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Dracaena sluggish leaves what to do. Dracaena leaves fell. Proper land sterilization

Typical diseases of dracaena and their effective treatment with an explanation from professional flower growers. Photo attached.

Why do dracaena drop leaves? Causes   may be the following: the plant goes through a period of acclimatization after purchase, a transplant was carried out with soil replacement, which violated the integrity of the root system, and the irrigation mode was incorrect.

Only a purchased plant must undergo a period of acclimatization under the new conditions. Dracaena is no exception. The light level in the new room, humidity and air temperature - all this can affect the well-being of the flower. No need to worry if dracaena is only purchased and it has lowered leaves. For prevention, you need to inspect the plant carefully. If there are no pests on it, the root system is in order, the trunk does not rot - there is no need to take drastic measures. Experts recommend not replanting the flower within 1 month after purchase. After this period, transplant by transshipment and strictly observe the rules for caring for dracaena. As practice shows, all dracaena drop leaves after the purchase. This is a normal occurrence. In a healthy flower, only the crown, that is, young leaves, will look up.

Dracaena dropped leaves immediately after transplantation. This indicates a violation of the root system of the flower, namely, very thin roots that form a spider web at the bottom of the pot. They are involved in plant nutrition and provide the plant with water. It is not recommended to transplant dracaena in a complete replacement of the soil. She is more likely to transship in a larger pot. Thus, the root system will not be injured.

However, if the transplant has already been carried out and the dracaena has lowered the leaves, while its lower leaves can turn yellow intensively, the following steps must be performed: spray the flower with a cyclone (4 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water) and place it under the greenhouse or a spacious cap. Leaves should not touch the walls of the greenhouse. At the same time, watering is significantly reduced. Before the next watering, the ground in the pot should completely dry (you can 1 time in 2-3 weeks). On the contrary, it is necessary to spray the flower very often with ordinary water in order to maintain high humidity under the greenhouse. The number of sprayings depends on the room temperature. The colder the less often. Cycron can be used only 1 time per week. At the first watering, the cyclone must be added to the water for irrigation. This stimulates the growth of the root system. After a transplant with a violation of the root system, dracaena lacks moisture. At the same time, intensive watering will lead to decay of the root system. The plant will replenish the lack of moisture through the crown. That is why in a greenhouse they maintain high humidity.

Why did the dracaena drop its leaves? Reason: Wrong watering mode.   In the first case, the amount of moisture is simply not enough for the plant to maintain normal leaf turgor. In the second - there is too much moisture, which led to the decay of the root system. Through damaged roots, the plant also does not receive enough moisture. Increasing the number of irrigations will not solve the problem.

If dracaena lowered leaves due to lack of moisture, what should I do?   It is necessary to place the flower under the greenhouse and conduct regular spraying. It is impossible to sharply increase the number of irrigation, as this will harm the roots. Keep the plant under the greenhouse for 3-5 days. Watering the flower should be plentiful, but only after the earth coma is completely dry. Water from the pan must be removed.

Dracaena gets an excess of moisture. As a result, the root system does not cope with an excess of fluid and begins to rot. Damaged roots no longer absorb moisture from the ground, and therefore dracaena lowers the leaves. What to do? First of all, normalize watering. Next, you need to carefully, without violating the integrity of the root system, remove the dracaena from the pot by the barrel. Inspect the roots. If the root system is light yellow or white, but not brown, it is healthy. The plant is returned back to the pot and reduce watering. Watering should be plentiful, but only after the soil has completely dried in a pot.

If the dracaena lowered the leaves and its roots are soaked, flabby and have an unhealthy shade, this indicates rotting. Damaged roots are removed. The plant is transplanted into a new, special, slightly moist soil. Dracaena is placed under a greenhouse. Watering is minimized, and spraying, on the contrary, is speeded up. Can be added to spray water for cyclone. The plant is removed from the greenhouse when it begins to drive out new leaves.

Why do dracaena dry the tips of leaves?   Reasons: lack of sunlight, irrigation regime is violated, heavy soil.

