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Numerology apartments in feng shui. The apartment number and floor are Feng Shui. Feng Shui: the value of the apartment number

Mathematical numbers are not just a collection of soulless symbols: each digit has its own specific meaning, living energy.

It turns out that even the apartment number in Feng Shui has a very definite meaning, which can be either positive or negative. And, as you know, most of the time any person spends in the walls of his native home - no matter what his numbers are.

Numerology apartments by feng shui

So, mathematical numbers are not just a set of numbers, this is a real secret world of energy flows, which not all of us know about. In spiritual practice, Feng Shui number is considered not to be a single integer value or a collection of characters, but to divide it into numbers, of which it consists in order to understand how exactly each figure affects all this number.

That is, if your apartment number is 102, according to Feng Shui, this value for interpretation will be divided into separate digits: 1, 0 and 2.

Any correct feng shui by apartment number begins with this. Thus, it is easy to interpret the influence and significance of even the longest number - all you need to do is split it into component numbers-segments.

As already mentioned, the influence of mathematical numbers can be divided into certain categories. That is, each figure carries its own separate type of energy.

These vibrations can be:

  • Positive
  • Negative;
  • Neutral

It is a mistake to assume that in the presence of any one positive digit, the house (apartment) number in Feng Shui automatically has good value and energy. This is not always true. It was noted above that each number has a clear effect on the others that make it up. And it may well turn out that a negative figure simply stops or significantly reduces the positive energy of your good figure.

How exactly numbers influence each other in Feng Shui

Everything is quite simple here, and therefore you can hardly get confused. Feng Shui practice interprets the influence of numbers as follows: the number is first directly divided into components (for example, 832 is the numbers 8, 3 and 2), and then the effect of each number on the neighboring ones is studied.

That is, a single number has a clear effect solely on those numbers that are either on the right or on the left.

For example, in the number 832, we see that the center number 3 is affected by the deuce on the right and the number eight on the left. The figure 8 itself is affected by the number 3, and the value of the number 2 deforms and modifies the number 3.

This, at first glance, may seem somewhat complicated, but it is completely not so. There is nothing complicated or sophisticated in interpreting Feng Shui numbers. Moreover - there are already ready tables with the value of each number (see below). And all that remains for you is to break your Feng Shui apartment number into component numbers, and then to read the meaning of each of them.

It is important to remember that a non-harmonious neighborhood of numbers can really reduce or even completely suppress the effect of positive mathematical values.

However, there are very few such negative numbers in feng shui, most of the numbers have either a relatively neutral value or a pronounced positive. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a "bad number" in your apartment number, if it is there. Since numbers have a pronounced effect on neighboring ones, it may well turn out that positive values \u200b\u200b“clog” the energy of a bad number, and therefore you don’t need to worry. After all, not only bad numbers have a similar effect - positive values \u200b\u200balso very strongly affect neighboring numbers.

To demonstrate the ambiguity of negative numbers, we give a clear example. So, the numbers 2 and 4 in Feng Shui practice are considered not too good.

For example, the value of the number two can have both a negative effect and a positive one (depending on which digit is to the right or left of the two).

The four in feng shui literally means "death", so often knowledgeable people tend to avoid this number by all means. However, if your apartment number is 44, in Feng Shui it will mean the sum of two numbers 8. And the figure eight is already one of the most favorable numbers in Chinese Feng Shui. On the other hand, apartment number 42 in Feng Shui will literally mean "easy death," and this, you see, is a completely unpleasant meaning.

What does feng shui apartment number mean

So, any, even the most complex and longest number, can be divided into component numbers. There are 10 such numbers, you guessed it, and it is these ten numbers that are decisive in interpreting the numerology of the apartment or house number in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Apartment Number Digit Table

Number The value of the number in feng shui
1 « Honor Win ". This is a positive and good number, meaning unity, harmony and creation. Has reinforcing properties (affects other numbers).
2 « Easy ". Two - the number is ambiguous, since it can be both a catalyst for a positive number and a negative one.
3 « Height ". The three is rapid development and growth, this is life itself. The troika has a pronounced positive meaning, complements other good numbers.
4 « Death ". Often carries a negative value and has a negative effect on adjacent numbers. Practitioners of Chinese Feng Shui avoid it.
5 « Nothing no ". Five can sometimes have a negative effect if it is unsuccessfully adjacent to other characters. However, it can also be of good value.
6 « Income and wealth ". This number is very favorable in Chinese practice, projecting an increase in material well-being.
7 « Confidence, for sure ". Seven most often confirms the significance of other numbers, making their influence firm and decisive.
8 « Jewel ". Eight symbolizes income, prosperity and happy wealth. Revered by the Chinese as the most favorable figure.
9 « Longevity ". Nine means health, physical and mental, symbolizes longevity. It has a very positive effect and is revered by practitioners.
0 « No value ". Zero - the value is completely neutral, it is believed that the number 0 does not affect other numbers, and also does not have its own energy.

