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Presentation in the Russian language topic Morphology. Presentation - Repetition "Morphology. As morphology order brought

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We study parts of speech

The explanatory note of the main task of this manual is to generalize and systematize the studied material on the topic "Part of Speech" and the provision of a system of exercises to work out the ability to distinguish between different parts of speech. The manual includes: -Toretical material - exercise-based exercises aimed at securing the ability to perform morphological analysis of nouns, names of adjectives, verbs. - Cares aimed at developing creative thinking Authors: Filippova Valentina Vitalyevna, teacher GBOU SOSH №394, Arkhipova T.N., Project Courage

The role and place of parts of speech in the modern Russian language the most common and necessary categories in the grammar of each language are part of speech. With finding out the question of parts of the speech, the grammatical description of any language begins. Speaking of parts of speech, refer to the grammatical grouping of lexical units of the language, i.e. Allocation of certain groups or discharges in the vocabulary of the language characterized by those or other signs. Morphology - (Greek. "Morph" - the form, "Logos" - science, word) - a section of grammar, in which words as part of speech are studied.

Classification of parts of speech V.V. Vinogradov allmeted 4 structural-semantic classes of words:

Parts of Speech Significant Words Office Words Interomotion Nouns Primoplation-Nouvenual Adjective Nutritional Verb Category Status Preposition Union Particle Two System Classification System Speech Parts in Modern Russian Language

TA program Ladyzhenskaya program V.V. Babaitsevaya significant: noun, adjective, numerical, pronoun, verb, valve significant, noun, adjective, numeral, adverb, pronoun, communion, continuity service: Preposition, Union, Particle Service: Preposition, Union, Arctic Particle Interdudice sound-speaking words

Morphological analysis name of the noun part of speech Morphological signs 1. Initial form 2. Permanent features: 1) Own - nominal; 2) an insane - inanimate; 3) genus; 4) Declination 3. Non-permanent signs: 1) case; 2) Number III. Syntax function.

Spend the morphological analysis of the nouns of the nouns after the bathing we lay on the hot sand from the South Sun³ (Nagibin). In the postal train, the young Lieutenant Klimov (Czechs) was driving in the post-smoking department. True friend³ knows in misfortune (Esop). In the Slavic countries, Russian3 will most likely somehow understand, but in neighboring Hungary 3 - no longer: Hungarian is completely different in Russian. In the modern world, the language of international communication3 is often speaking English. Male ³ Nothing worth it if there is nothing devilish (Bronte). And the thought of her Belikov also tried to hide into a case ³ (A.P.chekhov), the rapid rocket was in the air³, and on Earth scientists continue to follow her. I condemned myself to the eternal separation of ³ and with a cold in the chest got into a distant path (Fet). The rumor about me will be held throughout Russia's rus, and call me any language in it (A. Pushkin).

Morphological analysis of the name of the adjective I. Part of speech II. Morphological signs: 1. Initial form 2. Permanent features: 1) a discharge by value; 2) the degree of comparison (for high-quality) 3. Notable signs: 1) genus; 2) number; 3) Padege III. Syntax function

Spend a morphological analysis of the names of adjectives Good ³ Country Bulgaria, and Russia is best (Isakovsky). Without responding to the sister ³Slov, Nikifor shrugged and raised his shoulders (Pechersky Melnikov). There were two buddies evening ³ Sometimes and a good conversation was led among themselves (wings). All the downstream was already drowned at dusk, and only the top of the Kurgan was illuminated by red in the rays of the Sun (Skitalez). We entered the vault of milled trees, and we were covered with wet, hot ³ couples (gonchars). The land on the hillock was already excited and covered with a rare bristle young og grass (Ilyin). The awe, all read the signs of anger and sorrow on the gloomy³ of his chel (Pushkin). The north is fabulously rich, and one of our north is capable of feeding the population of all Russia (Pikul). She just put her head on a folded palm sandwiches and the next second had already seen some nice and murdered Son (Akunin). Time is expensive, and lose it will not become (gonchars).

Morphological analysis of verbs I. Part of speech. II. Morphological signs. 1. Initial form (uncertain form). 2. Permanent features: 1) View; 2) repayment; 3) incubateness transition; 4) Hiding. 3. Non-permanent signs: 1) inclination; 2) time (if any); 3) face (if any); 4) number; 5) Rod (if any). III. Syntax function.

Spend the morphological analysis of the verbs love ³ ride - love and sosochos to carry (proverb). Began ³ Pachote (Privine). I see the Forest, and the evening hollow, and accompanied by the nettle wattle (Yesenin). Crushing ³, and splashing, and splashes the wave to me into the eyes of salt moisture (Tolstoy). One nanny could know ³, but not guessed (Pushkin). I have never been afraid of ³ pain - only lies (Polozkova). Everybody gave birth to disputes and addressed the reflection (Pushkin). It always seems that we love ³ for the fact that we are good. And do not guess ³ that love us because they are good those who love us (Tolstoy). Since a long time, people speaking different languages \u200b\u200bhave had to communicate with each other. We cut off ³ Forest, we dug ³ rye, the evenings approached us lions, but the cowardly shower was not between us, we shot ³ in them, ahead between the eyes ... (Gumilev).

Exercises by name Nouns Exercise 1. Read the text and follow the tasks. From a long time, people speaking different languages \u200b\u200bhave to communicate with each other. Interlocutors can speak every native language and partially understand each other if the languages \u200b\u200bare similar. In the Slavic countries, Russian3 will most likely somehow understand, but in neighboring Hungary 3 - no longer: Hungarian is completely different in Russian. It often happens that two interlocutors helps to understand each other's third - translator. But, first of all, the translation takes unnecessary time, secondly, it is not always possible. Often, the interlocutors go to the third language, not native to both of them. In the modern world, this may be absolutely "drawing" the Language of Esperanto3 or Latin, but more often they speak a language for someone in the world. Usually this language has a greater authority than the native languages \u200b\u200bof the interlocutors. They can simply be any common language. In the modern world, the language of international communication3 is often speaking English. (According to the materials of the Encyclopedia "Russian Language")

1. Write out the names of your own. 2. Give examples of animated and inanimate nouns. 3. Ensure 2-3 samples of nouns 1, 2 and 3rd decline. Determine their genus. 4. Is there a detachable nouns in the text? Write them out. 5. Find in the text of the unclear nouns. Determine their genus. 6. Prove that the Russian word in this text is used in the value of the adjective and nouns. Give examples. 7. Find nouns in the text that do not change in numbers. Determine their genus. 8. Make the morphological analysis of the specified words.

Exercise 2. To the given words, select Definitions. Correctly agree on the definition with nouns. Piano, surname, mouse, potatoes, rail, tulle, youth, tol, corn, parcel, vermicelli, veil, beans, tour, carcass, mascara, kadril, table, dumbbell. Exercise 3. Insert the missed letters, taking into account the rules for approval of the allocated nouns with the definitions and the faults in the form of the kind. 1) Coffee was ... a little warm ... 2) Favorites ... Jury looked around ... All Program. 3) As an auxiliary language, Esperanto was ... Created ... about a hundred years ago Dr. L. Rezoyofom. 4) Yangtzi shipping ... for almost three thousand kilometers. 5) Interviews with cosmonauts will be published ... in the near release of our newspaper. 6) Persons ... Chimpanzee lives in Africa. 7) Star ... Lady was ... dressed in an elegant suit.

Exercise 4. Insert the correct embodiment of the shape of the multiple numerical number. 1) Medals and the Order ... are symbols not only by combat merit. 2) Experienced lecturer were invited to conduct conversations and reports. 3) On the canvas levitan, the gentle blue tone ... The sky transparency transparency of the morning air. 4) the choice ... The governor of the region shows that many political opponents conclude an agreement ... on cooperation. 5) In summertime, many people start vacation .... 6) In our confectionery department is always a fresh cake .... 7) Many workshops ... plants are reoriented to the release of new products.

Exercise 5. From these words using suffixes forging nouns. - EK -, - IR -: puppy, cucumber, nut, brick, temple, box, year, cartilage, scarf, umbrella, salas, cornflower, nail. - Ец -, - иц -: brother, frost, blizzard, book, leather, thing, capital, land, porridge, braid, cereals, puddle, sister, part, story, bread, jam, essay, coat, rifle, letter, butter. -In-, - ezd - it is, it is, there is: a beggar, a merchant, comrade, direct, fresh, fluid, sobbies, lively, singers, a young man, less worthy. - -, - actor -: Bucken, bath, concrete, racing, tell, transport, ship, carry, translate, account, encrypt, shaman, clock, cut, roof, milling, binding, bottom, fly, leaving, trained, Go up, adjust, bypass, adjust. - AME -, - Onty -: Zarya, fur coat, leg, paw, zoya, lisa, faith.

Exercise 6. 1. Nouns standing in brackets, put in the proposed case. With three of them to make proposals. There was (distance), said (upbringing), rest (Danube), reflected (crop), met (publishing), went (car), arrows (dial), descended (parachute); starred (film), walked (staircase), treated (ambulatory), sees (distance), injured (offensive), lived (basement), located (swimming), read (table of contents), recorded (decree), village (sanatorium), studied (lyceums), lecture (astronomy), She told (impression), discussed (Assembly). 2. Create phrases with nouns in the proposed case. Lobby, frost, custom, Herbarium, Silence, Rotos, Pointer,. Villain, art, .. send, poem, idea, unit, scales, teacher, conductor, consumer, craft, upper, hive. 3. Make a phrase, putting both nouns in the proposed case: Festival, Sweden - Festival 8 of Sweden; Academy, meeting - at the Academy at the meeting. Cure, sanatorium; Travel, Africa; window, kitchen; Bench, Square; Basnya, Bear Awakening, Nature; shed, farm; Speech, meeting; armchair, terrace; Meeting, steamer; station, buffet; anniversaries, theater; house, edge; line, camp; Movement, orbit.

Exercises by adjective name Exercise 1. Read the text and follow the tasks. The greatest 3 richness of the people is his language!<...> The designer and shaped Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. Their thousands, tens of thousands! As on the wings, they fly out of the century to the century, from one generation to another, and it is not visible to the endless Dal, where this winged wisdom rushes his flight ... Different epochs that have breeding proverbs. Abreasonably variety of human relations, which captured in chased folk spokes and aphorism. From the abyss of time they reached us in these clots of reason the joy and suffering of human, laughter and tears, love and anger, faith and challenge, truth, and crow, honesty and deception, diligence and laziness, the beauty of truths and the ugliness of prejudice.<...> The publication of Russian proverbs collected over several decades of the last century by a dialectologist and writer V. I. Dalem will serve as a great and noble thing to study the inexhaustible wealth of our domestic culture, the great and mighty language of our. (According to M. A. Sholokhov)

1. Find adjectives in the text related to different categories. 2. From the first paragraph, write down the phrase "adjustment. + SUB. ", Specify the genus, the number and case of adjective. 3. Find cases of using the adjective definition and in the role of the tag (define the type of the faugible). 4. Make the morphological analysis of the specified words. Exercise 2. From the following adjectives, form all possible forms of comparison degrees. Sample: Strong - stronger, stronger, strongest, the strongest. Angry, good, beautiful, deep, smart, business, dear, rich, solid, clean, clever, healthy, dry, wide, bitter, small, light, soft. Exercise 3. Find and emphasize all the incorrect forms of degrees of comparing the names of adjectives. Wider - more wide - wider - wide - breadless; The shortest is the shortest - the shortest; The worst is the worst; The best is the best - very good - the best thing.

