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Do I need to cut the stems of tulips after flowering. Information for the gardener: how to care for tulips after flowering? Do I need to cut leaves

"Messengers of spring" is what tulips are called in common people. At the first warm rays of the sun, delicate inflorescences begin to delight their fans with the delightful bright colors of the coming spring. But not everyone, even an experienced gardener, knows how to properly care for them. When to cut tulips after flowering what to do next. This and many other questions regarding the care of flowers, concern many connoisseurs of beauty.

So that in your garden or under the window it is always bright and sunny, plant tulips. This is a universal option that won the hearts of many gardeners amateurs. An exciting activity for every woman will be the cultivation and care of this unpretentious flower. To achieve a decent result, listen to the recommendations presented later in this article. They will help you learn how to properly care for tulips.

Tulips after flowering, what to do?

Special care for tulips and additional watering is required for tulips after the end of the flowering period. First you need to remove all the peduncles. Watering the plants and fertilizing is necessary within two weeks. It is during this period of time that the bulb is stored with nutrients for the next season.

Fertilizing the soil with wilting tulips is enough once. This will affect the formation of bulb scales, as well as the development of new children. The state of flowers next year will depend on how high quality fertilizers you choose.

How to feed the soil for tulips:

  • fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, namely: solution, aquarin, etc .;
  • beware of fertilizers that contain particles of chlorine and nitrogen;
  • use a reduced dosage to prevent chemical burns to plant cells;
  • on average, they take 30-40 grams of fertilizer per 10 l / m².

Removing tulip leaves after flowering

Do not rush to cut the leaves, as soon as the inflorescences of tulips wilted. The bulb is still in development. Premature damage to the trunk can adversely affect the future condition of the flower. It is necessary to wait until the plants are completely yellowed and only then remove all leaves.

At the same time, you can not delay the harvesting of plants, if the seed box is on the trunk for a long time, it takes all the food from the bulb and does not allow it to fully form.

The question is especially acute when pruning tulips is of interest to those who do not like yellowing and wilted flowers, which spoil the view and occupy a precious place in the flowerbed. In such cases, delete everything except one or two leaves.

Video "Tulips after flowering, care"

And to improve the appearance of the flower beds, the following proven methods are used:

  1. Initial drop-off in special baskets. The perforated surface of such containers does not allow the bulbs to deepen, and at the end of the flowering period, they can be easily removed. After planting flowers according to the season.
  2. Annual plants. It is they who can be put in a newly vacated place. First you need to grow seedlings in separate containers. After harvesting the tulip bulbs, plant late blooming annual flowers into the ground. Great for this role: dahlias, chrysanthemums, petunia, etc.
  3. A winning option from designers. The alleged neighbors of tulips are chosen so that during their vegetation and flowering, the unsightly appearance of wilted flowers was masked as much as possible. These are plants that begin to come to life closer to the summer period. You can use perennial hosts, ferns, astilbe, as well as phlox, purslane, periwinkle, etc.

But remember, if you decide to plant another flower next to the tulip bulb, be careful with watering. Excessive soil moisture can ruin the bulb.

Digging bulbs and preparing for storage

By the end of June - the first half of July, the stems dry completely. For those who decide to dig up tulips after flowering, it's time to do it.

Scheme "The life cycle of tulips"

Many gardeners argue about how often it is necessary to remove bulbs from the ground. An important argument is the creation of a favorable temperature regime for the varietal properties of the future tulip. Temperatures in the range 23–25⁰ above zero are essential for the bulbs for the next two months. In the territory of the Russian Federation, the soil is not able to warm up to such an extent. Therefore, the relevance of the annual digging of tulip bulbs on the face.

Another important reason for such a useful procedure is the disappearance of varietal characters and a decrease in the ability to reproduce tulips. It is a transplant that is able to sort out full-fledged bulbs and reject damaged and diseased ones.

It’s not enough just to know when to dig up tulips after flowering, you need to be able to properly preserve the bulbs for the next season. All bulbs should dry well during the week. A warm, darkened and well-ventilated place is well suited for these purposes. After that, they begin breeding work, namely: remove all roots and damaged scales. The selection goes on the size of the bulbs. Damaged and diseased specimens are removed.

Before planting, tulips are stored on average 2 - 2.5 months. During this period, it is important to create optimal conditions for laying flower buds in the bulb. The temperature regime fluctuates between 23–25 ° C above zero, after a month it is reduced to 15–18 ° C above zero, and a month later they are brought closer to the maximum natural temperature of 10–12 ° C above zero. Bulbs can be laid out in two layers. You should monitor the condition of the scales. Excessive drying will adversely affect future colors.

