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Everything is love. Everything in this world is love. Everything in the world is love.

As long as you have claims to yourself, you will have them to everyone. Everything that you feel in relation to yourself, you reflect into the outside world. It is impossible to love and accept it if it is not in you. Your reality, everything that comes to you - you give birth to yourself. Yes, in your reality there are many different "characters" and they play with you. And you, living the ego, as a person, simply “grow” in your “problems”, and at all. Starting from their relatives the closest to simple passers-by. Your illusory world will be exactly what you are. All events in your world will reflect only you. You don’t have to fight this. All you need is to UNDERSTAND and BE AWARE. Yes, this will not come immediately, albeit gradually, but this fact will reach you and you will simply see clearly.

Why are there only problems and diseases in your life?   Because you are so overplayed that you are - this disease and problems. You do not Love Yourself, Do not Hear and Do not Follow Yourself. You, not the main character of your film about Life, or rather, did not take responsibility for everythingwhat you have, go through and see Life teaches and shows you that it is time to take responsibility and wake up. Try, change - and you will get tremendous changes in your life, just incredible.   Start right now - SEE your reflections, in each. Your ego will be very surprised and will even resist that it’s not you, but people. But I will tell you - it is you and such is your reality. You cannot just see something other than your world and your creation. A   What is your world, your reality?

The closest and most hidden to you will be shown to your relatives, because you are with them the most sincere, such as you are. You will see in them - MYSELF. Then, you look at those with whom you work - they too, like you, and have no doubt.) The country where you live now, it also reflects you in this moment, and all the problems and the game are tied to you. Look, your nationality is also not casual and reflects you and your all karmic tasks in this incarnation. And the whole human race is also your creation, don’t you believe? Yes, yes, just tell your ego - it’s all you, or rather, everything that you see and feel in your reality.

We all live in completely different realities and create them, every moment. We are in constant Creation. All you need is to stop being someone and play someone.   As soon as you begin to be yourself, you will see how everything will change. Yes, those people who were “assigned” to your personality, but will leave your reality, but will remain those who will be TRUE with you.

Stop wanting to be someone.   Be yourself. All divine beauty is that   we are not the same, but ONE. Our Souls are like wonderful cells, with different functions and characters of manifestation. It's so cool! We are all unique in our way. AND   all we need is to EXPLAIN our uniqueness on Earth. Create in this uniqueness of manifestation. The illusory world, just bursting at the seams from all these programs about what we should be. But we owe nothing to anyone but ourselves. Be- YOURSELF, Love Yourself, accept and respect, as you are, all your decisions and « mistakes». You are the unique particle of God on Earth, you are God.

By the way when are you UNDERSTAND   all this, namely - will reach you, and not because I said it - your life, completely change and forever, you will not be able to "sleep." And when you start to change and be yourself, all your "illusory" problems are simply will collapse and disappear forever, along with that invented personality that you considered yourself. And everything in your reality will return to your Divine Principle. Everything, the "problems" that you "deployed" to all people and the whole world, humanity, will simply collapse. Will You and your creative Soul, in the moment - reality, pure Consciousness. The whole struggle will leave your Life. Improvements will begin from distant positions and reach your nearest and dearest in your family. It will take some earthly time, but you Be Yourself and Love Yourself, Follow Yourself no matter what happens. And as soon as you see, already in your family- LOVE and LIGHTwhatever they do-   CONGRATULATIONS, YOU- FIND YOURSELF! You are merged with yourself! You are God on Earth!   Everywhere, in everyone, you just can't see something else. The whole WORLD is LOVE, in all its manifestations.

The last time every day I experience a "Groundhog Day." I get up in the morning and hear that at night the city was again bombarded, that civilians were killed, that politicians would meet for ceasefire negotiations ... And so every day. And nothing changes. I want to wake up, wake up! .. Or fall asleep and never wake up.
  Many people live in a state of constant depression. It seems to them that at night “tornadoes” will fall on their heads, and they won’t wake up at all. And politicians are negotiating all negotiations ... Agreements for the species are being signed ...
  Now, if the negotiations of the "Norman Four" took place somewhere in the basement of one of the houses of Donetsk at night and under fire, I think that political leaders would have agreed much faster on a real ceasefire. And then, after all, “hail” does not explode above their heads, their children do not die from the “tornadoes”! ..
  In these difficult conditions of war and mutual destruction, I decided to state a very controversial idea, choosing for this holiday - Valentine's Day.
  The thought I expressed should not be understood as a statement, but as a question.

