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Trichomoniasis - photos, symptoms and treatment. Trichomoniasis - symptoms, first signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis in adults What diseases are caused by Trichomonas pathogens

Trichomoniasishow the disease develops after infection with vaginal Trichomonas, Trichomonas vaginalis, and the inflammation caused by them. Microorganisms are unicellular protozoa, they are able to actively move independently with the help of flagella and fix themselves on the epithelium of the vagina or urethra. Further, Trichomonas begin to multiply and secrete metabolic products that destroy cells and cause the formation of erosions first, and then ulcers. Destruction of integumentary tissues leads to an increased risk of infection, viruses during unprotected sex.

Trichomonas vaginalis at the onset of the disease gives a picture inflammation of the vagina (in women) and urethritis in men.

The main route of transmission of trichomoniasis is sexual, the contact-household route is somehow not considered, although there is a point of view that infection is possible through newly used bath accessories, on which fresh discharge from a patient with trichomoniasis could remain.

Oral and anal infection is extremely rare, but in principle possible. Trichomonas for two hours remain mobile outside the human body, if the temperature of the external environment is not more than 40 degrees. Incubation period, which is defined as the time interval between infection and the appearance of the first signs of the disease, with trichomoniasis lasts from 4 days to 4 weeks, on average - from a week to one and a half, however, as with any infection, it can lengthen up to 1 - 1.5 months or shortened up to 2-3 days.

In men pathogens are found in the urethra, prostate gland and seminal vesicles, from secretions - in semen and prostate secretions. In infected women - in the vagina and Bartholin glands, cervical canal, urethra. Often, neisseria and chlamydia are found inside Trichomonas, in these cases they accompany trichomoniasis, complicating the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Therefore, some microbiologists believe that the threat is not so much the Trichomonas themselves, but the pathogenic microbes that Trichomonas vaginalis transports.

Features of the causative agent of trichomoniasis

All these transformations complicate the diagnosis of trichomoniasis, patients do not receive the necessary treatment and very often the disease becomes chronic or the carrier of the infection. Basically, men become carriers (and distributors) of Trichomonas.since clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis are practically invisible.

Another unpleasant feature of Trichomonas is the ability to adapt to medications, in particular to antibiotics. Too often, patients with trichomoniasis do not attach importance to micro-symptoms associated with the introduction and reproduction of pathogens, and self-medicate. The result is either a chronic variant of the disease with periodic exacerbations to stressful provocations, which include alcohol, smoking, hypothermia and any infectious diseases, including the common cold. In women, exacerbation is facilitated by vaginal dysbiosis and hormonal changes. During menstruation, Trichomonas multiply especially actively, as well as with the onset of pregnancy, since the pH of the vaginal environment slightly shifts to the alkaline side and becomes very comfortable for the microorganism.

Trichomonas are sensitive to high temperatures (at a temperature of + 43 ° C it lives for a day, and at a temperature of + 55 ° C it dies in half a minute), drying and ultraviolet light, so it is enough to dry the patient's things after washing in the sun and Trichomonas will die. But the microbe tolerates low temperatures (just above zero) remarkably and can retain its properties for almost 5 days.

Periods and main symptoms of the disease

Given the time periods of the manifestations of the disease and their severity, trichomoniasis is divided into three clinical forms:

The acute phase is characterized by vivid symptoms or (inflammation of the vagina), a rise in temperature and changes in the blood, which are inherent in a violent inflammatory process (leukocytosis, increased ESR).

Chronic trichomoniasis develops if the disease lasts more than two months. The symptoms of inflammation of the organs of the urogenital system are erased, concomitant genital infections are often found.

Without treatment, the chronic form can worsen or become latent - carriertrichomonas. When carrying, there are no manifestations of infection, but Trichomonas are always found in scrapings and discharge from the urethra or vagina.

The clinical symptoms of trichomoniasis and their severity depend on a combination of several factors:

  • Vaginal acidity (pH), which is associated with the activity of normal microflora, in a healthy woman is in the range of 4.0-4.7. Deviations from the norm occur after taking antibiotics, changes in hormonal levels (menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, oral contraceptives); when using spermicidal vaginal preparations, as well as after nervous strain or with a rapid change in climatic zones.
    The acidity changes, the indicators shift to neutral or weakly alkaline, the protective abilities of the mucous membrane decrease. With Trichomonas colpitis, the pH is in the range of 5.5-6.0. These indicators still correspond to an acidic environment, however, such a pH already contributes to the reproduction of not only Trichomonas, but also other opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The condition of the cells of the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina... Normally, the mucous membrane of the male urethra is covered mainly with transitional epithelium, and the female, like the vagina and cervix, is lined with non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium (MPE). With the penetration of Trichomonas, which carries other pathogenic agents in its body, to the cervix, dysplastic changes can occur in the MPE, in which the cells lose their ability to differentiate, while the properties of the epithelium change and at the same time its protective function is disrupted.
  • Associated microflora: Chlamydia and gonorrhea pathogens can be found inside Trichomonas. Accordingly, the manifestations of the disease change, the manifestations of chlamydia and gonorrhea join the symptoms of trichomoniasis.

The main symptoms of trichomoniasis are discharge from the urethra or vagina, the entrance gate of the infection.Among women, this symptom is observed in about 8 out of 10, in men - in half of cases of trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis in women

In women, in the initial period of the disease, vaginal trichomoniasis... For the acute form of the disease characterized by abundant, unpleasant "fishy" odor and yellowish-greenish color, which can change to gray-green with blood streaks. During a gynecological examination, edema and redness of the labia minora and large labia, hyperemia and ulceration of the walls of the vagina are determined.

discharge in trichomoniasis has a characteristic color scheme

A common sign of trichomoniasis is vaginal pain during intercourse, with urethritis local is felt. There may be a slight bleeding from the vagina and spread to the skin of the inner thighs. The accompanying symptoms of intoxication can be mistaken for overwork: weakness, slight headaches and muscle pains, loss of strength, temperature 37.0-37.2.

