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Strong stress during pregnancy consequences for the child. Overcoming stress during pregnancy. The difference between moderate and strong stress

As stress affects pregnancy - this is a timely question on changes occurring in the body and the life of the future mother.

Some women are afraid of their own experiences about this: a feeling of anxiety during the waiting for the desired and already beloved Chad is akin to betrayal that only aggravates the degree of concern.

Let's find out why such emotions appear as they influence the baby tooling, as well as how to cope withstress during pregnancy

How and why stress occurs during pregnancy

Pregnancy - time changes.

Your body, emotions, family life in this period undergo many changes.

IN you can welcome them, but still teststress.

And during pregnancy this is completely normal - while the anxiety does not cause discomfort, poor sleep, headaches, loss of appetite or, on the contrary, overeating.

A high level of concern for a long time can cause serious health problems, such as high pressure, gastritis or heart disease.

And, of course, stress affects the state of the fetus. And also increases the risk of early childbirth (up to 37th week) or insufficient weight of the child (less than 2.5 kg).

This is often the reason for the violation of well-being in children.

Causes of stress development during pregnancy

Anxiety can arise in the most different reasons.

But there is a list of the most common grounds for the emergence of alarming symptoms when entering the child.

Among them:

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis
  2. Changing the level of hormones and related mood jumps
  3. Fatigue and back pain in the last months of pregnancy
  4. Experiencers about childbirths, as well as care for the newborn

Of course, not everyonestress during pregnancy He has negative consequences.

Life sometimes turns into unexpected directions, and it can happen when you like - even when you are waiting for the baby.

Ordinary small problems, such as deadlines, traffic jams on the road or an unwriting seller, are unlikely to be the cause of serious disorders.

But listen to your own state, if you have ever experienced divorces, serious diseases or loss of loved ones, dismissal, natural disasters, military actions.

These events are the strongest stress factors for our psyche and can provoke a long disorder.

The danger of him also in the fact that the course of the disease can be hidden, but alreadyin the early period of pregnancy stress Let me know about yourself - and will only increase.

How stress affects pregnancy

The main factor that acts on the mother's body during the expectation of the kid is hormones.

When you are in stressful condition, your body produces more so-called "stress hormone", cortisol, and less - "Hormones of happiness", such as serotonin and dopamine.

This leads to a decrease in mood, a decrease in motivation or performance, quick fatigue.

Also noticeably decreases self-esteem, interfering with us to love yourself and deprive.

Cortisol is also produced in your body at the moments of danger.

It mobilizes all organism systems in order to run away or fight, sending a concentrated energy charge into the muscles and forcing the heart to work in a faster pace.

If you cope with stress, the body quickly returns to normal.

However, the constant state of anxiety can completely change the work of the body and even become a catalyst for inflammatory reactions.

And they are seriously dangerous for the health of mother and fetus.

Consequences of stress during pregnancy for mother and child

Some notes thatafter stress during pregnancy, the stomach hurts.

This is an alarming mark at any stage of the baby tooling.

Of course, phenomena may have psychosomatic reasons, but the abdominal pain often has another nature, especially if you carefully follow your power.

Stress during pregnancy in early time It can be the main cause of miscarriage, so the mother needs to pay special attention to such things.

Tip: If the pain sharp, or the voltage lasts a few days, not weakening, visit the doctor. Consultation will establish whether everything is in order with the child, and the specialist will help find the most successful ways to combat the negative.

Significant stress during pregnancy in the second trimester May lead to violations of the body formation of a child.

The vices of the heart and other congenital diseases often take the beginning of this period, when the fetal growth and the development of various organs occurs.

And stress during pregnancy in the later dates can provoke:

  1. Premature birth
  2. Development of postpartum depression
  3. Psychological problems in a child who can accompany him all his life

It is - the effect of stress for pregnancy Not limited to a child to wear a child.

It affects all his further life!

