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How to feed peppers planting a greenhouse. Feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting. How to feed pepper for growth

Pepper is a member of the nightshade family. This plant requires regular and high-quality feeding of the substrate with mineral elements, vitamins, and trace elements. Therefore, many gardeners sooner or later face the question of what should be the top dressing of peppers in a greenhouse and how much does it differ from the peculiarities of fertilizing and folk remedies in open ground?

Spring preparation of the earth in the greenhouse

Before deciding how to feed peppers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetable plants. For this, it is desirable to introduce several types of fertilizers into the soil:

It is not necessary to feed greenhouse pepper with such means. A good option will be specialized mixtures, which can be purchased at flower shops. Nevertheless, not all store nutrient solutions for substrates are suitable for peppers. Carefully study the composition of the mixture before purchasing it: if it contains chlorine in large quantities, you should not buy it, since pepper transfers this substance problematically.

Video “When, how and how to feed pepper in a greenhouse”

From the video you will learn how, what and when to feed peppers in a greenhouse.

Basic rules for feeding peppers

If pepper is poorly fertilized, you will hardly have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to follow, first of all:

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers in no case can not be overdone. If they saturate the substrate excessively, the greens will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form on time.

Organization of feeding during the season

If pepper does not grow well, it means that it lacks fertilizer. Therefore, experts recommend that farmers make nutrient mixtures from the time of planting in the soil until the harvest. However, this issue includes a number of nuances. Much depends on when and to what extent you have already fed the substrate with mineral fertilizers.

For example, if in the autumn you distributed humus or compost in the garden, and in the spring you dug up all this, adding store fertilizers, then the pepper will develop quite actively, and you will not have to feed it so often and not in such large quantities.

When to feed?

If the regularity of feeding the substrate in the garden depends on how carefully and efficiently you fed it in the autumn season, then with greenhouse peppers everything is a little different. Regularity is very important here, but also excessively frequent steps of fertilizing can significantly damage the plants. Therefore, with regard to growing pepper in a greenhouse, fertilizers are recommended to be applied no more than once every two to three weeks.

First feeding

As a rule, two weeks after planting the pepper and it is advisable to first fertilize in the greenhouse. At this time, plants are already throwing out color, so it is simply necessary to increase the intensity of development of a vegetable plant.

The best option would be to water the soil with a solution of bird droppings.   As an alternative to organic types of fertilizers, you can use superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as potassium: all these substances are dissolved in water.

Second feeding

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse, than to feed, every farmer faces these issues. If for the first time you have saturated the soil with mineral components, then the second fertilizing of pepper in the greenhouse should contain nitrogen substances.

If suddenly the stems and leaves of the plants turn too green, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the presence of nitrogen in the soil. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate must be dissolved in water, and the soil should be watered with the mixture.

Foliar top dressing

Soil replenishment with mineral and organic fertilizers is mandatory for each grower. However, in addition to this, experts also recommend spraying fertilized plants from time to time.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve the urea in water, and then spray the product onto the vegetative system of the pepper using a spray gun. Do not forget to filter the prepared vitamin mixture.

Thus, you can slightly reduce the concentration of excipients in the stems of a vegetable crop.

Video “The first feeding of peppers after planting”

From the video you will learn how to properly shape and feed peppers.

Pepper, like tomatoes, eggplant, belongs to the nightshade family. All these vegetable crops respond very well to mineral fertilizers applied to the soil, especially potassium and nitrogen, but only pepper needs them slightly higher than tomatoes. Chloride does not tolerate pepper well. Because of this, when fertilizing, components with a minimum chlorine content should be used, and even better, without it at all.

The composition of mineral fertilizers that are applied to the soil strongly depends on the variety of planted seedlings, as well as on its age, weather conditions and the size and number of ovaries formed.

It should be understood for what purpose fertilizers are applied. So for normal growth and development, from the time of the appearance of the first sprouts to the beginning of fruit formation, pepper needs phosphorus fertilizers. During the entire time of growth, development and fruiting, he needs nitrogen and calcium. In the period when the plants actively form the ovaries, in order for them to develop normally, it is necessary to feed with potash fertilizers.

So, if there is cloudy, not very sunny weather on the street for quite a long time, then you need to increase the amount of potash fertilizers by about 20%. In the case of constant sunny weather, reduce the amount of potash fertilizers also by 20%.