Now you can easily interpret any number. Let's look at a simple example of the value of the apartment number in Feng Shui. Let's take two numbers - 628 and 742.

  • In the first case, we get a literal interpretation that sounds like “income, easy, precious.” This meaning is interpreted as "easy income and wealth, prosperity."
  • In the second case, the value of the number 742 is interpreted as "surely death is easy." That is, it turns out "surely death will be easy."

People are increasingly starting to pay attention to the numbers and numbers that surround them. And experts assure that this is not in vain. It may well turn out that a long stagnation and a barrier in financial affairs is caused by a combination of the numbers “56”, which translates as “there will be no wealth”, and stubborn non-retreating ailments provokes the number “59”.

Happy Feng Shui Apartment Number

The numerology of houses and apartments in Feng Shui - the occupation is far from empty. If any secret and implicit forces exert influence on your life from outside, then it is better to study them and know how to "cope" with them. For example, you can completely neutralize the negative impact of your apartment number by moving to a new one.

But stopping there would be foolish. So, thanks to the banal number of your apartment, you can attract wealth to your home, set up a business, and even ensure a healthy and cloudless life for your family. Particularly favorable numerical combinations exist which are worth paying attention to.

Feng Shui Auspicious Table

23 « Easy growth ". It will provide a swift rise in your business, strengthen your work capacity, help you achieve your goals and implement plans in a short time.
76 « Surely wealth ". Focuses on material well-being, helps improve financial affairs, increase income.
29 « Easy longevity ". It will help you enjoy a cloudless and long life, relieve from diseases and ailments, protect the health of the whole family.
21 « Easy win ". Will give luck and unprecedented success, literally - "catch luck by the tail." Cases will turn around the most beneficial side for you.
39 « Health growth ". He will correct physical health, help to find harmony and balance within his own soul, diseases will bypass the dwelling side.

Do not despair if your apartment number in Feng Shui is not the most favorable value. As a last resort, you can always change it in order to feel sharp progress and a positive push in your life and affairs. To begin with, you can try to neutralize the negative energy of numbers by arranging the interior of your home using the Feng Shui technique. This is an accessible and effective technique that allows you to instantly transform human life.

Many people notice how their mood and even physical health change after a person crosses the threshold of a house. It is not only a matter of energy, which prevails in the room. The numerology of an apartment or house has a significant impact on life.

In the article:

Bit depth of the apartment number in numerology

The apartment number is of considerable importance in numerology. If it is unambiguous, just look at its interpretation in our article. Most likely, all your problems are simple and understandable, and the residents of such an apartment need only deal with their solution in time.

A double-digit number indicates that your life depends on your state of mind. You can establish your life only when you yourself desire it. People living in a double-digit apartment can only be happy when your goals are achieved.

The first digit of the three-digit number of the apartment indicates physical health, the second - about feelings, and the third - about your mind. If you live in an apartment with a two-digit or three-digit number, pay attention to the values \u200b\u200bof its numbers, they can tell you a lot.

Numerology of houses and apartments - calculations

The full apartment code should not only consist of its number. An important role is also played by the house number. If the floor is of great importance to you, you can use it. In order to get the number of the living room, just add all these numbers together.

For example, you live in apartment number 16, in house number 10, on the ground floor. Calculations to determine the number of apartments will look like this:

  1. Let's start with the addition: 1+6+1+0+6 = 14.
  2. As with most numerological calculations, the result should be unambiguous: 1+5 = 6 .

So, the figure has the greatest impact on life in this apartment. 6 . If you live in the private sector, only the house number matters. For example, if your house number is 27, the numerological number of your house will be: 2 +7 = 9 .

See the interpretation of numbers at the end of the article.

Some experts in the field of numerology propose to consider separately the house number and apartment number. An apartment building and a separate apartment can contain various energy and numerical vibrations. At the same time, the house number affects all tenants, while apartments affect only one family living in it.

