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Sleep big fish on the shore. Magic numbers. What dreams dying fish in a dream in dream

Dream of Freud.

If you dreamed how you caught fish - So, in real life, you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs during love. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and give love. Otherwise, you risk becoming a sexually flawed personality in the shortest possible time, since, without knowing the end to surrender and relax, you thus strongly undermine the capabilities of your own body.

Treat in a dream to a man - Sleep indicates that in an intimate life you act on the principle of "MAVR made your business ...". You do not care that it feels a partner and how to deliver the maximum pleasure to it. The main thing for you is to satisfy your own instincts.

Catch fish and can't catch anything - This indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid to disgrace in bed. It is possible that the fault of these fears should be considered an unsuccessful first attempt of sexual experience. Rehend to what happened once philosophically - it was and passed.

A fish - It is a symbol of penis, and fish catch symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Live, beating fish - symbolizes eregular penis.

Loose, dead fish - Means the absence of erection, impotence.

Keep one's hands - Have a tendency to self-satisfaction.

Pull out fish out - Expect the appearance of children (grandchildren).

If you can't catch anything and leave fishing with an empty bucket - Your business will not be so successful how you dreamed about. But if in a dream you see the fish flaxed in the rays in your hook - Dream foreshadows you get rich. A wonderful dream is a fish flashing at the bottom of the river, which you admire, looking into transparent water!

To see in a dream in front of him the many deliciously cooked fish of different varieties and yourself who eating her with pleasure is an indication that you are waiting for a great success in all your affairs, please yourself. You will soon get relative material independence.

If the fish suddenly slips out of your hands - This means that you lose the situation, friends and most likely - a loved one.

Medieval dream book Daniel

Sea fish see - To the alarms.

See what catch fish - To joy.

Live fish see - For good or to the rain.

Italian dream book

For women live fish to see, buy, catch - Not felt by human smelling smells of their own body.

Smell fish - This is the smell of the sex glands of a woman with a modified function, that is, this is a possible pregnancy.

Catch / buy fish woman in a dream - symbol of the grip of the egg cell of the male spermatozoa (rolling like fish).

Dowel, non-living, noticeably stupid fish to see / catch / buy - unfavorable: this is the inadequacy of the situation as a whole.

Chinese dream book

Fish flies over water All things will be decided.

Fish is found in the well - We have to go to another place of service.

Set the network for fishing - Great happiness, benefit.

Man catches her - foreshadows food, and also indicates good luck.

Beat, grab fish - foreshadows a little malaise.

Catch fish on the fishing rod in the water - Great happiness and luck, benefit.

Catch or hunt, being in the forest - It's not silent.

Swim fish swims in water - foreshadows wealth, profit.

Big fish beats, jumps - foresaw fame, fame.

Small fish postponed caviar - Great happiness, benefit.

Dry immersed in water - Again will be luck.

Shrimp turns into fish - foreshadows loss of material values.

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

Sea fish see - tears; river - Profit, victory, inheritance.

Fish fish - disease.

Dream Veles.

Large fish - an important enterprise, the beginning of a big deal.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A fish - The content of the lower layers of the unconscious. One of the most ancient ancestors in evolution relating to us to the distant past and outgoing from the depths. A phallic symbol and a sex symbol. The area of \u200b\u200bthe sacred. Symbol of in-depth life.

See live fish - Good luck in affairs, the execution of hope; catch live fish - big success; birth of a child.

See dead fish - disease.

Fish donation to another - The desire of sexual connection with the individual.

If the fish has some spiritual qualities, for example, can speak - Self, but also, perhaps, coldness, impotence, since the fish has a phallic shape, but is cold-blooded.

Fish floating in the opposite direction - Personal unconscious comes into conflict with collective unconscious. This conflict can be resolved only by adapting personal desires to the archetypal pattern.

If a bad dream dreamed:

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in an open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad sleep before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Choose One"

Once sent a servant to the market to buy fresh fish.

The servant did not coal and scored in the fish market, absolutely spoiled.

When he brought the full basket of tukhlyatin, he was offered three punishments to choose from:
either to eat what he bought
either get a hundred blows off
or pay one hundred educational coins for negligence.

And the servant decided: I'll eat it all.
But could not.

On the second fish it was noticeably calmed down and he was not able to achieve everything else.

Then the servant decided:
It is better to pour me off, but I do not want to pay.

And he began to smoke him, but at the fiftieth strike he could not stand and offered to compensate for the misdemeanor with money.

As a result, a negligent servant and rotten fish were ate, and the scourges were beaten, she also gave all the money.

The inhabitants of freshwater and salty depths: carpams, trouts, roach, stavride, washing and other fish and fish dreams pay quite a lot of attention. As a rule, a large jamb in the sea or in the river is interpreted as a good sign promising the strengthening of the material situation, good luck in affairs.

After such a vision to the dream, for some time it will be clearly favorable fortune, and therefore he, using the situation, can correct the errors, make something useful, meaningful, climb up the career stairs.

What dreams of a lot of fish? If she was alive in a dream, then you can hope that in your personal life, in the family everything is worked out safely. But the dead, the real estate is a hint, in order to achieve something, get a remuneration, the dream will have a lot to work. Dream Interpretation advises in any case not to rely on luck, but to show zeal, attentiveness, hard work. Otherwise, even the richest catch in a dream does not guarantee any success and profits in reality.

From the family collection of dream interpretation

The generous gifts, prepared the fate of the one who saw many freshly large fish in the night of gold. At the same time, as explains the family dream book, sleeping may not even apply special, heroic efforts. It is quite honest and conscientious to him to fulfill his duties, and the circumstances will develop so that he will definitely be on horseback, and he himself will be surprised by his luck.

Sand, loss, this is what a lot of dead, stupid fish can be dreamed. But the dream book promises: these are temporary difficulties, and they need to just survive, with faith that everything sooner or later is formed.