Dracaena is a light-loving flower, and therefore its tips of the leaves very often turn yellow due to a lack of light. This is especially noticeable in winter. If dracaena is grown under indoor conditions, the tips of its leaves turn yellow, while other care conditions are strictly observed, it is necessary to provide the plant with additional illumination with an energy-saving lamp up to 12 hours. The flower must be placed at the east or west window. If she stands near the south window, then sheltered from direct sunlight. Northern windows do not fit the flower.

You noticed that the dracaena looks bad, the tips of its leaves are drying. What to do in such cases? It is necessary to pay attention to the watering mode. Perhaps the plant is waterlogged. As a result, its root system rots, leaves do not get enough moisture through diseased roots, and therefore their tips dry. Dracaena is watered only after the soil has completely dried in a pot. Watering in this case is carried out abundant, so that the water out into the pan through the drainage holes. Water is immediately removed from the pan. Otherwise, the bottom of the pot will not dry out, the roots will rot. You can not put a pot of dracaena on wet expanded clay. To check the condition of the root system, the plant is carefully removed from the pot. Healthy roots will be light. Regular spraying will help the flower. You can add cyclone or epin to the water for spraying once a week.

Dracaena dry the tips of the leaves, if the room is low humidity. For this, frequent spraying of the flower is carried out, a humidifier is placed next to it. During the heating season, do not place the plant next to heating appliances.

Dracaena does not grow, new leaves grow deformed, stems are thinned and extended. Reason: the plant lacks sunlight. Perhaps the flower is in the back of the room where the light does not penetrate, or the length of daylight is shortened due to the onset of autumn-winter. Experts recommend placing dracaena near windows on the south or southeast side of the house, but with mandatory shading from midday heat. To diffuse direct sunlight on the window, just hang a transparent curtain. In autumn and winter, it is recommended that the dracaena be illuminated with an artificial light lamp (fluorescent or a special phytolamp). In total, the duration of daylight hours for the successful development of leaflets should be 12-14 hours.

With the onset of autumn-winter (from October to March), experts recommend arranging a dracaena dormancy period, upon the attraction of which does not observe the growth of new leaves. To do this, reduce the temperature of the plant (up to +17 ... + 18 degrees), watering is minimized, spraying and feeding are not carried out. During the resting period, the dracaena slows its growth, and therefore, in conditions of insufficient illumination, it does not expel new, deformed leaves, its branches do not thin out.

Among indoor plants, dracaena, which is sometimes called the "false palm", is very popular among gardeners.

Attracts a deep, rich color of its leaves, splendor of the crown.

However, if the plant begins to "leaf fall", then everything is for real, without "false modesty" - from its former beauty in a matter of days there may be one bare stem.

To prevent this from happening (although the reasons can sometimes be objective, and they cannot be avoided), you need to carefully monitor the condition of the green pet and, having felt something was wrong, take measures.

The main problems in dracaena, as in most cultures, whose homeland is the tropics, are associated with acclimatization. In an ordinary city apartment the plant often lacks heat and humidity. Both that, and another dracaena need to be given in addition, and to do it competently, without going to extremes.

If you find that the dracaena has a soft trunk and leaves fall, the bark has become wrinkled, so you went too far with watering.

If the leaves begin to curl or turn into a tube (this may mean that the plant died) - therefore, you could not provide the green pet with a comfortable temperature, did not save him from sudden transitions from one microclimate to another.

Problems to the flower are also created by diseases and pests, which must be learned to recognize in a timely manner.

Of all the varieties, the threat of “baldness” most often arises in Marginata, in other varieties this problem is less pronounced. The main reasons why dracaena leaves fall may be as follows:

  • natural aging (the leaves of this culture live from 2 to 3 years);
  • water scarcity;
  • cold air, drafts.

To help a plant, it’s important to figure out which of the reasons your flower is ruining.

If it is aging, then this is an objective and unregulated process. Fortunately, nature stipulated that at the same time all the leaves of the dracaena would not leave - those of them whose time had approached would begin to turn yellow, then curl, blacken and fall off. After some time, new, healthy leaves will appear in the vacated places.

In case of water shortage, massive leaf fall does not occur either.

The difference is that the aged leaves dry out completely, and the fallen leaves, due to the scarcity of watering, still partially retain their vitality.

If the gardener overdoses with watering, the plant begins lose green leaves   - this is due to the fact that the roots rotted in waterlogged soil and the plant dies.

