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How to feed peppers in a greenhouse for growth. Sweet pepper: we feed correctly and by technology. During fruiting

The yield of most garden crops depends on the nutrition that people provide them. Bell peppers are no exception. Like other vegetables, they need certain nutrients, so it will be useful for each gardener to learn how to feed peppers in a greenhouse and open ground, from seedlings to adult plants.

Peppers can be properly fed with both mineral fertilizers of industrial production and organic, but home-made. They need to be used more often, the poorer the soil on which these tasty vegetables grow, because they differ in an enviable "appetite."

Mineral fertilizers

Those gardeners who have long grown sweet peppers in their beds actively use ready-made mineral mixtures for top dressing, which include certain components. This is very convenient, because at each stage of development of this culture, it needs different chemical elements. For example, in the initial stage of growth, bell pepper especially requires nitrogen and potassium, so for the first time, take the following mixtures to feed seedlings:

  • Kemira Suite (20 g of fertilizer per 10 l of water);
  • GUMI Kuznetsova (2 tsp. Diluted in 10 l of water).

Even in this period, you can use a mixture of potassium sulfate (3 tsp), ammonium nitrate (2 tsp) and superphosphate (3 tbsp.). Dissolve it in 10 l of water. For the 2nd and 3rd feeding, use such complex fertilizers for pepper as: Crystal (20 g of powder per 10 liters of water), Agricola, Gomel, Uniflor-growth, Nitroammofoska.

Organic fertilizer

You can also feed sweet peppers with organics collected in your home. Below you will find recipes for using organic fertilizers.

Manure or bird droppings

If you have pets, use fresh manure diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and bird droppings - 1 to 20. Leave to insist for a day and water the resulting liquid with plants during their intensive growth.


Wood ash is another organic fertilizer that cannot be dispensed with when growing bell pepper. Young plants will need it already when planting on beds or in a greenhouse, so when you transplant seedlings, put a handful of ash in each hole. In the future, water them with an aqueous solution of this fertilizer, which is prepared in the ratio: 5 tbsp. l ash on a bucket of warm water.

Feeding pepper with ash is carried out separately from fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, both of mineral nature and organic, since they are mutually exclusive.

Kitchen waste

  In addition to traditional manure and ash, you can safely use kitchen waste to feed bell peppers: stale bread, eggshells, dried banana skins, unsuitable dairy products.

  • There is a lot of potassium in bananas, therefore, powder from dry skins can be added to the soil already at the stage of planting seedlings, and then adult plants should be watered with tincture of fresh skins (insist for 3 days 2-3 pcs. In 3 l of water).
  • Milk and eggshells contain calcium in a form easily digestible by plants, so make them nutritious tincture for your pets. Take 3 or 4 egg shells, crush them into powder, pour it into a 3 L jar, fill it with hot water and leave for 3 days. Water the seedlings with the resulting solution.
  • You can fertilize pepper with fresh infusion of herbs that are easy to find in any garden: nettle, woodlice, dandelion and plantain. Cut them into small pieces, pour a bucket of warm water, insist for a week, and then pour pepper over this liquid (1 liter for each pepper bush).


Feeding peppers with iodine pursues several goals at once: it stimulates growth, increases productivity, improves the taste of fruits, and prevents diseases. For feeding peppers, 1-2 drops of the usual alcohol tincture of iodine dissolved in 1 liter of water is enough. An additional 0.1 l of fresh whey can be added to this liquid.


Feeding pepper with yeast is an agricultural method that is not yet familiar to all gardeners, but is very useful for sweet peppers themselves, since yeast contains a lot of useful substances: nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, minerals, and especially vitamins.

Yeast tincture has a double effect: it perfectly stimulates the development of the root and aboveground parts of these vegetables, and also activates the reproduction of beneficial soil bacteria.

To feed peppers, both fresh and dry yeast are suitable. Prepare the fertilizer as follows:

  1. Take 1 kg of fresh yeast.
  2. Pour them with 5 liters of heated water.
  3. Leave to infuse for approximately 1 day.
  4. Dilute the infusion in 5 buckets of water and use it for watering.

Prepare top dressing from dry yeast in about the same way. Take 1 sachet and dissolve it in 1 bucket of warm water. Add to it 2 tbsp. l sugar and leave for 2 hours. Then add 0.5 l of yeast liquid to 10 l of warm water. Such vitamin top dressing is needed not so much, it is enough to fertilize peppers 2 times for the entire growing season.

