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When to prune tulip stalks after flowering. When to dig out tulips after flowering and how to store them before planting. The need for love and care

Tulips are good for everyone - a bright riot of colors, early flowering, decorative properties. One thing is bad - their age is too short. April, May flew by, tulips bloomed, what to do next? Should I continue to care for faded plants? How to use the vacant space in the design of the garden? When to dig and plant bulbs? We will discuss these and other issues in more detail.

Care after flowering

To understand the biological characteristics of a tulip, it is necessary to look in what natural conditions its genetics has formed. And these are steppe and semi-desert regions of Asia with early spring and summer heat, warming the soil to great depths. Hence the development cycle of bulbous flowers:

  • spring vegetation;
  • bloom;
  • bulb division and ripening;
  • period of summer rest (warming up);
  • autumn landing;
  • winter rest period (cooling);
  • spring vegetation.

From the sequence of biological rhythms we see that the care of tulips after flowering should be aimed at the formation and maturation of strong, healthy bulbs.

Continue to water regularly for 2 weeks after flowering. Make sure that the earth gets wet to a depth of 30–40 cm. The roots of the tulip are not adapted to extract water from the lower tiers of the soil, therefore they are sensitive to surface moisture.

When flowering comes to an end, feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizers, which include potassium and phosphorus. This portion of the food will go to the formation of scales of the replacing bulb, the growth of children. Dissolve 30–40 g of granular fertilizers in a bucket of water and pour at the rate of 10 l / m².

Remove dead flowers and seeds in time. A seed box left on the stem draws food from the bulb, preventing it from fully forming.

As you can see, to care for tulips after flowering is a fairly simple set of procedures - time-consuming and not time-consuming.

Important! Some gardeners, unknowingly, cut off the leaves of tulips immediately after flowering. This must not be done! Without the aerial part, the growth of the bulb is suspended. When cutting flowers, leave at least 2 lower sheets.

Digging and storage

By the second half of June, the foliage and stalks of tulips turn yellow, wither - the time has come to dig. The question of how often to do this is debated by more than one generation of gardeners. It all depends on climatic conditions and varietal properties. Based on biological needs, in July-August the bulb needs to be warmed up at a temperature of 23–25 ° C. In the steppe zone, subtropics, the soil warms up to such temperatures, and in the middle zone of Russia? Definitely not. In addition, if you do not dig the bulbs for a number of years, degeneration occurs - the flowers grow smaller, varietal characters disappear, and the reproduction rate decreases.

Tulip transplantation after flowering is a necessary element of agricultural technology of flower culture. Dug bulbs are thoroughly dried for a week in a warm, shaded, ventilated place. After that, planting material is cleaned of roots, old scales, sorted by size, sick and damaged specimens are rejected.

  This is how ripened bulbs look like during harvesting.

Tulips are stored until planting - for 2–2.5 months. At this time, the flower bud is laying next year, so it is important to create optimal conditions. The temperature regime in the initial storage period should be higher (23–25 ° C), after 1–1, 5 months it is reduced to 15–18 ° C, at the time of disembarkation they are brought closer to natural conditions (10–12 ° C). To make the bulbs “breathe”, pour them in 1-2 layers, do not allow the drying of the integumentary scales.

How to plant a flowerbed after tulips?

The unsightly appearance of faded tulips and dried leaves spoils the view of the garden. Pursuing the design of tulip flower beds after flowering, gardeners use several proven methods.

Growing in baskets

Landing bulbs in special perforated containers is gaining popularity among gardeners. This is convenient when digging planting material - the bulbs "do not spread." But, most importantly, immediately after flowering, the baskets, along with soil and bulbs, can be removed from the flowerbed and, with a little digging, left to ripen in an inconspicuous corner of the garden. This method completely solves the problem when replanting tulips after flowering in order to have time to arrange flower beds with summer flowers.

