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Why dream teeth interpretation on mooooon. Why teeth dream - interpretation of sleep. Teeth - dream book of zhou-gong

Perhaps everyone knows how important it is to visit a dentist regularly and on time, because the level of inconvenience and discomfort in a toothache can be compared with little. But what if teeth in one form or another were dreamed of at night? Let's find out together how the most famous dream books interpret such dreams.

What are your teeth for?: Gustav Miller's Dream Book

If you saw teeth in a dream, then you will have a disease or unpleasant communication with anxious people that cause you irritation. Loss of teeth in a dream symbolizes future failures and misfortunes. If you dreamed that the doctor pulled out a tooth, then you should immediately worry about your own health, as there is a risk of getting seriously ill. If you brush or rinse your teeth, then you will need incredible efforts to succeed. If you have a tooth knocked out in a dream, then show increased vigilance in business: your competitors and enemies have conceived something unkind. If you dream that you admire your own snow-white and beautiful smile, then you will be fine: faithful friends, a happy family life and a stable financial situation await you.

What are your teeth for?: Miss Hassay's Dream Book

If you dream of artificial teeth, then in life you will have to face false and insincere love. To tear out a tooth - to break off relations with an unpleasant person. If a dentist puts you fillings in a dream, then you will soon restore complete order in your affairs. Lost or loose teeth are a very bad sign, predicting a serious illness or even the death of someone close. Beautiful white teeth prophesy the birth of healthy children to you, and gold teeth - gaining wealth.

What are your teeth for?: moonlight dream book

Rotten teeth promise a quarrel with relatives or friends. White teeth in a dream predict the absence of health problems, while black teeth - problems in personal life. If a tooth is pulled out in a dream, then you run the risk of becoming seriously ill. If you dream that you feel your teeth with your tongue, then you will find great success in business.

What are your teeth for?: dream book "From A to Z"

If in a dream you brush your teeth, then in real life you will be disturbed by some annoying people who are not very smart. If you see artificial teeth in your mouth, then you run the risk of soon encountering an insincere person. If in a dream you lose your own teeth, then you are in danger of misfortune and failure. If you appear in the image of an old weak toothless man, then the attempts to achieve success in your career are clearly not enough. If you see other people toothless, then your ill-wishers and enemies will not succeed in disrupting your plans. Golden teeth in a dream portend soon gaining financial independence and even wealth.

Small Veles dream book: tooth loose

If you saw such a dream, be sure to take care of your health, since you are in danger of a very serious and serious illness.

What do you dream about teeth with blood: esoteric dream book

This dream interpretation interprets the teeth with blood seen in a dream as a sign that you will have to part with a person very close to you for a long time or even forever.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

pure, white - good luck, health; rotten - a quarrel; to clean or buy pasta is a welcome guest; good luck in business; soft, crumble (wooden or glass) - to death; something stuck in his teeth - an old lawsuit, a boring relationship; lose bad teeth - lose worries; snatching - breaking off relations with an annoying person; artificial - falsehood in love; bad ones are a disease; prolapse, especially with blood - the death of a relative; on the right to lose - a man or an elderly person; on the left - a woman or a young one; knocked out - failure; embed - profit; drop out without blood, whole - alienation with loved ones; teeth (gums, jaws) - close relatives; jaws may indicate household property. DENTAL PAIN - Relations with someone from relatives or friends will soon improve.

Teeth in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Teeth - a symbol of loss of vital energy, experiences. In a dream, how you pull out your teeth - in reality you are afraid of losing any of your loved ones. If your teeth fall out in a dream, your confusion and inaction interfere with the achievement of the goal. To see in a dream rotten and decaying teeth - diseases, health problems. A dream in which you saw an empty place in your mouth instead of a tooth warns of the loss of vital energy and premature old age. A toothache means you have to deal with personal problems.