Exercise 4. Rewrite examples, coordinating the adjectives delivered in brackets, to which they relate. Highlight the end. 1) In (sleepy, frozen) air was monotonous ringing. 2) Huntsman inspects in advance (wolf and fox) trails. 3) Rumor about the fire quickly swayed on (surrounding landlock) manads. 4) In the courtyard heard the hum (childish) votes. 5) Amazing feathers saw on the (bird) bazaar. 6) Cheerful revival reigned in (fishing) settlement. 7) In his view there was some kind of concern that was overwhelmed (internal) the struggle of emotions. 8) (early summer) in the morning climbers began climbing on (near high) mountain. Exercise 5. Insert the missed letters. Distribute adjectives in two columns: 1) with one H; 2) with two n. Silver ... Look, Tum ... Aya Magla, Bagh ... Oh Sunset, Starry ... OE Weapon, Wind ... Aya Girlfriend, countless ... OE Many, Swan ... nya song, leather ... OE Chair, Sweet ... Aya Stewka, Discussion ... Come, Schelch ... Blue Beach, Kame ... Blue House, Monoto ... Sounds, Tin ... Soldiers, Osie. ..yaya Weather, Masher ... OE Department, Firewood ... Oh Warehouse, Wind ... Aya Mill, University ... Aya Weather, Cranes ... OE Nest, Nearby ... Oh Abilities, Yu .. ., Auksio ... After the rules, the state ... Aya duty, bustorian ... I consider the contract, ... Aya Prosecutor's Office, Constitution ... OE Right, Society ... OE Position.

Exercise 6. Extract, with what animals a person is usually compared. According to its external qualities: awkward, like ___________; fat like ______________; Long-legged like __________; hardy as ___________; Healthy, like _____________; According to its internal qualities: brave, as _____________; cunning, like ______________; cunning, like _____________; cowardly as ____________; Faithful as _______________.

Exercises for verbs Exercise 1. Read the text and perform tasks. I probably will not be able to convey quite brightly and convincingly how great was my amazement when I felt 3 that almost every book would open in front of my window to a new, unknown world, telling me about people, feelings, thoughts and relationships that I did not know, I did not see 3 ... Books said3 me about how great a man is in a striving for the better, how much he can do on Earth. I say to everyone: Love the book, she will make life easier for you, friendly will help to figure it out3 in motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, she will teach you to respect the person and themselves, she wakes mind and heart with a sense of love for peace, to a person ... (According to M. Gorky)

1. Find the verbs in the text. 2. Write examples of verbs: a) perfect and imperfect species; b) transitional and non-transparent; c) return and non-returnable. 3. Determine the lease of verbs from the last paragraph. 4. What verb in this text has forms of different times? How do the verbs change in the present, future and last time? 5. Find the verbs in the form of an infinitive. Determine their syntactic function. What a member of the sentence may still be an infinitive? Give your examples. 6. Make the morphological analysis of the specified words. Exercise 2. Open brackets, replacing the verbs offered in them suitable by sense of descriptive revs. 1) I (convince) you need additional classes. 2) If I do not pass the exam, then (find yourself) in an unpleasant position. 3) without a special computer table, I most likely (feel) inconvenience. 4) I am sure that in a brewing competitions, I (win).

Exercise 3. Make a phrase with verbs. Meets - meet, free to get rid, it will reflect - to affect, return - come back, having fun - have fun, sit down - sit, cleaned - to clean, worry - worry, quarrel - quarrel, wake up - wake up, will meet - meet. Exercise 4. Spin, paste the missed letters. It was necessary to hurry ... Xia. A kilometer after two d ... Lina suddenly began to burn ... smiling. Began to get ... smiling clay shale. Width d ... Lina, then burn ... Meters up to one hundred, then expanding ... smiling more than a kilometer. The branches of the river form such a labyrinth, in which it is very easy to get lost ... Xia, if not holding ... Sia the main line. On the ridge, the piglets ... Mu to the forest, it is necessary to go carefully, you must often stop ... Xia, viewing ... Xia, otherwise it's easy to go ... smiling. (V. Arsenyev)

Exercise 5. Spariate the proverbs. Insert the missed letters and explain to write them. 1) For two hares, the pursuit ... Sew - not a single catch ... s. 2) Many bud ... do not know - soon the composition ... Sew. 3) True eye count ... t. 4) Horse strip ... tsya - doogle ... s, the words of what was said not gate ... s. 5) Hands are not proteins ... sew, it's not enough with the shelves ... s. 6) Raine meal ... t, and the sun is dried ... t. 7) Soft steal ... t, yes rigid to sleep. 8) Man, he's all his mind ... T: He and Pash ... t, he and it ... t. Exercise 6. Listen to the grammatical fairy tale about the uncle of the verb and make it an illustration.

He lived King Verb. Everything in the past in his kingdom was good, the verbs changed only by childbirth (made, did, did) yes in numbers (did - they did), and there were no problems. But now the present times came, and behind them and future are coming, and the verbs with an unknown ending ceased to obey the old king, each so badly change in its own way. I decided then the king to divide the inheritance between my two sons. The first gave all the verbs to Ot, - at, - eat, - belly, and the second - only the verbs are on-it. And she commanded the king to all the subjects of the first sown to wear in the end, and the verbs of the second son - and. The second son was offended that his father gave him such a small share, and secretly lasted 4 verb to himself in secret at night (drive, keep, breathe, hear) and 7 verbs to be used (watch, to see, hate, tolerate, tolery , twist). How in the morning the king was angry, having learned about betrayal! It was then decided to establish justice, and according to his order, 2 verbs were forced to go to the 1st son, so that at least somehow brighten his defeat (shave, string). I divided the king verb of his wards and now controls them only in the past time, and in the present and the future, his sons are responsible for them. True, they are not all smoothly: no matter how they beat, and a few words remained outside the submission and are hidden, as they please, - as the verbs of the 1st rigging, as the verbs of the 2nd (want, run). Then the Korolei brothers unlocked recalling on a separate island, and so they began to call them - packed up.

E-and in the end of the nouns 1 go on the road to the hut; During his stay in Italy; succeed in school on history, mathematics; to visit Astrakhan, in Yaroslavl; stick to the apple tree; touch the cherry print in typography; to be located in the village near the river; grow up near the road; flew from lily to lily; grew by the edges; attend the performance in the theater; in bizarre area; see in the sky lazuries; Defend Maria Andreevna. Option 2 is treated in the sanatorium; wander along the alley, in shame; settle in the building; make a straw; in white now; climb the ladder; in the opening of the exhibition; burn in a frying participate in resolving the issue; on journey in America, in Europe, in Asia; stood in thought; Rested on the seaside; get used to danger; reflected in the radiance of rays; Learn wisdom.

Nn dictation in the adjective option 1 cranberry morse; an old picture; clay vessel; Fire speech; Weak weather; Young artist; pigeon flock; Sandy shore; Silver Cup; solemn event; Windy day; Snake skin; Peanut; cockscomb; linen fabric; autumn forest; Option 2 Wastened case; Eagle look; pocket lamp; Rye bread; Avalanche; straw smell; Long scarf; animal roar; Dal Tuman; birch grades; work time; The road is long; Skill thread; artificial click; woolen skirt; Maucharic hunting.

The unstressed personal endings of the leap verbs do not knit, they will not leave. Kalach do not lure as soon as the Earth suffers. Hands do not reach, do not get up. The ear cuts, on the poor Makara, all the bumps are lying. Its nosha does not pull, the truth is the eyes of Kolts. The soul does not make up, the language is spinning. The carpet is steles, the mosquito will not be offended. Hold your fingers, the mosquito nose is not pumped. They do not look at a given horse's teeth; Soft stele, yes hard to sleep.

Exercises on the verbs come up with the title to the text. Spread the text on paragraphs. The first meeting of Miklukho-Maclay with Papuas Maclay spread the branches and looked around. A narrow path led it to a wide sandy platform, around which huts stood. Their roofs were made of palm leaves, there were no windows. The light penetrated the dwelling only through the only door. Maclary looked into one hut, hardly examined in the impenetrable darkness of the focus of stones, the darkened bamboo, ligaments of feathers and shells. The scientist moved away from the hut for a few steps and stopped in the middle of the site. In the juicy green foliage of the trees peacefully sang the birds, the shadows from the branches were broken on Earth, insects crack in the grass. Maclai stood, looked after unfamiliar plants, listened to the singing of birds, the ringing of Cycad, the noise of the rapid mountain stream. A rustle behind attracted his attention. He quickly looked around and saw a temmer and man. The man in indecision froze in place, then shuddered and rushed to run. (By A.chumachenko) (124 words)

Tasks (optional) 1. Make a lexical analysis of words: I - CLEAR; II - rapid. 2. Make the Morphem word analysis: I - spread out; II - listened. 3. Made a morphological analysis of words: I - (k) sandy (platform); II - (through) the only (door); 4. Make a phonam analysis of words: I - looked; II - Darkness. Help for the teacher: Miklukho-Maklai Nikolai Nikolaevich (1846-1888). Russian traveler, ethnographer (specialist in ethnography - science studying the material and spiritual culture of the people). He studied the indigenous population of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania (1870-1880s), including Papuans of the North-Eastern Shore of New Guinea (now Miklukho-Maclay). He spoke against racism and colonialism. (BSE)

Bibliography 1. Maslov M. Yu. Introduction to linguistics. M., Higher School, 1997. 2. Big Soviet Encyclopedia 3. Bogdanova A. Dictation Collection 5-9 Class 4. 5. Russian language newspaper. №8, 2003. 6. 7.\u003d4.0 8. Textbooks for grades 6-9 Edited by Razumovskaya and Ladyzhenskaya 9. Methods of pedagogical college named after speech

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Egorova Elena Alekseevna's spelling, teacher of the Russian language and literature BOU "Tarskaya Gymnasium №1 I.A. Mluppova"

1. Orphograms in the root of unstressed vowels consonants unchecked by stressful stressful stressful doubtful unsophisticated double

Checked unstressed vowels How to check unmatched vowels in the root of the word? 1. Change the word form or pick up such a related word so that this vowel is under the stress in the selection of the test word need to take into account the importance of the Word (Art and Rozhil Village - "Art and Pie", the village of Rozhil the village " .! It is impossible to verb in a perfect species to check the verb of an imperfect type (- to go): be late, cut out (sov.) - But: late, paint (not. At.). Check words - late, cut, etc. . 2. Head in foreign language words (subscription), to be checked (caught) check by dictionary, compare: subscription - although it is abonated, disinfection - although disinfecting. Unchecked unstressed vowels remember

The spelling of alternating vowels depends on the emphasis without emphasising the city of RAGS NO: PRI RL (ISL.) 2) CLONE SALED ON THE BLACK ON THAT 3) ZAM - C NA RZA A ROCK Z O Ryanka Z OBE 4) Creative Creator - TV ON REC NORE: WTVC and PL 5) Plov- only in the words of the PL about Vec and pl about Vichiha, in the rest - and the wok, pl, and whery. PL, in accordance with the pronunciation of the consonant at the end of the root of La g (a) - -He - Paul A G are sex, but: half o'clock (curtain) 2) Ra St - -ro C - - Ra - Р а с и ро с и ира и инянь на: прода and SL (schl.) Р О ST STOCK (schl.) р о о коловщик (Слет) по ро о ст (Сласк.) Р О Стесава (Слел.) 3) SKA K - - approx of H: SK and Chok, SK A Chu, SK and Chi (those) suffix a 1) CAS (a) - - Kos (n) - to 2) Bir A - - Ber - Mir A - - Merretic A - - Piercer A - - Der - Tir A - - Terrib A - - Stel-Blinca A - - Blis (T) - - Ina, - Ima - "Zhig A - - ZHEG (Whose) Chit A - - Chet and Raint-Sob E Ru Bl and became BLE, BLE The union of the Pon and Mother-Pon Ya La Nasta and Frame, Oba, Ch E TA, the wedding of the lexical meaning 1) McC- Immersorate in the Liquid of Obm and Knote Mok- pass into The fluid is a naughty Claim 2) - to make the same UR and rid account - make a smooth, smooth subponance, but: pore, r and insection, R a Vnina, all R and VNO. Ur o vein, right about the insight, r about the example

