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How to decorate tulips after flowering. Tulips have faded: what to do next with them and how to care after flowering. stage - digging bulbs

Delicate tulip flowers need constant care. Usually gardeners focus on watering, fertilizing, loosening and weeding the soil mixture, rarely transplanting, but they forget about such an important stage of care as pruning tulips after flowering. Is it necessary to prune tulips after flowering and at what stage, it is desirable to carry out this procedure, we have to figure out this article.

The timing of flowering tulips depends on the variety of plants. For example, early varieties bloom as early as the end of March, already full of dots at the places of planting, but late varieties only open by the end of June. On average, the flowering period of tulips is in the month of May. These spring flowers are so attractive that you want to extend their flowering as long as possible, but nature takes its toll - tulips begin to wither. What to do with them after flowering?

Proper care for tulips in the period after flowering would be pruning and transplanting or digging tulips (with subsequent storage). That is, the answer to the question " whether to cut tulips after flowering "  will be unequivocal - yes it is necessary! True, this process has its own nuances.

How to prune tulips after flowering?

Trim need only completely drooping inflorescences and tulip leaves after flowering. Why is that? Chemical processes continue in the peduncle and in the leaves. It is thanks to these parts that the plant is stocked with nutrients, laying the foundation for the development of new bulbs in the next season. By removing the aerial part of the tulip ahead of time, we risk ruining the bulb itself.

What should be cut off from a faded tulip?  A wilted tulip usually discards its peduncle and its arrow, as well as leaves, as soon as it has finished its nutrition. Others will have to help. The grower must, for starters, mark where each bulb is in the open ground, so that then they do not inadvertently damage them when digging.

The approximate time for pruning and digging tulip bulbs is 2-4 weeks from the end of flowering. We also ask you to note that each flower will individually go into the mode of energy storage, accumulation of nutrients and the subsequent rest period - you should not expect that all flowers will bloom at once, and remove dry peduncles and leaves in one. No, it is rather a painstaking and long process during which the grower gets to know his beautiful flowers more closely.

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering?

Most bulbous flowers have the same storage rules:

  • bulbs are cleared of the remains of the earth;
  • labeled: grade, time of collection;
  • placed in a wooden box;
  • sent for storage in a dry, moderately warm place without access to lighting, moisture, mold and drafts;
  • the air temperature is the same - no more than 17 degrees of heat;

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The tulip is an early flower; it is one of the first to please us with bright colors on a flower bed. Inexperienced flower growers often do not know what to do with these flowers after they bloom. Do tulips need care after flowering? Yes, it is required, if of course the florist wants to get beautiful flowers next season, you need to continue to care for the plants after flowering. Providing the right care, you can get not only excellent flowers in the next season, but also additional bulbs “babies”.

What to do immediately after flowering?

  • When the tulips bloom, it is necessary to immediately remove the peduncle, so that the plant does not spend nutrients on the development of seeds in the seed box;
  • Within 2 to 3 weeks, they are watered and fed with a complex mineral fertilizer containing potassium and magnesium, one feeding is enough;
  • Pruning a plant is done after all the leaves turn yellow and dry.

Important! When watering tulips, try to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 40 cm. The roots of the flower are not able to extract moisture from the lower tiers of the soil, so they need to provide deep watering.

How to dig and save bulbs?

Some gardeners believe that it is possible to dig out flowers once every 2 to 3 years, this is not correct, remaining in the ground, the bulbs undergo various infections and this poorly affects the quality of the seed. The annual digging of tulips in temperate regions is a necessary way to care for tulips after flowering.

Around the end of June or early July, after pruning tulips, the bulbs dig up:

  • Dig bulbs in dry sunny weather then they will dry out faster;
  • When digging, stick a shovel to the maximum depth so as not to damage the bulb;
  • After you dig up all the bulbs, carefully review them and if they come across patients immediately dispose of them;
  • No need to dig out tulips all in a row, first the early varieties are harvested, then the late ones;
  • Hold the bulbs in a 5% potassium permanganate solution for several minutes, then dry.

Dug bulbs should have brown scales and well-formed roots. Tulips are placed in boxes with a bottom made of mesh material, for better air access, in two layers and stored in a dark, well-ventilated, dry place. In the first month, the storage temperature should be 23 - 25 ° C, then the storage temperature is reduced to + 20C °, and a week before the flowers are planted on the flower bed, the storage temperature should not be higher than + 17 ° C.