For example, if your home is numbered 16,   and the apartment has a number 35,   bringing these numbers to an unambiguous form by the above method, it can be determined that the numbers 7 (1 + 6) and 8 (3 + 5). You can use two options and draw conclusions based on three numbers: a house, an apartment and the sum of the apartment, house, floor numbers.

In address numbering, letters are often found, for example, a house 17A.  If you live at this address and are going to learn about the numerological effect of housing on your life, these letters must also be taken into account. Each letter is assigned a specific number, which should participate in the calculations in the same way as numbers.

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For example, you need to know the numerological indicators of a house at number 14A. The calculations will look like this: 1 + 4 + 1 (A) \u003d 6 .

Residence Number, or Address Code

Address code calculations can be entrusted to a special application, which you can see below. To err is human, but not to a computer. In order to find out the number of place of residence, enter the address in the application field - street name, house and apartment numbers. After that, you can begin to study the interpretation of your address code.

Feng Shui Apartment Number

Below you will find an interpreter who will tell you in detail about the features of each number, which you can get in calculations related to numerology and the number of the apartment and house. It contains not only meaning, but also recommendations that it is advisable to adhere to all residents.

With the help of this knowledge you can find the causes of your failures and eliminate them, achieve goals at work, family happiness and a truly cozy atmosphere in your home. In them you can find answers to many questions that you had to ask yourself more than once.

It should be borne in mind that the impact is not only the numerology of the number of the house, but also the date of your birth and many other factors. Only by considering them in combination, you can achieve a clear understanding of the situation that excites you.

The value of number 1

If the number of your house or apartment is 1, this is an ideal place of residence for a person who plans to start a new life. You can’t call it a calm place to live, and to live in it will require considerable willpower and independence. If you do not possess such qualities, you will have to develop them, as well as creativity and communication skills. However, houses and apartments with this number contribute to this.

A weak person in this house can get alcohol or drug addiction, start cheating on his wife, look for ways to avoid the harsh reality. A person with a strong will will receive everything necessary in order to achieve the goal. These apartments and houses have strong leaders and creative personalities. Most of all they love businessmen and artists. Such housing is suitable for those who want to relax from people, but if you do not feel such a need, in this house you can feel lonely and abandoned.

You should beware of heart disease if you live in such a house.

The unit is closely connected with the Sun, so it is advisable to decorate it with as many lamps as possible. Recommended red, orange and other "sunny" colors in the interior design.

The value of 2

Apartment number 2 is well suited for a family whose members truly love each other and wish to communicate as often as possible. It is just perfect for honeymooners, as it will help you easily get used to living together. If you live in this house with a feeling of love, it will forever remain with you. Such places are conducive to practicing magic, spiritual quests and searching for answers to any questions, they inspire sports.

This housing will not tolerate lies and falsehoods. If hatred is present in your family, chances are you will have to part with some of its members. If there is betrayal in the marriage of tenants, the marriage is very likely to break up. A house with the number 2 is only suitable for sincerely loving each other people. Such a house is not suitable for a single person. It is favorable for those whose activities are related to cooking, parenting and art. To such people, the number 2 gives inspiration.

If you are prone to mental illness, they may worsen.

You should beware of nervousness and dependence on the lunar cycle, because the number 2 is closely connected with the Moon and is under its influence. In order to stay in harmony with the night luminary, hang mirrors and use water in the interior - indoor fountains, aquariums and paintings depicting ponds. The moon prefers delicate shades in which it is desirable to decorate the rooms. The exception is green.

The value of 3

Housing with the number 3 may be the best option for an elderly person or an extended family. It can be called an ideal family nest, favorable for a quiet family life. Members of a family living in such an apartment are always attentive to each other. In such a house is always nice to be.

Such a house can prevent the younger generation from starting a separate life and creating their own family. It will be very difficult to leave him; he is reluctant to accept new family members and does not want to part with old ones. A house with the number 3 will protect its residents from ambitions, interesting prospects and any emotions, except for a sense of comfort and peace. Therefore, it is better to live in such houses for older people who are not going to make a career, look for a life partner and have already achieved everything that they wanted to achieve.

A regular lack of activities that help to spend energy can lead to serious health problems in the residents of the house with the number 3.

Saturn corresponds to number 3, therefore, dark blue shades should prevail in the interior.

The value of number 4

An apartment or house with the number 4 is well suited for active people who want to achieve the highest rung of the career ladder, great success in their work and have considerable ambitions. The apartment is good for thinking up new ideas, plans, as well as creating masterpieces of painting and music. You will find prosperity and stability if you are not lazy.