The uterus, tubes and ovaries are less likely to be affected by trichomoniasis than the urethra, vagina and cervix. However, Trichomonas, actively moving, can become a "transport" for gonococci and chlamydia. When released, these pathogens cause symptoms and inflammation of the ovaries. The area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of Trichomonas above the cervix expands after abortion, childbirth and during menstruation, which leads to ascending inflammation with the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The end result can be infertility.

During pregnancy Trichomoniasis is detected more often than in non-pregnant women, which is associated with loosening of the vaginal epithelium for hormonal reasons. Infection of a child is possible during childbirth, when passing through the birth canal. During pregnancy, trichomoniasis can lead to spontaneous abortion, inflammation of the amniotic membranes, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, and dry birth. This option is undesirable for the mother and child, since the whole fetal bladder helps open the cervix and facilitates the final stage of labor. Also, in pregnant women with trichomoniasis, inflammation of the glands of the vestibule of the vagina is often observed - and overgrowth of genital warts-genital warts, if trichomoniasis is accompanied by human papillomavirus infection and they aggravate the negative impact of each other on the epithelium.

Only in 10% of all detected cases, the cause of the disease was mono-infection Trichomonas vaginalis... The normal distribution of the vaginal microflora is also disrupted: during the illness, the proportion of yeast fungi (), streptococci and staphylococci increases, and the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases.

The reasons for the increase in the symptoms of trichomoniasis in women can be a vulnerable immune system, concomitant inflammation, an inadequate diet and hypovitaminosis. With trichomoniasis, all problems with the genitourinary organs are aggravated, the disease affects the condition of the skin: a pustular rash is possible on the face in the area around the lips.

Trichomoniasis in men

Differences in trichomoniasis in men are scanty symptoms and a latent course, carriage is often observed. The first signs are associated with urethritis: burning and painful urination, possibly blood streaks in semen. Further, the infection from the urethra spreads to the prostate gland and its inflammation begins (), then to the seminal vesicles (). Trichomonas secrete substances that deprive sperm of motility, and with vesiculitis, the production of male germ cells is disrupted. Subsequently, everything can end in infertility.

The infected person may not suspect that he is the source of the spread of the infection, and transmit Trichomonas to sexual partners or family members. Therefore, if a man has even the slightest signs of urogenital infection, you need to contact a urologist and get tested not only for trichomoniasis, but also for other STIs.

Signs of Trichomonas (and any other) prostatitis:

  1. Pain in the perineum, pubic region, groin and anus;
  2. Dull back pain radiating to the inner thigh;
  3. Unpleasant sensations during bowel movements and urination;
  4. Discharge of mucus or pus from the urethra with tension in the abdominal muscles;
  5. Erection problems (join after inflammation of the nerves that pass through the prostate);
  6. Constant subfebrile condition (37-37.2 °);
  7. Permanent bad mood.

Mood Remark: A hallmark of chronic prostatitis is a change in the psyche of the type of depressive neurosis... A man is always dissatisfied with everything, very irritable, concerned only with his own well-being and is absolutely devoid of the ability to think critically. In addition, due to illness, he eats less; blood glucose falls, which is expressed by aggressive behavior. It is believed that for the successful treatment of prostatitis, a doctor must be not only a good urologist, but also an excellent psychologist.

The risk of developing prostatitis with "dormant" trichomoniasis increases if there are factorsprovoking inflammation of the prostate... They can be hypothermia, regular constipation, sedentary work and a lifestyle with a lack of movement. Prolonged sexual abstinence or excessive sexual activity, stress at work and at home, poor diet and sleep in fits and starts, previous sexually transmitted diseases - all this can contribute to the onset of prostatitis. Mechanism associated with an ascending infection with Trichomonas from the urethra, a violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs (venous stasis) and the reproduction of pathogens.

Complications of trichomoniasis

Trichomonas vaginalis can carry bacteria without depriving them of pathogenicity... In these cases, when another person becomes infected, not only trichomoniasis is transmitted to him, but also other sexually transmitted diseases, more often gonorrhea (more than 30% of cases of co-infection).

Diagnostics of the trichomoniasis based on the traditional algorithm - survey, examination, analysis data. During poll listen to the patient's main complaints, find out the connection between the onset of symptoms and sexual activity, try to determine the source of infection. In women, they find out the presence of chronic inflammation of the external and internal genital organs, whether there have been cases of miscarriage, abortions, complications during pregnancy and childbirth. They also ask if she noticed signs of urethritis in a sexual partner. Men are asked about the signs of urethritis and prostatitis, erection problems.

Then proceed to inspection, assess the condition of the genitals - whether or not there is hyperemia and edema, erosion or areas of ulceration, hemorrhages and abscesses. Find out the localization and nature of the discharge, take it, in women - from the cervical canal, vagina and urethra, in men - from the opening of the urethra. If necessary, a bacteriological analysis is prescribed (tank seeding).

Analyzes if trichomoniasis is suspected, the same as for any urogenital infection... A general clinical blood test may show signs of inflammation (leukocytosis, increased ESR) and anemia (with this disease in the later stages, sometimes there is a decrease in hemoglobin due to the loss of iron by erythrocytes, which Trichomonads “love” so much).

In the analysis of urine, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes above the permissible level may be present. The presence of cylinders in the urine indicates the involvement of the bladder and kidneys in the pathological process, which is quite rare. The secret of the prostate and sperm - leukocytes, traces of blood, sedentary sperm.

In a fresh brushstroke from the urethra or cervix, mobile Trichomonas are visible, in a stained fixed preparation - unicellular pear-shaped (less often rounded) organisms with or without flagella, but with a characteristic almond-shaped pink nucleus with pointed edges. In a fixed preparation at a high magnification, it is difficult to confuse them with anything, although on a small one the artifacts (squamous epithelium scales with crumbling nuclei) very, very much resemble Trichomonas. The main difference between artifacts and Trichomonas is the rounded nuclei.

