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The names of the deities of world mythology. Slavic gods. Female names of the gods of Greek mythology

Before the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs, like many other nationalities, believed in the existence of several gods, each of whom influenced certain areas of life of the ancient Slavs or a natural phenomenon. The names of the Slavic gods, called pagan Christians, are given below.

Avsen (or, in other words, Ovsen) is the god of the changing seasons, influencing the beginning of autumn and spring.
Belbog - the embodiment of light, a god who brings good, luck and happiness
Bereginya - the great, one of the most ancient, the goddess. The progenitor of all things.
Veles (in other words, Volos) is the son of Svarog, the embodiment of master's wisdom,
god of cattle breeding, after Perun second in importance.
Gromislav is a giant god who helped Svarog during the creation of the Earth.
Dazhbog is another son of Svarog, the Slavs considered him the god of the Sun and his personification
Dennitsa is the oldest son of Svarog.
Diverkiz is the god of hares.
Did is the god of conjugal love, the third son of the goddess Lada.
Didilia is the patroness of women during pregnancy, the goddess of female fertility.
Dogoda is a god granting quiet wind and clear weather.
Dodola is the goddess of youth and summer.
Zevana (in other words, Zevonia) is the goddess of wild animals and hunting.
Zimertsla (in other words, Zarnitsa or Merzana) is the goddess of the morning dawn.
Zlebog (in another way, Krovnik, Villain or Hudich) is a god who “provides” the villains with torment after their death.
Golden woman - the famous goddess of home well-being, peace and silence.
Karachun (in other words, Korochun) is the lord of frost, an underground god.
Kwasura is the god of winemaking.
Kolyada is a god who embodies the repeating annual cycle.
Kors (in other words, Korsh) - the god of feasts, the lord of food and drink.
The rooftop is a god who possesses knowledge.
Kupalo - the god of flowers, summer and fruit trees. The third most important after Veles and Perun.
Lad (in other words, Ladnik or Palm) is the god of harmony, friendship and reconciliation.
Lada is the wife of Svarog, the goddess of love, marriage and beauty.
Ice (in a different way, Wizard) is the god of winter.
Lel (in other words, Lello or Lela) - the son of the goddess of love Lada, also the god of love.
Magura (in other words, Perunitsa) is the daughter of Perun, who patronizes the soldiers.
Maya is the mother of Kolyada and Kryshena, the goddess.
Marzana is the goddess who rules over the death of animals.
Mokosh (in other words, Mokosh) is the goddess of fertility.
Morena (in other words, Mara, Mora, Marena or Moore) is the goddess of human death.
The sea king is the complete lord of any water space.
Niyan (in another way, Niy) - god of punishment, judge of the dead.
Ozem is a god who rules in the underworld.
Pererug is a god of contention and quarrel.
Perun - the god who commands lightning and thunder, the son of Svarog.
Podag - the god who commands good weather.
Sozvizd (in other words, Posvist, Pokhvist or Whirlwind) - the god of bad weather and storms.
Polyaznik is a god who grants happiness in the New Year.
Polelya is the second son of the beauty goddess Lada, the god of marriage.
Polkan - a half-god, a centaur.
Porenuta is the god who patronizes seafarers.
Law (in other words, Rights or Prono) is the god of justice, personifying universal law.
Ashes - the god of dissolute life and fornication.
Prok is the patron saint of merchants, merchants, and simply enterprising people.
Friday is the goddess who protects the departed souls.
Radegast is the Slavic god of war.
Rod - the first god of the Slavs, creator of the world, visible and invisible
Rodomysl is the god of wisdom, as well as eloquence.
Rozhanitsy are the daughters of the first god of the Sort, people see them in the form of constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major.
Ruevit is the patron god of warriors.

Svarog - the founder of all Slavic gods, the supreme ruler of the universe.

Svarozhich - god of fire, son of Svarog.
Svarozhichi - the rest of the children of Svarog.
Svyatovid is another name for the Slavic god Svarog.
Svyatobor (in other words, just Bor) is the patron saint of hunters and hunts, the god of forests.
Seva is the goddess of fruit orchards.
The High God is a god who patronizes strength and dexterity.
Simargl (or Semargl) is a god personifying the earthly embodiment of fire.
Stribog is the supreme king of the winds, the son of Svarog.
Sumerala is the goddess who rules in the underworld.
Triglav is a three-headed deity who has power over heaven, earth and the underworld.
Triglava (in other words, trigl) - the goddess of the earth.
Tour - the patron saint of agriculture, a god in the image of a bull.
Oud is a god who patronizes love affairs.
Delight (in other words, Oslad) is the god of pleasure and fun.
Usud is the god of human destinies.
Hvorst is a god who rules over infirmities and diseases.
Horse is the god of light.
Chernbog is a god personifying misfortunes and troubles.
Chur is a god who protects the underground possessions and protects their borders.
Yarilo (in another way, Yar-Khmel) is the god of fun and love.
Yarovit is the god of spring thunderstorms, whirlwinds and clouds.

Based on materials from the World in Facts publication

The religion of ancient Greece refers to pagan polytheism. The gods played important roles in the structure of the world, each fulfilling its own function. Immortal deities looked like people and behaved quite humanly: they were sad and happy, quarreled and reconciled, betrayed and sacrificed their interests, were cunning and sincere, they loved and hated, they forgave and avenged, they punished and had mercy.

The ancient Greeks explained the behavior, as well as the commandments of gods and goddesses, to natural phenomena, the origin of man, moral principles, and social relations. Mythology reflected the ideas of the Greeks about the world around them. Myths arose in different parts of Hellas and eventually merged into an ordered belief system.

Ancient greek gods and goddesses

The main considered gods and goddesses belonging to the younger generation. The older generation, who embodied the forces of the universe and the natural elements, has lost dominance over the world, unable to resist the onslaught of the younger ones. Winning young gods chose Mount Olympus as their home. Ancient Greeks from all deities distinguished 12 main Olympic gods. So, the gods of ancient Greece, list and description:

Zeus - god of ancient Greece   - in mythology he is called the father of the gods, Zeus the Thunderer, the lord of lightning and clouds. It is he who possesses the powerful power to create life, to resist chaos, to establish order and a fair trial on earth. Legends tell of the deity as a noble and good being. The lord of lightning gave birth to the goddesses Ohr and Muz. Ohr control the time and seasons of the year. Muses bring people inspiration and joy.

Thunder's wife was Hera. The Greeks considered her an absurd goddess of atmosphere. Hera is the guardian of the house, the patroness of wives who are faithful to their husbands. With his daughter Elijah, Hera eased the pain of childbirth. Zeus was famous for his passion. After a marriage of three hundred years, the lord of lightning began to visit ordinary women who gave birth to heroes from them - demigods. Zeus appeared to his chosen ones in different guises. In front of the beautiful Europe, the father of the gods appeared as a bull with golden horns. Zeus visited Danae like a golden rain.


Sea God - Lord of the Oceans and Seas, patron of sailors and fishermen. The Greeks considered Poseidon a just god, all the punishments of which were sent to people deservedly. Preparing to sail, the sailors offered prayers not to Zeus, but to the lord of the seas. Before going to sea, incense was offered on the altars to please the sea deity.