Interestingly, as interpreted by a family dream, what the girl dreams in large quantities. It turns out that a dreamy in the near future is waiting for a fateful meeting with a person whom she will love all the soul. And this feeling will be mutual, and maybe everything will end the wedding. However, the girl, as a dream book hints, you need to be slightly more open and ready for any surprises and change in life.

Fishing nets Full prey in a dream predict severe tests in reality. It will be difficult to withstand them, it will be necessary to show and patience and the strength of character. And the dream book advises, do not hesitate to seek help from friends, colleagues and even high-ranking personnel. Do not be afraid of failure, in any case, without support from you, you will not cope with the wrong problems.

Family dream book promises to the one who slept and saw how successfully fisheries people, tide of vitality and energy. Hurry up to use it to accomplish something worthwhile, try to overcome what difficulties, fears and doubts. And do it immediately, because, now you are granted a chance once and will cope with your complexes.

Failures and lazies will pursue the reality of the one who returns from fishing without catching. The only advice that dreams gives a similar situation: compare your desires with real possibilities. You may be too self-confident and, holding a difficult thing, tolerate Fiasco.

The fishing network in the night dream symbolizes in reality some acquisitions. But if she turned out to be torn, then the purchase can bring, only disappointment, cause a feeling of annoyance.

Prediction of Miller

Gustav Miller clarifies: what dreams a lot of fish in the river. So if in a sleeping state you noticed fishing a pack in clean water, then fate prepared excellent surprises. It is possible that the addition of the infant in your family and the birth of a baby will bring you and a close mass of positive emotions.

If a similar dream fell a lonely person, he will have a series of exciting romantic adventures, which can end with legitimate marriage, happy and perennial.

However, Miller has a warning - dead fish predicts losses. And the more it was chosen, the more losses to survive.

In a dream, caught a rich catch? Then, as Miller claims, you are worthily bye any obstacles on your life path. Difficulties only harden your character, make you wiser, stronger.

If in the night vision you go with a delight in shallow water, then in reality learn to extract benefits under any conditions. But if the fish were small and could not be delayed in delight, then think about: Isn't you stupid? And will you feel satisfaction when your shortened desires will be implemented?

Great, according to Miller, look in a dream to a fish row in the market or to the store, on the shelves of which a rich range of fresh goods. Such a vision anticipates a comfortable existence without financial concerns, complete entertainment.

And what to think to someone who slept and seen fishing gear. For example, hooks? According to the dream, a turning point has come in fate. It is now that you can safely change your habits, the foundations. All innovations are now only for the better.

Interpretation of the Day of the 20th century

In the collection of predictions, fish is good luck. It is not by chance even Pushkin's old man who caught the Golden Inhabitant of the Sea Depths, managed to fulfill the wildest dreams and whims of a fabulous old woman. Another thing is that you need to know the measure. So what dreams a lot of fish, according to the dream version of the 20th century?

Excellent catch in midnight phantasmagoria is a sign that it will be possible to embody any desires that the invested funds will pay for a hundredfold.

However, having noticing that the dreams had fed in death convulsions, be prepared for unforeseen difficulties. Someone zealously refers to your achievements. Or life circumstances will be in a responsible moment in the best way. For example, you suddenly get sick, and you have to postpone the planned plans.

Many fish in the sea or in aquarium, a sign that you are about to get a kind of seductive offer. But know before accepting it, it is necessary to calmly and thoroughly weighed everything "for" and "against". Do not hope that the estimated adventure will certainly be unauthorized. Remember that without difficulty, it is impossible to catch fish from the pond. But efforts, efforts will be generously rewarded.

In a dream, you are trying to catch up with the jamb of fish, but they eliminately slip away? Dream Interpretation warns - do not get involved in dubious enterprises. Do not risk your means. Most likely, someone is trying to involve you in the scaffold.

To find out: What dreams a lot of fish, remember: what size it was. So, if you believe the Dream of the 20th century, the sealing trifle predicts only a series of hassle and worries in reality. But the large, beautiful expensive breeds in rejection anticipate the strengthening of the financial situation.

Predatory fish in night vision warns about conflicts with rivals, competitors. And in order not to get to a disadvantage, you need to keep yourself in your hands during complex, tense negotiations, trying not to demonstrate our emotions. In other words, do not get hot! - Tell dreams.

Secrets of dreams according to Gypsy and believing in karma

In Gypsy Dream Interpretation, the abundance of floating fish is a sign of fun and success. Moreover, the diligence will last long. He can only be reasonably ordered by the gifts of Fortune and not to spend time into the back - because it is not known: how long will luck will accompany him.

But with this, if you caught and caught half-day fish, pulled it out of the water, then the Gypsy dream interpretation predicts diseases. And not only the dream itself, but also his native. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very carefully to any alarming symptoms, and, not a bag to see a doctor. The dream, in which you eat crude fish, caught from the reservoir, are also interpreted. But here, no doubt, the deterioration of well-being threatens his sleeping. Moreover, the disease that will amaze it will leak for a long time, and it will take a lot of effort to defeat it.

But the carmic dream book calms, explaining that the fish is always a symbol of good, changes for the better. If you are in a dream, give someone a bucket, full of karas or other fish, then in reality dream of a love connection with this character.

The same dream interpretation explains: what can a lot of fish be dreamed of a man? If he sees himself in the night of gold a fisherman, then he needs rest in reality. Recently, the dreams had to be posted on all one hundred, exhaust the spiritual and physical reserves of the body. Therefore, he needs a vacation, complete isolation from current everyday trouble and professional duties.

What did you dream that fry, and then eat fish? Such a plot predicts an increase in office, or the strengthening of some powerful powers, influence.

To see in the night fantasy a pack of patients, dead fish, in the interpretation of a karmic dream book, bad. On awakening, you can feel the decline of strength, impotence, apathy. Only new bright impressions will help with these "ailments". Emotions. And you can get them by going on a journey, on vacation. And how the dream book is assumed, you will meet the most unforgettable paintings, only having been in distant cities, or abroad, in exotic countries.

