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Whether to cut tulips. Proper care of tulips after flowering in the garden. Watering tulips after flowering

  • Tulips after flowering - useful tips
  • Video: what to do when tulips have bloomed

Tulips after flowering: what to do with tulips after they have bloomed.  As soon as the tulips have faded, the question arises of what to do next. So that flowering is not limited to one season, let's figure out the procedure for fading

What to do with tulips after flowering?

After the tulips have finished flowering: they also require attention. In order for tulips to please you with colorful blooms next season; it is necessary to adhere to certain actions, namely:

  • plentiful watering after flowering;
  • top dressing;
  • digging bulbs;
  • proper storage.

Tulips after flowering - watering and top dressing

Tulips faded, petals showered, but this does not mean that the flower does not require special actions. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the formation of a good bulb for next year.

  • Firstly, after the petals have dried and crumbled, you need to cut the peduncle. If at this moment cut off the entire terrestrial part of the tulip, then the bulb will not form for flowering in the next season. It is necessary to wait until the leaves turn yellow and dry on their own - this will be a signal that the bulb has ripened. If the peduncle is not cut, then the bulb will give nutrients for seed ripening, and the bulb will be depleted.
  • Secondly, tulips need abundant watering for several weeks after cutting off the tulip heads. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  • Thirdly, faded tulips need to be fed with potassium phosphate fertilizer. Do not apply fertilizers based on nitrogen and chlorine.

Tulips after flowering - digging bulbs

After the leaves of the tulips turn completely yellow, dig up the bulbs from the soil, following the basic recommendations:

  • we dig out the bulbs, preferably on a sunny, warm day, so that they dry out in the sun;
  • we carefully handle the shovel so as not to damage the bulbs and roots of the tulips;
  • after digging the bulbs, carefully inspect them. We throw out rotten and not sprouted bulbs;
  • in rainy weather, wash the dug bulbs and dry well;
  • we dig dug bulbs from stems, roots of superficial scales, the earth;
  • if you notice that the bulb is affected by a fungus, then it must be treated with a fungicide;
  • tulip bulbs can not be dug up for several seasons.

Tulips after flowering - storage of bulbs

Following the drying of the dug tulip bulbs, we proceed to sort them. We sort the sorted bulbs into mesh boxes in 1-2 layers. This is necessary so that the bulbs do not rot. For the proper development of bulbs, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime of storage:

  • in July at 24-26 degrees;
  • in August at 20 degrees:
  • in September at 17 degrees;
  • in the following months before landing, gradually lower the temperature to 12-15 degrees.

Compliance with the required temperature during storage is very important, because at this time the processes of formation of the kidneys, the laying of leaves, a flower occur. Also periodically look through the bulbs and throw away the missing ones. Bulbs can be stored in the cellar, basement, pantry.

  • In order to propagate a tulip variety, as well as for growing a large bulb, it is necessary to cut off the flowering head for 4-8 days of flowering. This will contribute to the increase in the mass of the bulb.
  • The crumbling petals, yellowed leaves must be removed from the garden so that they do not rot.
  • Plant tulips in special containers or plastic baskets, this will greatly facilitate the work of caring for them. You can dig out containers with faded tulips and rearrange them in a secluded place for the ripening of bulbs.
  • In order to understand the bulb has ripened or not, dig one and carefully examine it. If brown spots on the scales appeared on the bulb, then the bulb has ripened.

Neighboring tulips bloom in the spring, and mine are ready to jump out of the snow almost. I always simply knew that it was necessary to dig them out every year, well, at least varieties and hybrids.

I do not gloat, maybe they don’t have enough time for flowers, maybe everything is fine, but it’s more pleasant for me to see the early arrows and magnificent buds. The riot of colors of the tulip meadow raises the mood and confirms that these flowers are grateful for the care.

Often I hear the question of what to do with tulips, after they have faded. Many gardeners after falling petals in a hurry to quickly cut off the leaves to zero. We will understand why it is a bad idea to intervene in the natural course of things.

Advice! To mask withering tulips between the rows, you can place annual flowers or bring flowerpots on the stem in which ampelous plants grow: petunia, lobelia, nasturtium.

