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The gospel of jesus christ read online. Jesus Christ was a Gentile. Grace justifies sinners

José de sousa saramago

O evangelho segundo jesus cristo

Copyright © The Estate of José Saramago, 1991

All rights reserved Published by arrangement with Literarische Agentur Mertin Inh. Nicole Witt e K. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

© A. Bogdanovsky, translation, 2015

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC "Publishing Group" Alphabet-Atticus "", 2015

Publishing house AZBUKA®

As many began to compose narratives of events completely known between us, as the witnesses and ministers of the Word, who were from the very beginning, passed on to us, it was something that I, after a careful study of everything, first of all, in order to describe to you, Hon. Theophilus, so that you would know the solid the basis of the teaching in which he was instructed.

Luke 1: 1–4

What I wrote, I wrote.

The sun, surrounded by sharp thin rays and twisting flames of flame, giving the half-day luminary a resemblance to the dumbfounded "wind rose", has a human face: a weeping one, distorted by unbearable pain, with a mouth widened in a silent scream - a soundless one, because none of this really exists. Before us is just paper and paint. Below we see a man: he is tied to a tree trunk and completely naked, except for a rag wrapped around his hips, covering what is usually called a shame; his legs are rested against the stump of a thick branch, and, in order to prevent them from slipping off this natural support, two nails are deeply driven into them. By inspirational and suffering expression on the face, by looking upward, one can recognize the robber Prudent. A curly head can also serve as a crazy sign - after all, angels and archangels have hair curling, and the repentant criminal, apparently, is already halfway into the Kingdom of Heaven and to its inhabitants. It is not known whether this pillar can be considered a tree, which, having been specially disfigured, turned into a tool of execution, whether its roots continue to suck life juices out of the soil, and it is not known because a long-bearded man in a spacious, lush and obscures the entire lower part of the trunk. rich robes, his head is thrown up, but he does not look at the sky. This proud posture, this sad face can belong only to Joseph of Arimathea, and not to Simon from Cyrena, as one might think, because, according to the execution protocol, this last one, forced to help the criminal to bring the instrument of execution to the place where it was committed, then went his way and was much more concerned about the unpleasant consequences that his involuntary delay promised him than with the mortal torment of a crucified one. Yes, it was Joseph from Arimathea who was the name of the kind-hearted and wealthy man who volunteered to pay for the grave and for the burial of the chief of the three executed, but for his generosity he was not counted among the saints or at least the blessed, and therefore nothing except for a turban, in which he used to walk around the streets, he does not wrap his head around him, not like the woman in the foreground bowed down, whose loose hair is covered with a halo of eternal glory, very similar to a homemade lace. This woman on her knees, of course, is called Mary, because we know in advance: all the women who converge here at this hour bear this name, and only one in the future we will call Magdalene to distinguish from all the others, although everyone who even though he’s a little aware of the most elementary worldly concepts, at first glance he recognizes the notorious Magdalen in her, for only a woman with a turbulent past would have decided in such a tragic moment to appear in a dress with such a deep neckline and her bodice so narrow, that lush roundness s, and open flaunting breasts inevitably attract the greedy glances of passing men unwittingly at risk of falling into the sin of carnal lust and forever destroy his soul. Nevertheless, her face speaks of the deepest sorrow, and the drooping figure speaks of the torment that her soul is experiencing, even if it is enclosed in such a seductive body shell, and therefore we will make a reservation at once: if this woman were completely naked, we would still have to relate to her with all conceivable respect and respect. Maria Magdalene, if she is, holds indescribable compassion and seems to be about to kiss the hand of another woman who is stretched out on the ground, as if she had lost her last strength or was wounded to death. Her name is also Maria - the second in the order of appearance and the first, the most that neither is the first by value, judging by the fact that in the lower part of the composition it is assigned the most central place. Only a tear-stained face and powerlessly dropped hands are visible - everything else is hidden under the countless folds of the bedspread and tunic, belted with a rough, as you might guess, rope. She is older than the first Mary, and this is the main, though not the only reason, that a nimbus of a more complex and intricate shape shines around her head - which, when asked, I, a person, although not too knowledgeable about ranks, ranks and hierarchy, living in this world, yet would take the liberty of declaring. And then, if you recall how widespread the images are, like the one I’m talking about, then it’s only an alien - provided that on this other planet did not happen from time to time or something similar does not happen for the first time, - so, only this alien, whose existence is almost impossible to imagine, does not know that a heartbroken woman is the widow of the carpenter Joseph, who has produced many children, of whom, by the will of fate or the one who rules this will, glorified xia, and not too much - in his earthly life and incredibly - after death. Leaning to the left, Mary, the mother of Jesus, the very one just mentioned, rests her elbow on the thigh of another woman: she is also on her knees, her name is also Mary, and here she is, even though we are even in the imagination we can’t see the cutout on her dress, most likely, there is true Magdalene. Like the first of this trinity, long hair is spread down the back, only she seems to have blond hair, if, of course, the engraver is not by sheer chance, but intentionally, to indicate their light tone, weakened the pressure of her cutter . And therefore, we cannot confidently say that Mary Magdalene was really golden-haired, although we completely agree with the very widespread belief that blondes, both natural and colored, are the most perfect instruments of sin and death. And Mary Magdalene, the great sinner who destroyed her soul, as everyone knows, must be blonde, if only in order not to refute the idea, to which most of the human race is inclined, by will or not. However, we insistently insist that she is Magdalen, not at all because the light tone of her hair is a more weighty argument than the heavy and generously open breasts of the first Mary. There is other evidence, and it allows you to establish her identity with complete certainty: just look at how, with one hand, almost automatically supporting the mother of Jesus stretched out on the ground, this woman looks at the Crucified One and her genuine, such fiery love burns in her eyes that it seems as if her whole body, her whole carnal nature is surrounded by a radiant halo, next to which the halo fades and fades above her head - a magic circle that does not allow unnecessary feelings and thoughts to be drawn into its boundaries. Only a woman with the ability to love can look that way, which we endow with Mary Magdalene alone - this is the final and decisive argument in favor of the fact that she is, she and no one else, and, therefore, there is nothing to talk about the fourth Mary , who stands next to her, raising her hands and showing her grief with her whole appearance, but keeping her gaze unknown. She matches and depicted in this part of the engraving a very young man, barely emerging from adolescence, in a mannered pose - his left leg is bent at the knee, and the right one with an afflicted and theatrical gesture is directed towards these four women playing a dramatic act on the ground. This young curly youth with trembling lips is John. He, like Joseph of Arimathea, obscures with himself the butt of another tree, on the top of which, wherever you need to be bird's nests, another person is raised, attached and nailed. Unlike the first one, his hair is straight, he lowered his head to see - if he is still able to watch - what is happening below, and his thin, with swollen cheeks face does not look like the face of his comrade on another pillar, which is in a dying numbness , in the throes of agony found the courage to raise his head, turn his face to us, even on a black-and-white engraving still rosy and full-blooded. The second, who dropped his head on his chest, as if peering into the ground, ready to accept his wretched prey, twice doomed - both to painful execution, and to the torments of hell - can only be an Evil robber. We admit, however, that the straightforward and sly temper gave him the mental strength not to pretend that he believes that a moment of remorse can atone for a whole villainous life or at least one hour of weakness. The moon, depicting a woman with such an inappropriate earring in her ear, grieves and cries over his head - not a single artist or poet has allowed such liberty before, and it is doubtful that, despite this bad example, anyone would allow himself from now on. The grieving sun and moon on both sides fill the earth with even, no shadows, light, and therefore, it must be so distinctly presented to us all that is depicted on the engraving to the very horizon - towers and fortress walls, a drawbridge thrown across the moat where the water gleams , Gothic spitz roofs, and at the very bottom, on top of the last hill, are the frozen wings of a windmill. Four riders in full armor prank a little closer on well-trained horses, but by their gestures it can be assumed that they arrived in time for the end of the spectacle and send farewell greetings to the invisible spectators. The same impression of the end of the festival is also made by the figure of the walking armor, who is already taking a step away from the place of execution, carrying in his right hand what appears to be a rag from afar, but upon closer examination it may turn out to be a tunic or tunic; meanwhile, the other two soldiers show how much one can judge at such a distance the expression of their tiny faces, annoyance and even anger - like those who did not have a happy lot. Over this vulgar routine - over soldiers, over a walled city - there are four angels, two of whom, depicted in all details, weep bitterly and moan, while the busily-ridden third is busy trying to collect blood to the last drop, spurting from the right side of the crucified's chest. Here, on this hill called Golgotha, a similar evil fate has already befallen many, many are still waiting, but only one of all - this naked man, whose arms and legs are nailed to the cross, this son of Joseph and Mary, named Christ, - the future will honor the capital letter, yet the rest will remain so crucified forever. Now it’s finally clear where the gaze of Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalen is directed, whom the sun and moon mourn, whom the Prudent robber praises and whom his unrepentant comrade blasphemes, not understanding that he is no different from his brother, and if there is any or the difference, it’s not that she repented, but the other stiffened in sin, for they both do not exist on their own, each of them only compensates for itself that which is absent in the other. Above the head of the Crucified, the letters of the Latin inscription proclaiming him the King of Judea burn with a thousand rays, the wreath made of prickly branches is pulled together by a wreath made of prickly branches - they are worn without even knowing it, so that the blood whipped from the ravaged flesh , - those who are not allowed to be kings to themselves. Jesus, unlike the two robbers, has nothing to rest on his legs, and if he didn’t strain the upper half of the body, it would hang heavily on his hands, nailed to the crossbar, but for how long would these forces last, if, as already it is said that blood flows from a wound in the chest, washing life out of it. Between the two jibs that hold the cross in an upright position and with it go into the dark bosom of the earth, inflicting a wound, however, not more fatally than any human grave, lies the skull, and next to it is the shoulder blade and tibia, but we are interested in the skull , since this means the word "calvary" in translation. It is not known who and why laid these mortal remains here. Perhaps someone with gloomy irony warns those unfortunate that they suffer on the cross, what fate is in store for them before they turn to earth, to dust, to nothing. Others argue that this is the skull of Adam himself, who surfaced from the black abyss of ancient geological strata and, unable to return, is doomed to forever see the earth before him - his only possible and forever lost paradise. Along the same plain where, finally, hot for the last of their stallions, horsemen rided in armor, a man was walking: moving away from us, he turned around on the move. In his left hand is his bucket, in his right - a long stick with a sponge mounted on it, which, however, can hardly be seen from here. In the bucket, I guarantee you, water with vinegar. From now on, until the end of the century, this man is destined to be a victim of slander: absurd rumors will begin to spread about him, as if when Jesus asked for a drink, he would give him vinegar to drink in spite or mockery. In fact, water acidified by vinegar in those parts has long been and rightly revered as the best way to quench your thirst, for it refreshes like little else. He goes away, he does not wait for the end, for he did what he could - he removed the painful land that tormented the inside of the three doomed, not making any distinction between Jesus and the robbers, because he reasoned simply: they were all taken from the earth, and they will pass over to the earth. That is all that can be said about them.

