Repairs Design Furniture

What to do noise insulation of the walls. How and what materials to make noise insulation of the apartment. Noise insulation of walls with cork panels

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the types and sources of noise
  • What noise insulation materials are usually used
  • What methods of noise insulation exist
  • How to make noise insulation ceiling, floor, walls, entrance doors, butts do it yourself
  • What tips should be adhered to make noise insulation in the apartment
  • What myths and misconceptions exist regarding noise insulation in the apartment

The domestic apartment foundation today is almost half consisting of housing, distinguished by poor sound insulation, which significantly reduces the level of comfort. Given this circumstance, it is possible to explain the popularity of services for noise insulation of walls, ceilings and floors with modern materials. At the same time, it is quite possible to solve this task and on their own. Companies that work in the sphere of soundproofing technologies offer a wide selection of solutions that even a person who does not have special knowledge in the field of construction and installation of various designs can take advantage. Further information on how to make noise insulation in the apartment, you will find in this article.

From whom and what are there noise insulation in the apartment

Before deciding how to make noise insulation of your housing, you need to deal with the main sources of noise, which are present in apartment buildings (MKD). The correct definition of the source of sound oscillations significantly simplifies the task. In some cases, it is possible to avoid labor-intensive and expensive operations, making an insulation of a separate structural element.

Distinguish two noise options:

  • Wave noise - spreads through the air. Sources of sound waves: Loud talk, music, dog Lai, etc.

  • Vibrating noise - distributed in building structures and engineering communications. Its sources can be building tools (drill, hammer, perforator, etc.) or household appliances (washing machine).

The main sources of noise in the apartment:

  • Noise from Street Penetrates the dwelling through window openings. You can get rid of the noise of passing vehicles or loud voices that have been coming from the playground, only after installing the window system with a triple glass. Curtains from dense tissue can act as an additional noise insulation.
  • Noise from the entrance penetrates through the opening of the entrance door. It is not entirely comfortable, being in the apartment, hear the noise of the working elevator, a knock knock and the conversations of the neighbors on the landing or, on the contrary, to understand that everything is heard in your dwelling in your dwelling. Both problems are solved if you make noise insulation of the door design. For this, the door canvas should be hampered by sound-absorbing material, as well as use a high-quality seal along the contour of the door frame.
  • Noise It falls through the designs of walls, through sockets, slots between elements of overlaps, etc. Too noisy neighbors (loud music lovers, parties, home repairs, etc.) are most often called as a decisive factor that encourages to make noise insulation in the apartment. It all depends on the number of "annoying" sources. If these are neighbors "through the wall", then you can do the noise insulation of the adjacent wall design. If noisy tenants surround from all sides, as well as on top and bottom, you will have to make complete sound insulation.
  • Noise from your apartment Also comes through all the designs described here. Therefore, if you yourself love noisy parties, you are interested in music or you have hyperactive children, then, in order to avoid quarrels and visits of the district, it is better to quickly make noise insulation in the apartment.

Another point is associated with the quality of the sound insulation materials used. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of solutions that differ at the price used by the composition and operational characteristics.

To securely isolate the wall structures from the penetration of outdoor noise, it is necessary to create conditions with the help of building materials at which noise waves would have been dissolved and absorbed. In addition, it is necessary to create an obstacle to the path of vibration oscillations and provide an opportunity to reflect sound waves.

Sound waves when passing through various media faded. At the same time, multi-layer noise insulation are more efficient than single-layer, having a large thickness.

Misconceptions and myths about noise insulation in the apartment

Myth 1: To make noise insulation in the apartment, it is enough to provide sound insulation of wall structures, which is located a noise source.

Noise is sound waves, which are characteristic of rectilinear distribution. Thus, the sound from the TV wall working over the wall will take place not only through the wall, but also through the inter-storey floors, communication systems and technological holes (for example, ventilation). Noise isolation of the wall will only partially muffle the penetrating noise. In order to ensure comfort in the apartment, it is necessary to make an analysis of a situation that will help identify the weakest places in terms of sound insulation.

Myth 2: For good noise insulation, it is enough to have a room with an expensive, thin, but effective rolled sound insulation for the walls.

It is such information that can be found in various promotional materials that argue that various membrane technologies are already used everywhere in European countries. But in practice, everything looks somewhat different. Such membranes themselves are ineffective. They are commonly used with traditional solutions for noise insulation, which only raises the cost of work.

One of the arguments that marketers use, promoting sound-proof membranes, is that in the automotive industry for noise insulation of auto salons, membrane materials are used with a thickness of no more than 5 millimeters. But in this case we are talking about a completely different noise technology, which is effective exclusively for thin plates. The thickness of the metal from which the car body is made is a few millimeters and less than the thickness of the membrane used. And now, let's calculate which thickness will need sound insulation of this type for a wall structure thick, for example, 100 millimeters. In order to make sure the information provided here is enough to get acquainted with the technical documentation for thin super noise insulation. It turns out that it turns out that this is just an advertising trick to increase the cost of sound insulation.

Myth 3: Solve the problem of noise using sound-absorbing materials.

Popular sound-absorbing materials: Heradesign, Mappysil and the EcoFon differ in the minimum thickness and high sound absorption efficiency, but absolutely not suitable for noise insulation. To understand this, you need to figure out what the difference between sound insulation and sound absorption. Insulating materials are designed to protect against external influence, and absorbing needed to prevent echo and absorb sounds, the sources of which are instruments and techniques located indoors (TV, telephone, music center, etc.). Noise absorbing materials are usually used to arrange home theaters.

Myth 4: It is possible to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment using only foam.

There will be a big mistake solution to make noise insulation with polystyrene. After the posted room, the soundproofing can even deteriorate. Since the polynostols are distinguished by a rigid structure and a closed cellular structure, when contacting a massive wall, they can cause a resonance phenomenon for medium frequency sound waves. As you know, the average frequencies are characteristic of human speech, therefore, with such insulation you can even better hear what the neighbors say. Only an illiterate specialist can offer to make noise insulation using foam.

