Bedroom design Design... Materials

You are mistaken if you believe in God. You made a mistake You made a mistake

Everyone is wrong and mistakes are not a sin,
  If you are smart enough, understand and recognize them.
  If we are smart enough, we should accept someone’s laugh,
  And with a friend together, laugh at yourself.

While we can laugh at our mistake,
  While we can ask forgiveness for her.
  We are not...

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Teachers taught us
  That man descended from a monkey.
  What are the divine essence of monkeys,
  Jump on branches, have bananas?
  Perhaps Darwin was still mistaken?
  May I be the Monkey
  I am aware of this somehow.
  And in India, an honorary monkey ...

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She can not understand the philosophical teachings. Nevertheless, there was a real opportunity to assess how wrong  a person at least in the simplest calculations. I must say that modern programming has overgrown with all sorts of add-ons and ... - incorrigible confusion. Someone makes a little less mistakes, but most drives them in a continuous stream. After all, if godless are mistaken  representatives of the exact sciences, then are all others sinless? This is not easy to verify, but since we all came out of one ...

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The lower one is strange, confused, wrongly acting, since the highest step is opposite to me, it is not clear, and I am sure that the higher one is not right. And only from experience do we see that the highest is not wrong. Even if his behavior seems strange and illogical, you simply do not understand his calculations. But all the way ...

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The ancients said: “Errare humanum est - Humanity make a mistake". Most people are afraid to make mistakes, especially in front of others. These are the costs of the influence of society on people: your success (in sports, ... your turner or milling machine operator will become a master of his craft so far? And you can’t count such examples. It’s true that someone who doesn’t do anything wrong. But he does not develop! Our whole life matters only in movement, in development. Otherwise - stagnation, degradation, decay. Unlike...

Harry landed abruptly, his sprained leg bent, and he collapsed to the ground. The hand finally pulled away from the Cup. Harry looked up.

Where are we? - he asked.

Cedric shook his head silently. Helped Harry up, and both looked around.

The area around was nothing like Hogwarts. There were no mountains surrounding the castle, it seems they have covered several miles, maybe even a hundred.

They stood in the middle of a dark densely overgrown cemetery, on the right behind a huge yew, the silhouette of a small church blackened.

Cedric looked at the Three Wizards Cup.

Has anyone told you that the Cup is a portal?

No, Harry answered. - Look, someone is coming!

Peering desperately into the darkness, they noticed how slowly, around the graves, a man was approaching them. He is not tall, his face is hidden by a hood, in the hands of a bundle, which he carries with caution. The distance between them was reduced, the man came very close, and Harry saw that he had a baby in his arms ... maybe just a bundle of clothes?

And then something happened that Harry least expected: the scar exploded in such pain that he had never experienced before. The wand fell out, he covered his face with his hands and fell on the grass, as if cut. He did not see anything, he only felt that his head was cracking with pain.

From somewhere in the distance, a cold, piercing voice came from above:

Kill the excess.

A whistling sound was heard, and another voice creaked in the darkness:

Avada Kedavra!

A flash of green light burned his eyes through his eyelids, and Harry heard something heavy collapse nearby. The pain in the scar became unbearable, it vomited, and it became a little easier. Harry opened his watery eyes with fear.

Cedric lay flat next to him. He was dead.

Harry seemed to have been peering into Cedric's face for ages.

In fact, only a moment passed, and before he could realize what was happening, his chilling impossibility, he felt that he was being put on his feet.

The little man in the cloak laid the bundle on the ground, pulled out a magic wand and dragged Harry to the marble tombstone. Then he turned it around and leaned it against the stone. But Harry still managed to notice, with a flickering flicker of his wand, the name "TOM REDL" carved on the stone.

Ropes stretched from the stranger’s wand, and he began to tie Harry to the tombstone. Intermittent, feverish breathing was heard under the hood. Harry tried to resist, but the little man punched him, and Harry noticed that he was missing a finger on his hand. So whoever attacked them is an old friend, Tail.

You! Harry breathed.

The tail did not answer.

The parcel, lying on the ground, stirred more. The creature there seemed to rush out. The tail stuck a magic wand under the cauldron, and flames fired from there.

The bundle lying on the ground beat faster. Harry heard an icy voice again.

Everything is ready, master.

The tail unfolded the bundle, and Harry saw a creature that looked like a shriveled baby. His scar burned with pain, and he hissed.

"This is impossible! Is it really He?"

Harry covered himself with sweat. He did not know what needed to be done so that this reptile would not be reborn.

Father’s bone, given without consent, revive your son!

The ground beneath Harry’s feet parted, and he saw a bone coming out of the ground. She fell into the cauldron.

Whining with horror, Tail pulled a long thin silver dagger from under his cloak and spoke again, this time accompanied by a hysterical sob of every word:

P-flesh ... servants ... surrendered d-voluntarily ... revive ... your ... master!

His right hand with a nasty gurgle fell into the cauldron.

The tail sobbed and whined in pain. Harry suddenly felt another's breath on his face and realized that Tail had come close to him.

