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Topping pepper after planting in a greenhouse. How to feed peppers after planting in a greenhouse for growth. The most common mistakes

Bell pepper belongs to the nightshade family and is a heat-loving plant, depending on the climate of the region, it can grow in soil, greenhouses or greenhouses. This vegetable is demanding on potassium and nitrogen, so the question often arises: how to feed pepper in a greenhouse? When feeding, varietal features should be taken into account.

At the initial stages, plants simply need phosphorus fertilizers, since they stimulate root development, and preparations containing calcium and nitrogen should be used to stimulate the formation of fruits. The soil substrate in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse for peppers should also have sufficient fertility, if the soil is sparse, peppers can stop growing and not give such desired fruits.

Pepper is a very thermophilic plant, and it is in the greenhouse that all optimal conditions of humidity and temperature are created, as a result of which bell peppers from the greenhouse will delight you with their appearance and taste.

    Greenhouse soil preparation

    Feeding Technique

    First application

    Second application

    Feeding Mode


Greenhouse soil preparation

Growth processes directly depend on the composition of the soil in which the seedlings of peppers are planted, so before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare greenhouse soil.

For this, measures should be taken to disinfect the soil; for this, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 l of solution per square meter) is used. Before planting make the following solutions:

  • a solution of rotted manure, one liter of mullein, a spoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters of liquid is used for its preparation. Such a solution is applied in a dose of five liters per meter approximately 5-6 days before planting seedlings of pepper;
  • a mixture of 20 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and azofoski;
  • to prevent the appearance of excess dampness, the soil should be sprinkled with ash or dolomite flour, these substances can avoid an increase in acidity;
  • the introduction of sawdust, rotted manure and peat into the soil can improve its structure, sometimes crushed eggshells are used for these purposes.

In some cases, greenhouse soil is prepared in the fall, and 5 kilograms of fertilizer per meter can be used as nitrogen fertilizer, and superphosphate can be applied at a dose of 50 grams per meter.

After autumn top dressing, in the spring it is enough to dig the soil with a turnover of the reservoir.

Varieties of peppers grown in greenhouses should have a long growing season. Famous varieties of pepper for greenhouses are:

  • Amika F1 is an exotic look of peppers with cream-colored fruits;
  • The Golden Pheasant;
  • "Sun";
  • "Orange Miracle";
  • “Veronica”, “Anastasia”, “Kolobok”, “Shorokshary” possess red fruits.

Feeding Technique

To cultivate pepper in a greenhouse, it is very important not to abuse fertilizers, therefore it is enough to introduce useful elements every two weeks.

Pre peppers should be abundantly watered and only then fertilizer should be applied.

Then carry out loosening, if the soil surface is covered with mulch, loosening is not necessary. Organics and minerals must be correctly alternated throughout the entire growing process.

For proper top dressing, the following terms and proportions must be observed.

First application

At the initial stage, peppers are fed in the greenhouse 10-15 days after placing the pepper bushes in a permanent place.

Often seedlings are planted at the stage of reaching a height of 20 cm. At the time of formation of the ovaries, bird droppings should be made, observing the dosage of 1 part of the litter and 10 parts of water.

Important! Experienced vegetable growers recommend using herbs and microelements as microelements. In this case, various herbs (nettle, wood lice, sow thistle) are finely chopped, two pinches of wood ash and a bucket of rotted manure are added, put all this in a container of 100 l and add water.

In this case, the herbal gruel should be about 8 kilograms. Such a solution is insisted for 10 days, after which they are watered, approximately 1.5 liters per bush.

Second application

The second time, peppers are fed after 15 days, it is during this period that alternation should be taken into account, that is, if at the beginning you treated with mineral fertilizers, then the next time it is carried out with organo-containing elements.

As a top dressing, the following composition of useful substances is used: a glass of urea, half a bucket of bird droppings of rotted manure, all the components are poured into a container or container with a capacity of 100 l and water is added.

Then they are allowed to stand for 8 days, after which they are irrigated, at the rate of 5 liters of solution per meter.

The saturated green color of the leaves and stems indicates that the soil contains an excessive nitrogen content, in these cases, you should prepare this mixture: add 10 teaspoons of potassium sulfate and superphosphate to 10 liters of water.

Spraying or foliar top dressing solves several problems:

  • to stimulate growth processes, peppers are sprayed with a solution: one teaspoon of urea per 10 liters of water;
  • if pepper discards leaves and fruit ovaries should be fed with a solution: a teaspoon of boric acid and 10 liters of water;
  • if the fruits are sung unevenly, then it is necessary to spray with a mixture of one teaspoon of superphosphate and 5 l of water.

To protect plants in the greenhouse from pests, spraying with an aqueous ash solution is carried out.

Important! Pepper negatively relates to excess nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such an excess leads to the formation of a saturated green ground mass, but inhibits the formation of ovaries and fruits.

Feeding Mode

To develop a feeding regimen during the growing season should be based on what fertilizers were applied to the soil in autumn and spring.

Peppers that grow in small greenhouses should be fed approximately once every two weeks 3 times per season.

Phosphorus fertilizers should be applied throughout the entire period, it can be said, from seed to the period of fruit formation.

Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system and accelerates the ripening of fruits.

Almost the same effect is exerted by magnesium and calcium, so timely and regular application of such fertilizers will help to get excellent yields of fragrant peppers.

Peppers need organic fertilizers throughout the entire period, the main requirement for such fertilizers is the introduction of drugs in small doses.