The nights still go long before dawn. An oil bowl burns on the nail at the doorjamb, but the shaky shaky tonsil of the flame is unable to cope with the darkness that surrounds it and fills the room from all sides, becoming in the far corners impenetrably thick and dense, even if you cut it with a knife. Joseph woke up as if from a shock, as if someone had awakened him, shaking him sharply by the shoulder, but, probably, this shock was a piece of instantly dissipated sleep - there was no one to shake him, and there was nobody in the house, only he and his wife who did not sleep stirring. He had never woken up in the middle of the night: he usually opened his eyes no earlier than the wide gap in the door seemed to swell and oozing ashen cold light. How many times he was going to fix it - the carpenter does not need to fix anything and grab a suitable piece of wood with nails - but he is so used to opening his eyes to see a vertical strip of light in front of him, a forerunner of the day, that he gradually began to feel that he couldn’t get out of it sleepy darkness that fettered both his body and the world around him. The gap was part of the house, like walls or a ceiling, a hearth, or a killed earthen floor. In an undertone, so as not to wake the wife who was sleeping next to him, Joseph uttered the words of the morning prayer, which he should say upon returning from the mysterious dream country: Thank you, my God, the King of Heaven, for having returned to me by your mercy the old and living soul. Therefore, it must be that not all five of his senses woke up from sleep at once - but it is possible that in the times we are talking about, people still did not gain power over each or, on the contrary, lost those that are so useful to us today, - Joseph, as if from a distant distance, watched how slowly, gradually penetrates and fills all the nooks and crannies of the body, the returning soul, like water that spreads along the earth with winding streams and is sucked in, to the deepest roots, then to nourish the stems contained in it istya. And seeing how difficult this return was, Joseph, looking at his wife lying next to him, was afraid to disturb her sleep: she was a body shell, devoid of soul, because she was flying away from the sleeping one, otherwise why would I have to give the Lord praise every day for the fact that I would do it every morning He returns it to us upon awakening, and at that moment a certain voice inside asked: Where did our dreams come from? Perhaps dreams are the memory of the soul about the body, Joseph thought: this was the answer. At that moment, Mary moved - apparently, her soul was hovering somewhere nearby, in the house - but she didn’t wake up, she only took a deep breath, sobbed, and reached for her husband, making her whole body undulating, but unconscious - for in reality I did not dare to it - the movement. Joseph pulled a thorny and rough sheet over his shoulders, settled himself comfortably on the mat, not pulling away, felt like insisted on some aromas - as if they had thrown off the lid of the casket with odorous herbs - the heat gradually penetrates the fabric of his shirt, combines with its own heat. Then, slowly closing his eyelids, he forgot what he was thinking about, and the body detached from the soul again fell into a dream.

It was only the cry of a rooster that woke him. A dim light flickered in the gap, grayish, like water at a watering hole. The time, patiently and meekly waiting for the forces to run out at night, was now preparing the field for the morning to come, as yesterday, as always, for those legendary days had passed when the sun, to which we owe so much, could stop over Gibeon so that Jesus Naveen managed to defeat the five kings who stepped under the walls of the city. Joseph sat on the mat, threw back the sheet, and at that moment the rooster shouted a second time, recalling that he had forgotten to thank the Creator of all things for the properties that His cock had endowed. I thank you, my God, the King of heaven, who granted the rooster the ability to distinguish day from night, Joseph said, and for the third time he cried out the rooster. Usually at the dawn of the cry he was picked up by the echoes of all the neighbors' roosters, but today they were silent, as if for them the night had not yet ended or had just arrived. Joseph looked at his wife with alarm, wondering that she, who usually woke up like a bird from the lightest rustle, was sleeping so soundly today, like some extraneous force, having descended on her or hovering over her, pressing her to the ground, however, move, - Joseph noticed in the gloom, as from time to time ripples in the water rippled through her body. Have you got sick? He thought, but a little arising anxiety was suppressed by the urgent need to alleviate, and this was also not as always - not at the time and too sharp. Rising cautiously so that his wife would not wake up and guess where he was going — for the Law orders to protect the dignity of a man in every way — he opened the creaking door and went out into the yard. There was an hour when morning twilight seemed to dust the whole world with ashes. Joseph went to a low annexe, where there was a donkey stall, and there he relieved his need, with semi-unconscious pleasure listening to how a strong stream with a noise beats into the straw. The donkey, spinning with long hairy ears, turned its head towards it - bulging eyes flashed in the twilight - and again thrust its muzzle into the manger, grabbing the remains of the feed with thick sensitive lips. Joseph went to a jug hanging on a rope, tilted it, washed his hands and, wiping them with the hem of his own shirt, praised the Lord for supplying a person with natural vessels and openings so vital for life that they open or close in due time . Then he looked at the sky, and his heart skipped a beat - the sun was still drawing with its appearance, and there was not the slightest trace of glowing scarlet in the entire sky, not a single pink or light cherry glint was burning, but from edge to edge, how much they allowed you to see the walls, under an immense dome of low clouds, like half-wrapped balls of wool, an unprecedented, unprecedented purple color was spreading, which in the east, where the sun was supposed to hatch, was brighter and shivering, and throughout the rest of the space it was stronger and stronger thicker l black, to do something which is already indistinguishable from the night sky. Joseph had never seen such a thing in his entire life, although he had heard from the old people that, proving the Creator’s power, miraculous celestial phenomena sometimes happen - rainbows of the sun, stairs that go to a dizzying height from the earth to the sky, manna streaming from heaven. But never heard of the fact that the sky can become such a color, quite capable of announcing the beginning and end of something that stretches over the whole world a dome floating in the sky, consisting of small clouds interlocked with each other, innumerable like stones in the desert. Fear seized his soul, it was thought that the end of the world had come and that the only witness of how the Lord would execute his sentence, he would be alone: \u200b\u200bno sound was heard in heaven and earth - neither dialect nor child’s cry came from neighboring houses, no words of prayer, no curses, no noise of the wind, no bleating of goats, no dog barking. Why do not the roosters sing, he muttered, and in confusion he immediately repeated these words, as if a cock cry could give the last hope for salvation. And in the meantime, changes have taken place in the sky. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, the lilac color from the inside of the cloudy dome began to fade, alternating with pale pink, and then red, until it disappeared without a trace - there wasn’t and wasn’t - and the sky suddenly burst into light, and countless golden spears pierced the clouds, proportioned them through and through and those, who didn’t know why and how, grew up, turned into gigantic ships with swollen sails and glided over the finally cleared sky. Joseph’s soul was freed from fear, his eyes were widened from amazement and delight: the spectacle, the only witness of which he was, belonged to the number of unprecedented ones, and his lips themselves praised the Creator of nature, but the heavens in all their serene greatness expected from him only those simple words, which can be expected from a person: Glory to you, Lord, for the glory for this and for that. He told them, and at the same instant, as if a spell had been uttered, as if a door was shut open tightly, the noise of life rushed to where silence reigned before, forcing silence into random and distant corners of space like tiny forest glades surrounded and hidden by rustle and ringing trees. The morning rose and spread, and the beauty that opened to the eyes became almost intolerable when someone's gigantic hands threw into the air and launched into flight a huge bird of paradise with feathers burning in the sun, unfurled a peacock’s thousand-eyed tail with a sparkling fan, made some nameless trill birdie. A gust of wind born here struck Joseph in the face, ruffled his beard, inflated his shirt, spun around him like a tumbleweed, and maybe all this was just an instant dullness of reason, born of suddenly boiling blood: they ran along the ridge along his ridge fire shivers - a sign of another need, even more burning than the one that brought him to the yard.

Moving as if some kind of whirlwind was carrying it, Joseph entered the house, pretended to door behind him and stood for a minute, allowing his eyes to get used to the darkness. Nearby was a pale, uselessly burning bowl. Awakened Mary was lying on her back, staring intently and attentively in front of herself and seemed to be waiting. Joseph silently approached, slowly pulled off the sheet covering it. She averted her eyes, grasped the hem of her shirt, but managed to lift it only to her stomach, when Joseph, bending over her, did the same with his shirt, and Mary opened her knees. However, perhaps, her legs parted even earlier, in a dream, and she remained lying so embraced either by an unusual morning languor, or by a premonition visiting a spouse who knows her duty. God, as you know, is omnipresent and probably was somewhere nearby then, but as an ethereal spirit he could not see how their hair touched, how his flesh penetrated its flesh, fulfilling its purpose, and when the sacred seed of Joseph poured into the sacred bosom of Mary, God, probably, was no longer there, for in the world there is something inaccessible to the understanding of even the one who himself created it. Going out into the courtyard, God could not hear the stifled, as if dying, rattling that a man made, and even more so - an almost elusive moan that a woman could not restrain. A minute later, or maybe earlier, Joseph got up, freeing Mary, and she pulled out her shirt, pulled up a sheet, covered her face with a bend of her elbow. Standing in the middle of the room, raising his hands, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, the husband uttered the most terrible of all prayers: Thank you, my God, for not creating me as a woman. By this time, God was no longer in the yard, for they did not shake, the walls of the house did not fall, the earth did not open. Here, for the first time, a quiet voice was heard by the wordless hitherto Mary, who humbly said: Thank you, Lord, for creating me according to your will. Note that these words are no different from the others, known and glorified to everyone: Behold, servant of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word. Obviously, a woman who could pronounce those words is able to pronounce these as well. Then Maria, the wife of the carpenter Joseph, got up from her mat, rolled it up with her husband and folded a sheet that covered them twice.

And Joseph and Mary lived in the Galilee, in the small town of Nazareth, poor and poor, in a house almost indistinguishable from the neighbors - in the same wretched and crooked shack built of bricks, coated with clay and so that less material was left stuck to a hill whose slope replaced one wall. You don’t have any architectural refinements - everything is like everyone else’s, once and for all established pattern, which, never bored, repeated again and again. As we already know, Joseph was a carpenter, not bad at knowing his craft, but completely devoid of imagination, skill or fiction, which was revealed every time they ordered him more or less delicate work. I don’t think, however, that this circumstance would outrage even the most demanding of my readers - it’s clear to everyone that it’s impossible for a person who is barely over twenty, living in a region with such disabilities and even more meager needs, to develop an aesthetic a feeling without which perfection in one’s business cannot be achieved. And therefore, not wanting to reduce the dignity of man to the extent to which he can be considered a true master, I will say that Joseph, despite his young years, was considered in Nazareth as a man of righteous life and God-fearing, zealously and religiously performed all the rites, and, even though God He didn’t note him, he didn’t distinguish eloquence from all other mortals, but his judgments were sound, his remarks were accurate and appropriate, especially if the conversation provided an opportunity to allow comparison or to give a definition, somehow related to his craft, to mention, for example er, how come on Imported and firmly hammered together around the world. But since Joseph was naturally deprived of a winged, truly creative imagination, he never in his entire short life expressed anything that would settle down in the memory of the inhabitants of Nazareth and be passed from mouth to mouth from children to grandchildren, and did not utter a single of those coined phrases, the meaning of which, enclosed in a transparent verbal shell, is so dazzlingly clear that in the future it can do without intrusive interpreters, or, on the contrary, is dark and foggy enough to turn into a tidbit for different scholars these days a.

As for the talents and talents of Mary, with all the desire she could not find anything special in the one who, in marriage, remained a fragile sixteen-year-old girl, which at all times, in all parts of the world, has thirteen for a dozen. However, Mary, for all her fragility, works like all women - weaves, spins and sews, every day of God bakes bread in the hearth, goes down to the spring to get water, and then, along narrow paths, along a steep slope, with a heavy jug on he climbs up his head, in the evening he goes on the same paths to pick up brushwood, and at the same time fills his basket with dried manure, thorny branches of thistle and blackthorn, which grow in abundance on steep Nazareth slopes, because the Lord didn’t think of anything better than that to melt the hearth or sple five crown. The weight is gaining a fair amount, and it would be better to put this luggage on the donkey, if not for one important circumstance - the donkey is determined to serve Joseph and drags his pieces of wood. Barefoot Maria walks to the stream, barefoot - in the field, and her wretched clothes from everyday work are torn and dirty, so they have to be darned, sewn up, washed again and again. Husband gets both new clothes and cares, Mary, however, like all the women there, is content with a little smallness. And she can enter the synagogue only through the side door, as the Law prescribes to women, and gather them together with her at least thirty souls, they will come together from all over Nazareth, even from all over Galilee, it will be necessary to wait until at least ten come men: then only a service can begin, in which they, women, are allowed to take part only as silent and outside observers. Unlike her husband, Joseph, she is not famous for piety and piety, although the point here is not in some of her moral flaws, but in a language coined, most likely, by men and adapted for themselves, so that at least the feminine word there are these, but for some reason they’re almost out of whack.