Different studies show that children susceptible to mothers subsequently experiencing difficulties with concentration and uncontrolled fear often have sleep disorders.

Particularly dangerous stress in early pregnancy, consequences which includes violations in the development of the brain or the immune system of the kid.

And if you do not take action on time, no vitamins for the restoration of immunity will not help.

Because of such failures, the child in the future can grow incorrectly (the slowdown development of bone tissue is often the consequence of the state of the mother during the extension of the fetus).

Disobedience, whims and severe transitional age are also related to the effects of severe stress during pregnancy.

Some people are struggling with stress, smoking cigarettes, using harmful food, alcohol or even drugs.

For the future mother, all this is under the strictest prohibition, since hazardous substances from her blood flow directly to the fetus and can become causes of defects in development.

What are the safe and effective ways to cope withstresses during pregnancy, in order to avoid the consequences for the child?


Relaxation is important for you and for the health of the fetus, so do not feel guilty for being removed from problems and focus on yourself and tea.

Listen to your body and go beast.

During pregnancy, you are exposed to double load, so healthy sleep is important than ever.

Be sure to follow your routine of the day: it should include several periods of sleep.

Talk with a child in the stomach, send him your favorite songs and lullaby.

From about the 23rd week, the fruit can already hear you and recognize the mother's voice.

And communication will help to establish close contact with the baby when it appears.

Psychologists also advise more often to include classical music that soothes the alarm.

If you already have children who also require attention and care, it is not easy to find time for recreation, but close people can help.

Ask a spouse, friends or parents to spend time with older children to give you a time to find inner peace.

Talking about what bothers you

If you worry about the health of the fetus or any personal problems, do not immerse yourself instress during pregnancy , because you already knowwhat is dangerous this condition.

Do not be afraid to admit yourself and others in your own feelings.Sincerity will help you get the necessary help.

Talking with my spouse, you may find that he worries no less than yours, and the discussion of your experiences will help reassure them.

You can also ask close to engage in simple yoga exercises.

This will greatly bring you closer and will have a positive effect on the health of the baby.

Tip: Communicate with other future mothers, attend thematic courses or fitness for pregnant women. Well, in the case of serious disturbing disorders without fear, contact a specialist.

Good nutrition

The correct, balanced diet will help your body get all the required vitamins and trace elements, which affects both the mood and health.

In particular, removestress in early pregnancy The following substances will help to ensure good health and positive attitude:

  • Fat Omega-3 acids
  • Amino acid tryptophan
  • Water (boiled or purified)

So boldly experiment in the kitchen, or ask close to take care of you.

Best of all, simple vegetarian dishes are suitable for nutrition: vegetable cutlets, various casseroles and stew.

Physical exercises

Specialists emphasize: physical activity improves the mood and is one of the best ways to combatstrong stress, including during pregnancy.

Even if you have always been far from sports, now it's time to start.

Tip: Choose Light Loads. Running or power simulators during the toddler waiting - not the best options.

For pregnant women, swimming is well suited, which tones the body, but does not give the burden on the joints.

Another wonderful way to keep yourself in the form is yoga, which at the same time teaches to breathe correctly and relax.

These knowledge will be very useful during childbirth, and relax and meditation skills will help minimizestress during pregnancy and its consequences.

Preparation for childbirth

The fear of painful fights and childbirth can be a strongest stress factor, especially for those who are waiting for the child for the first time.

Knowledge will help you here: Read various materials about childbirth, sign up for pricing courses.

Plan in advance where and how childbirth will be held, consult with the doctors of the chosen maternity hospital.

Think your menu in the post-time period.

Special attention should be paid to light vegetable and fruit smoothies that will help restore forces.

Tip: If you experience strong fear of childbirth, consider the option of cesarean sections.

Preparation for life with baby

Communicate with those who already have children, ask them to talk about what is usually not written in books for moms.

And if your friends have not yet acquired offspring, and you do not know who to turn - call mom.