Leo Tolstoy has a story in which he describes the suffering of a mother who has lost a newborn son. She turns to God with prayer, trying to find the answer to why God sent her such misfortune. At night, she sees a dream that her son did not die, but grew up and became her tormentor, which is why she began to wish him dead. When the woman woke up, she realized what a blessing God had sent her, taking her son from her.

Once Leo Tolstoy was asked the question:
  - What is the purpose of human life on earth?
  “To serve good,” Tolstoy answered. - And through this to create the kingdom of God on earth.
  “But to serve with what?” Love? Without fail love?
  - Of course. Only love.

  “Without love, living is easier. But without it there is no point, ”said Leo Tolstoy.
  “I don’t have everything that I love. But I love everything that I have. "
  “It always seems that we are loved for being so good. And we don’t know that they love us because those who love us are good. ”
  "Everyone makes plans, and no one knows if he will live until the evening."
  "There are no conditions that a person could not get used to, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives the same way."
  "A person should always be happy, if happiness ends, look at what was wrong."
  "Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves."
  "Strong people are always simple".
  "The world is moving forward thanks to those who suffer."
"The point is not to know a lot, but to know from all that you can know, the most necessary."
  "I am sure that the meaning of life for each of us is simply to grow in love."

When I got into a car accident and became disabled, I also asked: why do I have such misfortunes. And a year later he realized that what had happened to me was a great gift of fate!
  A few hours before the disaster, I wrote in my diary an important thought: "There is neither good nor evil, there are only our assessments of what is happening."

What is sometimes initially seen as evil by us can later be evaluated as good.
  It all depends on our perception. If you want to see good, you will see good. If you want evil, there will be evil.

Are suffering evil?
  Only in part. Our suffering sometimes seems illusory. But sometimes suffering is helpful. Pain is not always evil. Sometimes it indicates a dysfunction in the body.

Is death evil?
  Not always. In some cases, death for a person exhausted by an incurable disease is the most beneficial thing.

Today, the relativity of “good” and “evil” is obvious to many.
  “You must do good from evil, because there is nothing more to do from it,” wrote Robert Penn Warren.

Heydar Cemal in the lecture “Being and the mystery of non-identity” expressed the idea that “good and good are false concepts associated with the acceptance of being as genuine. They are inevitably and inextricably linked with self-deception about being, with the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying being and consciousness.”

I also think that people have come up with concepts such as "good" and "evil." Since this helps them to better navigate in understanding their own good.
  Every human being strives for survival. Therefore, we can say that the continuation of life is a blessing. Accordingly, that which contributes to the continuation of life is “good”, and that “evil” prevents it.

The concepts of "good" and "evil" are not only subjective, but also relative. The same event in different contexts and coordinate systems can be both “evil” and “good”.
  The human psyche is a very unstable system, and therefore our ideas about good and evil can change every minute under the influence of experienced emotions and even weather changes.

  “The moral initial existence of human thought, it proceeds from the fact that there is only good. This is embedded in the structure of human consciousness, ”said Heydar Cemal. “Because a person thereby ascertains the coincidence of the fact of existence with the fact of experiencing this existence. Naturally, he is grateful that he exists. ”

In my opinion, people think more about the existence of evil and injustice in the world than about the triumph of good.
  Suicides with their passing away from life just say that they see nothing good in life. But if they do not see the meaning of life, this does not mean that it does not exist - they just do not see it.

  “My feeling, my thought, and the fact that I am experiencing this are one,” said Jemal. “And if it’s wonderful that I am, it’s also beautiful that coincides with this“ I am ”, that is, the being, of which“ I am ”a part.”