Planting annual seedlings

If you plant tulips in dense groups, then, digging up the bulbs in mid-June, you will have time to plant the vacant beds with late-flowering summers. To do this, grow seedlings in individual containers. Salvia, zinnia, petunia, begonia, marigolds are well established, not sick and growing rapidly. You can plant annual dahlias, antirrinum, chrysanthemums - they will delight you with flowering until late autumn.

Selection of decorative neighbors

The design technique of the “decorative neighborhood” is widely used, which allows you to mask the unsightly appearance of faded plants. Plants with a different period of vegetation and flowering are selected, but so that they actively move to growth no earlier than the second half of May. The generally recognized "neighbors" of tulips are perennial hosts, astilbe, ferns. If you do not plan to dig out tulips, the ground cover is ideal - sedum, phlox, periwinkle, purslane.

Note! If ripening tulip bulbs are adjacent to other plants, be careful with watering. Excessive waterlogging can lead to decay of planting material.

Tulips are one of the very first and most beautiful spring flowers. No wonder in Holland it is a national symbol that serves as a source of pride. Countless varieties of these flowers have been bred. They differ in color, bud size, petal shape. Some of these plants are so unusual that it is difficult to rank them as tulips. These plants are quite unpretentious, but in order for them to please the owners for several years, you need to know how to properly care for tulips. The fact is that these flowers are attributed to plants with a short growing season. This means that the annual tulip life cycle is short. He wakes up in early spring, blooms, pleasing to the eye, and then falls asleep again. But this plant is perennial, and the bulb will continue to live until it comes time to wake up and bloom again. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for tulips after flowering. After all, it depends on how strong the bulb wakes up by next year. And how beautiful the flower will please the hosts.


Typically, these plants begin to produce the first green leaves in April. And the flowering itself begins in May and lasts about a week. And then the question of how to care for tulips after flowering becomes relevant. Very often, gardeners ask if the flower should be pruned when the petals have dried and crumbled. Experts believe that it is necessary to remove the peduncle (the head that remains after the flower). Otherwise, he begins to take on a significant part of the nutrients to form seeds. In this case, the bulb is significantly depleted. And the seeds of tulips, as you know, are not used for reproduction. Therefore, when answering the question of how to care for tulips after flowering, it should be noted that the main thing is to allow nutrients to be stored and accumulated. To do this, cut off the head, and leave the green leaves and part of the stem.

Tulip care after flowering

If the soil dries, it must be loosened. When deciding how to care for tulips after flowering, it is necessary to take into account that plants do not need top dressing during this period. Regularly you need to weed the area on which tulips grow to prevent weeds from germinating. These seemingly harmless herbs can deplete the soil. But if some weed has become too large and has taken a deep root, dig it out carefully, otherwise there is a danger of damage to the delicate tulip bulb. After flowering ends and the green leaves age and dry, the bulb can be dug up for storage. Often they are left to bloom the following year.

Caring for tulips that have finished flowering is a snap. But, like any work in the garden, it should be carried out regularly. Then the plants will please the hosts with lush flowering for the next year in the early spring months and can become a real pride.

Is it mandatory to cut tulips, daffodils and hyacinths during flowering, thereby providing

For the formation of stronger developed bulbs, buds and flowers are cut on many bulb plants. Inflorescences of a tulip, daffodil, hyacinth are cut immediately after flowering to prevent excessive depletion of plants.

If possible, it is better to cut off flowers from faded tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, if you do not plan to develop a new variety from seeds. Then the nutrients will completely enter the bulb and contribute to its growth and the laying of a new flower bud for next year.

Not necessary. they must be cut off when they begin to fade. bulbs have time to ripen before the end of summer.

It is enough not to leave seed boxes, and if you cut flowers, then leave at least two leaves.

The main thing is not to cut the leaves They eat through them

It is advisable to cut after 4-5 days of flowering. But you can just break the seed boxes.

That's right. After flowering, the bulb leaves the nutrient outflow from the leaves. All leaves do not need to be cut.

i never cut at all, tear off seed boxes as they correctly said after flowering, and the bulb will gain strength from the leaves

How to prune after flowering

Tulips, or rather their flower stalks with planted seeds, must be cut immediately after flowering. After flowering, it is very advisable to prune flower stalks if you are interested in having your tulips large and strong next year.