Temperature discomfort (especially cold, draft) is expressed in the loss of green foliage by the plant.

If yellowness on the leaves appears like gray hair in a person, for natural reasons, it may not capture the whole sheet, but its tips. In this case, specialists recommend trimming by removing only the yellowed part and leaving healthy. This will preserve the decorativeness of the culture.

Often the problem arises due to the fact that the plant does not have enough sun. Most varieties have enough soft, diffused light, and even a short winter day does not have a negative effect on them. However, in some cases, dracaena cannot do without backlighting and informs the owner about the yellowness of its leaves.

A similar reaction occurs due to excessive irrigation. And if the dracaena has fallen leaves and yellowed, this may be due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. It is especially dangerous to keep a flower on a starvation diet during its active growth - from April to the end of August.

CAUTION:if water regularly remains in the axils of the leaves after watering and spraying, this can cause a color change from green to yellow.

This trouble can happen even with young foliage, if the flower grows in the same pot, without replacing the soil, 3-4 years.

Salts accumulate in it, because of which the plant is not able to fully absorb nutrients, even if the owner regularly feeds his pet.

Suction roots, the main conductor of nutrients in the flower’s body, die from salinity.

Due to malnutrition, the tips of old leaves also dry out. In addition, the problem may lie in the structure of the soil - if it is clayey, heavy, poorly transmitting water.

ATTENTION:the tips of the leaves sometimes begin to dry due to a supersaturation of the soil with fluorine. This element is part of fertilizers for tropical crops, which should be used exactly according to the instructions so as not to harm the flower.

Never reassure yourself with the phrase that “there are spots in the sun”: spots on dracaena leaves pose a threat to flower health   and most often appear due to insufficient care for the plant, and their color helps determine the essence of the problem. This is what they are talking about:

If the trunk of the dracaena wrinkled, the leaves began to fall, the probability of mistakes that the owner made, most likely by inexperience, was high. The main thing is to have time to fix them in time.

Among the most common mistakes:

  • wrong, too generous watering (in fact, the soil in the pot between the waterings should dry out, control its condition by sticking a thin wooden stick in the ground);
  • high air dryness (remove the flower away from heating appliances);
  • insufficient lighting (the plant needs to be provided with additional highlighting);
  • exposure to cold air (frozen leaves will help “wash” with warm water);
  • lack of nutrients (buy fertilizer in the form of a stick in a flower shop and stick it in the soil - your pet will regularly receive top dressings in the volume necessary for him).

ATTENTION:if the leaves turn yellow after an unsuccessful transplant, help the flower recover by spraying the soil with Epin.

Specialists (in order to prevent various diseases) recommend add potassium and phosphorus to fertilizers. Unfortunately, this is not enough to avoid diseases completely.

Dracaena diseases can be:

Pests affecting dracaena can be in the soil or get on it from neighboring, already infected plants. Signs of ill health are cobwebs, specks, sticky plaque. Among the pests:

This video talks about another pest of dracaena and how to deal with it:

How to reanimate a dracaena, if the trunk is fragile, the bark wrinkles, and the leaves begin to rot? Required   "Surgical intervention" in the form of cuttings: cut off the top of the dracaena and either immediately root it in the ground, or put it in a container of water so that the roots appear. This usually takes 2 months.

If the poor condition of the dracaena is associated with dry air, bring the pet back to life a warm shower will help. So that the water does not flood the roots, the pot should be placed in a plastic bag and tighten its edges around the trunk.

If the stem (and subsequently a full-fledged plant) has been standing in the water for too long, its trunk may turn yellow. This is because the aquatic environment contributes to the activation of bacteria, and the changed color of the trunk is evidence that the plant may die. You can avoid this development by urgently replacing the dracaena in a pot of earth.

A plant affected by cold air will be saved by several sprinkles of warm water   and placing the pot in a draft-free place. In cases where the temperature has dropped below 15 degrees Celsius, there is a great danger that the roots are affected. If the check shows that it turned out that way and the roots began to decay, they are removed and the dracaena is transplanted into a new pot. In cases when there are practically no healthy roots, the top of the flower is cut off and root.
   What to do with a broken dracaena

The broken lignified part of the stem is fairly easy to root. To do this, you need to cut the place of the scrap with a sharp knife (the cut must be horizontal), hold it in the air for a while to dry it, and lower it into a container of water, where an activated carbon tablet is added (it will protect the future plant from decay).

