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Children's Bible in Belarusian. Belarusian translations of the bible. Bible parables for children

Bible parables are very important for a believer. They are especially needed for when morality, relations, values \u200b\u200band perceptions of the world are developing. Of course, an adult can learn a lot of useful things for themselves.

What are parables and what is their value?

Biblical parables are, in a way, fairy tales and narratives that give reason to think about life and their actions, carry an instructive moment. In each of them there is a seed of wisdom, which slowly sprouts and gives its positive shoots. Continuous reading of such narratives has a complex effect on the inner world of man.

The value of the parable from the Bible is that it considers human relations and actions from the point of view of spirituality, divinity. Other similar stories are more humane, they do not have that halo of mystery, although they can be no less ancient and instructive.

For the younger generation, it is biblical parables that can be the first acquaintance with faith, God, Christ. In the future, this can help them in their spiritual life, teach them how to build their own way, as the Lord commands, to act according to their conscience, think about their soul and its further journey.

Bible parables. What do they teach?

What do biblical parables teach us? They make you think about your actions, understand their consequences. As a result of all this awareness, the formation of positive qualities, such as mercy, kindness, compassion, love for people. There comes an understanding that there is God's will for everything.

For an adult, a parable can become a guiding light at a certain moment in life, as well as a sign and answer to a question. In addition, they are quite simple, they do not have floridness, which is not understandable to everyone. Indeed, much can be said about the wisdom of these instructive stories.

Bible parables for children

If we talk about little admirers of biblical stories, it should be noted that not all of them will be able to comprehend the truth of divine scriptures. And, of course, they will need a good interpretation and explanation of what they read. Bible parables for children must be read with parents or carers who will explain in an accessible way that the baby, due to his age, could not understand.

Almost every child, having matured, applies in life what was transmitted to him with love in childhood. Therefore, one does not need to force him this knowledge, so as not to turn him away from the Lord.

You should try different themes of the stories, see which ones you like more. For example, there is a group of parables about the mercy of God to a sincerely repentant person (about the prodigal son, the publican and the Pharisee, etc.). There are also several stories telling about the Kingdom of God (about mustard seed, tares, etc.).

Bible parable of the wise and unreasonable virgins

If we consider some biblical parables, then among them we can distinguish several of the most instructive. For example, the one that tells of ten virgins, five wise and five unreasonable. The meaning of this parable is that one should be vigilant constantly, since it is not known when the last test will come (death or the Last Judgment).

This symbolic story depicted the wedding ceremony that the Jews had at that time. Such a ritual took place at night when it was dark and artificial light was required. The groom could come for the bride at any time, and she had to wait for him with her friends. Therefore, the girls stocked up with oil, if you suddenly have to wait a long time.

In Christianity, the wedding feast has always symbolized the kingdom of God, and the bridegroom is the Lord, with whom they unite after death. The edification of the parable is that every moment in your life you need to live consciously, to know that every action will be evaluated at God's judgment. Remember that when the bridegroom comes and the chamber shuts up (death comes), then nothing will be changed.

Of course, such biblical parables with the interpretation of an adult and knowledgeable person are necessary for the child. You should also gradually talk about the deep spiritual meaning of this story, about building your life in God.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

This is perhaps the most famous and instructive of all the biblical parables. A truly repentant sinner can hope for mercy to be forgiven, even after committing bad deeds.

The biblical parable of the prodigal son is a classic example of the return to the path of spirituality of a person who is lost in a dissolute and meaningless life. This is also an example of the behavior of modern youth who do not know the true path, but seek freedom, leaving their parents' homes and their roots. As a result of all this, more and more young people appear who are not interested in their past, and the future also does not concern them. All this affects the overall development of both one particular person and society as a whole.

The prodigal son from a parable - this is practically every one of us, divorced from God, from his protection, squandered his condition not only physically, but also spiritually.

However, God not only punishes, but also bestows graces. Like a father who forgave his repentant son, so the Lord behaves towards sinners. Everyone can return to the path to God. It is this parable that allows us to hope for a more meaningful and full life.