To dream about teeth

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about teeth and tooth loss are widespread. Often such a dream is disturbing, although it does not carry the same fear or anxiety as a nightmare. In a dream, teeth are often worried only by a dreamer. Other actors in sleep either do not notice tooth loss, or do not attach importance to this. The 19-year-old girl says: “I'm in the bedroom, combing my hair. A guy comes in and asks if I'm dating someone. I say no. Then he invites me on a date. I agree. He is going to kiss me, and I ask him to wait a moment. I'm going to freshen up a bit. When I wipe my mouth, my teeth begin to fall out! Everyone that I touch falls out. No blood, just empty spaces in the mouth. I am returning from the bathroom preoccupied, but the guy does not notice anything. Meanwhile, I feel like a wreck. ” This girl reports that in real life she experienced internal discomfort due to the termination of relations with a man. She would like to resume them. Being in an awkward position keeps her from doing this. Dreams of tooth loss are often dreams of embarrassment or potentially embarrassing situations. A similar experience in real life can be summarized in the expression "lose face" in public. Another possible reason for dreams of tooth loss can be physical sensations, such as gnashing of teeth or increased tooth sensitivity. Do your teeth get knocked out or do they fall out for no apparent reason?

Dreamed teeth

according to Miller’s dream book

The usual dream in which you see your teeth portends an unpleasant encounter with the disease and the restless, disturbing people. If you dream that you have lost your teeth, misfortunes await you. If the doctor pulled your tooth out in a dream, a terrible, protracted illness awaits you. If in a dream you observe the amount of teeth that a person is supposed to have in his mouth, it means that after numerous trials, lost jewelry will return to you. If in a dream you brush or rinse your teeth - this means that a huge struggle will be required from you to preserve your happiness. If you dream that you have artificial teeth in your mouth, then you should expect severe trials that will fall on you, and you have to overcome them. If in a dream you lose your teeth, a heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin your work. If you dream that your teeth were knocked out, it means that you should be careful about your business, as the enemies are not asleep. If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, it means that your work or health will suffer from excessive stress. If you dream that you are spitting out your teeth, it means that the disease threatens you or your family. Wrong teeth with some flaws - the most terrible dream. He threatens many misfortunes to the one who sees him. This is poverty, and the collapse of personal plans and hopes, and illness, and nervous exhaustion, even among healthy people hitherto. If one tooth falls out in your dream, this means sad news; if two - then a strip of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence. If, however, three teeth fall out, very serious calamities will follow. If you see that all your teeth have fallen out, it means that misfortunes are coming. If you dream that your teeth have deteriorated and you pulled them out, it means that hunger and death await you. If you dream that a plaque flies from your teeth, why they become healthy and white, then your ailment is temporary; when it passes, you will change your mind, and the awareness of the performed duty will please you. If in a dream you admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth, you will find friends dear to your heart and all the fullness of happiness that fulfillment of desires can give. If in a dream you, having pulled out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look with your tongue in your mouth for a cavity without finding it, and you leave this riddle unsolved - this means that you will meet with some person whom you are completely you don’t want and you want to neglect it. And, nevertheless, this meeting will take place. In the future, you will continue to see this person and, despite the oblique views of your friends, receive pleasure from these meetings that excites you. If you dream that your dentist brushed your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again, this means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but soon you will find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some then a clever trickster.

  \u003e\u003e Teeth

What Teeth Dream About

Thanks to this page you will find out why dreaming teeth in a dream  according to the dream book.

The teeth that appear in a dream portend problems in understanding with squabble people. A dream in which your teeth fall out promises in the near future a difficult time of doubt and worry. Removing a tooth by a dentist portends a long, serious illness.

Knocked out a tooth - troubles in business. Seeing your teeth healthy is about doing well. Brushing your teeth is a struggle for your interests. Examining your teeth - you should be more careful in doing business. Rotten teeth - to trouble and disease. To cure your teeth is a sign that you have escaped from the clutches of trouble. But if suddenly after all the procedures that you have done, the condition of your teeth has not improved - wait for a stab in the back.

What do Miller dream about

What teeth dream about, Miller considered from different perspectives, but mostly considered not a very good sign. So, if you saw just teeth, then soon you will encounter some kind of disease or very annoying people. Their loss also speaks of misfortune. Lingering illness is guaranteed by scenes where they are removed by their specialists. But, if everything is normal with your teeth and their number is satisfactory, then, of course, trouble awaits you, but you can handle them. But cleaning or rinsing your mouth hints that you will need all your strength to wrest your happiness. It is bad to see an artificial jaw or to become its owner yourself, and to feel its presence in your mouth. This will attract you to serious trials that you will need to overcome and not break under their weight. The presence of enemies is indicated by dreams in which you get into a fight and a tooth or several were knocked out upon impact. In this situation, you need to cover the rear in business, since their cunning and meanness will be aimed precisely at destroying your way of earning. And here it is very important if you see how your jaws are compressed and crumble. This is a hint that you are processing and greatly mocking your body. You need a rest.