- sowing on a nutrient medium, isolating Trichomonas and re-sowing in order to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics. It takes time from 7 to 10 - 14 days, but further facilitates the treatment and increases its effectiveness. Tank seeding is indicated for chronic trichomoniasis and for suspected carriage.

: about 100% accuracy (96.5%), if the answer is positive, no other confirmation of the diagnosis of trichomoniasis is required. To exclude concomitant sexually transmitted infections, a PCR test is performed for gonorrhea, chlamydia, as well as separate tests for HIV, HPV, hepatitis B and C.

Video: doctor about trichomoniasis and its diagnosis


Trichomoniasis is treated based on the detection of the pathogen, even if there are no symptoms of the disease. You need to treat all at the same time sexual partners, sex life and alcohol are strictly prohibited until complete recovery.

For treatment acute uncomplicatedforms of the disease are used antibiotics with antiprotozoal (against protozoa) action. The main drug is metronidazole (trichopol), either once 2 g orally, or a course of 5-8 days, 400 mg x 2 per day. It is taken during or after a meal, the tablets are not chewed. Women are additionally prescribed suppositories or vaginal tablets with trichopolum. The course of treatment is repeated after 3-4 weeks if the control PCR test was positive for Trichomonas.

Treatment regimen for children: the course of metronidazole is 10 days, the daily dose is divided into two doses. For children from 2 to 5 years old, 250 mg per day, up to 10 years 375 mg / day, over 10 - 500 mg / day. During pregnancy appoint metronidazole once 2 g, but only starting from the II trimester.

When chronic relapsing trichomoniasis, metronidazole 500 mg x 2 is used for 7 days, combined with the administration of the drug "Solkotrikhovak" (vaccine against trichomoniasis) 0.5 ml / m. Only 3 injections, the interval between them is 3 weeks; a year later, another 0.5 ml is injected intramuscularly once. At the injection site, edema and hyperemia are possible, within a few days they disappear on their own. The vaccine normalizes the pH of the vagina and urethra, helps to restore normal microflora and displacement Trichomonas vaginalis along with concomitant infections. The protective effect of the vaccine is the prevention of re-infection, the therapeutic effect is to reduce the inflammatory manifestations in the vagina and urethra.

Topical medications can help treat local infection and inflammation. Benefits - reducing the toxic effects of the farm drugs on the body as a whole, reducing the risk of allergies and practically zero load on the liver and kidneys. Women are prescribed vaginal balls or metronidazole tablets, 0.5 g x 1 per day, the course is 6 days. Before being inserted into the vagina, vaginal tablets should be dipped into a glass of water for 15-20 seconds so that the protective shell begins to dissolve. After the introduction of the pill, you need to lie down for at least half an hour. Vaginal preparations are best used at night, before bedtime.

For instillations Protargol, 1-3% solution is used in the urethra. It is also effective if trichomoniasis accompanies gonorrhea. The drug is good as an antiseptic, as an astringent and anti-inflammatory drug. Instillation requires sterile catheters; procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.

A week after the end of the full course of treatment, and then twice more with a pause per month, they are prescribed control analyzes (PCR). Women are examined for 3 consecutive cycles, after menstruation. If PCR was negative for 1-2 months in men and 3-4 months. in women, the patients are considered cured.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies will not be able to cure trichomoniasis, but infusions of herbs for douching, herbal teas as mild antidepressants and immunomodulators, nutritional mixtures for replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals are quite acceptable.

Hypericum tea

A tablespoon of dried flowers and herbs is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour. Take a glass three times a day. An excellent remedy for depression that develops with prolonged illness, such as chronic prostatitis.

Aloe juice (not to be confused with agave)

Take before meals, three times a day. As an immunomodulator, it mobilizes the body's defense systems, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerates the healing of ulcers and erosions.

Infusion for vaginal douching, for baths (for men)

1 tablespoon of oak bark, chamomile flowers, 2 - nettle and calendula flowers. The mixture is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. Apply once a day, for a course of 5-7 procedures. The action of the components is antiseptic, tanning, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Nutrient Blend

Dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, figs; walnuts and whole lemons are taken in equal proportions, passed through a meat grinder. The mass is mixed with honey to obtain the consistency of a thick puree. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning. The mixture tones and energizes.

Video: trichomoniasis in the program “Live Healthy!”

It is believed that trichomoniasis is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as diseases that are sexually transmitted.

The disease is dangerous with complications that can provoke infertility, pathologies of fetal formation during pregnancy, and in men - prostatitis.

In fact, 90% of the population are carriers of Trichomonas, but in most people it does not manifest itself in any way.

  • with a weakening of immunity;
  • when inflammatory processes occur;
  • in the process of prolonged menstruation.

Trichomoniasis is dangerous, first of all, by infertility, pregnancy pathologies. In the course of the experiments, it was noticed that Trichomonas significantly reduces the viability and mobility of spermatozoa.

Outside the human body, the causative agent of Trichomonas infection cannot live, therefore infection is possible only through sexual contact. If acute trichomoniasis is not completely cured, it becomes chronic, and can manifest itself in a few years.

The incubation period in men is not pronounced, once in the female body, the causative agent of the disease at first does not give out its presence with clinical symptoms. The latent stage of trichomoniasis is called incubation.

Studies conducted during this period for the presence of the pathogen often do not give positive results, their presence is detected later.

The duration of the incubation period of trichomoniasis can be different, it lasts from 2 to 20 days (less often up to 60 days). The disease begins to progress faster in women if:

  • there are inflammatory, infectious and viral diseases, against the background of which the protective properties of the body decrease and its immune defense is weakened;
  • a large amount of the causative agent of trichomoniasis has got into the female genital tract.

There are reasons on which the long latent period of trichomaniasis depends:

  • if a patient infected with trichomoniasis takes antibacterial drugs to treat existing diseases;
  • the state of the vaginal microflora - the predominance of lactic acid bacteria contribute to an increase in the incubation period of trichomoniasis.

