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How to cut faded tulips. How to care for tulips after flowering to preserve them. When to start digging bulbs

The flowering of tulips is coming to an end, the petals are flying around, and more recently, such an elegant flower bed is losing its attractiveness. What to do with tulips after they have bloomed? How to care for them after flowering? Do I need to dig them out? What to do with dug tulip bulbs? When can they be planted again? You see, how many questions arise about caring for such an unpretentious flower. We will try to tell in detail and give step-by-step instructions on what to do next, after the tulips have faded.

Feeding and watering tulips

As soon as the tulips bloom, they cut off all the peduncles, leaving one or two leaves on the plant. Tulips are watered for another two weeks. After flowering, tulips should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: Kristallin, Aquarin or other similar fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen and chlorine.

Digging tulip bulbs

It is recommended to dig out tulips annually after 2/3 of a leaf plate turns yellow (but you can dig out less often: once every 2-4 years). At this time, the bulb was almost ready for hibernation, but the nest itself had not yet decayed. This time, as a rule, coincides with the end of the school year: end of May - beginning of June. Dug tulip bulbs should already have brownish scales formed.

The dug up tulip bulbs, together with the rest of the leaves, are put in boxes and sent to a well-ventilated, dark room, sorted by grade. In a week or two, when the ground and scales dry out, the bulbs are easily separated from both the ground and foliage. The peeled bulbs are sorted, the patients are rejected, treated with a 5% manganese solution, again put in a separate container and sent for storage.

Tulip Bulb Storage

  • Tulip bulbs sorted by grade
  • Stacked in drawers with a mesh bottom no more than 2-3 layers
  • The first 3-4 weeks contain at a temperature of + 23 + 25 ° C in a dark ventilated room
  • Then they lower the temperature to + 20 ° C, and 1 week before planting to + 17 ° C

During the storage period of the bulbs, you not only store them, but give her a good rest and form a bud, peduncle and leaves.

Planting tulips

In September, the time for planting tulips. Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in any fungicide preparation for 1 hour.

  • It is better to choose a new place for planting tulips so that the bulbs do not become infected with diseases whose spores could remain in the previous garden.
  • The depth of tulip planting should be equal to the height of 3 bulbs.
  • After planting, tulips are well watered with plain water.
  • After a week, a bed with planted tulip bulbs is shed with a solution of ammonium nitrate and ash (1 tablespoon of saltpeter and 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water).
  • Before the onset of cold weather, a flower bed with tulips can be mulched with a layer of peat or any mulch.

In early spring, tulip sprouts will begin to appear from almost frozen ground, so that in a month they will bloom with large bright flowers.


“Messengers of spring” is what tulips are called in common people. At the first warm rays of the sun, delicate inflorescences begin to delight their fans with the delightful bright colors of the coming spring. But not everyone, even an experienced gardener, knows how to properly care for them. When to cut tulips after flowering what to do next. This and many other questions regarding the care of flowers, concern many connoisseurs of beauty.

So that in your garden or under the window it is always bright and sunny, plant tulips. This is a universal option that won the hearts of many gardeners amateurs. An exciting activity for every woman will be the cultivation and care of this unpretentious flower. To achieve a decent result, listen to the recommendations presented later in this article. They will help you learn how to properly care for tulips.

Tulips after flowering, what to do?

Special care for tulips and additional watering is required for tulips after the end of the flowering period. First you need to remove all the peduncles. Watering the plants and fertilizing is necessary within two weeks. It is during this period of time that the bulb is stored with nutrients for the next season.

Fertilizing the soil with wilting tulips is enough once. This will affect the formation of bulb scales, as well as the development of new children. The state of flowers next year will depend on how high quality fertilizers you choose.

How to feed the soil for tulips:

  • fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, namely: solution, aquarin, etc .;
  • beware of fertilizers that contain particles of chlorine and nitrogen;
  • use a reduced dosage to prevent chemical burns to plant cells;
  • on average, they take 30-40 grams of fertilizer per 10 l / m².

Removing tulip leaves after flowering

Do not rush to cut the leaves, as soon as the inflorescences of tulips wilted. The bulb is still in development. Premature damage to the trunk can adversely affect the future condition of the flower. It is necessary to wait until the plants are completely yellowed and only then remove all leaves.

At the same time, you can not delay the harvesting of plants, if the seed box is on the trunk for a long time, it takes all the food from the bulb and does not allow it to fully form.

The question is especially acute when pruning tulips is of interest to those who do not like yellowing and wilted flowers, which spoil the view and occupy a precious place in the flowerbed. In such cases, delete everything except one or two leaves.

