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What is the New Year? For many, this is a holiday that is held in a warm, friendly atmosphere or in the comfortable embrace of one's most dear and beloved family. Someone considers this holiday to be a reason to relax and enjoy all the supposed fun, and someone will prefer a quiet and cozy atmosphere of the hearth.

The New Year is a holiday in many ways different, but one thing in it is unchanged for everyone - it is this only night of the year that should be truly special. That is why many people pay so much attention not only to what to put on the table or which outfit to choose for the celebration, but also in a hurry to decide how to appease the symbol of the coming year - the one who will rule all the events according to the eastern calendar.

The choice of attire for the New Year 2017

Judging by the Chinese calendar, 2017 becomes the year of the Fire Rooster. And given that the rooster is a wayward, bright bird, loving leadership and various victories, the outfit on the upcoming New Year's Eve should be suitable for him. To appease the owner-Rooster, you need to choose expensive, conspicuous and colorful things.

A prerequisite on New Year's Eve 2017 is the presence of a dress, because it is this type of women's wardrobe that the Rooster fighting patron prefers to see. But it is worth considering that inconspicuous black dresses with discreet decorations will not be here by the way. Such outfits are best left decisively for another occasion. But a too extravagant outfit with a screaming one too will not be to the liking of the dominant bird. Therefore, the most important rule when choosing an outfit for the celebration of the new 2017 year is a luxurious dress made of high-quality materials, complemented by conspicuous and expensive accessories.

Well, in order to understand correctly all these nuances, it is worth taking a closer look at the colors, styles, various additions and, of course, the trends of the upcoming New Year.

Colors and shades for the new year 2017

The rooster dictates its rules when choosing the New Year's outfit 2017. And given that he will rule with the element of fire, you can guess that such an energetic duet chooses warm colors. Therefore, the most important and expected color of the new year 2017 is red and all its derivative shades. The ideal option would be: purple, coral, burgundy, scarlet and more muted matching colors.

If you are not one of those who love red so much to appear in it at a significant festival, astrologers offer to stay in golden, yellow or sand color.

White shades and classic black are also acceptable. But it is worth considering that all these non-dominant colors are best diluted with bright details and accessories.

But what is better to impose a categorical taboo is on various animal prints. As you know, a rooster does not greatly welcome any feline representatives, so make sure that your outfit does not even have a hint of these predatory animals.

Those who closely follow astrological advice will not be out of place to find out what symbolism the colors they choose carry.

  • So, in a red dress you can attract the desired love, true passion and feel the taste of power.
  • If the outfit is dominated by green shades, then there is a chance to gain mutual understanding in the family, deep faith and hope in everything.
  • The yellow outfit will help in health and is designed to attract wealth.
  • A classic black color can become an ally in a career and success in everything.
  • Thanks to terracotta or orange color, you can gain new knowledge.
  • A pure white color will bring changes in life, which, of course, should be only for the better.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 in accordance with fashion trends?


The invariable favorites of the coming 2017 will be fabrics in which luxury and even chic are felt. It will be ideal if the outfit for the New Year of the Rooster is made of noticeable flowing materials. For these purposes, perfect:

  • Atlas;
  • Satin crepe
  • Brocade;
  • Silk;
  • Organza;
  • Lace;
  • Chiffon;
  • Velvet.

Styles of Christmas dresses 2017

If we talk about the cut of a festive outfit, then the best choice for the New 2017 year will be dresses light, airy and, of course, romantic. Dresses with an open back or a spectacular cut on the skirt are also welcome. But these conditions are not mandatory, and if you prefer a different style, designers offer various options in which you will feel incredibly familiar and comfortable. By the way, comfort is the main condition of the chosen dress, because the Rooster involves fun in all its might. And since it is better to have fun and dance on such a night, make sure that the dress is quite comfortable for such occasions.

Decoration elements

To really please the owner of the year 2017, you can not do without noticeable details, finishes. Moreover, they should be bright and quite spectacular. For these purposes, designers offer several relevant solutions:

Bow. This finish option is now in trend. They can decorate almost the entire image. You can tint the whole dress with small bows or attach it somewhere in one place, choosing it several in a larger size. Also, with a bow, you can decorate your hairstyle, handbag, shoes and more.