The Greeks believed that Poseidon can be seen in a strong storm on the high seas. His magnificent golden chariot emerged from the sea foam, harnessed by swift horses. The ruler of the ocean received dashing horses as a gift from his brother Hades. Poseidon's wife is the goddess of the noisy Amftrit Sea. The trident - a symbol of power, gave the deity absolute power over the depths of the sea. Poseidon was distinguished by a soft character, sought to avoid quarrels. His loyalty to Zeus was not questioned - unlike Hades, the lord of the seas did not dispute the primacy of the thunderer.


Lord of the underworld. Hades and his wife Persephone ruled the kingdom of the dead. The inhabitants of Hellas were more afraid of Hades than Zeus himself. To get into the underworld - and even more so, to return - without the will of a gloomy deity is impossible. Hades traveled across the earth in a horse-drawn chariot. The horses' eyes glowed with hellfire. People in fear prayed that the gloomy god would not take them to their abode. Aida's favorite, the headed dog Cerberus, guarded the entrance to the kingdom of the dead.

According to legends, when the gods shared power and Hades gained dominion over the kingdom of the dead, the celestial was not satisfied. He considered himself humiliated and held a grudge against Zeus. Openly, Hades never opposed the power of the thunderer, but constantly tried to harm the father of the gods as much as possible.

Hades kidnapped the beautiful Persephone, daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeter, by force making her his wife and ruler of the underworld. Zeus did not have power over the kingdom of the dead, so he refused to request Demeter to return his daughter to Olympus. The distressed fertility goddess stopped caring for the land, drought came, then famine came. The lord of thunder and lightning had to conclude an agreement with Hades, according to which Persephone would spend two-thirds of the year in heaven, and a third of the year in the underworld.

Athena Pallas and Ares

Athena is probably the most beloved goddess of the ancient Greeks. The daughter of Zeus, born of his head, she embodied three virtues:

  • wisdom;
  • calm
  • insight.

The goddess of victorious energy, Athena was portrayed as a powerful warrior with a spear and shield. She was also a deity of pure heaven, had the power to disperse dark clouds with her weapons. Zeus's daughter traveled with the goddess of victory, Nika. Athena was called as the protector of cities and fortresses. It was she who sent down the fair state laws of Ancient Hellas.

Ares - the deity of stormy heaven, the eternal rival of Athens. The son of Hera and Zeus, he was revered as the god of war. A warrior full of rage, with a sword or a spear - this is how Ares imagined the ancient Greeks. The god of war enjoyed the noise of battle and bloodshed. Unlike Athena, who reasonably and honestly fought battles, Ares preferred violent fights. The god of war established a tribunal - a special trial of particularly brutal killers. The hill where the trials took place is named in honor of the warlike deity Areopagus.


God of blacksmithing and fire. According to legend, Hephaestus was cruel to people, scared and destroyed them by volcanic eruptions. People lived without fire on the surface of the earth, suffering and dying in eternal cold. Hephaestus, like Zeus, did not want to help mortals and give them fire. Prometheus - a titan, the last of the older generation of gods, was an assistant to Zeus and lived on Olympus. Compassionate, he brought fire to the earth. For the abduction of fire, the Thunderer doomed the Titan to eternal torment.

Prometheus managed to avoid punishment. Possessing visionary abilities, the titan knew that Zeus would face death in the future at the hands of his own son. Thanks to the promptings of Prometheus, the lord of lightning did not unite in marital union with the one who would give birth to a father-killer son, and strengthened his dominion forever. For the secret of maintaining power, Zeus granted the Titan freedom.

There was a running festival in Hellas. Participants competed with lit torches in their hands.. Athena, Hephaestus and Prometheus were symbols of the triumph that served as the origin of the Olympic Games.


The deities of Olympus were characteristic not only of noble impulses, lies and treachery often led their actions. God Hermes is a rogue and a thief, patron of commerce and banking, magic, alchemy, astrology. Born by Zeus from the Mayan Pleiades. His mission was to transmit the will of the gods to people through dreams. On behalf of Hermes came the name of the science of hermeneutics - the art and theory of interpretation of texts, including ancient ones.

Hermes invented writing, was young, handsome, energetic. Antique images depict him as a handsome young man in a winged hat and sandals. According to legend, Aphrodite rejected the courtship of the god of commerce. Gremes is not married, although he has many children, as many beloved ones.

The first theft of Hermes - 50 cows of Apollo, he committed it at a very young age. Zeus asked the kid a good “thrashing” and he returned the stolen. In the future, the Thunderer repeatedly turned to the resourceful offspringto solve sensitive issues. For example, at the request of Zeus, Hermes stole a cow from Hera, in which the beloved of the lightning lord turned.

Apollo and Artemis

Apollo is the god of the sun among the Greeks. As the son of Zeus, Apollo spent winter time in the lands of the Hyperboreans. God returned to Greece in the spring, bringing awakening to nature, immersed in hibernation. Apollo patronized art, and was also a deity of music and singing. Indeed, along with spring, the desire to create returned to people. Apollo was credited with the ability to heal. As the sun casts out darkness, so the celestial cast out ailments. The sun god was portrayed as an extremely handsome young man with a harp in his hands.

Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the moon, the patroness of animals. The Greeks believed that Artemis made night walks with mollusks - the patroness of the waters - and spilled dew on the grass. At a certain period in the history of Artemis was considered a cruel goddess who destroys sailors. Human sacrifices were made to the deity in order to gain favor.

At one time, the girls worshiped Artemis as the organizer of a strong marriage. Artemis of Ephesus was considered the goddess of fertility. The sculptures and pictures of Artemis depicted a woman with a large number of nipples on her chest, to emphasize the generosity of the goddess.

Soon the sun god Helios and the moon goddess Selena appeared in legends. Apollo remained the deity of music and art, Artemis - the goddess of the hunt.


Aphrodite the Beautiful was worshiped as the patroness of lovers. The Phoenician goddess Aphrodite combined two principles:

  • femininity, when the goddess enjoyed the love of a young man Adonis and the singing of birds, the sounds of nature;
  • belligerence, when the goddess was portrayed as a cruel warrior who obliged her followers to take a vow of chastity, and was also a zealous guardian of fidelity in marriage.

The ancient Greeks managed to harmoniously combine femininity and militancy, creating the perfect image of female beauty. The embodiment of the ideal was Aphrodite, bearing pure, immaculate love. The goddess was portrayed as a beautiful naked woman emerging from the foam of the sea. Aphrodite is the most revered muse of poets, sculptors, artists of the time.

The son of the beautiful goddess Eros (Eros) was her faithful messenger and assistant. The main task of the god of love was to connect the life lines of lovers. According to legend, Eros looked like a chubby baby with wings.


Demeter is the patron goddess of farmers and winemakers. Mother Earth, it was also called. Demeter was the embodiment of nature, which gives people fruits and grains, absorbing sunlight and rains. They portrayed the goddess of fertility with light brown, wheaten hair. Demeter bestowed upon people the science of tillage and the crops grown by hard labor. The daughter of the wine goddess Persephone, becoming the queen of the underworld, connected the world of the living with the kingdom of the dead.

Together with Demeter, Dionysus, the deity of winemaking, was worshiped. Dionysus was portrayed as a cheerful young man. Typically, a vine covered the body, and in his hands God held a jug filled with wine. Dionysus taught people how to care for vines, to sing exuberant songs, which later formed the basis of the ancient Greek drama.