But one fine day, about four weeks after that unforgettable morning, when the clouds in the sky were filled with an unprecedented purple color, Joseph - it was going in the evening - sitting at home on the floor, had dinner, starting, as was customary, all five into the cup, while Maria stood waiting for him to get enough to eat up the leftovers, and both were silent - one had nothing to say, and the other did not know how to put into words what flashed in her head, one of those knocked on the gate beggars who, although they were not unusual in Nazareth, wandered there very rarely, This place was wretched, and for the most part its inhabitants lived poorly and hard, which circumstance could not but take into account the experienced and penetrating beggars, who adapted the theory of probability and realized that they would not break off in Nazareth. But Mary put aside a good portion of lentils with peas and spicy onions, which was her dinner for today, and took all this to a beggar, who, without entering the courtyard, sat down at the gate and started to eat. She didn’t have to ask her husband aloud for permission - he did with a nod or a shake of the head, because, as we already know, the words were superfluous in the time of Caesars, when just a thumb movement was enough to finish off the gladiator or leave him to live. And the beggar, who, no doubt, had not eaten for three days already, because you need to get really hungry so that in the blink of an eye not only to lighten up, but also to lick the cup, was already knocking at the gate again - to return the empty dishes and thank for mercy. Maria discovered: the beggar was standing right in front of her, unexpectedly huge - much taller than she thought at first, so maybe the person who was really fed up was strikingly different from the hungry one - and his face seemed to glow with an inner light, his eyes sparkled, and from wherever the swooping wind suddenly blew up and tossed up his shabby rags, and for a moment the rags hesitated for a moment it appeared to be a rich and magnificent outfit, which, of course, was given to believe only to those who were present. Maria held out her hands to receive from a beggar a clay cup, which a fanciful game of especially refracted sunlight made suddenly sparkle with pure gold, and at that moment when the cup passed from hand to hand, a trumpet voice rang out, too, come from a miserable beggar : God bless you, wife, may He send you children, may He deliver them from the share that fell to the one who stands before you, whose life is full of sorrows, who have nowhere to lay their heads. Maria still held the cup in front of her, like a begging bowl, as if waiting for a beggar from beggar, and without further explanation, he bent down, took a handful of earth and, extending his hand over the cup, let the earth slowly wake up through her fingers, and then uttered deaf and loud: Clay - to clay, dust - to dust, earth - to the earth, everything that has a beginning will find and end, everything that begins will be born from the end. Mary, embarrassed, asked: What do these words mean? And the beggar replied: Wife, in your womb you bear a son, only this fate is destined for people - to begin and finish, finish and start. How did you find out that I'm pregnant? Your womb is not growing, but when the child is conceived, the eyes of the mother shine in a special way. But then my husband should have understood in my eyes what I suffered from him. Perhaps your views do not meet. Tell me, who are you to know this without asking me anything? I'm an angel, just don’t tell anyone about it.

First, let's get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe authors of the apocrypha, which will be discussed later.


Upon admission, the person entering the order should have taken a vow under a terrible oath:

  • honor God

  • be fair to everyone

  • do no harm to anyone

  • be the enemy of untruth

  • remain faithful to the authorities

  • having reached power, do not boast

  • not distinguish oneself from others with special clothes and decorations

  • expose the lie and love the truth

  • do not conceal anything from fellow members and do not report anything to outsiders

  • abstain from illegal profits

  • do not pass the dogmas of the Essenic teachings to anyone

  • not take oaths

  • faithfully preserve the scriptures (ancient books) of the Essenes and Jews and the names of angels (according to Toast and Greek, the mysterious names of God)

Also essenes

  • did not bring bloody sacrifices (according to Flavius \u200b\u200b- they did not bring these sacrifices only in the Jerusalem temple)

  • worked hard

    • agriculture

    • beekeeping

    • cattle breeding

    • crafts

    • healing (through breathing exercises and reciting spell formulas and verses)

  • did not make weapons and rejected the war before the coming of the Messiah, but prepared for war against the forces of Evil on the side of the Messiah

  • recognized only common property

  • certainly denied slavery

  • helped each other in every way

  • taught that they are all brothers among themselves


In 1928, Edmond Bordeaux Shekeli first published his translation of the book first Gospels of Peace from the Essenes- an ancient manuscript discovered by him in secret archivesVatican City thanks to endless patience, tremendous erudition and unmistakable



It is also indisputable that the “holy” founding fathers of the churches, after the ascension of Christ, did not allow the recording of the true Doctrine given through Him from Above to the New Testament canon.

Once hidden by the flock of the church, and then forgotten by it due to the degeneration of the hierarchs during the generational change, the apocrypha (apocryphal: secret - translated into Russian) is directly called “The Gospel of the Peace of Jesus Christ from the Disciple of John”.

This is not the only ancient gospel (Evangelism), access to which ordinary people was closed by the efforts of hierarchies of supposedly Christian churches.

We quote it from the publication of the To-va-ri-schhes-t-in publishing house (Rostov-on-Don, 1991, according to ancient texts, Aramaic and Old Slavonic, translated from French); the name of another Russian publication “The Gospel of Peace from the Essenes”  (Moscow, Sattva, 1995). Old Slavonic text - translation from Aramaic, - exported from Kievan Rus to Europe  tentatively during the Batu invasion, it was stored (before the war of 1939–45, at least) in the Royal Habsburg Library, being the property of the Government of Austria. Aramaic text is kept in the Vatican Library.

On their basis, Ed. Sheckley published an English translation, from which Edward Bertollet (University of Lausanne) made a translation into French, and from this translation a translation was made into Russian, published by “Comrade-St-vom”. Now we will give one of the most significant worldview fragment of the Doctrine of Christ, concealed by the founding fathers of the churches:

“Then Jesus sat among them and said: Verily I will tell you: no one can be happy if he does not follow the Law. And others answered Him: We all follow the laws of Moses: it was he who gave us the law as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

And he responded to them II-sus: Do not look for those Za-ko-na in your pi-sa-nii. For Za-con is Life, and in pi-sa-nii is dead. For the sake of ti-no-go-ryu, I tell you: My-this didn’t get my charge from Bo-ha-na-pi-san-us-mi, but from Zhi-vo- th words.

The law is the Life-Nee Word, the re-given living pro-ro-com for living human beings. All in all, za-pi-san Za-con. You find him in a tre-ve, in de re-ve, in re-ke, in mountains, in birds, in heaven, in fish, in lakes and in mo-ryah, but especially, look for him in yourselves.

For, in reality, I’m telling you: All that is, in someone is rum, there is life, closer to God than the writing, the penny life. God created life and all that is, that they are the Word of eternal life and serve as the Teacher of mankind. about Za-ko-nah is-ting-no-go Bo-ha. God na-pi-sal His Laws are not on the pages of books, but in your heart, and in your soul.

They are manifested in your own ha-ha-nii, in your blood, in your hair, in your hair, in your inner ren-no-shah, in your eyes, in your ears and in any way, my own insignificant part of yours.

They come, day, night, in the air, in the water, in the land, in the races, in the sun, in the dark and you-so-tah. All of them are addressed to you, so that you could understand the Word and In the life of God. Fortunately, you closed your eyes for not seeing anything, and closed your ears for not hearing anything. In fact, I’m not telling you: P-sa-enie is de la hands che-lo-ve-ka, while life and all of its realm are de la Bo -zhie. Why, then, you don’t hear the words of Bo-ha, for-pee-san in his re-ni-yah? And why the hell-you-tee you pi-sa-niya, bu-k-you-some-ry dead-you, bu-du-chi dey-no-hands-man-che-ve-che s?

“How can we read God-for-selves, if not in pi-sa-ni-yah?” Where are they na-sa-sa? Pro-chi-tai, but we need them, where You see them, for we do not know other pi-sa-niy, except those that we are from ancestors of us. Explain to us For the sake of you, about whom you rush that you, us-ly-shav them, you can-but-lechit-sis and ispra- to twist.

II-sous said to them: You are not the same mother-of-words of life, because you must be in death. That-but-that-behind-the-va-e-gla-va-shi, and the ears-va-shi glu-hee. However, I say to you: Don’t put your eyes on the pee-s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o, if you de-e-st viii-mi svoi-mi from-ver-gae-te you are the One who gave you the pi-sa-niya.

For the sake of ti-no-go-ryu, I am to you: In de la va-shih there is neither God nor His Behavior; they don’t come-day-st-woo-they neither in gluttony, nor in drunk-st-ve yours, nor in the way of life-you, which you rast-chi-wae those in li-she-st-wah and ros-ko-shi; and still less - in the style of bo-gat-st-va, and especially-in-ben-no-sti in no-on-vis-ti to your enemies. This is all very yes-le-ko from the istin-no-go God and his an-gels.

But all this leads to the kingdom of so-and-so and the power of all evil. For all these vo-de-le-lii you are no-si-te in yourself; but in fact, the Word of God and His gu-sh-st-in-it can not howl in you, because you are-on-shi-va-te because of a lot of bad thoughts, as well as the size of the nests, they’re in your body and in your community.

If you are ho-ti-te, so that the Word of the Life of God and the Mo-gu-sh-st-in Him could-pro-nick-nut in you, not -ver-nyai-te neither te la va-she-go, nor soz-na-niya va-she-go, for the body is the Temple of Du-ha, and the Spirit is the Temple of God. That’s why you should cleanse this Temple so that Vl-so-so the Temple could pour in it and take the place that is His . In order to save all the is-ka-she-nii te-la sv-him and the co-n-n-nv sv-him, some of them are coming from Sa-ta-nah, ud -there under the canopy of Ne-ba Gos-pod-not-go.


And a different wisdom (in the context of the Good News - different from the crowd of the consumer crowd) is used by the words of the Sovereign and the Saints of the Father of the Heavens - but of the Ma-te-ri-Zem-li, than words and vo-la of all the fathers of yours on the blood and all the ma-tei of yours on the surface. And it’s bes-a-no-no more than a bu-det on a follow-up From-ts va-she-go Not-no-no-no-go and Ma-te-ri-Zem-li: Tsar-st-in Life, neither earthly nor heavenly: thereafter, pre-chi-tae-my all-thats, which can be delivered to you from -Tsy of you-shi by cro-vi and ma-te-ri by plane.

The true brothers va-shi are those who you-do-it-yourself To the will of the Father of Not-the-god-not and the Ma-te-ri-Zem-li, and not the brothers you by the blood. For the sake of ti-no-go-ryu, I tell you: Va-shi is-tin-brothers according to Vaul Ot-ts Not-bes-no-go and Ma-teri Zem-li -you-beat you in a shy-chu times more than brothers for blood. For since the time of Kai-na and Ave-la, since the brothers for the blood-on-the-ru-shi-li In-lu Bo-ha, there is no more ist-but-no-brother Art. by cro-vi. And the brothers from-but-to-syat-to their brothers-them, as to strangers people. That's why I want you: I love the true brothers-in-arms, I’m pouring God-in-you-sh-more than you take -to their own-for-all.

For your Father the Godless is Love!
For your mother Earth is love!
For the son of a man is love!

And because of Love, Heavenly Father, Mother Earth, and the Son of Man are one. For the spirit of the Son of Man comes from the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and the Body of Mother Earth. Therefore, be perfect as the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and the Body of Mother Earth.

Love your Heavenly Father as He loves your Spirit. Love your Mother Earth as She loves your body. Love your true brothers, as your Heavenly Father and your Mother Earth love them. And then your Heavenly Father will give you His Holy Spirit, and your Mother Earth - his Holy Body.

And then the sons of man, like true brothers, will love each other with the Love that their Heavenly Father and Mother Earth give them: and then they will become true comforters for each other. And then all troubles and all sorrow will only disappear, and love and joy will reign on the Earth. And then the Earth will become like Heaven and the Kingdom of God will come. And the Son of Man will come in all His Glory to take possession of His inheritance - the Kingdom of God.

For the Sons of Man live in Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, and Heavenly Father and Mother Earth live in them.
And then, together with the Kingdom of God, the end of time will come. For the love of the Heavenly Father gives all eternal life in the kingdom of God for love is eternal. Love is stronger than death. ”

“And though I am speaking in the language of lu-dei and an-ge-lov, if there isn’t any love, I have - I give it from-for-give the sounds of kolo-kol-no-mu metal-tal-lu or thundering cymbals. And at the same time I predict it, I know what I am and I know all the secrets and all wisdom and I have a strong faith, like a good fuck, if you don’t have any love, if I don’t have Lyub-vi, I’m not what.