Important! To preserve the bushes, fresh manure should not be used as organic fertilizer, as it can cause damage and the bushes will simply burn out.

An effective fertilizer is a solution containing:

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 20 grams.
  2. Potassium sulfate - 30 grams.
  3. Superphosphate - 40 gr.
  4. 10 liters of water.

Carry out regular inspections of the bushes, and if you find the following undesirable symptoms:

  1. Twisting the edges of the sheet plates indicates a lack of potassium.
  2. If a darkened color (violet) appears on the back of the leaves of the pepper, this indicates a lack of phosphorus elements.
  3. The gray color of the stems and leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen.

In such cases, top dressing by spraying will help you, a huge plus of foliar top dressing is that the nutrients in this way quickly penetrate the leaves and stems and have a positive effect.

In rare cases, additional feeding is carried out, which have a targeted effect, for example:

  • strengthening growth processes;
  • acceleration of ripening effects;
  • stimulation of the formation of ovaries.


From the above information, it is easy to understand that in order to get a good harvest of peppers, three important steps should be done:

  • the right choice of variety;
  • prepare the soil well;
  • to develop a competent feeding scheme and know exactly how to feed peppers in a greenhouse.

Observing all the stages, be sure that you will delight your loved ones with the sweet and fragrant fruits of bell pepper. Good luck

Pepper, like tomatoes, eggplant, belongs to the nightshade family. All these vegetable crops respond very well to mineral fertilizers applied to the soil, especially potassium and nitrogen, but only pepper needs them slightly higher than tomatoes. Chloride does not tolerate pepper well. Because of this, when fertilizing, components with a minimum chlorine content should be used, and even better, without it at all.

The composition of mineral fertilizers that are applied to the soil strongly depends on the variety of planted seedlings, as well as on its age, weather conditions and the size and number of ovaries formed.

It should be understood for what purpose fertilizers are applied. So for normal growth and development, from the time of the appearance of the first sprouts to the beginning of fruit formation, pepper needs phosphorus fertilizers. During the entire time of growth, development and fruiting, he needs nitrogen and calcium. In the period when the plants actively form the ovaries, in order for them to develop normally, it is necessary to feed with potash fertilizers.

So, if there is cloudy, not very sunny weather on the street for quite some time, then you need to increase the amount of potash fertilizers by about 20%. In the case of constant sunny weather, reduce the amount of potash fertilizers also by 20%.

Before embarking on planting seedlings in beds, they must be specially prepared and fertilized. The following fertilizers must be introduced into the greenhouse soil, based on 1m 2:

  • 1 hour a spoonful of potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 glass of wood ash;
  • ½ bucket of humus or compost (last year).

The above mineral fertilizers can be replaced by a complex, preferably specialized, introducing approximately 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons per m 2. Before applying, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. If the fertilizer contains a large amount of chlorine, then it is better not to use it, since pepper very poorly tolerates this substance. (See Fertilizing a tomato in a greenhouse)

After the fertilizers have been applied, it is necessary to loosen or a shallow digging of the ridge, after which it should be shed with warm water and covered with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, up to the time of planting.

Basic Rules

  1. Peppers are fed every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, standing water. Its temperature should be close to the soil temperature in the greenhouse (approximately +25 0 С).
  2. Before feeding, each plant should be watered with warm water, and only then fertilizer should be applied.
  3. After the procedure has been carried out, the soil around each plant should be superficially loosened if it is not mulched.
  4. It is necessary to alternate fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Any top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil. Therefore, a couple of days before this, the plants must be properly shed.

Important: do not give the pepper an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, as this will lead to the plants growing a large green mass, to the detriment of the setting and development of the fruit.

Organization of the procedure during the season

When to feed?

The timing of the beginning of feeding depends on at what time and in what volume, how and by what, the ridge on which the pepper was planted was refueled. If in the autumn compost or humus was laid in the soil, and in the spring during digging, the earth was fertilized with mineral fertilizers, then there is less need for fertilizers and fertilizing can be carried out somewhat later.

Peppers planted in small greenhouses can be fed less frequently - once every 15-20 days.

First feeding

Planting pepper seedlings in a greenhouse is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 15-25 cm, it has at least 8 real leaves and buds are already planted. Thus, about 14-15 days after transplanting peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom.

It was at this time that the first top dressing of peppers was carried out in the greenhouse. You can use a solution of any bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1:15, which has been infused for at least 5 days, or a liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:10, which has been infused for a week.

In the event that there is no organic fertilizer, then you can dissolve 40 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and settled water.

Tip: a very good fertilizer containing all the necessary micro and macro elements for plants is the so-called “herbal tea”. Making it yourself is very simple: nettle, wood louse, dandelion, plantain or coltsfoot, that is, any weeds that you remove from your site are chopped or chopped.

It is important that the plants have no seeds and roots. All this green “pulp”, the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will fit in a 100 liter barrel. There they lay 1 glass of any ash and a bucket of mullein. Water is barrel-boiled, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed.

The resulting composition should be infused for at least a week. The first top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse, and of any other crops, including pepper, is 1-2 l for each plant.

Two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of the ovaries and the development of the fruits, a second feeding is carried out.

Second feeding

In the event that the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, the second should contain organic substances. To do this, you can breed 1 glass of urea, ½ bucket of any bird droppings, 1 bucket of last year’s manure in a 100 liter barrel. All components are filled with water and left to infuse for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of solution for each 1m 2.

