearance of next year's landings for the following reasons:

  • tulips for planting are planted close to each other, in one nest. An increase in size creates crowding, bulbs will prevent neighbors from actively developing;
  • each year, the bulbs sink deeper and deeper in the soil, their depth can reach one and a half bayonet shovels, where the soil is less fertile. In addition, germination difficulties may occur;
  • hybrid and varietal tulips lose the attributes of the variety after growing in one place for 4-5 years. There is a degeneration of plants and, as a result, small and non-ideal buds, lack of flowering and the risk of death of the flower.

Important! For varietal tulips, a digging procedure is required.

Life hack: If digging tulips seems time-consuming, you can do without it. To avoid pulling the bulbs into the ground, they are planted in special pots with bottom holes (commercially available), a water-permeable container is made from a plastic basket or mesh box.

How and when to dig tulips

The period for digging is the end of June or somewhat later. At this time, the plant has already completely yellow foliage and a limp stalk. The bulb should have a fully formed root system, brown spots are visible on the scales.

When digging bulbs, the following rules must be observed:

  • the bulbs are sorted in orderly order from early to late;
  • sunny weather is preferable for this work, which allows to dry the bulbs;
  • bulbs dug in wet weather first need to be washed from dirt and only then dried;
  • so as not to damage the root when digging, they stick a shovel into the soil as deep as possible;
  • dug bulbs are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate (5%).

Bulbs can be dried not only under the sun, but also using a lamp until the scales dry. The sick and weak are finally sorted out, and the healthy ones, divided by grades, are laid out in previously prepared containers (in 1-2 layers).

How to store tulip bulbs

Stage 4 - Bulb Storage

Dug and dried tulip bulbs are placed in mesh, breathable boxes and put away in a dry, shaded room. It is very important to establish the temperature regime for storing the bulbs:

  • until the end of August the temperature should be around +20;
  • with the beginning of September, reduced to 15 degrees.

As a rule, this corresponds to the average daily temperature.

The main thing is not to allow sharp changes in temperature and humidity during storage so that the bulbs do not crack.

When to plant tulips

Stage 5 - planting tulips

In October, when the air temperature reaches 4-7 degrees, the bulbs can be planted in the ground, having previously treated them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide.

Correct fit conditions:

  • change landing sites annually.
  • plant to a depth equal to three times the diameter of the bulb;
  • the soil should be well moistened;
  • cover the bottom of the pit / trench with 2-3 cm of river sand to prevent rotting of the bulb.
  • a week after planting the bulbs, feed with ammonium nitrate;
  • before the onset of frost, mulch the planting site with a thin layer of peat.

Tulips are a recognized symbol of spring and love. In the language of flowers, each species of this flower has its own symbolic meaning.

Red is true love, white is forgiveness, purple is reverence. A multi-colored bouquet means a sincere compliment to the one to whom these lovely flowers are presented. Let your garden give you compliments every year!

What to do when tulips have bloomed:

An important nuance in the care:

What will happen if you do not dig up tulips:

The flowering of tulips is coming to an end, the petals are flying around and more recently, such an elegant flower bed is losing its attractiveness. What to do with tulips after they have bloomed? How to care for them after flowering? Do I need to dig them out? What to do with dug tulip bulbs? When can they be planted again? You see, how many questions arise about caring for such an unpretentious flower. We will try to tell in detail and give step-by-step instructions on what to do next, after the tulips have faded.

Feeding and watering tulips

As soon as the tulips bloom, they cut off all the peduncles, leaving one or two leaves on the plant. Tulips are watered for another two weeks. After flowering, tulips must be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: Kristallin, Aquarin or other similar fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen and chlorine.

Digging tulip bulbs

It is recommended to dig out tulips annually after 2/3 of a leaf plate turns yellow (but you can dig out less often: once every 2-4 years). At this time, the bulb was almost ready for hibernation, but the nest itself had not yet decayed. This time, as a rule, coincides with the end of the school year: end of May - beginning of June. Dug tulip bulbs should already have brownish scales formed.

The dug up tulip bulbs, together with the rest of the leaves, are put in boxes and sent to a well-ventilated, dark room, sorted by grade. In a week or two, when the ground and scales dry out, the bulbs are easily separated from both the ground and foliage. The peeled bulbs are sorted, the patients are discarded, treated with a 5% manganese solution, again put in a separate container and sent for storage.

Tulip Bulb Storage

  • Tulip bulbs sorted by grade
  • Stacked in drawers with a mesh bottom no more than 2-3 layers
  • The first 3-4 weeks contain at a temperature of + 23 + 25 ° C in a dark ventilated room
  • Then they lower the temperature to + 20 ° C, and 1 week before planting to + 17 ° C

During the storage period of the bulbs, you not only store them, but give her a good rest and form a bud, peduncle and leaves.

Planting tulips

In September, the time for planting tulips. Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in any fungicide preparation for 1 hour.

  • It is better to choose a new place for planting tulips so that the bulbs do not become infected with diseases whose spores could remain in the previous garden.
  • The depth of tulip planting should be equal to the height of 3 bulbs.
  • After planting, tulips are well watered with plain water.
  • After a week, a bed with planted tulip bulbs is shed with a solution of ammonium nitrate and ash (1 tablespoon of saltpeter and 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water).
  • Before the onset of cold weather, a flower bed with tulips can be mulched with a layer of peat or any mulch.

In early spring, tulip sprouts will begin to appear from almost frozen ground, so that in a month they will bloom with large bright flowers.