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Small potatoes. To dream potatoes: what does it mean? What dreams of potatoes

What dreams of a bulb? This symbol in a dream promises progress in business, the implementation of new projects, overcoming barriers and even the fulfillment of dreams. At the same time, the dream book warns of large quarrels, separation, small problems.

Successes, implementation of plans

The dreaming the flower bulb, which the dreams planted into the fertile soil, promises: he will make the right choice, chooses the right direction.

If in a dream it happened to put them a lot, it means: there are big successes in the service or in business, everything will become excellent.

See how they germinate - a wonderful omen. The undertakings that you have planned will safely implement.

Miller's dream book: envious gossip

What dreams a lot of bulbs of the onion bows? The reality of the dream will succeed, but the enlightened will cause anger to achieve.

What is she?

Interpretation of sleep takes into account what she was:

  • luka - show caution when communicating with others;
  • lilies - a woman promises love for the calculation;
  • narcissa - recognize joyful news;
  • tulips - a large quarrel is possible;
  • gladiolsov - will be invited to visit where you can shine talents;
  • hyacintes - to be separated from the family.

Lily, who grown in your eyes from the bulbs, promises: will soon come true your most cherished dream.

Disagreements, minor problems

The bulbs of tulips in a dream warn, according to the dreams, about disagreements with others. Fake conflicts, priests with bosses - they are able to lead to dismissal.

Did you dream of seeing tulips bulbs? There are many small problems, but you will handle them.

Acquisition, spending

What dreams to put a flower bulb? Dream Interpretation claims: Soon you will get what I have long wanted.

Wailed to admire the flower bulb, which bloomed in a pot? We will have to spend money, but it will be wrapped in a blessing.

Successfully implement projects, take a wise decision

Sugging them in a soft and loose land foreshadows good time to implement projects, business ideas. You will easily overcome barriers to the development of your business.

Did you dream of planting tulips with bulbs on the flower bed? Dream Interpretation explains: You will hit others by taking a fairly wise decision or committing a noble act.

A woman to put tulips with bulbs in the garden in a dream - her husband flies over, will arrange scandals. A man is a dream of promoting the demanding chief-scandalist.

Profit, solving complex issues

What dreams to make a falling bulbous colors? Dream interpretation promises: soon you can increase your property.

Did you dreamed of digging and collecting colors bulwing? Get profit. You can start the exercise of a well-thought-out project - it will be completed successfully.

Have you seen how buying bluish flowers? This means: some rather complicated business wake up wisely.

Choose the biggest and beautiful? I will successfully solve an important urgent question that requires smelting and determination.

Planting in a dream in the spring the whole bed of big bulbs of the onion bows? Dream Interpretation Indicates: Different Cares will overcome you, but you will cope with them.

Give back to offenders and gossip!

What dreams of seedlings, which grew out of big bulbs? Very soon see and feel the fruits that your work will bring.

Did you dream to eat a bulb? Dream interpretation is encouraging: you can successfully resist someone. Do not be afraid to conflict with those who dissolve gossip or attack you - you are overlooking.

The dream in which you had to dig potatoes, means that you will be able to increase your income level. You will probably move to a more prestigious and highly paid position, however, for this will have to work long and stubbornly.

To peel potatoes

By the dreams to clean the potatoes mean that soon you will change the view for the better about some of your friends. The appearance of a person will be deceptive, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Plant potatoes

Plant potatoes in the greeted plot - to an interesting suggestion, which will be marked by positive changes. It will concern a personal life or professional sphere.

Collect potato

The dream in which you happened to collect potatoes, means that you will soon be waiting for a lot of work.

Do not stop, even if you have time-consuming tasks. Remember that conscientious work is rewarded with a good result.

Buy potato

Buy potatoes in a dream - to the fruitful work for which you get an increase in salary. However, you will not be able to save savings, the money earned will go to household needs and the needs of family members.

Fry potato

The vision in which you fried potatoes, the career takeoff is promotion. Soon you will receive a profitable business offer or you will move to a higher paying position.

Large potato

The plot in which you saw large potatoes foreshadows changes that will change your life for the better. You will come across unexpected events, dating, suggestions that will open up new opportunities.