Goddess of family well-being, unity and peace. The altar of Hestia stood in every house near the family hearth. The inhabitants of Hellas perceived the urban communities as large families, therefore the sanctuaries of Hestia were necessarily present in the pritanes (administrative buildings in Greek cities). They were a symbol of civil unity and peace. There was a sign that if on a long journey we take the coals from the altar of the pritanei, then the goddess will provide her protection on the way. The goddess also protected the strangers and the afflicted.

Hestia temples did not buildbecause she was worshiped in every house. Fire was considered a pure, purifying natural phenomenon, so Hestia was perceived as the patroness of chastity. The goddess asked Zeus permission not to marry, although Poseidon and Apollo sought her location.

Myths and legends have evolved over decades. At each retelling of the story, new details were acquired, previously unknown characters arose. The list of gods increased, allowing to explain natural phenomena, the essence of which the ancient people could not understand. Myths conveyed the wisdom of older generations to the young, explained the state system, and affirmed the moral principles of society.

The mythology of ancient Greece gave mankind many plots and images that are reflected in the masterpieces of world art. For centuries, artists, sculptors, poets and architects have drawn inspiration from the legends of Hellas.

  · AGNI, in Vedic and Hindu mythology brg fire.

· ADITY, in ancient Indian mythology, a female deity, as well as the mother of the gods called Aditya. Connected to light and airspace.

· Aditya, in ancient Indian mythology, a group of gods - the sons of the goddess ADITY. Usually there are seven of them: Mitra, Aryaman, Bha-ga, VARUNA, Daksha, Ansha.

· AZAZELLE, a demonic being in Judaism.

· Hades, Hades, God the lord of the kingdom of the dead, as well as the kingdom itself.

AISHMA, in ancient Iranian mythology, one of the supreme devas, the embodiment of the robbery, unbridledness, raids of nomads, to which settled Iranians were subjected.

AKA MANA, one of the devas personifying sinful thoughts and urges, an antagonist of WOHU MANA

Until now, we have been talking about the gods worshiped by various tribes and peoples. These beliefs belong to a very diverse, extremely motley category, called polytheism (polytheism). A distinctive feature of these hogs is their close connection with the traditions and cultures of certain tribes and peoples, as well as with the nature of the places where they lived or continue to live.

However, there is a unity of mankind as the totality of all people in space-time, having bodily and spiritual similarities and living within the same planet, or rather, the biosphere, the realm of life. This circumstance led over time to the fact that in the end, monotheism (monotheism) gained immense popularity and authority. It includes the two most common religions: Christianity and Islam, as well as Judaism preceding them.

Instead of numerous deities, a single God appeared. Depending on the religious system, He has three names: Trinity, or simply God (Christianity), Allah (Islam), Yahweh (Judaism). He embraces all that exists, created the universe and established its laws, is invisible and omnipotent ... The number of definitions can be significantly increased, and all of them imply the highest qualities. In all its fullness God does not have the power to comprehend the limited human mind, a spiritual connection is established with Him, you must first believe in Him, fulfilling His covenants.

Despite the fact that this idol was installed in Kiev among the “magnificent seven” (Perun, Stribog, Dazhbog, Hore, Simargl, Makosh), it is still not entirely clear whether it had the appearance of a person or a dog.

According to the fundamental “Mythological Dictionary” (M., 1991), it is most likely that his name goes back to the name “Semiglav”, which was sometimes given to the war god of the Baltic Slavs Ruevit. But then it is not clear why the chronicler did not mention the name of the deity, but the nickname, "and hardly widespread, and even in some strange combination of letters" Simargl ", strange to the Russian ears.

More convincing is the hypothesis proposed by the Iranian K.V. Travel, which compared Semargl with the winged deity of the Avestan pantheon - Senmurvom. According to Iranian tradition, the light god entrusted him with the care of the heavenly "tree of all seeds." Senmurv was endowed with teeth, claws and wings, and therefore it is believed that it was he who was depicted in ancient times as a winged dog - the guardian of crops from wild animals, and from livestock too.

That was the name of the god of fire, the fire element. Worshiping the earthly incarnation of fire, they called it Svarozhich; They prayed to him, made sacrifices.

In the Ipatiev Chronicle (beginning of the XII century) it is said: “... For the sake of nickname, and God Svarog ... and seven king’s sons by his name the Sun, he’ll be called Dazhbog ... The sun is the king the son of Svarog ...”

It is generally accepted that Svarog personifies the spirit of fire in general, while the heavenly embodiment of fire is represented in the image of Dazhbog. But here it is not so simple. You may recall that in Indian mythology, Swarg is a bright heavenly heaven (or just heaven). So in this regard, the father of the Sun could be considered a light firmament - Svarga - and its mythical keeper Svarozhich.

In ancient Russian texts there is a comparison of Svarog with the Greek god-smith Hephaestus. But according to the justified opinion of B. A. Rybakov: “Svarog is undoubtedly a heavenly deity and more comprehensive than the Greek Hephaestus ...” In another place he clarifies: “Fire connects blacksmiths with Svarog, but Svarog itself is not a blacksmith; with him, only the heavenly mites necessary for the blacksmiths fell. Svarog is rather a divine cultural hero, who discovered iron for people and established family orders. ”

There seems to be no sense in translating the name of this god: for a Russian, it sounds familiar and understandable, corresponding to the often repeated: "God grant!" But according to the researchers, the “god” in the name of the pagan deity is derived from the ancient Indian “bhaga” meaning “wealth”. Thus, it can be assumed that Dazhbog was revered, at least in ancient times, as a giver of wealth.

In the “Word of Igor’s Regiment”, it is said twice about Russians as Dazhbog’s grandchildren. Since when did they begin to consider him the ancestor of the Russians? Most likely, relatively late. Indeed, the collective concept of “Russian” spread quite widely less than two millennia ago.

On the other hand, Dazhbog is called the son of Svarog, the god of fire. Proceeding from this, it is logical to assume that among the Slavs, the ancestors of the Russians (Rus-Russians), the fiery Svarog was initially worshiped. Why did he cede his supreme position to his son? Historical sources do not give an answer to this question.

Among the highest gods of the Slavic pantheon, she was the only female. True, some researchers call a number of other goddesses: Divia (Diva), Alive, Podaga, Zhelya, Morena, Kupala, Lada, Lelya. However, one possibility of their existence in general and as Slavic or Russian goddesses in particular is already causing controversy. In any case, there is no serious reason to classify any of these female deities as great. But the idol of Makoshi, as the annals testify, ordered Prince Vladimir to be placed in Kiev among the most revered deities.

It is not easy to characterize. Devoting her thorough research, B. A. Rybakov began it like this: “Makos is a female deity, it is one of the most mysterious and contradictory. Mentions of this goddess are found in many sources, but they are fragmentary and brief. We can’t even answer the question about the geographical range of her cult ... ” But in the end, he failed to solve this riddle. In his opinion: “Everything speaks for the fact that Makosh (long before she became only the patroness of female works) was a very important goddess of the Proto-Slavic pantheon ...”. Here, the neglect of women’s works is somewhat strange, as if they were patronizing incomparably less honorable than, for example, cattle breeding or agriculture, not to mention hunting and gathering, which for centuries has been considered a female occupation. Moreover, taking into account the existence of a number of gods, patrons of male occupations, it does not seem strange to introduce at least one deity into their circle, reminiscent of the significant, and sometimes decisive role in the general economy of female labor.