Myth 5: Before buying noise insulation, you should pay attention to the air noise insulation index (RW).

The RW index does not always demonstrate the sound insulation level of the system. The method of calculating the air noise insulation index was designed in Soviet times, so it does not take into account some noise sources, which is the modern domestic equipment. In other words, it is more focused on a loud speech, the sound of the TV or music, but does not take into account the sounds of low frequency produced by subwoofers, home theaters and household appliances. Fibrous sound insulation with high RW indicators will be high-quality protection against mid-frequency sound waves. But in order to absorb low-frequency noises, it, in addition to the stroke of the noise absorber, should have a lining layer of a large thickness.

How to make noise insulation in the apartment with your own hands: start with the basics

Construction professionals note that the panel-type houses that were built ten or more years ago are characterized by high sound strength. In some cases, apartments in such MKD in the level of comfort can be compared with communals, where almost everything is heard, which is happening behind the wall. In this regard, the owners of such housing are very acute the question of how to make noise insulation in the apartment of the panel house.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the walls and the material of their manufacture.

If the wall structures are quite reliable, then the cause of good hearing can be incorrectly installed sockets and various defects in the form of cracks and cracks. In this case, it will be enough to perform work to eliminate deficiencies, as well as to replace window and door structures.

If the walls are in order, and the noise still penetrates the apartment, you must follow the following:

  1. Make the preparation of the walls.

Before making good noise insulation in the apartment, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from pollution and check them for cracks and other defects. The detected cracks should be highly covered, as they contribute to the penetration of foreign sounds.

The next step is the sound insulation of the power out. If it is necessary to transfer the outlet, then the remaining hole must be filled with the mounting foam, and even better by plaster or CPS. When performing electrical installation work, the safety regulations should be strictly followed.

At the end of the preparatory stage, it is necessary to insulate the heating pipes in the places of their passage in the wall design. Elastic sealant is used for sealing all seams and connections.

  1. Select sound insulation material.

Sealing cracks in the walls is only the initial stage of arising insulation in the apartment. For reliable protection against extraneous noise, you will need high-quality sound insulation materials, in a wide range of specialized companies presented in the catalogs. It is not necessary to choose expensive options at all. You can choose proven noise insulation, ideally combining price and quality indicators.

How to choose reliable sound insulation materials at an acceptable cost? It is necessary to compare the parameters of noise insulation with the characteristics of the apartment. It is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms, the size of window and door structures, the thickness of the walls and their quality. The selection of noise-insulating materials with an excessively large thickness can significantly reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, take away from each wall for several tens of millimeters. In this regard, you can pay attention to cork wallpapers, featuring high-quality sound insulation.

What to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment: choose the material

So, what are the materials for sound insulation usually apply?

Soft noise insulation

  • Sound insulation membranes. They can be ordinary and self-adhesive. They produce such membranes from synthetic or natural fiber. In the assortment of such products, bituminous polymer noise insulation for floors with a layer of polyester fiber is separately represented separately.

  • Soundproofing from needleproof fiberglass. Such materials are used for ceiling structures and walls. This is the most successful option in order to make high-quality sound insulation of frame structures.

  • Polyester cloth substrate Released for finishing the "floating" floor, but can also be used as the basis for laminate.

  • Mineral wool - The most common material that is distinguished by the available price and good heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Curvy insulation includes structures in the form of plates and panels from noise insulating materials

  • Combined panels consist of two sheets and layers between them. They are made from chipboard with the inclusion of synthetic or cork materials. For layers, minvata or quartz sand is commonly used.

  • Basalt plates produce natural fiber. There are plates from basalt treated with special water repellent mixtures.

  • Plates made of polyester fibers are synthetic material that has been widely used in frame construction technologies.

  • Fiberglass staple weaving plates are used in the quality of the filler for interdeploy space, as well as for noise insulation of suspended ceilings and frame wall structures.

  • Cork slabs as panels for finishing, as well as floor coverings from corks can be installed without using additional noise insulation.

  • Plates from foam are the most affordable soundproofing material. Despite the fact that according to its characteristics, they are inferior to more modern noise insulation, such plates are still highly popular when performing budget repairs. The company "My Repair" performs high-quality and not expensive repairs in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Liquid isolation

Sound-insulating materials have a serious drawback - they occupy a lot of free space. After their installation, the room will lose in the area. Avoid this will help the use of liquid noise insulation.

It will take a special adhesive composition for its arrangement that does not take up much space. It is often used between the layers of GLC, GVL and plywood. A small layer of such insulation in quality will not yield to traditional materials of large thickness.

It is worth mentioning and prudent sound insulation

Many are interested in how to make noise insulation in the apartment if the wallpaper is already pissed. In this case, you can use a number of interior decor elements that will reduce the noise level by almost 30%:

  • Big carpet on the floor or wall.

  • The furniture wall located along the wall will allow to turn loud sounds, the source of which is located at the neighbors, into a soft hum.

  • Dense curtains on the windows will reduce the level of street noise in the apartment.

It should be noted that only the right choice of noise insulating materials will make it possible to achieve a good result. Solving what noise isolation to do in the apartment, pay attention to other characteristics of such materials: thickness, thermal insulation indicators, etc.

Soundproofing methods of the apartment

Make noise insulation in the apartment can be three methods:

  1. Frame method Ensures the arrangement of the guides on which the facing panels will be fixed. After installing the sound-absorbing material between the guides, reconnecting panels are placed.

The advantage of this method is that with the proper installation of the panels, a high level of sound insulation is achieved. At the same time, this option is quite expensive and takes a lot of free space indoors.

  1. Installation of plates and membranes It assumes the installation of noise insulation directly on the walls, the floor or ceiling structures. After installing the plates with a special fastener or glue, they are closed with thin facing panels. For the quality of protection against extraneous noise, this method is not inferior to the framework technology, but it costs significantly cheaper.