This year I began to grow tulips, they bloomed very beautifully, and delighted the eye for about a week. Please tell me, do you need to prune the plant under the root after flowering, or let the leaves gradually dry?

In one place, tulips grow three to four years. After drying, tulips again planted in the fall on a prepared flowerbed. So, if you need to cut tulip flowers for a bouquet, then for a flower it will even be useful. Care. The agricultural technology for growing tulips is simple. The most suitable place for planting tulips is well-lit areas inaccessible to strong and cold winds.

Under such conditions, tulips are often affected by fungal diseases. In some sources, it is recommended to dig out the bulbs immediately after flowering. The annual digging of tulips is not required, but highly desirable. An exception can be made only for group compositions of tulips and leave them in one place for 2-3 years, and then update.

Translated from Persian, “tulip” means “turban”. And it will be necessary to do only two things: to hide the place of wilting of tulips and the second - to dig out tulip bulbs for the subsequent autumn planting. Tulips have long pleased us with their bright flowering and delicious delicate aroma. But fading, the yellowed leaves of tulips spoil the appearance of flower beds and flower beds, and the summer season is in full swing.

First you need to cut the flower to 2, 3 leaves: this way you will let the bulb ripen in the ground. A prerequisite for everyone is to let the tulip leaves wither completely, wither. Then, in order to preserve the beauty of the flower garden, I put pots with pelargonium or begonia next to the drooping flabby leaves of tulips, and plant seedlings of marigold and marigolds.

When sorting tulip bulbs, be sure to separate them by grades or by color and shape of buds, as well as reject patients - rotten and stained. Fold tulip bulbs before planting in the fall in cardboard boxes or paper bags and store in a dry room.

Digging up tulips every year is an optional activity. If they grow in a sunny, dry place, then it is realistic to get tulip bloom the following year.

I do not dig tulip bulbs for the winter, but I give them to fully ripen in the ground, that is, get all the nutrition from the foliage. Since the bulbs and leaves of daffodils contain an alkaloid poison, rodents do not eat these plants.

In the comments, advertising and posting links to other resources is prohibited. I always prune flower stalks. After trimming, all the food goes to the formation of a good bulb. But let the leaves of the plant turn green further, they feed on the bulb, which can not be dug up, but left in the ground for 2 years (the flowers will be larger).

1 When to prune lilies, and is there a need for it?

Leaves need to be left, due to leaves the bulb ripens. Well, it goes without saying that faded flower stalks need to be removed, both for better ripening of the bulb, and to give the flower garden a neat appearance. But the leaves, of course, can not be cut. And leave one leaf. The community of plant lovers is a place of communication between plant and flower lovers.

The shape of the flowers is simple and double, goblet, bell-shaped, lilac, etc. The main care for them during the growing season is timely watering and top dressing, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

The second - during the budding period, the third - in the midst of flowering. If from the autumn rotted organic matter was introduced into the soil, then additional top dressing is optional. With strong shading, the plants stretch, the stems become thin and fragile, the bulbs become smaller.

In the early spring, first of all, after the emergence of sprouts from the ground, the surface of the garden bed must be loosened in order to delay the evaporation of moisture and to provide air access to the roots. After irrigation or rain, the soil surface must be loosened if necessary.

In this case, it is necessary to carefully break off the resulting fruit box, and leave the stem until completely yellowed and then cut closer to the base. In children and growing bulbs, the appearing flower arrows should be removed immediately so that they do not waste energy on flowering.

1. Flower beds with tulips need to be updated, revitalized, decorated.

When preparing flowers for bouquets, it is better not to cut them off, but to break them off (they break especially easily in the early morning and late evening). The fact is that when cutting with a knife or scissors, you can spread the causative agents of viral diseases throughout the collection (the virus of variegation is especially dangerous).

