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How to feed pepper in a greenhouse. How to feed tomatoes and peppers in a greenhouse. Flowering and ovary formation

It is hard to imagine a modern table without sweet pepper. This vegetable attracts cooks with its excellent taste, nutritionists note a low calorie content with an excellent set of vitamins. Consumers like the special taste and aroma. Therefore, in the garden, the delicious nightshade culture won its place.

It is cultivated not only in the southern regions, even in rather cool places with a short summer, they try to grow an indispensable vitamin product.

Sweet pepper is a rather thermophilic plant. It is grown both in open ground, using the simplest shelters, and in greenhouses.

As practice shows, the yield inside the protected ground structures is 30 ... 50% higher than it is received on the field. The explanation is quite simple: there are no sudden temperature changes that overlap the stomata during the cooling period. Nutrition from the roots is ongoing, which is a guarantee of increased productivity.

It is known that in order to obtain the greatest return when growing any crop, it is necessary to create a maximum of conditions under which all the positive qualities of the plant are manifested. So for pepper it is necessary to perform certain measures:

  • the soil layer should be light enough, the content of the sand component in the upper part, where the main root system is located, should contain at least 50% sand;
  • a slightly acidic soil reaction is desirable (pH \u003d 5.8 ... 6.3). When preparing the soil for planting, 10 ... 15 g of slaked lime per 1 m 2 is added to it;
  • good growth occurs during daylight hours of 8 ... 14 hours. Long summer days with a high intensity of solar radiation are sometimes unnecessary, they tire the plant, so it is advisable to cover from direct sunlight.
      In greenhouses made of polycarbonate, the throughput is at the level of 82 ... 87%. Therefore, the sun's rays are weaker. However, with a reduction in daylight hours, it is desirable to illuminate the bushes, photosynthesis is possible only when irradiated for at least 8 hours;
  • at a soil temperature of 15 ... 23 ° C, the root system provides normal nutrition, the growth of stems and fruits occurs quite intensively. Air temperature above 18 ° C but not more than 28 ° C is optimal for growth. At night, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 15 ° C. Then sugar accumulates in the fruits;
  • sweet pepper is demanding on moisture. But watering should alternate with the flow of air to the roots. Therefore, the organization of drip irrigation will be optimal. You need enough warm water, not cooler than 18 ° C. Therefore, when growing inside the greenhouses, containers are installed where the irrigation fluid is heated during the day;
  • in order for the plant to develop during the entire growing season, top dressing is needed. They are produced with organic or mineral fertilizers. However, the use of manure from cattle or sheep is undesirable. The acidity of the soil increases.

How is top dressing done?

Do you need special fertilizers for peppers? How and when to top dress? - These and similar questions are asked by beginning summer residents.

Frequency of feeding

Pepper will be in the greenhouse from mid-April to the last days of October. It can grow further. This plant is known to be perennial. On the windowsills of many users, peppers grow for several years, giving a plentiful harvest.

To add additional fertilizers is necessary as the growth of the stem. After transplanting into seedling peat pots, it is advisable to give a small bait.

Seedlings are growing rapidly. But she needs to grow not in height, but in breadth. Therefore, at the stage of pot growing, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are needed. To be carried away by nitrogen top dressing in this period should not be.

Five to seven grains of potassium salt and superphosphate are poured into each plant. For the period from March to mid-April, when the planting of the protected ground will be carried out, this amount will be enough.

Before planting in a permanent place you need to fertilize the soil. It is necessary to make:

  • gypsum (powder), if pH \u003d 6.5 ... 7.2, or slaked lime, at pH \u003d 5.2 ... 6.0. The amount depends on the reaction of the soil. Usually you need about 10 ... 15 g / m 2. It is not difficult to check, on sale there are pieces of litmus paper, as well as indicator scales, with the help of which the pH level is specified;
  • boric acid in an amount of 3 g / m 2;
  • ammonium nitrate 15 ... 18 g / m 2;
  • superphosphate 22 ... 25 g / m 2;
  • potassium salt of 8 ... 12 g / m 2.

Stir thoroughly after application. Planting holes must be shed with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. A small portion of potash fertilizers and manganese, necessary for the growth of green mass, will enter the soil.

Subsequent feeding is needed with a frequency of two weeks. The last distribution of fertilizers is carried out in mid-September. Before the season closes, the plants will use what they received for several months.

The increase in green mass is not needed. The fruit ovary ceases, there will be no flowers. It affects the reduction of daylight hours.

Attention! In calves, where it is possible to highlight and maintain the required temperature, the cultivation of pepper can continue. It takes about a month for the plants to rest. Then start feeding, stimulating growth and fruiting.

Pepper Fertilizers

We can not help but talk about organic dressing. They are necessary, since the use of organics enhances soil fertility.

Organic grass dressing

Herbal infusion is used in cases where there is no manure or litter on the site. In this case, weeds are sufficient.

It is necessary to collect at least 6 ... 7 kg of weeds in the total mass. It is desirable that among them were:

  • nettle, it contains a large amount of protein, which, when fermented, forms easily digestible nitrogen and potassium fertilizers;
  • quinoa, it contains a lot of sugar, as well as phosphorus. Upon decomposition, compounds soluble in the soil will be formed;
  • celandine, contains iodine, potassium and sulfur. All of these substances are beneficial to any plant;
  • a dandelion and a shepherd’s bag carry phosphorus and potassium from the soil. If weeds are made to roam in solution, then they will be returned, taken from the soil;
  • creeping wheatgrass contains a huge amount of nitrogenous compounds, its rapid growth is the result of excellent assimilation of nitrogen from the soil;
  • legumes, for example, mouse peas, add to the solution all the necessary complex of nutrients.

You can not ferment, but just chop all the collected weeds. But they may contain seeds that begin to germinate, interfering with cultural plantings. When fermented, seed germination is lost. They become unviable.

All collected weeds are placed in a barrel or flask (it is preferable to flag, it has a tightly closed lid). Then pour water. You do not need to specifically heat it, the container will be in the sun, where it will warm up.

When fermentation begins, the internal reaction will maintain the temperature a few degrees above the surrounding value. It is advisable to close. If there is no cover, then stretch the polyethylene.

Attention! Cover so that a rather pungent and unpleasant odor does not spread around the solution.