  1. "Floating" The method is used for noise insulation floors. To do this, the prepared surface spread the soundproofing material, which is covered with waterproofing from above. The reinforcing screed is placed on top of such a floor, which is installed. Since hard mounts are not used in this versions, it provides reliable protection against vibration noise.

How to make noise insulation ceiling in the apartment

The most practical and efficient option of noise insulation in the apartment from the neighbors from above is to install stretch or suspended ceilings. Experienced specialists who know the features of the technological process are performed to perform such work. For quality repairs in Moscow and Moscow region you can contact My Repair Company.

For the purpose of saving, you can independently make the ceiling insulation in the apartment with the help of multi-layered structures. This option can be even a novice master. It includes the following steps:

  1. Dismantling of an old coating.
  2. The ceiling is covered with a special acoustic material, additionally fasten it with a dowel.
  3. The suspensions of profiles for the installation of drywall must be fixed with an interval of 60 cm.
  4. Noise insulating plates are installed in the resulting structure in such a way as to leave a small air layer between acoustic coating and plates (from 50 to 100 mm).
  5. The resulting design is lined with plasterboard sheets.

Pay special attention to the quality of the materials used. This will provide your comfort and comfort in the future.

The insulation of the floor provides protection against noise, the source of which is located below, and will save you from claims living there for the neighbors about the loud sounds emanating from your apartment.

There are also two solution options here: make noise insulation with your own hands or contact professionals. In the first case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the installation of noise insulation of the floor.

  1. Sealing joints.

At the stage of preparation for assembly work, it is necessary to inspect the joints of inter-storey overlaps and walls. When the cracks are detected, it is necessary to close them with a cement solution or mounting foam. Cracks in building structures most often act as a factor contributing to high sound conductivity.

  1. Installation of plinths.

There is an important feature of the installation of the plinth on the floor with a "floating" basis. Such systems can shift, which will lead to deformation and destruction of the plinth, so it is fixed only on the one hand. To increase the quality of noise insulation, the strips from a special material are installed under the plinth.

  1. Installation of lag.

When installing lags, you should avoid direct touch them with walls and the basis of the floor. In these places should be placed gaskets from rubber or other noise insulating material. You should not use hard connections for installation, as they are vibration noise conductors.

  1. Arrangement of the substrate.

For flooring of laminate, it is necessary to use a substrate based on polyester fibers, which ensures good noise insulation.

Increase the effect will help the carpet on the floor.

In any embodiment, the floor insulation is necessary to observe the procedure and use quality materials.

How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment

It makes no sense to make noise insulation of all walls in the apartment, including interroom partitions. It is enough to isolate the designs that are adjacent to neighbors and a staircase.

Sound insulation membranes on "self-keys", combined panels or stoves are used as noise insulation of the wall surfaces, which are placed on a special framework. It is necessary to consider that thicker materials will reduce the number of useful areas in the rooms.

Important conditions for high-quality noise insulation are the absence of through sockets. If there are such, the space between them should be filled with a noise absorbing material or mounting foam.

Before mounting sound insulation, it is necessary to conduct preparatory operations:

  1. Dismantling of the old wall cover (wallpaper, decorative panels).
  2. Disassembly of power out and switches. If you have a junction box for wiring, you need to remove the cover from it. It should be pre-de-energized.
  3. Pull out the wiring from the box and sockets for switches and sockets.
  4. Increase the wiring for the switch and sockets to the width of the future isolation.
  5. Temporarily insulate the curtain ends of the wiring.
  6. Fill the socket and the edge box.
  7. Make a wall inspection for crack.
  8. When the cracks are detected, it is necessary to close them with cement mortar.

If you do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills, to carry out electrical installations, invite a professional electrician.

The most efficient option of noise insulation in the panel apartment is a skeleton method. Consider it more of its stages.

  1. Shift the soundproofing membrane to the surface of the wall. For this, the self-adhesive membrane or the usual, which is mounted on special glue.
  2. Make a frame frame with vertical guides along the edges of the wall and horizontal under the ceiling and on the floor. For mounting guides, dowel screws are used.
  3. At a distance of 0.4 - 0.5 meters from each other, install vertical guides inside the frame.
  4. Install the sound insulation between the frame guides using glue or bending metal tape, which is joined to the guide screws.
  5. In the resulting frame there should be no voids and gaps.
  6. Through noise insulation Display the switch of the switch and sockets
  7. Secure plasterboard sheets or decorative plates on the frame. In sheets or in the stoves it is necessary to make holes for the junction box, power outlets and switches.
  8. Carefully close the interpanel seams.
  9. Make the finishing wall wall with wallpaper or plaster.
  10. Install the power outlet, switch and junction box.

How to make noise insulation of the entrance door in the apartment

The entrance door is one of the most significant designs in the issues of noise insulation of the apartment. The underlying condition that will help to get rid of outsiders penetrating the staircase - the absence of cracks in the door design. To reduce sound permeability, the rubber seals should be installed along the entire perimeter of the door leaf and equip a small threshold in front of the door frame. In the presence of slots between the box and the wall, they should be sealed with a cement mortar.

For more efficient noise insulation, in addition to the main input door, you can install additional. The tambour forms in this case will extinguish sound waves.

How much does it cost to make noise insulation in the apartment

The cost of sound insulation in the apartment depends on several factors, including the existing and required level of sound permeability, materials and quality of building structures, as well as a solution to such a task. For a reference point we can say that sound insulation 1 m 2 walls costs from 310 to 400 rubles, and the installation of acoustic suspended ceiling design from 240 to 600 rubles. for 1 m 2.

When solving special tasks to arrange noise insulation in premises with special requirements (for example, home theater, recording studio, etc.) The cost of noise insulation will be higher than under standard conditions.

Walls of modern apartments made of brick or concrete, quite well pass noises from neighbors. Inside the room they come from all sides (which illustrates the photo below). It prevents the normal rest, violating the usual lifestyle. To the question of how to make noise insulation of the walls from the neighbors, it is necessary to approach very seriously, because the rapid solution to the problem will help preserve peaceful relations with them, and, possibly, their own health, since quarrels, lack of sleep and general discomfort do not contribute to its conservation.

