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Why do swans and ducks dream? Black swan interpretation of a dream book. What is the dream of the white swan


Representatives of the animal world can often be found in the kingdom of Morpheus. Swans are amazing birds personifying love, loyalty and devotion to their partner. Some dream books consider them a positive sign, foreshadowing pleasant changes in their personal lives, while others are sure that after a dream you can expect deception from your loved one. So which version is correct? How to understand why swans dream? The details of what he saw will help to understand the dream.

The psychologist Meneghetti sees the swan as an animal of amazing beauty, which does not represent any particular benefit to humans. The author of the publication compares this bird with stupid geese or bombastic turkeys, which often behave inappropriately. The interpreter interprets this image as the appearance in the life of a dreamer of people unnecessary to him, who will only interfere. For a man, vision can be associated with a woman who has a negative effect on him.

In many cultures, the swan symbolizes purity, perfection, and chastity. There are legends according to which souls roam the world in the form of these birds.

Dream Interviewer Shuvalova considers the appearance of swans in a dream is not too good a sign promising fraud. The author explains this quite simply. Even with white swans, the skin is black, which symbolizes duplicity, a lie. Probably, the dreamer will achieve the goal for a long time, but in the end he will understand that everything he aspired to will bring him troubles and tears.

  • Miller - life will be filled with happiness and pleasant events;
  • Aesop - the dreamer will meet a person endowed with grace and grandeur, whose thoughts are pure and innocent;
  • eastern female - swans sitting on the water mean prosperity, good luck in business and personal life;
  • old French - wealth, happiness and power;
  • new family - calmly floating birds indicate good prospects, professional growth;
  • according to the women's dream book, if you saw a dream in the first half of the week, joy and happiness await you; in the second half - to illness and disappointment;
  • Freud - you have complete order with your sex life, you are quite happy with your partner and your relationship;
  • a couple of swans, according to Wang, mean that you will soon find your soul mate, with whom you will happily live your whole life;
  • health - problems with the cervical spine; an urgent need to visit a doctor;
  • ukrainian is a good sign, portending a pleasant change;
  • islamic - wealth, prosperous and measured life;
  • the esoteric interpreter considers the swan as a symbol of love and fidelity.

Kopalinsky’s dream interpretation believes that coloring plays an important role. If the dreaming bird was with white plumage, then the dreamer is expected to experience pleasant events, the black swan prophesies sorrows, useless chores.

Who dreamed of a swan: woman, girl, man

A dream in which a married lady watches a swan frolic in the water will not bring anything good. Most likely, in the near future, she will be disappointed in her marriage, convicting her husband of selfishness and a desire to seek entertainment on the side.

A pair of birds in a dream has a completely different interpretation:

  • unmarried girl vision promises a happy marriage;
  • to a lady of mature age the image prophesies family reunion;
  • pregnant - easy birth.

If a girl in a dream pulled a feather from a swan, in reality she will fall in love with a married man. He will also pay attention to her, but the connection will be short-lived.

Virgin Swan is present in fairy tales and legends around the world. She personifies wisdom and extraordinary magical power. In Christianity, this bird is a symbol of the Virgin Mary.

If in a dream a swan eats plant food, in reality the dreamer will find a profitable partner

For a man, a dream in which he saw a beautiful white swan promises a meeting with a charming girl. With this young lady he will begin an affair. If the plumage of the feathered was black, the lady met by the dreamer will give him his love exactly as long as it suits her.

The value of sleep in detail

Plumage color: white, black, gray

A snow-white swan with a red beak in a dream portends a successful period in life.  If a dreamer feeds a white feathered bird from his hands, in reality he will hear praise from people whose opinion is very important for him. To see such a bird in the house - to a happy married life, the completion of all unpleasant things.

The black swan in a dream is a sign that the dreamer's feelings will be tested.  Also, a vision may indicate dubious pleasures, indulging in which you risk losing your soulmate and ruining your life.

Seeing both black and white birds is a quick turn of events. Apparently, the dreamer will have to endure both pleasant situations and not so. However, you should come to terms with this, because you can’t do anything.

No wonder a couple of swans are often used in wedding decor. This image symbolizes fidelity and inseparability. At 3-4 years, the birds form a pair and remain together until the end of life.

The gray swan indicates the monotony of the dreamer's life. You probably have a very modest character and are afraid to declare yourself.