After 10 ... 15 days (at an average air temperature of 18 ... 22 ° C), fermentation ceases. All nutrients from the stems and leaves turned into liquid. You can use organic fertilizer. Before use, small portions are diluted at least 10 times. The concentration of nutrients is very high.

Sweet pepper is poured into the solution at the rate of 10 liters of liquid per square meter of plantings. The solution can retain its properties for a month and a half. If you keep the container open, then part of the nitrogen evaporates.

Competent gardeners overflow the solution. The remaining rotted stems are used as mulch, laying them on the beds. Time will do the trick; stacked items rot during the summer.

Organic top dressing with manure (litter)

If there is rabbit manure, then it can be used without prior preparation. Pellets sprinkle in the basal part of pepper.

Watering, you can observe how the balls gradually dissolve and are absorbed in the soil. It is the softest and most beneficial of all types of organic fertilizers. It contains all the necessary substances. Even trace elements are presented in full.

Other organics will have to be soaked. Fermentation is necessary, as a result of which manure from an undigested form will become available to plants.

4 ... 6 kg of organic impurities must be dissolved in 40 ... 60 liters of water. You will also have to close it so that unpleasant odors do not interfere with others. As a result of fermentation:

  • the seeds of plants present in the organic matter will die and never germinate;
  • all nutrients will go into accessible form and will be dissolved in water.

It is necessary to water the plants, diluting the resulting liquid one to ten. The remaining solids can be dripped. He will give the remaining food in it for a long time.

Mineral Feeding

The easiest way to feed with mineral fertilizers. Nitroammofoska contains 16% of all necessary substances. It is bred in irrigation water. Pour 60 g of granules into 10 l of water. Then pour an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter.

Nitrofoski, in which all fertilizers are contained in 10 ... 12%, you need to add more, about 75 g per 10 liters of water.

You can independently prepare a mixture of mineral fertilizers, and apply for regular top dressing during the growing season. Sweet pepper will produce crops in the greenhouse from mid-July until frost.

Proper nutrition of pepper will help to grow a large crop

Pepper (lat. Capsicum annuum) is an annual representative of the Solanaceae family. The plant is not picky in care, grows in conditions of moderately warm temperature (from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius) and humidity of 70-85%. In order for the harvest of peppers to please, timely and correctly selected dressing is necessary.

How to feed pepper after planting in the ground

Before proceeding to transplant seedlings, soil preparation is carried out. At 1 sq. M. make half a bucket of compost, 100 grams of ash, 0.5 tbsp. double superphosphate and 1 tsp potassium sulfate. After fertilizing, the soil is plowed, shed warmed up to 50 degrees. Celsius with water, and cover with a film.

Rules for watering pepper before dressing

Watering the pepper must be done a day or two before top dressing in liquid form. This applies to both prepared solutions and complex fertilizers, but not to organic matter. When fertilizing, the soil should be moist; when using dry mineral fertilizers, repeated watering is carried out.

For the first time, peppers are fed after 15-20 days after planting for the development of the root system and adaptation. It is recommended to use fertilizers in the composition of which the content of phosphates and nitrogen is increased. 2.5 g of double superphosphate and 10 g of urea per bucket of water. Contribute a liter under each pepper to the previously moistened soil. After rooting the plants, one can also use organics: bird droppings or mullein (dissolved in water 1 to 10).

If the soil is not fertile, additional fertilizing will be required to saturate with minerals: 20 g of potassium sulfate and 35-40 g of ammonium nitrate and phosphate. Or replace the complex drug Lifdrip.

Before feeding peppers in a greenhouse, it is important to consider how the soil was prepared for planting. If the above method, then top dressing is used the same as when grown in open ground.

Pepper nutrition during growth and development

During growth, top dressing is performed twice a month, using mineral fertilizers and organics. Growing peppers need a sufficient amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. During this period, Nitroammofosku or Azofosku are used according to the instructions.

When peppers grow poorly, than to feed - you need to decide quickly. If there are no signs of diseases, pests and a lack of minerals, use complex fertilizer in small doses: Kemira Suite or Clean Sheet.

Before starting budding, top dressing is carried out with superphosphate and nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, sodium nitrate): 5 and 10 g of mineral fertilizers are dissolved in 10 l of water, respectively, and insisted. Previously, the beds are abundantly watered by sprinkling, and the solution is then applied trying not to get on the leaves, 100-150 g per bush.

Use caution when choosing fertilizer.

When feeding peppers, fertilizers containing chlorine (ammonium chloride) should be avoided, since getting into the root system it “clogs” the sap flow. This will not destroy the plant, but will slow down the access of minerals and its development, and may affect the size and taste of the fruit.

Organic fertilizers use chicken droppings (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5), wood ash (200 g per bucket of water), manure (1 kg per 10 liters of water).

Pepper Fertilizer Recipe: Green Tea

A positive effect on the growth of peppers is top dressing with infusions of herbs and dried flowers. To do this, the leaves and flowers of plantain, dandelion, nettle, coltsfoot and woodlice are collected, finely chopped, put in a bucket and filled with cold water. The solution is left to infuse for 7-8 days, after which it is filtered and poured under each bush for 1 l with top dressing.

How to feed pepper during flowering

A sufficient amount of potassium in the soil is the key to a good flowering of peppers and the formation of an ovary. Therefore, pepper is fed during flowering with potash fertilizers (dry potassium, urea): 1 teaspoon per bucket of water. Natural fertilizers, such as nettle infusion, also have a fruitful effect on peppers.

Peppers can be fed in the greenhouse during flowering with the organic mineral fertilizer Ecohuminat or Dachnik to stimulate the development of the ovaries. They are used in dry form, pouring under each bush the amount indicated on the package. After such fertilizer, pepper is required to be watered.

The introduction of organic matter improves the structure of the soil, increases fertility, and helps to control pests. To prepare top dressing, a bucket of young leaves is collected and poured with cold water for a week and a half until it starts to ferment, and the leaves sink to the bottom. After that, they are filtered and watered with tincture once every 10 days.

During flowering, top dressing of pepper in the greenhouse with mullein (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2) and urea (25 g per 10 liters of cold water) or mineral fertilizers is popular. 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate are diluted in a bucket of water.

Before feeding peppers during fruiting, pay attention to ripening. If the crop ripens quickly, there are defects on it, and the bushes remain strong and do not fade - you can not fertilize at all.