During storage, avoid sudden changes in temperature, otherwise you may get “blind” buds instead of beautiful flowers.

When and how to plant tulips?

You can plant tulips in the ground already in September, look at the weather, if a constant air temperature is set within 5 - 7 ° C, then you need to plant.

To do this, you must:

  • The prepared seed is again treated with a 5% potassium permanganate solution;
  • Choose a new place for planting, you can not plant flowers in the same place where they grew before. The landing area should be well-lit and calm;
  • Dig a furrow 15 cm deep for large bulbs and approximately 6 - 7 cm for children, if you plan to plant several rows, the distance should be at least 30 cm between them;
  • To add sand and wood ash to each furrow, the soil becomes loose from this, and ash is also an excellent fertilizer. Never use fresh manure as a fertilizer for tulips; the bulb of a plant can get burns and die;
  • You choose the same size of bulbs for planting in the same row, because the smaller the bulb, the smaller the groove needed, keep in mind that the children will not bloom in the first year after planting;
  • The distance between the bulbs in the furrow should be 10 - 15 cm, the larger the bulbs, the greater the distance between them;
  • Before planting flowers, the grooves must be shed with water. Planted plants are also watered, then the earth better envelops the bulbs, and they better take root.

With planting tulips it is better not to pull too much, they should have time to take root before the frost, if this does not happen, the plants may simply die.

If autumn is abnormally dry, then 2 weeks after planting, the flowers should be watered again.

When the weather is already with a stable minus and the ground is frozen a few centimeters, flowers need to be covered, dry foliage, sawdust, straw are suitable for this. If you shelter before frosts, tulips can start to grow.

If the winter is not snowy and the snow layer on the flower bed is thin, you can rake snow from another territory and put snow on the flower bed thicker, then tulips will certainly survive the winter without loss.

Tulips during flowering are very beautiful, but this period does not last very long. In just a few days, the flowers begin to wither and look not so attractive anymore. Not all flower growers know how to care for tulips after flowering, and make annoying mistakes, trying to immediately cut or dig bulbs.

What you need to do after flowering tulips

Caring for tulips after flowering is quite simple. The main rule is that flowers cannot be pruned or dug up immediately. For several weeks, it is recommended to water and feed the plant well. This feature is due to the fact that when the flower fades, tulip bulbs continue to accumulate nutrients for about three weeks. Premature digging deprives them of such an opportunity, so next year the flowering of tulips may be less plentiful.

After the final withering, the peduncle is carefully removed. This will allow the plant not to waste energy on the need for seed ripening. It is impossible to cut leaves immediately, since when they are removed immediately after flowering, the development of the bulbs lags. It is necessary to provide tulips with sufficient watering and fertilize them with fertilizers.

Many gardeners at this time have a desire to remove yellow leaves, but this should not be done. Experienced gardeners recommend simply pressing them to the ground or planting perennial plants with tulips to give an aesthetic appearance to the flower bed during this period. You can decorate the flower garden during this period, having previously planted daffodils or phloxes along with tulips.

Within a few weeks, the leaves of the tulips will dry out naturally and can be cut off. In order not to lose the place of planting flowers after the leaves have dried, it is recommended that you first make guide notes by which you can easily find it.

Tulips: care after flowering

Tulips belong to the bulbous species and do not require particularly careful care, but they impose special requirements on the issue of watering. The irrigation rate is 10-40 liters per square meter, but it depends on the weather. The drier the weather, the more plentiful the watering should be..

Fertilizing tulips after flowering should be carried out without fail. This procedure will allow the flower bulbs to collect the maximum amount of nutrients. Fertilizer selection must be approached with caution, as fertilizing tulips with fertilizer complexes with nitrogen and chlorine is unacceptable.

Use as a top dressing is beneficial for the storage of bulbs potassium and phosphorus. Such a complex is introduced in an amount of 30-40 grams per square meter of soil. Fertilize the plant once enough.

A good dressing is crystallin and aquarin. As part of fertilizing contains phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. In the market of garden products today, you can purchase various brands, the composition of which may vary slightly. Such products do not contain chlorine, so they are considered completely safe for tulips. Their use allows you to: provide onions with a sufficient amount of nutrients. As a result of introducing a complex composition into the soil, a significant increase in the quality of planting material can be obtained.