One, two or many birds in a dream, their number and environment

If in a dream white and black birds attack the dreamer and begin to beat him, in reality he will quarrel with a person who is very dear to him. Interpreters believe that they should take a closer look at their surroundings. Perhaps in the past you inadvertently offended someone unjustly, and now a long-standing conflict could escalate into a huge quarrel. The vision also warns that detractors have intensified and will soon move on to action.

Fighting among themselves swans portend quarrels in the family, prolonged conflicts between relatives. Screaming birds are a bad sign that prophesies death, loss, separation.

Birds flying in the clear sky predict success in any endeavor, especially if the swans in the flock were white.  If at the same time a thunderstorm suddenly begins, the dreamer's hopes are not destined to come true, some events will prevent this. Many obstacles await the person who sees in a dream a bird flying during a snowfall.

The meaning of the other actions of the swan or flock:

  • floating in clear calm water - harmony in all areas of life; if not one bird, but two was present at the reservoir, the dreamer's personal life will improve, he will find his love; the water was frozen - to serious troubles;
  • enjoys ripe berries - wealth in the house;
  • catches with a beak and eats fish - the family will soon be replenished;
  • nips grass - a profitable collaboration;
  • shakes feathers from water - you will drop the burden of problems and start a new, happy life;
  • nests - to housewarming.

Little swans indicate good relationships with children. Probably, the dreamer managed to instill in them the best qualities - respect and love for the older generation.

Dreamer's actions

The interpretation of the image also depends on what the dreamer did with the swan:

  • to be able to catch directly on the water - in reality you will take the chance and be able to improve your life, however, luck will accompany you only if you are not lazy and shift your work to strangers;
  • hold and iron - you do not have enough affection, and you would gladly return to childhood, where everything seemed simple and serene;
  • splashing water - easy flirtation, non-binding relationships;
  • write a canvas with a floating bird - you can realize your fantasies and achieve your goal;
  • to be frightened by the suddenly appearing bird - to receive an expensive gift from a loved one.

To shoot swans from a gun - the dreamer always tries to take more from life than he should. If, however, he injures a bird, in reality his actions will spoil his life. It’s not possible to get rid of problems yourself. Will have to take the help of influential people. Killed a swan in a dream? Make an irreparable mistake that you will pay for throughout your life. If the dreamer misses and does not fall into the feathered, fate gives him another chance, and he has the opportunity to correct all his mistakes.

Other interpretations

The birds, who dreamed together with swans, say that you can be proud of your children.  If the nestling has a broken wing or some other defect is observed, the dreamer's child does not have very good character qualities. By his actions, he can harm not only himself, but also relatives.

A serious illness is promised by a dream in which dogs have bitten a swan. If the bird survived the battle, the patient will recover after prolonged treatment.

Unfortunately, the appearance of swans in a dream is not always associated with pleasant events. Sometimes these amazing birds prophesy misfortunes and tears, but this should not upset the dreamer. On the contrary, a person should make every effort to avoid trouble and make his life prosperous and happy.

  • The swan personifies purity, grandeur, grace and innocence. So the image of a swan that arose in your dream could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person who possesses the qualities mentioned above. There is also a well-known folk sign: “The swan flies to the snow”, which indicates that if you see a swan flying, then frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.
  • The following folk expression is also well-known and known to every person: “Swan song”. This expression came from the depths of centuries, because according to an ancient legend, swans sing only once before their death. Therefore, along with excellent qualities, the swan can also symbolize the end of life.
  • Seeing a swan with a white plumage in a dream is a sign that fate will soon be brought to you by a clean, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.
  • If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, then in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be struck by the hypocrisy of someone close to you. After all, everyone knows that, despite its white plumage, the swan has a black body.
  • To dream in a dream of a swan seeking to lift something off the ground means that in reality you have to deal with which you are unlikely to be able to cope.
  • Watching swans floating in a pond in a dream is evidence that soon you will find deserved respect from a large number of people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be offered a higher position, with which you will cope with dignity.
  • Admiring the grace of swans in a dream is a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.
  • To feed swans in a dream - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many true, sincerely loving and respectful friends that you can always rely on.
  • Seeing little swans in a dream is a sign that soon your children will bring you unspeakable joy. You will be very proud of them.
  • If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks, it is evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will very much regret later, because, most likely, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.
  • If you dreamed of a wounded swan, then soon you will be very upset by the news of the disease, and maybe even the death of a person close to you.
  • Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. Perhaps you are facing a serious loss.