To accelerate and more uniform ripening, top dressing is carried out with superphosphate and potassium salt (add 2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water) after the fruits ripen. Peppers are fed in the greenhouse after the first harvest. To do this, use manure or chicken droppings - half a bucket of fertilizer is bred with cold water.

Of mineral fertilizers, complex phosphorus-potash (a tablespoon per bucket of 10 liters of water) is used. It is useful to fertilize peppers with urea. To prepare a solution, 25 g of powder is dissolved in water.

Pepper supplementation with growth retardation

Slowing the growth of peppers, wilting of flowers, loss of the saturated color of leaves and stems are the first signs of a shortage or excess of minerals. In this case, an additional root (fertilizer is applied to the soil) or foliar (spray the plants) top dressing is carried out.

If the pepper does not grow well - than to feed it will tell the appearance of the plant. Matte gray leaves on the back are an indicator of a lack of nitrogenous fertilizers. Spray with urea (dilute 1 teaspoon in 10 l of water).

When falling ovaries and flowers, spray peppers with a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per bucket of water).

Poor fruit formation indicates an insufficient amount of phosphate and an excess of nitrogen. Spray with a solution: 1 teaspoon of superphosphate per half a bucket of water, and also reduce the use of nitrogenous fertilizers.


There are a lot of fertilizers with which to feed peppers in the greenhouse and in the open ground. Having correctly selected the minerals necessary for the development of plants, you will not only provide them with favorable conditions for growth, but also reduce the incidence of crops, as well as increase productivity.

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The second top dressing can be carried out 14 days after the first. It is carried out with a mullein solution supplemented with mineral fertilizers. Mullein bred in a proportion of 1:10? and urea - 10 g, superphosphate - 30 g and potassium sulfate - 20 g are added to this mixture

Greenhouse Pepper Care

Feeding peppers in the greenhouse is necessary to get a good harvest, since they require additional nutrition more than other vegetables.


Peppers are fed in the greenhouse at the fruiting stage by one of the following fertilizers:

The second top dressing of peppers at the stage of growing seedlings for the greenhouse includes the use of one of the following complex fertilizers:

It is very important to properly fertilize peppers in the greenhouse with the necessary fertilizers for the growth and development of plants. Pepper negatively affects cultivation on depleted soils with insufficient amounts of nutrients.

How to feed weak seedlings of pepper in a greenhouse?

Yeast feeding should not be too carried away so as not to harm the plant. In order to have the best results, it is enough to carry out only two or three procedures for the entire season. A similar result can be obtained by pouring pepper and tomatoes with ordinary beer. Many, of course, cannot afford buying such an amount of this not-so-cheap drink, so gardeners often use baker's yeast. The fertilizer from this product for tomatoes and peppers is a real biological growth stimulator, and, moreover, alive. The results of top dressing can be seen after five to six days. Bushes literally before our eyes begin to grow in size, and the leaves on them become fleshy.

Dates for fertilizing weakened peppers in a greenhouse

In summer, pepper needs alternative organic or mineral supplements. Mineral additives are carried out either in the root (watering) or on the foliage (spraying with a solution of salt). Organic fertilizers are sometimes mixed with mineral fertilizers. In this case, you should take care not to exceed the norm of the elements of the solution, since their excess is sometimes more harmful to plants than the lack.

Before planting pepper in the ground, heat the seedlings in the open air.

How to fertilize pepper depending on its age?

With the onset of the warm season, you can often go outside, walk, relax and, of course, work. This applies mainly to summer cottages, because it is precisely outside the city that you have to devote a lot of time to such a process as planting various crops, processing, watering and much more. Do not forget about the need for timely nutrition of peppers in the greenhouse and other crops, such as: cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes.

The third feeding of pepper in the greenhouse is carried out at the stage of active flowering of plants. For this, a solution of mullein and mineral fertilizers is prepared, the amount of which should be slightly changed. Urea must be taken 7 g, 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate. In the fruiting stage, the mullein solution is supplemented with 15 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate. During this period, a nitrophosque solution prepared in the ratio of 3 tablespoons of the drug per bucket of water can be used. For each bush you will need 1 liter of such a solution.

When fertilizing pepper, it is necessary to use fertilizers with a minimum chlorine content, since it does not tolerate it.

Magnesium sulfate;

Superphosphate at the rate of 40 g per ten liters of water;

20 g "Crystal" per ten liters of water;

The correct ratio of nutrients to fertilizers

There are several types of effective fertilizers:

  • It is necessary to process greenhouse peppers when diseases or pests appear, and also if it is necessary to perform foliar feeding with stimulating solutions or fertilizers. Of greatest interest are the processing of peppers in a greenhouse in order to protect against pests or diseases.
  • It is interesting, but fertilize plants grown in hotbeds, you need a separate scheme. The first feeding of pepper in a greenhouse is carried out two weeks after transplanting seedlings into the ground. It is carried out with a solution of bird droppings or mullein mixed with water in a ratio of 1:15. Each bush is fertilized with the resulting mixture.
  • However, in a greenhouse, it is correct to feed peppers with nutrients separately - organic and mineral. In addition, it is necessary from time to time to replenish the lack of nitrogen in the soil, so necessary for fruit plants. For this, as already mentioned, manure or bird droppings is used. But you can use another method. It consists in decoctions of green fertilizers. For this, in most cases nettle is suitable.
  • These mixtures consist of the whole complex of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of pepper. Superphosphates can also be used in a mixture with potassium sulfate.

Spring feeding greenhouse peppers

Before planting in open ground, the age of peppers should be 75-85 days.

Peppers love wood ash at any time throughout the growing season. Under each plant, you need to make 1 tablespoon of ash. Extra root top dressing is very useful. It is good to spray plants with a mixture of urea with potassium permanganate during the period of active growth. Such a solution is prepared in a proportion of 7-10 g of urea per bucket of water. When mass flowering and fruit ovary begins, foliar top dressing is carried out with ash infusion, prepared in a ratio of 1-2 glasses of ash per bucket of water. It is necessary to spray the entire plant as a whole, each leaf.

Peppers growing in greenhouses need several times more water and nutrition than plants in open ground. Calcium nitrate;Potassium sulfate at the rate of a teaspoon per ten liters of water.