The remaining part of the stem in the pot can also be saved. The fracture site is neatly trimmed and filled with wax. After a short time, shoots will appear on the sides of the stem.

If the broken is not lignified, but a green shoot, it is recommended to root it in moss or in the sand. In order for the roots to form faster, the tip of the shoot is processed in the “Kornevin” preparation, and subsequently they will organize artificial heating (the best temperature is 25 degrees).

TIP:if the stalk selected for rooting is very small, they stick it into the ground and cover it with a glass jar, providing a greenhouse effect.

- Although this is not a very fastidious indoor plant, it nevertheless requires the observance of individual care rules: the appropriate temperature regime, humidity level, and so on. A critical violation of these rules can provoke various plant ailments that are reflected not only in the external appearance and which can lead to the death of dracaena. One of the common problems, the causes and solutions of which will be discussed below, is the omission of the leaves of the plant, which usually grow up.

The main reasons why dracaena leaves fall

The most likely include:

  1. Excessively cold temperature in the room (in particular, exacerbated by drafts). The optimum temperature for the growth and development of the plant is from 18 to 24 ° C above zero. Lower temperatures can cause leaves to drop. In order to avoid this or to cope with the problem that has already arisen, it is necessary to remove the plant from the place where it can be purged with drafts, and also to create the optimal temperature regime mentioned above in the room.
  2. Excessive soil moisture. It can be triggered by frequent watering or an excessively wide pot, contributing to stagnation of moisture. This requires two basic rules. The first is to avoid frequent watering and allow the soil to dry between watering, the second - you need to choose a pot that is deep enough, but small in diameter (for a plant up to 15 centimeters tall, the optimal diameter of the pot is 10 to 15 centimeters; the height of the pot is 12-15 centimeters) .
  3. Lack of moisture for the outer surface of the leaves. Dracaena   receives part of the nutrition and hydration through the surface of the leaves. In this regard, once every two to three days it is required to spray the leaves from the spray with water at room temperature.
  4. Lack of oxygen saturation. First of all, it is important to maintain the saturation of the soil with oxygen. For this, drainage is created when planting / replanting dracaena. And also it is necessary to carry out periodic loosening of the soil.
  5. Excessive use of fertilizers. For growth and development dracaena   it is advisable to use organic fertilizers in small quantities - peat, manure, humus and so on. Mineral fertilizers can be completely abandoned and used only if there are symptoms of a particular disease of dracaena, due to a lack of certain nutrients.
  6. Exposure to direct sunlight can also cause yellowing and drooping leaves. dracaena. The plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can contribute to the degradation and death of the plant. Dracaena should be in a lit room, but not on the sunny side of the room.

Dracaena is considered a very unpretentious indoor plant. She does not need special care. But in order for the flower to please the eye as long as possible with its splendor and beauty, respond in time to any changes in its appearance. What are the drooped leaves of dracaena talking about?

We will analyze what causes this problem and what needs to be done to solve it.

There may be several reasons:

  • improper watering;
  • not suitable in size pot;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • lack of moisture;
  • drafts and broken temperature;
  • the plant was frozen.


The soil should be moist, not moist. The plant is watered with settled water at room temperature, when the earthen lump dries out by about 2 cm. The irrigation regimen is 1-2 times a week in spring and summer, in autumn and winter once a week is enough. So that excess moisture does not collect, does not stagnate in the pot, pour expanded clay or coarse-grained sand on its bottom with a layer of 3-4 cm, you can put shards. This material will play the role of drainage, which will save the root system of the flower from decay. Overfilling is much worse than underfilling.

In the hot summer period, the flower needs to be sprayed. To wash off the dust and refresh it, we recommend once a month to put the plant in the shower, covering the ground with cellophane. After bathing the leaf growth point, blot with a napkin.

Close pot

The second reason that the leaves are constantly lowered down may be an improperly sized flower pot. If it is small, then plant nutrition is difficult. Roots need space. Check the tightness of their fit to the walls of the pot. If necessary, transplant a flower.