Video "Tulips after flowering, care"

And to improve the appearance of the flower beds, the following proven methods are used:

  1. Initial drop-off in special baskets. The perforated surface of such containers does not allow the bulbs to deepen, and at the end of the flowering period, they can be easily removed. After planting flowers according to the season.
  2. Annual plants. It is they who can be put in a newly vacated place. First you need to grow seedlings in separate containers. After harvesting the tulip bulbs, plant late blooming annual flowers into the ground. Great for this role: dahlias, chrysanthemums, petunia, etc.
  3. A winning option from designers. The alleged neighbors of tulips are chosen so that during their vegetation and flowering, the unsightly appearance of wilted flowers was masked as much as possible. These are plants that begin to come to life closer to the summer period. You can use perennial hosts, ferns, astilbe, as well as phlox, purslane, periwinkle, etc.

But remember, if you decide to plant another flower next to the tulip bulb, be careful with watering. Excessive soil moisture can ruin the bulb.

Digging bulbs and preparing for storage

By the end of June - the first half of July, the stems dry completely. For those who decide to dig up tulips after flowering, it's time to do it.

Scheme "The life cycle of tulips"

Many gardeners argue about how often it is necessary to remove bulbs from the ground. An important argument is the creation of a favorable temperature regime for the varietal properties of the future tulip. Temperatures in the range 23–25 ° C above zero are urgently needed for the next two months. In the territory of the Russian Federation, the soil is not able to warm up to such an extent. Therefore, the relevance of the annual digging of tulip bulbs on the face.

Another important reason for such a useful procedure is the disappearance of varietal characters and a decrease in the ability to reproduce tulips. It is a transplant that is able to sort out full-fledged bulbs and reject damaged and diseased ones.

It’s not enough just to know when to dig up tulips after flowering, you need to be able to properly preserve the bulbs for the next season. All bulbs should dry well during the week. A warm, darkened and well-ventilated place is well suited for these purposes. After that, they begin breeding work, namely: remove all roots and damaged scales. The selection goes on the size of the bulbs. Damaged and diseased specimens are removed.

Before planting, tulips are stored on average 2 - 2.5 months. During this period, it is important to create optimal conditions for laying flower buds in the bulb. The temperature regime fluctuates between 23–25 ° C above zero, a month later it is reduced to 15–18 ° C above zero, and a month later it is brought closer to the maximum natural temperature of 10–12 ° C above zero. Bulbs can be laid out in two layers. You should monitor the condition of the scales. Excessive drying will adversely affect future colors.

Bulb planting in the ground

It depends on what class and grade the tulip is where it is best to plant it. Lighting is one of the most important requirements of this photophilous plant. The most illuminated place on an open plot of land is selected. Avoid landing in the shade. Due to the lack of sunlight, they bloom late, and the inflorescences themselves are significantly small and weak.

With the correct observance of the above rules, you can begin to transplant flowers. September is great. Take all the onion boxes out into the open to allow them to “breathe”. In sunlight, you will clearly see which bulbs may have deteriorated during the storage period. A fungicide can be used to reprocess damaged specimens. Also, immediately before planting, you can soak all the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to remove pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

To avoid depletion of the previous soil, it is worth changing the place for the flowerbed. Bulbs can be planted in the following ways:

  • By spot landing.

To do this, vigorously loosen the earth and make indentations of 20 cm in it. Evenly distribute the onions, pour over warm water and fall asleep. Two weeks later fertilize.

  • With the help of the trench.

The chosen place is drawn and a trench is organized, the depth of which is not more than 20 cm and the width is 25 cm. The bottom of the trench is woken up with ammonium nitrate or ash. Then the onions begin to spread. At what, large ones are laid out first, then smaller ones, and at the very top are small children. Then they are sprinkled with earth.

Planting tulips in autumn

Mistakes in the autumn planting of tulips

Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes when planting flowers. What absolutely can not be done:

  1. Pressing the bulbs into the ground. This leads to injury to the roots, which will not be able to recover. It should be laid freely and then sprinkled with earth.
  2. The correct temperature condition of the landing. It should not be hot, but not cold. The recommended temperature range ranges from 7 to 10 ° C above zero. Before the onset of frost should be at least three weeks. During this period, the bulb has time to take root.
  3. With the onset of cold weather, they need to be insulated. A layer of peat or humus is well suited for this. In early spring, the first sprouts of new tulips will appear, which will delight you with their bright colors.

Compliance with simple care rules is the key to a beautiful flower bed

If you like flowers, you should know how to properly care for them. Spring opens a delightful flower season for all flower growers in the world. That is why it is important to know: how to care for tulips after a flowering period and what to do so that in the new year they bloom again in all its glory.