Bulb planting in the ground

It depends on what class and grade the tulip is where it is best to plant it. Lighting is one of the most important requirements of this photophilous plant. The most illuminated place on an open plot of land is selected. Avoid landing in the shade. Due to the lack of sunlight, they bloom late, and the inflorescences themselves are significantly small and weak.

With the correct observance of the above rules, you can begin to transplant flowers. September is great. Take all the onion boxes out into the open to allow them to “breathe”. In sunlight, you will clearly see which bulbs may have deteriorated during the storage period. A fungicide can be used to reprocess damaged specimens. Also, immediately before planting, you can soak all the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to remove pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

To avoid depletion of the previous soil, it is worth changing the place for the flowerbed. Bulbs can be planted in the following ways:

  • By spot landing.

To do this, vigorously loosen the earth and make indentations of 20 cm in it. The onions are evenly distributed, watered with warm water and fall asleep. Two weeks later fertilize.

  • With the help of the trench.

The chosen place is drawn and a trench is organized, the depth of which is not more than 20 cm and the width is 25 cm. The bottom of the trench is woken up with ammonium nitrate or ash. Then the onions begin to spread. At what, large ones are laid out first, then smaller ones, and at the very top are small children. Then they are sprinkled with earth.

Planting tulips in autumn

Mistakes in the autumn planting of tulips

Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes when planting flowers. What absolutely can not be done:

  1. Pressing the bulbs into the ground. This leads to injury to the roots, which will not be able to recover. It should be laid freely and then sprinkled with earth.
  2. The correct temperature condition of the landing. It should not be hot, but not cold. The recommended temperature range ranges from 7 to 10 ° C above zero. Before the onset of frost should be at least three weeks. During this period, the bulb has time to take root.
  3. With the onset of cold weather, they need to be insulated. A layer of peat or humus is well suited for this. In early spring, the first sprouts of new tulips will appear, which will delight you with their bright colors.

Compliance with simple care rules is the key to a beautiful flower bed

If you like flowers, you should know how to properly care for them. Spring opens a delightful flower season for all flower growers in the world. That is why it is important to know: how to care for tulips after a flowering period and what to do so that in the new year they bloom again in all its glory.

Flowers love care and gentle care. With proper watering, top dressing - tulips will present you with their delicate petals in the midst of the season.

After the flowering period ends, the care of the tulips does not end. The process of bulb formation and the accumulation of nutrients at this time is just beginning and will continue for several more weeks. Therefore, it is impossible to immediately get rid of the remaining foliage and dig out the tulip bulbs. To obtain high-quality seed material, it is important to water the faded plants in a timely manner and make fertilizing.

  Necessary actions after flowering

Do not stop caring for tulips even after their flowering is completed. Otherwise, the flower bulb will stop its development.   For the correct formation of bulbs, the care of tulips after flowering is as follows:

  • To get large bulbs of the kind you like, the tulip heads are cut a week after blooming before the flowers begin to crumble. This will allow the bulbs to intensively build up mass.
  • Watering does not stop until the plant is trimmed.
  • The fallen petals are immediately removed so that they do not accumulate in the axils of the leaves and do not rot.
  • Foliage is not trimmed until it completely turns yellow so that bulb development does not stop.
  • To control ripening, they dig one bulb and look at it for the presence of formed roots and brown spots on the scales.
  • In order not to injure the roots when digging the bulbs, the shovel is driven to a sufficient depth.

When watering tulips, the soil must be moistened to a depth of at least 40 cm. The root system of the plant is unable to get moisture in the deep layers of the soil, so watering should be deep.


After flowering is completed, only those plants that have completely withered and turned yellow can be pruned. In most cases, after completing the nutrition, the flower spontaneously discards the peduncle, leaves and arrow. But some varieties need additional pruning when grown.

For the accumulation of nutrients and ensuring the correct formation of bulbs, the peduncle and foliage of the plant are responsible. After flowering ends, the necessary chemical processes continue in these flower organs. Therefore, premature cutting of the remaining aerial parts of the tulip can cause the death of the bulb.

Pruning can be done no earlier than a month after flowering. Since the development of each flower is strictly individual, the accumulation of nutrients and the ripening time of the bulbs will also be different. Therefore, foliage is not mass trimmed.

  Fertilizer application

To obtain high-quality seed material, it is necessary that the soil is enriched with such beneficial substances as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. With their deficiency, flower development slows down: the stems grow thin, the flower forms small buds and an insufficient number of new bulbs. Therefore, tulips need regular feeding.