She has been guaranteed to have a para-triple of useful tips, and you certainly can be sure that they are good. You have grown!

Decision of financial issues

Children's clothing, toys, cribs and strollers today are expensive, and if you are worried about, everything will not be able to buy, try to solve this problem gradually.

Make a list of necessary things, find out their cost, see what you have at home or your parents.

Follow the sale in children's stores and remember that children's things are not obliged to be a hit of seasonal fashion, but the quality is a question number one.

It is much more important to take care of your moral condition, then the child will be happy.

Get yourself a few anti-stress-color, which will help you relax in your free time.

Reducing fatigue from work and travel

If you work, even before maternity leave, you can agree with the employer about the reduction of the working day.

And on the way to work and home, you will definitely find a sedentary place in transport.

Tip: If public transport is crowded, it is better to take a taxi. Comfort, especially in the last months of pregnancy, is extremely important. More importantly save!

Additional therapy

To minimizestress during pregnancy and its consequences for the child Try to sign up for massage sessions or ask for a partner to massage your shoulders and lower back.

This will help to relax, and at the same time strengthen family bonds and deepen contact with the spouse.

Be sure to take baths with carnations oil, make yourself masks and rubbing.

You can try to master meditation that contribute to the decrease in cortisol production.

20 minutes of daily meditation reduce the level of anxiety and anxiety at least twice.

Poor yourself loved

Meet friends, laugh, watch your favorite movies at home or go to the cinema - do everything that delivers you joy.

You can finally pay the day to visit the beauty salon, which has never had enough time, or buy a deliciousness.

Indulge yourself. You deserve it!

Everyone in one voice says that during pregnancy women can not be nervous, worry, abandon your favorite food, experiencing different discomfort. But why? Why are nervous experiences, stress and depression so adversely affect the health and development of the fetus? Why a pregnant woman literally worn in their hands and try not to disturb on trifles? Are stressful situations affect the child or are the tricks of pregnant girls? In this article, we will try to figure out how stress affects the body of a pregnant woman and a child, why the future mother cannot find a place and what to do if ordinary ways do not help calm down.

How stress is manifested during pregnancy

Very often the woman does not even understand what is in constant stress. Especially if the reasons associated with stress are drawn from those times when the future mother has not yet been pregnant. The depressive state of a woman can be diagnosed by its mood. Very often pregnancy (especially desirable) brings inspiration, a sense of flight, the expectations of the miracle. If the woman constantly feels a broken state, it is suppressed and apatichene, most likely, stress makes itself felt. Such a state is fueled by quite real physical manifestations - a headache, heartbeat is expensive, blood pressure becomes unusually high, the appetite is lost. If a woman continues to work, stress affects performance - the future mother ceases to do the above-handed norm, breaks down on customers, loses the quality of its activities. In relations with close people, there is a nervousness, hands can shake, nights pass without sleep, anxiety is felt, the woman begins to root often. If you have noticed such symptoms, you need to take action as soon as possible, because stress during pregnancy is very dangerous.

Causes of stress during pregnancy

In various films there is a huge number of plots with frantic pregnant women who cannot hold back their anger. Is everything really difficult or directed modulations just all exaggerated? Let's try to figure out why a woman during pregnancy is experiencing stress, what reasons can contribute to this.