In the event that you notice the fragility of the stems or shoots of peppers, as well as saturated dark green leaves, indicating an excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil, you can feed the plants by dissolving 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Foliar top dressing

During the entire period of growth and development of peppers, plants need both calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as trace elements such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese.

A good way to convey all these necessary and important substances to the plant is foliar top dressing, in other words, spraying the entire plant with a fertilizer solution.

If the plants grow poorly, foliar top dressing will help to stimulate the processes of growth and development. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of urea in 10 l of water.

In the event that the plants began to shed flowers and ovaries, foliar feeding of peppers with a solution of boric acid (a solution of 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water) can help. When the fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1 hour. tablespoons of superphosphate in 5 liters of water.

Before starting spraying, the prepared solutions should be filtered and then sprayed with a spray bottle.

In order to protect the pepper in the greenhouse from pests such as spider mites and aphids, as well as increase the resistance of this culture to various diseases, it is recommended that foliar feeding of plants be carried out periodically with an aqueous ash solution that contains all the necessary elements.

Pepper refers to nightshade crops that require special care in terms of applying mineral and organic fertilizers. This seedlings can be grown in greenhouses, which allows you to get fruits long before their seasonal appearance on open beds. Feeding peppers in a greenhouse is the most important component of the proper cultivation of this plant, without which it is not only difficult, but almost impossible to get a good harvest. How to fertilize peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, with what frequency and to what extent - in our article.

Soil preparation in the greenhouse

As a rule, soil preparation and fertilizing is performed either in the autumn season, after harvesting, or in spring. Summer residents, that is, those who grow vegetables, as they say, immediately on the table, prefer the second option. In this case, at least 10 days before the planting material is planted in the soil of the greenhouse, it must be enriched with nutrients.

Spring work with soil

For these purposes, you should prepare such a mixture:

  • potassium sulfate - 15 grams;
  • superphosphate preparation –30 grams;
  • wood ash –7-8 tablespoons;
  • decayed manure or compost - half a bucket.

Dosage is based on the treatment of m2 of land. For lack of the above components, you can use ready-made specialized mineral feed. Preparations of this category, for the most part, are made at the rate of two tablespoons per m2 of soil.

As part of mineral fertilizers, the amount of chlorine should be minimal.

Before using any finished product, be sure to read its composition. In the presence of chlorine, it is better to refuse such a product, since pepper, in principle, does not tolerate it well, and with an excess begins to instantly wither.

After applying a complex of fertilizers to the soil, a shallow cultivation of the beds is necessary. After that, abundant watering is carried out with warm water. It is imperative that the water temperature is in the range of 20-25 ° C. This will help nutrients absorb faster into the ground.

After watering, the ground is closed with a colorless film base, which is removed immediately before transplanting.

Autumn works

This is a more favorable field of work, which allows to better prepare the soil for planting. Autumn work to increase soil fertility is a key factor in ensuring the growth and development of crops next year.

Before winter, complex mineral complexes are not introduced into the soil. It’s enough to use organics:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • bird droppings;
  • peat.

These components are mixed in equal parts, the composition covers the beds and dig.

After fertilizing, the beds must be dug up

With this article they read: Mold in a greenhouse - ways to combat and prevent

How to organize seasonal feeding

First of all, it is worth figuring out when it is necessary to make fertilizers.

The timing

Fertilizer application time largely depends on the autumn tillage. So, if in the autumn the land was cultivated with compost or humus, and in the spring, mineral preparations were added to it, then the quantitative proportion of fertilizer will be minimal, and the timing of their introduction will be late.

Pepper seedlings, as well as tomatoes, as well as eggplants planted in small greenhouse shelters, are fed once every 15-20 days.

VIDEO: When, how and how to feed pepper in a greenhouse

After transplanting seedlings

If seedlings were planted in a greenhouse shelter in a timely manner, when the sprouts already had at least 8 full leaves, then 15 days after transplanting, mass flowering is observed.

It is during this period that plants need first feeding. For this, as a rule, a solution of bird droppings diluted in water purified from chlorine at the rate of 1:15, respectively, is used. Before irrigation, such a mixture should be infused for at least five days. Bird droppings can be replaced with liquid mullein, diluting it in water in a proportion of 1:10. In this case, the infusion time is seven days.

Chicken droppings as fertilizer

For lack of organic components, seedling treatment with a solution based on the following components is allowed:

  • superphosphate substances - 30 g;
  • ammonia-based nitrate –20 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 15 g.

All ingredients are dissolved in a ten-liter bucket.

In addition, there is also fertilizing seedlings of tomatoes and peppers with folk remedies. This is the so-called "herbal infusion", which can be easily prepared on their own. To do this, you need the following ingredients:

  • nettle leaves;
  • wood lice;
  • dandelion tops;
  • plantain leaves.

All greens are finely chopped with a knife. One condition is that there should not be seed elements or rhizomes on plants. In the final count, about 6.5 kg of green porridge of a similar mixture should be obtained, which is placed in a 100-liter container. As a last, a barrel is perfect. To the pulp is added wood ash in the amount of one glass and a bucket of mullein. After that, the contents are poured with non-chlorinated water and everything is thoroughly mixed.

You can use such a composition 15 days after preparation. The consumption rate is 1.5 liters per plant bush. Re-introduction of "herbal infusion" is carried out after 15 days after the first vitaminization procedure.

This article reads: Wood ash as fertilizer for the soil.

Fertilizer folk remedies

To ensure the full cultivation of this nightshade culture, it is necessary to alternate the complexes. So, if the first feeding, which was introduced into the soil, was mineral, then the second must necessarily be based on organic substances. And vice versa.