Parables of mustard seed

This parable is mentioned in the three Gospels, which speaks of its undoubted importance. Of course, the spelling is a little different, but the general meaning remains.

The story itself is not too great, but its meaning is huge and very important. Mustard seed is a person’s faith that grows in his heart through conversation with the Lord, prayer and other worthy deeds. At first, the grain is small, but after certain actions and being in fertile soil, it grows into a large tree.

Some sages compare this seed with Christ, who was also an ordinary person, but his faith was so great that he could give a great sacrifice for us ordinary people. And now the suffering souls come to him and find solace.

Bible Cartoons

For young children who prefer to watch rather than read biblical parables, cartoons will be a way out. Of course, even they need to be watched with adults so that difficult moments can be interpreted. Perhaps if in incomprehensible places there is a reference to the printed source, the child will want to read it, since the cartoon may slightly differ from the original.

Now almost all the parables are broadcast on television in the form of cartoons. Here, each parent must choose the appropriate one, which is closer to the original and contains instructive moments.

Of course, some may not agree with the benefits of the cartoon, but still it is worth taking into account the current younger generation. It is not always possible to exclude watching a TV or a computer, so it is better to choose a more suitable television program for your baby from an early age.

Can you tell a young dog from an old one? Seeing a yard dog, can you determine his age? Me not. Here is the Yorkshire Terrier Jack from the UK at age 26:

The newspaper "Telegraph" dedicated to him, which said that it has so much enthusiasm and energy that many take him for a puppy. Can anyone take grandfather for a child?

And here is what one of the oldest cats in the world looked like by the name of Puff Puff, included in the Guinness Book of Records, in his venerable 29 years:

There were three cats in my family, and all their life they looked the same. So with almost all animals, whatever you take. Look at the one-day butterfly in the morning and evening. The famous Galapagos turtles at 150 years old look the same as at birth. What about the “old” flowers or trees?

In nature, as if there is no old age. The Creator is always true to his style - unfading youth and beauty.

And only a person in a strange way changes beyond recognition, begins to look unnatural. Only a person is disfigured by age ...

European Court of Jehovah's Witnesses

In 2010, opponents of Jehovah's Witnesses had an excellent opportunity to prove their accusations in an authoritative and unbiased court - the European court in Strasbourg examined the case of the Moscow community. They did not succeed. In a resolution of June 11, 2010, all popular myths about Jehovah's Witnesses, which in Russia are considered almost an axiom, are consecutively debunked. Here are a few points:

Are you obedient to Christ at Easter?

Only 50% of Russians know that on Easter they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, VTsIOM reports. 32% could not answer what kind of holiday it was. 6% think that Easter is Christmas.

And, apparently, the disappearing fractions of a percent that have escaped the attention of sociologists know that on Easter Jesus was not born, did not rise, and was not even baptized, but died. It was on the day of the Jewish Passover, which according to the Hebrew calendar always falls on the 14th day of the Nisan month (in contrast to the floating schedule of the Gregorian calendar), Jesus gave his life to redeem mankind. That is why the apostle Paul later wrote: “Our Passover, Christ, is slain for us” (1 Cr 5: 7).

Not the resurrection, but the death of Christ contained the deep spiritual symbolism of Easter, passing from the Exodus to the Gospel. Christ became the true Lamb, the prototype of which was the literal Easter lamb, which the Jews had to eat, and anoint the doorposts with his blood so as not to die. As in the past, before leaving Egypt, the Jews survived due to red ...


Easter (Passover) is an important Jewish holiday established by God himself (Exodus 12: 1-14). Translated from Hebrew, this word means “pass by”: on the very first celebration of Easter, an angel walked past the houses where the jambs were smeared with the blood of a lamb, and spared the first-born in them. Jewish holidays were part of the Mosaic Law, to which Christ put an end (Rom. 10: 4). This must be rejoiced, because the Mosaic Law condemned man as an incorrigible sinner, unable to justify himself before God (Rom. 3:19, 20). Why go back to this law?