The spelling of the consonants in the root - the use of the root options (for example: - Mesh-ku or in between-ku). -Attaking the meaning of the word, pick it up with such a single word, in which the consonants would be considered clear: peas and beans lay inversion \u003d were mixed; Fields and forests went tovened \u003d intermittent. -Note. When choosing a JC in words like a spoon, the Matrius check will be a diminutive (Spoon-A - a spoon-whale; Matreshk-A - Matriothech) or a single word with alternating zh (carpet-ka, because the carpet) . Split! - ahead (when alternating Ch.-L.: Fields walked ahead with meadows) - Matching; Ahead (a bunch: rice lay a mixture with buckwheat) - Mixed; - hoarflash (snow) - frosty; Harrow (small rain) - Morosit; - bone (brain, broth, etc. - everything that belongs to the bones) - Kostya; Kosya (without / and) - "backward" (oblique glances), from the verb to kosnie - "Stop in Development": Touch in ignorance; Kosonaya - with difficulty formulating his thoughts in words; kosnaya language - in the dying; - obvious (sound, laughter, etc. - what heard is visible as reality) - obvious; Essays (without c) - "Kushan, Castie", from the verb. YAST - "There is, to eat" (the statute); - Private (face, investigation and under.) - "unofficial", private life, participate (without c) - "Be a part of any event" - part; - skillful (without m and second C) - art ("test") + suffix - n; art, artificial - art ("test") + suffix - - forever, inhabitant (servant or maid, with whom the Lord, believed their love secrets, on whose chest, you can "cry") - Percy ("breasts" - the statute.); - Carry (goods; aircraft, etc.) - Vesu; lead (help to go) - vocabulary; - a meadow (at the bucket, etc.) - a fool, arc; Dushka (appeal to K.-L.) - Soul; - the same age - equal, but peers - vocabulary; - glitter (what to do?), But shine (what to do?). It is necessary to remember the words: - Scotch, Intrigan, Initrigan, incident, precedent, state, Dermatin, Wedding, Staircase, Lieutenant, Legal Counsel, Flask; -

Double consonants are written in the root of words, at the junction of parts of comprehensive words, at the junction of the console and root, root and suffix. In the roots of Russian words, LJ and SS: Likes Zhu Zhzh AT in LJ and DRO LJ and Mo Liberty Welnik SS ORA, as well as RO SS II, but in the root-Russian - one with: ru with the origin of the obstruction With it, Belore, but: Belor SC, ISI INFORMAL WORDS WITH DOUBLE CONGRESENTS NEED NOTE A TT Estate APE LL nation BUT: Dr. Ma ka r ikatura ha l Yerea Rec with Ursa double consonants They are written in comprehensive words, if one part ends, and the second begins the same consonant glair of the BB of the MO MOP of the SS for the SS three if the first part ends on a double consonant, then this consonant in a comprehensive word is not preserved: NN NOM (NN Commissioner), gras of a plate (gram of an offline plate) to p item (to RR Esspondant item) If the base ends on a double consonant, then in front of the suffix this double consonant is preserved by ha LL (GALL) compromise SS (compromise) Exception: Some words with suffixes -k-, - n -, - SC - formed from the basics of double Conscious: Column (column), penthoton (ton), Finca (Finn), crystal (crystal), as well as diminutive forms from own names with double consonants: Alka (Alla), EMKA (EMMA).

A14 Practice the spelling of the roots 1. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1. Slap .. Luck, reserve ... Living, Socke .. Lywaii 2.n ... Historny, region 4.r.r ... Patution, cr ... Theory, m ... Taphor 2. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1.b ... Kaleya, Oz ... Rhenium, to ... Chan 2. Blizzard ... Become, Lab ... Ryntrh, op ... 3.ak ... to wipe, l ... conn, OP. .. inventor ... ... Checky, glances ... Based ... Put (bedspread) 3. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1.Ab ... Tourist, Germ ... Trichet, Podst ... Cool 2. Welcome ... to give (wind), gene ... Alnya, szh ... mania 3.sp ... sew (to the departure of the train ), D ... Likate, Obm ... Retain 4. Wheel ... Nitsa, Samovlas ... No, rehearse ... Allowed 4. In which row in all words there are roots with alternating vowels? 1. Zan ... to wash, break ... become, pride ... Syday 2.Z ... Rnick, persons ... vania, betrayed ... lived 3.r ... Will, Prom ... Kashka, Pot ... Ringer to 4.UTV ... ry, Nesg ... RABED, PS ... Lunch 5. In which row in all the words, the unstressed checked vowel root is missing? 1.m ... Numal, in ... Riant, Paul ... Vigode 2.Re ... Kit, Lieber ... LIBER, P ... LOBRED 3.USE ... ROAD, TO ... MPUTER, UP ... ... pheniac, percent ... fool, pretended 6. In which row in all the words in the place of the passes, they are written non-pronounced consonants? 1. Survey ... nickname, row...nik, mustache ... 2les .. Nitsa, silence ..., Gigan ... Sky 3.Weight ... nickname, dite ... ny, units. .. per 4.What ... thread, sucked ... ny, rode ... chick

2. The regulations of the consoles of Russian immutable above-, OB-, before- ,ternally, pro-, To do, from give, about step, under Take, about Yi, with take. Before Yti, about yti, for yti. Remember! There are no consoles in words: here, building E, health e, healthy, nor zi is not visible right - it rarely is used, it indicates the abandonment, antiquity of epochs, phenomena, persons. Pra grandmother, PRInch, Na -, Uz-, infrared, NIS-, Ros-, Ros-, Ceres - before vowels and ringlets consonants - z, before the deaf consonants - with the bladder blade without a cung !! ST E PK AF E E C, H O CHE? IO-speaking unchangeable A- / An- "denial" anti-"counter" arch - "highest degree of a sign" hyper - "excess of the norm" of the hypo - "downgrade against the norm" infrastructs Russian under de-(before consonants), despond before vowels) - "Cancellation, denial of anything dish - (before consonant), Diz - (before vowels and b) -" separation, denial "Inter - corresponds to Russian between counterparts Russian against (in the word counter-admiral counter It has the values \u200b\u200bof the console and by analogy with the vice-admiral is written through a hyphen); Re-"renewal" to "be a supporter, to act in someone's interests" post- corresponds to the Russian after Proto - "the original, higher, senior, the main" sub - corresponds to the Russian under super - corresponds to the Russian from above, over: "Main, the highest quality "trans-" Movement through any space "ultra-complies with Russian further, more, excess extra- corresponds to Russian outside, over the pan-" Relative to everything covering everything "at-1) approximation with flying 2) sew 3) \u003d about, close at school 4) infidelity when sitting 5) bringing action to the end when learning 6) Action in someone's interests with hiding pre-\u003d very pre-red \u003d transbouring to swear, reptile, nature; President, Preamble, Prelude

Remembering the words, the spelling of the consoles in which depends on the lexical meaning: 1. To despise the enemy (hate) - to pripe, gush the kitten (shelter) 2. To bow the head (omit down), knee (kneel) - to cover the branch to the ground (closer, Bind) ATTENTION! The word is concerned is used in the expression to cover the head in the event that means "climb; find a place where to live." At the same time, the word should have a dependent word responsible for the question where? Where? to whom? For example: at old age, there is no place to cover my head. 3. To prevent a dream into reality (embody, implement) - to arrange the door (close is loosely or quiet, carefully). 4. To undergo inconvenience (endure) - to take care of inconvenience (get used to) 5. Putting the law (cross, disintegrate) - proceed to classes ( Start) 6. To stay at the station (located) - arrive at the station (arrive) 7. To present a lesson (advise) - fall to the ground (pressed) 8. Transient phenomenon (temporary, short-lived) - a coming teacher (which is for time to perform duties ) 9. Provide a friend (change, disrupt loyalty) - to give a commodity view (to do) 10. The successor of the scientist (successor) - to listen to the receiver (apparatus for receiving signals) 11. Understand the merit (to be very reduced) - to diminish weight (slightly reduce ) Publications after the prefixes 1) after the Russian consoles ending on the consonant, in place and are written by: pre-Yunsky, once a grate. In the word VZ and the mother after the prefix, the letter I. 2) After the prefixes of inter- and above- the tradition, the letter is written and: between and the presstructors, over and notice. , 3) after all borrowed consoles ending on the consonant (des -, counter, post-, super -, trans-, pan-) written the letter and: counter and gras, des and non-information 4) in comprehensive words written the letter and: Ped and Nestut, Sport and Lady

B (soft sign) is used 1) in roots, suffixes and endings in front of the letters E, E, Yu, I, and in Russian and foreign language words: AB y Yana, Fox L and, Inter b; 2) In some foreign language words, in front of the letter О: I am postponed, Mo N, Shampin and DR.! Never writes after the prefixes of the dividing Kommersant (hard sign) is written before vowels E, Yu, Yu, I : 1) After Russian and foreign language consoles ending on the consonant: under Kommersant, about Kommersant, Hell Kommersant Yutant; 2) after the foreign-speaking morphemes close to the accrehensions (counter-, feld, pan, trans-) Trans Kommersant, Feld Kommersant; 3) in difficult words after the numbers of two-, three-, four-: two kommersant, the tier tongue, the four-year-old, the horsepower. To designate the softness of consonant to distinguish the grammatical form as a separation sign a) of noun Z.R. 3 decline; Mouse, bake b) verb forms: infinitive, imperative challenge, 2 face edition; Mustle, smooth, smooth! Lag - Liege c) impoverished on a hissing sound; NOTE! I am not marrying insertion not written a) in brief adjectives, fresh, good b) in rod.p. Essence and in derivatives from them with Suf. -K-, if in the name of The combination is preceded by the consonant sound of the cherry - Cherry, sweet cherry. ! But the young lady, hawker, villages c) Clouds, cottage a) at the end of the word; Drub b) in the middle of the word before the hard consonants; threshing, nyanka c) in the middle of the word, between consonants, if, when changing the word, the second soft consonant becomes hard; Skates-skates, take-take d) to designate the softness l., Herring a) in complex numens. before ten and hundred: fifty nine hundred; ! It is not written a) between two letters LL: Alley b) between NN, NF, Nwby, Rush, RF, CC, CN, PHC: Corn, welder, durable c) in numen. fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

A15 Clear the spelling of the consoles, spelling at the junction of the console and root 1. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1. With .. an eyeball, carried ... Pradually, PR ... Grandma 2.Bez ... Nuclear, S..hel, in ... South 3.Pr ... Creator, pr ... clonyl (knees) , pr ... found 4.r ... to turn it, be ... feather, and ... Herned 2. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? ... rash, Ra ... Liv, Ra ... judgment 2.o ... cottage, on ... pull, oh ... pirai 3.cher ... Chur, Ra ... Anxious, ... harvest 4.Pr ... think, pr ... Creator, etc. ... Wisdom 3. In which row in all the words, the same letter is missing in all the words? 1.Pr ... hail, neut ... feet (fortifications), etc. Zent 2.Be ... delicious, in ... Move, ... Hanoun 3.pow ... chant, etc. A behavior, once ... Waped 4.Sh ... is, a loader ... Drinker, head ... Yezhilo 4. In which row in all the words, the same letter is missing in all the words? 1. Be ... compromise, ... cheap, in ... Become a ... Cleeller, pr ... to dread, pr ... Testament 3. Eldomy, Pz ... Oven, ... 4.Fhel ... Eton, with ... to ulce, about ... Unity 5. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1.Pr ... parat, pr ... people, etc. ... Testing 2.opr ... throw, about ... flattering, ne ... Menaible 3. ... Suture, Ra ... Sew, not. .. After 4. In ... Tortured, Ra ... said, and ... twitch 6. In the words of which one and the same letter missed? 1.Pr ... Danish, etc. Bor, etc. ... It is centaulously 2.Pr ... Tensions, pr ... bawka, etc. ... to dwell 3. PRES ... TRAIN ... Mute 4.Pr ... Combrate the road, etc. ... Crash Horse, pr ... Love in circumstances

at the root in the suffixes in the endings 3. Oh, after hissing and C in the verb forms in nominal shapes, it is always eh about e fueling the beyuke of a host of a non-a-co-silica, a slaughter, whisper is avala. CHASTOR ROOROH MAZHOR