You can try one of the effective recipes: for a 100-liter container we take one glass of urea, half a bucket of bird droppings and a bucket of decayed manure. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, poured with water and infused for a week. Such an infusion is applied at the rate of 5.5 liters per m2 of land.

Mineral fertilizers, which include superphosphate, must be prepared at least 24 hours before use. This is due to the fact that superphosphate substances are very poorly soluble in water. And the indicated time period is quite enough for this component to completely dissolve.

Foliar application

During the entire period of seedling growth, it requires regular mineral and organic nutrition. And in order to provide the plant with all these microelements, experts recommend resorting to foliar feeding when a leafy culture system and its stems are irrigated with a nutrient solution.

With wilting leaves and the absence of damage, foliar top dressing is performed

For example, if you are stunted, you can use urea-based irrigation baths (a teaspoon of 10 liters of water). And when dropping ovaries and flowers, an infusion of boric acid (a teaspoon per ten-liter bucket) is great.

To stimulate good fruiting, irrigation is carried out with a composition of superphosphates (2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water).

Before spraying the plant with a mineral or organic solution, strain it through a sieve. This will prevent the ingress of insoluble particles of fertilizer on the foliage, which can lead to burns.

In order to protect the vegetation from ticks, aphids and increase resistance to all kinds of diseases characteristic of nightshade crops, experts advise treating the vegetation with a solution based on wood ash once every two weeks.

How to fertilize pepper

  1. Solanaceae are fed every two weeks, alternating not only the type of nutritious feed, but also the method (foliar with root).
  2. Before entering the fertilizer, the seedlings are plentifully watered with warm water.
  3. After root irrigation, shallow cultivation and mulching of the soil is carried out to maintain moisture.

Mulching can be done with straw or dry cut grass

Here, in fact, all the nuances of feeding peppers in a greenhouse. We hope these tips will help you get a high-quality and high yield.

VIDEO: Tips for growing bell pepper in a greenhouse

Proper feeding of sweet peppers in the greenhouse

Bell pepper belongs to the nightshade family and is a heat-loving plant, depending on the climate of the region, it can grow in soil, greenhouses or greenhouses. This vegetable is demanding on potassium and nitrogen, so the question often arises: how to feed pepper in a greenhouse? When feeding, varietal features should be taken into account.

At the initial stages, plants simply need phosphorus fertilizers, since they stimulate root development, and preparations containing calcium and nitrogen should be used to stimulate the formation of fruits. The soil substrate in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse for peppers should also have sufficient fertility, if the soil is sparse, peppers can stop growing and not give such desired fruits.

Pepper is a very thermophilic plant, and it is in the greenhouse that all optimal conditions of humidity and temperature are created, as a result of which bell peppers from the greenhouse will delight you with their appearance and taste.

Greenhouse soil preparation

Growth processes directly depend on the composition of the soil in which the seedlings of peppers are planted, so before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare greenhouse soil. For this, measures should be taken to disinfect the soil; for this, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 l of solution per square meter) is used. Before planting make the following solutions:

  • a solution of rotted manure, one liter of mullein, a spoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters of liquid is used for its preparation. Such a solution is applied in a dose of five liters per meter approximately 5-6 days before planting seedlings of pepper;
  • a mixture of 20 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and azofoski;
  • to prevent the appearance of excess dampness, the soil should be sprinkled with ash or dolomite flour, these substances can avoid an increase in acidity;
  • the introduction of sawdust, rotted manure and peat into the soil can improve its structure, sometimes crushed eggshells are used for these purposes.

In some cases, greenhouse soil is prepared in the fall, and 5 kilograms of fertilizer per meter can be used as nitrogen fertilizer, and superphosphate can be applied at a dose of 50 grams per meter. After autumn top dressing, in the spring it is enough to dig the soil with a turnover of the reservoir.

Varieties of peppers grown in greenhouses should have a long growing season. Famous varieties of pepper for greenhouses are:

  • Amika F1 is an exotic look of peppers with cream-colored fruits;
  • The Golden Pheasant;
  • "Sun";
  • "Orange Miracle";
  • “Veronica”, “Anastasia”, “Kolobok”, “Shorokshary” possess red fruits.

Feeding Technique

To cultivate pepper in a greenhouse, it is very important not to abuse fertilizers, therefore it is enough to introduce useful elements every two weeks. Pre peppers should be abundantly watered and only then fertilizer should be applied.

Then carry out loosening, if the soil surface is covered with mulch, loosening is not necessary. Organics and minerals must be correctly alternated throughout the entire growing process. For proper top dressing, the following terms and proportions must be observed.

First application

At the initial stage, peppers are fed in the greenhouse 10-15 days after placing the pepper bushes in a permanent place. Often seedlings are planted at the stage of reaching a height of 20 cm. At the time of formation of the ovaries, bird droppings should be made, observing the dosage of 1 part of the litter and 10 parts of water.

Important! Experienced vegetable growers recommend using herbs and microelements as microelements. In this case, various herbs (nettle, wood lice, sow thistle) are finely chopped, two pinches of wood ash and a bucket of rotted manure are added, put all this in a container of 100 l and add water.

In this case, the herbal gruel should be about 8 kilograms. Such a solution is insisted for 10 days, after which they are watered, approximately 1.5 liters per bush.

Second application

The second time, peppers are fed after 15 days, it is during this period that alternation should be taken into account, that is, if at the beginning you treated with mineral fertilizers, then the next time it is carried out with organo-containing elements.