Day without victory

I read a couple of interesting quotes about the war. Victor Astafyev, a famous front-line writer:

How many people lost in the war? You know, and remember. It's scary to call a true number, right? If you call it, then instead of a ceremonial cap, you need to put on a schema, kneel in the middle of Russia on Victory Day and ask your people for forgiveness for the mediocre victory of the war, in which the enemy was bombarded with corpses, drowned in Russian blood.
  No less famous poet Bulat Okudzhava, also a front-line soldier:

These were two identical systems that led a competitive dispute among themselves. Two totalitarian systems. Well, the purely external difference was over. There was a swastika, but there was a sickle and a hammer. There was a possessed Führer, and here was a brilliant leader of all peoples. They hated the Jews openly, and here they shouted about their love for the Jews and quietly destroyed them. That was the difference. But in principle, two identical systems collided. I began to understand this, of course, after the war, much later. Therefore, I believe that they ...

Baryslaў Arapovіch i Vera Mazstselmyakі

Pershae vydanne, 1992 Peraklad z ruskay movy

Vydavetstva: Інстытут пераклад Бібліі, Stackholm

  ІSBN 91-88394-05-0

Дзіцячая Біблія - \u200b\u200bБіблейскія апавяданінні м мkyункамі - Пра Біблію

Friends Daragi! What are you talking about, geta for the book - the Bible?

Bible - God's Words. Yana reveals the tayamnitsu pahojannya to the world, chalaveka and sense of samoga zhytsstsa. The Biblical Sabbas of the Holy Writ. At ikh located on the pratsyagu of the paўtara of a thousand-year-old, ўdzel kalya saraka aўtaraў hid from the holy Holy Spirit. Bibliya padzyalyaetstsa dzve chastki: Stary Zapavet i Novy Zapavet. Stary Zapavet napisana da narajanenya Khrysta, and Nowy Zapavet - on the foreground of the step of Stagodzia Jesus Khryst.

Stary Zapavet napisana on the old-school ў reyskai, and Nowy Zapavet - on the old-school ов reyskay mov, geta znachyts, on the movs of tagachas cultures. At the Old Zapavetsa apavyadeststsa, as God the gods, is a wreck, as he was in the past chalawek. I have an apavyadetsstsa taxam great history of Israel, God bless the people, ab great fathers and great gods. At the beginning of the old season Psalms are worn out-the suffering of the song and the song, the Book of Eklesiyast, the Book of II and the other. The New Testament is highlighted in our name Zbavitsel, Gosad Isus Khryst. 3 yago staronak is possible Davedazza, like Jesus Khristos naradzіsya, like zhy я and yak pamer for the grave chalaveststva, and yak on the tretsi zen uvaskres, and then swept down to heaven. The New Zapavetska is a Padaetzi and a teacher of the Lord’s Apostle, the Apostle-Daytsa Prazaynastst Sam Apostleў. At the very Kanzi of Novag, Zapavetu was worn out by the Adkryzzo, as well as apisanne tago, who was adyzza in May. Wuchenne of Jesus Christ of the Name of the Para-Grechasku Evangella.

Geta words jumped і ў Nasha mov, hot peracladze guchyts dasloўna, like "Good News". What are you talking about? Absolutely, that “so God is light, that is, the add of the Son of Svaygo Adzinarodnag, if you have faith, I have faith in Iago, I’m not in sin, forever and ever” (Ian.Z: 16). hell of God and ab yago asujenni to eternal gibel. Apavyadye yana і abtym, like God іmknetsstva vybavіts chalavetstva, as yak pasilў on the ground of Svaygo Son Isus Khryst. I yak En old, yak Son Iago vytavalalny ahvyary, yak prynyў death for human grah and pakazў lyudzyam sapraўdny hats zhytsstsa. Jesus Khristos is the halogen theme of the Bible. Біблія - \u200b\u200bthe first one ў a candle is a hooligan book "Gutenbergava Біблія" (1452 - 1455). The Bible was i Pershai Drukavanai knigay wa Slavic Slavs. I nadrukavaўe, patchynayuch since 1517, asobnimі knigamі our soaychynnіk, maternity from the city of Polatsk, Frantsysk Skaryna.