  1. Hormones. Very often the woman is experiencing due to hormonal restructuring. As a rule, hormones during pregnancy (especially on the initial period) simply raging, the woman becomes a fusive, often nervous, she has a mood for several times per day.
  2. Work. Stressful situations in the future mother can be associated with labor activity. If the work is stressful, you need to try to translate to childbirth to another department with less psychological loads. Often the future mother is experiencing about work, if it is unofficial, because in this case the woman has no social guarantees. She is worried that her place can take and career will go under Sunny due to a forced break in the work, which is to be in the near future. If there is no work, the experiences do not become less, especially if the child's father is not a guarantor of stability. It can be said that labor activity is one of the most serious reasons for concern in a pregnant woman.
  3. Finance. The practical side of the issue also plays an important role during the waiting for the child. Even if the woman has a stable earnings, after receiving maternity money (which is usually spent quickly for the needs of the baby), a woman at best receives a child care allowance that is quite small. The future mother is experiencing about how she will feed the child, whether the salary of her husband is enough for the whole family, how to pay a loan, mortgage, etc. Of course, these questions should solve a man, but not all women are lucky with the father of the child and the situation can be absolutely different.
  4. Housing. Very often a housing question - if the family does not have its own apartment or it is small enough to increase the number of tenants. The lack of finances on the holiday of the apartment, forced to live with relatives, small area, unfavorable conditions for life - all this can be the cause of stress in a woman, because she as a true mistress and mom tries to do everything to make the baby be comfortable and comfortable.
  5. Men. Sometimes the cause of concerns can be a relationship with the father of the future child. It's no secret that pregnancy is not always planned and desirable. If a woman is not married or believes that the man will throw her, as soon as he learns about pregnancy, it becomes a serious reason for stress.

In addition, the reasons for experiences can be any way - the figure, which will certainly deteriorate, the relationship of the future child with older brothers and sisters, the opinion of the surrounding, experiences for the health of the future crumbs. The imaginary brain of a pregnant woman is able to experience stress even from the viewed emotional film. But why is it so important to keep calm and psychological balance?

It is difficult to find a woman who would have passed the whole pregnancy in harmony, peace and good spirit. All pregnant women are experiencing in one way or another, it is normal. Any mom is worried about the future kid. But what do excessive psychological loads lead to? How does the nervous shocks affect the health and development of the fetus in the womb?

  1. On the early period of pregnancy, when the fruit egg attached to the wall of the uterus is not sufficiently tight, strong stress can be the cause of miscarriage.
  2. In the first trimester, the experience of the mother is particularly strongly reflected on the health of the baby in the future, since it is at this time the vital organs of the crumbs are laid and formed. Due to the experiences of the mother, the kid can be various pathologies in the development of the nervous and cardiovascular system, gene mutations, anomalies of the development of the maxillofacial system.
  3. With strong stresses of the mother, children are weak, often sick, their immune system cannot withstand external negative factors.
  4. Very often, the depressive state of the mother during pregnancy is reflected on the baby in the distant future. If after the birth of the baby seems healthy, then after 5-10 years it develops various psychological disorders, for example, schizophrenia. At a minimum, such children are grown closed, it is difficult for them to find new friends.
  5. The course of pregnancy during stress is aggravated by various complications. It can start pepper by the placenta ahead of time, can occur multi-way or low. All this leads to hypoxia and even intrauterine death of the fetus.
  6. Children whose mothers were constantly worried about something during pregnancy, they often suffer from Enurraw and hyperactivity. Such children have a tendency to autism.
  7. Because of the experiences of the mother, the child in late pregnancy can be excessively active, which leads to a cordial cord.
  8. Mother's stress in later dates leads to premature births, and, as a result, a premature and low-fat child.
  9. Such children most often suffer from various kinds of allergic reactions and asthma.

Stress is a serious test, especially for a pregnant woman. And it is important to understand, not only herself, but the people around him. But what to do if the anxiety does not pass?

How to get rid of stress during pregnancy

First you need to try to get rid of the provoking factor. Sit down and try talking to my souls yourself. What are you afraid of? What are you worried about? Believe me, you do not need such a man who refused you after news about pregnancy. You earn money enough to have enough for the first time, because the baby, in fact, you need quite a bit, especially if it is on breastfeeding. The apartment is a hiring business, the main thing is that the baby is born healthy. All the excitement about finance, work, figures will seem like a simple mouse over, as soon as you see your crumbs's native eyes. Believe me, no excitement is not the health of your baby.

