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How to make chinese lanterns. Chinese celestial lanterns with their own hands. How to make a sky lantern with your own hands

This article will talk about the manufacture of Chinese lanterns with their own hands, which you can do yourself or attract children to the work. Such lanterns are perfect for decorating the room, garden, christmas ornaments or a corner of dreams. They can easily turn your evening to the most unusual fairy tale. After all, in them we often read about the hall, which is decorated with thousands of multicolored lights, about a mysterious person who helps to illuminate the path of the main character. So arrow all the necessary and start creating.

Option for children

In this article we offer to view the most popular schemes of the manufacture of Chinese lanterns. And here is the first of them - a children's flashlight.

In order to make such a bauble, you need to take colored paper, pencils, ruler, scissors, glue, sequins, satin ribbons and colored markers.

From any edge of the leaf, it is necessary to cut off the strip, in the future it will be a handle. Its width should be about two cm. The remaining paper bend in half and draw a line on it, which is at a distance of four cm from the edge. It is before this strip we will cut a flashlight.

Then throughout the remaining length of the paper, we mark the line, about one to one and a half width. We start to make cuts with scissors along the specified lines. We make it from the place of bend, but stop near the marked line.

We open the paper and look if traces remained, we erase their eraser. Start now the edges with glue or clips. On the one hand, we attach the handle for the flashlight. Now you can decorate a flashlight with a sparkler, tinsel, thread. Instead of colored paper, you can also use the usual, white, in the future it can be disappearing at your own request.

For all traditions

The process of manufacturing the next Chinese paper lantern from paper can be traced on the example of the master class.

In order to perform these procedures, it is necessary to prepare a red cardboard, glue, scissors, pattern, pencil, red thread and needle, silver or gold paint.

On the Internet, find and print a template, apply it to the cardboard and cut out the entire workpiece.

In no case you do not need to disconnect these details, they should specifically be similar, with a small harmonica.

The first and the last part glued together. The next step must be connected to all sidewalls. Next, we take a thread with a needle and make a small hole at the top of our lantern. In the same way we collect the lower part of the flashlight. We make a small brush for the bottom of the decoration. With silver paint, draw a variety of patterns. They can be pre-done on stencils. We apply such a stencil to the flashlight and spray paint. Let's dry, and the flashlight is ready.

sky lattern

On the next step-by-step instructions, it is possible to consider the manufacture of a heavenly flying flashlight.

For the manufacture of this type of Chinese lanterns you will need cigarette or rice paper, straws, copper wire, candle and glue.

We assign pieces of cigarette paper on each other and cut the rectangles. Then it is tightly tighten with the edges of the edge of each other. Then we make a small lining for straw and fold them in the form of a square. Cut the wire around the candle and attach along the edges to straws. We grow up a candle and let her warm up a little.

Decor for products

Well, the next point that we want to disassemble is one of the ways to decorate the heavenly lanterns.

To work, we need decorated paper, adhesive gun, hole punch and simple batteries.

On decorated paper, it is necessary to break through about seventy holes with a hole punch.

Then we deploy the ready-made ball, or we take the one that we did in the past master class. We begin to shock it with these circles on the principle of husk.

The sky lantern is also called a Chinese flashlight. It is a flying design of paper that is stretched to the bamboo frame. Heavenly lanterns have become popular relatively recently. But interest in them is gaining increasing turnover. And those who decided to launch this flashlight at least once in the evening sky, becomes his amateur forever.

The first launch of the Chinese lantern occurred about two thousand years ago. He came up with the famous chowhe lance in those days. According to historical facts, the form of a flashlight was made in shape of the hat of Lien. The first heavenly lantern was made of oily rice paper stretched on a bamboo frame. In the middle there was a small candle, which allowed the flashlight to rise into the sky due to hot air.

The Chinese believe that launched a lantern into the sky, they seem to give tribute to nature and higher beings. And nature rewards them to the return of spring and light on their land every year.

Make a Chinese flashlight with their own hands is not difficult. But a little try to still come. Perhaps the first flashlight will be not quite successful, but putting a little effort and keeping calm, you achieve the expected result.