As a top dressing, the following composition of nutrients is used: a glass of urea, half a bucket of bird droppings of rotted manure, all components are poured into a container or container with a capacity of 100 l and water is added, then allowed to settle for 8 days, after which irrigation is carried out, at the rate of 5 l solution per meter.

The saturated green color of the leaves and stems indicates that the soil contains an excessive nitrogen content, in these cases, you should prepare this mixture: add 10 teaspoons of potassium sulfate and superphosphate to 10 liters of water.

Spraying or foliar top dressing solves several problems:

  • to stimulate growth processes, peppers are sprayed with a solution: one teaspoon of urea per 10 liters of water;
  • if pepper discards leaves and fruit ovaries should be fed with a solution: a teaspoon of boric acid and 10 liters of water;
  • if the fruits are sung unevenly, then it is necessary to spray with a mixture of one teaspoon of superphosphate and 5 l of water.

To protect plants in the greenhouse from pests, spraying with an aqueous ash solution is carried out.

Important! Pepper negatively relates to excess nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such an excess leads to the formation of a saturated green ground mass, but inhibits the formation of ovaries and fruits.

Feeding Mode

To develop a feeding regimen during the growing season should be based on what fertilizers were applied to the soil in autumn and spring. Peppers that grow in small greenhouses should be fed approximately once every two weeks 3 times per season. Phosphorus fertilizers should be applied throughout the entire period, it can be said, from seed to the period of fruit formation.

Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system and accelerates the ripening of fruits. Almost the same effect is exerted by magnesium and calcium, so timely and regular application of such fertilizers will help to get excellent yields of fragrant peppers.

Peppers need organic fertilizers throughout the entire period, the main requirement for such fertilizers is the introduction of drugs in small doses.

Important! To preserve the bushes, fresh manure should not be used as organic fertilizer, as it can cause damage and the bushes will simply burn out.

An effective fertilizer is a solution containing:

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 20 grams.
  2. Potassium sulfate - 30 grams.
  3. Superphosphate - 40 gr.
  4. 10 liters of water.

Carry out regular inspections of the bushes, and if you find the following undesirable symptoms:

  1. Twisting the edges of the sheet plates indicates a lack of potassium.
  2. If a darkened color (violet) appears on the back of the leaves of the pepper, this indicates a lack of phosphorus elements.
  3. The gray color of the stems and leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen.

In such cases, top dressing by spraying will help you, a huge plus of foliar top dressing is that the nutrients in this way quickly penetrate the leaves and stems and have a positive effect.

In rare cases, additional feeding is carried out, which have a targeted effect, for example:

  • strengthening growth processes;
  • acceleration of ripening effects;
  • stimulation of the formation of ovaries.


From the above information, it is easy to understand that in order to get a good harvest of peppers, three important steps should be done:

  • the right choice of variety;
  • prepare the soil well;
  • to develop a competent feeding scheme and know exactly how to feed peppers in a greenhouse.

Observing all the stages, be sure that you will delight your loved ones with the sweet and fragrant fruits of bell pepper. Good luck

How to feed pepper after planting in a greenhouse?

You can get an excellent crop of peppers if you properly and correctly feed the plants in the greenhouse. Pepper refers to those crops that respond very well to the presence of mineral fertilizers in the soil. It is especially recommended to feed with nitrogen and potassium, but the chlorine content in fertilizers should be in minimal quantities, and even better if it is not in them at all.

The choice of fertilizer will depend on various factors - on the variety and age of seedlings, on its condition, on the weather. For the normal growth and development of pepper, it will be necessary during this period to introduce phosphate fertilizers into the ground until the hearths are formed. During growth and fruiting, the plant needs nitrogen and calcium. At the time of formation of the ovaries, supplements with potassium should be used.

Young plants at the time of active growth must be fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Watering should be done carefully under the root, so as not to fall on the foliage and stems.

Fertilizers for pepper in the greenhouse

Young peppers need to be fed after planting in the greenhouse not immediately, but after a couple of weeks. The best option would be to use natural fertilizers. You can breed chicken droppings (take 1 to 5), insist the mixture for at least five days. In addition to chicken droppings, a liquid mullein is suitable, which is first bred in a ratio of 1 to 10 and insisted for at least a week. If there is no organic fertilizer, then you can prepare the solution using ammonium nitrate and superphosphate (40 g each) and potassium sulfate (20 g), all this must be dissolved in ten liters of warm water. The water temperature should be approximately the same as the ground in the greenhouse (about 25 ° C). Before applying fertilizer, you must first pour pepper with warm water. And after top dressing, it is imperative to loosen the earth around the bush, if the soil is not mulched.

For the first feeding, you can prepare herbal fertilizer. To do this, you need to collect all the weed grass that is on the site (for example, dandelions, plantain or nettle) to get about six to seven kilograms. The mass should not have roots and seeds. After the greens are crushed and placed in a barrel, where a bucket of mullein and a glass of ash are added, water is poured and mixed well. After seven days, you will have ready herbal fertilizer, which is perfect for the first feeding of peppers. A liter of fertilizer should be used up for each bush.

A couple of weeks after the first feeding, they perform one more. At this point, the ovaries should begin to form on the pepper. This time, you should definitely feed the plants with organic fertilizers.

It is necessary to carefully examine the stems of plants and shoots. If they turn out to be very fragile, and the foliage has a deep dark green color, then this is a sign of the saturation of the earth with nitrogen. In this situation, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and a tablespoon of superphosphate should be diluted in warm water (10 l).