Share with your loved ones, walk more, right, tune in to positive, look good and kind movies. Communicate with pregnant women - most of them are cute and carefree creatures. If there is a senior child, devote him all his free time, so that he subsequently did not feel deprived. A more sleep, make permissible physical exertion, communicate with pleasant people. Take shower with aromaslas, eat delicious dishes, cook, listen to music, re-read your favorite books. All this will give you a bunch of positive emotions that simply will not leave you time for experiences. Believe me, the birth of life in your womb is already happiness.

Pregnancy - time of excitement, worries and experiences. However, not always anxiety pleasant. Every and often a woman is forced to experience serious emotional shocks during pregnancy. Whatever the surrounding situation, you need to remember that there is nothing more important than the child in the womb. Try to keep calm and not worry on trifles. It is better to seem like a carefree foolishness than hysterical meger. Remember the child is the main motivation for your peace.

Video: Stress during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful birth of a new life. And so I want this magical time to go without excesses and logically ended with the birth of a healthy baby. Often to fully enjoy your position a woman prevent life circumstances or the surrounding psychological situation. In other words, pregnant can get under the influence of stress.

Stressful situations affecting pregnancy

Future mom for 9 months of waiting may face various manifestations of stressful situations:

Nervousness, uncertainty in their own, anxiety for the health of the future kid, the fear of childbirth. Usually under the influence of such a kind of stress, women are easily inspired and denominating from nature. The lack of an adequate medical advice or the sad consequences of previous attempts to make a child can significantly aggravate the level of anxiety pregnant;

Conflicts in the family. The strongest stress of this category is a divorce. Further, on a decreasing impact, there are quarrels with her husband, close relatives, conflicts in solving certain family issues;

Trouble at work. Unfortunately, few of the colleagues or customers on work will make a discount on a special position of pregnant and try to spare her psyche. In addition, the woman often strives to not advertise its status in the workplace as long as possible, but, it means that the requirements for it will not differ from the rest of the employees by the leadership. Special stress for the future mother can be a loss of workplace due to the dismissal or liquidation of the organization;

Loss of a loved one. One of the strongest stresses in life is the loss of loved ones, especially if this event occurs unexpectedly due to ambulance or any tragedy;

Strong fright. The most different situations can cause a strong fright of the pregnant woman: dog attack, fall, car accident, robber attacks, start of hostilities at the place of residence, etc.

If the last two situations to predict and predict is very difficult, and no one is immune from their effects, then the first three points of the list can be minimized or correcting their attitude to these issues.

The effect of stress on pregnancy in different trimesters

Under the influence of stress in the body of a woman, a cortisone hormone is produced. His negative impact on pregnancy has two most important manifestations:

In the blood, the level of sugar increases;

Fabrics and organs of the future mother and child begin to experience.

Both of these factors most negatively affect the well-being of pregnant and the development of the baby in her tummy. There is a danger of hypoxia and slowing the development of the embryo, the formation of organs is disturbed, the level of intake of nutrients is reduced. In addition, the future mother can develop insomnia and loss of appetite, which adversely affects her health.

I trimester

In the first trimester, when the bookmark of all the life bodies of the baby occurs, severe stress can provoke miscarriage or lead to stopping the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is very important for a woman after establishing a fact of pregnancy to minimize the impact on stressful situations. It is necessary to stick to the right nutrition, do not forget to fall out, try not to worry and not nervous on trifles. At work and in the family should not be conflicts, somewhere, it is possible to give up and do not bring the situation to Rugan. Under any unrest on their condition, you should seek advice from a competent doctor.

II trimester

Usually to the second trimester, the emotional state of pregnant woman is noticeably stabilized. The woman was already accustomed to his state and learned to abstract from foreign problems. Nevertheless, American scientists based on the results of the studies revealed the dependence of the mental state of the child from the stress level tested by the mother during pregnancy in the second trimester. Strong stresses for 24-28 weeks double increase the risk of developing the kid of autism.