It should be noted that it is necessary to prepare yeast dressing with the addition of ash, since yeast contributes to the fact that the potassium in the soil becomes inaccessible for absorption by plants.

How to determine what peppers lack in appearance

  Peppers will successfully grow and develop only if the soil contains exactly the nutrients they need and if they are balanced. To determine the shortage or excess of chemical elements can already be on the appearance of plants. If the peppers:
  1. The leaves became pale green, yellowness appeared on them, and on the plants themselves there are few flowers, which means that they lack nitrogen. Pour them with mullein solution.
  2. Yellow-gray speckles appeared on the leaves, and they began to curl into a tube - calcium deficiency. Stop feeding them nitrogen and potassium.
  3. The leaves turn yellow, fade and fall, and the ripening fruits are too small - this means that there is a lot of calcium in the soil. Add nitrogen to the soil.
  4. Pale green leaves are deficient in nitrogen. Water the plants with urea or mullein.
  5. Dark green leaves with a reddish or bluish tint - phosphorus deficiency. Add superphosphate to the soil.

Do not forget to monitor your wards and be attentive to their needs, and for this they will please you with an excellent harvest of tasty and juicy fruits.

Feeding Schemes

Fertilize bell pepper as follows:

  1. In the phase of the first true leaves.
  2. When the 3rd pair of leaves appears.
  3. 1 week before planting in the ground.
  4. 10 days after planting.
  5. In the budding phase.
  6. During fruiting.

These are the main stages of pepper nutrition at home. Let's consider in more detail than fertilizing peppers in different periods of vegetation.

Seedlings after a pick

Very young peppers do not need highly concentrated fertilizer, they are still enough and a weak solution. Therefore, to feed peppers after a pick, which is carried out 1 week after this procedure, use the following mixture:

  • ammonia and potassium nitrate - 1 g;
  • superphosphate - 3 g.

Dissolve it in 1 liter of heated water and carefully pour under each bush. Spend 2 more such stimulating dressings with an interval of 1 week, but in this case, increase the proportion of potassium to 8 g. Also at this time, you can fertilize the culture with liquid mineral complexes or regular black tea. Take 1 tbsp. l tea leaves and fill it with 3 liters of hot water. Insist it for at least 5 days, and then proceed to watering.

How to feed pepper seedlings for growth at home

During the intensive growth of peppers, feed them 2 times each month, using synthetic industrial-made fertilizers and organics. At this time, they must be provided with a sufficient amount of nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. For the first feeding of peppers, which is carried out in a phase of 2 leaves, use azofoska and nitroammofoska in the amount indicated in the instructions. From organic fertilizers, an aqueous solution of chicken droppings (at a concentration of 1 to 20), manure (1 to 10), and ash (1 to 50) accelerate growth well. Perform the second feeding after 2 weeks. At this time, peppers should already have 3 pairs of leaves.

What is the best way to feed peppers after planting in the ground or greenhouse

  Fertilizing during planting is the first step in fertilizing young pepper plants. Before planting seedlings, put a little wood ash in each well so that the plants take root quickly. The first feeding of pepper after planting in a permanent place should be carried out after 10-14 days have passed. Rooted seedlings, in order to grow up, first of all need nitrogen, so feed it with ammonium nitrate, mullein, bird droppings, fermented grass according to the recipes described above.

Ready-made mineral mixtures can be used:

  • GUMI Kuznetsova;
  • Ideal;
  • Crystal;
  • Sudarushka;
  • Orton Micro Fe.

The following top dressing of pepper in the open ground also with an interval of 2 weeks. To feed peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, use the same formulations.

How to feed pepper during flowering

Potassium is the element that stimulates the formation of flowers and ovaries, so when feeding pepper already blooming, it is necessary to focus on potash fertilizers. Use carbamide as well as dry potassium. Dilute urea for feeding in 1 bucket of water (1 tsp.).

A solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is also suitable. Take 1 tbsp. l first fertilizer and 1 tsp. second and stir in a bucket of water. Perfectly stimulate the formation of ovaries and dry mixes:

  1. Ecohuminate;
  2. Summer resident.

Sprinkle them near each bush in the volume indicated on their packaging and immediately water the plants.