2 Do I need to dig lilies, how and when to dig?

For proper ripening of the bulbs when cutting the peduncle, it is necessary to leave at least two large lower leaves on the plant. Sometimes there is a need to urgently transplant already grown tulips.

In my opinion, tulips must be, in contrast, for example, dug out from daffodils annually after the leaves of the plant turn yellow. When the leaves of daffodils in June lose their bright color and elasticity, then the direct rosette of leaves gradually falls apart. The sooner the flower stalk is cut off on the tulip, the larger the bulb will form.

Care for tulips after flowering in the garden, at home

How to ensure the care of tulips after flowering so that the bulbs are stocked with nutrients for the next flowering? Maybe you need to immediately cut off all the leaves? Or is it worth it to continue watering and top dressing? You can find the right solution by learning a few rules for growing bulbs.

Do I need to cut leaves?

Daffodils and tulips are often planted nearby on a flower bed to create a picturesque picture. However, their neighborhood has one caveat. It lies in the fact that faded buds and yellowed leaves quickly become unattractive. But do not rush to rid your garden of untidy stems. Care for tulips after flowering should continue for another 2-3 weeks. And so that dry leaves do not spoil the decorative look of the garden, just plant perennials between them. For example, phlox.

It is recommended to preserve the foliage of plants precisely because of the fact that through it the energy of the sun and beneficial trace elements enter the bulb. They saturate the plant. Cutting still green leaves of tulips means stopping the process of bulb formation. On faded specimens, it is best to immediately remove the seed box. So the bulb will be able to accumulate energy in itself and will not spend it on the ripening of seeds.

Tip. In order not to lose the location of the tulips after the foliage dries, you can mark it with markers or flags.

Why apply fertilizer to wilting plants?

Caring for tulips after flowering requires timely fertilizer application. The fact is that the development process is still ongoing. And the appearance of flowers next spring will depend on how much the gardener is not too lazy to water and feed the fading flowerbed with special fertilizers. Water the flowerbed as necessary for another two weeks after cutting the peduncles. Fertilize the soil only once. This will be enough. You can choose the usual mineral fertilizers for bulbs. But the dosage should be reduced by half from the recommended one in order to prevent chemical burns to the cells. A phosphorus-potassium mixture is also well suited. Fertilizers containing nitrogen or chlorine must not be used.

Leaf cutting

Care for daffodils, as close relatives, is required at the end of spring the same as care for tulips after flowering. If all the actions of the gardener at this time are built in sequence, then they will stand in this order:

  • cut flowers to form bouquets or allow them to naturally wither;
  • in the second case, the seed box is cut off after the petals fall;
  • in the last days of spring, special fertilizers are applied to the soil, not forgetting to water the garden;
  • leaves break off only after drying;
  • after the bed is mulched with peat or wood ash.
  • When do I need to transplant daffodils?

    These flowers can live in one place for up to five years. Do not disturb them for an annual transplant, otherwise the plants may not bloom so abundantly. But if the stems begin to crowd and have already grown quite strongly, then it's time to plant them.

    For a transplant you will need:

  • gloves
  • disinfecting solution.
  • Bushes of daffodils are planted immediately, you can not allow young roots to dry. Choose the evening time in early August, when the midday heat has already subsided, and proceed.

    1) To begin with, the bushes are carefully dug up.

    2) Then they are divided into smaller ones and laid out for processing.

    3) For prophylaxis, plants can be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a suitable fungicide.

    4) Prepare holes in a new place and transplant daffodils into them with maximum accuracy.

    When do they dig tulip bulbs?

    Unlike daffodils, tulip care after flowering is required annually. If you want a spring flowerbed to bloom in large flowers, plan an annual digging of the bulbs. This is best done in mid-summer, when the leaves are completely dry. Try to dig one instance and evaluate its appearance. If it is covered with brown scales, the roots are formed, the stems are almost dry - it means it's time to dig out the entire flowerbed.

    Caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is pretty straightforward. You just need to:

  • carton boxes;
  • leaflets with the inscriptions of varieties;
  • garden shovel;
  • gloves.
  • What do we have to do?