III trimester

The main risk of stressful situations in the last trimension of pregnancy is the possibility of premature and rapid labor. There may begin the detection of accumulating waters. At the same time, stress from such a rapid appearance of light leads to the delay in the psycho-emotional state of the newborn, the absence of the first cry. There is also an inverse situation when the child's unrest is under the influence of stress, and the delivery is stretched for a long time.

Differentiation of the effect of stressful situations depending on the floor of the child

It is proved that the consequences of the influence of stress on pregnant women are strongly dependent on the floor of the child. Girls have more variations of various pathologies, and the boys have the consequences more strongly, and they can manifest a very long time.

Effects of stress on a child

Whatever parents would be waiting for, it is important to remember that the influence of stress does not pass without a trace.

Future moms should be aware that excessive nervousness and anxiety harm the psyche and the development of the baby during pregnancy and after birth, leads to complications in labor activities, affects the terms of the delivery.
It is necessary to avoid stressful situations as possible, and in case of impossibility, it is not taken too close to the heart.

Oktabrinka Olga, www.Syt

Stress is the reaction of the body for negative vital factors. Usually, it does not harm a person, but helps to adapt, but only if it lasts not long. Very dangerous is stress in pregnancy, and especially at the early stages of to wear.

Stress during pregnancy - how to calm down and not nervous

An increase in the load on the psyche, which is undergoing a pregnant woman can lead to health problems in both the future mother and the child. Therefore, pregnant should protect himself from stress, and when the first symptoms appeared - quickly recognize them and eliminate them.

Symptoms of stress in pregnant women

Each person is subjected to stress daily. He gets used to such a state and does not try to prevent the nervous shocks and their consequences. It is possible to determine that the pregnant woman has stress, it is possible for several reasons:

  • there is fatigue and decay of forces;
  • reduced performance;
  • bad sleep, problems with falling asleep;
  • pain in the heart, rapid pulse;
  • there is no desire to eat;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • increase in pressure;
  • immunity deterioration, cold appearance, which lasts long enough.

Headache - symptom of stress during pregnancy

Many people react to stress atypically. The voltage can manifest itself to the unpleasant sensations in the stomach and intestines, a rash on the skin, difficult to breathe.

The reasons for the appearance of stress in pregnant women

Stress during pregnancy appears for various reasons. It all depends on the lifestyle and the problems that may appear during the excavation period. In pregnant women, stress can manifest themselves in different ways. For some, some problem may be ordinary and will not create negative emotions, and for others the slightest turmoils will become a source of nervous breakdown. Often during pregnancy in the second trimester, the nervous tension appears even because of bad weather, because women during this period are particularly sensitive.

Often stress can be associated with the changed status of a woman during pregnancy.

  1. Changes at the physiological level. A sharp increase in weight, the appearance of stretch marks, the fear of losing their former beauty can bring pregnant to stressful state. Every woman should know that it is temporarily, soon everything will fall into place.
  2. Fear of childbirth. Women often hear that during childbirth, difficulties often arise that lead to undesirable consequences. In addition, the process itself is very painful. Such information causes severe stress and spoils the mood all 9 months.
  3. Experiences for the future child. Is pregnancy going well? What will be the kid? How to raise him with a good person? All these thoughts cause stress, but it is necessary to get rid of it. Experiences can provoke miscarriage, diseases in the baby or violations in its development.
  4. Family troubles. Pregnancy can provoke cooling in relationships. The woman constantly seems that his spouse does not hear her and does not pay due attention. Estimation for the baby, a future life, which will change significantly will be added to this issue.
  5. Cash issues. With the advent of the child, the expenses in the family will increase significantly. To this you need to be ready.
  6. Problems at work during pregnancy. Almost all women work before the onset of 30 weeks and only then go to maternity leave. The overall working voltage, the growing belly, because of which the woman becomes difficult to do something lead to nervous tension.