Summer dressing of pepper in a greenhouse

30 g "Kemira-Lux" per ten liters of water;

Organic fertilizers for peppers, which are very difficult to replace with any chemical preparations. As organics, you can use manure, humus, peat, bird droppings and peat compost;

After flowering, a second top dressing of pepper is carried out in the greenhouse. To do this, use a mixture of mullein with water, supplemented with mineral fertilizers. After the ripening of the first crop and its harvesting, the third stage of feeding is carried out. It is carried out according to the same scheme as the second. If the soil in the greenhouse is depleted, it is possible to carry out the fourth top dressing, for which a solution of superphosphate and mineral fertilizers is used.


Pepper feeding in open field

If you notice that pepper grows quickly, but does not bloom, you need to stop feeding pepper in a greenhouse with nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, an aqueous solution with superphosphate is best suited. Top dressing for the second time is necessary in order to effectively fertilize the pepper bushes. According to this rule, fertilizer is prepared from urea (2 tsp) and superphosphate of the same amount, after which this mixture is diluted in 10 l of water.

Growing seedlings

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Feeding seedlings

What kind of nutrient mixtures and in what quantity will be used for feeding pepper in a greenhouse depends on the variety, preliminary "dressing" of the garden, temperature in the greenhouse and weather conditions.

After landing in an open area

They are not advised to rush with nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, an excess of nitrogen can cause the plants to “fatten”, grow, give lush greens. But you will not have to expect any fruits or flowers from them.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that with reduced greenhouse temperatures and insufficient lighting in peppers, the need for potassium increases. The use of wood ash gives a very good result, the addition of which is periodically carried out under the bushes of plants throughout the summer.

In the period of tying

A mixture of 70 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt diluted in ten liters of water.

After fruit ripening

Mineral fertilizers for pepper, which can be used ammonium nitrate, urea or urea, ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate or potassium salt, potassium nitrate or ordinary wood ash;


- the most dangerous pest of peppers in the greenhouse, causing significant damage to the crop. The pest infects the stems, leaves and flowers of the plant. Control measures consist in treating plants with agents based on rapidly decomposing insecticides. It is possible to treat the green part of the plants with folk remedies using wood ash and tobacco dust with liquid soap.

Gardeners need to know what a certain fertilizer is intended for, what it affects and what can happen in case of an overdose. Do not abuse organics immediately before transplanting seedlings. A full dose of phosphorus and potassium minerals is best done in the fall - for plowing, as well as during sowing.

So, if thickets are constantly forming on your site or near it, you will not need to look for some alternative ways of fertilizing and even more so to buy something in the store. Just pick the herbs and brew it with boiling water.

Pepper dressing in greenhouses

Plants in a greenhouse, to a greater extent than in open ground, need feeding. Timely fertilizer of pepper with mineral additives contributes to the normal growth and increase in vegetable yield. During the growing season, pepper should receive fertilizers containing:

First, several important conditions must be observed. First of all, if you plant pepper in the ground not in the house, but in a greenhouse or greenhouse, you need to check the soil. It should be soft, warm and sufficiently moist. Ideal peppers grow in the area where onions or carrots were grown last season, but it is necessary to avoid the soil where tomatoes or potatoes grew the day before, since they and peppers are exposed to the harmful effects of the same pests. Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to fertilize the earth using rotted manure or compost. This will be the first top dressing of pepper in the greenhouse. If you cannot find this type of fertilizer, then in any specialized store you will definitely find something that will suit both your site and pepper.

10 days after the dive, the seedlings must be fed with a solution of ash and compost tea.

Peppers need phosphorus throughout the growing season. It helps the plant to actively grow and develop a full-fledged root system. Throughout the season, magnesium and calcium are added to the feed. As for potassium, its amount should be reduced on sunny days and increased in cloudy weather.

In summer, peppers are mixed: mineral and organic alternating. Mineral top dressing is applied either under the root (watering), or foliar (spraying with a solution of salts). Organic fertilizers are sometimes mixed with mineral fertilizers and feed plants with this mixture. In this case, you must try not to exceed the norm of the introduced elements, since their excess is sometimes more harmful to plants than the deficiency. So, with a high content of calcium in the soil, the plant will not be able to absorb boron, nitrogen, iron, potassium.

You need to know

Plants in a greenhouse are more in need of fertilizing than in open ground. Timely top dressing of pepper with organic fertilizers and mineral additives contributes to the normal growth of the vegetable and increase its productivity. During the growing season, pepper should receive fertilizers containing:
  To fertilize pepper, you can use the method of applying nutrients directly to the soil.

Proper handling and fertilizing of peppers in the greenhouse

  For fertilizing pepper, complex dressings of plants can be applied, the most popular and effective of which are ammofoska and nitrafoska.

Spider mites

Nitrogen fertilizers perfectly affect the number of ovaries, as well as the size of the fruit. But excessive feeding of pepper with them leads to a delay in ripening, as well as to a decrease in the plant's immunity to certain diseases. Moreover, a lack of nitrogen, in turn, affects the loss of fecundity of peppers and even inhibition of the plant.

General information

The birthplace of pepper is America. There today in the regions you can meet wild bushes of this culture, which we grow exclusively in vegetable gardens. This is a very thermophilic plant, but at the same time, it is hygrophilous. Pepper is a typical representative of the nightshade family, it is capricious in nature, therefore, when growing it, certain agrotechnical rules must be observed.

Nitrogen, which is essential for pepper growth and fruit ripening;

Fertilizer should be carried out a second time no earlier than 1.5-2 weeks after the pepper is planted in the greenhouse. And in the third - during the fruiting period. Also, do not forget about the additional nutrition of pepper in the greenhouse. So, if you notice that the plant needs feeding, be sure to carry out a reserve fertilizer. This can be understood by the appearance of the stem and leaves of pepper. For example, if the basal leaves turned red, then pepper needs phosphorus, nitrogen deficiency manifests itself in the acquisition of a gray matte shade by the plant, in the case of a lack of potassium, the leaves dry out and begin to curl.

  Sometimes plants may lack one component or another. It is necessary to carefully monitor the growth of peppers in the greenhouse. The lack of phosphorus is evidenced by a change in the color of the lower leaves, which first acquire a bluish tint, and then become violet-red or brown-red and then completely fall off. The plant blooms poorly, the resulting fruits ripen slowly.