Feathers. It is not difficult to guess that it is such an option for decorating the New Year's outfit 2017 that will be quite in demand. Given the demands of the restless bird, the designers, with might and main, decorated their contemporary collections with dresses in feathers.

But, if you are not ready to try on such an original image, remember that it is completely optional to wear a skirt of feathers, it is enough to confine yourself to an ordinary boa, or even choose a small part with the presence or pattern of a pen. It can be a hairpin, brooch, bag or even a hat with feathers.

Fur. Fur trim is not far behind in popularity either. So, fur capes, scarves or just small details in a dress are very relevant. It can even be a regular pompom attached to a handbag or to a hand in the form of a bracelet.

Sequins and sequins. This type of finish is also very popular. Moreover, sequins can be dotted with the whole dress, as well as part of it: collar, straps, sleeves, and more.

Embroidery. Not the last place in the choice of the New Year's image of 2017 and the presence of embroidery. Moreover, it should be made with golden or silver threads. It will be ideal if the image is a picture of a rooster or the same feather. Well, this is for sure to appease the Fiery symbol.

Christmas accessories 2017

Regardless of which New Year's dress is chosen for the upcoming celebration, the main condition for the created image is gloss, grace and unchanging luxury. Therefore, accessories for the New Year 2017 should be in line with the chosen dress.

So, if we talk about jewelry and other additions, then they will be extremely popular:

  • Brooches in the shape of a Rooster (feather);
  • Chiffon scarf in fiery color;
  • Jewelry made of natural stones;
  • Gold jewelry;
  • Diamond jewelry;
  • Original shoes. Classic models here are unlikely to fit, so it’s worth looking at shoes with rhinestones, bows, beads and other similar elements.

New Year hairstyle 2017

The main rule of the New Year's hairstyle 2017 is elegant simplicity. A great solution would be a tied tail, neat styling or light curls.

New Year's manicure 2017

As for the beauty of nails, here everything is decided by the choice of dress. Color and shape should be in harmony with the selected outfit. But, given that the rooster does not like hints of the cat family, it is worth abandoning excessively long nails resembling predatory claws.

New Year's makeup 2017

Since the Rooster loves everything bright and noticeable, this trend should be followed in makeup for the New Year 2017. But do not rush to put yourself red shadows or resort to other excessive actions. Golden sparkles, shining shades or bright lipstick will be enough to make you quite noticeable and not turn, at the same time, into a vulgar person. Those who know how to handle makeup and are not afraid of experiments can decorate the corners of their eyes with spectacular rhinestones or even turn to the ART-style makeup option.

But it is worth considering that only a professional can accurately harmonize face painting, and it is also better to remember the ban on leopard and other predatory prints.

What should be the right outfit for the New Year of the Rooster?

Listen to our tips on meeting the 2017 year of the rooster and you will definitely be lucky:

  • Providing freedom of movement and extraordinary lightness, so it is better to refuse bulky or tight dresses.
  • Selected clothing should be conspicuous and bright. The rooster does not like everyday life and gloom, and in order to receive his favor, you need to become a truly noticeable special at the holiday.
  • It is advisable to think over the New Year image to the most inconspicuous little things. The rooster does not tolerate any manifestation of negligence, so everything should be, as they say, “on the spot”.
  • Despite the fact that the coming year implies the presence of bright and quite noticeable images, do not forget about the golden rule: "The main thing is not to overdo it." Otherwise, from the prominent and luxurious queen of the evening, you can become the object of completely backward attention.

Of course, all these recommendations are just pre-holiday tips, and nothing prevents you from choosing your own image that does not keep up with generally accepted rules. But even if you are not one of those who blindly follows the advice and traditions of the New Year’s oriental horoscope, it may be worthwhile to heed such recommendations, which may not be binding on you, but, nevertheless, can provide you with a good mood and good luck in the coming year. Who knows, maybe the Fiery Rooster, seeing that you meet him in the appropriate outfit, will not pass by and bring confidence and luck in all areas of your life? That's exactly what will happen! Good luck and prosperity to you !!!