Varieties of household noisms

Noise is the vibration of the air of a certain force. After a difficult day, I want to relax in a calm, cozy, homely atmosphere or just sleep on the weekend. But accommodation in a new building (where a few years after putting it into operation at residents are constant repairs), or next to noisy neighbors - can easily become an obstacle.

All the wines here lies on the fact that there were few during construction. Modern multi-storey houses outside are insulated with a material with sound insulation properties simultaneously. The windows in them are inserted plastic. All these activities affect lowering the level of incoming noise. Between apartments, often the walls are not covered with a special soundproofing coating.

To improve the level of comfort, in this case, it will be necessary to create an additionally appropriate layer, which will be able to prevent different types of noise from entering both neighbors and in the opposite direction.

Specialists divided household noises by groups. Here are the main of them:

  • shock (called still vibrational), which apply to overlaps and and arise as a result of the mechanical impact on them tool, appliances;
  • air - sounds transmitted through cracks, holes in the walls, floor, ceilings;
  • structural, arising from the work of the internal communications of the building (elevators, ventilation systems);
  • reflective - these are the sounds in the room and the objects shielded in it.

The first two types of practical interest are the greatest practical interest in the prevalence and degree of impact.

The following photo shows noise levels from various sources.

Without a special device, noise is measured. Normal is considered the sound of the volume of 40 dB from 7 am and up to 23 pm. At the same time, it should not exceed 55 dB, and at another time - 40 dB.

If the sound background is constantly higher than the specified values, it is recommended to install a sound insulation coating that must be performed 2 functions: reflect external and absorb internal vibrations. This allows how from time to time themselves without consequences to make noise, and get rid of outsided sounds.

The simplest way to reduce overall noise

Soundproofing of walls from neighbors begins with preliminary preparations. These actions will help partially (insignificant) to noisely insulate the room. They are easy to perform with their own hands in order. Everything comes down to the following:

  • remove the old finish completely or only defective parts, which is determined by the further way to achieve the desired result;
  • the surface is inspected for cracks and chips;
  • finding such, they are ground and plaster;
  • outlets (switches) located on common with neighbors walls are revealed and insulation (foam or fiberglass) is placed in the mounting box.

The last item provides for the pre-shutdown of the supply machines and dismantling the point. In this case, the embedded insert is lubricated by plaster. After that, the sockets are installed back to the previous place.

Next, go to the pipes of heating, water supply and sewage. If there is in the place of their entry of emptiness, they are filled with mounting foam. Sewer pipes are desirable to close the box, having preheated by their soundproofing material, as shown in the photo.

In old houses with thick walls, additional plastering can practically get rid of outsiders, and the creation of further decorative design will help even lower their level.

Even waves on the walls of carpets prevent the spread of sound oscillations.

For new buildings, plaster is also a variant of lowering the overall level of sound background, but it is not particularly effective compared to the rest of the protection methods. At the same time, the coating takes up little space and can act as the finishing layer, which suits the inhabitants of panel structures. The solution is recommended to apply multiple layers.

The performance of the simplest works by affordable materials allows you to cope with part of noise influences, and with a minor level of the latter - to completely exclude them. If necessary, further reduction of sound influences will need to apply special finishing methods.

Materials used to work at home

The modern market presents a large range of products to perform. It used to be believed that the thicker sound insulation layer, the better. Today, you can choose even subtle materials that have excellent characteristics in this direction.

In practice, the means of suppressing noise influences presented in the table are common.

Decorative plates

Still can be used:

  • sounds breeding sealants;
  • mastics, absorbing sound;
  • noise insulating wallpapers;
  • ordinary plaster;

It is possible to reduce the noise effects by increasing the thickness of the walls with brick masonry or foam block. Such options significantly reduce the size of the room. Their use requires the calculation of loads.

Today, the choice of products is limited only to the further finishing coating and financial capabilities. Often, materials combine in themselves, except for the main function, and the ability to additional insulation of the room.

Mounting frame for soundproofing material

A common option for how to sound the wall from the neighbors is the creation of a frame of a metal profile, which is filled with noise insulator. Next, they are trimmed with plasterboard sheets, plywood, OSB, chipboard or fiberboard.

Wooden rails can serve as the basis of the frame. The process of its creation can be divided into such steps:

  • mark the contour of the future design;
  • mounted horizontal guides (charging noise insulating tapes for them) on the ceiling and floor;
  • with the same precautions, a vertical profile is set in increasing, slightly smaller from the width of the soundproofer used;
  • the framework is tightly inserted into the frame, so that there are no gaps;
  • put the base prepared sheets.

Soundproofing framework

The qualitative result of the work can be submitted based on the following photo.

Filler void often serves mineral wool. The frame itself to the wall can be attached to the applied rolled coating. This method takes part of a residential space, but the design made allows you to achieve high-quality protection against noise.

Use noise absorbing wallpapers and decorative panels

If, after plastering and aligning the walls of the room, it is additionally required to reduce the external sound effect, the wallpaper will help. These goals are well correspond to heavy, thick canvas.

The main thing when gluing is the use of glue calculated under this type of wallpaper. The technology of sticking is described in detail on the package, or it can be clarified by the sellers of consultants. The work performed is similar to operations with conventional rolls. The possible result is visible in the photo.

Decorative elements are used with smooth walls or with a crate. They stick to liquid nails, connecting the grooves. Working with the material is simple, and the result is a beautiful canvas.

The use of product data is finishing. The resulting design additionally protects against sound interference.

Works with plates and rolled materials

The use of modern tile materials significantly reduces the volume and time of work, allowing to achieve positive results.

With the installation of products, one person will easily cope, because they are lightweight, compact and consisting of fibreboard wool. They additionally insulate the room.