And yes, if I just give everything to my poor man, to feed them, and give him fire, in a way Chil from My Father, if there isn’t Lyub-vi with me, I won’t be either blah-ha, or wisdom-rosti.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love She doesn’t do evil, doesn’t rejoice-not-just-lead-whether-and-and-and-and-of-that-is-her joy in right-or-lead-in-things.

Love, love, everything, believes everything, Love, love, everything, love, love, everything, never not utter: what about ka-sa-e-ya-tongues - they disappear, that ka-sa-ee knowledge - it will pass.

And this hour, ras-in-la-ga-em, hour-ti-tsa-mi for blu-f-de-de-niya and is-ti-ni, but half-no-ta so-ver-shen will come -st-va, and all cha-st-no-so-t-th.
When re-be-knock was re-ben-com, once-wa-ri-val, like re-be-knock, but dos-tig-nouve ripened, it grows He is with his children’s eyes, yes, his friends.
So, now we see everything through a dark glass and with the help of many truths. Knowledge today is from day to night, but when we are before Li-com God, they will not be known for more than an hour - quietly, but we know everything, knowing His teaching. And right now there is Vera, Na-de-da-da, Liu-bev, but sa-may of the three of the three is Liu-bev.

And this hour, blah-go-da-ry, come-day-st-viyu Du-ha Svy-th-on-she-th Not-bes-no-ness Ot-ts, go-in-ryu I am from by the tongue-com Zhiz-ni Bo-ga Zhi-vo-go. And there is still no one among you who could understand everything that I am to you. And those who explain to you pi-sa-niya, they say that they are with you dead tongue-lu-dei, who are looking for people through lu-dei and mortal bodies. ”

And although the latter does not apply to every clergyman, it rightly reproaches all the hierarchies of modernity, staffed by the holiest.

“Eat everything that is on God's table: the fruits of trees, grain and healthy herbs, animal milk and bee honey. All the rest of the food is the work of Satan’s hands, leading to sin, illness, death (...) For truly, I tell you: blessed are those who eat only food from the table of the Lord and avoid all the abominations of Satan. ”

These are more stringent, but good-natured restrictions on food than the Old and New Testament, as well as the Koranic ones: they prohibit the killing of living creatures by humans for food, which is the moral, ethical basis of a civilization of a different type.

In the present, on the surface of this apocryphal gospel, we have the right to be-pi-sa-seniye, different from the tradi-tsi-on-no-church. In oral speech there are no main (pro-written) sounds and a number of intermediate (lower-case) sounds. The New Za-vet, and even in his ka-no-ni-th vi-de, not at all there is no de-tel-st-wo-oh that I-sous would extol yourself over your contemporaries according to the flesh, therefore personal places of the “I”, usually typed in capital letters, in the first place in the text of the words one hundred na-bra-nas by us line-by-mi-bu-k-wa-mi. In our opinion, con-tech-hundred, the word "Son of Chelo-ve-che-sky", although you don’t have to print on yourself the patriarchal worldview ar-ha-ta, but from-but-syatsya to all people without exclusion, and not exclusively to Christ, that's why they are also on the line ni-mi-bu-k-va-mi, without you de-le-lania, they started behind-the-heads-ni-mi.

From a comparison of these fragments of the apocryphal Gospel of Christ with the previously cited samples of the Gospel of Christ from the canonical Gospels, it is clear that they tell the same thing, and the same thing is meaningful, but the hidden gospel of Christ does not need to be collected in the apocryphal text of John from scattered fragments: it is holistic; another — not the New Testament — John faithfully wrote down everything that he understood, unlike the canonizers of the New Testament, who maliciously removed from the canon everything that exposed them and their masters. Chapter 13 of the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians repeats, in terms of textually close meaning, even after repeated translations, one of the sections of the apocryphal gospel of Christ, which also significantly indicates the authenticity of the apocrypha and its malicious removal from the canon.

But from a comparison of this apocryphal gospel of Christ with it is also clear that in each of them the purposefulness of doctrine, faith, life, characteristic of him alone, is expressed. Apocryphal Gospel of the Peace of Jesus Christ reveals the words of the Apostle Paul : “... our ability is from God. He gave us the ability to be servants of the New Testament, not a letter, but the Spirit, because the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. ”  - 2 Corinthians 3: 5, 6.

AND the church exposes itself by intentionally censoring and eliminating The Good News of Christ to the Worldfrom the canon of her Scripture  and the fact that in verses chap. 3: 5, 6, 2 Corinthians writes “spirit,” beginning with a lowercase letter, although Paul clearly instructed the Holy Spirit, the life-giving, indicated in letters by capitalization.

Those who dispute the authenticity of the quoted apocrypha, who do not agree with what has been said about the sophisticated removal of the gospel of Christ from the New Testament canon, let them find the sign that not one of the many disciples of Christ left a written account of the good news brought by Jesus as such - outside the biographical certificates of the life of Jesus, son of Mary.

The canonical Gospels are not such a statement, because they are short biographical notes on the earthly life and activities of Jesus, the son of Mary, in which the Gospel of Christ is set forth in a minimal volume insofar as one cannot do without this statement in the biographical chronicle, although many are “strong” in the world I would also like to get rid of what was left in the canon. And let those who disagree with what was said showvitally, where and in what specifically does the apocrypha lie..


An excerpt from the work of the USSR Supreme Council “Come to the aid of my unbelief ...” Essentially about Dianetics and Scientology:view from the outside".

The masters of the biblical West are intolerant not to polytheism  or idolatry, namely to paganism - as a natural intra-community basis for the development of civilization.

Idolatry  and worship of anyone but God, they just encourage, supporting the cults of man-made idols and deified personalities of people - in the past; and political leaders and idols of mass culture (pop stars, cinema and sports) - in the present. This expresses their Satanism and opposition to God.

Any eradication of truth needs a noble disguise, "justifying" perverts and deceiving a short and superficially minded crowd. Therefore, the eradication of paganism to the “world government” during the construction of the global racial “elite” state is inconvenient to carry out openly and directly. But since idolatry and polytheism are real mistakes of one of the past stages in the historical development of paganism  in the culture of modern civilization, then the rabid masters of the Bible accepted pagan elimination strategyas a natural social phenomenon and genetically predetermined human psychological culture, under the guise of fighting idolatry and polytheism- the true vices of the pagan worldview of the past.

The aforesaid can be shown textually directly in the Bible. It does not include text that would be directly and bluntly called: Good News The World of Jesus Christ. Only four “gospels” are included in the Bible. The meaning of this Greek word "Enlightenment of the Slavs" did not want to express in Russian. If you substitute the Russian verbal equivalent in the text of the New Testament, you get the "Good News". But however not from jesus christand “from Matthew,” “from Mark,” “from Luke,” “from John”: that is, forgery Good News The Peace of Jesus Christsome substitute for it -   obvious.

If the words “Good News” were initially substituted for the words “Gospel” in the translations of the New Testament canon into Russian, then the reader would think for a while: “Where is she - this same Good News and what is its meaning?”  In reality, this has not been done, and under the incomprehensible name of the "gospels" contains four curriculum vitae  about life and work among the people of Jesus Christ who are tacitly identified with himself Teaching of Christ. Curriculum Vitae, of course, cite something from what was Above Spoken to the World through Christ, but do not expound it in its entirety; and most importantly - they are accompanied by the gospel of Christ and the gag and censorship seizures made by the editors of the canon of "holy" scripture and "patristic" traditions of each of the many warring bible churches.

The answer to the question: “Where did they share the Good News to the World of Jesus Christ as such?"- however, does not remain dangling in the air. Churches of the name of Christ rejected it, but it was preserved as an apocrypha, whose name can be expressed in Russian as follows: “The Good News to the Peace of Jesus Christ as set forth by the disciple John”. Judging by its content, this is not that John, whose “gospel” is included in the canon of the Bible.

In total, more than 60 apocrypha are known (ancient books, the content of which did not coincide with the official creed.

In particular, there is a complete translation of Aramaic texts found in the secret archives of the Vatican in our century. The translation of the first part of these texts, in the form of the first book - “The Gospel of the World from the Essenes” - was first published in 1928. An English version of it appeared in 1937.

Translator Edmond Bordeaux Sheckley received his doctorate from the University of Paris, and his other degrees from the Universities of Vienna and Leipzig. As a renowned philologist, specialist in Sanskrit, Aramaic, Greek and Latin, he spoke ten modern languages.

We owe the existence of these two versions of the text to Nestorian clerics who, under the threat of the advancing hordes of Genghis Khan, were forced to flee from East to West, taking with them all the ancient scriptures and icons.

Ancient Aramaic texts date from the third century after the birth of Christ, while the Old Slavic version is a literal translation of Aramaic manuscripts. ”

In the newspaper we give excerpts from the book. The full text of the translation can be found on the website. From it one can understand that Jesus did not root out paganismhow the librarians have been trying to assure people of this, and how the visiting hierarchy of book-readers in the person of its homegrown initiates has been doing in Russia for over a thousand years and taught true infallible paganism.

Gospel of the Peace of Jesus Christ
from student John

(fragment; translation from the French translation from Aramaic and Old Slavic)

... And then a lot of sick and paralyzed came to Jesus, and said to him: If you know everything, you can tell us why we should suffer from so many diseases. Why are we deprived of health like other people? Teacher, heal us so that we regain our strength and that our misfortunes leave us for a long time. We know that you have the power to heal all diseases. Free us from Satan and from all the terrible troubles that he causes us. Teacher, have pity on us!

Jesus answered them: Blessed are you who seek the truth, for I will help you and give the bread of wisdom.

Blessed are you, who want to break free from the power of Satan, for I will bring you to the kingdom of the angels of Our Mother, where the power of Satan cannot penetrate.

And with great surprise they asked: Where is our Mother, and who are her angels? Where is Her kingdom located?

Our Mother is in you, and you are in Her. It was She who gave birth to us and gave us life.

It is from Her that you have received your body and the day will come when you must return it. You will be blessed when you can know Her. Her and Her kingdom when you follow Her laws.

Truly, I say to you: the one who achieves this will never see the disease, for the power of your Mother dominates everyone.

And this power destroys Satan and his kingdom, and the law of your Mother rules over everything and governs your bodies, as well as all living on Earth.

The blood that flows through your veins originates from your Mother, from the Earth. Her blood falls from the clouds, beats the key from the bosom of the Earth, murmurs in mountain streams, rustles through the foliage of trees, rises like dust above fields of wheat, dozes in deep valleys, sultryly burns in the desert.

The strength of our bones comes from our Mother Earth, from the rocks and stones of Her. Their bodies are naked and look at the sky from the mountain peaks: they are like giants who sleep on the hillsides, and like idols located in the desert: they also hide in the deepest bowels of the Earth.

The elasticity of our muscles gave birth to the flesh of our Mother Earth, this flesh, yellow and red, gives life to the fruits of our trees: it also gives food that is in full swing from every furrow of our fields.

Our womb was given to us by the womb of our Mother Earth, it is hidden from our eyes as well as the depths of the Earth invisible to us.

The light of our eyes, the ability to hear our ears, were born from the variety of colors and sounds of our Mother Earth, they wash us, like waves of the sea wash fish, and jets of air - birds.

Verily I say unto you man is the son of Mother Earth; from Her son of man teaches his body, just as the body of a newborn grows, feeding on the breast of his mother. Truly, I tell you: you are one with the Mother Earth: She is in you, and you are in Her. From Her you were born, you live thanks to Her, and in Her you will eventually return. Therefore, follow Her laws, because no one will live long years, will not be happy every moment, if he does not honor his Mother and respect Her laws.

For your breath is Her breath, your blood is Her blood, your bones are Her bones, your flesh is Her flesh, your belly is Her belly, your ears and eyes are Her ears and eyes.