During the fruiting period of pepper and for the rapid ripening of fruits

Mostly bell peppers need nutrition during the fruiting period, as they spend a lot of energy on the formation and ripening of fruits. Fertilizers for peppers must also be applied in order to make the fruit ripening process faster and more uniform. Fruiting peppers require phosphorus and potassium, so to get a good harvest, feed them superphosphate along with potassium salt with an interval of 2 weeks. In August, feed the culture with mullein infusion (1 to 20).

Basic feeding rules

Some gardeners, not very sophisticated in growing peppers, believe that the more fertilizer is applied to the soil, the more abundant the crop will be. But it's not always the case. If the earth is oily, rich in humus, and the peppers growing on it develop normally, do not get sick and bear fruit well, then fertilizers do not need to be applied, because an overabundance of nutrients is as harmful as their deficiency.

Use any fertilizer for peppers in the open ground and the greenhouse only if the plants are sluggish, stunted, they have few flowers, and the fruits are small. Especially do not abuse fresh manure and bird droppings - an excess of nitrogen will cause the pepper to grow a lush green mass, and there will be very few fruits on it.

Dilute all fertilizers in heated, standing water. Cold and chlorinated is not suitable. Follow the order: first water the ground, and then apply fertilizer. After each time, loosen the soil to break the crust.

Feed the plants no more than 1 time in 10 days, but also at least 1 time per month. Alternate mineral fertilizers and top dressing peppers folk remedies.

When applying fertilizers, try not to get on the leaves, as peppers can get burned due to too concentrated solution.

In the same way, you can also feed indoor pepper on the windowsill, which is no different from Bulgarian. Feed him the same fertilizers and in the same volumes as his sweet counterparts.

Golovin D.S.

Tell me, can peppers in a greenhouse do without fertilizers? And without what top dressing it will not be possible to grow a crop?

It is almost impossible to get a good pepper crop and not to add any fertilizing, because pepper is very picky about the soil, and if it is not fertile enough, then this vegetable will simply refuse to grow and bear fruit in it.

The composition of mineral fertilizers directly depends on the timing of application, the variety of plants and even the weather.

So, during the active growth of stems and leaves, pepper is simply necessary nitrogenbut as soon as the pepper bush has formed and the time has come to bloom and form the ovaries, an excess of nitrogen already only harms the plant. If the pepper continues to grow stems and leaves at a loss of flowering and ovaries, it is necessary to spray the bushes on top with a solution of superphosphate and significantly reduce the dose of nitrogen introduced.

But phosphorus fertilizers  can be applied throughout the entire period, from the first shoots of pepper seedlings to the very ripening of fruits, because this substance has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, and accelerates the growth and development of fruits.

Like phosphorus, the whole period is equally important magnesium with calcium. But the amount of potassium must be adjusted with regard to the weather. On warm sunny days, the dose must be reduced, and on rainy and cloudy days increase.

But organics, unlike mineral top dressing, it is always welcomed, regardless of the speed of the bush, weather and anything else. The main rule is to introduce organic matter in small doses and never use fresh manure that can burn pepper bushes.

In the fall, manure or compost at the rate of 5 kg per square meter of your greenhouse is brought into the prepared pepper beds. And immediately before planting pepper make humus.

Two weeks later produce first feeding. The first is better to add organic matter - bird droppings or manure, diluted in water. It would be nice to add wood ash there. The concentration of manure 1: 5, litter 1:10 should be observed.

If you do not have the opportunity to add organic matter, then you should use complex mineral fertilizer. Or here is a solution:

  • ammonium nitrate - up to 20 g;
  • potassium sulfate - up to 30 g;
  • superphosphate - up to 40 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Two weeks later second feeding  mullein solution with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

IN   third time  root dressing is carried out after the first fruits are harvested. In composition, the third top dressing is similar to the second.

If the pepper lacks some special elements, they are additionally fed. Pepper will tell you exactly what the deficit is:

  • if the edges of the leaves began to curl - pepper signals a deficiency of potassium;
  • purple shade of the underside of the sheet - phosphorus deficiency;
  • gray is a lack of nitrogen.

As an ambulance, foliar top dressing can be introduced, because the aerial parts of pepper are able to absorb nutrients much faster than the roots. So spraying the plant with a solution of the desired element is much more effective in emergency situations.