Venereologists insist that a woman should come to them at the first suspicion of trichomoniasis - uncertainty about the health of her partner, itching and burning when urinating, the presence of purulent or yellowish vaginal discharge, and an unpleasant odor.

Trichomoniasis often affects women from the age of 18. It cannot be said that men are not infected with this pathology, they just do not always show symptoms. The disease is inherent in those persons who resort to promiscuous sexual intercourse, suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.

In women, the infection gets:

  • with menstruation or after them;
  • during childbirth or disposal of the fetus;
  • absorbed into the uterus during orgasm.

You can become infected with trichomoniasis by touching your partner's genitals with your hands. The route of transmission often comes from men, since they may not be aware of the presence of an infection, since they do not notice any signs of it. Infection is caused by genital contact. Also, a genital infection can come from medical instruments.

Trichomoniasis is transmitted along with sperm, blood, secretions of the female genital organ. The baby can become infected with pathology when it moves from the womb through the birth canal. Girls run the risk of having such a problem.

In order not to be treated, and often unsuccessfully, from infertility, you should know how you can infect with trichomoniasis. The infection can be transmitted in a household way - from someone else's towel, through a bed, a washcloth. Infection is possible from the linen that the partner was wearing.

Single-celled creatures can settle on the walls of the bath or pool, cling to the toilet lid. This transmission route is also not excluded.

Once in the natural environment, Trichomonas will not die for another couple of hours, if the temperature is not higher than 40 degrees. Once in the body, pathogens do not manifest themselves for 4 days, sometimes the signs are invisible for a whole month.

Vaginal protozoa enter the urogenitalia, attach to integumentary cells. At unfavorable pH values, they take the form of an amoeba and freeze. Because of this, the diagnosis of trichomoniasis is complicated, and the pathology becomes chronic. It is carried by the male sex, because he does not feel the signs of the disease. Very rarely, infection can be transmitted by the anal route.

Trichomoniasis, like gonorrhea, is almost impossible to recognize on your own, except for frequent discharge from the genitals. A transparent, large drop is the only symptom inherent in everyone with trichomoniasis.

Indirect signs of trichomoniasis:

  • pain when passing urine (as with gonorrhea);
  • severe periodic burning;
  • pain in the lumbar part of the body.

In the acute phase of trichomoniasis, the symptoms begin to appear quite pronounced in the form:

  • temperature rise;
  • increase in ESR;
  • development of leukocytosis.

A few months later, as sexually transmitted infection occurs, due to contact with the patient's objects, the pathology can become chronic. Its signs are no longer so bright, other genital infections are often found.

At this stage of development, trichomoniasis may be latent, show no signs. In secretions, scrapings obtained from the urethra or vagina, protozoa are found that cause trichomoniasis. The infection routes start from here. If you do not resort to the treatment of pathology at this stage, you can expect an exacerbation.

The severity of signs is influenced by:

  • the condition of the cells that form the membrane of the urethra;
  • microflora;
  • acidity in the vagina.

The incubation period after infection with trichomoniasis can last from 2 days to 2 months, and if trichomoniasis is not pronounced, the first signs may appear several months later, in case of a decrease in immunity or in combination with other sexually transmitted diseases.

Trichomoniasis in different patients proceeds in an acute, chronic or latent form in the form of Trichomonas carriage. The asymptomatic form of the disease is the main reason for the spread of trichomoniasis.

In men, the asymptomatic course of trichomoniasis prevails, in which the clinical signs are not expressed, but the pathogen is present in the body and can be sexually transmitted.

Trichomoniasis symptoms - clinical manifestation:

  • itching of the penis;
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • burning sensation accompanying ejaculation and urination;
  • pain during urination;
  • sometimes the disease can cause prostatitis.

With inflammation of the prostate, a man with chronic trichomoniasis may experience: fever, fever, pain in the back, abdomen, pelvis, groin, scrotum, anus, muscles, joints, as well as weakness, head pain. In addition, the man suffers from constipation, increased urge to urinate, caused by the disease of trichomoniasis.

In women, the clinical signs of trichomoniasis are more pronounced, the asymptomatic course is rarely diagnosed.

  • The first symptoms of the disease are yellow or green discharge, they may contain impurities of foam, have an unpleasant odor.
  • Itching and burning sensations are expressed, irritation of the mucous membrane of the genitals is noticeable, small ulcers and erosion may occur.
  • A common symptom of trichomoniasis can be pain during urination or intercourse.
  • Swelling of the groin is noticeable, sometimes the disease spreads to the surrounding tissues in the form of dermatitis of the skin of the thighs.
  • painful sensations when having sex.
  • bloody discharge.

The venereal disease trichomoniasis is dangerous with the possibility of complications that pose a great danger to pregnant women. Doctors note:

  1. Increased risk of amniotic fluid discharge and the possibility of premature birth;
  2. Development of infertility;
  3. Cervical cancer.

A microscopic organism, vaginal Trichomonas, being the causative agent of an infectious disease of the genitourinary system, has been giving mankind many problems for thousands of years.

  1. According to statistics provided by WHO, 1/10 of the world's population are carriers of the chronic form of trichomoniasis, infecting 200 million people annually.
  2. Infection occurs in 90% sexually. However, it is possible for a child to become infected from a sick mother at the time of birth.
  3. The pathogen that has entered the body affects the squamous epithelium, acting exclusively on the genitourinary system. As a result of its development, urethritis and prostatitis are detected in men, and in women, pathology captures the vagina and urinary tract.
  4. The incubation period and the rate of development of the colony depends on the human immune system and ranges from 2 to 14 days.
  5. The defeat process goes through several stages. Before the growth of the colony, the disease is malosymptomatic. The main complaints are the same for men and women.
  6. The first stage is characterized by:

  • itching, burning, discomfort in the urethra;
  • purulent-mucous discharge from the urethra.