Before embarking on planting seedlings in beds, they must be specially prepared and fertilized. The following fertilizers must be introduced into the greenhouse soil, based on 1m 2:

  • 1 hour a spoonful of potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 glass of wood ash;
  • ½ bucket of humus or compost (last year).

The above mineral fertilizers can be replaced by a complex, preferably specialized, introducing approximately 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons per m 2. Before applying, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. If the fertilizer contains a large amount of chlorine, then it is better not to use it, since pepper very poorly tolerates this substance. (See Fertilizing a tomato in a greenhouse)

After the fertilizers have been applied, it is necessary to loosen or a shallow digging of the ridge, after which it should be shed with warm water and covered with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, up to the time of planting.

Basic Rules

  1. Peppers are fed every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, standing water. Its temperature should be close to the soil temperature in the greenhouse (approximately +25 0 С).
  2. Before feeding, each plant should be watered with warm water, and only then fertilizer should be applied.
  3. After the procedure has been carried out, the soil around each plant should be superficially loosened if it is not mulched.
  4. It is necessary to alternate fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Any top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil. Therefore, a couple of days before this, the plants must be properly shed.

Important: do not give the pepper an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, as this will lead to the plants growing a large green mass, to the detriment of the setting and development of the fruit.

Organization of the procedure during the season

When to feed?

The timing of the beginning of feeding depends on at what time and in what volume, how and by what, the ridge on which the pepper was planted was refueled. If in the autumn compost or humus was laid in the soil, and in the spring during digging, the earth was fertilized with mineral fertilizers, then there is less need for fertilizers and fertilizing can be carried out somewhat later.

Peppers planted in small greenhouses can be fed less frequently - once every 15-20 days.

First feeding

Planting pepper seedlings in a greenhouse is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 15-25 cm, it has at least 8 real leaves and buds are already planted. Thus, about 14-15 days after transplanting peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom.

It was at this time that the first top dressing of peppers was carried out in the greenhouse. You can use a solution of any bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1:15, which has been infused for at least 5 days, or a liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:10, which has been infused for a week.

In the event that there is no organic fertilizer, then you can dissolve 40 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and settled water.

Tip: a very good fertilizer containing all the necessary micro and macro elements for plants is the so-called “herbal tea”. Making it yourself is very simple: nettle, wood louse, dandelion, plantain or coltsfoot, that is, any weeds that you remove from your site are chopped or chopped.

It is important that the plants have no seeds and roots. All this green “pulp”, the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will fit in a 100 liter barrel. There they lay 1 glass of any ash and a bucket of mullein. Water is barrel-boiled, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed.

The resulting composition should be infused for at least a week. The first top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse, and of any other crops, including pepper, is 1-2 l for each plant.

Two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of the ovaries and the development of the fruits, a second feeding is carried out.

Second feeding

In the event that the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, the second should contain organic substances. To do this, you can breed 1 glass of urea, ½ bucket of any bird droppings, 1 bucket of last year’s manure in a 100 liter barrel. All components are filled with water and left to infuse for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of solution for each 1m 2.

In the event that you notice the fragility of the stems or shoots of peppers, as well as saturated dark green leaves, indicating an excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil, you can feed the plants by dissolving 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Foliar top dressing

During the entire period of growth and development of peppers, plants need both calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as trace elements such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese.

A good way to convey all these necessary and important substances to the plant is foliar top dressing, in other words, spraying the entire plant with a fertilizer solution.

If the plants grow poorly, foliar top dressing will help to stimulate the processes of growth and development. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of urea in 10 l of water.

In the event that the plants began to shed flowers and ovaries, foliar feeding of peppers with a solution of boric acid (a solution of 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water) can help. When the fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1 hour. tablespoons of superphosphate in 5 liters of water.

Before starting spraying, the prepared solutions should be filtered and then sprayed with a spray bottle.

In order to protect the pepper in the greenhouse from pests such as spider mites and aphids, as well as increase the resistance of this culture to various diseases, it is recommended that foliar feeding of plants be carried out periodically with an aqueous solution of ash, which contains all the necessary elements.

When determining the timing of the first feeding of bell peppers after transplanting seedlings into the greenhouse, proceed from when and how much fertilizer was applied to the planting ridge itself. So, if in the autumn you did a digging of the soil with embedding humus or compost in it, and in the spring, when digging, additionally added mineral fertilizers, then the first top dressing of young bushes can be, if not completely missed, then at least postponed and performed to a lesser extent.