It is very important for every woman to always look beautiful. And on New Year's Eve, you just want to look stunning! And if, in addition to this, the New Year's outfit affects the future, then it will be logical to listen and learn the advice of astrologers in the question: What to wear for the new year 2017 by zodiac signs? Of course, no one can give detailed answers, but sometimes it’s important to find out about everything, even in general terms for all signs of the horoscope:

What color is fashionable in 2017 for the new year

What color is the dress or costume relevant to wear for the new year? The most suitable colors on New Year's Eve will be considered all shades of red and yellow. Of course, you should not include the entire color palette in the New Year's outfit, but the presence and even predominance of one of these shades is considered mandatory.

What accessories to choose for the New Year of the Rooster

Although not a magpie, she loves luxury ... Gold jewelry, rings and bracelets with large stones will be very handy. It is not worth complementing your outfit with silver-colored jewelry; let it be better if it is bronze or brass, but, ideally, of course, gold.

New Year's manicure 2017: photos and ideas

We will talk about New Year’s nail design in a separate article. And the color scheme should ideally be two-tone: red with gold manicure is a clear hit in the top ten, although the use of other colors, even contrasting with red, is also acceptable.

Holiday makeup

Compared to the previous year, 2017 New Year makeup should be brighter. Lipstick in color of manicure will not only emphasize your awareness in the world of makeup, but will also sweeten the tastes of the lord of this year.

What to celebrate the New Year of Aries?   The recommendations described at the beginning of the article are completely suitable for you. But there is one peculiarity - women born under the sign of Aries should not wear a low-cut upper, and generally should not expose the breast in any way. Perhaps this advice is connected with the upcoming changes on the love front and the stars are in a hurry to warn you about this. In any case, take care of your heart, try to share your feelings less in the love field and do not open your feelings and emotions to random and unreliable people.

Which outfit to choose Taurus?   Weighted in many matters, Taurus can afford liberty, and will put on the most unexpected and even reckless outfit. But with accessories and make-up should not be excessively experimented. It will be enough to add some notes to your everyday makeup and your New Year's style is ready!

Gemini clothes on New Year's Eve,   like the overall appearance is very important. After all, on January 31, 2016, the Moon will be in the sign of Gemini, and it is your sign that will meet the Fire Rooster under the clock and spray of champagne. Try to feel like a holiday, be the highlight of the holiday program, laugh and have fun with all your heart. An important attribute for a twin woman is a red hairpin or ribbon in her hair. This year this sign will bring you the favor of a fiery bird.

New Year's outfits for Cancer - a continuous flight of fantasy. This year, you, like no other, are advised to put on what your heart tells you. Ideal if you become a party to the carnival (costume) festival. Although, a woman’s cancer by nature is most often very active and, if desired, she can arrange a small costume ball in her family circle. So go for it!

Clothing and accessories for Lviv in the new year 2017.   Having an excellent sense of tact in clothes, Lions are the first to begin to think about the New Year's outfit. Although this sign does not need special adjustments regarding the choice of clothes and style, they periodically look at such horoscopes. Dear Lions, listen to your heart, because you already know that you will be irresistible on New Year's Eve!

How to dress on New Year's Eve Virgo? Unlike other signs, Virgo is recommended to adhere to moderately bright colors in clothes. Calm make-up and non-adorning jewelry maximally emphasize the femininity of virgins and bring good luck.

Holiday image of Libra   It is recommended to make clothes of contrasting colors, but one of them must include a shade of red. If you have the opportunity, indulge yourself on the eve of the holiday and buy yourself an outfit that you have been dreaming about for a long time, so you will start the generator for fulfilling wishes for the whole year.

New Year's outfits Scorpions should be highlighted, well, or peppercorn. Therefore, think in advance about the element in clothes that will set you apart from the rest of the mass. Only in this way will you draw attention to yourself, and, consequently, good luck in your destiny.

What dress to choose for the celebration of the new year to Sagittarius?   Frank mini and defiant neckline. If the figure allows, you can shine in the image of a VAMP woman on New Year's Eve!

