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Dracaena lowered the leaves after transplanting. My dracaena lowered leaves, what should I do? Transshipment is the best way to transplant

Dracaena - although this is not a very whimsical houseplant, nevertheless, it requires compliance with individual care rules: the appropriate temperature, humidity level and so on. A critical violation of these rules can provoke various plant ailments that are reflected not only in the appearance and which can lead to the death of dracaena. One of the common problems, the causes and solutions of which will be discussed below, is the omission of the leaves of the plant, which usually grow up.

The main reasons why dracaena leaves fall

The most likely include:

  1. Excessively cold temperature in the room (in particular, exacerbated by drafts). The optimum temperature for the growth and development of the plant is from 18 to 24 ° C above zero. Lower temperatures can cause the leaves to drop. In order to avoid this or to cope with the problem that has already arisen, it is necessary to remove the plant from the place where it can be purged with drafts, and also to create the optimal temperature regime mentioned above in the room.
  2. Excessive soil moisture. It can be triggered by frequent watering or an excessively wide pot, contributing to stagnation of moisture. This requires two basic rules. The first is to avoid frequent watering and allow the soil to dry between watering, the second - you need to choose a pot that is quite deep, but small in diameter (for a plant up to 15 centimeters tall, the optimal diameter of the pot is 10 to 15 centimeters; the height of the pot is 12-15 centimeters) .
  3. Lack of moisture for the outer surface of the leaves. Dracaena receives part of the nutrition and hydration through the surface of the leaves. In this regard, once every two to three days it is required to spray the leaves from the spray with water at room temperature.
  4. Lack of oxygen saturation. First of all, it is important to maintain the saturation of the soil with oxygen. For this, drainage is created when planting / replanting dracaena. And it is also necessary to carry out periodic loosening of the soil.
  5. Excessive use of fertilizers. For the growth and development of dracaena, it is advisable to use organic fertilizers in small quantities - peat, manure, humus and so on. Mineral fertilizers can be completely abandoned and used only if there are symptoms of a particular disease of dracaena, due to a lack of certain nutrients.
  6. Exposure to direct sunlight can also cause yellowing and dropping of dracaena leaves. The plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can contribute to the degradation and death of the plant. Dracaena should be in a lit room, but not on the sunny side of the room.

Dracaena is a very delicate flower that requires proper care, not experimentation with it. It is necessary to transplant the plant in clean, new soil, to water it - no more than once a week, and with mineral - organic fertilizer - only twice a month.

One of the most problematic species of dracaena is Bamboo of Happiness and Marginata, although other species of this plant also undergo various diseases. Dracaena is a very demanding plant, afraid of drafts. It is recommended to remove it from bright light and put it in a moderately lit place. Leaves to the maximum to remove from the bottom up. Only leave small leaves on top of the head. This method should help for palm renewal. It is strictly forbidden to transfer Dracaena, there should not be an excess of water in the pot.

The main reasons why dracaena dropped leaves

- Moisture. The primary reason is precisely the presence of low humidity in the room where this plant is located. After all, this flower is considered a southern plant that is adapted for tropical conditions, so for it the humidity in the air should not be lower than 60-70%. And in ordinary apartments, mostly air humidity is lower, and in winter especially when hot batteries, different heaters heat and dry it, then the humidity can drop to 20%, which can very badly affect these plants. In this regard, all gardeners need to additionally humidify the air in the premises, regularly spraying rooms where there are plants, or purchase a special humidifier or put a container of water near the battery, then the water will evaporate under the influence of high temperature and thereby increase humidity.

There are also other causes of Dracaena ailment. These include incorrect or poor watering, which lead your flower to a deplorable state. Do not forget that such a flower should be watered only when the earth becomes dry in the pot, about once a week, no more and no less.

- Draft. Another reason for the poor condition of dracaena can be an ordinary draft in the room. This is especially dangerous during winter or late autumn, so at this time you should not keep these plants on the window. After all, they can get sick under the influence of cold.