Stress during pregnancy - a quarrel with her husband

In addition to foreseen causes, unplanned causes may appear. Death of relative, a quarrel with her husband or breaking relationships, an accident and many other things can cause severe stress in the second trimester of pregnancy, the consequences of which are unlikely to be pleasant.

Danger at all stages of pregnancy

What is dangerous stress during pregnancy? During nerves, special hormones are produced, which can lead to disorders of placenta, pathologies and improper development of the fetus. It largely depends on the period of pregnancy.

Shocks in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially for 12 weeks, undesirable. At this stage, the structure of the fetus organs, organs of organs, so the experiences should be avoided. Such a state can cause spontaneous abortion or innate childhood diseases. If the formation of the placenta is disturbed, the fruit may die at first weeks.

During stress at the embryo, the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal system

If the girl transfers stress in the second and in the 3 trimester, the child can be born with the diseases of the autistic spectrum. In the late period of pregnancy, the cord is dangerous by the umbilical cord because of the active life of the child on the soil of the mother's stress.

Danger during pregnancy for the 35th and 36 week of pregnancy in shocks exists for the woman itself. She can develop gestosis and sugar diabetes appear. Stress can also affect pregnancy in the form of difficulties at the time of birth. A woman will give birth for too long, or, on the contrary, he will give birth ahead of time, not bullshit.

How to prevent danger?

To avoid complications from severe stress during pregnancy, it is necessary to leave problems. For example, stop paying attention to strangers and not talk to those people who provoke to conflict. If you remove possible reasons, it is not necessary to try to change your attitude towards the situation.

A woman can make a list of factors that violate its emotional state. Nearby you need to write possible ideas: how to eliminate the problem, put the nervous system in order. It is necessary to control their emotions.

It is possible to increase stress resistance to such actions:

  • more walking out in the fresh air;
  • go to sleep normally;
  • proper to eat, use more vegetables and fruits;
  • do yoga and swimming;
  • talk to souls with friends;
  • more relax.

To remove stress you need to walk more in the fresh air

Many women are well relaxing aromatherapy or meditation. Any such event is important for the body, the main thing, to carry out the procedure in a good mood.

It is worth not to forget that by 9 months of pregnancy and during all the stages of tolerance, a woman must take care of himself and a child.

How to behave?

Doctors warn about the harmful effect of stress on pregnancy. You need to know how to cope with it. Special methods will help remove the nervous voltage.

  1. Make small breaths and exhalations at the moment of shocks. Collapse and give completely breathing, intend the belly, make a massage.
  2. Turn on the music and relax. For this, quiet melodies will suit.
  3. Take a warm shower, burn out aromatic candles.

To withstand a terrible event will be easier if someone tell me about it, to speak. Mom, husband or good friend. Visit the massage, read pleasant books, see comedy films.

Enable music and relax

During constant stress, more sleep (at least 9 hours). If it does not get enough sleep, you can take lung sedatives, for example, Valerian. Refine the doctile norms.

If such methods did not help, go to experienced specialists. In severe life situations, a psychologist helps well.

The result of stress during pregnancy

Short-term stress contributes to the restoration of the body due to the production of hormones. However, sharp mood differences cause strong harm to the nervous and immune system. The number of lymphocytes that are responsible for fighting diseases and infections is significantly reduced, therefore the likelihood of long and strong colds increases. Chronic diseases can be exacerbated and cancer cells are formed.

High psycho-emotional tension is dangerous. Weakness, poor sleep, headache and cold appearance are symptoms of overvoltage. Such stress can adversely affect the fruit and cause possible deviations in development.


Negative stress acts on a woman and fruit. The future mother should understand that she is now in response not only for his life, but also for the life of his child. She should struggle to control their emotions and not give in stressful situations. So she will protect both their health, and the baby.