What to wear Capricorn to successfully celebrate the new year 2017? In clothes, you can turn on all your imagination and create a completely unpredictable individual New Year's style. Particular attention is recommended to be paid with hands and manicure. Be sure to wear a ring with a stone, a bracelet, or at least do a neat manicure with rhinestones - your hands should shine in the literal sense of this expression.

Bright jewelry and maxi length skirts   or pantsuits are the rule for the New Year for Aquarius. It is very important for you to cover your knees. Most often, such advice is sent by stars when it comes to energy output. Therefore, it is better to listen and choose an outfit from your wardrobe based on this knowledge.

New Year's outfit for Pisces.   It does not matter what type of clothes you prefer on New Year's Eve, the main thing is that this is an exclusively new outfit. It is advisable to buy it on New Year's Eve, not sparing the money spent. After all, clothes will bring you not only a delightful look, but also will give you self-confidence. The emphasis in the colors of clothes and accessories can be done on soft bed tones.

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It is worth paying a lot of time to the holiday image. You should consider makeup, hair and, of course, the outfit in which you will celebrate the new year.

The upcoming 2017 according to the eastern calendar is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, which means that New Year's Eve should be more noisy and bright than ever. So what is the best way to celebrate this new year? The Fiery Rooster is a symbol of the sun and dawn, the bird is glowing, bright, so all shades of red will be perfect for the holiday.

Do not be afraid to try on an outfit of bright scarlet or purple, the brighter and more colorful your image, the more favorable the Rooster will be in the coming year! Red, red, burgundy, scarlet, purple, gold, ruby \u200b\u200band even mother-of-pearl - feel free to choose your favorite shade and experiment with the image.

But do not be surprised that at the festival most of the guests will be in red clothes, as everyone will want to pull luck in the coming year, dressed in the tones of the patron of 2017. If you want to stay in the spotlight and stand out from the crowd, it’s very useful to add interesting accessories with feathers or details in the form of a symbol of the new year.

A necklace, pendant or belt with feathers will make your New Year look special! Earrings and bracelets can be made of massive stones, they will perfectly complement your image. It is worth noting that jewelry made of gold with precious stones are the main favorites of the Red Rooster.

You can also stand out with an interesting “bird” print or a brooch in the form of a rooster. Remember that small interesting details will surely attract the attention of others.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when choosing an evening outfit, you will have to discard all options of “leopard”, “tiger” and other cat prints with the image of animal fur, since the colors of a predatory cat will not be at all like the Red Cockerel! When choosing a fabric, pay attention to unusual radiant textures: silk, satin, organza and, of course, velvet.

Do not forget that the New Year's Eve is always filled with fun, dancing and various contests, so when choosing a festive outfit, it is worth considering that you have a lot to move. Choose light dresses and comfortable suits in which you will be comfortable taking part in New Year's games and dances.

Think in advance whether you should wear a long tight dress that is suitable only for the main feast, or is it better to opt for a short dress or skirt suitable for an active evening.

No matter how bright and memorable your New Year's outfit may be, remember that your smile will be your main decoration on New Year's Eve. Let your positive attitude and festive mood materialize the saying "How to celebrate the New Year, so it will be!".

Not far off holiday - New Year. Holiday preparation for the holiday is vanity, but pleasant. This is not only the purchase of gifts, cooking original dishes, but also the decor of your home.

Symbol of 2017

New 2017 year is a symbol of the Fire Rooster. It symbolizes wealth and prosperity. In order for the whole of 2017 to be prosperous, you need to consider all the nuances of decorating the house and adequately celebrate the New Year. Since the Fire Rooster is with a difficult character, it is very difficult to please him. But if you decorate a house or apartment in bright colors and make decorations yourself, then he will be friendly to everyone, because he loves unusual things.

How is the New Year without a Christmas tree? This year it should be natural. Because the Fire Rooster appreciates all that is natural.

On New Year's Eve, I want to show maximum imagination, this applies to decorations in the house, preparations of various goodies and, of course, attire. A woman looks especially beautiful in an elegant dress, but what dress to wear for the New Year 2017.