- Nutrition. If you are trying hard to look after your dracaena, but it is still listless in appearance and unviable, then try to analyze your care. May cause a flower ailment is a lack of vitamins. Ask experienced gardeners, try different types of fertilizers, fertilizing, designed for indoor plants. Sometimes sluggish leaves and slow plant growth are a sign that your flower in the pot is very crowded, so you need to carefully transplant it into a wide pot. This is best done in early spring, and the soil is better to take in the form of landless mixtures.

Dracaena can lower its leaves even after transplanting, for a week it can continue to hurt, and if after this period the former elasticity and brightness did not return to the flower, then a special growth stimulator should be applied.

In addition to all the probable reasons why the dracaena dropped leaves, the content of the plant in winter with a temperature of no higher than 18 degrees Celsius in the room. However, if the temperature is at least a few degrees higher, the plant will forever lower its leaves down along the trunk (typical for all species of ficus with large leaves that are contained in apartments with central heating).

To prevent such unpleasant consequences, you just need to follow all the basic rules for caring for dracaena, then this plant will always delight you with a beautiful view. Maintain the desired temperature, place it in bright diffused light, constantly monitor the humidity in the room and do not pour in large amounts of water.

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- Although this is not a very fastidious indoor plant, it nevertheless requires the observance of individual care rules: the appropriate temperature regime, humidity level, and so on. A critical violation of these rules can provoke various plant ailments that are reflected not only in the appearance and which can lead to the death of dracaena. One of the common problems, the causes and solutions of which will be discussed below, is the omission of the leaves of the plant, which usually grow up.

The main reasons why dracaena leaves fall

The most likely include:

  1. Excessively cold temperature in the room (in particular, exacerbated by drafts). The optimum temperature for the growth and development of the plant is from 18 to 24 ° C above zero. Lower temperatures can cause the leaves to drop. In order to avoid this or to cope with the problem that has already arisen, it is necessary to remove the plant from the place where it can be purged with drafts, and also to create the optimal temperature regime mentioned above in the room.
  2. Excessive soil moisture. It can be triggered by frequent watering or an excessively wide pot, contributing to stagnation of moisture. This requires two basic rules. The first is to avoid frequent watering and allow the soil to dry between watering, the second - you need to choose a pot that is quite deep, but small in diameter (for a plant up to 15 centimeters tall, the optimal diameter of the pot is 10 to 15 centimeters; the height of the pot is 12-15 centimeters) .
  3. Lack of moisture for the outer surface of the leaves. Dracaena  receives part of the nutrition and hydration through the surface of the leaves. In this regard, once every two to three days it is required to spray the leaves from the spray with water at room temperature.
  4. Lack of oxygen saturation. First of all, it is important to maintain the saturation of the soil with oxygen. For this, drainage is created when planting / replanting dracaena. And it is also necessary to carry out periodic loosening of the soil.
  5. Excessive use of fertilizers. For growth and development dracaena  it is advisable to use organic fertilizers in small quantities - peat, manure, humus and so on. Mineral fertilizers can be completely abandoned and used only if there are symptoms of a particular disease of dracaena, due to a lack of certain nutrients.
  6. Exposure to direct sunlight can also cause yellowing and drooping leaves. dracaena. The plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, which can contribute to the degradation and death of the plant. Dracaena should be in a lit room, but not on the sunny side of the room.

The most problematic types of dracaena are Marginata and Bamboo of Happiness, but other species of this plant are susceptible to various diseases. The causes of malaise dracaena can be very different.


The first reason is rightly considered low humidity in the room. A flower of this species is considered to be a southern plant adapted for a tropical climate, and the humidity in the air for it should be at least 60-70%. In apartments, humidity is usually lower, especially in winter, hot batteries and heaters dry and heat it, humidity usually drops to 20%, and this is bad for plants. Therefore, gardeners are advised to additionally moisten the air, regularly spray the room in which the plants are located, you can also buy a special humidifier or just put a vessel with water near the batteries, the water will evaporate and increase humidity.

However, there are other reasons for such ailments of dracaena. Bad or improper watering can also lead a flower to a bad state. Remember that this flower should be watered only when the earth in its pot becomes dry. However, do not abuse it, water dracaena about once a week, no more, and no less.