Fried potatoes

Sleeping about fried potatoes promises wealth, pleasure, entertainment, carefree life.

Follow in all measure. Try to gain a balance between entertainment and work - do not let rest interfere with professional growth.

Boiled potatoes

Boiled potato dreams of well-being, good, calm and harmonious family life. Poverty and family troubles will bypass you.

Rotten potato

The dream, which was rotten potato, means that in your life there will be a difficult period. You will have to face difficulties, learn them to overcome and extract wise conclusions from it.

Potatoes in bags

If in a dream you saw potatoes in bags, it means that you will be waiting for a happy life in wealth. You will not swim in luxury, however, poverty and trouble will be bypassing you.

Raw potato

Dreamed raw potatoes - the case in which you did not believe will bring big profits.

Believe in your strength and in your ideas. Do not lower your arms and bring the work started to the end.

Miller Decoration Potatoes

Potato - a dream about potatoes is fraught with chance of no better property. Spin in a dream potatoes - sign of coming success. There is potatoes in a dream - means substantial benefit. Cooking potatoes promises you with a suitable job. If you put potatoes in a dream - it means. You can count on the execution of your desires. - If you dreamed of rotting potatoes - it means that your joy and pleasures will come to the end and your future does not foreshadow anything good.

Potatoes in a dream to see - the sleep about potatoes is fraught with chance of no better properties. Spin in a dream potatoes - sign of coming success. There is potatoes in a dream - means substantial benefit. Cooking potatoes promises you with a suitable job. If you put potatoes in a dream - it means. You can count on the execution of your desires. - If you dreamed of rotting potatoes - it means that your joy and pleasures will come to the end and your future does not foreshadow anything good.

Dream Dream Hasse

Dig - have an ungrateful work; To eat - a small stomach disorder; free - free from violence; prepare - an unpleasant visit; see a lot - good income or leaders; see small - disadvantage; Sell \u200b\u200b- get rid of guests.

Family Dream Potatoes

Potatoes - dream of different events. For example, if a woman in a dream eats potatoes, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results that will be expressed either in an increment to the salary or in promotion on the service staircase. Potatoes plant - in the near future it is waiting for an interesting sentence, if not hands and hearts, then highly paid work. And if the potato rotted, it's not long enough to rejoice at all. So catch the moment and enjoy life.

Potato in the dream of Dmitry and winter hopes

Potatoes in a dream - indicates that happiness will not come to you in itself, and wealth in your home can only provide hard work and patience.

Potato bush is often a hint. If you reveal you are engaged in solving some kind of question, then sleep may mean that like a potato tuber is hidden under the ground, and the solution you need can find a little deeper.

Buy, sell or plant potatoes in a dream - a sign that you are going to attach forces for classes not very attractive, but profitable business.

If potatoes are strong and beautiful - sleep promises wealth.

Rotina - a sign of losses and losses.

Potatoes in the latest dream book of Ivanova

There is to bored; dig up - to death; Buy - to the unexpected profit (Nakhodka).

Spring Dream Potatoes

Potatoes dig up to the disease.

Give the potatoes - you will row money.

Potatoes plant - to the funeral.

Summer Dream Potatoes

Potatoes (digging, potatoes) - digging potatoes in a dream - to a rich crop of vegetables, it says the interpreter about the essence of sleep that you dream.

Potatoes plant (potato) - plant potatoes in a dream - lay down the house.

Potato on the autumn dream

Potatoes dig out (potato) - digging potatoes in a dream, which will be more small and very small - to the collapse of the intended business.

Potatoes are planted - you will save money to open your business.

Potatoes in the dreams from A to Z

If in a dream you are engaged in planting potatoes - it means that in reality to arrange your business in the best way and you can count on the successful execution of the conceived.

Digging potatoes - means receiving ungrateful and humiliating work.

Clean the potatoes in a dream - it means that in reality to avoid coercion, sowing to stand up for yourself so that you will be considered with you. Cook potatoes - to an unpleasant visit, fry - to the pleasures, to a quick marriage.

There is a dish from potatoes in a dream - foreshadows a date with friends over time. Small potatoes in a dream - foreshadows insufficient attention to you from your beloved person exactly when you especially need it. Large and without smells of potatoes - to good income and additional cash receipts. Rotten Potato - foreshadows the onset of the black strip in life, which can delay for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream - make a compromise with your conscience, buy - win high honors.