Stress even in the usual condition of a person is a very serious test for any body. What to say how hard it is tolerated during pregnancy. At this time, the nervous system can be output as external factors (cold and heat, hunger and thirst, exercise, etc.), and emotional, psychological (insult, fatigue, fear of childbirth, the death of a loved one, nervous tension, etc. .). Any nervous stress during pregnancy is dangerous both for the health of the Women itself and for the state of the child tonted by it.

It often happens that pregnant woman does not even notice that it is in conditions of constant stress. She gets used to him so much that he perceives all his fears and experiences as proper. In the meantime, constant stress during pregnancy lead their destructive work from the inside. Therefore, each future mother should be able to analyze its state and pay attention to the main symptoms of stress:

  • apathy, indifference to everything, lethargy;
  • reduction of working capacity;
  • lack and reduction of appetite;
  • periods of inexplicable concern, nervousness;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor limbs (their trembling);
  • lower immunity - frequent colds.

If all this takes place, most likely your condition is serious enough and requires speedy correction. Scientists find out that in the female body in a state of stress during pregnancy, the number of special hormones - glucocorticoids is significantly increased. And they affect not only genes, but also have a close connection with the work of the placenta. Accordingly, their consequences can be the most serious.

What is dangerous stress during pregnancy?

There are women telling about the strongest stress moved by them during pregnancy, which completely did not influence the condition of their baby and childbirth. This is very controversial situations, since the consequences can show themselves much later - problems can begin at the child in school or transitional age when serious changes in the psyche occur. Doctors have long been explained how stress affects pregnancy and the future health of the kid. It may lead to the following consequences:

  • small;
  • premature childbirth;
  • stress in late pregnancy provokes anomalies in the formation of a nervous system of a child;
  • adaptation problems in the team;
  • autism or hyperactivity;
  • fear and phobiam;
  • stress in the early periods of pregnancy can lead to the strongest hypoxia of the fetus.
  • enuresum;
  • terrible generic anomalies - such as "hare of a lip" or "wolf fall";
  • allergic and asthmatic reactions in a newborn;
  • development of diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;

As you can see, strong is a very serious test for both the baby and for the future mother. Therefore, it is so important in all ways to try to avoid it. Moreover, this should be understood not only the woman itself, but first of all those who surround it during this period of life.

How to avoid stress during pregnancy?

To help a pregnant woman to avoid the terrible consequences of the stressful condition should also be a doctor, her watching, and her relatives and relatives. After all, it is from the latter its psycho-emotional state. Pregnancy is not time for quarrels, hysterics and even more so divorces. To avoid nervous tension, the future mommy needs to know the methods that quickly and effectively restore the mental balance.

  1. Learn to control your thoughts: stop thinking about the bad, wait only negative. Tune in to positive and think about prosperous childbirth and your baby, which you will soon hug. If you feel that you yourself are not able to do this, be sure to sign up for special trainings or go to a psychologist.
  2. Do not stay alone with your fears. Find a person who can tell everything. Do not leave the negative in yourself, free from it by any ways.
  3. Walk more in the fresh air, do not forget to air your room.
  4. Fully manic, especially much in your diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. Sleep as much as you want.
  6. Made physical education for pregnant women: special, swimming, even yoga.
  7. Communicate only with those people who are pleasant to you. Exclude from your circle to communicate those who often offend you or just annoying.
  8. Rest more, especially in the first months. While you work, a lunch break for you is obligatory. Do not work in the evenings: before going to bed you need to learn to relax and get pleasant emotions from some beloved business, which gives you pleasure.
  9. You can relax in different ways: Discover the world of aromatherapy, sign up for a massage or acupuncture, do the meditation.

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother must be very clearly imagined than the stress is dangerous during pregnancy and why it is so important to avoid him. To protect your baby from negative consequences, you need to be able to concentrate on the main thing - at your position, and try to ignore the annoying trifles and failures.