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Why do dracaena have sluggish leaves. The ends of the leaves have dried dracaena: plant diseases and what to do if they fall and fall. Step-by-step instructions for transshipment of dracaena

Dracaena is one of the most popular home flowers, used not only as an indoor plant, but also as an office plant. To ensure a flower's long life, you need to know the general rules for caring for it; it is especially important to recognize diseases on time. A serious and obvious symptom of ill health is leaf fall. Find out why this is happening and how to solve this problem.

Why Dracaena drops leaves: the main reasons

Homeland dracaena are tropical forests. Externally, the flower resembles a palm tree: it has a straight stem that ends with a rosette of long leaves growing 20-60 cm in length.

Dracaena is a flower that tends to drop leaves, but this is not a natural process. With a large loss of leaves, the plant dies, so this problem should cause immediate intervention by the gardener.

Did you know? « Dracaena»   translated from the ancient Greek language  as« dragon female". Also called shrub« dragon tree» . The name comes from a legend that long ago, two giants - a dragon and an elephant - converged in battle. The dragon was crushed by an elephant, and in the place where drops of his blood fell, huge trees with a magnificent crown grew.

In addition, it is precisely decorative qualities that are highly valued in dracaena, and the loss of deciduous cover will deprive the flower of its main content advantage.
The main reasons for falling leaves are:

It should be borne in mind that dracaena itself throws off the leaves, if it is no longer a young plant. The maximum lifespan of dracaena is 15 years; when approaching this age, leaf fall is a natural process.

Violation of conditions

If the plants wilted and fell off in a short time, and the trunk began to rot and dry, it is necessary to change the conditions of the flower.

  Good growth will be ensured by such parameters of care:

  1. Temperature. The plant loves a temperature of + 20–25 ° C in the summer. And in the cold season, the minimum allowable temperature is + 16 ° C. If you keep the flower at a lower temperature, it will stop growing and fall into suspended animation.
  2. Lighting. Dracaena loves the sun, since the plant was brought from the sunny tropics, however, direct rays are harmful to it. It is best to place the pot in partial shade. The most sensitive to light are variegated dracaena.
  3. Location in the house. Since direct rays are undesirable for the plant, it is best to place it on the east or west side of the house. Most often located on the windowsills.
  4. Pruning. A necessary process for the growth of lateral buds of a tree. The flower must be at least 30 cm high - only then can it be cut. You can remove leaves in spring or summer.
  5. Moisturizing. A tropical plant requires plenty of moisture, especially in winter, during the heating season. To do this, you need to do air spraying near the flower pot.

Improper maintenance of the shrub at room conditions leads to the fact that it loses its natural beauty and color of leaves, the shape of the bush, the health of the trunk and root system. Therefore, before you buy such a plant, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules of its cultivation in advance.

Lack or excess of fertilizer

Complex fertilizers are used as top dressing for dracaena. They must be given a flower twice a month, during the period of active growth, from approximately March to early September.

In gardening shops you can buy special fertilizers for dracaena: "Rainbow", "Ideal", "Dracaena."

The lack of trace elements, especially potassium, leads to the fact that the flower is covered with bronze spots and stripes. And from an excess of fertilizing, the roots and stem of the dracaena can rot.

Important!The abundance of fertilizers containing fluoride can lead to loss of color of leaves and their fall.

Wrong watering

Watering is the main way to nourish the shrub with water. To prevent the death of dracaena, you need to remember that she loves abundant watering, but it is not necessary to fill it too much, otherwise the root system will become waterlogged and begin to rot, and with it the stem.

In summer, dracaena is watered once every two to three days, while checking whether the earth has dried up at the base of the stem. Water is used at room temperature. Additionally, water is sprayed from the spray near the plant, thus moistening the air next to it. Withering leaves is a signal that you need to water more often.

In winter, the flower rests, and he needs watering every 3-4 days. However, if your plant stands on a windowsill under a battery, it needs to be watered more often. It is necessary to focus on the soil: if it has already dried up and you do not see wet spots - then you can water the pot again.

Transplant root damage

Since the root system of dracaena grows rapidly, very soon the gardener will be faced with the need to transplant it into a new pot. For a flower with a height of about 40 centimeters, a container with a diameter of 15 centimeters is needed.