Strange as it may seem, the third reason for the poor condition of the flower is a simple draft in your room. It can be especially dangerous in winter or late autumn, so you should not keep plants on the window. Dracaena can really get sick from the effects of the cold, in fact, catch a cold.

In order to prevent such unpleasant consequences, just follow the basic rules for caring for dracaena, and it will always delight your eye. Keep it in a bright, but diffused light, maintain the correct temperature, monitor the humidity in the house, do not water the earth in a pot.


If, with all the efforts, your dracaena still looks lethargic and unviable, try to analyze your departure. Perhaps the reason for the flower’s malaise lies in the fact that it lacks vitamins. Consult with experienced gardeners, try various fertilizers, fertilizing for indoor plants.

Sluggish leaves and slow growth are a sign that the flower is closely in the pot, so carefully transplant it into a spacious pot. It is advisable to do this in early spring, and use soilless mixtures as soil.

He will lower the sheets of dracaena and after transplantation, it will hurt for at least a week, if after this period the former elasticity and brightness did not return, you need to use a growth stimulator.

Dracaena has an original look that attracts attention against the background of the overall interior design.

Such a palm tree is quite popular among lovers of indoor plants and due to its simple care.

In numerous photos you can see beautiful trees with a luxurious crown, which have grown to unimaginable sizes. This happened due to the positive qualities of the plant.

At some point, the ends of the leaves of the dracaena dry. This can happen for several reasons.

It is important to determine the source of the problem, as this will help in the process of treatment and recovery.

In order not to lose the plant, immediate recovery measures must be taken.

If we take into account and prevent negative effects on the plant, then there will simply not be problems with the drying of the ends of the leaves.

Reasons why leaves fall and fall

Sometimes it happens that the dracaena drops leaves after they are fully or partially lowered.

There are only three reasons why the green part of the dracaena falls first down, and then completely falls.

Why dracaena throws off leaves:

  1. If the plant is more than 3 years old, then the leaves fall off due to old age.
  2. If the dracaena lowered the green part and the leaves have already begun to fall from below, then the flower is poorly watered.
  3. Low temperature for the plant is the main reason for leaf falling.

By the way the leaves went down and fell, you can determine the cause of “baldness”. The nature of the fall is pronounced in each of the cases, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

Attention! The Marginata dracaena variety most often undergoes “baldness” and leaf dropping.

From old age, the leaves fall off completely, being replaced by new units.

With poor watering, the leaves are in a lowered state for a long time, turn yellow and then fall off. From the cold there is a loss of still green leaves.

Brown spots

Often brown spots appear on the green crown of the dracaena, which catastrophically threaten the life of the flower.

Each problem stains its own brown color, which has particular distinguishing features.

Causes of brown spots:

Why the trunk blackens and dries: plant diseases

The following metamorphoses can occur as a result of the vital activity of such organisms with dracaena: the trunk dries, the leaves change color, the trunk becomes soft or empty.

In the fight against diseases and pests, it is important not to overdo it with treatment, as this can also negatively affect the condition of the flower.

Attention! Sometimes a flower affects several diseases at the same time, so an integrated approach to treatment may be required.

To treat the plant correctly, it is better to consult a specialized store.

How to help Dracaena

In order not to bring the flower to a terrible state, you need to properly care for it. Proper care is the best help for dracaena.

If any malfunctions occur, it is important to decide how to help the plant in any circumstances. There are several options for salvation, each of which corresponds to the situation.

What to do to save dracaena in some situations:

  1. For any type of disease, special sprays and “medications” will be needed.
  2. You can reanimate dracaena exclusively by transplanting into another container with new soil.
  3. To eradicate problems with spots on the greenery of the crown, it is worthwhile to establish a watering regime and find a suitable place in the room.
  4. Once every 2-3 years you need to transplant the plant into a new pot with suitable soil.

It is easy to save the plant if you follow the basic rules regarding transplantation and subsequent care. It is worthwhile to carefully monitor the indoor plant, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

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