To begin with, we will analyze from which items is the Chinese flashlight, this is:

  • dome
  • frame
  • burner

What does the flashlight consist of we figured out. Now we will make the manufacture of the lantern itself, and we will analyze each of the elements separately.


An ideal dome for heavenly lantern will certainly be rice paper. But this paper is not cheap materials. Therefore, an alternative will be an ordinary garbage bag. You need to choose a package whose thickness will be minimal.

For the dome there will be enough two packages with a volume of at least thirty liters, if there is an opportunity, it is better to take more. At one package, cut off the bottom and glue them with scotch. Dome is ready. You can go to the next step.

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The frame is the second basic element of the Chinese flashlight. It is a ring, with a diameter of the neck of the package. It can be made of any thin wire, an approximate diameter of 1 mm. The ring can also be attached to the scotch. Then we attach two wires to the ring. The intersection point must be exactly in the middle of the ring.


An ordinary foil is suitable for the burner, as its weight is minimal and it is not susceptible to fire. We make a small cup, and crepaiming its intersection point, on the cross. There is one small problem. What will burn in the middle of the cup? There are quite a lot of options here. A well suited a piece of fabric impregnated with alcohol. Or a quarter of dry alcohol tablets.

Lantern ready. Here in principle and all work. The last item remains, for which all this work has started. This is the long-awaited launch of the flashlight.

Launch of aerial lantern

To begin with, we will develop our flashlight and fill it with air. Hold it in a vertical position. In the burner put a proposed dry combustible. Make sure that the dome of the lantern is most stripped and the burner was exactly in the center.

We put carefully to the ground and wait until the hot air fill the flashlight. Do not help help. Just type patience. You yourself will feel that the flashlight asks on the road. We let go and enjoy his flight in the night, starry sky.

This story about heavenly lanterns is more likely to legend, but very beautiful legend. In the XI century, many monks lived in one of the Chinese villages. Their life was heavy, they had to work most of the day to not only feed themselves, but also to support life in the village. Like most of the peasants, they were engaged in agriculture. Unfortunately, the local climate and soil did not allow to grow a decent harvest. In addition, the situation has deteriorated every year, rice was obtained less and less.

Watching how all the works go into the empty, the villagers began to give hands. The leader of the monks, dear Mr. Zhi Lin, realizing that it was impossible to leave it, in every way tried to raise the spirit from all the inhabitants. To prevent the growth of lawlessness, theft, Ji Lin, together with his monks, began to pray every evening. Together with the prayer, torches were lit throughout the village. People believed that the flames of torches purifies the soul, gives peace and gives strength. Soon, all residents of the village did not notice themselves, lost their alarms, lost the suffocating boredom and gained strength not only to work but to live. Life in the village slowly began to improve, and rice crops increase. The rite with fire began to spend each week it helped to maintain the life of the village in a stable bed.

Watching what benefits bring rites, Ji Lin decided to betray them some symbolism and beauty. Having gathered monks, Ji proposes to build a small balloon from rice paper. It was this moment that marked the beginning of the history of the heavenly lanterns. The flashlight represented: bamboo frame covered with lightweight rice paper. Having made several dozen aerostats, the monks mocked their inhabitants. At the end of the week, the long-awaited rite took place. Residents crashed into pairs. One pair held the heavenly flashlight, the second from the bottom brought outdoor fire. Flame of fire illuminated a light light with a soft light. Dozens of "Svetlychkov" covered the whole village. It was a truly fascinating spectacle. As soon as the designs were filled with hot air, they took off for a few seconds, after which they returned to the hands of people. So continued again and again. Watching this action, LIIN wondered how to attach the torch to the frame so that the flame of the fire supported and raised the flashlight constantly. The monks suggested pulling a thin wire on the frame, in the center fasten a small paper roll, well-soaked in the wax. As a result, the monks got what they wanted, the heavenly flashlight climbing the beautiful light, swam in heaven, giving all the inhabitants with joy.