Truly, I tell you, if at least once you break at least one law from Her laws; if you ever injure one of the members of your body, you will inevitably be severely affected, and there will be crying and gnashing of teeth. I tell you: Until you follow the laws of your Mother, you cannot escape death in any way. But one who decides to respect the laws of his Mother will receive Her affection in return.

She will cure all his diseases and he will never become sick. She will give him a long life and protect him from all sorrows, protect him from fire, water and the bites of poisonous snakes. For your Mother gave birth to you, and She supports life in you. She has given you your body, and no one but Her will heal you. Blessed is he who loves his Mother and who rests on Her bosom!

For even if you move away from Her, your Mother loves you. And how much more She will love you if you return to Her. Verily I say unto you, Her love is great, greater than the high mountains, deeper than the deepest seas. And he who loves his Mother will never be abandoned by Her.

Just as a chicken guards its chickens, and a lioness - its cubs, any mother - a newborn, -  also your Mother Earth will save the son of man from all misfortunes and all troubles. For truly, I tell you: countless troubles and dangers await the sons of men: Beelzebub, the prince of all demons, the source of all evil, is waiting in the body of all the sons of men. He is the source of death, he gives rise to all misfortunes, and under the captivating mask he tempts and seduces all the sons of men. He promises them wealth and power, magnificent palaces, gold and silver robes, many servants, and all that they want; he also promises fame and honor, sensual joys and luxury, fine dishes and plentiful wines, noisy orgies and days spent in idleness and laziness.

So he seduces everyone, calling for what his heart is more inclined to. And on that day when the sons of man become completely slaves to all this vanity and all these abominations, then, as payment for pleasure, he takes away from the sons of men all the goodness that Mother Earth has given us in such abundance. It robs them of breathing, blood, bones, flesh, viscera, eyes and ears. The breath of the son of man becomes short, intermittent and painful, it becomes fetid, like the breath of unclean animals.

His blood thickens, spreading the same sickening smell as water in a swamp, it coagulates and turns black, like a death night. Its bones are deformed, made fragile, they are covered with knots from the outside, and decompose from the inside, and then burst in half, like a stone falling from a rock. His skin becomes oily and puffy from the water in it, and a crust and ugly abscesses form on it.

Its insides are filled with disgusting sewage, forming rotting fetid streams in which countless many filthy worms nest. His eyes fade until a deep night reigns in them: deafness seizes his ears and deathly silence reigns in them.

So, in the end, the son loses a human life due to his own mistakes, and because he could not learn to respect the laws of his Mother, but only made mistakes, one after another.

Therefore, all the gifts of his Mother Earth were taken from him: breathing, blood, bones, skin, viscera, eyes and ears, and, in the end, the very life that Mother Earth awarded to his body.

But, if the son of man admits his mistakes, if he regrets his sins and renounces them, if he returns to his Mother Earth, frees himself from the clutches of Satan and resists his temptations, then Mother Earth will accept his son, who was in error and mistakes: she will give him her love and send her angels to him, who will serve him. Truly, I tell you: As soon as the son of man opposes the Satan who dwells in him and ceases to obey his will, at the same moment his mother’s angels will seperate in him to serve him with their power, freeing the human son from the power of Satan.

For no one serves two masters. Truly, they either serve Beelzebub and his devils, or our Mother Earth and Her life. Truly, I tell you: Blessed are those who follow the laws of life and who do not follow the paths of death. For in them the vitality will grow, becoming ever stronger, and they will escape the influence of death.

And all who were near Him listened to His words with astonishment: For His words were full of Strength, and He did not teach as taught by the clergy and scribes.

Meanwhile, although the sun had already set, they did not return to their homes. They sat beside Jesus and asked Him: Teacher, what are the laws of life? Stay longer with us and teach us. We want to listen to your teaching and remember it in order to go the straight way.

Then Jesus sat among them and said: Verily I will tell you: No one can be happy if he does not follow the law.. And others answered Him: We all follow the laws of Moses: it was he who gave us the law as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

And Jesus answered them: Do not seek the Law in your scripture. For the Law is Life, and in scripture is dead. Truly, I tell you: Moses did not receive his laws from God written, but from the Living Word.

Law is the Word of Lifetransmitted by a living prophet to living people. The Law is recorded in all things. You will find it in grass, in a tree, in a river, in the mountains, in birds, in the sky, in fish, in lakes and in the seas, but especially look for it in yourself.

For truly, I say to you: All that exists in which there is life is closer to God than scripture without life. God created life and all things such that they are the Word of eternal life and serve as a Teaching to man about the Laws of the true God. God did not write His Laws on the pages of books, but in your heart and in your spirit.

They manifest in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your skin, in your insides, in your eyes, in your ears and in any very small part of your body.

They are present in the air, in water, in the earth, in plants, in the rays of the sun, in the depths and heights. They are all addressed to you so that you can understand the Word and the Will of the living God. Unfortunately, you closed your eyes to see nothing, and closed your ears to hear nothing. Verily I say unto you Scripture is the work of man, while life and all its incarnations is God's work. Why do not you listen to the words of God recorded in his creations? And why are you studying the scriptures whose letters are dead, being the work of human hands?

How can we read the laws of God, if not in the scriptures? Where are they written? Read them to us where you see them, for we do not know any other scriptures except those that we inherited from our ancestors. Explain to us the Laws about which you say that by hearing them we can be cured and corrected.

Jesus said to them: You cannot understand the Words of life because you are in death. Darkness closes your eyes, and your ears are deaf. However, I tell you: Do not look to the scripture, the letter of which is dead, if your actions deny the One who gave you the scripture. Verily I say unto you: In your works there is neither God nor His Laws; they are not present either in gluttony, or in your drunkenness, or in your lifestyle, which you spend in excesses and luxury; and even less - in search of wealth, and especially in hatred of his enemies. It is all very far from the true God and His angels. But all this leads to the kingdom of darkness and the lord of all evil. For you carry all these desires in yourself; therefore, the Word of God and His Power cannot enter you, because you have many bad thoughts in you, as well as abominations nest in your body and in your mind. If you want the Word of the Living God and His Power to be able to penetrate you, do not defile your body or your consciousness, for the body is the Temple of the Spirit, and the Spirit is the Temple of God. Therefore, you must cleanse this Temple so that the Lord of the Temple can settle in it and take a place worthy of Him. To avoid all the temptations of your body and your consciousness that come from Satan, go away under the shadow of the Lord's Heaven.

For truly no one can reach Heavenly Fatherwithout going through Mother Earth. And, like a newborn who cannot understand his father’s instructions, until his mother puts it on her breast, redeems him, caresses him, puts him in the cradle so that he falls asleep after feeding him. For the child’s place, while he is still small, near his mother, he must obey her. But when he grows up, his father will take him with him so that he can work with him in the field, and the child will return to his mother only at the hour of lunch or dinner. And then the father will give him his instructions so that he can easily help his father in all his affairs.

And when the father sees that the son has understood all his instructions and is performing his work skillfully, he will give his son all his good so that the son can continue the work of his father. Truly, I say to you: Blessed is that son who follows the advice of his mother and behaves accordingly with them. But the son who takes the advice of his father and follows them is a hundred times more blessed, for it was said to you: “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may last on this earth.” And I tell you, sons of man: Honor your Mother - the Earthfollow all of Her laws so that your days may continue on this earth; and honor your Heavenly Father, that you will inherit eternal life in heaven. For the Heavenly Father is one hundred times greater than all fathers by generation and blood, just as Mother Earth is more than all mothers in the flesh. And in the eyes of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, the human son is even more precious than in the eyes of his father by blood and his mother by the flesh.

And the Words and Laws of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth are filled with other wisdom than the words and will of all your fathers by blood and all your mothers by the flesh. And the inheritance of your Father in Heaven and Mother Earth will be infinitely greater: the Kingdom of Life, both earthly and heavenly: an inheritance preferred by all that your fathers by blood and mother in the flesh can leave you.

Your true brothers are those who fulfill the Will of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, and not blood brothers. Truly, I tell you: Your true brothers, by the will of the Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, will love you a thousand times more than your blood brothers. For since the days of Cain and Abel, since the blood brothers violated the Will of God, there is no longer a true blood brotherhood. And the brothers treat their brothers as strangers. Therefore, I tell you: Love your true brothers, by the Will of God a thousand times more than your brothers in blood.

For your Heavenly Father is Love!

For your Mother Earth is Love!

For the son of man is love!

And because of Love, Heavenly Father, Mother Earth, and the son of man are one. For the spirit of the son of man comes from the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and the Body of Mother Earth. Therefore, be perfect as the Spirit of the Heavenly Father and the Body of Mother Earth.

Love your Heavenly Father, as He loves your spirit.

Love your Mother Earth as She loves your body.

Love your true brothers, how your Heavenly Father and Mother Earth love them. And then your Heavenly Father will give you his Holy Spirit, and your Mother Earth - his Holy Body. And then the sons of man, like true brothers, will love each other with the Love that their Heavenly Father and Mother Earth give them: and then they will become true comforters for each other. And then all troubles and all sorrow will only disappear from the Face of the Earth, and Love and Joy will reign on it. And then the earth will become like heaven and the kingdom of God will come. And the son of man will come in all his glory to take possession of his inheritance - the kingdom of God. For the sons of men live in Heavenly Father and Mother Earth, and Heavenly Father and Mother Earth live in them.

And then, together with the Kingdom of God, the end of time will come. For the love of the Heavenly Father gives everyone eternal life in the kingdom of God. For Love is eternal. Love is stronger than death.

And although I speak the language of people and angels, if I don’t have Love, I am like a bell-making metal or rattling cymbals. And although I predict the future and know all the secrets and all wisdom and have a strong faith, like a storm moving mountains, if I do not have Love, I am nothing.

And even if I give all my wealth to the poor to feed them, and give the fire that I received from My Father, if I don’t have Love, I will have neither good nor wisdom.

Love is patient, Love is tender, Love is not envious. She does not do evil, does not rejoice at injustice, but finds her joy in justice.

Love explains everything, believes everything, Love always hopes, Love transfers everything, never getting tired: as for languages, they will disappear, as for knowledge, it will pass.

And now we have particles of error and truth, but the fullness of perfection will come, and everything particular will be erased.

When the child was a child, he talked like a child, but when he reached maturity, he parted with his childhood views.

So, now we see everything through dark glass and with the help of doubtful truths. Our knowledge is fragmentary today, but when we appear before the Face of God, we will not know more partially, but we will know everything by knowing His teachings. And now there is Faith, Hope, Love, but the greatest of the three is Love.

And now, thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father, I speak with you the language of the Life of the Living God. And there is still no one among you who could understand everything that I am telling you. And those who explain the scriptures to you speak the dead language of people who seek through their people their sick and mortal bodies.

Therefore, all people will be able to understand them, for all people are sick, and all are in death. No one sees the Light of Life. The blind lead the blind in the black footsteps of sin, disease and death, and in the end, everyone falls into the abyss of death.

I am sent by the Father to light the Light of Life before you. The light itself lights up and scatters twilight, while twilight knows only itself and does not know the Light. I have much to tell you, but you cannot understand this, for your eyes are weakened by twilight, and the full Light of Heavenly Father would have blinded you. Therefore, you cannot understand everything that I am telling you about the Heavenly Father who sent me to you.

From this it can be understood that Jesus Christ, if you speak Russian, is a Gentile, and if you speak Arabic, a Sufi. That is, the incoming Byzantine hierarchy of priests, hiding behind the name of Christ, has perverted and uprooted the doctrine of Christ in Russia for more than a thousand years.

It is impossible to deny the truth of what was said in the cited fragment “The Good News to the Peace of Jesus Christ” on the basis of the life experience of each person in a sound mind and clear memory.


I am not an ardent supporter of religion, but nonetheless I have always been interested
  Christian philosophy. I did not come to my conclusions right away, but all my
  knowledge, all of my experience suggests that between Christ’s doctrine and
  the modern church is very, very many differences. Most recently i
  stumbled upon the gospel of Jesus Christ and to my surprise
  it is nowhere in Christian literature. And I took it with all my soul, it
  I liked it, it did not contradict with any of my concepts - oh
  God, the World, Nature and about our Earth. And it all began like this ...