At the schoolhouse with the highest agulnaya adukatsy and the private pashyrenny of the Christianity of the Biblical religion, there’s more and more shmatlich. Yana stavitsa pershay knigay yak for malapismennyh people, so і for іntelіgentaў. Asablіva ўzrastae pashyrenne Bіblіі on prastyaga XX stagodzzya. In the first months of the month of February, the sign of the first month of the month is the candle. Kalya pyatsіsot gadoу tamu back, yasche yes knigadrukavannya, Bibliya abo ya asobnyya knigi (razdzely) were пzho pereraklazeny on 33 national mova. Yes, 1804, Cali pachali ўznіkats bіbleyskіya tavarystva, Біблія існавай на 67-мі мов. Ale on the pratsyagu of the nineteenth stagodzia Biblical language asobnyya knigi drukavalsya big yak on 400 mov, and on the pratsyagu nashaga XX stagoddzya yana were peraklazeny yashche on 1400 mov. Darechi tell, that the Pad Kanets 1990, Kolkastst movў, Bibliya was transferred to Yak_ya, dasagay 1946.

Hadnocia sentences on 318-month translations, Novaya Zapaveta - on 726-months, novices on the other hand, on 902-words. On sennyashny zen only kalya 2% of the population of the golden ball is not in May may not be booked on a pile of native language. At the hour of the Biblical transfer of taxam to thousands of small peopleў. The big part is geta mova, on a small scale there are a few thousand, a hundred а, and mozha, and a dozenў chalawek. The dadatak mayuza yashche has bіblіі notes on the place and the cassettes. Im karystayutstsa lyudzі without adukaty i slapy. Takim chynam, Bіbliya, an apache of the Getag, an issuer for the slabby braille. Yak p perakladah, so і pa tyrazh, Bіblіya syarod іnshih knig books take the first month. Eight days for the couple: The Bible and the New Zapaveta were worn out ў 1900 year 5 7 7 million, and год 1980 year 36 36 млн 57 million. On зсёй замлі нельга адшукаць кнігі, yakaya was so foolishly b, yak Bіbliya.

Borislav Arapovich and Vera Mattelmyaki

Thirty-third edition. 1996

Publisher: Bible Translation Institute. Stockholm

ISBN 91-88794-67-9

CHILDREN'S BIBLE - Bible stories in pictures - About the Bible

Dear friend!

Do you know. What kind of book is the Bible? The Bible is the Word of God. It reveals the secret of the origin of the world, man and the meaning of being. The Bible is a collection of scriptures in the compilation of which over four dozen years involved about four dozen authors inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is divided into two parts - the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was written before the Nativity of Christ, and the New Testament was written during the first century after the Nativity of Christ. Our calendar dates back to the year of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Ancient Greek, i.e. in the languages \u200b\u200bof cultures of those times.

The Old Testament talks about that. how God created the universe, about the fall of man, about the history of God’s chosen people of Israel, about the prophets and prophecies; it includes Psalms - ancient hymns and prayers to God, the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job, and others.

The New Testament speaks of the birth and life of our Savior - the Lord Jesus Christ, of His teaching, of His death in the name of the salvation of sinful humanity, of His resurrection, of the life of the first Christians. The New Testament also contains the “epistles” of the apostles, i.e. The Word of God addressed to the first Christians and generally to all people on earth; and finally, "Revelation", i.e. a description of what will happen when the world ends.

The teaching of Jesus Christ is called the gospel. The word "Gospel" in Greek means "Good News." What is this news about? About. that "... God so loved the world. that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life ”(John 3:16).

The Bible tells not only about the fall of man, his excommunication from God and condemnation to eternal destruction, but also about God's plan for the salvation of mankind. About how God sent His Son to the earth. Jesus Christ, so that He would make an atoning sacrifice, accepting death for the sins of people, showing them the true path of life.