This house does not tolerate lazy people, they will not feel comfortable in it. It is not very suitable for homebody, in those places it is better to live for those who love travel or have work related to business trips. Such housing will help to attract attention, and you will not find a quiet life, so lovers of loneliness and peace should better choose another place to stay. A house with the number 4 will help those whose work is related to communication.

Number 4 is influenced by Mercury. You will strengthen all the positive qualities of your apartment if you design it in blue, yellow, blue and gray. It must have books, magazines, television and other sources of information.

The value of 5

Apartment number 5 is full of energy. If her tenants love each other, she will enhance this feeling. In this case, you are just waiting for an ideal family life. Such an apartment is good for a strong family, whose members love communication and often receive guests. You don’t have to rely on privacy, you will always be in the spotlight, and if you suffer from loneliness, your home will help you make new friends. If you are interested in social life, parties or the organization of holidays, the number 5 will help to achieve success.

If there is no love between spouses living in the house with the number 5, betrayal and destruction of the marriage are possible. This house enhances all feelings, including hatred. Such influence can also manifest itself in the form of a desire for freedom from obligations, conflicts between generations, unwillingness to come home. Such housing is suitable for a strong family, it will be favorable for travelers, politicians and scientists.

Apartment number 5 is under the auspices of Jupiter. It is desirable that the interior is dominated by blue, silver and purple colors. Jupiter also likes bronze, which may be present as decorative elements. A telescope and other things related to exploring the world will help you succeed. Dishes, for example, vases or dinner sets, are well suited as decorations.

The value of 6

Apartment number 6 will be the best option for a family. She will give you a quiet family life. A pleasant and cozy atmosphere is the main advantage of such housing. People who attach great importance to signs and superstitions, conventions and traditions will live well in such a place. Living in apartments with this number never have problems finding a suitable partner, as a rule, they get married early or get married. They rarely argue with relatives, and their house often becomes a place of meetings, gatherings and cozy feasts.

The number 6 is too relaxing and makes it impossible to achieve something other than calm in the family and comfort in the house. It is undesirable for businessmen, careerists, and people with big ambitions to live in such a house. He can deprive them of what they have achieved, and prevent them from fixing it. This place is not suitable for lovers of risk and extreme sports, it can lead to trouble, because the energy of the number 6 will do anything to calm and sit in a rocking chair near the fireplace.

There is an obvious correlation between the health status of apartment residents with the number 6 and their nutrition. It is advisable to monitor your diet.

Number 6 corresponds to Venus. It is better to design a house in brown and beige tones. The best decoration of the interior is flowers, animal figures are also suitable.

The value of 7

An apartment or a house with the number 7 will always attract you with its peace and cozy atmosphere. In such places it is very easy to think and reflect. They are well suited for detectives, scientists, writers, researchers and other people whose work is analytical in nature. If you do not have enough peace of mind and you want to have a place where you can gather your thoughts, such a house is for you. It is also suitable for restoring health after an illness.

House number 7 is also suitable for people who are fond of astrology and esotericism, because peace and solitude are exactly what they need. If your goal is wealth, housing with the number 7 is not right for you. Vibrations of this number are not aimed at creating a favorable financial situation, but with sufficient tenacity to achieve such a goal is possible, although quite difficult.

The number 7 is under the influence of Uranus. The more colors and shades present in your interior, the better. Be sure to keep the windows clean, like everything made of glass.

The value of number 8

In an apartment with the number 8, active and cheerful people should live. Such housing will help you achieve any goal. If you like frequent changes of the interior, it is perfect for you, because the energy vibrations of this number will prompt you to this. They favor those who wish to receive a stable financial position, find love and be creative.

It is undesirable to live in a house with the number 8 for people who have a tendency to alcoholism or other addiction. The influence of this number can make an alcoholic drinker. Even the love of tonic drinks can play a trick on you, so you have to limit yourself. The tendency to quarrel can lead to constant conflict. In order to smooth out this negative effect of numbers, it is advisable to meditate and learn self-control.

This number corresponds to Mars. It is desirable that the red color is present in the interior decoration, as well as other bright and warm colors.

The value of number 9

The main meaning of this number is wisdom. An apartment with the appropriate number will be ideal housing for a public figure, teacher, priest or other person whose activities are related to spirituality, religion, teaching people or esoterics. Musicians and those who want their work to please people will also find such a house not bad for themselves.