It has traditionally become to celebrate the New Year in an outfit related to the symbol of the year. A woman must always be unforgettable, dressed perfectly, with a creative hairstyle and a delicious train of expensive perfumes. The year 2017 promises to be unpredictable, because the symbol of the year - the Rooster - is a domineering and proud nature.

The outfit must be chosen in burgundy, orange, pearlescent, red, gold tones. You can opt for a pastel color dress, the main thing is that there is no melancholy and gloom. There is no need to choose a dress, which as a result will turn its owner into a “strict teacher”. The dress should be such that it could easily dance, move and maintain a general cheerful atmosphere.

Christmas outfits - enchanting fiery color

New Year’s toilet should be airy, light and, of course, comfortable. This should be a dress from the field "flying towards night adventures."

New Year's Eve Dresses - 2017 (video):

The rooster - the symbol of the year, is attracted by everything bright and eccentric, in this spirit you need to choose a dress in order to remind you of the symbol of the year.

A screaming scarlet dress will look gorgeous. For such courage, the rooster will be especially grateful and lenient next year.

Whatever attire attention is paid to, one must remember that fire is like a pass ticket. If there is no fiery color in the outfit, then you can simply dilute it with catchy and bright accessories.

By the way, enchanting effect can be obtained by wearing fur. Deep neckline and short mini are also in trend this winter. A dress with various fasteners and decorative zippers will look interesting. If, nevertheless, a choice was made on a simple dress, then it must definitely be emphasized with catchy details, dimensional motley jewelry.

Home decoration for New Year's Eve 2017

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to choose the right material and decoration for the home. The Christmas decor should be white, green, gold and red.


The original decoration will be candles. They can be put on the table, fireplace in beautiful candlesticks. Nearby you can put spruce branches with cones or red beads.

Christmas wreath

A wreath will help raise the New Year mood. It symbolizes comfort, but it is known that the Fiery Rooster is a homebody and loves comfort, warmth in the house. They can decorate the door, fireplace, as well as a festive table. A wreath can be bought in stores. And you can also make it yourself from improvised materials: balls, buttons, fabrics, spruce branches, rain and other materials.

Decoration of angels, fire cock

You can decorate the house with angels, they will bring tenderness to the house. They can be put on a table or cut out of paper, and glued to a window with glue.

Candies, star cookies, fruits

You can also decorate a Christmas tree and a house with sweets. It is very beautiful and delicious.

Gingerbread house

An elegant baked gingerbread house can decorate the table and shelves of your home. You can also put a candle in the middle of the house. And he will bring a fabulous mood to your home.

Snowflakes, stars

Having shown imagination, you can make snowflakes, stars from paper from children. Cut and with the help of threads can be hung on a chandelier, Christmas tree or glued to the window.

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For those who are not yet in the subject, I remind you that the year of the Red Fire Rooster is approaching according to the eastern horoscope. Hence the conclusion - the main color for the New Year's outfit is red and all its shades. In this case, I propose to compare the color scheme with a blazing fire. No, no, I do not urge you to burn something! We have enough fires! If you do not have a fireplace, barbecue, stove where you can safely light a fire, just light a candle or, in extreme cases, a gas burner in the kitchen. Any shade of blazing flame can give you room for thought about the color of your New Year's outfit.

If the color of the flame did not inspire you, then consider the plumage of an ordinary rooster. In it you will find a huge number of interesting colors and shades that can also be used in your New Year's outfit.

Red color has about 100 shades. I could not collect everything, but what I found, I bring to your attention. Note that the monitor is distorting color!

Shades of edge happy New Year 2017

Now, let's find out which shades of red are most suitable for you.

Shades of red for the New Year 2017 women “Spring”

1 red; 2 dark red; 3 bright red; 4 red-orange;

5 scarlet; 6 Chinese red (cinnabar); 7 light red; (neon)

8 coral; 9 terracotta; 10 pomegranate; 11 color carmine;

12 Falun Red 13 red chicory; 14 color of a red rose;

15 color cardinal.