Types of treatments

From the appearance of sprouts to fruiting, pepper must be fed with phosphorus fertilizers.

  • Therefore, in greenhouse conditions, it is more correct to top-up peppers separately with mineral fertilizers and organic. The following organic fertilizers perfectly make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soil necessary for plants to bear fruit: nitrogen - necessary for pepper growth and fruit ripening;
  • You can choose one of the following fertilizer options:

- common greenhouse pests that feed on juices of peppers and other vegetable crops indoors. You can perform treatment against the spider mite with special chemicals, and for the purpose of prevention, use folk remedies based on garlic and onions, with which plants are periodically sprayed.

  • If the soil contains the required amount of phosphorus, the fruit ripening speed increases, and the roots become strong. While the lack of this substance leads to the fact that the leaves turn purple. Feeding pepper with potassium has a positive effect on the brightness of the color of the fruit, and a shortage leads to reddening of the bushes. In turn, a lack of magnesium may result from twisting or yellowing of the foliage, which is the only way. To begin with, seeds prepared in advance are planted in the ground. You need to take only fresh planting material. Gardeners need to correctly calculate the time for planting seedlings in the ground and plant the seeds fifty or sixty days before. It must be remembered that this is a fairly responsible process, on which the future harvest depends. Seeds can be placed in trays or pots, which should then be rearranged in a warm place.
  • Calcium is necessary in the process of pepper growth, fruit formation and ripening;Each of the above additives is necessary, but their action is aimed at some kind of 1 process - flowering, fruiting and plant growth.
  • Before making up for the lack of phosphorus, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse. If it is below 10 degrees, then phosphorus in the soil does not work. For active growth of stems and leaves, nitrogen is required. However, it should be understood that an excess of this substance can provoke a very rapid plant growth of green mass, instead of flowering and the formation of ovaries. This process is called "fattening" of the plant. To stop him? it is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers. Plants should be sprayed with a weak solution of superphosphate.


Pepper care in the greenhouse (video)

Types of fertilizers

Calcium - is required during the growth of pepper, the formation and ripening of fruits; A mixture of 40 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per square meter in a greenhouse;

  • The rules and terms for fertilizing peppers differ significantly from top dressing of tomatoes, and cucumbers, and by type are closest to eggplant.
  • Aphids - the most dangerous pest of peppers in the greenhouse, causing significant damage to the crop
  • Before starting to introduce fertilizers, it is better to analyze the soil. This is necessary to determine the additives that the plant needs. Feeding peppers, including at the seedling stage, is important for obtaining a good harvest of these vegetables. The normalized introduction of fertilizers is very relevant - according to the scheme, so as not to overfeed the crop.

  Before sowing, planting material should be prepared in advance: for this, it must be placed in specially prepared pickling. This is a one percent solution of manganese. Seeds are left in it for fifteen minutes, then washed and wrapped in a wet cloth for three days.

Fertilization rules and terms

Potassium is used for plant grafting and fruit formation;

In any case, it is necessary to monitor the development and condition of pepper when organic fertilizers are introduced into the soil.

  • A lack of potassium provokes a halt in growth, drying out of leaves, the appearance of spots on fruits, as well as their uneven ripening.
  • Organic fertilizers must be applied to the soil, regardless of its condition and the speed of plant growth. Organics should be part of the feed during the entire growing season, but in small quantities. Only it is necessary to refuse fresh manure, since pepper does not tolerate it well. Infusion of "green fertilizer" (collecting herbs);Potassium - used by the plant when tying and forming fruits;
  • A mixture of 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of wood ash per square meter in a greenhouse;
  • The first top dressing of peppers at the stage of growing seedlings for the greenhouse includes the use of one of the following nitrogen-potassium fertilizers, which will help seedlings grow more intensively and get good immunity against diseases or pests:


Pepper, which is properly looked after, feeding on time, will certainly thank the gardener with good growth and, most importantly, useful and juicy fruits.

  • When the seedlings are grown, they need top dressing. For this representative of nightshade, this procedure is needed every ten days once. In total, peppers are fed at the seedling stage two or three times. The first time it is done when two leaves appear on the planting material. At the same time, if before that a pick was carried out, then top dressing should be given after fifteen days, but not earlier. Peppers are fed at the seedling stage with mineral fertilizers or compost. You need to know that this plant tolerates fresh manure very poorly. On the sixtieth day, seedlings are planted in the ground. The ideal time for planting is the beginning of June, when the danger of frost is almost nullified.
  • Phosphorus is also important for fruiting.
  • Organic fertilizers must be used regardless of the state of the soil and how well the pepper grows. Such feeding will not hurt, but it will not be superfluous. In order to strengthen the seedlings in the greenhouse, try to saturate the air with carbon. To do this, it is best to install a tank for digesting manure in the greenhouse and fill it with half fresh manure and half settled warm water. Fertilizing peppers even at the seedling stage allows you to create strong shoots, which subsequently are much easier to adapt to the future environment.

If the peppers lack magnesium, then brown spots begin to appear on the lower leaves, and then they gradually turn yellow and fall, flowers and fruits are damaged. It is good to feed the peppers with the infusion of grass, the so-called zelenka. To do this, the container is filled with any weed grass that is on the site: dandelions, yarrow, plantain, nettle, horsetail and other species. Raw materials can be folded in whole or chopped, but not tamped. Pour in water and leave in the greenhouse for several days. The main thing is that the plants do not have roots and seeds. When the fermentation process begins, the solution must be mixed several times. The fermentation process can last from 2 to 4 days, depending on the temperature in the greenhouse. When the grass begins to sink, the "green" can be used. A bucket of water will need 1 liter of green solution.

  • Bird droppings.
  • Phosphorus - especially important for fruiting.
  • Introducing mullein infusion into each planting hole at the rate of one liter of mullein per twenty liters of hot water.

  A solution of potassium nitrate, based on thirty grams of dry matter per ten liters of water;

Very often this pest is found on plants grown in closed ground. Slugs eat leaves, stems and fruits of pepper, the violation of the integrity of which leads to decay and damage. A good means of extermination is the manual collection of the pest and the treatment of plants in the greenhouse with a chemical preparation of the “Arrow” type.

  • It is not very difficult to grow peppers in a greenhouse. In a greenhouse, you can grow many vegetable crops, as well as berry plants and greens. Most often, ridges in the greenhouse serve to produce a crop of cucumbers, tomatoes and Bulgarian sweet or hot peppers. Peppers are not very difficult to grow. You can use the seedling method or sow directly on the ridges.
  • Pepper nutrition in the soil will be required throughout the entire period of growth of this culture, until the first fruits appear on the bush and until they fully ripen. It is carried out in several stages in an open garden area.
  • It is better to plant pepper in the soil only in the southern regions, for other cases a greenhouse will be needed.
  • In this case, you can use phosphorus and nitrogen. Phosphorus fertilizer promotes the growth and strengthening of roots, and nitrogen stimulates the building of the green mass of the plant. Organic fertilizers for weak seedlings (so as not to burn them with manure) can be made from tree ash or nettle. All fertilizers should be administered carefully, since pepper does not tolerate frequent, and, most importantly, plentiful dressings.

A lack of calcium leads to fetal disease. In order not to encounter this trouble, as a prophylaxis, you can spray with a weak solution of calcium nitrate.

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  • Mullein from mullein is prepared as follows:

Topping pepper in a greenhouse (video)

To get healthy plants and form a large amount of ovary allows balanced regular feeding of pepper at the beginning of its growth. In the spring, it is definitely worth making mineral fertilizing.

Spring and summer top dressing of peppers in a greenhouse

  • Thirty grams of the drug
  • The black leg.
  • Regardless of what kind or variety of pepper is grown in a greenhouse, this plant is very often affected by various pests and does not tolerate depleted soils. Therefore, the main requirements for growing pepper in a greenhouse are the proper processing of plants and the timely application of fertilizers.
  • The first top dressing of pepper is done fifteen to twenty days after planting the seedling material on the site. During this time, the seedlings already have time to take root and grow stronger, and therefore are ready to accept and absorb fertilizers. The first top dressing of pepper is a mixture of five grams of superphosphate and ten grams of urea. They are diluted in a bucket of water, mixed thoroughly. After this, the resulting solution is poured under the seedlings. Each bush will need about a liter of this fertilizer. In this case, you must be very careful that the solution does not fall on the leaves.

Spring dressing greenhouse pepper

Healthy plants form a large number of ovaries, which ensures balanced regular fertilization of pepper at the beginning of its growth. In spring, you should definitely feed the pepper with mineral additives. Some gardeners use wood ash as the first fertilizer. In order to avoid the most common diseases of this culture (black leg), when watering the plants should be treated with a solution of black tea (1 cup of leaf tea in 3 l of hot water).

If the lack of components was found in the midst of the growing season or at its end, then help the plants should be provided as soon as possible. In such cases, it is good to carry out foliar top dressing by carefully spraying each leaf and stem. So the plant will absorb nutrients faster than through the root system and the positive effect will appear earlier.

It is necessary to prepare for growing pepper in a greenhouse since the fall. For this, manure or compost should be added to the soil in an amount of at least 5 kg per 1 m2 of area, and humus before planting seedlings. If this is done, then peppers are fed in the greenhouse 3-4 times during the season, if not, then every 7-10 days.

2/3 of the volume in a volumetric vessel is filled with mullein and poured to the top with water;

For the first time, pepper seedlings are watered with a solution of mineral fertilizers at the stage of forming two leaves. Some summer residents use infusion of wood ash as a first top dressing in a ratio of 1:10, and nettle infusion in the same ratio.

  • Peppers are fed in the greenhouse at the stage of mass flowering by one of the following fertilizers:
  • Kemira Suite
  • Such a disease can be observed on pepper in a greenhouse when the moisture and heat conditions are not observed. The root part of the plant is affected, which causes malnutrition, and can cause the death of the plant. A good result is achieved using the biologically active agent "Barrier", the processing of which is carried out according to the instructions.

Summer dressing of pepper in a greenhouse

The next stage is feeding pepper during flowering. It must be carried out at a time when the buds are tied and ripen. At this time, the plant strongly needs a nutrient such as potassium. Therefore, you need to dilute one teaspoon of potassium in a bucket of water, add the same amount of urea and twenty grams of superphosphate. The solution needs to be mixed well. One liter of fertilizer is poured under each bush. A substance such as superphosphate experts recommend adding only if the soil is deprived of phosphorus.

In the first feeding, calcium must be added. The absence of this element leads to decay of the sprouts and the fall of the ovary.

  • During the growth of seedlings, pepper top dressing is also carried out in 3 stages. The first top dressing is done after the appearance of 1-2 leaves. Fertilize the plants with the following composition: 1 g of potassium, 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 3 g of superphosphate are added to 1 liter of water. The second stage of fertilizer should be carried out within 2 weeks after the first. In this case, the dose of fertilizer should be doubled. For the third time, this process is carried out already when the stem of the plant is significantly strengthened, and its color becomes brighter. This time, the concentration of potash fertilizers increases and amounts to 8 g per 1 liter of water. Feeding should always occur in the morning. After each feeding, seedlings are watered with clean water, and plaque is washed off the leaves if something gets on them during feeding.
  • You can start feeding seedlings already on the 15th day after planting.

Insists in heat for 3 days;

  • The second time mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil 7 days before the pepper is transplanted to a permanent place. Two weeks later, pepper is fed with mineral supplements again.
  • Nettle infusion;
  • Ten liters of water;
  • Gray rot

Preparation of pepper dressing solutions

  • Almost every summer resident can grow peppers in a greenhouse, but not everyone gets a high and high-quality crop. You can use different methods and modern methods of growing vegetables in a greenhouse, but only the right agricultural technology, as well as the processing and top dressing will help achieve the desired result.

At this time, the third top dressing of peppers is performed. During fruiting, the plant is fertilized with a solution prepared in the following ratio: two teaspoons of superphosphate and potassium salt in ten liters of water. Having thoroughly mixed, as with the first two top dressings, the fertilizer is supplied under the bush in the same amount - a liter for each bush. If the gardener notices that this nightshade crop begins to grow poorly, then in this case it should be fed with urea in the proportion of thirty grams per bucket of water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and the plant is sprayed with it for a week.

Then the growth of the stem with a calcium deficiency stops, at the ends of the leaf plates distinctive burns of a mustard, rusty hue appear.

"Menu" for plants

It is better to use organic matter during this period: bird droppings, slurry and wood ash. Slurry is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Fresh bird droppings are diluted in a proportion of 1:10, and granulated - 1:20.

1 liter of thick slurry is poured into a 10-liter bucket, topped up with water to the top;

IMPORTANT: In order to avoid the most common disease of this culture - the black leg - you should water the plants with a solution prepared from sleeping black tea (1 cup of sleeping tea leaves per 3 liters of hot water).

Infusion of mullein or bird droppings;

A solution based on a mixture of foskamide in the amount of thirty grams and superphosphate in the amount of ten grams per ten liters of water;

- a very dangerous fungal infection for peppers in a greenhouse, often leading to mass death of plants. The fight against fungal infection consists in treating plants with modern fungicides and the Barrier preparation, as well as immediately removing all parts of the plant affected by the fungus from the greenhouse.


If the basics of agrotechnical requirements are known to almost all plant breeders, the types of basic treatments, the timing of their implementation, and also the fertilizer application scheme are often not followed. This situation is developing not only due to a lack of knowledge among gardeners, but also due to the particularities of the technology for growing heat-loving vegetable plants in a greenhouse.

This product is known to all. The basis of yeast includes fungi rich in proteins, amino acids, organic iron and a wide variety of micro and macro elements. But few people know that this is an excellent top dressing of tomatoes and peppers. The composition of this product contains many substances that positively affect the growth of the vegetative mass. In addition, feeding peppers with yeast at the seedling stage increases the endurance of seedlings, accelerates root formation. Due to the fungi contained in them, the composition of the soil is rearranged and the activity of many microorganisms is activated. As a result, it creates a favorable environment for plants to begin to process organics faster.

Subsequently, they become discolored and become completely dry. The lack of this substance does not allow the fetus to ripen. A lack of magnesium leads to yellowing and wilting of leaves.

Despite the fact that there is a traditional set of pepper dressings in the greenhouse, the composition of the nutrients in a particular portion depends largely on how old the plant is going to feed you. Well, one should not forget that different varieties, the number of sprouts and the weather also significantly affect this process. So, in order to keep the pepper in good condition under constant cloudy weather, it is necessary to increase the dosage of potash fertilizers by approximately 20-25% compared to those recommended under normal conditions. In sunny weather, the dose of potassium is reduced by the same percentage.

The purpose of additional dressing is to support the plant in a certain period: in the process of growth, flowering or the formation of ovaries. However, they will not replace the main feeding with organic or mineral mixtures.

The most suitable fertilizers for pepper are urea and superphosphates.

1 liter of solution is applied under each plant.

For the formation of fruits, it is very important to fertilize greenhouse pepper with phosphorus fertilizers. Lack of phosphorus has a bad effect on the formation of new ovaries, leads to leaf fall, reduces the ripening rate of peppers. Lack of phosphorus negatively affects the appearance of the plant: the leaves acquire a purple or reddish-brown hue. Calcium must be added to the first top dressings. The lack of this element leads to decay of the tops and dropping of the ovary. With a deficiency of potassium, the growth of stems stops, a characteristic, marginal burn appears at the ends of the leaf plates. Subsequently, they discolor and dry. A lack of potassium does not allow the fruits to ripen.

Ammofoska at the rate of 30 g per ten liters of water;

An aqueous solution with a dilution of two teaspoons of ammonium nitrate, three tablespoons of superphosphate and three teaspoons of potassium sulfate.

You can learn more about pests of peppers and how to deal with them.

Peppers must be processed starting with seeds before planting. Only high-quality and properly processed pepper seeds will allow you to grow healthy and stably fruiting plants in the greenhouse. It should be borne in mind that the main stage of processing and fertilizing plants falls on the period after transplanting seedlings to ridges in the greenhouse.

Feeding peppers with yeast is very effective. Fertilizer is prepared in just a couple of minutes. To do this, ten grams of dry yeast is bred in ten liters of water, five tablespoons of sugar and half a liter of wood ash and chicken manure are added there. The resulting solution is once again diluted in a proportion of 1:10. Then they pour the bushes very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Growing sweet pepper produced in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Peppers are planted in a greenhouse at the end of May - beginning of June to avoid frost.

It should be remembered that when peppers grow in a greenhouse, each substance of a particular group acts differently: for example, minerals contribute to good plant growth, and organic compounds have a positive effect on the quality and quantity of the crop. As elements of feeding can be used bird droppings or liquid mullein.

If the summer turned out to be cool and cloudy, the peppers will ripen and pour more slowly, but they will turn out to be thick-walled, “fleshy”. Do not customize them and overload with fertilizers. The number of top dressings must be reduced in order to reduce the load on the plants. A sharp increase in the concentration of nutrient solutions can lead to the appearance of cracks in the fruit and the discharge of flowers.

If there is no organic matter at hand, then a solution for feeding can be prepared from mineral fertilizers. In 10 l of water, it is necessary to dissolve 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate. You can also use complex fertilizers for peppers and tomatoes. For 10 liters of water you will need a tablespoon of such a mixture. The prepared solution is used at the rate of 1 liter per plant.

10-15 days after planting pepper seedlings in the greenhouse soil, you will need:

Greenhouse peppers also need to receive magnesium along with top dressing. Its deficiency leads to yellowing and dropping of leaves. It is recommended to use as mineral fertilizers with a lack of individual elements:

Urea with superphosphate and potassium chloride at the rate of one hundred grams per ten liters of water.

Growing pepper in a greenhouse Growing pepper in a greenhouse Fertilizing radish in a greenhouse

Sweet pepper is a representative of nightshade (along with eggplant and tomatoes). This perennial plant species, the fruits of which are consumed both in fresh and in processed form, is shrubby. Vegetable culture responds well to substances introduced into the soil. Peppers are especially good at nitrogen and potassium, but you need to be careful with chlorine - the vegetable does not like it.

What loves sweet pepper

In general, pepper is known as a rather whimsical plant, but you should not be afraid of it and refuse to cultivate the culture. It must be remembered that it does not tolerate abundant watering, as well as a lack of water. Pepper bears fruit well when the weather is warm and sunny. Loosening the soil should be carried out carefully, since the vegetable crop has a superficial root system.

It should be remembered that such a vegetable crop as peppers loves loamy and fertile soil. The plant does not tolerate heavy earth because it is acidic. If this is the soil on the site, it should be lightened. To do this, use peat or sand, which is introduced when digging the earth. Along with this, you can add last year's organic mixture, for example, cow manure or compost.