  • choose a not too cloudy day in early July;
  • prepare the necessary equipment;
  • carefully dig up plants, treat them with a disinfecting solution and sort them into cardboard boxes;
  • discard all weak and small bulbs.
  • Thus, summer care of tulips after flowering in the garden can be considered completed. Plants will be in a dormant period one and a half to two months before planting.

    When to plant?

    If you plan a usual planting of flowers that will bloom in April-May, then a fine day in early September will do. Take out all the onion boxes into the air, carefully review all the material. If there are corrupted instances, they must be removed immediately. If you find the diseased material, then re-treatment with a fungicide will not be out of place.

    Pick a new place for planting flowers. Proper care of tulips and daffodils after flowering requires a constant change in the location of the flower bed. So you can avoid soil depletion.

    Planting material in the pits.  Loosen the soil and make recesses in it for about half a shovel. Spread the onions evenly and pour them with warm water. After two weeks, the bed can be fertilized with nitrate. And with the onset of the first frosts, its surface is covered with a layer of mulch (dry leaves, straw or peat).

    Landing in the trench. The place chosen for the flower garden is drawn and trenches are dug. Their depth should not exceed 20 cm and a width of 25 cm. Before laying the bulbs at the bottom, it is sprinkled with nitrate. Next, the largest specimens are distributed and crushed by the earth. Smaller ones are laid over them and sprinkled again. If you plan to land the children, then it is best to distribute them along the edges of the trench. Then it is covered with soil to the brim. After planting, the ridges are watered. Such care for tulips after flowering at home will certainly give good results.

    What to do if a tulip is presented in a pot?

    Getting a symbol of spring in a pot at the end of winter is very nice. But what to do with the plant after wilting? Throw out? Do not hurry. Timely care of tulips after flowering in a pot will give the plant another chance. For this:

    • water the flower all the time until it turns yellow at all;
    • let the stems dry;
    • when the bulb goes into a dormant period, it can be dug up;
    • dry it and store in a box until September;
    • and in the fall, land on ridges along with the rest of the onions.
    • Flowers love care and value attention. If you did everything right and worried about them from early spring to late autumn, they will surely dissolve their delicate petals towards the sun. And they will delight you with their beauty.

      Can tulips and daffodils be pruned after they bloom?

      When the daffodils and tulips bloom, the flower stalks can be cut off, and it is better not to touch the green leaves so that the bulbs have time to gather nutrients. Tulips can then be dug up to dry the bulbs and planted back in the ground before the start of frost. Then they will bloom for next year.

      Peduncles with established seeds must be cut off immediately as they bloom, so that the food goes to the formation of a good bulb and the plant does not waste energy on the maturation of unnecessary seeds. The sooner the flowers are cut, the larger the bulb will be.

      In one place, tulips can grow for four years, and then they need to be transplanted to another place.

      If the bulb is left for two years in the ground, then the flower will be larger. If longer, then they will stop blooming. Leaves do not need to be cut, the bulb is fed by them.

      Immediately after the tulips and daffodils have faded, flower stalks can be cut to give the flowerbed a well-groomed appearance. Leaves should not be cut immediately, let the bulbs pick up a few nutrients the next year for flowering.

      You can cut off tulips and daffodils when they bloom, I think, only peduncles. And I usually leave the leaves of tulips and daffodils until they dry themselves. I presume that the leaves of plants nourish the bulb, so it is better, in my opinion, not to remove them. And then next year these spring flowers will delight you again with abundant flowering.

      As for tulips, I can say for sure that the flowers themselves must be cut off after flowering (or just pick them off with their hands), then the bulb will be strong and healthy. And the leaves of tulips are not cut, because they feed on the bulb, and eventually ripens properly. Leaflets wilt naturally. Someone digs the tulip bulb for drying, and someone just leaves it in the ground.

      Daffodils, on the other hand, cut off completely after flowering both flowers and leaves. Only then will the plant be ready for wintering, and the bulb will be strong, and the future plant itself will be as healthy and pleasing to the eye of its owner.