The roots of the shrub are quite strong, but nevertheless, when separating the stems, it is important not to damage them, otherwise the plant will not develop further.

Important!A transplant should not be done more often than once every 2-3 years.

It is better to carry out the procedure in late March - early April. When replanting, do not forget to keep the drainage layer in the pot so that the bush does not have an excess of moisture.

Pests and diseases

Diseases and pests can nullify any efforts of the gardener. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to determine their symptoms in time.

Did you know? According to the ancient Aztec legend, the cut trunk of the dracaena in the full moon will bring happiness and love.

How to save a plant

If you notice signs of illness or sharp falling of leaves in your dracaena, you need to decide how to reanimate the shrub.

In order not to treat bush diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in time to prevent diseases.

Important!Note that each year a flower drops a small amount of yellowed leaves from the bottom of the stem to prepare for the winter season. This is a natural process.

  1. When planting in a pot, make a drainage system. In this way, you provide the roots with protection against excess water.
  2. The flower does not tolerate drafts, but dies at low temperature. Therefore, in the cold season, make sure that the plant does not freeze.
  3. Dracaena is a moisture-loving bush, and requires increased humidity of air and soil. Do not miss watering the plants even in the winter season.
  4. Also, do not apply too much fertilizer to the soil so that the leaves do not fall. In this case, it is better to add less minerals so as not to burden the soil.

Dracaena is an exotic plant that at any time of the year will remind you of the sea, palm trees and relaxation. It is not difficult to grow it, you just need to follow the basic rules of maintenance. And even if the plant was struck by the disease, it is important to help him in time, eliminating the cause of the falling leaves.

In some cases, unpretentious dracaena leaves fall. The problem does not arise on its own, so the grower needs to understand its causes.

About why the plant takes off leaves and how to reanimate it, read on.

Why Dracaena drops leaves: the main reasons

Dracaena drops leaves due to errors in care or illness. Below are the main reasons for falling leaves.

Did you know? Word« dracaena» translates as« dragon female» . The birthplace of palm trees is Africa and southeast Asia.

Violation of growing conditions

The first thing you need to look at when falling dracaena leaves is growing conditions. The reasons most often are:

  • wrong soil composition;
  • low temperature;
  • frequent drafts;
  • bright direct light;
  • strong shadow.
  If the situation is not corrected, the plant withers and dies.

Lack or excess of fertilizer

Fertilizers are needed for plants to grow. Many flower growers admit two extremes: lack or excess of fertilizing. Falling leaves is possible in both cases.

With meager replenishment, dracene has nowhere to take nutrients from. This situation occurs in several cases:

  • rare top dressing;
  • small doses of drugs;
  • the concentration of solutions is lower than specified in the instructions;
  • complete lack of fertilizers.

Excess fertilizer is no less harmful. Its negative effect is manifested in the following errors:

  • too frequent top dressing;
  • the use of more funds;
  • intense concentration of the drug;
  • feeding during dormancy.

  Revise your palm fertilizer approach. This may be the main reason for dropping leaves.

Did you know? The Aztecs called the dracaena "the tree of happiness" and believed that if you cut a small part of the plant trunk at midnight, it would bring happiness in love.

Wrong watering

A common cause of falling dracaena foliage is improper watering. Scanty and too abundant hydration damages the plant:

  • insufficient watering: the leaves dry out;
  • excessive watering: the plant becomes a soft trunk, the foliage first withers, and then falls off.
Spraying can also cause leaves to fall.Be sure to remove water from the leaf sinuses. Stagnant fluids can cause decay. Because of this, dracaena will lose some of its leaves.

Important!  TO  s speech-resistant species include palm trees under the names Dragon and Godsef. They should not be excessively moistened.

Transplant root damage

When the roots of the dracaena grow, it is transplanted into a new pot. During the transplant, the grower contacts the rhizome. Careless movements can damage the root system. Such injuries affect the condition of the palm. Transplanting to a new place is already stress, and damage to the root enhances it. In response to trauma, the plant discards leaves.

Pests and diseases

Incorrect care attracts diseases and pests. They often cause foliage to drop.

