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In a dream, see eggs fry. What do Fried Eggs dream about? Interpretations on different dream books

Why dream of frying eggs? Different interpreters give different considerations in this regard. Someone considers this sign to be positive, someone - negative, and someone even sees in it a warning. Try to recall the plot of night vision as much as possible in order to get a valuable clue from your subconscious.

Miller's Dream Book

In the interpreter of Gustav Miller, one can find such answers to the question of what dreams of frying eggs:

  • Vision can symbolize veiled deception. Be careful with those who tell you a lot of flattering speeches.
  • If you eat fried eggs with appetite, beware of betrayal by someone you trust unconditionally.
  • If the eggs are baked in a pan, this means that you can’t avoid family scandals.
  • If in a dream you intended to fry an egg, but couldn’t break the shell, then in real life you take up a task that you can’t do.

Female dream book

Why does a woman dream of frying eggs? Here are the answers given by the interpreter:

  • A vision can warn you of breaking up with your beloved. But do not be upset, because soon after separation you will meet a more worthy man.
  • If in a dream you fried beaten eggs, this means that the fan will disappoint you intimately.
  • If there were a lot of eggs in the pan, this symbolizes your unreasonable jealousy. All your attempts to convict your beloved of infidelity will fail, because he is honest with you.
  • If you wanted to give an egg, but dropped it and broke it, it means that your inaction and unreasonable claims you risk ruining your relationship with your lover.
  • If you had a romantic candlelight dinner, but there were only fried eggs on the table, it means that you are building illusions. In fact, the object of your sympathy has no serious intentions towards you.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

If you are wondering why you dream of frying eggs, look at the Wanderer’s dream book. In it you will find a transcript of vision:

  • Frying eggs can symbolize the unexpected arrival of guests. You will be stunned, but in the end you will have a good time.
  • If the egg yolk burst and leaked during frying, it means that soon your secret ill-wishers will expose themselves.
  • If an egg shell has fallen into the pan, it means that in reality you are rushing things too much. Such rash haste can disrupt the course of your plans.
  • If there was a plate on the table with a mountain of fried eggs, this portends wealth and family happiness.

Dream Wanga

The famous soothsayer Vanga gave such answers to the question of what dreams of frying eggs:

  • The dream warns you that you should not rely on anyone (even the closest ones). If you want a positive outcome, do it yourself.
  • If you cooked only proteins, this warns you of a loss. It may be a material loss or a break with a close friend.
  • If you only fried yolks in your vision, this portends you gaining valuable knowledge that will help you find a way out of a difficult life situation.
  • If the eggshell was painted in some unusual bright colors, it means that you live in a world of illusions. It harms your work and relationships.

Universal dream book

Why dream of frying chicken eggs? The Universal Dream Book contains such considerations in this regard:

  • Frying eggs is a symbol of quarrels and misunderstandings with friends, colleagues or family members.
  • If the fried eggs are burnt, there is a high risk of material damage. Try to spend money more rationally, and also do not lend, if you have even the slightest doubt about the decency of the person.
  • If in your vision you ate fried eggs with pleasure, this means that all the troubles and difficulties will eventually lead you to a positive result.
  • If in your vision you took shell fragments from the fried eggs, it means that you have to solve problems that arose due to the fault of another person.

Russian folk dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of frying eggs in a pan, read the information from the Russian folk dream book:

  • If you intend to fry an egg, but a live chicken jumped out of it and ran away, it means that because of your carelessness, you risk losing a valuable chance.
  • If you eat fried eggs nonstop, there is a high risk of health problems. Be sure to visit your doctor to prevent serious ailments.
  • If you observe how other people eat fried eggs, it means that you accidentally learn about someone's insidious plan. It is in your power to protect the victim from danger.
  • If you fry it means that someone spreads unpleasant rumors about you that can ruin your reputation and complicate relationships with others.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

In a dream book by Denise Lynn, cooking fried eggs says the following:

  • If there are two yolks in an egg, this means that you are looking one-sidedly at the situation. In fact, a different, more acceptable approach can be found to solve the problem.
  • Immersion in everyday life and routine - that's what a woman dreams of frying chicken eggs. Pamper yourself more often and go out into the light. Otherwise, you run the risk of depression.
  • If in a dream you cooked one egg, this symbolizes your suffering from loneliness. It's time to open up new acquaintances.
  • If during the preparation of the fried eggs you sprinkled it with salt, pepper and spices, this means that your efforts will be fully justified. For your work you will receive a worthy reward (both material and moral).

Idiomatic dream book

From the idiomatic dream book, one can draw such information about visions with fried eggs:

  • Solving problems is what dreams of frying eggs with tomatoes, onions, herbs and other additives. Such a dream can promise a patient recovery.
  • If you fried miniature quail eggs - this is a symbol of your dissatisfaction with your position. Perhaps the time has come to change something in life.
  • If you were preparing a huge ostrich egg in your vision, it means that soon you will be presented with a pleasant and very valuable surprise.
  • If in a dream someone has prepared for you fried eggs, it means that you will have a like-minded person. Together, you can achieve much more than alone.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

If you are wondering why fried eggs dream, in Aesop’s dream book you can find the following transcript:

  • If the scrambled eggs in your dream book were of some unusual color (red, green, blue, and so on), then you are being deceived. But soon you will bring the liar to clean water.
  • If you fry eggs for someone, it means that soon you will meet a faithful and reliable partner in life.
  • If you see an egg fried right in the shell, it means someone is plotting against you. Be extremely careful, do not share your plans with others.
  • If a woman in a dream eats fried eggs, perhaps a new life has already begun in her.