To carry in a dream heavy bags with potatoes - to overvoltage, fatigue and illness during the epidemic of colds.

Potato in the dream of Simone Channel

Potatoes - see or eat - harvest, profit - dig - Have an ungrateful work - to eat - a small stomach disorder - free from the peel - free from violence - to prepare - a unpleasant visit - to see a lot - good income or harvest - to see small - flaw - sell - Get rid of guests.

Potato in the dream book Fedorovskaya

Dreamed potatoes - soon you will have everything in order.

To see in a dream rotten potatoes - to unpleasant news.

You dreamed that you were cooked potatoes - a pleasant evening in a warm company.

In a dream, you watched someone cooks potatoes - someone from your loved ones is waiting for a pleasant evening in a warm company.

You dug up potatoes - in the foreseeable future, your life will be joyful.

The dream in which you watched, how someone digs potatoes - in the near future, close to you will be sensitive and attentive.

Water the bushes of blooming potatoes - to a large inheritance.

If you have dreamed that you or someone cleaned potatoes - in the near future you have to work a lot, but the work will bring long-awaited results.

There is potatoes - to a pleasant date.

You watched someone eating potatoes - you are waiting for a date with your beloved (loved one) of someone from your friends.

Fry potatoes to your wedding.

In a dream, you watched someone fries potatoes - soon marries (married) someone from your relatives.

You dreamed that you were planting potatoes - to start a new business, which will further bring big profits.

If you have dreamed that you watched someone puts potatoes - Soon someone from your loved ones will begin the case that will bring your family a lot of money.

Esoteric Dream Potatoes

Potato see in a dream - see, is to sufficiency. Cook, prepare for guests from afar. Digging out, plant you have to work.

Potato - see, is to sufficiency. Cook, prepare for guests from afar. Digging out, plant you have to work.

Potatoes in the dream of a modern woman

If you put potatoes in a dream - you can count on the execution of your desires.

Dig it - the sign of the coming success.

Prepare potatoes - to a new, good job.

There is it - to a significant benefit.

Digitating potatoes - foreshadows the end of the joyful period and the offensive of troubled times.

Potato in the dream of Azara

Potatoes - Profit.

Potato in dream of Eugene Tsvetkov

There is - dissatisfaction;

dig - ungrateful work, work.

Potatoes in modern dream

Dreams about potatoes - a favorable sign. If you dreamed that you sat down potatoes, then in real life you are standing before solving a certain global problem on which your well-being depends on. If in a dream you are plunge or digged grown potatoes, then I can be sure of the success of your undertakings. There are boiled or fried potatoes mean that you will lead a rather modest lifestyle, however, your house's doors will always be open to friends.

Eastern dream potato

Potatoes in a dream - a dream says that all your undertakes, dating, affairs, etc. Will be empty, meaningless.

Potato Schiller Schoolchildren

vintage, profit.

Potatoes in the dream book Catherine Great

Potatoes - you seem like potatoes - your desires will soon come true; Guess new ones. You dig up potatoes - Son says that the tedious occupation awaits you; The work that you will be occupied, just incompatible with the work. You seem to prepare a potato dish - a business meeting awaits you; The fate of your case directly depends on the outcome of this meeting, which means that your fate. You eat in a dream potatoes - what it seemed to be unpromising, will bring an obvious benefit. You dream potatoes in Mundire - a kind of official will offer you a case that will seem unpromising; Do not hurry to refuse.

Potato on the noble dream book N.Grishina

Potatoes dig - have an ungrateful work.

There is a small stomach disorder.

Prepare - an unpleasant visit.

To see a lot - good income or harvest.

Small potatoes - disadvantage, tears.

Sell \u200b\u200b- get rid of the sorrows.

Potato in the dream of a healer shark

What does potatoes mean in a dream - you will find a suitable job. Imagine that you cook some delicious dish from potatoes. For example, frift potatoes with mushrooms.

Potatoes for the Big Dream

Potato - is - dissatisfaction; dig - ungrateful work.