Shades of red for the New Year 2017 women “Summer”

  1. dark red; 2. mahogany; 3. ruby; 4. cinnabar;

5. coral; 6. cherry; 7. terracotta; 8. color port;

9. rust color; 10. burgundy; 11. wine color; 12. color carmine;

13. color red earth; 14. alizarin; 15. red chicory;

16. Bismarck Furioso; 17. color cardinal.


1. dark red; 2. mahogany; 3. red-orange;

4. ruby; 5. cinnabar; 6. cherry; 7. terracotta;

8. color port; 9. rust color; 10. burgundy;

11. color carmine; 12. color red earth; 13. color red chicory;

14. Bismarck Furioso color; 15. the color of a red rose; 16. color cardinal.

Shades of red for the new 2017 year woman"Winter"

Bright Red Pure Red Ruby Purple

Raspberry Burgundy

Of course, in addition to various shades of red on New Year's Eve from 2016 to 2017, you can wear outfits, shoes and accessories and other colors to look spectacular.

The color scheme of clothes for the spring color type

In this article we are talking about evening wardrobe. For spring women, stylists recommend dresses with a clear silhouette without fancy details and prints. If you can’t do without a print, then choose a small, soft drawing. Acceptable small scar, speck. It is better to choose a material silky, moire, but not shiny. If you are going to complement your New Year's outfit accessories, then they should be bright, but not massive.

The color scheme of clothes for the summer color type

Your New Year’s toilet may contain small discreet romantic prints. It can be various fantasy patterns, similar to watercolor strokes, small flowers, oriental cucumbers, peas, small cells. Shuttlecocks, ruffles and ruffles will look very appropriate. Preference should be given to thin matte fabrics such as chiffon, cashmere, silk, jersey, thin velvet, lace lace. Accessories are better to choose vintagebut not flashy. Gold, platinum or silver will do.

The color scheme of clothes for the fall color type

Any drawings within your color scheme will suit you. The sizes of such prints are also at your discretion. Choose fabrics that are voluminous, soft or fleecy, for example, velveteen, cashmere, angora, boucle, heavy silk, linen. Platinum and silver do not suit you, but yellow metals - this is for you! Jewelry made of turtles, shells, and wood will also look good. Decorate your New Year's outfit long earrings  and beads of 4-5 threads.

The color scheme of clothes for the “Winter” color type

Stylists recommend fabrics with large clear patterns, for example, large lines, cage, peas. But you can do without them, using plain materials. In the New Year’s toilet, you can use any flowing fabrics from silk to thin tweed. The fabric is allowed shiny and even sparkling. Thin patent leather will also look appropriate. Choose accessories of medium sizes, in no case do not use jewelry made of yellow metals and homemade trinkets or jewelry made of shells and wood.

Some tips for preparing for New Year's Eve 2017

I hope that you have decided on the fabric and accessories. But before moving on to the advice of astrologers about dresses for this New Year's Eve, I would like to note a few nuances.

If you are not completely satisfied with your figure, then it is on this New Year that you are advised to use corrective underwearto hide obvious or not quite obvious flaws. This year everything should be perfect! All women, if they were not born under the sign of Aries, it is recommended to focus on the chest, but all in the framework of decency. The vulgarity of this new year is banned.

Fashion trends for New Year's Eve 2017 are a variety of bows not only on clothes, but also on shoes, feathers that can decorate the bodice of the dress, hairstyle or hat, fur capes or just a piece of fur in the form of a small insert.

If you don’t have the opportunity to buy a new outfit for the holiday, simply renew your old one with a ribbon, bow, rhinestone or feathers so that it plays with New Year's chic.

  If the official part is provided, then it is better to wear shoes with a classic stiletto heel, and then change them to more comfortable shoes with a heeled glass or ballet shoes. If you celebrate with your family, as the Rooster tells us, ballet shoes, platform sandals or platform sandals will also be appropriate here.   steady heel. It is better to choose shoes in golden shades or decorated with rhinestones. But make sure that it harmonizes with your image.

Your New Year’s toilet should not have tiger, leopard, crocodile or other aggressive prints.