Why you need to dig

Digging up tulips is a must. You can not leave the bulbs in the ground, since when this rule is not respected, then there is a degeneration of the plant and peduncles are very small. This situation is faced by many beginning flower growers when, several years after planting expensive varieties of tulips, instead of terry, fringed, colorful flowers, you can see faint flowers with small inflorescences. In exceptional cases, the flowers simply do not emerge, and in place of the once-blooming flowerbed, an empty space appears.

To explain this situation, it is enough to know about the characteristics of bulbous plants. Over time, many small onion babies form around the parent head. Over time, they grow, which leads to the drowning of the mother’s head down. Weak onions are not able to give a full-fledged lush flowering plant.

The most persistent are the red varieties of tulips, which can maintain abundant flowering for several years.

Tulips have faded: what to do next

After complete withering of the leaves of the plant, you can start digging flowers. Bulb excavation is recommended from the end of June to the second decade of July. Digging can be done with a scoop or with a bayonet shovel. To avoid the possibility of damage to the heads, it is recommended to focus on the remains of dry stems. It is preliminary recommended to evaluate the readiness of planting material for this procedure. To do this, dig one onion and conduct its visual inspection. Healthy Tulip Bulb dense, smooth and has a slight sheen. You can proceed with the digging of flowers if the following symptoms are evident:

  • onions have good roots;
  • brown spots are visible on the scales;
  • the ends of the stem are easily wound around the finger.

Most varieties of tulips are recommended to be dug up annually. Disease-resistant varieties can be dug up once every 2 years. Extracting onions from the soil is best done on a sunny day, as this will allow you to get dry, clean onions. When digging, the following rules should be observed:

  • deepen the shovel carefully, otherwise the roots can be damaged;
  • digging begins with early varieties;
  • defective bulbs are subject to rejection.

Before work, it is worthwhile to prepare cardboard boxes in advance and make inscriptions which of the varieties or flowers of tulips are in it. In the future, such simple actions can avoid confusion with planting varieties and errors in the combination of colors.

After digging, all planting material is washed under running water and dried thoroughly. Recommended to do dressing of onions with 5% manganese solution. If the planting material will have high humidity, then in the future during storage it will rot and crack.

For good drying, it is enough to withstand the heads in a dry room for 14 days at a temperature of 22-25 C 0. During this period, the formation of a bud and flower stem. If at this time the temperature is low, then such formation does not occur and the bulb may not bloom next year.

Care and storage rules after digging

After completing the drying phase, you can begin to sort the planting material. Each bulb is cleaned of scales. From each adult bulb children are separated and placed in separate containers. At the same time, the patient is rejected, the defective material and the bulbs are sorted by size.

All planting material is stored in boxes that are stored in a dry, dark room. It is recommended that containers with a mesh bottom be used. Putting onions should be done no more than two layers. The first 4 weeks of the bulb are stored at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bC 0. Gradually, the temperature is reduced to 17 C 0.

Proper care of tulips and compliance with storage rules will allow the onions to relax and next year you can expect abundant flowering from them.

Noble, graceful tulips love for their variety of form, color, fragrance. The earliest flowers, in spring they are one of the first to give the mood and a sense of celebration. Without bulbous perennials, real flower growers cannot imagine their garden. Should I dig up tulips after flowering and when to plant them again to get a juicy and bright flower bed next year.

The flowering time of tulips does not last long. About 35 days. Then comes a period of rest. But do not forget about them when they bloomed. A perennial plant requires attention and care. The main question of growing, when you need to dig up the tubers of the flower and whether it is worth doing.

What to do immediately after flowering

There is an opinion: tulips of simple forms, without species frills, old varieties can be left in the ground for up to four to five years. It is enough to feed and water, mulch for the winter. But for transplantation and reproduction, you still need to dig up.

It is necessary to dig up Dutch varieties annually, fringed, green-flowered and other types of selection. Otherwise, the variety will degenerate, decorative qualities of plants will be lost. Timely work allows you to save bulbs until the next season without loss.


If the bulbs are left in the ground, the roots of the tulips will gradually “drag” them to a greater depth. The soil there does not warm up to the desired temperature, and perennial ceases to bloom. In the spring we will see only one large leaf and several small bulbs in the upper part of the stem. To avoid these problems, you can plant the bulbs in a drawer with a net and lower them into the soil. Then you don’t have to dig up tulips every year. Enough 1 time in three years or even five years. The flip side of this method - in tight conditions, few children are obtained.

