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To guess what he is thinking now. Online fortune-telling reciprocity is the constellation of Cassiopeia. How to understand if a person remembers you

If a man and woman were in a relationship, they will still feel each other for a long time, even at a great distance. You can even find out what your former or current partner thinks about you, even at the energy level. Clear signs:

  • random meetings in unexpected places
  • things that bind you
  • frequent dreams related to your man.

Folk omens that a man remembers you

  • If you suddenly throw in a fever and cheeks start to burn, it means that your loved one is recalling you at that moment.
  • If your right chest is combed, the man you are interested in thinks about you. Most likely, on this day he will prove himself through a call or SMS message.
  • If you hit with your right elbow, it means that at this moment your man is thinking or talking about you.
  • If you smoke, pay attention to a cigarette. If it smolders on one side only, it means that your loved one remembers you.
  • A true sign that a man remembers you and yearns for you is the moment when you choked while you spoke his name or talked about him.

Fortunetelling: Does a man think of me?

If the signs did not help you, try to guess and find out the answer to your question. For the ceremony, you will need red threads, a container with cold water, a sewing needle, a red candle and a photograph of a loved one.

Place a bowl of water in front of you and light a candle. Hold the candle above the water so that the wax drips into the same place, forming a shape. At this time, look at the photo of your lover and think about your question. After 2-3 minutes, set the candle aside and take the cooled wax. Pierce the figure with a needle and thread the thread into the hole. You should have a design that resembles a pendulum.

Hold a thread with a blur over the photo and ask questions of interest: “Does this man think of me? Does he yearn? Does he want to meet? ” The movement of the pendulum in a circle means a positive answer, from side to side - a negative answer.

Is it possible to make a man think of you?

Esotericists believe that the person with whom you have an energy connection can inspire the necessary thoughts. Being next to the man, look him in the area of \u200b\u200bthe “third eye” and broadcast your intentions. This must be done quietly so that the man does not suspect anything.

Absolutely well absorbs information ordinary water. Bring a glass of liquid close to your lips and whisper your wish: “Think about me more often. Miss, yearn, remember. ” Words can be any, but they should not carry a negative connotation and an aggressive message. Ideally, a man should drink all the water, but you can simply imperceptibly spray his clothes or shoes.

You can remind a man of yourself with a simple rite. Solitude in the room and take in your hand a photograph of a loved one. Concentrate on your intention and read the plot three times:

As Adam thought of Eve,
  So you think about me, miss me
  From the heart and thoughts do not let go.
  I will say so, it will be so. Amen.

After that, take your picture and put it face to face with the photo of a man. Wrap the images with white cloth and put them under the pillow. On this night, your chosen one will definitely have a dream with your participation. This method can be used no more than once every 14 days.

What does he think of me: loves or not, loves or just pretends to be faithful or secretly looks at another? Surely, every girl in love or even a married woman would like to receive comprehensive answers to these questions! To open the veil of secrecy will help online fortune-telling "what he thinks of me." To get an answer, click on the image of the magic mirror and wait a few seconds until the fog of uncertainty dissipates.

Click on the mirror to get an answer!

You may be interested in other online divinations:

The fortune-telling “what he thinks of me now” was very popular at all times. What only fortunetelling techniques did not use young ladies who wanted to learn about the feelings of their gentlemen! Someone turned to gypsies so that someone would conduct rituals with a candle and a mirror. The most courageous girls even turned to evil spirits for help (“hell, show yourself what your dear thinks of me!”).

If you set out to find out “what a person thinks of me”, then divining online will be the easiest way to do this. You do not have to pay fortune-tellers or arrange complex and not always safe rituals. All that needs to be done is to mentally imagine a loved one and click on the image of the mirror.

How to use online divination

1. If you are not serious, then the answers will also be comic. Guessing “what he thinks of me” is desirable to use only once per person. If you want to immediately “double-check” the result, then you can get a completely different answer. And he is unlikely to be sincere.

2. Online fortune-telling “what a person thinks of me” answers only love questions. Using it, you won’t be able to find out how the boss treats you, or what relatives your opinion is about you (if you need answers to these questions, then go). Therefore, guess only at a loved one.