Of the diseases, the plant most often affects the fungus:

  • stem rot;
  • root rot;
  • fusarium
  • alternariosis;
  • phylostictosis;
  • heterosporosis.
Leaves in diseases rarely fall off the trunk. Most often, they dry out, rot or become stained. However, if the disease is not treated, dry or rotten foliage will soon fall off the trunk.
  Pests are no less dangerous for dracaenas. Often it is they who become the cause of dropping leaves. The palm may be attacked by:
  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • scale shield;
  • mealybug;
  In most cases, the plant can be cured if the cause is discovered in time.

What to do and how to save the plant

Dracaena, whose leaves have fallen, can be saved in some cases. The reasons are more associated with errors in care, so the first actions of the grower are to adjust the growing conditions. If diseases or pests are found, the plant is additionally treated.

The rules for growing palm trees are as follows:

  1. Temperature.Optimum indicators - +20 ... + 25 ° С. The plant will survive if the temperature drops to + 15 ° C. In colder conditions, the palm tree stops development.
  2. Humidity.  Most species need at least 60% humidity. To maintain moisture, the plants are sprayed from the spray gun. Twice spraying a day is enough for normal growth. Do not forget to remove excess water from the axils of the leaves.
  3. Lighting.  Dracaens love diffused light. The bright rays of the sun or shadow destroy the palm tree. If the leaves fall, change the location of the pot. If it is not possible to provide the plant with natural light, buy a phytolamp.
  4. Watering.  Water for irrigation should be soft. Before use, it must be defended. Cold water is not suitable for irrigation. The frequency depends on the drying of the soil. If the top 2 cm of the substrate has dried out, it can be moistened. Drying speed depends on the season. In summer, the plant is watered 1 time in 2 days. In winter, it is optimal to moisten the soil once every 3 days.
  5. Fertilizer.  Palm tree needs to be fed only during the period of active growth. Its usual time frame is from March to early September. Dracaena should be fed 1 time in 2 weeks. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of fertilizers for dracaena. Means “Rainbow”, “Dracaena”, “Ideal” are popular.
  6. Transfer. Florists transplant a healthy palm once every 2-3 years. Best plant tolerates transplant in March and April. In case of growing problems, an emergency transplant is possible. Falling foliage due to inappropriate soil or diseases is exactly the case. For a successful procedure, prepare a pot, drainage mixture, substrate for dracaena, water for irrigation. Fill the new pot with drainage, pour some of the soil on it. Pour the dracaena and remove it from the old pot. Carefully clean the root system of an earthen coma. Check the roots for rot; remove the rot, if any. Put the palm in a new container, fill in the rest of the soil. Water the palm and place in a suitable place.
  7. Fight against diseases and pests.  Florists use such drugs for treatment: pests are killed by insecticides, for example, Fitoverm, Aktellik, or Intavir, and fungicides, such as Oksikhom or Topaz, are used against the fungus. If the plant is completely damaged, it rots and the treatment does not help, try replanting the cuttings in a new soil in order to save at least part of it. If it is a viral disease, it is impossible to cure it. The plant must be disposed of.

Dracaena is a very delicate flower that requires proper care, not experimentation with it. It is necessary to transplant the plant in clean, new soil, to water it - no more than once a week, and with mineral - organic fertilizer - only twice a month.

One of the most problematic species of dracaena is Bamboo of Happiness and Marginata, although other species of this plant also undergo various diseases. Dracaena is a very demanding plant, afraid of drafts. It is recommended to remove it from bright light and put it in a moderately lit place. Leaves to the maximum to remove from the bottom up. Only leave small leaves on top of the head. This method should help for palm renewal. It is strictly forbidden to transfer Dracaena, there should not be an excess of water in the pot.

The main reasons why dracaena dropped leaves

- Moisture. The primary reason is precisely the presence of low humidity in the room where this plant is located. After all, this flower is considered a southern plant that is adapted for tropical conditions, so for it the humidity in the air should not be lower than 60-70%. And in ordinary apartments, mostly air humidity is lower, and especially in winter, when hot batteries, different heaters heat and dry it, then the humidity can drop to 20%, which can very badly affect these plants. In this regard, all gardeners need to additionally humidify the air in the premises, regularly spraying rooms where there are plants, or purchase a special humidifier or put a container of water near the battery, then the water will evaporate under the influence of high temperature and thereby increase humidity.