The central theme of the Bible is the personality of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and Lord of the world.

The Bible is the first printed book in the world ("Gutenberg Bible" - 1452-1455). Due to the increase in universal literacy and the widespread spread of Christianity, the Bible is read by more and more people. The Bible becomes a reference book both in the families of ordinary people and among the intelligentsia. The distribution of the Bible has especially increased in our age.

The Bible for translations into other languages \u200b\u200branks first in the world. More than five hundred years ago, at the time of the invention of typography. The Bible or its individual books (sections) were translated into only 33 languages. By 1804, the beginning of the birth of Bible societies, a translation of the Bible was already available in 67 languages. But throughout the nineteenth century, Bible books were already published in more than 400 languages, and during the course of our twentieth century, the Bible or its individual books were translated into another 1500 languages. Thus, by the end of 1995, the number of languages \u200b\u200binto which the Bible was translated reached 2123. Of these: the complete Bible was translated into 349 languages. New Testament - in 841 languages \u200b\u200band only one or several books of the Bible - in 933 languages. Today, only about 2% of the world's population does not have a single Bible book in their language. Currently, the Bible is also being translated into more than a thousand languages \u200b\u200bof small nations. Of these, most are languages \u200b\u200bspoken by only a few thousand, hundreds, or even several tens of people.

It should be added that parts of the Bible recorded on plates and cassettes serve as a guide for the illiterate and blind. In addition, the Bible is published for the blind in Braille.

The Bible and the circulation "ranks first in the world. For comparison: in 1900 the Bibles were published - 5 million and the New Testaments - 7 million, and in 1980 the Bibles - about 36 million, the New Testaments - 57 million, yes several hundred million separate books of the Bible.

The Bible is thus the most widely read book in the world.

On the territory of modern Belarus, lists of individual books of the Bible or their fragments appeared, most likely, immediately after the Baptism of Russia in 986-988. For a long time, the Bible of Cyril and Methodius in the Church Slavonic language was generally accessible in linguistic relations and perfect in the theological sense. The number of manuscripts written in Church Slavonic during the XI-XV centuries, in the tens.

The Bible was distributed by copying in the scriptories of monasteries, churches and princely residences. It is likely that in the 12th century the daughter of the Vitebsk prince Euphrosyne of Polotsk was engaged in the rewriting of the holy books. Manuscript monuments testify to the constant biblical tradition: the Lavrishevskoe, Orsha, the Drutsk Gospels, the Smolensk Psalter, and others.

First attempts

As the studies of Academician Euthymius Karski and other historians show, attempts have been made since the 11th century to adapt the translation of Cyril and Methodius to the local features of the language, its church-liturgical style, to clarify the text and correct the mistakes of scribes based on Hebrew and ancient Greek originals. Several fragments of translations from the Hebrew language of unknown authors are known, dating from the period before Francis Skorina: Song of Songs (XIV-XV centuries), 8 books of the Old Testament (2 half of the XV - beginning of the XVI century).

An important milestone is the creation in Belarus of an independent complete biblical code compiled by Matthew the Tenth (“ Decapit", 1502-1507) and Fedor Yanushevich (historical books and" The Pentateuch of Moses ", 1514). Unlike the so-called Gennadyevsky code (Veliky Novgorod, 1499), which was based mainly on the Bulgarian edition of the Cyril and Methodius translation and the missing books translated from the Vulgate, the Belarusian code went back to an earlier and quite complete Moravian version of the translation.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania

The first unique popular science publication of the Bible in Church Slavonic, which had the undoubted influence of the spoken Belarusian, Czech and Polish languages, was the Bible of the Belarusian first printer Francis Skorina. Her translation was made either from the Vulgate of Jerome, or from one of the Czech translations. On August 6, 1517, Skorina published the Psalter, and after almost every month published a new book of the Bible. Until 1521, 23 illustrated books of the Old Testament were published under the general title “Bible of Russia, laid out by Dr. Francis Skorinoy from the glorious city of Polotsk, God God (s) and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for good teaching.” In the first Belarusian Bible, Skorin included almost fifty illustrations: numerous screensavers and other decorative elements that are in harmony with the page layout, font and title pages. Skorina's translation was canonically accurate in conveying the letter and spirit of the biblical text, did not allow liberties and translation additions. Skorina’s books laid the foundation for the formation of the norm of the Belarusian literary language, and also became the first translation of the Bible into

Jesus, preaching to the people, said: "Look, beware of covetousness, for a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his estate." Then He told them the parable: "One rich man had a good harvest in the field, and he reasoned with himself:" What should I do? I have nowhere to collect my fruits. "And he said:" Here is what I will do: I will break my granaries and build large ones, and gather all my bread and all my good there, and I will tell my soul: soul! You have a lot of good for many years: rest, eat, drink, have fun! "But God said to him:" Mad! tonight your soul will be taken from you; who will get what you have prepared? "It happens to those who collect treasures for themselves and not get rich in God. Jesus further says:" So, do not look for what you have or what to drink, and do not worry, because that all this is sought by the people of this world; your Father knows that you have a need; seek the kingdom of God first, and all of this will be added to you. Do not be afraid, small herd! For your Father was pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell \u200b\u200byour possessions and give alms. Prepare your own vaginas that are not dilapidated, a treasure that is not scanty in heaven, where the thief does not approach and where the moth does not eat; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be. "
LUKE 12: 15-21, 29-34

This parable of Jesus speaks of two people whose lives were very different. One person lived richly, but unrighteously, the other - in poverty, but righteous. "A certain man was rich, dressed in purple and fine linen and feasted brilliantly every day. There was also a beggar named Lazarus, who lay in his scabs at the gates and wanted to be fed with crumbs falling from the rich man’s table, and the dogs, when they arrived, licked his scabs The beggar died and was carried by the Angels to the bosom of Abraham, and the rich man died and buried him. And in hell, being in agony, he raised his eyes, saw Abraham and Lazarus in his bosom in the distance, and cried out, said: “Father to Abraham! have mercy on me and send Lazarus to soak the end of his finger in the water and cool my tongue, for I suffer in this flame. "But Abraham said:" Child! remember that you have already received your good in your life, and Lazarus - evil; now he is comforted here, and you suffer; and besides all this, a great abyss has been established between us and you, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot also go from there to us. "Then he said:" So I ask you, father, send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers; let him testify to them that they do not come to this place of torment. "Abraham told him:" They have Moses and the prophets; let them listen to them. "He said:" No, Father Abraham! but if one of the dead comes to them, they will repent. "Then Abraham said to him:" If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, then if someone from the dead has also risen, they will not believe. "It’s interesting in this parable that the rich man is exposed in it nameless, and the poor man named Lazarus.This seems to confirm that the names, once famous on earth, are forgotten, and the righteous, unknown to the world, are glorified in heaven. From the parable it is clear that death, interrupting the earthly existence of man, opens the beginning of life in eternity, the way we lived on earth will also determine our future eternal life zn.
LUKE 16: 19-31

The parable of the lost sheep.

Jesus so loved the human race that He left the glory of heaven and came to earth to seek and save those who died in sins, who departed from God and forgot His people. He, like the Good Shepherd, is always looking for a lost sheep. In one of His parables, Jesus said: “Which of you, having one hundred sheep and having lost one of them, will not leave ninety-nine in the wilderness and will not go after the missing one until he finds it? And having found it, he will take it on his shoulders with joy and when he comes home, he will call friends and neighbors and say to them: “Rejoice with me: I have found my missing sheep.” I tell you that in heaven there will be more joy over one sinner repenting than about ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent " Great joy will be in heaven when even now one of the readers who have not yet accepted Jesus into their hearts will turn to Him with a heartfelt prayer of repentance. Jesus will understand, hear, forgive, give the soul peace and quiet.
LUKE 15: 3-7