A15 Repeat Oh after hissing and C 1. In the words of which series in place is written e? 1) W ... RTY, Dirizh ... P 3) Kumach ... left, h ... rtochka 2) Girl ... NKA, ... Ludi 4) Pear ... new, experience .. .r 2. In the words of which row on the site is written about? 1) Shed ... the new, go for baggage ... m 3) hot ..., sh ... MPOL 2) Very. .. RKA, W ... ROH 4) Calzing ... The new one ... l 3. In the words of which row on the site is written about? 1) W ... in, sh ... GOL 3) MAZH ... R, Zac ... from 2) h ... Porn, PSH .. NYNA 4) Artish ... K, Besz ... 4 4. In the words of which series at the site is written about? 1) Sh ... Koy, booster ... mi 3) Chech ... TUP, Wolf ... Nok 2) Well ... kei, w ... dying 4) cheat ... left, kumach ... m 5. In the words of which row on the site is spelled e? 1) W ... Lanka, Podzh ... Rliniy 3) Case About Subway ... Ge, Clear ... ha 2) No ... izh ... pouring 4) Chesic ... Mazh ... rhenium 6. In the words of which row on the site is spelled e? 1) IF ... Lka, coolant ... r hand 3) Obzh ... ra, wow ... r, 2) Snailing ... rank, got a coolant ... g 4) ... Ngler, Kosh ... LKA

Homework spelling of roots 1. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) R ... Mantic, N ... RMALIZE, R ... Pnob 2) EXCHANGER ... MENT, PROF ... TIV, CR ... Ticking 3) G ... to grow, sing ... imagination, asked. .. invention 4) st ... Lipstrokey, if you, vyhov ... become 2. What is the same in all the words the same letter is missing in all the words? 1) SCHOOL .. CHAIR, P ... Zaplament, Prol ... Fantastic 2) Zap ... x, Zadr ... harvest, Podh ... roar 3) Ned ... Dension, Donkey ... Bev , P ... Stop 4) Kos ... ny (brain), peers ... nickname, beautiful ... 3. In which row in all the words is missing the same letter? 1) K .. Lamb, teacher ... Wheel, to ... Missile 2) R ... Torik, Razz ... RATIVE, NUM ... Walkth 3) Gigan ... Sky, Agen ... ultrasound, Vedovess .. . One 4) R ... Station, L ... Gion, F ... Nomen 4. In which row in all the words uncomplicated unstressed vowel root missed? 1) PR ... Great, M ... Ntalitet, P .. Litika 2) Well ... Rans, Corr ... Kit, C .. Lindre 3) P ... Yazzhist, Prof .. Lavika, to ... Tastrointe 4) d .. Flywang, t ... to make, DR ... Maturg 5. In which row in all the words, vowels are missing, not checked by stress? 1) L ... monad, cr ... dit, ut ... pics 2) to ... Chan, Zagr ... Zailor, set ... Ment 3) L ... BERAL, ATL ... Thism, An ... Malia 4) Cr ... Theory, L ... Birint, L ... Gion

6. In the words of which series at the site of the passes is not written? 1) Cor ... Idor, Gram ... Actik, lane .. he 2) Cooph ... Izater, Rezhis.Er, Produce 3) Crystal ..., Crystal ... Blot, Lost ... EP 4) Gram ... Carefulness, Gal ... Yerea, count ... Number 7. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) P ... Lisadnik, Lieber ... LIBERATION, SERVICE ... GRAY 2) UPR ... POINT, TO ... MPUTER, INTERNET ... VIEW 3) Red ... Kit, P ... Locarborn, Returning 4 ) Plus ... th, g ... rizont, h ... tower 8. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1) bl ... Become, dd ... imaging, very ... rising, deputies ... rt 2) cape ... noise, rom ... read, loaf ... squeeze, patch ... Raint 3) Obm ... Knot, Paul ... Live, Ost ... Novka, Pl ... Even 4) Z ... Ray, r ... Stoke, TV ... RT, P ... Vnina 9. In which row in all the words is missing the same letter? 1) Ter ... Itania, Per ... He, Cor ... Idor 2) Hit Oz ... MJ, Out ... Snarled from the crowd, Pet ... To give a pie 3) Vyh ... Sl, R ... Bobbish 4) Prom ... Publishing house, vyh ... Ensure a garden, SK ... Kalka 10. In which row in all the words the alternating vowel root is missing? 1) Ivy ... IT, R ... Eninsion, Ying ... Citiza 2) D ... FIRITE, SKL ... WILL, ZAN ... Mother 3) Bl ... Stretch, NTV ... RT, Pop. .. and 4) pl ... VSCHIH, OBL ... EVER, SAN ... GY

11. In which row all the words have roots with alternating vowels? 1) Zan ... Mother, Ugra ... to press, op ... Such 2) DISC ... Clear, Ug ... Retain, bl ... Become 3) Deputy ... Reta, branch ... Mind ... Top 4) Vod ... Failure, loyalty ... Syllure, asked ... Tall 12. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) L ... Guna, I'm lying ... GY, R ... Stoke 2) Wash ... hand, wedge ... Tat, c ... Stern 3) Ur ... Ven, SPL ... Vlya, vyat ... Loan 4) Prol ... live, aqueous ... Sl, drove ... put 13. In which row in all the words, the same letter is missing in all the words? 1) OZ ... Slowing, about ... Nancing, UD ... Rush 2) TIS ... ENGLISH, AR ... MATYZED, OSL ... BEV 3) MIN ... AUTURE, FOOD ... Mother, Prior. ..The 4) Holor ... sky, doking ... Chick, Pir ... Sky 14. In which row in all the words, the progressable vowel root is missing? 1) cm ... ticch, any ... Sat, to ... Mmer 2) Mind ... Fast about mercy, Garm ... Niche, I will ... Knote 3) WH ... give, remove ... rhenium, East ... RICH 4) Supplement ... Gae, Vost ... Radiga, Course ... native 15. In which row in all the words the progressable unstressed vowel root is missing? 1) Relan ... Schi ... Multi, Rast ... Raint 2) From ... To Burn, SP ... NOT, Choose ... Raint 3) Ment ... Femit, SF ... Lubula vyh ... Become 4) HP ... Waiting, Ref ... to say, l ... Петата

The spelling of the consoles, spelling at the junction of the console and root 1. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) with ... an affirm, s .. Person, n ... Lady 2) Be ... CHOIN, Be ... bottom, in ... do 3) from ... Skate, San ... Nurse ... grate 4) pr ... consumer, etc. ... Miva, pr ... Personal 2. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) Ra ... shake, ro ... Walni, and ... Delia 2) beyond ... Nonsense, des ... Diaphractions, under ... Certain 3) two ... Yarny, in ... Yun, with ... adorable 4) ... Flaw, etc. ... Sen, etc. Putka 3. In the words of which one and the same letter are written on the site of skips? 1) Pr ... Zident, pr ... spectable, etc. ... Cedent 2) Des ... Diaxination, without ... Camera, before ... Story 3) ... give, Ra ... Scripture, Be ... Poor 4) Oh ... give, on ... to write, excellent 4. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1) PR ... stimped, pr ... dimly, etc. ... Fig 2) Var ... signing, d ... Javil, in ... 3) with ... Mprove, counter ... gra from ... 4) RA ... grind, not ... loaded, be ... Fine 5. In the words of which row on the place of the pass is written the letter E? 1) PR ... GRADE, PR ... Zident, etc. Stable 2) PR ... Property, pr ... grief, pr ... tear 3) pr ... beat, pr ... spell PR ... decorate 4) pr ... e've, etc. Tendent, etc.

6. In which row in all the words, the same letter is missing? 1) Ra ... Even, Be ... Maxt, and ... fuck 2) PR ... to hold a month, about ... to explode, pr ... grandfather 3) from .. Scanner, counter ... Gra, before ... Yunsky 4) Non ... Father, pr ... Beck, etc. Born 7. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) Ped ... Nestutt, between ... Zdatatorsky, without ... Nolenty 2) in ... move, and ... oven, be ... giving 3) pr ... clonical, etc. Rotary, PR ... Baby 4) P ... Expressive, with ..eemka, once ... go 8. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1) Be ... joyful, and ... sorough, not ... Gathered 2) PR ... gained, pr ... swine, etc. DIRECTED 3) PR ... PETER, NOT ... PISTED, R ... Watch 4) Car ... Era, Fel ... Eton, with ... save 9. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) PR ... to lower, etc. to sharpen, not ... give values \u200b\u200b2) PR ... to take, pr ... closure, etc. I sat down 3) ... lie, pr. .. Will, pr ... refer 4) pr ... smooth, etc. Viley, etc. Submit 10. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) With ... go, without ... Nuclear, Batal ... he is 2) ... a ... fan ... yel, etc. to bring 3) Ra ... grind, in ... Move, and ... Fine 4) ... Sky, under ... Certain, Sport ... Nventar

11. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) PR ... RECEK, PR ... Denya, etc. Celebrationr 2) and ... Cave, Ra ... Togg, nor ... walking 3) Be ... Forest, not ... loaded, Ra ... Gresh 4) from ... Mennaya, with ... Mprove, counter ... gras 12. In which row in all the words the same letter is missing? 1) Pr ... wonderful, pr ... the focus, etc. ... Sleep 2) over ... Dane, before ... Bearing, unscrewing ... Nercedy 3) Be ... The shornik, not ... Dried, and. .. and 4) with ... to react, for., Ndet, without ... Live 13 In which row in all the words, the same letter is missing? 1) Be ... Focus, Ra ... Pisch, and ... Melted 2) PR ... Loved, pr ... spent, etc. I put 3) over ... Naturally, with ... Eldelly, without ... Nuclear 4) pr ... erased, p ... dend, tan ... Western 14. In the words of which row is missing the same letter? 1) Be ... Extreme, Ra ... Running, Ra ... Scripture 2) PR ... Schish, pr ... tolerate, pr ... sew 3) Oh ... give, on ... push, by ... give 4) under ... Certain, before ... Yun, under ... grate

Spelling b, oh after hissing 1. In which row in all words in the place of the pass is written? 1) a lot of tasks ..., blond ..., save ... 2) cake ..., Glush ..., rejected ... 3) ivy ..., shiny ..., smiley ... smiling 4) clumsy,., Many cottages ..., Navnich ... 2. In which row in all the words in the place of passing is spelled? 1) elegant .. A pair of skis ..., nematic ... 2) end ..., omnipotent ..., revenge ... 3) Namazh ..., rich ..., so ... 4) reached ... , Much ..., Card ... 3. In which row in all the words in the place of the pass is spelled? 1) the thing ..., nascha ..., breech ... 3) Beče ..., Kalach ..., knowledgeable ... 2) Scotch ..., a lot of clouds ..., sorce ... 4 ) Dacivers ..., comrade ..., singers ... 4. In which row in all the words in the place of the pass is spelled? 1) Help ..., boobs ..., luxurious ... 3) Splus ..., kid ..., silly ... 2) Sew ... smiling, a lot of puddles ...; Empty ... 4) Bross ..., Zazhch ..., Luchi ... 5. In what row in all the words in the place of the pass is spelled? 1) Cloak ..., appointments .., marry ... 3) Vetch ..., from the roofs ..., bream ... 2) power ..., full ..., lubric ... 4) Dir ..., tick ..., nyotmash ... 6. In which row in all the words in the place of the pass is written b? 1) Weaver ..., zhug ..., ... 2) drawing ..., so ..., hiding ... 2) Tribuch ..., Steel is gathering ... Xia, Metal .. Sia 4) Bake ..., the thing ..., gouache ...