There are also other causes of Dracaena ailment. These include incorrect or poor watering, which lead your flower to a deplorable state. Do not forget that such a flower should be watered only when the earth becomes dry in the pot, about once a week, no more and no less.

- Draft. Another reason for the poor condition of dracaena can be an ordinary draft in the room. This is especially dangerous during winter or late autumn, so at this time you should not keep these plants on the window. After all, they can get sick under the influence of cold.

- Nutrition. If you are trying hard to look after your dracaena, but it is still listless in appearance and unviable, then try to analyze your care. May cause a flower ailment is a lack of vitamins. Ask experienced gardeners, try different types of fertilizers, fertilizing, designed for indoor plants. Sometimes sluggish leaves and slow plant growth are a sign that your flower in the pot is very crowded, so you need to carefully transplant it into a wide pot. This is best done in early spring, and the soil is better to take in the form of landless mixtures.

Dracaena can lower its leaves even after transplanting, for a week it can continue to hurt, and if after this period the former elasticity and brightness did not return to the flower, then a special growth stimulator should be applied.

In addition to all the probable reasons why the dracaena dropped leaves, the content of the plant in winter with a temperature of no higher than 18 degrees Celsius in the room. However, if the temperature is at least a few degrees higher, the plant will forever lower its leaves down along the trunk (typical for all species of ficus with large leaves that are contained in apartments with central heating).

To prevent such unpleasant consequences, you just need to follow all the basic rules for caring for dracaena, then this plant will always delight you with a beautiful view. Maintain the desired temperature, place it in bright diffused light, constantly monitor the humidity in the room and do not pour in large amounts of water.

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Why did dracaena drop leaves?

    My dracaena lowered the leaves as soon as I brought to the balcony after the winter, which I didn’t do, but the leaves didn’t rise, but returned to the room for 3 days, she rose and now the beauty is standing, she has dismissed all the leaves.

    Dracaena, although an unpretentious houseplant, but still to be beautiful and lush (the leaves looked up), you need to properly care for it. The first signs that the dracaena lacks care are dropping leaves, the leaves turn yellow and fall off too often.

    Dracaena does not like to be watered too often. The earthen lump should dry before the next watering. Young plants need to be replanted every year and at the same time increase the size of the pot by 1-2 fingers so that the roots are not crowded.

    Perhaps the cause of sunken leaves is a lack of nutrients. It is necessary to feed the plant at least 1 time per month (or 1 time in 2 weeks). I use vermicompost liquid for feeding.

    Dracaena also loves the presence of oxygen at the roots. Therefore, you need to periodically loosen the soil on the surface.

    In the summer, spraying is beneficial, but only this should be done in the evening, when the sun is not so strong (if you say your plant is on the balcony).

    Dracaena does not like dry air. This time. It needs to be sprayed. In addition, if it’s hot in the winter, dracaena will always have such dropped leaves in your apartment. They will turn yellow over time. I have 24 degrees and the dracaena was very bad.

    Perhaps she is standing on your sunny side and it may be hot. Put it in the shade or just open the window so that the plant is not so hot. And in the summer you need to water the flowers twice a week than in the winter.

    Dracaena  their leaves leaves seldom. If this happened, it means they did not take good care of the plant, or for a long time they were not at home.

    It should be noted that it is very sensitive to drafts. If put on a draft, then not only the leaves will lower.

    Also, you can not put a flower in bright direct sunlight.

    Unnecessary plant transfusion.

    Moderate watering will save the dracaena from root decay.

    More often the plant must be sprayed. She likes this dracaena, and the leaves will stand like ears in a hare in the cold.

    The land in which the dracaena is transplanted or planted should not be heavy. It should be well filled with oxygen. It is possible, and it is necessary to make drainage on 1/3 of the subboil.

    The soil often needs to be loosened.

    Dracaena  will live longer.

    My dracaena lowered the leaves after they began to open the windows for ventilation in the summer. And fertilized, and reduced the number of leaves - rejuvenated, but to no avail. I removed it from the window into the room and in a day the plant came to life, all the leaves rose. Most likely she lowered the leaves due to drafts and dry air.