Flowers love care and gentle care. With proper watering, top dressing - tulips will present you with their delicate petals in the midst of the season.

“Can tulips be cut after flowering?” Gardeners have long answered this question. They are much more interested in when to cut tulips after flowering, because the process has its own nuances.

In today's article, you will learn how and when to cut tulips after flowering, as well as when to dig out planting material, how to store bulbs, when to plant them, and how long after that they will bloom.

Before pruning, tulips are prepared in order to carry out the procedure with minimal damage to the plants. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of fertilizing and watering by the end of flowering tulips. All the nutrients necessary for laying new shoots, the bulb accumulates through the stem and leaves.

The stem and leaves serve as a kind of battery for tulips, so premature pruning can kill the bulbs and forever deprive the gardener of the pleasure of observing the flowering of these plants.

When to crop tulips: after flowering. The end is indicated by the complete extinction of the surface part. The stem and leaves have completely lost their petals. In addition, they will be dry and will easily become detached from the bulb.

Here the gardener enters: it is necessary to mark where the bulbs are in the soil mixture, then with a sharp knife or secateurs (disinfected) cut off the already faded surface of the tulips. Cropping completed.

What to do with tulip bulbs after pruning?

After flowering is completed, the surface of the tulips is trimmed, the location of the bulbs in the soil mixture is noted, the gardener proceeds to dig the bulbs from the soil. In order to make this easier, the soil mixture can be loosened up a bit, then pry the onion with a garden spatula and remove it to the surface.

When to dig tulip bulbs:

  • Second half of June;
  • Early July;
  • When the leaves are completely yellowed;
  • If the surface part wilted;

Where and how to store tulip bulbs after digging?

Dug out tulip bulbs are placed in separate wooden boxes, then slightly sprinkled with earth (1-2 layers). Tulip bulbs are stored sorted by date of extraction and grade. In order to ease your future task, you can prostrate the bulbs.

Bulb capacity is placed in a cool, dark place. Future planting material should not be exposed to direct sunlight or lighting, water. In a place where tulip bulbs are stored after digging, drafts, insects, rodents, and temperature fluctuations are excluded.

Where to store tulip bulbs:

  • In the attic;
  • In the basement;
  • In the pantry;
  • In a dry basement;
  • In a dry cellar;

As soon as the planting season begins - the temperature of the soil and air, the lighting will be available - the tulip bulbs return to their original place, but already in the prepared, nourished, moistened and loosened soil. Large bulbs will begin to develop and bloom in the first year after re-planting, while those that are smaller will sprout in the first year and bloom in the second.

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When can I cut tulips after flowering?

Can tulips be cut after flowering?

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

Tulips are very beautiful and delicate flowers, symbolizing the beginning of spring. These spring plants adorn the home, cottages, garden plantations, city beds and parks. The tulip belongs to the Liliaceae family and is a bulbous perennial plant. In height, the plant reaches an average of 10 cm, the stem is straight, and most of the classes and varieties produce only one bud.

To date, breeders have bred varieties that produce three or more flowers. It is worth noting that tulips have a very diverse color, they can be raspberry, white, yellow, burgundy, purple and even black. These flowers have a fairly short flowering period. Many are interested in the question - what to do with tulips after they have faded, how to care for them further?

Tulips are beautiful

When tulips bloom

In tulips, which are intended for growing in a park or in a garden, the active flowering period begins in the second half of April and lasts until May. Many are engaged in growing flowers for the purpose of further sale, so you can meet tulips on store shelves throughout the year.

Cultivation for implementation

With the onset of spring, florists begin to create amazing bouquets using these flowers. With the help of various technologies for growing flowers in a greenhouse, it is possible to achieve early flowering of tulips, but mid-spring is still the optimal period for flowering plants.

Care for tulips after flowering in the open field

After the culture begins to fade, you need to resort to the removal of wilted peduncles. This procedure is necessary in order to prevent the plant from wasting energy so that the seeds are finally ripe. In this situation, due attention should be paid to the bulbs of the plant - if they received all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities and reached the peak of their ripening, then in the next season they will give lush and large flowers.

Note!  Removing a faded tulip flower must be done before all the petals are showered. Depending on what kind of plant, resort to this procedure after 5-8 days after blooming. You only need to trim the buds without touching the stem stem and foliage, as their removal will lead to poor ripening of the bulb.

After the tulips bloom, they need to provide enhanced watering, which should last at least two weeks. During this time, the plant intensively accumulates nutrients from the soil, namely:

  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper and zinc.