It is curious that in the karmic dream book a large rotting risk - a sign of disgusting sleeping to representatives of the opposite sex. Why this happens, does not even understand himself sleeping, but as long as skillfully hides his dislike, communicating with people.

"Translation from English

In English dream book, a lot of large, freshly dried fish on the shore, dreams of what they have to work hard in reality.

But with this, this work will be decently rewarded. But the chosen heaps of rotten, rotten fish are, from the point of view of English predictors, a clear symptom of problems in the work of the gastrointestinal dream path.

Wealth, that's what you searched, that you ate a lot of roasted fish. And if the money will appear, you will be able to easily solve many of the painful questions, summarizes the English dream book.

The same interpreter of dreams assures that a variety of delicious fish dishes in night goldes, an omnory of great achievements in reality. The dreams and himself will be wondering how successfully his works are. In addition, it will soon begin to use unprecedented before respect among colleagues and partners. As a result, he will believe in his strength and safely takes the embodiment of the most fantastic ideas, and their result will delight and surprise him.

What dreams a lot of fish in the pool? Such a strange picture, the British interpreted as follows: if you tried to catch fish with your hands, but I did not grab a single individual, then take care of - to survive some confusions and trouble. Among them may be dismissal, a quarrel with an expensive person. But do not lose, time treats any wounds and you can only suffer a little, trying not to fall into depression.

Version from East

The predictor named Zho-Gong describes the shoals of flying fish. And if you were lucky in a dream to see such a miracle, then I will still have everything, as in a good fairy tale - you will allow the most difficult problems, thanks to some secret forces that clearly speak on your side, and help in everything.

Note in a dream fish in a well. According to the Chinese dream book, it means that it has come to collect things and is preparing for moving to a new place of residence. However, it is possible that you will have to change the place of work, or make a certain act that will drastically change your life in overnight.

Setting in the night's night's nights, you can be sure that you will be lucky if you are a member of a particular risky enterprise. In general, according to Chinese providers, fishing in a dream is a great sign that promises victory in any competition, competitions and even winning a lottery. Maybe you should trust a dream and buy one ticket?

Do you feel disgusting disgusting and mood? Then remember, did you see the night before, about how the bucket floats the half-dimensional fish? Such a plot, as China-Gong Chinese broadcasts, can predict marshy and depression. And the medicine in this case is universal - you have overwriting in the service, because you find the opportunity to sleep well, walk in the fresh air, chat with good friends.

In the night Dream armed with rod and caught something? Then the eastern dream book promises you happiness in personal life or paying huge dividends from participating in a certain enterprise.

Related in the night vision of Karpov, it means to get the news that replenishment is coming in the family. And it is wonderful, because the crumb will become a source of joy for all households.

If a flock of smallfish was hardened, which I caviar molds, then sleeping accurately lucky in love. And if a person in the night fantasy sits on a pile of fish, it will soon recover, or get rid of chronic disease. Dream interpretation guarantees him also many summer in good health.

What does a woman dream that she catches the fish? Eastern dream book opens the sleeping secret - she will soon become a mom. But if the fish was broken, then, unfortunately, to give birth to the heir, despite all the efforts, it will be possible not soon.

Other curious options

Taran or Vobla (dried fish) in a huge number dreams on the eve of the holiday, noisy walking. Maybe you will be invited to the anniversary, where you can be wonderful to relax, relax. Listen to Dream Recommendation: Relax to the entire coil, stock up with positive emotions, because then you will have to dive into service problems and resolve the most difficult questions.

Smoked fish, in a dream is a symbol of failure. There is a crisis, and he will affect all the spheres of your life. But, do not lose optimism because, as Solomon used to say, and it will pass.

Frozen fish? Such a product in night visions identifies all the unsuccessfulness of your attempts in reality to correct your financial situation. Dream interpretation suspects that you are too mercantile and want to get rich at any cost. But the target is not always justified, especially when you make nonsense, imposing in dubious projects. Therefore, distracted from thoughts about the Golden Taurus, and then he himself remembers you.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday 02.03.2020

Dreams from Sunday for Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of sleeping. Through pictures, which appeared during sleep, one can analyze the degree of workload, ...

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    Feed in snow Aquarium fish - To small joys and pleasant surprises. Drawing Golden fish promises the fulfillment of cherished desire, however, if it is in the aquarium - the fulfillment of the desire will not bring the expected joy. Why dream fish, thrown on the shore? Everything sonniki The world unanimously interpret it, as a very bad sign that foreshadows rapid strip of bad luck and losses.

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    To me Dreamed "strange sleep»I stand on a high fence shore, still a barrel cautiously approached the edge of the cliff to see how high, I feel someone else stands, then i take fish which is me in hand and throw it down on the edge shores With water, who was nearby stood too threw fish, i looked at his thorough on the shoreBut she sailed, then one man.

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    To me dreamed like i I'm at the pond catch fish, S. me someone else was ( in snow I did not understand, maybe a husband). I I throw a spinning and immediately pulling back, and there is a big fishing. And so several times (I remember only 4 pieces, but there were more of them). Just zakin and there already a fish).Good day! Today dreamed sleep: Walking by shore rivers, and on the other shore (shore much higher than the one where i I go, like a mountain) lies a lot of large and medium fish. It seems like sunbathing, satisfied.

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  • Dream "Dreams"

    So, people can dream Darky a fish. First, she can to dreamif a fisherman is, or he, for example, has often heard or participates in conversations about fish. In this case, simply real life is transferred to sleepand to him dream what he often hears about dream Darky a fish, choosing on the shore, it foreshadows failure, not any catastrophe or terrible grief, and for example, just a bad day in terms of mood or broken elbow.

Full sleep description on the topic: "If there is a lot of fish on the shore" with an interpretation of astrologers for people.

To see in a dream a lot of fish in the sea or the river, as the dream book, means a quick improvement of the material situation. Another most common explanation option, what dreams like a similar plot is good luck in business. Fortune will be some time after such a dream to favor to you, which will make it pretty to correct their affairs, which were not very successful.