For subsequent development, it is typical:

  • discharge becomes white-yellow, yellow-green;
  • the color of the urine is dark, there may be an admixture of blood;
  • frequent, unsuccessful urge to urinate;
  • at the time of urination, sharp cutting pains that prevent the process from completing.
  • The inflammatory process becomes much focal as it develops:
    • in women, the vestibular, paraurethral glands, cervix are involved in it;
    • in men, the prostate gland is affected, the urethra is narrowed.

    If the process of development of the pathogen is not stopped within two months, then the disease becomes chronic.

    Chronic trichomoniasis

    Launched, not fully treated trichomoniasis, turning into a chronic form, becomes asymptomatic. It is characterized by exacerbations caused by the intake of drinks containing alcohol, hypothermia, colds.

    In men, exacerbation can be caused by sexual arousal. It is typical for women to have an increase in symptoms during menstruation.

    1. The main number of sick men is not worried about neglected trichomoniasis. Sick people often do not know about the virus carrier until the time of the tests. For the chronic form at moments of exacerbation, it is characteristic:
    • profuse purulent discharge from the genital organ;
    • the secreted mucopurulent masses contain blood;
    • swelling of the genitals, severe burning, cramps at the time of urination;
    • periodic tingling in the urinary canal followed by itching.
  • For women, the chronic stage of the disease brings multiple problems:
    • frequent urging, cutting and burning during hygiene processes;
    • yellow-green foaming discharge with a pungent smell of spoiled fish from the vagina;
    • irritation and swelling of the external genitals, the appearance of ulcers;
    • painful sensations with intimate contacts;
    • uterine bleeding during menstruation.

    In the chronic form of trichomoniasis, carriers of the disease are observed:

    1. Weakening the immune system:
    • fast fatiguability;
    • frequent colds;
    • the appearance of allergic reactions.
  • Changes in sexual function:
    • men complain of a decrease in erection, pain during it;
    • women note vaginal dryness, decreased interest in intimate relationships.
  • Women are characterized by a change in the environment inside the vagina.
  • In men, symptoms correspond to the development of prostatitis or epididymitis.
  • It is impossible to hope for an independent cure of trichomoniasis, that the chronic form is not dangerous for the body.

    For the strong half of humanity, it threatens with changes in the prostate gland, the formation of cysts in it and cicatricial-dystrophic changes in tissues. This can result in impotence, decreased kidney performance, and lead to cancer.

    For women, neglected trichomoniasis threatens miscarriages, an increased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, infertility, the development of a cyst and erosion of the cervix.

    For a complete and correct treatment, it is necessary to carry out an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

    Sexually transmitted disease caused by vaginal Trichomonas rarely manifests itself in an open, pronounced form. An infected person has a complete absence of symptoms or the similarity of the symptoms shown with diseases of the genitourinary system.

    The doctor, having examined the patient, if there is a suspicion of a virus carrier, makes a short history of the disease, directs him to the delivery of laboratory tests and a more accurate diagnosis.

    An accurate diagnosis is made after a series of studies.

    Simultaneously with the cultivation of microbes, antibiotics are added to their colonies to identify the drug that affects them.

    Applying these diagnostic methods one at a time will not bring the desired result. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to use several methods at the same time.

    Trichomoniasis treatment

    Regardless of the presence or absence of clinical signs of trichomoniasis, both partners are involved in the treatment of the disease.

    With the disease, a complex treatment of trichomoniasis is used. The patient is prescribed medications for trichomoniasis with antibacterial effects in the form of tablets, injections or suppositories for trichomoniasis, which are used for general and local therapy.

    The full course of therapy is 10-12 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Severe or chronic forms may require a longer or repeated treatment regimen and additional medications.

    According to the scheme, the treatment of trichomodiasis includes compliance with several recommendations prescribed by the doctor, namely:

    • refusal to have sex for the entire course of treatment. This is due to the fact that in the presence of a disease, infection of a partner is possible even with the use of protective equipment;
    • refraining from taking alcoholic beverages. Tablets prescribed for the treatment of trichomoniasis are not combined with alcohol, which will lead to ineffective therapy;
    • maintaining personal hygiene, including taking a shower and changing underwear;
    • for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is important for the normalization of the vaginal microflora, the doctor may prescribe the use of fermented milk products with bifidobacteria, plus the intake of auxiliary drugs;
    • in order to increase immunity, drugs with immunomodulating and general strengthening effects are prescribed.

    In this case, it is important to inform the sexual partner of the problem and convince him to undergo examination and the subsequent treatment regimen, because the disease can be asymptomatic.

    Trichomoniasis is considered cured if, upon repeated examination of smears, the causative agent of trichomoniasis is absent.

    Treatment of the disease is required for any symptomatology. There are no uniform schemes for conducting a treatment course. The pathogen is completely insensitive to antibiotics.

    The main tested drug is Metronidazole. Experts prescribe its reception according to different schemes, depending on the degree of damage to the patient's body.

    1. With an advanced form of trichomoniasis:
    • several drugs of similar action and antifungal drugs are added to the drug;
    • antibiotics are included to destroy side infections that have entered the body with Trichomonas;
    • vitamin and mineral complex and trace elements necessary to restore the immune system.

    Be sure to flush the urethra with the bladder by douching, the introduction of suppositories.

  • The disease in its initial form is treated with a single dose of the full range of drugs. After the control delivery of the analysis, it is possible to repeat the medication.
  • Side effects of both types of treatment are gastrointestinal, liver and allergic reactions. After each course it is necessary to carry out restorative and diet therapy.

    The use of drugs similar or similar to Metronidazole brings positive results:

    The causative agent of trichomoniasis dies after taking 2 g of the drug. An incorrectly selected drug will not bring positive results. Trichomonas quickly adapt to the drugs used against them and stop responding to them.

    Home treatment - folk remedies

    There are reasons that prevent the patient from turning to specialists for a timely course of therapy.

    When deciding on self-treatment, the sick person must understand that it is possible to guarantee a complete cure only by checking the analysis for the presence of microorganisms. A visit to the venereologist's office is necessary.

    Traditional medicine can be used on the advice of a specialist to reduce the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of trichomoniasis.