In which version of the answer is correctly indicated by all the examples in which there is written on the site? A. Lyubich ... Kathat ... Xia, love and Santochos carry. B. Pravda, with Kryvda, do not survive ... Sia. V.S. Mountains - Tskach ..., and in the mountain - at least cry ... He does not might, does not calten ... Sia. 1) A.V. 2) A, B 3) B, in 4) A, B, G 8. In which answer is correctly indicated by all the examples, in which there is written on the site? A. So soon the case does ... smiling, as he says ... Sia. B. Lyzha on the stove not shotch ... smiling. B. To hurry ... Xia, the hell hunt ... smiling. Mr. Quea Oshibat ... Xia, I'll be able to straighten ... Sia. 1) B, c. G 2) b, g 3) a, b 4) a, b, g 9. In which answer is correctly indicated by all the examples in which there are written in the place of pass? A.Gorosh ... Gardener is good ... and gooseberry. B. Master of his case for everything takes ... Sia boldly. B. Do not know ... where you find ... and where we lose .... The happiness in front of the nose will live ... smiling, and he does not give in his hands ... Sia. 1) A, in 2) in 3) in, g 4) b, B, g 10. In which answer is correctly indicated by all examples in which there are written on the site? A.Gogach ... Loves to take, but does not like to give. B. Absorb ... Posaran ... She - Shagnesh ... away. B. Rano gets up, yes late shoes ... Xia. G. Sin dares ... Sia over a stranger grief. 1) B, in 2) b, in, g 3) a, b 4) b, g 11. In the words of which row on the place of the pass is written about? 1) Kryzh ... vnik, ... NCA 3) W ... to, retouching ... p 2) Cap ... n, flush ... Ba 4) Saw ... l, sh .. .MPOL 12. In the words of which row on the site is written about? 1) W ... B, Holts .. .y 3) W ... CSE, night,. In 2) Zac ... t, congun ... NKA 4) ... GOL, PEC .. . Ny 13. In the words of which row on the site is spelled about? 1) Society ..., Even ... 3) J ... UL, Kryuzh ... H 2) W ... Rooh, Tuch ... NKA 4) W ... Collad, Psh ... NK


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Orphograms in suffixes and endings

nN 1) in adjectives formed from noun, is written -an-, -yan-, -in- sandy, silver, bee schedule! Glass, tin, wooden remember! Ruddy, blue, green, vardyanny, pork, spicy, crimson, zealous, young, but: Yunnat -ONN-, -New-, ... nn-revolutionary, windless, vintage schl! Windy (day, man) Remember! Windmaster (engine, mill, suite) 2) In the communion in the short suffering gestances, seeds are scattered over the field (someone, something) !! Distinguished from a brief adjective in the exclusive adjective painted floor, baked potatoes (formed from the verbs of the imperfect species, do not have consoles, dependent words) if they are formed from the verbs of the species of the species to decide - solved sayrs! Wounded 2.If there is a prefix (except for the prefixes of non-) painted - painted 3.If there are dependent words painted paint fence 4. If there are suffixes -OV- (-eza-), Irova pickled! Yellow, forged unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, slow, desired, visible, unexpected, neganded, unprecedented, unheard, sacred, promised, desperate, made. Titched brother, a planted father, an intelligent child, a farewell Sunday, a horse man.

3) In short adjectives, it is written as much as well as in full form: the fields are empty nn (from deserted), students of the scatter (scattered) \u003d inattentive, the woman is former NN A (\u003d literate). There is a synonym - an adjective 4) in nouns and adverbs are written so much, how much and in a derivative form: Puta n Itza (from confused), Rassel NN Axis (from the scatter), responded by NN Oh. 5) Writing does not change as part of complex words: Calloting, the latter, the scaffolding of the actual partitions of the present 1) in the actual partitions formed from the verbs of the aid Sufifixes are written -, -, -, -: Bor boring - Bor Yuschi go; Send - send it. 2) In the actual communions formed from the verbs of the rigging, the suffixes are written -, ",", -im-: Like any of the shrine, hear - I hear them. Sufifixes of nouns 1) Establishment of the husbands of it is a resistant, and -instro-incorporate is largely engaged on-in-crooked. From A, RV Relief I - a bolt of Aries I am a Bodr Ax of 2) -Ek- -ik- (-nik-, -cho-) when declining disappears! When declining is preserved! Zamcho Ek - BUT: CHME CHC A KEY IK - KEY CHICH A 3) - Male Rod-Female Rod -eto, -Uice Middle Rod Brother Ec - BUT: SIST OF ICA and EC ON, CHERES ICE 4) -Is-K- from words to -in, -etk- in the rest --in-k- from words by - in, -One female female Sin ICHK A (Sitnitsa), but: in the morning of Echk o (morning) Pearl Inc. A (Pearl) BUT: NEW UNK AK

Sufifixes of the adjectives 1) -, is always written with and worries Livy, Dover, Chives Share! . gracious, weakly; 2) - under the stress, - - without staging the Kras Yves, Bel Eu oh; 3) - It is always written with a step chat; 4) In the suffix of a brief form, it is written e if it ends with a single pitch, it is spuxing, causing a person - the case of a schl! Dosto in. ! We defined, from what the word was formed by the adjective, suffixed the suffix. Sufiixes of verbs 1) -On / - -E-th in the form 1 (What do I do? What will I do?) disappears! rice ov - draw; 2) -We-th / is preserved! Spender IVA - RUB RUB; 3) -U-th - under the stress, it means odo-e-odo; 4) Mon- (disintegration + e - if the action performed by the relevance itself (ourselves), monastery (ourselves) + and - if the action is directed to anyone or dismissed the enemy. The lifting of verbs with an unstressed personal ending is easily determined by an indefinite form. 1 Hinding -With; E verbs shaving, to sharpen, squeeze + all other verbs 2 Hinders are - - " And all the verbs are (except for three words exclusion) +11 verbs: drive, keep, breathe, see, hear, offend, depend on, tolerate, look, tolerate, hate

Home task Spelling H and NN in suffixes of different parts of speech A13 Option number 1 1. In what word on the site is written by NN? 1) Wound ... A young Officer 3) Ovy ... OE Cookies 2) Rhymes ... Lines 4) They are clutched .. and 2. in what word on the site of the pass are written? 1) Plet ... Aya grandfather basket 3) is exposed to ... sled 2) smoked ... Aya sausage 4) Delicious frost .. well 3. In which answer, all the numbers are correctly indicated, on the site of which NN are written? The story of the most ordinary (1) Aya. But you seem to give it an exaggeration (3) of OE value. 1) 1, 2 2) 1, 2, 3 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 3 4. In which answer is correctly indicated by all words in which the NN is written on the site? A. Warehouse ... oh warehouse, card ... Aya Gallery B. Glass ... Aya Tableware, Osie ... Yaya Weather B. Stari ... OE Weapons, Accustoms ... . Lingerie, died ... oh art 1) A, b 2) b, in 3) in, g 4) A, B, B 5. In which row in all the words NN is missing? 1) Life ... hay, etc ... whatened, the ... bt 2) silver ... hay, booga ... y, ukrizna ... y 3) Wisit ... ha oh, editorial ... h 4) fire ... wed, there were ... hay, glue ... ha

Option number 2 1. In what word at the place of the pass is spelled? 1) Uti ... stories 3) Patambova ... OE letter 2) cleaner ... Aya Sea fish 4) Knee fragments ... o 2. In what word is NN in the place of pass? 1) Applications Consider ... s 3) Noshe ... bulls 2) Pisa ... oil landscape 4) Pouring ... bans 3. On the site of which numbers in the sentences are NN? Non-form (1) people are often ignorance (2) s and limit (3) s. Experiment participants were limited (4) in time. The student's responses were very incomplete (5) s. 1) 2, 3, 5 2) 1, 2, 3 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 5 4. In which example, the following rule applies to the dedicated word: "In short adjectives It is written as much as in full "1) herbs and flowers are already torn ... s and dried ... s for herbaria. 2) At the institute were formed ... s construction. 3) At the boring lesson, the disciples are inattentive and scattered ... s. 4) These at home are not yet populated ... s, apartments are not equipped ... s. 5. In which row in all words is NN? 1) Tin ... Ji Soldier, Hay Hungry ... Oh, Noah ... Little Guests 2) Whether ... en Grant, generally accepted ... OE Superiority, SUKO ... Aya Tablecloth 3) Substance ... OE Proof, Ovchi ... Ji Tulup, Pickpop ... O 4) Kova ... OE Iron, Linova ... Aya Paper, Soon ... Blue Meadow

Option 3 1. In which example is NN in the place of skipping? 1) Rummy ... Baby 3) Unheard ... Blue Scandal 2) Product Sale ... and 4) Tableless Learn Coffee 2. In what word on the site is spelled? 1) Shipping ... Father 3) Ballea ... Cy Boy 2) Nemetho ... Clause 4) Susho ... hay mushrooms 3. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, the locations of which are written by NN? We walked around the field, where the grass was not a poorer (1) a. For a long time, no koshe (2), she was on the belt. In the meadow, the variety of herbs of unheard (3) OE. Nepoga (4) Birds of us perpetrators (5) Oh not afraid. 1) 1, 2, 5 2) 2, 3, 4, 5 3) 2, 3, 5 4) 4, 5 4. In which answer is correctly indicated by all words in which the NN is written at the site? A. Skee ... b., Some kind ... B. Info ... Aya program, Green ... Blue Forest B. Trees ... Blue House, Scroll ... Aya Väsa Branch .. . The forest, Marinov ... Blue Mushrooms 1) A, G 2) A, B, G 3) A, in 4) B, G 5. In which row in all words is NN written? 1) Slug ... OE Tree, qualifying ... Blue employee, thing Tse ... and 2) scrap ... Aya Line, Skill ... bowel, cheeking ... Aya sausage 3) Yes ... OE Condition, Medle ... OE MOVEMENT, WITHOUT REST ... Aya Road 4) Trees ... bless, Dick ... Aya thing, money I get ... s

1. The execution of the endings of verbs and swinging suffixes. A16. 1) In which row in both words, the letter is written and? 1. Dotron .. pee, warming .. 2. Propol .. you will see .. I will release it ..., Straw..Evshi 4. Sterki..m, purchase .. 2) in which row in both Words in place of skipping is written the letter E? 1. Steel..te, recalled .. "Scroll .. you, a pass .. in order." DOCLE CH .. Do not, unquisition .. "Look inside .., unfinished .." 3) in which row in Both words are the letter and? 1. Logger..te, watching .. -Mo 2. Painhes..te, Dover .. I have 3. Sing .. Don't, Nevid..In 4. Packages..te, Unquisition .. Map 4) In which row Both words in place of skipping is written the letter E? 1. I wrote down .., indestructible .. "Dock .. Don't, Grind .." Skump .. like, sniffing .. "Packages .. like, attached ... 5) In which row in Both words are the letter and? 1. Scroll .. do, overlay .. "backstand..te, Istrast..the 3. Kislys..te, continue .." Packages .. like, Built up .. "6) In which row in Both words in place of skipping is written the letter E? 1. Start .. don't, taking .. needed 2. sown..tere, filled down. 3. Pow ..., paying .. whatever 4. boron..te, view .. " Both words in place of skipping is written the letter E? 1. Composition .. do, upholstery .. whatever 2. Coupled..te, overflowing. "Overgrown .. Don't, Rastracted .." Outstairs .. and lean ... "8) in which row Both words are the letter and? 1. Modest .. you, having stopped .. I caught 2. Customs .. do, shooting .. "Cut .. Do, Built .." Survive .. Don't, Reournhip ..