Plates directly without additional use of the frame are fixed with a dowel to the wall. The resulting joints are treated with putty.

With the help of the polyplex, you can soundly insulated with a wall and warm it well. The material is a large density of polystyrene foam. Frame when installing the coating is not needed. These goals serve special adhesives or mushroom plastic dowels. The method of fastening can be combined.

The fastening process of the dowels is as follows:

  • the fifth plate is drilled: 2 or 4 holes are created;
  • lean to the surface of the wall, making tags there;
  • at points drill holes up to 60 mm depth;
  • "Mushrooms" (scoring them until the stop) fix the sheet by screwing into a dowel of self-tapping screw;
  • the following panels are closed with groove by mounting in the same way.

Use is a very simple and cheap way. They are mounted using a conventional adhesive for vinyl wallpaper. This method justifies itself when renting housing, because only 60% of noise is removed.

The use of plates and rolled materials significantly speeds up the entire workflow. The technology allows (with sufficiently smooth surfaces) to do without bulky structures, saving the space of the rooms. The applied coating is able to deliver the range of irritating sounds.

A large selection of material on the construction market allows you to make sound insulation of walls from the neighbors, and it is reasonable to spend the funds, because in many cases the financial factor is crucial. Modern soundproofing products, in addition to protection against noise, makes it possible to achieve 2 more important purposes: increase the degree of thermal insulation of the room and it is beautifully arranged.

To obtain an excellent result, it follows during the selection of the coating maximize the conditions for its further operation.

General recommendations on the maintenance of premises are set forth in the following video.

The process of installing noise insulating plates is presented in detail by the next roller.

Depends on the type of noise that you want to eliminate. All noise penetrating in the apartment can be divided into 2 types: vibration (drum) and acoustic (air). Vibrating noise is sound oscillations that apply to a solid environment. Many know in their own experience, as it can be well heard when the neighbors are thrown on the floor with heavy items, jumping with a skipper, have or rearranged furniture. And if anyone in the entrance is wrapping with a jackhammer or perforator, the strongest roar is worth all the apartments of a high-rise building. That's all there is a shock noise.

The noise level of about 40 decibels will not give the opportunity to relax, and the noise of more than 85 decibels can lead to mental disorders.

The acoustic view of noise is associated with the propagation of sound oscillations by air. To this type of noise can be attributed to loud music and voices in the next apartment or room, the hum of passing cars, etc. Sources of acoustic noise are uneven joints between panels, too thin walls, through holes for sockets, etc.

The only thing that can help in a multi-storey house eliminate the noise is a sound insulation that must be comprehensively. Noise insulation is a trim of walls, ceiling and sex with sound-absorbing materials. In addition, for complex sound insulation, it is necessary that the doors and windows are maximally absorbed noise. You can achieve the highest degree of sound insulation if you take care of this at the construction stage of the building, since the degree of noise absorption depends on the thickness and type of material from which the walls of the house and its internal overlaps are made.

Complex noise insulation in the apartment

Qualitatively performed stools of overlaps and thick concrete walls provide enough good protection against noise penetration. But, unfortunately, when designing / construction of standard panel houses, sound insulation factor is not taken into account. To ensure comprehensive protection against noise, first of all it is necessary to sound the ceiling, gender and walls using sound-absorbing materials that can be bought in companies selling construction materials.

In addition, it is necessary to draw removal to the following sources of noise penetration:
- mounting boxes and sockets;
- water supply risers and;
- joints between the ceiling, walls and floors;
- Entrance doors and window.

Noise insulation of walls in the apartment

In the panel houses, partitions and walls often have a small thickness, and therefore the sounds are poorly absorbed. To provide sound insulation of the walls, they usually increase their thickness carcarter. The space between it and the wall is filled with porous material: foam rubber or mineral wool that prevents the spread of acoustic oscillations.

The larger the layers of sound-absorbing materials are used, the higher the efficiency of the noise insulating structure.

First, the framework of steel profiles is mounted. To eliminate the transfer of vibrations from the floor and walls, in places of fastening profiles you need to make gaskets from an elastic substance - for example, rubber. When the frame will be prepared, a sound-absorbing material is glued onto the wall, fully covered its surface. The thicker layer of this material, the more effective will be noise insulation. After that, plasterboard sheets are screwed to the frame.

Noise insulation ceiling and floor in the apartment

The insulation of the ceiling is very important, since most often inconvenience is related to the noises that produce neighbors on top. Soundproofing the ceiling is made by the same principle as the noise insulation of the walls. First, the frame is collected from profiles, and it is not necessary to forget about rubber pads in places of attachment.

After that, all its inner space is filled with any sound absorbing substance: glassmate, foam rubber or special soundproofing plates from basalt or mineral wool. Such plates with their small thicknesses have an excellent absorbing effect. After their installation, the height of the ceiling in your apartment will decrease quite slightly.

If there is no intermediate layer between facing the floor and overlapping, noises from the apartment will constantly penetrate your apartment. At the same time, your neighbors will be able to hear everything that has happened, up to the sound of the moving chairs and even steps. The insulation of the floor insulation is solved with the help of a special sound-absorbing material having a small thickness.

This material consists of special paper, fiberglass, foamed polymer or other synthetic substance. In the process of repair, depending on the type of material of the sound-absorbing layer, such a material can be placed or directly under the screed, or under laminate. This type of noise isolation perfectly extinguishes vibrations, and also shocks the impacts. When laying a noise insulating layer on top of it, a film for waterproofing is placed.

Noise insulation of mounting boxes and sockets

In reinforced concrete plates of panel houses, there are end-to-end holes for installing electrical equipment. In such cases, the sockets become a conductor of noise between neighboring apartments. To provide sound insulation of the socket, it should be de-energized at first. After breaking the rosette, it needs to be pulled out, and then put in a hole washer (gasket) from a dense sound-absorbing material - compressed mineral wool, asbestos tissue or thick cardboard. After that, it should be carefully cemented using a gypsum mixture.