In small greenhouses and greenhouses, sweet peppers are fed less often - about 1 time in 15-20 days.

First feeding

The grown seedlings of peppers are transferred to a greenhouse at a constant place at a time when its height is 15-25 cm, 7-8 real leaves have formed on the plant, and the first buds begin to plant. Based on this, somewhere in 15 days after transplanting, the bushes begin to bloom. It was at this moment that the first top dressing of bell peppers was made. The consumption rate is 1-2 liters for each plant.

Option 1. The solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 15, insist 5-7 days before use!

Option 2. Liquid mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, insist a week.

Option 3. Dissolve in 10 l of warm soft water 40 g of superphosphate, 40 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate.

Option 4. Make “herbal tea” - collect any weeds from your site without roots and seeds (wood lice, dandelion, nettle, coltsfoot, plantain), cut them into small fractions and send the resulting grass pulp to a barrel of water. For 100 liters of water you need 7 kg of gruel. Add 1 cup of wood ash and 1 bucket of mullein to the mixture. The contents of the barrel are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse (mature) for 7-10 days.

Second feeding

Repeatedly sweet peppers are fed after 2 weeks after 1 feeding. At this time, the ovaries should actively form on the plants and the first fruits should develop.

If mineral fertilizers were used in the first feeding, it means that the second time you should use organics.

Dilute 2 buckets of bird droppings, 1 bucket of cow manure last year and 1 glass of urea in a 100 liter water barrel. Composition insist before use 7 days. The consumption rate is 5 liters per 1 m2.

If you notice that the stems and shoots have become brittle, and the leaves have turned an excessively saturated green color, then there has been an overdose of nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, it is better to feed peppers like this: 10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. l superphosphate + 1 tsp potassium sulfate.

Foliar fertilizer

Throughout the growing season, peppers need calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, boron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and some other trace elements. Foliar top dressing will help to timely fill up their shortage (all solutions described below should be filtered through gauze before use and poured into a spray bottle for subsequent spraying):

Option 1. Dilute in 10 l of water 1 tsp. urea. Such top dressing will accelerate the growth and development of pepper bushes when they grow poorly.

Option 2. Dilute in 10 l 1 tsp. boric acid. Used for spraying in cases when the bushes drop ovaries and flowers.

Option 3. Dilute in 5 l of water 1 tsp. superphosphate. Such top dressing will help improve the situation with poor fruit formation.

To protect greenhouse peppers from aphids, spider mites, other pests, as well as to increase the resistance of plants to various diseases, periodically spray bushes with an ash solution.

Pepper is a popular vegetable crop, although inferior to leaders such as tomatoes, potatoes or cucumbers. Despite its heat loving nature, this vegetable crop is grown not only in the southern regions of our country, but also in the Volga region, the middle zone and the Moscow Region, in the Urals and Siberia. But in areas with a short summer period, this vegetable crop is pre-grown seedlings at home, and then planted in greenhouses.

Getting a rich crop of this vegetable (sweet and bitter) in a greenhouse is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to prepare the soil and the greenhouse itself in the spring for planting seedlings, grow strong and strong seedlings at home, and after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place in a protected ground, properly care for it. Care for the bushes of this vegetable crop includes not only watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds, but also the timely introduction of nutrients.

Peppers are fed in the greenhouse at about the same time as in open soil. About what fertilizers should be used, what folk remedies exist for feeding these vegetables in protected soil - all this will be written below.

Advantages of Polycarbonate Greenhouses

Many gardeners make greenhouses from any improvised materials, but those who grow vegetables in regions with short summers prefer to build polycarbonate greenhouses. This relatively recently appeared building material has several advantages: the ability to retain heat at night, when the ambient temperature drops sharply, retains a certain air humidity, independent of weather conditions.

In addition, polycarbonate does not transmit ultraviolet radiation into the premises. Even a person who does not have special building skills can work with the material. Polycarbonate is easy to cut with reinforced metal scissors or an electric jigsaw. In addition, this lightweight material is flexible and ductile. Therefore, polycarbonate greenhouses can take any form that is convenient for growing vegetables or flowers.

Spring preparation

The preparation of the soil for planting seeds, as well as for planting seedlings of this heat-loving vegetable crop in greenhouses should be taken seriously. Seedlings should grow at home in the same soil as in the future after transplantation. Therefore, the identity of the composition of the soil in which the seeds will grow, and subsequently transplanted seedlings, will depend on how quickly the seedlings acclimatize after transplanting into greenhouses. And the faster and easier the seedlings of peppers transfer the transplant to the protected ground, the further growth of the bushes, their growing vegetative mass, active flowering, abundant ovary formation and friendly ripening of the crop depend on it.

