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Remove the psychic words cast in anger. The plot-amulet from the evil word spoken in anger. What awaits for anger control

Today, most people do not have such faith in God or in any other Higher Powers that they do not realize the importance of promises and vows given in a fit of emotional despair. And in vain, because when we swear an oath, we incur great trouble, because in this case what we consider to be ordinary and meaningless words, in fact, turns out to be promises given to otherworldly forces. In my practice, there are many cases when these otherworldly forces demanded that people fulfill this oath accurately, which turned out to be numerous sorrows and problems for them.

  In this article, I would like to give all readers important advice: never give oaths and promises, the fulfillment of which you really do not want. Whether you believe it or not, the astral forces that control our destinies will not leave your words unattended and at the most inopportune moment for you will demand to keep the promise given in a fit of emotions. In particular, you can never swear by your children, theirs or your own health, you can not swear or try to make a deal with higher powers, promising to do something in exchange for momentary help in any matters. In all these cases, you can bring on yourself such troubles and troubles that only the strongest will help you get rid of practical magic   performed by an experienced master.

  To confirm my words, I would like to describe several situations that people turned to me, who at one time neglected the rule not to take oaths. The first story is about a student girl who was so afraid of exams that every time she fell into a real panic. And in this state, she did not see another way out of the situation, as soon as she addressed prayers and promises to higher powers. In requests for help on the exam, she said that she was ready to pay for a good mark with any fee, even if it would be her personal happiness.

Many years have passed since then, and this girl has turned into a blooming adult woman who can’t find her only one, marry, give birth to children and live a happy family life. Of course, the woman no longer remembers those promises and oaths that she had foolishly given in her girlhood, but the forces to which she addressed did not forget anything. They acted according to the scenario that a young student had offered them at one time — they had helped her successfully complete her studies, but in return they had taken her personal happiness. And now for this woman, the only hope for a happy fate has become practical magic, capable of destroying the very circle of failures that she has closed on the love front.

  The power of an oath given in an emotional outburst.

  Any words that we uttered in a fit of emotion acquire a double power. That is why it is impossible in the hearts to wish someone misfortune, since in most cases such words do not remain unheard and are immediately implemented. It is on this principle that the negative is induced: if someone in a fit of envy or anger wishes you trouble, then she will definitely come.

  The same can be said about oaths: promises made in a fit of despair or anger will certainly reach their addressees. And if you promised the otherworldly forces that in return for their favor, you will sacrifice something, this sacrifice will be in demand. Also, one cannot promise to abandon something for the sake of achieving any goal, since the higher forces do not like such human self-confidence at all. Therefore, they will in every possible way force a person to violate his oath, creating life situations in which it will be impossible to keep this promise. And as soon as a person gives weakness and backslides from his word, the harshest punishment will immediately follow. And although practical magic can neutralize the negativity received in response to a violation of the oath, nevertheless certain consequences will still have their effect.

I must say that any attempts to bargain with the Higher Powers, whether God or astral spirits, are doomed to failure in advance. The mere fact that a person tried to conspire with them is extremely angry for otherworldly forces, and they make every effort to prove to a person how weak and imperfect they are. A good example of this is the situation when a man asks the Higher Powers to hide the truth about his betrayal and swears by his health that this will not happen again. Demons, alarmed by such a promise, will certainly offer the man such a temptation, to give up on which he simply will not have the strength. And the result of the oath will be a divorce lost under the terms of the contract with his wife, who became aware of another betrayal - not the one that the demons helped hide, but the next.

  In principle, practical magic does not recommend swearing at all, but this can only be done in situations where you are telling the truth. For example, when you are accused of something that you really did not commit, then an oath can help you to justify yourself and at the same time it will not cause the wrath of otherworldly forces. If, using an oath, you try to hide your misconduct, then punishment for lying words will be inevitable.

  Appeals to higher powers as a source of misfortune and misfortune.

  To show how dangerous it may be to seek help from otherworldly forces, I want to give you another life situation. One woman had a seriously ill child. Each time, seeing his suffering, she turned to God in grief with requests to heal her son, and in return offered her own health. These words were uttered in such desperation that they were not left without attention. And although in reality the woman, of course, did not want to take on the disease, but only dreamed of recovering her child, the incorrectly formulated request was fulfilled literally.