For the most part, additional dressing is aimed at stimulating specific processes, such as flowering, the formation of ovaries, growth and ripening of fruits. They are able to speed up or improve certain processes, but do not replace complex organic and mineral fertilizing.

Feeding greenhouse pepper: video

Before deciding how to feed peppers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetable plants. For this, it is desirable to introduce several types of fertilizers into the soil:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash;
  • humus or compost.

It is not necessary to feed greenhouse pepper with such means. A good option will be specialized mixtures, which can be purchased at flower shops. Nevertheless, not all store nutrient solutions for substrates are suitable for peppers. Carefully study the composition of the mixture before purchasing it: if it contains chlorine in large quantities, you should not buy it, since pepper transfers this substance problematically.

From the video you will learn how, what and when to feed peppers in a greenhouse.

If pepper is poorly fertilized, you will hardly have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to follow, first of all:

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers in no case can not be overdone. If they saturate the substrate excessively, the greens will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form on time.

If pepper does not grow well, it means that it lacks fertilizer. Therefore, experts recommend that farmers make nutrient mixtures from the time of planting in the soil until the harvest. However, this issue includes a number of nuances. Much depends on when and to what extent you have already fed the substrate with mineral fertilizers.

For example, if in the autumn you distributed humus or compost in the garden, and in the spring you dug up all this, adding store fertilizers, then the pepper will develop quite actively, and you will not have to feed it so often and not in such large quantities.

If the regularity of feeding the substrate in the garden depends on how carefully and efficiently you fed it in the autumn season, then with greenhouse peppers everything is a little different. Regularity is very important here, but also excessively frequent steps of fertilizing can significantly damage the plants. Therefore, with regard to growing pepper in a greenhouse, fertilizers are recommended to be applied no more than once every two to three weeks.

As a rule, two weeks after planting the pepper and it is advisable to first fertilize in the greenhouse. At this time, plants are already throwing out color, so it is simply necessary to increase the intensity of development of a vegetable plant.

The best option would be to water the soil with a solution of bird droppings.  As an alternative to organic types of fertilizers, you can use superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as potassium: all these substances are dissolved in water.

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse, than to feed, every farmer faces these issues. If for the first time you have saturated the soil with mineral components, then the second fertilizing of pepper in the greenhouse should contain nitrogen substances.

If suddenly the stems and leaves of the plants turn too green, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the presence of nitrogen in the soil. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate must be dissolved in water, and the soil should be watered with the mixture.

Soil replenishment with mineral and organic fertilizers is mandatory for each grower. However, in addition to this, experts also recommend spraying fertilized plants from time to time.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve the urea in water, and then spray the product onto the vegetative system of the pepper using a spray gun. Do not forget to filter the prepared vitamin mixture.

Thus, you can slightly reduce the concentration of excipients in the stems of a vegetable crop.

From the video you will learn how to properly shape and feed peppers.

In a cold northern climate, it is almost impossible to get a good crop of sweet peppers without feeding them anything, because this plant is very sensitive to the composition of the soil. If it is not fertile enough, the plant will not bear fruit well in it. There are a great many fertilizers, and it’s quite difficult to figure out what substances your sweet bell pepper needs and when it needs to be fertilized. In this article we will try to understand this in more detail.

Greenhouse soil preparation

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, the soil must be prepared before planting. For one square meter in the soil you need to make:

  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 glass of ash;
  • 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate;
  • half a bucket of humus.

You can also add complex fertilizer if it does not contain too much chlorine. It needs to be made 1-2 tablespoons per square meter of land. After preparing the soil with fertilizers, it must be thoroughly loosened and poured with warm water, and then covered with a clean transparent film. After that, leave the soil under the film for a couple of days before planting the bushes.

Pepper dressing in a greenhouse

Feeding according to height

  • In the period of growth and flowering

2 weeks after planting, young peppers are in dire need of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. If you prefer to use organics, then take chicken litter (dilute 1: 5 with water), wood ash (200 g per bucket of water), manure (1 kg per 10 liters of water), and from mineral ones - Nitroammofosku or Azofoska, use them according to the instructions.

  • During flowering

At this time, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with potassium, for example, dry potassium or urea, 1 teaspoon per bucket of water. If you are a fan of organics, you can fertilize the soil with nettle infusion.

