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Old Testament Exodus read. Book outcome read online. Time and place of writing a book

book author . The author of the book Exodus, as can be seen primarily from its content, was Moses. So, after a victory over the Amalekites, he receives a command from the Lord to write down this event: “write this for memory in a book” (). A similar command was given to Moses after the restoration of the covenant broken by Israel: “And the Lord said to Moses: write these words for yourself” (). Similarly, before the solemn conclusion of the covenant after the Sinai legislation, Moses, having told the people all the words of the Lord and all the laws, “Moses wrote all the words of the Lord” (). Moses, as the author of the book of Exodus, is also testified in the famous words to the Sadducees: “of the dead that they will be resurrected, haven't you read in the book of Moses, as God told him at the dome ...”. (). The story of the appearance of God to Moses at the dome is placed in the book. Exodus, and it is, according to the Savior, the book of Moses. Of course, the phrase “the book of Moses” can mean: a book that speaks primarily of Moses or is called by the name of Moses. But such an understanding cannot take place, since in pr. Exodus Moses does not occupy a central place in the name of Prince. his name is not mentioned among the Jews. The expression “book of Moses” has only one meaning: a book written by Moses (cf.). In contrast to these testimonies, negative criticism rejects the Mosaic origin of the book of Exodus, splits its contents into several parts, referring the origin of each of them to different times. So, according to one of the representatives of the “record hypothesis” - Ewald, the oldest part of the Exodus is the song of Moses (); 100 years after Moses, someone wrote "the life of Moses"; In the last years of the judges, a “book of the covenant” appeared (chap.), in the age of Solomon the “book of beginnings” embracing most of the contents of Prince Exodus; its final edition falls on the time of Joatham, a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. Rheuss holds approximately the same views (the “book of the covenant” dates back to the time of Jehoshaphat), Delicius (most of the Exodus appeared before the Babylonian captivity), etc. But the opinion about the origin of the contents of prince at different times. The outcome has no basis for itself. The many details that are found in it with certainty indicate that the author of the book is a contemporary and eyewitness of the events described. So, the alleged pr. The outcome of the state of Egypt is exactly the same as it is in the modern era of Moses, Egyptian monuments, completely different from the latest situation, at least, for example, in the age of Solomon. In particular, the mention of some Egyptian cities - Pliopolis, Ramesses, Pifoma (I) and Ephame (), without indicating their position, suggests that the reader and the author himself become acquainted with them. In the same way, only an eyewitness of events could provide such accurate information about the time of their occurrence as a three-day trip through the Desert Sur from the Black Sea to Measure (); Arrival in the Sin desert on the 15th day of the second month after leaving Egypt (); Giving manna the next day; pitched at the base of Sinai on the first day of the third month after the departure from Egypt (); the manifestation of the glory of God on the third day after the descent of Moses from Sinai (), etc. As a contemporary of the construction of the tabernacle in the desert, Moses notes that its wooden parts were made of shittim wood (Arabian acacia), but not from any other material , for example, oak or cedar, which would be appropriate in the mouth of a later writer - a resident of Palestine; mentions the “tahagi” skin, unknown to other Old Testament writers, from which one of the covers of the tabernacle was made, etc. Finally, a note preceding the statement of certain laws: “when the Lord your God will bring you into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Eveites” ( ; and d .; and d.) leaves no doubt that Prince. The outcome was written in the desert, before the Jews entered Palestine.

Time and place of writing a book. As far as can be judged by the above places book. The outcome (;;), it was not written at one time, but as Moses received various laws from God. The final edition of the book falls at the end of forty years of wandering in the desert - during the stay of Jews at the Jordan “Sons of Israel,” says in Art. Chapter 16, they ate manna for forty years, until they came into the inhabited land; they ate manna until they came to the borders of the land of Canaan. "

Purpose of writing a book. The immediate goal of writing the book. The end result is to give the Jewish people and perpetuate in their memory religious, moral and civil laws (; etc.); the more distant comes down to indicating the execution of the data given to the forefathers of the people of the Jewish promise ().