  Further, the story developed according to a sad scenario: the child underwent a course of treatment, after which he felt better, now he is undergoing a course of rehabilitation therapy and there is hope that in time he will return to normal life. But the woman herself began to get sick, and none of the doctors can give her a definite diagnosis: judging by the results of numerous examinations and analyzes, the woman is in perfect order, however, she is losing strength more and more every day.

This situation is a clear example of how dangerous it is to turn to the Higher Forces with requests directed to the detriment of oneself or anyone else. If you want your loved ones to be healthy - ask for their health, but never offer your health in exchange for their recovery.

In practical magic, there are many cases where the request for someone’s recovery was left unattended, but the requestor’s health deteriorated sharply, in some cases people did not even have time to save, because they did not know what to treat. The specifics of ailments caused by oaths and appeals to higher powers are such that modern medicine does not have the ability to recognize its nature. Accordingly, a person does not receive timely help, which can lead to the most sad consequences.

  Vows and vows that turn against us.

  We have already said that you can not swear by your children, as this endangers their happiness and well-being. Indeed, since for every person there is nothing more expensive than their own child, such oaths can be confidently called the most powerful and, at the same time, terrible. For example, vows made by one's own children often become the strongest argument for a woman who wants to justify herself in front of her lover. And it’s not so scary if the woman is really not guilty of anything and this oath is called upon to confirm her innocence. If, in fact, the woman’s conscience is unclean, and the oath is pronounced only to somehow rectify the situation and hide her own misconduct, then the most serious troubles become the result of rash words.

  When you swear by your children, you thereby put them at the disposal of otherworldly forces, which will surely take advantage of their power as soon as you break their promise. And there’s no doubt that you will break it: even if you firmly believe that you are ready to abide by this word and give up something in your life, demons will certainly begin to offer you all kinds of temptations. And since human nature is weak, in some of the situations you will not be able to resist the temptation and commit an act that will give your own children to be torn apart by otherworldly forces.

By the way, do not think that such a naive defense as fingers crossed behind your back can really help to avoid punishment in cases when you knowingly swear a lie. In fact, this protective technique has no power and was invented by those who seek to remove from their conscience the burden of knowingly false oaths. And the only real salvation from imminent punishment is sincere repentance and requests for forgiveness.

  The danger of vows given to the deceased.

  Along with the fact that it is impossible to make promises to otherworldly forces, it is also impossible to swear to something already deceased people. The most common example of vows given to the dead is a promise to a deceased spouse never to marry again or to not have an intimate relationship with anyone. What is dictated by the impulse of a heartbroken spouse who has lost a loved one is understandable. Moreover, it is clear that at the time of the death of a loved one, a person is really in such a state that he can’t even think that someone else will appear in his life.

But when time passes and the grief gradually recedes, life takes its toll. And here the problems begin: as soon as a person begins to formulate relationships with someone, the deceased spouse begins to appear to him. Even though the spirit does not utter a word, it becomes clear to the spouse that the discontent of the deceased is caused by the fact that the vow given to him is violated: not to have close relations with anyone.

  When they ask me to help in such situations, I always try to find out what actions were performed by the spouses of the deceased at the time when they imprudently gave their vow to the deceased. Some put letters or notes with vows of eternal fidelity in the coffin, some pronounce these oaths in words, and some even put their photographs in the coffin, so that even in the afterlife they would supposedly be near their spouse. In all these cases, people make a big mistake. the consequences of which will have to be fixed with great difficulty.

Even more sad consequences await those who make promises to the dead suicides. If in cases when a person dies by his death, his dead soul goes into a better world and does not disturb the living for no particular reason, then the souls of suicides cannot find peace for a long time. Since the road to a better world is closed for them, the souls of suicides continue to be among the living and very often are their relatives or spouses. And as soon as a love story appears in the life of a spouse, who at one time gave the vow of celibacy, the soul of a suicide immediately begins to demand strict observance of the oath.

  In conclusion of this article, I would like to once again warn everyone against vows and vows, since these rash words very often cause serious troubles and troubles to people.

Plot of amulet against a bad word spoken in anger

The word is a great power. From words, but a word can hurt, even kill. The word materializes, carries in itself what a person puts into it, especially if during a quarrel he desires a bad blood relative.

People have long been reconciled, the quarrel has gradually been erased from memory, but the materialized evil has not disappeared, it already exists in the world and affects people.

