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Personal woman hygiene. Rules of personal hygiene teenage girls how to follow a personal hygiene girl

One of the main points in the life of people is personal hygiene, which each of us should be observed. Especially the rules of personal hygiene must comply with women. What do they need to do to always look beautiful, well-groomed and attractive?

Water treatments

It is best to take a shower in the evening and in the morning. If there is no such possibility, then only in the evening. Washing hands, legs, faces, armpits, chest and beaming should be a mandatory daily procedure. You can take a full-fledged bath one or twice a week, while you can add fragrant oils and seaside salt. In short, the mood should be completely relaxed and positive. When making water procedures, it is recommended to use special gels for the shower and washcloths, while sponges should only be made of natural fibers and individual. By the way, a towel is also the subject of individual use.

Intimate hygiene

Personal human hygiene should include intimate hygiene. The arrangement must be carried out in the morning and in the evening with the use of running water in the direction from the pubic to the rear pass. Doctors recommend using a special intimate soap for these purposes, simply soap can contribute to the violation of the vaginal microflora. To lock the intimate zone, you must have a separate towel.


Personal clothing hygiene includes underwear, lace beautiful underwear may not be very practical and pleasant in the casual wear. Panties are better to choose from natural fabrics that will close the buttocks, feel tightly to the body, but do not argue movement. Gynecologists doctors do not advise to wear bikini panties to girls, since the fabric is capable of rubbing outdoor genital organs, which leads to inflammation of mucosa and discomfort. Remember not only about the beauty of the underwear, but, first of all, about its purity.

Caring for heels and nails

Under dirty nails, a huge number of different malicious microorganisms and bacteria are assembled, so personal hand hygiene is simply necessary. It is important to regularly care for your nails, not only on your hands, but also legs. Clean - a guarantee of health, this is how folk wisdom says. Do not forget to regularly clean your nails and to focus or cut them. In special care, our heels need. Do not allow them to form them with hopes, scuffs and corns. We systematically use peptems to clean the heels and stop legs from the skin of skinned scales.

In addition to the above, personal hygiene requirements include the presence of an individual toothbrush and pasta, their own combs, and certainly personal underwear.

Careful oral care

As is known, non-compliance with personal hygiene can lead to some diseases of the internal organs, and most diseases begin their way in the oral cavity. Teeth should be cleaned every morning special paste on a natural basis, and the gaps between the teeth with a toothpick or dental thread. After each meal is recommended to carefully rinse the mouth. If you have noticed an unpleasant smell of mouth, it is recommended to immediately visit the dentist. To take a timely stone from the teeth in a timely manner, detect caries or cure the gums, the dentist is recommended to visit twice a year. To your gums do not hurt, it is recommended that there are more food capable of strengthening teeth and gums. Avoid fatty food forming acid and destructive tooth enamel.

Perfect hair purity

Personal hygiene girls must necessarily include hair care, and no matter what lengths are long or short. Hair must be washed at least one or two times a week, while it is recommended to rinse them after washing to rinse them after washing, it is recommended to rinse them out of nettle or chamomile. Mandatory for stimulation and improved hair growth is a head massage. You can make such a massage, both hands and a massage brush. It is necessary to dry your hair very carefully, choosing them with a towel.

How to deal with acne?

If you do not comply with the basic rules of personal hygiene, there may be acne. Why is this happening? In the human body absolutely everything is interconnected. In case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the sebaceous glands begin to be clogged, as a result of which acne is formed on the face and other parts of the body. Most importantly: in no case do not try to squeeze them with your own hands, as you can make an infection.

Try not to wash with simple water, it is best to wipe your face with a special lotion, as well as use a wash foam. It is also necessary to know that in most cases the skin condition directly depends on the quality of sleep and nutrition. Pay special attention to these two stages. Salt, acute and fatty food, as well as a lot of sweet and flour, can affect your skin.

Healthy skin is needed vitamin A (liver, egg yolk, butter and fish oil). It is also extremely useful to use beer yeast, which are able to restore violations in the metabolism. Also, the reason for the appearance of acne is a stressful situation, so try less nervous.