In such a place it will be very difficult to live for someone who does not like people. Those who do not want to communicate and serve other people very quickly get bored with life in the house with the number 9, neighbors and the whole environment. If you do not think globally, you will very soon have to drown in domestic matters, such places will not tolerate earthliness and limitation.

The influence of the subtle world in apartments with the number 9 is felt more strongly than in other places. Therefore, residents of such places often have insomnia and strange dreams. Number 9 houses often become places with paranormal activity.

Number 9 corresponds to Neptune. Good decorations in such a house will be nightlights and candles, like all flickering objects.

In general, the apartment number is in many respects similar to a person, only, it relates directly to housing and everything connected with it. Therefore, neglecting the meaning of number magic is by no means worth it.

Any house and apartment have their own rooms. Most often, such signs are applied to the plate that is attached  to the wall or to the front doors of the shelter. Pythagoras believed that numbers are individual entities that carry their information and have a special effect on people.

Feng Shui experts say that each figure has a special energy, so it is important to surround yourself only with favorable numbers that attract health, luck and well-being. Thus, the Feng Shui number assigned to a house or apartment has a huge impact on life, health, the mood of the owners and the general atmosphere in the family.

About numerology

Mathematical numbers are not a simple set of random numbers, but a real secret world of various energy flows. In spiritual practice, the number of Feng Shui is usually considered not as an integral meaning or combination of symbols, but as individual symbols that make it up.

For example, if the apartment number is 145, then you need to consider individual numbers: 1, 4 and 5. In this way, you can easily interpret the influence and value of even a very long number.

In addition, the action of mathematical signs is divided into certain categories, where each value has its own form  energy and special vibrations:

  • positive
  • negative
  • neutral.

You can not rely on the fact that if the room has one positively tuned figure, then by Feng Shui the apartment number will automatically have good value and energy. This is not always the case, because numbers have a strong influence on each other, especially if they are nearby. Therefore, a negative value can stop or significantly reduce the positive energy of a good figure.

What effect do numbers have on each other

In practice, Feng Shui, the impact of signs on others is interpreted as follows:

  • first, the number is divided into its constituent digits;
  • and only after this can we begin to study the influence of each on neighboring values.

It turns out that the number has the most powerful effect on those numbers that are on the right and left of it.

For example, the number 635 is taken and divided into the numbers 6, 3 and 5. It turns out that only three affects 6. In turn, the signs of 3 are influenced by 8 and 5. And the value of the five deforms and modifies only the three.

Sort out this science  quite easy. In the interpretation of the numbers in Feng Shui there is nothing tricky. In addition, there are ready-made tables that talk about the meaning of each number.

It is important to understand that a not very harmonious combination of values \u200b\u200bcan really reduce or completely suppress the action of positive mathematical signs.

However, there are very few negative numbers in Feng Shui practice, and most of them have a relatively neutral interpretation. Therefore, even if there is a negative number in the apartment number, then most likely it is surrounded by positive values, the vibrations of which remove the energy of the negative number.

For example, the numbers 2 and 4 are more likely negative energy. But the value of two can have not only a negative effect. It all depends on what number is next to the deuce.

The number 4 in Feng Shui literally makes sense of death, and knowledgeable people try to avoid this number. However, if the numeral 44 occurs in the numerology of a house or apartment in Feng Shui, then this means the sum of two digits, which is 8. A the eight is one of the most auspicious signs.

Well, if the apartment is number 42, then literally it means "death is easy" and carries a rather fatal sacred meaning. An ideal solution to the problem of an apartment with such a number would be a change of residence.


The main values \u200b\u200band their interpretation:

1 - literally denotes honor or gain. The unit is a positive value and brings unity, harmony and creation. It is subject to sun exposure and is able to enhance the properties of other signs. Well suited for creative people, helps in self-expression and manifestation of abilities. Ideally in houses and apartments with this number artists, artists and writers feel. It is desirable that the room is bright and always well-lit.

2 - translates as "easy". This is an ambiguous number, since it acts as a catalyst and can have both positive and negative effects. The deuce is under the active influence of the moon, where contemplation and intuition prevail. Well with this number co-educators, teachers and cooks get along. This value is also suitable for lovers of the water element. Undesirable figure 2 for people with a weak mentality. For the interior of a house with such a number, calm tones and water shades are suitable.