      The bright riot of colors of spring tulips always pleases and creates a holiday in the souls of people, settles the warmth. Only to admire their beauty does not last long due to the short flowering period.

      April and May flew by quickly, the tulips bloomed, what to do next: leave the bulbs in the soil until the next season or dig bulbs, how to keep them until the next planting, what to plant in the vacant place to maintain the design of the garden plot? We will tell about all this on this page of our site.

      Bulbous flowers develop in a specific cycle:

      In connection with this life cycle of tulips, the care of the gardener should be aimed at the full ripening of the bulbs, increasing the immunity of the plant. With complete wilting of the flowers, the peduncle, dry petals, seeds are removed and the plant is watered for another 2 weeks. If not carried out, then the seed box is not allowed to form and cut it off, because it will draw the food from the bulb.

      It's important to know.  You can not cut the leaves of lily onion plants immediately after they fade. Aboveground green mass contributes to the growth of the bulb. When cutting tulips for a bouquet, leave 2-3-4 sheets from the bottom.

      Yellow leaves are pressed to the surface of the soil with wooden pins or other means so that they do not spoil the appearance of the flowerbed, and leave marks to indicate their location. The root system of the bulbs extracts water in the surface layer, so the earth must be moistened to a depth of 3-40 cm. At the very end of flowering, using complex fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus in the composition: Aquarin, Mortar, Kristallin - 30-40 g / 10 l / m² . Fertilizers will help form scales replacing the bulbs, and grow children. Means with the presence of chlorine and nitrogen are not used.

      To be dug up or not to be

      Among experienced gardeners, there is no longer any debate about whether to dig tulips every year, since everyone agrees: yes, yes! Moreover, from dry land. The weather during the work should be warm and sunny, the leaves are yellow, and the stem in the upper part should be so soft that it can be bent and not broken.

      But nevertheless, tulips of simple varieties can calmly grow in one place up to 7 years, but there are no species varieties, they feel bad in the same soil: they degenerate, become smaller, lose varietal characters, and breed poorly. Another thing is when they are planted in the fall, and at the beginning of summer they dig out annually or at least after 1-2 years.

      The time when you can dig out tulips after flowering in the open field will be different for each region: the first days of June - for warm areas, at the end of June - for cold. Bulbs in July-August should be heated outdoors at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° heat.

      People often ask if tulips can be dug up in August. During hot summers and warm autumn in the steppe and subtropical zones, this procedure is carried out in late July and August for late varieties of onion, if specified in the lunar calendars. Only you need to remember that you can lose the children, because they are separated from the main uterine bulb, which is also difficult to find.

      Long bulbs in the ground increase the risk of infection. They freeze or rot in too moist soil, the roots become a hotbed of infectious diseases. But even with premature excavation, the development of the bulb is disrupted, as well as its division.

      How to dig bulbs

      The prepared roots and brown spots on the scales, as well as the softening of the leaves and ends of the stems will tell you about the readiness of the bulb for digging: they will easily be wound on the finger. Digging:

      • on warm and sunny days to allow the bulbs to dry;
      • in wet weather they are washed with water, treated with potassium permanganate roots (5%) and dried;
      • to avoid injury to the roots, the shovel is deeply lowered into the ground;
      • those bulbs that are sick or have not sprouted are selected and disposed of;
      •   take turns.

      Drying of dug bulbs lasts 7-10 days at a temperature of 25-30 ° heat, humidity - 50%. Then they should be cleaned of the earth, obsolete roots and scales and sorted for storage.

      Planting stock storage

      Storage of tulip bulbs after digging lasts 2-2.5 months at a room temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, another 1-1.5 months at a temperature of 15-18 ° of heat and humidity 70-80%, then at 10-12 ° heat and humidity 60-70%, up to the moment of landing in the ground. Wherein cover flakes should not dry out and be in high humidity, i.e. above the specified norm.  To ensure breathing, the onions are distributed in one or two layers.