The main elements for feeding tulips are represented by cobalt, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. The culture absorbs these compounds with the help of the root system from the soil, as well as with the help of foliage. The air contains nitrogen, oxygen and carbon, which is necessary for the active life of the plant.

Tulips bloomed what to do next

Florists who are just starting to grow tulips very often make mistakes, one of which is that the bulbs of the plant remain in the ground throughout the summer.

Note!For the summer in the land you can leave only onions of varieties of red shades, and then not all.

This fact is due to the fact that for tulips that were left in the soil, buds decrease over time, and the stems become shortened and thinned. When “children” appear on the mother’s onion, it goes deeper into the ground, and “children” pushes it to the surface of the earth. By next year, gardeners will receive the flowers of these same "children", and not the mother's bulb, which was buried in the soil.

Tulips bloomed

You should pay attention to the aboveground organs of tulips: as soon as the natural process of drying the leaves begins, and the stem can be easily wrapped around the finger - the bulbs must be dug up. Experienced flower growers recommend using a bayonet shovel for these purposes, with the help of which the ground mows deeper than the level at which the bulbs sit.

After digging the bulbs from the ground and before proceeding to dry, you need to disinfect them. This measure is necessary for the prevention and control of pests and diseases. The processing scheme is as follows:

  • rinse the bulbs in a container with running water, then stand for 30 minutes in a karbofos solution (open and use a four percent substance), you can also hold the bulbs for 10 minutes in hot water;
  • choose a shaded and dry room, provide good ventilation and spread the onions in one layer to dry;
  • the drying procedure should last 5 days, after which the tulip bulbs will be sent for long-term storage.

The dug bulbs must be cleaned of soil residues, roots and old scales, then sorted by size and to separate those "children" that will be easy to leave. The next step: you need to take a trellised pot, pour out the bulbs of the culture there and place in a dry place (the attic or shed will become optimal).

Important!Covering planting material is strictly prohibited, as this will contribute to the release of ethylene with bulbs, which can destroy the "kids".

There should be good ventilation in the place of storage of the bulbs, the presence of weak scattered light is also mandatory. The optimum storage temperature is a mark of 20 degrees above zero until the onset of autumn, after which the temperature must be reduced to 17 degrees and adhere to this mark until the very landing in the ground. Every 7 days, it is imperative to inspect and feel the planting material for the timely detection of diseases and pests.

Bulbs that affect yellow or white spots should be immediately thrown away, since this symptom is the first alarm bell of an putrefactive infection. Before planting tulips in the fall, you need to process the bulbs using a solution of manganese for these purposes.

When and how to prune tulips after flowering

Experienced flower growers are advised to pick off the foliage of the plant with your hands, and not cut it, and only after it completely turns yellow. This procedure must be performed after 6 weeks after the completion of flowering tulips. If the leaves are problematic to come off - this indicates incomplete ripening of the bulb, you need to wait a bit until the foliage can be easily torn out of the ground.

Pruning tulips after flowering

With premature tearing of leaves, the development of the bulb will stop, which, in turn, will negatively affect flowering in the next season. In order not to lose sight of the place where the bulbs are located, you need to leave the stem as a mark. When planting tulips with other flowers, such as irises, the appearance of the beds will not be spoiled by dry stems and leaves.

Tulips after flowering: what to do and how to feed

As mentioned above, tulips, after they have faded, need to be abundantly watered and fed. After removal of the decayed flower stalks, fertilizers must be applied over the next 2 weeks, since it is during this period that enhanced accumulation of nutrients occurs.

Fertilizers must be applied over the next 2 weeks

Many people wonder what to feed tulips? Immediately it is necessary to exclude those fertilizers, which include chlorine and nitrogen. In order for the bulbs of the plant to be better stored, the culture needs to provide a sufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizing must be applied under the bushes of plants (for 1 sq.m use no more than 40 g of fertilizer). Also, the use of an aquarium, crystallin or rastrin can help with fertilizer.

Planting and caring for tulips in the open field in spring after flowering

Many gardeners say that it is possible to plant tulips in the spring season, if it was not possible to do this in the fall due to weather conditions or for any other reason. But lush flowering in this case should not be expected, because immediately after planting, only a few seedlings can bloom. Planting tulips in the spring consists of several key points:

  • before planting the bulbs, they need to be placed in the refrigerator overnight, and then soaked in a light solution of manganese for 30 minutes;
  • as soon as the last layer of snow has come down, the garden bed needs to be prepared for planting: dig up with a fork and make furrows, maintaining a distance of 30 cm if the bulbs are large, and 15 cm if the children plant;
  • before planting, furrows must be shed using a hot solution of manganese;
  • if the soil is very heavy, it can be improved by introducing loose fertile soil, river sand or compost;
  • as for drainage, it can be strengthened and sprinkled with large washed sand (the length of the layer should be 3 cm);
  • dig large bulbs into the soil at a distance of 15 cm, and children - at 7 cm, after which slightly push them into the ground, fill and cover with a rake or pitchfork.