When almost all the petals are dropped, you can trim the head, but not the peduncle itself. The fact is that after flowering in the bud, the seeds ripen, and all nutrition will be directed to these needs, but we do not need it. For us, it is more important that certain processes begin in the bulbs.

There is an accumulation of nutrients for the next year and the laying of kidneys for future children. Therefore, the aboveground part of the plant is simply vital to the one that is underground. And in general, tulips need more care after flowering, while they are sitting in the open ground.

Watering and feeding faded tulips

Within 10-14 days, after flowering, water the bed intensively, help the bulbs to intensify the work of accumulating useful ingredients from the soil. If it is depleted, it is necessary to fertilize.

Tulips like fertile, friable soils; therefore, do not refuse the annual application of humus and wood ash. But when, after flowering, a dormant period sets in, fertilizers will not interfere with planting.

They should contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, manganese, iron, boron, zinc - all the elements necessary for respiration, growth, nutrition. Make sure that the nitrogen in the list is in small doses, its increased indices are needed exclusively before and during flowering.

Do I need to crop and when to do it

Leaf removal may or may not be done. If you choose the first, then wait until the stems become soft and turn yellow. This is the best time for cutting or tearing off the leaf part, and it begins 20-30 days after flowering.

Dig to plant again in autumn

According to science, tulip bulbs are recommended to be dug up: varietal every year, and “simpletons” after 2-3 years. What happens if you don’t? It’s very scary - nothing, the flowers will not disappear, except that hybrids will begin to fade and degenerate soon.

But we don’t need it. So we dig up tulips to maintain the varieties (in vain, what if they bred, bought), and also in order to avoid the consequences of the following plan:

  • Bulbs multiplying, take away space and food from each other, from this they become smaller;
  • Every year they dig into the ground a few centimeters, you will not notice how the bayonet’s bayonet is not enough to dig them out - and this slows down the forcing of the flower;
  • Ill, rotten onions infect neighboring ones, and in general may one day not come out in the spring;
  • And, finally, the main thing: for the formation of buds during dormancy, tulip bulbs need at least 20-25 degrees. In the land of such conditions, of course, no.

We start digging with early varieties, and then move on to late tulips.

What to do with onions during storage

Dug onions in a brown-yellowish peel are laid out under a canopy for ventilation, where it is warm and there is no direct sunlight. After a few days, you can gently peel the earth and fallen away skins (you don’t need to tear off specifically). We leave it for another 20 days.

Then the storage temperature drops slightly, well, this is what happens, because August is in the yard. During this time, and still far from planting, you need to sort the planting material. We arrange large, medium and small onions in different containers. By grades, it’s already divided, probably. What is it for?

The fact is that when planting, we will plant bulbs of different caliber at different depths: large ones are lower, and shallow ones are superficial.

Advice! Planting bulbs of different sizes on separate rows will ennoble the beds, give them an aesthetic appearance, because the flowering of a single-caliber material will occur simultaneously.

By mixing large and small tulips, you will put off the flowering of the latter, if at all due to lack of lighting.

On summer storage and drying are the bulbs until planting, which is carried out in September-October.

Planting tulips in autumn

A bed for tulips can be prepared in advance, introducing humus, some ash or fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt) under digging. It’s better to choose another place, but if it’s permanent, then it’s okay, but we dig and fertilize the earth every year.

The day is selected dry, the weather is already cool, and the temperature of the soil should be 8-10 degrees.

We mark the rows, for bulbs of different sizes, they differ. Between the rows of large onions is a distance of 20 centimeters, of small ones - 10-12 cm. The planting depth is selected from the calculation of the three bulb sizes. So we make trenches in size of calibrated material.

Water the holes, put the bulbs of tulips in them and sprinkle them on top of the ground. Additional watering will have to be done after 4-5 days, because intensive rooting begins. And before frost, you can mulch the plantings with humus, peat or compost.

Tulips do not need shelter, bulbs of a frost-resistant culture will undergo stratification (hardening) during the winter, so that with the first rays of the spring sun, wake up and start growing.

What forms do landings give

Tulips can be planted in rows, where small bulbs will grow in front, and large ones in the background. Plantings also have peculiar nests: several large bulbs are placed in the middle, and small ones are planted around the perimeter.

The beds look beautiful in the spring, if tulips are planted by variety and flowering time, because there are both early and late plants, and there is no way to count the color and hybrid variety.