How to care for tulips after flowering in the open field

The algorithm for caring for tulips when they have bloomed is simple. It is enough to delve into the details:

  • remove the flower stalk;
  • continue to water abundantly;
  • feed potash and phosphorus fertilizers;
  • dig out the bulbs and store properly.

Trimming tulips after flowering is not worth it right away. It is only necessary to cut off the flower so that the plant does not waste energy on the production of seeds. Green leaves do not touch. They participate in photosynthesis and provide nutrition to the bulb. At this stage, a new onion should form, which will replace the old one.

The next two to three weeks, while the leaves remain green, the flowers are watered. Especially in dry weather. And they make a complex mineral fertilizer with potassium and magnesium. Even a single top dressing promotes greater growth of the onion. On the contrary, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content lead to rotting of the bulbs.


When irrigated, the earth is moistened with at least 40 cm so that the water directly flows to the roots of the flower. From the lower layers of the soil they are not able to get moisture.

When to dig up tulips

Depending on the climate, on the weather, cool or hot, the period for digging tulips is determined. Another parameter is the onion variety. The early variety is dug earlier, the late, respectively, later. Signs that will help determine the appropriate time for these actions:

  • the leaves of the plant turned yellow and lay on the ground;
  • the stem of the tulip has not yet dried; it bends, but does not break;
  • cover flakes of ripened bulbs should be brown.

With very early harvesting, the bulbs and children remain underdeveloped, the decorativeness of future flowers decreases. But if you wait until the shoots are completely dry, you can get seed material infected with a fungus, with impaired protective scales.

Regional factor

In warm climates, all agricultural work begins earlier than in cold climates. Obviously, the period of bulb extraction is extended for a period from June 15 to the beginning of August, depending on the region of the country:

  • in May - in early June, this operation is launched in the southern regions of Russia;
  • mid-end of June - in the middle lane;
  • in July - in the Urals and the north of European territory;
  • the first days of August are in Siberia.

How to dig and save bulbs

The day you choose to dig up the tulips will determine how well the bulbs will subsequently be preserved. Therefore, it is better that it is warm and dry. A pitchfork or a shovel to help you, and the procedure:

  • dig a little further from the flower so as not to damage the bulb and roots;
  • shake off the whole earth, separate the onions and examine them;
  • throw away all rotten, with defects;
  • treat the bulbs with fungicide in the presence of fungus, dots, spots. These are signs of disease. Keep such bulbs separately;
  • if you dig up tulips in the rain, then rinse the bulbs and dry them in a warm, ventilated room.

After drying, after about two days, the bulbous nests easily decay. Once again, peel them of husks, dead roots and neutralize in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. This nourishes the onion with trace elements and destroys the pathogens of rot. After the next drying, sort the bulbs by size and place them in open layers in one layer.


Stable temperature conditions when the bulbs are lying, without sudden changes, the key to future beautiful flowers. During storage, buds are formed, leaf plates and peduncles are laid. A week before the planting of tulips, the storage temperature in the room should not exceed 15-17 °.

Leaving the tubers in storage, do not forget about them before planting. Regular inspection will help preserve material. Often lying bulbs spoil gray rot and fusarium. If the lesion is small, the rot can be cut with a knife, pickle the onion, sprinkle with ash and dry.

When and how to plant tulips

The tulip planting period lasts from mid-September to the end of October. Its length in time depends on climatic conditions in the regions. It is good to rely on soil temperature. The main thing is that the heat level deep inside the soil does not fall below +12 °. Planting tulips in the fall corresponds to the biological processes of the plant. With spring breeding, these bulbs will bloom only for the next season.

Features of planting tulips in the ground

You need to plant flowers in a new place, open to the sun and calm. Dense, whole bulbs before planting should be held for two hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soaked with potassium permanganate wells. Before planting, soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for two hours or spill holes in them.

Another rule: plant bulbs and children separately, because in their first spring newborn children will not bloom yet, and the expected lush tulip flower bed will not turn out. How to plant tulips:

  • large bulbs are planted in a furrow with a depth of 15 cm, small ones - about 6-7 cm, between the rows the distance should be at least 30 cm;
  • for planting in one row of the bulb you need to choose the same size; depending on the size of the tuber, make an appropriate distance between them, about 10-15 cm in the furrow;
  • add sand and wood ash to the soil, from fertilizers the soil becomes loose, due to this the roots freely develop, the bulb leaves larger;
  • the soil should be soaked with water before planting flowers and watering the planted plants; So the ground is better adjacent to the bulbs, and they better take root;
  • the flower garden should be watered two weeks after planting, if autumn is very dry.