Note!For planting tulips, you need to choose only those areas where there is enough sunlight, drainage and there are no drafts. It will be optimal to use slightly alkaline or neutral soil, where you can add wood ash and rotted compost.

You need to care for tulips immediately after the first sprouts appear from under the ground. Plants that have not sprouted must be destroyed so that they do not harm other flowers. Tulip belongs to the group of hygrophilous plants, but its root system is not able to be fed by groundwater because of its unique structure, so they must be watered necessarily and in a timely manner. The frequency of watering depends on the soil in which the plant grows. During the formation of buds and during flowering, watering should be regular and plentiful. On average, per 1 square. m it is recommended to use no more than 40 liters of water, but make sure that it does not fall on the foliage, otherwise it will cause burns.

Do not forget that the soil must be regularly weeded and loosened. It is best to carry out this procedure after the planting has been irrigated - then the ground will be moist and the weeds will be easily removed. By the way, as for weeds, they provoke depletion of the soil and deprive it of nutrients. It is for this reason that they must be fought with. Loosening the soil is necessary in order to maintain moisture in it, as well as to prevent the appearance of weeds.

Loosening the soil is necessary

Special attention should be paid to diseases and pests that can cause significant damage to tulips, and in some cases even lead to death. The greatest danger to this plant is represented by the variegation virus, which is characterized by spots, stripes and strokes. No effective means of fighting the virus exists today, so in order to avoid such an unpleasant disease, you need to buy bulbs only from trusted sellers.

After the plants have been cut, the tools must be disinfected after each tulip so that a dangerous virus is not transmitted to other plants along with the juice. The culture that has been infected must be immediately dug out along with that lump of soil on the roots, and then burned. Pour a strong solution of manganese into the pit.

You definitely need to wonder when growing flowers in the open: when the tulips have faded, what to do next? If you properly care for the plant and follow the rules of storage of bulbs, then next spring you can admire the abundant flowering of this beautiful ornamental plant.

Delicate tulip flowers need constant care. Usually, gardeners focus on watering, fertilizing, loosening and weeding the soil mixture, rarely transplanting, but they forget about such an important stage of care as pruning tulips after flowering. Is it necessary to prune tulips after flowering and at what stage, preferably, to carry out this procedure, we have to figure out this article.

The timing of flowering tulips depends on the variety of plants. For example, early varieties bloom as early as the end of March, already full of dots at the places of planting, but late varieties only open by the end of June. On average, the flowering period of tulips is in the month of May. These spring flowers are so attractive that you want to extend their flowering as long as possible, but nature takes its toll - tulips begin to wither. What to do with them after flowering?

Proper care of tulips in the period after flowering would be pruning and transplanting or digging tulips (with subsequent storage). That is, the answer to the question " whether to cut tulips after flowering "  will be unequivocal - yes it is necessary! True, this process has its own nuances.

How to prune tulips after flowering?

You need to trim only completely drooping inflorescences and tulip leaves after flowering. Why is that? Chemical processes continue in the peduncle and in the leaves. It is thanks to these parts that the plant is stocked with nutrients, laying the foundation for the development of new bulbs in the next season. By removing the aerial part of the tulip ahead of time, we risk ruining the bulb itself.

What should be cut off from a faded tulip? A wilted tulip usually discards its peduncle and its arrow, as well as leaves, as soon as it has finished its nutrition. Others will have to help. The flower grower must, for starters, mark where each bulb is in the open ground, so that then inadvertently not damage them when digging.

The approximate term for pruning and digging tulip bulbs is 2-4 weeks from the end of flowering. We also ask you to note that each flower will individually go into the mode of energy storage, accumulation of nutrients and the subsequent rest period - you should not expect that all flowers will bloom at once, and remove dry peduncles and leaves in one. No, this is rather a painstaking and long process during which the grower gets to know his beautiful flowers more closely.

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering?

Most bulbous flowers have the same storage rules:

  • bulbs are cleared of the remains of the earth;
  • labeled: grade, time of collection;
  • placed in a wooden box;
  • sent for storage in a dry, moderately warm place without access to lighting, moisture, mold and drafts;
  • the air temperature is the same - no more than 17 degrees of heat;

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