In my opinion, a person understands that his experiences of joy, love and harmony may not coincide with the injustice and evil that the world is filled with. Two lovers celebrating their wedding perceive the world very differently than two divorced.

  “A person can no longer say that the holiday of my“ I ”is a holiday and the positive of being, of which this“ I ”is a part. Because “I am” is not a part of being. These are completely different things, ”said Jemal.

I believe that "I AM" is a part of being. Otherwise, it must be argued that everything exists unconsciously, and nature itself is insensitive and unconscious. But this is not so. Everything in nature feels, experiences and is aware in its own way. Consciousness is part of nature. Another question is how individual (subjective) consciousness is adequate to reality (objective being).

  “Human thought says that everything is good, being is good,” says Jemal. - It is at the same time thought, idea, consciousness, thinking is being, and thinking and being are two sides, there is a third side - good - such a triangle. ... We have already agreed that if there is a thought, then it is not being. ”

In my opinion, thought is being! “I think, therefore, I exist,” said Rene Descartes.

  “Thinking and being are the opposite,” said Jemal. “Consciousness and being are not identical. And it is precisely in this non-identity that the secret of consciousness exists. The secret of consciousness is that consciousness does not coincide with anything, but is a black amalgam of the mirror. ”

Of course, consciousness and being are not identical. But in my opinion, consciousness is a plaque of mercury in the mirror, creating a reflection effect.

  “And being is not good. In general, reality is not good. What then? “The exact opposite, evil.” There is absolute pure evil. "

In my opinion, both evil and good are only our estimates.

  “When they say that everything is good, they don’t explain that evil is a lack of good.”

I am not sure that evil is the lack of good. In my opinion, nothing is embedded in the fact of consciousness. Representations of good and evil are the result of the upbringing and programming of consciousness in accordance with the ideas accepted in society.

  “If there is being, then the only way to describe consciousness is that it is not there, that is, that it is not being,” Jemal believes.

In my opinion, consciousness is being. We can hardly say anything about our existence and about existence in general, if we did not have consciousness.
  If being is light, then consciousness (like a mirror) reflects light and movement in light. But if there is no light (being), then there is no movement, and accordingly there is no consciousness.

  “There is something genuine, the authenticity of which is associated with its absence,” Jemal believes. - “Being exists instead of what should have been, but it does not exist. Not because it is too beautiful to be. Instead, there is a being that portrays that it is beautiful. But it is actually a substitute for the absent. ”

In my opinion, life (being) is objective, consciousness is subjective. Consciousness is a functional mechanism of human adaptation to the surrounding life.

Our consciousness is subjective and therefore somewhat distorted reflects objective reality. Perhaps all objective reality is inaccessible to our three-dimensional perception and five senses. It seems to us beautiful or terrible the surrounding life, which is really just a distorted reflection of the fullness of being, inaccessible to us.

Life is objective and unappreciative; it is neither good nor evil. This is our consciousness that makes its assessments in terms of understanding our own good. Rainy weather seems to some to be the worst time of the year, while the other likes to walk in the rain. What is good for one is not good for another.

Everyone has their own outlook on life, their own ideas about good and evil, their own truth and their own understanding of the truth.
  Truth is your honest, subjective view of the truth. Therefore, everyone has their own truth, and the truth is one. Without moving, you can see only one side of the coin.

What is good for one cannot at all be certainly good for the other. What is good for wolves, for sheep - death!

People live by instinct. Man is an animal! Everyone wants to make a man better, but he cannot, cannot! In reality, other laws rule. The law of power is the real right. And goodness, justice, love - that's all ... Look around you! The so-called civilized nations that unleashed the war did not give a damn about the established laws, but they did not even remember the divine; they kill because it benefits them. It is not reason that wins, but brute force!

But what about morality?
  - Morality is established by one whose strength is greater. But they do not publicly recognize this, because moral ideals are necessary for the everyday life of ordinary people.

Life is a cruel thing: either adapt, or die! And conscience ... these are chimeras, pangs of conscience - an intellectual whim. The savage has no conscience; he will devour you and not choke.
  To survive, there are two ways: either kill, or reconcile. But still the strongest wins! In short: either eat another against your conscience, or be eaten by yourself.