Why do you dream about teeth on Wang

Determining what the teeth dream of, Wang suggests looking at their condition and health. A lot depends on this. So, good teeth with healthy gloss and lack of holes will speak about the best times and well-being. Everything will be stable in your service and the family will have a period of calm and happiness. But blackened, rotten old teeth always hint at your state of health. Something inside of you has gone wrong. Perhaps this is a hint of fatigue. You work too hard and will soon suffer from it. You can lose one of your relatives if you see that the teeth begin to fall out, as they always symbolize specific people from your family. But, if they also bleed additionally, then this will be a great loss, since this is too close to your heart. It is very bad if you have a tooth removed. Your relative will die, but not a natural death. Most likely, he will be killed, and the culprit will get away with it, and you will never know his name. It is also unpleasant to see yourself without teeth at all. You will live to old age, but no one will remain near you. We'll have to spend the last days alone.

Why do you dream about teeth according to Freud

Freud suggested by the condition of the teeth to determine your satisfaction with sexual life, as well as the general condition and sensations. And what teeth dream about, he considered from the point of view of sexual relations. If you see very even and white teeth, then do not rush to rejoice, as you experience great envy. Perhaps in your personal life is not the most favorable period. You do not have enough warmth and affection or you cannot find a common language with a partner. And you are jealous of people who succeed and are harmonious in bed. If you tear it out or you just spit it out on your palm, then you have complexes associated with the bed. Most often, such people suffer greatly from the thought that they will not be able to satisfy their partner, that they will not bring pleasure and blunder in matters of sex. If you feel pain or constantly aching a tooth, then this is a hint that you are prone to quite frequent self-satisfaction. But, if the teeth suddenly started to stagger or you very often see such pictures, then in reality you are very much afraid to enter into the first sexual contact or worry after the last failed time.

What do you dream about teeth in Nostradamus

The astrologer associated this symbol either with your life juices, or with a specific kinship. So what dreams of teeth can shed light on many questions. Ordinary teeth, if they are seen without reference to anything (lie on a table, are in the air, etc.), speak of lost energy. You waste yourself, surrender to unnecessary things, or worry too much for various reasons. If you see how they are taken from you, then you are very much afraid that someone from the close circle may leave or die. If they fall out in a natural way, then you cannot achieve your goals, and your permanent lack of assembly, the habit of getting lost in difficulties and frequent inaction are to blame for everything. You can guess about poor health if the teeth look damaged and repel, causing disgust (holes, rot, blackness). It’s bad if you feel for the void with your tongue. Old age will come to you too soon or soon you will become very tired. About personal problems says a sharp pain in the tooth. Such troubles will come unexpectedly and take precious time, requiring an immediate solution.

They used to meet by clothes, but now they pay more attention to the advertised Hollywood smile, which not everyone can brag about. It is strange to see a similar image in your dream, as it causes more concern about going to the dentist. Let's figure it out what are your teeth for  and what to do with the seen plots.

What do Miller dream about

What teeth dream about, Miller tried to study from a wide variety of positions. But if we take as a whole, it was rather negative. If these are just teeth, then there is a risk of getting sick or meeting an extremely unpleasant person. Dropdowns will signal problems and misfortunes. Get ready for a long recovery period if your dentist has vomited. Healthy teeth still attract trouble, but you have enough strength to deal with everything.

Cleaning and rinsing procedures will force you to give all your best in the near future, because only in this way will you be able to achieve what you want. An artificial jaw also lures trials and difficulties. You will be forced to show your stamina so as not to break. If you lost your tooth in a fight, then beware of the activity of enemies. Cover up your weaknesses and keep suspicious strangers or time-outdated comrades out of your way.

Why do you dream about teeth on Wang

To understand why teeth are dreaming, Wang assessed their integrity and overall appearance. Naturally, the Hollywood sparkling smile hints at health and a favorable period. Use the time to improve your well-being and take risks, as luck is on your side. The presence of holes, blackness, rot and an unpleasant odor reflect the health of your body. Inside, something has deviated from the norm, so it will be useful to undergo an examination. Most likely, the main reasons will be tiredness and the habit of worrying a lot about trifles.