Planted tulips must take root before the frost, otherwise they will die. If you do not meet the timing of planting, you should be safe and cover it with covering material. It is better to use agrofibre for this. Organics are uncomfortable in that they attract rodents. Naturally good protection against frost will be a thick layer of snow.

Moon calendar

In accordance with the rhythms of the moon, gardeners carry out work in areas. The lunar calendar can be a good help in the schedule of agricultural work. Understanding the principle of the lunar phases and favorable days, you can get the best germination, a strong, beautiful plant and a rich harvest.

Tulips are best planted in the days of the waning moon. At this time, the plant juices go into the root system. It is believed that it is during the inferior phase of the heavenly luminary that plants develop, whose main part is underground.

In the days of the new moon, landing and other agricultural manipulations should be completely abandoned. This is the period when the plant will turn out to be weak, prone to diseases and pests. The young moon activates the movement of juices in the land of plants. Therefore, in the days of the growing moon, flowers are well planted and transplanted.

The magnificent flower, which once was equal to diamond, is now easily grown by flower growers on private plots and in greenhouses. Small plain flowerbeds in the front gardens, and colorful tulip fields extending into the distance. For a couple of decades, only a few varieties of these bulbs were popular, today there are dozens of them in the active use of farmers. Following the recommendations for caring for tulips after flowering, you can easily get a chic flower garden in the next spring season.

Tulips are one of the first garden flowers that appear to remind us of the approaching summer, the imminent warmth and relaxation. Do you want to bring this time closer, arrange yourself a spring holiday for the New Year, or have such a “symbol” in your home in a pot by March 8? Then we begin to act. When the tulips bloomed in your personal plot (what to do, this happens quite early), the place of planting will soon become empty and ugly. Therefore, the combined method of using several varieties of plants with different flowering periods is simply necessary.

To equip the flowerbed on which you plan to plant tulips, it should be noted that these plants do not need to be planted in the foreground. They will delight and revive the front garden, while all other flowers are still in a state of growth and dormancy before the dissolution of the buds. But the tulips have faded. What to do? Their leaves begin to turn yellow and spoil the look of your flowerbed. To maintain the attractiveness of the composition throughout the summer season, it is recommended to combine them with violets, early daffodils and chionodoxes.

If you plan with herbaceous perennials, then here, on the contrary, it is better to place them in the foreground. During the flowering of the bulbous bushes, they will grow and cover the unsightly yellowed foliage. You can also use the option in capacity. Place the onion in any container in which you need to make many holes, cover it with earth and bury it. When the tulips in the pots bloom, they are dug up and transferred to a shaded place. This method is convenient, you can plant new flowers at the place where the plants were placed, and faded tulips will not spoil the appearance of your site.

Recommendations to those who did not use the above methods after the tulips have faded. What do you do? Leave the plants at the planting site, pre-cut the stem, do not touch a couple of leaves, so that through them the bulb receives the necessary amount of nutrients. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizer (with any method of planting). You are waiting for the leaves to turn yellow when the stem becomes soft and bends. Dig bulbs and place in a cool place. Day for such manipulations choose dry and sunny. You can treat the bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but then it must be dried in the sun.

If you do not plan to get a tulip flower for Christmas at home, then land in September directly into the ground. The most favorable period for planting is when the temperature of the soil drops to 10 degrees Celsius. Add horn flour and compost to the ground, mulch. It is better to plant tulips in groups, so they will look more aesthetically pleasing. Mark a place to prevent damage to the bulbs in early spring.

If you want to get a tulip for the winter holidays, then he needs to arrange a kind of early winter, to “trick” the plant. Depending on which holiday you want to receive a blooming bud, put the onion in a container and send it to the refrigerator until you have the first sprouts and begin to rest against the walls. Transfer to a cold windowsill. And spring came to your house, when there is a winter blizzard outside the window. You will have a logical question: "When the home tulips have faded, what to do in this case?" Again, repeat everything, dig out to plant in September in open ground, this tulip will no longer bloom in residential conditions.