Potato in the dream of Artemidor

You have dreamed of potatoes - cook potatoes sleep, dreaming in the spring, means that you are in doubt; In the summer, - means that your life in the coming weeks will be monotony and dilated; in the fall, - you will be disturbed by sad premonitions, which will later turn out to be completely unreasonable; In winter, - you will overcome melancholy and sadness. Fry potatoes sleep, dreaming in the spring, means that you will gain confidence; in summer, - you will learn funny news; in the fall, it will have to be found; In winter, - you will meet a person who encourages you. Clean potatoes - make a useful case.

Potatoes for the Big Dream Interpretation

What does potatoes mean in a dream - you will find a new job that comes to you in all respects, which will give you a decent wealth. Imagine that you have accumulated in the garden or bought a whole bucket of fresh potatoes on the market. You brought it home, cleaned and cook some tasty dish to your taste: boil, frit, make potato tore or casserole. And then enjoy a delicious dish, alone or family.

Potatoes in the Russian dream book

You dreamed of potatoes - the appearance is important; in the peel - the fruit of activity, hidden from the dream eye; sow potatoes - the introduction of other people's beliefs; digging out of the ground - free from other people's beliefs; There are potatoes - profits.

Dream Dream E. Erixon

What means in a dream potatoes - dig - ungrateful work, to see a lot of accumulated - the necessary wealth, small - disadvantages, sell - get rid of tedious guests, clean from the peel - get rid of the oppression, violence.

You dreamed of potatoes - there is - everyday monotony, digging potatoes - ungrateful work.

Female Dream Potatoes

Potatoes - if you put potatoes in a dream - you can count on the execution of your desires. Dig it - the sign of the coming success. Prepare potatoes - to a new, good job. There is it - to a significant benefit. Digitable potato foreshadows the end of the joyful period and the offensive of troubled times.

Housewives Dream Card

Potatoes - hardworking; small material income; quiet life.

Maya Dream Potatoes

Good denied you dreamed that you cook or eat potatoes, then luck will be accompanied by any of your endeavors. In order for this time to last longer, clean the potato, woof the thread and scream.

Bad denied you dreamed that you put potatoes, then very soon you will have problems with your back. To avoid them, tie the back of the woolen thread and do not remove it during the week.

Potatoes for dreams for women

Dream of different events. For example, if a woman in a dream eats potatoes, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results that will be expressed either in an increment to the salary or in promotion on the service staircase. Potatoes plant - in the near future it is waiting for an interesting sentence, if not hands and hearts, then highly paid work. And if the potato rotted, it's not long enough to rejoice at all. So catch the moment and enjoy life.

Potato in dream for the whole family

Potatoes - dream of different events. For example, if a woman in a dream eats potatoes, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results that will be expressed either in an increment to the salary or in promotion on the service staircase.

Plant potatoes - in the near future it is waiting for an interesting proposal, if not hands and hearts, then highly paid work.

And if the potato has rotted - then you have not long enough to rejoice. So catch the moment and enjoy life.

Dream Potatoes online

By dreams, potatoes - foreshadowing you the futility of your real efforts, all meetings will in the near future will be unpromising, and the costs are unjustified.

You sit down or collect it - sensual pleasures are waiting for you.

Shooting from it - the one who did not have the most flatter ideas will open with you from a positive side.

Dreamed that you eat potatoes - there will be what you will give an excessive value, and in the end it turns out that it is not worth it.

Watch how others are trapping - go to a meeting to the chosen one or the elected friend or friend.

You are engaged in cooking - you will take a position to which you can only dream.

We are implementing it - you have to do what is contrary to your inner convictions.

Acquire it - you will be in great honor.

The dream in which you saw small potatoes - foreshadows that you are waiting for a difficult financial situation and all sorts of chagrins.

If it is big - you are waiting for well-being and superfront.

If she is spoiled - it suggests that there is a failure of bad luck.

The process of cleaning potatoes - you will be engaged in rather exhausting work, but get a worthy remuneration for it.

Health care potatoes

There are potatoes - it is necessary to move onto a vegetable diet; to a shortage of essential trace elements, in particular, potassium, sulfur and silica; Dig potatoes - you need to realize the hidden circumstances of your affairs or causes your illness.