3 - means growth, development and life itself. The three has a pronounced positive meaning and perfectly complements other good numbers. This figure can be called a kind of provocateur for decisive action. In an apartment with such a number, it is simply impossible to sit. The violent trio will be able to calm down with the help of a calm interior. In such an apartment one should not allow swearing so that it does not develop into something more serious.

4 - translates as death and often carries a negative meaning. In addition, the figure 4 has a negative effect on neighboring signs and exacerbates their negative impact. At the same time, the four patronizes people who earn their eloquence and are able to exert influence on others.

5 - nothing or not. The five can sometimes have a negative effect if it has an unsuccessful neighborhood. But the same goes for a positive neighborhood. This figure is suitable for fans to be in the spotlight. The five are loved by book lovers, collectors and politicians - it brings them luck. It is advisable that the apartment with the sign 5 has a separate space for everyone who lives in it.

6 - gives the meaning of income and wealth. Favorable number that helps increase material well-being. Six provides housing and comfort. Female energy will prevail here. The negative impact of the figure 6 brings an increase in the weight of everyone who eats in her kitchen, as the hostess of cooking elevates to the category of art. To add positive energy, you should get bright details in the interior.

7 - is interpreted as the concept of confidence and for sure. Most often, the seven confirms the values \u200b\u200bof other numbers, making their influence solid and decisive. This is a positive sign that is successful and helps to implement the plan. Its disadvantage is some uncertainty of desires. The plus of the numbers seems to be the ability to save, and the minus - in the haste to lower everything that is.

8 - translates as a jewel. She acts as a symbol of income, prosperity, happiness and wealth. This is the most favorable sign in all respects in the teachings of Feng Shui. Eight, many love and honor. It helps people with superpowers to realize and open up. Accommodation with such a room is considered especially hospitable.

9 - is a symbol of longevity. It brings physical and mental health, a positive charge and is revered by Chinese practices. Although this figure is not simple and may impose some negative on the house. In such an apartment it is necessary to live consciously, with purpose. Otherwise, illnesses, as well as problems with drugs and alcohol can come.

0 - or nothing. This value is absolutely neutral and does not have its own energy. However, it can increase the value of neighboring digits by a factor of ten.

How to fix the negative impact

In feng shui, apartment or house number has a strong impact on life  person. You can understand this by observing yourself or your neighbors from the side. If there is a feeling that the numbers have a negative effect, then you can try to balance this situation.

Lucky numbers by feng shui

21 is an easy win. Promotes haste and attracts luck. Things will go favorably in any combination of circumstances.

23 - means easy growth. An apartment number with such a combination of values \u200b\u200bwill provide a rapid rise in well-being, a career, enhance working capacity and help achieve the desired in the shortest possible time.

39 - in the translation "health growth". He will improve his physical condition, give moral strength, and contribute to the acquisition of spiritual harmony and internal balance.

29 - easy longevity. Helps enjoy a long, cloudless life. Save the whole family from disease.

76 - certainly wealth. This number helps to improve your financial condition and helps to increase income.

88 - success in everything. Housing with this number will make its owners happy, and adversity will bypass them.

Do not despair if the apartment or house number is not the most favorable value for Feng Shui. In extreme cases, you can always exchange housing and choose one where the numbers carry only positive energy. But first, you can try to neutralize the negative impact by arranging the interior of the house using the Feng Shui technique. This affordable and effective technique will allow you to quickly transform the inner space of the home and human life as a whole.

Attention, only TODAY!

In magic, special attention is paid to numbers. With the help of numbers, you can predict a lot, predict your future. Astrologers and Feng Shui followers generally believe that it is useful for a person to determine his lucky numbers and guess so that these numbers accompany him throughout his life.

Feng Shui will help you choose the right home

The same applies to the apartment number. The apartment number in Feng Shui will help to calculate the house where you will feel especially happy.

How is the apartment number determined by feng shui?

Add the sum of the digits of the apartment address and get the number by Feng Shui

If you think that in order to find out the apartment number in Feng Shui, just look at the plate that hangs on the door, then this is not so.

To understand the apartment number in Feng Shui, you need to get the amount from the digits of the entire apartment address. Let's say you have the address house 34, building 1, apartment number 5, put all the numbers together: 3 4 1 5 \u003d 13. Then: 1 3 \u003d 4. It turns out that in this case the number of the apartment is Feng Shui 4.

Quite often, letters are also present in the apartment or building number. To do everything according to the rules, it is advisable to translate the letter into a number using the special Feng Shui table. In the future, we also get the amount that we add up to the formation of a prime number.