How to ensure the care of tulips after flowering so that the bulbs are stocked with nutrients for the next flowering? Maybe you need to immediately cut off all the leaves? Or is it worth it to continue watering and top dressing? You can find the right solution by learning a few rules for growing bulbs.

Do I need to cut leaves?

Daffodils and tulips are often planted nearby on a flower bed to create a picturesque picture. However, their neighborhood has one caveat. It lies in the fact that faded buds and yellowed leaves quickly become unattractive. But do not rush to rid your garden of untidy stems. Care for tulips after flowering should continue for another 2-3 weeks. And so that dry leaves do not spoil the decorative look of the garden, just plant perennials between them. For example, phlox.

It is recommended to preserve the foliage of plants precisely because of the fact that through it the energy of the sun and beneficial trace elements enter the bulb. They saturate the plant. Cutting still green leaves of tulips means stopping the process of bulb formation. On faded specimens, it is best to immediately remove the seed box. So the bulb will be able to accumulate energy in itself and will not spend it on the ripening of seeds.

Tip. In order not to lose the location of the tulips after the foliage dries, you can mark it with markers or flags.

Why apply fertilizer to wilting plants?

Caring for tulips after flowering requires timely fertilizer application. The fact is that the development process is still ongoing. And the appearance of flowers next spring will depend on how much the gardener is not too lazy to water and feed the fading flowerbed with special fertilizers. Water the flowerbed as necessary for another two weeks after cutting the peduncles. Fertilize the soil only once. This will be enough. You can choose the usual mineral fertilizers for bulbs. But the dosage should be reduced by half from the recommended one in order to prevent chemical burns to the cells. A phosphorus-potassium mixture is also well suited. Fertilizers containing nitrogen or chlorine must not be used.

Leaf cutting

Care for daffodils, as close relatives, is required at the end of spring the same as care for tulips after flowering. If all the actions of the gardener at this time are built in sequence, then they will stand in this order:

  • cut flowers to form bouquets or allow them to naturally wither;
  • in the second case, the seed box is cut off after the petals fall;
  • in the last days of spring, special fertilizers are applied to the soil, not forgetting to water the garden;
  • leaves break off only after drying;
  • after the bed is mulched with peat or wood ash.

When do I need to transplant daffodils?

These flowers can live in one place for up to five years. Do not disturb them for an annual transplant, otherwise the plants may not bloom so abundantly. But if the stems begin to crowd and have already grown quite strongly, then it's time to plant them.

For a transplant you will need:

  • garden shovel;
  • gloves
  • disinfecting solution.

Bushes of daffodils are planted immediately, you can not allow young roots to dry. Choose the evening time in early August, when the midday heat has already subsided, and proceed.

What do we have to do?

1) To begin with, the bushes are carefully dug up.

2) Then they are divided into smaller ones and laid out for processing.

3) For prophylaxis, plants can be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a suitable fungicide.

4) Prepare holes in a new place and transplant daffodils into them with maximum accuracy.

When do they dig tulip bulbs?

Unlike daffodils, tulip care after flowering is required annually. If you want a spring flowerbed to bloom in large flowers, plan an annual digging of the bulbs. This is best done in mid-summer, when the leaves are completely dry. Try to dig one instance and evaluate its appearance. If it is covered with brown scales, the roots are formed, the stems are almost dry - it means it's time to dig out the entire flowerbed.

Caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is pretty straightforward. You just need to:

  • carton boxes;
  • leaflets with the inscriptions of varieties;
  • garden shovel;
  • gloves.

What do we have to do?

  • choose a not too cloudy day in early July;
  • prepare the necessary equipment;
  • carefully dig up plants, treat them with a disinfecting solution and sort them into cardboard boxes;
  • discard all weak and small bulbs.

Thus, summer care of tulips after flowering in the garden can be considered completed. Plants will be in a dormant period one and a half to two months before planting.

When to plant?

If you plan a usual planting of flowers that will bloom in April-May, then a fine day in early September will do. Take out all the onion boxes into the air, carefully review all the material. If there are corrupted instances, they must be removed immediately. If you find the diseased material, then re-treatment with a fungicide will not be out of place.