Solomon Dream Potatoes

Potatoes in the dream of lovers

Spin in a dream Potatoes promises success in heart matters.

Plant potatoes - to the execution of desires. However, rotting potatoes does not foreshadow anything good, he dreams of solitude and separation of lovers.

Moonful potato

Potatoes are dissatisfaction; Digger - unfavorable work.

Potato on Russian dream book

Potatoes - a gift; Sat it - good luck in all endeavors, you will be safe for any business.

Potato in dream for bitch

Potatoes dig - long-awaited success is not far off.

There is - a profitable case, profitable affairs and projects.

Plant in a dream Potatoes - all conceived will be fulfilled.

Potatoes in the dream of the XXI century

Potatoes, potatoes - if dreamed of potatoes - to crop on it (per season) or to tears. Cook in a dream potatoes - to pleasures, dig it - to fun, there is potatoes - to a date with a friend, frying him - to marrying.

Potatoes in Slavic Dream

Digging potatoes - to love story; there is to disappointment

Potatoes in a new dream book 1918

There are potatoes - dissatisfaction; dig - ungrateful work.

Potatoes in the Ukrainian dream book

Potatoes will dream - you will see a lot of people. Potatoes - troubles. Potatoes dig - kind, there is a matter. If you dream that I took potatoes in the barn or dug in the field, then you get sick.

Children's Dream Potatoes

Potatoes - to difficult times.

Culinary dream potato

In a dream, potatoes foreshadow the event that you first seem important, but will soon disappoint. Clean potatoes - to change the opinions about some kind of man with bad on good. Shed or dig potatoes - to intimate intimacy with a new partner.

Potatoes in dream book 2012

Potato is a reminder that the inener can be valuable.


Some two hundred years ago, people did not hear anything about potatoes, now without this product it is impossible to present the table of a Russian person. Each self-respecting hostess has its own crown recipe for the preparation of this root, but what a potato is dreaming, a few know. Popular dreams will help express such vision.

Potatoes in a dream foreshadows various randomness, but they will not always be favorable.

  1. Ukrainian Dream Interpretation: A large root root - to the troubles, small - to communicate with a large number of people.
  2. Jewish: financial position is stabilized.
  3. Channel Dream: You need to increase economic reserves.
  4. Nina Grishina argues that potatoes in bags dream of unexpected wealth. Perhaps get the inheritance.
  5. According to the overall dream, the difficulties that are pursuing you lately will soon end, and you will again feel all the delights of life.
  6. Female: to raise in position, success in endeavors.
  7. Winter Dream: Happiness is already very close to you, it remains only to make a little effort.
  8. Smirnova: you are waiting for a heavy, low-paid work.
  9. Esoteric: Potatoes in a dream - to sufficiency.
  10. Culinary dream book: some event will initially seem important, but soon you will be disappointed in it.
  11. Miller's psychologist warns about changes in life. True, not all of them will be positive.
  12. Great Vanga Providian assured that the "potato" dreams always talk about well-being. For example, if you plant potatoes, then never see poverty. Pulling the root root - to the rapid advance on the career stairs.
  13. Spring: Be careful! Vision predicts worsening health.
  14. By Solomon's dream book, see potatoes in a dream - to tears.

The appearance of potato tubers in a dream often indicates the financial position of sleeping

Who dreamed of rooteplood: a woman or a man

As practice shows, the general description of the image is often not enough, so the interpreters are recommended when a dream interpretation take into account the gentleman.

For example, if the potatoes gave way to a woman, it means that at work she managed to show himself from the best side and the bosses noticed her ability and diligence. Take a gift to potatoes - a symbol for which competitors can hide. Perhaps in the near future they will try to relocate you to themselves, offering excellent conditions. Interpreters do not advise agree, since the new team may not accept you.

The girl gathering a crop of potatoes in a dream, can be sure that her personal life will finally work out. Soon she will make a proposal of hands and hearts, and in the role of the groom, the man will speak, whom she knows from childhood.

A pregnant woman's dream predicts heavy childbirth, but everything will end safely.

A young man who had to dig potatoes in a dream, in real life will have to work hard to prove its significance and superiority over competitors. If the blooming root plant was dreamed, then the dreams hide from all some kind of secret, but soon she would be publicity.