In the annals he is called the "bestial god." His name also indicates this. At the same time, he was the patron of wealth, wealth, which was traditionally associated with the number of cattle. As B.A. noted Rybakov, until the Middle Ages in Russia, the word "cattle" meant both domestic animals and property; "Cattle love was a synonym for greed," a cowherd "was called a financial official, an intermediary between a posadnik and a headman, and" a cowgirl "was called a treasury.

It may seem strange that when Prince Vladimir of Kiev wanted to ideologically unite his subjects, he ordered the idols of Perun, Hors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simargl and Makoshi to be erected in the capital, but for some reason did not include Beles. How can one explain such “forgetfulness”? Really by this time (980), he began to occupy a secondary place in the Slavic pantheon?

In 907, according to the chronicler, in Byzantium, the Russians “swear.” by their weapons and Perun by their god and Hair by cattle god. ” The same thing was repeated in 971: “Yes, we have an oath from God, we believe in him from Perun and from the hair of the bestial of God.” Of course, in a few years, public consciousness in that era could not change so dramatically that a god who previously stood next to Perun himself was forgotten.

The Thunderer, the lord of thunder and lightning, the heavenly god, whose power extends to the earth - such is Perun.

The Byzantine historian of the VI century, Procopius of Kessaria wrote, referring to the Slavic pantheon: "It is believed that one of the gods - the creator of lightning - ... is the one sovereign of everything, and bulls and all kinds of animals are sacrificed to him." Referring to this evidence, EE Levkievskaya concluded that "the cults of separate, unrelated gods by this time began to take shape in the all-Slavic religious system, Perun becoming its center."

True, it is possible that Procopius knew only about one Slavic tribe or about a few, and besides, he wanted to show that even the Gentiles had something similar to monotheism, putting the heavenly deity in the role of the "sole master of all" in accordance with the Christian canon. Most importantly, the Byzantine author had certain reasons to single out, let’s say, one of the great gods of the ancient Slavs.

This name is repeated in Russia constantly from century to century and is the root of many words: homeland, people, kin, kinship, give birth, spring, crop, nature ...

It would seem that a god with that name should also be revered for centuries. After all, it is connected with the land where we were born (homeland), that community of people of which we are a part (people), and even the world around us, which is under Rod. Nevertheless, the famous researcher B.A. Rybakov had every reason to write: "The most mysterious and least studied of all Slavic deities is Rod - a deity known only to the Eastern Slavs and not surviving in ethnographic material."

Some scholars do not at all believe that there was such a god. Others believe that this cult was of a private nature (such as a family deity) and did not really matter. Still others are convinced that this is a great god, with whom the Rozhanitsy were revered. By the way, the second and third options do not contradict one another: in many religions, the great gods were simultaneously family.

It should be clarified: The genus is known not only to the Eastern, but partly to the southern and western Slavs. According to O. N. Trubachev, "the word in question goes back to the pre-Slavic" hordes ", which is not associated with the Indo-Iranian, Greek and other forms." Based on this, it can be assumed that the god Rod was not borrowed from the side, but indigenous, originally Slavic.

Information on the mythology of Ancient Russia, or, more precisely, Eastern Slavs, is very scarce. When our great encyclopedist M.V. Lomonosov tried to bring this information into a single system, he was compelled to note with chagrin: “We would have had many fables, like the Greeks, if the Slavs had idolatry science.”

Indeed, before the adoption of Christianity a thousand years ago, in Russia there was practically no written language, and the interest of other peoples in Russian myths was minimal. But the situation among the German peoples was slightly better, however, they nevertheless managed to recreate many of their myths already at the time of the adoption of Christianity. In Ancient Russia, such collectors and custodians of "pagan" legends and beliefs were not found.

Centers of written culture in Russia were almost exclusively monasteries, and even chroniclers were from monks. The Orthodox Church tried to eradicate pagan superstitions, mentioning their essence rarely and only critically. The names and deeds of the great pre-Christian gods were etched from the consciousness of the people. True, superstition was not seriously shaken by this: a variety of prejudices persisted and multiplied, and from the old gods only the most nasty and unclean, associated with dangerous nature spirits or nightly fears: kikimors, witches, devils, water, goblin, mermaids, were preserved in the folk memory. brownies ...

In Edda, the name of this ace is not mentioned much less than the name of Odin. However, the researchers did not register traces of the Loki cult among the ancient Germans, and it is not even clear how this son of the giant Farbauti appeared among the aces. It is only known that he was associated with the Odin rite of blood brotherhood, but why, under what circumstances this happened, remains a mystery. (In the process of this rite, it was necessary to cut his hands, mix blood, pour it into a horn with honey or beer, which was drained in half; the brotherhood thus fastened was considered stronger than family ties.)

Loki is a controversial, multifaceted figure. The attempts of some scientists to determine his belonging to any element or some human quality can hardly be called convincing. “What is Loki? - wrote M.I. Steblin-Kamensky. - God of fire, or water, or death, or vegetation, etc. (as he was previously interpreted), or he (his last interpretation) - the mind without a sense of responsibility? The solution of such imaginary puzzles is still considered the task of science. "

Indeed, this complex image is a person, not a symbol. Given his tendency to build all sorts of intrigues, to quarrel with the gods and taunt them, there is reason to consider him the embodiment of evil, a dark spot in the bright Asgard. Moreover, it was Loki who was the real killer of the beautiful and virtuous Balder, slipping a blind mistlet instead of a dart a mistletoe branch - the only weapon in the world that could kill Balder. Moreover, the same Loki prevented the gods from returning Baldr from the kingdom of the dead.

Gods and deities


Yarila (legend)
  God of rage, youth and beauty and vitality: from earthly fertility and human sexuality to the will to live. Wild animals, nature spirits and lower deities obey him (or her).