If a lot of live fish dreamed, then, as a rule, such a dream is interpreted as a symbol of success and family well-being. If the fish was dead or simply did not move, then to achieve fame and material profits, you will have to work pretty. Do not rely on your destiny or good luck. Not taking anything, you will still stand still.


Family dream book explains what dreams a lot of big fish, splashing in water. Such a dream promises getting truly the truly generous gifts from fate. At the same time, you will not need a manifestation of heroic hardworking. Events will be clicked by themselves for the better. A lot of dead fish seeing in a dream, foreshadows only some losses and all sorts of sorrow. It will not be easy to worry this heavy life period, but over time everything is formed.

In the family dream book you can also find an explanation of what a lot of fish girls dreams. A dream of a beautiful floor such a plot promises happy love and even perhaps a quick marriage. In order not to miss the chance to establish your life worth it to be more open to all sorts of vitality.

If there was a lot of fish in your sleep, get ready to face very serious tests. It will not be easy to worry. The solution to these problems will require a firm character and a great power of the spirit. Feel free to seek your friends, close or strong patrons. During this period, it will be difficult without it.

Watch in a dream, how someone catches a lot of fish on family dreams to a tide of energy. Thanks to the most acquired stately, you can deftly use yourself for the benefit of the current circumstances. But, do not prompt, otherwise the lucky chance will be missed, and the other will not have soon.

Leave the fishing site so nothing and caught, according to family dreams, to life failures. Think over the coincidence of your desires with opportunities. Most likely, at the moment you overestimate your strength and therefore cannot achieve the desired one. A fishing grid displaced in a dream promises acquisitions in real life. If the network is torn, then the acquisition will cause chagrin.

Many fish in Miller

To find out what dreams of a lot of fish in the river must be referred to as Miller's dream book. If the cant of the fish you saw in clean water, then get ready to get generous gifts from destiny. Perhaps even replenishment in the family. The Birth of the baby will bring much joy and you and your loved ones.

Lonely man catching a lot of fish in a dream to romantic dates. It is also possible that one of the novels will end with the official design of relations and the long years of living together with his spouse. If you dreamed a lot of dead fish, then the Miller's dream book should be prepared for losses. And the more dead fish you saw in your dream, the more these losses will have to go through.

Also in the dream interpretation of Miller, you can find an explanation, what dreams of catching a lot of fish in a dream. This dream promises a successful victory over difficult life circumstances. All the tests that have fallen out to share with dignity, and adversity only strengthen your strong character.

To see himself in the dream of going on the water with a delight means to find the appearance of well-being thanks to his enterprise and the mind. If there was a lot of petty fish in the reservoir, but you did not catch any one, it is worth thinking about the vanity of their desires.

Miller's dream book spreads, what dreams a lot of fresh fish in the market or in the store. This plot predicts life in prosperity and numerous joys. The fishing hooks greeted in a dream say that the most appropriate time came to change its destiny. It is now that all the measures you have taken will bring the most desired result.

Fish in dream of 20th century

According to this interpreter, fish is a symbol of good luck, because even in the ancient Russian fairy tales, desires performed exactly the fish. The dream in which you caught a lot of fish in a dream, promises a period of significant achievements. Everything conceived will be possible to implement, and the funds embedded earlier will bring the expected profit. If the fish were dead or fought on the shore in the death agony of the lack of air, then get ready to face difficulties. Many of them will seriously complicate your life. A similar plot often dreams before the start of the disease or the collapse of the plans.

According to the 12th century dreams of the 20th century to see a lot of fish in the sea or in aquarium to get a seductive offer. If you think about all the risks and consciously, this proposal to adopt will appear a chance to significantly improve your financial situation. But, you should not count on getting light money. To improve your financial situation, you will have to make a number of effort, but, but these efforts will be rewarded.

If the cant of fish, which in a dream you are trying to catch, all the time eludes, show in real life ultimate caution, otherwise it is easy to become drawn into a monetary scaffold. Before taking part in the apparent one at first glance, it should be threatened to think well than it faces his unsuccessful completion.

A considerable significance also has the size of the fish. By the dream of the 20th century, many small fish in a dream promises only numerous troubles. If it was large and meaty, then the near future material income will increase. Predatory views promise conflicts with competitors or eases. In order for one of these conflicts, it is necessary to carefully select words in a conversation and try not to get warm.

For karmic and gypsy dreams

By the dream of Gypsy see in a dream a large number of fish floating in water to joy and success. The period of well-being will last long enough. It is worth using at this time to the maximum all the possibilities and chances provided by the fate. Catch fish out of water to disease. Difficult or you yourself, or members of your family. If something is currently bothering you, do not pull and visit the doctor.

There is a fish in a dream, previously caught out of the water to the disease. The ailment will affect you and, as the dream of Gypsy, the recovery will be difficult and long. For a karmic dream, a dream, in which the inhabitants of water depths are hardened, only positive meaning in themselves. Give a bucket of fish to another person means to desire with him love contact.

In Karmic Dream Interpretation also tells what a lot of fish dreams. If he catches her, he should definitely need to give him time to rest. A large number of worries and problems that I had to face lately, we took all soulful forces and only a full-fledged stay will help to restore them.

To fry a lot of fish in a dream, and then there is her in the dream book to an increase in its power in real life and to expand authority. Most likely, this will happen in connection with the increase. A cant of patients or altogether dead fish promises the decline of the forces of both physical and moral. Only a full-fledged vacation, filled with new joyful impressions and discoveries, will help restore the forces. It is best to visit another country or simply change the usual stop and chat with the expensive heart of people. To see in a dream Range of a large mountain of fish speaks about disgusting to representatives of the opposite sex. Moreover, disgust This may not even be realized, but to be present only in the subconscious.