    We dracaena lowered the leaves after moving. The moving was in winter and the plant simply froze, the leaves seemed to wilt. It didn’t turn out to be fully revived, but nevertheless for the most part it recovered over time. The reason for this may be a draft or a too sunny place.

Low humidity

Most often, the drying of the leaves occurs in the winter, when the heating batteries are working in the room. Dracaena is a native of the humid tropics, so dry air is absolutely unacceptable to her. To increase humidity, the crown must be sprayed daily. In addition, a glass of water can be placed next to the pot. Evaporating, it will help the dracaena survive the heating period. In the summer, the flower should be sprayed several times a day and regularly arrange “shower procedures” for it.

If the lower leaves completely and periodically (on average once every two years) completely dry the lower leaves, there is no reason for concern. Thus, the plant simply gets rid of the old foliage.

Watering problems

Despite the fact that dracaena loves moisture, it does not apply to the ground - it just has to have time to dry out. Stagnant moisture is as fatal to a flower as dry air. It is enough to water the plant once a week, and the rest of the time - to spray on the sheet.

However, it is impossible for the soil to dry completely - in this case, the leaves will not only dry out from the ends, but also become sluggish and gradually fall off.

Wrong place

The most optimal place for dracaena is away from sun-drenched windows. Direct rays literally burn out spots on the leaves, both at the tips and along the entire length of the sheet.

Some species of dracaena grow well even on the northern windows. However, it should be borne in mind that varieties with variegated foliage still need more light than plain plants.

The presence of pests

The leaves of dracaena begin to dry from the tips, and then completely, if a scab has settled on the bush. The most effective method of struggle is to collect insects with your hands while they are still young and have not had time to become covered with rough shell. Otherwise, you will have to resort to special drugs.

A bit about Dracaena

Dracaena is a beautiful exotic plant found in nature in the humid climate of the subtropics of Africa, Asia and the Canary Islands. In nature, it can reach 20 meters in height with a trunk of several girths.

Of course, indoor dracaena cannot reach such a huge size. Nevertheless, this plant is able to attract attention with its originality. It is able to make any room cozy and attractive.

Sometimes dracaena is able to reach a height of several meters, but usually does not grow more than 50 centimeters. Rosettes of greenish-gray xiphoid leaves up to 50 cm long and 5 cm wide, collected at the top of the tree in an original bunch, will decorate your home or office.

Common types of dracaena

The most common variety is marginate. Sometimes it grows up to 3 meters in height. It is decorated with panicles, as if of disheveled leaves. Long narrow leaves disappear over time, and noticeable scars remain on the high trunk.

Another species is fragrant. It is so named because of its flowers, which have a strong aroma. But flowers at home rarely appear. It can grow to a height of 6 meters. Shiny and long green leaves bend beautifully to the ground.

Sandera - completely different from the previously described and is a shrub. Its leaves are oval, bright green in color with small golden spots.

Dragon - it grows slowly, has an exotic appearance, a resin that turns red in the air like blood, its height can reach one and a half meters.


Dracaena is an unpretentious plant, so caring for it is simple and easy. This is a photophilous plant, so it is preferable to place it on the southern windows. However, at the height of summer, your pet needs to be lowered.

Bright sunlight is less harmful to flowers with colorful leaves, but dracaena with darker foliage need protection from the sun.

Water them often, but in moderation. In the summer - every other day, and do not forget to have a warm shower every week. For this, water having room temperature is needed.

With a decrease in room temperature to 14-16 degrees, reduce watering, the plant falls asleep. For irrigation, you need to use filtered or boiled water. And you still need to remember the main rule: waterlogging is always more harmful than drying out. This rule is also relevant for dracaena, although it is hygrophilous.

Like other domestic flowers, she needs to be fed.

With a lack of nutrients, even green leaves can fall. You need to feed with special fertilizers. Use them according to the detailed instructions on the packaging.

Breeding methods

For propagation, apical cuttings, pieces of stems, branches and seeds can be used. Planted in peat mixed with sand. Rooting occurs within 2 to 4 weeks.

Dracaena has a highly developed root system. A tight pot inhibits the growth of the flower, so it is necessary to transplant the plant annually, before the onset of the growth period. This is the end of March or the beginning of April.

When buying a plant in a store, it is best to transplant it as soon as possible. It is necessary to correlate the size of the plant and the pot. If it is forty centimeters high, then the diameter of the pot should be no more than 15 cm.