If you have chosen bright material for the New Year’s toilet, then accessories  should not distract attention from him, that is, not to be bright, catchy. And vice versa. You can do just a golden tattoo. It will look new and unexpected.

Do not forget about underwear. It is better if it will be lace, airy, red.

Do not be afraid to experiment with outfits and jewelry on this New Year's Eve.

And further. If you celebrate the New Year in a company where other women will also be, it is better to discuss in advance with them the color and style of your outfits. Because if some girls come in the same dresses or even in dresses of the same color, then the holiday will be hopelessly spoiled for them.

And remember! On this New Year's Eve, the Fiery Red Rooster should remain the brightest and most beautiful. No one should outshine him, otherwise he may be offended.

What to wear on New Year's Eve 2017 according to the zodiac signs

Stylists and astrologers recommend ideally choosing outfits of all shades of red and yellow. But the color palette of the Rooster feathers is so wide that you can choose almost any color of evening dress, in which you will feel comfortable, confident and look irresistible.

Silver on this New Year's Eve is better not to wear, even if it is shown to you according to your color type of appearance.

In manicure and pedicure, give preference red varnish, and make the design gold. Pomade  should be in tone with varnish.

  Aries.You are encouraged to maximize the use of yellow and red colors in your clothes. No neckline, and without it you are beautiful with its openness and enthusiasm. At the New Year's holiday with anyone, even with very close people. Do not share your emotional experiences.

  Calf.You can allow any liberties in the evening toilet. But astrologers advise you to use less accessories. Large ring earrings will charm you. But the makeup should be with a New Year shine. Some shimmering shadows or even a few strasses will complement your image. Also mother-of-pearl.

  Twins.This is your New Year, because on December 31 the Moon is in Gemini. You must be the highlight of this holiday! Any outfit, at your discretion, but do not miss one important detail! There must be some kind of hair in your hair red accessory  - hairpin, ribbon, bezel or something else.

  Crayfish.2017 astrologers recommend that you meet at costume party. If this is not possible, organize it at home among relatives. A must-have attribute of your carnival costume should be a mysterious mask with rhinestones.

  A lion.  On New Year's Eve, remain yourself, because you do not have to, unlike other signs of the zodiac, impress the audience. The royal lady is very good at knowing clothes, knowing how to use them. Only observe restraint in accessories so that your beauty and elegance does not overshadow the Rooster.

Virgo.Observe the bright temperance in the colors of your New Year's toilet and in accessories. Make a calm makeup that will emphasize your femininity. This night, the mini is contraindicated for you, and the neckline should not be too frank. The rooster should appreciate your purity and natural modesty.

  Libra.Use contrasting colors in your clothing, one of which must be a shade of red. If you have looked for something similar for a long time and wanted to buy it, then on the eve of the new year, do not deny yourself this purchase. So you start the wish fulfillment mechanism in the new year.

  Scorpio.With your outfit, mood and behavior, you should compare favorably with everyone else on New Year's Eve. Try to include feathers in accessories that can attract attention to your New Year’s toilet. If you manage to become the quintessence of this evening and everyone will admire you, then in the new year, luck will knock on your door.

  Sagittarius.Astrologers advise you to create the image of a fatal woman, a vamp woman. Screaming will help you with this.   mini  and frank neckline. If you are not ready to wear a mini, then a narrow maxi skirt may well replace it. Makeup can brighten. If you create such an image, then the Rooster will take care of your financial condition and luck.

Capricorn.Wear what your artistic taste tells you. Make the main emphasis on hands. They should be well-groomed, with impeccable manicure, shiny from gold or rhinestone. You should have discreet accessories, with the exception of some intricate ring with a bright stone or an ornate gold bracelet with precious stones.

  Aquarius.Better to give preference trousers  or dress on the floor. In any case, in order not to lose internal energy, your knees should be covered. But the shoulders can be opened. In clothes, fashionable asymmetry is allowed. Your shoes should be at least on a small, but heel. A modest, soft dress is compensated by bright accessories.