The period hugged by Prince The outcome, and the division of its content. The book of Exodus embraces the period of time from the beginning of the enslavement of Jews in Egypt by the pharaoh “who did not know Joseph” (), to the first month of the second year after their departure from Egypt (), that is, over 400 years (for the length of the stay of Jews in Egypt see in explanation 49 of article 12 of ch.). Its content sets out the history of the people of Israel “from the moment when the Jews, under the pressure of the pharaohs, begin to feel mutual solidarity, draw closer and closer to each other with a feeling of common danger and the miracles that accompanied the departure from the land of enslavement - to the granting of law in Sinai, to full national life, concentrated near the main sanctuary - the tabernacle. " Enclosed in this framework, the entire content of pr. The outcome can be divided into three parts.


Dmitry Rus

Play to live. Book 7. Exodus

© Rus D., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

Land. Civil Defense Center specials. Forced activation of all devices for displaying and voicing information.

System Tags: Urgent. Required to view. Delivery confirmation.

- Attention! This is NOT a training alert! In connection with the external aggression of an unidentified enemy, martial law is being introduced throughout the Russian Federation! All servicemen - urgently return to duty stations! Holidays, dismissals and business trips are canceled by the order of GKO! To all those liable for military service and subject to mobilization - expect subpoenas for a personal communicator! For the rest - pay attention to the time of the curfew, and immediately inform the authorities about any unusual activity, even the most incredible one! Now listen to the appeal of the Headquarters of the Defense of the Homeland!

- Attention, says AI "Levitan"! I transmit an important government message! Citizens and citizens of Russia! .. "

In the heart of Super Nova, the Sphere of Renaissance slowly revolved. Its crystal walls vibrated silently, resonating to the beat of the curses spewed by me and the punches of fists seated in the blood.

Overloaded with monitors, status- and chat boxes, the internal interface unexpectedly blocked the window of a high-priority message.

- Attention! Lolth longs to shelter your soul in his Halls. Accept the will of the goddess?

Not restraining myself, I growl furiously:

- To hell with a goddess!

- The desire of the God-fighter is stronger than the power of the Celestials ... Resurrection through: 9 ... 8 ... 7 ...

The invulnerable material of the Sphere rang plaintively, covered with a frosty pattern of small cracks and slowly yielded to the frenzied onslaught of the One Walking the Stairway to Heaven. On the number "3" the crystal sobbed plaintively and finally gave up, scattering into thousands of melting fragments.

I roared, like a bear breaking out of a cage.

- Fool! Moron! Who did you believe, whom did you record as friends ?! What is happening on Earth now ?! Inferno Breakthrough? The victorious march of the legions of Hell ?! Well, a fool ...

Barrymore, who was trying to greet the owner, fearfully shut up in mid-sentence.

I raged, continuing to destroy the interior and cripple my fists on the monolith of the walls. A stone crumb mixed with blood sprinkled in all directions, finishing what my craving for destruction did not reach.

After a particularly sharp hook with an involuntary release of raw power, Barrymore could not restrain himself and gasped painfully.

It’s like they doused me with cold water. I froze and looked around. The walls mutilated by potholes sparkled with hundreds of large crystals of Tears of Stone and scarlet beads of my dried blood.

“Sorry, friend ... I don’t know what I’m doing.” I made one stupid thing - fatal and hardly correctable ...

“Nothing ...” the keeper of Super Nova grunted with difficulty. - It happens to everyone…

I frowned.

- Barrymore, do not replay. I apologized, stop making up a dying man.

“Actually, it really hurt.” I don’t know how you do it, but now I would rather deal with a hundred frenzied ogres than with one First Priest who has gone out of state of mind.

“Beat your own so that the aliens are afraid ...” I muttered, evaluating my self-injuries.

Forever my hands are suffering, all in scars and bumps of fractures, like a suicide-offender.

Health slipped by two-thirds. Given the total number of hits, the beakers will tire of recovering, and minor injuries should be treated.

He took the scroll of "Great Healing" from the bandolier on his belt, and broke the seal. Minus ninety gold. A trifle, but the hamster looks unkindly, plucking optional waste in the column and defiantly circling the overall balance.

I know, I know everything ... Calm down, cheeky. Virtual war is not only fan and loot, but also considerable expenses. This is where the accounting department is knocked out, and there’s nothing for me to grin with golden teeth ...

The door to the apartment swung open, the cuts of the inner circle of security burst into the room. A marker of a posthumous debuff turned red above the heads of ferocious girls.