In english dreamy

The foresdizer says that in a dream a lot of fish on the shores of live and large to the need to have a hard work. But, you should not be upset, this work will bring worthy profits. The lifeless mountain of marine inhabitants foreshadows any trouble or the development of the disease of the stomach. To eat a lot of roasted fish in a dream around the dreams to wealth. A significantly improved financial situation will make it easy to solve all problems.

In the English dream book to see a huge amount of fish dishes in a dream and there are pleasure to greatly success in reality. All your affairs will go successfully and bring the expected result. You yourself will be extremely satisfied with yourself and happy. The surrounding will be treated with great respect and respect. Any work you have done in reality, and not in a dream will bring profit. Material independence will help gain confidence in their abilities.

In English dream book is also explained, why dreams a lot of fish in the pool. If you are trying to catch fishheads with bare hands and constantly feel how their smooth calves slip out of her hands, then get ready to survive with a lot of unpleasant moments. Most likely, you will have to face loss of your position, heavy parting with a loved one or a serious conflict with a friend. But, even in a serious depressive condition, it should be remembered that absolutely any troubles pass, you only need to suffer a little.

Eastern and Zhou-Gun

See the shoal of flying fish according to wise dream book Zhou-Gun to a safe permitting authority. Problems to be allowed to be practically themselves due to a benevolent coincidence. If the fish are a lot in the well, you will soon have to go through the move associated with changing the work. Another explanation option, which will dream of this plot - serious life changes. Dream Interpretation predicts that a certain event will drastically change the flow of your life.

If in a dream you set the network, then you will be very happy with participation in a profitable business. On your own fishing towards luck. For some time after such a dream, there will be visible at work and in personal life. You can even buy a lottery ticket, the chance to get a win is now great.

In the dream book Zhou-Gun explains what dreams a lot of fish in a bucket weakened, semi-dimensional. Such a plot promises a slight malaise. Most likely, it will be caused by excessive zeal at work. Trying to catch the fish on the fishing rod in a dream to finding happiness. Another option, what is the dream of such a plot - getting some benefits in something.

If you saw Karpov in a dream, then soon in the family will be replenished. The birth of a child will bring to your home solely only one joy. A flock of small fish, postponing caviar, promises great happiness in real life. Sit on a pile of fish in a dream around the dreams to recovery from the illness. Long treatment will remain in the past and the long-awaited period of the health will come.

On the eastern women's dream book to engage in fishing in a dream or already see himself with a catch to ambulance. Suddenly mislead the caught fish to become pregnant in vain attempts. In the near future, after such a dream, you should not wait for replenishment in the family.

What is still dreaming

See in a dream a lot of dried fish to participate in a fun and noisy party. A holiday will be held, most likely, on the occasion of the birthday of a person close to you. Fun will allow to relax and relax. Dream Interpretation advises to take advantage of the upcoming opportunity to charge endorphins, because then a long time will have to be engaged only by serious affairs related to work.

By dreams in a dream to see a lot of smoked fish to failure. They touch all areas of your life. Survive this period will be quite difficult. It will be necessary to show all your courage and diligence to solve some problems. Only it will be possible to overcome the crisis.

If you dreamed a lot of frozen fish in a dream, it is worth leaving all the attempts to improve your financial situation, imposing in dubious enterprises. For some time you need to wait and only then think about what you should do to achieve material independence.

What dreams of a lot of salt fish in a dream, explains the universal dream book. Such a plot promises a successful resolution of all the affairs of you at the moment. You sign a profitable contract, go on a date with a beloved or lover or successfully pass an important interview.

The inhabitants of freshwater and salty depths: carpams, trouts, roach, stavride, washing and other fish and fish dreams pay quite a lot of attention. As a rule, a large jamb in the sea or in the river is interpreted as a good sign promising the strengthening of the material situation, good luck in affairs.

After such a vision to the dream, for some time it will be clearly favorable fortune, and therefore he, using the situation, can correct the errors, make something useful, meaningful, climb up the career stairs.

What dreams of a lot of fish? If she was alive in a dream, then you can hope that in your personal life, in the family everything is worked out safely. But the dead, the real estate is a hint, in order to achieve something, get a remuneration, the dream will have a lot to work. Dream Interpretation advises in any case not to rely on luck, but to show zeal, attentiveness, hard work. Otherwise, even the richest catch in a dream does not guarantee any success and profits in reality.

From the family collection of dream interpretation

The generous gifts, prepared the fate of the one who saw many freshly large fish in the night of gold. At the same time, as explains the family dream book, sleeping may not even apply special, heroic efforts. It is quite honest and conscientious to him to fulfill his duties, and the circumstances will develop so that he will definitely be on horseback, and he himself will be surprised by his luck.

Sand, loss, this is what a lot of dead, stupid fish can be dreamed. But the dream book promises: these are temporary difficulties, and they need to just survive, with faith that everything sooner or later is formed.

Interestingly, as interpreted by a family dream, what the girl dreams in large quantities. It turns out that a dreamy in the near future is waiting for a fateful meeting with a person whom she will love all the soul. And this feeling will be mutual, and maybe everything will end the wedding. However, the girl, as a dream book hints, you need to be slightly more open and ready for any surprises and change in life.

Fishing nets Full prey in a dream predict severe tests in reality. It will be difficult to withstand them, it will be necessary to show and patience and the strength of character. And the dream book advises, do not hesitate to seek help from friends, colleagues and even high-ranking personnel. Do not be afraid of failure, in any case, without support from you, you will not cope with the wrong problems.

Family dream book promises to the one who slept and saw how successfully fisheries people, tide of vitality and energy. Hurry up to use it to accomplish something worthwhile, try to overcome what difficulties, fears and doubts. And do it immediately, because, now you are granted a chance once and will cope with your complexes.

Failures and lazies will pursue the reality of the one who returns from fishing without catching. The only advice that dreams gives a similar situation: compare your desires with real possibilities. You may be too self-confident and, holding a difficult thing, tolerate Fiasco.