It is important to understand that teeth are also a symbol of your family. Therefore, the loss may indicate that one of the relatives will soon be gone. If you notice blood, then you will lose a loved one and a loved one. A negative sign follows the removal scene in the dental chair. This is a signal of the violent death of a family member. The most terrible thing is that the culprit will never be found and punishment will not befall him. An empty jaw indicates lonely old age.

Why do you dream about teeth according to Freud

Thanks to what dreams of teeth, Freud was able to find out everything about your sex life, so I tried to appreciate their appearance. If they differ in health, whiteness and evenness, then there is no reason to rejoice. Most likely, you are very jealous of someone you know when talking about intimacy. The bottom line is that now nothing is happening on your personal front. You lack affection and warmth. Even with a partner, one cannot find a common language with him. Therefore, be angry with those who are doing well and have harmony in a romantic relationship.

It may seem that they removed it or it fell out and lies in the palm of your hand. This is a demonstration of complexes and fears regarding sex. It is highly likely that this is a fear of not satisfying your soulmate. A strong toothache hints at the habit of self-satisfaction. If you are loosened, then you have not had sex yet and you are afraid of the first time.

What do you dream about teeth in Nostradamus

Nostradamus in what dreams of teeth, saw primarily a reflection of your connection with your ancestors or a living family. If you saw the image itself without being tied to a person, then you lose too much internal energy. By giving preference to unnecessary deeds, empty conversations and hopeless meetings, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to develop and communicate with valuable personalities. If someone is trying to tear out your tooth, then you can’t let go of the person or are you afraid for your relatives?

Fallout without outside interference is the inability to independently implement the idea. The blame is its own lack of commitment, lack of determination and loss in front of unusual situations. The presence of rot and holes signals health problems. The plot will be extremely negative, in which the tongue groped for emptiness. You will begin to get tired faster than usual and will begin to notice that years fly at an incredible speed.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Teeth - If you dreamed of teeth - it portends you an unpleasant encounter with the disease and restless, disturbing you people. To see that you have lost your teeth - then misfortunes await you.

If in a dream the doctor pulled out a tooth, a tooth pulled out, then a terrible, protracted disease awaits you. If in a dream you observe the amount of teeth that a person is supposed to have in his mouth, then after numerous trials, lost jewelry will return to you.

To see that you brush or rinse your teeth - this means that you will need a huge fight to save your happiness.

See also: what dreams of a mouth, why dreams of tearing, what dreams of a brush.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

What Teeth Dream About:

Teeth - If you dreamed of steel teeth, then false love awaits you. To tear out teeth in a dream, a torn tooth with blood - you will break the relationship with the annoying person.

Lost or loose teeth in a dream, teeth crumble - you are waiting for the loss of any of your relatives or friends.

To have very bad teeth in a dream - an illness awaits you. To brush your teeth in a dream - you will work for others.

Fallen teeth - To see that you are inserting new teeth instead of fallen teeth, then a dubious matter will turn out. Beautiful, white teeth - healthy offspring await you. Golden teeth - wealth awaits you.

Pocket Dreambook by T. Lagutina

Why Teeth dream, how to understand a dream:

Teeth - If you had teeth, then you will have an illness and an unpleasant meeting. Lose your teeth with blood in a dream - you will have a pessimistic mood caused by unpleasant events.

To see that you put a seal means what you recently lost will return to you. To brush your teeth in a dream - you have a fierce struggle to save what you have.

Why dream that you are inserting lost teeth, teeth without blood - then you will be deceived, the victim of which you will soon become, will have dire consequences.

To see that your teeth have been knocked out, a broken tooth - that misfortune will come from where you did not wait. You are waiting for business losses, the death of a loved one.

Dream Interpreter A. Vasiliev

Why do you dream about Teeth:

Teeth - If you had good teeth, you will have good health.

If you dreamed of rotten teeth - this is a disease. Caries - the disease latently ripens in you.

Teeth in a dream symbolize relatives and ancestors. A loose tooth, To lose a tooth or teeth in a dream - someone will fall ill and, perhaps, die. To see that you do not have teeth is what concerns you or your immediate family.

You will also find depression, depression, loss.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why dream Teeth on a dream book:

Teeth - If you dreamed of teeth - this is a symbol of the loss of vital energy, emotions. Seeing your teeth pulled out with blood means you are afraid of losing any of your loved ones.

To see that you have rotten teeth falling out - then your confusion and inaction interfere with the achievement of the goal. Rotten teeth - Rotten and decaying, falling out teeth - to illness, health problems.