9) In some row in both words, the letter E is written on site? 1. Dopsha..te, heating .. "Strengthened .., hung .." VVTR .. Don't, configuring .. -Mim 4. Won't it, blowing .. -Mo 10) in which row in Both words in place of skipping is written the letter E? 1. Register .., Hennche .. "Sound .. ..., Unquisition .." Winning .. Don't, contour .. "Hate .. Don't, Build .. -Mo 11) In which row in Both words are the letter and? 1 History ... m; I will grow ... Lost 2) ... m; Drosha ... nnnaya 3 (m; Lele ... My 4VSpomn ... m; Spoir ... Lighted 12) In which row in both words, the letter E is written in place? 1st ... tsya; Unfortunately ... Lesser 2 discharge ... t; deserve ... 3nad ... tsya; Intrope ... the fighters 4 support ... t; Brochi ... 2) In which row in both cases, the letter E is written on site? 1Mama Named ... t brand, he remains ... tusa at home 2Neight ... My shell, unthinkable ... My business is 3ow ... In the middle, offense ... In the middle of 4th ... Longs, installed ... 25) in which row in both cases is the letter eh? 1on allowed ... t, indicating ... 2nd remote ... might, he can ... sew 37 nasrezh ... t Salad, expansion ... nnu 4 versions ... sch, Nevid ... MY 15) In which row in both Cases at the point of pass written the letter E? 1Ton ... t in water, antifreeze ... 2Respis ... sewing, redirected ... 3DV) ... tssey, muffen ... My doubts 4pocks ... nanny, recall ...

1. The distribution of suffix A17 1) In which answer is all the words, where the letter E is missing? A. Nickel .. Mild B. Host .. V. Weldling .. In the city of Oskud..In 1. A, B, G 2. A, B, C 3. B, G 4. A, G 2) What version of the answer is all the words where the letter is missing and? A. Spring .. B. tasters..tes B. Retch .. "G. Weldling..y 1. A, G 2. B, C 3. B, B, G. 4. A, B, B 3) In which answer is all the words, where the letter E is missing? A. Spring .. B. Podster .. Looking in B. Gouud .. I exhausted. Endowed..y 1. A, G 2. B. B, B, G 4. A, B 4) In which answer Indicated all the words where the letter E is missing? A. Pretty .. B. Perelitiz .. B. Gllyz .. Magnaya G. Put ..y 1. A, G 2. B, B, B, G 4. B, B 5) In which version of the answer Indicated all the words where the letter E is missing? A. Decay..pand B. Kra..Sh. B. Koch .. I had the price of the city .. Issue 1. A, G 2. C 3. B, B, G 4. B, in 6) In which answer is Indicated all the words where the letter is missing and? A. Menuchy..y B. Watchman .. Hoigh B. Skulling .. Mr. Highlight .. in 1. A, G 2. G 3. A, B, B, G 4. A 7) In which version of the answer Indicated all the words where the letter is missing and? A. Suede..y B. Night .. Vat B. Obid..The G. in love..y 1. A, G 2. A, B, C 3. B, G 4. B, G 8. In which The answer is indicated all the words where the letter E is missing? A. Base ... B. Gel ... The second V. Prichudl ... of the city of dancing ... to grab 1) b, in 2) b, g 3) in, g 4) a, g

9. In which answer is all the words, where the letter E is missing? A. Flannel ... B. B. Udva ... to visit V. Perevlad ... to give G. Schit ... Nyky 1) A, B, G 2) A, B, B 3) A, B, G 4 ) B, g 10. In which answer is all the words where the letter is missing and? A. Forgetting ... B. B. Pesteg ... Write by V. Almond ... The new reveament is 1) a, b, g 2) a, b, in 3) in, g 4) a , B, G 11. In which answer is all the words where the letter is missing and? A. Sin ... Watt B. Peremerg ... to deposit V. Obidch ... the city of the joke ... t 1) a, b, in 2) in, g 3) b, in, g 4) b , In 12. In what version of the answer are all the words where the letter is missing and? A. Perestan ... B. B. Orange ... V. V. Uds ... To give the G. che ... Nyky 1) in, g 2) a, in 3) a, b, g 4) a, b , In 13. In which version of the answer is all the words where the letter E is missing? A. Lele ... h (dream) B. aluminum ... New V. Proved ... to give G. Basin ... 1) a, in 2) b, g 3) a, b, g 4) B, in 14. In which answer, all the words are shown where the letter is missing and? A. I deposited ... B. Obur ... to give V. Milost ... of the city of Prip ... to (detail) 1) b, g 2) a, b, g 3) a, b, g 4) b, in 15. In which version of the answer, all the examples are correctly indicated, where in the place of passing is written e? A. Prammatara ... Wash. B. Ryzhvat ... Nytsky V. Zabor ... to give G. Racking ... 1) a, b, in 2) a, in, g 3) a, b, g 4) b, in, g


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Spelling. (Fitting, separate, defisid speech. Writing is not with different parts of speech.)

As part of the adventure, it is written in a punk, for example: in a low voice, in a cold

Specifying Nasrachchi

The spelling of the predictions of the prepositions due to, from under, they are written through the hyphen: get a textbook from under the pillow, jump out due to the corner. Not in pretexts, despite, despite the writer pits. Split! Despite the (pretext) decent age (contrary to age), he retained the amazing freshness of the face. Despite the Lepprich. With a negative particle, not (without looking))), he gently passed along the edge of the cliff.

The prepositions are written in a mercier: in view, instead, it seems, as a result, there is like that, like, inside, on top, over. They should be distinguished from equally sounding nouns with pretexts. Usually the pretext can be easily replaced without changing the meaning of a synonymous non-derivative pretext: due to; due to; meet - to; in mind - because of; like - it seems; What about, oh, about; Following, etc. Out of order due to (pretext (due to, because of)) overheating. Do not interfere with the consequence (sowing with a pretext (in the course of the investigation)). Cancel the trip in view (preposition (due to)) of the impending thunderstorm. Keep in mind (sults. With a range); keep in mind (souche. (close to the shore)) of the coast.

Separately writes: in the form, during, in continuation, in conclusion, in conclusion, in contrast to, in comparison with, due to, at the end, upon arrival. Prepositions due to, like, in continuation, in contrast to, in conclusion, at the end they have on the end. Prepositions in comparison with, throughout, upon arrival, after graduation - -th. Combined with pretexts on arrival, after completion, always have the value after anything. Combinations with pretexts for, in continuation, in conclusion always have time. Do not sleep within a day. (We write at the end of E if the pretext answers the question for a long time?) Turn in the course (land) of the river, intervene in a calm flow (sortation) of events. VP states and - adverb (later read, did, happened)

Spelling of unions

13. In which sentence, both highlighted words are written ply? 1) The experiment was successfully carried out, with (than) for the first time, (by) all were very pleased. 2) (c) Start of September, the nights become cold, frosty, (for) the days are warm, windless. 3) Barge moved (by) the former downstream, but (for) so much slowly, which seemed fixed. 4) Pelagia was a person (for) a rarity open, kind; (For) I loved her and loved. The argument algorithm was determined by a part of speech, asking for the word. Remember! You can ask independent parts of speech, to service - no. Depending on the part of the speech, I will recall the rule. Option number 1. Both words are picked together, since they are unions: and you can replace it; Therefore, it can be replaced so that option number 2. (C) the beginning is nouns with the pretext and are written separately, since there is a dependent word: at the beginning (what?) September. (For) It is written in a punch, as it is a union and it has synonym yet. Option number 3. (By) the same - ask the question as? This is the adverb with the structure of the former + to him, written through a hyphen. (For) So much - how much? (Advanced with the structure of B + pronoun, is written in a punk). Option number 4. (For) The rarity is a noun with a pretext, since it can be used without on it can be used, so separately written. (For) That is the pretext with the index pronoun, loved for what? For that. Thus, the correct answer is option number 1.

Practice. 1. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. They sometimes silent for hours, for (that) everyone felt that they were both well, and (by) the one is good that they are together. 2) (by) What do you judge about the human culture - according to his manners, tastes, habits? And (from) What are you so demanding about it? 3) the work of his Sergeyev knew and loved her for (TO), that she was given to him, (by) for this, and considered him a good master at the factory. 4) The eldest son, Anisim, came home very rarely, only on big holidays, for (TO) often sent the living rooms with countrymen and so (as), like medium, stepon, short letters. 2. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. The bays of the lake of a completely extraordinary form. One of them (for) the likeness of the Elephant's trunk, the other is represented by many tourists (c) the form of a huge cancer. Hero of the comedy Moliere Don Juan appeared in the play with a complete atheist, with) than the witty, fearless and irresistible, (not) looking at his vices. Caterpillar caterpillars are engaged in (c) for three weeks, while the sparrow will not grow up, and when the chicks are leaning, then (c) the trace of parents will produce their feeds themselves. Amazing Creation - Cat! She often goes (for) a meeting of danger. (C) the difference from other animals this animal is extremely patient and straightened. 3. Determine the proposal in which both dedicated words are written separately. Open brackets and write these two words. What (would) fully experience the flow of life, in the fall of 1877 Tchaikovsky leaves (for) the border: he lives for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, France. (And) so, speech etiquette is a universal phenomenon, but (c) the place with the fact that each people developed their specific system of speech behavior rules. In the conversation, people behave (by) differently - depending on the topic, and so (as) the motive and goals of communication. In the "Self-portrait of an artist with a palette" and "Avignon girls" Picasso, a lot of common: then (the same) the most expression of persons, alone and those (as well) color tones.

Note! There is money, time is the time, but: there is not enough money (little) (below the norm) does not take up to the table \u003d not reaching not enough for the hem for a hearing (not in vain) was not worried for free (not for free) got

Dlyaly separately nouns, adjectives \u003d synonym without not-: insincerity \u003d hypocrisy, unpopular \u003d little-known opposition (Union A or Antony), you can not choose synonym: not caution, and the cowardice is not a mathematician adverching at -o, -e \u003d synonym without : It is not difficult to perform (\u003d Easy) in negative adverbs: there's no place to have nowhere, there is no reason, no good quality \u003d is not in vain, but, if there is a union A, Antony: It does not live closely, and far naschaya is not on -O E: not in time not for nothing \u003d not free of charge negative and vague not / nor who, what, what, what, whose, how much other people are: not yours, not me, not every negative and uncertain, if there is a pretext between them: Not with anyone, nothing to do with the parties 1.Bezes dependent words: an incredited letter 2. With a combination with adverbs of measures and degrees (almost, very, extremely, very, absolutely, absolutely, quite): Absolutely unfulfilled task 3. In words MY, if not, with the word noun, locomotim yia in TV.Padege (insoluble in water substance invisible to the telescope of the stars) 1. The brief communities (the book is not read) 2. There is a contrast (Union A or Antony) 3. There is a dependent word 4. With the words that Word noun, pronoun in TV.Padege (not soluble water substance, not visible to the eye microb)

Not 1. It does not believe in friendship for negativeness \u003d no word (believes in friendship? - Not.) H ERORUCHUBY. 1. For reinforcement of denying: nor - particle a) none \u003d no \u003d no (no) neither soul in the house (no, there was no) impersonal pr-ye b) does not enhance it, none \u003d even, can be omitted. (Grove has not published (even) sound) 2. Used in questioning and exclamation proposals: how not to love this land! Do we not know this person? 1. In the affirmative complex prnah before the legend, it is not \u003d yes, it is possible to omit if you need to choose not or before being taught in the appropriate sentence, do this: a) see, positive or negative information is contained; b) if negative is not writing, if positive - neither. Compare: No matter the dacms for the train, they still were late. Hurry up the dacms for the train? Yes. - Choose neither. When I did not arrive in the evening train, my parents were worse. I arrived in the evening train? not. - Choose not. 2. In adverbs: no means, there is no place for nowhere, pronouns: someone, nothing (under the stress) in negative pronsections and adverbs: no one, nothing, nobody, nothing, nowhere. (Without emphasis) 3. But! Not anything else, like ..., or not anyone else, like ... This is no one else like your teacher. 3. In combinations, no one else, nothing else: no one could do this work better; Nothing else attracted him 4. Do not only ..., but not only ..., but also if not ..., then it's not that not ..., but 4. Recognition in exclamation proposals for a categorical prohibition or an insistent request: Stop, nor with Places! I beg, no sound!