Since flower buds are formed throughout the summer, top dressing should be done not only during the growing season, but also after flowering. To do this, make potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, after diluting them in a bucket of water for irrigation. Concentration should be 2 tbsp. l on a bucket of water.

  How to dig and save bulbs?

Bulbs of tulips must be dug up every year, without leaving them in the ground for the winter. This will improve the quality of the seed and prevent infection by infectious diseases. Bulbs should be dug up after pruning the plant in late June or early July. At the same time, early varieties of tulips are first dug up and only later later.

So that the bulbs dry out faster, they are removed in sunny dry weather. After digging, the resulting material is carefully inspected. Well-developed roots should have healthy roots and brown scales. Damaged and sick need to immediately throw out. Then the selected specimens are lowered for several minutes in a 5% potassium permanganate solution and dried.

Before planting in open ground for storage, the bulbs are transferred to boxes with a mesh bottom, so that the air circulates better. Seed is placed in two layers. Prepared boxes are placed in a dark, dry place with good ventilation. The air temperature in the first month in this room should be from +23 to +25 degrees. In the second month, the temperature is lowered to +20 degrees, and before landing on a flower bed, it should be +17 degrees.

When storing bulbs, one should not allow sudden changes in temperature, this can lead to the appearance of "blind" buds.

  How to plant tulips?

The optimal time for planting tulips begins in the fall in mid-September. Then the plant will have time to take root and in spring will start to grow in March. But it is better to navigate the weather. The air temperature at this time should be from +5 to +7 degrees. In the northern regions, this period can move towards the beginning of September, and in the south tulips are planted only in early October.

Before planting, the seed is peeled and examined to find possible foci of the disease. Damaged specimens are discarded. If expensive varieties of tulips turned out to be sick, then damaged places are carefully cut with a sharp knife, capturing a small piece of healthy along with diseased tissue. Then the cut out places are dried for 20 minutes and treated with fungicide. When planting, such bulbs are planted separately from healthy ones.

The prepared material for sowing is once again treated with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate and planted in a well-lit and protected from drafts place in the country or in the garden. The site should be different from the previous habitat of tulips. For planting large bulbs, they make furrows 15 cm deep, for children, the furrow depth should be 6 cm. A distance of 30 cm is maintained between adjacent rows of tulips. Wood ash and sand are added to each furrow, which will make the soil lighter. After this, the soil is watered so that it better envelops the seed. Bulbs are laid in the furrow, observing between them a distance of 10 to 15 cm, depending on the size of the specimen. Planted plants need to be watered again so that they better take root.

It is necessary to complete the process of planting tulips in such a time that the plants have time to take root before the onset of frost. Otherwise, they may die from the cold. With the onset of cold weather, the place of planting of tulips must be covered with a layer of humus or peat.

Often, tulips, standing in a vase for 1 to 2 days, lower their heads, begin to fade. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the flowers were cut already blossoming. But more often the reason is that the conditions created for them are not suitable for them. In order for the bouquet to please its beauty for a week or longer, it is worth knowing some secrets of cutting and preserving tulips.

  How to cut tulips?

To keep the bouquet of tulips fresh longer, certain rules should be observed when cutting flowers:

  • No need to wait until the heads are fully opened - it is better to cut off the blooming flowers. If you let them ripen, then such a bouquet will not last very long.
  • The best time for cutting is early morning. Just then the buds are tightly closed. If in the morning there is no way to do this, then you can postpone the cut until late in the evening.
  • When forcing tulips, an important indicator is the length of the stem. If you want to get a bouquet with long legs, then you can cut them at the bulb itself.
  • The stem should be cut obliquely so that the length of the cut was no more than one and a half centimeters.

  How to choose flowers in the store?

If the flowers are not cut in their own area, but purchased in the store, you should pay attention to their buds. They must be tightly compressed, not opened.  Even flowers with completely green buds will do, which in a few days will turn red or yellow in color and bloom.

Stems of flowers should be dense. This can be verified by rubbing them slightly against each other. A soft creak will indicate that the stems are resilient, which means the flowers are fresh. It is worth a look at the foliage. If the leaves turn yellow, then the bouquet will not last in the vase for more than two days.

  How to store tulips without water?

If after cutting it is required to store flowers for some time without water, then you should take them apart 10 or more pieces and wrap each batch in paper.

You can not use polyethylene for this purpose, since it does not allow plants to “breathe”.