What is morality? Some Absolute or justification of their own actions?

  “All kinds of morality ... are nothing more than rules of conduct in accordance with the degree of danger that lies in every person; receptors against his passions, his good and evil inclinations, which expresses a desire for power and domination. " (Friedrich Nietzsche).

When Moses returned from Mount Horeb with the tablets of God, one of the commandments of which “Thou shalt not kill,” he ordered the death of all those who worshiped the golden calf. “Kill every brother, every friend of his, every neighbor” (Exodus 32:23). And there were three thousand of them!

It turns out that calls for love were just an excuse for the use of force ?!

Today everywhere is a bet on strength. Her Majesty Lies rules the world!
  Politicians lie without ceasing, as if competing in a lie. But people understand everything.
  It seems to politicians that they can solve all problems by force pressure. But this is a fallacy. Violence in response generates only violence. All problems can only be solved with love!

But if the Force rules in this life, then does the Force rule in the universe, and not Love?

If the world was created by God, and God is Love, then everything in the world is love.

But what about the war?

Any ruler will say that he loves his homeland immensely, but is forced to start a war to protect his people, and he fights exclusively out of love for all of humanity. That was when they started the war in Afghanistan, and then in Iraq.

The same can be said about the war in Ukraine. Politicians with foam at the mouth prove that war is being fought to protect the population of their country. And the fact that people die as a result is, well, it’s “a forest is cut - wood chips fly.”

In war they send to kill, justifying it with state interests. At the same time, the soldiers are assured that “God is with us” and that, they say, they are protected by law. Thus, the rulers want to save the killers from remorse. After all, it’s not they who kill! Yes, and they do not have to die. How to justify yourself when, without wanting it, you kill an innocent child?

Ordinary people need not sovereignty, but life without bombing. Ordinary people are ready to live under any power, if only there is no war, and they do not kill their children.

War is a sign of intellectual powerlessness or treachery of sovereigns. Thus, they solve the problem of increasing their own rating due to the lives of others. The rulers who start the war do not love their people, if they love anyone at all. After all, a politician, like any person, is ultimately controlled by either hatred or love.

I was always interested: do politicians have morality? What is the purpose of their life, and what are the means of achieving the goal? Do politicians have a philosophy of life that explains their actions?

  “Good always wins,” they are surely convinced.
  Why? Yes, because the winner declares himself a victory of good!

  “The truth is on the side of the strongest,” some politicians are sure. “God is with us,” “God is always on the side of strong battalions.”

Once a French television reporter asked Alexander Solzhenitsyn: is it true that God is always on the side of strong battalions?
  “My personal experience does not confirm this,” answered Solzhenitsyn. - And observations of human history do not confirm this. Drawing a story is much more complex than we can comprehend. When it seems to us that history is developing hopelessly, it is only we who go through trials in which we can grow.
  I suffered for many years: why such an unfortunate fate of Russia? Well, why Russia fell into the hands of bandits who do what they want with it. But decades have passed and the whole world repeats this picture. And I realized: that means this is a narrow, terribly heavy gate through which the world must pass. Russia just passed the first. We all have to squeeze through this horror.
This does not mean that God has left us. God has given us free will, and we have the right to do this or to do otherwise. And if humanity, one generation after another, one nation after another, one government after another makes mistakes, then it’s not God who is wrong with us, that we are wrong.
  The goal of human development we always see is not there. People, from their individual feelings to the historical consciousness of nations and societies, most often take material well-being for the goal we are moving towards. And we are not going to this goal. On the contrary. In this terrible twentieth century, the path of great spiritual exaltation is open to us ... "

Unfortunately, representatives of the global oligarchic government think in other categories, not spiritual ones.
  I am sure that the ruler of the secret world government has its own philosophy, justifying their hateful policies. But what is it? Who is he, Doctor EVIL?

  “Evil is only within us, that is, from where it can be taken out,” said Leo Tolstoy.
  But we really want to personify evil - whether in Satan, in his enemy, in a stranger or just a stranger. Moreover, everyone considers himself the personification of good.