Pick a new place for planting flowers. Proper care of tulips and daffodils after flowering requires a constant change in the location of the flower bed. So you can avoid soil depletion.

Planting material in the pits.  Loosen the soil and make recesses in it for about half a shovel. Spread the onions evenly and pour them with warm water. After two weeks, the bed can be fertilized with nitrate. And with the onset of the first frosts, its surface is covered with a layer of mulch (dry leaves, straw or peat).

Landing in the trench.  The place chosen for the flower garden is drawn and trenches are dug. Their depth should not exceed 20 cm and a width of 25 cm. Before laying on the bottom of the bulb, it is sprinkled with nitrate. Next, the largest specimens are distributed and crushed by the earth. Smaller ones are laid over them and sprinkled again. If you plan to land the children, then it is best to distribute them along the edges of the trench. Then it is covered with soil to the brim. After planting, the ridges are watered. Such care for tulips after flowering at home will certainly give good results.

What to do if a tulip is presented in a pot?

Getting a symbol of spring in a pot at the end of winter is very nice. But what to do with the plant after wilting? Throw out? Do not hurry. Timely care of tulips after flowering in a pot will give the plant another chance. For this:

  • water the flower all the time until it turns yellow at all;
  • let the stems dry;
  • when the bulb goes into a dormant period, it can be dug up;
  • dry it and store in a box until September;
  • and in the fall, land on ridges along with the rest of the onions.

Flowers love care and value attention. If you did everything right and worried about them from early spring to late autumn, they will surely dissolve their delicate petals towards the sun. And they will delight you with their beauty.

Tulips are one of the first garden flowers that appear to remind us of the approaching summer, the imminent warmth and relaxation. Do you want to bring this time closer, arrange yourself a spring holiday for the New Year, or have such a “symbol” in your home in a pot by March 8? Then we begin to act. When the tulips bloomed in your personal plot (what to do, this happens quite early), the place of planting will soon become empty and ugly. Therefore, the combined method of using several varieties of plants with different flowering periods is simply necessary.

To equip the flowerbed on which you plan to plant tulips, it should be noted that these plants do not need to be planted in the foreground. They will delight and revive the front garden, while all other flowers are still in a state of growth and dormancy before the dissolution of the buds. But the tulips have faded. What to do? Their leaves begin to turn yellow and spoil the look of your flowerbed. To maintain the attractiveness of the composition throughout the summer season, it is recommended to combine them with violets, early daffodils and chionodoxes.

If you plan with herbaceous perennials, then here, on the contrary, it is better to place them in the foreground. During the flowering of the bulbous bushes, they will grow and cover the unsightly yellowed foliage. You can also use the option in capacity. Place the onion in any container in which you need to make many holes, cover it with earth and bury it. When the tulips in the pots bloom, they are dug up and transferred to a shaded place. This method is convenient, you can plant new flowers at the place where the plants were placed, and faded tulips will not spoil the appearance of your site.

Recommendations to those who did not use the above methods after the tulips have faded. What do you do? Leave the plants at the planting site, pre-cut the stem, do not touch a couple of leaves, so that through them the bulb receives the necessary amount of nutrients. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizer (with any method of planting). You are waiting for the leaves to turn yellow when the stem becomes soft and bends. Dig bulbs and place in a cool place. Day for such manipulations choose dry and sunny. You can treat the bulb with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but then it must be dried in the sun.

If you do not plan to get a tulip flower for Christmas at home, then land in September directly into the ground. The most favorable period for planting is when the temperature of the soil drops to 10 degrees Celsius. Add horn flour and compost to the ground, mulch. It is better to plant tulips in groups, so they will look more aesthetically pleasing. Mark a place to prevent damage to the bulbs in early spring.

If you want to get a tulip for the winter holidays, then he needs to arrange a kind of early winter, to “trick” the plant. Depending on which holiday you want to receive a blooming bud, put the onion in a container and send it to the refrigerator until you have the first sprouts and begin to rest against the walls. Transfer to a cold windowsill. And spring came to your house, when there is a winter blizzard outside the window. You will have a logical question: "When the home tulips have faded, what to do in this case?" Again, repeat everything, dig out to plant in September in open ground, this tulip will no longer bloom in residential conditions.

Our conversation will be about when to dig up tulips after flowering, whether it should be done every year. I know that there is an opinion that you can plant tulips and not touch them for several years. But this is not so.