Distribute combinations not one (a lot) none (no one) he has been with me not one (many) times; None (no one) came to the meeting never (never) I never (never) was in Paris more than once (many times) he was more than once (many times) was Nimalo in Paris (\u003d Niche) His Nimalo (whine) The owner's discontent was not confused (\u003d much) he was a lot (many) interesting knew about the birds. Not + Not \u003d Yes, he could not not go to his homeland, he had to go because of the longing of his homeland he could neither work or live. (Neither reinforces denial) when the particle is repeated under homogeneous members of the sentence, it turns into a connecting union by any: learning that Sochi will be a venue for the Olympiad, the Russians could not hide boring or tears of joy. In this case, the particle can be or replaced by the union and, or generally omitted, and the main sense of the proposal will not change (learning that Sochi will be the place of the Olympiad, the Russians could not hide and leicing, and tears of joy; or learning about Sochi will become a venue for the Olympics, the Russians could not hide their babysitis, tears of joy). It is written in the turns almost, a little bit, almost, not, not, hardly, almost, almost, hardly, not yet, not, only not, is written in turnover, anything that neither step wherever Never, where neither take, in order not to be, as if nothing had happened, to say, in whatever, in sustainable phrases: neither the Pooh neither the pen, nor alive is dead, never at night, No end of the edge, etc. The comma between parts of these revolutions is not put!

Training exercises (Task 12) 1. Use the proposal in which it is not written in a word. Open brackets and write this word. 1 option (no) The telegram obtained on time forced us to change the plans. M. Vrubel has created a fabulous symbolic image of girlish beauty, (not) with fastest freshness, mystery and magnifier. Don in the place of crossing (not) is wide, only about forty meters. The governor was (not) young and (not) old. No one (not) had enough courage to recognize their mistakes. 2. Determine the proposal in which the word is written separately. Open brackets and write this word. Who (not) curse of station caretakers? (Not) The truth of happiness is unlikely to add. The meat was (not) roasted. Somewhere here, a few steps, they were distributed (not) forgotten Truck nighting, and silence was filled with wonderful sounds. He all the time (not) squid. 3. Use the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. The day was completely (not) ordinary. They saw each other (no) often. It is difficult to live in someone else's country, (no) knowing language. From somewhere he had a passioned, anxious cry (not) of asleeping birds. (Not) When they were comrades in service. 4. Determine the proposal in which it is written separately. Open brackets and write this word. The groom her, (not) a gentle man, was known for the entire district with his cruel temper. Loud speeches - always a sign (not) of a distant mind. (No) the literacy of the engineer-designer has caused its care. It took place (not) a light conversation with the director of the plant. Vladimir was bad and at all (not) is good.

5. Determine the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. (Not) Holy Tombstone V.K. Arsenia in the study of the Far East hit his contemporaries. Estrability - (not) Durable Material: Furious when the first test. (Not) The defeated Leningraders became a symbol of durability and will to life. According to Bazarov, the role of society is more important than the influence of a separate personality: "Correct society, and diseases (not)." Bunin draws a certain person in the story (not), and the well-established social type. 6. Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word separately. Open brackets and write this word. Sometimes and honestly, yes (not) appropriate. (No) ceases pain mista consciousness. Children to have someone (not) delivered? (Not) Using the broth, do not fall into the water. Ice needles stretched along the puddles, and it became in the forest (not) cozy. 7. Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word. Sophia Pavlovna (not) is so to blame, as it seems. The soul, never (not) suffering, (not) can comprehend happiness. Choose a friend (not) in a hurry, even less rushing it. Fungus (not) is high, yes fasteners. I (not) Your gift - Your love road. 8. Use the proposal in which not with the word (or words) is written separately. Open brackets and write this word (or words). (Not) ashamed (not) to know - it's a shame to be lazy to learn. (No) the friendliness of the owner embarrassed guests. (Not) Personality is (not) ulting the mind. (No) the guest gost is worse than Tatar. I (not) could understand the state of the enemy.

Option 2. 1. Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word. Our janitor (not) is capable of offending the fly. Without friendship, no communication (not) makes sense. (Not) Everyone is capable of noble deeds. (No) Forest feedback on Liza's abilities swore Petrov. No one (not) daring to abandon his (Trookee) invitations. 2. Use the proposal in which not with the word (or words) is written in a punch. Open brackets and write this word (or words). We are decent: you (not) better around! Niva were (not) bevelled, grain (not) was removed. For a minute (incessant rains aroused the alarm of the villagers. (No) Hooded conversations with her father liked (not) to the dressing boy. Listening to your advice - far (not) the best deal? 3. Consider a proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets And write this word. The sounds could have been heard as if (not) from where the boy was dressed (not) in a rustic. (No) Favorite waiting for me by the window in the evenings dark. (No) a thoughtful decision can turn into big trouble. He (not) Why would you give another order. 4. Use the proposal in which it is written separately. Open brackets and write this word. You have (not) a bad taste. He was (not) an evil, but picky man. (Not) It depends on anyone, mother got up and left the flavor. (No) the spurred applause was torn to the artist. Knowing, spilled in an overwhelmed air, (not) movably stands over the sea.

5. Use the proposal in which it is not written with a word. Open brackets and write this word. (Not) the gloomy act of the student angry the teacher. (Not) Red Help Corners, and Krasnu Pies. (Not) Lounged on time, the Christmas tree began to wake, crumble. The diploma is still written. Andreyka, (not) Flexing, together with the grandfather chooses production from the stretching network. 6. Use the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. (No) I read the letter left to lie on the table. (No) Imaginable delight caused a performance of air gymnasts. He had (no) himself. In war, many (not) died. 7. Consider a proposal in which it is written in a word. Open brackets and write this word. Lisa (not) dreamed of filming the cinema and when was a schoolgirl, and when she studied at the theater school. For five years of service in the Ilya (not) army, even before the Epreitor. We noticed that the shirt on the campground is mint, and the boots (not) are cleaned. The young singer had a good hearing, but (not) the voice. Dubrovsky at the table in Kirila Petrovich directly expressed his opinion, (not) caring for whether it contradicted the views of the owner. 8. Direct proposal in which it is written with a word. Open brackets and write this word. Deniska listened to their conversations and, nothing (not) who understood, shook his head. From the grove to the estate it remained to travel more (not) more versets. Everything foreshadowed rain, but (not) there was not a single cloud. When he was dark in the forest, (not) by the way, blew from the east cold penetrating wind. (Not) quiet singing was expected.

Task 13. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. The relationship of the poet and the monarch (c) the subsequent will be sharply complicated, and all (still) Pushkin will prefer the personal censorship of the king of the general censorship of officials. Pushkin called Nicholas I to Mercier, (at) he had repeatedly turned to reflective friends with the words of sympathy, (for) an example in the message "In the depths of Siberian ores ...". In May 1827, Pushkin (for) End receives permission to live in St. Petersburg and (c) new finds himself next to friends. (C) The beginning of many Pushkin poems is heard the despair and even despair, and all (s) usually its poems are optimistic. (C) the continuation of the year I visited several times (for) the border. Task 13. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. (C) the beginning of the twentieth century, the gloomy pessimism of Wells is replaced by the hope of social progress, (by) he writes humorous novels. Rubens had to take many students, because it could not cope with a lonely with the flow of orders he could not. (C) Subsequently need to remember the past errors, which would not repeat them again. (C) Continuation of his creative life A. Konan Doyle wrote so () several historical novels. What would live well, (by) human, you need to work well. Task 13. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. (C) the continuation of the pages novel will (c) two more than in the first part. What (if) find the entrance to the cave, speleologists (c) the current of three weeks was methodically examined the mountainside. The work (c) will be ready, approximately through (floor) hours. (For) The end of the case was transferred to the District Court, after which our opponents went (for) Pictory. When (TO) archup understood well (by) French. Task 13. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. (Not) looking at the strong frost, (nor) who of us did not want to stay at home in the baptized night. Money (for) The account of the organization (for) frequent received from abroad. (By) The start of work seemed to Sergey unbearably boring, and he spoke several times (co) about dismissal. (So) how the road was strongly loaded, we decided to search for a detour. The heat (by) a little declared, but (software) was still stuffy.

Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written separately. Open brackets and write these two words. 1Thow (if) the reader did not hit (c) aphid, he should know than the real author differs from the narrator. 2The item in the heroic epic is about real historical events, (when) than the facts are set out in accordance with the religious representations of the time when the Epos was created, (by) the gods often act there. 3Worth the author (by) differently determines the genre of his work; So, Turgenev (c) began to call "Rudin" the story, and then Roman. 4 (c) General, it is very interesting how the author explains that he had (in) the kind, calling his work one way or another. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written separately. Open brackets and write these two words. The 1sty of the poet and the monarch (c) the subsequent will be sharply complicated, and all (still) Pushkin will prefer the personal censorship of the king of the general censorship of officials. 2Pushkin called Nicholas I to mercy, (at) he had repeatedly turned to reflective friends with the words of sympathy, (for) an example in the message "In the depths of Siberian ores ...". 3V MAE 1827 Pushkin (for) End receives permission to live in St. Petersburg and (c) New turns out to be near friends. 4 (c) the beginning of many Pushkin poems heard the despondency and even despair, and all (s) usually its poems are optimistic. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 (c) The beginning of the twentieth century, the grim pessimism of Wells is replaced by the hope of social progress, (by), he writes humorous novels. 2rubens had to take many students, because it could not cope with a lone with the flow of orders he could not. 3 (c) Subsequently need to remember past errors, which would not repeat them again. 4 (c) the continuation of his creative life A. Konan Doyle wrote so (as) several historical novels.

Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1Rears having (in) the form that (c) the course of the first half of the novel, the main character is not a reader. 2 (c) General, Chekhov puzzled the producers of the "Cherry Garden", (from) what was called the play of the comedy. 3rd (so), Zhukovsky waited for the honorary resignation (c) the form of the adulthood of the pupil - the future emperor Alexander II. 4 (by) the beginning of the business of the film company was not bad, but (V) the time of filming the last film producer broke. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1Thow (if) nor said Mr. Nn in his justification, Asya (c), the end in him was blown away. 2Gero Lermontov seeks to meet the danger (c) began to the end of the novel. 3 Chekhov sometimes stared at the interlocutor, but the (for) the one (hour) lowered his head and smiled with a meek smile. 4Thow (if) to prevent the scandal, the authorities banned the "grief from the mind", but the full text of the play (software) was still distributed in handwritten copies. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 (for) The meeting of our company came out the watchman and (c) for some time incredulously looked at us. 2how (if) I wanted to tell you for goodbye, my dear friends, whom I leave, perhaps, perhaps, always? 3 (no) looking at this promise already yul, I had to repeat then (the same time) is the most time to her brother. 4Ne (for) what was now to stay in the estate, it was necessary to leave for St. Petersburg as soon as possible, which would have time to have time for the beginning of trading.

Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1Thow sold on (many), (by) the fact that it was not afraid of the price to reduce. 2 (c) The beginning of the 20th century, the costs of education in the country have increased, (by) how the industry required qualified personnel. 3Pell Makar so (as) bad, as worked, (for), then all rural beauties went for him on his heels. 4 (from) what lake dried, I did not know; Surprisingly, there for some time (by) the spring ducks were still flying. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 (and) So, it all started with what I (not) (no) what was to buy a shirt to the holiday. 2 (c) The consequence of the snowfall was damaged by the power lines, and (for) the population of several villages for several villages without electricity. 3Gh (that) a shot was heard in the forest, however, which of my companions did not even shudder. 4Thow (if) make a decision on a counteroffensive, the general should have (n) directly appeal to the front command. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 (c) the current of the last two weeks there is snow, (not) (depending on) to the fact that the calendar spring has come. 2on dreamed that (if) he was invited to the celebration, but did not guessed that (if) the jubilee wanted to get as a gift. 3ms (by) still do not understand what it has (in). 4mne is sad (from) that an excellent student is all given by himself: to prepare physics, and so (as) mathematics, he spends no more than two hours a day.

Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 ought, in the estate it was so (the same) fun, as in previous years, but that (TO) has no longer changed. 2 (c) began to upload the owners, (for) the topics and guests were angry. 3 (c) (later) Guests remembered that (by) (this), as the hostess looked like, it was possible to guess her unhealthy. 4 (c) the beginning of autumn, however, the matter went on amendment, the weather is (the same) improved. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. The 1-way round tower of the lighthouse (for) is remembered for a long time, who at least once sailed past the Kronstadt; But usually lighthouses are built with high, that (if) they were visible from a long distance. 2 (c) the beginning of the XIX century in the World Ocean there were only five floating lighthouses, (by) the fact that their exploitation costs them very expensive. The conventional navigators were afraid to swim at night, (by) for this (for) long before the onset of twilight directed their shores to the shore. 4 But (that) (if) they did, (c) the continuation of the centuries before the emergence of lighthouses night sailing was conjugate with mortal danger. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1B (conclusion) add that the traveler on (end) got to the house. The 2nder decided to take a look at the case entrusted to him as (if) from the side and how (as if) reached his very essence. 3V (early) September was endless rain, but the trees were still in (still) green. 4th then (Same) I wanted to do something that (if) help them, but did not come up with nothing worthwhile. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 Circuit for the British is not just a game, but the cradle of their morality, (by) the truth of the holy of saints; They say jokingly that the British invented cricket, which (if) to get some idea of \u200b\u200beternity. 2 (c) The game resembles Russian lapto: two teams of 11 people perform (by) queues as attackers and defenders. 3And the defendants goes to the field in full, defenders are released only (by) two, and one of them falls (by) debt, to beat the ball with clock, thrown by the players of the opposite team; The course of the game depends on the mutual trust between the opponent. 4 When the British say that someone does not play cricket, they have (in) the form that this person behaves not (by) Gentlemen

Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 (c) The events will have to forget about the pleasures and make themselves something (c) childbirth. 2Whow (if) my sister did not do, she managed everything, hardly (whether) would be able to become like her. 3 (c) Millennium The Phoenicians were considered the most experienced Morelods; In battle, they were not equal. 4After lifting the researchers had to listen to the records and supplement them from memory, and so (as) to explain the details of the artist that (if) it made the right sketches of unprecedented beings. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1Ans Ancient ancestors, (CO) with all as wild animals, perfectly distinguished not only (for) Java, but in the dream the safe sounds from signals to immediate awakening. 2-year-old people, this ability, (by), they learned to sleep as killed, that (if) outside the window was rumored. 3fone who (TOT) from people and can move ears, then only a little (slightly). 4I is certainly not anyone (under) strength (software) to the animal to customize its "locators" to the source of the sound. Task 13 Define a proposal in which both selected words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words. 1 The eyes of the inhabitants of the desert so (the same) are widely disclosed, as well as representatives of other regions, people would be helpless (s) the time of sandy storms. 2 (c) Friend Eye Apple protects eyelids lined (from) with a thin sheath - conjunctive. 3 (c) the current of the day the lacrimal glands produce up to 1 ml of tears, the purpose of which in humans, like, (c) other, and in all land animals, is to make the surface of the eyeball. 4how (if) a tear liquid was not stuffed, eyelids periodically closed; (C) Middle man flashes every five seconds. Task 13 Determine the proposal in which both selected words are written in a punch. Open brackets and write these two words. 1B old, that (if) to protect the city from the enemy, people were erected by high walls, dug out the pivots; It was easier than (for) new to build a ruined city. 2 This is the case with diseases: hardly (whether) is worth waiting until the age struck you, it is better to protect against him in advance. 3 should follow the rules of hygiene, (that) is to do everything that strengthens the body (from) nuts and outside. 4 Fatoms, however, a person was harvested, it will not save him from infectious diseases, for (TO) vaccines force the body to produce the corresponding antibodies - protective substances.

Task 12 1. Use the proposal in which it is not written according to the word. Open brackets and write this word. 1 (no) how many years later, Vissarion Belinsky moved to St. Petersburg. He came to the conviction that elegant literature should (not) medically contribute to improving life. 3a for this you need to literally shout about (not) justities. 4Critik called to portray the daily existence (not) of romantic lovers, and ordinary people. 2. Determine the proposal in which the word is written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1B historical standards described on the acts of princes-warriors, their fight against external enemies and (not) the divergent straightenings. 2 The first historical stories are relatively (not) are great in volume and are found, as a rule, as part of the chronicles. 3We in the "Tale of Bygone Years" there is (not) there are few rather extensive historical stories. 4 (no) a new French novel, and the composition of two hundred years ago - this is what suddenly seized the attention of the readers of the magazine "Moskvatik". 3. Determine the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1 Foreneres of "pure art", as well as Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, considered (not) to follow the truth of life. 2 I searched for this truth completely (not) where their ideological opponents. 3 (not) rarely alone and the same works have been honored with praise and those and others, but from different positions. 4 (not) was easily reader at that time to deal with contradictory estimates. 4. Determine the proposal in which it is written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1 Superior looked at me incredulously and on (not) familiar woman. 2 I still have a mystery, why she married this was nothing (not) a remarkable person. The 3rd era of Shakespeare the curtain on stage was not, (nor) that did not separate the actors from the audience. It was necessary to create an extensive farm, which would have made the existence of a community (not) dependent on bad weather.

5. Use the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1B 1848 Dr. Pirogov, who had just returned from the Caucasus, was summoned to the military minister and (not) the bag went to this meeting in the hope that he could tell how to improve medical care to Russian soldiers. 2 But instead of a business conversation, a reprimand for (not) compliance with the form of clothing was followed. 3pirogov was shocked by the fact that (not) the fastened button in the eyes of officials is more important than the lives of soldiers and officers. 4 In desperation, he decided to leave Russia and continue scientific activities in Germany, where his authority was in those years (not) overrouded. 6. Use the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1 Pancaginus Trubetskaya, (not) Stopped by any threats, the first received permission to go to Siberia at a reference husband. The 2yna Maria Volkonskaya turned out to be a woman with (not) flexible will. 3 Jeans of the Decembrists who followed husbands were formed (not) a large colony. 4 (no) looking at the core works and the beets, the exiles experienced a sense of internal freedom. 7. Allow the proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1SEVASTOPOL was a first-class military base, (not) approaches the sea. 2Poscolka Russian fleet was much weaker (no) friendly, many ships were flooded before entering the bay so that enemy vessels could not enter it. 3Couvniks, (no) looking at boastful statements by the commander of the French landing corps, were afraid to immediately start the assault. 4Turizing precious time and (not) counting on a slight victory, they decided to pre-destroy urban fortifications with artillery fire. 8. Direct proposal in which it is not written separately. Open brackets and write this word. 1This seems like (not) probable, but dozens of Indian languages \u200b\u200bsound in Mexico and today; According to the 1990 census, they speak more than 5 million people. The 2-month Indians peasants who regularly visiting Catholic temples have retained (not) only their language, but also an ancient way of life. 3 leaves from the capital to (not) how many tens of kilometers, and you can already meet people dressed in traditional Indian clothes. 4 Inspeces of the People of Maya (not) Changes to the Multicolor Outfits - Used.


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Slide 1.

Reiteration. Morphology

Slide 2.

In the lesson we:
recall that morphology studies;
we establish the difference between the momentaries and service parts of speech;
resume knowledge of interomotion.

Slide 3.

Morphology (Greek) ̶̶̶̶
Section of language science
Grammatical meanings
"Morpho" ̶ Form, "Logos" ̶ Teaching.
Categories and forms
grammatical discharge words

Slide 4.

Selection of parts of speech
General grammatical meaning
Morphological signs
Syntactic signs
Subject ̶ noun, signs of subject ̶ Adjective, action - verb.
Rod, number, case, time, face, etc.
The role of words in phrases and suggestions.

Slide 5.

Parts of Speech
Have a lexical and grammatical meaning;
are members of the sentence.
Do not have lexical and grammatical significance;
are not members of the sentence.
Serve to express feelings, emotions, mental states;
do not change, are not members of the proposal, they do not have a syntactic connection with other members of the sentence.
do not change

Slide 6.

who? what?
Independent part of speech
1 Declination: Women, Husband. And the common race is s -a, - I: wife, uncle, swax.
2 Declination: Husband. Rod with zero: shore, day, and cf. kind with o, e: window, sea.
3 Declination: Women. Rod with zero: steppe, night.
Disclaimed: Name, time, udder, theme, flame, banner, seed, stirring, burden, tribe, and path and child.
And who? what? R. Who? what? D. Who? What? In whom? what? T. Who? than? P. OK? about what?
Lexico-grammatical signs
any sentence
the only thing

Slide 7.

Independent part of speech
sign of subject
what? whose?
definition or registered part of the composite name
consistent with nouns in kind, number and case
degrees of comparison
bright, kind
glass, summer
mint, Babushkin
brighter than the kinder brighter less bright
the brightest most bright kind of kind

Slide 8.

Independent part of speech
the number or order of objects with the score
Simple: one, ten
Sophisticated: fifty
Meaning and grammatical features
quantitative how many? eight
ordinal which? eighth
most often led to be defined
how much? which the?
Composite: Fifty-five
actually quantitative
three, eighteen
five, Three
one second, two hundredths
change on cases, numbers, childbirth
change the case

Slide 9.

Independent part of speech
object action
what to do? what to do?
any member of the sentence, more often than the fault
Permanent signs
Non-permanent signs
Perfect what to do?
Imperfect what to do?
Hiding 1, 2
Time (present, past, future)
Tilt (expressive, conditional, imperative)
Rod (only POST. TIME)
Face (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
number (Sole and Multiple)
Adige / incompetence
Return (postfix - see, "

Slide 10.

Signs of verb
Independent part of speech
sign of the subject by action
What? what? What makes? What made? What made?
agreed definition
Signs of adjective

Pledge (valid, suffering)
Time (present and past)
Rod (m., Wed, g.)
Number (units, mn.)
Padge (named p. ̶ Pad.)
Complete-brevity (u suffer. Acc.)

Slide 11.

Signs of verb
Independent part of speech
additional action with the main
What do you do? What made?
separed circumstance
Signs of adverbs
View (perfect and imperfect)
Return / Non-return
Syntactic role of circumstances

Slide 12.

Independent part of speech
indicates objects, signs, quantity
maybe any member of the sentence
does not call them
i, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
my, yours, yours, our, your, his, her, their
Lera will not be offended. Projects were not justified.
This is my house. His look is very attentive.
I ride on the swing. He wants my lollipop.

Slide 14.

who, what, what, whose, how much
nobody, nothing, no one, nothing, no, anything
someone, something, some, some, somewhat
I do not know who will come to me.
Nobody knows about it.
Several people sat nearby.

Slide 15.

Independent part of speech
sign of action, signs of signs
as? where to? when? Where? why? what for? in what degree?
Dont Have
Do not hide
Do not inclined
The moon was brightly illuminated the entire valley.

Slide 16.

measures and degrees
image image
of time
the reasons
in what degree? How much?
what for? for what? for what purpose?
when? since when? How long? how long?
where? where to? where?
as? how?
Value values
why? from what?

Slide 17.

Service part of the speech
expresses the dependence of the noun, numerical and pronouns from other words in phrases, and therefore in the sentence.
Do not change
Are not members of the sentence
Express various relationships
without, in, before, for, for, from, k, on, above, o, about, from, by, under, before, at, pro, s, y, through
educated from independent parts of speech by loss of their meaning and morphological signs: a house near the river.

Slide 18.

associated simple sentences in a complex sentence, of which one subordinated by the other
from one word
of several words
a, and, but, or, or, how, like, when, barely, as if
due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, despite the fact that
uniform members and equal simple sentences in the complex (complex) are associated.
Service part of the speech
binds homogeneous members as part of a simple supply and simple sentences in a complex proposal.