The fishing network in the night dream symbolizes in reality some acquisitions. But if she turned out to be torn, then the purchase can bring, only disappointment, cause a feeling of annoyance.

Prediction of Miller

Gustav Miller clarifies: what dreams a lot of fish in the river. So if in a sleeping state you noticed fishing a pack in clean water, then fate prepared excellent surprises. It is possible that the addition of the infant in your family and the birth of a baby will bring you and a close mass of positive emotions.

If a similar dream fell a lonely person, he will have a series of exciting romantic adventures, which can end with legitimate marriage, happy and perennial.

However, Miller has a warning - dead fish predicts losses. And the more it was chosen, the more losses to survive.

In a dream, caught a rich catch? Then, as Miller claims, you are worthily bye any obstacles on your life path. Difficulties only harden your character, make you wiser, stronger.

If in the night vision you go with a delight in shallow water, then in reality learn to extract benefits under any conditions. But if the fish were small and could not be delayed in delight, then think about: Isn't you stupid? And will you feel satisfaction when your shortened desires will be implemented?

Great, according to Miller, look in a dream to a fish row in the market or to the store, on the shelves of which a rich range of fresh goods. Such a vision anticipates a comfortable existence without financial concerns, complete entertainment.

And what to think to someone who slept and seen fishing gear. For example, hooks? According to the dream, a turning point has come in fate. It is now that you can safely change your habits, the foundations. All innovations are now only for the better.

Interpretation of the Day of the 20th century

In the collection of predictions, fish is good luck. It is not by chance even Pushkin's old man who caught the Golden Inhabitant of the Sea Depths, managed to fulfill the wildest dreams and whims of a fabulous old woman. Another thing is that you need to know the measure. So what dreams a lot of fish, according to the dream version of the 20th century?

Excellent catch in midnight phantasmagoria is a sign that it will be possible to embody any desires that the invested funds will pay for a hundredfold.

However, having noticing that the dreams had fed in death convulsions, be prepared for unforeseen difficulties. Someone zealously refers to your achievements. Or life circumstances will be in a responsible moment in the best way. For example, you suddenly get sick, and you have to postpone the planned plans.

Many fish in the sea or in aquarium, a sign that you are about to get a kind of seductive offer. But know before accepting it, it is necessary to calmly and thoroughly weighed everything "for" and "against". Do not hope that the estimated adventure will certainly be unauthorized. Remember that without difficulty, it is impossible to catch fish from the pond. But efforts, efforts will be generously rewarded.

In a dream, you are trying to catch up with the jamb of fish, but they eliminately slip away? Dream Interpretation warns - do not get involved in dubious enterprises. Do not risk your means. Most likely, someone is trying to involve you in the scaffold.

To find out: What dreams a lot of fish, remember: what size it was. So, if you believe the Dream of the 20th century, the sealing trifle predicts only a series of hassle and worries in reality. But the large, beautiful expensive breeds in rejection anticipate the strengthening of the financial situation.

Predatory fish in night vision warns about conflicts with rivals, competitors. And in order not to get to a disadvantage, you need to keep yourself in your hands during complex, tense negotiations, trying not to demonstrate our emotions. In other words, do not get hot! - Tell dreams.

Secrets of dreams according to Gypsy and believing in karma

In Gypsy Dream Interpretation, the abundance of floating fish is a sign of fun and success. Moreover, the diligence will last long. He can only be reasonably ordered by the gifts of Fortune and not to spend time into the back - because it is not known: how long will luck will accompany him.

But with this, if you caught and caught half-day fish, pulled it out of the water, then the Gypsy dream interpretation predicts diseases. And not only the dream itself, but also his native. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very carefully to any alarming symptoms, and, not a bag to see a doctor. The dream, in which you eat crude fish, caught from the reservoir, are also interpreted. But here, no doubt, the deterioration of well-being threatens his sleeping. Moreover, the disease that will amaze it will leak for a long time, and it will take a lot of effort to defeat it.

But the carmic dream book calms, explaining that the fish is always a symbol of good, changes for the better. If you are in a dream, give someone a bucket, full of karas or other fish, then in reality dream of a love connection with this character.

The same dream interpretation explains: what can a lot of fish be dreamed of a man? If he sees himself in the night of gold a fisherman, then he needs rest in reality. Recently, the dreams had to be posted on all one hundred, exhaust the spiritual and physical reserves of the body. Therefore, he needs a vacation, complete isolation from current everyday trouble and professional duties.

What did you dream that fry, and then eat fish? Such a plot predicts an increase in office, or the strengthening of some powerful powers, influence.

To see in the night fantasy a pack of patients, dead fish, in the interpretation of a karmic dream book, bad. On awakening, you can feel the decline of strength, impotence, apathy. Only new bright impressions will help with these "ailments". Emotions. And you can get them by going on a journey, on vacation. And how the dream book is assumed, you will meet the most unforgettable paintings, only having been in distant cities, or abroad, in exotic countries.

It is curious that in the karmic dream book a large rotting risk - a sign of disgusting sleeping to representatives of the opposite sex. Why this happens, does not even understand himself sleeping, but as long as skillfully hides his dislike, communicating with people.

"Translation from English

In English dream book, a lot of large, freshly dried fish on the shore, dreams of what they have to work hard in reality.

But with this, this work will be decently rewarded. But the chosen heaps of rotten, rotten fish are, from the point of view of English predictors, a clear symptom of problems in the work of the gastrointestinal dream path.

Wealth, that's what you searched, that you ate a lot of roasted fish. And if the money will appear, you will be able to easily solve many of the painful questions, summarizes the English dream book.

The same interpreter of dreams assures that a variety of delicious fish dishes in night goldes, an omnory of great achievements in reality. The dreams and himself will be wondering how successfully his works are. In addition, it will soon begin to use unprecedented before respect among colleagues and partners. As a result, he will believe in his strength and safely takes the embodiment of the most fantastic ideas, and their result will delight and surprise him.