  Yard see [Wyrd]
  Yar-Hops God of hop honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking.
  Yan-di God of the Sun and Fire.
  Pit God of the kingdom of the dead.
  Jupiter (legend) God of Heaven, daylight, thunderstorm. Having overthrown his father the titan Kronos into Tartarus, he became the ruler of the gods and people.
  Aya see [Oann]
  Etheria Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the Oceanids Klymene.
  Ereshkigal Mistress of the kingdom of the dead.
  Eos the Goddess of the sun, morning dawn. “With purple eos fingers”.
  Enlil see [Ellil]
  Enki see [Eya]
  Ellil Enlil. God of air and earth
  Ellie Elli. As, the goddess of old age.
  Air Eir. As, the patroness of doctors, the goddess who bestows love.
  Eia Enki. God of world fresh water, wisdom, patron of people.
  Shamash God of the Sun.
Chur (legend) God of protection of property rights, protection, patron of borders, integrity, protection, protection from damage and evil spirits.
  Whispering God of time and stargazer, letters, numbers, calendar.
  Zhuan-Xu God of the waters.
  Chernobog (legend) (Black Serpent, Kashchei) Lord of Navi, Darkness and the Pekelny kingdom. God of cold, annihilation, death, evil; God of madness and the embodiment of all bad and black.
  Tsukiyomi God of the Moon.
  Hyuk Hjuke. The growing moon, one of the three goddesses, along with Biel and Mani.
  Juan Di “Lord of the Center“. Supreme deity.
  Horse God of the Sun, brother of the Month.
  Hop God of hops and drunkenness. Spouse of Surica.
  Hlin Hlin. As, Messenger Frigg, taking care of those whom her mistress wants to protect.
  Hitzliputzli see [Witsilipochtli]
  Hitzlaputzli see [Witsilopochtli]
  Hermod Hermod. Messenger of Asgard. His name is mentioned in connection with an unsuccessful attempt to return Balder from the kingdom of Hel.
  Henir Hoenir. As, god of priestly functions. He is often called the Silent God.
  Hel Hel. The daughter of Loki, the ruler of the underworld, the queen of the dead. An ordinary woman is above the belt, and a skeleton below.
  Heimdall (legend) Guardian of the Bivrest Bridge, son of Odin, “The Wise As”. He sleeps less than a bird, sees a hundred days' journey in any direction, and can hear the growth of grass and wool.
  Head (legend) Hoder. Odin's son, “Blind Ace.” He has tremendous power, but never leaves Asgard. He is one of the twelve main gods.
  Heydrun Kosa, living in Asgard and eating leaves from the top of Yggrasil. Everyone in Asgard feeds on her milk, strong as honey, and enough for everyone.
  Fulla Fulla. Ace, Servant Frigg.
  Frigg (legend) As, goddess of marriage and procreation, Odin's wife. Frigg rules the goddesses living in Asgard.
  Freya (legend) Goddess of love, her heart is so soft and gentle that she sympathizes with everyone’s suffering. He is the leader of the Valkyries.
  Freyr (legend) God of fertility and summer. He is subject to sunlight, he is beautiful in himself and powerful, he is a van who sends wealth.
  Fortune Roman goddess of happiness, chance and good luck. Depicted on a ball or wheel (a symbol of the variability of happiness), sometimes with a blindfold.
  Forseti Forseti. As, son of Balder, the god of justice and victory in disputes.
  Phoebus (legend) God of the sun.
  Phaetusa Daughter of the sun god Phoebus and the Oceanids Klymene.
  Phaeton Son of the sun god Phoebe and the Oceanids Klymene.
  Horror God of the morning dawn.
  Adopt One of the three giant brothers, the assistants of Perun (Gorynya, Dubyny and Adoption).
Usud (legend) God is the arbiter of fate. Determines who will be born rich or poor, happy or unhappy.
  Usins Latvian “horse god”.
  Ouroboros (legend) “Devouring its tail.” A snake biting its tail, “starting at the end of its tail,” encircling the whole world.
  Uranus The son of the god of heaven, the husband of Gaia, the father of Tetida.
  Ull (legend) Patron of archery and skiers, god of fertility and law.
  Ulap (legend) Patron of the Chuvash, a god-hero who cast a sun and moon far from the earth.
  Witsilopochtli (legend) Hitsliputsli, Hitslaputsli, “Hummingbirds of the left side”. Human hearts were sacrificed to this god.
  Wyrd The silent goddess commanding immortals and mortals.
  Tien Di God of heaven.
  Tür (legend) As, god of war, son of Odin and sister of the sea giant Humir, the third of the aces after Odin and the bravest among them.
  Thiermes (legend) The Udmurt god is a thunderer. When he defeats the god - the deer of Mandash, the end of the world will come.
  Troyan Three-headed lord of the three kingdoms. One of Troyan’s heads devours people, the other cattle, the third fish, he travels at night, because he is afraid of sunlight.
  Triton Sea deity, son of Poseidon and the Nereid Amphitrite.
  Triptoleum Lord of the kingdom of the dead.
  Triglavs Big Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog. Lesser Triglav: Svarog - Perun - Veles.
  Triglav (legend) In the mythology of the Baltic Slavs, the three-headed deity. They symbolize power over the three kingdoms - heaven, earth and the underworld.
  See also [Tlasolteotl]
  Thor (legend) As, the god of thunder, the son of Odin and the goddess of the earth, Erd. He was considered the most powerful god after Odin.
  Tlasolteotl Ishkuina, Tochi, Teteoinnan. Goddess of fertility, sexual sins, repentance, devourer of dirt and excrement.
  Tetida Daughter of Uranus and Gaia, wife of the Ocean. She was the maternal side of Phaeton; Klymene was her daughter.
  Teteoinnan see [Tlasolteotl]
  Tescatlipoca (legend) “A smoking mirror.” Forever young, omnipotent, all-knowing god of evil, rival of Quetzalcoatl.
  Thaumant Father of the Rainbow Goddess Irida.
  Tarh see [Dazhbog]
  Tammuz see [Dimuzi]
  Tamamo-no-mae One of the evil gods.
  Xiong Syn. Ace, the goddess who guards people's homes from thieves.
  Siown Siofn. Ace, the goddess, striving to ensure that people live peacefully and amicably.
  Syvlampi "Dew". Daughter of the Sun and his wives: Morning and Evening Dawn, the sister of man.
  Susanoo God of wind and water elements, later - a hero who delivered people from the eight-headed snake.
Surica Surica - the solar Goddess of joy, light (drink Surya (honey honey)). Hop Wife. Dazhbog's daughter.
  Stribog (legend) The supreme god of the wind. He can cause and tame the storm, can turn around his assistant, the bird of Strathim.
  Styx Stux (Greek) - "Hateful." The goddess of the river of the same name in the kingdom of the dead.
  Srecha Goddess of happiness and good luck.
  Snotra Snotra. As, goddess of wisdom and courtesy.
  Sif (legend) Sif. As, goddess of fertility, wife of Thor. Seth is second only to Freyja in its beauty.
  Siva (legend) Siva - the god of sowing, harvest and cattle.
  Ci-Vanmu Goddess, mistress of the land of immortality.
  Semargl (legend) Simargl, Firebog. The God of fire and the Moon, fire sacrifices, the house and the hearth, stores seeds and crops.
  Selena Goddess of the Moon.
  Holy (legend) God of light, fertility, harvest, autumn sun, grain. God of war and victory, represented in the image of a warrior - a horseman.
  Sventovit (legend) The highest deity of the Western Slavs, referred to as Wends in the Middle Ages, and rugs.
  Svarog (legend) God of fire, blacksmithing, family hearth. Heavenly blacksmith and great warrior. There are rather conflicting reports about this god.
  Saraswati The beautiful goddess of eloquence.
  Saga Saga. Ace, the goddess of stories and genealogy.
  Ran Ran. Van, wife of Aegir, the goddess of weather and storms, requiring regular sacrifices in the form of souls.
  Rudra One of the main Indian gods, many-armed and three-eyed. The son of the creator of the Brahma universe.