  “There is no villain who, having searched, would not have found villains in any way worse than himself, and who therefore could not have found reason to be proud and be pleased with himself,” wrote Leo Tolstoy.
  "People often take pride in the purity of their conscience just because they have a short memory."

Yes, that is politics. The priests (!) Instead of the peace and forgiveness of the enemies, as Christ commanded, urge them to sell weapons in order to kill their neighbors. Instead of love, they call for war!

The world seems to have really gone crazy! The last hope is that aliens will intervene and stop the war. At least for the sake of saving the planet from people.

“That love will save everything is a Christian point of view and absolutely correct,” said Alexander Solzhenitsyn. “But in our twentieth century, we fell into such depths of being, into such abysses that to give this condition that love will save everything, it means demanding to rise to the whole level.” I think this is almost impossible. I think we need to give intermediate steps along which you can somehow reach this height. Today’s humanity to say “love each other” - nothing will come of it, they won’t love it, they won’t save it with love. It is necessary to make some kind of intermediate, more moderate calls. One such appeal: at least not act against justice. This is how you understand justice, at least not to violate it. Not that you love everyone, but do not do to the other what you do not want to be done to you. At least do not do something that violates your conscience. This will be a stepping stone to love. ”

  “You are sad that there is too much evil in the world. No, just as much as good. Everything is balanced. And what is evil in general? What do you call evil? But what seems bad, a moment later, may seem good. If, as a result of the action of evil, what you call good arises, then how can one navigate in a world devoid of irrelevant foundations? There is no evil, just as there is no good. There is what you need. Evil is necessary - it is around, good is needed - good will be everywhere.

When evil comes, the forces of good come together to resist evil and restore balance. Only one who does not live in peace always finds himself an enemy. You shout about injustice, but no one knows what it is. Perhaps justice is balance, perhaps assessment. No one can know what the movement, about which you are indignant, corresponds or does not correspond. The whole mess of invented by people concepts is actually nothing more than an element of the game created by the crafty mind in order to pass the time between the next birth and death. You people live in a world of your own fabrications.

Even within your limited life, it’s easy to notice that nothing is changing. Revolution and war, too, essentially do not change anything, but only create often unnecessary concern for everyone. The laws of existence cannot be changed by any good wishes. Some rulers succeed others, try to transform something, as they say, “for the better,” but sooner or later everything returns to normal.

Try to look at yourself from the outside of the flask in which we are enclosed. Things are far from what they seem. There is no good or evil, only peace and anxiety.
  Movement is only vibrations around a state of rest; they come from peace and are absorbed by it. At rest there are no ratings; it cannot be either happiness or unhappiness. It is just peace. And you can call him whatever you like - the Absolute, God, the One. Only the essence is important. These fluctuations can be evaluated. So love can be happiness or unhappiness, some kind of activity “good” or “bad”.
  (from my novel “Alien strange incomprehensible unusual alien” on the site New Russian Literature

  “The sun is setting, the sun is rising, but every new day is different than before. It may be that God enjoys this endless and each time unique repetition of the same performance, which he is the author. When everything is predetermined, and everything will definitely happen, only the possible nuances of the famous performance are curious.

God does not need any result, because He does not strive for anything. He has everything, because he is eternal. EVERYTHING means comprehensive and exhaustive completeness; THERE is what abides forever.

What then does God need from me? Why does He need me if He has EVERYTHING? For something, He created me? Maybe I'm like a raindrop that makes the beauty of the rainbow? And if God enjoys perfection, and imperfection is not pleasant for Him, if He wants to see beauty as perfection of kindness, as an expression of love, then maybe He wants us to be like Him?

Everything is Love! All is God! The whole Word!
  We are the sparks of the Eternal Fire, and My soul lives by Him.
  Everything is achieved by love
  By love, our world is created,
  Love rules God and us.
  We must go for love
  Serve love
  Love to live
  Make love
  And love everyone!