Now we’ll tell you what each number means as an apartment number in Feng Shui.

Apartment number one

Let's face it, measured life does not threaten those who live in apartment number one. The unit, both in numerology and in Feng Shui, is the number of leaders, those who work their own way and at the same time lead people. So, in a dwelling with such a number, there will also be the energy of leadership, change.

But you should not think that change is bad; on the contrary, it is movement, then what life itself consists of. Such a home is perfect for creative nature:

  • If you cannot exist for a long time on one schedule.
  • If you now and then take on something new.
  • If in many ways the process means more than the result.
  • If all this is about you, then the apartment with the number suits you.

What does the number of your apartment say. A happy number.

Feng Shui. Figures in feng shui


Here, the atmosphere will help you create. And it doesn’t matter in which sphere you are creating, the main thing is to have a creative approach. And you yourself can be a businessman, writer, artist or hairdresser.

It has also been observed that, as a rule, more guests gather in room number one than in other houses.

Number two

If a period has come in your life when you want family warmth and comfort, then apartment number two will help you to feel this family atmosphere. The meaning of the number is that family members here will gladly compromise their interests for the common good of the family. Such a home involves a real dance between female and male energy.

However, experts in the field of Feng Shui also warn that a house with this number is a danger to depression-prone people. Here, melancholy is able to capture them even more. If you are a depressed person and live in a house where this figure appears, then be on the lookout. As soon as you feel that a sense of bitterness is approaching, try to change your environment faster.

Number three

The number three in the case of housing produces energy that makes a person move forward all the time in a career plan. In this case, Feng Shui experts say that the house has an energy of determination. The positive point is that money will always be found in that dwelling.

The negative point is that here, as in dwelling number two, guests will often be in the house, and these guests will not be shy to ask the owners for a loan. Therefore, money will also flow easily from home.

However, the advantage for the owners is that they have a great opportunity to learn social activities, thanks to their guests. Number three - in many theories means helping people.

Number four

Anyone who wants the house to become a real fortress for him, let them try to find an apartment at number four. This number symbolizes safety energy in Feng Shui.

In addition, security energy will extend to personal life and to work. Personal life will delight you with harmonious, calm relationships without unnecessary passions. And the work will give a sense of security because of its stability.

The four is also the number of industriousness that is needed in every business, especially at the beginning. If you are up to something new, in which you need support, then try to be more often in rooms whose number has the sum of four.

Number five

If you are a spirit traveler, you cannot imagine life without novelty, then your spirit will be supported by apartment number five.

The number five means the energy that makes the owners of the apartment experiment in everything, trying to find new forms of life where this can only be done. Do not be surprised if you settle in apartment number five and notice that you want to read books that you didn’t care about before. It may happen that you want to personally go on a trip to see the places that are described in the book.

If you feel that you lack the spirit of adventurism, curiosity, then try to get these qualities through the house at number five.

Number six

Six in feng shui means harmony. This harmony of all positive energies that exist. If the house is for you a place where you want to dissolve in love, harmony, kindness and nobility, then an apartment with this number is for you.

This apartment is suitable for people who by type of activity take home. Customers in the home will feel as relaxed as possible. We can say that the premises in this case will carry out part of the specialist’s work.

As for love in the house with the number six, sometimes there can be a bias in the direction of passion. This feeling can seize the owners, resulting in conflicts and scandals. However, if the owners of the apartment will correctly perceive such a flow of energies, it will even turn out to be fun. Think of it as a passionate period that ends on its own. Moreover, after such passions the participants are usually waiting for a period of mutual compassion and kindness to each other.

Number seven

This includes many spiritual vibrations. In an apartment with such a number, people who are determined to grow spiritually, who are gradually trying to get rid of the material world, live very well. Here divine subtle energy reigns, which helps inner work on oneself. It is good to meditate in such a dwelling, to conduct various austerities. To be silent, to starve, to pray.

It will be uncomfortable for the materialists, those who have a clear goal to make wealth. The energy of the house will not greatly contribute to this.

But, if you feel that a period has come in life when you want to be alone with yourself in order to decide on your future path, then try to temporarily move to apartment number seven.

Number eight

Here is a suitable abode for a materialist. This is apartment number eight. Abundance energy prevails here. And abundance here in everything. There is enough imagination and desire to set a life goal for yourself. In apartment number eight, there is enough determination to come to this goal. Enough balance to not completely go into materialism, but to maintain a connection with the spiritual principle. And earthly joy will be enough to enjoy what you have earned from the heart.