The diameter of the pot should be about half the height of the dracaena.

Each year, its diameter can be increased by 1-2 cm.

Nutrient deficiency

Lower leaflets may fall down due to insufficient nutrients. In a cramped pot with a very developed root system, the earth quickly becomes poorer, the upper crown grows due to the lower foliage. During the period of active growth from April to September 1-2 times a month, feed the roots with pre-selected fertilizers. When watering, you can use liquid fertilizers according to the instructions.

In order for oxygen to enter the root system, do not forget to loosen the soil surface to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Temperature and humidity

Dracaena feels comfortable at a temperature of 18-28 degrees. A drop below 15 degrees is already critical for her. Leaflets may look droopy if you freeze a flower. First aid - a warm shower.

A flower loves humid air and does not tolerate drafts, so find him a quiet place away from the radiator.

In a particularly hot period, you can put the flowerpot on a pan with water so that the bottom of the flowerpot does not touch the surface of the water. Evaporating, water moisturizes the air.

Avoid direct sunlight, but do not hide in the shade when the sun is leaning toward the horizon. Light should be evenly scattered. In winter, additional artificial lighting is needed.

As you can see, creating conditions for the growth of dracaena is not so difficult. Evergreen palm up to 35 years old is considered to be young and blooms from 1 to 7 times a year. Let your tree of happiness please the eye for many years.

Dracaena is a very delicate flower that requires proper care, not experimentation with it. It is necessary to transplant the plant in clean, new soil, to water it - no more than once a week, and with mineral - organic fertilizer - only twice a month.

One of the most problematic species of dracaena is Bamboo of Happiness and Marginata, although other species of this plant also undergo various diseases. Dracaena is a very demanding plant, afraid of drafts. It is recommended to remove it from bright light and put it in a moderately lit place. Leaves to the maximum to remove from the bottom up. Only leave small leaves at the crown. This method should help for palm renewal. It is strictly forbidden to transfer Dracaen, there should not be an excess of water in the pot.

The main reasons why dracaena dropped leaves

- Moisture. The primary reason is precisely the presence of low humidity in the room where this plant is located. After all, this flower is considered a southern plant that is adapted for tropical conditions, so for it the humidity in the air should not be lower than 60-70%. And in ordinary apartments, mostly the humidity is lower, and in winter especially when hot batteries, different heaters heat and dry it, then the humidity can drop to 20%, which can very badly affect these plants. In this regard, all gardeners need to additionally humidify the air in the premises, regularly spraying rooms where there are plants, or purchase a special humidifier or put a container of water near the battery, then the water will evaporate under the influence of high temperature and thereby increase humidity.

There are also other causes of Dracaena ailment. These include incorrect or poor watering, which lead your flower to a deplorable state. Do not forget that such a flower should be watered only when the earth becomes dry in the pot, about once a week, no more and no less.

- Draft. Another reason for the poor condition of dracaena can be an ordinary draft in the room. This is especially dangerous during winter or late autumn, so at this time you should not keep these plants on the window. After all, they can get sick under the influence of cold.

- Nutrition. If you are trying hard to take care of your dracaena, but it is still listless in appearance and not viable, then try to analyze your care. May cause a flower ailment is a lack of vitamins. Ask experienced gardeners, try different types of fertilizers, top dressing intended for indoor plants. Sometimes sluggish leaves and slow plant growth are a sign that your flower in the pot is very crowded, so you need to carefully transplant it into a wide pot. This is best done in early spring, and the soil is better to take in the form of landless mixtures.

Dracaena can lower its leaves even after transplanting, for a week it can continue to hurt, and if after this period the former elasticity and brightness did not return to the flower, then a special growth stimulator should be applied.

In addition to all the possible reasons why dracaena dropped leaves, the content of the plant in winter with a temperature of no higher than 18 degrees Celsius in the room. However, if the temperature is at least a few degrees higher, the plant will forever lower its leaves down along the trunk (typical for all species of ficus with large leaves that are contained in apartments with central heating).

To prevent such unpleasant consequences, you just need to follow all the basic rules for caring for dracaena, then this plant will always please you with a beautiful view. Maintain the desired temperature, place it in bright diffused light, constantly monitor the humidity in the room and do not fill it with large amounts of water.

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