3. To get the most accurate answer, focus on the man you are guessing at. You must imagine his face, utter his name to yourself, remember his voice. Only then ask the question that interests you (“Does such-and-such love me?”, “Do I like him?”, “What does he say about me when I'm not around?”, “Does he think to marry me?” And so on) .P.).

4. If you wish, you can create the right atmosphere to tune in accordingly. If fortune-telling occurs in the evening, then turn off the artificial lighting and light a candle. If in the morning or afternoon - then close the curtains. It is advisable that no one distracts you, does not stop you from thinking about your beloved.

What determines the accuracy of prediction

Secondly, sometimes astrological factors influence the result - the unfortunate position of the planets. Moreover, each person has such an “unsuccessful" combination individually, in order to calculate it, you need to have an astrological natal chart on hand. However, the likelihood that you use the online divination "What does he think of me?" it is on the “bad” day that it is very small. But if you still have doubts as a result, then try to solve the next day.

To start fortune telling online for free, click the picture below.   Think about the person you are guessing at. Hold cubes   until you get the feeling it's time to make a throw.

Fortune telling online for free - What does he think of me? This method allows you to find out what the mysterious person thinks about you. Answers are most often very definite and understandable, thanks to them you can correct something in yourself and “correct” to improve relations with your chosen one (chosen one). It is not advisable to conduct this fortune-telling very often, since it is not suitable for this. When conducting this fortune-telling, tune in as seriously as with card fortune-telling, since the dice are exactly the same fortune-teller tool as cards and tarot. The rules for performing this fortune-telling will be described in more detail in the section "Dice throwing technique"

Dice throwing technique

To complete this fortune-telling, you will need two dice and a glass to mix them. Here you do not need to calculate the sum of the cubes, but they have the values \u200b\u200bof the first and second dice, respectively, there can be 21 values \u200b\u200bfrom 1-1, to 6-6. Before fortunetelling, you think of the person for whom fortunetelling is carried out and are well tuned. Mix the cubes in a glass well and throw them on a flat surface, watch and interpret the result. For divination with our help, click on the cube located below on the page.

Perhaps there is not a single girl, girl, or honorable lady in the world who would not care about the question: “What does He think of me”?

The alien soul of the darkness ... Most of the ladies with "rich life experience" argue that for the most part men are primitive. We will neither refute nor confirm this statement. We just want to recall another common saying: men from Mars, women from Venus. Let's just focus on the fact that men think a little differently, however limited and primitive they sometimes seemed to us. But even such a clinical case is not always clear and unambiguous. Go see how there cockroaches run in his head ?! The difficulty level increases if you desperately need to find out: what is in the heart of a loved one? And if only to find out what he thinks of me ... Yes, it is difficult, incomprehensible - after all, men themselves cannot give a clear answer to this simple question!

Do not worry! There is always a way out! Free online fortune-telling on old Russian maps provides an excellent opportunity not only to “look into his soul”, but also to read something that at first glance is not obvious.

Agree that these kinds of life tips will never be superfluous. Thanks to them, it’s much easier to navigate in difficult amorous affairs.

Guess the “Four Ladies”, get the answer to the question: “What does He think of me” and be happy!

It is good when people understand each other without words or can feel each other at a distance. Free online divination: What he thinks of me now will help you penetrate the thoughts of your lover. Conducting fortune telling, the girls found out what their lover was doing. And today, we often encounter conflict, unsaid situations, when only magic can help. On our site we have selected several options for this fortune-telling on 36 playing cards, Tarot cards and Maria Lenorman.

Simple fortune telling on playing cards

Fortune-telling: What he thinks about on playing cards is the simplest and easiest. You just need to mentally choose one king from the deck and mentally associate it with your lover. Next, the deck is thoroughly mixed and then laid out in a stack one image up.