The soil in which these vegetables will grow must meet the following conditions:

  • Be fertile, loose and well-tolerated.
  • Have a slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline pH. If the soil in the greenhouse is acidified, then in the autumn after harvesting vegetables for digging into the soil, adding lime or dolomite flour.
  • Fresh bird droppings or manure can be added to the greenhouse soil only in autumn. In spring, such a fresh top dressing will provoke a rapid growth of pepper foliage, but flowering will be weak.
  • In the spring before planting peppers seedlings, the protected soil is fertilized with complex fertilizers, which include more nitrogen and potassium, but less phosphorus.

Important! Fresh manure introduced into the soil in spring or summer provokes the development of rot on vegetable plants such as peppers or tomatoes.

Therefore, for fertilizing it is better to use complex types of fertilizers, which are sold in specialized stores and adapted directly for pepper.

How to fertilize

Top dressing of this vegetable crop in a protected soil is divided into:

  • the main ones that contribute to this vegetable crop according to a certain pattern;
  • additional, which are necessary for peppers grown in greenhouses.

Feeding with certain nutrients is necessary at specific times, they also differ in their composition:

  • introduction of organic matter (humus, compost, chicken droppings, rotted manure, horse peat);
  • complex mineral dressings, which include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in different proportions;
  • the introduction of complex fertilizers.

There are several ways to feed plants:

  • the introduction of nutrients "under the root";
  • foliar top dressing.

In the first method of fertilizing, the absorption of nutrients introduced directly into the soil is carried out by the roots of peppers. Fertilizers are applied both on the surface of the soil and inside the soil.

Scattering fertilizers on the soil surface, it should be remembered that in this case, fertilizing will be absorbed by the plant for a long time:

  • fertilizers will slowly decompose into nutrients that are more easily absorbed by the roots;
  • these beneficial substances can reach the root system with irrigation water or with rains.

With intra-soil top dressing, fertilizers are directly embedded in those places where the plant roots can get them faster. Thus, liquid manure or chicken droppings, as well as other mineral fertilizers rich in nitrogen, are introduced into the soil.

If the vegetative mass of the bushes of this vegetable is actively growing, but flowering is inactive, then you should stop applying any fertilizers containing nitrogen to the soil. The abundant appearance of buds and ovaries contributes to the introduction of liquid fertilizers containing superphosphate into the soil.

Comment! Fertilizing “under the root” is slowly absorbed by the root system of the culture - it can take at least 2-2.5 weeks before nutrients get to the plant.

But often an experienced vegetable grower, as peppers see what substances the plant urgently lacks. In this case, foliar top dressing is usually carried out.

Top dressing "on the sheet" should be alternated with the introduction of nutrients "under the root" in greenhouses. The main positive effect of foliar top dressing is faster absorption of nutrients by the aerial part of plants. Therefore, fertilizers "on the sheet" is carried out when some specific types of mineral or other useful substances are urgently needed by vegetable plants.

This type of fertilizer application is economical and is recommended for carrying out in cases where it is required to introduce trace elements so that they are quickly absorbed by peppers. When applying top dressing “on the leaf” in greenhouses, you can not pay attention to weather conditions, but in open ground foliar top dressing is carried out only in dry weather so that rainfall does not wash off undigested fertilizer from the foliage.

When to make nutrients

The main elements necessary for this vegetable crop in the process of growth, flowering and ripening of fruits are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But at different stages of growth of this vegetable crop, the proportions of minerals will be different, because each of these elements affects the plant in its own way. So, additives with nitrogen, which are part of organics or complex mineral elements, contribute to the active growth of the root system and vegetative mass. However, this same element negatively affects the beginning of flowering plants. Therefore, by the time buds appear, nitrogen is no longer introduced under plants in greenhouses. During this period, peppers growing in polycarbonate greenhouses require phosphorus and potassium. There are a number of top dressings that are carried out exclusively during the ripening period of the fruits. So, to feed peppers in greenhouses should be in the following dates:

  1. The first top dressing is introduced 14-15 days after the seedlings are transplanted into the covered ground. During this period, seedlings will have time to take root in a new place - in a polycarbonate greenhouse. The first introduction of nutrients into the covered ground is necessarily organic (diluted in a 1:10 ratio liquid solution of chicken manure or diluted cow manure also in a ratio of 1:10). Organics, which contain a lot of easily assimilated nitrogen, help peppers growing in greenhouses to build up vegetative mass faster. 10-12 days after the first organic top dressing, it is recommended to introduce a mineral fertilizer consisting of calcium salt and superphosphate.
  2. The second top dressing of peppers is carried out at the beginning of flowering - 7-10 days after the appearance of the first buds. This time, a solution of mixed fertilizers consisting of organic matter (cow manure) and phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer is introduced.
  3. For the third time, peppers should be fed at the initial stage of fruit ripening. This time, substances similar to those introduced at the beginning of flowering are added to the ground.

Folk recipes for feeding vegetables

Not always complex mineral nutrients or organics can be applied on time under the bush of peppers in the open ground or in greenhouses. However, these plants require top dressing for growth, active flowering and normal fruiting. Here, folk recipes can come to the rescue.

Advice! You should not throw food waste into the bin - for example, drunk tea bags, banana peel or egg peel.

The peel from 4 bananas is brewed with boiling water (based on 3 liters of water for 4 skins) and infused for 3 days. Then the solution is filtered and introduced under the bush of peppers in the greenhouse. Such an infusion contains a lot of potassium.

Egg shells, drunk tea leaves are usually laid in compost. This waste contains many useful trace elements, in particular calcium.

It is useful to prepare the following “green tea” for watering peppers in a greenhouse: plantain, nettle, dandelion, wood lice and coltsfoot are taken in equal proportions and poured with cool water. Insist such grass should be within 7 days. Then 1 liter of this infusion is diluted in a bucket of water and 1 liter of this “green” tea is added under each pepper bush.

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Before deciding how to feed peppers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetable plants. For this, it is desirable to introduce several types of fertilizers into the soil:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash;
  • humus or compost.

It is not necessary to feed greenhouse pepper with such means. A good option will be specialized mixtures, which can be purchased at flower shops. Nevertheless, not all store nutrient solutions for substrates are suitable for peppers. Carefully study the composition of the mixture before purchasing it: if it contains chlorine in large quantities, you should not buy it, since pepper transfers this substance problematically.

From the video you will learn how, what and when to feed peppers in a greenhouse.

If pepper is poorly fertilized, you will hardly have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to follow, first of all:

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers in no case can not be overdone. If they saturate the substrate excessively, the greens will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form on time.

If pepper does not grow well, it means that it lacks fertilizer. Therefore, experts recommend that farmers make nutrient mixtures from the time of planting in the soil until the harvest. However, this issue includes a number of nuances. Much depends on when and to what extent you have already fed the substrate with mineral fertilizers.

For example, if in the autumn you distributed humus or compost in the garden, and in the spring you dug up all this, adding store fertilizers, then the pepper will develop quite actively, and you will not have to feed it so often and not in such large quantities.

If the regularity of feeding the substrate in the garden depends on how carefully and efficiently you fed it in the autumn season, then with greenhouse peppers everything is a little different. Regularity is very important here, but also excessively frequent steps of fertilizing can significantly damage the plants. Therefore, with regard to growing pepper in a greenhouse, fertilizers are recommended to be applied no more than once every two to three weeks.

As a rule, two weeks after planting the pepper and it is advisable to first fertilize in the greenhouse. At this time, plants are already throwing out color, so it is simply necessary to increase the intensity of development of a vegetable plant.

The best option would be to water the soil with a solution of bird droppings.   As an alternative to organic types of fertilizers, you can use superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as potassium: all these substances are dissolved in water.

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse, than to feed, every farmer faces these issues. If for the first time you have saturated the soil with mineral components, then the second fertilizing of pepper in the greenhouse should contain nitrogen substances.

If suddenly the stems and leaves of the plants turn too green, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the presence of nitrogen in the soil. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate must be dissolved in water, and the soil should be watered with the mixture.

Soil replenishment with mineral and organic fertilizers is mandatory for each grower. However, in addition to this, experts also recommend spraying fertilized plants from time to time.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve the urea in water, and then spray the product onto the vegetative system of the pepper using a spray gun. Do not forget to filter the prepared vitamin mixture.

Thus, you can slightly reduce the concentration of excipients in the stems of a vegetable crop.

From the video you will learn how to properly shape and feed peppers.