Not understood? Did the drow merge in the process of finishing off the remnants of the Silver Legion or make massive hara-kiri, wanting to be near the guarded person as soon as possible? Virtuality demanded that immediate revenge be abandoned - all of a sudden, while you are cutting off the killers of the suzerain, is he himself again being disbanded on the belts at the point of resurrection?

Judging by how the girls together sheathed the black family sais - group suicide took place. However, they can be understood. There is no greater shame for a bodyguard than surviving a protected person. The meaning of existence has been lost, it is time for a new circle of rebirth. One problem is that when avatars are digitized, their code of honor is lame in logic on both legs.

I cast a careful look at Lizka - what caused the spontaneous kiss before the detonation of grenades? Did the predatory instincts of the female drow work, did the mechanical memory of the body vomit, or did the memories come back in full?

Judging by a slightly guilty look, Lizka took what happened as a disciplinary offense, no more. Brought up in the values \u200b\u200bof tough matriarchy, boiling an adrenaline cocktail seconds before her death, she could not deny herself the pleasure of biting her lips into an attractive little man. Oh well…

He made a stern face, casually waved:

- Everything is fine with me! In places of service - all around ma-a-arsh!

The girls turned around a little, slammed in the doorway - narrow shoulders and hornet's waist easily passed, but round seductive asses organized an unusually pretty congestion.

He shook his head, driving alpha reflexes into the background. He averted his gaze, stared at the open window and thought about the essentials. How to prioritize? What is important and what is urgent? What is necessary and what is obligatory?

The logic of events dictated one thing, personal preferences - another. In the avalanche of today's events, I suddenly clearly understood one frightening fact. I was dissolved in my status! Thousands of subordinates, tens of thousands of allies, and an order of magnitude more enemies molded from me something in tune with my thoughts.

The phenomenon of the Fallen ... What Pashka was so afraid of now directly affected me. The all-knowing and undoubted children of the Creator consider me ruthless - and now I chop adherent flesh as an adamant, sowing horror and killing immortals.

Opponents seek excuses for their defeats and whispers tell horror stories about the Dark Rituals with my participation - and the Darkness is more and more willing to respond to the call, filling the aura with raw power and threatening to dissolve the presumptuous little man. After all, around is no longer a game! Darkness, even with snow-white sparks, it is real, true! And in it - vague shadows glide, divine temptations flash, the crowns of the Sovereigns and kings sparkle ...

I do not know how to deal with this. Change the layers of reality, invent cleansing rituals or contain the bleaching public relations departments?

What to do, what to grab? Half-empty castles, sweet locations and incredible splashes of reality tears lie at the feet. Come and get it! With all this, even the interests of the clan, the Alliance and the cluster do not always lie on the same plane. Where the clanlid yells: “Grab it!”, The Head of the Alliance will prefer to bind the ally with a generous gift, and the potential dictator of the cluster will only contemptuously curl his lips.

Sighing, I resolutely shut the virtual diary. Incredulously admired a freshly acquired abilities: "Portal to the Alpha zone." He gently touched the spell icon, reread the pop-up tooltip.

Hmm, such a treasure cannot belong to one. Its value is higher than the miserable life of a reasonable and even a whole sea of \u200b\u200bsalty children's tears.

The book of Exodus sets out the history of the Jewish people “from the moment when Jews, under the pressure of the pharaohs, begin to feel mutual solidarity, draw closer and closer together with a feeling of common danger and the miracles that accompanied the Exodus from the enslavement country - to the granting of the law in Sinai, to full national life centered around the main sanctuary, the Tabernacle. ”

Enclosed in this framework, the contents of the book of Exodus can be divided into three parts:

  1. First after a brief introduction (Ref. 1:1-7 ) linking the story of the Book of Exodus withGenesis, talks about the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery (Ref. 1:8 - 13:16 );
  2. The second sets out the story of the journey of Jews to Mount Sinai (Ref. 13:17 - 18:27 )
  3. The third tells of the conclusion and renewal of God's Covenant with a chosen people (Ref. 19:1 - 40:38 ).