Hygiene is a science consisting of a variety of sections, among which personal hygiene occupies the most important place. Personal hygiene - A combination of mandatory rules of human behavior at work and at home.In the narrow sense of hygiene - this is the content of the body, clothing and household items clean. Violations of the rules of personal hygiene and human health can long withdraw him and family members. This situation may occur if one family member fell ill, but enjoyed a common dish. As a result, the health of the rest is attached to the blow, that is, personal hygiene and health are inextricably linked with each other.

Personal hygiene includes several rules, to observe each person: maintaining body cleanliness, the right mode of work and recreation, exercise, rational food.


It covers the whole body and serves as a barrier to penetrate various diseases. In addition to the protective function, the skin performs several other: respiratory, receptor, thermostatic ... It has a huge amount of pores, through which 5-7 liters of sweat and 200 g of Sala have been released. In order for this essential organ to function correctly, the skin must be cleaned. Daily body care must be a mandatory ritual.

  • Every day you need to take a shower with water comfortable temperature. But people with very dry leather frequent washing is not recommended not to disturb the protective function of the skin. And face, armpits and groin necessarily wash every day. For these purposes, you can use appropriate care products - soap, gels. Everyone must pick them up individually. Skin hygiene involves the use of scrubies for exfoliation of particles of an expired epithelium.
  • At least once a week, the procedure should be more solid - in the bath, sauna or just in the bath.
  • Every day you need to clean your face, then apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Objects of personal hygiene - urine, towel - must be individual.
  • Bed linen must be changed once a week.

Arms and legs

Hand hygiene plays an important role in maintaining health: the harmful microorganisms may fall into the mouth and cause a unwanted reaction. To care for hands and legs, it is necessary to regularly use manicure and pedicure accessories - brushes, saws, pimples. Nails carefully cleaned and carefully cut. Feet daily need to wash cool water to reduce sweating. And the hands need to wash after the arrival of home, before and after cooking, before and after the campaign to the toilet and simply because they can pollute. In case there are no conditions for washing hands, you must have a wet napkin.

Hygiene hair

So that the hair looked well-kept, we must try to follow the unaccompanious rules.

  1. It is necessary to wash your head as needed - if the type of hair is normal, then just once a week.
  2. The choice of hair products requires a well-thought out approach - with shampoo or riffler in the body may fall unwanted substances.
  3. To give glossy hair very useful after washing to rinse them with Nasty nettle or chamomile.
  4. It is not recommended to rub the hair with a towel - just wash.
  5. To dry them with a hairdryer is also extremely undesirable - if time allows you to give them the opportunity to dry in the air.

Oral hygiene

The main rules of personal hygiene necessarily include cavity care.

  • Teeth should be cleaned twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after eating and at least 3 minutes. The brush is desirable to use medium softness.
  • To purify the interdental space, you can use dental thread or toothpick.
  • For cleaning gums, cheeks and language There are many variants of scrapers and blades, and to destroy all microbes in the oral cavity it is desirable to use a rinser.
  • But even regular cleaning will not be a guarantee that the caries will not arise or another problem. In order to begin treatment at an early stage, you must pass the dentist twice a year.

Rules for women's hygiene

The concepts of personal hygiene should be familiar to every person since childhood. They are especially important for women. Knowing them and getting used to perform them from childhood, any girl will not worry in any situation.

Intimate care is individual for each woman and must include several mandatory rules.

  1. You need to go at least twice a day. Water should be flowing. Movements should be on the front to the allocations from the anus did not get into the vagina.
  2. It is necessary to wash only palm, without using washcloth.
  3. The intimate hygiene towel must be personal or paper.
  4. The hygienic napkin can also approach this purpose if it is impossible to use water.
  5. Underwear should be easily skimmed with air. It is more comfortable to wear cotton.
  6. Intimate girl hygiene must be thought out: it is impossible to use a shower gel for this purpose, soap or those means that are not individually suited. They can cause irritation or even a disease. Therefore, the best way out - you need to turn to the gynecologist and acquire hygiene products on his advice. In the extreme case, you can purchase a remedy with PH2.5 to 3.5, containing milk acid so as not to disturb the microflora.
  7. During menstruation, it is necessary to wash up to five times a day to flush the decompanying blood.