Dracaena is suitable substrate for palm trees. Pour drainage to the bottom of the tank to avoid root rot. We transplant the plant and water it well, adding a stimulating growth drug to the water.

Plant rejuvenation

Very often, gardeners have to deal with the problem of leaf falling in dracenas. Why is this happening and what to do?

Some species grow fast enough. Over time, the trunk of the plant begins to become bare due to falling of the lower leaves. This means that the plant needs to be rejuvenated.

Only to decide on it is scary. After all, it will be a pity if such a large crown cannot root or buds grow on the trunk and such a beautiful flower dies.

Throw away all doubts, because this plant is very lively, not many indoor flowers can compare with its resistance.

Pruning should be done with the onset of spring. It is necessary to cut off with a sharp secateurs, because to do this with a knife will not work. Cut at an arbitrary height, the surface of the cut is blotted to remove the allocated juice, sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, apply a garden var or pour wax.

The height of the cut top is left about 25 centimeters, removing the sheet plates located below. Then it needs to be dried for several hours, after which it is put in water with a tablet of activated carbon. The roots on it will appear within a month. After that, the top can be planted in the prepared substrate. It can be tied to a support, this will give stability.

The part of the trunk that turned out to be "superfluous" can be cut into separate segments. Each of them should have 2-3 growth buds. Dry the resulting pieces and place in a moist substrate for rooting. You can arrange them horizontally on the surface or vertically, slightly deepening.

The stump left after the cut will soon please you with awakened kidneys.

Of these, new sprouts will begin to develop. It is important to reduce watering after pruning, because the plant has nothing to evaporate moisture that enters the roots. Watering should be increased gradually, as the green mass increases.

Why do dracaena drop leaves?

There may be several reasons:

  • improper watering;
  • not suitable in size pot;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • lack of moisture;
  • drafts and broken temperature;
  • the plant was frozen.


The soil should be moist, not moist. The plant is watered with settled water at room temperature, when the earthen lump dries by about 2 cm. The irrigation regimen is 1-2 times a week in spring and summer, autumn and winter once a week is enough. So that excess moisture does not collect, does not stagnate in the flowerpot, pour claydite or coarse-grained sand with a layer of 3-4 cm on its bottom, you can put shards. This material will play the role of drainage, which will save the root system of the flower from decay. Overfilling is much worse than underfilling.

In the hot summer period, the flower needs to be sprayed. To wash off the dust and refresh it, we recommend once a month to put the plant in the shower, covering the ground with cellophane. After bathing the leaf growth point, blot with a napkin.

Close pot

The second reason that the leaves are constantly lowered down may be an improperly sized flower pot. If it is small, then plant nutrition is difficult. Roots need space. Check the tightness of their fit to the walls of the pot. If necessary, transplant a flower.

The diameter of the pot should be about half the height of the dracaena.

Each year, its diameter can be increased by 1-2 cm.

Nutrient deficiency

Lower leaflets may fall down due to insufficient nutrients. In a tight pot with a very developed root system, the earth quickly becomes poorer, the upper crown grows due to the lower foliage. During the period of active growth from April to September 1-2 times a month, feed the roots with pre-selected fertilizers. When watering, you can use liquid fertilizers according to the instructions.

In order for oxygen to enter the root system, do not forget to loosen the soil surface to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Temperature and humidity

Dracaena feels comfortable at a temperature of 18-28 degrees. A drop below 15 degrees is already critical for her. Leaflets may look droopy if you freeze a flower. First aid - a warm shower.

A flower loves moist air and does not tolerate drafts, so find him a quiet place away from the radiator.

In a particularly hot period, you can put the pot on a pallet with water so that the bottom of the pot does not touch the surface of the water. Evaporating, water moisturizes the air.

Avoid direct sunlight, but do not hide in the shade when the sun is leaning toward the horizon. Light should be evenly scattered. In winter, additional artificial lighting is needed.

As you can see, creating conditions for the growth of dracaena is not so difficult. Evergreen palm up to 35 years old is considered to be young and blooms from 1 to 7 times a year. Let your tree of happiness please the eye for many years.