What is the dream of the swan? Such dreams are both pleasant and not very. The meaning is also different, there are positive interpretations that promise good luck and happiness, but there are also negative ones. Each dream book interprets differently what swans dream about. Let's try to understand the meaning of such a dream.

White Swan on Meneghetti's Dream Book

The white swan dreams of as an indicator of psychological dependence on another person or his opinion. This suggests that such a situation prevents the dreamer from living peacefully. Because of this, conflicts often arise at home, so a person just needs to get rid of a person who “crushes” him with his authority. Only after that will there be a change in a positive direction.

According to the female dream book

Why do white swans dream of a woman or girl on the water? Such a dream portends unprecedented luck. The dreamer must be very lucky. For women, sleep can also mean successful marriage, the husband will be very attentive and generous. For a girl, such a dream can be a prerequisite for a romantic date, which will give her pleasant hours and minutes with a chosen one.

According to the dream book of the healer Evdokia

What is the dream of swans on water in the dream book of Eudokia? Dream Interpretation says that if a swan swims in the water - it will lead to a positive relationship in his personal life, as well as to prospects for work.

According to the dream book of pastor Loff

According to the pastor, white swans have always been a very controversial symbol, but a pair of swans creates a family forever. And if one bird from a pair leaves for another world, then the second most often cannot survive the loss and commits suicide. In this regard, if you saw one white bird, you are threatened with separation, loneliness or loss of a lover. If there were two birds in a dream, such a dream promises happiness in the person of a person with whom you can create a strong family.

According to the psychological dream book

Many white swans swimming in the water - a sign portending prosperity.

According to other dream books

If there are a lot of white swans with offspring on the water, such a dream indicates an imminent replenishment in the family. Moreover, this does not necessarily indicate the birth of a child at the dreamer himself, perhaps the baby will be born at your close relatives.

Why do white swans dream that they dance? This portends a stormy erotic life, which will bring a lot of pleasure, however, it is worth paying attention to the choice of a partner.

Feed with your hand or throw crumbs of bread for birds on the ground: such a dream promises the fulfillment of all desires. A winged swan is dreaming of unexpected news.

To see a swan in a cage: such a dream means that you are very tired of the current relationship, that your life is monotonous and boring, and most importantly - full of total control. Perhaps you should talk with your partner about sexual and other forms of relationships, if he is not ready to accept your suggestions, you should leave him. Probably, he just keeps you in control for the sake of his own pleasure, but in reality he does not feel any feelings.

Dark birds according to Miller's dream book

Why is a black swan dreaming? According to Miller’s dream book, a dark bird floating on water portends very controversial pleasures.

According to the French dream book

The black swan in a dream is not very good. It is very likely that your situation will worsen, and if the swan also sings, then expect grief and sorrow.

According to the dream book from A to Z

The black swan promises you contention and scandal in the family. However, after that there will be a very passionate and stormy reconciliation.

According to the dream book for lovers

The black swan is able to become a symbol of the fact that in reality you will indulge in some carnal temptations, which your regular partner will find out about.

As a result of what happened, your relationship will crack if it does not collapse at all. Therefore, carefully choose people for your environment, soberly evaluate your behavior.

According to the esoteric dream book

What is the dream of the black swan in the esoteric dream book? Such a dream is interpreted as mental anguish and suffering from loneliness due to unrequited love. If a bird is injured in a dream, something will happen that will leave a mark in your soul forever.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

This dream book interprets a black bird as a prediction of imminent betrayal and hypocrisy. The worst thing is that the native person may turn out to be the bearer of evil, and you will simply be shocked.

Other interpretations

What else is the black swan dreaming about? To dangerous situations that can lead to problems with the law and force you to communicate with a bad company. If a woman sees a dream, then he predicts a quarrel with her husband, which will destroy the family idyll.

For women after such a dream, it is better to abandon unnecessary nitpicking to her husband, it is quite possible that he will wave your hand and leave forever. In addition, it is likely that your husband is cheating on you and, in fact, the cause of all the scandals and misunderstandings is another woman.

A flying black swan is a warning sign. If a girl receives an offer of marriage, she should better refuse, as family life will not bring happiness.