This ceremony has become a custom, which was held on every panicist, be it a birthday, wedding or harvest festival. Each ceremony filled people with new forces, gave joy, calm and confidence. The village has flourished safely. Residents began to grow new cultures: cotton, tea. The news of the magic celestial lanterns gradually scattered throughout Asia.

At these times, Mongols dominated the territory of modern China. In the famous village there was one guy Zhu Yuanjan, son of an ordinary peasant. He extremely did not like this situation. A little matured, the guy decided to organize an uprising and finally drive the invaders from his land. Taking a blessing among the elder the village of Zhu began to gather in campaign, to find like-minded people. One of the monks came to him and gave his horse along with the box of heavenly lanterns. Zhu thanked the monk and asked why lanterns might need. To which the sage answered: "The spirit of each warrior is growing and loses his alarm when the heavenly lantern is launched. In addition, they will be useful to you to file a silent signal. "

No one no longer remembers how I was able to gather a big army and head it. But it still used the lanterns, but not as signal tools, but to distract attention. In a decisive battle, Zhu, together with his warriors, launched all lanterns into the sky. The enemy, seeing hundreds of lights in the sky, decided that Loy Kraton was coming (the holiday of lights), all the warriors were distracted, withered observing the action. At this moment, Zhong's army struck, won. Later, Zhu Yuanjan created his empire mines, which rightly ruled for a long time.

This story has long lost the roots and turned into a beautiful legend. But some Buddhist monks argue that this whole story is true of the truth ...

How to make a sky lantern with your own hands

Many have seen on TV festivals of heavenly lanterns. This spectacle looks just fascinating. Many wondered how to make such a flashlight with their own hands and how difficult it would be. In fact, its design is very simple and easy to manufacture.

It will take:

  • Cigarette paper;
  • Thin wire;
  • Glue;
  • Flame retardant solution;
  • Wax;
  • Paper towel;
  • Bamboo hoop;
  • Cardboard;

In order for the flashlight when starting it, it flared up from high temperature, it is necessary to handle paper with flame retardant solution. Paper for heavenly lanterns is used for cigarette. Wipe sheets on the rope and with the help of a sprinkler, soak paper. After the sheets are dried, cut off a small piece of paper and try to burn it. If the paper is lit, then you need to once again handle the sheets of flame retardant.

According to this sketch, we make molds from the cardboard, according to which in the future we will cut fragments of the lantern from cigarette paper.

One cell on the sketch is 1 centimeter.

We fold the sheet of cigarette paper in half, apply molds and cut out (leave a little space, about 1 centimeter, for gluing fragments). You need to cut four fragments.

We glue all parts of the heavenly lantern, to the places of gluing, put a small cargo and leave the workpiece to dry for 2-3 hours.

We will make a hoop. You can buy already ready bamboo or make it with your own hands from small sticks, gluing them with each other. You can also use fine rigid wire.

The burner for the celestial lantern is made of paper towels and thin cardboard. Melt the wax on the water bath. Mandatory in a water bath, and not just in a saucepan on the stove (wax can flash) !!! Cut the slim cardboard on the squares and feed them in the wax. Cut the tape from the towel and also feed it with wax.

After the paper gets dry, we put it with the harmonica and inside the impregnated squares of the cardboard. Then in the center we produce four holes in which we produce a thin wire. Wire ends Leave such a length so that they can be consolidated to the hoop. Attaching the burner in the center of the hoop, glit it to the harvested paper bag.

At this, the manufacture of the heavenly lantern (Chinese) with their own hands is completed and the trial time has come.

How to run the heavenly flashlight (video instruction)

Well, what happened in the end of our work.

Now you know how to make celestial lanterns with your own hands.

Festivals, annually conducted in different countries of the world - a fascinating spectacle in which it is necessary to participate absolutely to everyone.

According to the site:

Heavenly lanterns who came to us from the Snake, are called "Hum Loy" or "Hum Fay". Such lights are of great popularity not only in Asian countries, but also around the world. Chinese celestial lights are used in many celebrations, Flash Mobs, and in Thailand there is even a separate holiday, during which residents of the country and the guests are in bulk lanterns lanterns into the sky. Recently, the heavenly lanterns become popular in our country, they can be purchased in different stores, but you can do it yourself that we will try right now.