      Bulbs of varieties and sizes are placed in each wooden box. With a kidney diameter of more than 4 cm, they are assigned to the first grade, with a diameter of 3 cm to 3.8 cm - to the second grade, with a diameter of 2.0-2.8 cm - to the third. Variation in the size of varieties can be ± 1-2 cm. Planting material is periodically examined for rotting or disease. After storage in the fall, bulbs are planted to continue the development cycle of the plant and obtain bright spring flowers in the flower beds.

      Baskets and containers for tulips

      It is now popular to plant bulbs in special perforated containers or baskets so that they do not creep into the ground. Baskets are easy to remove from flower beds, and bulbs to be removed from the ground without much damage. After that, the baskets are dug a little somewhere in the garden and the bulbs are left in the soil for ripening. The cells at the containers or baskets should be small so that the kids do not sprout through them.  If there are no baskets at hand, then plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 liters will come in handy. They cut off the neck, and make holes in the bottom, sprinkle the bottom with sand and earth. To make it easier to remove such home-made containers from the ground, pens are attached to the side of them.

      Bulbs stored in boxes are again transplanted into the soil in another area from the end of September until October 10, after soaking them again in a solution of weak potassium permanganate. Seedlings are watered and fed with ash and ammonium nitrate. When cold weather occurs, mulch from humus or peat is laid out to maintain heat during the winter and additional nutrition in the spring.

      It is impossible to imagine spring without tulips blooming in the front gardens with different colors. Inexperienced gardeners after the tulips have faded, the question arises, what next to do with it. Just forget it until next spring or dig it out right away? No, even after their flowering has ended, care for tulips must be continued to form good bulbs for next year.

      Care for faded tulips occurs in the following stages:

      Top dressing and heavy irrigation

      Immediately after the flowers wither, the peduncle should be removed, the tulips should be watered for another two weeks and must be fed, since it is during this period that the bulbs accumulate nutrients.

      How to feed tulips after flowering:

      • phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with a calculation of 30-40 g per 1 m2, for example, aquarin, rastrin, crystallin;
      • do not use fertilizers with chlorine and nitrogen.
      Leaf cutting

      After flowering, you can cut off the leaves of tulips only when they completely turn yellow. If you do this earlier, then the bulbs will stop in development. Experienced gardeners, in order not to lose their location, recommend leaving a leaf with a label.

      So that the yellowing leaves of the tulips do not spoil the appearance of your front garden, they can be pressed to the ground with something.

        Bulb digging

      After the leaves are completely dry after flowering, they dig a tulip bulb, tentatively in late June - early July. To find out if bulbs are already ready, by carefully digging one of them, the presence of formed roots and brown spots on the scales will indicate its readiness, or if the ends of the stem and leaves of the tulip can be easily wound on a finger.

      The basic rules for digging bulbs:

      • it is better to dig out on a sunny day to dry immediately;
      • if in wet weather, then immediately rinse with water and dry;
      • in order not to injure the roots, the shovel should be lowered deeper into the ground;
      • treat with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate;
      • select and dispose of diseased and sprouted bulbs;
      • it’s best to dig out from the earliest grades.

      There is no unequivocal opinion on the need for annual digging of tulips; there are recommendations to do this once every two years and even after a longer period. But to keep the flowers large, beautiful, and resistant to disease, it’s best to dig up the bulbs every year.

      Bulb Storage
      1. The dug bulbs are sorted into grades and laid out in 1-2 layers in drawers with a mesh bottom so that they do not rot.
      2. 3-4 weeks (in July) are dried at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C with good ventilation at a humidity of up to 70%.
      3. Then the temperature of the content is reduced: in August - up to 20 ° С, and in September - up to 17 ° С.

      In how to store tulips after flowering, it is very important to observe this temperature regime, since it is at this time that the most important processes occur: the formation of buds, the laying of leaves, the flower stalk.

      Throughout the entire shelf life, you should look at the bulbs to identify diseased with their subsequent destruction.