Teeth are crumbling. If you dreamed of an empty place in your mouth instead of a tooth, a tooth that dropped out without blood, a tooth without blood fell out - this warns of the loss of vitality and premature old age. A sore tooth means that you have to deal with personal problems.

Cleopatra's Dream Book

Why Teeth dream, how to interpret a dream:

Teeth - If you dreamed of teeth - it symbolizes health and vitality. Teeth in a dream has several meanings and is interpreted depending on the appearance of it in dreams.

To see that someone is biting your teeth painfully means that someone will cause you severe mental pain.

Seeing in a dream how your tooth grows is a sign of your wisdom, which will allow you to cope with many life difficulties.

If you dreamed of rotten teeth - it means illness for you. If you have a tooth in your dream - this is a sign of unfulfilled hopes and promises.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do I have Teeth in a night dream?

Teeth - If you dreamed about your own teeth that you are brushing, this is a sign that annoying petitioners who are not all right with their heads will give you anxiety.

Seeing artificial teeth in your mouth portends you with deceptive feelings and insincere love. If you dreamed of teeth falling out or staggering in the gums - this portends you near death in the family.

A loose tooth - To see that you are losing your teeth - this means impending misfortunes. Seeing yourself in a dream as a toothless, naughty hag - means that you have neither the ability nor the opportunity to arrange your career the way you would like it to be.

If you dreamed of toothless other people with lost teeth - this suggests that your spiteful critics are powerless in their attempts to defame you.

To tear out teeth from a dentist in a dream - portends you breaking up a relationship with a bored person.

Dream Interpreter O. Smurova

What Teeth Dream About and What Teeth Mean:

Teeth - To see that you are tearing something out from someone is a harbinger that middle-aged lovers will get married.

To see that you are pulling earrings out of your opponent’s ears is a sign that your lover is faithful to you.

See also: why teeth dream, what doctor dreams of, what tongs dream of.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why dream Teeth on a dream book:

Teeth - To see a tooth or teeth is a sign of an approaching struggle with someone. The animal’s tooth is dreaming of a serious fight with a competitor. In a dream, breaking your tooth without blood is a loss in the path to achieving your goal. Someone breaking a tooth - you will be able to maintain their advantages and increase their condition. A grin of teeth in a dream is a sign of an impending threat from ill-wishers.

If you have a toothache in a dream, then know: the future of your enterprise will depend on your decisive actions, but since they should be directed against people with whom you have long maintained friendly relations, you will not be able to carry them out. To insert a lost or torn tooth in a dream - to avoid solving urgent problems, because of which you will constantly be accompanied by financial losses and conflicts with loved ones.

If in a dream you dream that you have only one tooth left, then be careful: you will have only one chance to correct the negative attitude that has developed for you, do not miss it. If you have a tooth knocked out in a dream, it means that thanks to someone’s strong efforts you will lose ground and will be in a suspended state for a long time. Lost tooth - If in a dream the tooth fell out by itself, then you will become the cause of your failures. Because of your inability to make a choice and stop at some kind of decision, you will miss all your opportunities to achieve a high position in society.

To brush your teeth in a dream means that soon you will decide to carry out some promising business, and you will have enough strength and money to succeed. Find a tooth in a dream - your curiosity will cause you to accidentally receive information for which you can seriously suffer. Fallen tooth - Throw a tooth in a dream - abandon in reality his determination to take revenge on an old enemy and put up with a once-wrongly wronged insult.

Dream Interpreter I. Ermakova

Teeth in the dream book:

Teeth in dreams are relatives and best friends. The front ones refer to children, brothers and other close relatives, the upper ones mean men, the lower ones women. Thus, if anyone dreams that he has lost a tooth or that he has deteriorated, it means that he who has seen such a dream will lose one of his relatives.

On the contrary, if you see in a dream that the teeth have become whiter, stronger and more beautiful than ordinary ones, this promises joy, prosperity, good news and friendship of relatives. She dreams that one of the teeth has become longer than the others, predicts trouble from one of the relatives.

The upper main tooth means the father, and the lower - the mother.

Artemidor says that the teeth on the right side mean men, and the left - women, but this is the opposite of the opinion of Indians, Persians and Egyptians. The molars are friends or distant relatives and have the same meaning in dreams as the others. If anyone dreams that one of his molars is staggering, bending or sore, this means that someone from the friends or relatives of that person threatened by disease or danger.