Conducting fortune telling on a person over each card, the following words are said alternately:

“My darling misses - dreams of a date - doesn’t want to see me - we mean with black jealousy - she thinks that I’m with another - she doesn’t want to live without me - she thinks how to surprise me — she wants to stay with me - he burns with love - his feelings are high - wants to leave but he doesn’t know how to confess — he wants to call him married, but he’s embarrassed to say that his thoughts are far away, he is at work entirely — his thoughts cannot be recognized, he must guess later .... "

You need to repeat these words “in a circle” until the map you conceived opens. The phrase on which your card has fallen is the answer to the question about your beloved.

Tip:   it is worth saying that men can also conduct a fortune-telling “What he thinks of me” online for their beloved woman, and find out what she is doing at the moment. The only adjustment: you need to choose not a king but a lady!

Fortune telling on tarot cards

The second version of this fortune-telling is more complex and is carried out on Tarot cards. This is a very interesting alignment that allows you to understand what your lover thinks about you in three areas: conscious thoughts, emotional attitude and subconscious attitude.

Card Value:

  • First card: First impression, informed attitude towards you;
  • Second card: Emotional attitude, feelings that he feels for you;
  • Third card: A subconscious attitude towards you, with what it is possible and cannot itself give an account;

Tip: in this fortune telling you will have to devote quite a lot of time to interpreting the meaning of each card. Take your time, read the full description of each card and try to interpret them to the layout.

Fortune telling on the cards Lenormand

There is another less well-known fortune-telling on Lenorman cards for a person that we think about every day and want to know what he thinks about us. After a fortune-telling “What is he thinking now”, you can find out what plans this person has in relation to you. In addition, if you have problems with your loved one, you can try this fortune-telling and solve a lot of problems to see an objective picture of your life as a partner.

Card Value:

  • First card: the place you occupy in the life of a loved one;
  • The second card: feelings that the partner has for you;
  • Third card: how the beloved speaks about you in public (in conversation with friends, relatives)
  • Fourth card: what your lover plans in the near future in relation to you;
  • Fifth card: tip of the Lenormand deck.

Comments of site visitors

    An interesting fortune-telling, only how to find out the truth or not? I’ll guess when everything is fine with us and when we will quarrel. Then compare the results. Maybe someone already checked this fortune-telling? And interestingly, only on a lover can or on any person? I’ll also try to check) It would be nice to know at least roughly what he thinks.

    It’s more relevant for me than ever, my beloved went on a long-term business trip, and I’m constantly worried at home how he is there, whether he’s cheating on me, whether he misses me and the house, whether everything will be fine upon his return ... I’m afraid to ask questions personally, I’m suddenly tired or frightened of it with my hyper-concern and excitement, thanks to this fortune-telling I calm down a little mentally

    And please tell me which of the fortunetelling is the most effective? I broke up with the guy, but I want to check his feelings and intentions for me, maybe it's not all over and it makes sense to step over pride and try to revive relations. But for now, because of the uncertainty in his feelings, I'm afraid to take the first step.

    Recently, there have often been some quarrels with her husband, cursing over everything. I can’t conceive a child - this is the main problem and a reason for abuse. But I have recently crept in thoughts that he just doesn’t love me anymore and that he may have someone other than me. The fortunetelling above inspired a little hope, I’ll definitely try to make them, maybe the cards can give an answer to our difficult situation.

    "Friendship" with a young man already figs understand how much time. But I believe and know that there is no friendship, at some point one of the parties falls in love with the other. And now my feelings began to appear, I trust and value a person very much, I believe that relations based on friendship are doomed to success and long-term. I made a layout on the cards, it turned out that reciprocity promises me, but not right now. I’ll wait, I want a relationship with him.

    I helped my girlfriend survive a difficult parting with the guy according to the fortune-telling described here, a very girl was worried, literally could not find a place for herself, could not accept this parting. The results were true, although it was hard for her to come to terms with them. Tell me, is there a similar fortune-telling for girls? I would like to try to do it.

    Interesting fortune telling. You can find out not only what he thinks about me now, but also what he tells others about me, what he plans in the future. I wondered online and I didn’t have very good cards. The first thunderstorm fell - a storm, a break in relations. I already know this (But it’s good that I’ve got it right, it will motivate me to act in order to improve our relations.