    1. To relieve itching and burning, onion gruel compresses are used:
    • scald a medium-sized onion head with boiling water and remove the surface layer from it;
    • passed through a meat grinder;
    • placed in a sterile container.

    Apply to the genitals for 2-3 minutes.

  • Chamomile decoction has antibacterial properties and promotes the healing of microcracks. Used for douching:
    • take 1 tbsp. pour the dried pharmacy collection with warm boiled water;
    • put on the stove and bring to a boil;
    • remove, let it brew for half an hour;
    • strain, cool to a comfortable temperature and use as directed.

    The drug must be prepared immediately before use.

  • Aloe has long been recognized by official and traditional medicine. In the treatment of trichomoniasis, tampons soaked in fresh plant juice are used.
  • The herbal infusion is used both externally and internally.
    • 1 tablespoon chamomile, 0.5 tablespoons of calendula, 1.5 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves, 1 tablespoon of cherry blossoms put in a thermos;
    • pour boiling water over;
    • insist for 8 hours;
    • strain and use.

    Take orally for 1 hour. l 3 r / day. For external use, a tampon is impregnated with infusion.

    The use of traditional medicine is not the main method of getting rid of the pathogen, and cannot be cured.

    Sexually transmitted diseases are specific diseases. The main percentage of infections occurs due to promiscuous sexual intercourse and non-observance of basic rules of personal hygiene.

    To avoid contamination, you need to use your own personal hygiene products when visiting baths, saunas, showers and bathrooms. Use your own towels and never wear someone else's underwear.

    Trichomoniasis may be asymptomatic. The sexual partner is often unaware of his or her virus carrier. You can protect yourself from infection only by observing the necessary precautions during intimacy.

    Prevention of this disease is typical for all sexually transmitted diseases:

    1. Compliance with monogamous sex.
    2. When dealing with little-known partners, it is necessary to use a condom.
    3. Discharge or discomfort around the genital area should be an alarm and cause to visit a specialized office for testing.
    4. Self-medication can make the pathogen insensitive to the drug. All therapeutic measures should be carried out under the supervision of specialists with additional control over the delivery of tests.
    5. In the treatment of trichomoniasis, a complete refusal to take alcoholic beverages is required.
    6. The scheme for taking medications and undergoing procedures drawn up by a doctor must be strictly observed.
    7. Passage of a course of treatment does not guarantee against subsequent infections. Immunity to sexually transmitted diseases is not developed. They are not vaccinated against them.

    The main principle of prevention is cleanliness in everything. For the purpose of prophylaxis after intercourse with an unfamiliar partner, it is recommended to treat the genitals with special antiseptics.

    Trichomoniasis, like other sexually transmitted diseases, is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. The source of infection is Trichomonas vaginalis.

    The disease occupies a leading position in its industry. Symptoms of chrichomoniasis are manifested in the defeat of the urethra, the prostate gland in men, and the vagina in women.

    According to WHO, 10% of the world's population is the source of the causative agent of trichomoniasis - Trichomonas vaginalis. Every year, about 170 million people are recorded who are infected with this disease. In the acute stage, there is abundant vaginal discharge, itching and burning in women and in men. The clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis are manifested by signs of other diseases, and proctitis.

    In total, it is customary to distinguish 3 types of Trichomonas: oral, intestinal and vaginal. Only the vaginal Trichomonas is leading to the disease, in contrast to the first two, which are considered harmless.

    First of all, the disease is dangerous for its potential consequences. In the absence of a competent treatment regimen for trichomoniasis, it goes into a chronic stage, which in turn leads to the development of infertility, a violation in the process of bearing a fetus and subsequent childbirth. Therefore, you should not think for a long time how to treat trichomoniasis at home, but get together and go to an appointment with a venereologist.

    Most cases of infection are recorded in young women in the age group from 17 to 36 years.

    Trichomoniasis causes

    In the bulk of cases, infection with trichomoniasis occurs during sexual intercourse in the vagina. The household route of infection (that is, infection from shared clothing, towels, and hygiene items) is very rare. This is due to the fact that with the slightest heating, drying or exposure to direct sunlight, the pathogen does not survive. In 5% of cases, a baby can become infected during labor by passing through the birth canal from an infected mother.

    Once in the urethra or in the genitals of a person, Trichomonas, with the help of flagella, quickly attach to the cells covering them. That is why they can quite easily penetrate into the upper urinary tract and, through the cervical canal, into the uterine cavity and appendages, causing characteristic symptoms.

    Trichomoniasis, causing chronic inflammation, leads to colpitis, vulvovaginitis, urethritis. Although modern medicine has effective treatment regimens for most STIs, it is extremely difficult to quickly cure trichomoniasis even in our time.

    Trichomoniasis symptoms

    Trichomoniasis begins to manifest itself with characteristic symptoms 1-4 weeks after the pathogen enters the body of a woman or man. This is due to the very long incubation period of trichomoniasis, which in some cases can reach 60 days.

    Depending on the manifestation of symptoms and duration, trichomoniasis can occur in acute, subtle, chronic forms, and as trichomoniasis.

    Vaginal and urethral discharge is the most common symptom of trichomoniasis, affecting 50–70% of people. This indicator is even higher among women, and more moderate among men. It is much easier for women to suspect that they have trichomoniasis than for men. Because in most cases in men, the disease proceeds without visible symptoms.

    Acute trichomoniasis in women may manifest as cervicitis, vulvovaginitis, or urethritis. The first signs that should alert the girl:

    • discharge of foamy fluid from the vagina, the color varies from white to yellowish-green, sometimes the smell can resemble spoiled fish.
    • redness and irritation of the vaginal mucosa.
    • discomfort during intimacy.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women are exacerbated before the onset of menstruation or after hypothermia. Trichomonas is also dangerous because it significantly increases the risk of contracting other STDs.

    In men, trichomoniasis proceeds with little or no symptoms. The main signs are:

    • pain, itching or burning when relieving for a little;
    • discharge from the urethra (clear or grayish white);
    • may occur if the prostate gland has been affected.