Further, during the entire growth and fruiting cycle, peppers will need different substances (zinc, iodine, manganese, calcium and others). Feeding is recommended by spraying plants from a spray bottle. It is very useful to do foliar top dressing with ash diluted in water, which includes the mass of elements necessary for pepper.

Pepper fertilizer in the greenhouse

  • Greenhouse Pepper Care
    • How to feed weak seedlings of pepper in a greenhouse?
    • Dates for fertilizing weakened peppers in a greenhouse
    • How to fertilize pepper depending on its age?
    • The correct ratio of nutrients to fertilizers
    • Spring feeding greenhouse peppers
    • Summer dressing of pepper in a greenhouse

With the onset of the warm season, you can often go outside, walk, relax and, of course, work. This applies mainly to summer cottages, because it is precisely outside the city that you have to devote a lot of time to such a process as planting various crops, processing them, watering and much more. Do not forget about the need for timely nutrition of peppers in the greenhouse and other crops, such as: cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes.

Before planting in open ground, the age of peppers should be 75-85 days.

Tools for working with pepper seedlings.

First, several important conditions must be observed. First of all, if you plant pepper in the ground not in the house, but in a greenhouse or greenhouse, you need to check the soil. It should be soft, warm and sufficiently moist. Ideal peppers grow in the area where onions or carrots were grown last season, but it is necessary to avoid the soil where tomatoes or potatoes grew the day before, since they and peppers are exposed to the harmful effects of the same pests. Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to fertilize the earth using rotted manure or compost. This will be the first top dressing of pepper in the greenhouse. If you cannot find this type of fertilizer, then in any specialized store you will definitely find something that will suit both your site and pepper.

Fertilizer should be carried out a second time no earlier than 1.5-2 weeks after the pepper is planted in the greenhouse. And in the third - during the fruiting period. Also, do not forget about the additional nutrition of pepper in the greenhouse. So, if you notice that the plant needs feeding, be sure to carry out a reserve fertilizer. This can be understood by the appearance of the stem and leaves of pepper. For example, if the basal leaves turned red, then pepper needs phosphorus, nitrogen deficiency manifests itself in the acquisition of a gray matte color by the plant, in case of a lack of potassium, the leaves dry out and begin to curl.

Each of the above additives is necessary, but their action is aimed at some kind of 1 process - flowering, fruiting and plant growth.

In any case, it is necessary to monitor the development and condition of pepper when organic fertilizers are introduced into the soil.

Organic fertilizers must be used regardless of the state of the soil and how well the pepper grows. Such feeding will not hurt, but it will not be superfluous. In order to strengthen the seedlings in the greenhouse, try to saturate the air with carbon. To do this, it is best to install a tank for digesting manure in the greenhouse and fill it with half fresh manure and half settled warm water. Fertilizing peppers even at the seedling stage allows you to create strong shoots, which subsequently are much easier to adapt to the future environment.

I feed greenhouse pepper with yeast, but there are other effective remedies: you will learn about them from this article. Solanaceae family vegetables require special care, pepper is no exception, it needs vitamins and trace elements.

Those who grow crops are interested in what should be fertilizing in greenhouse conditions, how much does it differ from fertilizing in open ground. There are no special differences, follow my recommendations, and you can get a rich harvest!

Before feeding a greenhouse plant, you need to plant it correctly. Pepper makes high demands on the soil. She must be:

  • loose
  • fertile;
  • structured;
  • breathable.

The plant is comfortable in neutral soil. I advise fertilizing greenhouse soil: apply superphosphate, wood ash or compost. If you wish, buy a ready-made substrate for greenhouses, but it will cost more. I note that not every soil mixture is suitable for pepper. When purchasing it, be careful, be sure to read the composition!

If there is chlorine among the microelements, turn out to be from a purchase, choose something safer. Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. A greenhouse plant needs to be fed with various means, and they should be alternated. If fertilizers are not applied at the right time, pepper is unlikely to please a good harvest.

Feeding Features

Fertilizer, regardless of its origin, must be applied 1 time in 14 to 16 days. Most gardeners use organics and minerals that are diluted with warm water. First, pepper is watered and only then fed. Fertilizers intended for vegetables are highly concentrated.

If you make such funds, not a field plant, it will seriously suffer. After top dressing, the soil is loosened, improving its breathability. Vegetables should not get too much nitrogen, otherwise they will begin to grow foliage, while fruiting will slow down.

If the pepper is stunted, be sure to feed it. In any case, fertilize the soil before planting seedlings. The amount of fertilizing depends on the quality of the greenhouse soil. If in the fall you fed him humus or other organics, for example, compost, you should use the purchased funds very sparingly. On average, peppers are fed every 16 to 18 days.

The first time the plant is fed 15 days after planting in the greenhouse soil. By this time, it already forms flowers. If the soil has not been fertilized in the fall, apply funds based on bird droppings. Some gardeners prefer mineral compounds to organic, use superphosphate, as well as fertilizers with potassium.

The purpose of the first top dressing is to saturate the soil with microelements. Greenhouse pepper may not have enough nitrogen, fertilizers with the missing trace element are applied to complete photosynthesis of the crop.

If you have added too much nitrogen, neutralize its effect using potassium sulfate combined with superphosphate. Experienced summer residents advise foliar top dressing. The plant is sprayed with a filtered urea solution.