Hard work develops very well in such an apartment. Over time, wealth comes to the hardworking people of such a house, even more than expected.

If you are a dreamy person, but you do not have enough pragmatism and grounding to confidently go towards your goals, then try to acquire these qualities in a monastery with the number eight.

Number nine

The value of the number is the rest energy. An energy of calm prevails in such a house. This is the peace that has long been sought. If your attention has been paid for a long time, not external things. If you have been trying for a long time to keep up with the external rhythm, something must correspond. And if you are tired of this, then you will be able to find peace in the monastery at number nine. Here you will focus on your inner world.

Perhaps here you will understand that giving is much better than taking, learn to enjoy the process.

If you are young, ambitious and have not yet enjoyed achieving your goals, then it is better not to settle in apartment number nine. Avoid such a house. Since such housing, its importance will drown out the ambition, the result may be dissatisfaction with yourself.

According to the Chinese doctrine of feng shui, all numbers have certain vibrations that can have a positive or negative effect on a person. Any number in your life makes sense, and especially your apartment number. The apartment number, according to Feng Shui, emits vibrations that can affect a person’s personal development, career, personal life and even health. Find out what your apartment number means.

How to calculate the apartment number in Feng Shui

Each number in feng shui from 1 to 9 has its own specific meaning. If the number of your apartment consists of a two-digit or three-digit number, then the number is calculated by adding all the numbers that comprise it.

For example, number 47. Add 4 and 7 and get 11. This result also needs to be brought to a single digit: 1 + 1 \u003d 2. The two will be the number that affects everyone who lives in apartment number 47.

Naturally, if you live under apartment numbers from 1 to 9, then you don’t need to calculate anything, since these numbers already carry the original Feng Shui energy.

Feng Shui: the value of the apartment number

Number 1   - the energy in such an apartment is creative, active and positive. The atmosphere in the room is open, bright, kind. There should always be many guests, laughter and children in such an apartment. In this apartment it’s good to live for people of art - artists, writers, artists, musicians. The energy of the number 1 will help the owner of the house to realize himself in creativity, become a famous and respected person.

Number 2 - The atmosphere of the house is conducive to contemplation and reflection. Well in such a house there will be people raising children or cooking lovers. The number of this apartment will have an adverse effect on people with an unbalanced psyche. Quarrels and conflicts will often arise in the house if someone from the household is quick-tempered and aggressive. The most favorable place in such an apartment, according to Feng Shui, is the bathroom.

Number 3   - The energy in this apartment is very active. The owner of such housing will not have to sit still. He will always be all in business. He will have to quickly make decisions and commit responsible acts. The atmosphere of the apartment will favorably affect the career.

Number 4   - This is the number of thinkers, figures and speakers. An apartment with this number will punish someone who will lie, flatter and curse. This is the home of communicative energy. In such an apartment in Feng Shui, it’s good to negotiate and hold meetings. There should always be a lot of guests and conversations.

Number 5   Is the number of development. In such an apartment, residents will always strive for something, improve and gain new knowledge. The five will push residents to long-distance travel, career growth, vigorous activity and personal growth.

Number 6   - This is the number of love, friendship, relaxation and openness. People with this apartment number are usually happy in their personal lives, they have many friends, relatives and pets. Apartment with Feng Shui number 6 can be called the center of goodness, love and fun. In such an apartment it is good to rest, relax and raise children.

Number 7   - the most unfavorable number in all respects. According to Feng Shui, a house with such a number carries the energy of gravity, gloom and routine. I want to run out of this house, not just to live! However, the vibrations of the seven will work well for a person who wants to get life experience and become wiser.

Number 8   - This apartment number will have a beneficial effect on innovative owners. Any undertakings will have a successful continuation here. The apartment is perfect for both creative individuals and pragmatists and rationalists.

Number 9   - the number has negative vibrations. Diseases, addictions, failures, and all that sort of thing are a frequent companion of residents of apartment number 9. Only people who have already acquired some kind of life experience and have achieved everything will be fine in such a dwelling. Also, the atmosphere of this number will positively affect psychics and musicians.

Do not be upset if the number of your Feng Shui apartment is unfavorable. There is always a way! You can enlist the support of Feng Shui mascots. They will contribute to the normalization of the atmosphere in the house and will attract luck, love and money. We wish you good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

27.02.2014 11:41

According to Feng Shui, the number of Gua reflects a person’s personal energy. It allows you to calculate the most favorable zones in ...