Clothes and shoes

In the rules of personal hygiene and human health, clothing plays a tangible role, that is, her purity.

  • Underwear, including tights, stockings and socks, must be changed daily, they must be freshly resistant.
  • Clothes and shoes should be individual and match the season.
  • Insoles from boots, shoes and shoes immediately clean as contamination.

Benefit for health

In accordance with other points of rules, food must be full and rational, to ensure the mental and physical activity of a person, contain a sufficient amount of calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The correct power regimen is also necessary for a full-fledged rhythm of life: a person takes food 5-6 times a day and does not starve. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in the kitchen will be a guarantee that there will be no intestinal disorder. So, health will not suffer.

Sports, and just physical exercises, physical labor, walks in the fresh air, a different active vacation - the most reasonable pastime after the working day and on weekends. This will increase the metabolism, the tone of vessels and hearts, restore the strength and handle the body.

The value of personal hygiene is difficult to overestimate.

But the hygienic letter should be familiar to a person since childhood and strictly to be carried out, and then any diseases will go around the party.

Women's health is a special thing. Here the slightest problems can lead to serious consequences. How often are women running through clinics, passing numerous surveys and passing a variety of tests. But gynecologists constantly remind the fact that daily observance of simple intimate hygiene rules can prevent many inflammatory and infectious diseases. The only thing that ladies should do, follow the recommendations of the doctors.

At first glance, it seems that intimate hygiene of a woman does not imply anything difficult, the main thing is to daily move and regularly change underwear. But as practice shows, be pure and healthy - these are two different things. Often, women during hygienic procedures allow a number of errors that lead to the weakening of the microflora of the genital organs and an increase in the risk of infectious diseases. How to do everything right to keep your health?

Intimate hygiene rules for women

How to get rich?

Before you knead, you must wash your hands with soap. During water procedures, it is not recommended to use sponges and washcloths in order not to injure the mucous membrane of the genital organs and not cause irritation or even inflammation. We wash only your hand and send a stream of flowing water in front of the front, so as not to bring bacteria from the rectum to the genitals. Those microorganisms that perform useful functions in the intestine can cause an inflammatory process into the vagina, so you need to be attentive. It is not desirable to be lying, sitting in a basin or in the bath. It will also increase the risk of penetration into the vagina of hazardous bacteria.

It is advisable to arrange at least 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. One of these two times can use gel for intimate hygiene. The second time was washed just water. Also, doctors recommend women to take shower before and after intimate proximity.

At any time of the year you need to use only warm water. The intimate hygiene towel should be soft. And after the arms, you need neat missing movements. It is very important that the towel is not only yours personal, but also used for an intimate zone.

Do I need to drain?

Drying is washing the vagina with water. And if a woman is healthy, do not need to paint. Normal daily intimate hygiene assumes only the arms. Such a procedure as a douching can only be prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes. At the same time, the course of dying is just a few days. If you will drag every day without any reason, this will lead to a violation of the pH of the vagina, the appearance of dryness of the mucous membranes, washing away from the vagina of beneficial lactobacilli and the violation of its normal microflora. All this can lead to a bacterial vaginosis and provoke the development of the inflammatory process into the vagina.

After it is enough to wash the genitals with water. If there will be a little sperm inside, there is nothing terrible. Sperm is not able to lead to such negative consequences as frequent sinking.

During and while dyeing is particularly dangerous. Therefore, in critical days, doctors do not recommend women even take a bath. It is better to use the shower.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the vagina?

The unpleasant smell of the vagina is most often a sign of genital disease. Therefore, before trying to get rid of it, you need to visit the doctor and go through, especially if the smell appeared recently.