    This is the best year for girls! We are always so guessing on simple maps. And tarot and leronman we do not have cards, how will they trace? Are these some special fortune telling cards? Mom often wonders about us, only I don’t tell her name of course) You have a lot of good fortune telling on your site, we have already tried everything. But it’s easy, that's why we like it.

    Well this is not only for young girls. I am retired and started going to a club for someone over 60. There are a lot of interesting men, everyone behaves correctly. Except one. He would just like to hug me around the waist, pinch me. And pretends that nothing is happening. I really haven’t seen anything in this life, but I don’t know how to understand this behavior. It seems to draw attention to me, but somehow strange. So I'm guessing on the cards to figure it out.

    I love tarot cards, but didn’t know all the meanings, but here everything is written and detailed so competently about them. Right now, I need to know what they think of me. As recently there was a corporate party, and I expressed to my boss how he relates to his subordinates, in a very rude form. I probably expect a dismissal, but I will hope for the best.

    Fortunetelling at her lover, a Four Coins card came out. It marks a long period of buildup, when a person ponders everything and ponders whether to marry him or not, to confess his love to him or to be careful for now. Well, it's been about 10 years that we live, but there’s no talk about weddings. I myself hinted and said, but no then and then ...

    My friend used to wonder when we were still girls. It was very interesting. We sit in the evening and wonder at the boys. Only the Internet was not. only books, and now you’ll go online and there’s no fortune-telling, all of them are so interesting and simple. So the daughter asks to buy her tarot cards. He wants to learn how to guess, your site will help her.

    Tarot cards have long been lying. Once upon a time, a friend gave me a birthday, I never opened them, because I did not know how to guess, and what can be learned from these cards. I saw a link to the site from a friend, and rewrote. So my cards came in handy. Though I find out what my husband was thinking about when he left me for another ...

    I sat wondering at the guy on the tarot. Suddenly he came in and joined. Now we are guessing and learning together, he is ahead of me, although he is teaching less than me, maybe he has a gift, because he already knows all the meanings. And he thinks badly of me, I wondered. Maybe we should part with him, otherwise he constantly calls me stupid dumb, and he always takes the cards from me.

    I want to try to tell fortunes in different relational situations, if I may say so: when we are in a quarrel, when we are together, when we are not scolded, when he is on a business trip. I want to see what cards will be issued and then it will be easier and more reliable for me to compare the values \u200b\u200bthat have fallen. So far I haven’t made any conclusions yet

    My ex-husband was given the Four Coins. And by the way, yes, in fact, he didn’t get any proposal from him, we just somehow got into a conversation and decided that we should get married. I first confessed love to him. Apparently, that’s why they got divorced (I, too, was the initiator of the divorce, by the way) because I fell out of love and decided, tired. A friend lives with a guy for more than 10 years, there’s no talk about the ring yet) Also, probably, they have four coins

    In another fortune-telling it happened to me that I have changes ahead, literally standing on the threshold of a new life (it seems like everything is being issued in a positive way). Maybe a man will finally appear in my life? I was already looking at the future, it seems that in 2019 they decided to marry me out, because somehow it would be time to go into a relationship already. And then this fortune-telling does not even have anyone to guess now (

    And we, too, guess with the guy, by the way. Only unlike your situation, my boyfriend dragged them home (his mother was fond of once, but now she is no longer alive). In general, we also started joint training, more common topics appeared, fewer quarrels. I don’t even sit down for them alone if the guy at work is delayed. I am waiting for him

    Fortune-telling is so fascinating in fact. I do not understand people who are afraid of fortune-tellers, cards, attendants. It does no harm to anyone, in general it is everyone’s personal business to believe or not what the cards say. Those who are afraid need to be treated more simply as a game of cards and that’s all. There is no dark, black in this. I’m generally hooked on fortune telling specifically already) Hobby

    If we talk about the strong energy of the cards, the best way is to make the cards yourself (dear authors, can you have some information on this? My friend said that it’s better to make my cards, but I don’t know how to organize all this correctly). But fortunetelling is really an interesting thing, only it must be taken seriously.