Swan soaring in the sky: various interpretations

What is the dream of a flying swan? There are many interpretations of such a dream in dream books. Consider the most famous of them.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a swan that hovers in heaven and emits heart-rending cries is a sign of imminent death. Moreover, it will touch a person dear to you and will be completely unexpected. After the incident, you will unjustifiably blame yourself for this grief, such a mental state can become a source of various diseases. Mental torment beat too much in the state of the nervous system.

But Freud wrote that a swan soaring in the sky is certainly a positive symbol. Moreover, such a dream does not portend anything, but is a simple reflection of the dreamer's thoughts. That is, a dream indicates that a person is harmoniously developed, both internally and externally. Sexually, he also has no problems.

However, according to Freud, to see a bird in the sky and shoot at it means inappropriate behavior in relation to the opposite sex. You are so aggressive that you are unable to hide or suppress it.

But what is this about - swans circling in the sky? This portends a quick fulfillment of a long-standing desire. If you dream of a flying swan flock, it portends the joy of the soon fulfillment of expectations.

To see two birds soaring together - to soon reconciliation with a loved one with whom an undesired quarrel has occurred, as well as financial stability.

To watch how in a dream a swan flock flies over the horizon - to a possible miscalculation in matters, one should be more careful. If a wedge of swans is seen, such a dream portends a joyful mood for the dreamer. Most likely, your expectations will be met. If only one white bird soars in the sky, get ready for a career.

If in the first half of the week, you had a dream involving a black swan, which soared high in the sky, this means that it is worth taking a chance. The risk will be justified, and the old dream will come true. If the dream occurred in the second half of the week, then this is interpreted as a speedy recovery of the patient. Moreover, this does not have to be the person himself, it can be anyone who lives or is in the sleeping house.

To see soaring swan feathers in a dream - to peace of mind and a stable financial situation, do not miss your chance. If the swan is completely alone in its flight, it portends loneliness for the dreamer. Moreover, the man himself is to blame for this, since such a state of affairs has developed due to his immense pride and selfish actions. This situation can be corrected by showing love and respect for relatives.

Another interpretation says that if you saw a flying bird in the sky, you need a break in the relationship. Take a break in communication with your lover, you should take a break from each other. A soaring flock of swans is a harbinger of celebration and celebration. For example, if a young girl or woman saw such a dream, this should be interpreted as an opportunity to soon celebrate her wedding. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the surrounding men: maybe the future elect is somewhere nearby?

Dead bird

A dead swan is a sign of loneliness and lack of reciprocity in a relationship. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as soon disappointment, which you will experience from your own spoilage. In general, you live so well and calmly that you yourself are tired of it.

According to another version, seeing a dead swan is a sign of the current routine, which has almost finished off you. Each new day is similar to the previous one, a lot of problems do not think to decrease. You will probably have a nervous breakdown and depression soon.

Numerological Dream Book

Good to see a pair of swans in a dream  - This is a sign of future happiness and happy changes in the house. If you were in a quarrel with someone that within two months you will make peace with everyone, your money affairs will flow smoothly, the atmosphere of love and trust will reign in the house, everyone will respect you at work. However, do not abuse alcohol during this period, so that after this period you do not suffer from stomach ulcers or inflammation of the pancreas.

If the swans are artificially bent and become like two deuces  - soon you will be able to return to the issue that was postponed “until better times” two months ago. Successful resolution of any problem is provided to you.

Collection of dream books

Black Swan  - may mean the secret mysteries of life. Intuition.

Swans  - to wealth but if he sings  - to death.

Swan  - indicates the possibility of family happiness, which is determined by your loyalty and care for your partner; different interpretation  - there may be problems with the cervical spine, nerves in the neck or neck muscles.

Black Swan - to troubles, loss, regret; swimming swan  - to luck, luck; white  - Fortunately.

Swans  - purity, mercy.

Swans in a dream  - This dream is associated with the expectation of a miracle and the fulfillment of hopes, because a swan is a bird of rare beauty. but besides beauty, the swan does not carry anything to man. Therefore, these hopes turn out to be false. This is an image that symbolizes the achievement of some kind of result that you have been striving for for a long time, but which you really do not need and will only bring damage to your life energy. It can also be a symbol of seizing power over you, cruel retention of it through beauty.

For man swan  - denotes a mother or beloved woman who has a negative impact, depriving him of independence and freedom.

Swan  - to separation. Two swans  - strong love.

If you dreamed of a swan  - such a dream promises you wealth and power.