Main reasons

Typically, this problem occurs due to errors made by the owners in the care process. Leaves may fall off when there is insufficient or excessive watering. There are also natural causes due to which dracaena leaves fall.

These primarily include the age of the plant. Another factor is the inappropriate microclimate. Despite the fact that this flower is considered hardy and resistant to various environmental conditions, there are certain conditions for its maintenance.

In a healthy plant, the bark is quite dense. But as practice shows, dracaena may cause deterioration of the bark and leaves. If the reason is age, then nothing will be done with it. Each leaf lives a certain time. Subsequently, it turns yellow and falls off. This is a natural process, and you will not be able to resist it in any way.

However, there are cases when, at a young age, a flower loses all its leaves. The bark also deteriorates. The trunk becomes weak. Why does dracaena do this? Because you take care of her incorrectly. You are probably watering it wrong. It is not difficult to solve this problem: it is enough to ensure timely watering, and you will be able to maintain an attractive appearance of such a plant culture.

Often the owners of such plants are afraid of under-supplying water and carry out watering in a larger amount than the flower requires. Even given the fact that dracaena loves humidity, this cannot be done. As a rule, with an excess of liquid, dracaena drops its leaves in a rather short time. In this case, the bark begins to rot, as do the roots. What to do in this situation? It is enough to simply reduce the amount of water for irrigation and to make it not so often.

It is important to complete a series of immediate actions. Remove the flower from the pot without damaging the roots and bark (i.e. with soil). Remove some of the land to inspect the condition of the root system.

Remove those roots that have rotted. Allow the rest to dry, removing any remaining soil. Subsequently do not abuse the watering. The plant will stop dropping leaves as soon as the soil moisture level is normalized and the roots dry out.

If the dracaena has a soft trunk and leaves fall, this is a likely sign of improper watering.

To do this, dry the roots and plant the flower again in less moistened ground. The stem will wither away from excess fluid. As a result, leaves that can no longer be held on a weakened "skeleton" begin to fall. It is important to ensure that in the axils of the leaves after transplantation and watering, too, no water remains. Otherwise, they will rot and fall off again.

It is imperative to maintain the right microclimate. So you will be able to save even the "bald" flower. For these purposes, set the room temperature above +15 ° C. If the flower will be in a cold room for a long time, this will lead not only to falling leaves, but also to the death of the whole plant. In addition to optimal temperature conditions, it is required to regularly feed such a culture. This flower needs nutrients such as potassium nitrous, ammonium sulphide, potassium phosphate.

The components must be mixed and diluted in warm water. It is important not to overdo it using fluoride, otherwise the plant will begin to dry out, and you will only aggravate the problem. Now you know why dracaena drops leaves. Having figured out the reason, you will be able to quickly eliminate the errors of caring for the flower and return it to a healthy beautiful appearance.

Symptoms of care mistakes and possible causes.

The upper leaves retain elasticity, but turn yellow: It is caused, as a rule, by a high content of calcium in the soil - in those plants that cannot tolerate lime, or by the hardness of water for irrigation.

The leaves lose their luster and look lifeless: The probable cause is too much light; another cause may be a red spider mite. Even healthy green leaves may appear faded if not washed.

Leaf discoloration (chlorosis): The leaves discolor and turn yellow, the streaks remain green. Usually this happens with a lack of iron and magnesium. Both elements are needed to keep the leaf green. Irrigation with water containing a lot of calcium leads to such a deficiency: calcium binds iron in the soil. You can fix this by starting to use iron chelates or brown algal extract and pour softened water.

Leaves discolor until they become transparent: This is due to a lack of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary, in particular, for the formation of green leaves. To restore the green color of the leaves, it is necessary to fertilize with liquid fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. More long-term support may be horny flour, which must be gently mixed into the upper layer of the earth.

Drooping leaves: Common causes are either drying out the soil (due to insufficient watering) or waterlogging of the soil (due to poor drainage or too frequent watering). Other causes may be an excess of light (especially if the leaves wilt regularly in the middle of the day), dry air, too high air temperature, a cramped pot or pests.

Leaves curl and fall: The edges of the leaves curl and sometimes become dry. Twisting the leaves of plants is a measure of self-defense, because this reduces the surface of the leaf and less water evaporates from it. This happens when the plant is in a too warm place or receives little water. It is necessary to water the plant until the soil is completely saturated, or dip it in water and hold it. Choose a cooler place for him.