Soil preparation for the greenhouse

Before planting peppers on a greenhouse, you need to perform soil disinfection. You can’t wash the new greenhouse, but disinfect the previously used one with a special solution, and then dry it. I advise you to disinfect the soil with potassium permanganate. Make a pale pink solution and add to the bed.

If the soil that you have chosen to plant peppers is too acidic, you need to add wood ash. Pepper takes root in loose soil. To improve its structure, add small sawdust or rotted manure. Experienced gardeners are advised to mulch the site when planting vegetables.

In general, greenhouse soil is no different from the one in your garden. It must be loose and fertile. In a greenhouse, it is imperative to mulch peat landings!

Natural material is a sorbent: it gives moisture to peppers, as a result they grow better in greenhouse conditions. It is worth noting that peat contains nitrogen, which is necessary for the full growth of the crop.

Fertilize bell pepper

Photophilous culture needs fertilizers. The first time it is fed on the 16th day after landing. At this time, the formation of flowers begins. It is necessary to take care of feeding in advance: chicken droppings or mullein, soak in 7 liters of water.

Prepare a solution of chicken droppings 1 part organics in 15 parts of water. Proportions for the agent with mullein: 1 part of fertilizer per 10 parts of water. If you do not want to use organics, add minerals. Take 20 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate + 10 g of potassium sulfate.

Dissolve substances in 5 l of water. Fertilize under the root. Some gardeners use the so-called "green fertilizers." Here is a recipe for one of them. Grind half a bucket of weed grass (without roots), pour 100 liters of water.

Place the mixture in a large barrel, pour 300 g of wood ash on top and add 9 l of manure. Mix the organic product thoroughly and stand for 7 days. For one adult shrub, you need to spend 2 liters. Result: the plant actively grows foliage and forms a greater number of ovaries.

Further feeding

The second time the peppers are fed after 15 days. By this time, the plants form a certain number of ovaries. If you used organic products, then this time add mineral ones.

Do not forget that feeding needs to be alternated! To prepare an effective organic product, 100 g of urea, 2.5 l of chicken manure and 5 l of rotted manure are taken. This amount is designed for 50 liters of water.

Thoroughly mix the ingredients, make the finished mixture in a week: the calculation of 5 liters per 1 square. m. If the pepper lags in growth and forms fragile twigs, and the foliage becomes dark green, it is necessary to neutralize the excess nitrogen. Add 3 g of potassium sulfate and 15 g of superphosphate to 10 liters of water.

Yeast application

Peppers can be fed with yeast, which is always available. They contain:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.

If the plant receives a yeast solution in moderate dosages, the root system will get stronger. Fertilizer will protect the culture from diseases and harmful insects. When used correctly, it stimulates the microorganisms that live in the soil (they loosen the earth, improving air exchange).

Yeast products have a significant drawback: they neutralize the action of potassium, which is necessary for the full development of plants.

To restore potassium balance, it is necessary to mix yeast with wood ash (I recommend adding 15 g to the solution). Dry yeast is often used to top pepper: they take a bar and weighing 500 g and dissolve in 2.5 l of water, insist 20 hours.

The solution in its pure form is not suitable for watering, you need to dilute it with water in a proportion of 1:10. Yeast fertilizer is applied in the summer 2 times every three months.

Do not use an expired product, the plant may suffer and even die! It is advisable to introduce yeast in dry weather in the morning or in the evening. After feeding the greenhouse peppers, sprinkle the soil with wood ash.

As you can see, feeding peppers is easy, the main thing is to make fertilizers in the indicated dosages!

Pepper refers to vegetables that are often grown in vegetable gardens. Most beginner growers think that growing bell peppers is a difficult job. However, this is far from the case if you know how to properly care for the plant.

Young bushes need regular feeding. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with how to feed peppers in the greenhouse during planting and after.


Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the planting soil. Special fertilizers are introduced into it, into which urea and a little manure are added. When planting, small pits are made for planting seedlings. The distance between them should be 25-30 cm. It is necessary to pour half a bucket of water into each prepared hole. If necessary, you can add a little potassium permanganate to it, so that the first shoots appear faster.

The first weeks after planting, seedlings must be covered with plastic wrap. To fix it, it is recommended to make special supports from wooden or metal rods. However, do not attach the film too tightly, as it will still have to be ventilated periodically.

Growing conditions

To grow sweet pepper, you must take care of creating optimal conditions. This is the only way to get the maximum amount of yield. Mandatory growing conditions include the following:

  1. It is recommended to use only slightly acidic, fertile and light soil.
  2. Daylight hours for pepper should last no more than eight hours.
  3. During cultivation, it is recommended to take care of the temperature of the air and soil. The soil should be warmed up to 20 degrees, and the air - up to 25 degrees. With a decrease in these indicators, the development of pepper can stop.
  4. It is necessary to periodically water young bushes. In this case, the first plentiful watering is carried out 2 weeks after planting. For this, only warm water is used, heated to 25 degrees.
  5. Peppers need to be fed regularly so that plants have enough potassium.

Also, each grower must necessarily know, due to what conditions, the cultivation of pepper can lead to failure:

  1. It is not recommended to use too dense soil, as it will have to be loosened regularly.
  2. Seedlings that have already been planted in the ground must not be transplanted to another place.
  3. In a greenhouse, you can not raise the temperature, as this can adversely affect the growth of bushes.
  4. Pepper should not be planted in areas where direct sunlight will fall on it, which can cause burns to young fruits.

Organic fertilizer

The first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is carried out immediately after they have been planted in the ground. Quite often, organic fertilizers are used for this, with the help of which the development and rapid growth of young bushes is ensured.