Numerological Dream Interpretation

To see an egg in a dream and break it, clearly distinguishing its three component parts, shell, protein and yolk  - means that you are currently busy looking for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you comfort.

Dream Book of Medea

Egg  - symbolizes the emergence of an idea that will soon hatch.

See an already hatched chick  - portends a new calm period of life.

A lot of eggs  - anxiety, the uncertainty of the situation.

Break an egg  - misfortune.

See the shell  - unfulfilled hopes.

Freud's Dream Book

See chicken eggs in a dream  - You will meet with a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of his male dignity.

If he who saw such a dream  - a man, do not be afraid of some kind of homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise that we just talked about is waiting for you in a public bath or, say, a sobering-up room.

If you dream of broken eggs  - it means that you can offend some already notorious person with some careless glance or word. Even if you really want to express everything “boiling up”, better keep silent.

There is an egg in a dream  - to close relations with someone from your associates whom you still knew only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

Paint easter eggs  - you need to relate to your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what you had before, without making any changes, and the feeling of "zest" leaves your sex. It is not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you apart, from your world for two; arrange the wedding bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in the foam bath.

Egg  - is a symbol of female genital organs. Most often, such dreams are associated with the desire to have a baby.

Many eggs  - symbolizes your dream of a large and friendly family (unless such a dream is caused by a feeling of severe hunger).

Rotten egg  - symbolizes health problems or complications during pregnancy.

Boiled egg  - speaks of your frivolity in matters of procreation.

Broken egg or fried egg  - symbolize your fears about the institution of the child. Often these concerns relate to restrictions on sex during pregnancy.

Dream Wanga

Egg in a dream  - personifies the world, planet, all living things that surrounds you.

Rotten egg in a dream  - portends a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that ever more sophisticated weapons are being invented, means of destroying the living, from which there is no salvation, and which are in the hands of unworthy people who can destroy all life and destroy human civilization.

If in a dream you break an egg - This means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps in a very distant future, a meteorite shower will fall on Earth, which will split the planet into parts, and all living things will die.

Have an egg  - such a dream suggests that all living things exist, devouring the living, and so it was, and it will be so. But a person should thank God for sending a lot of things to him as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator.

Boil an egg  - such a dream suggests that the time will come when it will be very hot on the Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry, and plants and animals will die, and a person will begin to change in order to survive in unbearable hell.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Well known that the egg  - is a symbol of the birth of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate an egg in the shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity.

You dreamed that you cooked a chicken egg  - Know that you have a secret enemy, and this is a woman.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends presented you with a chicken egg  - Know that soon this misfortune will fall on this person, which will touch you with the edge of his wing.

Buy chicken egg  - unhappiness is your fault.

You lost or gave someone an egg  - The troubles that were supposed to fall upon you will overtake this person.

If you dreamed you stole an egg  - beware, the dog may bite you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Egg  - A very significant sign symbolizing a new life and new potential. In many ancient traditions, the egg is associated with immortality.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs an egg  - means great potential and even a container for the secrets of life. On one of the Egyptian papyri you can see the image of an egg hovering over a mummy. It is believed that this is a symbol of eternal life in the future. If this sign appears to you, then you are on the verge of entering your full potential. This is a time of new beginnings.

English dream book

Dreaming eggs  - mean quick success in trade and love.

If there are a lot of eggs  - a dream portends a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years. You can safely hope for a better job, it will be yours soon.

If the eggs are rotten - a dream portends to you the treachery of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of unfaithful lovers.

If in a dream you enjoy eating eggs  - So you are waiting for pleasure and considerable joys ahead.

Medieval Dream Book of Daniel

Cook chicken eggs  - to wealth.

See eggs or lay them  - to empty words.

White eggs see  - to wealth.

Italian dream book

Egg  - the symbol is rather negative, because the egg is “something” in the shell. A secret, unknown, unexpected creature that is hidden from direct perception. Sex shells can be anything: something alien to a person, separate from him, some other life that can affect the life of the subject, his behavior, development, self-awareness or something threatening, which carries danger in itself. In addition to this interpretation, a sexual interpretation of this image is also allowed, since the egg, due to its shape, symbolizes the male genital organs.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of chicken eggs  - This means that your new partner will surprise you with the size of his manhood.

Broken eggs  - dream that you can offend a person with your careless word. It is better to keep silent in such a situation.

Islamic dream book

Dishes made from eggs and meat  - they talk about profits made without much effort. Pickles are always a sign of quarrels and trouble, and those who eat them in a dream should expect their appearance. The one who sees them without eating will lose his capital by investing in some business.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

In some cases, the egg  - symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, means wealth, profit or something empty.

There is an egg in a dream  - means, in reality you pay a lot of attention to the empty and the unnecessary.

Break an egg  - means that by your careless actions, you can harm yourself.

The dream in which you wait, when, finally, chickens hatch from eggs  - means you are too keen on a matter that is no longer relevant to you.

Are you trying to break and peel the eggshell  - a case is being imposed on you in which they will try to deceive you and introduce you into monetary expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

There are eggs  - loss; put them under the hen  - profit; and take them out  - trouble.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Egg  - a symbol of male genital organs. Potential life, which should be primarily fertilized from the outside; dark matter (matter), which must be penetrated by the light of the conscious before the birth of a new one. Easter and Sunday. The archetype of probable individuation. Secret essence in which there is inseparable good and evil.

Dream Interpretation of Dreams

See eggs  - there is a sign of profit and benefit; crush eggs  - means a quarrel with someone from home, annoyance and displeasure; crushed eggs  - means persecution from enemies; white eggs to collect  - means profit; eggs eat moderately  - marks calm and contentment; eat them without measure  - portends harm and disease.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Eggs  - a symbol of creation, occurrence, unrealized potential of man. A nestling hatches from it, which means birth, realization, implementation of a creative idea, plan, purpose.