Leaves fall off suddenly: Rapid leaf fall without a previous long period of withering or discoloration usually indicates a shock suffered by the plant. It can be caused by a significant temperature difference (both lowering and increasing), a sharp increase in the intensity of illumination in the daytime or a strong cold draft. Sudden falling of leaves, especially in tree plants, can also be caused by drying out of the soil at the roots.

Leaves turn yellow and fall: The lower leaves of an adult plant naturally turn yellow over time and then fall. When this happens simultaneously with several leaves, the probable cause is waterlogging of the soil, lack of nitrogen, too dark place or cold drafts. First of all, you need to drastically reduce watering or completely replace the earth and less often water it. Regularly feed with appropriate fertilizers. Move the plant to a brighter place.

The lower leaves dry and fall: Three likely causes are a lack of light, too high air temperature and insufficient watering. The plant should be rearranged in a brighter place. Soak an earthball completely with water, immersing the pot for several hours in water. Move from a warm place to cooler conditions.

Leaves on new plants fall: For newly transplanted, just bought or transferred from one room to another plants, it is natural to lose one or two lower leaves. The shock from a change of scenery can be mitigated if the plant is transplanted only in a slightly larger pot than the previous one, sheltered when moving home from the store and transferred from a poorly lit place to a bright light with an intermediate stay for several days in partial shade.

Dots or spots on the leaves: If the dots or spots are dry and brown, then the most likely cause is a lack of water. If the affected areas are soft, dark brown light - this is most likely due to waterlogging of the soil. If the dots or spots are white or yellowish, the lesion is caused by the use of cold water when watering, a sharp drop in temperature, water getting on the leaves, aerosol damage, or illness / pests. If the spots are reddish, silver-white or brownish - the plant suddenly appeared under the influence of direct sunlight. If the affected area becomes wet and looks like a blister, or dry in the form of dents, the cause is the disease. Some pests can also cause leaf spotting.

Brown tips or leaf edges: The most likely cause is the drying of the leaf tips to dry air. Another possible cause is physical damage, when the tips of the leaves are often touched or pressed against the glass or wall. If the edges of the leaves are yellow or brown, this may be due to several reasons: waterlogging, insufficient watering, lack of light, too much light, too low air temperature, an excess of minerals, dry air or drafts. Other symptoms will help determine the true cause.

Small pale leaves and elongated stems: This happens in winter and early spring, after the plant was kept in low light at too high a temperature and excessively heavy watering. If possible, the ugly part of the plant is removed. If such symptoms appear during the growth period, then the reasons may be a lack of minerals or too poor lighting.

Leaves and stems rot: This is caused by a disease that occurs under poor conditions. Often the cause of the disease is waterlogging of the soil in winter or water getting on the leaves, especially if it remains overnight.

Torn edges and holes on the leaves: Most often appear when physically damaged by pets or people (sometimes even a simple touch on an unfolded sheet can damage it) or when attacked by pests.

Variegated leaves turn solid green: This is simply due to a lack of light. Remove all processes with uniformly colored leaves (if possible) and move the pot with the plant closer to the window.

A plant does not grow slowly or at all: In winter, this is normal for all plants, so do not force it to grow. In summer, the most likely cause of growth retardation is a lack of minerals, waterlogging of the soil, or insufficient lighting. If these reasons are excluded, then the pot may be cramped.

The plant does not bloom: Several reasons can lead to the fact that an adult plant does not bloom at the right time. The most likely causes associated with lighting are a lack of light or an unsuitable length of daylight for a plant. Other causes may be an overabundance of minerals, dry air, thrips, or transplantation (some plants bloom only in a tight pot).

Buds fall: The reasons why leaves fall can also cause buds or flowers to fall. This is most often caused by dry air, insufficient watering, lack of light, moving the pot with the plant to another place and pest damage.

Flowers quickly fade: As a rule, this is a result of insufficient watering, dry air, lack of light or too high air temperature.

Green plaque on a ceramic pot: A sure sign of problems associated with irrigation - occurs when waterlogged soil or poor drainage.

White peel on a ceramic pot: There are two likely reasons - use too hard water for irrigation or an excess of minerals.