The composition of organic and mineral fertilizers added to the soil depends on factors such as the age of seedlings, the variety of vegetables, and weather conditions. You should also understand what is specifically applied for top dressing for sweet bell pepper. For example, phosphorus additives are necessary for the growth and development of a plant (before the stage of fruit formation). During the period of active formation of ovaries, pepper requires potassium. Throughout the entire period, starting from development and growth, and ending with flowering, the vegetable crop needs to be fed with calcium and nitrogen.

Did you know?
  With prolonged cloudy weather, the amount of potash fertilizers should be increased by about 1/5. In the event that it is dry and sunny on the street, on the contrary, their number should be reduced by 20%.

Outdoor feeding

When the seedlings grow to the desired size, they transfer to its planting in open ground. Peppers must be thoroughly fertilized before this. For these purposes, use wood ash, potassium sulfate, as well as humus and superphosphates. To simplify the task, you can use ready-made complex fertilizer for sweet peppers, which contain a balanced amount of nutrients. Fortunately, in the 21st century, such mixtures can be easily found on the market. After transplanting seedlings in open ground, feeding should be continued with a clear frequency until the formation of the first fruits.

In general, the start date for feeding pepper depends on factors such as planting time, volume, quantity and composition of the first fertilizers. For example, in case of top dressing in the fall, in the spring less mineral fertilizers will be required.

Sweet peppers planted on open ground are traditionally fed once every 3 weeks. Planting seedlings is carried out when the plant reaches a height of about 15-25 centimeters, as well as when buds are planted. About 2.5 weeks after transplanting the vegetable crop to a permanent place, it blooms. It is during this period that the first top dressing is carried out.

To do this, use stale cow manure or a solution of bird droppings diluted in water. If there are no ready-made organic fertilizers, then pepper is fertilized with a composition dissolved in warm water from ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, and also potassium.

Useful fact

An excellent fertilizer that contains all the necessary macro and trace elements is an herbal cocktail. It is very easy to do it yourself. This will require herbs such as dandelion, nettle, plantain, as well as any weeds. Plants are finely chopped and used as top dressing.

The second feeding of pepper

After two weeks, after the first application of nutrients, a second top dressing should be carried out. It occurs during the formation of inflorescences, up to the moment of formation of the first fruits. In the event that minerals were previously used, now organic substances should be used. For this, you can use urea, bird droppings, as well as manure from last year. The ingredients dissolve in water and infuse for a week. Top dressing is performed as follows: five liters of liquid per square meter of area.

How to improve productivity?

Letters are constantly written to us in which gardener lovers worry that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately many did not heed, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise biostimulants of plant growth, which will help increase yield to 50-70%.

Read ...

As already mentioned above, peppers need various trace elements throughout the entire period of development and growth. These include phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and boron. Foliar top dressing is an ideal way to add nutrients. In other words, pepper is sprayed with a solution containing the necessary elements.

Pepper fertilizer in greenhouses

A strange fact, but pepper, which is grown in a greenhouse, and not on open ground, is fed with useful substances in a completely different way. So, organic matter has a positive effect on the amount of future crops, and minerals are responsible for the height and volume of bushes.

When planting pepper in a greenhouse, you should adhere to the following fertilizer application:

Feeding rules

There are a number of rules that must be observed when organizing feeding for seedlings of sweet pepper:

  • This vegetable crop does not tolerate fresh manure very well. Last year’s best fertilizer is best for these purposes.
  • Seedlings are forbidden to feed after the picking procedure, you should wait two weeks.
  • The fertilizer solution should be slightly warmer than room temperature.
  • Feeding should be done carefully, without getting on the stems and leaves of pepper.
  • The best time to fertilize peppers is early morning or evening after sunset.

Types of fertilizer for pepper

Mineral fertilizing for peppers is used only in liquid form. It is customary to dilute powders in water at room temperature to the required consistency, after which the composition is watered with soil under the plant, without getting on the stems and leaves. Today, in the market for garden products, you can find various mineral mixtures. Experts and experienced gardeners advise you to purchase integrated products that have a balanced composition.

As for organic fertilizers, the best option here is last year's manure and bird droppings. This type of fertilizing has a beneficial effect on the amount of the future crop and its fruitful properties. Fertilizing the soil with fertilizer is carried out in accordance with previously developed schemes, so as not to overfeed the vegetable crop.

Folk fertilizer from ash and shell

  If you put the fertilizer being prepared next to pepper seedlings, hydrogen sulfide released into the air will positively affect the plant, stimulating its development. Before making the resulting solution, the soil should be thoroughly fluffed.

How to fertilize with yeast

The introduction of yeast into the soil positively affects the composition of the soil, completely rebuilding its structure. Fertilizing microorganisms contribute to the rapid growth of seedlings, as well as increase the productivity of vegetable crops.

In order to prepare top dressing, the following ingredients should be mixed: 10 grams of dry yeast, a bucket of water, 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar. The resulting solution is concentrated, therefore, before fertilizing the soil, dilute it with water in a proportion of one to ten.

Experienced gardeners sometimes replace yeast with wheat grains. To do this, they should be filled with water and left in a warm place for a day. During this time, the grains swell, after which they need to be ground into gruel and mixed with sugar. Before using fertilizers, the mass is also diluted with water in a proportion of one to ten.

Additional fertilization

Sometimes it happens that a vegetable crop requires additional fertilizer in addition to the main scheme and the norm of feeding. This can happen when the soil is too acidic and pepper bushes grow very slowly.

Additional feeding is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

Overfeeding the soil can adversely affect the fertility of peppers.

When applying fertilizers and fertilizing sweet pepper, you need to understand how one substance or another affects the plant, as well as what the consequences of an overdose are:


Pepper is undoubtedly a popular vegetable on the Russian table. It is used in raw form (adding to salads), as well as in processed - stewed, pickled. Thanks to the peculiar taste and useful composition, the vegetable won the love of gardeners.

Summing up, it should be noted that top dressing of such a vegetable crop as pepper has a great influence on its productivity. It is important to make top dressing according to the scheme and within the recommended norm, without overfeeding the soil. And remember, that plant, which was properly looked after, will definitely thank you with juicy fruits.

Options for feeding pepper

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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