Why dig tulips after flowering

In the conditions of our flower beds, tulip bulbs (even for one season) tend to penetrate and, if we do not select them from the ground, then each year they will go deeper and deeper. From the depths it will be difficult for the sprouts to break through to the top - as a result, the bulbs will simply rot in the ground, not even leaving the kids. The spring flowerbed is empty ...

There is another reason that tulips need to be dug up. After flowering, the bulbs should form a new flower arrow in the dormant period. The main requirement is that at this time they should be at a temperature not lower than 25ºС. But the deeper, the lower the temperature of the soil. The farther north tulips grow, the more difficult it is to provide them with the desired temperature in depth.

Thus, there are at least two reasons why tulips should be selected from the soil after flowering:

  • avoid the natural deepening of the bulbs;
  • to provide storage temperature not lower than 25ºС for formation of a full-fledged flower arrow.

If you want to admire the large flowers of tulips - it is recommended to extract bulbs from the ground every year.
  This is one of the main techniques of agricultural technology for growing tulips.

Leaving the bulbs intact in the ground, we deliberately contribute to the shredding of flowers, since next to one bulb several children are formed, which will also sprout in the spring. We get a bunch of tulip sprouts that will interfere with each other's growth and development, and they will also not have enough nutrition. As a result, we will get smaller and smaller flowers every year on the flowerbed. In addition, remaining in the ground, tulip bulbs accumulate disease, and bloom the next year will be later than usual.

For better formation of a flower arrow after flowering, immediately cut off all the peduncles, do not let the seed box ripen.

People often ask me if tulips that were planted in special bulbs for bulbs should be removed from the ground. Indeed, in this case, the bulbs will not allow the bottom to deepen in a plastic form.

That's right, deepening will not happen, but if you do not choose bulbs from the ground that grow with children over time, you risk losing plentiful flowering - the flowers will become smaller, their number will decrease, not grow.

By planting tulips and other bulbs in plastic baskets for bulbs, you make it much easier, speed up the work of digging. All bulbs - large, medium, small - are in one place, it is impossible to miss them, leave them in the ground.

Digging Dates

The exact date when the time comes to dig up tulips after flowering, no one will tell you. Usually I answer such a question - at the beginning of summer. But this is true for the Kuban, although not specifically. You can dig out tulip bulbs from us in the first half of June, in the middle zone of Russia - a month later.

The main landmark is the state and color of tulip leaves after flowering. That is, yellowed, withered leaves let us know that the bulb has formed. As soon as you notice that the leaves began to turn yellow, faded - it's time to remove the tulip bulbs from the soil.

There is another landmark - the color of the integumentary scales of the bulbs. In ripe tulip bulbs, the upper scales should be brown.

Digging must be done very carefully. I use forks for this purpose, as a shovel can damage the bulbs. Then I go through the excavated area with a trident manual cultivator, since it is undesirable to leave children in the ground - small bulbs - this will simply clog the future flowerbed, make it not very beautiful.

It should be noted that if you grow tulips of early, middle and late flowering, it is better to dig them out at different times. Putting this work aside until later, until all varieties have flowered, you run the risk of not finding the place where the early flowers grew. Sorting bulbs by grades will also be easier. Digging a flowerbed with early tulips too late increases the risk of damaging the bulbs.

How to properly store tulip bulbs before planting

Dug bulbs are dried outdoors in the shade. The timing of the preliminary drying depends on which land you dug from. If the earth was dry, then 2-5 days are enough, and if it is wet, then the drying time increases - sometimes up to 2 weeks.

Then tulips, or rather, bulbs should be:

  • clear of the earth;
  • remove the topscale, the one that easily separates itself;
  • tear off old dried roots;
  • sort the bulbs by size.

Sorting into small, medium, large is required, since the depth of planting in the fall and the place of planting will depend on the size of the bulb.

Small and medium-sized bulbs, most likely, will not bloom next year - they can be planted for growing in a more modest, but sunny place, out of sight. And for planting large bulbs, we will choose the most honorable place.

Sorted, peeled bulbs should be placed in a ventilated, dry, warm room - an attic, a barn, a country house. They will be stored there until autumn planting at a temperature of 25-28ºС.