He who sees in a dream that he is brushing his teeth will help his relatives or friends with money.

To see that some teeth have become larger than others, so that even interfere with eating and talking, portends a quarrel between relatives who saw such a dream and the process due to inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

What do Teeth dream about in a dream:

Teeth - If the teeth you dreamed about are healthy, then in real life your health will be strengthened, if your teeth are diseased, vice versa. If you have a tooth removed in a dream, then in reality you will have a painful treatment that will surely bring recovery.

To see that you are pulling your own tooth out, this means that you will meet with a person whom you do not know at all or simply do not want to see. And, nevertheless, this meeting will take place. In the future, you will continue to see this person and, despite the oblique views of your friends, enjoy these meetings.

You will have fun meetings with friends, dreaming that you admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth. Why dream of seeing that you have cured your teeth, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again, which means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to strangers.

A heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin the fruits of your labor, dream that you are losing your teeth. If in a dream the doctor pulled out your tooth, a long illness awaits you.

After numerous tests, the lost values \u200b\u200bwill return to you, dreaming that you are the owner of all thirty-two teeth.

Seeing that you rinse your mouth means that in order to preserve your happiness, you will need to enter into a fierce struggle. You should expect severe trials that will fall on you, and you have to overcome them if you dream that you have artificial teeth in your mouth.

Why dream of seeing you have a tooth knocked out, which means you should be careful about your business, because your enemies are not asleep. Your work or your health will suffer from overload if your teeth are broken or broken in a dream. Why dream of seeing you spit out your teeth, it means that the disease threatens you or your family.

The most terrible dream in which you see teeth of irregular shape or with some kind of flaws. The one who sees him, in real life, faces many misfortunes. This is poverty, and the collapse of personal plans and hopes, and illness, and nervous exhaustion, even among healthy people hitherto.

The sad news awaits you, dreaming that you are losing several teeth at once. If two, then the dream foreshadows a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence. Fallen teeth - If three teeth fall out, then very serious disasters will follow in reality.

Why dream about seeing a plaque coming off your teeth, why they become healthy and white, then your ailment is temporary: when it passes, you will change your mind and return to your usual way of life.

If you dream of tooth decay, it means that one of the relatives has recovered.

Seeing fangs in your mouth is a nuisance from relatives. A tooth removed in a dream from another person suggests that new perspectives will open up to those who have seen this dream. If a person dreams that one of his molars is staggering, decays or hurts, this means that one of his friends or relatives is threatened by illness or danger.

He who sees in a dream that he is brushing his teeth is destined to help his relatives or friends with money. To feel in a dream that teeth interfere with speaking or eating food is a quarrel between relatives and the lawsuit. Participate in a dubious enterprise will have to someone who sees in a dream that he is inserting new teeth.

Beautiful, white teeth in a dream - to health and healthy offspring. Golden teeth in a dream - wealth awaits you. Big black and dirty teeth, decayed teeth promise disease and poverty, as well as unrequited love. Touching your tongue in a dream - to success in business.

Moon Dream Book

If Teeth is dreaming, why is it:

Teeth - good teeth - good health. Caries - the disease is latently ripening in you. Teeth symbolize relatives and ancestors. Lose a tooth or teeth - someone will fall ill and maybe die. If you do not have teeth, then this applies to you or your immediate family. Longing, depression, loss.

Everyday Dream Book

Teeth in a dream:

Teeth - Seeing teeth is usually an unpleasant, albeit not serious, disease. To see that you saw how you lose your teeth, in the near future misfortunes await you.

Moreover, if your teeth are knocked out in a fight, it means that someone else is to blame for your problems. Fallen teeth - If the teeth fall out on their own, then changing the current course of events in real life is not possible.

If you dreamed of teeth that in your mouth are destroyed, broken, crumble - pay attention to your health. The very intense stress that you have been in all of recently has a significant effect on your health. At the moment, it is unlikely that everything is very neglected, but if you do not change your attitude to life, to your health, very soon the problems will become irreversible.

One of the most unfavorable characters is crooked teeth with many defects. Such a dream will bring a lot of unhappiness to the person to whom he dreamed, and unhappiness will accompany you for a long time and in almost all areas of your life - at work, in the family, with friends, with health.