The optimal humidity level in the refrigerator for storing tulips is 97%, and the temperature is +2 ... + 4 degrees.  An ideal option would be to put convolutions with flowers in a box with an internal paraffin coating. This will minimize moisture loss. If there is no such box, then do not place fresh fruits and vegetables next to the flowers. They emit ethylene, and this negatively affects the condition of future bouquets.

This method allows you to store flowers at home without deterioration of their external properties for two weeks. It is worth remembering that the stems of plants will grow in the refrigerator, so that they do not warp, it is worth leaving a little free space. It is also used by those who need to transport flowers over long distances. Tulips that are purchased for sale in other countries, such as the Netherlands, are similarly stored during transportation.

  Secrets of the "long life" of the bouquet

So that the bouquet of tulips does not lose its attractiveness for as long as possible, before you put the flowers in the water, you need to make several cuts on the bottom of each stem. This technique will allow tulips to absorb liquid better. In addition, it is worth doing the following:

  • Remove the lower leaves: if this is not done, the water in the vase will quickly deteriorate.
  • To prevent the stems from starting to rot, dilute 4-5 drops of potassium permanganate or activated carbon (1 t.) In water.
  • Another way to prevent decay is to add an aspirin tablet or table vinegar (1 liter - 1 tbsp.).
  • To strengthen the stems of plants, immediately after cutting it is useful to put them for a day in 0. 1% solution of calcium nitrate.
  • The stems of the flowers, which for some time were cut off without water, become less resilient and can bend when they are in the vase. Therefore, it is first worth wrapping them with paper, and then placing them in water. After a few hours, the stalk turgor will return to its previous level, and the paper can be removed.

To prevent the tulips from blooming too quickly, you can purchase special preparations at the flower shop (Bud, Flora). They must be added to water in the quantity indicated on the package.

Tulips are the main decoration of the spring garden, one of the favorite flowers of all summer residents. They are famous for the beauty and variety of shades and make us happy with such coveted first bright colors. The carpet of flowering buds on the site attracts the eyes and touches, but by the end of spring the petals fall off. Often, flower growers ask themselves what to do when tulips have bloomed and how to care for the bulbs correctly so that the plants remain healthy and strong for many years.

Fertilizing and watering tulips after flowering

After the tulips wilt, it is required to remove the wilted peduncles. This is necessary so that the plant does not waste energy on ripening seeds. In this case, it is important to worry about the bulb - if it receives the necessary amount of nutrients and ripens enough, then next year it will give large and lush flowering.

Remove the tulip flower before shedding petals completely. Depending on the tulip variety, this usually occurs 5-8 days after blooming. Cut only flower heads, but not leaves and stems. If they are removed, then the bulb will not ripen well.

After the buds bloom, the plant needs increased watering over the next 2 weeks. During this period, intensive processes of accumulation of nutrients occur, therefore it is recommended to feed the plant with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Top dressing containing chlorine or nitrogen at this stage cannot be used.

Tulips have faded - do I need to cut the foliage?

Experts advise not even to cut, but to rip off the leaves of tulips with your hands after complete yellowing. This occurs 5-6 weeks after flowering. If the leaf does not come off well, then the bulb is not yet fully ripe, wait until the leaf can be easily pulled out of the ground.

If this is done prematurely, the bulb will stop developing and this will negatively affect the quality of flowering next year. In order not to lose the location of the bulb, leave the stem as a mark. If you plant tulips, alternating with other flowering plants such as irises, dry leaves and stems will not spoil the appearance of the flowerbed.

Do I need to dig up tulips after they bloom?

The assertion that tulips do not need to be dug up annually is quite common, but fundamentally wrong. Since the bulb sinks deeper into the soil over time, the distance to the surface gradually increases and may amount to more than 1.5 bayonet shovels. Accordingly, the plant needs more strength and nutrients for normal germination. In addition, the bulbs of one nest do not have the ability to develop normally, crowding each other.

After 4-5 years of being in one place, the hybrid tulip loses the dignity and characteristics of the variety, its buds become small and weak. There is a great risk that the plant will die over time.

Digging bulbs is required for varietal tulips. If you have ordinary tulips, then in order to get larger and healthier flowers without an annual transplant, plant them on a grid - an ordinary grid of potatoes. Or buy special pots for bulbs with holes. This will prevent the bulbs from going deeper into the soil. Because these pots are usually quite expensive, you can easily make their counterpart from a regular plastic basket.

When and how to dig out tulips

Digging of plants is carried out at the end of June or a little later, when the leaves are completely yellowed and the stem is limp. The bulb ready for extraction has brown spots on the scales, and a well-formed root system.