Inna M. says:

“My mother loves us, but, as far as I remember, when he quarrels, he curses us at what the light is:“ God forbid you wrap your snot on your fist, push around, but more - maybe you’ll appreciate your mother. ”

And I really tormented all my life, neither share, nor happiness. Everything, as the mother wished: I wind my snot on my fist. Recently, one grandmother told me that my mother was damned that the print of her words was in my eyes. She also said that both my children and my grandchildren will now suffer.

Is there any protection against this and how to remove it? ”

From bad words read in the morning dawn. The plot is as follows:

How not to take milk from a duck,

Do not pick apples from rye,

Do not twist the rope from the water

Do not knock shit out of butter,

So don't spoil the curse:

Neither blood nor stranger

Neither old nor young

Neither gray nor bald

Neither with teeth nor without teeth.

Don't be a curse to this

Neither mother, nor sisters, nor brothers.


And the Lord is His servant (name). Amen.

And now I’ll tell you how to remove evil from a person. In a cup of water, drive a knife counterclockwise and read a special plot forty times in a row. Then wash yourself with the charmed water. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Christ is coming

Twelve disciples lead

Says, explains, shows

He punishes His commandments.

You can’t curse the soul,

It is necessary to save souls from evil.

God save, save

Take the curse from your servant (name).

I believe in the One God of Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Read also:

Do not speak in haste

If patience is a virtue, then anger is a vice. When patience runs low, it gives way to anger. A funny story about a kindergarten teacher comes to my mind. Before taking the children for a walk, she put on shoes on them - only thirty-two pairs, according to the number of children. After the last shoe was on, the 32nd kid suddenly declared: “These are not my shoes.” Having lost patience, the teacher tore off his shoes, after which he said: “They are little sisters; she let me vilify them for today. ”

Impatience is a prelude to a flash of anger, which often manifests itself in evil words. Evil words are the poisonous smoke of a fire burning in our hearts. Henry Beecher once said: "Speak in anger, and that will be the best speech you will ever have to regret."

The Bible describes many angry outbursts and captures many words spoken in anger. Cain was angry with God for not recognizing his gift (Genesis 4: 5). King Saul was angry because David threatened his throne: “And David acted prudently wherever Saul sent him, and made him Saul over the military men; and all the people and servants of Saul liked this. When they walked, when David returned, from all the cities of Israel they went out to meet Saul the king with singing and with cymbals. And the women who played shouted, saying: Saul defeated thousands, and David won tens of thousands! And Saul was very upset, and this word was unpleasant for him, and he said: Tens of thousands were given to David, and thousands to me; he lacks only a kingdom. And from that day and then Saul looked suspiciously at David ”(1 Sam. 18: 5-9).

Jonah was angry with God because God did not fulfill his desire (Jonah 4). In his anger, Jonah threatened God with suicide. And all this - only because God did not fulfill what he wanted.

The disciples were displeased when the mother of James and John demanded high position and authority for their sons in the coming Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 20: 20-28). Their indignation was caused by the fact that they themselves wanted to occupy a high position there. Her demand was contrary to their own interests, and this angered them.

The eldest son (Luke 15: 11-32) was angry with his father, because it seemed to him that he was treated worse than his brother, while in reality this was not so.

Denial of anything, envy, disappointment, clash of interests, ingratitude are all sources of anger. But unfortunately, anger does not exist on its own. It is like a cancerous tumor that captures the entire body. Anger prompted Cain to kill his brother; this act plunged him into fear and torment and brought him to God's judgment. Saul's anger aroused in his soul a feeling of revenge, bitterness, and secret hatred of David.

The anger of Jonah turned on himself and on God; he generated in him self-pity, despair and thoughts of suicide. The anger of the apostles led to discord and division among people whose unity was extremely important for early Christianity. The anger of the eldest son led to the gap between him and his father, who was his support in life.

Anger creates deep problems in society. How to make angry words turn into speeches that bring peace and the restoration of good relations? Anger must be replaced with patience. There are two words in the original text of the New Testament, each of which means "patience." The meaning of one of them is that we should not do harm in revenge for harm - even if it is in our power. The second word means the ability to stay awake even in the most difficult life circumstances.