But if you dreamed a black swan  - Perhaps your household, things will decline.

If you dreamed of a singing swan  - This dream predicts only sad events.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

Swimming swan  - separation.

Ukrainian dream book

Swan  - good sleep, everything will be fine.

How does a swan dream  - This indicates happiness and prosperity in the family; swan  - separation; swan Lake  - fragile matrimony, family feuds.

Esoteric dream book

White  - to the wedding.

The black  - your feelings will not bear fruit, love will be inseparable.

Wounded  - love will leave a mark for life.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Swan  - to good, happiness in the family, success, luck, wealth / separation.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

White Swan  - love affection / discovery of secrets / suffering and sorrows / awakening of an energetic desire for spiritual purity / purification of the soul by suffering.

Black Swan  - a symbol of the unknowable, mystery, into which you are powerless to penetrate.

Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Swans  - You will have a full and happy family life.

If the young swans are ringed  - wait for the completion of the family.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Swan  - sadness, sadness, tenderness, purification through suffering, spiritual experience, hopes; someone's fidelity and love.

Alone  - separation; couple  - strong, strong love; the black  - the death of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Moon Dream Book

Lonely swan  - separation; couple  - family happiness .

Dream Book Dashku

Swan  - a symbol of purity, grandeur, grace and fidelity.

The expression "swan song"  - may indicate the possibility of some kind of breakthrough, the last chance.

Italian dream book

Swan - a creature of rare beauty, but in fact it does not carry any benefit to humans. A creature that is more stupid than even geese, with a piercing voice, quacking, bulging insensitive unblinking eyes resembling a mask.

Human Inse  - associates this image with the hopes or expectations of a miracle, which is justified logically. But an image that symbolizes a result that is detrimental to vital energy. Moreover, it is a symbol of the initial seizure of power, cruel retention, carried out through external beauty.

Leda and Jupiter in the guise of a swan  - a symbolic myth of a stranger who arrogates to himself the erotically affective essence of female charm.

For men, the image of a swan  - represents a mother or beloved woman who has a negative impact.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

Swans dream  - to wealth, getting a high position.

Black Swan  - symbolizes a quarrel, abuse of spouses, swan cry  - troubles in the house, family.

Admire in a dream a pair of swimming swans  - means that you are waiting for love and joy, family well-being.

To see a dead swan in a dream  - the collapse of hopes for reciprocity, loneliness.

The dream in which you watched someone throw stones at a swan  - one of your relatives will open your eyes to one of your friends, and you will be deeply disappointed. Do not be afraid of such a dream; you yourself are able to see its good and bad sides in a person.

You hunted swans  - be careful, with your long tongue you run the risk of causing trouble on your head, which is also very easy to avoid.

Female dream book

White swan swimming in calm water  - symbolizes great prospects and pleasant experiences.

Black swan in clear water  - dreams of dubious pleasures.

Dead swan in a dream  - portends annoyance and satiety.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To see swans in a dream  - portends happiness in marriage and healthy children, if the swans are tame.

Wild Swans  - a sign of wealth and power.

Black swans  - to family disagreements, which are replaced by a tender and stormy passion.

See them at the zoo  - means that you want silence, peace and solitude.

See swans swimming in the lake  - portends wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

Swans seen on the shore  - to dubious pleasures in a rollicking and variegated company.

To see a dead swan in a dream  - means that you feel a sense of frustration at yourself.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Swan Lake  - fragile matrimony.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of January, February, March, April

Swan  - to nascent love.

Dream Interpretation of September, October, December Birthdays

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Swan  - it makes sense to do meditation, you are shown hydrotherapy; to true love.

East female dream book

A very favorable dream in which you see peacefully swimming white swans  - he promises prosperity.

Black Swan  - symbolizes the desire to taste the forbidden fruits.

A dream in which a dead swan appears  - testifies: you are already fed up with earthly pleasures.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Swan if he sings  - to a terrible and terrible disease.

If he is swimming  - to a beautiful lover.

If he flies  - you need a break from a friend or husband.

If you had a dream in the first half of the week  - Remember the saying "who does not risk, he does not drink champagne." Do not be afraid, because you are not in danger.

A dream in the second half of the week  - a sign that your painful illness or one of your relatives will soon recede.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dream swan  - a sign of strong and faithful love.

Black Swan  - warns that your feelings may undergo serious tests.

Swan hunt seen in a dream  - warns that you yourself can become the culprit of a big disaster.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Swan  - personifies purity, grandeur, grace and innocence.

So the image of a swan that arose in your dream  - Could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person with the qualities mentioned above.

There is also a famous national sign: “A swan flies to the snow”  - which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, then soon frosts will come and the first snow will fall.

The following folk expression is also well-known and known to every person: “Swan song” - this expression came from the depths of centuries, because according to an ancient legend, swans sing only once before their death. Therefore, along with excellent qualities, the swan can also symbolize the end of life.

To dream of a swan with white plumage  - a sign that fate will soon bring you a clean, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.

If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage  - in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be struck by the hypocrisy of someone close to you.

In a dream, to see a swan trying to lift something off the ground  - means that in reality you have to deal with which you are unlikely to be able to handle.

Watch in a dream swans swimming across the pond  - evidence that in the near future you will find deserved respect of a large number of people. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be offered a higher position, with which you will cope with dignity.

Admire in a dream the grace of swans  - a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.

Feed the swans in a dream  - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many true, sincerely loving and respectful friends that you can always rely on.

Dream of little swans  - a sign that soon your children will bring you unspeakable joy. You will be very proud of them.

If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks  - evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will very much regret later, because, most likely, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

If you dreamed of a wounded swan  - soon you will be very upset by the news of the disease, and maybe even the death of a person close to you.

Hear a swan song in a dream  - a dream that does not bode well. Perhaps you are facing a serious loss.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

White swan swimming in the clear water  - promises a harmonious relationship and joy.

Black Swan  - a sign that you will indulge in dubious pleasures that threaten your relationship with your loved one.

Freud's Dream Book

Swan  - This is a good symbol, it characterizes a harmoniously developed person who has no deviations in the sexual sphere. But such a conclusion can be made if the dreamer dreamed of a swan floating on a pond or lake or flying in the sky.

A dream has a completely different meaning, in which you see how you shoot this bird  - Such a dream means that with all your upbringing, you experience obvious aggression towards the opposite sex and cannot suppress this feeling in yourself.

Dream Book of Medea

Lonely swimming  - contemplation, loneliness, longing.

Black swan see  - face a deep secret.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream of a white swan swimming in calm water  - means great prospects and pleasant experiences.

Black swan in clear water  - means dubious pleasures.

If you see a dead swan in a dream  - This means that you are waiting for annoyance and satiety.

If you had a dream:

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

If you had a bad dream:

Do not be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is the dream. Stay all good, leave all bad. ”

Open the faucet and tell a dream of pouring running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt in a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the bedding inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it on paper and burn this sheet.

The “Swan” dream is a very interesting and extraordinary dream, which is interpreted by the different dream-books in a radically opposite way. Someone claims that this is love and fidelity, someone says that it is an illusion and a deceit. This is all due to the fact that each interpreter sees the swan from its own point of view. On the one hand, a swan is an unusually graceful and beautiful bird, which people admire and describe its greatness in songs and epics, compared with a beautiful girl, etc. On the other hand, a swan is a bird that does not do any good to a person, and besides, it is the most stupid among ducks, geese, turkeys, storks, etc., with meaningless eyes not blinking. All this gives a very illogical at first glance interpretation of the Swan dream, but it is reasonable if you look into the essence itself. (cm. )
  Below are all the well-known dream books that interpreted the Swan dream, as well as answers to questions that may arise after the swans seen in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

  • I dreamed of a white swan - Miller's dream book says that this is for great prospects or pleasant experiences.
  • Dream Interpretation: Swans on the water are black - they prophesy dubious pleasures.
  • I dreamed of a dead swan - it means that in reality you will be fed up and annoyed.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

  • Interpretation of dreams “swans” - a swan in a dream symbolizes beauty and a white goddess. Now you can start a new one or take some crucial step. The god of music, Apollo, has always been associated with a white swan who, before his death, sings a song of amazing beauty, which they called the “swan”.
  • The “white swan” dream means a balance between male energy and female, since the rounded body shape of a swan is a prototype of female forms in a dream, and the long neck is the phallus. To dreamers the dream of white swans portends a light soaring to new heights, dreams and achievements.
  • The “black swan” dream hints at some secret kept by the dreamer, as well as at intuition, which he has very developed.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova
What does a swan mean in a dream? This is a difficult dream to interpret, and for this reason. The swan is one of the most beautiful and graceful birds, but it is also the most stupid and unnecessary for humans. Secondly, a swan that has even white plumage is still black skin, and therefore a dream about swans is interpreted as a hoax in their expectations. So, to see swans in a dream, it means in reality you have long been striving for a certain goal, but if you reach it, you will understand that it was deceived and it will do nothing but damage your life energy. For a woman, a swan in a dream can mean seizing power over her by a man and holding her by stiffness. For a man, a swan in a dream can mean a mother or a wife who, by its beauty, deprives the right of choice and freedom.

Noble dream book Grishina
  If you dreamed of a white swan, the interpretation of the dream book will be as follows: love affection, you or you will reveal the secret, through the suffering of the soul to be cleansed, to wake up an energetic desire for spiritual purity.
  Seeing black swans in a dream means that you will never be able to comprehend the secret, you are powerless to penetrate into it.

Freud's Dream Book
  Dream of Freud: a swan in a dream characterizes your sex life well. You have no deviations and you are happy with it. This refers to dreams in which a swan swims, walks or flies through the sky.
  A shot of a swan had a dream - the dream book of Freud says that if you shot a swan in a dream yourself, it means that you have obvious aggression towards the opposite sex, you try to hide it under your upbringing, but it increasingly pops up.

Small Velesov dream book
  swans - good sleep - profit, love, guests, pleasant conversations, good pastime.
  Why dream of a lone swan on water in a dream - to separation.

French dream book
  Dream Interpretation: geese swans rumble, hens cackle in a dream - stability will restore business, which will bring permanent prosperity.

Dream interpretation for women

  • The “singing swan” dream predicts a terrible disease.
  • The dream "a swan floating on water" promises a beautiful lover.
  • The dream “swans are flying” says that you need to take a break from each other (wife from her husband, beloved from her beloved).
  • What do swans dream about in the sky in the first half of the week - you can take risks, fate will favor you. (cm. )
  • Why do flying swans dream in the second half of the week - a terrible terrible disease will recede, with you, your near or dear person.

Children's dream book
I dreamed of a beautiful swan - this is your new relationship with a girl if you are a boy and with a boy if you are a girl. Relations will be good and bright and will last the entire school period, and then end.

Generalized dream book
  The dream of "geese, swans" is a very positive dream. This is profit, and guests, and love, and affection, and the cleansing of the soul from suffering.

Gypsy dream book
  To see a girl in a dream is a complete and happy family.
  A dream about ringed swans, speaks of the addition in the family, the birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminsky
  One swan in a dream - to separation, two swans in a dream - to great and strong love.

New family dream book

  • I dreamed of white swans on the water - the prospects are beautiful, the experiences are pleasant.
  • I dreamed of black swans on the water - you will receive dubious pleasures.
  • I dreamed of a dead swan - annoyance from satiety.

Vintage french dream book

  • I dreamed of “white swans” - wealth, power, power.
  • I dreamed of a black swan - things will decline.
  • Dreaming of swans singing - sad news.

East female dream book

  • The dream of “swans on water” promises prosperity to his dreamer.
  • Seeing a black swan in a dream is an irresistible desire to taste the forbidden fruit.
  • Seeing a dead swan in a dream is satiety with pleasures.
  • A flock of swans in a dream - expectations so pleasant to your soul will soon come true.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

  • What do the swans dream of in the water - for separation. (cm. )
  • Why singing a swan dreams - to trouble, mourning.
  • Why do flying white swans dream - your secret will be revealed.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: why do white swans dream in the pond - a very favorable dream that promises you prosperity and respect.
  • Why does the swan dream in a black dream - you want to taste some forbidden fruits.
  • What does the killed swan dream about in a dream - no matter what color the killed swan was, it says that you are fed up with life and feel only frustration.
  • Why swans dream, a flock flies through the sky - you are expecting something pleasant and it will come true soon.

Esoteric dream book

  • What a couple of swans dream about - for love and fidelity.
  • Why does a white swan dream in a dream - to a wedding.
  • What a black swan dreams about - unrequited love.
  • What does a wounded swan dream about - love will leave a terrible mark in your soul.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

White swans dreamed - swans are associated with beautiful hopes, which are destined to come true, but in reality they will turn out to be only a loss. By nature, a swan is an unusually beautiful bird, but the same is an unusually stupid one. Swans are dumber than geese and ducks, they have unblinking insensitive eyes and a sharp repulsive scream. Still, the swan symbolizes the capture of violent female sensuality. There is a myth about Jupiter, which in the form of a swan appropriates another's female erotic intimacy, sensual and gracious.
  The swans dreamed of a man - the image of his mother or beloved.