But to see a beautiful, white-toothed smile in a dream is a good sign that luck will soon smile to you. Strong teeth mean that today you are firmly on your feet, both financially and in terms of personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do I have Teeth, why did I have this dream?

To have a toothache in a dream - to sort things out with colleagues, proving their innocence, which seems obvious to you.

Pulling a tooth with blood is a big health complication in your younger relative.

Teeth fall out - a dream means that you can sacrifice your own well-being for the sake of your loved ones.

Brush your teeth - try to avoid suspicious acquaintances.

To put in teeth is to clarify relations with a person who is far from indifferent to you.

To remove a tooth - this dream means that soon someone close to you will be seriously ill.

To brush or rinse your teeth is a reminder that you should make every effort to hide your fraud.

Broken teeth - poverty, collapse of plans and a big disappointment in his personal life.

Damaged teeth - means that your malaise is temporary, and the disease will soon pass without any consequences.

Seeing oneself without teeth is parting with a loved one or friend.

Teeth that you try, but can’t brush out - a dream means that your efforts to strengthen the family are likely to be in vain, and what should happen will not pass you by.

Pulling out a tooth with blood leads to a serious illness or death of a close relative.

A tooth ache means that you should relax and indulge in dreams: your tension will not lead to anything good.

Healthy, even teeth are a signal that you confuse the main and secondary, significant and insignificant: understand yourself and the people around you, and the problems will go away by themselves.

Being at the dentist's appointment is a signal that your active actions can provoke a serious conflict at work.

To knock out someone’s teeth means that your calculation of “maybe” is wrong.

Brushing teeth means that you should abandon adventurous plans and obsessions as soon as possible.

To see yourself without teeth means a conspiracy directed against you or someone close to you.

A bloody tooth - this dream always portends an accident that will happen to you or to someone from your loved ones.

To see someone remove a tooth means that someone from your relatives or friends will avoid the serious danger hanging over him.

The false jaw is a dream saying that the existing state of things will continue for a long time.

To see yourself in a dream with absolutely no teeth is a signal that suddenly you will not be able to overcome problems that until recently seemed quite simple and do not require much effort to resolve them.

To see a toothless acquaintance of a person - this person is in for great troubles, which he does not suspect yet.

To see yourself in the dentist’s chair - a dream indicates that you have to communicate with a person, the mere thought of which causes you to gnash your teeth.

Bloody tooth - to big problems with finances.

You got several teeth knocked out in a fight - you will probably lose the opportunity to communicate with several friends because of their sudden departure abroad.

A false jaw in a glass is a strip of bad luck that you will fall into because of your own negligence and laziness.

To see in the mirror that your teeth are healthy and snow-white - by pure chance you will be able to avoid many major business troubles. A brief period of luck in business.

To break a tooth by biting nuts - a dream threatens poverty and ruin. It is also possible the collapse of personal plans due to the revealed divergence of interests with the person to whom you had romantic feelings.

Lose a tooth in a fight - your health will suffer from excessive stress, you will feel a little malaise.

To find a false jaw in a drawer - such a dream means an unpleasant surprise, be prepared for it.

To remove a tooth - you will get rid of a serious malaise that torments you for a long time.

To see yourself in the dentist’s office - you or your loved ones will face major problems in the near future.

Losing all teeth - a dream portends success, for which you will have to pay dearly.

Admiring the whiteness and beauty of your friend’s teeth - a dream foreshadows that in real life you will experience black envy for your friend, but at the same time try not to spoil your relationship with him.

Seeing yellow plaque disappear from your teeth is a fluke in your life. Distrust, surprise at a favorable coincidence.

Seeing a person with teeth sticking forward - you are without a livelihood as a result of your own carelessness, unwillingness to listen to wise advice.

Seeing the false jaw on the desktop is a sign of good luck and the appearance of cash savings in your account.

Remove a swinging tooth - you will spend a large amount of money and find yourself without savings at a critical moment for you.

Spit out your teeth - soon you have a journey that you have long dreamed of, but in a different company.

To find a broken tooth in your mouth - you are going to bind yourself with an onerous obligation.

To find out that one of your teeth is milky - you will experience the greatest surprise when you hear news about your friend’s personal life.

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Why do I dream of Teeth
Date:  05/18/2018 at 10:37:12

I dreamed about white, but all the teeth were filled, the fillings were also white with a classmate whom I had not seen for almost 45 years.

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