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How to feed peppers in a greenhouse. How to feed pepper during flowering and fruiting: tips for greenhouses, open ground. Technical feeding

Pepper is a heat-loving plant that requires care. Its beginning comes from the warm regions of America. But what if the harsh climate prevails? There is a way out in this case too. In the northern regions of the country, it has become a habit to grow many vegetables in greenhouses. Feeding and growing peppers in a greenhouse is easy, but you need to approach this process with all seriousness and responsibility. Fertilizer is selected based on age, variety, condition, weather and more.

Pepper refers to those plants that like to receive mineral fertilizers. Most they like nitrogen and potassium but not chlorine. This is worth watching. Fertilizer is chosen with a low content of chlorine or its complete absence. It also requires fluoride in the ground. If the soil has a deficiency of this component, then it is necessary to introduce it artificially throughout the growth and development. Mandatory components for peppers after planting:

  1. Nitrogen. It stimulates the plant to grow and develop both the fruit and the plant itself.
  2. Phosphorus. Vitally necessary at the very beginning. Fertilizer with phosphorus affects the formation of the future crop, the formation of fruits.
  3. Potassium. Participates in the formation and setting of fruits.
  4. Calcium. Necessary for both man and plant. First of all, it strengthens the plant, helping it to develop and bear fruit properly. Required throughout the growth period.

It should be understood that feeding pepper in greenhouses will differ slightly from that carried out in the open. The plant needs more care and diligence. In order for the pepper to grow fruitfully and delight the crop throughout the entire period, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. Mineral fertilizer is responsible for plant growth, and organics stimulate fruit development and productivity.

How to feed pepper after planting in a greenhouse?

Pepper nutrition in the greenhouse should not take place immediately, but after a few weeks. At this point, the plant will grow stronger and will be ready for the absorption of fertilizers. You can feed after planting with a solution:

  • Ammonium nitrate - 40 grams.
  • Superphosphate - 40 grams.
  • Potassium sulfate - 20 grams.
  • The water is warm - 10 liters.

Stir all ingredients thoroughly. Water must be warm, approximately 25 degrees. But before applying fertilizer, you should also water each bush with warm water. When fertilizer is applied, the ground is loosened. Opponents of chemistry have the option to use natural fertilizer in the form of mullein or bird droppings. Mullein is bred in a ratio of 1:10 and insisted for a week, and litter 1: 5 for about 5 days.

You can also feed with herbal solutions. To do this, you need to collect the entire weed on the site, grind and pour into some container. In general, about 6 kg of grass should be obtained, but without seeds and roots. The crushed grass is poured with 10 liters of Koryak, a bucket of ash, water and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution should be infused for about a week and you can use it. Pepper feeding in the greenhouse occurs according to the same scheme as in open ground. For each bush, spend 1 liter of solution, without touching the bushes.

The next feeding will take place at the time of fruit set. Approximately 2 weeks after the first. For the second top dressing, fertilizer is used from organic substances. To choose the right fertilizer, you need to examine the plant itself. The lack of nitrogen in the earth affects the appearance of the plant. If the stems and shoots are thin and fragile, and the foliage has a dark green color, then you should prepare a solution that will saturate them with the missing components. Prepare a solution:

  • Sodium Sulfate - 1 tsp
  • Superphosphate - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 10 liters.

All ingredients must be mixed in warm water and pour peppers. Throughout the growing season, plants require spraying and foliar top dressing. Peppers can be fed with diluted ash, in which there are all the necessary substances.

Fertilizer for peppers in a greenhouse: lack of minerals

Shortage or oversupply of mineral fertilizers adversely affects the condition of the plant. Even if top dressing is made on time, pepper is susceptible to diseases. There are external signs by which it becomes clear what to focus on and how to treat. Diseases in appearance:

At the seedling stage, peppers need to be fed about 2 times. The first time they do it in the initial stage of development, when a couple of leaves appeared. And the last subcortex is done when planting in the greenhouse is planned. During this period, it is advisable to feed exclusively with mineral fertilizers.

Topping pepper in a greenhouse: planting and care

Planting seedlings is done in accordance with the recommendations for a particular variety, but mainly most peppers don't like intimacy. Peppers of large-fruited varieties, weighing about 500 grams, are recommended to be planted at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Such planting will facilitate future care of the fruits and the plant itself.

When a plant is planted in a greenhouse, then holes are prepared in advance. It is worth remembering that pepper does not need deep holes. This may adversely affect development. Usually planted at the same depth that they had in the tank. The root system in most cases does not exceed the place of cotyledon leaves.

It is also worth noting that peppers are heat-loving plants, therefore, before planting, the soil must warm up. If planted in a cool land, they will stop in development, and the fruiting period will come soon. The deeper the hole is made, the greater the likelihood of root cooling. When planting, the main role is played by temperature, not in the greenhouse itself, but in the soil. So that the seedlings do not die, it is better to wait until the earth is completely warmed up.

During the preparation of the holes, an important condition is fertilizer. It is not necessary to lay the mineral components in the hole itself, it is better to distribute them throughout the garden and dig. So the fertilizer mixes with the ground and does not burn the roots. It should be taken into account that the optimal temperature inside the greenhouse should be about 25 degrees. Drafts are undesirable, pepper likes high humidity. Water only with warm water. In general, over the entire period of growth until fruiting should be avoided hypothermia of this plant.


So that pepper grows well in the greenhouse and delights the fruits, need to feed him on time, and also properly looked after. Greenhouse conditions can adversely affect seedlings, especially in the initial period. Spring weather is not stable: it is hot in the afternoon and too cold at night. Such temperature changes affect the plant badly. So that they do not stop in development, you need to help them relieve stress. Well in this case, covering material helps. It maintains a stable temperature, and the earth does not have time to cool overnight.


Although pepper is called a culture of the southern latitudes, growing pepper in a polycarbonate greenhouse with careful care and observing the conditions well pays for the investment of labor and money. In many regions, due to the lack of heat, the fruits ripen only with this method. Here, on the website, you will learn about planting seeds for seedlings, proper care, and also about fertilizing peppers in a greenhouse: what fertilizers and when to use.

Preparation of pepper seeds for sowing seedlings consists in the fact that they are dipped for 20-30 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, then washed in clean water. After pre-sowing treatment, the seeds are evenly laid out on wet gauze, covered on top and put in a warm place.

At the optimum temperature (25–30 ° C), the seeds begin to germinate on the 2nd – 3rd day, and some hatch already during the first day, but there are few of them. At lower temperatures, seeds germinate only on the 10-15th day, and at 15 ° C they do not germinate at all.

How to plant pepper seeds on seedlings at home

After the appearance of small roots about 5 mm long, the seeds are sown in prepared containers or pots. This is best done in the first decade of February, so that by the time the seedlings are planted in greenhouses or film greenhouses, she was 70–80 days old. In the southern regions, where there is more heat and light, seedlings are planted at the age of 30-50 days.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5–1 cm, covered with nutrient mixture from above, slightly compacted, covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place (23–27 ° C).

After emergence, the film is removed, and containers or pots are placed under a fluorescent lamp for two to three days, the temperature should be 14–18 ° С. In the future, the duration of lighting is reduced to 12 hours per day.

The temperature in sunny weather should be 21–27 ° С, in cloudy –16–20, at night –12–15, and soil temperature –20–26 ° С. Seedling care. To grow healthy seedlings at home, you need to choose the right area for plant nutrition.

Some amateur growers tend to plant as many plants as possible on a small area, and this leads to a decrease in the quality of seedlings. Pepper does not tolerate transplanting, its growth and development is delayed for 7-14 days, so it is better to first sow the seeds in small cups, and then transplant seedlings with the ground, without disturbing the roots, into a larger container. This operation is carried out 2-3 times.

Pepper Seedlings Care

Seedlings are rarely watered, but abundantly. The dried surface is periodically mulched or loosened.

The first feeding is carried out at the age of 15 days at the rate of:

  • 10 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 25-30 g of superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium sulfate;
  • half a tablet of micronutrient fertilizers per 10 liters of water.

Superphosphate is soaked in 1 liter of warm water (35–40 ° С) a day before feeding and insisted in a warm place. When fertilizing, first seedlings are watered with clean water (a small amount), then with a nutrient solution (50-100 ml per plant) and then again with water to wash the fertilizers from the leaves.

Subsequent feeding is carried out every 10 days. Plants feed and water in the morning.

How to accelerate the growth of pepper seedlings

If for some reason you did not manage to sow seeds, do not worry! The development of seedlings can be accelerated in the following way:

Seeds are sown later, but from the 20th day after the emergence of seedlings, the plants are placed in a dark place.

Every day at 19–20 h, for two to three weeks, plantings are shaded with opaque material (for example, covered with a second box). In this case, the buds are formed not on the 60–65th day, but on the 40–45th day.

So they made up for lost time!

Growing pepper in a greenhouse: planting dates and care features

By the time of transplanting, the plant should have 12-15 leaves and several blossoming flowers, 25-30 cm high.

In the conditions of the Moscow Region, seedlings are planted in polycarbonate greenhouses in early May (if there is an emergency heating system, it can be done earlier), in film greenhouses and hotbeds - May 15–25 (after soil warming up to 18 ° С).

In case of cooling, the plants in greenhouses must be covered with lutrasil or a perforated plastic wrap.

Planting pattern depends on the variety. Typically, the characteristics of the variety indicate the required nutritional area of \u200b\u200bone plant or planting scheme.

Soil preparation for planting peppers in a greenhouse

Pepper gives good yields on fertile soil, so before planting on 1 m 2 make:

  • 10-15 kg of rotted manure;
  • 25-30 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 40-50 g of superphosphate;
  • 30–40 g of potassium sulfate.

If there is a complex fertilizer, then it is applied at the rate of 70-100 g / m 2.

Dig the soil to a depth of 20–25 cm, break up the lumps and level the surface with a rake, then mark up and make holes 12–15 cm deep.

Wells are abundantly watered - 2-3 liters of water for each to wet the soil to a sufficient depth.

Planting pepper in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Seedlings are taken with the left hand, passing the stem between the fingers, with the right hand lightly tapping the pot and remove it. So that the pot does not damage the roots and is well removed, the day before planting, seedlings are abundantly watered.

Plants are placed in a hole to the same depth at which they grew in a pot; deepening is allowed no more than 1-2 cm.

The roots are pressed tightly into the soil, then the plants are watered, the soil is mulched with peat so that a crust does not form.

What and how to feed peppers after planting in a greenhouse

After planting, the seedlings are fed for the first time in 2-3 weeks.

You can use granular bird droppings (a half-liter jar per 10 liters of water), or 15–20 g of ammonium nitrate, 30–40 g of superphosphate, 25–30 g of potassium sulfate, or 50–70 g of complex fertilizers for the same amount of water.

This solution is enough for 2-3 m 2. Before top dressing, plants are first watered with water, then with a fertilizer solution, and then again with clean water.

Pepper care in the greenhouse from planting to harvest

Leaving consists in regular watering before fruit formation (once a week).

However, pepper plants react poorly not only to deficiency, but also to excess moisture, so they are often watered, but not abundantly (3-4 l per 1 m 2).

In sunny weather, watering is carried out after 2-3 days, in cloudy - after 4 days. The soil should be moistened to a depth of 20 cm.

After watering, it is loosened, but carefully, since the root system is not deep.

The optimum air temperature for plant growth is 25–28 ° С on sunny days, 18–22 ° С on cloudy days, 15–18 ° С at night, soil temperature 20–22 ° С, and relative air humidity 60–70%. At temperatures above 35 ° C, flowers and buds fall; at below 15 ° C, pollination does not occur.

In sunny weather, the greenhouses must be aired, in cold weather - use additional heating.

The second feeding of peppers in the greenhouse

Flowering is a signal to the second feeding of plants. To feed pepper for further growth and fruit setting, use liquid fertilizer for tomatoes. Ideal potash containing seaweed.

Use it every ten days during flowering and fruiting, or in accordance with the instructions on the package.

This top dressing will help the pepper to grow more flowers and fruits.

Pepper bush formation

Pepper does not need constant pinching or forming a bush such as tomatoes. Once the plants reach a height of about 20 cm, they can be tied (loosely) to the props so that they do not bend to the ground.

When the peppers reach 30-40 cm in height, pinch the tips of the shoots to induce the plant to form a more rounded and compact bush.


30–45 days after flowering, the technical maturity of the fruit occurs, and later - biological.

Harvesting pepper in the stage of technical maturity can increase the yield by 25-30% due to those substances that went into the formation of seeds at the stage of biological maturity.

In the phase of technical ripeness, the fetus already has a maximum size and crackles under light pressure. It is more vibrant, tasty, juicy and contains more vitamins.

When harvesting, it must be remembered that the shoots of pepper are brittle and easily broken, so they pick fruits very carefully. Regular fruit picking helps to increase yield and reduces ovary fall.

Planting peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is often the only reliable way to get a guaranteed good harvest in cold regions. In addition, you can try many varieties: thanks to the constant breeding of new varieties, the choice is huge!

When determining the timing of the first feeding of bell peppers after transplanting seedlings into the greenhouse, proceed from when and how much fertilizer was applied to the planting ridge itself. So, if in the autumn you did a digging of the soil with embedding humus or compost in it, and in the spring, when digging, additionally added mineral fertilizers, then the first top dressing of young bushes can be, if not completely missed, then at least postponed and performed to a lesser extent.

In small greenhouses and greenhouses, sweet peppers are fed less often - about 1 time in 15-20 days.

First feeding

The grown seedlings of peppers are transferred to a greenhouse at a constant place at a time when its height is 15-25 cm, 7-8 real leaves have formed on the plant, and the first buds begin to plant. Based on this, somewhere in 15 days after transplanting, the bushes begin to bloom. It was at this moment that the first top dressing of bell peppers was made. The consumption rate is 1-2 liters for each plant.

Option 1. The solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 15, insist 5-7 days before use!

Option 2. Liquid mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, insist a week.

Option 3. Dissolve in 10 l of warm soft water 40 g of superphosphate, 40 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate.

Option 4. Make “herbal tea” - collect any weeds from your site without roots and seeds (wood lice, dandelion, nettle, coltsfoot, plantain), cut them into small fractions and send the resulting grass pulp to a barrel of water. For 100 liters of water you need 7 kg of gruel. Add 1 cup of wood ash and 1 bucket of mullein to the mixture. The contents of the barrel are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse (mature) for 7-10 days.

Second feeding

Repeatedly sweet peppers are fed after 2 weeks after 1 feeding. At this time, the ovaries should actively form on the plants and the first fruits should develop.

If mineral fertilizers were used in the first feeding, it means that the second time you should use organics.

Dilute 2 buckets of bird droppings, 1 bucket of cow manure last year and 1 glass of urea in a 100 liter water barrel. Composition insist before use 7 days. The consumption rate is 5 liters per 1 m2.

If you notice that the stems and shoots have become brittle, and the leaves have turned an excessively saturated green color, then there has been an overdose of nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, it is better to feed peppers like this: 10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. l superphosphate + 1 tsp potassium sulfate.

Foliar fertilizer

Throughout the growing season, peppers need calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, boron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and some other trace elements. Foliar top dressing will help to timely fill up their shortage (all the solutions described below should be filtered through gauze before use and poured into a spray bottle for subsequent spraying):

Option 1. Dilute in 10 l of water 1 tsp. urea. Such top dressing will accelerate the growth and development of pepper bushes when they grow poorly.

Option 2. Dilute in 10 l 1 tsp. boric acid. Used for spraying in cases when the bushes drop ovaries and flowers.

Option 3. Dilute in 5 l of water 1 tsp. superphosphate. Such top dressing will help improve the situation with poor fruit formation.

To protect greenhouse peppers from aphids, spider mites, other pests, as well as to increase the resistance of plants to various diseases, periodically spray bushes with an ash solution.

It is hard to imagine a modern table without sweet pepper. This vegetable attracts cooks with its excellent taste, nutritionists note a low calorie content with an excellent set of vitamins. Consumers like the special taste and aroma. Therefore, in the garden, the delicious nightshade culture won its place.

It is cultivated not only in the southern regions, even in rather cool places with a short summer, they try to grow an indispensable vitamin product.

Sweet pepper is a rather thermophilic plant. It is grown both in open ground, using the simplest shelters, and in greenhouses.

As practice shows, the yield inside the protected ground structures is 30 ... 50% higher than it is received on the field. The explanation is quite simple: there are no sudden temperature changes that overlap the stomata during the cooling period. Nutrition from the roots is ongoing, which is a guarantee of increased productivity.

It is known that in order to obtain the greatest return when growing any crop, it is necessary to create a maximum of conditions under which all the positive qualities of the plant are manifested. So for pepper it is necessary to perform certain measures:

  • the soil layer should be light enough, the content of the sand component in the upper part, where the main root system is located, should contain at least 50% sand;
  • a slightly acidic soil reaction is desirable (pH \u003d 5.8 ... 6.3). When preparing the soil for planting, 10 ... 15 g of slaked lime per 1 m 2 is added to it;
  • good growth occurs during daylight hours of 8 ... 14 hours. Long summer days with a high intensity of solar radiation are sometimes unnecessary, they tire the plant, so it is advisable to cover from direct sunlight.
      In greenhouses made of polycarbonate, the throughput is at the level of 82 ... 87%. Therefore, the sun's rays are weaker. However, with a reduction in daylight hours, it is desirable to illuminate the bushes, photosynthesis is possible only when irradiated for at least 8 hours;
  • at a soil temperature of 15 ... 23 ° C, the root system provides normal nutrition, the growth of stems and fruits occurs quite intensively. Air temperature above 18 ° C but not more than 28 ° C is optimal for growth. At night, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 15 ° C. Then sugar accumulates in the fruits;
  • sweet pepper is demanding on moisture. But watering should alternate with the flow of air to the roots. Therefore, the organization of drip irrigation will be optimal. You need enough warm water, not cooler than 18 ° C. Therefore, when growing inside the greenhouses, containers are installed where the irrigation fluid is heated during the day;
  • in order for the plant to develop during the entire growing season, top dressing is needed. They are produced with organic or mineral fertilizers. However, the use of manure from cattle or sheep is undesirable. The acidity of the soil increases.

How is top dressing done?

Do you need special fertilizers for peppers? How and when to top dress? - These and similar questions are asked by beginning summer residents.

Frequency of feeding

Pepper will be in the greenhouse from mid-April to the last days of October. It can grow further. This plant is known to be perennial. On the windowsills of many users, peppers grow for several years, giving a plentiful harvest.

To add additional fertilizers is necessary as the growth of the stem. After transplanting into seedling peat pots, it is advisable to give a small bait.

Seedlings are growing rapidly. But she needs to grow not in height, but in breadth. Therefore, at the stage of pot growing, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are needed. To be carried away by nitrogen top dressing in this period should not be.

Five to seven grains of potassium salt and superphosphate are poured into each plant. For the period from March to mid-April, when the planting of the protected ground will be carried out, this amount will be enough.

Before planting in a permanent place you need to fertilize the soil. It is necessary to make:

  • gypsum (powder), if pH \u003d 6.5 ... 7.2, or slaked lime, at pH \u003d 5.2 ... 6.0. The amount depends on the reaction of the soil. Usually you need about 10 ... 15 g / m 2. It is not difficult to check, on sale there are pieces of litmus paper, as well as indicator scales, with the help of which the pH level is specified;
  • boric acid in an amount of 3 g / m 2;
  • ammonium nitrate 15 ... 18 g / m 2;
  • superphosphate 22 ... 25 g / m 2;
  • potassium salt of 8 ... 12 g / m 2.

Stir thoroughly after application. Planting holes must be shed with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. A small portion of potash fertilizers and manganese, necessary for the growth of green mass, will enter the soil.

Subsequent feeding is needed with a frequency of two weeks. The last distribution of fertilizers is carried out in mid-September. Before the season closes, the plants will use what they received for several months.

The increase in green mass is not needed. The fruit ovary ceases, there will be no flowers. It affects the reduction of daylight hours.

Attention! In calves, where it is possible to highlight and maintain the required temperature, the cultivation of pepper can continue. It takes about a month for the plants to rest. Then start feeding, stimulating growth and fruiting.

Pepper Fertilizers

We can not help but talk about organic dressing. They are necessary, since the use of organics enhances soil fertility.

Organic grass dressing

Herbal infusion is used in cases where there is no manure or litter on the site. In this case, weeds are sufficient.

It is necessary to collect at least 6 ... 7 kg of weeds in the total mass. It is desirable that among them were:

  • nettle, it contains a large amount of protein, which, when fermented, forms easily digestible nitrogen and potassium fertilizers;
  • quinoa, it contains a lot of sugar, as well as phosphorus. Upon decomposition, compounds soluble in the soil will be formed;
  • celandine, contains iodine, potassium and sulfur. All of these substances are beneficial to any plant;
  • a dandelion and a shepherd’s bag carry phosphorus and potassium from the soil. If weeds are made to roam in solution, then they will be returned, taken from the soil;
  • creeping wheatgrass contains a huge amount of nitrogenous compounds, its rapid growth is the result of excellent assimilation of nitrogen from the soil;
  • legumes, for example, mouse peas, add to the solution all the necessary complex of nutrients.

You can not ferment, but just chop all the collected weeds. But they may contain seeds that begin to germinate, interfering with cultural plantings. When fermented, seed germination is lost. They become unviable.

All collected weeds are placed in a barrel or flask (it is preferable to flag, it has a tightly closed lid). Then pour water. You do not need to specifically heat it, the container will be in the sun, where it will warm up.

When fermentation begins, the internal reaction will maintain the temperature a few degrees above the surrounding value. It is advisable to close. If there is no cover, then stretch the polyethylene.

Attention! Cover so that a rather pungent and unpleasant odor does not spread around the solution.

After 10 ... 15 days (at an average air temperature of 18 ... 22 ° C), fermentation ceases. All nutrients from the stems and leaves turned into liquid. You can use organic fertilizer. Before use, small portions are diluted at least 10 times. The concentration of nutrients is very high.

Sweet pepper is poured into the solution at the rate of 10 liters of liquid per square meter of plantings. The solution can retain its properties for a month and a half. If you keep the container open, then part of the nitrogen evaporates.

Competent gardeners overflow the solution. The remaining rotted stems are used as mulch, laying them on the beds. Time will do the trick; stacked items rot during the summer.

Organic top dressing with manure (litter)

If there is rabbit manure, then it can be used without prior preparation. Pellets sprinkle in the basal part of pepper.

Watering, you can observe how the balls gradually dissolve and are absorbed in the soil. It is the softest and most beneficial of all types of organic fertilizers. It contains all the necessary substances. Even trace elements are presented in full.

Other organics will have to be soaked. Fermentation is necessary, as a result of which manure from an undigested form will become available to plants.

4 ... 6 kg of organic impurities must be dissolved in 40 ... 60 liters of water. You will also have to close it so that unpleasant odors do not interfere with others. As a result of fermentation:

  • the seeds of plants present in the organic matter will die and never germinate;
  • all nutrients will go into accessible form and will be dissolved in water.

It is necessary to water the plants, diluting the resulting liquid one to ten. The remaining solids can be dripped. He will give the remaining food in it for a long time.

Mineral Feeding

The easiest way to feed with mineral fertilizers. Nitroammofoska contains 16% of all necessary substances. It is bred in irrigation water. Pour 60 g of granules into 10 l of water. Then pour an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter.

Nitrofoski, in which all fertilizers are contained in 10 ... 12%, you need to add more, about 75 g per 10 liters of water.

You can independently prepare a mixture of mineral fertilizers, and apply for regular top dressing during the growing season. Sweet pepper will produce crops in the greenhouse from mid-July until frost.

I feed greenhouse pepper with yeast, but there are other effective remedies: you will learn about them from this article. Solanaceae family vegetables require special care, pepper is no exception, it needs vitamins and trace elements.

Those who grow crops are interested in what should be fertilizing in greenhouse conditions, how much does it differ from fertilizing in open ground. There are no special differences, follow my recommendations, and you can get a rich harvest!

Before feeding a greenhouse plant, you need to plant it correctly. Pepper makes high demands on the soil. She must be:

  • loose
  • fertile;
  • structured;
  • breathable.

The plant is comfortable in neutral soil. I advise fertilizing greenhouse soil: apply superphosphate, wood ash or compost. If you wish, buy a ready-made substrate for greenhouses, but it will cost more. I note that not every soil mixture is suitable for pepper. When purchasing it, be careful, be sure to read the composition!

If there is chlorine among the microelements, turn out to be from a purchase, choose something safer. Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. A greenhouse plant needs to be fed with various means, and they should be alternated. If fertilizers are not applied at the right time, pepper is unlikely to please a good harvest.

Feeding Features

Fertilizer, regardless of its origin, must be applied 1 time in 14 to 16 days. Most gardeners use organics and minerals that are diluted with warm water. First, pepper is watered and only then fed. Fertilizers intended for vegetables are highly concentrated.

If you make such funds, not a field plant, it will seriously suffer. After top dressing, the soil is loosened, improving its breathability. Vegetables should not get too much nitrogen, otherwise they will begin to grow foliage, while fruiting will slow down.

If the pepper is stunted, be sure to feed it. In any case, fertilize the soil before planting seedlings. The amount of fertilizing depends on the quality of the greenhouse soil. If in the fall you fed it with humus or other organic matter, for example, compost, you should use the purchased funds very sparingly. On average, peppers are fed every 16 to 18 days.

The first time the plant is fed 15 days after planting in the greenhouse soil. By this time, it already forms flowers. If the soil has not been fertilized in the fall, apply funds based on bird droppings. Some gardeners prefer mineral compounds to organic, use superphosphate, as well as fertilizers with potassium.

The purpose of the first top dressing is to saturate the soil with microelements. Greenhouse pepper may not have enough nitrogen, fertilizers with the missing trace element are applied to complete photosynthesis of the crop.

If you have added too much nitrogen, neutralize its effect using potassium sulfate combined with superphosphate. Experienced summer residents advise foliar top dressing. The plant is sprayed with a filtered urea solution.

Soil preparation for the greenhouse

Before planting peppers on a greenhouse, you need to perform soil disinfection. You can’t wash the new greenhouse, but disinfect the previously used one with a special solution, and then dry it. I advise you to disinfect the soil with potassium permanganate. Make a pale pink solution and add to the bed.

If the soil that you have chosen to plant peppers is too acidic, you need to add wood ash. Pepper takes root in loose soil. To improve its structure, add small sawdust or rotted manure. Experienced gardeners are advised to mulch the site when planting vegetables.

In general, greenhouse soil is no different from the one in your garden. It must be loose and fertile. In a greenhouse, it is imperative to mulch peat landings!

Natural material is a sorbent: it gives moisture to peppers, as a result they grow better in greenhouse conditions. It is worth noting that peat contains nitrogen, which is necessary for the full growth of the crop.

Fertilize bell pepper

Photophilous culture needs fertilizers. The first time it is fed on the 16th day after landing. At this time, the formation of flowers begins. It is necessary to take care of feeding in advance: chicken droppings or mullein, soak in 7 liters of water.

Prepare a solution of chicken droppings 1 part organics in 15 parts of water. Proportions for the agent with mullein: 1 part of fertilizer per 10 parts of water. If you do not want to use organics, add minerals. Take 20 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate + 10 g of potassium sulfate.

Dissolve substances in 5 l of water. Fertilize under the root. Some gardeners use the so-called "green fertilizers." Here is a recipe for one of them. Grind half a bucket of weed grass (without roots), pour 100 liters of water.

Place the mixture in a large barrel, pour 300 g of wood ash on top and add 9 l of manure. Mix the organic product thoroughly and stand for 7 days. For one adult shrub, you need to spend 2 liters. Result: the plant actively grows foliage and forms a greater number of ovaries.

Further feeding

The second time the peppers are fed after 15 days. By this time, the plants form a certain number of ovaries. If you used organic products, then this time add mineral ones.

Do not forget that feeding needs to be alternated! To prepare an effective organic product, 100 g of urea, 2.5 l of chicken manure and 5 l of rotted manure are taken. This amount is designed for 50 liters of water.

Thoroughly mix the ingredients, make the finished mixture in a week: the calculation of 5 liters per 1 square. m. If the pepper lags in growth and forms fragile twigs, and the foliage becomes dark green, it is necessary to neutralize the excess nitrogen. Add 3 g of potassium sulfate and 15 g of superphosphate to 10 liters of water.

Yeast application

Peppers can be fed with yeast, which is always available. They contain:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.

If the plant receives a yeast solution in moderate dosages, the root system will get stronger. Fertilizer will protect the culture from diseases and harmful insects. When used correctly, it stimulates the microorganisms that live in the soil (they loosen the earth, improving air exchange).

Yeast products have a significant drawback: they neutralize the action of potassium, which is necessary for the full development of plants.

To restore potassium balance, it is necessary to mix yeast with wood ash (I recommend adding 15 g to the solution). Dry yeast is often used to top pepper: they take a bar and weighing 500 g and dissolve in 2.5 l of water, insist 20 hours.

The solution in its pure form is not suitable for watering, you need to dilute it with water in a proportion of 1:10. Yeast fertilizer is applied in the summer 2 times every three months.

Do not use an expired product, the plant may suffer and even die! It is advisable to introduce yeast in dry weather in the morning or in the evening. After feeding the greenhouse peppers, sprinkle the soil with wood ash.

As you can see, feeding peppers is easy, the main thing is to make fertilizers in the indicated dosages!