  • sort by grades starting from the earliest;
  • dig in good weather to be able to immediately dry the bulbs in the sun;
  • if you dig in wet weather, wash the bulbs from the ground before drying;
  • digging up the plant, enter the shovel as deep as possible into the soil so as not to injure the root;
  • wash the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate (5%)

Hold the resulting bulbs under the sun or a lamp until the scales dry. Discard the sick and the weak, and put the healthy by grades in pre-prepared containers (1-2 layers).

How to store tulip bulbs

Boxes and other storage containers must have a well-ventilated bottom, otherwise rot may develop. During storage, it is important to observe the appropriate humidity and temperature conditions, which will ensure the correct formation of buds, leaves and peduncles inside the bulb.

Storage conditions for tulip bulbs after digging:

  • until the end of July, for 3-4 weeks after digging, the air temperature should be 24-25 ° C, and humidity - about 70%;
  • august - the temperature of the content drops to 20 ° C;
  • september - the temperature of the content drops to 16-17 ° C.

Keep the bulbs in a specially designed room, avoiding temperature changes and increasing humidity - this will lead to cracking of the scales and the appearance of rot. Check the bulbs from time to time for defects or damage by pests.

When to plant tulips?

In late September or early October, dried bulbs should be planted in the soil. It is better to do this in sunny weather and air temperature of 5-8 ° C. Prepare the onions ready for planting with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing Rules:

  • choose a new place for the bulbs;
  • plant to a depth equal to 4-5 times the size of the bulb itself;
  • pour the place of landing with plenty of water;
  • a week after planting the bulbs, feed the soil with ash and ammonium nitrate;
  • before frost, mulch the soil with a thin layer of peat.

After the tulips have bloomed, it is important to take care of the normal ripening of the bulbs. This will ensure the safety of the variety, lush flowering and plant resistance to disease in the next year.

Tulips are one of the first garden flowers that appear to remind us of the approaching summer, the imminent warmth and relaxation. Do you want to bring this time closer, arrange yourself a spring holiday for the New Year, or have such a “symbol” in your home in a pot by March 8? Then we begin to act. When the tulips bloomed in your personal plot (what to do, this happens quite early), the place of planting will soon become empty and ugly. Therefore, the combined method of using several varieties of plants with different flowering periods is simply necessary.

To equip the flowerbed on which you plan to plant tulips, it should be noted that these plants do not need to be planted in the foreground. They will delight and revive the front garden, while all other flowers are still in a state of growth and dormancy before the dissolution of the buds. But the tulips have faded. What to do? Their leaves begin to turn yellow and spoil the look of your flowerbed. To maintain the attractiveness of the composition throughout the summer season, it is recommended to combine them with violets, early daffodils and chionodoxes.

If you plan with herbaceous perennials, then here, on the contrary, it is better to place them in the foreground. During the flowering of the bulbous bushes, they will grow and cover the unsightly yellowed foliage. You can also use the option in capacity. Place the onion in any container in which you need to make many holes, cover it with earth and bury it. When the tulips in the pots bloom, they are dug up and transferred to a shaded place. This method is convenient, you can plant new flowers at the place where the plants were placed, and faded tulips will not spoil the appearance of your site.

Recommendations to those who did not use the above methods after the tulips have faded. What do you do? Leave the plants at the planting site, pre-cut the stem, do not touch a couple of leaves, so that through them the bulb receives the necessary amount of nutrients. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizer (with any method of planting). You are waiting for the leaves to turn yellow when the stem becomes soft and bends. Dig bulbs and place in a cool place. Day for such manipulations choose dry and sunny. You can treat the bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but then it must be dried in the sun.

If you do not plan to get a tulip flower for Christmas at home, then land in September directly into the ground. The most favorable period for planting is when the temperature of the soil drops to 10 degrees Celsius. Add horn flour and compost to the ground, mulch. It is better to plant tulips in groups, so they will look more aesthetically pleasing. Mark a place to prevent damage to the bulbs in early spring.

If you want to get a tulip for the winter holidays, then he needs to arrange a kind of early winter, to “trick” the plant. Depending on which holiday you want to receive a blooming bud, put the onion in a container and send it to the refrigerator until you have the first sprouts and begin to rest against the walls. Transfer to a cold windowsill. And spring came to your house, when there is a winter blizzard outside the window. You will have a logical question: "When the home tulips have faded, what to do in this case?" Again, repeat everything, dig out to plant in September in open ground, this tulip will no longer bloom in residential conditions.