Working with sockets requires skills to work with electricity, and therefore it is better to entrust professionals.

Mounting boxes are usually under the ceiling in the middle of the wall. In some cases, they can be hidden under the wallpaper. Soundproofing boxes are made by the same principle as insulation sockets. You need to get a plastic plug, then install and cement the puck of noise insulating material. Before holding these works, you must make sure that there is no voltage in the network.

Noise insulation of central heating stands

In accordance with the construction norms, the risers are pacing through the floors between the floors using special sleeves that prevent the spread of noise. The sleeve is a fragment of a larger diameter pipe, mounted in the overlap. The gap between the pipe and the sleeve should be filled with mineral wool or other noise absorbing material.

However, builders often cement risers without using a sleeve. Over time, the cement is destroyed, while the gap between the wall and the pipe increases, and the sound from the apartment penetrates through the slots. To provide sound insulation of the riser, you need to remove the concrete around the pipe to a depth of less than 10 cm. The released pipe should be wrapped with mineral wool or fiberglass, and then cement again. The resulting excess sound-absorbing material is cut, and the place near the pipe is putty.

Noise insulation of joints, windows and doors

In the process of operation of panel buildings between the floor and walls, and the cracks often occur along the joints, through which noise can penetrate from the neighboring apartments. The causes of these cracks may be different deformations of the building, as well as the panels, poorly fitted to each other. To ensure noise insulation of the joints, you need to expand cracks using a screwdriver or chisel, carefully cleaned them, primitive, shut up with putty. When the latter dries, the surface of the joints should be covered with acrylic sealant.

To eliminate the gap between the floor and the wall, fill it with silicone sealant, then proceed with a special tape and install the plinth into place.

From noise from the entrance or from the street, the apartment must protect the doors and windows. To make noise insulation of windows, it is best to install special soundproofing windows. They use triple glazing technology, which allows to minimize the penetration of noise in the apartment. The gap between the wall and the glass is thoroughly sealed.

The more massive and thicker will be the door, the less sounds it will pass into the apartment. Additionally, the doorway is compacted throughout the perimeter with special rubber gaskets. At the same time, the threshold is made, and the space between the opening and the door frame is sealed with cement mortar. The door should fit enough to fit the box.

To effectively increase sound insulation in the apartment, remember that the best result is possible at an integrated approach. It is necessary to use only high-quality and proven materials. When a good level of sound insulation is provided in the apartment, it becomes much more pleasant to live: alarmization in the yard and noisy neighbors - no longer a problem!

At first they just talked on elevated colors, then began to shout each other. Then, it seems, they rushed with dishes, objects of the situation and that there are strengths clapped with interroom doors. At the end of the neighbor loudly and clearly called his wife round fool ( in fact, not quite a "round", but I put the synonym for not shocking you), hastily dressed and slammed the entrance door in the apartment that fire alarm was worked on the floor on the floor. Increasingly, and more often the neighbors figured out relations among the night right behind the wall of our bedroom. Each time I wanted to make one of two. Or go out and chase them to death, or make good noise insulation. Weighing everything for and against each option, I decided, nevertheless, stay on the second. He seemed much cheaper to me. And at one fine moment I found myself standing in the department of building materials of a large Obi shop on the outskirts of Moscow. Now I will repeal you what I learned from the specialists, and then I will show how you can make an inexpensive skimmer with your own hands.

A little theory about the propagation of sound

Before we start erecting the Great Wall in your apartment, it is worth understanding some of the nature of the sound of the sound.

1. Sound is a wave

If it hits the wall, it is reflected, but gives the wall of the energy. The wall, being made of solid materials, is not an ideal soundproofer. Therefore, we can finely hear the loud sounds from the next apartment. Yet the wall significantly weakens sound waves. If, on the way, the sound will meet another wall, then for residual waves it will be almost an irresistible obstacle. In other words, the sound from the next apartment will almost not bother us if we just go to another room that does not have common walls with neighbors.

2. Sound is a wave

Do you think I mistakenly wrote this again? And here is not. Now I will tell another unpleasant thing about the waves. If there will be at least a small hole in the wall on the sound wave path, then the sound perfectly passes through it only slightly reduced the volume.

Simple example: There is a TV in the room, try to go to the next and do not close the door. What happened? That's right, almost nothing has changed. Close the door. All the same, the sound will leak through the slot under the door. Try to close the slot with a blanket - already better, but not perfect. Not perfect because it is not hermetically.

3. Sound is a wave ...

Again? Well, what can you do if it really is a wave, which is much faster and better spreads to solid designs. Remember: When someone from the neighbors begins to drill something, the feeling is that drilled directly in your apartment. And it does not matter that repairs started on 8 floors higher or lower. It will be absolutely impossible to stay at home.

That is why a specialist from the building materials department immediately said that from the cotton door, the root of the dishes about the sink, having a rigid mount on the wall, the sound of the closing door of the lockers, also hanging on the wall, salvation will not be in any case. All these sounds lightningly spread over to all the nearest walls, floors carrying columns.

However, such sounds like conversations behind the wall, music from the TV, the grumbling of the washing machine is quite mute.

To do this, we need to act according to the following scheme.

The first step of creating sound insulation: Closing the slots in the walls

Our efforts can bring a much better result if we carefully check our walls before the start of active actions on the presence of through slots to the neighbors. It happens, the house gives a shrinkage, foam concrete blocks peel off from the carrying columns, forming cracks.

Do not worry - the house from this, most likely, will not fall apart. But different troubles can penetrate the resulting holes. For example, if your neighbor smokes right in the room, then the cigarette smoke can easily find the road to your apartment. He himself suffered from this until he found a glover loophole for smoke. Now, even at least "sit down", smoke will no longer penetrate me ... at least until the house is once again turned "to the forest back, to me before."

In addition to smoke through slots in the walls, the sounds of the life of neighbors will penetrate. I have a wall of the apartment, which we will pass. What only did not happen to hear: (. In modern buildings, so hearingness is excellent. Especially on the upper floors, where the walls are thinner. And then these slots.