So, before starting, look at the flashlight movie:

There are many ways to manufacture celestial lanterns, but the simplest of them allows you to do this without much effort and costs.

We will need:
- Ordinary garbage packs for 30 liters. (take the larger packages is not advised, since they are usually made of thicker polyethylene);
- Stationery Scotch;
- wire diameter 0.5 mm;
- as well as a dry fuel tablet.

Materials are collected. You can proceed to the process of making a flashlight. The ball that we will run into the sky is made of several packages. It is advised to use two or three packages, which depends on the air temperature. In winter, for example, you can be content with one package, a bowl of two will be launched in a summer evening, and in the daytime in hot weather - from three. First of all, cut off the packages along the spike line and insert one of them in another. The resulting seam with the help of Scotch.

Next, you need to take care of the holder for our burner, which we will produce from the wire. To do this, we need two pieces of aluminum wire with a length of 40 cm that you need to twist around the candle.

Packages will be attached on the holder, so at the ends you need to do special clamps.

Homemade heavenly flashlight ready.

It remains only to take a dry fuel that we will use as fuel. One tablet must be broken into four smooth parts. In some cases, the flashlight can not take off right away. The reason for this may be the severity of fuel. In such cases, you should wait a bit while the part of the fuel will progrit.

Sometimes you want to make a native and beloved person a gift from whom his heart would have froze. Especially to the place such gifts for outstanding events in a person's life, such as a wedding, anniversary, or just a romantic date. Well at such moments to run in the sky. Heavenly lanterns, it is so beautiful and romanticWhen the burning heart goes up. You can make such lanterns and with your own hands, it is not so difficult, but the work requires special accuracy and accuracy of execution, as we are dealing with fire.

Such lanterns have recently began to replace fireworks, because the latter are much more expensive, and the ability to observe them is calculated in several seconds, while heavenly lanterns can be observed up to 30 minutes. The height of their flight reaches 200-300 meters, with the duration of burning 15-20 minutes of the burner, which heats the air inside the flashlight. Thanks to this hot air, they fly, then, when the burner goes out, the air gradually cools, and the lanterns fall on the ground.

Today we will tell you how make such a flashlight with your own hands. First you need to decide on the form, it can be different: a star, a heart, a car, a flower and another shape. We will make the easiest of the dome.

To work, us need a thin garbage package A light color with a capacity of 120l, a package tank, it is sold in the stationery department, the wire that holds the shape, a strip of dense tissue with a size of 4x50 cm, liquid fuel, which is burned with a bonfire, paraffin or wax, glue or tape, impregnation for paper flames.

Before the start of work it is necessary to impregnate tracing with flamesThis is necessary to prevent cartridge from lighting and also the flame retardant has a water-repellent effect, which will not allow it to absorb an extra moisture, thereby not allowing our design heavy design. In the case of a strong hollower from the burner, even if the fire affects such a cart - he simply disappears in it a small hole, but the fire will not work. We deploy the garbage stack and inward it with a traction with glue or bilateral tape. It turned out the dome, which is protected from fire, and outside the rain.

Further from wire twist the ring By diameter a little less than the diameter of the package and from the following two pieces, we make a cross connection. In the center of this core fasten the burner and connect everything with the ring. Then we join the entire frame to the already finished dome.
To obtain the burner, we impregnate the tissue with combustible and paraffin, we have the fabric itself into a rectangular shape of 4x2.5 cm in size. Before connecting the burner to our dome, you need to carry out small tests. To do this, we will have to make some more similar burners, but do not rush them to do at the same time. Our burner ignite and look at the height of the flame, checking the time of burning burner. If the hollow is high, it is worth removing several layers of fabric, if low - add. The same applies to the time of burning - if the burner burns very little, it will not have time to warm up the air in the dome. Correct the burner and burn again, if everything turned out well and the burning time is suitable for us, we make one more exactly the same and attach it to the center of the metal core in the frame. You should not neglect these tests, since your safety and flashlight height depends on them.