A man dasionating potatoes does not promise good prospects. As a rule, this vision indicates that you rely on your friends too, but in the most responsible moment they will be summed up.

Lovers who saw a lot of small potatoes can soon quarrel.

If dying dirty potatoes, get ready for failures

Potatoes with meat, which you are with an appetite eat in a dream, may indicate a bowel disease.

Description of potato

Many dreams believe that the potato seen in his dream foreshadows hard and painstaking work. However, some nuances can radically change the dream value.

Small or large tubers?

The size of the root plant is a serious meaning.

For example, a universal dream book claims that small potatoes indicate unpleasant events that will make a dream cry. Grishina's dream book the same image treats like petty friends who will betray at the first convenient moment. But the famous Vanga small potatoes, ghived in a dream, considered a warning about the lack of funds. Apparently, the sleeping is irrationally used its financial capabilities and is now paying for it. For some time he will have to live in strict savings mode, but after a while, everything will work out.

Large, beautiful root roots foreshadow wealth and well-being. Therefore, a person who seen such a dream should not worry about his future. Good luck now on his side.

Quantity matters

The number of potatoes is equally important.

Ukrainian dream book a bunch of root, full of a dream house in the yard, treats how the arrival of a large guest company. Sleeping need to be well prepared, so as not to hit the face and show yourself to the hospitable owner. Potato bag foreshadows material profit. If a whole field was hardened, planted with this vegetable, it means that financial matters in the near future can not remember, everything in this regard will be good and cloudless.

Sculpt dumplings with potatoes - to a significant improvement in financial affairs

Interpretation of color and appearance

To extremely accurately know your future, remember all the details of what you saw: what color were the dreamed clubs, as they looked.

  1. White potato - Bulletin of a stable financial situation. If the tubers were pink, then ahead of you awaits many pleasant worries and excitement.
  2. Digging from the ground of pure root roots indicates the success of any undertaking. If the potatoes were with communes of dirt, then the work started will fail.
  3. Rotten potatoes indicates difficult times. Also, this dream can foreshadow unforeseen major costs that will not add joy.
  4. Mytoy tubers - a sign that the case, which you initially do not like, will cause delight in the future.
  5. Potatoes with sprouts indicates useless work. Your efforts will be spent in vain - it does not move with the dead point.
  6. Flowering potatoes - to get an inheritance or gift.
  7. Potatoes without peel means that you need to be more vigilant. The meeting with fraudsters is not excluded.
  8. Young potatoes - to a pleasant surprise.
  9. Immature tubers - have to participate in a dubious business that will not bring anything other than trouble.
  10. The burnt potatoes - to unpleasant experiences.

Location: in the ground, in the bucket, in the grids, in the cellar

The sleep value may change from where the potato was located:

  • in the basement - means that you better not spend money on trifles, but to save a certain amount on the "black" day;
  • in the ground - you judge people only in appearance, without taking into account their inner world. And in vain, because sometimes beautiful outside the person can be "with the Gnitza" in the middle;
  • in tightly tied bags - a sign that you have to get out of a difficult situation;
  • the potatoes growing on his own garden foreshadows pleasant news from distant relatives;
  • in the grid - promotion or change of work.

Potatoes in the ground - a sign that you should not judge people only by their appearance

Potatoes dreamed of grave - a sign that you are too trangrit money.

What does it mean to see the raw, finished, roasted potatoes

If I had to see in a dream, raw, only from the ground potatoes, it means that soon you will find a new source of income. And let the profit initially will be not too large, in the future everything is formed and the money flows to you.

Aromatic roasted potatoes symbolizes an important event to which you need to prepare morally in advance. Also, this dream can tenden new, pleasant dating. Watch the process of frying - to a meeting with an unpleasant special, which closes to you like a tick.

Boiled potatoes indicate the improvement of relationships with loved ones. Some interpreters believe that this image indicates the arrival of distant relatives. The same value is potatoes cooked in uniform. Potatoes with mushrooms - a sign that the scheduled party will require more funds than you expected.

Potato mashed potatoes, which sleep absorbs in large quantities, indicates a profitable deal. If the dreams prepares this dish, then it is expected to increase it.

Clean the potatoes with a knife - change the opinion about the close person

Pattags with potatoes indicate the need to do their inner world.