Throw eggs  - collapse, exposure. Many  - worries; broken  - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

Culinary dream book

Eggs in a dream  - portend success in any new business.

The eggs you eat in a dream  - they say that you have good health.

Modern versatile dream book

If in a dream you see an egg, the most obvious meaning that a dream carries  - fertility. We all came out of an egg fertilized with sperm. A symbol of fertility and resurrection is the Easter egg.

If in a dream you are sitting on eggs and waiting for someone to hatch from them  - means you have a lot of work to do to achieve your goal.

If in a dream you walk on an egg shell  - that means you should be more sensitive.

In a dream, you or someone else breaks the shell  - This symbolizes the formation of personality and independence. It is also possible that such a dream suggests that you are being encouraged to do something that you do not want to do, or to go somewhere where you do not want to go.

Is the hard-boiled egg or soft-boiled egg in your dream? In the first case in a dream  - Your desire to be more persistent and to uniquely determine your position is expressed. Also such a dream  - It can be said that you literally went through fire and water and tempered your character.

If the egg is liquid inside  - it means that you do not have enough softness in life. Perhaps you yourself want to be softer or expect this from other people.

If in a dream your face or the face of another person is smeared in an egg  - it means that in real life you are in a difficult situation.

Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Eggs  - happiness in family love.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

Egg or eggs  - the consequences of your actions or thoughts that have not yet been realized, but are no longer dependent on your will.

To see them, to find  - wealth, profit.

Buy  - misfortune.

Cook  - gossip.

Give out  - danger to life, especially for pregnant women.

Smash  - crime, murder.

there is  - sadness.

Too much or overeat  - deterioration of health, great harm.

Black, chilling-looking eggs  - evil fruits.

Variegated, dirty eggs  - the consciousness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be as good as we would like.

Huge, monstrous, the size of a house  - the future does not depend on your will.

See a lot of big  - follow the trail of other people's labors.

Lots of empty shells  - some kind of completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collect bird eggs  - your desire

21st Century Dream Interpretation

Eggs in a dream

Eggs - To see eggs in a dream is to abundance, to buy - unfortunately, to cook - to gossip, to distribute - to danger to life, to break - to crime. To collect bird eggs in a dream means your desire to do everything anew, to suck an egg means to become a dependent, to see a chick hatch from an egg in a dream, to relieve, relieve anxiety, responsibility or fear.

Miller's Dream Book

What are the eggs in a dream

Eggs - Find a nest with eggs in a dream - portends wealth, happy marriage and many children. For women, this dream promises a variety of love interests.

Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home.

Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously bestow on you. An elevated mind and a high sense of justice will make you a favorite of many people.

Rotten eggs - promise a loss of property and a decline in business. A basket of eggs means that you will participate in profitable business operations.

Getting dirty with eggs means that you take possession of wealth of dubious origin.

Bird eggs dream of a possible inheritance from distant relatives or profit from an unexpected rise in prices for basic foodstuffs.

Dream Interpretation AstroMeridiana

Why did you dream of breaking an egg

What are eggs for? Eggs in a dream symbolize a fateful meeting, someone's sudden appearance. If you saw a dream involving eggs, expect an important message that will change your plans for the near future.

  • Bad dream has a dream in which you saw a lot of eggs. It portends a series of unpleasant work trials that will take away a lot of your vital energy.
  • Frying or boiling eggs in a dream - to quarrels and disputes, which will take away from you the remnants of patience and a positive attitude towards people with whom you quarrel.
  • An excellent omen is the golden testicles in a dream. They predict good luck in all your endeavors, so take a moment in the coming days.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

What did the egg dream about?

Why do eggs dream, according to the dream book? If you dreamed about eggs - in life you spend too much time on groundless expectations. Try not to sit back, but to act. Perhaps then the realization of your goals will come in the near future.

Also, the dream of eggs suggests that you are closed from the outside world in your “shell”. Become more active and frank - this will help you get more joy from life.

Romantic dream book

Dream eggs

  • A bird's nest is dreaming, inside of which there are eggs - this portends you entering into a successful and strong marriage.
  • Of the same importance is the dream in which you found several chicken eggs on the street. For people who are already married - this dream predicts a long and happy relationship with a spouse.
  • If in a dream a basket with eggs, according to a dream book in reality you will encounter a strong, but short-lived love affair. Do not worry, you will not suffer after the end of this relationship. Rather, on the contrary, it will leave only positive emotions in your memory.

Dream Wanga

What are the eggs for?

  • Why do you dream of broken eggs and chickens - worsening financial condition, quarrels with domestic ones. For a young woman, after such a dream about eggs, you need to beware - if you are planning a pregnancy, then she is unsuccessful.
  • To break eggs in a dream - something doesn’t work for you, you don’t finish things entirely through your own fault, if you break them in a dream.
  • The empty shell of eggs is dreaming - a new stage has begun in your life, in the past there is nothing more for you.
  • Raw eggs of the usual size - to the acquisition of something: profit or the birth of a child.
  • Why dream big eggs - you have no control over your fate, in the near future everything will depend on the circumstances.
  • I dreamed about boiled eggs on a dream book - gossip and intrigue weave behind your back, even if you do not cook, but simply observe the cooking process.
  • There are boiled eggs, and to feel that the eggs are very tasty - you can overcome all obstacles and in the end everything will be fine.
  • Many chicken eggs dream - a good symbol of the beginning of a new life, you are lucky.
  • Rotten eggs dreaming - wait for failure, if you can, then do not start new business.
  • Why dream that chickens are about to hatch from the eggs - you will have a successful outcome for any business, for pregnant women a dream means an easy birth.
  • To find a nest with eggs in a dream - to wealth and a happy marriage. Perhaps inheritance from distant relatives. For women, such a dream portends frequent hobbies.
  • A basket of eggs means that you will participate in profitable business operations.