What dreams a lot of fish in the pool? Such a strange picture, the British interpreted as follows: if you tried to catch fish with your hands, but I did not grab a single individual, then take care of - to survive some confusions and trouble. Among them may be dismissal, a quarrel with an expensive person. But do not lose, time treats any wounds and you can only suffer a little, trying not to fall into depression.

Version from East

The predictor named Zho-Gong describes the shoals of flying fish. And if you were lucky in a dream to see such a miracle, then I will still have everything, as in a good fairy tale - you will allow the most difficult problems, thanks to some secret forces that clearly speak on your side, and help in everything.

Note in a dream fish in a well. According to the Chinese dream book, it means that it has come to collect things and is preparing for moving to a new place of residence. However, it is possible that you will have to change the place of work, or make a certain act that will drastically change your life in overnight.

Setting in the night's night's nights, you can be sure that you will be lucky if you are a member of a particular risky enterprise. In general, according to Chinese providers, fishing in a dream is a great sign that promises victory in any competition, competitions and even winning a lottery. Maybe you should trust a dream and buy one ticket?

Do you feel disgusting disgusting and mood? Then remember, did you see the night before, about how the bucket floats the half-dimensional fish? Such a plot, as China-Gong Chinese broadcasts, can predict marshy and depression. And the medicine in this case is universal - you have overwriting in the service, because you find the opportunity to sleep well, walk in the fresh air, chat with good friends.

In the night Dream armed with rod and caught something? Then the eastern dream book promises you happiness in personal life or paying huge dividends from participating in a certain enterprise.

Related in the night vision of Karpov, it means to get the news that replenishment is coming in the family. And it is wonderful, because the crumb will become a source of joy for all households.

If a flock of smallfish was hardened, which I caviar molds, then sleeping accurately lucky in love. And if a person in the night fantasy sits on a pile of fish, it will soon recover, or get rid of chronic disease. Dream interpretation guarantees him also many summer in good health.

What does a woman dream that she catches the fish? Eastern dream book opens the sleeping secret - she will soon become a mom. But if the fish was broken, then, unfortunately, to give birth to the heir, despite all the efforts, it will be possible not soon.

Other curious options

Taran or Vobla (dried fish) in a huge number dreams on the eve of the holiday, noisy walking. Maybe you will be invited to the anniversary, where you can be wonderful to relax, relax. Listen to Dream Recommendation: Relax to the entire coil, stock up with positive emotions, because then you will have to dive into service problems and resolve the most difficult questions.

Smoked fish, in a dream is a symbol of failure. There is a crisis, and he will affect all the spheres of your life. But, do not lose optimism because, as Solomon used to say, and it will pass.

Frozen fish? Such a product in night visions identifies all the unsuccessfulness of your attempts in reality to correct your financial situation. Dream interpretation suspects that you are too mercantile and want to get rich at any cost. But the target is not always justified, especially when you make nonsense, imposing in dubious projects. Therefore, distracted from thoughts about the Golden Taurus, and then he himself remembers you.

Dreams of fish - one of the most mysterious, difficult to interpret. Barbus flocks in aquarium or rapid, pouring at the speed of rocket tuna equally attach attention to themselves in a dream. And if with single fish more or less understandable, then what a lot of fish is dreaming, not only the dreams, but also many interpreters.

Dreams of fish - one of the most mysterious, difficult to interpret

What dreams of a lot of fish are: General interpretation in Miller's dreams, Deniz Lynn, Martyn Prime

  • By dream of Miller Fish dreams to good luck, love, patronage of fortune.
  • Dance Deniz Lynn It characterizes the fish as a symbol of spirituality, love for Most High, generosity and fertility.
  • According to Martyn's Dream Dream, To see in the dream of sea fish - to the big sorrow, while the river is a symbol of happiness and well-being.

Fish in Dream Interpretation (video)

What dreams a lot of fish woman, a man

If you dream of a woman

For representatives of the fine floor, fish in a dream usually symbolizes the continuation of the kind.

  • If you have dreamed that you are sitting on the banks of the river with a fishing rod in your hands, - you dream of adding the family.
  • White enameled bucket, full of silver fish, - you have to treat from infertility that is crowned with success. You will become a mom of twins (possibly triplee).
  • Return from fishing with a heavy bucket full of large fish, to pregnancy.
For representatives of the fine floor, fish in a dream usually symbolizes the continuation of the kind

Pay attention to the color of the bucket and the material from which it is manufactured:

  1. old wooden is the best option, easy pregnancy, painless childbirth and happy motherhood;
  2. black plastic - you are attended by difficult months. Almost all pregnancy will have to spend in the hospital;
  3. red, from durable brilliant plastic - in general, everything will be safely, but caution does not hurt: such a dream often foreshadows injuries by negligence or falling in a flat place;
  4. blue, from a flexible material, similar to rubber, - the beginning of pregnancy will be overshadowed with toxicosis, but from the second trimester the state is normalized and there will be no problems before the birth of the child will not arise any problems;
  5. galvanized, with a protruding bottom - a great threat of miscarriage.

It dreams that the big fish fell off the hook - pregnancy wait soon.

If a man is dreaming

For men, a dream about fish means doing business, financial position, partnerships.

  • If a wooden barrel dreamed with dark water, in which there are a lot of fish of one species, is an acute shortage of money.
  • If in the barrel the water is clean, fresh, and the fish is river and maritime - many large and small orders for which they will pay generously.
  • Holding huge fish for the gills - to catch in the bad plans of their competitors.
  • To catch the eels in muddy water of yellow or brown - non-resident, the criminal thoughts of a dream, unjustified adventurism, which can lead to negative consequences.
For men dream dreams mean business, financial position, partnerships

See a lot of fish in the river, water, networks in a dream

Fast river sising fish, - Life filled with events.