K-blood of an enemy ... taken by force ... resurrect ... your enemy!

"There he is, a chance!"

I agree! I agree that you take it from me voluntarily!

During the ninth Egyptian execution, God destroyed 80-85% of the Jews living in Egypt, which amounted to about 12 million killed! "For what?" - you ask. Yes, practically for nothing - as Rashi wrote, Jews were punished who did not want to obey God's command and leave Egypt.
  Sinned and punished was a man who refused to beat the prophet who told him “Beat me!”: God sends a lion to punish him who kills this man (1 Kings 20: 35-36).
  Children who teased bald as a prophet Elisha’s knee “Go bald! Go bald!” Sinned and suffered “deserved” punishment: for disrespect to the prophet, the merciful Lord sends bears who tear forty-two
  a child (2 Kings 2: 23-24) is truly a “fair” punishment for those who dare to call a bald bald man in authority.
  Any state built on the basis of a totalitarian religion will be a totalitarian state, a fascist state.
The widespread belief that cruelty and violence is not pleasing to the God described in the Bible is a mistake based on insufficient knowledge of the scripture. God in the Bible often approves of violence and often resorts to it himself. We will not even talk about such an example of God's “mercy” as the global flood that killed all people and all animals on Earth except those who were with Noah in the ark (Genesis 7:23). Let us look at only one chapter from the Bible — the one where God first gives the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” —the chapter “Exodus”. In the same chapter, the Lord kills all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians - “there was no house where there was no dead man” (Exodus 12:30) in order to force the pharaoh to let the Jews out of Egypt. It is strange that the “philanthropic and gracious” God did not arouse in Pharaoh the desire to release the people of Israel, but instead preferred, on the contrary, to induce Pharaoh to resist the request of the Jews (Ex. 7: 3, Ex. 10: 1) so that he, God, could severely punish all Egyptians (including infants). Undoubtedly, the majority of the injured Egyptians were not guilty of the fact that the pharaoh did not allow the Jews to leave the country and, moreover, they even persuaded the pharaoh to let the Israelites out (Exodus 10: 7) - and nevertheless everyone suffered. In the same chapter, God destroys the Egyptian army. In the same chapter, God gives instructions about which people should be killed - in particular, slandering parents should be killed (Exodus 21:17), sorceresses (Exodus 22:18) and idolaters (Exodus 22:20), those who use incense similar to those used for worship (Exodus 30:33, Exodus 30:38) should be exterminated; those who work on the Sabbath should be executed (Exodus 31:15). In the same chapter, by order of the Lord, 3,000 Israelites who worshiped the golden calf were killed (Exodus 32: 27-28). As you can see, the “merciful” God is by no means an opponent of murder.
The "Racial Theory" - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "chosenness" of the German race, of its natural superiority over all others - was not a crime in itself, but it was it that served as an excuse for an aggressive war, for mass killings and for genocide. Indeed, just as a person is able to crush a cockroach if he considers himself superior to a cockroach, he is able to crush a person of a different race or other faith if he considers himself superior to him. However, everyone who has carefully read the Bible remembers that there is also the idea of \u200b\u200ba “chosen people” - first, the people of Israel turn out to be such (Deut. 7:16, Deut. 10: 14-15), then, according to Christians, “selectivity” goes over to them (Matt. 21:43, Gal. 3:29). True, both of them argue that “chosenness” cannot be understood as Hitler understood it, this “chosenness” does not give any special rights, on the contrary, it only imposes additional obligations, additional responsibility before God. It sounds very noble and selfless. However, we will take a closer look at the text of the Bible, recall history - and we will see that this is only a myth, that the understanding of the "chosenness" of the German people by Hitler and the understanding of the "chosenness" of the people of God by the people of God in many respects coincide. Hitler waged aggressive wars to take possession of the "living space", believing that the "chosen" Aryan race has the right to this land by virtue of its "chosenness." The people of Israel captured the country of Canaan, destroying a significant part of the local population (including women and children, according to the instructions of the Lord), since the "promised land" was promised to them by God and therefore they have the right to this country (Gen. 17: 8, Gen. 28 :thirteen). The Christians at one time seized half the world and, without any hesitation, enslaved some nations and destroyed others, hypocritically stating (or, conversely, sincerely believing) that they bring them the benefits of civilization and the light of true faith.
And after that you think that God is fair. And after that you think that God is good. You were wrong. You were mistaken if you went to church on Sundays. And you were mistaken if you were baptized. You were mistaken if you think that God helps you. You were mistaken if you believe the Pope and the Patriarch. You are mistaken if you believe in their "power." You were mistaken if you consider Jesus a saint. And you were mistaken in believing that the cross is spirituality. You were mistaken if you read the Bible and it didn’t surprise you. You wrong. You were mistaken if you see the difference between God and Hitler. You were mistaken if you did not consider Christianity to be a totalitarian religion, exactly the same as Islam, just like Judaism, just like Zen. You wrong. You were mistaken if you believe in God from childhood. Believe in yourself. YOU are your god. All in your hands.