In relation to love, everything, everything is secondary!
  Love is the beginning and the end of everything!
  Everything is from love, and everything with it is harmonious.
  And without love, neither We are, nothing!
  Love is everything and all the desires of the body
  justified by the command of love.
  Everything is love: and creativity, betrayal ...
  Love is the unity of body and soul!
  And therefore love is a necessity!
  Like a thirst for the body, like a soul a dream.
  Love is not a whim, it is God's grace!
  Love in us is the cosmos need.
  To create love is to create necessity!
  To become happy, you need to understand.
  That’s the best choice, no matter what happens
  Universal Principle to decide everything!
  (from my true story “The Wanderer” (mystery) on the site New Russian Literature

Happy Valentine's Day!

Do you personally agree that ALL IS LOVE?

  © Nikolai Kofyrin - New Russian Literature -

When I am this palm tree, I don’t need anything, I just am under this wind, penetrated by all the elements ... I there is   Unshakable: outside the mood, fuss and anxiety of the world. I don’t think about my tasks, big and small, I don’t need to rush to do something, like someone or prove something by my existence - I just IS.

Wonderful feeling naturalities. But even this remarkableness is unemotional. She just IS ...

Consciousness comes out of the palm tree and spreads widely. Now I am not only a palm tree, but also the sky above it, and the sea next to it ... and all that is.   I am everything that is, and everything is in me ...   This is a state of unshakable calm and all the same transparent neutrality. Thoughts are completely absent in him; they remained below. The "I" is poured over thoughts, feelings, habitual sensations ... It seems to flow into an increasingly voluminous infinity, and from itself at this level gives rise to understanding, recognition of the Divine. Because, being dissolved in Him, it enters into Him and is clothed with Him ...

Against this background, the human vision of a “loving God”, “a merciful God”, “a punishing God” seems completely detached and far-fetched ... For these are categories from the dictionary of people's instruments. It seems to people that God is like them, only he is better, more ideal. And in this space, in general, everything else is not the best, just another ... and not like anything else.

The basis of everything is neutrality.   But not neutrality-indifference (this is again from the dictionary of people, but what can you do), but light, transparent-joyful neutrality - naturalness. I just eat. Unshakable, endless, comprehensive and inclusive.

This IS and there is Love. Love is that which is. And Love is All That Is ...

A little unexpectedly, but it comes on its own, wave-waving and ardently growing from somewhere in the depths of nature, this understanding, sensation-vision-touch of Love. Which is completely unlike what we imagine Divine Love in our human interpretation, when we look at a picture of a gentle God stroking a suffering person on the head, or imagine a God “restoring justice”, or an angry God, or any other mentally humanized image of the Supreme. There is still the question of whether there is enough internal strength for a person to accept such a truth ... After all, it is completely unlike centuries-old fantastic (church, religious - in fact, human) notions, everything that the mass human consciousness has been accustomed to over the centuries.

Impersonal God, neutral Higher, detached heaven ...

The truth of God is the truth of a person who has removed the limiters, has reached a stage of consciousness that allows him to feel himself as the vastness of the Self. And this is only the beginning of truth, only a touch to it. In knowledge, you are always at the beginning - always on the verge. After all, Consciousness-Truth ... there is so much depth, volume, faces, so many steps, levels, and they go to Infinity. Truth grows and develops with you, who know this Truth.

Love is not something separate from this world. She is not something separate from you. It flows all the time through the world and through you and fills everything with itself ... Love is the truth of our being - its authenticity not distorted by human notions. And when we get out of the habitual, squeezing us with a vise, peel of perception of ourselves and the world, we manage to enter into Love, or rather, to manifest it through ourselves, and be it ... and understand that we never left it. Because it is the fabric of all things, on which what we call Life embroiders its patterns. The basis of being, without which nothing can be.

ALL THAT IS, is Love.

In other words, there is nothing else in the world but Love.   If we are able to “see” it - embrace with consciousness, realize, be pierced by this awareness. If we didn’t fall out of it due to the restrictive activity of the mind and the universal collective “unconscious consciousness” ... And even if we did, then at least for a moment we were able to return to it ... After all, if we were in that state even this moment, we we will never forget him. For he will pull us towards himself with his vibration-purity - a reminder of the reality of our Self. We will be striving to return to it.

How amusing are the games of the Divine with oneself.