  • During fruiting

For enhanced growth of large and healthy sweet fruits, fertilize plants with superphosphate and potassium salt (2 tsp per 10 l of water). In addition, it is recommended to use manure or chicken droppings - in a 1: 2 ratio, mix with cold water.

Top dressing in the greenhouse in the spring

In the spring, feed your peppers with mineral fertilizers. Wood ash is well suited, and in order to avoid the “black leg” disease, you can treat the plants with black tea (1 cup per 3 liters of water).

Urea dressing

Urea is a storehouse of nitrogen. It is a white granule that dissolves quickly in water. It is important that it should be stored exclusively in a dry place. You can handle the bushes when there is no direct sunlight. Urea can be mixed with other fertilizers only in dry form.

For feeding sweet peppers after planting (after 10 days), urea (10 g) and superphosphate (5 g) per 10 liters of water are used. For each bush you need to spend a liter of solution, while not processing the leaves. The second top dressing is done before the appearance of flowers. For her we need: urea: 1 tsp;

  • potassium salt: 1 tsp;
  • superphosphate: 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 10 l.

During flowering, feed your peppers with the following fertilizers:

  • urea - 20 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g;
  • potassium chloride - 10 g;
  • water - 10 l.

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • mullein - 1 liter;
  • chicken droppings - 0.25 l.

Folk remedies


It has long been known that iodine is a source of vitamin C in vegetables, it has a good effect on the yield, weight, color and taste of sweet peppers. Iodine can be used at all stages of pepper growth: you can fertilize seedlings, adult plants, and also use as a means of protection.

To process the seeds, it is necessary to prepare a solution of 1 drop of iodine and a liter of water, and then soak the seeds in this mixture for 6 hours. Young seedlings can be poured with a solution of 1 drop of iodine into 3 liters of water. To feed adult pepper, mix 3 drops of iodine with 10 liters of water and pour the peppers without touching the leaves and stems. To protect sweet pepper from disease, use the following solution: 10 liters of water per liter of whey, 20 drops of iodine and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Spray the plants with such a solution very carefully, paying attention to the back surface of the leaves.

However, be careful: carefully observe the dosages described above, because even 3 grams of iodine in the fruit of sweet pepper can be dangerous to humans.

Mullein dressing

Cow manure is superior to the excrement of other animals in the content of useful substances such as nitrogen, calcium and potassium. To make mullein, you need to mix cow dung with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Infuse this solution for 14 days.

For the first time, the soil is fertilized with a solution right before planting sweet peppers in an amount of 1 liter per well. 15 days after planting, you can again fertilize the plants with the same solution. The second time you should fertilize the plant after flowering, diluting the solution 1:10 and making a little mineral fertilizer. The third top dressing should be carried out if the fruits of sweet pepper ripen poorly.

Technical feeding

When to feed

The feeding pattern depends on how, what and when the soil was fertilized. If in the autumn the soil was flavored with compost or humus, and in the spring with mineral fertilizers, then you can feed your peppers much less often. Plants in small greenhouses can be fertilized every 15-20 days.

First feeding

The first top dressing of sweet peppers is usually done 15 days after planting in the soil. During this time, she will be ready to receive fertilizers. For feeding, you can use the above recipe with urea: 5 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea in a bucket of water.

Second feeding

It is held during the ripening of flower buds of sweet pepper. At this time, the plant needs potassium, so we use the following composition: 1 tsp. potassium, 1 tsp carbamide, 2 tbsp superphosphate on a bucket of water.

Foliar top dressing

This type of top dressing has a number of incomparable advantages: it significantly thickens the stem of sweet pepper and increases the mass of leaves, flower buds are formed more abundantly.

It is necessary to observe some conditions for foliar top dressing:

  • it is better to do it in cloudy weather;
  • air temperature no more than 22 degrees of heat;
  • stomata are open on the leaves of the plant.

For foliar top dressing, make this mixture:

  • potassium sulfate (1% solution);
  • superphosphate (solution 2%). This substance is poorly soluble in water, so it needs to be insisted for a day or mixed in boiling water for 15 minutes;
  • urea (solution 2%).

Organic lovers can also use a well-known folk remedy - infusion of weeds or nettles. It is important to pay attention to the inner surface of the leaves, there a more porous structure and trace elements are better absorbed.

Feeding Mode

Each gardener chooses the mode on the basis of how well his sweet peppers feel. The first top dressing is done 15 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground, then every week.