  Rodov Triglav see. [Big Triglav]
  Radogost (legend) The essence of the punishing face of the Almighty, the judge of human souls.
  Proteus (legend) The sea god, is able to take the form of various creatures and pass into the various properties of matter - fire, water, wood.
  Poseidon, the God of the sea, the father of Triton and Proteus.
  Whistle Elder wind, storm god. Son of Stribog.
  Midnight God of the wind of midnight, son of Stribog.
  Noon Noon Wind God, son of Stribog.
  Polel God of love and spring fertility, brother of Lelia and Lelia.
  Submission God of a hot, desiccating wind, living in the desert in the south. Son of Stribog.
  Weather Warm, light breeze, the god of pleasant weather. Son of Stribog.
  Perun (legend) “Smashing“. The red-bearded god of thunder, thunder and lightning, the patron saint of warriors and knights. One of the main trinity of gods. His attribute is an ax.
  Pereputut (legend) Pereputut - God of the sea, navigation. Watermen obey him. The data on it are insufficient to accurately determine its functions.
  Ohura A class of gods in India and Iran.
  Osiris Usyr. The god of fertility and the king of the afterlife.
  Ora Goddesses of changing seasons and hours.
Ocean Husband of Thetis.
  One (legend) The supreme god of Scandinavia, as, ruler of Asgard, god of warriors.
  Fiery Volkh Guardian of the path to the Iry Garden, the god of war and courage. Leli's husband.
  Ovivi see [Kokopelli]
  Oann (legend) Hey. The Babylonian god of the sea, the oldest of the sea gods.
  O-Kuni-Nosy God, who raised grass and trees on the earth, taught people to heal diseases.
  Nu-va Goddess is the creator of mankind.
  Njord (legend) Njord. Van, patron of shipping, fishing, and shipbuilding, he is subject to the winds and the sea. Nyörd is richer than all aces and, like all the Vanes, is very kind.
  Ninurta God of war.
  Nintu Goddess, who created people, the patroness of women in childbirth.
  Nereus God of the calm sea. Lives in a palace at the bottom of the sea.
  Nergal Lord of the kingdom of the dead, spouse of the goddess Ereshkigal.
  Nemesis Goddess of deserved punishment.
  Nedolya Goddess, together with Lobes and Makoshu spinning thread of human life on earth.
  Nanna the god of the moon.
  Nanna Nanna. As, the goddess of fertility, Balder's wife, who did not survive his death.
  Namtar “Fate” God, who appears to be a dying man and leads him to the kingdom of the dead.
  Naboo God is the patron of sciences.
  Morrigan (legend) In Irish mythology, one of the three goddesses of war. She is also called the Mighty Queen and is considered as the Triple Goddess or the hypostasis of the death of the Triple Goddess.
  Wraith God of lies and deceit, ignorance and error. But also he is the keeper of the paths to the Truth, hiding from others the Truth behind an empty may worldly one.
  Frost (legend) God of winter and cold. A short old man with a long gray beard. In winter, he runs through the fields and streets and knocks - from his knocking, cold frosts begin and rivers are bound by ice.
  Modi (legend) Modi. As, son of Thor and Seth, sometimes referred to as the patron saint of the Berserkers.
  Miter Ancient Iranian deity, incarnation: bull. His cult was very common in the Roman Empire in the first centuries of the new era, as the "Soldier God".
  Miktlankutli Lord of Miktlan, the underworld of the dead.
  Month Month Month, brother of the Sun. “Perun was angry with him and cut it in half with a damask ax. Since then, the month has become not round, but as we see it in heaven. ”
  Mother of Cheese Earth (legend) People revered the Earth not only in pagan times, but now. The earth is called the saint, the mother, she is the embodiment of health and purity. Wife of heaven who fertilizes her with rain.
  Marzana (legend) The goddess of death of all living beings, except man, the goddess of hunting, fishing and hunting.
Marena (legend) of Maran, Moren, Marzhan, Marzhen. The goddess associated with the embodiment of death, with seasonal rituals of the dying and resurrection of nature, as well as with the rituals of causing rain.
  Marduk Originally the god of the city of Babylon, later - the supreme deity, “lord of the gods”.
  Mara (goddess) (legend) Moran, Moren, Maren, Mora. The mighty and formidable goddess of Winter and Death, the wife (daughter) Kashchei and the daughter of Lada, the sister are Alive with Lelya. Her symbol is the Black Moon, piles of broken skulls and a sickle with which she cuts the Threads of Life.
  Mani Mani. The moon as a deity, one of the three goddesses, along with Hyuk and Bil.
  Mamon (legend) Mamon Slavic black deity of wealth and gluttony, contrasted with the bright gods.
  Small Triglav (legend) Svarog - Perun - Veles.
  Makosh (legend) Makosh - the Goddess spinning the Threads of Fate - in Heaven, as well as the patroness of female needlework - on Earth.
  Magura (legend) Perun's daughter, the cloud maiden - beautiful, winged, warlike. Her heart is forever given to warriors, heroes. She sends the dead warriors to Irius.
  Magni (legend) Magni. As, son of Thor, god of physical strength.
  Lub (legend) Lub - The guardian spirit of the marriage bed. He appeared to be a larger-eared, shaggy, golden-haired cat with an arrowhead stalk in its teeth. Lyuba should be encouraged in every way to drive Nelyub from the bedroom - the same cat, only black and vicious, with a bleached branch in his mouth.
  Lei-shen is the God of thunder.
  Loki (legend) A giant, the god of fire, the twin of Odin, accepted by Asami as an equal.
  Summer Olympic goddess.
  Lelya (legend) Spring, the goddess of girlish love, the youngest Rozhanitsa, the patroness of lovers, beauty, happiness. Lada's daughter. Wife of Semargl.
  Lel (legend) God of youthful love, passion, Lada’s son and Leli’s brother. From his hands come sparks that kindle the fire of love.
  Lahmu Lahmu and Lahamu - the oldest pair of gods generated by primitive chaos.
  Lampetia Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the Oceanids Klymene.
  Lakshmi The beautiful maiden born in the ocean in a white robe is the goddess of beauty and happiness.
  Lada (legend) The female hypostasis of the Sort, the wife of Svarog and the mother of the gods of Svarozhichi, the eldest Rozhanitsa (Rozhanitsa - Mother), a family deity.
  Lad God of reconciliation and consent, in a sense, order.
  Levn Lofn. Ace, the goddess who sanctifies marriages between people.
  Kildyssin (legend)
  Swimsuit Goddess of the Night. Mother of Kostroma and Kupala, whom she gave birth to from Semargla.
  Kupala (legend) Kupala (and his twin sister Kostorma): children of the goddess of the night Bathing and Semargla.
Kubera God of wealth living in the heavenly city of Gandharvaranagara (“mirage”).
  Quois (legend)
  Kruchina see [Karna]
  Kostroma (legend) The daughter of Semargl and the Bathing Lady, mistakenly married her brother - Kupala, and committed suicide, drowning and turning into a mermaid.
  Kokopelli (legend) Ovivi. Petty Native American God.
  Klymene Nymph (Oceanid), wife of the sun god Phoebe.
  Kvassura (legend) Initially, the god of hop honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking, almost the same as Yar-Khmel.
  Yord Goddess of the earth.
  Ishtar see [Inanna]
  Ishquin see [Tlasolteotl]
  Itsamana God of healing Maya, fair-skinned bearded man. Its symbol is a rattlesnake.
  Isis Goddess of the moon.
  Iris The Goddess of the Rainbow, daughter of Taumant.
  Inmar God, ruler of the upper, heavenly world - the world of the gods.
  Indra (legend) “Lord”. The main god of the Indian Vedic pantheon. The book of Veles is referred to as the supreme heavenly god.
  Inari One of the good gods, benevolent and wise.