    For the past three years, I have been turning to online fortune telling at my leisure. Including relations with men, although now the issue of study is more relevant. At first she guessed purely out of curiosity and interest. But when the results began to come true, she took fortune-telling more seriously and studied them in more detail. Learn how to guess correctly.

    There are mainly girls here, therefore I will turn it this way: Girls, dear ones, whoever you would guess, and despite the method that you choose from the above, in any case take a photo of a person, the energy will be enhanced, the deck will be better tuned to it. And thoughts are very important to attract too, think about this person constantly!

    I was wondering about the relationship with my husband, I asked such a question to the cards: what will the husband be like in our relationship over the next three months? It did not give a very desirable result, I was upset after divination. Maybe to reach the gap. Dear readers and authors, tell me, can this result be smoothed somehow?

    What I need now, so that I understand how to be. We have been friends with pepper for a long time. But a man and a lady can’t just be friends, someone always has feelings. So I surged. I want to be with him and nothing more, no one else is needed. And he is free now, so I legs in my hands and do this fortune-telling. and after divination, conclusions.

    Lyuba, I also have this situation. A friend helped after breaking up with a guy (almost 2 years met, was very worried, he threw me) and after a while realized that I was falling in love with this friend, the former guy had been forgotten. I hope that something will happen, because on friendship to build an alliance is very cool and promising. But he still does not take the first steps, which is probably why I’m on this page right now))

    No, not only girls are present here. You are not alone in suffering from unrequited feelings :) I'm worried about my current girl, and I'm very worried. Otherwise, I would not have appeared here. It seems to me that she is very cold with me and hidden in feelings. Not a sincere one. Can this fortune-telling be applied to men in relation to girls?

    Interesting fortune telling is given to you. I learned about the future and its attitude towards me. Only I didn’t really like the layout for the future, the present arranged it, but in the future not very good awaits us. And can you guess many times at the same person or only strictly one? I didn’t try all fortunetelling, but some are simply easier to execute, and I’m doing them

    Please explain how the 2 card (emotional value) differs from the 3 card (subconscious)? We have a flurry of emotions in our relations, passion. Everything is very active and with feelings. Can it really be different from what he thinks about me and us as a whole? Fortune-telling has not yet been done, but I am going to turn to a knowledgeable person.

    I turned to experienced tarologists more than once, I believe tarot cards, I don’t see anything bad in them, and what bad can be. In many forums, people write that it is harmful to health, comes around with a negative for your family. I do not believe and recommend everyone not to believe, these are just cards, not magic. A simple ability to correctly decipher their meaning.

    Friends and I love to fortune tell someone at home after couples. A pack of 4 girls, guys, no one and of course we are concerned about some personalities with their attitude towards us)) I know about tarot cards, but fortune-telling on simple ones. Maybe you can tell where it is better to buy them? And Leronman, too, the first time I hear about such. We would buy and try

    Girls, such a problem, I don’t know if the cards can help. At the moment, I’m meeting a new guy (wealthy, with his own business, caring very nicely), but suddenly a month and a half after the breakup, the old one is announced. I seem to be happy with the new, but the feelings for the old are still alive, there is pity ... What is the best fortune-telling in my situation? Thank you in advance: *

    My husband is a very constrained person. A couple of times I managed to talk to him heart to heart, and even then it was under the influence of alcohol. I love him, I'm used to it already, I want to continue to be. But all the time, it’s wary that he doesn’t finish something and hides something from me ... I don’t like fortunetelling at all, but my thoughts make me turn to them. Thanks for the article, online is optimal for me.

    My classmate, that's how they write in books, honestly! He writes to me that he is bored and wants to see him at a party (he has lived in Germany for a couple of years already), and, apparently, he had been drunk, he wrote that he had long wanted to confess, but lacked courage. but now I decided it was, wasn’t ... I’m in shock, because about 4 years ago a girl friend made a layout on the tarot. And it showed there the following “look for the one who is your destiny not far from yourself, he’s been with him for several years now ...” I’m sitting in shock, honestly. Suddenly, is he really?