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Peppers do not grow in a greenhouse than to feed. How to feed peppers in a greenhouse? Eggshell

Before deciding how to feed peppers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetable plants. To do this, it is desirable to introduce several types of fertilizer into the soil:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash;
  • humus or compost.

It is not necessary to feed greenhouse pepper with such means. A good option will be specialized mixtures, which can be purchased at flower shops. Nevertheless, not all store nutrient solutions for substrates are suitable for peppers. Carefully study the composition of the mixture before purchasing it: if it includes chlorine in large quantities, you should not purchase it, since pepper transfers this substance problematically.

From the video you will learn how, what and when to feed peppers in a greenhouse.

If pepper is poorly fertilized, you will hardly have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to follow, first of all:

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers in no case can not be overdone. If they saturate the substrate excessively, the greens will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form on time.

If pepper does not grow well, it means that it lacks fertilizer. Therefore, experts recommend that farmers make nutrient mixtures from the time of planting in the soil until the harvest. However, this issue includes a number of nuances. Much depends on when and to what extent you have already fed the substrate with mineral fertilizers.

For example, if in the autumn you distributed humus or compost in the garden, and in the spring you dug up all this, adding store fertilizers, then the pepper will develop quite actively, and you will not have to replenish it so often and not in such large quantities.

If the regularity of feeding the substrate in the garden depends on how carefully and efficiently you fed it in the autumn season, then with greenhouse peppers everything is a little different. Regularity is very important here, but also the excessively frequent steps of fertilizing can significantly damage the plants. Therefore, with regard to growing pepper in a greenhouse, it is recommended that fertilizers be applied no more than once every two to three weeks.

As a rule, two weeks after planting the pepper and it is advisable to first fertilize in the greenhouse. At this time, plants are already throwing out color, so it is simply necessary to increase the intensity of development of a vegetable plant.

The best option is to water the soil with a solution of bird droppings.   As an alternative to organic types of fertilizers, you can use superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as potassium: all these substances are dissolved in water.

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse, than to feed, every farmer faces these questions. If for the first time you have saturated the soil with mineral components, then the second fertilizing of pepper in the greenhouse should contain nitrogen substances.

If suddenly the stems and leaves of the plants turn too green, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the presence of nitrogen in the soil. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate must be dissolved in water, and the soil should be watered with the mixture.

Soil replenishment with mineral and organic fertilizers is mandatory for each grower. However, in addition to this, experts also recommend spraying fertilized plants from time to time.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve the urea in water, and then spray the product onto the vegetative system of the pepper using a spray gun. Do not forget to filter the prepared vitamin mixture.

Thus, you can slightly reduce the concentration of excipients in the stems of a vegetable crop.

From the video you will learn how to properly shape and feed peppers.

Representatives of the nightshade family are very demanding on the conditions of detention, so peppers are fed in the greenhouse with jewelry accuracy. The stake is on fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. In this case, it is always worth remembering the degree of soil acidity. Given this factor, you should choose the optimal composition of the nutrient mixture and determine the frequency of feeding.

In addition to nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in gardening, chlorine-based top dressing is actively used. Apply it with great caution. On the one hand, they allow you to normalize the chemical composition of acid soil. On the other hand, peppers do not tolerate even a small amount of chlorine. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce this substance in small quantities.

Continuing the theme of the physicochemical composition of fertilizers, it is necessary to dwell on a number of other significant factors:

  • Variety of planted vegetables;
  • The minimum and maximum temperatures in the region;
  • Age of seedlings used;
  • The number of ovaries that appeared;
  • Description of the ovaries.

Food crops planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse require constant fertilizer application. Before you do this, you need to find out the chemical composition of the soil and the characteristics of the selected variety of nightshade crops.

The goal determines the means: fertilizer for pepper in the greenhouse

At the heart of any action is the need to achieve a specific result. In the middle lane, fertilizers are applied to normalize the process of development and growth of seedlings. This is done from the moment their land first sprouts appeared.

The final point in time when fertilizers are no longer required is the formation of the main fruits. Phosphate top dressing is used as the main nutrient.

In some cases, you need to feed the seedlings in the greenhouse with calcium and mash. This is done to speed up the process of forming the ovaries.

If we talk about other practical tips, they look like this:

  • Long rains outside the window - an occasion more often to feed pepper with potash fertilizers;
  • Reverse advice is given when there are more good days;
  • The greater the risk of various diseases in seedlings, the less nitrogenous top dressing should be applied.

The work of a gardener in many respects coincides with the work of a sapper. Each step in both cases should be verified many times. The introduction of any dressing begins from the moment of planting and until flowering begins. The composition of the nutrient mixture is determined by climatic conditions and the requirements of the selected pepper variety.

Preparing the soil for planting: how to properly water pepper in a greenhouse

The correct ratio of water and feeding is the key to obtaining a good harvest. All work begins at the moment when the temperature background has become stably positive. Depending on the available resources, the gardener can water the soil with ready-made fertilizer purchased in a store, or make it yourself. The second option is preferable when it comes to a sufficiently large greenhouse.

The recipe for a properly prepared pepper nutrient solution is as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tablespoon superphosphate;
  • ½ year-old compost bucket;
  • 1 full glass of wood ash.

The indicated quantity is enough for 1 meter square area. In order to determine the actual amount for a single greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out simple mathematical operations. Soil preparation takes no more than 3-5 days before the start of active field work. The procedure begins in early spring, as soon as the weather outside the window normalized.

Food and watering peppers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Healthy pepper foods are always supplemented with the right amount of fluid. At the same time, not every summer resident is able to determine the optimal amount of irrigation.

Regardless of the type of seed, balance must be maintained. Lack of water will weaken the structure of the pepper and its withering.

If there is too much fluid, then the resulting rot will put an end to the future crop.

To determine how often you need to supply seedlings with life-giving moisture, the following recommendations will help:

  1. The automatic system is used in large greenhouses. It is based on the work of sensors, which in real time monitor the level of moisture concentration in the soil.
  2. Manual method - suitable for cases when the greenhouse is small and the number of plantings of pepper is strictly limited.
  3. Mechanical - a transitional option between an automatic and a manual way of supplying seedlings with water. It is useful in cases where a large greenhouse is used seasonally.
  4. The time for watering is chosen so that it is not too hot or cold.

The amount of liquid introduced is determined solely by the characteristics of a particular variety. The more accurately the summer resident is familiarized with the data on the package with seeds, the less problems he will have.

The nuances of watering peppers in a greenhouse: how often and at what temperature

Continuing the topic of proper care of seedlings, it is necessary to dwell on the developed recommendations regarding care issues. First you need to remember that nutrients are introduced no more than 1 time every 14 days.

Regardless of the type of fertilizer, you need to feed with substances diluted exclusively in a warm solution (+ 25C).

To begin with, the plant is slowly poured with thermal water and only then fertilizing is introduced.

In addition to this, there are some other nuances:

  • Within one month ½ time organic fertilizers are applied and ½ time - mineral fertilizers;
  • Water is introduced in small quantities - a drip irrigation system has proven itself;
  • For irrigation, you can use the collected rainwater, but only after preliminary treatment.

How to feed peppers in a greenhouse (video)

Providing normalized nutrition and watering seedlings is the key to a good harvest. Variety and soil characteristics, climatic features of the region, types of fertilizers - all this must be taken into account before any action begins. Even a small mistake will lead to a slowdown in seedling development or simply to the death of the crop. In addition, it is worth remembering the need for regular standardized watering.

Pepper refers to vegetables that are often grown in vegetable gardens. Most beginner growers think that growing bell peppers is a difficult job. However, this is far from the case if you know how to properly care for the plant.

Young bushes need regular feeding. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with what to feed pepper in the greenhouse during planting and after it.


Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the planting soil. Special fertilizers are introduced into it, into which urea and a little manure are added. When planting, small pits are made for planting seedlings. The distance between them should be 25-30 cm. It is necessary to pour half a bucket of water into each prepared hole. If necessary, you can add a little potassium permanganate to it, so that the first shoots appear faster.

The first weeks after planting, seedlings must be covered with plastic wrap. To fix it, it is recommended to make special supports from wooden or metal rods. However, do not attach the film too tightly, as it will still have to be ventilated periodically.

Growing conditions

To grow sweet pepper, you must take care of creating optimal conditions. This is the only way to get the maximum amount of yield. Mandatory growing conditions include the following:

  1. It is recommended to use only slightly acidic, fertile and light soil.
  2. Daylight hours for pepper should last no more than eight hours.
  3. During cultivation, it is recommended to take care of the temperature of the air and soil. The soil should be warmed up to 20 degrees, and the air - up to 25 degrees. With a decrease in these indicators, the development of pepper can stop.
  4. It is necessary to periodically water young bushes. In this case, the first plentiful watering is carried out 2 weeks after planting. For this, only warm water is used, heated to 25 degrees.
  5. Peppers need to be fed regularly so that plants have enough potassium.

Also, each grower must necessarily know, due to what conditions, the cultivation of pepper can lead to failure:

  1. It is not recommended to use too dense soil, since it will have to be loosened regularly.
  2. Seedlings that have already been planted in the ground must not be transplanted to another place.
  3. In a greenhouse, you can not raise the temperature, as this can adversely affect the growth of bushes.
  4. Pepper should not be planted in areas where direct sunlight will fall on it, which can cause burns to young fruits.

Organic fertilizer

The first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is carried out immediately after they have been planted in the ground. Quite often, organic fertilizers are used for this, with the help of which the development and rapid growth of young bushes is ensured.


Peat fertilizing pepper in a greenhouse helps preserve nitrogen in the ground. Most often, not pure peat is used, but a mixture prepared with the addition of manure. The scheme for creating such compost is quite simple: part of the peat is mixed with manure and added to the soil. The prepared mixture can be improved with phosphorite flour. For this, about 30 kilograms of flour is added to one ton of compost.

Combined fertilizers

Often, organic residues are used to make high-quality compost. These include tops, dried grass and fallen leaves. All these components can be used to feed peppers in the greenhouse.

During composting, all ingredients are carefully rammed in a plastic or wooden container. Then they are poured with manure and infused for several months. Do not cover the containers, as the compost contains too much nitrogen. In the compost you can add a few pounds of phosphorus and a little lime.


Many vegetable growers prefer to fertilize sweet pepper with manure. Fresh fertilizer contains a large number of aggressive elements that can harm young shoots. Therefore, it is recommended to use already settled manure, in which there are practically no harmful components.

Dung humus is ideal for fertilizing peppers in a greenhouse. Under one bush no more than three buckets of substrate are introduced. To evenly distribute manure over the site, it is recommended to use a wide rake.


Some people do not know how to feed peppers during flowering and fruiting. Quite often, ash is used for this, which contains a large amount of iron, phosphorus, manganese and boron. However, there is absolutely no nitrogen in it, so ash is introduced in parallel with nitrogen-containing fertilizing. This fertilizer is often used in areas with dense soil and a high level of acidity. With the help of ash, the soil loosens and the pH level decreases.

Many inexperienced gardeners use it during the digging of beds, but this method is not very effective. It is recommended to use ash for spraying on the surface of the soil. For this, a special mixture is prepared, which consists of 5 liters of water and one glass of ash. Then, with its help, bushes of peppers and the surface of the soil are processed.

Bird droppings

Fresh fertilizer is not recommended, as it contains urea. Most often, compost is prepared from bird droppings, in which peat, soil and turf are added. All components are mixed in the same amount and 15 liters of water are poured. Then the mixture is infused for several hours and thoroughly mixed. Sometimes iodine is added in small amounts.   To fertilize better soak, it should be applied to pre-moistened soil.

Also, bird droppings can be used as the main fertilizer. In this case, about two kilograms of fertilizer is applied per square meter. Repeat the procedure three times throughout the growing period.

Mineral fertilizers

Not everyone knows what mineral fertilizing can be used to feed peppers during cultivation. There are several varieties of fertilizers that are used most often.


Such top dressings contain not only ammonia, but also chalk, phosphorus, limestone and phosphorus gypsum. Use ammonia fertilizers very carefully. They can not be used in areas with podzolic soil, as this can adversely affect the beneficial properties of the soil.

With the correct use of ammonia top dressing, you can protect young seedlings from many diseases and increase productivity by one and a half times.


Such top dressing is almost half composed of nitrogen. If it is scattered on the surface of the soil, then almost all of the nitrogen will evaporate and ammonia will form instead. Therefore, fertilizing should be applied 5-10 cm in depth so that it does not evaporate so quickly. Urea is universal, as it can be used in greenhouses and gardens. Quite often, it is used in liquid form, since an aqueous solution is better absorbed by the soil.

For feeding peppers, a special solution is created from 10-15 liters of water and 100 g of substance. Also, the mixture can be supplemented with mullein. The first time you can feed the plant a week after the start of flowering, and the second time - after 5 weeks.

Potassium salt

Fertilizer consists of chlorides that look like small crystals with a reddish tint. Many gardeners use the most successful form of potassium salt - sylvinite. It is recommended to use it in late spring or early summer. About 50 g of fertilizing is spent on one bush of pepper.


Quite often, this complex fertilizer is used to feed peppers in a greenhouse. A distinctive feature of Ammophos is that it contains such a rare substance as sulfur. It is very convenient to use Ammophos, since it is friable. This allows you to evenly apply it to the surface of the soil.

Folk remedies

To feed young peppers, various folk remedies are often used.


For seedlings of vegetables iodine is very useful. With its help, you can protect the bushes from diseases and accelerate their growth several times. Iodine is used in parallel with the watering of bell pepper, adding it to clean and settled water. To create an iodine mixture, ten grams of the substance is mixed in a bucket of water and insisted for several minutes. Iodine can also be used with potassium and phosphorus.


Vegetables are often fed with eggshells and pepper is no exception. It contains a huge amount of useful substances that pepper needs. Any person can prepare such a fertilizer. To do this, place a shell of 2-3 eggs in a small container and pour warm water. The solution is infused for 2-4 days, after which it processes the soil.

Banana peel

People who prefer to feed plants with folk remedies often use banana peels for this. With its help, you can increase the amount of potassium in the soil. If there is little potassium in the soil, then the bushes will begin to gradually fade.

To prepare top dressing, five banana skins are placed in a two-liter jar and filled with boiled water. After this, the solution is infused for several days. During this time, potassium should come out of the skins and fill with a liquid. Foliar feeding of pepper in the greenhouse is carried out three times per season.


Yeast is used to fill the soil with nutrients that are beneficial for the growth of peppers in a greenhouse. To create top dressing, two tablespoons of sugar are mixed with 20 g of yeast and 10 l of water. If desired, iodine can be added to the solution.


Not everyone knows how to feed peppers after planting in a greenhouse. There are many different feeding methods that you need to familiarize yourself with before growing peppers.

Golovin D.S.

Tell me, can peppers in a greenhouse do without fertilizers? And without what top dressing it will not be possible to grow a crop?

It’s almost impossible to get good and not to make any top dressing, because pepper is very picky about the soil, and if it is not fertile enough, then this vegetable will simply refuse to grow and bear fruit in it.

The composition of mineral fertilizers directly depends on the timing of application, the variety of plants and even the weather.

So, during the active growth of stems and leaves, pepper is simply necessary nitrogen, but as soon as it has formed and it is time to bloom and form the ovaries, an excess of nitrogen already only harms the plant. If pepper continues to grow stems and leaves at a loss of flowering and ovaries, it is necessary to spray the bushes with a superphosphate solution from above and significantly reduce the dose of nitrogen introduced.

But phosphorus fertilizers   can be applied throughout the entire period, from the first shoots of seedlings of pepper to the ripening of fruits, because this substance has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, and accelerates the growth and development of fruits.

Like phosphorus, the whole period is equally important magnesium with calcium. But the amount of potassium must be adjusted with regard to the weather. On warm sunny days, the dose must be reduced, and on rainy and cloudy days increase.

But organics, unlike mineral top dressing is always welcomed, regardless of the speed of the bush, weather and anything else. The main rule is to introduce organic matter in small doses and never use fresh manure that can burn pepper bushes.

In the fall, manure or compost at the rate of 5 kg per square meter of your greenhouse is brought into the prepared pepper beds. And immediately before planting pepper make humus.

Two weeks later produce first feeding. The first is better to add organic matter - bird droppings or manure, diluted in water. It would be nice to add wood ash there. The concentration of manure 1: 5, litter 1:10 should be observed.

If you do not have the opportunity to add organic matter, then you should use complex mineral fertilizer. Or here is a solution:

  • ammonium nitrate - up to 20 g;
  • potassium sulfate - up to 30 g;
  • superphosphate - up to 40 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Two weeks later second feeding   mullein solution with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

IN   third time   root dressing is carried out after the first fruits are harvested. In composition, the third top dressing is similar to the second.

If the pepper lacks some special elements, they are additionally fed. Pepper will tell you exactly what the deficit is:

  • if the edges of the leaves began to curl - pepper signals a deficiency of potassium;
  • purple shade of the underside of the sheet - phosphorus deficiency;
  • gray is a lack of nitrogen.

As an ambulance, foliar top dressing can be introduced, because the aerial parts of pepper can absorb nutrients much faster than the roots. So spraying the plant with a solution of the desired element is much more effective in emergency situations.

For the most part, additional dressing is aimed at stimulating specific processes, such as flowering, the formation of ovaries, the growth and ripening of fruits. They are able to speed up or improve certain processes, but do not replace complex organic and mineral fertilizing.

Feeding greenhouse pepper: video