Gospel of Christ.

In 1945, a scroll was found in the Nag Hammadi desert (Egypt), which
  now called the secret words of the Living Jesus Christ. I quote: Jesus
  said - the kingdom of God is within you and all around you not in buildings
made of stone and wood. God is within you and all around you, split a piece
  tree and I am there, raise a stone and you will find Me.

Good News from Jesus Christ

I will saturate you with the bread of wisdom

And then many sick and crippled

They came to Jesus and asked him:

If you know everything, tell us why we suffer from these painful
  disasters? Why aren't we healthy like other people? Teacher heal
  us so that we too can become strong and so that we no longer need
  endure our suffering. We know that in Your power to heal all kinds
  diseases. Free us from Satan and from all his great misfortunes.
  Teacher, show compassion for us.

And Jesus answered:

Happy you are that you are hungry for Truth, for I will saturate you with the bread of Wisdom.
  Happy you that knock, for I will open the door of Life for you. Happy
  you that you want to cast off the power of satan, for I will bring you to the kingdom
  Angels of our Earthly Mother (explanation - Earthly Mother, this is our Nature),
  where Satan has no power.

And in amazement they asked him:

Who is our Mother and who are her Angels? And where is her kingdom?

Your Mother is in you, and you are in her. She wears you: She gives you Life. Exactly
  She gave you your body and the day will come when you will return it to Her again.
  You will be happy, those who come to know Her and Her Kingdom, if you accept
  Angels of your Earthly Mother and obey her laws. Verily tell you
  - whoever does this will never see the disease. For the power of our earthly
  Mother surpasses everything, and She destroys Satan and his kingdom, and rules
  with all your bodies and all living things.

The blood that flows in us is born from the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her
  blood falls from the clouds, breaks from the womb of the earth, murmurs in the mountains
  streams, spreads in flat rivers, sleeps in lakes, makes a lot of noise
  rough seas.

The air we breathe is born from the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her
  breath turns blue in the heights of heaven. Rustles on the tops of mountains, whispers in
  forest leaves, sways over the fields, dozes in deep valleys, blows
  heat in the deserts.

The hardness of our bones is born from the bones of our Earthly Mother, from rocks and stones.

The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother, whose flesh
  attracts yellow and red in the fruits of trees and feeds us with arable land

Our insides are born from the insides of our Earthly Mother and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth.

The light of the eyes, the hearing of our ears are born from the colors and sounds of our Earth
  Mothers who surround us from all sides, like sea waves surround
  fish like air bird.

Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and it is from her that Man receives his
  the body, like the body of a newborn, is born from the bosom of his mother. You are one with
  Earthly Mother - She is in you, and you are in Her. From Her you were born, in Her you
  you live, and in Her you will return again. Observe therefore Her laws, for
  only one who honors his Earthly Mother and follows Her laws can
  live long and be happy. For your breath is Her breath, yours
  blood - Her blood, your bones - Her bones, your flesh - Her flesh, yours
  entrails - Her entrails, your eyes and ears are Her eyes and

Verily, I tell you, if you violate at least one of these laws, if
  you harm at least some part of your body - completely
  die in your terrible disease, and there will be sobbing and gnashing of teeth.
  I tell you, if you do not follow the laws of your Mother, then no one
  way you cannot escape death. One who adheres to the laws
  of her Mother, that Mother herself will also hold. She will heal everything
  his illness, and he will never again be unwell. She will give him a long
  Life will protect anyone from illness - from fire, from water, from a poison bite
  the serpent. For your mother gave you birth, and she sustains life in you.
  She gave you your body, and only she alone can heal you. Happy
  one who loves his Earthly Mother, and who peacefully clings to her breast. For
  Your Earth Mother loves you even when you turn away from Her, and
  how much more will she love you if you turn to
  Her. Excessive, great Her love, higher than mountain heights, deeper than sea
  the depths. And those who love their Earthly Mother, She will never leave. how
  a lioness protects her cubs, a mother protects her newborn baby, and
  Earthly Mother protects the Son of Man from any danger and from any

Evil and danger are innumerable and they lie in wait for the Son of Man on
  every step. Satan, the ruler of all demons, the source of all evil,
  hid in the bodies of all the Sons of Man. He is death, the lord of all
  unhappiness and, dressed in a decent manner, he introduces into
  the temptation and temptation of the Sons of Man. He promises wealth and power,
  luxurious palaces and clothes made of gold and silver, many servants. He promises
  fame and glory, adultery and lust, gluttony and drunkenness,
  revelry and idleness, and laziness. And he tempts everyone with what the soul
  man lies most of all.

And on that day when the Sons of Man are already becoming slaves of all these
disgusting things and vanity, then, as payment for them, Satan
  takes away from the Sons of Men EVERYTHING that the Earth Mother generously bestowed on them. is he
  takes their breath, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their insides, their
  eyes and their ears. And the breathing of the Son of Man becomes difficult
  painful and fetid, like the breath of unclean animals. And his blood
  becomes thick and fetid, like the water of a standing swamp, it
  curls up and darkens like the night of death. And his bones become
  hard and knotty, they are exhausted from the inside and break into pieces like
  stones falling in the gorge. And his flesh becomes fat and becomes
  watery, it begins to rot and decompose, becomes covered
  disgusting scabs and growths. And his insides are filled
  vile garbage, oozing jets of decomposition, and many vile
  find worms
  a shelter for yourself here. And his eyes grow cloudy until the dark night is completely
  surround them, and ears cease to hear, grave silence sets in. AND
  the last erring Son loses His Life. For he did not adhere
  the laws of his mother and committed sin after sin. And therefore they are selected from
  him all the GIFTS of Mother Earth: Blood, Bones, Flesh, Eyes and Ears, and after
  all and Life itself, which crowned Mother Earth his body.

But if the erring Son of Man repents of his sins and destroys
  all of them, and will return to his Earthly Mother, and if he will fulfill Her
  laws and freed from the claws of Satan, abandoning his temptations,
  then again Mother Earth will accept her lost Son and send him
  His angels to serve him. Verily I say unto you, when the Son
  The human will reject Satan who dwells in him and stop fulfilling
  his will, at that very hour the Angels of Mother will appear to serve him
  with all his strength and will finally free the Son of Man from power

For no one can serve two masters at once. Or he serves Satan,
  or he serves our Earthly Mother and her Angels. Or he serves death
  or he serves Life. Verily I say unto you. Happy is he who abides
  laws of life and eschews death.

And all who gathered around him listened in amazement to his words, for
  His Word carried the Force, and he taught not at all what he preached
  priests and scribes. And although the sun has already set beyond the horizon, they are not
  went home.

The law is Life, the scriptures are dead.

They sat around Jesus and began to ask him.

Teacher, what are these laws of Life? Stay with us and teach us. we
let us listen to the doctrine so that we can be healed and become righteous. we
  we all obey the laws given to us by Moses exactly as they are written down
  in the scriptures.

And Jesus answered:

Do not look for the law in your scripture books, for the Law is Life,
  the scriptures are dead. Verily I tell you, Moses received these laws from God not
  in writing, and through the Living Word. The Law is the Living Word of the Living
  God given to the Living prophets for the people of the Living. In everything that is itself
  Life, this law is written down. You can find it in grasses, in trees, in
  rivers, in the birds of the sky, in the fish of the sea, but above all, look for it in
  ourselves. For verily I tell you, all living things are closer to God than the scriptures,
  in which there is no Life. God created Life and all living things in such a way that
  they could, with the Eternal Word, teach man the laws of the true God. God
  I wrote these laws not in the pages of books, but in your hearts and souls. They are
  in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your
  the insides, your eyes, your ears and in every part of your body.
  They are in the air, in water, in the earth, in plants,
  in the sun, in the depths and heights. They all talk to you so you
  could understand the language and will of the living God. But you close your eyes so that
  Do not see and cover your ears so as not to hear. The scriptures are
  man’s creations, and Life and all its diversity are creations
  our God. Why don’t you listen to the words of God written in His
  creations? And why are you studying the dead scriptures that are creations
  human hands?

How can we read God's laws that are not in the scriptures? Where are recorded
  they are? Read them to us from where you see them, for we know nothing,
  except the scriptures we have inherited from our ancestors. tell us
  the laws that you speak of so that when we hear them we can be healed and
  to be forgiven.

And Jesus said:

You do not understand the words of Life because you are in death. Darkness
  I closed your eyes and ears to your deaf. No benefit to you from learning
  dead scriptures, if in fact you reject Him, who gave you these
  the scriptures. God and his laws are not what you do. They are not in gluttony and
  drunkenness, not in revelry and not in lust, not in the pursuit of wealth and
  not in hatred of his enemies. For all this is far from the true God and
  His angels, but comes from the kingdom of darkness and the ruler of evil. And all this is you
  carry in yourself, and therefore the Word and the power of God cannot enter you, for
  all evil and abomination dwell in your body and in your soul. If you
you want the Word of the living God and its power to enter into you, do not defile
  your body and soul, for the body is the temple of the soul, and the soul is the temple of God,
  God could abide in it and that He would take a place worthy of Him.

And from all the temptations of your body and your soul emanating from Satan, take refuge in the shadow of God's heaven.

Cleanse your body and soul from evil and abomination, doing good and bringing joy
  and love to people, wherever you are. Be a help to all people
  be needed by people, for this is the meaning of your Life. Do good
  without saying or boasting to anyone, for only such good will be
  set off on you. Refresh yourself with this and fast. Satan and all his misfortunes
  can only be driven out by kindness and love, fasting and prayer said
  with meaning and understanding. Retire and fast alone, no one
  without showing your post. Living God will see him, and yours will be great

Rush to the fresh air of forests and fields, and there you will find an Angel
  air. Throw off your shoes and clothes and let the Angel hug the body
  yours. Breathe deeply and enjoy all the aromas and sounds
  forests and fields. Wash your body with the Angel of water, in the forest springs, in
  mountain streams, full-flowing rivers and in warm seas. Connect to Earth
  Mother and become one with her. Open to the sunshine, give
  your body to bathe in the rays of the angel of light, so your soul - in
  the rays of the Truth of Heavenly Father.

Your Heavenly Father is Love and Freedom.

Mother Earth is Love and Freedom

The Son of Man is Love and Freedom

Only through Love can the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and the Son of Man become one. For Love is eternal and transcends death.

If I speak in human and angelic languages, but have no love, then
  I become like a copper ringing. If I have the gift of prophecy and know
  all secrets and I have all the wisdom and faith I have as powerful as a hurricane,
  which moves mountains, I have no love - then I am nothing. And if I give out
  all that I have to feed the poor and give all my fire received
  from My Father, but I have no love, I have no use in it.

Love is patient, love is kindness, love does not envy, does not do evil, does not
  proud, does not know rudeness and self-interest, is in no hurry to be angry, is not
  he delights in evil, does not rejoice in flattery and unrighteousness, but enjoys
  The truth. Love covers everything, believes everything, always hopes, love everything
  tolerates, never stops, even if all languages \u200b\u200bare silent and all
  knowledge will disappear.

But we know about love only partially, we see it through glass and through
  sayings, but when we introduce ourselves to God we will already know
  love is NOT partly, but as He will teach us.

Now I speak with you in the Living language of God, through our Holy Spirit
  Heavenly Father. Although there’s not one among you who is able to understand everything,
  what I'm talking about. The one who sets out the scriptures speaks with you in
  dead tongue of the dead, through his weak and mortal body. And that's why
  everyone can understand it, for all people are sick and dying. None
  sees the Light of Life. The blind lead the blind along the dark paths of sins,
  disease and suffering, and in the end everyone falls into the pit of death.