Peat fertilizing peppers in a greenhouse helps preserve nitrogen in the ground. Most often, not pure peat is used, but a mixture prepared with the addition of manure. The scheme for creating such compost is quite simple: part of the peat is mixed with manure and added to the soil. The prepared mixture can be improved with phosphorite flour. For this, about 30 kilograms of flour is added to one ton of compost.

Combined fertilizers

Often, organic residues are used to make high-quality compost. These include tops, dried grass and fallen leaves. All these components can be used to feed peppers in the greenhouse.

During composting, all ingredients are carefully rammed in a plastic or wooden container. Then they are poured with manure and infused for several months. Do not cover containers, because the compost contains too much nitrogen. In this compost, you can add a few kilograms of phosphorus and a little lime.


Many vegetable growers prefer to fertilize sweet pepper with manure. Fresh fertilizer contains a large number of aggressive elements that can harm young shoots. Therefore, it is recommended to use already settled manure, in which there are practically no harmful components.

Dung humus is ideal for fertilizing peppers in a greenhouse. Under one bush no more than three buckets of substrate are introduced. To evenly distribute manure over the site, it is recommended to use a wide rake.


Some people do not know how to feed peppers during flowering and fruiting. Quite often, ash is used for this, which contains a large amount of iron, phosphorus, manganese and boron. However, there is absolutely no nitrogen in it, so the ash is introduced in parallel with nitrogen-containing fertilizing. This fertilizer is often used in areas with dense soil and a high level of acidity. With the help of ash, the soil loosens and the pH level decreases.

Many inexperienced gardeners use it during the digging of beds, but this method is not very effective. It is recommended to use ash to spray on the surface of the soil. For this, a special mixture is prepared, which consists of 5 liters of water and one glass of ash. Then, with its help, bushes of peppers and the surface of the soil are processed.

Bird droppings

Fresh fertilizer is not recommended, as it contains urea. Most often, compost is prepared from bird droppings, into which peat, soil and turf are added. All components are mixed in the same amount and 15 liters of water are poured. Then the mixture is infused for several hours and mixed thoroughly. Sometimes iodine is added in small amounts.   To fertilize better soak, it should be applied to pre-moistened soil.

Also, bird droppings can be used as the main fertilizer. In this case, about two kilograms of fertilizer is applied per square meter. Repeat the procedure three times throughout the growing period.

Mineral fertilizers

Not everyone knows what mineral fertilizing can be used to feed peppers during cultivation. There are several varieties of fertilizers that are used most often.


Such top dressings contain not only ammonia, but also chalk, phosphorus, limestone and phosphorus gypsum. Use ammonia fertilizers very carefully. They can not be used in areas with podzolic soil, as this can adversely affect the beneficial properties of the soil.

With the correct use of ammonia top dressing, you can protect young seedlings from many diseases and increase productivity by one and a half times.


Such top dressing is almost half composed of nitrogen. If it is scattered on the surface of the soil, then almost all of the nitrogen will evaporate and ammonia will form instead. Therefore, fertilizing should be applied 5-10 cm in depth so that it does not evaporate so quickly. Urea is universal, as it can be used in hotbeds and gardens. Quite often it is used in liquid form, since an aqueous solution is better absorbed by the soil.

For feeding peppers, a special solution is created from 10-15 liters of water and 100 g of substance. Also, the mixture can be supplemented with mullein. The first time you can feed the plant a week after the start of flowering, and the second time - after 5 weeks.

Potassium salt

Fertilizer consists of chlorides that look like small crystals with a reddish tint. Many gardeners use the most successful form of potassium salt - sylvinite. It is recommended to use it in late spring or early summer. About 50 g of fertilizing is spent on one bush of pepper.


Quite often, this complex fertilizer is used to feed peppers in a greenhouse. A distinctive feature of Ammophos is that it contains such a rare substance as sulfur. It is very convenient to use Ammophos, since it is friable. This allows you to evenly apply it to the surface of the soil.

Folk remedies

To feed young peppers, various folk remedies are often used.


For seedlings of vegetables, iodine is very useful. With it, you can protect the bushes from diseases and accelerate their growth several times. Iodine is used in parallel with the watering of bell pepper, adding it to clean and settled water. To create an iodine mixture, ten grams of the substance is mixed in a bucket of water and insisted for several minutes. Iodine can also be used with potassium and phosphorus.


Vegetables are often fed with eggshells and pepper is no exception. It contains a huge amount of useful substances that pepper needs. Any person can prepare such a fertilizer. To do this, place a shell of 2-3 eggs in a small container and pour warm water. The solution is infused for 2-4 days, after which it processes the soil.

Banana peel

People who prefer to feed plants with folk remedies often use banana peels for this. With its help, you can increase the amount of potassium in the soil. If there is little potassium in the soil, then the bushes will begin to gradually fade.

To prepare top dressing, five banana skins are placed in a two-liter jar and filled with boiled water. After this, the solution is infused for several days. During this time, potassium should come out of the skins and fill with a liquid. Foliar feeding of pepper in the greenhouse is carried out three times per season.


Yeast is used to fill the soil with nutrients that are good for growing peppers in a greenhouse. To create top dressing, two tablespoons of sugar are mixed with 20 g of yeast and 10 l of water. If desired, iodine can be added to the solution.


Not everyone knows how to feed peppers after planting in a greenhouse. There are many different ways of feeding that you need to familiarize yourself with before growing peppers.