If weak smell is constantly present, maybe this is due to the characteristics of the body. People themselves very rarely feel their smell, but, nevertheless, he may be unpleasant for sexual partner. And in this case, it is necessary to take action.

First of all, you need to reconsider your, exclude onions, garlic, pepper, beer. You also need to try to drink more malt or simple green tea. In addition, you need to get up more often and take care of the choice. It is worth taking panties only from natural materials to avoid the debate of the genital organs due to synthetics.

Means for intimate hygiene women

Intimate hygiene soap

The usual soap is not suitable for use in delicate places, as it dries the mucous membrane. In addition, it creates an alkaline environment, while the natural wedge of the genital organs is acidic. Violation of the normal level of acidity leads to the weakening of the protective properties of the inner medium of the vagina and provokes the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to use a special gel for intimate hygiene, which affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs very softly and neatly, cleaning and removing irritation. Its acidity is close to the natural medium of the vagina, as well as it contains more moisturizing components.

Choosing a gel, it is worth paying attention to its color and smell, or rather on their absence. The means for intimate hygiene should not contain dyes and fragrances capable of causing allergic reactions. Well, if the gel contains lactobacillia, contributing to the maintenance of the normal microflora of female genital organs, as well as a chamomile extract that helps relieve irritation.

Gaskets and tampons

Doctors advise ladies to give preference to gaskets and apply tampons only in special cases. Although the tampons help get rid of the unpleasant odor during, as well as more reliable. Therefore, many women still often use them. Change and tampons, and gaskets need every 4 hours. If the dirty gasket is in contact with the vagina over a larger period of time, this may lead to the development of the inflammatory process, since it creates a favorable environment for breeding bacteria.

Daily pads

Despite the fact that this means of hygiene is popular among women, doctors do not recommend using such gaskets every day. They are made of synthetic materials and prevent the normal air permeability of the linen. Any woman during the day appears a small amount of discharges that leave a trail on panties. And gaskets help keep your favorite lingerie clean. But it is still better to use simple cotton panties and simply wash them. And if you use gaskets, you need to change them every 3-4 hours.

All girls want to look attractive, be the most beautiful and irresistible. Therefore, personal hygiene is paying a lot of attention. However, sinking in the morning, for some reason, many girls forget about 1 aspect of well-groomed. Or they consider it not so necessary as a clean face. However, intimate hygiene is one of the most important components of not only the purity, but also the health of every woman and the girl.
At all times, a lot of attention was paid to this aspect. For example, Cleopatra enjoyed baths with the addition of herbs or with essential oils. In Russia, at all times, the bath was popular, and the number of decoctions with chamomile, aloe and other herbs and oils used for these procedures are simply enormous. Many of the recipes know and are used by centuries. In general, intimate female hygiene is first described in ancient monuments of Mesopotamia (approximately II century BC), although the term itself appeared only in the middle of the last century.

Rules for holding

Despite the seeming issue of the issue, many women do not know exactly how intimate hygiene is being held. Some give her too little attention, others, on the contrary, too much. And in that, in another case, there are various problems with female health. So, what do you need to know to properly spend all the measures to purify intimate zones?

There are simple rules that will help navigate this difficult question:

Care products

Any, the most healthy woman, in the vagina there is a huge number of bacteria of both useful and pathogens. Microflora is located in an unstable equilibrium, which is easy to shake, using incorrect, unsuitable objects of female hygiene. The fact is that the pH level of the vagina is about 3.5. This indicator is necessary for the life and reproduction of useful lactic acid bacteria, harmful in such conditions die.

Many infections also cannot overcome natural protection. In the usual soap pH about 7, i.e. it creates an alkaline medium that traumats the normal microflora of the vagina. And, while in the body lacks useful bacteria, they may have time to multiply pathogens.

All means for intimate departure (gels, milk) must have a neutral or low-acid pH. Ideal is considered if these numbers range from 3.5 to 4.5. PH 5 level is also permissible. If this figure is higher, it is great to break the natural vaginal microflora.