I have been sent to you by My Father to make the Light of Life shine before
  you. Light illuminates itself and darkness, but darkness knows only itself, but
  does not know the light. And I still have a lot to tell you, but you are not in
  condition to withstand it. For your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and full Light
  Heavenly Father will blind you. Therefore, you still cannot understand what I mean
  I tell you about the Heavenly Father who sent me to you. Therefore first
  follow only the laws of your Earth Mother that I told you about. AND
  when its Angels cleanse and renew your bodies and strengthen your eyes, you
  can look at the bright midday sun with not blinking eyes, then
  then you can look at the blinding Light of your Heavenly Father,
  which is a thousand times brighter than the radiance of a thousand suns. Now how are you
  be able to look at the blinding light of your Heavenly Father if you do not
  you can even bear the light of the shining sun. Believe me sun
  like a candle flame, next to the Sun of the Truth of Heavenly Father, and therefore
  have faith, and hope, and love.

Verily I say unto you, you will not want another reward. If you believe mine
  According to you, you also believe in the One who sent Me, who is the Lord
  of everything with which everything is possible. For what is not possible for people is everything
  it is possible with God. If you have faith in the Angels of Mother Earth and
  follow Her laws, your faith will support you, and you will never
  see the disease. Have hope also for the love of your Heavenly Father,
  for he who trusts Him will never be deceived, and will never see
  he is death.

It was said: "Honor your Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and do
  their orders are that your days on earth be long. "And the next was given
  commandment: "Do not Kill", for Life is given to everyone from God, but that which is given
By God, man is not in the right and cannot take. I tell you truly, from
  of one Mother, everything Living on earth, both man and beasts, happens. AND
  therefore, he who kills kills his brother. And from him Mother Earth
  will turn away and take away his breast, which gives Life. And her angels will be
  keep away from him. Satan will find his abode in his body. And flesh
  slain beasts in his body will become his own grave. Truly speak
  to you, who kills - kills himself, and who eats the flesh of dead animals -
  eats the bodies of death.

Always take food from God's table: "Fruits of trees, grains and herbs
  fields, milk of animals, eggs of hens and honey of bees. For everything beyond that is from
  Satan and leads through sin and sickness to death. The food you
  receive from the abundant table of God, gives strength and youth to your body, and
  you will never see the disease.

And do not be like a food-hungry servant who was always hungry and
  ate at the table of his master a portion of others. And there were no equal in
  gluttony to him, and he could not think of anything but food. Seeing
  this, his master was angry and drove him from the table. And when everything
  finished the meal, he mixed everything that was left on the table, and, calling
  greedy servant, said to him: "Take and eat everything together with the pigs, for
  your place among them, and not at my table. "

And when you eat, don’t get enough of it. Therefore, always make sure
  how much you eat, and always eat less by a third. Do not mix more
  three dishes. He who eats more than twice a day does the work in himself
  Satan Eat only when the sun is at its zenith and again
  - when it sat down. And you will never see the disease.

Follow the example of all the Angels of Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother who
  work day and night over the kingdom of heaven. Follow the example of water that
  flows, the wind that blows, the sun that rises and sets, trees and grasses,
  that they grow, animals that run and jump, the moon that comes and goes,
  the stars that light up and go out - all this moves and does the work.
  For everything that Life has in itself is moving and only that which is dead is
  immovably. God is the God of the Living, and Satan is the God of the dead. therefore
  serve the Living God so that the eternal movement of Life can support you and
  so that you can avoid eternal stillness. Therefore be true
  Sons of your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother, lest you fall into
  slavery of satan.

Love one another, for God is Love, and His Angels will know that
you walk in His ways. And then all the Angels will appear before your face and
  will serve you. And Satan with all his sins, illnesses and
  will leave your soul and body with sewage. Go and avoid sins
  repent, accept Conscious Baptism so that you may be born again and not
  sin more. And remember what will be created by people on earth, will be
  by the will of the people themselves.

Come to Me all exhausted and afflicted in discord and misery.
  Because My Peace will give you strength and comfort you: "Peace be with you!" AND
  you greet each other so much. Now get back to your brothers
  with whom you are still at odds, and give them also your World. For
  happy who strive for Peace because they will receive the Peace of God. Go and
  do not sin anymore. And give each my own Peace, as I gave my world
  you. Because My World is God.

Peace be upon you!

And He left them.

And His Peace came upon them, and in their hearts came the Angel of Love, in
  to their heads is the wisdom of the Law, and in their hands is the power of rebirth. And they went
  between the Sons of Men to bring the Light of Peace to those who fought a battle in
  in the dark.

And parting, they spoke to each other.

May Peace be to you.

Our days

1) One person died. And his whole life passed before his eyes. His
  it seemed as if he was walking on a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. On the
  pictures of his life flickered in the sky, and after each of them he noticed
  two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.
  When the last picture from his life flashed before him, he
  looked back at the footprints in the sand. And I saw that often along his life
  only one chain of tracks lasted. It was the hardest and
  miserable times in his life. He was very saddened and began to ask
  Gentlemen: "Didn’t You say: if I follow Your way, You will not leave
  me? Look - in the most difficult times of my life there is only one chain
  traces stretches across the sand. Why did you leave me when I am most
  needed you? "

You are mistaken, My Child, when there were sorrows and trials in your life,
  when the most difficult times of your life came, I carried you in my arms.

2) When a person was still a child, his grandmother always told him: "Granddaughter,
  if you grow up big, it becomes bad for you - you go to the temple,
  it will always be easier for you there. "The man grew up. And he began to live somehow
  completely unbearable. He remembered the advice of his grandmother and went to the temple. Entering there
  he saw a heavy priest reading righteous sermons, and
due to his excessive full body, drops of sweat ran down his forehead. And it was
  it is clearly seen how difficult it is for this person to stand on his feet while walking
  service. And then someone comes up to him: "Don't hold your hands like that." Second
  runs up: "Not so standing." The third grumbles: "Not so dressed." Behind
  yells: "You are not baptized correctly." And then one woman came up and
  tells him:

Would you leave the temple, buy yourself a book on how to behave here
  it’s necessary and a gold cross on the body, yes, I almost forgot, and all this
  sold here in our temple and the prices here are the cheapest, and then would
  came in. A man headed for the exit, went into the shop at the temple, a book and
  I bought a pectoral cross and left the temple. He sat on a bench and quietly
  cried. And suddenly he hears a voice: "Why are you, My Child, crying?" Raised
  the man cried his face and saw Christ. Says: "Lord! Me in
  the temple is not allowed. Jesus hugged him: "Do not cry, they and I do not go there
  let it go. "

Found Scroll or Gospel of Jesus Christ

I am not an ardent supporter of religion, but nonetheless, I have always been interested in Christian philosophy. I did not come to my conclusions right away, but all my knowledge, all my experience suggests that there are very, very many differences between the teachings of Christ and the modern church. Most recently, I accidentally stumbled upon the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to my surprise, it is nowhere in Christian literature. And I took it with all my heart, I liked it, it did not contradict with any of my concepts - about God, the World, Nature and our Earth. And it all began like this ...

Gospel of Christ.
   In 1945, a scroll was found in the Nag Hammadi desert (Egypt), which is now called the secret words of the Living Jesus Christ. I quote: Jesus said - the Kingdom of God is within you and everywhere around you not in buildings of stone and wood. God is inside you and everywhere around you, split a piece of wood and I am there, raise a stone and you will find Me.

Good News from Jesus Christ
  I will saturate you with the bread of wisdom
  And then many sick and crippled
  They came to Jesus and asked him:
  If you know everything, tell us why we suffer from these painful disasters? Why aren't we healthy like other people? Master, heal us so that we too can become strong and so that we no longer need to endure our suffering. We know that in Your power to heal all kinds of diseases. Free us from Satan and from all his great misfortunes. Teacher, show compassion for us.
  And Jesus answered:
-Lucky you are that you are hungry for Truth, for I will saturate you with the bread of Wisdom. Happy you that knock, for I will open the door of Life for you. You are happy that you want to lose the power of Satan, for I will bring you to the Kingdom of Angels of our Earthly Mother (explanation - Earthly Mother, this is our Nature), where Satan has no power.
  And in amazement they asked him:
  -Who is our Mother and who are her Angels? And where is her kingdom?
  -Your Mother is in you, and you are in her. She wears you: She gives you Life. It was She who gave you your body and the day will come when you will return it to Her again. You will be happy who come to know Her and Her Kingdom if you receive the Angels of your Earthly Mother and obey her laws. Truly, I tell you, whoever does this will never see the disease. For the power of our Earthly Mother surpasses everything, and She destroys Satan and his kingdom, and rules all your bodies and all living things.
  -The blood that flows in us is born of the blood of our Earthly Mother. Her blood falls from the clouds, makes its way from the belly of the earth, murmurs in mountain streams, spreads in flat rivers, sleeps in lakes, makes a lot of noise in rough seas.
  -The air we breathe is born from the breath of our Earthly Mother. Her breath turns blue in the heights of heaven. It rustles on the tops of mountains, whispers in the leaves of forests, sways over fields, dozes in deep valleys, blows heat in deserts.
  -The hardness of our bones is born from the bones of our Earthly Mother, from rocks and stones.
  -The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother, whose flesh attracts yellow and red in the fruits of trees and feeds us with arable land.
  -Our innards are born from the innards of our Earthly Mother and are hidden from our eyes, like the invisible depths of the earth.
  - The light of the eyes, the hearing of our ears are born from the colors and sounds of our Earthly Mother, which surround us from all sides, like sea waves surround a fish, like a bird’s air.
  -Man is the Son of the Earthly Mother, and it is from her that the Man receives his body, as the body of a newborn is born from the womb of his mother. You are one with the Earthly Mother - She is in you, and you are in Her. From Her you were born, in Her you live, and in Her you will return again. Therefore, obey Her laws, for only one who honors his Earthly Mother and follows Her laws can live long and be happy. For your breath is Her breath, your blood is Her blood, your bones are Her bones, your flesh is Her flesh, your insides are Her insides, your eyes and ears are Her eyes and ears.
-I truly tell you, if you violate at least one of these laws, if you harm at least any part of your body, completely perish in your terrible illness, and there will be a sob and a gnashing of teeth. I tell you, if you do not follow the laws of your Mother, then you cannot in any way escape death. One who adheres to the laws of his Mother, that Mother herself will also keep. She will heal all his diseases, and he will never again be unwell. She will give him a long Life and protect anyone from illness - from fire, from water, from the bite of poisonous snakes. For your mother gave you birth, and she sustains life in you. She gave you your body, and only she alone can heal you. Happy is he who loves his Earthly Mother, and who peacefully clings to her breast. For your Earthly Mother loves you even when you turn away from Her, and how much more she will love you if you turn to Her again. Her love is great, great, higher than mountain heights, deeper than the deep sea. And those who love their Earthly Mother, She will never leave. As a lioness protects her cubs, the mother is her newborn baby, so the Earthly Mother protects the Son of Man from any danger and from any evil.
  -The evil and danger are innumerable and they lie in wait for the Son of Man at every step. Satan, the ruler of all demons, the source of all evil, lies in the bodies of all the Sons of Man. He is death, the sovereign of all misfortunes and, dressed in a decent form, he introduces into the temptation the temptation of the Sons of Men. He promises wealth and power, magnificent palaces and clothes made of gold and silver, many servants. He promises fame and glory, adultery and lust, gluttony and drunkenness, revelry and idleness, and laziness. And he tempts everyone with those to which the human soul lies most of all.
And on the day when the Sons of Man are already becoming slaves to all these disgusting things and vanity, then as a payment for them, Satan takes away from the Sons of Men ALL that the Earth Mother generously gifted them with. He takes away their breath, their blood, their bones, their flesh, their insides, their eyes and their ears. And the breath of the Son of Man becomes labored, painful and fetid, like the breath of unclean beasts. And his blood becomes thick and fetid, like the water of a standing swamp, it coagulates and darkens like the night of death. And his bones become hard and knobby, they are exhausted from the inside and break into pieces like stones falling in a gorge. And his flesh is overgrown with fat and becomes watery, it begins to rot and decompose, is covered with disgusting scabs and growths. And his insides are filled with vile garbage, oozing jets of decomposition, and many vile worms find refuge here. And his eyes grow cloudy until the dark night completely surrounds them, and his ears cease to hear, grave silence sets in. And the last erring Son loses His Life. For he did not adhere to the laws of his Mother and committed sin after sin. And therefore, all the GIFTS of the Earthly Mother are taken away from him: Blood, Bones, Flesh, Eyes and Ears, and after all, Life itself, with which the Earthly Mother crowned his body.
  -But if the erring Son of Man repents of his sins and destroys them all, and returns to his Earthly Mother, and if he obeys Her laws and is freed from the claws of Satan, abandoning his temptations, then again the Earthly Mother will accept her lost Son and send his angels to serve him. Verily, I say unto you, when the Son of Man rejects the satan who dwells in him and ceases to do his will, at that very moment the Angels of Mother will appear to serve him with all their strength and will finally free the Son of Man from the power of Satan.
  -For no one can serve two masters at once. Either he serves Satan, or he serves our Earthly Mother and her Angels. Either he serves death, or he serves life. Verily I say unto you. Happy is he who obeys the laws of life and eschews death.