Dunning actions: dig, plant, sell, collect, clean

Dreams of potatoes usually mean the extraction of urgent bread hard work. The prompt to decipher the seen can be your actions in a dream.

  1. Plant potatoes - to a profitable suggestion. Of course, the case will be difficult, but very soon it will bring you good profits. If you had to perform this work together with the late person, it means that you will need help from friends to stabilize your financial position.
  2. Throw small, like peas, potatoes in the holes - to the problems with health in a loved one.
  3. Collect - to the gain in the salary. If you did it with the company, then you can soon visit distant relatives.
  4. Dig small potatoes - to fulfill difficult and monotonous work. If luck smiled at you, and you dug large tubers, which means that the work started will be successful. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that, with the help of what the tubers from the Earth had to be removed:
    • if you performed a job with bare hands, then you act too incretent, trusting your secrets to unauthorized people;
    • if you dug potatoes with a shovel, then soon you will learn the news, thanks to which your life will change for the better.
  5. Putting the growing potatoes - a sign that you will be in a risky business, the result of which cannot be predicted.
  6. To eat potatoes dishes - to a pleasant gift or a romantic date.
  7. Choose tubers on the market - to pleasant events that bring you joy and peace.
  8. To sell roots - you will be able to remove annoying people from your life, communicating with which you already tired.
  9. Brush with a knife raw potatoes - change the opinion about the close person. If you had to clean the boiled tubers, it means that rapid actions will help to avoid losses on your part. Remember, no delay!
  10. Bake potatoes - get additional financing.

Video: What do you say "potato" dreams

Sleep about potatoes in most cases implies honest and hard work, which will give a good result. Therefore, do not be lazy and achieve your goal. Believe, you will succeed!

Dream potato - a symbol of diligent labor and the expected remuneration. What does she dream? Find out what is waiting ahead - poverty or luxury, whether obstacles will meet, what signs in a dream hints on love adventures. Images reveal your happiness model.

Miller: Dreamed in the field or on the table

The plot associated with potatoes, according to Miller, prepares us to chance that it is impossible to envisage. They can be both good and bad.

If you have dreamed of planting potatoes, a long-time dream will be. Cleaning is a harbinger of success. However, digging by the fallen, damaged pest predicts the end of a carefree life and a sad beggar existence.

Miller encourages: if a potato dish cooked in a dream, these troubles promise decent work, and hot food is worthy of payment.

Dream Dream Enigma about the prophecy

Deep sense is attributed to the soil on which potatoes grow. What dreams of poor or fertile soil?

Sandy personifies sadness, a marriage fertilized to the girl, and the poor man is a way out of poverty. Clay predicts solid earnings. Pictures and plots related to the soil type:

  • Harvesting land - marriage for bachelor.
  • Groke, embarkable sand - money and expensive property.
  • Get bogged into the bulk soil - laziness and irresponsibility.
  • The field crashed from drought - wealth, joy.

What dreams of albeit and water

Potato sprouts in a dream are preceded by remarkable changes in reality. However, if they threaten weeds, dream interpreters warned from ruinous communication with idlers. Isn't it too many acquaintances who want to get started at your expense?

What dreams of spruy is dreaming - it will have to lead a not too pleasant struggle with dependents. But if the plantation in a dream is free from weeds, the tops grow, blooms, then nobody does not attend the dream wallet. If the blooming tops are watered, the dream book Enigma promises a delightful life.

Elevative details in a dream

If you have dreamed of digging potatoes, dream interpreters advise to prepare for a new time-consuming project. Floating a shovel The cellar means the braking of spiritual development.

What dreams of typing root in a specific container? To carry in the bucket - to a meeting with a fraudster or rich, and it is quite possible that these qualities have connected in one person. To see empty bags, on Eastern dreams, to debt bole, tight-stuffed - to prosperity. If you pour the contents from the bag, then the secret will become explicit - your secrets will be publicized.

Have seen harvest? Get rich!

What dreams of cleaning potatoes? Dreams compare the collection process with hardness, and the view of the tubers - with summing up. How to prophesate dream book Vanga, which deserved, then get.