  Inanna Ishtar. Goddess of fertility and love
  Isis see [Isis]
  Idun see [Idun]
  Izanami Goddess, wife of Izanaki, later - the mistress of the kingdom of the dead.
  Izanaki Izanaki is a god, the creator of the earth and people.
  Idun (legend) Idunn. Ace, the goddess of eternal youth and healing.
  Zimzerla (legend) The mistress of the beginning of the day, the goddess of the morning dawn. It turns out at night to frolic over forest-fields, and then they call it Zarnitsya.
  Zeus Supreme Olympic God.
  Zevana (legend) Goddess of animals and hunting. In the temple he holds in his hands a bow and a trap, at her feet lies a horn and a knife.
  Zhurba see [Zhelya]
  Sorry see [Jelly]
  Zhivana see [Alive]
  Alive (legend) Goddess of Spring and Life in all its manifestations: Life-giving Forces of Nature, spring bubbling waters, first green shoots; patroness of young girls and young wives.
  Zhelya (legend) Zhlya, Zhurba. The goddess of mortal sorrow, pity and funeral lamentation, the messenger of the dead, escorting to the funeral pyre. Even the mere mention of her name makes the soul easier.
  Erd Erd. As, mother of Thor, goddess of the earth.
  Dyy (legend) The name of God is mentioned in the old Russian insert in the South Slavic text “The Virgin’s Walking in Pain”. Sometimes - the general designation of the middle gods.
  Dubynya One of the three giant brothers, the assistants of Perun (Gorynya, Dubynya and Usyn).
  Dorida Sea goddess, wife of Nereus, mother of Nereid.
  Share (legend) Heavenly spinning spinning the good, blessed thread of human life. Sister Nedoli, assistant to Moshi.
Dodola (legend) The thundering goddess of spring. She walks over the fields and cornfields with a retinue, and Perun and his companions chase after them in the noise of a spring thunderstorm.
  Dogoda (legend) God of quiet, pleasant wind and clear weather. Ruddy, fair-haired young man in a cornflower wreath, in silver-blue clothes, with semiprecious wings behind him.
  Dimuzi Tammuz. The god of spring fertility, the patron saint of herders.
  Dimu-nanny Goddess, personification of the earth.
  Did (legend) The third son of the goddess Lada, after Lel and Polely, the god of conjugal love. The forever young Deed patronizes strong alliances, is revered as a symbol of ageless, inescapable love.
  Divia (legend) (Diva) Goddess of nature, mother of all living things. The primary goddess, isometric Dyu.
  Diverkiz (legend) A hare god, once revered by the Slavic and Baltic tribes.
  Diva (legend) Virgo, Divia, Dina (ramparts), Devana (Czech) Goddess of hunting, protected forests, animals, girls (female secret hunting communities).
  Dijun God, the father of the heavenly bodies.
  Danae The father of the nymph Amimona.
  Dana (legend) Goddess of water. She was revered as a bright and kind goddess, giving life to all living things.
  Dazhdbog Svarozhich (legend) Dabog, Dazhbog, Dabush. “Giving God,” “Giver of All Good.” God of the Sun, son of Svarog.
  Gullveig (legend) Gullveig. Van, one of the main opponents of the aces. Ases speak of her as a witch and a witch.
  Gore Bird-headed god of the sun.
  Gna Gna. Ace, a servant and envoy of Frigg, traveling across different worlds, carrying out the instructions of her mistress.
  Gaia Goddess - Earth, wife of Uranus, mother of Tetida.
  Gefun Gefju. As, goddess of gardening and plow
  Hephaestus God of flame, blacksmith.
  Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice greatest). Patron of magic and esotericism.
  Hermes "Messenger", "Thief", "Psychopomp" - a driver of souls in the kingdom of Hades.
  Helium Daughter of the sun god Phoebe and the Oceanids Klymene.
  Helios God of the Sun, Olympus, son of the titans Hyperion and Fey, brother of Selena and Eos.
  Gelada Daughters of the sun god Phoebe and the oceans Klymene: Phaetusa, Lampetia, Helium and Etheria.
  Hecate Goddess of dark powers, the underworld and night, three-faced and serpent-haired.
  Garuda (legend) Bird of paradise, half-eagle, half-man, a symbol of speed and power, child of heaven and king of all birds. Phoenix.
  Vjöfn Vjofn. Ace, goddess of consent and example, resolving disagreements among mortals.
  Volcano Roman god-smith, as well as the god of cleansing flame, which protects against fires.
  Vritra Demon from the myth of Indra.
  Wotan Mayan God, fair-skinned bearded man. His symbol is a snake
  Thief Vor. Ace, the goddess of curiosity and solving riddles
Water strider Small Indian god.
  Vishnu The second god of the trinity, heading the Brahminist pantheon. Depicted in blue, with four hands holding a baton, shell, disc and lotus.
  Willy wanted As, son (daughter) of Bora, brother (sister) of Odin and Ve.
  Vidar (legend) The silent As, the son of Odin and the giantess Grid, is almost as powerful as the god of thunder Thor.
  Evening Goddess of the evening (the Evening Party corresponds to her). Sister of the Midday, the Bathing Woman and the Dawn - Zarenitsa.
  There is a wanted list for As, the son (daughter) of Bora, the brother (sister) of Odin and Willy.
  Varuna the God of the Ocean.
  Varma-ava Goddess of the wind in Mordovia.
  Var Var. As, the goddess of truth. He listens and records the oaths of people.
  Van Vaner. The clan of the gods in Scandinavia, who were at enmity with the gods - Asami.
  Vanadis see [Freya]
  Vali (legend) As, one of the twelve main (after Odin) gods.
  Storm (legend) Goddess of the wind, wife of Stribog. “Treba as a Stribog.”
  Storm Buri. Ace, freed from ice by cow Audumla, father of Bohr.
  Bulda One of the gods. wanted
  Bragi (legend) “Long bearded“. As, god of poets and skalds, son of Odin, husband of Idunn.
  Bor Bor. As, the son of the Tempest, the husband of Bestla, the father of Odin, Willy and Ve.
  Big Triglav or Rodov Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog.
  Bozhich (legend) Bozhik (Maked.), Mares (lat.). One of the heroes of the ritual of caroling, a symbol of the new year. Bozic patronizes the family and home.
  Bogumir (legend) Son of Dazhbog and Morena. He married Slavun and from him went all the people on Russian land, tribes from his children. Therefore, they say that the Rus are Dazhdzhi’s grandchildren.
  Bill Bil. The waning moon, one of the three goddesses, along with Hyuk and Mani.
  White-God (legend) The embodiment of Light, Good, Good luck, happiness, good, the personification of the daytime spring sky. The collective image of all the bright gods.
  Barma (legend) God of prayer. He is a good god, but if he is furious, at this moment it is better not to get in his way.
  Balder (legend) As, the god of spring, joy and happiness. With his death, the world became gray and dull, the way it is now.
  Ausra the Lithuanian god of the morning dawn.
  Ases Aesir. The clan of the gods in Scandinavia.
  Aster "Star". One of the names of Veles.
  Aslathi the Thunderer of God.
  Artemis Goddess of the hunt.
  Apollo Olympic god of the sun, son of Zeus and Summer, brother of Artemis.
  Anu the God of heaven.
  Andrimnir (legend) Cook in Valhalla.
  Amaterasu Amaterasu is the sun goddess.
  Hades Lord of the kingdom of the dead.
  Azovushka Wife of Veles.
  Aegir (legend) Van, the god of the sea, controlling the mood of the sea surface.
  Aditya Supreme spirit, the essence of the universe in the Rig Vedas.
Aditi Father of all gods.
  Adad God of thunder, rain and storm.
  Agunya (legend) God of Earth Fire, the youngest of Svarozhichi. It is the Power of the Gods of Heaven on Earth - cleansing and protecting from all evil spirits.
  Agrik The legendary hero who wielded the sword-treasurer, mentioned in the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia."
  Aurora Goddess of the morning dawn.