Book authorship

The author of the book Exodus, as can be seen from its content, is Moses. So, after defeating the Amalekites, he receives a command from the Lord to record this event:“Write this for memory in a book” ( Ref. 17:14 ) A similar command was given to Moses after the restoration of the covenant broken by Israel:“And the Lord said unto Moses, write these words unto you” ( Ref. 34:27 ) Similarly, before the solemn conclusion of the Covenant after the Sinai legislation, Moses, having told the people all the words of the Lord and all the laws,"Moses wrote all the words of the Lord" ( Ref. 24:4 ).

Time and place of writing a book

As far as one can judge from the above passage of Exodus (Ref. 17:14 ; Ref. 24:4 ; Ref. 34:27 ), it was not written at the same time, but as Moses received various laws from God. The final edition of the book falls at the end of forty years of wandering in the desert - during the stay of Jews at the Jordan:“The sons of Israel ate manna for forty years, until they came into the inhabited land; they ate manna until they came to the borders of the land of Canaan. " ( Ref. 16:35 ).

Purgatory - 2

Other works written by Russian science fiction writers for the inter-author cycle are their stories, Sergei Tarmashev is not a co-author of these novels and does not read them. The creator of "Purgatory" gave writers complete freedom, allowing them to enter the world of the project, but he himself is only responsible for his own book.

So your dad says: we won’t spoil us! If there really was any danger, then we would have taken everyone to the nail long ago! - mother said cheerfully, but immediately changed her tone: - Something Veronika from Khabarovsk does not pick up the phone. This is strange, not good. There they have China nearby, do you remember how they traveled? Oh, immigrants are everywhere now! We only see them in the courtyard - and what is their hygiene? There is any epidemic, just look! Thirty people live in an apartment, get drunk ... Do you have fewer of them?

It seems less. - Lena shrugged, although her mother could not see it, and looked out the window. On the playground, peacefully "grazed" from the heels of mothers with naughty children. - Yes, it's not about hygiene, ma! This is an epidemic, perhaps even a pandemic.

A pandemic is bird flu! - confidently cut off the mother. - And here everything is much more serious. The epidemic, and, they say, already thousands of victims, thousands! What are they pulling with martial law? Immediately close the borders, send all of them and sprinkle roads with bleach or something else! Do you wear a respirator?

I wear it! - lied Lena. - And it’s good that I recalled that Sveta and I agreed to go to the pharmacy. Paul coughed something yesterday.

Call in the evening! I still forgot to tell you about France, I saw it on TV in the morning, very interesting and important! There…

Mom, bye! Sorry, I have to run!

Of course, Lena was worried about world news, she just could not stand being late. Mom from early childhood intimidated her with every possible infection, which is full on the street, and Lena got used to washing her hands twenty times a day. When in winter they talked about the dangers of influenza, she was the first, not embarrassed, put on a respirator and tried to get the same from Pasha. But he's stubborn! True, he is not offended by his health, he’s a tall fool. This is good ... She was in her twenty-fifth year, part of the Izmaylovskaya school friends were already in full swing in the parks with strollers with procreation, and no matter how much mom said there was nowhere to rush, Lenka could not help but think about the children. Already throwing a denim jacket, she again glanced out the window. At the playground, the parents huddled together and chirped animatedly about something.

All about the same, - Lena sighed. “Scary, of course, but how can a respirator help here?” This is not flu, and some could not.

A pharmacy, as well as a post office and a small local store were located in a separate building, a hundred meters from the entrance. Sveta, whom Lena met shortly after moving from Izmailov to Strogino, was not yet visible, and the girl stopped waiting. Chilly wrapping herself in a jacket - summer cooling in Moscow is not uncommon - Lena tried to imagine herself with a child and a stroller who had lived here for more than a year or two. Then the neighbors will stop squinting, then she will have a beautiful ring on her finger. Life without parents, in another district of the city was still unusual, and Lena wanted to quickly get used to it, decide. But Paul did not start talking about the wedding. It was still not enough for the mother to rush, because there were already hints.

Hello! - Sveta-frozen, even the Bologna hood pulled her head. - Listened to the news?

Yeah, on the phone. Something about France.

What France! In Ukraine, they said panic! Refugees are coming to us, thousands straight - roads showed, continuous traffic jams for many kilometers!

Oh, don’t scare me, - Lena asked.