Such feelings, called patience in the Bible, are contrary to human nature. The natural reaction of a person is usually quite the opposite: we want to retaliate, get even with someone who interfered with us, caused harm or was rude to us. It is difficult, almost impossible, for us to wait for a decision and an expression of the will of God in difficult circumstances, in such cases we often ask ourselves for relief, not grace. In this case, we can be compared with grains of watermelon: if you press on them with your finger, they do not flatten, but slip out. And if we cannot “slip out” from under what is pressing us, we are angry at the force that suppresses us.

God's Word teaches us how to successfully replace anger with patience; patience, which helps us to refrain from revenge, and patience, which supports our good spirits. Unfortunately, many people have been suppressing their anger for years and it becomes part of their nature. Such people are called "evil." They need the advice of a specialist psychologist who understands the essence of biblical truths.

But even these “evil” people can gain confidence, meekness and peace in the Word of God.

First of all, we must understand that anger is a natural feeling sent to us by God. With it, we distinguish evil from good. Righteous anger is the source of justice in this world.

Anger is a “warning” feeling. It warns us against injustice, godlessness and unrighteousness. Scripture often speaks of God's wrath. God is sinless, but He is able to be angry. Anger is the right reaction to evil. In the same time. Scripture indicates the sinfulness of angry outbursts. A spiritually mature Christian must be able to separate anger from the sins that often accompany it. God intended anger to warn us of injustice - and not lead to it. We must listen to our anger and then draw the right conclusions. Instead of leading to insults, quarrels, self-destruction, anger should encourage us to pray, act cautiously and smartly, and trust God. All these feelings allow us to love our enemies and bring us inner peace.

There are three teachings in the New Testament that help us guide our anger in the right direction. All of them are connected with the concept of patience.

1. "... Let every man be ... slow to anger" (James 1:19). This advice helps us learn how to hold back anger at the time of its inception. He gives us the opportunity to evaluate what has happened and to think through our answer.

2. “Do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26). We must be able to discern the sins that are usually associated with feelings of anger. This will help us resist such sins.

3. “May the sun not set in your wrath, m” (Ephesians 4:26). You need to be able to get rid of anger by focusing on thoughts about God and turning your energy to a rational and correct solution to the problem that caused the anger. Such an attitude will help us find inner peace and avoid angry clashes.

Slow down - rate

“Let every man be slow in anger” - this is the command of Jacob addressed to believers who were persecuted and persecuted (James 1:19). The meaning of these biblical words is the same as the popular expression "count to 10". The words "be slow" mean "slow down," "stop." This wise advice appeals to our patience. He urges us not to lose courage in the face of difficulties and to look for reasonable ways to resolve them. To be “slow in anger” means keeping your anger for the time necessary to reasonably evaluate the situation.

There are five divine truths that help us to be “slow in anger.”

1. God commands people in anger to ask themselves three questions:

A. “Why are you upset? If you do good, do you look up? ”(Genesis 4: 6-7). If our anger is a reaction to the reproach to ourselves, if we were wrong, then we should honestly acknowledge the correctness of the reproach, humbly repent and try to correct our injustice. Our anger will turn into patience, in the desire to restore justice.

B. “Did it really upset you so much?” (Jonah 4: 4). This question God asked Jonah, who was angry with God for His mercy. He wanted God to fulfill his own desires. But Jonah had no right to be angry - God, and not he, controlled the fate of Nineveh. The appropriation of the rights of others is often a cause of unjust anger. Submission to the will of God is not always pleasant for us, but it engenders patience, puts words of fidelity and expression of gratitude to God in our mouths. B. Father said to the angry eldest son:

“My son, you are always with me, and everything mine is yours” (Luke 15:31). Anger, born of self-pity or comparing ourselves to other people, makes us forget about all the good that is given to us, for which we should thank God. Having experienced anger, it is useful to immediately determine whether he is born of an egoistic, evil comparison of himself with other people. Yes, it’s difficult sometimes to “rejoice with the rejoicing” (Rom. 12:15), but if we focus on what we should be thankful for, it will humiliate the evil spirit of dissatisfaction.

2. Are there any good reasons for my anger? This is a key issue that helps us restrain our anger. It is always necessary to evaluate what happened from different angles. This is extremely important. Such a manifestation of patience not only pacifies our anger, but also is expressed in restrained and friendly speeches.

3. Try to look at what happened from a different angle, from a different point of view. Such an attempt always helps us restrain our anger. We need to mentally put ourselves in the place of another person (the one who caused our anger); this psychological technique always helps to drown out anger and provokes feelings of tolerance and condescension. This kind of patience is named in Gal. 5:23 meekness.