In short, you should not be lazy, it is necessary to carefully "go" on the joints and check whether there are no holes there. If there is - you can close with simple mounting foam or sealant.

Step 2. Measurement and calculation of the amount of material

Not to buy unnecessary materials for noise insulation It is necessary to measure the wall, or walls that require our attention. I, fortunately, was only one problem wall with neighbors. Here she is:

It was made of ordinary silicate brick, so the sound perfectly perfectly. Before traveling to the store, you need to arm a tape measure, measure the length and height of the wall, or rather, all the walls with which you have to work with. You can use household. It is much more convenient to work with him and faster than with a tape measure. Especially if there is no assistant who could "hold" and "come". Moreover, some models of the range finders themselves calculate the wall area. Very useful thing for a homemade master. I have long look after :).

The results of measurements are better to record on a piece of paper, otherwise you will painfully remember the numbers in the store. As a result, you can easily buy material more or less than the desired amount. Both the same in the same way and uncomfortable.

Step 3. Buying materials for sound insulation

Everyone will have their own preferences. Let me show what I bought.

First, it is a soundproof mineral wool Rockwool Acoustic Batts.:

Material specifically designed for sound insulation. Mineral wool fibers are chaotic, which makes the material with an excellent absorber of sound waves. They are simply entangled in the fibers and gradually go out, and without coming to the destination, that is, your ears.

The same material has another pair of excellent properties: it does not burn and not "falls out", that is, maintains the initial volume for many years. It also preserves heat, not exposed to fungus or rodents. In a word, Rockwool Acoustic Batts. - It's just what we need.

In the package, which is shown in the previous photo, there are 10 plates of the material with a thickness of 5 centimeters and sizes 100x60 cm. Thus, in one package contains 6 square meters of material. Knowing the walls of the walls that need to be isolate, you can easily calculate how many packages will need.

I needed two and a half packaging. Naturally, I had to buy three. They cost about 2300 rubles.

In addition to the soundproofing material, it is necessary to provide something that we put on top of it. After all, we can not just attach to the wall of the Plate Rockwool and leave them open. It is necessary to close something. Options here mass. Can buy plasterboard plates, can wall panels Like lining. I chose the second. Again, knowing how many meters the wall need to close you buy a certain number of packaging panels.

Finally, fasteners and tools: drill, screwdriver, or screwdriver, wood-knife and knife for "Threads" on Rockwool plates.

Step 4. Begin to do sound insulation

We tear off the plinth and carefully study the shake of the floor and walls. If necessary, we process suspicious cracks with a sealant or, in particularly launched cases, installation foam.

After installing the first row, it becomes clear, where it will be necessary to drill to set the first horizontal crossbar. We have something like this:

So we are moving from the bottom up as long as we do not even end in the ceiling. There, part of the plates should be carefully trimmed without allowing the formation of the unclosed sections of the wall.

A separate mention deserves the fact that when working with Rockwool plates, especially during their cut, many smallest particles are formed. They can be dug into the skin of the hands and even inhaling through the nose, being in the air in the form of the smallest dust. From here - it is advisable to work in gloves and a respirator. At least, the gauze bandage does not prevent.

Before starting to fix the wall panels to the resulting horizontal bars, it should be taken to eliminate the rigid bundle between them and panels. After all, the bars are directly attached to the wall, unwittingly becoming sound conductors.

Therefore, the bars can be pasted here such a tape from porous material. She is a little bit like a ribbon to rush windows for the winter.

The mercury is to install the most last panel. We'll have to tinker. The more accurate you support it, the smaller the slot will leave for noise penetration.

Now put the plinth and the place of the junction of the new wall with the ceiling and the adjoining walls. To do this, you can use the same plinth. I used wooden corners.

If there was a socket in the wall, you can withdraw it to the new wall surface or strengthen on the plinth, which I did.

How effective is this sound insulation

As I said, it does not save from the rumble of the structures of type of flaking doors. Here you need something more serious. Nevertheless, now, when the neighbors talk among themselves, we are not very heard clearly every word. Yes, the sound passes anyway, but it no longer has such an irritating action.

There is something to compare with: this wall, bordering the neighbors, continues on, in the hallway. That's where everything remains. But the task was to make at least elementary sound insulation in the bedroom. I think that I did everything.

The sound has a noticeable effect on our psyche, emotional and physical condition. If even a minor noise accompanies you at work, rest or at leisure, it leads to stress, a decrease in the acuteness of perception and premature fatigue. Therefore, the soundproofing of the house from street sounds and noise, which is heard from neighboring apartments, when the interior arrangement is hardly the most important task of the homeowner. Ensure the proper level of acoustic comfort in your own house under the power of anyone. And for this, it is not necessary to use expensive services in the field of sound insulation. It is enough to study the properties of materials that are used for these purposes, after which it remains to choose the option optimal for your situation and proceed to its implementation.

What you need to know about noise?

The question of sound insulation is very desirable to do at the stage of repair or arrangement of a new apartment. If this moment you missed this time for any reason, over time it will still have to return to it. Only now it will be much more expensive because the repair will have to do again.

Soundproofing is very expensive pleasure, but it is not necessary to perform the plug of the entire apartment. It is enough to insulate the room where silence is vital. This is a bedroom, children's, living room and other rooms in which you sleep or relax.

Three types of noise distinguish:

  1. Air

The air noise load occurs when the radiation of sound waves in the airspace. Reaching obstacles - walls, partitions or inter-storey overlap - the sound causes their oscillations and is transmitted to the premises located on the other side of the building structures.

"Aerial" noise load
  1. Shock

This type of noise is formed when dropping various items on the floor, walking or other actions that cause oscillations of building structures.

  1. Structural

The sound has a property spread over the elements of the building design. A classic example of structural noise is the repairs from the neighbors, which, by the will of fate, have to hear, as a rule, in the urgent time for this.