Vintage French dream book

Eggs in a dream see

  • A red egg means an unexpected annoying circumstance that will greatly harm you.
  • Why dream white eggs of worms - means that your cherished desires will come true.
  • Clean, fresh eggs portend good news.
  • I dream of a whole basket of goose eggs - to participate in an unsuccessful enterprise.
  • Dreamed of broken eggs - always dream of sorrow.

A universal dream book for the whole family

Interpretation of eggs

What are eggs for? Egg - (According to Freud, a symbol of male sexuality), in some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, means wealth, profit or something empty.

  • There is an egg in a dream, which means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to the empty and the unnecessary.
  • To break an egg means that you can harm yourself with your careless actions.
  • You wait, when, finally, chickens hatch from the eggs, which means that you are too keen on a matter that is no longer relevant to you.
  • Why dream that you are trying to break and peel the eggshell, they are imposing a case in which they will try to deceive you and introduce you into monetary expenses.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Allegories about Eggs

What are eggs for? It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol has several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate it in shells to double their strength. You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, it symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity.

The custom of dyeing and eating eggs is still very popular. Folk wisdom holds many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: "There is no worth a damn egg." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. They said about a caressed and spoiled child: "A laden egg is always a talker." It was believed that no serious actions should be expected from such a person.

  • You eat an egg - this means that in reality you pay too much attention to empty and unnecessary business.
  • You have dropped and broken an egg - it means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.
  • Dreaming of broken egg shells - you need to take care of your health.
  • Dreaming about how you collect eggs in nests means that your life will undergo significant changes for the better.
  • If you saw yourself hatching eggs, it means that someone close to you will need your attention and help.
  • You treat someone with a dish of eggs, - indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn your whole life upside down.
  • Why rotten eggs dream is a bad sign.
  • A two-yolk egg is dreaming - it means a dual situation.
  • You are trying to make scrambled eggs, and a live chicken crawls out of a broken egg - you are unreasonably using your chance.
  • Collecting raw chicken eggs in a dream is a blessing.
  • You saw how a snake devours an egg - it means evil and disease.
  • In a dream, as a pike hatches eggs, you are too passionate about your fantasies, which replace you with real life.
  • You are waiting for the chicken to finally hatch from the egg, which means that you are too keen on what has long been in the past. This is said: "These are hatched eggs."
  • You are trying to break and peel the eggshell - in reality you will have to be careful. They will try to deceive you and introduce you into significant financial expenses. People say: "They pecked like an egg."

What is the dream of the egg

Miller's Dream Book

Find a nest with eggs in a dream - portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies.

Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home.

Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously bestow on you. An elevated mind and a high sense of justice will make you a favorite of many people.

Rotten eggs - promise a loss of property and a decline in business. An egg basket means that you will participate in profitable business operations.

To find bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives.

What is the dream of the egg

Freud's Dream Book

To see chicken eggs in a dream - you will meet a male who will surprise you with the volume of his male dignity. If he who sees such a dream is a man, one should not be afraid of any homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise we just talked about is waiting for you in a public bathhouse or, say, a sobering-up room.

If you dream of broken eggs, it means that you can offend some already notorious person with a careless glance or a word. Even if you really want to say everything "boiling", better keep silent.

There is an egg in a dream - to close relationships with someone from your associates, whom you still knew only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

To paint Easter eggs - you need to relate to your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what it was before, without making any changes, and the feeling of "zest" leaves your sex. It is not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you apart, from your world for two; arrange the marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in the foam bath.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Wanga

Egg in a dream - personifies the world, planet, all living things that surrounds you.

A rotten egg in a dream - portends a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that ever better weapons are being invented, means of destroying the living, from which there is no salvation and which are in the hands of unworthy people who can destroy all life and destroy human civilization.

If in a dream you break an egg, it means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps in a very distant future, a meteorite shower will fall on Earth, which will split the planet into pieces, and all life will die.

There is an egg - such a dream suggests that all living things exist, devouring the living, and so it was, and it will be so. But a person should thank God for the fact that he sends a lot to him as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator.

Boil an egg - such a dream suggests that the time will come when it will be very hot on Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry, and plants and animals will die, and a person will begin to change in order to survive in unbearable hell.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Eggs - profit, growth in the family, contentment and joy.

What is the dream of the egg

Family dream book

A nest with eggs that had been dreamed of in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. After such a dream, a woman often behaves too frivolously.

If in a dream you ate an egg, anxiety associated with something unusual may settle in your home.

Seeing broken fresh eggs - know that fate is ready to generously reward you. You will be loved and respected for an extraordinary mind and high sense of justice.

Rotten eggs - dream of a loss of property and a decline in business.

A haunted basket of eggs is a harbinger of your participation in profitable business operations.

Bird eggs found in the forest - dream of receiving an inheritance from distant relatives.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Eggs in a dream - usually call you to caution.

Seeing chicken eggs in your dream is a sign that your business will go well if you take proper care and do not take risky steps.

A good dream in which you see that a chicken laid an egg - this dream portends you profit.

If the egg in your dream was laid by a cock, such a dream promises profit from victory in some controversial matter.

Rotten eggs are a sign of disappointment. After such a dream, you should not blindly trust seductive offers - they can result in big losses.