The main gods in Ancient Hellas were recognized as those that belonged to the younger generation of celestials. Once it took power over the world from the older generation, personifying the main universal forces and elements (see the article The Origin of the Gods of Ancient Greece). The older gods are commonly referred to as titans. Defeating the Titans, the younger gods, led by Zeus, settled on Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks honored 12 Olympic gods. Their list usually included Zeus, Hera, Athena, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hermes, Hestia. Hades is close to the Olympian gods, but he does not live on Olympus, but in his underground kingdom.

The gods of ancient Greece. Video film

God Poseidon (Neptune). Antique statue of the 2nd century by R. H.

Olympic goddess Artemis. Statue in the Louvre

Statue of Athena Virgin in the Parthenon. Ancient Greek sculptor Phidias

Venus (Aphrodite) of Milos. Statue approx. 130-100 B.C.

Eros Earthly and Heavenly. Painter J. Ballon, 1602

Hymen   - A satellite of Aphrodite, the god of marriage. In his name, wedding hymns were also called hymenas in ancient Greece.

  - daughter of Demeter, abducted by the god Hades. After a long search, the inconsolable mother found Persephone in the underworld. Hades, who made her his wife, agreed that she would spend part of the year on earth with her mother, and the other with him in the bowels of the earth. Persephone was the personification of grain, which, being "dead" sown in the ground, then "comes to life" and comes out of it into the light.

The abduction of Persephone. Antique jug, approx. 330-320 B.C.

Amphitrite   - Poseidon's wife, one of Nereid

Proteus   - one of the marine deities of the Greeks. The son of Poseidon, who had the gift of predicting the future and changing his appearance

Triton   - the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, a messenger of the deep sea, blowing into the sink. In appearance - a mixture of man, horse and fish. Close to the eastern god Dagon.

Eiren   - the goddess of the world, standing at the throne of Zeus on Olympus. In ancient Rome - the goddess Pax.

Nika   - the goddess of victory. The constant companion of Zeus. In Roman Mythology - Victoria

Dike   - in Ancient Greece - the personification of divine truth, a goddess hostile to deception

Tyuche   - the goddess of good luck and a happy occasion. The Romans - Fortune

Morpheus - the ancient Greek god of dreams, son of the god of sleep Hypnos

Plutos   - god of wealth

Phobos   (“Fear”) - Ares’s son and companion

Deimos   (“Horror”) - Ares’s son and companion

Enio   - among the ancient Greeks - the goddess of a frantic war, which causes fury in the fighters and brings confusion to the battle. In Ancient Rome - Bellona


The Titans are the second generation of gods of Ancient Greece, generated by natural elements. The first titans were six sons and six daughters, descended from the connection of Gaia-Earth with Uranus-Heaven. Six sons: Kron (Time. Among the Romans - Saturn), Ocean (father of all rivers), Hyperion, Kay, Kriy, Iapetus. Six daughters: Tefida   (Water), Teia   (Shine) Rhea   (Mother Mountain?), Themis (Justice), Mnemosyne   (Memory), Phoebe.

Uranus and Gaia. Ancient Roman mosaic 200-250 according to R.H.

In addition to the titans, Gaia gave birth to cyclops and hecatonheirs from marriage with Uranus.

Cyclops   - Three giants with a large, round, fiery eye in the middle of the forehead. In ancient times - the personifications of clouds, from which lightning sparkles

Hecatonheira   - “hundred-armed” giants, against the terrible power of which nothing can resist. The embodiment of terrible earthquakes and floods.

The cyclops and the hecatonheirs were so strong that Uranus himself was horrified by their power. He tied them up and threw them into the depths of the earth, where they now rage, causing volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The presence of these giants in the womb of the earth began to cause terrible suffering to her. Gaea persuaded his youngest son, Kron, to take revenge on his father, Uranus, having overshadowed him.

Cronus made it a sickle. From the drops of Uranus blood shed during this, Gaia conceived and gave birth to three Erinis - the goddess of vengeance with snakes on their heads instead of hair. The names of Erinius are Typhon (the killing avenger), Alekto (the tireless pursuer) and Megera (the terrible). From that part of the seed and blood of sprayed Uranus that fell not to the earth, but to the sea, the goddess of love Aphrodite was born.

The night of Nyukta, in an anger at the lawlessness of Krona, gave birth to terrible creatures and deities of Tanat (Death), Erisu   (Contention) Apatu   (Deception), goddesses of violent death Ker, Hypnosis   (Dream Nightmare) Nemesis   (Revenge), Gerasa   (Old age), Charon   (carrier of the dead to the underworld).

Power over the world has now passed from Uranus to the Titans. They divided the universe among themselves. Cronus instead of his father became the supreme god. The ocean gained power over a huge river, which, according to the ancient Greeks, flows around the whole earth. Four other Kron brothers reigned in four cardinal points: Hyperion in the East, Kriy in the south, Iapetus in the West, Kay in the North.

Four out of six elder titans married their sisters. From them went the younger generation of titans and deities of the elements. From the marriage of Ocean with his sister Tefida (Water) all earthly rivers and water nymphs-Oceanids were born. The Titan Hyperion - (“high-walking”) took his sister Teija (Shine) as his wife. Helios (the Sun) was born from them, Selena   (Moon) and Eos   (Dawn). From Eos, stars and four gods of the winds were born: Borea   (North wind), Music   (South wind), Marshmallows   (west wind) and Evre   (Eastern wind). The Titans Kay (Heavenly Axis?) And Phoebe gave birth to Summer (Night silence, the mother of Apollo and Artemis) and Asteria (Starlight). Cron himself married Ray (Mother Mountain, the personification of the productive power of mountains and forests). Their children are the Olympic gods Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus.

The titan Kriy married the daughter of Pontus of Euribia, and the titan Iapetus married the oceanian Klymene, who gave birth to the Atlantean titans (he holds the sky on his shoulders), the arrogant Menethius, the cunning Prometheus (“thinking before, foreseeing”) and the moronic Epimetheus (“thinking after").

From these titans came others:

Hesper   - the god of evening and evening star. His daughters from the night-Nyukta - the Hesperides nymphs who guard the garden with golden apples on the western edge of the earth, which was once donated by the Gaia-Earth to the goddess Hera during her marriage to Zeus

Ora   - the goddess of the parts of the day, seasons and periods of human life.

Harits   - goddess of grace, fun and joy of life. There are three of them - Aglaya ("Glee"), Efrosin ("Joy") and Thalia ("Abundance"). A number of Greek writers have different names. In ancient Rome, they corresponded graces