Such differentiation of noise load allows you to talk about three types of sound insulation:

  • initial - formed by building structures;
  • additional - achieved at the expense of some modifications of elements of the building frame;
  • special - provided by a number of sound-absorbing and sound reflective materials.

Types of sound insulation materials in the photo

The most important thing in the arrangement of sound insulation of the house is to properly arrange priorities. Otherwise, it may turn out that with all your efforts and costs, the noise, spending from the street or from the neighbors' apartment, will continue to mercilessly to poison your life.

Soundproofing and sound absorption: what's the point?

Noise insulation properties have any building material, be it brick, wood, concrete or metal. In addition, any item located indoors is also able to absorb the sound. This is the main difference between the concepts of sound insulation and sound absorption - the first means the ability of the material or design to reflect the sound without absorbing it.

The more massive will be a wall of the house, the more severe noise it is capable of reflecting.However, if you increase the thickness of walls or other single-layer building structures in order to improve the indicators of noise insulation, this will noticeably affect the consumption of materials, the load on the foundation of the building and the free space indoors (if sound insulation is performed from the inside). That is why for acoustic insulation it is advisable to use light lame materials. An example can serve as a combination of plasterboard, which are leveling walls, and mineral fiber (minvats) stacked between it and the main building structure.

There are other sound insulation systems - sandwich panels, acoustic drywall, external noise insulating plaster, seam fillers, etc., which, however, are still not able to give 100% result. By the way, it is necessary to pay special attention to the arrangement or repair of premises. After all, what's the point of paying more if the result will be slightly different from the less expensive materials achieved at the expense?

On the other hand, it is still worth looking for a more efficient sound insulation. But it depends not only on the properties of the materials used for this. To do this, it is necessary to understand the nature of the sound, as well as the mechanism of its distribution in building structures and voids between them.

Outdoor walls and windows

The massive external walls of buildings that carry out supporting function have good indicators of reflection and absorption of sound. However, they may not be enough to ensure the proper level of comfort in the interior.

Improve noise insulating indicators of outer walls can be in various ways. The main thing is to remember that they are largely dependent on the area and windows of the design of window frames. So, if the latter have a rectangular shape, provide dense closure around the perimeter and do not contain ventilation valves, then are more than a reliable acoustic screen. At the same time, when purchasing windows, it is necessary to check the availability of quality certificates and the manufacturer's reputation - often the same constructive execution for a number of reasons (profile material, glass thickness and airspace between internal and external windows, etc.) has significant differences Sound insulation parameters.

Even if the windows you purchased have normal acoustic insulation indicators, in itself it will not provide a normal sound background in the apartments. The essence lies in the method and quality of their installation.

Modern window framework technology involves the use of mounting anchors and foam, which is a rather weak soundproofer. Thus, even if there are expensive windows, the noise from the street will make your way to the apartment. Effective solution to this problem is the sealing of internal and external slopes, which will hide a layer of installation foam and in addition will provide additional thermal insulation of the work. Finally, the covering of the outer plane of the wall with a foam or other insulating material is capable of significantly improving its sound-absorbing qualities, which once and forever will relieve you from street noise in the apartment.

Soundproofing in panel and block buildings

Block-type buildings have much lower sound insulation indicators than in brick or brick-concrete houses. Despite the fact that the acoustic indicators of building structures are regulated by law, in most cases their observance when putting the facility closed eyes. The reason for this is the ambiguity and complexity of measurements of the permissible level of noise in the premises.

Effective sound insulation of adjacent sections of the block type building is provided by the arrangement of the deformation seam. It is executed from the foundation to the ridge of the roof and is filled with the material with high sound absorption indicators, for example, Minvata. The wall between sections equipped with a deformation seam is capable of reduced noise level up to 50 dB, it is enough to not hear the neighbors or at least significantly reduce the noise load in the room.

A distinctive feature of panel buildings is the presence of gaps and gaps between slabs of partitions and overlaps. By the way, the residents of brick houses are often faced with this problem. The solution in both cases is one thing - before installing sound insulation plates, it is necessary to seal the slots and gaps for which the sound is distributed. You should also pay attention to the zones of electrical switches and sockets - here the design of the walls is narrower, which contributes to the penetration of unwanted noise. Therefore, all embedded electrical equipment is very desirable to replace with the design of an open type.

In addition to the sound insulation in the panel house, any elements of layout made from lightweight building materials are inseminated. These include walls made, for example, from aerated concrete, as well as wooden partitions, panels of frame building structures, etc.

Internal partitions and overlaps

Get rid of noise penetrating to your apartment through the walls or overlaps from the neighbors side, top or bottom, is not so simple. Its insulation can not bring results due to the characteristics of the propagation of the sound wave in building structures.

As a rule, the soundproofing of the rooms is not limited to the wall or overlap, which you share with your neighbors. Remember that the sound penetrates you not through the brick or other material from which the construction structure is made, but through the slots and joints between other elements of the building frame. That is why you will most likely have to be engaged in noise insulation not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor indoors. Often for this applies a frame facing with a trim, under which the sound absorbing material is stacked. But before this, it is necessary to thoroughly close the visible slots and joints between the walls and overlaps.

It is noteworthy that the majority of complaints from the owners of neighboring apartments concern noise that penetrates them through the interhesive floors. Therefore, if you want to provide normal acoustics in the premises of your apartment and do not want to become an irritation source for neighbors, you should think about laying the floating gender and additional sound insulation of the ceiling.

Floating flooring in the photo

Facial coating and flashing floors should not touch the side walls. Otherwise, sound bridges are formed and all efforts to ensure sound insulation will be useless.

Finally, for additional sound insulation, you can install a sound insulation ceiling of the suspended type. It will reduce the energy of the reflected noise, at the same time absorbing it, which will significantly improve acoustics in the disintegration room.

The high-quality sound insulation of individual rooms of the apartment or private house can be performed only competently considering the properties of sound waves and building structures. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this - it is enough to bring the appropriate references and choose the materials suitable for providing normal acoustics in your home.