Boiled or fried eggs - portend some difficulties and disputes in your home.

Broken eggs - means that your intemperance can harm you.

Finding eggs of forest birds in a dream is a sign of unexpected profit. But if these eggs are spotty, then you will be overcome by some doubts.

What is the dream of the egg

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To see several eggs is the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic dream).

There is a soft-boiled egg - you will not finish any important business to the end, for which you will suffer; the disease is not completely cured.

The golden egg - upon awakening to conceive a desire - will be fulfilled.

What is the dream of the egg

Spring dream book

Eggs - a new person will appear in the family or an unexpected guest will come.

Testicle - to the news, from which everyone will cry.

What is the dream of the egg

Summer dream book

To see a small testicle is when your child unexpectedly comes to visit you.

What is the dream of the egg

Autumn dream book

Eggs - the news of someone's pregnancy will reach you.

Testicle - to a small income.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sleep with a broken egg - portends a sad event, which, however, will turn into an unexpectedly positive side.

To cook scrambled eggs - for a visit of guests.

Boiled eggs - promise little success, not justifying the money invested and the effort spent.

Seeing a dream with bird eggs in the nest - predicts an unexpected find or a major purchase.

An egg with two or more yolks is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and success in life.

A lot of eggshells - to soon marriage or addition to the family.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Eggs - someone will come, profit, joy.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

Seeing a chicken egg in a dream is a big loss.

If you dreamed that you had broken a chicken egg, you will have trouble, but you will not incur large losses.

Eating a chicken egg - to the loss of all your savings.

If you dreamed that you fried scrambled eggs from a chicken egg or used an egg to cook some dishes - you know, a secret enemy is ready to stab you in the back at any time.

You dreamed that you cooked a chicken egg - you know, you have a secret enemy, and this is a woman.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or acquaintances presented you with a chicken egg as a gift - know that soon a misfortune will fall on this person, which will touch you with the edge of his wing.

Buy a chicken egg - unfortunately for your fault.

You have lost or given someone an egg - the troubles that were supposed to fall on you will overtake this person.

If you dreamed that you stole an egg - beware, the dog may bite you.

What is the dream of the egg

Esoteric dream book

Egg to see - to the birth of children.

Many eggs are troubles associated with children.

Easter eggs - joy from children, respect and help.

Broken - to infertility, an unsuccessful pregnancy.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

There are eggs in a dream - to unusual alarms in your home.

If you dream of broken fresh eggs, this is a sign that fate will soon generously give you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to an elevated mind and a high sense of justice.

To find a nest with eggs in a dream - to wealth and a happy marriage. Perhaps inheritance from distant relatives.

Such a dream for women portends frequent hobbies.

Basket with eggs - means that you will participate in profitable business operations.

Rotten eggs - portend a loss of property and a decline in business.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Book of Azar

Eggs - a new person in the family or an unexpected guest will appear.

Painted eggs are innocent fun.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Evgenia Tsvetkova

One egg, two - waiting for guests; much is success; beat or see broken - a loss.

Too many - endless worries are petty.

What is the dream of the egg

Modern dream book

Find a nest with eggs in a dream - a prediction of family happiness, wealth and many children.

For women this dream promises numerous love passions.

If there are eggs - expect unusual troubles in the house.

Seeing fresh broken eggs is a portent that fate will be favorable to you and give you generous gifts. You will be loved and respected for an exalted soul and commitment to justice.

To see rotten eggs is a harbinger of loss of property and moral decline.

Seeing a basket of eggs is a sign of profitable business deals.

The dream in which you see bird eggs promises you an inheritance from distant relatives or high profits from successful commercial affairs.

What is the dream of the egg

Eastern dream book

Eggs - dream at the arrival of guests.

What is the dream of the egg

Schiller-Schoolboy Dream Interpretation

profit, growth in the family, contentment and joy.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Egg - You see an egg in the nest - a dream promises you a happy family life, wealth. You seem to have found a fresh chicken egg in the hay - fate will treat you favorably; your heightened sense of justice will raise your credibility. You dream of a rotten egg - you lose some of the property; losses will not be too painful. It’s like you are eating a dish of eggs — everyone in your house will be alarmed.

What is the dream of the egg

Noble dream book N. Grishina

An egg or eggs - not yet realized, but no longer dependent on your will consequences of your actions or thoughts.

To see them, to find is wealth, profit.

Buying is misfortune.

Cooking - gossip.

Handing out is a danger to life, especially for pregnant women.

Breaking is a crime, a murder.

There is sadness.

Eating a lot or overeating - poor health, great harm.

Black, frightening-looking eggs are evil fruits.

Variegated, dirty eggs - the consciousness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be as good as we would like.

Huge, monstrous, the size of a house - the future does not depend on your will.

To see many great things is to follow in the footsteps of other people's labors.

A lot of empty shells - some kind of completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collecting bird eggs is your desire to return to the beginning of life, to do everything in a new way.

To suck an egg - to become a dependent, a parasite, to pass off as your thoughts.

Fiery - unexpectedly for you, significant consequences of your actions.

Eggs falling from the sky or floating in water are the torment of conscience.

What is the dream of the egg

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Eggs are a symbol of creation, occurrence, unrealized potential of a person. A nestling hatches from it, which means birth, realization, implementation of a creative idea, plan, purpose.

Throw eggs - collapse, exposure. Many are worries; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

What is the dream of the egg

Healer of Akulina's Dream Interpretation

You dreamed about Eggs. Why are these Eggs - To see eggs in a dream - someone unexpected will appear. If the eggs were rotten, then expect an unpleasant guest. Imagine that all the eggs that you dreamed of are fresh and delicious. If the eggs are rotten, you throw them out or replace them with fresh ones. You make scrambled eggs and treat that person whom you really would like to see as your guest.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Broken egg - gossip, bad luck; red egg - abundance; the whole egg is good news;

What is the dream of the egg

Icelandic dream book

Eggs to see - to a particular sadness; own an egg - for profit.

What is the dream of the egg

Starry Dream Book

You dreamed of an Egg - money, profit, success Supported 2 house.

What is the dream of the egg

Creative dream book

You dreamed about an Egg. Why is it 1. An egg is a symbol of unrealized potential. Therefore, to see an egg in a dream means that we have not yet brought into the light, we have not transferred our natural possibilities to the level of the conscious. Eating an egg shows the need to accept certain aspects of novelty before we can more fully explore the different ways of life. 2. We have a sense of miracle associated with the miracle of life, and the understanding that much needs to be given before we can enjoy life to the fullest. We may need to wait a bit before we attempt to learn something new. 3. It is believed that the principle of life and the focus of all things is contained in the cosmic egg. Therefore, from a spiritual point of view, the egg represents the inner potential and desire to be perfect.

What is the dream of the egg

English dream book

You dreamed of an Egg - an almost magical thing; it is a small womb that holds the potential for a new life. What a dream is about: A dream where you eat eggs may indicate a desire to experience new sensations, or perhaps a desire to have your own child. Broken eggs mean loss of hope or sacrifice in order to improve your life or the lives of others.

What is the dream of the egg

Big dream book

Eggs - One, two - waiting for guests; much is success; beat or see broken - a loss.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream book of the sorceress Medea

Eggs - The egg symbolizes the emergence of an idea that will soon hatch. Seeing an already hatched chick portends a new calm period of life. A lot of eggs - anxiety, the uncertainty of the situation. Breaking an egg is a misfortune. Seeing the shell - unfulfilled hopes.

What is the dream of the egg

Russian dream book

What the Egg means in a dream is news in the house, the beginning of a new period of life, new beginnings.

What is the dream of the egg

Jewish dream book

You dreamed about Eggs - There are scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs - for pleasant experiences. There are scrambled eggs with ham - there will be unpleasant and lengthy showdowns. Breaking eggs is a complete breakdown. To boil eggs. For a woman - to soon achieve the desired result. For a man - to ridicule and resentment. There are soft-boiled eggs - to uncertainty and doubt. There are steep eggs - for luck. Seeing eggshells on the floor - you will suddenly find that you have recently been very threatened. In Ukraine, to see eggs in a dream is a quarrel.

What is the dream of the egg

Female dream book

What it means to see Eggs in a dream - There are eggs in a dream - to unusual alarms in your home. If you dream of broken fresh eggs, this is a sign that fate will soon generously give you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to an elevated mind and a high sense of justice. To find a nest with eggs in a dream - to wealth and a happy marriage. Perhaps inheritance from distant relatives. For women, such a dream portends frequent hobbies. A basket of eggs means that you will participate in profitable business operations. Rotten eggs portend a loss of property and a decline in business.

What is the dream of the egg

Magic dream book

What do eggs mean in a dream - breaking - loss of trust. A cup or basket with eggs - success in financial affairs, eggs of wild birds (quail, etc.) - profit, a generous gift or inheritance from distant relatives. Painting eggs for Easter is an auspicious sign. Painted multi-colored eggs - a foretaste of a generous holiday. One large egg is added to the family. For women, sleeping with a crushed egg means an unwanted pregnancy. Seeing a decorative egg is profitable due to unexpected inflation.

What is the dream of the egg

Housewife dream interpretation

The egg is potential. Hatching from an egg is birth; childhood; eat eggs - to show their creative abilities; rotten eggs - a decline in business; a basket or a tray with eggs - profitable business operations; great abilities; broken eggs are a failure.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation Dasha

(according to Freud, a symbol of male sexuality), in some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, means wealth, profit or something empty. There is an egg in a dream, which means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to the empty and the unnecessary. To break an egg means that you can harm yourself with your careless actions. The dream in which you wait, when finally the chickens hatch from the eggs, means you are too keen on a matter that is no longer relevant to you. You are trying to break and peel the eggshell, they are imposing a case in which they will try to deceive you and introduce you into monetary expenses.

What is the dream of the egg

Cleopatra's Dream Book

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal.

If you eat an egg in a dream, it means that in reality you pay too much attention to empty and unnecessary business.

The dream in which you have dropped and broken an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.

Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that in your life significant changes will come for the better.

If you saw in a dream how you hatch eggs yourself, it means that someone close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone with a dish of eggs indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn your whole life upside down.

To see rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign.

Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means a dual situation.

To dream in a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.

The dream in which you saw a snake devour an egg means evil and disease.

To dream about how a pike hatches eggs is a sign that you are too passionate about your fantasies that replace you with real life.

The dream in which you wait when the chicken finally hatches from the egg means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past.

If in a dream you are trying to break and peel the eggshell - in reality you will have to be careful. They will try to deceive you and introduce you into significant financial expenses.

What is the dream of the egg

Psychotherapeutic Dream Book

Yolk is - fail.

What is the dream of the egg

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed that you were eating an egg, then very soon someone would fall in love with you. To find out who it is, carry a rubber ball with you for a week.

Bad value If you dreamed that you were painting an egg (for example, getting ready for Easter), then soon you will be disappointed in your previous lifestyle. So that this does not lead to fatal consequences, eat a raw quail egg.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of winged phrases

EGGS - “hatch, sit on eggs” - waiting for a specific purpose. "Throw rotten eggs" - a overthrow, a protest against the self-declared leader, speaker. “Energy egg” (cocoon). “Worn like a chicken with an egg” - petty-egoistic worries, chores. "Give in the balls" (everyday. Folk. Express. - in a particularly vulnerable place). “To lay a golden egg” is a brilliant idea, a source of enrichment. "It is in the shell of its ideas and views" - limited, isolated, narrow-minded.

What is the dream of the egg

Italian dream book Meneghetti

They are a nutritional positive element; the image may also indicate positive erotic needs. But if the image does not apply to food, then it is negative, since an egg is a stereotypical designation of a shell from which something foreign can be born.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Most likely, you are afraid for your past, afraid that some of your unseemly actions will be revealed (you will see what is hidden under a smooth white shell - your impeccable appearance).

What is the dream of the egg

Idiomatic dream book

“Hatch, sit on eggs” - waiting for a specific purpose; “Throwing rotten eggs” - a overthrow, a protest against the leader, speaker, who has declared himself; "Energy egg" - a cocoon; "Rush like a chicken with an egg" - petty-egoistic worries, chores; "Give in the balls" - in a particularly vulnerable place; “To lay a golden egg” - a brilliant idea, a source of enrichment; "Is in the shell of his ideas and views" - limited, isolated, narrow-minded.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of the Past

Eggs - most likely, you are afraid for your past, afraid that some of your unseemly actions will be revealed (you will see what is hidden under the smooth white shell - your impeccable appearance).

What is the dream of the egg

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberty

The egg is rather a negative symbol, since the egg is “something” in the shell. A secret, unknown, unexpected creature that is hidden from direct perception. Sex shells can be anything: something alien to a person, separate from him, some other life that can affect the life of the subject, his behavior, development, self-awareness or anything threatening, which carries danger in itself. In addition to this interpretation, a sexual interpretation of this image is also allowed, since the egg, due to its shape, symbolizes the male genital organs.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation

If you dream of chicken eggs, this means that your new partner will surprise you with the size of his manhood.

Broken eggs - dream that you can offend a person with your careless word. It is better to keep silent in such a situation.

What is the dream of the egg

Online dream book

The egg is a sign that soon a new plan will dawn on you.

Eat an egg - you will be very worried about something.

According to the dream book, a broken egg - says that you will be a darling of fate.

Foul - you will need money and attention.

To see rotten eggs is a harbinger of loss of property and moral

Dreamed boiled - your efforts will be in vain, you can not find a reason to rejoice at the result.

According to the dream book, a big egg promises you great happiness, you will be lucky in everything, Higher powers will save you from any hardships and help you achieve whatever you want, the main thing is to listen to your inner voice and follow your guiding star without further ado.

If a chicken egg in a dream is a warning that all our thoughts materialize, therefore, everything that happens to us is only our fault, they also symbolize some new opportunities and prospects.

Quail eggs in a dream - say that your intuition is much more developed than most people, develop this gift in yourself and use it for good purposes.

In a dream, you saw ostrich eggs - you should be more responsible about the problem of a loved one, do not follow his whims and do not be afraid to be harsh, otherwise you will not help him, but only aggravate the problem.

If you dreamed about snake eggs, this is a warning that your enemies are somewhere nearby and pose a potential danger to you.

The dream in which you saw white eggs portends a safe embodiment of what was conceived and so desired in the very near future.

If you dreamed of broken eggs, not the easiest times may come in your home, material well-being may worsen, and against this background, the emotional atmosphere.

I dreamed of an ordinary fresh raw egg - this is a sure sign that a new member will appear in your family, or you will become much richer financially.

If it is atypically large, you are no longer the master of your own situation, and in many ways you have to reckon with the opinions of third parties.

If you dreamed of boiled eggs - someone spreading unpleasant rumors about you behind your back, this can cause you a lot of trouble, so try to stop them in the bud.

See that it is soft-boiled

A dream interpretation of a rotten egg - as a warning about problems at work that will entail financial complications and misunderstandings within the family, and most likely the reason for this will be the betrayal of those with whom you conduct your business.

If at the same time they are black

If in a dream the eggs are Easter, decorated - this promises you an adventure of a romantic nature, someone will deprive you of peace.

We saw a lot of eggs in a dream - you will find prosperity in everything, create a strong and happy family, and at the same time build a successful career.

If in a dream you collect eggs - you are unhappy with the current state of affairs, and want to fix everything, it seems possible only by starting all over again.

You get them just from a bird’s nest

Understand that they are rotten

I dreamed that you were buying eggs - perhaps now you are in despair because of the inability to realize what you want and the need to live under someone’s direction.

If in a dream you could find eggs - you will find prosperity and success in financial matters, as well as a prosperous family life.

You dreamed of golden eggs - this is a sign of incredible luck, you will have a unique opportunity, which is very important to notice and use in time to the maximum.

If the egg is black in the dream, it means that you have enemies who are plotting something unkind against you, be careful to repel their blow in time.

If you dreamed of cracked eggs or eggs that broke - this is a warning that now you need to be extremely careful in everything regarding material values, because of the slightest mistake, you can lose a large amount of money.

If you beat them yourself

If in a dream you dreamed of an egg with two yolks - this is to ensure that you will live in abundance, your house will become a full bowl, you will achieve all your ambitious goals.

To clean eggs in a dream is a warning that you can become a victim of scammers, so you should be extremely careful, otherwise the material damage will be very large.

I dreamed that you decided to paint eggs for the holiday - this is a sign that you should bring something new to your intimate life, become more skilled lovers, while you do not need to radically change anything, add only a few piquant details.

If the eggs are male in a dream - this indicates your psychological and physical readiness to acquire your own offspring.