    The unpleasant sensations when urinating are intensified after the use of alcoholic beverages, spicy foods. Trichomoniasis in men can give complications: the head of the penis turns red, the foreskin swells, then wounds, abrasions, and sometimes ulcers form on the penis.

    Pelvic inflammation resulting from trichomoniasis is a common cause of female and male infertility. In addition to the location of the pathogen, the general condition of the human body naturally affects the symptoms of trichomoniasis. The infection proceeds especially brightly when immunity is weakened, as well as in the presence of other inflammatory processes.

    In connection with the above, you should not independently invent treatment regimens for trichomoniasis, contact a specialist for an appointment. He will competently tell you how to treat trichomoniasis correctly and without the risk of complications.


    Diagnosis of trichomoniasis consists in detecting the pathogen using various methods. Symptoms similar to trichomoniasis are also found in other ailments, so it is very important to make a correct diagnosis.

    1. First of all, this is a face-to-face examination, and a patient survey;
    2. Taking a smear from the genitals;
    3. PCR diagnostics;
    4. Microscopy of native and stained smears;
    5. Immunological method.

    If a latent form of the disease is suspected, methods of culture culture, enzyme immunoassay and PCR diagnostics are recommended.

    Trichomoniasis treatment

    If you have discovered the first signs of the disease, then you should contact a venereologist, gynecologist or urologist. Treatment of trichomoniasis should be carried out in any form of the disease, regardless of the presence or absence of clinical symptoms.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis with drugs is considered the most effective, and allows you to cure the disease in a short time. The active ingredient is metronidazole. These are mainly drugs such as:

    1. Flagil;
    2. Trichopolum;
    3. Fasizhin;
    4. Tinidazole.

    The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, and it must be completed, otherwise the disease will "go underground" and may reappear in a few years. After completing the course, it is imperative to undergo a follow-up examination to determine whether you have cured trichomoniasis or not.

    The causative agent of trichomoniasis is the simplest unicellular organism - Trichomonas. This microorganism has the ability to live and develop even in the absence of oxygen, the vital activity of protozoal bacteria occurs in the human body.

    It is possible to identify the urogenital pathogen using instrumental and laboratory diagnostic measures. An accurate diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of symptoms and physical examination alone. Trichomoniasis can be confirmed by conducting such studies:

    • Laboratory examination of a smear taken from the urethral opening;
    • Microbiological research;
    • Immunological analysis;
    • PCR method.

    Since such a disease can develop without pronounced symptoms, it is necessary to make a reliable diagnosis only with the help of laboratory tests.

    Clinical manifestations in men

    Trichomoniasis in men affects the following organs of the reproductive system: the urethra, spermatic cord, prostate and testicles. Sometimes the symptoms are mild, in which case the man is the carrier of the pathogen, which is transmitted during intimacy. If Trichomonas is in the body for a long time, complications may occur, which manifest themselves as non-gonococcal urethritis, an inflammatory process in the prostate and testicles.

    The duration of the incubation process can vary from 2 to 200 days. Symptoms are not immediately apparent. Usually, clinical signs begin to appear with a weakened immune system or with chronic infectious processes in the body. Symptoms are due to the form of the pathological process. The development of urogenital trichomoniasis can occur in acute or chronic form.

    Symptoms in men are expressed in a burning sensation during the emptying of the bladder. Discomfort extends to all areas of the external genital organs - to the penis, perineum, lower back, rectal region. If complications develop, the following signs appear - hyperemia of the foreskin, redness, swelling, abrasions and wounds. Additional symptoms that accompany the development of the disease include: hyperthermia, pain in the testicles.

    Another consequence of the neglected form of trichomoniasis is the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland. This disease is accompanied by severity, soreness in the rectal area and in the perineal area.

    Clinical manifestations in the female

    According to statistics, women suffer more often than men. In this case, vaginal Trichomonas are located in the uterine cavity. But the symptomatology is expressed on the external organs of the reproductive system. Their redness, itching and hyperemia are noted. With the development of invasion, symptoms such as: abundant mucus, sores, the appearance of minor bloody, foamy and watery discharge that have a pungent fishy odor, painful sensations during sexual intercourse, may increase in the size of the uterus and lower abdomen.

    The discharge is distinguished by a white or yellowish color, their appearance is accompanied by intense itching, which is localized not only in the vagina, but also on the inner thighs. Often there is pain or stinging when emptying the bladder. With an advanced form of the disease, there is a strong swelling of the external genitals and severe itching. Timely diagnosis and therapy of the disease is very important, since its development is fraught with complications, up to difficulties in conception.

    Transmission routes

    Trichomonas can be transmitted not only during intimate contacts. Other ways of infection can be contact with personal hygiene items of a person. This rarely happens, but the facts of infection by household means are recorded.

    With normal contact, for example, during a hug, it is impossible to get infected. Also, the disease is not tolerated by pets or birds.

    Therapeutic activities

    It is possible to get rid of urogenital trichomoniasis only with a properly designed therapy algorithm. It is important to go through all the necessary diagnostic measures in advance, which will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. It is impossible to get rid of pathology using dubious folk remedies. Treatment should take place under the strict supervision of a physician. Prescription of medications is due to the severity of the disease, its stage, the severity of clinical signs.

    For therapy, anti-trichomonas drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at combating the causative agent of the pathology. For treatment, systemic and local drugs are prescribed that fight the pathogen in the body and eliminate external symptoms. In order to achieve a lasting positive effect, a comprehensive approach is very important. Traditionally, doctors prescribe a course of antibacterial drugs to help cure the infection. It is important not to stop the course of treatment, even if the symptoms disappear completely.

    Trichomoniasis, which develops without complications, can be cured within a few weeks. If the pathology is complicated by other infectious processes, the duration of therapy is significantly delayed. It is important to adhere to all medical recommendations, to undergo the prescribed course of treatment, even in the absence of severe symptoms.