4. Accurately determine the cause of anger. Knowing exactly what causes the anger helps you deal with it immediately. Table A lists 10 common sources of anger and the main elements that determine the correct response to it.

5. Express a sense of impending anger with words. It is simply amazing how frank recognition in it helps to contain anger. But honestly admit this feeling is not an easy task. Usually we try to hide our feelings. Apparently, the point here is pride: it is very difficult to say about myself “I’m angry”, “I’m angry”. If I am inwardly angry, and my wife asks me: “why are you angry?”, I immediately reply without hesitation: “I am not angry at all!” Such an answer is not only false, but it can also spark a spark of anger in my wife’s heart.

The honest answer: “I don’t know exactly what, but for some reason I’m angry. Show me tolerance until I overcome this feeling and pray that I will find the right answer to it, ”will help reduce anger and make the right decision.

These five steps, five divine truths, will help us gain patience and be “slow in anger.” They will give us the opportunity to objectively assess the reasons for what angered us, and to find the right, fair, pious solution to this problem. The author of Proverbs says: “The patient is better than the brave, and whoever possesses himself is better than the conqueror of the city” (Prov. 16:32).

Disordered life, many small worries Streamline life, eliminate unnecessary duties. and learn to say no once a day.
Laziness, which interferes with doing what is important and bringing the matter to an end. Work hard, doing what is important.
Feeling of personal guilt. Ask for forgiveness from God and other people. Try to overcome the weakness that leads to guilt.
Violation of justice. Provide judgment to God (Rom. 12: 17-21) and turn energy to find a reasonable solution to the problem.
Symbolic anger is anger carried over to situations similar to those that once made you angry. Recognize that the sin of bitterness lives in your heart (Heb. 12:15); to understand that it is unfair to punish people for the mistakes of others committed in
the past; seek the assistance of a third party competent in this matter, if necessary.
Shattered hopes. Wait for the opportunity to thank God (Phil. 1:19).
Rights violation. Grant rights to God (Rom. 12: 17-21), who, by taking care of your needs. If necessary, contact people from whom
hanging decision (to the government. parents, boss).
Circumstances beyond your control. Rely on the omnipotence of God and obey His will. Learning to praise God in suffering (Job. 1-2; Phil. 1: 20-21, 27-29; 1 Pet. 2: 19-25).
Clash of interests and plans for advancement in life. Understand the true value of your dreams compared to eternal values. Submit to wisdom and
the will of God.

Do not sin in anger

The second instruction of the Bible to the angry is found in Ephesians 4:26: “When you are angry, do not sin.” It is very important to realize that anger is a warning feeling. It indicates a violation of justice and exposes unrighteousness. However, if we are not “slow in anger,” not patiently, anger can easily draw us into sin.

Ephesians draws a clear line between anger and sin. Anger itself is not a sin. Sin arises when anger comes out of our control. Anger toward sin is like temptation. To be tempted does not mean to sin; sin arises when we surrender to the power of temptation (James 1: 14-15).

If we do not pacify our sin in the bud, it lies in wait for us, like a beast of prey (Genesis 4: 7). As the apostle Paul said, the devil takes possession of our lives (Ephesians 4: 26-27). If anger remains in us, it creates hatred and bitterness, becomes a destructive sin. This residual anger is the source of many sins: lies, deceit, grouchy, threats, blasphemy, in vain mention of the name of God, quarrelsome. A heart full of anger gives rise to murder, envy, immorality, discord, schism and revenge. The author of Hebrews calls on us: “Try to have peace with all and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Watch that no one is deprived of the grace of God, that a bitter root, having arisen, does no harm, and that many are not defiled by them ”(Heb. 12: 14-15).

In order not to fall into the sins engendered by anger, one must patiently humble the anger and seek its cause. And then instead of words that make a mess, a sense of inner guilt and estrangement between people, words full of tolerance, healing and life-giving will break from our lips. These words will reflect:

* honest confession of evil feelings

* request for prayer support in our resistance to sin generated by anger

* request for pious counsel to help respond to anger correctly

* questions asked without a shadow of judgment, with which you can find out all the details that are important to us

* humble repentance if anger appears in response to our own egoism and evil deeds

* a call to other people to humble and understand their anger and to resist the sins that accompany it

* meekness and understanding that are given to a person who is able to put himself in the place of another

* submission to the will of God and the glorification of God

* silence. If we are unable to offer anything useful to solve the problem, then our silence is truly gold (Psalm 140: 3).