  Fish.Give preference to soft pastel colors in clothes. You can start looking for an outfit now, but you need to buy it immediately before the New Year. You should not save money, the toilet should give you confidence in yourself, and then you will feel the same all year.

  Preferred colors for New Year's Eve 2017

Now a little about the colors of clothes, which astrologers and stylists advise to give preference. Fortunately, the symbol of the coming year is a motley bird, therefore, we have practically no restrictions in the color palette.

Red.  As I wrote above, this is the main or, if you want, the official color of the holiday. It is not only you who can choose it, therefore, be careful if it is not possible to discuss your outfits with women who are also invited. In this case, accessories should not be distracting.

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Coral.With him, too, more careful. It does not suit everyone, is selected according to skin color, but has been insanely popular lately.

Pink.It is more likely to suit young ladies, because it is the color of youth and freshness. A mature lady in pink will look more vulgar than young and stylish.

Gold.  If you choose this color as the main one, you will undoubtedly become the queen of the holiday. In addition, it will be the most fashionable color of the coming year. Do not overdo it with accessories.

Yellow.It should be saturated, bright. Light yellow and pale yellow Rooster will not like.

Orange.It is the color of joy, positive and luxury. A minimum of discreet accessories.

Burgundy.Great color for those who suit it. Here you can "play" with accessories. They should be bright, catchy. It can be a belt, an expensive bright brooch or a pendant.

Green.This color is associated with family happiness and well-being. Astrologers say that if you wear a dress in green colors for a holiday, then love, mutual understanding and mutual respect will not leave your home.

Blue.This color and its shades symbolize successful work. If you pay attention to him in your New Year's outfit, then career growth is guaranteed to you.

The black.This classic is only for the winter color type. But do not forget to complement the clothes in this color with long beads of several threads.

What to wear a man on New Year's Eve

Usually, men are not as scrupulous in choosing clothes as we women. But I can’t ignore them. For you, our dears, there are also some tips.

Stylists and astrologers advise men to wear a suit on New Year's Eve. It can be classic dark or with a low tide, and especially the bold can flaunt in golden.

If you follow the fashion and do not mind experimenting, then the Rooster will not see anything reprehensible in this. Feel free to include bright colors in your New Year's outfit.

Even if you celebrate the New Year with your family at home, do not stay in the old sportswear - training and a T-shirt, wear pants or even jeans and a shirt. The rooster will not tolerate self-neglect.

Do not forget about accessories. The rooster loves sophisticated luxury. Remove your yellow cufflinks or tie clip made from yellow metal. Even better if gems are present there. If this jewelry is not scary! Just rub it to a shine, let it shine. It can also be a stylish belt, an expensive watch or just a gold chain.

All clothing should be clean, carefully ironed. Shoes should be well cleaned.

If you wear a mustache or beard, then on New Year's Eve it is strongly recommended to shave them off. If this is not possible, carefully trim your face and head hair. Better to do some stylish haircut.

It’s better to put your son in a suit or in new trousers and a shirt. Add some shiny accessory, a belt with rhinestones, an applique on your pocket or make a fun sparkling carnival mask with your son. Remember to update your baby's haircut.

What to wear a girl

Astrologers and stylists offer girls to celebrate New Year 2017 in red outfits without accessories or with their minimum. A red-green cage and shiny fabrics are also acceptable. However, this is not necessary. The color scheme of your princess outfit can also be any. The main thing is some kind of brilliant, shining detail. The best option is the trapezoidal shape of the dress or the “baby dollars” style made of a dense fabric such as silk or velvet. On children's clothes various bright shiny details, sequins, rhinestones, appliques will look very appropriate.

Of particular relevance is the trend when the daughter is dressed in the tone of her mother’s outfit, and in the clothes of her husband and son there are accessories of the same color and texture, for example, a tie, a neck scarf or a scarf in a breast pocket. This style unites the family even more.

Remember, no matter what you wear on New Year's Eve 2017, the main thing is that you are comfortable. After all, it’s not without reason that people say: “As you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it!” Leave all worries and sorrows in the past year. And try to meet the future with a light heart and a pure soul, and then exactly in the new year you will succeed!

Be healthy and beautiful!

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