What is the dream of the egg

Universal dream book

If in a dream you see an egg, the most obvious meaning that a dream carries is fertility. We all came out of an egg fertilized with sperm. A symbol of fertility and resurrection is the Easter egg.

If in a dream you are sitting on eggs and waiting for someone to hatch from them, it means that you have a lot of work to do to achieve your goal.

If in a dream you walk on an eggshell, then you should be more sensitive.

In a dream, you or someone else breaks the shell - this symbolizes the formation of personality and independence. It is also possible that such a dream suggests that you are being encouraged to do something that you do not want to do, or to go somewhere where you do not want to go.

Is the hard boiled egg or soft-boiled egg in your dream? In the first case, in a dream - your desire is expressed to be more persistent and unambiguously determine your position. Also, such a dream may indicate that you literally went through fire and water and tempered your character.

If the egg is liquid inside - it means that you lack softness in life. Perhaps you yourself want to be softer or expect this from other people.

If in a dream your face or the face of another person is smeared in an egg, then in real life you are in a difficult situation.

What is the dream of the egg

American Dream Book

Eggs are integrity. New life and new potential.

What is the dream of the egg

Old English dream book

Dreamed eggs - mean quick success in trade and love.

If there are a lot of eggs, a dream foreshadows a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years. You can safely hope for a better job, it will be yours soon.

If the eggs are rotten - a dream portends to you the treachery of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of unfaithful lovers.

If in a dream you eat eggs with pleasure - it means that you will find pleasure and considerable joys ahead.

What is the dream of the egg

Female dream book

The egg is the oldest symbol, which means the beginning, source, foundation.

The dream in which the egg appears means that the period of searches and acquisitions has begun in your life. Try to make sure that success does not turn your head, and the material does not harm the spiritual.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

There are eggs - a loss; to put them under a hen is profit; and taking them out is a nuisance.

What is the dream of the egg

Medieval Dream Book of Daniel

Cooking chicken eggs is wealth.

Seeing the eggs or laying them out is empty words.

White eggs to see - to wealth.

What is the dream of the egg

Russian dream book

Fry or boil eggs - to losses; a lot - for guests or gifts; to break - the stinginess of a loved one; in the nest - love affairs; rotten - monetary losses.

What is the dream of the egg

Russian dream book

In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, means wealth, profit or something empty.

If there is an egg in a dream, it means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to the empty and the unnecessary.

To break an egg means that you can harm yourself with your careless actions.

The dream in which you wait when finally the chickens hatch from the eggs means that you are too keen on a matter that is no longer relevant to you.

You are trying to break and peel the eggshell - a case is being imposed on you in which they will try to deceive you and introduce you into monetary expenses.

What is the dream of the egg

Dreamcatcher of 1829

The eggs to see are a sign of profit and profit; crush eggs - means a quarrel with someone from home, annoyance and displeasure; crushed eggs get dirty - means pursuit from enemies; to collect white eggs means profit; eggs are moderate - marks peace and contentment; eating them without any measure - portends harm and disease.

Egg yolk marks profit and success.

What is the dream of the egg

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

The egg is a symbol of the male genital organs. Potential life, which should be primarily fertilized from the outside; dark matter (matter), which must be penetrated by the light of the conscious before the birth of a new one. Easter and Sunday. The archetype of probable individuation. Secret essence in which there is inseparable good and evil.

What is the dream of the egg

Dream Interpretation of Shereminsky

An egg is the totality of deeds and intentions.

Fried eggs are not a rare symbol. But now, if the raw testicle seen in a dream promises profit, then the “fried egg” often becomes a predictor of problems and difficulties. However, one should not take everything so negatively, because dream books explaining why such dreams are dreamed of, there are many cases when this dish predicts luck.

Miller's Dream Book

To all admirers of Gustav Miller, who holyly believe his explanations, to which these or other events and images appear in the night dreams, it will not be out of place to find out the interpretation of the dream about fried eggs.

I dreamed that you bit them in a dream - be prepared for the fact that sorrows and anxieties can enter your house, both with or without it. However, letting these “visitors” into your home or not is up to you.

Who demolished?

What predicts the vision of fried eggs is a matter of dispute among many dream books, but here, in one they nevertheless agree: the laying hen plays an important role in interpreting what dreams like these dream of. So:

  • see that you fry chicken eggs - to a change in life;
  • see ostrich eggs - to feelings and shocks;
  • dreamed goose eggs in a pan - wait for profit;
  • to see quail eggs in a dream - expect unforeseen expenses.

Omelet as a symbol of relationship

What is the dream in which you eat chicken fried eggs in the form of an omelet? According to most dream books, dreams in which chicken eggs are present mean loss and worry.

It should be noted that under "losses" dream books do not mean the loss of any things. In most cases, we are talking about relationships: parting, quarreling, separation - that’s what you should be afraid of when you dream that you are eating chicken omelet. And here, there is a "talker" from the testicles of other birds, on the contrary, means finding new connections.

Fried Eggs: From love to hate ...

Did you feel like eating “fried eggs”? Here are the interpretations given by the Eastern Dream Book: to eat only the yolk in a dream - to a new passion and strong emotions in this regard; and here, to absorb proteins - to the desire to annoy the former lover.

Less categorical in the explanations of what the fried "egg eyes" dream of, A modern dream book. In his opinion, such dreams portend the fulfillment of the plan, but only if you are carefully prepared for it.

Unusual food - a sign of protection

Modern chefs, as well as cooks of the past, haven’t invented any dishes in order to surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet. If you dreamed in a dream that you were enjoying one of these delicacies, pay attention to whether the dish is fried eggs.