Copka manually predicts ungrateful work. If potatoes scattered on the floor and cleaned the pitched, then have time to enjoy a lightweight life, soon it will be filled with concerns. They took into hand only selected - to the arrival of money.

What did you do with harvest? If sold in a dream, you would like to rush somewhere guests. According to another version, go to the deal with conscience. But buying a fresh harvest entails success. Bought a large, healthy means, acknowledging recognition.

Mountain Potatoes or Little Hand

A pile is smaller, according to dreams, predicts prosperity more compromised, but it is enough to sometimes share with others.

Vintage, stored in a container, is interpreted as a firmware. For example, scattered on the grids, which are tightly tied, indicates your calculation and a clear planning of spending.

What does washing and clean?

Dream Interpretations believe: Dirty potatoes reminds of deception, and soy will prophesate to bring slanderers to clean water. If you saw how wet mud broke into the pelvic basin, you should take care of the health of the organs of the sexual sphere. Cut the peel - it means that they caress.

What dreams of boiled potatoes in the uniform? You will be able to protect yourself from the tracks of enemies. Baked in a vulgar on the fire - to a meeting of old friends or a date. A lonely young lady plot brings thoughts about the soon marriage. If they fir a hot and pushed the skin - learn someone's secrets.

Arrangement - fingers license

Fried potatoes in a dream foreshadows joy, boiled - solid wealth, and stew promises that happiness and wealth will be connected in life. Interpretation of dreams depend on what cooks wisdoms were preparing a dish than they seasoned. I remember something bright or unusual?

  • Cutball cuts are numerous guests.
  • Cook free - a fun youth party.
  • Fry with onions - permanent profits, serenity.
  • The furnace pie with potato stuffing - always with money.
  • Treat - sudden costs, charity.

What does dream of Islamic interpretation mean

Islamic dream book says that good potatoes in a dream means rich life and barrack, that is, a constant improvement in well-being thanks to the grace of the Most High. He is waiting for a particularly bad future and honor, if he dreamed that her girl carries her.

A person who went to sleep with a unclean conscience can see how she chose roting potatoes - this is a sign that exposes his fraudulent enrichment. For criminal ways, earnings also indicates ash, if young landings were pollinated in dreams.

Potatoes are often found in dreams. And it is not surprising at all, since it is a rather common vegetable. Most dream books decrypt what the potato is dreaming, as a sign of wealth, well-being and health. However, sleep details are very strongly affected by his interpretation.

Opinion of different dreams

Potatoes seen in a dream, many interpreters can decipher in different ways. Some believe that this is a favorable sign, others believe that such a dream is something bad. This is how famous interpreters treat potatoes:

Dream value for a man or woman

A woman who saw in a dream of potatoes, waiting for positive changes. Most likely, she will receive a long-awaited increase in office. If a woman gives someone to a potato tuber, then maybe she will receive a tempting offer from competitors who will try to lure her to themselves.

If the girl dreamed of harvesting, he would soon be confessed in love and make a sentence. For a pregnant woman root in a dream can fill heavy bodiesBut everything will end well.

If the guy dreams, how he digs potatoes, he will have to try to prove his superiority. The blooming vegetable speaks about a certain dream secret, which will soon be revealed.

For a man, the rooteplood does not foreshadow good prospects. Perhaps the dreams are greatly relied on friends who will bring it.

Size and number of tubers

To find out what the raw potatoes dream, you need to remember some of the details of sleep. One of these important details is the size and number of potato.

Little tubers promote disorders and trouble. If they were covered with mud, then the dream is waiting for a long strip of failure. For lovers, small potatoes means conflicts and quarrels.

Large and pure potatoes foreshadows a great success. If the dreams planned some kind of project, it will be successful. If you have conceived something to change in life - act. The result will be positive. And for those who have no ambitious plans, such a dream can enhance the improvement of the financial situation. If you are interested in what a large potato is dreaming on earth, then such a dream foreshadows wealth and well-being.

A large number of tubers may mean a rich harvest or impair money profit. A bunch of root roots, lying in the yard, talks about the soon arrival of guests.

Appearance and location

In the interpretation of sleep about the potato, its condition, color and appearance as a whole plays an important role. This is how the dream can be treated on the basis of these parts:

The dream value also affects where the vegetable is: