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How to calm down in a stressful situation at work. How to pull yourself together and calm down: ways. Ways to calm the nerves

Maintaining self-control in any situation is very important for the life and harmonious development of each individual. In addition, inner peace allows you to save strength, energy and inner confidence. Controlling our emotions, we have more time to do it, make the right decisions and live a more productive, happy life.

What to do when you need to relieve stress

No matter how calm and balanced a person is, unfortunately, each of us has moments of stressful situations. However, to maintain their own health and nervous system, it is very important to find ways to calm yourself in time. In fact, there are a lot of them, it all depends on the individual characteristics of a person, preferences and, importantly, his location. After all, it is unlikely that an office employee who is experiencing an important meeting will have the option of relieving stress with a relaxing bath or aromatherapy. Here, psychological methods, breathing exercises that accumulate internal energy or soothing drinks will become more appropriate.

Often the body requires relaxation, not only after serious stress, but also after a busy day, when the nervous system is overexcited. Many people in such situations complain of insomnia, anxiety, tension of the whole body. Relaxing in this case will also help a lot of tips and techniques.

Relaxing music

Music is able to influence our mood, evoke a variety of emotions and feelings. It also helps relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Soothing music favorably affects the emotional and mental state of a person. Many experts even claim that it has a therapeutic and analgesic effect. Music affects the human body at several levels, one of which is physical. Breathing and heartbeat are synchronized with the rhythm of the melody. Therefore, for a calming effect, it is best to listen to slow, calm music.

Another important point is that when listening to music, thoughts cease to disturb, which contributes to the relaxation of the brain and body as a whole. In this case, the style does not have much significance, it all depends on personal preferences. However, classical, sacred music, slow jazz or lounge will be a great option. Most importantly, soothing music should have a steady pace. Melodies in combination with sounds of wildlife, for example, the rustling of leaves, the sound of rain or the sound of the sea surf, are also appropriate. You can just lie down, relax and play the right music.

Healing tea

The forces of nature, which are inherent in herbs and teas, are able to bring a person’s psychological state into full order. In addition to the relaxing effect, it can reduce pressure and quench thirst, normalize heart rate, relieve dizziness and headache. Depending on the desired result, a combination of herbs is selected that is aimed at eliminating undesirable symptoms. For example, in the composition of spring primrose, hops, thyme and linden, a whole palette of aromas is felt.

A classic ingredient that contains soothing tea is peppermint. To it you can add motherwort, hawthorn, chamomile. Often also use valerian root, St. John's wort, oregano.

The main thing is that all components are well dried and ground to a homogeneous mass. The mixture is poured with hot water and infused for about ten minutes. Having filtered the infusion, you can use it both as a one-time procedure, and as a course of receptions, drinking half a glass several times a day. The drink relieves irritability, increased nervousness, and also helps with nervous exhaustion.

Which fee to use

Ready-made mixtures are purchased in a pharmacy or collected independently. There are a number of cultivated and wild plants, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable composition according to their taste preferences.

You can use one type of grass, for example, chamomile, or you can combine several types. A soothing collection can be prepared on the basis of a medicinal plant, and then mixed with green or black tea. It can be tea with thyme or lemon balm. An additional effect is obtained by adding honey or rose hips.

However, it is very important to consider the individual characteristics of the body. After all, such decoctions, like all herbs, have side effects. It is necessary to consider whether there are allergies or contraindications to herbs.

Thus, a soothing tincture is prepared quite simply and at the same time has a strong relaxing effect. Taking such a drink at night, you can notice an improvement in sleep, digestion, a feeling of harmony and balance.

Soothing color

The influence of colors on a person’s condition is due to the physiological characteristics of the nervous system. The basis is the processes of inhibition and irritation. Thus, these reactions are transformed into various emotions. Each color, whether exciting or soothing, evokes the corresponding emotions. The group of colors with inhibitory effects include cyan, violet and blue. They will help relieve muscle tension, slow down the rhythm of breathing, calm the pulse and increase tolerance.

Violet even has a depressing effect on the psyche. But green has a more neutral nature, that is, its effect on the psyche and emotions is twofold. In addition, green is not only a calming color, it relieves eye strain and reduces mental stress. It can be contemplated in the form of green plants, but even pictures or videos about nature are also suitable. To relieve stress at work, you can install, for example, the image of the forest on your desktop.

Relaxation bath

Taking a bath is not only relaxing, but also a very pleasant procedure for the body and psyche. Adding a couple of drops of essential oils to it, you can achieve a fantastic effect. When inhaling the vapors of an aromatic bath, the body relaxes and heals. In addition, in warm water, essential oils are absorbed faster through the skin, enhancing the healing effect.

An excellent effect on the body has an herbal bath. It is especially useful for people suffering from skin diseases, and is based on the colors of lavender, juniper, St. John's wort and chamomile. Often crystals of sea salt are added to the bath.

A soothing bath will give a feeling of joy, bliss and a certain renewal. It also improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, tones and rejuvenates the skin. For an additional relaxing effect, you can dim the lights and arrange small candles. In such an environment, thoughts of a stressful situation will not leave a trace.


A fairly simple way to calm down, especially in the warm season, is walking in the fresh air. What could be more beautiful than a picturesque landscape, the aroma of greenery and pine needles?

The following tips will help to achieve a greater effect from the walk:

  1. You should choose a beautiful, picturesque place.
  2. Walk slowly, watching what is around.
  3. In order to saturate the body with oxygen, breathe slowly and deeply.
  4. Pick berries or needles for homemade tea. This will help to distract and bring an additional therapeutic effect.

If you still don’t have the opportunity to take a walk, watch a video or pictures about nature. In this case, the effect will not be so strong, but the calming nature will have a slight relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Physical activity

Scientists have long proved that physical activity can overcome anxiety and relieve stress. This is due to the fact that during a walk at a fast pace, easy jogging or other loads, new neurons are formed that calm the excited cells. This reorganization of the brain allows you to relax and easily cope with stress. In addition, during sports, hormones of happiness (endorphins) and antidepressants (dopamines) are released, which will lift the mood and tone the whole body. Perfect for cycling, dancing, swimming.

Yoga and meditation

Hatha yoga classes certainly have a calming effect. They affect the physical and emotional level of a person. Performing asanas, you concentrate on your own body, forgetting what is happening around. In yoga, deep uniform breathing is very important, which helps to relax and calm down. After class, you will feel a surge of strength, emotional balance and calm.

An excellent means of relaxation is meditation. To do this, you need to sit with your eyes closed in a quiet place and focus your attention on breathing or sensations in the body. Gradually disturbing thoughts will begin to leave the mind, and a wave of relaxation will travel throughout the body.

Psychological methods

If you do not know how to calm yourself in a stressful situation, various psychological methods will help. First, try not to dramatize the situation. Very often, we greatly exaggerate the seriousness and significance of the problems, which leads to unreasonable feelings and anxiety. Try to feel confident in your abilities and look at the problem from the other side. Secondly, try not to discuss the situation with others. This will only aggravate her and make her even more upset.

Psychologists say that it is very important to identify factors that annoy you. The ability to recognize them will make it possible to keep control and self-control. Also, in order to calm down, you can just get distracted. For example, you can do something interesting for yourself or creativity. In this case, you do not need to constantly think about how to calm yourself, you just need to switch to something else.

Humor always comes to the rescue, so watching a comedy or an entertainment show will cheer you up and relieve stress.

Other ways to calm down

In addition to the above methods, how to calm down, there are a number of effective methods, for example:

  1. Go for a massage. If this is not possible, you can arrange a self-massage, kneading the neck, shoulders, limbs.
  2. Breathe deeply. Take about ten uniform slow breaths.
  3. Read an interesting book. Reading is well distracting, plunges into the plot and thought, forcing you not to think about accumulated problems.
  4. Sleep. Deep sleep restores the nervous system and is a kind of reboot for the body.
  5. Visit a cafe, a cinema, a disco, in general, those places where you can chat with friends and cheer yourself up.

In order to know how to calm yourself in stressful situations, try to listen to your own body. It’s easier to understand what exactly helps to relax and find peace.

Without accumulating negative in ourselves, we care not only about our own condition, but also about the people who are around us. After all, being in a good, positive mood, we give happiness and joyful emotions to everything around.

02 03.16

I, as promised, resume daily publication, I hope that I will be enough for a long time and nothing will hurt. I took a ticket to Surgut on March 3, I will, accordingly, the 4th.

It is curious that train tickets for the holiday period (from March 4 to 9) are much more expensive, literally by 1, 5 thousand! Well, okay, this is a small digression. Children from Russian Railways also need to somehow live)))

Today's topic is exciting, literally almost everyone.

Our life is so complicated that every day we have to deal with situations that cause us fear, worries, tantrums. All this affects health, well-being. Therefore, you have to learn how to calm down quickly in a stressful situation.

What is stress?

The stressful situation does not affect the body in the best way. From the point of view of physiology, this brings useful changes when the body begins to work more intensively, and the stress threshold is overcome.

The negative is that the results of stress are reflected in the psychological state. There are conditions that will be more difficult to cope with further:

  • depression
  • insomnia;
  • anger;
  • anxiety;
  • aggression;
  • causeless tearfulness or laughter.

Gradually, the body begins to malfunction.

  1. In the morning it is difficult to wake up, and in the evening to calm down, fall asleep.
  2. When we start to get nervous, I want to “get stuck” with something sweet, tasty.
  3. There is a neuropsychic overstrain, followed by psychosomatic illnesses.
  4. By the end of the working day, we feel exhausted and do not want anything.

All this is complicated by stress factors that we see on television, hear on the radio, from colleagues. And if a child or relative gets sick? Many people in advance begin to imagine the worst that can happen.

Managing your behavior, the ability to control the manifestations of stress are the most important skills of a modern person. Having got rid of the problem in time, you can solve a lot of health problems, avoid incurable consequences, up to oncology.

Learning to manage yourself

If a stressful situation occurs, that is, special methods and techniques that will help you quickly recover, return to its previous state.

It is important to learn how to be self-organized. To do this, make a daily to-do list (just don’t go too far with the amount!), Clearly distribute them, start an electronic reminder if you forget what needs to be done.

A person who has everything scheduled by the minute is hard to piss off. He has no time to pay attention to trifles. The actions of a person who has everything distributed are less susceptible to stress.

At first it’s difficult, but gradually you can learn to follow clear rules.

The routine and daily routine should include uniform work and rest loads. If you constantly work, you will have to deal with chronic fatigue syndrome. Weekend devote to yourself, family, walks, visits. Work must know its place, and rest is vital.

If you are tormented by bad dreams due to stress, then take relaxing baths, which will help get rid of the negative without pills.

Most effective

In order for stress not to take you by surprise, arm yourself against it with the most effective methods and exercises. These are real solutions to a bad situation:

  • - any physical activity;

  • - change of places;
  • - view positive videos;
  • - Pets;
  • - contemplation of nature;

  • - good mood;
  • soothing teas;
  • - personal care (any spa treatments);
  • walk.

Try different options, look for what will help you.

Learn to control your behavior and stay calm. If something unexpected happened in your life, then always remember that the past will never be returned. It can only be done so that the bad does not bother you and others.

Think positively, stick to the basics of a healthy diet, physical activity, and no stress will be scary.

And here’s a funny ferret video for you (lately I really like these animals)

Are you pretty?

Thanks for watching the article. Share in social networks with friends, for sure one of them will find the information useful.

Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

The stressful situation is caused by problems at work, family difficulties, financial instability, inability to organize the day. It is necessary to calm down in a stressful situation, because the prolonged influence of stress can develop into a chronic form and cause irreparable harm to health. Managing emotions makes life easier.

Meditation is one way to deal with stress.

Emotional and mental health must be protected. It’s easy to survive a bad stage in life if you know how to deal with stress.

Stress Models

Sudden changes in life, the death of a loved one, leaving the comfort zone, difficulties in relationships with people, pessimism, and the search for ideal conditions are common causes of stress. Behavioral patterns and reactions in stressful situations:

  1. Catastrophe man - negative thinking, panic, seeing only bad consequences, excessive sensitivity. Meditation, yoga, 10 minutes of loneliness will quickly get rid of stress.
  2. Stupor - a complete misunderstanding of what is happening. A person does not know what to do in a stressful situation, does nothing.
  3. Self-control - externally stress is invisible, but inside there is constant tension. A discussion of experiences in the circle of close people or family will help to calm down.
  4. Crybaby - stress causes sadness and tears. This makes it difficult to interact with other people. We need positive emotions, vivid impressions, a fun company. Change the environment, try intense sports training, do what you love.
  5. Short temper - any unpleasant situations cause stress, anger, enrage. A person lacks self-control.

Ask for help from relatives. Learn to control emotions, stop being nervous over trifles.

Excessive tearfulness interferes with interaction with people around.

Stress relief

First determine the source of stress. Depending on it, use one of the following methods:

  1. Animals. Joint games with pets, caring for them cause positive emotions.
  2. Stroll. Beautiful landscapes, happy people, good weather will eliminate the negative mood.
  3. Relaxing massage. It positively affects the thoughts and behavior of a person after intense stress.
  4. Pleasant smells. Choose jasmine, cypress, lavender oil and play soft instrumental music.
  5. Color therapy. Look at objects of blue, white or green shades, pastel colors.
  6. New impressions. Change monotonous activity to mobile and active.
  7. Personal care. Visits to beauty salons or carrying out routine body care activities in an unusual setting.
  8. Communication with children.
  9. How to quickly calm down in a stressful situation for girls? Go shopping. New things cause aesthetic pleasure, and stress disappears.

Learn to quickly find in any situation the positive aspects, possible benefits.  Smile more often, look at life optimistically. Connect your imagination, read the book.

Physical exercise

Physical balance can restore mental balance: swings with legs, arms, intense stretching. Do exercises on your back: lying on your stomach, bend the spine for 1 minute and gradually return to its original position. Sit on your heels and grab them with your hands. Regularly lift your torso up and down. Stay in position for 3 minutes. Maintain even deep, slow breathing.

Psychological therapy

On paper write the experiences and causes of a stressful situation. Describe as detailed as possible. Analyze this and consider how to calm down in stressful situations without harm to mental health. After burn the sheet.

Overcome stress by observing yourself from the outside. It is important to rethink the behavior, notice weaknesses and find ways to address them.

It is better not to eliminate the stressful situation with the help of alcohol, drugs and sweets. They negatively affect the general condition of the body. Useful Stress Relief Tools:

  • music;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • smile;
  • compliments
  • meditation and others

How to quickly pull yourself together

Ways to calm down in a stressful situation in a few minutes:

  • relaxing bath;
  • herbal tea;
  • book reading;
  • antistress coloring
  • favourite dish;
  • watching a movie, etc.

If stress has occurred outside the home, you can stop getting nervous with the help of breathing techniques.  Take 3 deep breaths through the nose and quick exhalations through the mouth. Oxygen will enter the body, and the level of adrenaline will decrease. Medicines are best avoided.

On the way to dealing with emerging issues, these methods will help:

  1. Distraction - think of the pleasant, the causing joy. Forgetting about irritants, you will begin to react to any actions calmly.
  2. Count - count to 10, concentrate all attention on numbers. It is easy to make negative flows disappear.
  3. Physical actions - do something with your hands, fix attention on any subject. After 2 minutes, you will see how you begin to calm down.

To control yourself, you need to consider the effects of stress. Problems will recede into the background, stability will develop, and motivation will appear to go towards a life goal.

A relaxing bath is a quick way to relieve stress.

First aid

First aid in stressful situations is a necessity. You can often hear people say: "In the event of an accident, I get lost and only think about how to survive." Man is unable to pull himself together. Subsequently, acute stress occurs. You can bring a person in order with the following medical psychological techniques:

  1. Drink some water. It activates the brain, hemoglobin, the amount of oxygen in the body, improves the functioning of the nervous system. Keeping calm will be easier.
  2. The su-jock method. Massage the fingers of your left hand with your right hand. Change the rhythm of breathing: problems will be forgotten.
  3. Dampen forehead and whiskey with water.
  4. Go out into the fresh air. To survive staying in the building all day is hard.
  5. Take a look around. Describe the objects near you. Highlight the most beautiful. Quickly switch between objects.

A situation characterized as stressful should be immediately eliminated.

PMP helps to calm a person, overcome difficulties, and respond adequately to what is happening.

A glass of plain water can help with stress.


Stress warnings are usually used infrequently. Because of this, problems begin in his personal life, his health worsens, his motivation to achieve the goal disappears. Stress is easier to prevent than to relieve. Creating an ideal picture in your imagination is a great solution. This is necessary when a person intuitively feels the approach of stress.

Do not fall into pessimism. Self-mastery is not easy, but try to think about the positive aspects of life. Think about a vacation, a great future, prospects. Make it a goal and go to it.

Do not start stressful moments, because they themselves will not be eliminated. Preserving the body in such conditions is harmful. Develop positive thinking in yourself. Look at difficult moments with humor.

Try not to be defiant even in an aggressive state. Stress will pass, and relationships with colleagues or friends can not be restored. Do not let emotions take up above the mind. Stay calm and try to deal with negative flows.


It is possible to avoid stressful situations through positive thinking, controlling emotions, and solving problems as they accumulate. More often go for walks, read your favorite books, watch movies, listen to calm music.

Having determined the behavior model, follow the recommendations for eliminating a stressful situation. A man must live without her and be happy in all manifestations.

Thousands of reasons for the worries of modern man. Either the boss at work arranges thrashing, then the children get into trouble, then an important meeting on the nose, then an exam. All these circumstances often cause panic attacks, someone who is stronger, someone weaker, but in any case cause a lot of discomfort.

How to calm down and not be nervous in such situations, how to quickly regain self-control and pass the test with dignity?

Self help in stressful situations

In situations where something is terribly annoying, reduces cheekbones from anger and anger, or is afraid to lose face and the soul seems to be leaving at the heels, it is necessary to calm down urgently. But how to do this, because emotions overwhelm, and are about to burst out. There are several effective ways to calm down and stop being nervous.

The simplest thing you can do in a stressful situation is to get distracted. For example, before an exam or an important business meeting, instead of scrolling through various options in your head, it is better to think about something pleasant. In addition, you can focus on the contemplation of the beautiful, carefully consider the flower or tree, objects in the room.

It’s worth doing things at home: wash the dishes, put things in a closet, wash the floors, and you should do your household chores, concentrating completely on them, i.e. be here now. When a person is in the present moment, he has no reason for concern.

Physical activity also helps to relax:

  • Sport;
  • Dancing;
  • Garden weeding;
  • A simple walk.

All this will help you get rid of frustration and stress in the blink of an eye. If something is annoying, worrying, unnerving, you should turn on your favorite music and break away to the fullest. Due to the fact that the muscles are relieved, and the soul becomes easier.

“Running away” from problems

If there is an opportunity to get out of a stressful situation in the literal sense of the word, why not do it. Instead of putting up with unpleasant guests, it's better to go home and enjoy a good book with a cup of tea. Just before leaving, say goodbye to the mistress and refer to urgent matters.

How to calm yourself when you are very nervous, when the event seems very important or frightening? The best weapon against fear and importance is laughter. One has only to look at the situation from the side, imagine how silly you are behaving, and immediately it becomes funny.

If possible, you can curl in front of the mirror, play the role of a terribly frightened person: waving your arms, sighing mournfully, screaming (you can even soundlessly). Such therapy allows you to throw out emotions, make fun of them, thereby making them insignificant and fearless.

If stress is overtaken in a situation where you can’t leave anywhere, there is no opportunity to retire and perform a relaxation exercise, you should take a calm look. That is, to take a comfortable pose, monitor the expression on your face, and not allow your hands to fiddle with anything. Self-observation helps to concentrate, anxious thoughts fade into the background, and calm comes.

This method of relaxation can be used at an important meeting, exam, even on a date. By controlling gestures and facial expressions, pondering each word before pronouncing it, you can make a good impression and you will not look lost.

We wash away the negative

Hysteria, anxiety and panic are perfectly neutralized by water. A person who has survived the shock is usually offered to drink some water. And this is no accident, most people suffer from dehydration, in critical situations, due to lack of water, all emotions appear brighter.

A glass of water, drunk slowly and in small sips, is able to trigger the recovery mechanism of the body, due to which the emotional background is stabilized. In general, water is the best remedy for nervousness. After taking a shower, a person feels clean not only physically, but also emotionally, as if he had washed away all the negativity accumulated during the day.

To quickly calm down and stop being nervous, you should swim in the bathroom, go to the river or just wash the dishes. The noise of water has a very beneficial effect on the human psyche, relieving fatigue and stress.

When something is very depressing, frustrating, the best way to calm down, to cry. Together with tears, toxic substances formed due to stress are removed from the body. If you can't cry, you can watch a compassionate movie or read a sad story.

Distracting maneuvers

When you are nervous for a very long time, i.e. the situation does not let go, thoughts constantly return to an unpleasant event, attention should be switched. You can play a computer game, watch a fascinating, exciting film, read a detective story with a twisted plot or come up with some kind of role-playing game.

For example, you can take binoculars and look at the street, pretending to be tracking someone. You just need to really get carried away, play as if everything is for real. You need to allow yourself to be a child, act with enthusiasm. If you do something enthusiastically and with full dedication, thoughts about a negative event will pass, will disappear.

Anger and anger help breathing exercises very well. It is necessary to take a deep breath, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale deeply. The slower the breath, the faster the calm.

Psychologists often advise people who come to them with the question: “ I'm nervous how to calm myself?"Write. It is necessary to express on paper all your fears, all your anger. You can write a letter to your offender or simply describe the experience.

Then the written should be postponed, hidden or discarded. You can burn it, and it’s good to imagine that at the same time as the paper burns, the problems burn out.

It happens that we seek sophisticated recipes to improve the quality of life. We think: "Here I go to yoga, so immediately I will become calmer." And of course, we are not going to yoga. And we have a sincere excuse - why are we so bad. There is no good yoga in the area! Sadly ...

Nevertheless, there are primitive quick-help self-help tools that have been used for centuries for stress, irritation, frustration, in a situation where someone or something eats your brain.

They were used for recommendations by therapists (and not only) of the old school. Of those who took the patient by the hand, and that already made it easier. Self help tips were taught by physiotherapists, masseurs and sports instructors. Now tips are more expensive and more difficult to formulate. Self-help is stopped, this is not a market approach.

And we will return to the good old days, when self-help was welcomed.

Method 1 Get distracted by something

This way to relieve emotional stress is suitable in those cases when you are trapped, driven into a corner and cannot escape anywhere. For example, sit on a glider and listen to your boss, internally boiling. You can’t escape, but ... At the same time, distracting yourself from contemplating something extraneous, neutral and enthralling this outsider is the best way not to wind yourself up for nothing.

For example: “What, however, is Masha’s manicure ... I wonder how she did it?”

It only works if you yourself understand the benefits of such a strategy - do not look at disgust, do not listen to disgust. If you like to boil and get into disputes - this is your right.

Method 2 To leave the annoying situation (it is also an emotiogenic zone)

Did something sadden you at someone else's birthday? On picnic? You can’t stand any group, public, social network page? Do you dream to remove an unpleasant person from your friends list?

So, quickly left the group forever. They banned the provocateur-arguer, the troll, the boor, the fool. Removed your profile, if that.

They quickly called a taxi (do not squeeze, do not squeeze) kissed the hostess and rush home - away from the party, away from the barbecue, away from the annoying, emotional zone.

Method 3 Drink some water

Now this is a corona recipe for all ingenious physicians who do not trade in dietary supplements from pharmaceutical corporations.

A glass of water, drunk slowly, stops all known science attacks. The first thing they offer to a person who is twisted by something terrible is a glass of water. Drunk water starts the mechanism of self-rehabilitation of the body. Most often, people get sick for two reasons:

  • hysteria (sympatho-adrenal crisis in a different way),
  • dehydration of the body not noticed in time.

Since we don’t listen to our body and do not teach life safety, we drink tea, coffee and soda all day — we all have dehydration, and you also have it. Go drink a glass of water right now, and then read on.

Method 4 Get involved in an exciting, interesting business.

This method is suitable in a situation where you can not "let go". It is necessary to interrupt the stuck on chewing "And they, And I, And yes, all of them" with something awesome, even if stupid and tasteless. Reading a detective. Computer game. By hunting and gathering. Tracking and tracking. Trying to uncover someone's secret. Even peeping and eavesdropping, damn it.

You must be involved in intrigue, in a detective story, in the rapid development of events, in hunting, in a game, in courage, in flight.

Your ears should rise and your tail should twitch.

You yourself know what can amuse and amuse you. Each has its own, individual. Just do not play this snooping. Do no harm to anyone.

Method 5 Physical Discharge

Everyone is familiar with this method by hearsay, but, as usual, nobody cares. And I remind you again that rapid physical discharge, which includes:

  • walking
  • swim
  • general cleaning of the apartment (you can - someone else's),
  • sex,
  • trash destruction
  • work in the garden
  • dance,
  • mopping and hand washing

relaxes muscles twisted into a knot and relieves stress, frustration is fantastically effective. General hand washing even helps to cope with grief - again, the advice of an old doctor, which I share with you.

Method 6 Make Contact with Water

Washing dishes is a free session of hypno-psycho-therapy. The noise of pure running running water relieves our fatigue and carries with it all the “dirt”, not just household.

In addition to washing dishes, there is a well-known classic: take a bath, take a shower, go to the bathhouse, go early in the morning or in the evening - swim in the sea, on the river, on the lake, in the spring. Refresh yourself, in short.

Method 7 Positive Reframing of a Stressful Event

So much has been written about positive reframing (including by me) that I don’t feel like repeating myself. Just give an example:

“It’s so good that it turned out that this summer I will not go anywhere! Finally, I look like English courses, fitness and even self-development courses! When else would I allow myself such “useless” luxury? Yes, and in summer the dead season is everywhere and around there are only discounts. So I’ll also save! ”

Method 8 It could be worse, others are even harder

Are you not happy with the outcome of the event? Imagine that there could be a worse outcome. Imagine how bad it is for some people around you. If you master this art and stop turning your nose to this strategy, then you will not need any psychotherapy at all.

Method 9 Laughter kills everything terrible and terribly important

Making fun of, reducing, vulgarizing something inflated and important is an old recipe for human culture, starting from the Neolithic. Thanks to grandfather Bakhtin for his term “carnival-laughter culture”. Read, take an interest.

Or watch one episode of the adventures of Sponge Bob Square Pants. When he was panicky afraid to speak at a school seminar, a smart squirrel gave him super-glasses. Wearing these glasses, Sponge Bob saw all the students and the teacher ... in their underpants. That was funny! True, out of laughter, he never read out his report. And what were the teacher’s underpants ... Mmm ...

Method 10 Count to 10

Just read up to ten. Slow. Controlling your breathing in and out. To myself, not aloud. This is a recommendation from doctors and sports trainers.

Method 11 Cry

Crying relieves stress. With tear fluid, the body leaves those toxic substances that are formed under the influence of stress hormones. You can’t cry about yours - come up with a compassionate topic and specially cry over it.

Method 12 Verbalization of all that is in the soul

Speaking or verbalization - putting vague "something" in clear words. However, a great thing. Better yet, write it all down on paper, write a long letter.

Just do not send it anywhere!

Here are 12 tips for dealing with the stress and illnesses that stress then causes.

These 12 are the ones that help us and do not require money for it. And the rest is expensive and charlatans.