My culinary “hobby” is fried steaks. The most difficult thing for me in this matter is to adjust the level of fire in the brazier. If you do not follow the fire, the meat will burn. I usually add water and cover the meat with a lid; it is quenched and gradually softened under the influence of the vapor collected under the lid.

Patience, which helps us to slow down, to establish the source of anger, and to refrain from the sins that accompany it, like water that cools the fire and produces softening steam. Patience gives us the opportunity to turn the destructive power of anger into words that are joyful and pleasant for people to hear, into words that heal those around us.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 06 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from a wicked word spoken in anger

The word is a great power. Prayers are made up of words, but a word can hurt, even kill. The word materializes, carries in itself what a person puts into it, especially if during a quarrel he desires a bad blood relative.

People have long been reconciled, the quarrel has gradually been erased from memory, but the materialized evil has not disappeared, it already exists in the world and affects people.

Inna M. says:

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Alevtina (dr. Greek “rubbing with incense, alien to the evil”) Alevtina is a sweet, albeit nervous girl, prone to tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Similar to her father both in appearance and character, she is often attached to him more than to her mother. Not without talents: draws well, possesses

Diseases and accidents resulting from the curse

Many diseases, the causes of which doctors cannot find, may have come from a curse.
  Do doctors really find a curse?
  One day, a paralyzed man was brought to me in Kaliva. Hefty uncle waved, but could not sit. His body did not bend, it was like a wooden one. One man carried him on his back, while another supported him from behind. I put two hemp to the unfortunate man, and he somehow settled on them. His companions told me that he has been in this condition since he was fifteen years old and has been suffering for eighteen years. “But really - can such a thing learn for no reason?” I thought. This cannot be, there is some reason hidden here. ”

I began to question and found out that someone cursed this young man. What happened? And here's what: once he was driving to school, got on a bus and fell apart on the seat. At one stop, an elderly priest and an old man entered the bus and stood beside him.
  “Get up,” someone told him, “give way to the elders.” And he, not paying attention to anyone, fell apart even more. Then the old man standing next to him said to him: “So stretched out and you will stay forever - you will not be able to sit.” And this curse worked. You see how - the young man was insolent. “And why,” he says, “will I get up?” I paid for my place. ” Yes, but another paid too. There is an elderly man, a respected one, and you, a fifteen-year-old youth, are seated. “That's what happened from this,” I told him. “In order to become healthy, try to repent. You need repentance. ” And as soon as the unfortunate understood and realized his guilt, he immediately became healthy.

And how many current troubles come from a curse, from indignation!
  Know: if in a family many die or the whole family dies, the reason for this is either injustice, or in witchcraft, or in a curse.
one father had a son, who kept leaving home and wobbling in the middle of nowhere. Once, in a fit of irritation, his father said to him: “You are reaching me — you will come once and for all!” And on that very evening, when the boy was returning home, right in front of their entrance he was hit by a car to death. He fell down and remained lying, then friends took his body and brought home. After his father came to the Holy Mountain and came to me in Kaliva. He cried and said: "My child was killed right on the doorstep of my house." He began to tell, and then he said: “Before this, I told him something.” - “What did you tell him”
  - “He walked at night, no one knows where, I was angry and said to him:“ You will come to me once and for all! ”“ Maybe this was the trouble? ”
  “Well, what else?” I replied. "Try to repent and confess." You see how: you say this time you will come once and for all, and the child is brought dead. And father, let’s then tear your hair out and cry ....

The parental curse is very powerful. Know that the curse and even [just] the indignation of the parents is very powerful. And even if the parents did not curse their children, but simply became indignant because of them, then the latter do not then have a single bright day: their whole life is one continuous torment. Then such children suffer very much all their earthly life. Of course, it’s easier for them in a different life, because with their suffering they pay off some of their local debts. What happens is what St. Isaac says: “He eats his hell,” that is, by suffering here in this life, he reduces his hellish torment, because suffering in this life is the eating of hellish torment.   That is, when spiritual laws come into force, a person is somewhat freed from hell, from torment.