Pythagorean numerological dream book
  A couple of swans dreamed - a dream prophesies happy changes in the house. Within 2 months, you will try on who you were in a quarrel with, money matters will stabilize, the house will have love and mutual understanding, earn respect at work. Caution: Do not abuse alcohol for 2 months, otherwise a stomach ulcer or pancreas become inflamed.
  The dream “many swans bent their necks and became like deuces” says that 47 days after the dream you saw, you will be able to begin again to resolve the issue, which for some reason was postponed 60 days ago. This is the best time to resolve it.

Dream Interpretation Hasse
  Dream Interpretation: a pair of swans in a dream symbolize happiness in children and married life.

Dream Interpretation Health
  White swan in a dream what does it mean? Problems with either the spine in the cervical region, or with nerves, or with muscles in the neck.

The latest dream book of Ivanov
  The interpretation of the dream of “swans floating in a dream” boils down to the following: you definitely need to do hydrotherapy and meditation. Also, a dream about swimming swans is a dream of faithful and strong love.

Cleopatra's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation of Lovers
  Why do white swans dream of a woman floating on water - to the joy of a quiet harmonious family life.
  Dream Interpretation: a swan in a black sky in a dream indicates that you strongly desire to indulge in dubious pleasure, which will seriously jeopardize your relationship with your loved one.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

  • I dreamed of a swan - to sadness, sadness, tenderness, purification of the soul through suffering, spiritual experiences, hope, strong love and fidelity.
  • I dreamed of one swan - to separation.
  • I dreamed about a pair of swans - for strong and strong love.
  • I dreamed of a black swan - to the death of a loved one.

Dreamcatcher of 1829

  • The dream of “swan” is a dream of wealth and power.
  • The dream of a "black swan" dreams of a quarrel with households.
  • The dream "singing swan" dreams of death.

Moon Dream Book
The “lone swan” dream predicts separation.
  The dream of a “pair of swans” prophesies family happiness.

Russian dream book
  Dream Interpretation: a swan in a dream symbolizes purity, grace and fidelity.
  Dream Interpretation: Swan song in a dream indicates the possibility of "last chance".

Slavic dream book
  Dream Interpretation: flying swans in a dream dream of wealth.
  Dream Interpretation: a swan sings in a dream - to death.

Old Russian dream book
  The dream of a "floating swan" dreams of separation.

Dream Interpretation Dasha
  A swan in a dream book means purity of thoughts, grace and fidelity. But the swan song in the dream book prophesies death.

Ukrainian dream book

  • A dream about a swan - a good dream portends joy, family happiness and prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: two Kristal swans on a chandelier - family happiness will be long and bright.
  • The dream of a lone swan portends separation.
  • The dream "lake, swans, water lilies" speaks of fragile happiness that will be overshadowed by family strife.

Autumn dream book
  The dream of “throwing the swan crumbs” is a dream of a faithful beloved person.

Summer dream book
  Dreamed of “a swan floating in the water” - everything will be fine with you.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea

  • The swan in the dream book means the White Goddess, the Mother of the universe.
  • A pair of swans in a dream book means family happiness.
  • The dream "a swan swims in a pond" speaks of separation, loneliness, longing.
  • The “black swan plumage” dream speaks of a deep secret that you will have to face.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

  • The dream “swan in black” is a dream to loss, trouble, regret.
  • The dream “swan in white” is a dream of happiness.
  • The “floating swan” dream is lucky and lucky.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Cananit

Dream Interpretation: to see thousands of white swans in a dream - happiness in marriage, pride in children, successful business.
  Dream Interpretation: Swan Lake in a dream to an unstable matrimony.


In conclusion, I want to note that the Swans dream is a rather strange dream and it is interpreted extraordinary. Everyone knows the fact that even under the white wings of a swan, black skin is hidden, that the swan is a stupid bird and does not bear any benefit for a person. Hence these strange interpretations. But we will not be pessimists, we need to believe in the future and in the beautiful far away, which, as the song says, "will not be cruel to us."