Currently, there are a large amount of funds and recipes for intimate care. However, not all of them are equally useful and are not suitable for all women. The main objects of female hygiene:

  • Special soaps, gels, foam, milk. It is necessary to read the composition carefully to make sure that natural ingredients are used, for example, chamomile beams, aloe or calendula, essential oils, and not chemical perfumes. Means based on lactic acid, since they restore the natural microflora and prevent the appearance of irritation;
  • Napkins for intimate hygiene is undesirable to constantly use instead of arms. They are fighting well with smell and pollution, but this is an emergency one when it is not possible to visit the shower at the end of the day or after the toilet. Well, if they are impregnated with essential oils or aloe extracts, chamomiles, etc.;
  • For those who want to avoid the appearance of the smell, produce special deodorants for an intimate sphere, but they use perfumeful fragrances, which suits not all women;
  • Cream for intimate hygiene is not a luxury, but the norm. They possess antiseptic properties, protect against the penetration of malicious microorganisms, cover the vagina with a thin protective film, contribute to the restoration of natural microflora. They need to be used when bathing in open water bodies and those who older than 40;
  • Daily gaskets Wonderful female hygiene objects allowing you to keep freshness, clean, avoid unpleasant odor. Often they are impregnated with oils to give a pleasant fragrance. But you need to use them correctly. They change the "daily" not in the morning and in the evening, and every 4 hours, since they accumulate a large number of secretions. With long-term wearing on the gaskets, ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic flora;
  • Gaskets for menstruation and tampons are also necessary to change regularly and often not cause irritation and development of inflammatory diseases.

Folk recipes

For the arms, many recipes using herbs are created: chamomile, aloe, calendula, etc. These funds do not cause allergies and irritations, many decoctions are therapeutic. Personal hygiene is unthinkable without applying folk recipes. Funds with manganese, aloe, calendula and other herbs are very popular. You need to be careful using the recipes with soda, since it creates an alkaline environment.

So, with inflammatory diseases is very popular with chamomile flowers. The recipe is extremely simple: 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist within an hour. It is advisable to blame the use of thermos.

You can cook from dried grass. Coltsfoots and chamomile. They need to be mixed in equal amounts and stored in a tightly closing bank. For procedure 4 Art. l. Collection poured 500 ml of boiling water and insist 2 hours.

Also often do sharply with chamomile. For this, 2 tbsp. l. Flowers are poured 1 liters of boiling water and insist for 40 minutes.

Popular for scriptures and manganese. For the procedure prepare a weak pale pink solution. It is impossible to use manganese during the erosion of the cervix, since the disease can be aggravated.

The tea tree has an antimicrobial effect, therefore is also used in recipes for intimate hygiene and douching. 1 tsp. Oils are mixed with 1 tsp. alcohol. Then 5 drops of the mixture are bred in a glass of boiled water.

Observe intimate hygiene is not so difficult. Its rules are simple and understandable. It is necessary to monitor the timely execution of procedures and select the most appropriate means with the right PH level.

Women, as a rule, carefully follow their appearance and health, carrying out daily procedures for this. An important component of the total female body hygiene is intimate hygiene. Proper care for the "interesting place" will allow each of us to avoid many unpleasant diseases, including thrush, bacterial vaginosis, various inflammatory diseases and the like. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules may also negatively affect reproductive health.

Daily care

The first thing I want to talk about is the daily procedures for washing the intimate area. Many believe that this is a polework. He took soap, turned on the water, once or two - and left the bath clean and fresh. In terms of the sequence of actions, everything is correct, but in terms of attitude to these actions - not quite. Let's try to explain why.

Let's start with soap. It is not recommended to use for intimate hygiene, since it is incompatible with the microflora vagina. The use of soap will lead to drying the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which, you agree, nothing good is promulit. Especially it is not recommended that the intimate hygiene of a woman was carried out using antibacterial soap. It will not only lead to dryness, but also destroyed together with harmful bacteria and useful, existing in the microflora vagina.

To make this hygiene should be used by special funds we will talk about below. You can buy them in the store of cosmetics or in a pharmacy.
By the way, the woman should be laughed at least twice a day (in the morning and before bed), as well as before and after intimate proximity. It is possible to apply a special tool once a day, and all other ablutions to carry out in conventional water. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of intimate organs is very gentle and even special means with frequent use can harm it.

If for any reason a woman cannot use a special means for intimate hygiene, then it is better for her to use baby soap. It can be called a versatile agent that is suitable for any skin. It does not damage it and the mucous membrane of a female intimate place. As for the refusal of intimate cosmetics, it is often associated with the emergence of allergies to it.

Now let's talk about water. It must necessarily be warm (not higher than 30 degrees). Cold or hot water cannot be used. The procedure of ablution is best under running water. A stream of water (should not be done too strong) should be directed from the pubic down. The hand should also move during the arms. The inverse movement contributes to the movement of malicious bacteria from the anal zone to the vaginal zone, which is fraught with inflammatory processes.

It is not recommended to direct the water jet directly into the vagina, as this may cause the useful lactobacterium and dryness of the mucous membrane. As a result, the pH of the vagina will be disturbed and favorable conditions will be created for the development of inflammation and bacterial vaginosis. Also, specialists in the field of gynecology do not advise use for intimate hygiene of the washcloth, explaining that they can hurt the gentle mucous membrane.

Completed such female intimate hygiene should wiping. But here are their features. Do not rub the genitals too much. It is enough just to get into their soft napkin or a towel. It goes without saying that a means for wiping (be it a towel or a napkin) should be intended only for these purposes. It is necessary to change it every three days to eliminate the possibility of the occurrence and development of bacteria.

Funds for intimate hygiene

Now it reached the hygienic cosmetics for the intimate area. Today, various products are produced for these purposes, among which gels, milk, creams, mousses and the like. All of them can be conditionally divided into two types: sexual and actually hygienic.

We will not stop in detail in the first form, since these funds are used by and large only to give a pleasant smell. Let's talk in more detail about the second, since it is this intimate cosmetics that is designed for what is told in this article.

The main difference between these means from soap is that their acidity is as close as possible to the natural acidity of the vaginal microflora. And this suggests that cosmetics for intimate goals affects the female genitals carefully and gently, moisturizing them and removes the existing irritation.

Unlike other cosmetics, intimate hygiene agents should not contain too many dyes and flavors, which often become causative agents of allergic reactions. Information about its composition can be found on the label. Also make sure the lactobacillia is mentioned there. It is they who help maintain the vagina microflora.

Many types of intimate cosmetics also contain special natural components that help get rid of small troubles. For example, the presence of a tea tree oil in the hygienic agent indicates that it not only helps to wash the intimate area thoroughly, but also increase the protective function of the genital organs. And the presence of chamomile extract, calendula or aloe indicates that this means for intimate hygiene helps to calm the skin and healing small wounds and cracks.

A little about gaskets and napkins

Daily gaskets greatly facilitate the life of a woman. With their help, you can support intimate zone hygiene and prevent the release of secretions on the underwear. Agree, there are not very pleasant from wet lingerie, but feel "dry and comfortable" will like everyone.

But the use of daily gaskets follows the rules. Otherwise, instead of the feeling of comfort, you can earn a lot of trouble. It is not recommended to wear one gasket throughout the day. Absupping moisture, she at the same time turns into an ideal seatingman for pathogenic bacteria. To protect yourself from their falling into the field of genital organs, it is necessary to change this means of hygiene every three or four hours.

It should also be noted that women's intimate hygiene is not a complete isolation of the genitals. The skin must be breathing, and daily gaskets impede it. As a result, irritation, urticaria and allergic reactions may occur. You can avoid this in only one way - periodically take breaks to use gaskets.