  • If the fish floats downstream - a favorable sign, everything that you have thought will soon come true.
  • Floating against current - a symbol of resistance to life difficulties, each of your step is the struggle.
  • Spaw fish in the ocean - joint work on a major project.
  • If you dream that you are one of these fish, and you will swallow a huge marine animal - urgently deal with your health. This is a sign of an impending depression, obsessive thoughts about suicide.
  • Goldfish, frightened in the home pool, is the execution of your most intimate desires.
  • Orange or red fish that float each other in aquarium - a symbol of good health, energy, cheerful mood.
  • Networks, full of large fish, glittering in the sun Golden scales, is a very large cash prize, "Jack Pope". For other sources - rich inheritance.
  • If the network with fish stretched to the deck of the ship - a reasonable distribution of the obtained wealth, profitable financial investments.
  • If the network does not withstand the severity of the load and breaks, and the fish disappears in the water - that moment, when you celebrate the victory, rejoicing in an unexpectedly filled inheritance, there will be a later version of the will, in which everything will go away to another person.
  • The network with fish goes to the bottom, turning your ship, - the fatal inability to dispose of money or the illegal assignment of your property with a strangers.
  • See a lot of fresh live fish in a dream
  • Huge fishery with rounded sides are a difficult job that takes a lot of time and effort, but will bring big profits.
  • Bloody carcasses sharks suspended on the golden hooks - the parties in the family because of the inheritance.
  • Keet killer, driving a cant Herring in your networks, is selfless help of a close friend.
  • A flock of shark surrounding your boat and a little-lit clenching ring, - the enemies found your weak point and are going to apply a decisive blow. It should be very attentive and careful, this dream foreshadows serious problems and even the death of a dream.
  • Large flabble in the hands of a market vendor - you are waiting for humiliation, shame, public repentance.
  • See fresh perch on the counter in the store - the following failures will be replaced by more favorable, although far from ideal period.
  • A sturgeon cut into large pieces - count how much slices were in a dream. Usually such a dream foreshadows several of the same type of orders.
Networks, full of large fish sparkling in the sun Golden scales - a very large cash prize

Large fishing, which beats in foreign hands, is a symbol of the uselessness of the effort made, cruel disappointment in love, severe spiritual discomfort.

Catch a lot of fish in a dream

  • For a girl to catch a big fish - marriage "with the calculation".
  • If a woman caught on the bait of the old catfish - she will make cunning or deceiving marrying an elderly widower.
  • A man fishing in a dream foreshadows hard work that requires a lot of effort.
  • Catch the pike - your cherished desires will be implemented through the intervention of higher strength.
  • Catch a sacc of fry in a standing swamp - spend a lot of more efforts to perform simple work. Inability or reluctance to grow and improve.
  • Catch a tiger shark to the fishing rod - disarming the enemy with his kindness and sincerity. Rare, but very good sleep! The former enemy will be your loyal friend for life.
Male fishing in a dream foreshadows hard work that requires a lot of effort

Fishing the fish in the aquarium - draw energy into the family circle.

If you dreamed a lot of petty fish

To panic in the egg and crumbs, a small fish, and then fry her on an open fire - a large number of routine work, which will be fatally tired of you, but the result of a decent payment will be surprised and please.

  • Multicolored fish, calmly floating in a small aquarium, - quiet homemade joy, small gifts, pleasant little things made by their own hands.
  • Many dead shallow fish on the rocky, devoid of vegetation shore - your hopes and dreams have lost the relevance, it's time to learn to look at things really and set your feasible goals.
  • Watching from the bridge on the sishals from piles, the dreams prefers not to interfere in other people's affairs, refer to everything that surrounds him, with an indulgent arrogance.

Ice block with frozen dark fish - loss of a serious amount of money, a series of failures, disappointment.

Fish in a dream (video)

From a variety of existing options, select the one that is suitable for you, and start slowly, thoughtfully unwind the thread of the expected events. This exciting occupation will capture you and immerse the world of amazing guesses and discoveries.

ATTENTION, only today!

See interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the network, trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, disease, indifference.

To see in a dream, a unfortunate fish skeleton - the fores of the misfortune, plans and disappointments.

Fish in a dream - a sign of ungrateful, useless work, empty spending time and strength.

To see the fish caught by others, foreshadows the disease, and women are pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swayed on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If, in a dream, the float is jerking and you will catch the fish, you can count on the execution of the intended.

Catch big fish in a dream means you are waiting for a profitable marriage. Sometimes such a dream predicts a large and profitable business.

Watch the fish that you catch means that soon you will have serious plans for the future.

Call a lot of fish with a wonder in a dream - a sign of a big profit. The larger the fish will be, the more money you get.

Call a lot of small fish in a dream - a sign of great hassle, from which there will be little good or little money.

But catching the fish with networks, delirium or by a non-child means that you should fear risky classes. However, such a dream foreshadows the success of those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find.

Nothing to catch in a dream means that your ideas will not be implemented.

Fishing hooks in a dream foreshadow the danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared you a cunning trap.

Pepling, bright colors Fish in a dream warns you about the danger of poisoning or deception. Sick such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow an insult or quarrel.

Red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation or opening some kind of secrecy.

If you dreamed that you take fish in your hands, and she slipping out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person you cannot catch or expose.

It is also considered that the lake fish seeing in a dream foreshadows happiness and well-being.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in affairs and failures in the implementation of plans.

There is a fish in a dream is considered a good omen, if only it is not raw.

There is a raw fish in a dream means you are waiting for damages, obstacles in affairs and disappointment. But if in it, in addition, it is full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not work.

Watching the fish, splashing in water, foreshadows a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feed fish in a dream - a sign of reconciliation with the enemies that you will charm your charm.

Fish in his bed to see in a dream - sign of the disease. Those who are traveling on a journey through water, sleep foreshadows the danger of shipwreck or other misfortune.

Pregnant to see in a dream that they gave birth to fish, sleep predicts that their future child will be weak health and will not live for a long time. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows them.

It is believed that a rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing gear, then you should fear deception or some sort of trap.

Fat fish in a dream - a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream - a sign of unreliable friends, on which you should not rely.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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