    When the last drug is completed, it is very important to undergo repeated laboratory diagnostics, thanks to which you can assess the patient's condition, determine the presence of the pathogen or antibodies to it in his body. It is very important to adhere to such recommendations of doctors: to exclude sexual intercourse for the entire duration of therapy, to remove too spicy, fried, spicy, smoked and pickled dishes from the diet, and the use of ethanol-containing drinks is not allowed. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is a prerequisite.

    Urogenital trichomoniasis, or trichomoniasis, is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. In most cases, the pathogen enters a person through sexual contact, especially during casual sexual intercourse. There are known cases of infection through personal belongings that a previously infected person has already used.

    Trichomonas is a microorganism belonging to the Protozoa type, capable of all basic life types of organization: movement, reproduction, metabolism, nutrition, etc. The shape of the microbe resembles a pear in its appearance, but it constantly changes due to movement and the meeting of obstacles. The usual sizes of the vaginal Trichomonas are up to 20 microns, sometimes individuals up to 35 microns come across.

    Note: larger forms are characteristic of the chronic stage of the disease.

    The causative agent of the disease feeds on the method of phagocytosis. Reproduction is by longitudinal or multiple division. Trichomonas is capable of moving into a stationary stage, resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, since the active form is very sensitive to changes in the temperature parameters of its habitat. Sunlight is also harmful to the microbe.

    The chemical composition of the medium (acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline) is well tolerated by the pathogenic agent.

    Vaginal Trichomonas lives in the human genitourinary system. When penetrating, it does not always cause clinical manifestations of the disease, since it is successfully resisted by immunity. In this case, we are dealing with Trichomonas.

    Inflammation of the urethra - trichomoniasis, occurs with increased activity (virulence) and weakening of the body. The latter includes hypothermia, serious illness, nutritional disorders.

    Note: in an isolated form, trichomoniasis is not so common. Usually several infections are combined at the same time (,).

    Where Trichomonas lives in the body

    The clinical picture of trichomoniasis lesions is nonspecific. The manifestations of urethritis are the same for different types of pathogen (gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonads).

    Trichomoniasis immunity does not develop.

    The incubation period (from infection to manifestations) lasts on average 10 days, sometimes up to a month.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men

    The patient complains of the symptoms of urethritis:

    • pain when urinating;
    • increased urge to urinate;
    • the appearance of discharge (mucous, watery, foamy, purulent) from the urethra;

    The trichomoniasis process can spread to:

    • the prostate gland;
    • seminal vesicles;
    • epididymis;
    • bulbourethral glands;
    • paraurethral ducts;
    • foreskin glands;
    • bladder;
    • renal pelvis;
    • the skin of the glans penis (balanoposthitis);
    • foreskin.

    The most common complications of trichomoniasis are inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) and inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis).

    With the development of trichomoniasis in women, characteristic complaints appear:

    Genital warts often occur along the way.

    The pathological process develops into:

    • the urethra;
    • cervix;
    • glands of the vestibule of the vagina;
    • uterine cavity;
    • fallopian tubes.

    In the glands of the vestibule of the vagina, due to edema, the excretory ducts are blocked, and a "false" abscess is formed.

    If the disease affects the cervix (), then there is swelling of the cervix, accompanied by abundant discharge. Erosion is common.

    Note: the chronic variant of the disease is asymptomatic, or with a "blurry" picture.

    Methods for determining the disease, laboratory diagnostics

    The diagnosis of trichomoniasis is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the patient, including:

    • collection of patient complaints;
    • inspection data;
    • laboratory diagnostics.

    Trichomoniasis does not give any specific manifestations. The symptoms are the same for most. Therefore, laboratory data are of primary importance in diagnostics.

    Laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis

    Native preparations are being investigated to identify live Trichomonas. A drop of human fluid is placed on a microscope slide with two drops of saline. A cover glass is applied to the mixture and analyzed under a microscope.

    Detection of Trichomonas should be carried out as soon as possible after taking the material, not to allow exposure to high or low temperatures, drying, since under these conditions microorganisms quickly die.

    Important: a specific feature of Trichomonas is their movement. At the same time, you can observe the swing, jerky jerks,

    If the patient does not have pathogens in the analysis, but with severe clinical symptoms, an additional version of microscopy is performed: the first stream of urine is centrifuged, and after the appearance of threads, flakes, crumbs in it, these elements are taken with a pipette. In them, it is often possible to detect and identify the pathogen.

    It is necessary to observe the temperature regime of the study:

    • keep the test tube with the material in a glass of warm water;
    • use a warm microscope slide.

    The detection of pathogenic Trichomonas is facilitated by the use of methods for staining biomaterials.

    In cases of asymptomatic course, the culture method can be used.

    It is necessary to be treated both in the case of existing complaints and without them, but upon detection of the pathogen, since an asymptomatic carrier can be a source of infection.

    Carrier prophylactic therapy is also necessary to avoid recurrence of the disease in treated patients without clinical manifestations.

    Antibiotics and sulfa drugs used to treat most urogenital infections are ineffective against trichomoniasis.

    The therapy uses Metronidazole (Flagil, Trichopol). Schemes for taking the drug have been developed, depending on the form of the disease.

    Note: in 90-98% of cases, it is possible to achieve recovery after a course of treatment for trichomoniasis.

    To alleviate inflammatory processes, a local effect is used by washing the urethra with solutions of silver nitrate, mercury oxycyanide, ethacridine. Then Osarsol with Boric acid and Glucose is introduced into the canal.

    Hexamethylenetetramine, Levomycetin with Boric acid are effective. These compounds are injected into the urethra and into the vagina.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis is complemented by the use of Tinidazod, Nitazol.

    The criterion of cure is considered to be negative laboratory tests with repeated repetitions within 2 months.

    Physiotherapy procedures can be applied until the discomfort disappears completely.

    It is important to remember that trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted, so the best way to protect yourself from infection is to keep the relationship clean. Casual, promiscuous sex never ends well.