Another achievement of modernity is napkins for intimate hygiene. They are very convenient for use in those moments when a woman cannot accomplish the necessary procedures due to non-conforming conditions. When choosing this hygienic tool, it is better to prefer the preference for its types that contain extracts of therapeutic herbs or antimicrobial compositions. However, it is not necessary to get involved in napkins, and even more so replace them with theft. Too frequent their use can affect the microflora of the vagina and cause irritation.

Hygiene in critical days

During the period of menstruation, intimate hygiene women should be carried out more carefully, because allocations occur constantly, and, as a result, excellent conditions are created for the appearance and reproduction of bacteria. And the wrong choice of underwear, humidity and constant wearing of the gasket increase the risk of the occurrence and development of infection.

In critical days, in addition to the mandatory two-time arms, it is advisable to find time for an additional water procedure (or several - depending on the intensity of the selection). If there is no such possibility, the aforementioned napkins will come to the revenue.
As for underwear, in such a period, it is best to choose things from natural fabrics, since the synthetic of airtight. The presence of gasket also prevents normal air circulation, and this may cause infection. Lingerie from cotton allows the skin to breathe, so in such days it is indispensable.

From hygiene products during menstruation of women use gaskets or tampons. It is necessary to choose them on the basis of the intensity of the selection and, of course, from personal preferences. Tampons, for example, are suitable for amateurs of active lifestyle and in the case when you want to wear tight trousers or a short skirt.

Regardless of the choice of the hygienic agent, intimate hygiene will not be full, if you do not comply with the rules for its use. Gaskets are recommended to change every three hours, as they can cause the appearance of bacteria, and tampons and more often (two hours after administration). The latter are directly in the vagina, so it is very important to prevent the appearance of a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

In addition to the names of the hygiene used during critical days, today there is also a special bowl (another name - Capa), which only begins to gain popularity in the post-Soviet space. The menstrual bowl is a small funnel of flexible plastic or silicone, in the container of which is assembled blood.

Select this hygienic "device" must be based on the size of the vagina, since the method of its use is similar to the use of tampons. Emptying the bowl follows several times a day (the number of "plums" depends on the intensity of menstrual bleeding). After each emptying, it must be disinfected, and then return to the place.

This bowl can serve not one year, but, having mastered her wearing, a woman will not feel discomfort at no work responsibilities, nor in ordinary life. Use the bowl is not allowed to all. Those who have a tendency to allergies to silicone, inflammation and other problems of an intimate zone, this is a means of hygiene is strictly prohibited. To find out exactly, she suits you or not, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Hygiene during pregnancy

Note that the intimate hygiene of a woman during pregnancy is not much different from hygiene in another period of life. True, there are features here, which must be remembered. One of them is a more thorough choice of intimate cosmetics for care. It should not be dyes and fragrances. It is better to choose funds that include herbal extracts (calendula, daisies and similar).

The second important point is the frequency of hygienic procedures. Since during pregnancy, the number of discharges increases, the procedures of ablution will have to be more often. How often is it depends on the intensity of the discharge and health of the future mother. Help with the regulations of water procedures can a doctor who advises a woman during pregnancy.

As for hygienic napkins and daily gaskets, it is possible to use women who are in position. The main thing is that these means of hygiene do not have in their composition flavoring agents and alcohol.

Proper underwear - Pledge of genital health

Proper intimate Hygiene Women implies and the right choice of underwear. The best in this regard is cotton underwear. Choose it for everyday wearing, but the panties and thongs of synthetic tissue give preference only in exceptional cases, for example, if you are going to a romantic meeting.

Please note that in the place of contacting the panties with the crotch must be present inserting cotton fabric. If there is no one, and you really liked this underwear, then daily gaskets will help you to fill it.
Another important point relating to the right intimate female hygiene: panties need to be changed daily. At the same time, try to wash them apart from other things (clothing, bed linen and the like).

As follows from the foregoing, intimate hygiene is practically a whole science, which can always emit freshness and purity. However, to comply with all the rules recommended by experts in the field of gynecology, not so difficult, because they do not require special skills. The main thing is to steadily follow them.