And all who gathered around him listened in amazement to his words, for His Word carried the Force, and he did not teach at all what the priests and scribes preached. And although the sun had already set beyond the horizon, they did not disperse to their homes.

The law is Life, the scriptures are dead.

They sat around Jesus and began to ask him.

Teacher, what are these laws of Life? Stay with us and teach us. We will listen to the doctrine so that we can be healed and become righteous. We all keep the laws given to us by Moses exactly as they are written in the scriptures.
  And Jesus answered:
  -Do not look for the law in your books with scriptures, for the Law is Life, the scriptures are dead. Verily I tell you, Moses received these laws from God, not in writing, but through the Living Word. The Law is the Living Word of the Living God given to the Living prophets for the Living people. In all that is Life, this law is written down. You can find it in grasses, in trees, in rivers, in heavenly birds, in sea fish, but first of all, look for it in yourself. For verily I say unto you, all Living things are closer to God than scriptures in which there is no Life. God created Life and all living things in such a way that they could teach the laws of the true God by the Eternal Word. God did not write these laws in the pages of books, but in your hearts and souls. They are in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your insides, your eyes, your ears and in every part of your body. They are in the air, in water, in the earth, in plants, in the rays of the sun, in the depths and heights. They all speak with you so that you can understand the language and will of the living God. But you close your eyes so as not to see and close your ears so as not to hear. The scriptures are the creations of man, and Life and all its diversity are creations of our God. Why do not you listen to the words of God recorded in His creations? And why are you studying the dead scriptures, which are the creations of human hands?

How can we read God's laws that are not in the scriptures? Where are they recorded? Read them to us from where you see them, for we know nothing but the scriptures we have inherited from our ancestors. Tell us the laws that you speak of so that when we hear them, we can be healed and be forgiven.

And Jesus said:

You do not understand the words of Life because you are in death. Darkness has closed your eyes and your ears are deaf. There is no benefit to you from studying the dead scriptures, if in fact you deny Him who gave you these scriptures. God and his laws are not what you do. They are not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in revelry and not in lust, not in the pursuit of wealth and not in hatred of their enemies. For all this is far from the true God and His Angels, but comes from the kingdom of darkness and the ruler of evil. And you carry all this in yourself, and therefore the Word and power of God cannot enter you, for all evil and abomination dwell in your body and in your soul. If you want the Word of the living God and its power to enter into you, do not defile your body and soul, for the body is the temple of the soul, and the soul is the temple of God, so that God can abide in it and that He takes a place worthy of Him.
  -And from all the temptations of your body and your soul emanating from Satan, take refuge in the shadow of God's heaven.
  -Clean your body and soul from evil and filth, doing good and bringing joy and love to people, wherever you are. Be help for all people, be necessary for people, for this is the meaning of your Life. Do good without saying or boasting to anyone, for only such good will be counted against you. Refresh yourself with this and fast. Satan and all his misfortunes can only be driven out by kindness and love, fasting and prayer said with meaning and understanding. Separate and fast alone, not showing anyone your post. The Living God will see him, and your reward will be great.
  Rush to the fresh air of forests and fields, and there you will find the Angel of Air. Throw off your shoes and clothes and allow the Angel to embrace your body. Breathe deeply and enjoy all the aromas and sounds of forests and fields. Wash your body with an Angel of water, in forest springs, in mountain streams, full-flowing rivers, and in warm seas. Connect with the Earth Mother and become one with her. Open up to the sunshine, let your body bathe in the rays of the angel of light, so also your soul - in the rays of the Truth of Heavenly Father.

  Your Heavenly Father is Love and Freedom.
  Mother Earth is Love and Freedom
  The Son of Man is Love and Freedom
  Only through Love can the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and the Son of Man become one. For Love is eternal and transcends death.

If I speak in human and angelic languages, but have no love, then I become like a copper ringing. If I have the gift of prophecy and I know all the secrets and have all the wisdom and faith, I have a powerful one like a hurricane that moves mountains, I don’t have love, then I am nothing. And if I give out everything that I have to feed the poor and give all my fire received from My Father, but I have no love, I have no use in it.
  - Love is patient, love is kindness, love does not envy, does not do evil, does not take pride, does not know rudeness and selfishness, does not hasten to be angry, does not plot evil, does not rejoice in flattery and injustice, but enjoys the Truth. Love covers everything, believes everything, always hopes, love transfers everything, never stops, even if all languages \u200b\u200bare silent and all knowledge disappears.
  But we only know about love in part, we see it through glass and through sayings, but when we introduce ourselves to God we will already know love NOT in part, but in the way He will teach us.

Now I speak with you in the Living language of God, through the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father. Although there is not one among you who is able to understand everything that I am talking about. The one who sets out the scriptures speaks to you in the dead language of the dead through his weak and mortal body. And therefore, everyone can understand it, for all people are sick and dying. No one sees the Light of Life. The blind lead the blind along the dark paths of sins, illnesses and sufferings, and in the end everyone falls into the pit of death.
  “I have been sent to you by My Father to make the Light of Life shine before you.” Light illuminates itself and darkness, but darkness knows only itself, but does not know light. And I still have a lot to tell you, but you are not yet able to withstand it. For your eyes are accustomed to darkness, and the full Light of the Heavenly Father will blind you. Therefore, you cannot yet understand what I am telling you about the Heavenly Father who sent me to you. Therefore, first follow only the laws of your Earthly Mother that I told you about. And when her Angels cleanse and renew your bodies and strengthen your eyes, you can look at the bright midday sun with not blinking eyes, then you can look at the dazzling Light of your Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times brighter than the radiance of a thousand suns. And now, how can you look at the blinding light of your Heavenly Father, if you cannot even bear the light of the shining sun. Believe Me, the sun is like a candle flame, next to the Sun of the Truth of Heavenly Father, and therefore have faith, and hope, and love.
Verily I say unto you, you will not want another reward. If you believe My words, you also believe in the One who sent Me, who is the Lord of everything with which everything is possible. For that which is not possible for people, all this is possible with God. If you have faith in the Angels of Mother Earth and fulfill Her laws, your faith will support you, and you will never see the disease. Have hope also for the love of your Heavenly Father, for he who trusts him will never be deceived, and he will never see death.

It was said: "Honor your Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and follow their orders so that your days on earth will be long." And the following commandment was given: “Do not Kill”, for Life is given to everyone from God, and that which is given by God is not lawful and cannot be taken away. I tell you truly, from one Mother everything Living on earth, both man and beasts, comes. And therefore, he who kills kills his brother. And from it Mother Earth will turn her back and take away her breast, which gives Life. And Her Angels will shun it. Satan will find his abode in his body. And the flesh of the slain beasts in his body will become his own grave. Verily I tell you, whoever kills - kills himself, and who eats the flesh of dead animals - eats the bodies of death.

Always take food from the table of God: “Fruits of trees, cereals and grasses of fields, milk of animals, eggs of hens and honey of bees. For all that is beyond this is from Satan and leads through death through sins and illness. The food that you take from God's abundant table, gives strength and youth to your body, and you will never see the disease.
  “And do not be like a food-hungry servant who was always hungry and ate portions of others at his master’s table.” And there was no equal in gluttony to him, and he could not think of anything but food. Seeing this, his master was angry and drove him from the table. And when everyone had finished the meal, he mixed everything that was left on the table, and, calling a greedy servant, said to him: "Take and eat everything together with the pigs, for your place is among them, and not at my table."
  -And when you eat, do not get enough of it. Therefore, always monitor how much you eat, and always eat less by a third. Do not mix more than three dishes. He who eats more than twice a day does the work of Satan. Eat only when the sun is at its zenith and once again when it has set. And you will never see the disease.
-Follow the example of all the Angels of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother who work day and night over the kingdom of heaven. Follow the example of the water that flows, the wind that blows, the sun that rises and sets, the trees and grass that grow, the animals that run and jump, the moon that comes and goes, the stars that light up and go out - all this moves and do the work. For everything that Life has in itself is moving, and only that which is dead is immovable. God is the God of the Living, and Satan is the God of the dead. Therefore, serve the Living God, so that the eternal movement of Life can support you and that you can avoid eternal stillness. Therefore, be the true Sons of your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother, lest you fall into the slavery of Satan.
  -Love one another, for God is Love, and His Angels will know that you are walking in His ways. And then all the Angels will appear before your face and serve you. And Satan with all his sins, illnesses and impurities will leave your soul and body. Go and avoid sins, repent, accept Conscious Baptism so that you can be born again and not sin anymore. And remember what will be created by people on earth, will be the will of the people themselves.
  -Come to me all exhausted and afflicted in discord and misfortune. Because My Peace will give you strength and comfort you: "Peace be with you!" And you greet each other like that. Now return to your brothers, with whom you are still at odds, and give them your World as well. For happy are those who strive for Peace because they will receive the Peace of God. Go and sin no more. And give each my own Peace, as I gave my peace to you. Because My World is God.
  Peace be upon you!
  And He left them.
  And His Peace came upon them, and in their hearts came the Angel of Love, in their heads - the wisdom of the Law, and in their hands the power of regeneration. And they went between the Sons of Men to bring the Light of the World to those who fought in the dark.
  And parting, they spoke to each other.
  May Peace be to you.

Our days 2012
1) One person died. And his whole life passed before his eyes. It seemed to him that he was walking along the sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures of his life flickered in heaven, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord. When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And he saw that often along his life path stretched only one chain of tracks. These were the most difficult and unfortunate times in his life. He was very saddened and began to ask the Lord: “Didn't you say: if I follow Your path, You will not leave me? Look - in the most difficult times of my life only one chain of tracks stretches along the sand. Why did you leave me when I was the most needed you? "
  -You are mistaken, My Child, when there were sorrows and trials in your life, when the most difficult times of your life came, I carried you in my arms.

2) When a person was still a child, his grandmother always told him: "Granddaughter, if you grow up big, it will become bad for you - you go to the temple, it will always be easier for you there." Man has grown. And he began to live somehow completely unbearable. He remembered the advice of his grandmother and went to the temple. Entering there, he saw a heavy priest reading righteous sermons, and due to his overweight body, drops of sweat were falling on his forehead. And it was clearly visible how difficult it was for this person to stand on his feet while the service was in progress. And then someone comes up to him: "Don't hold your hands like that." The second runs up: "Not so you stand." The third grumbles: "Not so dressed." Rear jerks: "You are not baptized correctly." And then one woman came up and said to him:
  -You would leave the temple, buy yourself a book about how to behave here and you need a golden cross, yes, I almost forgot, and all this is sold here in our church and the prices here are the cheapest, and then you would stop by . A man headed for the exit, went into the shop at the temple, bought a book and a cross on his neck and left the temple. He sat down on the bench and cried softly. And suddenly he hears a voice: "Why are you, My Child, crying?" The man raised his tearful face and saw Christ. Says: "Lord! They’re not letting me into the temple. Jesus hugged him:" Don’t cry, they don’t let me go there. "