      Tulip transplant

      At the end of September, choosing good weather (considered optimal at 5-7 ° C), the preserved tulip bulbs are planted again in the soil, soaking them once again in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to choose a new place for planting, as in the previous place of residence, soil depletion occurs and the number of pathogenic bacteria increases. After planting the tulips in the prepared area to a depth equal to five times the size of the bulb itself, they must be abundantly watered. A little later, feed and ash, and with the onset of cold weather a thin layer of peat or humus.

      Observance of these stages of tulip care after flowering and transplanting it to a new place will provide you with violent flowering in the spring!

      Often, tulips, standing in a vase for 1 to 2 days, lower their heads, begin to fade. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the flowers were cut already blossoming. But more often the reason is that the conditions created for them are not suitable for them. In order for the bouquet to please its beauty for a week or longer, it is worth knowing some secrets of cutting and preserving tulips.

        How to cut tulips?

      To keep the bouquet of tulips fresh longer, certain rules should be observed when cutting flowers:

      • No need to wait until the heads are fully opened - it is better to cut off the blooming flowers. If you let them ripen, then such a bouquet will not last very long.
      • The best time for cutting is early morning. Just then the buds are tightly closed. If in the morning there is no way to do this, then you can postpone the cut to late evening.
      • When forcing tulips, an important indicator is the length of the stem. If you want to get a bouquet with long legs, then you can cut them at the bulb itself.
      • The stem should be cut obliquely so that the length of the cut was no more than one and a half centimeters.

        How to choose flowers in the store?

      If the flowers are not cut in their own area, but purchased in the store, you should pay attention to their buds. They must be tightly compressed, not opened. Even flowers with completely green buds will do, which in a few days will turn red or yellow in color and bloom.

      Stems of flowers should be dense. This can be verified by rubbing them slightly against each other. A soft creak will indicate that the stems are resilient, which means the flowers are fresh. It is worth a look at the foliage. If the leaves turn yellow, then the bouquet will not last in the vase for more than two days.

        How to store tulips without water?

      If after cutting it is required to store flowers for some time without water, then you should take them apart 10 or more pieces and wrap each batch in paper.

      You can not use polyethylene for this purpose, since it does not allow plants to “breathe”.

      The optimal humidity level in the refrigerator for storing tulips is 97%, and the temperature is +2 ... + 4 degrees.  An ideal option would be to put convolutions with flowers in a box with an internal paraffin coating. This will minimize moisture loss. If there is no such box, then do not place fresh fruits and vegetables next to the flowers. They emit ethylene, and this negatively affects the condition of future bouquets.

      This method allows you to store flowers at home without deterioration of their external properties for two weeks. It is worth remembering that the stems of plants will grow in the refrigerator, so that they do not warp, it is worth leaving a little free space. It is also used by those who need to transport flowers over long distances. Tulips that are purchased for sale in other countries, such as the Netherlands, are similarly stored during transportation.

        Secrets of the "long life" of the bouquet

      So that the bouquet of tulips does not lose its attractiveness for as long as possible, before you put the flowers in the water, you need to make several cuts on the bottom of each stem. This technique will allow tulips to absorb liquid better. In addition, it is worth doing the following:

      • Remove the lower leaves: if this is not done, the water in the vase will quickly deteriorate.
      • To prevent the stems from starting to rot, dilute 4-5 drops of potassium permanganate or activated carbon (1 t.) In water.
      • Another way to prevent decay is to add an aspirin tablet or table vinegar (1 liter - 1 tbsp.).
      • To strengthen the stems of plants, immediately after cutting it is useful to put them for a day in 0. 1% solution of calcium nitrate.
      • The stems of the flowers, which for some time were cut off without water, become less resilient and can bend when they are in the vase. Therefore, it is first worth wrapping them with paper, and then placing them in water. After a few hours, the stalk turgor will return to its previous level, and the paper can be removed.

      To prevent the tulips from blooming too quickly, you can purchase special preparations at the flower shop (Bud, Flora). They must be added to water in the quantity indicated on the package.