But even those parents who “send” their children to the devil with words “dedicate” them to him. After that, the devil has rights to such children, he says: "You have dedicated them to me." In Faras there lived a husband and wife. Their child was very tearful, and the father constantly said: “Yes, so that the unclean person takes you away” So what: the father spoke to the baby like that, and God allowed him to disappear from the cradle. Then the unfortunate mother went to Hajefendi (That's the name of the Monk Arseny of Cappadocia, the inhabitants of Faras). "Bless, Hajjendi! Demons have dragged my child. ” Hajefendi went to their house, recited prayers over the cradle, and the baby returned. And so it went on without end. “Hajefendi, bless!” - the unfortunate woman said again and again and asked: “How will all this end?” “To me,” the Holy One answered her, “it’s easy to go to you. Is it hard for you to come and call me? So, someday the devil will get tired of it, and he will leave your son alone. " Since that day, the child has ceased to disappear. But when he grew up, he was nicknamed "the devil's spawn." He balamutil all village - did not give rest to anyone. How my father suffered from this. This little one first went to one villager and said: “So-and-so said something about you,” then he went to another and told him the same thing. People quarreled among themselves, it even came to fights. Then, realizing that they were slandered on each of them, they agreed to seize the slanderer and deal with him. But he managed to make it so that in the end both asked him for forgiveness! So much he succeeded in treachery! The real "diabolical spawn"!
  God allowed this to be so that when they saw the continuation of the story with the disappearance of the baby, people came to their senses, restrained themselves and were very attentive. We are not talking about how God will judge this person. It is clear that he has many extenuating circumstances.

The greatest treasure for people living in the world is a parental blessing. Just as the greatest blessing in monastic life is that which your elder blessed you. Therefore, they say: "Do not miss the parental blessing." I remember one mother had four children. None of them got married or married. Mother cried: “I will die,” she said, “out of grief, none of my children got married. Pray for them. ”She was a widow, her children orphans. It hurt for them. I prayed, prayed, but to no avail. Something is wrong here, I thought. "On us," her children said, "they spoiled."
“No,” I say, “it’s not from spoilage, I can see the spoilage ... Or maybe your mother cursed you?”
  - “That's right, father,” they answer, “in childhood we were very naughty, and she constantly told us from morning till night:“ Yes, so that you can be stumps! ”
  - “Go,” I say, “to your mother and tell her the true reason for your disorder so that she comes to her senses, that she repents, confesses, and from today, without ceasing, blesses you. And in a year and a half, all four created families!
  Apparently, this unhappy not only was a widow, but also easily fell into a state of irritation and despondency. The mischief-makers got her crazy, and for that she cursed them.

And if parents curse their children and then die, how can children get rid of the parental curse?

Looking closer to themselves, they are likely to admit that at one time they mischief, tormented their parents and therefore they cursed them. If they acknowledge their guilt, sincerely repent and confess their sins, then everything will be fine with them. Succeeding spiritually, they will help their deceased parents.

And me, Geronda, when I went to the monastery, my parents cursed ...
  Such curses - the only ones of all - become a blessing.

Noble Curse
  Geronda, is it right, when they offend, to talk about the offender: "God will repay him for his evil?"

He who says so makes himself the laughing stock of the evil one. Such a person does not understand that, saying so, he “nobly” curses others. Some say about themselves that they are sensitive people, have love and subtlety, and suffer the injustices that others do to them. But at the same time, they talk about those who offend them: "May God repay them for their evil."
  In this life, all people pass exams to go to another, eternal life - paradise. The thought tells me that such a “noble curse” is below the spiritual passing ball and it is not permissible for a Christian. After all, Christ did not teach us this kind of love. “Father, let them go, they don’t know what they are doing” - that’s what kind of love He teaches.
  And besides, the best blessing of all is when we are undeservedly cursed, and we silently, kindly accept it. If people are superficial or crafty - those who have malice and pervert the truth - slander us or act with us unjustly, we will try, if we can, not to find excuses when the injustice concerns us personally.

And the words: “God repay them” - we will not say, because it is also a curse.It is good if we forgive our offenders from the bottom of our hearts, ask God to strengthen us to bear the burden of slander, and we will continue our spiritual life, as quietly as possible. And let those whose typicon is the judgment and condemnation of others act unfairly with us, because in this way they tirelessly prepare us golden crowns for true life.

Of course, people living with God never curse others, because there is no anger in them, but only kindness. The evil that others throw at these sanctified people is sanctified - whatever it may be. And those living with God themselves experience great joy, invisible to others.